#Annulment Marriage Singapore
divorcefirmsingapore · 6 months
Annulment Fact Check: Debunking Misinformation Surrounding Annulment in Singapore
Annulment in Singapore is a legal process that declares a marriage null and void, as if it had never taken place. Unlike divorce, which dissolves a valid marriage, annulment establishes that the marriage was invalid from the beginning. This distinction is crucial, as it impacts the legal rights and obligations of the parties involved.
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Common Misconceptions About Annulment
Misconception 1: "Annulment is the same as divorce"
Contrary to popular belief, annulment and divorce serve different purposes. While divorce terminates a valid marriage, annulment declares that the marriage was never legally valid in the first place. The legal implications and grounds for each process differ significantly.
Misconception 2: "Annulment can be easily obtained for any reason"
In Singapore, annulment is granted based on specific legal grounds, and it's not a process that can be initiated without valid reasons. The legal framework surrounding annulment requires clear evidence to support the grounds for declaring the marriage null and void.
Misconception 3: "Annulment is a quick and straightforward process"
Obtaining an annulment in Singapore involves complexities and timeframes that are often underestimated. The legal procedures, documentation requirements, and court considerations add layers of intricacy to the process, making it far from quick or straightforward.
Misconception 4: “Women (or men) get a greater share of the matrimonial assets through annulment”
It's a common myth that Singapore divorce courts favor the opposite sex in terms of asset distribution. However, in reality, Singaporean courts follow a principle of equitable distribution, focusing on a fair division of assets based on various factors, including financial contributions and needs of the parties involved.
It’s essential to debunk prevalent myths and misconceptions surrounding annulment in Singapore. By clarifying the differences between annulment and divorce, outlining the legal grounds for annulment, and shedding light on the complexities of the process, this article aims to provide accurate information and support for individuals navigating annulment matters in Singapore. It's crucial for readers to seek reliable guidance and legal counsel to ensure they have the accurate information needed for their specific circumstances.
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chenghui-lim · 6 months
Nudging all the way in Policy Design
The reading was particularly helpful when thinking about the design of an effective nudge. Regardless of whether the nudge is mindful, mindless, externally or internally imposed, it serves to encourage a change in an individual behavior towards a more desirable outcome (e.g., Gym Pact nudging individuals towards more exercise and better fitness). We often see nudging used in government policies that aim to create more social good, yet policies are a mix bag of successes and failures.
Two components that may explain this outcome (a) the persistency of the nudging before behavior shifts more permanently to a “new normal” (b) the need to align other initiatives with the nudging. In Singapore where the government uses nudging to address low birth rate, it has not had as much success. One such tool is the accessibility to public housing. Subsidized public housing are mostly build-to-order and requires 3 to 5 years of construction time. Many young couples find themselves accelerating their timeline towards marriage, because without a marriage certificate, they will not be able to get the keys to their apartments. Unmarried or single individuals are not allowed to purchase public housing until they are 35. These individuals will then have to either rent or buy from the private market that is often so expensive that only the top percentage of income earners qualify. The path towards owning an affordable home now becomes a part of the broader nudging initiative for more families and births. However, this likely contributed to weaker marriages and more annulment, as couples run on an externally imposed clock to seal the deal.
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Birth rates not only remained stubbornly low but also fell in recent years because the bigger obstacles such as rising cost of raising a child and competing demands from work are not addressed. Here, we observed that while nudging leads towards behavior desirable for the nation and the government, the other initiatives were not aligned for the eventual goal of more births to be reached. The restriction on singles to buy public housing since 1964 clearly shows the longevity of this nudge because it can be done, but not necessarily the success of shifting mindset towards wanting bigger families.  
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brookstonalmanac · 3 months
Events 6.12 (after 1940)
1940 – World War II: Thirteen thousand British and French troops surrender to Major General Erwin Rommel at Saint-Valery-en-Caux. 1942 – Anne Frank receives a diary for her thirteenth birthday. 1943 – The Holocaust: Germany liquidates the Jewish Ghetto in Brzeżany, Poland (now Berezhany, Ukraine). Around 1,180 Jews are led to the city's old Jewish graveyard and shot. 1944 – World War II: Operation Overlord: American paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division secure the town of Carentan, Normandy, France. 1950 – An Air France Douglas DC-4 crashes near Bahrain International Airport, killing 46 people. 1954 – Pope Pius XII canonises Dominic Savio, who was 14 years old at the time of his death, as a saint, making him at the time the youngest unmartyred saint in the Roman Catholic Church. In 2017, Francisco and Jacinta Marto, aged ten and nine at the time of their deaths, are declared as saints. 1963 – NAACP field secretary Medgar Evers is murdered in front of his home in Jackson, Mississippi by Ku Klux Klan member Byron De La Beckwith during the civil rights movement. 1963 – The film Cleopatra, starring Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton, is released in US theaters. It was the most expensive film made at the time. 1964 – Anti-apartheid activist and ANC leader Nelson Mandela is sentenced to life in prison for sabotage in South Africa. 1967 – The United States Supreme Court in Loving v. Virginia declares all U.S. state laws which prohibit interracial marriage to be unconstitutional. 1975 – India, Judge Jagmohanlal Sinha of the city of Allahabad ruled that India's Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had used corrupt practices to win her seat in the Indian Parliament, and that she should be banned from holding any public office. Mrs. Gandhi sent word that she refused to resign. 1979 – Bryan Allen wins the second Kremer prize for a man-powered flight across the English Channel in the Gossamer Albatross. 1981 – The first of the Indiana Jones film franchise, Raiders of the Lost Ark, is released in theaters. 1982 – A nuclear disarmament rally and concert is held in New York City. 1987 – The Central African Republic's former emperor Jean-Bédel Bokassa is sentenced to death for crimes he had committed during his 13-year rule. 1987 – Cold War: At the Brandenburg Gate, U.S. President Ronald Reagan publicly challenges Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall. 1988 – Austral Líneas Aéreas Flight 046, a McDonnell Douglas MD-81, crashes short of the runway at Libertador General José de San Martín Airport, killing all 22 people on board. 1990 – Russia Day: The parliament of the Russian Federation formally declares its sovereignty. 1991 – In modern Russia's first democratic election, Boris Yeltsin is elected as the President of Russia. 1991 – Kokkadichcholai massacre: The Sri Lankan Army massacres 152 minority Tamil civilians in the village of Kokkadichcholai near the Eastern Province town of Batticaloa. 1993 – An election takes place in Nigeria and is won by Moshood Kashimawo Olawale Abiola. Its results are later annulled by the military government of Ibrahim Babangida. 1999 – Kosovo War: Operation Joint Guardian begins when a NATO-led United Nations peacekeeping force (KFor) enters the province of Kosovo in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 2009 – A disputed presidential election in Iran leads to wide-ranging local and international protests. 2014 – Between 1,095 and 1,700 Shia Iraqi people are killed in an attack by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant on Camp Speicher in Tikrit, Iraq. It is the second deadliest act of terrorism in history, only behind 9/11. 2016 – Forty-nine civilians are killed and 58 others injured in an attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, United States; the gunman, Omar Mateen, is killed in a gunfight with police. 2018 – United States President Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un of North Korea held the first meeting between leaders of their two countries in Singapore. 2019 – Kassym-Jomart Tokayev is inaugurated as the second president of Kazakhstan.
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Get Singapore Annulment Process with an Experienced Annulment Lawyer
In family law, deciding to set aside a decision can be a complex and emotionally charged process. Understanding the nuances of the legal environment is essential for those considering annulment in Singapore. This blog post serves as a guide that sheds light on the role of an annulment attorney in Singapore and the intricacies of the annulment process.
Annulment is a legal procedure that declares a marriage void as if it never existed. Unlike a divorce, which ends a valid marriage, an annulment establishes that the marriage was invalid from the beginning. The decision to proceed with an annulment often results from specific circumstances such as fraud, bigamy or incapacity.
Engaging thе services of a qualified Annulment lawyer in Singapore is essential for a smooth and successful annulment process. These legal professionals specialize in family law and have the expertise to navigate the complexities of dismissed cases. With thеir in-depthedge of singapore's legal framework, thеy can guide clients through each step of thе process, ensuring compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.
The Annulment Lawyer Singapore usually begins with a thorough assessment of the grounds for annulment. Common grounds include failure to consummate the marriage, mental incapacity or fraudulent misrepresentation. An experiеnced Annulment Lawyer will work closely with clients to gather thе necessary evidence to substantiate these claims and build a robust case for anulment.
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Once the grounds are established, the legal process will begin by filing a petition for annulment. This formal document outlines the grounds for seeking an annulment and provides the court with essential details about the marriage. The Annulment Lawyer plays a pivotal role in creating a persuasive petition that addresses the legal requirements and effectively supports the client's case.
Communication between attorney and client is paramount throughout the cancellation process. experienced Annulment attorney will keep clients informed about the progress of thе case, addressing any concerns or queries that may arise. This transparent and communicative approach helps alleviate the stress and uncertainty often associated with legal procedures.
In Singapore, family courts oversee family law matters, including annulments. The court will review the evidence presented and make a decision based on the merits of the case. Having a seasonal cancellation attorney by your side ensures that all legal formalities are met, increasing the likelihood of a favorable outcome.
In conclusion, going through the annulment process in Singapore requires the expertise of a specialist annulment lawyer. From establishing grounds for annulment to making a compelling case in court, these attorneys play a vital role in ensuring a smooth and successful resolution. If you find yourself considering cancellation, seek the advice of a knowledgeable cancellation attorney to protect your interests and facilitate a legal and efficient process.
Company Name:- Divorce Lawyer Singapore
Website:- https://www.divorcelawyersingapore.com.sg/
Address:- Havelock II, 2 Havelock Road #05-14, Singapore 059763
Phone No:- (+65) 9833 0314
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thinktosee · 9 months
The question of judicial review, of the reasonableness of applicable laws, regulations, or the administrative and legislative processes is paramount toward a properly functioning democracy. Every law should meet the test of reasonableness. That is to say it should not unreasonably harm the national and or individual interest. A legal review is best served through the courts whose specialized knowledge, skill and independence must be actively preserved and protected to foster the democratic principles necessary toward the national interest. Where there exists a complete or partial absence of judicial review, an authoritarian or in the most extreme scenario, totalitarian rule will arise to the detriment of the country. 
On New Year’s Day 2024, the High Court of Justice in Israel, by a vote of 8-7, annulled a controversial and highly divisive amendment to its Basic Law which was recently adopted by Parliament. (1) The law had reportedly sought to limit the reasonableness test or more precisely, the independence and judicial power of the Israeli courts. That this was a triumph for democracy and the rule of law (or justice) is beyond doubt. What is more telling however is that the High Court felt compelled to reassert its critically legitimate role as a check or balance on executive and legislative privilege, power and over-reach. To this end, the Israeli Government – the executive and legislative – is reminded that the powers which it arrogates to itself through the Basic Laws are limited, unlike that in authoritarian societies. 
We congratulate the High Court of Justice and the People of Israel for this legal decision, which quite clearly, will have far-reaching implications on governance in the country. 
Taking a contrasting approach, the Singaporean Government had in late 2022 passed the executive branch-authored Article 156 to the Constitution which reinforces the question of marriage as that between a man and a woman. This is unquestionably a desperate attempt to limit or prevent the assertion of the legitimate and equal rights of gay, lesbian and trans individuals and couples. According to the Singapore Law Gazette, Article 156 operates in a manner that “is intended as a pre-emptive strike against judicial activism in future. Parliament has signalled that what was happening elsewhere – the “perils of court-led change”, “with drastic social repercussions that polarise society” – was unwelcome.” (2)
Democracy remains elusive in Singapore so long as the court’s legitimate powers, particularly in the realm of judicial review, are curtailed for ideological and or political aims. 
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populuslaw · 10 months
List of documents you need in any Divorce Procedure in Singapore
You need multiple documents when filing for a divorce in Singapore. Our law firm can manage complex documentation work for you but there are still some documents you need to share with us. Here is a list of documents you need in the divorce procedure in Singapore.
Marriage certificate: You need to show that you’re married to this person and you have to show the official certificate issued by the Registry of Marriages (ROM) upon the solemnization of your marriage.
Proof of address: Another important document is This can be a utility bill, rental agreement, or bank statement with your current address.
National Registration Identity Card (NRIC) or passport: These are your primary identification documents required for filing and attending court hearings.
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Proof of income and assets: This may include payslips, bank statements, CPF statements, property ownership documents, and any other relevant financial records. You can show other income sources of your spouse if you think they are hiding something from you. Because of something in this procedure, spouse try to hide their real income so you can show them other income source proofs.
Birth certificates of any children: if you have children(s) then it is also important to submit their official documents. These documents are required to establish the identities and ages of your children.
Current custody arrangements (if applicable): If you have existing custody arrangements, provide copies of any court orders or agreements regarding child custody then you can also submit those documents as well.
When considering the choice between annulment and legal divorce, your relationship status with your partner plays a crucial role. Many individuals often question the legality of annulment. Think twice before getting a divorce because it's an irreversible action. You can not go back after taking these steps. You and your family will never be the same as before, you have to understand the crucial role and impact of divorce on yourself and your surroundings.
But if you made up your mind then let us take care of things from here on. We provide affordable divorce lawyers all over Singapore, you don’t have to worry about the expenses or the heavy documentation process because we will take care of everything on you’re behalf.
Company Name:- Populus Law
Website:- https://www.populuslaw.com.sg/
Address:- Havelock II, 2 Havelock Road #05-14 Singapore 059763
Phone No:- (+65) 9833 0314
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mysgprop-cstee · 11 months
Executive Condo (EC) Eligibility & Ultimate FAQs
An Executive Condominium (EC) is a type of housing in Singapore that combines elements of public and private housing. ECs are developed and sold by private developers but are subsidized by the government, making them more affordable than private condominiums. Here's an overview of EC eligibility, key features and FAQs: Quick LinksQuick Check EC Eligibility Citizenship, Schemes, and Age RequirementsPublic Scheme Fiancé/Fiancée Scheme Orphans Scheme Joint Singles Scheme What If I am an Existing HDB Owners? Am I Considered As - 1st Timer & 2nd Timers? Any Different? The Different of Owners VS Occupiers for HDB & EC? Am I Eligible for Housing Grant? And How Much? What's The Latest Monthly Household Income Ceiling? Wait-Out Period for Ex-Private Condo/ EC Owners, or after Cancellation of BTO/ EC purchase. I Am Bankruptcy, Can I Still Purchase EC? Do I Need to Pay Resale Levy? How Much?
Quick Check EC Eligibility
You must meet the eligibility conditions to buy an Executive Condominium (EC) unit from a property developer. Find out if you must pay a resale levy and the conditions that will apply after you buy an EC unit, before you apply for an EC unit.
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Without further ado or reading the long comprehensive article, let's go through a few simple questions to get a EC Eligibility pre-assessment for you & family: 
Citizenship, Schemes, and Age Requirements
Public Scheme Fiancé/Fiancée Scheme Orphans Scheme Joint Singles Scheme Public Scheme - You and your spouse, and children (if any). An occupier who is married must also include his or her spouse - You (single) and both your parents, and siblings (if any) - You (widowed or divorced) and children under your legal custody, care and control Fiancé/Fiancée Scheme - You form a family nucleus with your spouse-to-be - You and your fiancé or fiancée must be unmarried, widowed or divorced (with Certificate of Making Interim Judgement Final having been granted) at the time of the application. - If you're NOT taking CPF Housing Grant, you need to produce your marriage certificate for inspection by the Developer, within 3 months after taking possession of the EC unit. - If you took a CPF Housing Grant, you need produce your marriage certificate for inspection by the Developer before you can take possession of the EC unit. - If you and your fiancé or fiancée have broken off the relationship and will not be able to submit your marriage certificate, or if the marriage is later annulled, you will not be eligible to buy the EC unit. - Upon termination of the Sale and Purchase Agreement, the Developer will be entitled to impose forfeiture amount equivalent to 5% of the EC unit’s purchase price in accordance with the Sale and Purchase Agreement. - If you have been given a CPF Housing Grant, You will have to return the CPF Housing Grant together with interest accrued. Orphans Scheme - You must be a Singapore Citizen and a single (unmarried, divorced, or widowed), and your single sibling(s) listed as the buyer(s) or proposed occupier(s) must comprise at least one Singapore Citizen or Singapore Permanent Resident. - You and your co-buyer(s) must be at least 21 years of age at the time of the application. - All of the siblings that are single must be listed in the same application - At least one of your late parents must have been a Singapore Citizen or a Singapore Permanent Resident. - You and an unrelated orphan who are both Singapore Citizens aged at least 21 at the time of the application can also apply jointly to buy an EC unit under the Orphans Scheme. Joint Singles Scheme - You and an unrelated person, both must be single (unmarried, divorced, or widowed) - All singles must be Singapore Citizens if applying under the Joint Singles Scheme - At least 35 years old at the time of the application - Both of you are not eligible the Singles Grant to buy an EC unit ^ If you are a single buying with up to 3 other singles, you and/ or your core applicants must be first-timers to be eligible to buy an EC unit from the property developer.
What If I am an Existing HDB Owners?
If you or any persons listed in the application owns or has an interest in any HDB flat, you must dispose of the flat within 6 months of completion of the EC unit purchase. Meaning that, you can still buy the new EC (if eligible), and continue to stay in your HDB flat until the EC is completed (handover). Then move in and dispose your existing HDB within 6 months. EC is the best stepping stone for every HDB owners who aspire to own a private condo, without needing to sell your current HDB to avoid ABSD.  However take notes that if you're taking "Bridging Loan", i.e using your existing HDB as collateral to finance your EC purchase, then you will need to sell off your existing HDB before the EC completion in order to get the keys. 
Am I Considered As - 1st Timer & 2nd Timers? Any Different?
If you're had over own a subsidised housing unit, you're considered 2nd timers.  If you and/or any core applicants or core occupiers have taken 2 housing subsidies, you are not eligible to apply or be listed as a core occupier in an EC application. The subsidised housing unit refers to: - A flat bought from HDB (i.e BTO) - A resale flat bought on the open market with CPF housing grant (exclude Proximity Housing Grant) - A Design Build and Sell Scheme (DBSS) flat bought from a property developer - An EC unit bought from a property developer - Other forms of housing subsidy (e.g. enjoyed benefits under the Selective En bloc Redevelopment Scheme (SERS), privatisation of HUDC estate, etc) What's the Advantage of Being "1st Timer":  - Higher Chance on Getting the Choices Units During 1st Day Launch During the launch, the 2nd timers purchase will be capped at 30% quota of total units. Once the quota is hit, the developer will have to stop the sales to 2nd timers, but they can continue to sell to 1st timer purchase. Thus, 1st timer will have higher chance on getting their choices units during the launch/ preview day.  The 2nd timers quota will be released typically after a month after launch, i.e those 2nd timers who did not manage to get and units can come back again to purchase the balance units.  2. No Resale Levy  As this is your 1st timer getting an subsidised HDB/ EC, thus there's no resale levy to be paid.  As EC is a form of "Heavily Subsidized Condominium", the 2nd timer who had enjoyed the subsidies (CPF Housing Grant) before, will be subjected to Resale Levy depending on the bedroom types. 
The Different of Owners VS Occupiers for HDB & EC?
Let's take a quick glance of the keys different of the Owners vs Occupieres.  DescriptionsOwnersCLegal Right YesNoUsage of Income for Bank Loan & CPF to serve mortgageYesNoSubjected to 5 Years MOP (Minimum Occupation Period)YesYesSubjected to ABSD if buy another house after 5 Years MOPYesNoThe Different of Owners VS Occupiers in HDB/ EC An essential occupier refers to a family member who forms a family nucleus with the owner, and qualifies under a HDB scheme for a HDB flat purchase. This is different from being an owner or co-owner of the flat. An essential occupier does not have any legal right or a share in the apartment. A proper family nucleus can include: - If married: you, your spouse, and your children - If single: you and your parents - If widowed, divorced, or separated: you and your children under your custody - Orphaned siblings - Fiancé and fiancée And no, living in a HDB flat does NOT make you an essential occupier. Another thing to take note of: If you are listed as an essential occupier, you must continue to live in the HDB flat until the minimum occupation period is up. Generally, many couples choose to include both couples’ names under a Joint Tenancy. However, some other couples choose to have their HDB apartments to be only under the name of 1 spouse. This could be the case provided if the couple only need 1 person's income and CPF to finance the purchase of the EC. Thus, keep another name clean from house ownership in order to avoid ABSD when they buy 2nd property in the future under the said occupier.   Can I apply to change from Owner to Occupier?  According to HDB, it's possible. An HDB flat owner may change the flat ownership to his/her immediate family members such as spouse, parents, children, or siblings if it is due to reasons acceptable by HDB. But not easy unless you have a valid, strong reasons. Citing reason of to purchase another private property will highly likely fail to get approval. So please plan it at the beginning before the purchase. The biggest problem laying for occupier is that - if the relationship not going well, i.e divorce, there's no legal right protection to the occupier.  Special About EC! The above are general for HDB on the owner and occupiers, sounds rigid and disappointing policy to stay flexible right? ^_^ Good news is that for the EC, it will become privatised (half) after 5 Years MOP! What implies is that, you can do "Decoupling" after 5 years MOP to take out one of the names. Decoupling can only happens to private property, not HDB.  Decoupling basically is one party (say party A) take over and other party's share (say party B) in the property, thus party A become 100% sole owner of the property, while party B become free from property. Party B can now purchase another property without incurring ABSD.  Currently, the legal fee for decoupling process is around $5,500 (i.e buy and sell), and the ownership transfer can be done as fast as 2 to 3 days. However, if the party B intend to use the sales proceed / CPF for the next purchase, then you should buffer about 3 months in order to see your CPF back into your account ready for next purchase.  So what's the recommendation for EC Purchase?  Our best recommendation is that, buy under Tenancy in Common of 99% (A) and 1% (B). This will allow the income source eligibility and CPF usage from both persons to finance/ service the mortgage of the EC. After 5 Years MOP, if you're ready to purchase another property, then decoupling the property, i.e A can take over the B's share in the property easily in a much negligible cost (compare to ABSD to be paid). Do feel free to contact us for a free calculation to understand your financial better for before and after decoupling. 
Am I Eligible for Housing Grant? And How Much?
Under the CPF Housing Grant Scheme, you may be eligible to receive a housing subsidy of up to $30,000 when you buy an Executive Condominium (EC) unit from a property developer. Depending on the household incomes (both applicants and occupiers), the amount of the grants varies:  First-timer households Average gross monthly household income of all persons listed in the EC application i.e. applicants and occupiers CPF Housing Grant amount SC/ SC household SC/ SPR household $10,000 or lower $30,000 $20,000 $10,001 to $11,000 $20,000 $10,000 $11,001 to $12,000 $10,000 Nil $12,001 to $16,000 Nil Nil First-timer and second-timer couples Average gross monthly household income of all persons listed in the EC application i.e. applicants and occupiers CPF Housing Grant amount SC/ SC household $10,000 or lower $15,000 $10,001 to $11,000 $10,000 $11,001 to $12,000 $5,000 $12,001 to $16,000 Nil Citizen Top-Up (for SC/ SPR households) You may apply for the Citizen Top-Up of $10,000 when a qualifying member of your SC/ SPR household obtains Singapore citizenship. You must submit your application to HDB within 6 months of being eligible for it. The CPF Housing Grant can be used to: - Offset the purchase price of the EC unit - Reduce the housing loan required for the EC unit purchase If your household is eligible for the CPF Housing Grant, all members of the core family nucleus will receive equal shares of the grant. It will be fully credited into the CPF Ordinary Accounts of SCs and SPRs. Note: Only core applicants can use their housing grants to pay for the EC unit purchase. Read more the latest changes of EC regulations for Grants, Income Accessibility and Resale Levy. 
What's The Latest Monthly Household Income Ceiling?
The total income of all persons listed in the EC application must not exceed $16,000. You will be guided by the property developer on the submission of documents, such as income documents, when you book an EC unit. Read more the latest changes of EC regulations for Grants, Income Accessibility and Resale Levy. 
Wait-Out Period for Ex-Private Condo/ EC Owners, or after Cancellation of BTO/ EC purchase.
Ownership in a private property means:  You have acquired a property through purchase or when it is: • Acquired by gift; • Inherited as a beneficiary under a will or from the Intestate Succession Act; or • Owned, acquired, or disposed of through nominees. If it's a Private residential property All applicants and occupiers listed in the EC application: • Must not own or have an interest in any local or overseas private property; and • Must not have disposed of any private property in the last 30 months before the EC application. If it's a Non-residential property For EC land sales launched on or after 9 May 2023 (including those where the tenders have not closed) all persons listed in the EC application can, as a household, own up to 1 non-residential property at EC application and up to 30 months before EC application.  Note: A private residential property includes but is not limited to a house, building or land that is under a residential land zoning (including land with multiple land zoning), Executive Condominium (EC) unit, privatised HUDC flat and mixed use development. Non-residential property is a property under a non-residential land zoning and/ or the permitted use does not include housing. E.g., residential with commercial at 1st storey or commercial and residential E.g., properties with a residential component, such as HDB shop with living quarters. Cancellation of application after booking a flat from HDB If you have booked a flat from HDB and subsequently cancel your flat booking, you must wait out a 1-year period from the date of the cancellation before you may apply or be listed as a core occupier to buy an EC unit from a property developer. Termination of the Sale and Purchase Agreement for an EC unit If you had previously bought an EC unit from a property developer with a CPF Housing Grant and subsequently terminated the Sale and Purchase Agreement, you must wait out a 5-year period from the date of the termination before you may apply or be listed as a core occupier to buy an EC unit from a property developer. Owners/ Ex-owners of an EC unit bought from a property developer If you currently own or have recently disposed of your ownership in an EC unit, you must wait out a 30-month period from the date of disposal of the EC unit before you may apply or be listed as a core occupier in an application to buy another EC unit from a property developer, subject to other eligibility conditions.
I Am Bankruptcy, Can I Still Purchase EC?
Prior consent must be obtained from the Official Assignee (OA) or the private trustee for the purchase of an EC unit. You do not need to seek prior consent from the OA or the private trustee if you are listed as an occupier of the EC unit.
Do I Need to Pay Resale Levy? How Much?
The resale levy is meant to reduce the housing subsidy on the household's (i.e, core applicants and core occupiers) second subsidised flat. This ensures a fairer allocation of housing subsidies among flat buyers.  If you and/ or any core applicants or core occupiers have taken a housing subsidy, you are considered a second-timer^. All second-timer core applicants and core occupiers will need to pay their respective resale levies, if applicable, when buying an EC unit from the property developer.  - A flat bought from HDB - A resale flat bought with CPF housing grant - A Design Build and Sell Scheme (DBSS) flat bought from a property developer - An Executive Condominium (EC) unit bought from a property developer - Other forms of housing subsidy (e.g. enjoyed benefits under the Selective En bloc Redevelopment Scheme (SERS), privatisation of HUDC estate etc.) If you do not intend to buy a second subsidised flat from HDB, i.e., you are buying a resale flat or private residential property, you need not pay the resale levy. If you and/or any core applicants or core occupiers have taken 2 housing subsidies, you are not eligible to apply or be listed as a core occupier in an EC application.. A subsidised housing is:
Payment of resale levy
The resale levy payable is determined at the point you book your second subsidised flat. It applies regardless of ownership type (joint-tenancy or tenancy-in-common) or shared interest in the flat. Payment must be made using your flat sale proceeds and/or cash. Read the full article
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Marriage Annulment in Singapore
Godwin Campos LLC is a Singapore law firm that offers legal advice and services for annulment of marriage in Singapore. To know more about the annulment process and conditions, contact us at +65 6535 1306 or visit us at: https://www.godwincampos.com.sg/services/divorce/annulment/
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pancakehouse · 2 years
thief remus / wolfstar AU (a snippet)
you’re a bandit like me,
eyes full of stars 
hustling for the good life, never thought I’d meet you here
it could be love 
- cowboy like me / t swift 
— —
Of all the people who had ever received a rare, coveted invitation to visit the illustrious Grimmauld Estates, very few had actually seen the inside of the manor. 
Lavish balls were thrown out on the sprawling open grounds. Tea parties took place in the rose garden. Business meetings were conducted over cigars and port in the pool house. Private rendezvous contained to the quaint (if quaint were synonymous with extravagantly fine) cottage, located just behind the tennis courts. 
There were stories, of course, that circulated through the town of Godric’s Hollow, on what exactly the noble and most ancient House of Black kept tucked behind those wrought-iron doors. 
Their toilets are diamond-encrusted and made of solid gold, was common to hear. I heard the housekeeper is one of the last Romanovs and being held captive, came one outlandish theory. The eldest son is an undercover agent for MI6 and earned his 00-status after saving the Queen from choking on a canapé, was popular with teenagers and elderly women alike. 
In fact, the aforementioned eldest son and subsequent heir to the Black fortune, one Sirius Black, was the subject of a rather large majority of all rumors circling the family. 
It was unsurprising. Sirius was gorgeous and refined, charming and intelligent; everything one might expect the son of billionaires to be. His clothes toed the line between cool and classic: collared shirts unbuttoned to his sternum, revealing the barest peak of swirling black ink. Trousers that clung to his body like several thousand pounds of custom, perfectly-tailored second skin.
Sirius had the kind of jaw and cheekbones others paid fortunes for, and his wide, quick-flashing grins made one want to spill all their deepest darkest secrets just for the chance to keep it on them a minute longer.
He handled the world's fervent attention as all would-be princes do: easily, and always manipulated in whatever way best served his current interests.
His interests which seemed, to one Remus Lupin, to primarily be aligned with pissing off his parents in every way manageable.
And he was quite successful at it, too, if the stories were to be believed. Everything ranging from drunken escapades in the Greek Isles that ended in marriage (and a very rushed annulment) to a fisherman's son, to Sirius very nearly tanking the family company's stock by publicly pledging a year's worth of revenue to local charities. Then there was an ill-advised incident in the bathroom stall of a club that led to Sirius being dubbed the ‘white powder prince of Slytherin Hills’ for all of two hours, before that particular story was killed entirely. 
In any case, it was not superficial gossip but a very different sort of rumor that led to Minerva McGonagall procuring a – well...borrowed copy of Grimmauld’s blueprints and smoothing them down onto the table that night. 
She tapped at the spot marking the small corner study on the second floor. “It’s in there,” she said, straightening her spectacles. “An Angel with Titus’ Features.” 
“Allegedly,” Remus added doubtfully, frowning at the papers. “I’m still not convinced they’re really keeping a Nazi-stolen painting just lying around in their country home. They can’t be that callous.” 
“I know,” Fabian agreed, peering over Remus’ shoulder. “You’d think a long-lost Rembrandt would at least warrant a featured spot in the Parisian chateau. Or maybe the penthouse in Singapore. Or even–” 
“A vault in Switzerland would have been the most reasonable,” Remus muttered, cutting him off. He shook his head, pinching a corner of the blueprint between his fingers. The whispers of that different sort of rumor had only reached the ears of The Phoenix earlier the previous week, and he was still having a hard time believing it.
An Angel with Titus’ Features, Rembrandt van Rijn: Last seen in Paris, 1943. 
Last seen, that was, until now.
The thing was, it wasn’t exactly a stretch. Once Hitler had been defeated, the spoils of war went, naturally, to the victors. Paintings and sculptures and priceless artifacts, all scattered across the continents and rewarded to only the most influential of Allies; original owners be damned. 
So, really, one of Britain’s most powerful families getting ahold of this once-thought-lost antiquity was not a novel concept. And if Remus had learned anything in his years with The Phoenix, it was that there was nothing the unfathomably wealthy enjoyed possessing more than things that didn’t belong to them. 
“Well, the Blacks have never been known for their reason,” replied McGonagall, then met his eyes knowingly. “And there is not much need for a vault when you have a fortress nearly as secure as the Tower of London.” 
Which, alright, fair enough. The Blacks held the caliber of power and notoriety that necessitated a certain level of security. The kind of security that included state-of-the-art camera systems and hidden trip wires and full-time guards stationed across the property. 
“Easy breezy for our dear Remus,” Fabian said, ruffling Remus’ curls. “A planning expert! The smartest in all of the lands! Hey, Minnie, did you ever hear about the time at the circus? Gid and I were trying to, er, liberate this elephant, right? And–” 
Remus groaned, pressing the heel of palm into his eyes until he saw spots. “Please shut up.” 
Surprisingly, he did. 
It should have been laughable, really, to even consider trying to break into Grimmauld Estates. But McGonagall had taken him in, given him a place to call home after his mother died, and although she’d never made him feel as if he owed her anything, Remus knew that he would never stop trying to repay her anyway. 
And it wouldn’t be his first time planning a way through security like that. It wouldn’t even be his first time planning a heist on that particular family. 
But that train of thought just made Remus’ stomach churn. So he looked down, refocusing intently on the table, before the prickle of dread could settle low in his belly. He picked up the sparse pile of grainy, unfocused photographs of the property’s perimeter. It was less information than they were used to working with, but it would have to do. 
“The main issue will be getting through the gate,” Remus said, biting his lip in thought. “From there, it should be simple enough. The cameras and guards are kept on patterned rotation, so that’s easy, it’s just – again – the main gate. But if you can get through there, the east-wing has a trellis that leads right up to the second floor,” he said, pointing it out to the others. “Fabian can cut through–” 
But McGonagall was already shaking her head. 
“Fine,” Remus conceded with a sigh. There was no gauging the stability of the trellis and neither of the Prewetts were exactly known for their delicateness. “Alice, then. She can make it easily–” 
Again, McGonagall was in quick disagreement. “I’m afraid it must be you, Mr. Lupin,” she said. “There’s no other option.” 
Remus stilled his bouncing leg and met her gaze incredulously. “He’ll recognize me in a second.” 
“Yes,” McGonagall agreed solemnly, her eyes unreadable. “Yes, I do believe he will.”
Remus gripped the photograph in his hand so tightly it started to crinkle. “...But?” he asked, as calmly as he was able. He saw, from the corner of his eye, as Fabian grimaced and quickly bolted from the room.
“But it’s still going to be you.” 
When no other information was forthcoming, Remus slumped in his chair and yanked on a loose curl. “Well, I suppose I can just pole-vault over the gates, hope I avoid electrocution, and then I can climb up the trellis–” 
Remus almost wanted to laugh when McGonagall sternly shook her head again, but he was starting to feel a little frayed at the edges. 
“Well, I’ve got no other ideas! If you’ve somehow obtained the ability to teleport, then by all means, let’s do that.” 
“There won’t be any need for teleportation this time around, Mr. Lupin,” she said finally, lips twitching in faint amusement. “Luckily, I have a much simpler alternative for you.” 
Remus grasped the card she handed him and froze. It was impossible to forge invitations to any and all of the Black’s events (he’d learned that lesson the hard way) as they were all sealed with the family crest that held inimitable coding to grant entry. A bit over-the-top, perhaps, but somewhat fitting for a family of tech conglomerates.
And there was Remus’ name, scrawled in perfect cursive, and that infamous green wax seal on the back. He blinked rapidly. “Where did you get this?” 
McGonagall hesitated and then said, slowly, like she was choosing her words carefully: “It was gifted by—an invested party. The most important thing is that it will get you onto the property. The rest, unfortunately, will be up to you.” 
Remus’ eyes flicked back to the table. The edge of a family picture, taken from a magazine spread years ago, was peeking out of one of the files. Sirius was in the middle of the photograph, arm thrown around his younger brother, standing tall and proud and grinning that famous grin. 
He looked younger there, more like the time Remus had last seen him. Heat flooded his cheeks as he remembered how it felt to have those grey eyes trained on him, tracking him across the room. The low, sharp timbre of his voice when he’d eventually approached, the cutting edge of his wit. 
Hours later, Remus had already been too far gone to see the hurt betrayal on that face. But he’d imagined it enough over the years. Many times. 
Remus sighed, dragging a thumb across the looping scrawl of his invitation. “I suppose I’ll be needing a tux then.” 
— —
hello! I have been painfully wordless for weeks, but my thief remus AU post from ages ago randomly got new notes, which reminded me it existed, so I’ve dragged this out of the drafts. 
this is definitely a bit more ridiculous than I remembered, but I had fun so whatever! to be continued (probably) xoxo <3
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singaporelawblog · 5 years
Are You Deciding to End the Marriage – Know Few Facts
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Ending a marriage is sometimes the best way to get out of the ongoing stress and problems in life. Ending a marriage is sometimes the best way to get out of the ongoing stress and problems in life. This can prove the best decision for few couples and help them to live a free new life and resolve the differences. As per a report from the Department of Statistics in Singapore, cases of divorce have increased and old and young couples looking to end their marriage. For such couples availing legal advice is necessary to know the grounds on which a divorce can be filed in Singapore and understand their legal rights. Married couples should also know that ending the marriage is not the only option. There are different options available in Singapore to terminate the marriage and should be well known to the couples. For this, consider hiring a divorce lawyer to know your legal rights and best way to terminate the marriage. There are better options available that are better than divorce. Such options include – Divorce: This is the end to the marriage; couples get separated and are free to live their independent life. To get divorce strict requirements for eligibility is required where the length of the marriage, reasons for divorce and habitual residence of the applicant is considered. Separation: In this process, a couple remains legally married but can determine the terms of separation as per their desire. Annulment: In this, couples who are married for less than 3 years can easily get an annulment to void or voidable marriages. In this, it is easy to reverse the asset ownership to the original. No matter what type of separation you pick, it is best to take legal advice from an experienced and qualified lawyer. Divorce is an expensive process and requires deciding on different matters like custody of children, division of assets, maintenance of children, etc. This is a complex and costly process over other options. So be careful when deciding to terminate the marriage as there are several legal options available in Singapore depending on each couple. On the other hand, formal separation requires agreement between the couples to divide and decide on the assets and custody of children. In case you have decided to file for the divorce, you have to be married for more than 3 years and have no chance for reconciliation and can easily provide the genuine ground for divorce. Separation is another feasible option where couples remain legally married and can live a separate life if they want to maintain their commitment to stay married. In addition, an annulment is the best option in case of certain circumstances to void or voidable marriage that leads to a situation where the marriage was never taken place. No matter what type of separation you prefer in your married life, always take help from a probate lawyer to finalize the end of a marriage. If you are cost-conscious should prefer a peaceful arrangement to terminate the marriage and start a new life. A lawyer will help to make the right decision that meets the requirement of couples. About Author: Jason is a law student. He currently writes on topics related to divorce lawyer singapore and other legal issues and advice.
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divorcefirmsingapore · 7 months
A Guide to Understanding Divorce Laws in Singapore
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Divorce is governed by specific laws that differ from one jurisdiction to another. Singapore's divorce process is unique, focusing on specific requirements and legal grounds. The process involves elements of family law, child custody matters, and sometimes, even annulments. This article aims to provide an in-depth view of the Divorce Law Firm Singapore.
Understanding the Requirements for Divorce
Acquiring a divorce in Singapore is contingent upon certain prerequisites. Firstly, at least one party must be a Singaporean citizen or have resided in Singapore for three consecutive years before seeking a divorce. Also, the couple should have been married for at least three years. Exceptions exist for special cases where divorce can be filed before the three-year mark.
Despite these conditions, it's essential to understand that obtaining a divorce isn't merely a matter of meeting eligibility criteria. It's a significant decision with profound implications on one's divorce identity, impacting personal, social, and financial aspects of life.
Legal Grounds for Divorce
The primary legal ground for divorce in Singapore is a marriage's "irretrievable breakdown." This means that the relationship between the spouses has deteriorated beyond repair. However, unlike jurisdictions like the US, Singaporean law doesn't recognise "irreconcilable differences" as a valid reason for divorce.
In Singapore, the courts need substantial evidence of this breakdown. This can be demonstrated through adultery, unreasonable behaviour, desertion, or separation for a certain period. Each of these reasons carries its own stipulations that must be met.
The Divorce Process
The divorce process in Singapore is a two-stage affair, applicable for both contested and uncontested divorces. The first stage, known as the 'dissolution of marriage,' involves the court granting an Interim Judgment if it's satisfied that the marriage has broken down.
The second stage involves settling ancillary matters such as the division of marital assets, child custody, and spousal maintenance. This stage concludes with a Final Judgment, legally ending the marriage. It's vital to understand that this process, while structured, can be emotionally draining, often leading to a shift in one's divorce general perspective.
Divorce and Adultery
Adultery is grounds for demonstrating an irretrievable marriage breakdown. However, it's important to note that in Singapore, adultery is defined as a spouse having sexual relations with a third party of the opposite sex.
This serious allegation requires conclusive evidence to be proven in court. If successful, it can significantly impact the divorce proceedings, especially regarding matters of child custody and division of assets.
Child Custody in Divorce
Child custody is a critical aspect of family law that surfaces during divorce proceedings. In Singapore, the welfare of the child is of paramount importance. Courts typically make decisions about custody, care and control, and access based on what is in the child's best interests.
It's essential to note that child custody and care and control are separate issues. At the same time, custody refers to major decisions about the child's upbringing, care, and control concerning the child's day-to-day living arrangements.
Annulment vs. Divorce
While divorce and annulment both end a marriage, they are fundamentally different in their nature and legal implications. An annulment goes beyond dissolving a marriage; it declares the union null and void as if it never existed in the first place. This distinction is significant, as it carries unique consequences and considerations.
An annulment can be granted under certain circumstances, such as a lack of consummation, absence of consent, or if one party was already married at the time of the union. These strict grounds provide a basis for annulling a marriage but are relatively rare in Singapore's legal system.
It is important to note that annulments offer an alternative for individuals who meet the criteria and wish to avoid the potential stigma or perceived finality associated with a divorce. However, due to the stringent requirements, annulments are not as common as divorces in Singapore.
Final Thoughts
Navigating the complexities of divorce laws in Singapore can be challenging. Amy lim law Divorce Firm Understanding the legal requirements, grounds for divorce, and the process can help individuals better manage their expectations and prepare for the journey ahead. Whether grappling with the shift in one's divorce identity, understanding the nuances of family law, or dealing with child custody matters, every aspect requires careful consideration. In some cases, an annulment might even be a viable alternative. Ultimately, seeking appropriate legal counsel to navigate this challenging process is crucial.
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muslimlawyersg · 2 years
Find A Divorce Lawyer That Suits You
If you are a Muslim staying in Singapore, you might know that the Syariah law also plays a significant role in your livelihood. This law can become crucial when dealing with divorce, wills, and estate planning. During this time, you will need an experienced Muslim lawyer to help you navigate difficult situations and cloudy times. Divorce Laws And Lawyers A divorce can be excruciating and, at the same time, challenging to deal with. The Syariah laws concerning divorce are also tricky to understand and can sometimes be overwhelming. During this time of emotional turmoil, it is always suggested that you choose a lawyer who will guide you through difficult times. However, you should also know the different types of divorces so that you can help your lawyer in filing the case. 1. Talak- the act of rejecting the wife by the husband is known as Talak. 2. Khuluk- the reverse of Talak, where the woman initiates the divorce, carried on by some written or spoken words. 3. Taklik- a type of divorce where the exceptional condition is considered, and at the same time, there is a breach of marriage terms. 4. Fasakh- This is the type of divorce where the Court comes in, a proper judicial procedure is followed, and other essentials are considered. The general procedure is to settle the divorce by Fasakh; exceptions are also taken into account. The Divorce Procedure Once both parties have decided for themselves, it's time to start the annulment and get the divorce done; it's not an easy procedure; however, choosing the correct Syariah Law Firm can become more manageable. After you have decided, choose your divorce lawyer and speak to the lawyer. If you are also fighting for Child custody, make sure that your lawyer is well versed with the Syariah Child Custody procedures. After choosing your lawyer, you have to make sure you are going with the application correctly. If you are someone who is facing a problem, then take help from your lawyer. Things can get tricky at times, and lawyers are the only person who can diplomatically bring you out of those situations. The application is a lengthy procedure and can go on for a long time. Settlement of Child Custody, assets, and maintenance all comes under the application part other than the dissolution of marriage. This procedure may take a long time, and your lawyer will be your best friend during these times. Once you are done, it's time to appeal, and in four months, you will be able to get your divorce. After you are done, you have to ensure that you are lawfully on the correct path. If there's anything you think may cause you harm in the future, do not keep it for later. Go ahead and settle it as soon as possible. Other than that, do not just go for the cheapest lawyer. Do a thorough search and settle for a firm to give you what you want regarding your divorce.
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brookstonalmanac · 3 years
Events 6.12
910 – Battle of Augsburg: The Hungarians defeat the East Frankish army under King Louis the Child, using the famous feigned retreat tactic of the nomadic warriors. 1240 – At the instigation of Louis IX of France, an inter-faith debate, known as the Disputation of Paris, starts between a Christian monk and four rabbis. 1381 – Peasants' Revolt: In England, rebels assemble at Blackheath, just outside London. 1418 – Armagnac–Burgundian Civil War: Parisians slaughter sympathizers of Bernard VII, Count of Armagnac, along with all prisoners, foreign bankers, and students and faculty of the College of Navarre. 1429 – Hundred Years' War: On the second day of the Battle of Jargeau, Joan of Arc leads the French army in their capture of the city and the English commander, William de la Pole, 1st Duke of Suffolk. 1550 – The city of Helsinki, Finland (belonging to Sweden at the time) is founded by King Gustav I of Sweden. 1653 – First Anglo-Dutch War: The Battle of the Gabbard begins, lasting until the following day. 1665 – Thomas Willett is appointed the first mayor of New York City. 1758 – French and Indian War: Siege of Louisbourg: James Wolfe's attack at Louisbourg, Nova Scotia, commences. 1772 – French explorer Marc-Joseph Marion du Fresne and 25 of his men killed by Māori in New Zealand. 1775 – American War of Independence: British general Thomas Gage declares martial law in Massachusetts. The British offer a pardon to all colonists who lay down their arms. There would be only two exceptions to the amnesty: Samuel Adams and John Hancock, if captured, were to be hanged. 1776 – The Virginia Declaration of Rights is adopted. 1798 – Irish Rebellion of 1798: Battle of Ballynahinch. 1817 – The earliest form of bicycle, the dandy horse, is driven by Karl von Drais. 1821 – Badi VII, king of Sennar, surrenders his throne and realm to Isma'il Pasha, general of the Ottoman Empire, ending the existence of that Sudanese kingdom. 1830 – Beginning of the Invasion of Algiers: Thiry-four thousand French soldiers land 27 kilometers west of Algiers, at Sidi Ferruch. 1864 – American Civil War, Overland Campaign: Battle of Cold Harbor: Ulysses S. Grant gives the Confederate forces under Robert E. Lee a victory when he pulls his Union troops from their position at Cold Harbor, Virginia and moves south. 1898 – Philippine Declaration of Independence: General Emilio Aguinaldo declares the Philippines' independence from Spain. 1899 – New Richmond tornado: The eighth deadliest tornado in U.S. history kills 117 people and injures around 200. 1914 – Massacre of Phocaea: Turkish irregulars slaughter 50 to 100 Greeks and expel thousands of others in an ethnic cleansing operation in the Ottoman Empire. 1921 – Mikhail Tukhachevsky orders the use of chemical weapons against the Tambov Rebellion, bringing an end to the peasant uprising. 1935 – A ceasefire is negotiated between Bolivia and Paraguay, ending the Chaco War. 1938 – The Helsinki Olympic Stadium was inaugurated in Töölö, Helsinki, Finland. 1939 – Shooting begins on Paramount Pictures' Dr. Cyclops, the first horror film photographed in three-strip Technicolor. 1939 – The Baseball Hall of Fame opens in Cooperstown, New York. 1940 – World War II: Thirteen thousand British and French troops surrender to Major General Erwin Rommel at Saint-Valery-en-Caux. 1942 – Anne Frank receives a diary for her thirteenth birthday. 1943 – The Holocaust: Germany liquidates the Jewish Ghetto in Brzeżany, Poland (now Berezhany, Ukraine). Around 1,180 Jews are led to the city's old Jewish graveyard and shot. 1944 – World War II: Operation Overlord: American paratroopers of the 101st Airborne Division secure the town of Carentan, Normandy, France. 1954 – Pope Pius XII canonises Dominic Savio, who was 14 years old at the time of his death, as a saint, making him at the time the youngest unmartyred saint in the Roman Catholic Church. In 2017, Francisco and Jacinta Marto, aged ten and nine at the time of their deaths, are declared saints. 1963 – NAACP field secretary Medgar Evers is murdered in front of his home in Jackson, Mississippi by Ku Klux Klan member Byron De La Beckwith during the civil rights movement. 1964 – Anti-apartheid activist and ANC leader Nelson Mandela is sentenced to life in prison for sabotage in South Africa. 1967 – The United States Supreme Court in Loving v. Virginia declares all U.S. state laws which prohibit interracial marriage to be unconstitutional. 1975 – India, Judge Jagmohanlal Sinha of the city of Allahabad ruled that India's Prime Minister Indira Gandhi had used corrupt practices to win her seat in the Indian Parliament, and that she should be banned from holding any public office. Mrs. Gandhi sent word that she refused to resign. 1979 – Bryan Allen wins the second Kremer prize for a man powered flight across the English Channel in the Gossamer Albatross. 1987 – The Central African Republic's former emperor Jean-Bédel Bokassa is sentenced to death for crimes he had committed during his 13-year rule. 1987 – Cold War: At the Brandenburg Gate, U.S. President Ronald Reagan publicly challenges Mikhail Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall. 1988 – Austral Líneas Aéreas Flight 46, a McDonnell Douglas MD-81, crashes short of the runway at Libertador General José de San Martín Airport, killing all 22 people on board. 1990 – Russia Day: The parliament of the Russian Federation formally declares its sovereignty. 1991 – Russians first democratically elected Boris Yeltsin as the President of Russia. 1991 – Kokkadichcholai massacre: The Sri Lankan Army massacres 152 minority Tamil civilians in the village of Kokkadichcholai near the eastern province town of Batticaloa. 1993 – An election takes place in Nigeria and is won by Moshood Kashimawo Olawale Abiola. Its results are later annulled by the military Government of Ibrahim Babangida. 1994 – Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman are murdered outside Simpson's home in Los Angeles. Her estranged husband, O.J. Simpson is later charged with the murders, but is acquitted by a jury. 1997 – Queen Elizabeth II reopens the Globe Theatre in London. 1999 – Kosovo War: Operation Joint Guardian begins when a NATO-led United Nations peacekeeping force (KFor) enters the province of Kosovo in Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 2009 – Analog television stations (excluding low-powered stations) switch to digital television following the DTV Delay Act. 2009 – A disputed presidential election in Iran leads to wide-ranging local and international protests. 2016 – Forty-nine civilians are killed and 58 others injured in an attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida; the gunman, Omar Mateen, is killed in a gunfight with police. 2017 – American student Otto Warmbier returns home in a coma after spending 17 months in a North Korean prison and dies a week later. 2018 – United States President Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un of North Korea held the first meeting between leaders of their two countries in Singapore.
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Discover thorough annulment process in Singapore, including legal requirements, reasons for annulment, and the actions required to terminate a marriage. Stay knowledgeable on Singapore's legal system to successfully navigate the annulment process.
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syariahlawyersg · 3 years
What do you do when A Muslim Marriage does not work out in Singapore?
The concept of Muslim marriages is always a tad bit different and in most cases, there are separate laws that govern the same. One of the primary reasons behind the same is that the Quran usually has a lot of inputs when it comes to marriages and each country has its own take on the same. Hence the laws for Muslim marriage in Singapore would not be similar to that of India. The best thing to do in such a case is to get in touch with the best Muslim lawyer in Singapore. They can guide you with the very best in case you feel that your Muslim marriage is not working out in Singapore. More about Muslim Marriages in Singapore As many would know, Muslim marriages in Singapore are governed by the Administration of Muslim Law Act. This act encompasses all the guidelines when it comes to Muslim marriages. Not only do they talk about the requirements which are important to make a marriage legal, but they also mention in detail what can be done if a Muslim marriage fails to work out.  When it comes to Muslim marriages, it is usually the Syariah court that has the jurisdiction to hear such cases. If your marriage fails to work out, it is best to go for divorce or "talaq" as popularly addressed by Muslims. This is where is it very important to get in touch with a top Muslim lawyer in Singapore. They will be able to help you with the guidelines which need to be followed so that you do not end up losing the case. When it comes to ending a Muslim marriage, both the husband as well as the wife can seek diversity in the Syariah court. The husband can seek talaq and in most cases, it does not have to give any proper reason as to why this decision. It practically enables him to pronounce the word talaq and the divorce is done. On the other hand, women can seek a divorce based on the Khuluk( agreed compensation amount), Cherai Taklik( not abiding by the marriage conditions), and Fasakh( legal marriage annulment). The best Muslim lawyer in Singapore will be able to guide you with what is the best option for you and would not require you to travel much to the courts. Is Finding a Genuine Muslim Lawyer Tough in Singapore? Getting a top Muslim lawyer in Singapore is not very difficult because the number of good Muslim lawyers in the country is quite diverse. However it is very important that you rely on someone who is trusted, otherwise, you will just end up draining all of your money. The very central quality of a good lawyer is that he or she will guide you through the entire process and take up what is best for you. The rules for Muslim marriage in Singapore are quite different than any other religion. If you think that your marriage is not working, seek a professional at the earliest so that you get favorable end results!
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