happyieness · 8 years
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“You fool. I like you. Not as a friend, but as girl. If I don’t see you, I get curious. If you’re depressed, I get upset. If you smile, it makes me happy. If you’re sick, I get worried. It’s driving me crazy. It means... I like you, doesn’t it?”
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incorrectgot7quotes · 8 years
i feel like we're getting gayer each day.
kim yugyeom when asked about got7
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happyieness · 8 years
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Truth is that I’ve heard about this drama since it was aired (and the fact that it was Nam Joo Hyuk, huh. Of course I’ve heard about this). BUT I wasn’t really planning to watch it (at least not so soon). However, people talk about this drama. A LOT. So I got curious. And honestly, watching this drama was one of the best decisions I’ve made in 2016! I watched it on the last day of 2016 - how cool was that (but anyway). 
I thought it was just another (boring) drama with nice actors but this drama is anything BUT boring. I was so hooked (still am, tbh) on the first episode. But my favorite part? When Joon Hyung agreed to see a clinician (I was actually expecting that he wouldn’t.) I thought it was just another drama that will worsen the stigma by refusing to seek professional help BUT NO. At that very moment, when he agreed with his brother that he will do it, I know that I will love it.  And this drama is more than that so allow me list the things I love about it:
One. This is a very good tool to promote mental health (honestly, in one way or another, it is). Remember: you can always seek for professional health and there’s NOTHING wrong with that. Joon Hyung wasn’t even ashamed about this fact. He even helped Si Ho out. They’ve shown what really happens to people who are suffering from mental disorders. And I am actually impressed on how they’ve presented the signs and symptoms of disorders. Well done!
Two. It wasn’t annoying. Honestly there’s not a single episode that I did not enjoy. Every episode is a masterpiece (and gets better all the time!). So how can I not love this? I usually can’t finish a drama (but I was able to watch episodes 1-13 in an unhealthy amount of times in span of one week. Thanks to Christmas break!) And I couldn’t wait to watch episode 14 that I even watched the raw video three times and watch the subbed video.... I don’t know. I’m not even sure anymore. And episode 15... man. You have no idea. I just love everything.
Three. You will love all the characters. All. Even the minor characters. WHY? They all felt real. No extra mean people, everyone acts with justification (except maybe Joon Hyung’s (biological) mom because she’s the only character I’m not really fond of), the characters are there for a reason. They’ve portrayed the daily lives of people well and I think that’s beautiful. I like real. That’s what I always look for whenever I read a book or watch dramas. REAL. Lastly, the character development is fucking awesome.
Four. Kim Bok Joo is a really brilliant character. ISTG everyone can connect to her in one way or another. She’s that character. You just can’t not love her. She’s woman enough to be a proud woman (and honestly, we should never be ashamed of being one!). And besides, I think Lee Sung Kyung did well. I mean, I fell in love with her (and her acting). So, so, so, so good! I also like the fact that she had been in a slump because truth be told, that’s life. Life is not always rainbows and butterflies. Sometimes we have to let ourselves breath. It’s always okay to quit or take a rest. Bok Joo just proved us that. It doesn’t matter how well you think you are. Time will come that life will... happen.
Five. Jung Joong Hyung. We all  need a person in our lives like Jung Joon Hyung. He’s just so... perfect. Not perfect perfect but perfect. He’s a sweetheart. You get me? He’s not over-the-top nice (unbelievably nice), he’s not annoying, he’s got his own problems to deal with just like any normal person, he’s a good friend, and just a nice person (character) in general. Most of the characters like this are the second male leads but, clearly, Jung Joon Hyung is the fucking lead. And I couldn’t imagine this character being portrayed by other actors. So as Bok Joo’s character. It was as if Sung Kyung and Joo Hyuk are made for this drama. Actually, it was as if all the actors are made for this drama.
Six. The characters felt real so what’s next? The story! Yes. I mean, come on. Most of (if not all) the dramas are just... too meh. They’re just unrealistic (except if it’s fantasy, of course). Because you know, fiction came from reality. And most dramas just give us a different kind of reality (which is probably their purpose) but why remove it from the actual reality that we have? Reality sucks. We’ve clearly seen it in this drama. But it can’t be all that bad. There’s hope for all of us (I probably sound way too optimistic but the drama made me, tbh). I know that some of you will tell me otherwise but to tell you the truth, you wouldn’t have watched this drama if it wasn’t for that. I’m pretty sure you’ve seen reality with this one. It was its charm.
Seven. Bok Joo and Joon Hyung’s healthy relationship. I know that not all relationships can be healthy but this broke all the stereotypes in drama world. No abusive relationship. No bullshit. At all. And once in a while, this is all we need.
Eight. They’re the cutest fucking couple. Their sweetness is not annoying. Normally cringe-y couple stuff are no no no for me but I guess I have to make an exemption. They’ve surpassed all the dramas I’ve watched.
Nine. It has its fair shares of meh parts but just like what I’ve said, there’s not a single boring episode. Every episode is worth your time. It wasn’t perfect perfect but perfect (as per my concept of ‘perfect’ - flawed but makes an impact. REAL!).
Ten. Now that it’s about to reach its end (actually, it already did... they’re done with the filming and I... just feel like crying), I think I can already say this: a masterpiece. Sometimes you don’t need those exaggerated things. All you - we - need are the simplest of things that count.
So currently it’s my favorite (I don’t even watch other dramas, I mean I did. I used to. But right now I’m kind of busy so I really shouldn’t be the one to compare but then again I’ve talked and I’ve seen enough people talk about how good this drama is so I think that makes up for it!). So 4.5/5 stars (I don’t give 5. Never have.)
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happyieness · 8 years
I've been following you like months and I just stared at your url for a couple minutes finally realizing that it's not Mark seven he day
mark7heday (mark’the’day) no more hahahha hi :)
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