#markiplier ❤
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lounaticm · 1 year ago
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Felt like drawing a pack of Googs.
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kiwibubbles5 · 5 months ago
I've had this whole concept very clear in my mind for quite a while, but. The actual drawing of it stiiiiill happened very last-minute lol. ✨procrastination✨ Also woopsies I had to shrink the heck out of this to get Tumblr to post it 😅 it's HALF its original size
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happy birfdayyyyyyy @lounaticm 💖💗💕💗💖
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sharonaparadox · 3 months ago
[Image: fanart of Adam and Eve from Hazbin Hotel, uncolored but for the purple of Eve’s eyes, the gold of the eyes on Adam’s mask, and the red of Eve’s lipstick and Adam’s blush. Eve is a short, curvy woman with a halo above her voluminous curly hair hanging past her waist with flowers tucked in on each side near the top. Angelic wings are poking out from the back of a sleeveless dress that reveals freckles and what look like vitiligo patches upon her shoulders and along her arms. Eve is grinning widely, a cartoony heart visible in her eye as she grabs a sweating and blushing Adam by the sides of his head down so that they are face-to-face. Hearts float in her speech balloon as she exclaims, “I will defy biology and get you pregnant!” End description.]
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And she’ll succeed
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eiks1997 · 4 months ago
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I haven't drawn anything related to Markiplier in a hot minute, so for a Halloween Special, I thought it was time to bring Dark and Wilford back! 🩷🖤 You all already know I love these two so much, so this was really fun to do. I don't know where the Red Riding Hood idea came in to play, but I think it works really well!
Annnnd because it's Halloween I had to include a bloody version. I'll leave it up to your imagination as to what you think happened when they went trick or treating! 👻
But that’s all for this one! If you like my art or want to see more Markiplier fanart, stick around for more! 😊
Dark and Anti, Darkiplier, Anti, Dark Snow Globe 1, Dark Snow Globe 2, Egos1, Darkiplier, Female Darkiplier, Wilford Warfstache
All love goes to @markiplier ❤
Program used: Clip Studio Paint 
Date: 2024
Find me on Instagram: ��#EIKS1997
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sharonaparadox · 17 days ago
[Image: fanart of the titular character from the YouTube series “A Date with Markiplier” standing against a pale pink background and looking to the viewer with a wide grin and faint blush, eyes squeezed shut in cheer as pink hearts float nearby. In Mark’s arms are multiple bouquets of flowers in various shades of red, pink, purple, and blue. End description.]
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rodolfoparras · 7 months ago
i love game grumps for giving us a trans gay dilf🙏 And bro he loves looking like a vampire? He volunteers at an animal shelter in his free time??? he wants to write you romantic letters??!! MARRYING HIM IMMEDIATELY🔥
LISTEN YOU CAN HAVE DAMIEM AS LONG AS I CAN HAVE BRIAN man I rmr when I first watched markiplier play it and I saw Brian,,, - don’t get me wrong all of them are delicious 10/10 would fill everyone’s hole but genuinely I rmr having the biggest fattest crush on this silly man 😭
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ohheyshadow · 8 months ago
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A bit of a rant about posting this under the cut❤❤
I posted this to my tiktok today because i thought it was funny and my comment section was flooded with butthurt christians calling it blasphemy and saying i was mocking their religion
I redrew a meme..? One I found on pinterest at that.
Like a bunch of markiplier fans make this joke??
It's genuinely so funny to me
Even funnier it had no tags, it was a photo post, and my account isn't popular at any means. It was so blatantly obvious it was a joke post it had the fucking papas pizzeria theme in the background. Like the flash game.
As a treat, a few of my favorite comments
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rj0186 · 2 years ago
This is an oddly specific one, but I really wanted to do it so here it is.
Also thanks so much for all the love on my aesthetic collages! It's nice to see that you guys really like them! ❤
A Heist With Markiplier (canon ending)
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sharonaparadox · 10 months ago
[Image: fanart of the actor from the YouTube series “Who Killed Markiplier?” as depicted in the animated short “DAMIEN” in a color palette primarily of dark red shades. Mark is sitting with one leg crossed over the other, one hand casually holding the mayor’s cane while the other is resting against one knee to prop up the actor’s chin as Mark smiles widely in a mockingly pitying way at the viewer. Against the black background are dark outlines echoing out from Mark in addition to purple text in all capital text reading, “Dare I say… you probably know me as well as you know yourself”; this last word is written by itself and split in half with Damien’s cane in the middle of it. End description.]
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spookysprings · 2 years ago
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HELLO!!! This is an introduction to my account!!! PLEASE READ IT!!!
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What to call me by?
Spring is fine! But you can also refer to me within the seasons!! For example
Summer for summer
Autumn for fall
Winter for winter
And spring for spring!!
(You can call me spooks too, I don’t mind! 🫶)
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❤︎︎My interests❤︎︎
(Btw, I may not talk about many of the things I’m interested in but that’s because im hella hyper-fixated on spooky month TwT)
• Legend of Zelda: Breath of the wild
• Poppy playtime
• Bendy and the ink machine
• Undertale (and a lil bit of deltarune)
• Batman
• Family guy (lawl)
• Welcome Home
• Good omens
• Steven Universe
• Flamingo
• Horror in general
• CoryxKenshin
• Markiplier
(That’s about all I’ll name hehe, there’s more tho! Pretty sure…)
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My dni is basically like any other dni
No maps/pedos.
No incestors or incest ew yucky
No pro-shitters.
No problematic people, like at all.
No people who fetishize/sexualize age regression.
No one over 21.
No holyfire (I despise that ship will everything in my body)
just shoo if you are bad
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When stress comes by (I just really stressed out easily) I start to understand less of what’s going on, which leads me to be confused and stuff, so please be patient with me
I have anxiety which causes me to overthink, it effects my friendships a lot and I’m trying to fix it 🫶
I have depression as well but I am getting therapy for both!! (My therapist is nice)
I do age regress a lil bit
I have ADHD and dyslexia
I tend to try and avoid conflict and stuff
If I do anything wrong I would like you to come me about it, it’s most likely that I wasn’t aware. I would like to know so I can correct myself and apologize 🫶
I’m weird (obviously)
I can post highly suggestive stuff or slightly suggestive stuff, but no NSFW since I’m a minor and this is a public area!!
I am catgender, bunnygender, Demi girl, and Bisexual :3
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I will add more if I remember something or need to add!!
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beetlescrub · 2 years ago
can anyone find me that image of markiplier with that really long dog? it looks like this
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but with markiplier and a dog? id show u my immaculate pure love thzx 😇❤
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hellysriggs · 1 year ago
happy birthday my babygirl i hope you had a beautiful day ❤💖💗
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is that the whole fnaf film….awww, you shouldn’t have 🥺🥺 everyone gather around we can watch markiplier react to the new fnaf film on my blog thanks to kiara’s birthday gift 😁🍿 MWAHHHH thank you for the sweet birthday wishes 🥺💖 it was a really nice day despite the rain and cold but it’s also the best weather idgafff about the summer enjoyers get snuggled
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sharonaparadox · 10 months ago
[Images: fanart of the actor and butler from the YouTube series “Who Killed Markiplier?” A title for the first image reads, “How To Carry Your Master” as it shows five numbered full-color illustrations of Benjamin carrying Mark in varying ways. The first four are in a simplified chibi style and show the butler carrying a sleeping Mark in both arms, hoisting Mark up over one shoulder, carrying Mark piggyback, and holding Mark who is grabbing on to the butler from the front like a koala. The fifth drawing is in a more realistic detailed style and shows Benjamin smiling warmly and holding a grinning Mark up in both arms as the actor leans in to wrap both arms around the butler’s head in an enthusiastic hug.
The second picture is a comic in flat colors with a narration box reading, “In the party” Mark is smiling and beckoning the butler over with one hand while saying, “Benjamin Come here”
The butler stands nearby with a light grin and responds, “Yes, Sir? How may I help you?”
Mark grabs at Benjamin’s arm, causing the butler to lean down and look where the actor is pointing with a neutral expression as Mark smirks and says, “You see that guy over there? He’s sitting at the table”
Mark, still pointing, moves one hand up to the face to whisper, “Don’t tell anyone. Wanna hear something funny? He……”
Benjamin looks at Mark with a grin and asks, “Really?”
Mark replies, “Of course!! Listen, he……”
Mark leans in closer to Benjamin, grabbing at his vest as the butler looks ahead with a slight frown. Mark continues muttering, “He…… Also I think…… Maybe….”
The two pull away and laugh together as Benjamin exclaims, “Stop that! That’s rude!!”
The third picture is done in a full-color cartoony style showing Mark drunk and grinning beside a wine bottle and a few glasses, one such glass in one hand as the other waves to Benjamin as the actor exclaims, “MoRnINg! My butleriplier! How’s going!”
Benjamin is sweating with concern as he asks, “Master?! Are you OK?! The party’s over. Why are you still here? It’s 1am sir. You should be sleeping”
Mark is still grinning and now pointing one finger proudly up in the air while saying, “Listen buddy. You know what. I just drank a whole bottle. All by mYSelF. I did great!”
Benjamin looks determined as he grabs the actor from behind to drag away, replying, “Sir let me take you to the bedroom. You’re gonna be fine”
Benjamin then looks alarmed as Mark leans forward with one arm to the face, a speech balloon full of scribbles and a note indicating that the actor burped nearby.
Mark, still leaning forward, holds up an index finger and proclaims, “I didn’t throw up. I’m cool. A plus”
Benjamin, still sweating, grins comfortingly and rubs the actor’s head while saying, “Yeah I’m so proud of you. I’m gonna give you a star”
Mark replies, “I don’t need that. I’m already one of them”
The fourth and final image is a comic continuing from the last one as Benjamin tucks Mark into bed. The butler grins and asks, “Feel better? Don’t drink too much next time.”
Mark, eyebrows furrowed and eyes closed, answers, “Yaeh.”
Benjamin removes his hand from Mark’s head and says, “Really? Wow”
Mark glares upward and responds, “Of course I’m OK! I’m the great Markiplier. Who do you think I am?”
Benjamin leans forward with a grin and holds up one finger as he asks, “OK now. How many fingers here?”
Mark looks ahead for a beat panel before leaning forward and grabbing Benjamin’s outstretched hand. There is a speech balloon consisting only of ellipses before the next panel has the actor, eyes narrowed, answer, “…… Three.”
Benjamin, still raising one finger, responds, “Sir that’s not the right answer”
Mark pulls back, hands clenched into fists while fuming, “THAT’S NOT FAIR! I’m an actor! Not a mathematician! What do you want from me?!! Damn you smart butler who can math!” End description.]
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old arts
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oblivions-dawn · 2 years ago
The Tag Game of Knowing
Thank you for tagging me!! Sorry for taking so long to do this aha
Last Song: According to my phone--Seven Nation Army by Silent Child! It's a cover of the famous song, originally by White Elephants. This is actually a version that made it into my Vigdis playlist because it just . . . felt so fitting!! Definitely a more dramatic take on a very good song c:
Currently Watching: I have a tendency to rewatch things a lot. I recently watched Markiplier's Amnesia: The Bunker playthrough and really enjoyed it!! I like watching horror game let's plays, it reminds me of my youth and it felt nice to watch something that was new while still very reminiscent of the original game!
Currently Reading: I'm always reading @thequeenofthewinter's new chapters. Her fic is just stellar and I always look forward to every update ❤ Does that count? I think it counts.
Current Obsession: My fic and my girls and my friends's characters and ships and ;n; But mostly Virana. Together and as separate individuals--Vigdis and Serana, that is. They have taken over my entire life at this point lkdfgjklfjgfk. Does that really surprise anyone though? No but I say it anyway
I'm too shy at the moment to tag other people aaaaaaaaaa--
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eiks1997 · 3 months ago
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It's My Birthday! 🎉
So I thought this would be the perfect time to do a drawing challenge that says a lot more about me! I found this one about favourite characters, which I thought would be perfect! This was honestly so much fun to do! Who doesn't like to draw their favourite characters? It also allowed me to practice. I was worried that apart from the colours, my faces were starting to look all alike, so this was a good practice to try and draw each character differently. I'm so happy with this! 🥰
Unfortunately I couldn't find who created this challenge, so if anyone knows who to give credit to please let me know!
Give it a try yourselves! Its great drawing practice! Also, I'd love to see which characters fit in your boxes! 🤗
Want to hear my reasoning? Have a read! 👇
😍Current Favourite: Twilight Link. Zelda TP has always been a favourite of mine; but recently I've been reading the Linked universe comic created by @linkeduniverse , and it's only made me love him even more! If you haven't read it please do, it's a wonderful series! Currently been reading and loving each moment. So Twilight here fits the bill!
❤️‍🩹Comfort Character: Ichigo Kurosaki. I tend to always go back to Bleach when I'm feeling a little low and need comforting, it only makes sense Ichigo is this character! I think I've drawn Ichigo the most and I've definitely read the most about Ichigo. I will always go back to Ichigo, I've literally grown up with Bleach. So Ichigo can only be my comfort go to!
🎨By Design: Loki Odinson. Honestly there where so many people who could fit this character. But if I look back , when I first watch Loki in Avengers it honestly stood out so much to me. Tom Hiddleson managed to held himself in a perfect manner that made him my favourite charter in the @marvel Universe. And so, for his incredible style and swag, Loki must be my favourite designed character.
📖By Plot: Caleb Widogast. Deciding a character simply based on plot was hard. With how many stories our there, how can you pick favourite? Then I realised, it could only be Caleb. Not only does his story have it all, angst, love, triumph; his story was also basically created as the campaign went along! Watching @criticalrole C2 was fabulous and Liam O Brien just got it right. Caleb's story is the best plot out there!
🥂Guilty Pleasure: Darkiplier. I don't like to say 'Guilty' but still Dark kind of fits this category. Considering how much little official content there is around Dark, I basically claw at any I can get! Even if Mark mentions anything about Dark, my ears perk up! @markiplier does a very good job at acting and creating such a good story. I've watched WKM, DWM, Damien, Space and any other Dark related content so many times. This must be why Dark is my Guilty Pleasure!
👑All Time Favourite: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez. And finally, the Favourite! How can anyone not love this man? When Grimmjow was first introduced, I remember thinking that yes. This will be my favourite. He's clearly an ass, and I can see why people wouldn't like him, but not for me! It is literally mind blowing to me seeing how when we first saw him in 2005, and now in 2024 he has returned in a new animation. It's all I could ask for! (As of this moment, Grimmjow is my Icon because I love him so much.) He could be the only one who is my favourite character!
But that's all for this one! If you like my art and want to see more stick around! 😊
Creation of these characters goes to the respected authors, sending all my love! ❤
Program used: Clip Studio Paint
Date: 2024
Find me on Instagram:  #EIKS1997
DO NOT REPOST - Reblogs Appreciated.
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lexrcism · 2 months ago
❥ about me
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‪‪❤︎‬ she / her
‪‪❤︎‬ music: mains rn are bad omens and 5 seconds of summer
‪‪❤︎‬ shows/movies: adventure time, the mandalorian, anne with an e, twilight, dexter, coraline, and the hunger games
‪‪❤︎‬ youtubers: kurtis conner, danny gonzalez, drew gooden, sturniolo triplets, flamingo, penguinz0, dan and phil, sam and colby, ethan nestor, and markiplier
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