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ahmadshamia · 6 months ago
My life and my family's life is in your hands
Hi everyone hop this find you very well and you all read my sade story
I am ahmad 22 years old im a palestinian student in 4th level of dentistry college , i was fully of Passion and love my life and dreaming benig an excellent dentist in this life
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After the war has started Our beautiful home has been destroyed, we have been displaced from our country, and all our lifelines have been taken away from us.
My family now live in the badest conditions that no one could imagine and no one could live 🥺
They are now living in tents without any necessities of life in a very polluted environment full of diseases. 🤕😷
My father, Jamal Hussein Shamia, He is a criminal lawyer
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He is currently in Gaza , He is suffering of many diseases hypertension and diabetic mellitus and Muscle spasms and always got shocked and coma
He is disabled man and need Personal health care🥺
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Unfortunately, my father was injured in the war and suffered a very serious injury, which was a blood clot in the hip joint area, which caused him many infections and the infection spread in the area.
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My family are burning from the high heat of the sun and there is nothing to protect them from that, there is no drinkable water and they have no food to eat
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I created my link to get fund to evacuate my family from war zone and to have better life
Time is runing out and My campaign is going very badly 🥹
I’m really lost hope that this campaign will save my family , because invasion of Rafah is approaching 💔
Please do your best 🙏🙏
Please donate to reach our target as soon as possible
🔀 1100 SEK = 100 $
Every single dollar $ gonna have difference
I hope my family to evacuate #Gaza soon. 🙏
My account vetted by
@gazavetters no#82
I would like to inform you that my account is vetted from @sylvianritual by publish in this post that im close to @dodoomar12345who is vetted from @90-ghost here
@pcktknife @palestinegenocide @plomegranate @punkitt-is-here @northgazaupdates2 @el-shab-hussein @nabulsi @sar-soor @sayruq @helpingg @horrorhorizon @heydreamchild @terezbian @tamamita @everydaylouie @palipunk @queerstudiesnatural @onedollopofsourcream @relelvance @itslucyhenley @jackrackhams @just-browsing1222 @junosaccount @what-even-is-thiss @wildandmoody @walaaibrahim @arabian-batboy @soon-palestine @gazafunds
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that1notetaker · 7 months ago
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Planning something. Maybe
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angel-fruitcake · 3 months ago
remember that time during s12 there was an entire episode heavily emphasizing the fact that angels are inherently genderless. like they spent time and effort driving that point home. and also that humans can form very deep, emotional, sometimes romantic connections with angels. and that it's even possible for them to create offspring together. Humans And Angels. and this was all leading up to a very dramatic and intense story arc of Dean mourning Cas' death, where he essentially lost his will to live. because of the loving bond that Dean, a Human, had with Castiel, an Angel...
but it was all in our heads, right guys
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joyousjoyfuljoyness · 2 months ago
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I'm Taiwanese American and lived in Taiwan for a year after law school. Night markets have a special place in my heart!
I painted the top one after starting Marco Bucci's color class, and then applied what I learned in the bottom one.
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carsthatnevermadeitetc · 9 months ago
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Holden Torana GTR-X, 1970. Created by Holden's Fisherman’s Bend design and engineering department based on the LC Torana with a 160hp triple carburettor version of Holden's 186ci "Red" straight six engine. They used Opel-sourced 4 speed manual gearboxes and differentials. Three prototypes were made with ladder frame chassis (similar in concept to the Chevrolet Corvette) and fibreglass bodywork. The project was meant for series production, brochures were printed (see above) and the car was displayed at the Melbourne Motor Show but the programme was cancelled before production began. One of the prototypes was destroyed in testing, the white car above is in a museum and the 3rd (unfinished) car in in the hands of a collector
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galina · 1 year ago
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Sunday, at the flower market in east
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liddlediddy · 2 months ago
squid game season 3 spoiler
Gi-Hun (after the inevitable Frontman reveal): if i had a nickel for every time I played the games and formed a close bond with player 001 only to be devastated when my choices directly lead to them being killed, and then later find out that not only did player 001 fake their death but turn out to be the person in charge of running the games, I would have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
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followerofmercy · 14 days ago
Oh my God I just realized the reason Arlecchino is Like That is because she's never known a parental figure as anything but an antagonist. Essay incoming:
I saw some really good analysis pointing out that Crucabena's existence was almost certainly a retcon for the Knave/Director of the House of Hearth's unforgivable behavior, and I agree. Nobody's ages make any sense without having to do a mental contortionist act and there was a distinct vibe of the Chasm Hearthlings being particularly brutal.
(That is part of why I don't usually get into super long-running stories. There will inevitably be some half baked ideas that you have to introduce early on for foreshadowing, but then the rest of the story moves in a way where there's a better option, and then you have to find a way to make the new idea work with the groundwork already laid. Personally, I think a footnote saying "We changed our minds - this is the edited version" is perfectly acceptable. A story is a conversation between the audience and author but whatever)
ANYWAY! It feels so fucking weird saying this because while I'm on the "they should be Worse, Actually" train 99% of the time, this is that 1% where I think Arlecchino being on the very very light side of morally gray makes for a way more interesting story than if they had've kept her true to the original idea.
I love evil women more than the next guy but I think the continued operation of the House of Hearth being a spit in the face to the Fontainian government and the Fatui and the idea of how a 'normal' family should look - because none of these kids are normal and that has directly led to their abuse - and that being a good thing is. Idk. Refreshing? I think it's a much more powerful message that Arlecchino was the only goddamn person that actually got results trying to do something about all these abused children. She is actually doing some incredible work in a terrible situation. In a world where these kids’ options are “being trafficked” and “Fatui pawns,” I think “Independent child soldiers operating under the Fatui banner but staying true to themselves” is a pretty damn good alternative. 
It’s also important that the rest of society’s lack of care is directly responsible for the continued existence of the House of Hearth as it is. I mean fuck’s sake, Fontaine has a community of people living in the SEWER. If there was a public orphanage that wasn’t operated by predators, I’m sure most children would be there instead! But no. Nobody wants these kids. And, God forbid Wriothesley decided to do something about being sold. The victim blaming is off the charts. There is no way for Arlecchino to operate peacefully within the existing system, so she made her own. 
So the actual point of this essay: It’s everywhere in Arlecchino’s story, dialogue and actions that she wants her children to support each other, but because of how Crucabena raised her, she can’t really envision herself as part of that family (even if she actually is part of it and the majority of the kids love her dearly.) A parent is something to be feared, eventually killed, and removed from the path of their successor. Everyone likes to highlight little Perurere asking if it’s normal for biological mothers and daughters to argue. On some level I think she knows it’s wrong, but still. Literally all she’s ever seen is a parent as an obstacle to overcome. None of the children in her care had good parents and, if they did, the parents are dead. 
(Also hot take that Crucabena probably thought extremely highly of Arlecchino and gave her special treatment. She felt that Clervie was holding her actual favorite daughter back. I imagine Arlecchino also has very complicated feelings in Crucabena’s role in raising her to be as strong as she is while also being an objective monster, but that’s a topic for another time.) 
Even Arlecchino’s constellation talks about her being alone while instructing her children to care for one another. That separation ties into her being outwardly contradictory about rules. In her story quest, she spends the majority of it aware that her children are disobeying her, but as long as she doesn’t catch them, she can’t rightfully punish them now can she? Now excuse her while she makes herself scarce so they can get up to their mischief. She lip services - and by that I mean lies - about the importance of rules. She Actively Encourages her children to disobey her so long as they do it smart, which is a way to teach them how to circumvent the unjust laws of Fontaine and the Fatui without getting caught. If her kids fuck up bad enough she’ll “punish” them before they get actually killed by something worse than her, and if they successfully trick her (with her blessing), then there’s a good chance they’ll live. (Or, yk, if they wanna leave she’ll let them asldfj) 
So, again, I'll keep preaching that Arlecchino's whole MO is that she is setting herself up as an antagonist for her children, and her children's allies, to test themselves against. She actively encourages rebellion against her, unfair rules, the system, the Fatui, Fontaine, etc, because that's how she survived her own upbringing and the only way she knows for her family to protect themselves. She is keenly aware that she is Not Gentle, Not Fair (even if I do neglect that part in my own writing), and that there probably is a better way to do things. That’s why she wants Lyney specifically to succeed her. She cannot envision a perfect Hearth with her in it because she is the Parent, and historically, Parents are obstacles to be removed. 
Arlecchino’s greatest wish as the King of the House of Hearth is to be dethroned, and I think that is WAY more interesting than the abusive, violent tyrant Hoyo teased at first.
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nobodyfamousposts · 2 years ago
Here's a Thought About Harry Potter...
Okay, so you have bigoted Wizarding children who look down on muggles and muggleborns and put big emphasis on wizarding lineage and whatnot. Big example in canon was Draco and his open use of the derogatory word "Mudblood".
So let's ignore the blatant favoritism where he and others are free to bully and be overtly cruel with no punishment or consequence.
Let's also pretend the teachers actually do their jobs and issue appropriate punishment.
What would happen if one of said teachers decides that the best way to curb Draco's blatant discrimination would be to have him learn about muggles?
So Draco ends up transferred to Muggle Studies.
Draco: This is a waste of time! Name one thing muggles have accomplished that Wizards haven't. Go ahead. I'll wait— Teacher: They've been to the moon. Draco: Wait—what? Teacher: Six times. Draco: WHAT?!
Where he is forced to...(shudder) learn about how muggles live!
Oh nooooooooo.
So he learns about muggle inventions.
Muggle Student1: So there's this square device called a "cell phone" that's compact enough that we can carry around in our pockets. We can also use it to send messages within seconds, chat with people across the world, play games, and look at pictures of cats. Draco: Don't think you can fool me! Like I would fall for something so insane! Muggle Student2: (Sarcastically) Oh no, he caught us.
Muggle contraptions.
Draco: What do you mean they don't use quills? How do they write? Teacher: With pens. Draco: Where do they get the ink from? Teacher: It's IN the pen. Draco: (Stares) …how?
Muggle hobbies.
Malfoy: What is "internet"? Muggleborn Student1: ….oh you sweet summer child. Muggleborn Student2: Don't tell him. I don't think his brain could handle it.
He also ends up falling into the muggleborn black market.
Which comes with the revelation that there IS, in fact, a muggleborn black market at Hogwarts. Because I'm hard pressed to believe that kids in the modern era would just abandon their modern comforts completely.
Muggleborn Student1: Hey, just because electronics don't work at Hogwarts doesn't mean we have to leave everything behind. Muggleborn Black Market Dealer: I have a new stock of Cadbury chocolates, KitKat bars, and Fruit Pastilles. Muggleborn Student1: YES! Draco: (Scoff) There's nothing here I would want. Muggleborn Black Market Dealer: I have one set of "Slytherin" gel pens in black, silver, and bright green. One set of glitter gel pens. And a spiral notebook with a holographic cover. Draco: (Slams money on the counter) GIMME!
And Draco ends up learning a lot.
After all, a Slytherin is supposed to be cunning and ambitious.
It would be remiss of him to not take advantage of such opportunity as it presents itself.
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chiquilines · 1 year ago
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Silly togachako uni doodles since I havent drawn them in a minute
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sergeifyodorov · 2 months ago
i think i know the article you're talking about, but i didn't read it because anything that smacks of sincere "these white cis men are the true victims and main characters of misogyny" just sets my teeth so thoroughly on edge. it really makes it sound like the author doesn't understand how misogyny *is* a deep part of male hockey culture, just... embedded in the other, usual way. *women* are casualties of direct, violent misogyny in hockey and acting like it's the opposite is almost insulting...
as much as i think there are angles to take in that vein that could pan out (for example: "how does homophobia and or the fear of being clocked as feminine help to reinforce misogynistic attitudes in these men"/"what are the underlying processes behind 'babygirlification' in fandom spaces about men"/"the intersection of misogyny and xenophobia in hockey") there's either a complete ignorance to these questions or, in the case of the last one, an explicit refusal to examine it. i also think that basically any other way to slice it -- including these questions, by the way -- means you have to address women both in "inner" hockey circles (female players, female coaches, female employees, wives and girlfriends etc) and in fandom spaces. which, as with everything else, is either sparingly touched on (re fandom spaces) or not at all
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sennamaticart · 2 years ago
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I've been reading about and taking lots of notes about the art of Heraldry. Scanned some notes and digitally colored them!
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ruegarding · 2 months ago
like genuinely there are so many good options to choose for percy and somehow rick managed to choose none of them.
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communistkenobi · 7 months ago
It’s so funny reading any overview of American economics scholarship because all of them are like “yeah all their base assumptions are wrong and none of what they describe about the economy or labour market is true”
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carsthatnevermadeitetc · 4 months ago
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Chrysler CCV Concept, 1997. The China Concept Vehicle took inspiration from the Citroen 2CV and had a similar raison d'etat, to mobilise rural communities in emerging markets. The name was later changed to Composite Concept Vehicle to reflect the car’s construction from polyethylene terephthalate, or PET, the plastic that drinks bottles are made from which is fully-recyclable. It was powered by an air-cooled flat two-cylinder engine, like the 2CV, sourced from lawnmower manufacturer Briggs & Stratton. The project was shelved after the ill-fated merger with Daimler-Benz in 1998. Now both Chrysler and Citroën are part of the Stellantis multinational automotive manufacturing company.
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