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Marmara Denizi'nin Dijital İkizinin Oluşturulacağı Projede Sona Gelindi
ODTÜ Deniz Bilimleri Enstitüsü Müdürü Prof. Dr. Barış Salihoğlu, Marmara Denizi'nin dijital ikizinin çıkarılacağı Marmara Denizi Bütünleşik Modelleme Sistemi (MARMOD) Projesi'nde sona gelindiğini, proje kapsamında yaptıkları son incelemelerde denizdeki kirlilik yükünün ve oksijen azlığının devam etmekte olduğunu gördüklerini söyledi. Marmara Denizi'ni tehdit eden riskler konusunda farkındalık uyandırmak amacıyla Marmara Belediyeler Birliği, 2021'de müsilaja karşı deniz temizliği seferberliğinin başlatıldığı 8 Haziran'ı, Türkiye Çevre Haftası'nın bir parçası olarak "Marmara Denizi Günü" olarak kabul etti. İlk olarak geçen yıl, 62 ayrı farkındalık etkinliğiyle kutlanan Marmara Denizi Günü'nün bu yılki teması biyoçeşitlilik olarak belirlendi. Oksijensizlik tehlikesi ve biyoçeşitlilik kaybı riskiyle karşı karşıya kalan Marmara Denizi'nin eski sağlığına kavuşması için 2017'de başlatılan MARMOD Projesi'nde son aşamaya gelindi. Müsilaj seferberliği ile birlikte kapsamı genişletilen proje, Deniz Ekosistem ve İklim Araştırmaları Merkezi (DEKOSİM), Ulusal Deniz Araştırmaları Altyapı Merkezi Projesi ve TÜBİTAK Bilim İnsanı Destek Programları Başkanlığı (BİDEB) Öncü Araştırmacılar Programı desteğiyle; Çevre, Şehircilik ve İklim Değişikliği Bakanlığı ÇED İzin ve Denetim Genel Müdürlüğü ve Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi (ODTÜ) Deniz Bilimleri Enstitüsü koordinasyonunda yürütülüyor. Bu yıl sonunda tamamlanması planlanan proje hakkında AA muhabirine değerlendirmelerde bulunan ODTÜ Deniz Bilimleri Enstitüsü Müdürü Prof. Dr. Barış Salihoğlu, daha önce Marmara'daki kirlilik durumunu ve oksijendeki azalmayı bildiklerini, Çevre, Şehircilik ve İklim Değişikliği Bakanlığına bu çerçevede raporlar sunduklarını kaydetti. Salihoğlu, "MARMOD Projesi'ni başlatmamızdaki ana amaç Marmara Denizi'nin modellenmesi ve çözüm önerileri geliştirilmesiydi. Projenin ana hedefi ise 'Bu oksijen azlığı nasıl çözülür? Bakanlığın ve diğer ilgili kurumların uygulayabileceği çözüm önerileri nelerdir?' sorularına yanıt bulmak." diye konuştu. İlk fazı bitirdiklerinde Marmara Denizi'nde müsilaj oluştuğunu anlatan Salihoğlu, bunun üzerine projeyi genişleterek Marmara Denizi'nin dijital ikizinin oluşturulması ve hem fiziksel hem ekolojik hem de sosyoekonomik sisteminin 3 boyutlu olarak modellenmesi hedefiyle ikinci faza başladıklarını belirtti. Geldikleri noktada Marmara Denizi'nin dijital ikizinin ana hatlarını oluşturdukları bilgisini veren Salihoğlu, şöyle devam etti: "Bu dijital ikiz biz bilim insanları tarafından kullanılıyor olacak çünkü fiziksel, ekolojik, sosyoekonomik, iklim, kara modülleri var. Ayrıca son kullanıcıların, toplumun kullanacağı basit ve yapay zekayla desteklenen bir versiyonunu da oluşturacağız. Model çalışıyor yani Marmara Denizi'nin mevcut durumunu gösteriyor ama çözüm önerilerine yönelik senaryoların çalıştırılması şu anda sürüyor." Salihoğlu, MARMOD Projesi kapsamında, şehirlerden, havzalardan, tarım alanlarından denize olan girdileri ve Marmara Denizi'nin eski sağlığına kavuşması için bunların hangi oranlarda azaltılması gerektiğini ortaya koyduklarını, bütün çözüm önerilerini yıl sonuna kadar Bakanlığa, ilgili kurum ve kuruluşlara sunmuş olacaklarını bildirdi. Hem kısa hem de uzun vadeli önerilerinin olacağını ifade eden Salihoğlu, bu önerilerden bazılarını paylaştı. Salihoğlu, "Biz yılın sonunda şunu söyleyeceğiz: Şehirlerimiz 3 yıl içinde atık su arıtma tesislerinin yüzde 50'sini daha ileri seviye getirsin. Uzun vadede bunların tamamının ileri seviyeye geçirilmesi lazım. Havzadan giren endüstri, tarım kökenli sularla taşınan kirliliğin de 3 yıl içinde yüzde 60 seviyesinde azaltılması lazım. Bunlar olursa 5 yıl içinde Marmara Denizi oksijenli yaşama dönebilir." diye konuştu. Kısa vadede amaçlarının Marmara Denizi'ndeki oksijensizliğin canlı yaşamına el verecek seviyeye çıkarılması olduğunu ve ilk aşamada önce bu adımı atmak istediklerini dile getiren Salihoğlu, ilerleyen aşamalarda denizin eski sağlığına kavuşması yönünde çözüm önerileri olacağını kaydetti. - Marmara Denizi'nde son durum ODTÜ Bilim-2 gemisinin bir hafta önce Marmara Denizi'nde olduğundan bahseden Salihoğlu, geminin son seferinde elde edilen bulgularla ilgili şu değerlendirmeleri paylaştı: "Marmara Denizi'nin genel durumu şu anda iyi değil, çok ciddi biçimde kirlilik yükü sürmekte, oksijen azlığı devam etmekte. Henüz yaz koşulları oluşmuş değil, su sıcaklıkları tamamen artmış değil. Bizi endişelendiren bir durum var. Marmara'nın şu andaki durumunda alarm zilleri çalıyor. Bu yaz oksijen seviyelerinde daha da azalma bekliyoruz ve bu seviye, bugüne kadar geldiği oksijen seviyeleri arasında en kötü duruma geçiş olabilir. Nitrojen sülfür çıkışı olabilir, ben her şeyi müsilaja bağlamayı sevmiyorum ama müsilaj da olabilir." Salihoğlu, Marmara Denizi için acilen alınması gereken önlemin kalıcı çözümler ortaya konana kadar kirlilik girdisinin elden geldiği ölçüde kontrol edilmesi ve bu konuda sıkı denetlenme yapılması olduğunu vurguladı. Hiçbir ekosistemin özelliğini kaybettikten sonra eski haline dönmeyeceğine, Marmara Denizi için "eski sağlık" ifadesi ile 40 yıl önceki kaydettikleri değerleri kastettiklerine dikkati çeken Salihoğlu, "En azından o oksijen seviyelerine çıkma ve kirlilik seviyelerine inme hedefi koyduk. Marmara derin bir deniz, en derin noktası 1200 metre, 25 metrenin altında ise yaşama elverişli oksijen seviyesi yok. Bu, bütün oksijenli yaşamın yüzeydeki 25 metreye sıkışması demek. Korkunç bir durum, kabullenmemiz mümkün değil." sözlerini sarf etti. Marmara Denizi için umut olduğunu, son yaptıkları seferde ciddi bir biyoçeşitlilik aktivitesi gördüklerini aktaran Salihoğlu, sözlerini şöyle tamamladı: "Marmara Denizi kendini kurtarmaya çalışıyor, bu yüzden de bizim Marmara Denizi'ni biraz kendi haline bırakmamız gerekiyor, bıraksak kurtaracak. Koruma alanı ilan edilmesi çok olumlu bir gelişmedir, bunun kriterlerinin giderek güçlendirilmesi lazım. Avcılık ve yapılaşma ciddi biçimde sınırlandırılmalı, giren kirlilik tamamen ortadan kaldırılmalı. Bunlar olursa Marmara şanslı, mücadele eden, çok dinamik bir deniz, kendisini kurtaracaktır." Read the full article
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Day 16 of No One Except @mr-orion Asked November (NoOneExOriAskNov). A break from the mcyt and traditional art.
World Trigger time!
The newest chapter and its featured digital trion soldier creator gave me ideas, specifically ‘what if neighbor combat but underwater?’, a la the first Ko vs. Kuga fight in the rank wars. So have a Thresher Shark soldier and a Sailfish-Swordfish soldier. The Thresher would probably be a kinda bulky attacker, like a Marmod, with sharp fins like blades. The Sail-Sword would probably be a quick striking attacker, like an agent with a Scorpion, with somewhat fragile armor and sharp fins all over.
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Danny Phantom x World Trigger
So what if the portal in Danny basement didn't lead to the Ghost Zone but to the Neighbor world? This could work considering I've seen lots of ideas that the Infinite Reals isn't stagnant and that the haunt doors move (I don't know if this is confirmed in the DP canon) and it's canonic that the different Neighbor Worlds move in a wacky sort of orbital system. This would make the ghosts Neighbors who are trying to yoink people for their own respective societies. Maybe the trigger that is allowing the void travel is very experimental/deadly/top-secret which is why other nations aren't using it. Or maybe other nations consider the idea foolhardy and something that would never work so they don't try it and actively shun the nations that are trying it. There's also the resource management/intensity that you could think about. Many ways that you can spin it so that the small regulars of Danny's rogue gallery fit within this explanation. In fact, you could have a handful of Neighbor nations separately come up with the idea if you want to have "in-fighting" within the Gallery (again, I don't remember if this happened in canon). Maybe some of the Gallery eventually move into Amity Park and become unofficial citizens.
In this case, the Fenton tech probably isn't based off ectoplasm, but trion. Whether or not Jack and Maddie are aware of this fact is up to you. I can totally see them stumbling across a trion soldier, defeating it with Fenton wacky logic and then completely mistaking it for a ghost instead of an alien/otherworldly entity. Maybe they saw one of their friends get taken by trion soldiers and that's what started their obsession. But this means that there are a few triggers laying around the lab. Maybe Danny and Jazz have been trained in a few of these triggers and have some that are highly specialized to them. If so, assuming that one is going with the "half-dead" thing that makes Danny a halfa, then maybe he has his on him and he makes a black trigger out of his death. Granted, this feels like a stretch in plausibility so one may or may not want to include it.
Now because of the long standing, open portal to the Neighbor-verse, more trion expeditions from other nations probably pop up around Amity Park when compared to a place that doesn't have it. This makes Amity Parkers really experienced with what to do when that happens. Maybe they start to believe the Fentons. Maybe the Fentons or the Undying Trio start to give out basic triggers and train them in how to use it. For example, if a Bamster comes through, then the Amity Parkers immediately form groups and go into smaller areas while also doing head counts on some sort of public server. But a Marmod makes them scatter in pairs or maybe groups of 3-4 at the most. The overall affect is that there is a tight bond between Amity Parkers. One moment, the A-listers could be bullying others and the next, they're all working together to get to safety. I imagine that it affects the younger citizens more than the older ones, but that's just me.
With this, you can also decide how or if you want any characters to have Side Effects. One could have Danny have something like Chika's and have him have a danger sense that changes as he grows. So a Marmod would set if off strongly when the portal first opened but maybe after half a year or so, it registers as a medium or low threat to him. Maybe Dash has enhanced strength while Paulina can affect how others perceive her to a degree. Maybe Sam can talk to plants while Tucker has a complete and total understanding of technology.
As for how this ties into the main series, it would likely come into play after the Aftokrator invasion. Osamu pushes Border into an uncomfortable position for them. With the Away Mission coming up and many of their heavy hitters leaving for it, they want to make sure that they're not left completely defenseless should something similar happen while it's happening. So they look to outsource (with a huge blow to their pride). Now when Neighbors became widespread knowledge, the US Government tried to "recruit" Amity Park. However, they rebuffed the government multiple times including and up to the present. Whether or not the GIW came about as a way to strong arm them before or after this is up to you. When Border reaches out to them, the US Government doesn't really want to give them resources because the US likes to hoard weapons. So they direct Border to small town Amity Park which has been dealing with Neighbor attacks for a while yet has a very small casualty rate.
The Border goes to investigate and try and recruit. Their success depends largely on who they bring. Old Border members are much more likely to have things go over smoothly, bonus points to Danny if Yuma is brought along. But if it's just New Border agents, then it's going to end with Border not getting any help from Amity Park with the residents being mildly antagonistic to them. Danny would go out to meet them because while the Mayor may make big decisions for them, being the main protector makes his opinion valued. If the Border mentions the fact that they are gaining temporary protectors for the Away Trip, Danny is going to consult with any of the Rogue Gallery that has moved to Amity Park and/or Team Phantom. If Danny has Danger Sense, it would be a great show of power to Border if an attack comes through and he just sighs and sends out an alert. It would not only show that Danny has a "powerful" side effect for Border, but it also shows just how normalized attacks are and how most people go about their day through it, which is mind-boggling to Border who has shut down an entire area because of Neighbor attacks.
If Border passes the trust test, then Danny would probably ask about which Nations they're going through. He would casually throw out names and be like "well so and so is a small nation so they're less likely to have people but this nation is getting bigger so they might have some new captures" which would reveal just how valuable Amity Park is as an information source if not a defense ally.
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here's the cast of yet another homestuck idea, this time it's called "syndibent"
for a brief info on each of them, it'll be below:
-Charka Dalond: Rustblood mafiaman with a crush on a certain jadeblood doctor
-Virian Xitoet: College student and potential blogger
-Maneta Kalwur: Scientist and somewhat musically talented
-Ferlda Meetid: pyromancer who's also a scientist ,though her technology is somewhat peridot-esque
-Marzum Adoras: beginner Video game composer
-Maruno Tegito: The Jadeblood doctor, hence the blood of other trolls on his coat, fell for a certain mafiaman
-Azatal Nenqur: Thief in training, somewhat familiar with mystical artifacts, he's more uncharted than a corpseblock raider though
-Barava Pelohn: Video game designer, very much a geek
-Azarsa Jopope: Brutal force of the law, known best for sometimes dislocating shoulders of other trolls that she pursues
-Vrixie Marmod: Relies on fortune, future, and past to make her predictions for her clients, possibly has connections to a certain clairvoyant horned bipedal woolbeast
-Sorema Houtek: More or less a chill person, unless if you hurt her friends, that's when you have to faced a skilled fighter in the art of strifing
-Holeer Daturi: Someone who isn't really fit for royalty, according to himself, calls himself a; "Emperor of nothing"
#homestuck fantroll#fantroll homestuck#rustblood#rust blood#bronzeblood#bronze blood#goldblood#gold blood#limeblood#lime blood#oliveblood#olive blood#jadeblood#jade blood#tealblood#teal blood#ceruleanblood#cerulean blood#indigoblood#indigo blood#purpleblood#purple blood#violetblood#violet blood#fuchsiablood#fuchsia blood#homestuck oc#syndibent#homestuck#fantroll
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Hyuse and Yotaro in RWBY
I want to start off by saying I love the interaction that these two have I the show.
If they were to end up in early RWBY Hyuse’s Border trigger would make him look like a Faunus trying to remain undetected
Yotaro would absolutely confuse everyone by calling Hyuse his kohai
The general reaction to them would be “why does this antisocial Faunus have a small child?”
I think that initially Hyuse would find some random job at Beacon rather than attending.
At some point during a student outing he would get to show of his combat abilities
Might look something like this:
Yotaro is talking to some of the female 1st years on a school outing. They are collecting syrup from trees in a semi Grimm infested forest but overall pretty safe. Somewhere else a group of students wakes a sleeping deathstalker and unintentionally leads the angry Grimm towards Yotaro’s location. A couple of screaming students burst into the clearing. The deathstalker behind them switches it’s target to Yotaro. As it gets close a voice is heard from nearby “trigger, on.” The deathstalker is split in two by a glowing yellow sword. Hyuse who was nearby swiftly defeated the Grimm like the marmod from initiation.
#crossover#writing prompt#world trigger crossover#hyuse#Hyuse Cronin#Yotaro#rwby#rwby crossover#fanfic prompt
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Marmara Denizi'ndeki 'oksijen azlığı' alarm veriyor
Marmara Denizi’ndeki ‘oksijen azlığı’ alarm veriyor
Doç. Dr. Mustafa Yücel, “Artık yüzeydeki balıkçılığı ya da çeşitli ekonomik aktiviteyi destekleyecek o su hacmi, oraya sıkışmış durumda. Bu özelliği ile dünyada tek ve bu bile zaten alarm zillerinin çalmasına yetmeli.” dedi. Marmara Denizi’nde Bilim-2 Gemisi ile önemli araştırmalar yürüten ODTÜ Deniz Bilimleri Enstitüsünde görevli bilim insanları, 110 ayrı istasyonda yaptıkları inceleme sonunda…
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#Akdeniz#Altınova#Çanakkale Boğazı#Çevre#Çınarcık#Üniversite#BİDEB#DEKOSİM#Hersek#Kaytazdere#Marmara#Marmara Denizi#MARMOD#Müsilaj#Mustafa Yücel#ODTÜ#Oksijen#TÜBİTAK#Yalova#İzmit Körfezi
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#NEWARRIVALS #tribalstyle #tribaljumpsuit #eightiesshirt #tribaldress #rustbrown #roestbruin #selectedsecondhandstore #marmod (bij MARMOD)
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marmod replied to your post “Does anyone know where that one post is where someone somehow blended...”
is this the one? http://marmod.tumblr.com/post/138185715329/hhhhhhh-im-watching-a-model-swap-where-all-models
YES it’s that one thank you!!!!!!!!
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paps u on both cheeks I LOVE YOU ❤
ilu mor e ❤️ 💛 💚 💙 💜
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URL CHANGE TIME... marmod > hemaris bc the former is starting to become a very prominent nickname in real life and i’m scared acquaintances and coworkers are gonna end up finding me here ⋋⁞ ◔ ﹏ ◔ ⁞⋌
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1, 23, 34!
1 fave game?
I think it’s MGS3? It’s just the perfect mix of serious and cheesy and I love the writing, just about every line is quotable. It just really stays with you.
The game mechanics though… Urgh. I’ll take it though. The game’s awesome.
23 what was the most shocking plot twist for you?
Honestly? That part at the end of MGS4 with Davesnake at the graveyard. I truly thought he went through with it and I was ready to be emotionally compromised for like 2 weeks but then the actual ending saved my butt and I was only emotionally compromised for like a week and a half instead.
Otherwise I’d say the Truth Ending in MGSV but technically that one was spoiled for me even if I couldn’t remember it in that moment and went “Wait WHAT?!” anyways.
34 when did you first get into mgs?
Back in November 2015 when I’ve been watching a friend of mine being in full-on MGS hype until she finally talked me into playing MGS3. After finishing that I took an express train to MGS hell and to this day haven’t managed to get out of it~
MGS ask game right here!
#ask game#ask#personal#thank you for the questions *w*#good thing my MGS obsession coincided with me discovering fic writing for myself#thus enhancing the suffering#mgs#marmod
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World Trigger: Ch. 50-52
Mikumo showing off the fruits of his labor!
World Trigger: Ch. 50-52 ~ Osamu Mikumo ➆, Ai Kitora ➃, Chika Amatori ➃
Loll, I just love Shiori and her enthusiasm. She’s probably my favorite Operator--I’d love to see her commentate the Rank Battles someday (I don’t think she has done that yet?)~~
Sometimes I kinda underestimate Karasuma as a mentor. Perhaps its his personality or the way he interacts with Osamu, I feel like I can’t get a good read on his character sometimes. Like is he even motivated in being Osamu’s mentor?? But in moments like these, I find that Karasuma does put a lot of thought into what he does with Osamu, and he also seems to know Osamu quite well in order for him to give him the kind of advice he gives. Anyway’s I’m glad Osamu was able to defeat the Marmod, yay~~
Kitora’s such a hard worker and serious fighter!! Her determination is really something here! And once again, I’m so wow’d by the ingenuity of Triggers and how they can be used. Anyways, I’m so impressed she was able to figure out that the enemies’ targets are the C-Rank trainees, it’s too bad she wasn’t able to Bail Out in time before she got cubified T_T
Looks like my question from a few chapters ago was answered. Chika is indeed able to take out these Rabits with her firepower---though I don’t think it particularly defended itself properly. Still Chika’s win (even though Osamu had to finish it off)!
BTW: Izuho’s cat, is the chillest thing ever 0__0
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World Trigger: Season 1 Episode 4 Osamu gets more trouble than credit when he claims to have defeated Trion Soldier Marmod. Really, he’s covering for the Neighbor, Yuma. Kitora, an A-rank Border Agent, is furious with Osamu for stepping out of line… But does she suspect the truth?
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Concorrência dá luz verde à compra de 75% da Marmod pelo grupo Sousa
A Autoridade da Concorrência (AdC) deu luz verde à compra pela ETF -- Empresa de Tráfego do Funchal, companhia detida pelo Grupo Sousa, de 75% da Marmod -- Transportes Marítimos Intermodais, empresa presente nos portos de Lisboa e Leixões. Concorrência dá luz verde à compra de 75% da Marmod pelo grupo Sousa
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Mod page and Ask for an Ask page were created!!
So, if anyone if in need of asks please check the ASK4ASK page! 👌
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Happy in vintage! #eightiesstyle #happycustomers #handpickedsecondhandclothing #marmod #brabantdamgent (bij MARMOD)
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