#mark lindner
transmascanakin · 3 months
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(talking into the void) Hi djä fandom I made these and I need something to put in my queue i believe this qualifies as quality content
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mitjalovse · 8 months
Some missed opportunities occurred later on thanks to a variety of factors, including something in the vein of a death. Thus, Blackstar became a lost chance for James Murphy of LCD Soundsystem. He appears on two songs on that Bowie's final album, yet he felt like he should've done more on the record. Then again, he was in awe of his idol – who could've blamed him here –, though I do think he made his presence shown, he shouldn't be so hard on himself, since the pieces he worked on with him – one is on the link – had a distinct flavour that belongs to a scene LCD Soundsystem walks in and I could see them being covered by his band. Of course, an entire LP of him and Bowie shall remain Murphy's dream.
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neo-axe-oc-thoughts · 6 months
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𓆟 COD OC - Guppy 𓆟
Quick note Guppy is an COD AU OC, xyr AU is a mix of Black Ops (I, II and Cold War) and the Rebooted Modern Warfare (I, II, III). I'll make a separate post about the universe timeline, and what is/isn't canon.
Name : Harlow Rayner
Nickname(s) : Guppy
Age : 26
Birthday : Feb 9th 1997
Nationality : Australian
Language(s) : English, Auslan
Blood Type : A- (A NEG)
Disability : Autism
Gender : Queer
Sexuality : Grey AroAce
Pronouns : xe/xem/xyrs | ze/zir | they/them
Affiliations : Cryptologic Systems Op Navy, Aus Intelligence Corps Army
Rank : Intelligence Analyst
Callsign : Prophet 0-1
Cryptographer "Bell"
Agent Alex Mason
Special Agent Frank Woods
Lieutenant Commander David Mason
Station Chief Laswell
Sergeant John "Soap" MacTavish
Sergeant Kyle "Gaz" Garrick
Lieutenant Simon "Ghost" Riley
Captain John Price
Sibling : Isaac Rayner , younger brother - Alive, minimal contact
Father : Charlie Rayner - Alive, no contact
Mother : Evelyn Rayner - Alive, no contact
Bell their Zizi, (uncle/aunt not biologically related)
Hair Colour : Dark Auburn Brown
Hair Style : Man bun, wavy/curly hair
Eye Colour : Brown Dravite
Height : 166cm / 5' 5" ft
Build : average
Beauty Marks : Light freckles across bridge of nose, moles scattered across body, stretch marks mainly on hips, upper thighs and upper arms
Scars : top surgery, chip missing from right ear
Tattoos : 3 Gill like tattoos across sides of ribcage, jelly fish wrapped across mid right bicep, two guppies on inner top of zir left forearm, wave band on right leg, a coral piece from left hip down thigh, circuit inspired tattoo from left collar bone to top left shoulder blade.
Face Claim : Erika Lindner
Voice Claim : Soren (GOG) /Rai Thistlethwayte (Thirsty Merc) /Kaoru Kurita (Wonder Egg Priority)
Personality and Negative Traits
Guppy comes across as strange or awkward to neurotypical individuals, and mostly gets along better with other neurodivergent people.
Guppy is very hard working, if the project is important they are unwilling to stop working even if it means ignoring xyrs body's needs.
Dependable : When it comes to those xe trusts, Guppy is incredibly trustworthy and reliable. A steady presence in their life, who would do absolutely anything to make them feel safe.
Intuitive : but often second guesses zirself, and ends up ignoring xyr intuition.
Has a habit of isolating themselves away from others, as well as repressing zir emotions often bottling them up since they struggle to express xem in a way that makes sense to others.
Overly empathetic as a response to zir being parentified during childhood.
Stubborn : Often unwilling to do things that go against what xe believes or what those xe trust has taught them.
Virtues and Vices : self-reliance, stubbornness, obsessive (wont stop until something is done), caution, dependability, Intuition, Tenacity, Impatience, Ingenuity.
Skills and Abilities
Basic Combat Training
Special Skills : Analyst, Cryptography, coding, hacking and intel gathering.
Colour : dusty orange
Food : chicken parmi
Drink : Mocha
Flower : Purple Phlox subulata
Guppy is right-handed, but working towards being ambidextrous.
Zir listens to music sung in other languages or metal to focus, annoying whoever they share a workspace with.
Has a more dark sense of humor, but hates that that sort of stuff makes xem almost laugh.
Spent most of zir spare time with Bell, and has picked up a couple Russian words and their knowledge on cryptography.
Surprisingly xe is a good cook and baker, spending time learning different recipes especially ones that Bell remembers enjoying from their childhood.
AN : I'm going to be making xyr backstory a separate post, since it's still a work in progress. I might post a small bit about Guppy's current concept/idea for their place in the story.
I also took inspiration from @/kaitaiga and @/sleepyconfusedpotato COD OC posts. Which is the second time I've taken inspiration from Sleepy, first time being my COD MW age head canon post.
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hiramaris · 1 year
Dusk til Dawn
Part 11
Summary: Following Episode 9. And spoilers for Episode 10. 
Author’s note: As Episode 10 is just released I just want to say heads up for those who are not yet finished. Completing the game without spoilers really made a difference, and as much as possible I want everyone to experience that. And for those finished, I’ll gladly welcome you to my domain where MC took a different route.
Disclaimer:  I do not own Duskwood or any of the related characters. Duskwood is created by and owned by Everbyte Studio. This fanfiction is intended for entertainment only. I am not making any profit from this story. All rights of the original Duskwood story belong to Everbyte Studio.
Warning: Mentions of blood, suicide, violence, pedophiles, drugs, gun, murder, sex offenders, kidnapping
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"Well, shit," Jake's voice carried a curse, causing you to come to a sudden halt. Swearing wasn't something Jake typically did, so the profanity took you off guard and sent a chill down your spine.
"What's wrong?" you asked, your concern evident in your tone.
"We should be at a fork right now," Jake said, his frustration palpable. "At least, according to my maps."
You surveyed your surroundings, your flashlight illuminating the rocky walls. "I'm no cave expert, but, Jake," you remarked, "I'm pretty sure we've hit a dead end."
"I know," he admitted with a sigh. "Actually, we weren't supposed to encounter any forks until now. But I've realized early on that we've come across at least three junctions in the past ten minutes."
"Uhm," you said, your voice slow as you processed the situation. "So you're saying that the pathways we've been taking are different from what's on your map?"
"Yeah," Jake ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "But I thought it wouldn't be too much of an issue as long as we stuck to the general path I had planned out."
"Jake, please tell me that we at least stick to that path."
"We'll find out soon enough," Jake replied, his tone uncertain. "Come, let's go back a bit."
"How about we split up?" you suggested, following him as he led the way. Before you continued, you took a marbled stone and used it to smear some chalk marks on the wall, leaving a visible trail behind you. Just in case you get lost.
Jake gave you an incredulous look. "It's not safe, and you know tha—" he began to protest, but then his expression shifted. "Wait. I saw something." He motioned for you to follow him. "There's something here."
You perked up in attention, your senses heightened. You drew your weapon and held your flashlight tightly, ready for any potential threat. Quietly, you moved past Jake as he crouched by the wall, peering into what looked like a room.
"Well, shit." You found yourself echoing Jake's words from earlier as you stopped at a table covered with an overwhelming number of documents and files. "What the heck is all this?"
"There must be hundreds," Jake muttered beside you. "We have to take a look."
You shook your head, concern furrowing your brow. "I don't think we have the time. Let's gather as much as we can and keep moving."
"I'll take a quick look. Some of these seem important," he insisted, his eyes scanning the papers. "Maybe we'll find crucial information about our culprit, in case it wasn't Michael after all."
You sighed, "okay, but hurry up."
You stood guard for a few minutes, your focus divided between Jake and the vibrating phone in your pocket. With a quick glance, you saw Alan's caller ID flashing on the screen.
"Jake, it's Alan," you informed him. He gave you a brief thumbs-up before returning to his search through the files.
"Please excuse my late reply, Y/n," Alan's voice came through the phone, sounding slightly breathless. "I took your video straight to Bob Lindner from our Legal Department. He immediately recognized the Ironsplinter Mine."
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise.
"Ironsplinter Mine," you echoed, the pieces of the puzzle beginning to fall into place.
"Bob is an avid mountaineer and cave enthusiast, and apparently there's not a single wall in this area that he doesn't know like the back of his hand," Alan continued, his voice carrying a sense of excitement. "According to him, there's even an old, secret entrance to the mine in Duskwood, and it takes the form of a hatch."
"Let me guess where that hatch is located," you tried to mask the smugness in your voice. "It's by the Grimrock waterfall, isn't it?"
"I suppose you were right about the waterfall earlier," Alan admitted with a hint of amusement. "You were just on the wrong floor."
"Very funny."
He chuckled softly. "Please excuse my little joke. I'm actually a little excited. You see," he paused, his breath audibly catching as his footsteps quickened in the background, "I am currently back on my way to the Grimrock."
Your eyes bulged. What the fuck?
Your heart skipped a beat. The realization hit you like a truck. The familiar background noise, his breathlessness – it was all too clear now. He's going back to Grimrock as you speak.
Shit! He can't find both of you here.
And Michael's waiting by the Grimrock! He's going to think you're bluffing.
If you asked him to go back, you'll give him even more reason to make you the suspect.
With a strained voice, you managed to choke out a "that's good to know" in response to his excited revelation.
"I knew you'd be interested." Alan's voice held a cheerful tone, but you could sense something more underneath. "And now, please excuse me." The distinct sound of a click reached your ears, unmistakably that of a gun being cocked. "It's time to clear up this case."
Your heart raced, panic rising within you. You had to think fast.
"Jake!" You hissed urgently, your voice barely above a whisper. "Change of plan!"
Jake shifted his attention to you as he heard the urgency in your tone. "What?" He questioned, his voice equally hushed. "What is it?"
"Alan knows about the Ironsplinter mine!" You rushed out the words, the gravity of the situation sinking in. "He knows about the secret hatch, too and he's on his way right now as we speak!"
He froze, his expression shifted to alarm. "That's not good."
"You should go." You said with a serious expression on your face. "He can't find you here no matter what."
Jake's eyes darted between you and the pile of documents before him. "Y/n..."
You closed the distance between you and Jake, your voice stern. "Jake, are you even listen—" You trailed off as your gaze followed his to the papers spread out before him. Your heart seemed to stop for a moment as recognition dawned upon you.
Jessy's face greeted you in the form of printed pictures. There are pictures of Lilly's, too, and Dan's... Cleo's... Thomas'... Richy's... Hannah's... and even Amy's...
—all these documents...
"These are the documents Jessy and Thomas had found in Michael Hanson's house," you whispered, your voice barely audible in the heavy air of the cave.
"We need to take these with us," Jake's voice broke through your concentration, his tone tense.
Your heart pounded as you quickly assessed the situation. Time was of the essence, and the walls of the mine seemed to close in around you. Jake needs to leave as soon as possible, and you have to stop Alan from entering the mine. The last thing you needed was for him to cross paths with Michael.
How the fuck will you deal with that? For the second time around, the fucking police meddled with your case once again. The only difference is this time, this isn't legally a case of yours to handle.
"We'll photograph them with our phones," you decided quickly, your mind racing to figure out a plan. "Let's gather everything up. Then, we'll split up from here. You take the evidence and go. I'll handle Michael and Alan."
Jake seemed to hesitate, his fingers moving quickly as he snapped pictures of the documents. "We can't afford to split," he argued.
"If Michael sees Alan," you explained, ensuring each document was captured in the photos, "he'll know I'm not coming."
As you finished photographing the last of the documents, you exchanged a determined look with Jake. With the evidence secured, you carefully gathered the papers and stashed them away.
"Jake, you need to go," you said, your voice low but filled with urgency. But he won't budge in his place. He stared deep and hard at the piece of paper he holds in front of him.
"Y/n," he muttered, his voice almost shaking. "I found the letter."
Your heart skipped a beat. "Amy's letter?"
He nodded slowly, his gaze troubled. Without hesitation, he handed you the letter, his eyes imploring you to read it.
I'm sorry for saying goodbye to you like this, but I can't go on. Not one step further.
I have succumbed to the pressure, and a long time ago.
Don't judge me too harshly for choosing this way out, but I can't forgive myself.
If I'm being too honest, I never allowed myself to forget. Because that would meant that I had stopped regretting.
I can feel his judging eyes upon me as he stands by the edge of the forest, so dark and silent.
He is nothing more than a shadow. But he does not disappear when I turn on the light.
Could he be nothing more than a manifestation of our guilt? Created and formed by our thoughts? Our eyes plays trick on us in the dark, but can the same be said about a tortured mind?
No matter how far we walk, we always end up with ourselves. My mother once said that. I never understood what she meant by it. But now I do.
I want you to try and find your peace. And I want you to know that you couldn't have changed anything.
And so, I hope that things will be different for you, and that you will find a way to be able to live with the past.
Make peace. With yourself.
So that, in the end, he may disappear.
You read the letter, the words sinking in as you processed the contents. "She..." Your voice caught in your throat, your grip on the paper almost too tight. "She took her own life... Michael didn't kill her."
"To be honest, I did not consider that she would commit suicide," Jake admitted, his voice heavy with the weight of the revelation. "Do you... do you understand why Amy did it?"
"The guilt must have been too much for her," you murmured, your heart aching as you pieced together the reasons. "Because of Jennifer's death... She just... She couldn't see any way out."
"Until now, we believed that it was only Hannah who saw the man without a face. But through her letter," Jake pointed at the paper you were holding, "we have now found out that Amy also saw the man by the edge of the forest."
"Wait." You frowned, confusion knitting your brows. "I thought the man without a face was just a figment of Hannah's imagination due to her guilt and depression. Amy was sure that's the case."
"However, he also showed himself to Amy, but much later than he did to Hannah," Jake explained. His voice was thoughtful, analytical. "What do you think? Was it a hallucination as well, or was it Michael?"
You stared at the letter in your hand, the words blurring as your mind raced. "Whichever is the truth, it's not too late for Hannah."
It took a lot of convincing to get Jake to agree to continue his planned route straight to Hannah and Richy while you made your way to Michael and Alan's whereabouts. Wherever they are.
You told him it's the safest option available as you're sure Michael is waiting near by the entrance at Grimrock where Alan is supposed to be heading. So essentially, he's not where Hannah and Richy are. Jake can save them while you distract the two. This is the only feasible plan you could think of that would be beneficial for everyone but you. But Jake doesn't have to know that. He's already against with the plan to begin with.
Thankfully, the path seemed straightforward from where you were, and there weren't significant forks that could confuse your way. You moved quickly but cautiously, your senses heightened for any signs of human activity. The echo of your footsteps reverberated through the narrow passageway, and you focused on maintaining steady breaths to mask the sound of your pounding heart.
Your training and instincts guided you, and you pushed forward, your grip on your weapon firm and your flashlight steady in your hand.
Minutes stretched on, and still no news from Jake or Alan. As you continued walking, the mine is starting to look like a labyrinth. Looking at your map, you realized you were getting close to the entrance near the Grimrock waterfall. This raised the likelihood of encountering either Alan or the man without a face.
With your gun drawn, you turned a corner and suddenly, a sharp clang echoed through the tunnel. The sound reverberated off the walls, making it difficult to discern its exact source. Your heart raced in your chest, and your instincts kicked into high gear. You steadied your breath, your every movement careful as you scanned the surroundings for any signs of danger.
In the stifling silence that followed, your senses were on high alert. You strained your ears, trying to detect even the faintest sound. The confined space of the mine played tricks on your perception, and you had to rely on your training to filter out the echoes and focus on what might be reality.
Your grip tightened on your weapon as you moved forward, step by cautious step. The tension in the air was palpable, and your mind raced through the possibilities.
Could it be Michael? Or was it something else entirely?
You couldn't really tell.
You continued walking, steps still deliberate. Your weapon was still held ready, your flashlight illuminating your path and scanning for any signs of movement. You were determined not to be caught off guard.
Another noise echoed in the tunnel.
You cursed softly. It is much more indecipherable than the first one and sounded much closer.
The grip on your weapon grew tighter as each excruciating second passed by, fingers itching close to the trigger. Your mind raced through possible scenarios as you prepared for whatever might come next. The darkness seemed to close in around you, amplifying your heightened state of alertness.
As you moved cautiously forward, your ears picked up on a faint sound to your right – almost indistinguishable footsteps. Your flashlight's beam flicked in that direction, and then your world seemed to halt.
"Hannah?!" The word escaped your lips in a mix of shock and relief.
She was there, standing frozen before you. Wide-eyed and trembling, she seemed just as startled as you were by the unexpected encounter. Your own heartbeat resonated in your ears, and you quickly lowered your weapon, realizing the fear etched on her face.
You took a step toward her, your voice gentle, "Hannah, you're safe now. I'm," you fumbled at your badge, showing your name you knew she'd be familiar with. "I'm Agent L/n."
A look of recognition flashed in her eyes. "Agent L/n..."
You took another step. "Yes. You contacted me a few weeks ago, remember?" She nodded, unconsciously shifting closer to you as she realized you are no threat. "I'm with your friends. I'm sorry I took so long."
You were not sure who closed the distance, but you find yourself with a whole handful of Hannah Donfort who finally broke down against your chest. Her body was trembling as she wrapped her arms around you, her sobs muffled against your shoulder. It was as if she was afraid to cause the slightest noise but for you, it sounded louder than ever. Your heart ached at the weight of her fear and distress, and you held her gently, providing the support she needed. It made your anger for the culprit burn in an unidentified rage.
"You came," she sobbed. "You... y-you have to save Richy!"
"I will," you responded quickly. "but first let's get you somewhere safe, okay? Can you walk?"
She nodded slowly, but her trembling legs betrayed her.
She can't.
"Okay... I'm going to carry you, Hannah. Will that be okay?" She nodded again, and that's all the confirmation you needed before you carefully lifted her into your arms. You didn't want to start touching her without permission after all that she went through. The last thing you want is to scare her more than she already is.
You got to admit, your circumstance right now with a woman in your arms and the culprit on the loose inside a narrow tunnel with passages that can rival a maze doesn't sound so promising right now. Though you managed to maintain your grip on your flashlight and weapon, it's going to be a challenge to fight Michael if he suddenly shows up.
Hopefully, he wouldn't.
A few minutes of silence passed as you navigated the tunnels, each step taking you closer to the exit. Hannah remained quiet in your arms, her trembling gradually subsiding.
You felt a familiar vibration against your back pocket and you quickly realized it was an incoming call. Assuming it was Jake or Alan, you pushed a button against your earbuds to answer the call.
"Hello," you greeted, your voice low and controlled.
"Chief," the voice on the other end responded, instantly sending a chill down your spine.
You came to a halt, and your heart seemed to skip a beat as you recognized the voice. Hannah must have felt you stiffen because she looked up at you with a questioning look.
Collecting yourself, you cleared your throat and replied as evenly as possible, "Agent Hartmann."
"Affirmative, Chief L/n. This is Agent Hartmann speaking."
Fuck, you're so screwed. This was a predicament you hadn't anticipated.
"Drop the formalities, Charlotte." You hissed quietly. "How did you get my number?" Because they shouldn't have. No. They can't. You made sure it was secured and untraceable.
"You aren't as slick as you thought you are, Chief," Charlotte responded, a hint of amusement in her tone. You could practically imagine her smirking. Charlotte is your right hand in your squad. Technically, you knew her almost like at the back of your hand. "You've gotten quite rusty, I must say."
You frowned, her words hitting a nerve. "Very funny. A year of suspension can do that to you," you sighed. This situation was spiraling in an unexpected direction. "What's the verdict?" you asked, bracing yourself for her response.
If word of your actions had spread to the entire FBI, your control over the situation was slipping through your fingers.
Charlotte's tone turned serious. "I'm not sure if the Director already knows but I'm certain the whole squad knows about your insubordination because we are the ones who found you. So, the possibility of the director not knowing about this is slim."
You cursed under your breath. This was worse than you thought.
"So, you're going to arrest me?" you challenged, your voice tinged with defiance. You felt Hannah's grip tighten on your shirt, her fear palpable.
"Our squad had promised to follow you, Chief, no matter which path you decided to walk," Charlotte stated firmly. "And we intend to keep that promise."
Your gaze softened considerably. Her loyalty caught you off guard.
"You shouldn't risk your job for me, Charlotte," you swallowed the lump in your throat. "I've got nothing to lose while you guys can lose everything."
"I think you're underestimating us," she chuckled before turning serious once again. "We are here to help."
Your eyebrows rose. "How so?"
"We found your culprit," she said simply. "Do you know any Ted Madruga?"
"Yes. He's the one in prison."
"You really did turn rusty, Chief." She said seriously. "The paper Miss Lilly Donfort had found from Miss Hannah Donfort's mail are all fraud."
"What?" you sound so confused. "What do you mean?"
Charlotte's next words shook the foundations of your investigation.
"We have gathered records from all prisons in the region, and there are no records of a man named Ted Madruga in any of them."
Your eyes widened, realization dawning. "You mean he's—"
A sharp stinging pain at the back of your head sent you to your knees, forcing your grip on Hannah to loosen. The world around you spun for a moment before darkness swallowed your vision, your consciousness slipping away. As the darkness closed in, Hannah's scream echoed in your ears.
"Chief? Chief! Goddamn it!" Charlotte's voice reverberated in your unconscious mind. "We're too late, Viktor. Step on the gas! Hurry!"
A low, eerie chuckle echoed in the tunnel as a figure emerged, slinging a bloodied baseball bat over their shoulder. A twisted smirk curled upon their lips as they fixed their gaze on Hannah, who was frozen in terror.
"No one's leaving the mine alive," their voice dripped with menace. "It's time to let everyone know the truth."
A/n: Instant apologies for the cliffhanger. As I have said, I may not follow the game's ending. It's not that I'm not contented with the game's ending but rather I'd like to add some spice of my own.
Important: Also, I don't know if it's a problem on my end or not because I have uploaded the part 10 days ago but it seemed that my works aren't visible to anyone at all which led me to reupload it again just so it would be finally be visible to readers.
So, I would like to ask (if it's not too much to ask 🥺) if some of y'all can leave some comments, likes or even reblogs just to let me know my work is out there? It would mean a lot to me that my works will be able to reach my fellow readers as well. I also really appreciate feedbacks 😉
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shakespearerants · 1 year
15 Questions 15 Minutes
Thank you for the tag @neverland-in-space ! I already did this like 10 years ago (gefühlt) but I love talking about myself so here we go again 😈.
1. Are you named after anyone?
No, but my parents are The Epitome of scatterbrained scientists so. It is very possible I am and they just never told me.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Uhhhhhh good question I don't remember. I almost cried when @freizusein picked me up in the middle of my Odyssee to grant me heat asylum in her apartment a few weeks ago, does that count?
3. Do you have kids?
I call my houseplants kiddies. In other words no.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
No, I don't, but people think I do bc apparently I have a tone?????? Please know if I ever asked you something sarcastically and you thought it was an excellent joke - I was serious and I'm still waiting for my answer.
5. What sports do you play/have played?
Team sports? Soccer in elementary school. Am not a fan of collective excersice unless we're talking (ballroom) dancing.
6. What's the first thing you notice about someone?
VIBES. My Freitagsstammtisch can attest to that I've been complaining about someone at uni all year based on a 5 sec interaction and it took me multiple days to even notice they have very very prominent tattoos.
7. Eye colour?
Greenish - brownish.
8. Special talents?
Ohhh boy. Charming older (as in your grandma older) women. Especially antiques dealers. Got a deal on some very nice brass pendants when I was in Leipzig the last time just by being me and looking a little bit sad. I was once gifted a whole ass diamond ring on the street by a woman wearing a fur coat in 35° weather. I have had MULTIPLE elderly women come up to me when I was walking the dog UNPROMPTED and tell me about their dog who recently died. Last time I went to my local antiques shop I was offered 100€ discount on a ring I was looking at within 5 mins of walking through the door, and I hadn't even brought up the price yet.
Also I am unfairly good at doing things, especially art related things, perfectly after watching someone do it once. Was very surprised in 4th grade when I realized not everyone can weave a whole 12cm Perlenarmband with design in 45 mins on their first try.
10. Where were you born?
In a town with a MASSIVE causewayed enclosure. I'm talking multiple trenches multiple ha crop mark visible over 3 different fields.
11. What are your hobbies?
Ceramics (looking at, sorting, reading about, counting, collecting thereof), churches (insert "I just think they're neat!" Meme here) (as in looking at them and usually grumbling about those damn neuzeitliche Umbauten), Adventures™ (can't leave the house without having one!), cooking, reading, painting, sketching, embroidery, I've made a resolution to get into making my own clothes, houseplants, writing.
12. Do you have pets?
I technically own a rabbit but she lives with my parents and younger siblings.
13. How tall are you?
Child sized according to the helpful measuring sticks at Ganzbeck.
14. Favourite subject in school?
Art, choir. For a very brief period of time maths.
15. Dream job?
Grabungsleitung of a really really big Forschungsgrabung on the Baustelle of the wannabe Lindners I went to school with. I want to see their faces when I tell them they can get their building privileges back in 5-10 years if they're extremely lucky. Let's leave the fact that I haven't even finished my bachelor's yet and really don't want to stay in academia out of this fantasy.
Tagging: @lachricola @evolutionsbedingt @freizusein @perchingowl @clueless-dullahan @frubeto and anyone else who wants to have a go!
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
An unmanned hellscape.
John Ellis
Aug 20, 2024
1. New flashpoints are emerging in the volatile South China Sea—bringing confrontations involving Beijing closer to the shores of a key U.S. ally in the region. In the dead of the night Monday, between the hours of 3 a.m. and 4 a.m. local time, at least three collisions occurred between coast guard ships belonging to China and the Philippines. The first tore a hole 3.6 feet in diameter on the starboard side of a Philippine coast guard vessel, the Philippines said. About 16 minutes later, a Chinese coast guard vessel rammed another Philippine coast guard ship twice, ripping a gap 2.5 feet long and 3 feet wide on the port side, according to the Philippines. Monday’s incidents marked an escalation in tensions that have run high over the past 18 months, at times threatening to spiral into conflict that could draw in the U.S., Manila’s treaty ally. They are especially noteworthy because they unfolded near Sabina Shoal, a location close to the Philippines that is fast becoming a new source of friction. (Source: wsj.com)
2. It has become conventional wisdom among (sic) the halls of the United States government that China will launch a full-scale invasion of Taiwan within the next few years. And when that happens, the US military has a relatively straightforward response in mind: Unleash hell. Speaking to The Washington Post on the sidelines of the International Institute for Strategic Studies’ annual Shangri-La Dialogue in June, US Indo-Pacific Command chief Navy Admiral Samuel Paparo colorfully described the US military’s contingency plan for a Chinese invasion of Taiwan as flooding the narrow Taiwan Strait between the two countries with swarms of thousands upon thousands of drones, by land, sea, and air, to delay a Chinese attack enough for the US and its allies to muster additional military assets in the region. “I want to turn the Taiwan Strait into an unmanned hellscape using a number of classified capabilities,” Paparo said, “so that I can make their lives utterly miserable for a month, which buys me the time for the rest of everything.” (Sources: defensenews.com, wired.com, washingtonpost.com)
3. The successes Kyiv has announced in its two-week-old incursion into Russia have not stopped the steady drive of Moscow’s forces into the eastern part of Ukraine, threatening a key logistical hub. Officials in the eastern Ukrainian city of Pokrovsk say they are evacuating the population in case it falls to the Russian advance, which is now less than six miles from the city limits. If the city falls, it will be largest population center taken by the Russians since Bakhmut in May 2023. Russian forces “are moving toward the outskirts of Pokrovsk. We see — it is no secret,” Katerina Yanzhula, head of information policy in the Pokrovsk military administration, said by telephone, adding that the city’s fate was unclear. “Maybe the situation there will somehow change — we hope that the enemy will stop somewhere on the approaches to Pokrovsk, that our troops will repel them.” (Source: washingtonpost.com)
4. The German government has come under attack from politicians across the political spectrum after it emerged that finance minister Christian Lindner has written to colleagues to veto new military aid for Ukraine. In a letter sent to the ministry of defense and foreign office on August 5, Lindner said that new applications for military support would be rejected by his ministry unless additional funds could be found — pointing to frozen Russian assets in Europe as one potential source. Existing aid programmes, which have already been funded, would remain in place, he said. The contents of the letter were first reported by the Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper on Sunday, which said Chancellor Olaf Scholz had asked his finance minister to issue the instruction. (Source: ft.com)
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socialmediama · 2 months
Social Media Marketing München | Heiko Lindner
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Heiko Lindner Social Media Marketing aus München bietet maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für Unternehmen, die ihre Online-Präsenz stärken möchten. Mit einem tiefen Verständnis der neuesten Social-Media-Trends und -Technologien entwickelt Heiko Lindner Strategien, die die Reichweite und Interaktion Ihrer Marke maximieren. Das Angebot umfasst die Erstellung von Inhalten, Community-Management, bezahlte Werbekampagnen und detaillierte Analysen, um den Erfolg jeder Kampagne zu messen und zu optimieren. Vertrauen Sie auf Heiko Lindners Expertise, um Ihre Social-Media-Ziele zu erreichen und nachhaltig zu wachsen.
Address : Tumblingerstraße 45, München, 80337, Germany
Phone : +49 170 24 50 456
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Website : https://www.heiko-lindner.net/
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why-munich · 3 months
INHORGENTA MUNICH 2024: More international and higher-caliber than ever before
For its 50th anniversary, INHORGENTA MUNICH presented itself fresher, more modern, more diverse, more international, and more high-profile than ever from February 16 to 19. The strong growth in exhibitor and visitor numbers showed: The new concept is a success.
“With new spirit and a high-quality look and feel, Europe’s leading industry platform for jewelry, watches and gemstones has set the course for a successful future,” said Stefan Rummel, CEO of Messe München. This investment is already paying off now: With 870 exhibitors from 37 countries, INHORGENTA has grown by nine percent compared to the previous year. Half of the exhibitors were from abroad, making INHORGENTA MUNICH 2024 more international than ever before. In addition, with 25,000 visitors from 90 countries, there were a good five percent more guests than in the previous year. The countries with the strongest increase in visitor numbers were the Czech Republic, Switzerland, China, France, the Netherlands, and Norway. “This large increase in exhibitors and visitors is a great confirmation of our new concept, and I am already looking forward to implementing the internationalization plans for 2025,” said Exhibition Director Stefanie Mändlein.
INHORGENTA MUNICH receives excellent marks from visitors: It was visited almost exclusively by trade visitors with a high level of decision-making authority. 96 percent founded INHORGENTA MUNICH good to excellent, and 94 percent of visitors believed that the importance of INHORGENTA MUNICH will increase or remain the same. Sarah Hill from Hamilton Hill Jewelry, U.S. said: “Inhorgenta is always special, my favorite trade fair. The reorganization of the halls was excellent.”
The continuing strong economic situation in the sector is providing an additional tailwind. Stephan Lindner, President of the German Jewelers’ Trade Association (BVJ): “The German watch and jewelry trade, in other words, the core target group for INHORGENTA, managed once again to exceed the record level of the previous year with sales of 5.32 billion euros and a slight increase of 0.3 percent.” The high-quality genuine jewelry contributed in particular to this result. Anja Heiden, CEO Jewellery Division at Wempe: “INHORGENTA has only known one direction for four years now, and that is up. It is the most important leading trade fair in Europe, and the platform for the entire industry to exchange ideas.”
50 years of INHORGENTA stood for authentic luxury from independent brands: tradition, glamor, personality, and traditional craftsmanship.
To kick off the event, leading figures from the industry celebrated an unforgettable evening in the style of the 1970s at the Tantris Maison Culinaire, full of glamor, with spectacular necklaces with well over 1,000 carats, couture, and culinary delights.
The anniversary edition of INHORGENTA was officially opened by honoring those exhibitors who have been with us for 50 years.
Over 50 top-class speakers from Europe, Africa, America and Asia spoke in the Trendfactory, in the Experience Hub with the Watch Talks, and at many other events, such as the unique “Wedding World”. Six special exhibitions reflected the past, present and future of jewelry, watches and people.
The winners of the INHORGENTA AWARD 2024: Hans D. Krieger, Autore, Seinerzeit Flora & Fauna, Yana Nesper, Thea Thiessen (Juwelier Laufer), Porsche Design, Josef Michel, blocher partners and, in the new “Luxury Watch of the Year” category, Lang & Heyne.
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vorunruhestand · 5 months
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rabbitcruiser · 8 months
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Yukon Quest Day
Yukon Quest Day is celebrated on the first Saturday of February and this year it will be marked on February 3. It is time to go on an adventure with Siberian Huskies! Dogs have been working with humans in inland Alaska for over 10,000 years. Folklore in Alaska has mythological heroes who interacted with dogs, and some claim canines to be the ancient ancestor of the first human. During the Alaskan Gold Rush, Leonhard Seppala introduced the Siberian Husky, which was smaller than native Alaskan canines. The current sled dog’s genetic base is made up of indigenous dogs and Seppala’s Huskies. The genetic mix of the normal Yukon Quest Husky has been carefully chosen through many generations of breeders.
History of Yukon Quest
Yukon River serves as the historical highway of the north. The trail would follow the routes taken by prospects to reach the Klondike during the 1898 Gold Rush, and then to the Alaskan interior for subsequent gold rushes in the early 1900s. They despised the Iditarod Sled Dog Race’s numerous checkpoints and envisioned an endurance race in which contestants would rely on themselves and survival would be as important as speed. On the 25th anniversary of the event, Shank stated, “We wanted more of a Bush experience, a race with a little woodsmanship in it.”
The Yukon Quest was conceived in a bar in April 1983 by four Alaskans: LeRoy Shank, Roger Williams, Ron Rosser, and William ‘Willy’ Lipps. To commemorate the Klondike Gold Rush era the four proposed a 1,000-mile sled dog race from Fairbanks, Alaska, to Whitehorse, Yukon. A sled dog race from Fairbanks to Whitehorse had been discussed as early as 1976. But it wasn’t until this discussion that the Yukon Quest became more than just a concept. The race was dubbed the “Yukon Quest” by them to honor the Yukon River.
The first Yukon Quest put both race logistics and all participants to the test. In 1984, 26 teams left Fairbanks. Twenty teams arrived in Whitehorse over the next 16 days. Six teams were forced to abandon the race along the way. Sonny Lindner won the Yukon Quest for the first time, finishing in just over 12 days.
Yukon Quest timeline
The First Season of Yukon Quest Starts
LeRoy Shank, Roger Williams, Ron Rosser, and William ‘Willy’ Lipps take their first journey.
Fastest Racer of Yukon Quest
Allen Moore, completes the race in just eight days, setting a record that is difficult to break for years to come.
The First Women to Win the Quest
Aily Zirkle of SP Kennels, an American, becomes the only woman to win the Yukon Quest.
The Lowest Number of Participants
Due to a lack of sponsorships, only 15 participants are present.
Yukon Quest FAQs
How do other Canadian provinces observe Yukon Heritage Day?
Yukon Heritage Day is observed on the final Friday of February. Heritage Day, on the other hand, is observed on the third Monday of February throughout the rest of Canada’s provinces and territories.
Is Yukon Quest harder than Iditarod?
The Iditarod has tougher competition, but the Quest path is far more difficult than the Iditarod, and it’s not simply because of the mountains. It is, in fact, the Yukon River. The Iditarod only travels roughly 130 miles along the Yukon, whereas the Quest travels closer to 400 miles.
What is the prize for winning the Yukon Quest?
Mushers in the Yukon Quest 1,000 Mile International Sled Dog Race will compete for a minimum guaranteed payout of $100,000. A portion of the prize money will be distributed to the top 15 finishers.
Yukon Quest Activities
Play the other games in the Yukon Sourdough Gathering: You can enjoy other winter sports like Dog Team Derby, Ski & Snowshoe Races, Ice Skating, Ice Hockey, Snowshoe Ski Ball, Bowling, and Basketball. There are many options to pick from.
Enjoy the carnival: The Yukon Sourdough carnival also includes fireworks, BBQ, ice sculptures, dancing performances, air shows, and a fiddle tournament. It is a feast for the senses so indulge in the merrymaking.
Learn about the history and legacy of Yukon: Do not only participate in numerous activities with your family but also connect with Yukon's legacy today. The festival's main goal is to bring all Yukoners together to celebrate the end of another winter.
5 Intriguing Facts About Yukon Quest Day
The coldest competitive sport ever: Every February, during the coldest and most unpredictable months of the year, this incredible winter event takes place.
Bad weather conditions don’t hamper the race: The Yukon Quest race begins on time, regardless of the weather, and lasts between 10 and 16 days until the last team crosses the finish line.
They’ve been no missed events: Since 1984, the Yukon Quest has taken place every year.
The trail follows the historic Gold Rush: This has been followed from the turn of the 20th Century.
Each team has 14 dogs: One human and 14 canine athletes traverse some of North America's last pristine wilderness.
Why We Love Yukon Quest
We love the stamina and drive of sled dogs: Sled dogs are serious athletes and the heart and soul of this sport. They are top marathon pros and are regarded as such throughout training and competition.
It emphasizes strategy: The race relies heavily on strategy and routine. The driver of the dog sled (musher) juggles between being a coach, cook, motivational speaker, cheerleader, and companion.
It’s the only international sled dog race: What began as a chat between mushers in a Fairbanks bar has evolved into something else. It is now one of the most widely followed sled dog races in the world, as well as the only one that covers two nations.
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lotharulsamer · 8 months
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Deutschland: Kirchenmitglieder erstmals in der Minderheit
40 000 kirchliche Immobilien droht Umwidmung
In den Kirchen leeren sich nicht nur die Bänke, sondern auch die Kassen, denn es fehlen gleichzeitig die Kirchensteuerzahler. Der Trend weg von den christlichen Religionen hat in Deutschland ein dramatisches Ausmaß angenommen. Umso verwunderlicher ist es, dass weder durch die katholische noch die evangelischen Kirchenleitungen ein echter Ruck geht. Hat sich so mancher hauptamtliche Kirchenvertreter damit abgefunden, dass – wie auf der Titanic – zwar noch die Musik spielt, doch das Kirchenschiff ist längst leckgeschlagen und sinkt ohne echten Widerstand? Ein Augenöffner ist die sechste Kirchenmitgliedschaftsuntersuchung der Evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland (EKD) mit dem Titel „Wie hältst du’s mit der Kirche?“ Besonders aufschlussreich sind die Ergebnisse dieser Forsa-Befragung von über 5 000 Personen, da erstmals auch die Deutsche Bischofskonferenz als Auftraggeber mitwirkte und so ein viel breiteres Bild in Sachen Religiosität entsteht. Waren 1972 noch 46 % der Bevölkerung Mitglied der EKD-Gliedkirchen und 44 % der römisch-katholischen Kirche, so entfielen 2022 – zum Zeitpunkt der Befragung – 23 % auf die evangelischen und 25 % auf die katholische Kirche, auf andere Religionsgemeinschaften 9 %. Die konfessionslosen Bürger brachten es auf 43 %. Folgen wir den Autoren der Studie, dann werden die Konfessionslosen bereits 2027 in der Mehrheit sein. Aber schon im laufenden Jahr 2024 dürften die christlichen Religionen – evangelisch, katholisch, orthodox u. a. – in Deutschland unter die 50-Prozent-Marke fallen. Drohen die großen Volkskirchen in Deutschland zu Sekten zu schrumpfen?
„Zwei Drittel der evangelischen Kirchenmitglieder und drei Viertel der katholischen Kirchenmitglieder schließen einen Kirchenaustritt als Option nicht aus.“  In fast jedem Unternehmen würde bei einer solchen Aussage zur Kundschaft an einer Neuausrichtung oder Restrukturierung gearbeitet. Dafür ist es höchste Zeit in der evangelischen und noch drängender der katholischen Kirche! Dabei geht es um eine personelle und inhaltliche Neuorientierung, die jedoch das traditionelle Wertekonzept berücksichtigen muss, denn ansonsten wird die Kirche nur zu einem Lifestyle-Accessoire. Kirche darf nicht zu einer dekorativen Hülle werden, die mit allerlei Aktivitäten befüllt wird. So ließen sich Bundesfinanzminister Christian Lindner und die Journalistin Franca Lehfeldt im November 2020 in der evangelischen Kirche St. Severin auf Sylt trauen, obwohl sie beide keine Kirchenmitglieder sind. Ich habe erhebliche Zweifel, ob Events solcher Art zur Stärkung der evangelischen Kirche beitragen. Wenn in einer Kirche eine Eheschließung vollzogen wird, sollte doch zumindest ein Ehepartner Kirchenmitglied sein, dies sieht im Übrigen auch die Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Norddeutschland (Nordkirche) so. Ob sich das Dahinwelken der evangelischen und der katholischen Kirche in Deutschland abbremsen lässt, das weiß ich nicht. Ich würde mir aber zumindest deutlich mehr Anstrengungen in beiden Organisationen wünschen, den Niedergang zu stoppen. Reformen müssen den religiösen Kern erhalten und die Strukturen verändern, denn nur dann gibt es Hoffnung für die christlichen Kirchen in Deutschland!
Mehr zum Thema in: Deutschland: Kirchenmitglieder erstmals in der Minderheit. 40 000 kirchlichen Immobilien droht die Umwidmung – https://deutschland-geliebte-bananenrepublik.de/deutschland-kirchenmitglieder-erstmals-in-der-minderheit/
Zu den Fotos: In Deutschland machen sich nicht nur die Kirchgänger, sondern auch die Kirchensteuerzahler rar. Wenn sich dieser Trend fortsetzt, stehen in den nächsten Jahrzehnten 40 000 kirchliche Immobilien zur Disposition. Kirchen sind nicht allein Orte des christlichen Gebets, sondern auch kulturelle Zentren, die häufig das Stadtbild prägen. (Bilder: Ulsamer)
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immediateconnect91 · 11 months
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mitchbeck · 11 months
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latribune · 1 year
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khartoumnews · 1 year
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jedivoodoochile · 2 years
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3123º Álbum: David Bowie - Blackstar
(2016) Sony
Blackstar, es el estremecedor álbum que David Bowie publicó dos días antes de morir, el 10 de Enero de 2016. El lanzamiento del álbum, el número 25 de su carrera, se hizo dos dias antes, cuando cumplió 69 años. El álbum, que incluye solo siete canciones, fue recibido positivamente por los críticos.
"Mira hacia arriba, estoy en el cielo/Tengo cicatrices, que no pueden ser vistas" (Look up here, I'm in heaven / I've got scars, that can't be seen'). Son las primeras palabras de la canción "Lazarus", que forma parte del álbum. Tras conocerse la noticia de su fallecimiento, dada a conocer por su hijo Duncan Jones, las primeras líneas de esa canción cobraron fuerza para muchos.
"Siempre hizo lo que quería hacer. Y lo quería hacer a su manera, y lo quería hacer de la mejor manera. Su muerte no fue diferente a su vida, un trabajo de arte. Hizo Blackstar para nosotros, su regalo de despedida", señaló el productor y músico estadounidense Tony Visconti en su cuenta de Facebook. Visconti colaboró de forma habitual con Bowie por varios años, desde 1969 con el álbum Space Oddity hasta su última producción, Blackstar. "Desde hace un año sabía que sería así. No estaba, sin embargo, preparado para eso. Era un hombre extraordinario, lleno de amor y de vida. Siempre estará con nosotros. Por ahora, es apropiado llorar".
Blackstar es el único álbum que no tiene una foto del músico en su portada. En ella se observa una estrella negra sobre un fondo blanco. "Este ideograma preside un disco sorprendente que suena mucho más urgente, contemporáneo y elíptico que el álbum con el que Bowie regresó en 2013, The Next Day, un álbum que cayó inesperadamente del cielo", escribió Kitty Empire, del diario británico The Guardian. Blackstar, indicó Empire, "está bañado con su distintiva voz melódica y con su instrumento preferido de los 80: el saxofón". Para su producción, Bowie buscó ayuda de artistas reconocidos en el mundo del jazz, entre ellos el saxofonista neoyorkino Donny McCaslin. Se les unieron el pianista Jason Linder y el bajista Tim Lefebrve. La canción "Blackstar" es considerada por los expertos como una hazaña épica de jazz de 10 minutos. "Si hubiéramos empleado a los antiguos músicos de David, tendríamos gente de rock tocando jazz. Y con gente de jazz tocando rock, le damos la vuelta", le indicó Visconti a la revista musical Mojo en noviembre de 2015.
La inspiración de Bowie para hacer su último álbum, le dijo Visconti en noviembre a la revista Rolling Stone, fue Kendrick Lamar, un cantante californiano vanguardista y su producción To Pimp A Butterfly. "Estuvimos escuchando mucho a Kendrick Lamar (…) Nos encantó el hecho de que Kendrick era de mente abierta y que no había hecho un disco solo de hip hop", le dijo Visconti a la revista. "El objetivo de muchas maneras era evitar el rock and roll", señaló el músico.
El giro se dio y el resultado fue la última obra de David Bowie.
(Fuente: www,bbc,com)
David Bowie: voz, guitarra eléctrica/acústica, armónica.
Donny McCaslin: flauta, saxofón, instrumentos de viento.
Ben Monder: guitarra.
Jason Lindner: piano, órgano, teclados.
Tim Lefebvre: bajo.
Mark Guiliana: batería, percusión..
James Murphy: percusión.
Listado de temas (todos compuestos por David Bowie excepto el indicado):
1. Blackstar 9:57
2. 'Tis a Pity She Was a Whore 4:52
3. Lazarus 6:22
4. Sue (Or in a Season of Crime) (David Bowie-Bob Bharma-Maria Schneider-Paul Bateman) 4:40
5. Girl Loves Me 4:51
6. Dollar Days 4:44
7. I Can't Give Everything Away 5:47
Grabado entre enero y mayo de 2015 en The Magic Shop y Human Worldwide Studios, New York City, New York.
Publicado el 8 de enero de 2016.
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