steamedsiomai · 2 years
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Marriage Story (2019)
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givemegifs · 1 year
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the-aussie-knight · 8 months
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Name: Marria Leeah
Born: 1st of January 2001
Measurements: 34D-24-35
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godiskattan · 2 months
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xyoonx · 6 months
Jaclyn as an LI would be that type of person who relentlessly teases you + maybe spoils you even.
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serenitydiviness · 1 year
Line Without Hook- Spock x OC
Lol not me disappearing the fuck off Tumblr, just to come back and post fanfiction.
NOTE: This is an updated rewritten version of the first chapter :)
Read on FF.NET: Read on AO3
Summary: Six years ago, Yeoman Serena Zuriñe embarrassed herself by giving a drunken confession to her mentor, none other than one Commander Spock. Now she finds herself face to face with the Vulcan man she had planned on avoiding the rest of her life. What could possibly go wrong? slow burn. Fake marriage. Spock/OC
Chapter 1:
In precisely seventeen minutes, the USS Enterprise would be docking. Serena almost felt nauseous enough to show it. She had done her research on the ship well enough to know that her past would be coming up to haunt her. She dusted off her blue uniform dress and adjusted her black hair to hide her Vulcan ears. 
“Nervous?” the human woman next to her asked.
“Annaleigh, that is illogical,” Serena replied. 
“I’d be nervous too if my hunky advisor turned into my hunky commanding officer,” Annaleigh said. 
Serena’s lip twitched. “You do not even think Commander Spock is attractive.”
“No, but you do. And so does a good quarter of the galaxy.” 
“Hush you,” Serena said.
“Nah. Besides, I want to say hello to my Uncle Scotty, and you’re my only way on the ship.”
Serena raised a brow and looked at the thirty-year-old woman next to her. “That is a blatant lie. You are desperate to see the medical facilities.”
Annaleigh gasped in false shock, putting a hand over her chest. “Serena Zuriñe, take that back!”
“I fail to see how I can and should retract my statement when it is both true and already spoken.” 
“You Vulcan witch!” Annaleigh accused with a laugh.
“You are as lively as ever.” Serena rolled her eyes.
“And you’re so tense. Listen, I know you embarrassed yourself so hard your human instincts kicked in, but I am sure the dude does not care.”
“Your grammar is atrocious.”
“There’s my computer!”
Serena rolled her eyes, watching the landing bay once more from the hanger. At twenty-eight, she still felt like a child, barely navigating through murky waters and mud. She was grateful for her friend’s presence; Annaleigh’s presence was the only thing that kept her from being with her thoughts for too long. 
“Hey, Sere?” Annaleigh asked after a few minutes.
“Yes, Anna?” Serena replied, still watching the docking bay. 
“Did you ever see Commander Spock Shirtless?” Annaleigh asked with a wolfish grin.
“I should nerve pinch you where you stand.” 
“That’s not a no.”
“It’s not a yes either.” 
Serena wondered if giving Annaleigh a light nerve pinch would ease their nerves. Still, she knew what Annaleigh was doing. She was trying to ease her nerves about seeing Commander Spock again. Of course, Annaleigh was—probably—the only person, aside from herself and said commander, who knew her embarrassing history with Spock. 
Annaleigh was also the only person who understood why Serena had done what she did. And Serena would be grateful for that. 
“Now docking. USS Enterprise. Docking station twenty-two.” 
Serena looked up at the speaker before looking at Annaleigh. “Time to report to the Captain.” She said.
“I’ll go with you.” 
Serena nodded and began walking to docking station twenty-two. 
Spock watched the docking station with intensity, glancing down at his PADD and reading the name on it over and over again. He wondered what had happened to the young woman whose file he was looking through. 
She looked the same, less mousy and more like a proud Vulcan woman. He let out a breath and looked over the picture again. She still had those piercing blue eyes and that perfectly human face and redness. Yet her ears gave away her heritage. 
“She’s pretty,” Jim commented. “Is she Vulcan?”
“Yes,” Spock replied blankly. 
“What do you think, Spock, a Vulcan girl like her and a cad like me.”
“I think she’d have your head on a platter.” He replied briskly.
Jim looked at Spock curiously.  Spock ignored the look, mentally centering himself. He could not let his emotions get the better of him. 
“Let me see her file,” Jim said, taking the PADD out of Spock’s hand. 
Spock felt a wave of irritation flow through him as he watched Jim look through the PADD. Jim’s brow raised, and he glanced back at Spock.
“It says you were her primary advisor through her first four years in Starfleet Academy,” Jim said.
“Yes,” Spock confirmed. 
“Interesting.” Jim handed the PADD back to Spock. “I look forward to meeting your student.”
“She is a friend, Sir.” Spock corrected.
Serena sat in the lobby of the docking bay. Annaleigh was sitting right across the way from her. They stared silently at each other as they waited for the announcement that the crew had officially landed. 
Serena could feel the dread building in her as the intercom blasted again.
“All Personnel Landed. All Personnel Landed. Report for Launch at 1500 hours.” the intercom announcer said. 
Serena stood, taking another deep breath. “Anna, let's go find your uncle.”
“Gonna avoid commander hot stuff?”
“Like the plague.” 
Annaleigh laughed and nodded. “I'm fairly certain I know where we can find him.” 
“Lead the way.” Serena nodded as she waited for Annaleigh to stand.
Serena was all too grateful when they found Annaleigh’s uncle. Scotty was just as lively as Annaleigh. The two began to chat animatedly as soon as they saw each other. 
“Scotty!” A blonde woman with a red uniform dress called.
“Janice!” Scotty called, waving her over. “Come meet my niece and her friend.”
The woman—Janice— walked over. “Hello, ladies!” She greeted. 
“Janice, this is my niece Annaleigh. She’s a doctor.” He said proudly before looking at Serena. “And this is Serena. A poison specialist.”
“A pleasure!” Janice stuck out her hand. 
“Serena’s part Vulcan, so she doesn’t touch people.” Annaliegh, as she took Janice’s hand. 
“Oh, like Mr. Spock!” Janice gave an understanding nod. 
“He’ll be happy to have someone on his level.” Scotty teased. 
Serena nodded awkwardly. 
“Wait. You’re the poison expert that is going to be joining us!” Janice looked at Serena excitedly.
“Yes. I will be boarding when it is time for lift-off.” Serena confirmed, feeling anxious again. The Enterprise was large; she could communicate by holo-texts for the rest of the voyage and never see Spock. Yes, that would be perfect.
“I want to meet this, Mr. Spock!” Annaleigh said. “And Captain Kirk. And Dr. McCoy. Those three are the trifecta of popularity right now, and frankly, the other girls will be disappointed if I come back from dropping off our precious Vulcan without having met the men.”
“Annaleigh, I am sure they are perhaps busy. It would be best to leave them be.” Serena said, shooting a glare at Annaleigh.
“Oh, they’re waiting on me,” Scotty said. “You ladies can follow me!”
Serena’s glare got harsher as Annaleigh shot her a winning grin. “I suppose this is acceptable. Thank you for your kindness.” 
Scotty laughed. “Any time. If you need anything, let me know! Any friend of my Annie is a friend of mine.” He told Serena.
“Thank you, Mr. Scotty.” Serena nodded, offering an awkward smile.
Spock found himself tense as he waited with Jim for Bones to show up with the Saurian Brandy he insisted on for a successful landing. Of course, the landing was successful, and the ship was operational. 
He glanced at the door watching as it opened to reveal Scotty, Janice, an unfamiliar woman, and the most familiar faces.
Serena walked in last, Spock noted. His eyes traveled to her neck. He could see the slight shimmer of Vulcan rubies. He felt pleased that she kept the necklace despite their awkward state. 
“Scotty! Janice!” Kirk said, snapping Spock out of his thought. 
“Captain, Mr. Spock,” Scotty greeted. “This is my niece, Annaleigh Scott, and—”
“Science Officer Serena Zuriñe.” Jim finished, much to Spock’s annoyance. “Miss Zuriñe, your profile pictures do not do you justice.”
Spock smirked a bit as Serena looked at Jim with irritation. “It is for informational purposes. Logically it should serve as a way to recognize and identify me.”
“Ah, there’s that Vulcan briskness,” Jim said, shooting an almost goading glance as he walked over to Serena. 
Spock stood almost immediately. “Captain.” He said tersely.
“Just going to check if Bones is coming,” Jim said innocently. 
Serena moved significantly further, glancing at Spock; for a moment, whatever awkward history and six years of no contact instantly disappeared as she raised her brow and glanced at Jim before glancing back at him. 
Spock shrugged. 
“I won’t hesitate to nerve pinch him if he comes on to me.” 
“Not if I do it first.”
“Oh, what did you two say?” Jim asked, looking at them curiously. 
“Old Vulcan greeting,” Spock said quickly.
“Just saying hello.” Serena agreed. 
Serena ignored the almost wolfish grin from Annaleigh. She glanced over at Spock, catching his gaze once again. She offered a smile before pretending to listen to Scotty.
“I hope you don’t take this the wrong way,” Janice said, looking at Serena curiously. “You smile a lot for a Vulcan.”
“That’s what I said when I met her,” Annaleigh said. 
“I am only part Vulcan. Hence my livelier disposition. My father was half Vulcan; my mother was fully human.” Serena explained. “I can see why my actions cause curiosity.”
“You should see her when she cusses. She puts my ancestors to shame.” Annaleigh said with a proud look that could rival a mother’s. 
Serena laughed a bit. “I will hope not to show an unprofessional disposition,” she said, bringing her hand to her necklace. 
“Oh, but you’re so fun,” Annaleigh said. 
“You say that until you’re on the receiving end,” Serena said.
“Bones!” The captain called, snapping the conversation to him. “Hurry up.”
“I’m a doctor, Jim. Not a track star.” the doctor called. He walked in and looked at all of them. “We’re gonna need a few more cups.”
“None for me, Leonard,” Janice said. “Nyota and Christine are waiting for me.” 
“Give the Lieutenant and nurse my regards.”
Serena watched as Janice waved, looking at the captain curiously as he watched her leave. She would have thought him more serious about his earlier flirtations if the man’s gaze did not constantly shift to Janice. She assumed that perhaps that gaze was unrequited—an unfortunate feeling she was all too familiar with. 
She glanced at Spock, meeting his gaze before quickly shifting her gaze back to the others, gripping her necklace. 
“So, who are these lovely ladies?” Bones asked, causing Spock to tense up.
“Why Doctor, you’re too kind.” the human woman said, flipping her brown hair back. “I’m Annaleigh Scott. I’m this engineering genius’ niece. And this lovely lady is Serena Zuriñe, your new science officer.”
“Greetings.” Serena nodded. 
“Isn’t my Serena pretty?” Annaleigh cooed. “Her Vulcan ears make her look like an elven princess.”
“You’re Vulcan?” Bones said, looking at Serena. “You’re awful lovely for a Vulcan.”
“Isn’t she?” Annaleigh nodded.
“Thank you for the backhanded compliment,” Serena said.
“My apologies. It's just. Well, you’re very pretty.”
“I know,” Serena nodded. 
“Miss Zuriñe,” Spock said, deciding both he and Serena had endured enough of this strange need his friends had to flirt with her. “I have a few things I'd like to go over with you regarding the toxicology labs..”
“Of course.” She nodded, shooting him a grateful glance. 
He began walking, and she followed him almost immediately. 
“It seems whenever we meet, you’re usually saving me,” Serena said as soon as they were far from the others.
“It would seem so.” He nodded. “It has been six years—-”
“11 months, one week, two days, and seven hours.” She nodded.
“You still have lively acquaintances.”
“I should say the same about you.” 
“Oh, I wouldn’t be surprised if he took her out to ravish her,” Annaleigh teased. Though she very much doubted it.
“That’ll be the day.” Dr. McCoy said with a laugh as he offered her a glass. 
“Charming,” Annaleigh said with a flirtatious smile. 
“Oh, I try, Miss Annaleigh.” Bones replied.
“Dr. McCoy, you’re a bit of a scoundrel, aren’t you?” She said as she took a drink. “Oh, this is good.”
“Only towards pretty ladies.” He replied with a chuckle. 
“I’ve never seen him so tame.” Captain Kirk said with a laugh.
“He’ll stay tame if he knows what’s good for him.” Scotty huffed.
“Oh, Uncle, please,” Annaleigh said. “It is a great pleasure to meet the Great Captain, James Kirk, and the Good Doctor Leonard McCoy.”
“Jim is fine, Annaleigh,” Jim said.
“Bones will do, Miss Annaleigh.” Bones said with a flirtatious grin. 
“The girls will be so excited to hear about this.” Annaleigh giggled. 
“I hope we don’t disappoint the girls.” Jim smiled. 
“I doubt it. Mind if I take a seat?”
“Not at all; I’ll escort you myself.” Bones said. 
“A true gentleman,” Annaleigh said as Bones led her to the couch.
“So, Miss Annaleigh. What do you do for a living that has you hanging out with a Vulcan?” Bones asked in a teasing tone as they sat.
“She’s a doctor,” Scotty said.
“My uncle’s right,” she replied.
“We could always use more doctors on the enterprise, don’t you think, captain.” Bones asked. 
“One more couldn’t hurt.” Jim laughed. 
“Don’t joke with me, boys; I might take you up on that offer,” Annaleigh said.
“Well, we do have six hours.” Bones looked at Kirk with a grin
“Ay, what have I done?” Scotty muttered while Annaleigh grinned all too excitedly. 
Serena stood awkwardly next to Spock as they watched the ship be repaired. 
“I see you are a certified toxicologist,” Spock said after a moment.
“It took a bit, but yes.” She said. “Commander. That is quite a level up.”
“Someone has to keep the captain in line.” He replied. “His flirtations might get us all killed.”
Serena snorted a bit. “He sounds no better than Annaleigh.” 
“She is quite a character.” Spock nodded.
“She was my roommate when I started the academy.”
“The loud one who kept experimenting with food?”
“The very one.” 
“I recall you saying you were quite close.”
“She is somehow the sister and mother I never had.” 
She could feel Spock’s gaze on her covered ears. “Whatever happened with your mother and step-sister.”
“They’re in jail,” she replied.
“And your ear?” 
“Completely healed save for a visible scar.” 
She could hear Spock hum in response. 
“Does she know about the issue with your—”
“Yes. I assume your friends know about your wife.”
“Ex-wife. I rejected her about ten months ago.” 
“I am sure T’Pring was ecstatic.”
“She has already remarried.” 
Serena nodded, tilting her head and scratching at her neck.
“You still wear the necklace.”
“It was a gift and still precious to me.” She said.
“I do not understand why you left that morning,” Spock said. “Though I do have my theories.”
“It was shameful.” She said, looking at the floor.
“I did not think less of you. It was more hurtful to lose your friendship suddenly.”
“I did it for my own sake more than anything. It was not my wisest moment.”
Spock nodded. “It was illogical and emotion-fueled.”
“I know.” She sighed and turned to face him. “Spock, I’m sorry.”
“You have nothing to apologize for.” He assured, turning to face her. She studied his face, surprised to find no disdain. 
“Still. I owe you an apology for putting you in an awkward situation. And for completely disappearing. You were my friend and did not deserve any of that.”  
“I still am your friend.” he corrected. “And frankly, it will be nice to have a friend who isn’t going to get themselves killed.”
“You give me too much credit.”
“I do. You have a history of being fascinated with anything that can kill you.”
“I’ve made my name off it, so I don’t think I’ve done too bad.” 
“No, you have not. Your father would be proud.”
“He’d be annoyed that I’m a scientist.”
“He’d be proud all the same. You are still a member of clan V’los and you represent them well.”
She smiled, turning back to continue watching the repairs. She hoped against all hope that Annaleigh was not getting herself into trouble. 
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caracello · 2 years
gabriel thinks trevor belm.ont is cute..................... ☹️
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everythingabitbit · 2 years
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the--firevenus · 5 months
I should have known why I fall head deep first into afk journey when my favourite Disney pixar princess for all time is merida. Like it's just fucking finally click for ME 😭
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8347728604 · 7 months
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floilee · 8 months
Peter: What's taking her so long?
Yelena: You know what she's like.
Peter: KATE! Come on, let's go! You don't have to take your time like it's your marria-
Yelena menacingly: Don't complete that sentence.
Yelena: Son of the bitc-
Kate quickly appears with a smile on her face: So we're really getting married?
Peter: I- *Yelena covers the spider's mouth*
Yelena: Anything you want, beautiful girl.
*Kate leave jumping happily*
Yelena: Happy? Now I have to buy an expensive ring.
Peter: Why didn't you say it was a joke?
Yelena: And miss the chance to be with her for the rest of my life? No thanks, you did me a big favor.
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mack-timelines · 5 months
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Max when he finally beats Sameth's evil a**, first comes Godhood then Marria- i mean LOOK HOW COOL MAX LOOKS Sam wondering how he went from a trapped god to marrying this nutjob/aff/lh Sam's third eye is where most his power is so, he'd request Max to find it for him and he'd disregard his poor hat :(, this was before he got beaten lol-
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HEART GLASSES YOUR HONOR, Max will happily take the hat in <3 bloody version of the first pic below:
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if ya can guess the outfit and weapon Max has, real fan fr
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We'll meet again
the plot is: (Y/n) made a pact with Alastor, so now she will be protected from any men. (Y/n) got into trouble and everybody will see her new power. Alastor feels like he want to protect (Y/n).
tw: blood, murder and all like this
english is not my mother-tounge, so I'm very-very sorry about the mistakes I must have made :'<
also, sorry for a stupid plot (the wedding is just awful)
Part two, the power
(Y/n) came back home. In the hall her mother stopped her, "What has happened to you?!"
She guessed how awful she looked: dirty dress and shoes, messy hair, pale face. She still had trails of tears after goodbying with the demon, but a wild smile stretched on her face, because she was happy to had his protection. She felt herself more confident. She almost looked down on others.
But her mother didn't notice her strange expression, she only saw her shabby appearance.
"Nothing," (Y/n) replied, "I was just walking in the forest. You know, I like it."
Her mother looked at her like at an alien.
"You're better go upstairs and to wash yourself!"
(Y/n) noticed her father. He was sitting in an armchair, reading local newspaper. Well, it wasn't actually local, but it was about the nearest inhabited location.
He stared at something under her feet. It was her shadow. He definitely noticed it was darker that other shadows in the room. But he didn't say anything. It was too strange to be talked about.
When (Y/n) came to the stairs, her mother said, "You know, you won't do your forest strolls when you get married."
(Y/n) stopped.
"When I what?" she thought and turned to her mother, "Why do you think I will ever be married?"
"Your hand was asked," She answered.
"Who could be so nut?" (Y/n) smirked, hiding her fear behind sarcasm.
Her mother said the name. The name of the man, she ran away from a few hours ago.
Everything around (Y/n) began to whirl. It felt like a nightmare, very similar to reality but still very different. When you know that something is wrong but can't change anything. Like a parallel universe, what you know you don't belong, but don't know the way back home.
(Y/n) grasped the handrail to not to fall.
"Your father and I think you're very lucky to have someone like him," Her mother said, "you should not say " No."
(Y/n) was thinking. She knew why her parents thought so. (Y/n) was from an old family, just like that man. It was a good match. But (Y/n) never wanted to be married. She read about love, and sometimes she wished she had it. But her will for freedom was stronger. Moreover, she felt that no men in the world deserved her.
She stood her back to parents, and they couldn't see the change of her expression. Fear changed into despair, despair into anger, anger into sadness and after all she smiled. It was the biggest smile of her in a long time. We have such a smile in foretaste of revenge. When we feel their suffering and despair, that fill us with almost voluptuously pleasure.
She smiled widely. She could take a revenge on him. A revenge on every man. She didn't feel afraid anymore. She looked at her dark shadow and smiled more.
"I feel like something strange may happen..." She said in a low voice.
"What do you mean, (Y/n)?"
She turned to her mother, shaking her head and said, "Nothing! Nothing, Mother. Let's make it as fast as we can."
(Y/n) sat before her dressing table, putting on face powder. She liked to make her skin pale. It looked very gorgeous with the colour of her hair. She put on her dark red lipstick. Now Carmilla looked at her from the mirror and smiled with her white teeth.
"Young mistress," A maid said, "you look very beautiful."
"Thank you, Pulchra," Replied (Y/n).
"May I say something, mistress?" Pulchra asked after a while, when (Y/n) was brushing her hair.
"I thought you will never get married."
(Y/n) smiled.
"Not because you're bad, no!" Pulchra hastened to add, "I just thought that you're not interested in it. In love, I mean. Of course, it's also a very profitable marriage, but cupidity is even more out of your character. I just don't understand..."
(Y/n) looked at her thought the reflection in the mirror. (Y/n) noticed that since the day she made the deal, the maid turned out to be more careful in communication with her mistress. She could say that everybody in the house avoided meeting her. If she ran into someone of the servant in the corridor, they hurried to hide in the nearest room or just stopped at the wall, waiting her to pass by. (Y/n) didn't know, if it was because of her new shadow. She felt more confident, she felt the power inside of her; it was all reflected on her face and in her gait. In actual fact, none of the servants knew the reason of their dread of the one who was kind to them once. She was always kind and she respected everyone from a gardener and a maid to a butler. But now something about her frightened them. It was not a customary to talk about these reasons. If somebody dared to talk about the change in their mistress, they could feel that somebody was watching them. Chill ran down their spines, and some even told that they heard a characteristic ckracle of a radio, witch, they were sure, was not in the room.
Only her father and Pulchra knew the reason, yet never spoke about it to anyone.
They were afraid.
They didn't understand.
They didn't understand how it was possible to have a darker shadow then others. It was just abnormal. And they also were scared of her smile, that played on her thin lips, every time she noticed them scrutinizing her shadow.
(Y/n) used to take Pulchra as an elder sister, and she felt a bit sorry to cause such a fear in her. But she wasn't sure, that Pulchra wasn't participating in her marriage, because she was that maid who entered the room in the moment of harassment.
Her face didn't express any worry that moment; Pulchra seemed to be ready to close the door, if only (Y/n) hadn't cried her name. Then the door was opened wider, shining a light down on (Y/n).
"What do they all want from me?" thought (Y/n). "And would she really close that door? Maybe she thought that that man was my lover? But didn't she just say, that I wasn't interested in love?"
(Y/n) wasn't sure she'd like to know all the truth. It was typical of her not to think too much, about what was on others minds. She just returned them, what she thought they deserved.
"Don't worry, Pulchra, I know what I do," (Y/n) said with a small smile, holding a comb to the maid. "Don't think, I betray myself doing this."
The maid secured her hair at the back of her head with several pins and secured the point de venise veil.
(Y/n) stood opposite her groom. She hated him. He couldn't see her sizzling eye of Medusa behind the veil. Her dress was decorated with pearls, diamonds and a rich embroidery. The collar was high, almost touching her ears, in which small pearls shone. Milky white fabric covered all her body, only her hands were naked. All her appearance radiated grace and power.
The light in the church was dim. It was a very foggy day, and the church was barely lighted by the candles.
Her groom couldn't help but be nervous. He was swearing during all the ceremony. He couldn't understand why a woman scared him so much. Just a bride, wasn't she? Maybe it was because she didn't hold out her hands him? Or is it because of this strange expression under the veil? He couldn't see it, but he felt it. And there was also something strange under her feet. The man blamed the weak light for the too dark shadow of his bride.
His smile was strained as the priest read out well-known words. And then the priest asked the questions.
"Yes," Said the groom.
Everybody turned to (Y/n).
But she kept silent.
Everybody was waiting. Did this girl want to attract attention? It wasn't in her style. And why had the veil not yet been removed from her face? The groom tried to reach her hands but couldn't somehow.
Atmosphere had changed. Everything became darker.
"I told you, something strange might happen," (Y/n) murmured that nobody could hear her.
And then something actually happened.
The light in the church fell in such a way, that only the priest could see the (Y/n)'s and the groom's shadows. And he saw how a grimace appeared in the bride's shadow. It slowly creeped to the groom's one and grasped it. The priest could perfectly see it, because her shadow had a deeper shade of black then others ones.
When the female dark figure grasped the male shadow, the groom changed his expression. There was a pain in his face. And he was still staring at his bride.
The priest saw how her shadow began to tear the groom's shadow apart, and he saw, the groom started to bleed. In the place where her shadow touched his shadow, wounds appeared on the groom's body.
Everybody could only see the man getting red, while the priest could see a fight between shadows.
The bride stood still. She glanced from under her veil at the man's suffering and enjoied it. She loved hearing everybody's gasps of shock.
Suddenly the groom fell dead, when all of his face was red and the suit soaked with blood. A pool of blood became bigger under him and reached (Y/n). She didn't step away, letting her dress soak up the blood.
She saw how the priest was shaking.
And suddenly her shadow grew bigger, it stretched up to the ceiling, causing everyone's scream. It smiled wild, eyes burned, hands stretched aside as it wanted to embrace everyone.
"I'd like to warn you that this shadow has quite a cruel character!" She remembered.
Could it kill everyone in the church? Well, only if she let it. But this shadow liked to frighten people out of existence.
A chaos filled the church. Everybody screamed, some women cried; most people ran to the exit; some people fell and others tried to help them get up, but they also fell, knocked down by crowd mad with fear.
(Y/n) was infected with their fear, although she knew she had nothing to be afraid of.
The priest ran by the dead body and turned to (Y/n).
"You-" He pointes a shaking finger at her.
He couldn't see her face, but he heard her smile.
He ran out of the church.
(Y/n) raised her head. She picked up the hem of her dress, that soaked with blood, and quickly ran out though the backdoor.
She was running through the forest again, embraced with the fog that was much stronger than last time. The wind lifted her veil and threw it back as it was her actual groom.
This time (Y/n) didn't feel despair or fear. She felt free. Last time she rushed, always stumbling over the roots; the Nature was her refuge and It aggressively pulled her in Its arms. But now It was gentler. The wind softly played with her hair, the fog hugged her, bare branches whispered the congratulations to her.
(Y/n) felt like she found herself, like she found home finally.
She slowed down and went onto a path. She lowered the hem and looked around.
She was waiting for him.
She knew he would appear.
Just a thought of meeting him soon made her face blushed.
She walked farther when she heard a rustle on the left.
She turned her head to the source of the noise and saw a familiar red figure in the woods.
(Y/n) gasped and left the path. Heels of her white shoes drowned in the soft ground covered with yellow and brown leaves. She didn't take eyes of Alastor even for a moment. He disappeared and then appeared again between the tall trees, yet he stood still.
When she came closer, he showed his teeth in a smile and didn't disappear again.
"I'm ever so glad to see you again, my dear," Alastor said.
"Me too," Said (Y/n) with a big soft smile, "Thank you!"
Alator raised his eyebrows, "For what, my dear?"
"You've released me."
He chuckled, "Usually, they tell me opposite, dear hahaha" He glanced at her with a mysterious gaze, "They tell me I captivated them."
"That too," She thought.
Incredible how bad she wanted to meet him again, but now she was just speechless. She was sure, she wanted to tell him something, but all the subjects for conversation seemed stupid. She looked at him, waiting until the right words would come to her mouth.
"What are you going to do now, my dear?" Alastor asked.
She blinked.
"Um, I think there is no place for me here now haha" She stroke her hair. "The priest, I believe, takes me as a witch now, what I find quite flattering."
The demon smiled softly at her.
"I think, I'm going to move. New Orleans maybe..."
He looked at her with a surprise.
"Why is it, dear?"
"Well, it's far away from this place and I also heard it's kinda a black magic city, isn't?"
"Why, yes, dear, it is! I think my hometown suits you very well," He said.
"Your hometown?"
"Not all demons come from the hell, darling," He chuckled, "I was a human once and lived in New Orleans."
She asked several questions about his human life. Alastor's face shone with happiness when he reminded his human life. He told her, that he was a radio host (so that was why his voice was static like) and also a serial killer.
(Y/n) enjoyed listening him when he told her about his mother, job and favorite local dishes. She loved seeing happiness in his face.
"I'm definitely going to New Orleans," She thought.
Suddenly she understood something strange.
"By the way, Alastor," She drew his attention. His name tasted very special on her tongue. "Well, I somehow knew, you would appear, but still... How have you appeared here without my summoning?"
He leaned over her, "Oh, my dear, don't stuff your pretty head with such tricklish questions. That's my business to care, not yours."
"Alright, whatever you say."
He saw that he wasn't satisfied with this answer.
"Well, my dear, it's just seems that a demon, who made a pact with a human, should be with them from time to time." His smile turned out to be strained, "A little bit annoying, but what can I do."
She felt depressed that he didn't want to be here. (Y/n) didn't thought it was because of her (she respected herself too much, and thought everybody did so.) She thought he didn't enjoy to much of being here, on earth, because he had a lot of things to do. How much business could a devil have? Well, it wasn't the question she wanted to ask him. (Y/n) had another one.
"Um, Alastor," His name still felt forbidden to be said aloud, "when shall we meet again? And how? And where..?"
He touched his chin with his index finger in reflection. He was thinking.
"My dear," He said finally, "I think you need to decide it."
"I don't wanna be a burden for you-"
"My dear!" Alastor interrupted her, "You're not! Anyone but you! No no no, dearest!" He looked at her slightly covered his eyelids. "I find it very entertaining to help you with your desire."
It didn't sound like a compliment. It looked more like a hunter boasted of his hard but succeeded hunting; like he was describing his hunt for a game like a very dangerous, yet pleasant entertainment. But (Y/n) decided to take it as a compliment. It was easier that way.
She lowered her gaze, softly smiling. Did he really never thought about her as a burden? Well, she said about the burden, trying to be polite and to endear him. But she was already dear to him.
"I just wanted to say, that I'm always glad to see you, really, but I don't want to bother you..." She thought she sounded stupid, but she wanted to be frank with him, "So, I believe we can meet anytime you wish."
He looked at her with astonishment. Did she say a demon's line? It was a demon's work to fulfil a human's wish. And only like that. No human could fulfil a demon's desires. And if she was just polite, then why did she decide to be so towards him and not towards other people? She hated people so much. They only brought her pain. They betrayed her. Could he be different from them? Could he be kind to her?
"Well, my dear, you do surprise me!" Alastor said with a chuckle, "but how about this? I will be by you anytime you wish the most. Not just need me, you have my shadow for this, but when you want me to be by you."
She looked at him with her eyes wide opened.
"Then, I wish you now."
He slowly tipped his head, looking at her.
(Y/n) didn't realize when she came closer to him. She looked at her feet. She touched his fingers gently and he took her by the hand. His palm was much bigger than hers, and she felt herself very small by his side.
"My little human girl doesn't want to say goodbye?" He asked her; his voice became lower and she perfectly heard a soft radio crackle.
"She doesn't," (Y/n) said, still lowering her head.
He softly made her look up at him, taking her by her chin. Her eyes were wet. What beautiful eyes! Alastor could see branches reflected in them. Birds were flying in the sky, and her eyes were the sky. This young woman actually longed for his presence. She trusted him. What a lost girl. She really felt herself more comfortable with him, The Radio Demon, than with people.
Alastor felt aching in his chest. He hated everyone who hurt her. He wanted to take revenge even more than she did, because for the sake of others we're ready to do more than for ourselves.
He needed to protect her.
He softly ran his finger over her cheek, and she clung to his palm as a cat. She closed her eyes.
It was just a twinkling.
(Y/n) opened her eyes and moved away.
Her face was severe again.
"Goodbye, Alastor." She said in a low voice.
"We'll meet again, my dear."
"I know."
A minute ago (Y/n) was alone in the woods again.
guys, i'm very very sorry it took so long, I had a very busy week at university fakultet of philology feels like hell sometimes _(:< 」∠)_
Thank you so much for reading my works, for liking them, reposting!! it means a lot to me, to know that somebody likes what i do <3
stay tuned, the third part will be soon if my instructor in lexicology won't kill me with his new tasks in german
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howlingday · 10 months
Jaune: (Puppy licking his face) Aw~! You're so cute~! Yes, you are~! Yes, you are~!
Ruby: (Giggles) I'm glad you like her. Ya know, when I found out Zwei had puppies with the neighbor dog, I couldn't stop shaking with excitement. Soon as they were born, our neighbor asked us if we wanted any when they were old enough? So I got her, and she's been snuggling up to anybody she can.
Jaune: Oh, really? Well, does this snuggler have a name?
Ruby: Yeah, I... I was thinking hard about it, but I couldn't find the perfect name for her.
Jaune: Cuddles? Snuggly? Her Royal Cutie? Lady Doña Marria Isabella the Third, esquire?
Ruby: Pfft! No! No, I... I thought about it and then I noticed she didn't whine or cry at all. She seemed to put on a brave face and took on any challenge that came at her. Even when she was taken from her mom, she didn't make a sound. So I thought of the bravest name I could think of.
Jaune: And that name is?
Ruby: I named her... Pyrrha.
Jaune: ...
Jaune: (Face licked, Smiles) You're right. That name does suit her.
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foxyanon · 2 months
The Seven Wives of King Maegor
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A little backstory for Rhaenerys and her family, a precursor history for my To Love A Dragon series.
Please know I am changing much to better fit with my story. I will keep it canon where I can, but I will be aging most everyone up because it’s really weird that GRRM had Maegor marrying his first wife at FUCKING THIRTEEN?! Yeah, not around here partner, he’s gonna be eighteen instead because I said so. Rhaenerys will be 16 at the start of the series (this will make sense later), however her age is mostly irrelevant to the story in the beginning (again, this will make sense later since I am changing canon dates and meshing them with the TLK timeline).
Maesters write that despite pressure from the High Septon and Grand Maester, King Aenys I Targaryen never forbade his younger brother, then Prince Maegor, from marrying numerous woman. When asked why, he simply stated that House Targaryen would continue to follow Valyrian customs as he and his kin were not of Andal, Rhoynar or First Men ancestry. This only assuaged the Faith a little, but they accepted fully when Dowager Queen Visenya proclaimed she would visit Oldtown astride Vhagar and remind them why they bent to Targaryen rule.
Maegor married his first wife, Ceryse Hightower, in mid 30AC at the Starry Sept in Oldtown. When the marriage was said to be barren, Maegor took Alys Harroway as his second wife in early 31AC. During a trip to Essos in mid 31AC, Maegor met his third wife, Tyanna and was wed to her shortly thereafter. When all three marriages failed to result in a pregnancy, Maegor was once again searching for another wife. It was during a visit to Winterfell in early 32AC where Maegor met his fourth wife, Elvira Harclay. They were wed in the Godswood at Winterfell after just three days, rumors that Maegor had bedded his new bride before the wedding spreading like wildfire. He brought the then Lady Elvira to Dragonstone, where she gave birth to a healthy girl, much to the frustration of Lady Tyanna.
After the death of King Aenys I in 42AC, Maegor ascended the throne and was crowned King of the Seven Kingdoms by his mother, Dowager Queen Visenya. Despite the late king having named his eldest son, Prince Aegon, his heir, the prince and his sister-wife, Princess Rhaena, were besieged at Crakehall by members of the Poor Fellows. After learning of Maegor’s coronation, the Poor Fellows left Crakehall and marched on King’s Landing which allowed Prince Aegon and Princess Rhaena to flee to Casterly Rock, where the princess then gave birth to the twins, Aerea and Rhaella.
Even though Dowager Queen Alyssa Velaryon wished to challenge Maegor for the throne on behalf of the young Prince Aegon, he stayed her hand and departed Casterly Rock in mid 42AC for Kings Landing with his family to swear fealty to his uncle. Prince Aegon recognized that he was just a boy of 16 and not prepared to handle to the responsibility of a kingdom. King Maegor spared his life and allowed him to live out his days on Dragonstone.
In late 43AC, King Maegor crowned his wife, Elvira Harclay, as his Queen and equal and named his 11 year old daughter, Rhaenerys, the Princess of Dragonstone. This would only be a short lived celebration, as just a few months later in early 44AC, Alys Harroway birthed a stillborn child and died in childbed. The same fate befell Ceryse Hightower in mid 45AC.
Prince Aegon died mysteriously in his bed in 46AC during a trip to King’s Landing, alongside his younger brother, Prince Viserys. Maester Desmond claimed that Maegor’s wife, Tyanna, had poisoned the princes. This claim was never confirmed and the maester executed for treason. King Maegor, in an effort to produce more heirs after the sudden deaths of his nephews, opted to marry three final woman of proven fertility. Known as the Black Brides, the former widows Elinor Costayne, Rhaena Targaryen and Jeyne Westerling were all wed to Maegor on the same day with their children from their previous marriages in attendance.
In early 48AC, Elinor Costayne delivered a stillborn child. Enraged that he only had one living heir, Maegor set himself on a warpath to determine why his wives were failing to deliver healthy children. It was only then that it was discovered that Queen Tyanna had been poisoning the other queens over the years because she was jealous she herself could not conceive. King Maegor had her executed for treason, though he accepted that Rhaenerys would be the only child he would have.
Throughout his rule, King Maegor managed to put down the Faith uprisings and rebellions that had popped up across the kingdom, effectively earning him the moniker Maegor the Cruel for his brutality. Even though he was feared, his daughter was beloved by both the lords of the realm and the people, many remarking that they were unsure if the princess was truly Maegor’s daughter though never within earshot of the King.
As he only had one child, Maegor doted on and spoiled Rhaenerys, taking her on rides on the back of Balerion before she claimed her own dragon, Abraxsas at the age of eight. She was as gifted with swordplay as he was, and on her 13th nameday, she was gifted Dark Sister by her father. She studied High Valyrian under the tutelage of her grandmother, Dowager Queen Visenya, and was as studious as her own mother, Queen Elvira. While many men within the realm wished to betroth their sons to the young princess, Maegor decided to hold a Betrothal Tourney in mid 48AC to determine who would vie for his daughter’s hand. If any of the lords could best him throughout the week long event, they would have earned the right to wed the princess. None were able to, and by late 48AC, Rhaenerys had set sail on a diplomatic mission to the Saxon Kingdoms at just 16 years of age.
In order of marriage:
-Ceryse Hightower (30AC-45AC): Anita Briem
-Alys Harroway (31AC-44AC): Katilyn Denver
-Tyanna of the Tower (31AC-48AC): Eva Green
-Elvira Harlclay (32AC-): Katie McGrath
-Elinor Costayne (46AC-): Lea Seydoux
-Rhaena Targaryen (46AC-): Jodie Comer
-Jeyne Westerling (46AC-): Caitlin Stasey
Just a little something @zaldritzosrose made for me with the face claims for the wives of Maegor to pair with my Rhaenerys stories. Many thanks my love! 😘
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dreamwritesimagines · 2 years
Enamored [43] - Dancing with the Devil
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback my loves, you’re amazing!❤ I hope you’ll like this chapter as well, and please let me know what you think, thank you! ❤ And as always, thank you @theskytraveler for helping me with the chapter and the story❤
Summary: Lovers’ quarrels are the renewal of love.
Warnings: Regency era society and social rules, mentions of sex, some gender specific language and terms, arguments.
Word Count: 7500
Series Masterlist
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 You couldn’t sleep that night.
It felt nearly impossible. Your thoughts were like a hurricane in your mind, and more than once you had got up from the bed to pace in the room, desperate for some sort of movement as if that could help with just how restless you were.
It didn’t help that you were alone in your bed for the first time after almost a month.
You hadn’t even realized how you had gotten used to sleeping right beside him until this very night. Now that he wasn’t there, now that he wasn’t holding you in his arms even while you both slept, now that you weren’t woken up by his kisses and soft caresses, you almost felt cold. Having dozed off around the dawn after hours of thinking, you only woke up when you heard a soft knock on the door.
“My lady?” Lucie’s voice reached you and you turned in the bed, searching for Anthony’s warmth but—
He wasn’t there.
You opened your eyes and rubbed at them, then sat up in bed.
“Come in Lucie,” you called out and she opened the door, then looked behind her and stepped inside.
“My apologies for the lateness,” she said, making you shake your head. “I checked the other room and when I couldn’t find you there I searched you in the house before coming here.”
You waved a hand in the air, your voice still hoarse. “Don’t worry about it.”
She lingered in her spot and then offered you a smile and went to open up the curtains, the light making you wince.
“It’s such a beautiful morning,” she said. “I think we should pick your gown for the ball tonight after picking what you will wear during the day.”
“The ball tonight?”
“Lord and Lady Colby’s ball?” she said and you ran a hand over your face, slipping a little into the sheets.
Lord and Lady Colby’s ball, of course.
When you and Anthony first got back from your honeymoon, you were invited to a lot of balls but you preferred to spend your evenings in a different way. It was only when Lady Whistledown had written earlier in the week about how Viscount and Viscountess Bridgerton were not seen in a ball together that you had insisted on attending one and Anthony had begrudgingly agreed, telling you that you two would be leaving early.
You had a feeling that he wouldn’t be looking forward to coming back home with you tonight though.
“Right,” you said. “That ball.”
“Any particular color you have in mind? For the day or the night?”
You shook your head and she pulled out a pale blue gown.
“This for the day maybe? We can pair it with a sapphire necklace?”
“And for the ball, I was thinking perhaps we could use this,” she said, pulling out a rose colored gown, “And pair it with your pink diamond hair comb and that necklace over your vanity—”
“Have you seen Anthony?” you cut her off and she paused for a moment, then cleared her throat.
“Uh…he left early this morning my lady.”
You bit down on your nail, your heart dropping to your stomach.
“Oh,” you said. “Alright. All those options sound good, thank you Lucie. You have wonderful taste as always.”
“Shall I have them draw you a bath before or after breakfast today?”
“Before,” you said. “So have you seen him leave or…?”
Lucie pulled her brows together. “I have.”
“How was he?”
“Is everything alright, my lady?” she asked back and you massaged your temples.
“We had a fight,” you managed to say. “Last night.”
“I could tell,” she said. “Would you like to talk about it?”
You thought for a moment, then shook your head.
“Whatever it was about,” she said. “I’m sure it will get solved. You’re both in love, and arguments are completely normal within a marriage. Perhaps you both need to calm down in solitude first.”
You scoffed a bitter laugh and shrugged your shoulders.
“I suppose,” you said. “I don’t have much of an appetite I’m afraid, so can you tell the cook to prepare something light for breakfast? Some fruit and tea perhaps.”
“Of course,” she said, “I’ll tell the maids to prepare your bath here.”
“Thank you,” you said and fell back to the bed as when she walked out of the room. You let out a groan, then pressed your palms over your eyes before letting your arms drop back to the bed, pursing your lips.
“Great,” you murmured. “It’ll be a nice ball I’m sure.”
You had planned to meet Cecily today but you were in such a sour mood that you wrote to her saying that you should postpone it and that you would see each other at the ball tonight. It gave you enough time to do whatever you wished at home, but you were so distracted by your own thoughts that you could barely focus on anything else.
It wasn’t for a lack of trying though.
Throughout the whole day, you did everything you could think of. You went through the ledgers which you had been postponing for a while, went over the staff files, made a list of things that they required by the end of the season and approved it, then gave it to Mrs. Burchett before going to the library to get a book.
It didn’t offer as much of a distraction as you had expected though, especially when your doubts were poisoning you.
This was the first time you’d had a fight this big, at least since the opera and you couldn’t help but think about what had happened at the opera.
You shut your eyes tight, trying to get rid of the unwanted thoughts. Of course it was nonsense, Anthony was in love with you, he had promised you that he would be loyal to you. Even when he didn’t know you were listening to his conversation with his mother that night your father was unwell, he had told Lady Bridgerton there would be no one else but you despite the fact that you weren’t even married or courting back then.
A mere fight did not mean you lost his love, nor did it mean he would seek comfort in someone else’s bed—
You did not even have time for these foolish thoughts. Now that Frederick was back in the city you had to find a way to make him pay for everything he had done, to take revenge for the pain he caused your mother and your whole family, but somehow, the doubts managed to seep into your thoughts, making you think the worst.
Especially considering you hadn’t seen him for the whole day.
You were so lost in your thoughts that you didn’t even realize that Lucie was done with your hair. She placed the small hair comb on your bun, pink diamonds gleaming in the candlelight before she clasped the necklace behind your neck, then pulled back.
“There you go my lady.”
Your head snapped up and you blinked a couple of times before your eyes found hers in the mirror, then tried to smile at her.
“Thank you Lucie,” you said, turning your head to see your bun better and she smiled back at you.
“My lady, some of the maids here want to learn more about how one becomes a lady’s maid,” she said. “And I think one of them—Ethel, she can learn a lot, she’s very enthusiastic and sweet about it. She asked me if I could teach her how to style hair and such, in hopes that she can finish the education and become a proper candidate for the job so I was wondering if she could watch the next time I did your hair?”
“Of course,” you said. “I can refer her and such if she’d like, after she learns.”
Lucie tilted her head. “Refer her?”
“Well yes,” you said. “If she wants to be a lady’s maid. I mean I know it takes years to complete that training but…”
“My lady, no—” she said with a laugh. “She’s not looking to change her job. She wants to learn so that she will be ready by the time you and Lord Bridgerton have a daughter and that you might consider her.”
Your heart skipped a beat and you turned around to look at her better, trying to find the words.
“Oh,” you said after a pause. “Um…of course. If you want to take her under your wing, I can make the necessary arrangements happen for her full education.”
“Thank you my lady,” she said. “She will lose her mind when she hears it.”
You and Anthony with a baby.
Even the idea of it warmed your heart.
You played with your necklace absentmindedly and cleared your throat.
“But I don’t think that’s going to happen yet.”
“Perhaps for a good reason,” Lucie joked. “The whole London will run out of fabrics to make clothes the moment you have a daughter, and the rest of the ladies will have to wear their old gowns thanks to you.”
A small laugh escaped from your lips. “Lucie!”
“What? I’d say you will have to transform a room into a closet.”
You opened your mouth to retort but before you could do that, you heard a knock on the door, making both you and Lucie turn your heads.
“Come in!”
The door opened to reveal Anthony, and even the sight of him was enough to make your heart beat faster. He looked handsome as always, in his formal attire for the ball and the look in his eyes softened as his gaze fell on you before he frowned slightly, as if remembering your fight.
“My lady,” he said. “We may leave if you’re ready.”
You swallowed thickly and shot him a curt smile, then stood up from your seat in front of the vanity.
“Of course,” you said. “Enjoy your evening Lucie.”
“You too my lady.”
You walked out of the room, descending the stairs with Anthony before you both stepped outside to the stone road where the carriage was waiting for you. Anthony offered you his hand, --even after an argument his manners were impeccable— and you took it, then got in the carriage, with him following you.
The Colby house was very close to your house, barely ten minutes away, but the tension was so palpable even in the carriage that you could hardly sit still. The silence was suffocating and you bounced your leg, keeping your eyes on the street out of the window, playing with your necklace. Anthony stole a look at you, then clenched his jaw, taking a deep breath like he was trying to control himself from saying anything.
The carriage soon stopped and Anthony stepped out, then helped you out of it. You fixed your skirts, looking up at the house in front of you. It looked lovely, the garden was full of bright colored flowers and the whole house was lit with a golden light, the pleasant music reaching outside. Anthony offered you his arm and you took it, then you both made your way inside, the warmth and the chatter hitting you instantly.
“Finally a public appearance!” you heard Eloise’s voice and she approached you to kiss you on the cheek before turning to Anthony. “Brother.”
“Lord and Lady Colby will probably thank you in person,” she joked. “It’s been a while since the ton saw you two at a ball.”
“Leave them be Eloise,” Benedict said as Anthony grabbed two glasses and handed you one while he took a huge sip of the other. “Mother was looking for you.”
“I already danced with two suitors, I think she’s asking too much of me.”
“Go tell her that then, because she seems to have made me a target in your absence,” Benedict whined. “In fact, go tell her the golden couple is here, that’ll distract her.”
“Good idea.”
“Eloise, don’t—” Anthony started but she had already left. You took a sip of your drink, looking around.
“Are Elias and Cece here?”
“They will come but Cece was feeling sick earlier today,” Anthony said. “They’re probably running late.”
You pulled your brows together. “She’s sick?”
“Morning sickness, she says.”
“When were you going to tell me that?”
“Oh now you want to have a conversation?” Anthony asked back and Benedict looked between you two.
“…Is everything alright?”
“Wonderful, why do you ask?”
Benedict frowned, tilting his head but before he could say anything someone touched your arm, making you turn your head.
“Hugh, hello.”
“Good evening, may I talk to you for a moment?”
You nodded and stepped away from Anthony and Benedict, still feeling Anthony’s burning gaze on you. Hugh looked more impatient than you had ever seen him before, which was very surprising to you, because he always seemed calm and collected.
“What happened?”
“Listen, I don’t have much time,” he said. “I came to chaperone Abby and Edith but Edith wants to go home now so I’ll take them home and Cece and Elias are nowhere to be found.”
“They’re running late Anthony says.”
“Yeah probably—Ken told me about last night,” he said. “Just an hour before I came here I mean.”
You shifted your weight. “Yeah?”
“His name is Frederick Jennings?”
You nodded your head. “Yes.”
“Earl of Woodhall? You’re absolutely sure?”
“Of course I’m sure,” you said. “My father said it before and he introduced himself last night. Why?”
Hugh clenched his teeth and looked over his shoulder to Edith who was calling his name, then turned to you.
“Tell Cece and Elias to find me,” he said. “No matter how late it is at night, alright? Tell them to come and talk to me at home.”
“Hugh, what’s—?” you started but he walked away from you and he and Edith left the ballroom, leaving you there completely confused. You downed your drink and grabbed another from the tray, and made your way back to Anthony and Benedict.
“What happened?”
“I have no idea,” you said and Benedict cleared his throat.
“I’ll just go and…exist somewhere else,” he said and made his way through the crowd, carefully dodging the ladies who were stealing glances at him and fanning themselves. Anthony shook his head slightly and sipped his drink while you turned to him to tell him you should go and say hello to his mother and the rest of the family, but before you got the chance to do so Anthony shot the couple who were making their way to you a forced smile, making you look at them.
Lord and Lady Colby.
“Oh if this isn’t our newly Viscountess Bridgerton, you look so beautiful!” Lady Colby said and you curtsied.
“Thank you Lady Colby, so do you.”
She waved a dismissive hand in the air. “I must admit that it’s a welcomed surprise,” she said. “We haven’t got the chance to see you two together out in the public in the evenings much.”
“They’re newlyweds, Margaret,” Lord Colby said and clasped Anthony by the shoulder. “Shall we leave the ladies to their conversation, Anthony? You should join us in the business room, I had a full box of cigars brought in from Spain recently, you must try one. Joseph swears it’s the best he has ever tried.”
“Go,” Lady Colby said. “Please. Leave me with your wife, I have a lot of questions to smother her with.”
“Oh you could never,” you assured her and Anthony chuckled.
“I’ll be right back, dearest,” he said as if everything was alright between you two, then pressed a kiss on the back of your hand and walked away from you with Lord Colby. You swallowed thickly, trying to ignore how the simple gesture had sent sparks from your hand to your whole body but managed to smile at Lady Colby.
“Thank you for the invitation Lady Colby.”
“Thank you for attending,” she said. “As I’ve said; you got many invitations since you two got back from your honeymoon that we were beginning to think you wouldn’t attend anything that took place in the evening, which…I’m sure I know the reason.”
A fire burned your face and you sipped your drink.
“I loved how your wedding gown looked by the way,” she said. “The ton says you had five different seamstresses?”
“Three,” you corrected her. “One for the wedding gown, one for the trousseau and one for the veil.”  
“Now is it true that you’ve had your veil weaved with actual gold threads?”
You paused for a moment, then shook your head. “Uh…no. “
“Have you had the fabrics for your trousseau brought in from Paris? Because if so, I must ask you for the name of that shop.”
“I had a lot of shops that I liked back home—in Paris I mean,” you corrected yourself. “I could gladly give you the names.”
“Wonderful!” she said. “When can we expect your ball then?”
You had been so distracted by Anthony and your newly found marital bliss lately that it had almost escaped your mind you were to throw a ball. Now that you were Viscountess Bridgerton, everyone expected it and quite frankly, you were looking forward to it even before you were married.
“Right before the season ends,” you said. “Back in Paris we would…we would end every season with a beautiful ball, saying that it was our responsibility to say farewell to the season in the best way possible and I’ve decided to adapt that approach to the London social season as well. Before everyone goes back to the country side, we should have a grand ball in London that we will all enjoy immensely, no?”
“I love that!” she said, pressing a hand over her chest. “Any chance I can learn about the theme?”
You tilted your head. “Lady Colby, surely you must know how fond of surprises I am,” you said. “I can only assure you that it will be a ball worthy of waiting for.”
She let out a laugh. “Cannot blame me for trying. How about—”
She was cut off when the crowd around you started whispering and you turned your head to see what everyone was looking at, and as soon as your eyes fell on him your blood ran cold.
He took a look around him as he walked towards you, as if he was enjoying the attention and Lady Colby pulled her brows together when he reached you, and bowed.
“I’m not sure we’ve been introduced, Mr…”
“Frederick Jennings,” he introduced himself as your jaw clenched, that familiar fire burning in your chest. “Earl of Woodhall. You must excuse my intrusion my lady, but I’ve just come back to the city after a long time and wanted to see if the balls were as exquisite as I remembered them.”
“Oh of course, welcome Earl Woodhall!” she said. “It’s an honor. And what is your opinion if I may ask?”
“That they’re even better than before,” he said as you dug your fingernails into your palms, balling up your fists.
“This is Viscountess Bridgerton,” Lady Colby said and you tried to swallow the lump in your throat.
“We’ve been introduced before,” you said and Frederick had the audacity to smile at you.
“Viscountess,” he said. “Could I ask for a dance, perhaps?”
Oh he was doing this on purpose.
Even if you wanted to tell him to go to hell, a small part of you—the logical part of you, more likely—stopped you before you even opened your mouth. Your mother had taught you better than that; she had taught you that in order to defeat an enemy, you had to get to know them first.
And that was exactly what you were going to do.
You wanted him ruined, and you were going to make sure to do it yourself.
You bit inside your cheek hard enough to hurt, then raised your brows.
“You may,” you said, fixing your gloves before you placed your hand on his, the mere action making you feel sick to your stomach but you controlled your expression, then walked to the dancefloor with him.
You had to remain calm and learn as much as you could.
“So, Viscountess Bridgerton,” he commented as you two started dancing. “Should I look out for any sharp objects during the dance?”
“Should I look out for any lies you might spread after the dance?”
He let out a chuckle. “Cassie taught you the art of conversation well,” he said. “Though after last night, I shouldn’t be surprised. You’re almost a replica of her, the same looks, the same fiery temper...”
Your fingers curled, as if your body was telling you to strangle him right there on the dancefloor but you took a step and turned as the dance required.
“Has she ever told you that temper of hers got her in trouble a lot, even when we were young?” he asked. “Her father once accused her of having hysteria, saying she was too angry for a young lady. He was saying it would go away after she got married but it did not.”
“No wonder she hated him,” you said. “And no. She never talked about him. Or you.”
His eyes snapped to yours and you shot him a smug smile.
“I’ve heard a lot about my father but not you,” you said. “Funny, you would think she would mention you but no. To be honest, the first time I heard of your presence was very recently.”
“Perhaps it was heavy on her heart.”
“No, I don’t think that’s the reason,” you said. “Father was heavy on her heart, so much that she talked about him on her deathbed, dreaming of him until her last breath.”
His teeth clenched, a shadow crossing his eyes.
“Not you though,” you continued. “She loved him until her death, but I doubt she even thought about your existence the whole time we were in Paris.”
He took in a breath through his clenched teeth.
“Cassie was rarely a rational person,” he commented. “She did not know what was best for her, I didn’t think that would change, wherever she was.”
“But you knew what was best for her?”
He shrugged his shoulders. “Clearly. One could say I saved her.”
You raised your brows. “Oh you saved her?” you repeated. “How, exactly?”
“Cassie and Percy weren’t meant to be together,” he said. “I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this. They were like ice and fire—much like you and your husband as I’ve seen last night. They weren’t happy.”
“And you decided to take the matters into your own hands?”
“Your father betrayed me,” he stated. “I only paid back the favor. And Cassie was going to be happy with me if it weren’t for—”
“They were in love,” you cut him off. “She never so much as looked at another, neither has he. You were not even in the picture.”
“I think you’re blaming the wrong person here.”
“Do enlighten me,” you said. “Who should I blame then?”
“Your father,” he said and scoffed. “Yourself as well.”
You pulled your brows together. “Myself?”
“If it weren’t for you,” he said. “She could’ve been happy with me. A divorce is a scandal yes, but if it weren’t for that rumor, she would’ve been with me, we would’ve been somewhere else, away from all these rumors. She’d be able to put that behind her, I’d give her everything she wanted but you? Your presence muddled the picture.”
It felt as if someone was squeezing at your heart. This was nothing you hadn’t thought before, even prior to learning about Frederick’s existence. Up until your father explained everything, you had thought that if you weren’t born everything would have been better for your mother, or at least that they wouldn’t have got that divorce but now that you knew the whole story, you could see how that also complicated Frederick’s plans. He had started the rumor that she was unfaithful, but if it weren’t for you, after the divorce he still could have had the chance to try to be with her. Even when she had gotten pregnant with you, he still could have tried to marry her after the divorce—
Until the ton started that rumor of you being his child.
Your mother was never going to be with him. You knew that, with or without you, even before knowing he was behind those rumors, she never would have considered him, and after the rumors of him being your father started, any hopes he held to be with her had become impossible.
The version of her in his mind, as wrong as it was, still had one side that was true to the real her;
Any kind of involvement with him would have only made the ton think the rumors were true, and your mother would have died before letting that happen.
You raised your brows, your thoughts like a hurricane in your mind. This hadn’t been a fruitless attempt after all, now you knew more than before.
He hated your father yes, but he also hated you.
“You weren’t important enough to be an option, before or after the divorce,” you pointed out. “Perhaps you think otherwise because my mother was too soft hearted.”
He let out a bitter chuckle. “There are many ways to describe Cassie, soft hearted is not one of them.”
You shrugged your shoulders. “I disagree. It’s quite clear that she was soft hearted.”
“You’re still alive.”
He paused only for a moment, then clicked his tongue.
“Yeah,” he muttered, more to himself. “Cassie’s temper. I’d say this night brings back the memories but there’s one small difference.”
The music started fading and you tilted your head.
“What’s that?”
“She trained you well,” he said. “Better than her own parents. She was perfect in every way but dancing I admit; you dance better than her.”
The other couples slowly stopped dancing as the music ended, some curtsying and bowing before leaving the dance floor and a calm smile pulled at your lips before you nodded
“You’d be wise to remember that, Earl Woodhall.” you said and Frederick blinked a couple of times.
“Remember what, Viscountess Bridgerton?”
You took a step towards him, your eyes locked in his.
“That I’m not as soft hearted as my mother,” you deadpanned, “And you’re dancing with me now.”
He pulled back slightly, a look of surprise crossing his face before he remembered to bow, but you didn’t even curtsy in return. Instead, you turned on your heels, ignoring the glances thrown your way as you walked away from him.
You had to appear to be calm even if you were seething in anger. You were more than aware of the whispers but you pretended not to hear them as you approached the refreshments table, desperate for some distraction.
But before you could even reach there, Anthony made his way through the crowd and grasped your wrist.
“A word, my dear wife?” he said through his teeth and led you to the entrance without even waiting for your answer. You could feel people staring as you both stepped out of the ballroom and passed the hallway to go out into the yard and it was only when you reached there that he let go of your wrist, turning around to look at you.
“What are you doing?”
You tilted your head. “Becoming the first paragraph of tomorrow’s Whistledown issue as we speak thanks to you,” you said. “What are you doing?”
He motioned in the direction of the house. “Y/N, why are you dancing with him?”
“Oh now you want to have a conversation?” you quoted him and he let out an exhale of disbelief, as if he was at the end of his patience.
“You need to stay away from him—”
“Why?” you cut him off. “Because you said so?”
“Because we know nothing about him!” his voice rose. “We have no idea what he’s capable of yet! You’re much smarter than this, what has gotten into you since last night?”
“Maybe not everything can be solved with your beloved logic.”
“And your solution is what exactly? Either stabbing him or getting close enough for him to hurt you?”
“It was one dance!” you insisted. “I’m allowed to dance with whomever I want and so are you—which I’m sure you’re very happy about.”
He pulled his brows in confusion. “What are you talking about?”
Don’t say it. A little voice inside your head warned you. Don’t say it, you don’t mean that, don’t say—
“Where were you today?” the words left your lips before you had a chance to stop them, “The whole day?”
His frown deepened as if he didn’t understand the sudden change of topic, and he opened his mouth to retort but someone cleared their throat, making both of you turn your heads. Elias raised his brows, staring at you both.
“So I don’t know what this is about…” he motioned between you. “But I think you should know that a significant amount of people are more interested in looking out of the window than dancing at the ballroom right now.”
You stole a look at the house to see many people pretending to enjoy the view of the yard, some pulling back from the windows as soon as you turned your head, and you let out a bitter chuckle, shifting your weight as you clenched and unclenched your fists, desperate for some movement.
“I’m going home.”
Anthony paused for a moment, then nodded in the direction of the carriages.
“Fine, I’ll get the carriage ready.”
“No.” You shook your head. “I’m going to walk.”
“I need to walk,” you insisted. “Alone.”
Anthony rolled his eyes. “You’re not walking home alone, Y/N.”
You gritted your teeth, anger rushing through you. “If you give me one more order I swear to God—”
“Hey!” Elias snapped his fingers. “To repeat, you’re in public!”
“Take the carriage,” Anthony said, then took a deep breath as if trying to calm down. “It’s not safe, alright? I’m not giving you any orders, I’m asking.”
“It’s a fifteen minute walk.”
“It’s also the middle of the night in case it has escaped your notice.”
“Alright, how about—” Elias said. “Y/N, I’ll walk you home. Anthony Cece is inside, keep an eye on her until I get back?”
Anthony stayed silent for a moment, as if considering it, then heaved a sigh. “Eli…”
“I know but you’re both angry and trust me, walking will be good for her,” he said and you scoffed, then started walking down the stone road.
It didn’t take Elias long to catch up with you and you both stepped outside to the street, then began sauntering in the direction of your house. The cool weather and being away from the constant chatter and music seemed to have helped you calm down just a little and Elias put his hands in his pockets, stealing a look at you.
You walked for a couple of minutes before the wind blew over you and Elias instantly dropped his jacket over your shoulders.
“Thank you,” you murmured and he rubbed at your arm, then pulled back.
“Do you want to talk?”
“About what?”
“About anything.”
You swallowed thickly and wiped at your nose, your throat tightening.
“Everyone seems to think otherwise for some reason but I know what I’m doing.”
“Do you?” he asked back with a small smile. “Could’ve fooled me last night.”
“I don’t know how it is in France but in here murder is usually frowned upon, especially if you know who did it.”
“So what then, he gets to…” you motioned with your hand, your voice cracking. “He gets to just come back, when mom couldn’t?”
“I didn’t say—”
“He ruined her life,” you insisted. “He doesn’t get to…he doesn’t get to just walk around like that.”
“I never said he would.”
You paused for a moment, turning to look up at him. “What?”
“Just because I can hide it better than you doesn’t mean I’m not angry,” he told you. “Of course he won’t get to walk around like that, we will not let it.”
“But I’m not sacrificing you for revenge either,” he said. “And what you did last night? He’s not pulling you down with him Chérie. Whatever we do, it will hurt him and only him. Not either one of us.”
You nodded your head.
“I admit last night got a bit out of hand,” you said after a beat. “But I’m fixing it. I danced with him tonight to learn more about him, so that we can use it to our advantage, mother always said—”
“You danced with him?”
“Not you too,” you said through your teeth and Elias rubbed at his eyes.
“Fine,” he murmured. “What have you learned?”
“He hates father,” you said. “Which is not a huge shock, but he also hates me.”
“He thinks I’m the reason mother didn’t go to him,” you said. “After divorce.”
“Mother would’ve never gone to him.”
“I know but he disagrees.”
Elias thought for a moment, then clicked his tongue.
“And tonight?” he said. “You and Anthony?”
You sniffled, that bitter taste appearing in your throat.
“We had a fight last night,” you murmured. “And since then he either…he either ignores me or tries to give me orders to control me—”
“I don’t think that’s what he’s doing actually,” Elias said. “I think he’s trying to control the situation while making sure you stay unharmed in all this.”
You scoffed a dry laugh. “Well, that’s better than my theory.”
“What’s your theory?”
Your eyes were burning with unshed tears but you managed to blink them back, then raised your brows as you approached the gates to the Bridgerton house before you turned around to lean back to them.
“That he might have stopped loving me last night.”
Elias blinked a couple of times before a laugh escaped from his lips, making you tilt your head.
“Sorry!” he said, covering his mouth with his hand and cleared his throat, trying to adapt a serious look. “That cannot be your theory.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s literally the most ridiculous theory that I’ve ever heard in my entire life?” he asked with a grin. “Every married couple has arguments, that doesn’t— he’s in love with you. Surely you know a stupid fight isn’t going to change that.”
You bit inside your cheek and his grin faded slightly.
“Chérie,” he said. “You know that, don’t you?”
You tried to smile, then took the jacket off and gave it to him.
“I just need some sleep and food I suppose,” you muttered. “I barely slept last night and didn’t eat much the whole day. Tell Cece I’ll see her tomorrow?”
“I will.”
“Oh, and—” you snapped your fingers. “Hugh wants to see you and Cece. About Frederick.”
“Hugh?” he repeated. “What does he have to do with that?”
“I have no idea. He was in a hurry but he wanted me to tell you that you and Cece need to go to his house, no matter how late it is. It sounded quite urgent.”
Elias thought for a moment.
“Alright, I’ll tell Cece,” he said and pressed a kiss on your forehead. “Eat something and get some sleep. We’ll talk tomorrow.”
You nodded and opened the gate. “Good night Elias.”
“Good night Chérie,” he said and you entered the garden, then made your way through the stone road and climbed up the marble stairs and knocked on the door.
“My lady,” the butler said as soon as he opened the door and bowed as you entered.
“Good evening Mr. Salford,” you said and he looked outside.
“Is Lord Bridgerton coming as well?”
“Oh he will come later. I have the worst headache so I decided to leave the ball early.”
The butler nodded slowly. “Would you like me to send some chamomile tea to your room my lady?”
“That would be lovely, thank you,” you said and made your way upstairs to get into your room. You heaved a sigh and flung yourself on the bed, pressing your hands on your eyes.
It was nonsense.
These doubts were nonsense, of course they were. Elias had a point, you and Anthony loved each other and your love was too strong to disappear after a fight.
Even if—
Even if after your first big fight, that incident at the opera had taken place.
You shook your head at yourself. It was a different time, both of you had gone through so much since then, and you knew he loved you, deep down you knew he wouldn’t betray you like that, but that wasn’t enough to silence the doubts in your mind.
You sat up in the bed as someone knocked on the door and you cleared your throat.
“Come in!”
The door opened and a young maid— Ethel, the girl Lucie had talked to you about today— stepped inside, carrying a tray.
“Good evening my lady, I brought your tea.”
You offered her a smile. “Thank you Ethel,” you said. “You can put it on the table.”
She carefully put the tray on the table before placing the teacup on the table as well, and pushed her hair behind her ear, pressing the tray over her stomach.
“And I…if I may, my lady,” she said. “I wanted to thank you for allowing me to watch and learn Lucie. I wish to improve myself and I am so grateful for the opportunity, I will not let you down.”
Your smile widened and you waved a hand in the air.
“My pleasure,” you said. “Don’t tell her I said this, but Lucie doesn’t just like anyone easily. She’s a great judge of character, and I’ve never seen her be mistaken on people’s talents. If she says you are a good candidate for the job, I’m sure she’s right.”
An excited giggle escaped from her lips and she shifted her weight, pushing her hair behind her ear again even if she didn’t need to.
“Let me or Mrs. Burchett know anything you might need in the meantime, I’ll personally make sure you get it,” you said and she nodded fervently, then curtsied in a haste.
“Thank you my lady.”
“Of course,” you said. “Have a nice night.”
“You too my lady,” she said and hurried out of the room, closing the door behind her. You pushed yourself off the bed and went to the table to grab the teacup, then took a sip, closing your eyes. The sound of horse hooves moving at a steady pace before coming to a stop reached you from the open window and you took another sip of your tea, then went to sit by the vanity. Taking a look at your reflection in the dim candlelight, you reached up to your bun to slowly take out the pins keeping it at place one by one.
When you pulled out the last one and set your hair free, you buried your fingers into your hair, massaging your scalp to get rid of the familiar tension at the roots. You made a face, then grabbed your earring to pull it off but before you could even do it, the door barged open, making you look over your shoulder.
“What did you mean?” Anthony demanded as he stepped inside, breathing hard as if he had just run there and you frowned, then scoffed a laugh.
“It’s my room in case it has escaped your notice,” you said. “Didn’t anyone teach you how to knock?”
“What did you mean, where I was the whole day?”
You gritted your teeth, that familiar fire beginning to burn inside your chest again before you turned to the mirror, pulling your earring from your earlobe.
“Can I not be curious about your whereabouts?”
“Don’t give me that, you and I both know what you were implying.”
“I don’t actually, but I’m sure you’re about to enlighten me,” you said as you took off the other earring as well and Anthony clenched his jaw.
“What?” your voice came out more tense than you intended, the pressure you had been feeling since last night slowly making itself known no matter how much you tried to keep it under control.
“If you want to ask me something, you should just ask.”
“I already asked, didn’t get an answer.”
“I was with Elias the whole day,” he said, his voice on edge. “Where did you think I was?”
“Why did you leave?”
“Answer the question.”
“You answer the question,” you growled back, getting up from the chair to take a step towards him, your eyes locked in his dark gaze. “I think I deserve to know the reason why I was left alone here, considering you’ve done nothing but ignoring me or giving me orders for the last twenty-four hours.”
“Oh I’m glad you mentioned that, what have you done for the last twenty-four hours other than throwing yourself into danger over and over again?” he asked you, making you let out a scoff.
“You and I have a different understanding of danger.”
“I’d say so; the difference is that you have no understanding of danger.”
Your jaw dropped, fury roaring through you. “Excuse me?”
“What if he tried to hurt you in that ballroom?” he snapped at you. “Hm? Have you ever thought about that? You tried to stab the man last night, what if he decided to do the same right there when I wasn’t looking?”
“He didn’t—”
“You don’t know that!” his voice rose, making you grit your teeth. “None of us do!”
You swallowed thickly and let out a breath, shaking your head.
“I’m not going to stand here and listen to this,” you spat, walking past him to the door but before you could even touch the handle he grabbed you by the arm and turned you around, your back hitting the wall. Your heartbeat sped up, desire shooting through you so fast that it made your head spin. It was as if everything was sharper now, and you couldn’t even tell lust from fury as you glared up at him, your breathing getting faster.
“Stop walking away from me,” his voice was nearly a growl and you narrowed your eyes, tilting your head to the side.
“Or what?”
The pause lasted only a second.
You had no idea who moved first, you just knew that somehow, your lips were locked in a kiss. The burn of desire was almost overwhelming, making you breathless and your mind fuzzy as he pressed you back to the wall, and your hands balling up to fists on his white shirt. You couldn’t even decide whether you were angry or aroused more, but your body seemed to have its own mind at this point as you bit down on his lip hard, making him hiss and pull back, his hand grabbing at your jaw to keep you in place. You ran your tongue over your canine teeth, a smirk appearing on your face as he touched his lip to check for blood before he raised his brows at you, his expression a mixture of amused and impressed.
“Cute,” he commented before he tilted your head up hard, but the last thing in your mind was complaining about it. He pulled you into a kiss, drawing a whine from you as you tried to unbutton his shirt without looking, but you were quite unsuccessful and frankly too impatient. You gripped at his shirt to yank it open, the buttons scattering somewhere in the room as he leaned down without breaking the kiss and picked you up, making you wrap your legs around his waist.
He walked to the bed and dropped you on top of it, his body covering yours in a second as he settled between your legs, then pulled apart the front of your dress, not even bothering to attempt to unlace it. The sound of the fabric ripping reached you before he threw the gown aside, leaving you in your corset and slip but you couldn’t even bring yourself to care about the gown. It was as if your body was moving on its own accord; you hesitated only for a moment before you pushed at him,making him fall back to bed so that you could straddle him. He raised his brows, almost surprised and you shot him a grin as you dragged your fingernails down his muscular chest.
“Ladies talk,” you commented with a shrug, making him let out a chuckle before you leaned in and locked your lips with his.
Chapter 44
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