#mark lee vampire au
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primera parte.
¿se sellará la indescriptible atracción que sentías hacia Park Sunghoon con el pinchazo de un colmillo?
pair: vampire! park sunghoon x f!reader (no hay descripciones específicas de cómo luce físicamente, así que puedes imaginarla como quieras <3)
summary: sólo te diré que está inspirado en la canción teeth de enhypen, vampire academy y hierarchy ;)
warnings of part 1: menciones de mordiscos, sangre y ataques de pánico (si hay alguno más no dudes en decírmelo¡!). also, la academia se llama bram stoker en referencia al escritor de Drácula
words: 5501
segunda parte tercera parte
¿Qué tenía Park Sunghoon que siempre conseguía dejarte sin respiración? Podía ser su característica belleza principesca, casi digna del llanto de una voz poética romántica inglesa que la llamaba desde la desesperación de sólo ver fealdad. Podía ser su caminar, simple ante los ojos de los principales catadores de modelos que deben crear ellas mismas con cada paso la pasarela, pero demasiado elegante como para ser tan simple. O simplemente era el hecho de que era el ex de tu mejor amiga.
Él cortaba tu respiración desde la incertidumbre. Una chispa de interés provocaba que tu mirada quedase atrapada en su belleza, en su caminar, en su identidad. O, la identidad que él debe tener sin ningún juicio último que lo destinase así salvo la existencia de tu mejor amiga, la cual lo hacía en un ex y, por tanto, alguien que jamás debe traspasar las líneas de lo desconocido. Pues no debes saber quién es Park Sunghoon verdaderamente, no debes sentir interés ante él ni definirlo de una manera que no se resuma en tres catadoras palabras: frío, egoísta y narcisista.
Así debía ser Park Sunghoon en tu perspectiva, dentro de tu propio juicio crítico. Una sombra de fealdad y no de la belleza que tus ojos tan inocente e involuntariamente percibieron. Una imagen despectiva, para nada atractiva ya que, ¿por qué querrías a alguien frío, egoísta y narcisista en tu vida?
Pero aquella fijación silenciosa e indeterminada que tu persona padecía sufrir ante el imponente Park Sunghoon no coincidía con los asentimientos de cabeza que siempre le regalabas a Aerin, tu mejor amiga, cada vez que mencionaba a este "ser sin corazón", como ella lo definía. ¿Estaba bien juzgar a una persona sin conocerla? ¿Dejarse llevar por rumores emitidos por una clara e indiscutible subjetividad? No, claro que no lo estaba y tus padres, especialmente tu madre, te lo había inculcado, repitiéndote la misma reflexión cargada de tolerancia millones de veces, demasiadas este último verano, antes de ingresar en la prestigiosa academia Bram Stoker. Lugar en el que conociste a tu nueva y aclamada mejor amiga y lugar dónde tu secreta fijación tan vergonzosa ha nacido con el nombre de Park Sunghoon.
Jamás te habías sentido de esta forma hacia alguien en tu corta vida de veinte años. Era una constante consciencia que, si vuestros ojos se encontraban, se volvía similar al encierre que una historia produce sobre ti, llevándote consigo a lo más profundo de sus páginas, una absorción plácida que en ningún momento te hace considerar tu necesidad de libertad individual. Podía sonar demasiado particular e intenso esta comparación, pero de verdad lo sentías de esa forma: tan irreal. Más razones que hacían que tu curiosidad creciera hasta lo superlativo, quemara hasta tu propio sentido común.
Y es que cuando hacías contacto visual con Park Sunghoon, un indescriptible nacía. Una pregunta sin respuesta, una negación sin argumento. Pero, sobre todo, una atracción con, lo que parecía, una imaginaria justificación. Porque, a ver, sí, eras reservada y observadora. Una Luna que debe sentirse atraída a un Sol y no a otra Luna. En cambio, eso no sucedía así contigo. Sunghoon, otra Luna era el centro de tu capacidad de sentir atracción por alguien. Y no eras muy fanática de los romances entre personas similares, más atraída hacia los polos opuestos.
Esta ferviente situación comenzó a principio de curso, la primera vez que su persona, junto con la de su famoso grupo de amigos, entró en tu campo de visión. Con tu uniforme negro con corbata azul, te sentaste en lo que los alumnos denominaban Comedor -cafetería en tu antiguo instituto- y, jugando con la tirita de un corte en tu pulgar que el libro que te encontrabas leyendo la noche anterior causó, Park Sunghoon apareció.
No hubo una primera impresión. No hubo una reacción. No pensaste nada. Las acciones del protagonista de la novela que leías hicieron que, ante hombres reales, no hubiese estándar alcanzable. Sí, la belleza de Sunghoon era arrebatadora, digna de ser observada por más de cinco segundos o un minuto, pero no sentiste esa necesidad. Fue como ver una obra de arte que no resonaba contigo, aunque fuese la obra más destacada y más bella de todo un siglo de artistas galardonados.
No sentiste nada, pero al mirar de nuevo hacia tu mano para seguir observando la tirita, tu piel se encontraba lo más erizada que jamás la habías visto. Una piel de gallina casi enfermiza, con las puntas de las uñas de tus manos temblando. La confusión reinó por completo tu mente, expresándose en un ceño frunciéndose. Te acariciaste la piel cuestionándote su estado, y tus yemas de los dedos casi no la sentían. Te incorporaste un poco en la silla, colocando tus manos en tu regazo, intentando calentarlas un poco, mientras decidías no darle mucha importancia y pensar en otra cosa. Y, a la vez que decidías olvidarte de ello, tus ojos parecieron tener otra opinión distinta a la de tu mente, pues se dirigieron directamente a lo que habían visto antes de centrarse en la tirita. Tus párpados los cubrieron casi buscando detenerlos pero ya era demasiado tarde.
Unos ojos negros, profundos como el carbón, ocultos entre una piel extremadamente pálida, casi sin vida, asomándose entre dos líneas de oscuridad dada por pestañas, unos ojos brillantes ante la luz del comedor pero aun así tremendamente opacos, capturaron todo tu ser, aunque solo deberían haber capturado tu mirada. Ahora sí, la piel de gallina fue sentida. Ahora sí, los rápidos latidos de tu corazón dejaron de ser ignorados por tu cerebro. Ahora sí, tu lengua empezó a quejarse de su sequedad. Ahora sí, habías notado aquel indescriptible.
Desafíamelo con biología o con física, pero sentiste como si Park Sunghoon te hubiera activado, encendido, creado. Por aquella milésima de segundo que aquel contacto visual duró, Park Sunghoon pareció autodenominarse como dueño de tu cuerpo, controlando tus acciones con una simple mirada, manipulándote a su semejanza. Pero esto no era posible y, buscando ignorar la grandiosidad de las nuevas emociones que acababas de descubrir en ti misma, tras ver como él, sin inmutarse, rompía aquella conexión, miraste hacia otro lado.
Lado en el que se encontraba Aerin y el resto es historia.
Ahora que te encontrabas observándola durante largos periodos de tiempo, buscando que no se enterase de las miradas furtivas que le estabas lanzando a Park Sunghoon inconsciente de las mismas y el cual se encontraba bajando las barrocas escaleras de la entrada principal de la Academia, notaste la gran diferencia entre él y Aerin.
—Entiende que, por mucho que ya hayan pasado dos meses desde mi ruptura con el ser desgraciado...— Hizo una mueca con los dientes que los dejó pintados de su llamativo pintalabios rosa. Rápidamente gesticulé el mensaje y, sin vergüenza alguna, pues Sim Aerin nunca sentía vergüenza de ella misma desde el ser desgraciado; y tras una sonrisa que, como siempre, nunca le llegaba realmente a los ojos, continuó. —Lo que equivale a tres meses en el curso y por tanto, el final del semestre, he decidido dar un evento—.
Sonrió triunfalmente. No era la primera vez que Aerin hacía este tipo de "eventos", término con el que realmente definía una fiesta privada dónde lo ilegal se volvía legal por el dinero en la cartera de papá, el director de Bram Stoker, tataranieto del verdadero Bram Stoker. Nunca habías asistido a aquellas fiestas encubiertas porque eran para los alumnos SSR, es decir, los hijos de los principales dirigentes, tanto económica como políticamente, de la alta sociedad del país. Estos alumnos se diferenciaban del resto con una corbata carmesí y, aunque no pareciese real, no había un clasismo encubierto. No existía a diario una gran diferencia entre ellos y el resto de alumnos. De esta forma, que Aerin se hiciese mejor amiga de una de las estudiantes nuevas becadas de tercer año, tú, no le sorprendía a nadie.
Ni siquiera existía un trato especial para con estos alumnos por parte de los profesores. Es como si ellos hubiesen con su personalidad y acciones, hecho olvidar al resto de su verdadera posición social. Gesto que se observa en cómo no existía un grupo de populares diferenciados intocables. Salvo el grupo de Park Sunghoon, alumno obviamente SSR que junto a sus amigos Heeseung, Jay, Jake, Sunoo, Jungwon y Niki; se mantenían como el único grupo en todo Barm Stoker conformado por sólo alumnos SSR de distintos cursos.
Aerin y tú érais del mismo curso que Sunoo y, pese a lo anterior mencionado, Sunoo había mantenido plenas conversaciones amigables contigo e incluso él te consideraba una amiga. Pero no del grupo que, desde tu punto de vista, parecía una fraternidad llena de secretos.
Podía ser que era por malas experiencias del pasado, pero una parte de ti siempre esperaba lo peor de Aerin, o lo peor de Sunoo. Todos ellos compartían esa sonrisa que jamás llegaba a sus ojos, un gesto que, bajo tu juicio, resonaba a una amistad llena de un vacío que jamás se podría cubrir. Aunque también podía ser simples suposiciones, pues Aerin no había sido mas que amable y Sunoo, más de lo mismo.
Cierto era que habías notado una ausencia de envidia o celos de los alumnos de tu rango hacia ellos. Ni una queja, ni ningún mal deseo. Ni una revolución. Es más, parecía que estaban deseosos de tener la atención de los SSR, especialmente de Sunghoon, la cara de la Academia. Un deseo que no compartías y que, siempre que escuchabas conversaciones en el baño de las chicas o tus compañeros de clase te comentaban algo entre as líneas de "ojalá poder estar con ellos", la extrañez era sembrada en tu interior. No te habías acercado primero ni a Aerin ni a Sunoo y no creías que hubieras tenido esa necesidad si ellos no lo hubieran hecho. Y, con respecto a Sunghoon, mientras sus ojos no se encontrasen con los tuyos, escapar era todavía posible.
—¡Qué buena idea!— Dijiste sin saber muy bien qué responder ante la noticia de otro evento al que, por normas establecidas desde un criterio un tanto desconocido para ti, alumnos de tu rango no estaban invitados. Aerin frunció el ceño rápidamente y sentiste un miedo irracional a haber dicho algo equivocado o a que hubiese notado tus miradas furtivas hacia Park Sunghoon. —¿Por qué el desinterés?— Su comentario, como tantos otros que desde su ruptura con Sunghoon te había dirigido, volvió a descuadrarte por un instante. Pero, y similar a lo que siempre sucedía, como si se hubiese acordado de algo tremendamente importante, ignoraba su propio comentario, en este caso una pregunta, para continuar con su monólogo, volviendo a sonreír de esa forma tan... SSR.
Aquel cambio en la actitud de Aerin hacia ti en instantes como éste fue paralelo a su desastrosa ruptura con Sunghoon. Dos semanas tardó Aerin en darse cuenta de que verdaderamente Sunghoon iba en serio en aquella conversación que, sin querer, habías escuchado un sábado lluvioso de noche, volviendo de la biblioteca de la Academia, dirigiéndote a los dormitorios que te correspondían, los de los alumnos no SSR, los azules. Además del lujo, la única diferencia con los otros era que se encontraban en un edificio separado de la Academia, al aire libre.
El libro de Literatura Universal era bastante pesado y ocupaba incómodamente gran parte la circunferencia deforme que tus brazos doblados y unidos realizaban para poder agarrarlo. Tus bailarinas negras sin tacón conseguían no hacer ruido al entrar en contacto con el suelo de baldosa a cada paso, siendo sólo posible escuchar el ruido de la lluvia. Hasta que, justo cuando ibas a girar la esquina para seguir con tu recorrido, la voz de Aerin te hizo pararte en seco justo cuando te ibas a adentrar en el pasillo en el que ella estaba.
—¿Cómo que quieres romper conmigo? ¿Tú sabes con quién estás hablando ahora mismo?— Su voz sonaba con un toque de ferocidad que jamás habías escuchado en ella al sólo conocerla desde hace un mes en este momento. El silencio le respondió. —No sólo asientas con la cabeza, Sunghoon. Eso siempre me ha sacado de quicio— Recordaste cada vez que asentiste como respuesta a una pregunta de Aerin y fue ahí donde empezaste a notar esa sonrisa SSR y, así, el modelo de sonrisa SSR.
Escuchar el nombre del mencionado te cortó la respiración del susto. ¿Por qué del susto? ¿Qué es lo que pasaba? Seguías confundida por cómo te estabas sintiendo mientras tratabas de pegarte a la pared, escondiéndote. Apretaste más el libro contra ti.
Entonces escuchaste la voz que llamaba al latido de tu corazón a revolucionarse, como si fuese dueña de ellos, de él. Pero no de manera romántica, sino de una forma primitiva, casi depredadora. Sonaba grave, aterciopelada y un poco nasal. A tus oídos, estúpidamente un Beethoven. ¿Cómo era posible que una voz fuese catalogada de esta manera por cómo tu cuerpo se sentía al escucharla? No sabías.
—Cállate. Me tienes harto, Aerin— Frío.
—Nunca quise esto y sólo acepté por mi padre y lo sabes— Egoísta.
—Ah, espera... No me digas... ¿Te has enamorado de mi?— Narcisista.
Podías hasta casi oír la sonrisa ladina burlesca con la que había pronunciado aquellas palabras.
Fue tal y como Aerin en dos semanas te describiría a Park Sunghoon.
Sus palabras tan duras envueltas en el sonido tentador que su voz era te aterrorizó por completo porque, en vez de cesar todo aquel juego que considerabas individual del observar el efecto que Park Sunghoon tenía sobre ti, no cabía en tu cuerpo la necesidad de volver a jugar. Así, te fuiste de aquel pasillo sin escuchar más.
Dos semanas después te "enteraste" de lo sucedido y, a partir de ese encuentro, notaste el cambio en Aerin y el esquema, además del espejismo, en el que todos los SSR parecían estar dentro.
—Bueno, olvida eso. Lo importante es que, esta vez, estás invitada— Dijo Aerin cambiando de actitud mientras daba saltitos y te abrazaba efímeramente. No te dio tiempo a corresponder el abrazo. —¿Cómo? Pero, ¿eso es posible? ¿No va contra las normas?— Aerin te miró como si tuvieras tres ojos y no dos durante un momento, para después ignorar tu negación. —Todo está permitido y es legal, creo que ya sabes quién soy— Se rio y la mención de su identidad te produjo un escalofrío.
La principal razón por la que existía una aparente igualdad entre los alumnos era porque nadie hablaba de quienes eran en realidad. Todos lo sabían, pero ellos jamás habían forzado ese conocimiento en el resto. ¿La razón? Desconocida. Así, te reíste nerviosamente, haciendo como si no hubieses escuchado sus palabras. Los ojos de Aerin brillaron. Respuesta correcta.
—No acepto un no por respuesta. El impresentable va a estar allí y necesito a mi mejor amiga para que me apoye— Su brazo rodeó tus hombros mientras os girabais para ir a clase, apareciendo Park Sunghoon en tu campo de visión, el cual estaba hablando con Heeseung y Jake cerca de la escalera por la cual le habías visto bajar inicialmente.
Estabas tan centrada en Aerin que pensaste que Park Sunghoon sólo había bajado las escaleras para después desaparecer, pero parece que había estado ahí todo el tiempo tras encontrarse con sus amigos. Fue inevitable no mirarlo mientras se te secaba la garganta y decías un "Claro Aerin" al no poder dejar jamás que ella te pirase mirándole. Aerin casi paró en seco tras darse cuenta de la presencia de Park Sunghoon. Tras titubear un momento, retomó el paso a una gran velocidad que te sorprendió. Así, con tu mente sumergida en la sorpresa, tus ojos aprovecharon para dirigirse hacia él y tu corazón latió con fuerza. Como siempre, Park Sunghoon parecía inmune a hacer contacto visual contigo. Te miraba como si estuviera mirando al vacío, haciendo un contacto similar al que haces al confundirte y sonreírle a una persona que en verdad, estaba mirando a otra parte.
Así habías llegado a la conclusión de que, en verdad, debía de estar siempre mirando en otra dirección. No provocabas en él lo que el provocaba en ti. Además, no sentías que el mismísimo Park Sunghoon mirase en tu dirección las mismas veces que tú le mirabas.
Tu interior quería su atención, la necesitaba de una forma que nunca conseguía dejar de sorprenderte. Pero él seguramente miraba a Aerin, arrepintiéndose estos dos últimos meses de su decisión de abandonarla, de ser ese Park Sunghoon frío, egoísta y narcisista, de no ser él. La conexión tan individual que sentías hacia él te hacía pensar de esta manera, apenas sin conocerlo. Unos dirán idealización, otros dirán una búsqueda de entendimiento de tus propios gustos. Yo digo una satisfacción de los deseos de tu yo más profundo que parecía que sólo él podía brindarte...
Pero él estaba por Aerin. Estabas convencida.
Pero oh, cómo te equivocabas.
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾ ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
Tras llegar al comedor casi escapando de su ex, Aerin te sentó en uno de los bancos, justo al lado de Sunoo. La miraste con duda, temiendo su reacción ante el encuentro con Park Sunghoon. Pero, para tu sorpresa, y en contradicción con sus apretados puños casi blancos por sus puntiagudas uñas, estableció. —El evento es este sábado, siento que te avisara tan tarde pero me estaba asegurando de que pudieras venir con seguridad y déjame decirte que... qué segura estoy— Pronunció esto último mirando hacia el horizonte, gesto que te descuadró un poco. Miraste a Sunoo, el cual te la devolvió con una sonrisa ladina. —¡Hay que prepararse!— Le sonreíste de vuelta mientras un sentimiento asfixiante se asentaba en tu pecho. Lo llamaste hambre pero y tras comer, el hambre no puede durar... ¿verdad?
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾ ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
Park Sunghoon no estaba mirando a Aerin precisamente. Desde que te vio por primera vez, todas sus convicciones de haber estado vivo temblaron -y mira que ha estado vivo por mucho tiempo-, ya que fue observándote (y después de hacerlo) cuando fue totalmente consciente de que no estaba ciego, de que sus ojos observaban una realidad cuyos colores sólo podía conocer a través de ellos, que realmente observar es una acción impersonal en la que el objeto que ha conseguido toda su atención, se vuelve lo más importante para él, aunque sólo sea por un segundo, una milésima, un simple pestañeo.
Cuando Park Sunghoon te observaba, no podía centrarse en nada más. Pero esta esclavitud de su concentración no estaba producida por resultar cautivado ante tu presencia, no. Era porque, por muy irracional que sonase, Park Sunghoon se sentía responsable de cada movimiento que hacías, cada respiración, cada paso. Era totalmente exasperante. Poco a poco, su sanidad se veía intoxicada por ti y, cuando eran tus ojos los responsables de su gran carga, Park Sunghoon quería más de ti. ¿El qué exactamente? No tenía ni la remota idea. O de eso se intentaba convencer.
Tampoco, según él, tuviste ninguna influencia en su decisión de terminar su trato, su engaño con Aerin. Y, tras ahora abandonar el hall con su ex, tampoco sintió las inmensas ganas de que te dieras la vuelta, volviéndole a brindar toda tu atención.
—Parece que Aerin te sigue odiando, Sunghoon— Sim Jake mencionó mientras que, con los brazos cruzados en el pecho, hacía una mueca de cansancio hacia donde Aerin antes se encontraba contigo. Eran primos lejanos y, tantos años juntos (demasiados), habían creado una atmósfera un tanto extraña. Su pelo rubio se movió también, al nunca estar tan controlado por Jake como le gustaría. Esto lo distrajo por un momento y no se fijó en como Sunghoon siguió mirando hacia aquella salida, contemplativo. Gesto que no paso de largo por Lee Heeseung.
—Ah, ya.— Fue simplemente lo que Sunghoon le respondió. A esto, Jake gesticuló con cierta energía.
—¿Esa es tu reacción? ¿No estuvisteis saliendo juntos durante todo el verano?—Sunghoon miró a Jake con cierto aburrimiento.
—Nunca fue seriamente— Jake miró con shock a Heeseung mientras cerraba la boca.
Heeseung, tras mirar un segundo a Sunghoon, hizo contacto con Jake y tras ver su sorpresa, rompió su silencio. —¿Qué? ¿No lo sabías?— Jake negó con la cabeza un poco, todavía sorprendido. Heeseung rio mientras le daba un suave golpe en el brazo. —Eso te pasa por siempre irte a Australia en verano— Jake lo empujó y comenzó a caminar hacia el comedor, negando con la cabeza.
—No es mi culpa que mi familia sea de allí— Refunfuñando, fue seguido por Heeseung. Sunghoon, un tanto sonriente ante las reacciones de su amigo, les siguió también, unos pasos por detrás.
Jake, que iba unos pasos más por delante, se giró y, tras dirigirle una mirada de disculpa, se colocó junto a Sunghoon. —No pasa nada, Jake— Rio este último mientras Heeseung esperaba a que llegasen a su altura, aprovechando para seguir observando la actitud de Sunghoon. —¡Perfecto entonces! Porque me acabo de acordar de la gran noticia. Aerin hará otro de sus eventos este fin de semana—.
Llegaron a la altura de Heeseung y Sunghoon simplemente resopló. —Vamos Sunghoon, el rol de vegetariano no te va muy bien—
Heeseung miró a Jake de soslayo, esperando que no siguese por ese camino. Sunghoon se tensó al momento. —No soy un asesino—.
Su tono frío le recordó a Jake por qué era un tema sensible pero, buscando reconfortar a su amigo, continuó.
—Tranquilo Sunghoon, es sólo pasarlo bien. Nunca ha muerto nadie así que no deberías— Heeseung interrumpió. —Mejor cambiamos de tema, ¿vale?—
Siendo el mayor de los tres, tanto Jake como Sunghoon dejaron de mirarse para asentir y continuar caminando. —Ahora que lo pienso no se si suena tan bien... Aerin va a llevar a su amiga, así que será su protegida— Jake lo mencionó con toda la buena intención del mundo, pero a Sunghoon no le gustó ni un pelo el tono decepcionante que usó Jake ni la mirada compasiva que Heeseung le dirigió.
Una necesidad casi primaria de prohibir a todo aquel que no sea él de mencionarte en los términos a los que Jake se refería perforó sus instintos y casi llegó a hablar para expresar tu súbito estatus como suya. Claro que Sunghoon fue el primero que se paró a sí mismo, extrañado ante sus sentimientos y negando absolutamente una posibilidad de necesitar protegerte o, peor aún, de morderte.
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾ ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
Llegó el sábado sin anormalidad ninguna. Tampoco era como si estuvieses esperando algún cambio en la monótona vida académica que llevabas, o eso te repetías continuamente. El final del semestre se había dado el día después de que Aerin te invitara a aquel evento y de que te lo anunciara. Así pasaste el miércoles, jueves y viernes sin clases en tu dormitorio sólo compartido por ti y tu soledad. Aunque no sólo estuviste pudriéndote en tu cama con un buen libro, sino que también quedaste con Aerin y Sunoo en una especie de bosques interiores que existían en la Academia.
Un diseño arquitectónico que jamás habías visto, pues toda la academia se encontraba cubierta de patios interiores con la única excepción de la salida a los dormitorios de los alumnos azules.
Acostumbrada a las ventanas y, especialmente, a estar en contacto con el Sol, la estructura de las aulas y de la academia entera en general te resultó al principio un tanto agobiante. Techos infinitos que formaban triángulos afilados apoyados en altas paredes que sólo se encontraban agujereadas por ventanas en lo más alto. Escuchar por primera vez las campanadas de lo que parecía Notre Dame te había sorprendido. Antes de trasladarte, sabías de la apariencia tétrica de la academia, pero cada techo formaba un escondijo perfecto para el mismísimo Fantasma de la Ópera.
Pero nadie más que tú parecía extrañada, así que la normalidad fue sencillamente fácil de alcanzar.
La tela roja que conformaba tu vestido imitaba a tu propia piel al abrazarse con gracia y elegancia a la silueta de tu cuerpo. Sunoo te había convencido para elegir aquel vestido, haciendo hincapié en su gusto exquisito, cualidad que la misma Aerin no compartía pese a ser también una alumna SSR. Ella vestía bien, pero Sunoo más. La mirada indescifrable que Aerin te había regalado tras verte con aquel vestido a la salida de la academia (el evento se celebraba en una de las tantas casas sofisticadas de propiedad del director de la academia, es decir, del padre de Aerin), provocó una cierta inseguridad en tu apariencia. Fue Sunoo que, tras encargarse de tu pelo, asesinó cualquier sentimiento de duda.
—Estás exquisita—Estableció tras hacer contacto visual a través del espejo que el chófer de Aerin siempre traía consigo. Tu ceño se frunció ligeramente ante el uso de aquel adjetivo entre los tantos similares que podría haber usado pero, centrándote en la Luna que se dejaba ver a través del cristal, sonreíste con gratitud.
Aerin con su vestido verde oliva también lucía absolutamente preciosa y, la forma en la que había mencionado a Sunghoon con tono de venganza, entre las líneas de "se arrepentirá de haberme dejado" tras Sunoo alabarla, sonaba más a una auto convicción que una promesa.
No decidiste prestar atención a cómo siguió la conversación porque... Sunghoon. Una adrenalina provocada por un estímulo que no sabías muy bien identificar se había asentado en tu vientre, haciendo casi temblar tus manos. Ahora el hambre era adrenalina.
Tu intuición te avisaba de que hoy no iba a ser como las otras veces, una presa que consigue escapar por la indiferencia de su depredador. Hoy, tu intuición te hacía asesina de tu propio juicio, o eso es el destino que ésta selló. ¿Iba a ser así? No tenias la prueba científica... ni siquiera sabías exactamente por qué te sentías así. Pero, cada vez que Park Sunghoon se hacía camino entre tus otros pensamientos hasta llegar al centro de tu mente consciente, la adrenalina se descontrolaba. Morirías de hambre a este paso.
Aunque tu juicio, todavía vivo, no quiso atender, ya que ¿por qué pasaría algo con Park Sunghoon justo hoy tras tres meses de simple atracción no correspondida?
De nuevo, erraste en el primer momento en el que estableciste que a Park Sunghoon le eras indiferente.
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾ ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
El trayecto fue corto y simple, lleno de ilusión. No sabías que te esperaba y la cantidad de anécdotas que Aerin y Sunoo te contaban hicieron que tuvieses grandes expectativas. Tenías pensado pasarlo bien, intentando ignorar tus presentimientos, ya sean malos o buenos. Además de que todo iría bien, como muchas veces Aerin y Sunoo habían repetido porque ibas en calidad de su "protegida". Todavía no habías entendido muy bien qué significaba aquel término y las respuestas evasivas de Aerin no te aclaraban nada. Pero como estabas centrada en disfrutar del momento buscando cesar tu personalidad de naturaleza tan responsable que te ahogaba con el constante recordatorio de la existencia de consecuencias que tus actos podían llegar a producir, no insististe más.
Hasta que los viste. Varios pares, casi centenares, brillantes y puntiagudos, escondidos, casi tímidos en las distintas bocas por las que se asomaban. Colmillos.
Entrar en la fiesta que se estaba dando en la piscina no supuso ningún alteridad de tu intención inicial: pasarlo bien porque todo iría bien. Ni rastro de colmillos, nada. Simplemente te extrañaron dos cosas. La primera: ¿cómo una fiesta con tanta gente tenía tan poca iluminación, dependiendo solamente de la luz de la luna para ver? Aerin te habló de un apagón temporal. La segunda: ver la cantidad de parejas que se encontraban besándose en el cuello. Sunoo te dijo que eras demasiado inocente, hecho probablemente cierto.
Nada alarmante, nada alterante. Hasta que, tras estar bailando cinco canciones seguidas con Aerin y Sunoo (realmente te lo estabas pasando en grande), un pin pon con un borracho Jungwon y un descanso en la cocina con Jake y más conocidos; te excusaste para ir al baño.
Llevabas cerca de dos horas en aquella fiesta y sin una gota de alcohol en el estómago (sorprendentemente sólo había vino y Aerin no te lo recomendó al ser de mala calidad, pese a, después y desde la cocina, verla bebiéndolo), pensaste que buscar el baño no iba a suponer un gran reto. Pero te perdiste y caminando por el segundo piso sin rumbo alguno, la suerte preció estar de tu lado cuando lo encontraste.
Todo iba tan bien, tan perfectamente bien que mientras acercabas tu mano al pomo de la puerta entreabierta sonreíste para ti misma, sintiendo que habías juzgado todo demasiado meticulosamente, dándole la razón a tu madre. Hasta que lo escuchaste.
—Muérdeme, por favor— Una voz femenina y un sonido de piel desgarrándose rompieron el silencio de aquel blanco pasillo del segundo piso y, levantando la cabeza, viste a un Heeseung mordiéndole el cuello a una chica que no conocías haciéndolo sangrar.
Tus mofletes se calentaron y te apartaste rápidamente. Los gemidos de ella y los gruñidos de él anularon cualquier sonido que pudiste llegar a hacer mientras te alejabas, buscando volver a la piscina. Buscabas quitarte aquella imagen de la cabeza, aunque la sorpresa era indudable. Sabías que había gente a la que el dolor le producía placer y nunca te habías considerado una de esas hasta que viste aquella sangre corriéndole por su cuello. ¿Por qué tu cuello no paraba de palpitar?
Bajaste la escalera y echando una ojeada al primer piso para distraerte, volviste a encontrarte con la misma posición. En este caso, era Jake con una chica que tampoco conocías. Rápidamente seguiste bajando las escaleras, llegando al porche. Tu corazón latía demasiado fuerte y decidiste pese a lo que Aerin te había dicho, beber el vino servido. Necesitabas alcohol para quitarte aquella sensación.
Así te llevaste el vaso a la boca en la soledad de una desierta cocina. Todos estaban en la piscina bailando o besándose el cuello, pues la cantidad de parejas parecía haberse multiplicado desde el inicio de la fiesta. Verlas así te devolvió el recuerdo de lo que minutos antes habías visto y, ya sin dudas, te llevaste el vaso a la boca.
Un sabor metálico y un tanto caliente hizo contacto con tu lengua. Escupiste al momento. ¿Por qué aquel vino sabía a sangre? Abriste la nevera con la necesidad de quitarte aquel horrible sabor de la boca y las viste.
Más de veinte envases de plástico con etiquetas que ponían nombres de distintos animales en rojo te recibieron tras abrir la nevera. Era sangre de animal. El estómago te dio un vuelco y sentiste arcadas. Rápidamente fuiste al grifo y bebiste agua pese a nunca gustarte beber de él.
Mientras te limpiabas la boca notando que el gloss todavía resistía en tus labios, lo que habías visto anteriormente ya no te pareció una simple coincidencia. Así, con el ceño fruncido y una valentía calculadora, te acercaste a la piscina y observaste tus alrededores,¡. Destellos blancos similares a perlas parecían reflejar la luz de la Luna en aquellas parejas que ya no estaban unidas por un beso. Mirándolo mejor, era un mordisco.
Tu respiración se aceleró casi entrando en un ataque de pánico hasta que viste la figura de Aerin y Sunoo. Sinti��ndote infinitamente aliviada, ibas a empezar a caminar para ir hacia ellos hasta que Sunoo abrió la boca tras acercarse al cuello de Aerin y viste con tus propios ojos como los dientes de Sunoo se transformaban en afilados colmillos que perforaron la piel de Aerin, haciéndola sangrar.
Las caricias de Aerin y sus ojos cerrados por placer fue la señal que necesitaste para darte cuenta de que había un consenso, de que esto era normal, de que esto era lo que pasaba en estos eventos.
Tu mente empezó a dar muchas vueltas, especialmente por el hecho de que no sabías muy bien qué tipo de culto de imitación vampírica se estaba llevando a cabo. Tu respiración se aceleró y entraste de nuevo en la casa, buscando escapar. Subiste la escalera hasta el primer piso sin darte cuenta de que Jake podría seguir allí (tampoco pensaste en ello del estado de shock en el que estabas entrando). Esta vez subiste hasta arriba de todo, no parando en el segundo piso. Necesitabas alejarte de fuese lo que fuese que estaba pasando abajo y, por alguna razón, ir arriba del todo. Necesitar ir arriba del todo.
Rápidamente, llegaste a la cima de las escaleras que consistía en una puerta ligeramente normal para el lujo del resto de la casa. Estaba entreabierta y la brisa nocturna salía de aquella. Justo lo que necesitabas en ese momento, lo que más anhelabas en ese momento estaba detrás de esa puerta. Así, cumpliste esa necesidad abriéndola y penetrándola.
Con las manos en los bolsillos y sus dos mechones de flequillo moviéndose en un dócil aleteo que la brisa nocturna provocaba, la figura esbelta e imponente de Park Sunghoon te recibió y sus profundos y mortales ojos se clavaron en tu persona sin titubeo ni expresión, pero con la intensidad de un contacto anhelado en sueños.
"Él es lo que necesito, mi sueño cumplido"
‧͙⁺˚・༓☾ ☽༓・˚⁺‧͙
notes 1: la segunda parte está en camino y esta semana estará terminada... no tengo pensado hacer más así que esto sería un one shot de dos partes (?). aunque si se me ocurre algún drabble pues quién sabe juju. espero verte en la segunda parte ilysm <3
notes 2: omg!! el primer fic en español que escribo por aquí... veremos. si te ha gustado puedes dar un like y rebloguear y, si te sientes amable, un comentario me haría super happy. no he visto muchos blogs escribir en español de enhypen e intimida un poco 🙂↔️ solo espero que te lo hayas pasado bien leyéndolo como yo escribiéndolo jusjus. i love you <3
#sunghoon x reader#enhypen#enhypen fic#teeth enhypen#vampire au#sunghoon fanfic#park sungho x reader#fanfic#fantasy#maybe a little bit dark?#español#spanish fanfic#enhypen jake#niki nishimura#jake sim#lee heeseung#original female character#no use of y/n#part 1#first fanfic here#tumblr writers#bite marks#... kitty writes! <3
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✸ 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐃𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬
✦𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: vampire, supernatural, romance, fanfic. 𝟏𝟖+
✦𝐩𝐨𝐯: first person, Sora(M.C)
✦𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩: haechan×oc
✦𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐬&𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐬: death; change of power; facing darkness; family; desire to escape; disillusionment and dreams; faith versus doubt; fate and free will; moraly grey characters; illusion of power; greed as downfall; identity crisis; supernatural; inner versus outer strength; love and sacrifice; manipulation; devotion.
✦𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬: writing/heavy editing!
✦𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: blood; murder; violence; hierarchy; manipulation; death; abuse.
𔘓 ᵗⁱᵖʲᵃʳ
⟢𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: Sora, tasked to take care of her ill grandmother, finds out her family line is more than what she'd imagine. One night, bringing down her entire world as she learns to manage the new one she's stepped into. And nothing is quite easy when the entire Nightworld is after her—blood for blood, cunning for cunning. Yet, with little faith and full desperation, Sora trades her safety to a group of Vampires, one she'd yet to determine friends or foes.
≡note: hello, I appreciate your interest in my story, especially in Haechanie! This story draws inspiration from the classic and beloved supernatural theme, particularly vampires. As a writer, I aim to create this story with a sense of ease and enjoyment, a departure from my more serious non-fanfic work. Despite the comforting nature of this project, I'm excited to take on the challenge of giving this well-worn trope a unique twist, if possible. I'll also be experimenting with scenes and ideas from my non-fanfic books here to see how they fit. Lastly, it's worth noting that while I initially inserted myself into this piece of work, I've changed the character's name to Sora (MC). Rest assured, Sora won't be a Mary Sue character; I value a strong plot over wish-fulfillment.
divider: @/cafekitsune
✦ 𝐂 𝐇 𝐀 𝐏 𝐓 𝐄 𝐑 𝐒 ✦
𝐜𝐡𝐩 𝐨𝐧𝐞
𝐜𝐡𝐩 𝐭𝐰𝐨
𝐜𝐡𝐩 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞
𝐜𝐡𝐩 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫
𝐜𝐡𝐩 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞
𝐜𝐡𝐩 𝐬𝐢𝐱
𝐜𝐡𝐩 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧
𝐜𝐡𝐩 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭
𝐜𝐡𝐩 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞
#kpop fanfic#kpop#kpop ff#kpop au#illumins#nct fanfic#haechan fanfic#vampire haechan au!#haechan vampire#haechan au#nct haechan#haechan#lee haechan#lee donghyuck#lee donghyuk#nightdoveseries#mark lee#mark fanfic#kpop vampire au#haechan x oc
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬. | NCT
synopsis: When Samantha goes back to her hometown to collect the necessary ingredients to break a curse placed on her. only to meet the person who she witnessed him dying over and over for the past 10 centuries due to another curse - a soulmate curse -. many things happen, new feelings bloom and many die. death looms around her, but would she, the villainess find her once epic love at last? would she finally breaks the curse and cut the damn loop and have her happy ending or would she fail in saving him from her and her family's history?
genre: smut, supernatural AU, soulmate au, vampires au, werewolf au, Sub/Dom dynamics, angst, mention of traumas, mention of torture, deaths of some characters, and blood, explicit language, fluff, mature content, sadism, lots of killing, and many plot twists.
A/N: this book is inspired by the series of
<The Vampire Diaries and The Originals.>
Guide to the Werewolves' Abilities and Weaknesses:
Guide to the Vampires' Abilities and Weaknesses:
Guide to The Originals' Abilities and Weaknesses:
Guide to The Hybrids' Abilities and Weaknesses:
1|2 |3 |4 |5 |6| 7|8 | 9 | 10
#nct ff#nct dream#werewolves#supernatural au#wayv#nct 127#nct mark#nct jeno#oc x mark lee#oc x jeno lee#love triangle?#i think this will be great lol#new thangs#wont be cringy#istg it's not cringy#klaus mikaelson#the vampire diaries#the originals#dom fem reader#nct dream ff#nct 127 smut#nct dream smut#nct x reader
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can we hear about thatcher. or dave <- deranged
Thatcher AND dave 4 u sam . Yes
- Thatcher is Lynns younger brother here, he is the that . Unfortunatly finds her body after a distressing call from Adam.
- Dave is the legal guardien of Sarah and Mark, hes . Distressed to say the least when one day mark just..doesnt come home. But he holds it together well enough to raise sarah (shes still raised poorly, daves focused on mandela tech so much he sort of forgets to . Always be there)
- Thatcher, Dave and Ruth are soosos best friends because i LOVE THEM. They have weekly coffee talk sessions where they sit in a circle drinking coffee in silence
- Dave likes collecting little trinkets . Thats all
- Thatcher really really likes horror films, he stays up till early hours with Adam as they watch like nightmare on elm street and the scream franchise together
- Adam gets his music taste soley from Thatcher.
- Dave liked to take Sarah and Mark to theme parks every year for birthdays because he had no idea how else to celebrate . Every birthday was at a theme park
- Thatcher and Dave are both in parenting facebook groups for deranged uncles having to suddently be fathers to nefews and or neices
Sorry none of these makes sence theyre just random facts ive had stored in my brain ^-^
#sorry if these are badly described im watching sinjin drowning and im VERY distracted#tmc vampire au#adam murray#thatcher davis#dave lee#mark heathcliff#ruth weaver#sarah heathcliff
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dorm dare diaries. l.mk smau
୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅. enemies2lovers, humour, college au, romance, dorm life, drama, prank wars.
synopsis. living in dorm 117 means two things: you get to live with your two best friends, and you get to live directly opposite dorm 119. the latter fact would be totally irrelevant to you if it wasn’t for the fact that the people occupying dorm 119 are the most insufferable people you have ever met. mark lee and his annoying, troublesome friends. so when the boys’ dorm push your dorms patience a little too far, you decide to get your own back. but what happens when one small prank evolves into a full fledged dorm prank war between both of your dorms. and what happens when the pranks end up becoming far more serious than you ever would have imagined? even to the point where you find yourself in danger, and the only person who can help you is the guy you hate the most.
taglist; open!!!
status — starting soon. (when ride or die finishes)
warnings; language, mentions of alcohol, threat, angst, cliffhangers (wouldn’t be a yutarot fic without it), mark has a crazy ex.
disclaimer; all portrayals of people of people are fake and from my imagination, in no way am i claiming that they act like this irl.
bedroom warfare — one ok rock, juliette — shinee, go away — strawberry switchblade, fiction — beast, both sides now — joni mitchell, cold cold heart — norah jones, lover you should come over — jeff buckley, checkmate — zb1, campus — vampire weekend, letter to my 13 year old self — laufey, zoom — red velvet, tell me — jbj95
dorm 117. dorm 119. dorm 127.
replies, likes and reblogs are all greatly appreciated! feel free to send thoughts in my asks!
note — ahhh i can’t wait to start this one!!! imma let this sit on here for a while whilst i finish ride or die, pls lmk if you want to be added to the taglist before it starts!! see u then! (haaland will be making a comeback in this fic too heheheeh) also this is very much inspired by the “what letter?” scene in anne with an e SO I CANT WAIT FOR THAT
#nct#nct smau#nct 127#nct fanfic#nct college au#nct dream#mark nct#mark smau#mark lee x reader#mark x reader#mark nct smau#mark lee smau#mark lee fanfic#nct mark#mark lee
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mark lee
dm for prices @susicheng
small lifestyle influencer yn, who also happens to be a stressed college student, runs into a life threatening dilemma: plug moved to a different state post grad. having developed a crippling dependency on her weekly smoke sesh, she needs someone new, FAST. luckily, chenle seems to know just the guy. enter: mark lee, an astoundingly reliable plug with an interesting texting style.
plug! mark x fem! reader
personal fav !
⋆ you. @fairyoflia
in which a biology major and a basketball player lock eyes on the train after getting caught in the rain. unfortunately for them, they hate each other.
basketball player! mark lee x fem! reader
from the rooftops @peterm4rker
in which biochemistry major mark lee didn’t have time to be swinging around the city fighting crime when he had a chemistry report due in two days and a whole plan to make the girl of his dreams to fall in love with him before the new years party.
in which journalism major y/n l/n needed her ground breaking story of the year before fuckass yuna took her place in the college newspaper and decided her favorite superhero was the answer, all while trying to get that cute biochem student to notice her.
spiderman!mark x journalist!reader
huang renjun
starlight @suhnandmoon
after an unexpected night at the movies, you’re left turned into a vampire. with the help of park jisung and his friends, your new lifestyle adjustments are thankfully made a lot easier. that is until your friends start to call out your flaky behavior. quick, how are you going to cover up your secret? a fake boyfriend taking up your time? perfect! huang renjun is just the right guy!
huang renjun x fem!reader
vampire au
crush culture @suhnshinehaos
ln yn has always flirted with huang renjun. but they do that with literally everyone else too, they couldn’t possibly be serious about pursuing him, right? on their final year of university, yn is determined to show that they are. with all the walls that renjun has built around himself, will they be strong enough to succeed in tearing them down?
huang renjun x gn!reader
𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐞 @sungbeam
you and renjun are pen-pals-turned-best-friends, except, no one knows that you know each other. at the same time, both you and renjun are also trying to survive being set up with people by your own separate friend groups. turns out, maybe you both just want each other and no one else.
huang renjun x fem!reader
lee jeno
jeno was not thrilled about you joining his dance team, especially because he starts messing up every time you’re around. is it really his fault that he gets distracted by how good you look when you dance?
enemies to lovers
dancer!jeno x bookworm!reader
ᝰ.ᐟ off the record @strrykais
someone had to write for the sports column in your schools paper, and unfortunately it falls onto you. only knowing very little about basketball - thanks to your friend chenle, this shouldn't be so bad!
well, that was until you meet the team’s captain and he rudely asks if you are deaf.... funny thing is, you are!
lee jeno x fem!reader
personal fav
good graces @106alibi
y/n knows she's petty. so when she found out her (secret) celebrity boyfriend of a year had been cheating on her, through a news article to make things worse, she decided to cook up an action plan to get back at him, and what better way to take revenge than to get together with his all-time favourite athlete?
or, in which y/n involves an unsuspecting lee jeno into her little revenge scheme on her now ex-boyfriend.
boxer!jeno x magazine-editor!reader
personal fav
secret admirer @diaphamin
in which ncit’s star basketball player lee jeno is your secret admirer
lee jeno x reader
my youth , your kitchen @cigsaftersuh
in which y/n, a pre-med student, who loves to cook & feed people, meets jeno, the quiet sports science major with a soft smile, and discovers that the way to someone’s heart really is through their gastrointestinal tract, their stomach.
non-idol! jeno x f! reader (.◜◡◝)
good boy @fullsunstrawberry
New year's resolution leads to you hitting the gym with your two muscle-head friends. But things get complicated when feelings and emotions are involved.
Jeno x Reader (some anton x reader)
underneath the tree @winwintea
you’ve heard enough of the word ‘christmas’ and it was only the beginning of december! sometimes you’d wish people would just throw their cheerfulness out the window and focus on reality. unfortunately for you lee jeno has just drawn your name for the company’s annual secret santa swinter swap and he’s going to make sure you get a gift you’ll never forget. (and maybe even get you to appreciate christmas along the way?)
co-worker!lee jeno x female!reader
oh , pretty please ? @nislost
After being scolded by a teacher y/n decides she’s sick of failing her classes. she knows if she doesn’t get her act together she might not even make it in life. she decides to seek help from the one student that that can potentially help her, jeno the valedictorian. jeno would only accept if y/n helped him in some way too.
valedictorian!jeno x bimbo!reader
lee haechan
on the same page @johnnysuhbmarine
Knowing a change of scenery was what your mental health needed, you transferred to where your brother, Mark, goes to college. The good news is, he’s not too cool for his younger sister, so he lets you join his friend group immediately. The bad news is, Haechan is in that friend group, and a brief encounter four years ago was enough for you to understand he does NOT like you. Even worse news, he’s a lot hotter than he was four years ago…
Haechan x reader
personal fav
lab rats ! @106alibi
graded internship season has finally rolled around for biology student y/n, and with a current gpa of 4.0 under her belt and an extremely high possibility of graduating valedictorian, she's fairly confident that acing her research internship will be just what she needs to secure that spot. of course, that was until a certain someone came into the equation.
or, y/n finds herself partnered with the last person she'd ever want to work with for her research internship, lee donghyuck.
biology-student!donghyuck x biology-student!reader
how not to be a virgin 101 @diaphamin
college is about gaining further education, to some, but to y/n it means she is finally free to explore the side of life she was never able to. parties, relationships, and sex. she was tired of being dull, tired of being the only one around her who hasn’t experienced anything romantic. she was ready to be the exact opposite of what she wasn’t. the only problem being… she doesn’t know how. that’s when she calls upon haechan, someone notoriously known for having a bit too much fun… and asks him for guidance.
where you are @luvmahae
what the absolute fuck is up baby! fall semester marks the peak of greek life at ncu. the campus quad is filled with tents representing various fraternities and sororities with their letters proudly presented in front of each booth, all eager to recruit new members. as students return to campus, they are met with a flood of fliers and invitations to parties, mixers, and rush events. while you were walking through the crowd of eager freshmen to join these organizations, you bumped into someone very unexpected...
what do you do when you bump into the guy you hooked up with after a music festival during summer break? instead of the royal blue basketball jersey you first met him in, it was replaced by a varsity jacket with the letters reading "ΝΧΘ".
fratboy!haechan x fem!reader
personal fav
nerf this ! @injvns
in which overwatch streamer yn ln is on a winning streak one night, and sorta kinda ends up killing professional overwatch player lee haechan on stream…multiple times. she didn't even know who he was, let alone that he was super hot?! c'mon, she wouldn't have smoked him THAT hard if she knew!
yn starts overwatch beef with haechan accidentally. romance ensues.
progamer!haechan x streamer!femreader
cruise of love @mixxiew
yn, a scholarship student, finally gets the opportunity of her life to join her friends for the Semester at the Sea. every thing looks like a dream until the arrogant rich boy lee haechan crushes into her.
haechan x reader
just pretend ! @nislost
y/n gets hit up by her ex and in a desperate attempt to have him leave her alone she gets a random picture of a guy on pinterest and pretends he’s her bf. turns out the picture she used is of an up and coming youtuber lee haechan.
nonidol!haechan x f!reader
sunshine and starlight @lavndrystudios
haechan gets more than he bargained for when he meets chaeyoung’s new roommate. turns out he loves you, he really does. too bad you’re with ten.
haechan x f!reader
APT @sourrpatched
“Don’t you want me like I want you baby?”
After a uni party full of too many drinks and party games, y/n meets the love of her life. Only the next morning she can’t remember his name, his face, or anything besides his very attractive hands.
Lee Donghyuck lives a simple life, work, school, and sleep. He has no business in being dragged into parties every weekend. Which is why bumping into his complete opposite is enough to bring him out of that shell, albeit with force.
you’re losing me. @najaemism
it’s been six weeks since you ended your six-year relationship with haechan, and it seems like he’s already moved on.
angst, ex!haechan, hurt/no comfort
it's the way you are @inurnctdreams
y/n suh is going into her second semester of her sophomore year at snu. as a self-proclaimed snu lions fangirl, she can’t believe there’s a new player on the team she hasn’t met yet, especially one as cute and funny as lee donghyuck, who nearly everyone she knows seems to already be friends with. how did she manage to avoid him (even if unintentionally) for almost an entire year and a half? he seems way too good to be true… and then she remembers; he’s in the frat.
haechan x fem!reader
na jaemin
builds @moonslie04 In which streamer! Jaemin joins a random player's world and starts to roast their build without knowing that the innocent player was another genshin content creator.
˙⋆✮ bed chem ✮⋆˙ @wonbin-truther
when jaemin saw the big red "16%" on his first organic chemistry test, he knew he needed a tutor, fast. enter l/n y/n, a chemical engineering student who is determined to raise his grade. but as study sessions turn into late-night library marathons, jaemin is starting to realize he’s got more than just organic chemistry to worry about.
college student yn x college student jaemin
movie nights @nana4nena
while you’re having weekly movie nights with the dreamies, you and jaemin are falling in love, but someone is falling for you
jaemin x fem! reader
✮⋆˙ .exposure. @susicheng
a member of the up-and coming pop-punk / emo band, reverie: yn finds herself falling in the deep end with the band's new (much needed) photographer, na jaemin.
na jaemin x fem!reader ⋆˚𝜗𝜚˚⋆
zhong chenle
run your mouth @doughyk
chenle has a worm in his ear;not a good worm either, and it doesn’t seem to go away. But there you are, the worm in his ear. Yapping his ear off during work, absolutely smitten by him…chenle not so smitten by you.
nonidol!chenle x fem reader
personal fav
say it @sqh3e
you and Chenle are in the same music class at SMU, you write the songs, he sings them. for a few weeks you stopped showing up and no one realized you hadn’t been showing up until your friend mentions your name.
singer!chenle x fem!reader
park jisung
SCUM'S WISH 𓆩♡𓆪 @jungaji
struggling with unrequited feelings, you and park jisung agree to a fake relationship to ease your loneliness, filling the gaps left by others. with promises not to fall for each other and to part ways if your affections are reciprocated elsewhere, you jump into this arrangement. can you both stick to the rules, or will the lines between pretense and reality blur?
or, in which you and park jisung turn to each other for comfort in an attempt to soothe your unrequited loves.
park jisung x fem!reader feat. jeong jaehyun & cho miyeon
#nct#nct u#nct dream#nct fanfic#nct fic rec#nct x reader#mark lee#mark lee fanfic#renjun fanfic#jeno fanfic#haechan fanfic#jaemin fanfic#chenle fanfic#jisung fanfic#nct smau rec#nct smau
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☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐚 𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝
☾ ━━━ GENRE: monster au, monster fucking, smut, 18+ MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT
#☾━━━━ [𝐊𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐀 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄𝐒]#☾━━━━ [ a different breed mini series}#stray kids#skz x reader#stray kids x reader#skz smut#stray kids x reader smut#bang chan x reader#bang chan smut#bang chan x reader smut#lee know x reader#lee know smut#lee know x reader smut#changbin x reader#changbin smut#changbin x reader smut#hyunjin x reader#hyunjin smut#hyunjin x reader smut#han jisung smut#han jisung x reader smut#lee felix x reader#lee felix smut#lee felix x reader smut#seungmin x reader#seungmin smut#seungmin x reader smut#yang jeongin x reader#yang jeongin x reader smut#yang jeongin smut
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also mortaldreams (18+ blog)
⋆.˚⟡ ࣪ ˖⋆.˚⟡ ࣪ ˖⋆.˚⟡ ࣪ ˖
sure thing part 1, part 2 — yang jungwon / 23.7k
An employee in the marketing department of a large company, your days are filled with poorly worded emails, unrealistic deadlines, and passive aggressive friendly reminders from your superiors. On a particularly awful afternoon, a chance encounter with a coworker from the programming department down the hall is the first thing to make you smile in weeks.
But the more you uncover about Yang Jungwon and his mysterious injuries, flimsy excuses, and always occupied Friday nights, the more you begin to realize that you really don’t know him at all.
࣪ ִֶָ☾.⭒
starlight — yang jungwon / 13.4k
There’s a word for it. Something that’s whispered behind closed doors, shunned like a bad omen you can’t quite shake.
Glitch. A cruel twist of fate. A failed soulmate match.
Something you’ve been marked as since the countdown on your wrist ticked to 00:00 two long years ago and left you lonelier than ever. Something you’ve been fighting since destiny carved itself into your skin with a dull, lifeless shade of gray.
But fate is a funny thing. And love, as you’ve learned, is often found in the most unexpected places.
⋆.˚⟡ ࣪ ˖⋆.˚⟡ ࣪ ˖⋆.˚⟡ ࣪ ˖
sacred monsters [ongoing] — lee heeseung / 70k +
A literature student in your third year of university, you’ve been dreaming of having your writing published for as long as you can remember. With a perfect opportunity dangling at your fingertips, the only obstacle that stands in your way comes in the form of a ridiculously tall, stupidly handsome, and unfortunately, very talented writer by the name of Lee Heeseung. Unwilling to let your dream slip out of reach, you commit to being better than the aforementioned pain in your ass at absolutely everything.
But when a string of vampire attacks strikes close to your city for the first time in nearly two hundred years, publishing is suddenly the last thing on your mind. And, as you soon begin to discover, Heeseung may not quite be the person you thought he was.
࣪ ִֶָ☾.⭒
all the things I never said — lee heeseung / 7.3k
Lee Heeseung has a secret.
It’s scribbled on a forgotten note, tucked away in a bottom drawer, carved with a shaky hand into the aging wood of his childhood treehouse.
But secrets have their way of coming out. And when Heeseung is forced to confront his long-hidden feelings for his best friend of ten years, things take an unexpected turn.
࣪ ִֶָ☾.⭒
easy mode — lee heeseung / 2.9k
brother’s best friend au / suggestive
breathing room — lee heeseung / 2.5k
enemies to lovers / YA fantasy vibes / suggestive
something old, something new — lee heeseung / 2.3k
exes to lovers / angsty / based on an anon drabble prompt
⋆.˚⟡ ࣪ ˖⋆.˚⟡ ࣪ ˖⋆.˚⟡ ࣪ ˖
champagne problems part 1, part 2 — sim jake / 48k
The second son of a wealthy family, Jake Sim has gotten used to always standing in the shadow of his older brother. From grades to girls to talks of becoming future CEO of the Sim Corporation, he’s no stranger to coming in second place. So when an opportunity arises for Jake to finally have the one thing his brother can’t and best him once and for all, he knows he’d be a fool not to take it.
There are only two problems. The first is that the thing his brother wants so badly isn’t a thing at all. It’s you, semi-estranged daughter of the Sims’ closest and most long-standing business partner.
The second is that Jake Sim can’t fucking stand you.
࣪ ִֶָ☾.⭒
signed, sealed, delivered — sim jaeyun / 3k
royalty x commoner au / based on an anon drabble prompt
⋆.˚⟡ ࣪ ˖⋆.˚⟡ ࣪ ˖⋆.˚⟡ ࣪ ˖
every fragile thing — park sunghoon / 12.3k
After an ankle injury lands you in mandated physical therapy sessions instead of on the ice where you should be training for nationals, you’re absolutely certain you must be the most frustrated, emotionally volatile figure skater on the planet. Park Sunghoon proves you wrong.
every fragile thing has one of two choices: become stronger or shatter into a million pieces.
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back to the nct fic rec
Jeno fic rec part.2
lionheart (fav, smut, fluff, royal!au, knight!au, monarch!au)
premium boy-toy (fav, smut, stripper!au)
step on a crack, dr.lee's gonna break your back (fav, smut)
wanna know what it's like (fav, smut)
yours to tame (fav, fluff, smut, knight!au, princess!au, royal!au)
koi no yokan (fav, smut, abo!au)
slick pup (fav, pervert!au, smut)
prince of wolves (fav, smut, werewolf!au, vampire!au)
i suddenly realize my archnemesis is hot (fav,fluff, angstish, demigod!au, mythology!au)
pride & prejudice (fav, fluff, angst, smut)
no smut
rainfall (fluff)
the deal (fluff, college!au)
cigarettes after sex (fluff, angstish, suggestive, college!au)
do you even know how to have fun? (angst to fluff, badboy!au)
classics (smut)
secret (smut, fluff, sub!jeno (kink discovery))
sweet lies (smut, angstish, ghost!jeno!au)
heatstroke (mechanic!au, smut)
tattooist!jeno (fluff, angst, tattooist!au, florist!au)
himbo (smut, himbo!jeno)
cute little intern (smut, ceo!au, intern!au)
mine only (smut)
possessive dad! (smut, pregnancy!au, soon to be parents!au)
ridin' club switching lanes (smut, streeracer!au)
sweet fury (smut)
hit the breaks! (serie, smut, streetracer!au, mechanics!au)
rich purity (serie, smut, virgin!au)
possessive jeno (smut, roommate)
a different kind of exercise (smut, personal trainer!au)
the rock of gibraltar (smut)
jeno uses his strength against you (smut)
the bat & dove (smut, fluff, mafia!au, racer!jeno)
banana (smut)
guardian gloves (smut, angstish, boxer!au)
teddy bear (smut)
strong jeno (smut)
codename : monster (smut)
his order (smut, ceo!au)
sli(ck-p)up (smut, perv!jeno)
fireproof (smut, brotherbf!au, college!au)
size kink (smut)
only 'til dawn (smut, badboy!jeno, goodgirl!reader)
day6: overstimulation (smut)
day19: pet play (smut)
little wifey (smut, husband!au)
hard dom! (smut)
wrapped around your fingers (smut)
my first and last (smut, college!au)
summer hair = forever young (smut, fluff)
perv!jeno (smut, roommates!au, perv!au)
monster in hiding (smut, stalking!au)
can't take it? (smut)
alternate universe (magics, gods, royalty, etc...)
my sunset is yours (fluff, hogwarts!au)
helping hand (fluff, hogwarts!au)
transfiguration spell (smut, fluff, angstish, hogwarts!au)
sinking ships (smut, sailor!au, mermaid!au, horror!au)
change in you (smut, vampire!au, georgian-era!au)
puppy (smut, supernatural!au, werewolf!au)
sunshine (fluff, angst, mermen!jeno)
the lucky one (fluff, angst, demigod!au, mythology!au)
son of morpheus (fluff, demigod!au, mythology!au)
son of apollo (fluff, demigod!au, mythology!au)
son of shadows (part of elysios serie, fluff, demigod!au, mythology!au)
the tale older than time (fluff, demigod!au, mythology!au)
late night company (fluff, comfort angst, demigod!au)
scream (smut (dirtyyy smut), halloween!au, ghostface!jeno)
why dying my hair was the best decision of my life (fluff, soulmates)
take my breath (smut, abo!au)
puppy pound (smut, abo!au)
jealous (smut, abo!au)
sos x jaemin (smut, abo!au)
destiny (smut, abo!au)
stepbro alpha jeno (smut, abo!au, stepbro!au)
pretzel (smut, abo!au)
phone fuck me (smut, ghostface!au)
incubus!jeno (smut, incubus!au)
ascention to the throne (serie, smut, royal!au, prince!au, political!au)
with another member
just so you know x jaemin (smut)
i'm a mouse duh! x jaemin (smut)
they're roommates x jaemin (smut)
the sequel x jaemin (smut, ghostface!au, halloween!au)
cookie jar x jaemin (smut, stepbrother!au)
can you handle it? x johnny, jaehyun, jaemin (smut)
morally gray (and tw)
baby trapping (smut, sugardaddy!au)
shameless (smut, stepson!au)
undone (noncon, smut)
teddy bear -> our sick story, thus far x haechan (dubcon, smut)
stepbro!jeno part.2 (DUBCON, smut, stepbrother!au)
behind closed doors x haechan (smut, slight dubcon, stepbro!au)
the walls are thin x jaemin (DUBCON, smut)
shoplifter x mark (dubcon, smut, bodyguard!au, stepfather!au)
switch -> chain x johnny (dubcon, smut, neighbour?au)
arcade (continuation of switch/chain, smut)
#nct#jeno#smut#fic rec#fluff#lee jeno#jeno smut#jeno fluff#jeno angst#jeno scenarios#jeno imagines#jeno fic#nct jeno#jeno x reader#jeno oneshot#nct dream#nct fic#nct imagines#nct x reader#nct dream smut#nct smut#nct dream fanfic#nct fanfic#nct fic recs#jeno fic recs#nct x you#nct x yn#nct x y/n#jeno x oc#jeno x y/n
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baby fangs ❧ teaser [mark]
❧ teaser word count: 1245 | full fic: 26.7k ❧ warnings: none for the teaser! ❧ genre: fluff, strangers to lovers, modern magical creatures au, basilisk mark, sphinx reader, age gap (older reader), college student mark, career woman reader, ft. various magical neos, human renjun, human johnny (and other very special guest appearances), same universe as strawberry sunday ❧ extra info: this work is set in the same universe as strawberry sunday but can be read as a standalone! there is no continuing plotline between fics in this universe, they simply take place in the same world/magic system and may have overlapping characters (neos may pop up in more than one work!) ❧ estimated release: saturday, june 22, 2024 3:00 p.m. eastern time
─── ���⋅☆⋅⋆ explore the strawberry sunday universe more here!
After putting your leftovers away in your fridge, you were about to head off to your bedroom when you heard the distant shuffle of footsteps over your welcome mat. You paused at the threshold of your kitchen to your living room, waiting to see if whoever it was would actually ring the doorbell, or just keep… well, it sounded like they were pacing anxiously. Finally, there were a couple soft taps on your front door. If you were a human, you weren’t sure if you would have even heard that. Your footsteps were soft across your carpeted floor as you moved to answer the door. First looking out the peephole, your interest was piqued when you saw a young man standing there who was neither Chenle nor Jisung. Though you did have an idea of exactly what this was about.
Undoing your deadbolt, latch, then disarming the alarm, you opened the door just enough for you to cross your arms over your chest and lean against the doorframe. “I accept apologies in the form of cash or groveling.”
“Huh?” The young man stared at you wide-eyed, open-mouthed, and dumb-founded. You took note of his slit pupils, and the two fangs that hadn’t yet fully descended from his top jaw. Huh, basilisk.
“Did the boys not send you over here to be the sacrificial lamb?” You cocked your head and looked him up and down perhaps too obviously, as he shifted nervously under your gaze. A very timid basilisk at that. You eyed the oversized t-shirt he had on that had the same university logo that you’d often seen your neighbors wearing. “You are one of Chenle and Jisung’s friends, right?”
“Oh, y-yeah, I am. I’m Mark. Mark Lee.” He took one of his hands out from where he’d stuffed them into the pockets of his joggers, wiped it on the leg of said joggers, and held it out to you. As he got close enough to shake your hand, you could finally smell him. Sphinx noses weren’t as sensitive as werewolves’ or vampires’—or basilisk tongues for that matter. Not to mention that basilisks just didn’t have as strong of a scent as most other beings. They had a mild, earthen smell that reminded you of peat freshly after rain. Others tended to make less favorable comparisons such as damp caverns or even mildewy caves, but those ideas never occurred to you. Maybe it was because one of your own childhood best friends was a basilisk, so you were just used to the smell and had positive memories associated with it.
You couldn’t conceal the amusement on your face as you delicately shook his hand, now very aware of his clammy palms. “It’s nice to meet you, Mark, I’m Y/N. Now if they didn’t send you over with your big brown eyes and sweet face in an attempt to distract me from the ruckus you all were making earlier, then why are you on my doorstep?”
“Wait, you can look at my eyes?” There was a noticeable drag on his s’es when he spoke, which you noted with a certain fondness. He must be young enough to have missed most, if not all, of the mandatory speech therapy that the basilisks of your cohort and before went through during primary and secondary school. It was removed from the curriculum for being unfair and prejudiced against the creatures, but that was after your time. You could remember your friend Jongin being singled out to leave class three times a week for the “therapy.” Even now he could still recall the name of the instructor who led it, his voice filling with bitter vitriol on the rare occasions he’d choose to talk about it.
“I’m a sphinx, honey. You couldn’t petrify me if you tried,” you informed Mark knowingly. Now you were curious as to why he was out and about without magical eye protection or at least non-magical sunglasses if he was apparently so worried about petrifying people. But, not curious enough to divert you from your original mission. “Now, why are you here?”
“O-Oh, right, uhm, I’m really sorry for bothering you, ma’am, it’s just that I went to go get something from my car but then I realized that I forgot my keys in their apartment and I came back up to get them but I locked myself out. My phone’s in the apartment too, and I tried knocking but they’re not answering and—”
“They fell asleep in the two minutes you were gone?” You cut him off, raising your eyebrows slightly in disbelief.
“No, no, they were already asleep. You see, uhm, I’m crashing on their couch tonight and—”
“Got it, got it.” You nodded. Well, that explains the lack of sunglasses. They were also presumably locked in the apartment. “So, what do you want from me?”
“Can I borrow your phone really quick, just to try to call them and see if they’ll pick up? Again, I’m really, really sorry about this.”
“I will actually do you one better, Mark.” You did a small shooing gesture, and he seemed to get the idea, taking a couple steps back. Once he was off of your welcome mat, you lifted up the corner and grabbed the key that was sitting under there. You held it out to him. “Here.”
“It’s their spare key, not mine.” You reassured him. “When they moved in, they asked if they could hide it under my mat because it would be too obvious to burglars for their spare key to be under their mat.”
“O-Oh.” Mark gingerly took the key from you. “Thank you, ma’am.”
“Mark, one more thing.”
“Anything!” He blurted out, then his entire face flushed as he scrambled to tone it down. “I mean, y-yeah, of course, ma’am, what do you need?”
You couldn’t help but smirk as you requested, “Stop calling me ma’am.”
“Right, sorry.”
“You can call me Y/N.”
“O-Okay!” The basilisk smiled at you brightly, another flash of his not-yet fully developed baby fangs. He presumably was only a year or so out from his first molting. They were cute. He was... cute.
“Goodnight, Mark.” You stepped back and grabbed the edge of your door, preparing to close it.
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
His eyes didn’t leave you the entire time as you shut the door. Curious, you peered out your peephole. Mark flicked his forked snake tongue out in the air once before he made his way over to your neighbors’ door. The boys had a corner apartment, meaning that despite the two apartments sharing a wall, their door was actually perpendicular to yours, so you could see it from your peephole. You watched Mark unlock the apartment, then dart back over to yours and bend over to lift up your mat. You froze, not expecting him to immediately return the key. You figured he’d just give it back to his friends in the morning. He paused after he’d put the key under the mat again, tongue once more testing the air. You held your breath, waiting for a paralyzing one, two seconds before he finally left again. You didn’t relax fully until the boys’ apartment door had closed behind him, though. You wanted to hit yourself. What were you even nervous about? A grown woman being caught standing by your own apartment door? By some random college kid? Ridiculous. You scoffed, doing up your locks, latches, and alarm again.
⤷ anthology masterlist | blog masterlist
#mark#mark lee#mark lee x reader#nct dream x reader#nct 127 x reader#nct dream#nct 127#nct#nct dream imagines#nct 127 imagines#mark lee imagines#nct mark#nct dream mark#nct x reader#nct imagines#i: mark#f: baby fangs#au: strawberry sunday#baby fangs: teaser#writing#text#mine#*100
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Not A Myth
Pairing: Mark Lee x female reader
Genre: fluff, supernatural au
Tropes: reverse grumpy x sunshine, cinnamon roll mmc
Warnings: supernatural characters, mentioning of a toxic master, y/n has a minor bout of fear
Word count: 2064
Author’s Note: This was an idea that came to me after a friend joked about her youthful looks being thanks to vampire blood. I decided to turn Y/N into an actual vampire, and then the rest of the story just created itself.
Sliding into the back of the Uber you’d called, you closed your eyes exhaustedly. It had been the longest night, and all you craved was your darkened bedroom, the large four-poster bed in the middle of your domain, and complete oblivion.
“So where to?” a chipper voice asked, and you wondered how such humans existed. Here you were, ready to expire, and your driver sounded as if he’d just woken up before the crack of dawn and completely re-energised. You opened an eye to squint at him briefly. You supposed he could have done just that. Not everyone was going to bed like you were at the first sign of the sun.
You gave over your address curtly, hoping your no-nonsense tone would keep any conversation to a minimum. Slumping further into the car upholstery, you instructed your body to relax. The tension coursing throughout you had almost dissipated, and then he spoke again.
“Have a good night?”
“We don’t need to chat, driver.”
“My name’s Mark,” he introduced with a bright smile you caught when you glared at him from the back seat. Your leer didn’t deter him in the slightest. “You are?”
“Ooh, you’re private. I get that. Can never be too safe these days. What is the world even coming to.”
You wondered how safe Mark would feel if he continued to talk to you. However, he remained oblivious to the simmering danger sitting in his vehicle, chatting about something he’d seen on the news – you weren’t all that invested in human affairs. Yet you had to admit, the tone of his voice was… well, really soothing. Soon you were settling back into the chair with your limbs growing heavier. Your eyes remained open, and you lazily took in the man before you.
Mark was rather pleasing to look at, you supposed. He had a strong physique from the way he expertly manoeuvred the car through the early morning traffic. His exposed forearms were particularly nice too. You always had a thing for a capable set of hands, and he was making very light work of driving. You sleepily considered giving him a decent tip, even if he did have an inability to shut up.
“… and so, I have to wonder how much is going on in this city that’s eventually going to affect all of us,” he summarised, and you blinked when his eyes caught yours in the rearview mirror. He watched you expectantly, waiting for your answer.
“I’m much too old to understand everything in this modern world,” you admitted, and he let out a boom of laughter that surprised you into blinking several times.
“You look younger than I am.”
A bemused smile graced your lips. “I can assure you I’m not.”
“How do you keep yourself looking so young then? What’s your skincare routine because-”
“Vampire blood,” you deadpanned, cutting off his expressive tirade.
He frowned momentarily before grinning lopsidedly. “Oh yeah? Where do you get that from?”
“I have a secret supply.”
“Do you just?” He was quiet for a beat longer than before, and you wondered if telling him the truth had robbed him of his good-natured conversational skills. For the briefest moment, you were saddened by the idea of breaking the poor guy’s mind.
And then he smirked, pulling the car over to the side of the road. Your glare returned after darting your focus to the skies outside. The darkness was lightening with the changing of the hour, and whilst you could withstand the sun, you would prefer to put on some SPF50 first.
“Do you mind, Mark?”
“Mind what?”
“Please continue to my destination. I didn’t authorise a stop here,” you stated vehemently, and Mark shrugged.
“So, you’re a vampire. Are you going to expire once dawn hits?”
You sighed heavily, resisting the urge to roll your eyes. Spoken like a true clueless human. “No.”
“No? But vampires hate the sun and garlic-”
“I season almost all my food with garlic.”
“AB positive is delectable with a hint of herbs to it,” you shot back, and Mark spun around to face you entirely. You didn’t react how he was expecting, and he swallowed audibly. Your hearing picked up on his heartbeat and for a moment you were pleased with how fast it pounded in his chest. That ought to teach him to mess with an irritable vampire right upon dawn.
And yet… that wasn’t the heart rate of a normal human. There was something otherworldly around his heartbeat, and you shot your darkening gaze to his face again, your fangs threatening to elongate.
“So, you are a vampire,” he finally commented, nodding softly. “Haven’t met one in the flesh before.”
“What are you?” you hissed, whilst calculating the distance from your apartment and the impending breach of dawn. If you hadn’t been worked to the bone by your master all night, you would have had enough energy to get out of the car and take yourself home before any further threat here surfaced. You could probably still do it, but you were also famished, and you only had enough blood supply at home to tide you over to slumber, not restore to your full potential.
Just how your master liked it. Blood was too expensive to get legally, so he entangled your remaining morality by keeping you on a tight feeding leash.
“What are you?” you repeated, leaning forward and taking an inhale. Yes, he was definitely more than human. How exhausted had you been to hop into the car of a fellow supernatural and not notice it instantly?
“Me?” Mark asked airily, his pretty little voice attempting to take the edge off your fear.
You stared.
“Looks like you’ve figured it out.”
“You’re a siren?” you wondered aloud, blinking slowly as you looked him up and down. “You?”
“Should I take offence to that tone of yours? I think I’m going to.”
“Sirens are meant to be mind-altering beautiful.”
Mark huffed. “Yep, I’m taking offence.”
“You’re above average, I’ll give you that,” you continued, and Mark’s happy-go-lucky expression grew darker. You wouldn’t confess that increased his appeal. You were already baiting him whilst stalling for an idea to come to you on how you would escape.
Because you had inadvertently given another bloody supernatural your home address and would no doubt need to locate a vampire safe den. This was becoming rather a mess. You sighed again. You really did want to just go home, eat and then rest.
“You know, I could control you to tell me I’m the most beautiful male you’ve ever met.”
“But you won’t.”
“Why won’t I? I could do with an ego boost.”
You shrugged. “It wouldn’t be real.”
He harrumphed and pointed at you repeatedly. “I had you falling asleep before. You’ve been too relaxed to notice my true identity until now. You have to admit it. I’m good.”
“You have a lovely voice,” you agreed honestly, and Mark beamed.
“Thank you!”
“So, what’s a siren wanting a vampire for?”
“Want you? No, no. I’m just your Uber driver.”
You laughed heartily whilst Mark stared in confusion at your reaction. “You cannot tell me, you work as an Uber driver when you could control anyone or thing to submit to you.”
“That’s kind of unethical, don’t you think?”
You were exasperated. Was this male telling you the truth? You worked with other vampires daily. It was like entering a pit of vipers, waiting for the others to strike for any minute reason. It wasn’t in your nature to trust easily, especially since your leader had been the master of deception and slaughtered your human life too easily. You also knew that sirens could be so alluring that they would make you think any idea was your own, and not what they were projecting.
Still. Since you had grown alert, you could tell all your thoughts were your own. Mark wasn’t affecting your logic at all.
“Vampires really suck at relating to others, huh?” Mark scratched the back of his head before nodding sheepishly. “Really. I work as a driver because I get to meet all types of people. You’ll be surprised how many are of the otherworld kind. I even took a load of spirits to a house party the other week. Can you imagine that? I mean, they didn’t quite register on the Uber app, but they didn’t feel like blinking in and out and transporting themselves as ghosts do. They wanted to feel human again, and that was an honour, really.”
You simply stared again.
“Wow, your world is really small, isn’t it?”
“Admittedly, yes. You aren’t after me for nefarious reasons?”
Mark shook his head immediately. “Until twenty minutes ago, I thought vampires were a myth.”
“You’re joking.”
“Dead serious,” he confirmed and then winced. “Sorry, was that on the nose? With the whole undead-”
“You’re a siren, you say you meet supernatural types all the time, and yet you thought, out of all the otherworldly kinds in this universe, that I’m a myth?!”
“Huh. When you put it like that…”
“I’m not a bloody Pegasus.”
“Actually, I’ve met one of them. They exist. Or at least I think they do. I did have a lot to drink that night, so maybe it was just a horse. But I’m sure they’re not a myth.”
This was becoming one of the weirdest ends to your night ever. Shaking your head, you pleaded with your driver. “Mark, the sun is rising, and I’m really hungry. I need to get home.”
“Oh! Sorry. Yeah, I can do that.” Turning back to the front, he started up his car and began driving again. However, this time, he was watching you constantly in the rearview mirror.
“What?” you snapped, when you got sick of his very obvious unanswered staring.
“Why are you so tired?”
“Because my master is an asshole,” you muttered, looking out the window and watching the world slowly turn a bruised shade. The new day felt as tender as you were on the inside. Battered but hopeful this cycle would one day lead to something real, something good for you.
“Do you have to work for him?”
“I do if I want to eat.”
“Can’t you like, bite people?” You glared so unpleasantly that Mark swore and gripped the steering wheel. “Right. Got it. Vegan vampire.”
“I don’t take what isn’t given freely. And unlike what movies depict about my kind, there aren’t endless people willing to truly give up their blood.”
“It sounds like we have similar ethics,” he mentioned as he pulled up at your apartment. You stared at the building with equal parts relief and a strange melancholy.
How had this talkative, greenest flag of a male worm his way into your cold, dead heart?
“Well,” you said, shifting forward whilst pulling out your phone and tapping on the Uber app to give Mark a rating and tip. You then looked up and froze at the card that was thrust in your face. “What’s this?”
“Oh, it’s my business card,” he told you with a warm smile and you frowned. He grew slightly shy and laughed lightly. “I figured you might need a ride again. And maybe I can help you relax properly next time. It’s not invasive if you really need it, right? Or we could just travel as we did this time. Oh! And I’m totally willing, you know.”
“I’m sorry, but what?!” you blurted out, completely stunned by his offer.
Mark grinned. “I’ll give you the chance to improve your above-average ranking. Besides, siren blood does contain some healing properties, though I’m not sure how much they’d work on a vampire. Worth a shot, no?”
You smiled, possibly one of the most genuine smiles since you had been turned two hundred years ago. Mark’s jaw went slack before he sputtered something incoherent. “Thank you. You’re completely reckless offering something like that to a vampire, so I’ll pretend you didn’t just do that. But I’ll keep this card. Maybe I’ll take you up for another ride.”
Leaning forward to take the card, you felt inclined to brush your lips over his cheek affectionately. You couldn’t tell if Mark had willed it or if you really had wanted to, but the small smile you pocketed from him after pulling back was worth it either way.
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The night shift at the café unfolded as it usually did, with the establishment half empty and permeated by a bone-chilling cold that seemed to numb rather than induce shivers. The café, delineated not by walls but by expansive windows, offered a view of the dark city outside. Seoul sprawled with its sprawling advertisements, myriad streetlights, bustling shops, and an ever-present stream of vehicles. Yet, within the glass confines of the café, tranquility reigned.
Scattered individuals and couples occupied the sparsely populated tables, and occasional sounds of cups and plates clinking punctuated the silence. I, Sora, as per my responsibility to keep things running until the next shift arrived, kept a vigilant eye on the patrons. My six-hour shift, from 3 to 9, often took a toll on me, but the money was a necessity. As I momentarily vacated my spot behind the counter and navigated among the tables, I deftly collected abandoned plates and cups. My practiced skill allowed me to stack them on my arm while I wiped down the tables with a dingy rag. Customers greeted me with nods and brief hellos, which I reciprocated with polite smiles.
My job wasn't disagreeable, but it was far from what I yearned to be doing. I longed to huddle in a corner of my room, crafting stories that might ultimately find their home at the bottom of a trash can. My mind often wandered, conjuring ‘what ifs’ and characters known only to my imagination. Yet, my sense of responsibility tugged at my heart. My stories and the specters of my characters could wait; my grandmother's well-being could not.
As I added another empty coffee mug to my already burdened left arm, a slight tug on my apron drew my attention. Glancing to my left, I encountered a woman with wavy blond locks who smiled at me with an air of self-assurance. “Yes?” I inquired.
“When does this café close?” the woman asked.
“At 3 am,” I replied.
“It must be hard to keep working until that late, hmm…” The woman craned her neck to get a better look at my name tag. “Sora... what a pretty name.”
Feeling uneasy, I nodded. “Thank you. My shift is actually about to end. But thanks for the concern. I hope you're enjoying the cake.” I noticed the untouched Triple Choco De Grande on the woman's plate.
The woman glanced at the cake and smiled again, setting me further on edge. “Yeah, I heard it's one of this café's famous pastries.”
I was uncertain how to respond, and an uneasy silence fell over us. The woman, sitting elegantly with a black jean jacket and black shades, seemed to unnerve me. Perhaps it was the absence of eye contact. “Yeah... well, I have to continue. Bye.” I resumed my tasks but was called back by the woman.
“Yes?” I inquired once more.
“I just wanted to warn you about the man who's been standing outside the café for a while.”
My breath hitched, and I quickly peered outside at the crosswalk, streetlamp, and bustling pedestrians. Among the lively crowd, however, no one seemed out of the ordinary. I looked back down at the woman, but to my astonishment, she had vanished. I wondered if I should ask the other customers if they had witnessed my conversation with the mysterious woman, but the fear of sounding irrational held me back. I needed this job.
After taking a few deep breaths, I dismissed the encounter as my imagination running wild. “It's been a while,” I murmured to myself. With that, I returned to the counter and ventured into the back kitchen. One by one, I deposited the dirty dishes into the sink, but the overpowering odor of the overflowing trash commanded my immediate attention.
Removing the trash bag from the can, I tied it securely and headed for the café's back door. As my hand reached for the door handle, I hesitated, reminded of the woman's warning. Several seconds passed as I grappled with my fear before regaining my composure. It'll be quick. I didn't see anything anyway.
I turned the doorknob and pushed the door outward, darting through the narrowing gap with the bag in tow. Behind the café stretched a dimly lit alleyway shared with a neighboring boutique named 'Stellas'. At the far end, facing a small park, stood a large dumpster. Although I saw nothing suspicious, my imagination played tricks on my emotions. I hastened to the dumpster and, with furtive glances around, disposed of the trash bag.
With the task completed, I hurried back toward the café's back door, ears attuned to any approaching sounds. I felt a bit silly, but my fear outweighed any embarrassment I might experience later. As I neared the door, I reached out to grasp the handle. Instead of the cold metal meeting my fingertips, searing pain shot through my back as I was forcibly pressed against the brick wall.
Instinctively, I balled my fists and attempted to push away my assailant, who had pinned me with unrelenting force. My efforts were met with sharp, escalating pain in my shoulders. Yet, I continued to struggle, my fists delivering futile punches.
“Open your eyes,” a voice demanded.
With a lingering sense of fear, I gradually obeyed, my gaze locking with that of a man standing before me. He appeared to be only slightly taller than me, his eyes as dark as onyx and partially concealed by light brown bangs. His thin lips formed a fierce scowl.
“Where's the dagger?” he demanded again.
I could do little more than stare, my panic intensifying as my attacker's patience wore thin. His grip on my shoulders grew excruciating.
“Answer me,” he insisted.
“I... I... agh!” I winced, my voice trembling as I struggled to form words. His fingers bore into my shoulders, causing me to yelp in pain. “I don't know!” I blurted out.
“Don't lie.”
Desperation surged within me as I futilely attempted to pry his hands from me. The pain had become unbearable, and I cried out between my pleas.
“I'm not! Please, I don't know what you're talking about!” I pleaded.
From the shadows behind him, a calm and soothing voice reached our ears. “Jisung, let her go.”
Jisung, his focus solely on me, responded with a stern refusal. “No, we found her, and now we get what we want.”
“Not like this; we're scaring her and potentially driving the dagger away.” An eerie silence passed between the two strangers, and Jisung's grip on me remained unrelenting. Eventually, he grudgingly released me and retreated into the shadows, never allowing me to leave his line of sight. He vanished into the darkness, leaving me staring into the void in shock. Without hesitation, I rushed back inside the café, securing the door behind me. I found a safe corner in the kitchen, far from the back door, and collapsed, my legs drawn to my chest as I hugged them tightly. Overwhelmed by emotions, I sobbed quietly, that wasn’t fake, it can't be.
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8. Death Is Always At Sidewalks.
"I saw magic in her eyes. dirty, dark, beautiful magic."
genre: smut, supernatural AU, soulmate au, vampires au, werewolf au, Sub/Dom dynamics, angst, mention of traumas, mention of torture, deaths of some characters, and blood, explicit language, fluff, mature content, sadism, lots of killing, and many plot twists.
stepping into a sketchy, empty, and old baseball stadium, she watched how jeno's smile widened as he pushed the shabby fence and stepped into the old court. taking a glance at the graphics on a wall of the entrance, she managed to read some names; jeno, jaemin, Renjun, Shotaro—
"I found it!" Jeno's chipper made her look his way; she saw him holding up a bottle of white wine in his hand, "haechan's hiding places are always expectable," he let out a chuckle.
walking towards him, she grabbed the bottle from his hand and examined it. "so, here is where you and your friends used to hang out?" pulling out two clean glasses from his backpack, he plopped on a beach seat and motioned for her to sit too.
"I know this is ain't your typical go-to date but I really like this place, it holds a sentimental feeling to me, I used to come here whenever I want to stay alone or clear my head." casting a small smile, she let him fill her glass, "no, it's fine," she took a sip and looked at him, "as long as I have fun and it helps me forget about life; it's fine."
offering her a quick smile, he leaned his head on the headrest and closed his eyes, breathing in the cooly hair; the glass still in hand. Racking her eyes around the diamond shape court, she smiled. it was calm and quiet as if the life's noise was muted—as If they were alone in the world.
turning to her left, she glanced at his peaceful state. She traced the outline of his lips with her eyes, the natural yet subconscious pout evident on his face. she took notice whenever he was in deep thought; he pouts. and it was the softest little pout she had seen on any lips—She was so tempted to kiss it off.
as a result, her eyes lingered on his lips longer than she should have as she wondered what it would feel like on hers. "Jeno," she called suddenly and he hummed softly while glancing at other graphics with a longing look, resulting in him missing the way she was glancing at him.
“Why do you want to be a vampire, Lee Jeno?” Her sudden random question made him slowly sit up and face her. "Why would you willingly give up your life and your humanity…so willingly? Does that have anything to do with your friends being vampires and you not? Because your brother is one too?" she added quietly.
Taking a deep breath, he placed his glass down and let out a breath. his black hair falling on his forehead; covering his saddened eyes. Jeno stuffed his hands in the pocket of his black leather jacket.
"I don't want to stay alone," he mumbled under his breath. "I hate it when they look down at me… only because I'm a human. I hate Taeyong for being overprotective of me because I'm human; because I'm unable to protect myself." he reached for his glass and chugged down his drink.
"He always keep blabbering about the damn possibility of one of his or the 127's enemies would come after me since I'm his weakness, how wonderfu. however; when I asked for him to turn me into a vampire so I won't burden him, he turned his back on me." he bitterly scoffed, jaw clenched. pouring himself another glass and chugging it down, he finally turned to her. eyes lazily bouring into hers, his raw emotions swimming in his eyes, his tough facad sttarting to crumble. not that he cared, he was in need for someone to hear him and understand him and he found comfort in talking with her.
Jeno was feeling vulnerable, unable to be as strong as his brother and his friends for a long time, he hated it. he wanted nothing more than to change that. that and his inevitable fear that he never managed to shake was abandonment. the fear of his friends leaving him out of their lives and problems to protect him forever bugging him.
if anything he fears and despises equally or even more than the idea of being left alone is for him to be un-dependable for those he cares about. the feeling of being powerless and being a burden on his brother's back. he wants those he loves to rely on him and need him in their lives just like he does. He forver believe that he won't be complete without people needing him. he needed to be needed.
Samantha's dry laugh stopped his train of thoughts and slammed it to the wall, "lonely?" she gave him a bitter smile, "if you don't want to stay alone then cherish your humanity. Lee Jeno. becoming a vampire isn't the solution to your problems."
knitting his eyebrows, he opened his mouth to speak but one look in her weighty eyes made him rethink his words, she spoke ahead. "We vampires are bound to live our immortality alone, bound to stay in the dark; as the creatures of the night. nothing can fill the void in our dead, cold hearts; not even love. why? cause we don't deserve it. ,Love isn't for the damned like us. For whom do you think loneliness was made?"
taking a sip from her glass, she added. "we've cheated death, we are a loophole in nature's system, and for that, we're eternally bounded by two things; loneliness and thirst for blood." downing her drink whole, she side-eyed him.
"so after hearing your excuse about wanting not to stay alone and claiming the solution to your dilemma is becoming a vampire is really ironic, ironic that it irritates me."
licking his lower lip, he found himself speechless. not because he had no reply but because the sadness that lingered in her voice was so loud, "this is a wine." she laughed pointing at the bottle next to jeno's leg. chuckling along with her, he shook his head. "damn, that was deep." she chuckled with him.
"aaand we ran out of wine," jeno slumped his shoulders when he attempted to pour hmself another glass, hearing a chuckle from the hybrid next to him, he smiled but when her laugh died in a heartbeat, Jeno's brows pulled together. "someone is here," she suddenly uttered before standing up and looking around the dim deserted building.
jeno stood up too and checked his surroundings, "What do you mean? There's no—" he got cut off by noises of waves of laughter and heavy footsteps. "well, well, well. look who we have here!"
a guy with a smug grin and curly brown hair clapped his hands together but his grin quickly turned into a startled expression when he saw Jeno. "wait—what? Taeyong's lil brother!? We thought you were dead! Nice to see you again, man" jeno clenched his jaw and glared at him intensely. "what do you want?" he spat, darkly.
Samantha stood two steps behind him with an amused grin on her face. this side of Jeno is new to her; all serious and tensed up, protective and pissed. She liked it.
the man whistled and stepped closer to him, his sidekicks following him. "where are your friends, Jen?" the guy shoved his hands in his pockets, lips curled, he looked behind him and once his eyes landed on Samantha, his brows shot up and a crooked smile appeared on his crusty lips. "Woah, Jeno! aren't you going to introduce us to your pretty lady friend?" he flashed her a smirk.
Jeno stepped in front of the black-haired female, protectively, blocking him from seeing her "What. do. you. want, Juhyeon?" he spoke through gritted teeth, his fists clenched by his side. The veins in his arms were prominent as his sleeves were rolled up.
Juhyeon lazily looked at him, unaffected by Jeno's attempt to intimidate him. clicking his tongue, he marched towards him, bumping into jeno aggressively in his way till he stood in front of Samantha, "Hey, sweety. wanna ditch this boring bastard and come with us?" he winked at her.
she smiled and pulled her hands off her pocket. She took a step closer before licking her lips, her smile masking her rage that started to boil right when she heard him cuss at jeno—the moment he called him 'bastard'. She at first, was going to stay out of it and let jeno handle them but now they lost that luxury.
however, before Samantha could lift her hand, jeno growled and lunched towards him with a clenched fist, ready to collide it with his face, but due to Juhyeon's vampirism nature, his fast reflexes allowed him to grab him by the throat mid-air. "what?" he grinned at him, "very protective over your girl, huh? how cute, how about I force you to watch how I'll—"
feeling that she gets enough of the pathetic, low-quality show of power, Samantha swiftly grabbed Juhyeon's wrist and twisted it with ease, making him lose ahold of jeno; the latter fell to the ground and caressed his neck with an irritated expression. boiled with rage, he jumped to his feet and lifted his hand, ready to punch Juhyeon's jaw, who was still yelling in pain, trying to slip off her grasp but jeno stopped dead in his track when Samantha raised her free hand signaling him to stop, Jeno just glared at him.
trashing in her hold, Juhyeon tried pushing her off with his other hand, but Samantha grinned sweetly and effortlessly broke his whole other arm, blessing her and jeno's ears with his scream. twisting his other arm and holding it behind his back, she pinned him against her torso.
"your show was entertaining but I must cut it short. your choice of words made you have lost any chance for me to demonstrate to you my mercy," she whispered in his ear. her low ominous sweet-sickening voice sent shivers down his spine, "I—W" Before he could vocal his words, she kicked his calves, forcing him to his knees.
"Now, kindly answer my friend's question," she demanded looking at the tensed-up five men. "Let him go." seeing their leader's trembling expression, one of them growled at her. "or what?" she replied with a mischievous grin. Jeno was in awe as he watched her with a fond smile.
letting a soft sigh, she clicked her tongue, "You have answered me wrongly, so as a penalty…" she trailed as she looked down at the struggling vampire kneeling down at her feet. bending a little, she brushed her fingers through his hair and tugged it up.
a flurry of gasps followed at the sight of the headless body that fell to the floor, blood pooling around the grey, desiccated corpse. jeno grimaced and scrunched his nose in disgust at the flowing blood. "you fucking bitch," one of them shouted, furiously before he whooshed towards her, only for him to halt in his track when Samantha's hand pierced into his chest.
pulling her hands out with his heart in it, he fell to the ground; his body, too, turned grey and veins start to prominent on the skin. looking at the three standing vampires, she glared at them. "anyone else?" her sudden change in her voice made even Jeno flinch.
one of them smirked and whooshed toward Jeno, hoping to use him as leverage. Jeno quickly noticed it and picked up an iron bar and slammed it to his head; killing him temporarily. "well done," she praised him before whooshing to appear before the other two vampires, looking at the blond vampire, she compelled him. "Don't move."
looking to the left, she glared at the black-haired, eyebrow-pierced vampire, he was visibly scared and that alone made Samantha's grin widen into a sadistic one, "Now, talk."
"Our boss send us in search of Mark Lee. He and his friends used to hang in this place here so we started searching here," he croaked out, Samantha's smile faded and her jaw clenched, her eyes turning whole black. jeno on the other side had his brows knitted. "what do you want from him?" he asked, dumbfounded; but Samantha knows.
breath going rugged, the blond stuttered, "Vampires can't compel …other vampires, how—" his words cut short when Samantha Slammed his brother's head with the flat of her hand before casually, turning to the blond, as if she didn't just behead his twin in front of his eyes.
drinking in his horrified expression, she calmly and slowly approached him, "Well, I'm a special vampire." he watched in panic his brother's head rolling on the ground till it stopped.
"Jeno, come here." confused and mildly nervous, Jeno obliged. "have you ever killed a vampire before?….with your bare hands?" she asked not breaking eye contact with the shaken vampire; enjoying every ounce of fear that he was displaying. "uh, not really. but I'd like to try," he finished with a crooked smile.
"hand me that stake, yes, that one near the chair. great." she stepped aside and watched him, attentively. "aim it at the heart, like that. now pierce it as hard as you can; if you want to kill him fast. slowly if you want him to suffer." tilting his head to the side, he grinned before pursing his lips, feigning an inner debate.
the gasp the blond let out made Jeno's grin widen as he watched the grey color creeping through his skin till he turned into a corpse. "fast? okay." his happy smile made her smirk at him. now that's a start. she thought.
"how about that one?" he looked at the one he knocked up earlier, "you can kill finish if you desire" he shrugged, "I think one is enough for today, thanks," she chuckled and walked toward him once she heard him groan and clutch his head.
placing the pointy edge of the heel of her boot on his throat, she looked at his nervous state as he started to choke. "who sent you behind Mark?" hearing no reply, she prodded her cheek with her tongue before pressing her heel deeper, the man under her feet gasped.
she grinned, maliciously and pressed more till blood start oozing out, and Jeno looked away immediately. from her position, she caught sight of Jeno's grimaced expression, without looking away from the man beneath her shoe, she demanded sternly "Do not look away, Lee Jeno." gulping down the lump forming in his throat, he obliged.
"O-oscar sends us- …he h-heard abo-out the doppelgänger and wanted him. every v-vampire on t-the other s-side of the city are trying to get hi-him for him—"
jeno yelped when Samantha kicked his head off with an infuriated expression. "what?" his eyes were wide in bewilderment, "what does that mean?" he asked but got no answer. seeing Samantha marching towards the exit, he followed her out to the car.
along the ride, Samantha's jaw kept clenching to the point Jeno thought her teeth will crack at any second. he felt the tension build up and how her grip around the steering wheel tightened by the seconds that her knuckles were all white. her eyes were black as dark veins start to protrude under them. he knew something was wrong, something is happening— about to happen to one of his childhood friends but what made things blurrier is why Samantha Mikaelson was this bothered and affected by it. does she know him? Do they know each other? why would she get this angry over this?
the tension in the car was thick enough that you could slice through it with a knife and Jeno started to feel suffocated as the solemn silence became insufferable.
if what that vampire said was true; every vampire from the other side of the city is looking for Mark, then he must be in danger. Samantha felt a pang in her chest which made her exhale sharply. she had lost him a lot of times throughout her life. recollections of the centuries she spent mourning his death flooded her brain, bringing back vivid and bitter memories that she so desperately kept hidden and forgotten in the deepest part of her brain.
I'm not going to sit around and allow that to happen. this time, he lives.
Seeing the screen of her phone lit up, she pulled it out of her pocket and skimmed the text she got, letting a sigh, she relaxed her shoulders before putting it back in her pocket. Samantha was aware of the nervousness of her car-mate, she noticed how many times jeno sighed and how he kept cracking his fingers—he was nervous. feeling her looking at him, Jeno turned to her, "Are you okay—"
"—When you hit that vampire like that, it was impressive. I'm proud of you. You're not weak like you prefer to assume, Lee Jeno. You too can be just as strong as your vampire friends. Stop looking down at yourself ." she smiled looking at him. chuckling softly, he let out a relieved breath "Thank you." he looked her in the eyes, emphasizing his genuine gratitude for her simple words. Samantha mirrored his action and smiled at him, "I think I was in the moment and got carried away a bit," he scratched his forearm, chuckling when she did.
opening the car windows to get some fresh air to cool her heated skin, she took a deep breath, "you okay?" jeno asked again, louder this time, concern lingering in his voice. smiling, she gave him a nod, "I'm fine, don't worry." It doesn't need a genius to know that something is wrong as it is very clear but Jeno chose to respect her privacy and sat back in silence again, but this time it wasn't as awkward as before.
but Jeno had no patience and he was just as stubborn as her.
"how do you know Mark?" he suspected with squinted eyes, "that's...that's a long story." she pressed her lips into a thin line and looked at him, "are you going to tell me about it?" he propped his elbow at the car door window, "eventually."
Taking a different road, Jeno sat up and looked out of the window, "this is not—", "change of plans." she cut him off him curtly, "Where are we going then?"
"My family's home."
parking in front of the big white house, she stepped out and jeno did the same. "Woah, this house is pretty," he exclaimed. "Klaus bought it. he does have a nice taste," she looked at him and burst into a loud laugh. his face went pale and his eyes went wide as socks, "no need to be scared. Come let go inside." she laughed again before walking down the stone path.
pushing the door open, both Taemin and Kai stood up. "oh my god... Jeno...?!... I thought you were dead..." Kai mumbled with a shocked expression. "he was under a sleeping spell. that body wasn't him, it was someone else. it was too mutilated to be recognized anyway," taemin shrugged.
Jeno waved awkwardly at him, not because the situation was weird but because the only Elite member he ever met was Suho and he always felt intimidated by them. One of them talking to him casually like this made him nervous.
Samantha took notice of the tight smile he was wearing and chuckled softly, "Calm down love. they're not going to eat you. unless I tell them so, so don't worry,"
"So, can we— bloody hell! why can't I still enter!?" she exclaimed. Kai chuckled at her annoyed expression but was quick to hide it, "we've been trying the whole day, even Jisung couldn't break the boundary spell," Taemin explained. "wait—what? Jisung was here?"
"Oh, yeah. your friends, right?" he nodded at Kai. "pour kid was shaken in front of Kai, wish you could've seen his face, it was priceless, so cute." looking at Samantha's face, he quickly zipped it up.
clearing his throat, he added, "There was also a cloaking spell but Jisung lift it. but the boundary spell is still sealed. it's expanded to the entire house -the first floor included- except here; the foyer. once a vampire steps in the sealed zone, the sunlight will burn them—wearing a ring or not. " clicking her tongue, Samantha tugged on her hair, frustrated.
"what are you hiding, Klaus," she mumbled glancing at the flight of stairs. a moment later, she turned on her heel "Kai, take Jeno home, take my car," she threw her car keys at him. "sure."
"Why? Where are you going?" both Kai and taemin snapped their heads at him with widened eyes, "Okay, Jeno. Come, let us leave." Kai grabbed the confused jeno by his shoulders and pushed him to the door. he had no idea that he made them both freak out and fear that she might kill him for being rude and snoopy, but truth be told, sometimes they overreact and act dramatic for no reason. she's not that vulgar, but they refuse to acknowledge it.
"Why did you send him away?" taemin voiced out, his voice echoing in the big empty mansion, "I'm going to check on Taeil to see if he's still alive. it'd be a shame if he couldn't handle the blade for mere three days."
the ethereal purple-pink sky loomed on the horizon as the sun sent its last rays, only an orange hue was left creating a beautiful painting above her. The air was chilly and it nibbled on her skin but she could care less, her mind kept going back to the previous two hours she spent with her ex-lover. every time she recalls his confession, she feels more betrayed, hollow, and hurt. But the strongest feeling was rage; pure rage.
After hopping out of the car, she stopped for a brief second to fix her sweater that fell off a little over her shoulders. She placed her coat on her arm before throwing her hair behind her back and proceeding to the house but she suddenly halted.
her vision got hazy for a split second as her breath got caught in her lungs more than it should. feeling the lack of oxygen entering her lungs, she sucked at the cold harsh breath till she felt her lungs burn. She saw him.
there he was—in flesh, sitting down on the porch of the house playing with Wes— the cat was purring happily on his lap. She knew it was him, his prominent cheekbones rising when he smiled; his perfect red lips stretching into a charming smile. his blue vibrant hair falling graciously on his honey-brown eyes. hearing his vivid chuckle made her heart flutter to the point it started to hurt.
next thing, she found herself walking toward him unconsciously, as if she were a doll and there was a puppeteer tugging on her string and controlling her. apparently, Mark noticed and obviously heard heels clacking as he slowly raised his head. his smile was long gone as he made eye contact with her soft eyes.
he placed the playful cat down and stood up dusting himself off. taking a deep breath, he swallowed it instead of exhaling it the moment he saw her arm-length away standing before him with a welcoming smile. he found himself mesmerized by the soft blueish-grey hue of her eyes, which nearly made him forget what he was about to say; however, her next three words had him frozen.
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#nct#exo#nct dream#wayv#nct 127#vampires#werewolves#lee jeno#mark lee#nct dream fanfic#nct 127 fanfic#vampires au#Mark lee x you#jeno lee x you#the mikaelsons#nct dream smut#jeno smut#nct scenarios#mark lee smut
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member : lee heeseung
au : vampire!heeseung x human!reader
genre : fluff, suggestive
a/n : here is part two of the enhypen 3yr anniversary!
summary : vampire heeseung gets drunk off the scent of his partner's blood after catching a whiff of the sweet scent. and he begs for a taste.
warnings : mentions of blood, biting, kissing, not proofread, begging , switch!heeseung
the sweet scent of blood wavered through heeseung's nose. he furrowed his eyebrows and looked around his apartment. his partner was at work so he shouldn't be smelling their blood.
keys jingle from the outside of his front door and it opens, heeseung moving his head to look. in the doorway, was you standing there, drenched in rain water and a patch of blood on the knee of your sweatpants.
" what happened?" heeseung got up from the couch quickly and moved towards your side. his doe eyes searching your face for any clues. you smiled softly at the worried boy. " i'm okay, hee. it started raining on my way home and i slipped on the wet concrete."
his lips turn into a pout and you couldn't help but place a gentle kiss on his lips. " i'm okay, i promise. " you whispered against his lips. heeseung nodded and pulled away from your body.
" let's get you some new clothes. you're soaking wet and you're bleeding so we need to clean up your knee. " heeseung grabbed your hand and led you to his room. he grabbed on of his hoodies and a pair of his boxers and handed them to you. " put these on. after you get changed, go to the kitchen. we need to clean your wound before it gets infected. " you nodded your head and he left the room to grab the first aid kit.
a couple minutes later, you walked out of his room and headed towards the kitchen. you saw heeseung making ramen for the two of you. he turned around once he heard your small footsteps along the wooden floor. he smiled at you and he grabbed the first aid kit off the counter and headed towards you.
" sit, baby. " heeseung gestures to the chair beside the table. you took a seat and watched him ad he got on his knees in front of you. you reached forward and placed a hand in his hair. heeseung looked up at you, his brown doe eyes , searching your face. " are you okay, hee? you look like you want something."
the smell of your blood was invading his nose. it was sweet to him. like chocolate was to you. it was like an addiction waiting to happen. heeseung wanted you in ways that he couldn't say. his face was heating up and his eyes were glistening a dark red.
when you saw this, you couldn't help but cup his face in your hands and bent your body closer. your face was inches apart and you could feel his breath on your skin. " whatever you want, take it. i trust you. "
that one sentence broke heeseung. he immediately got up and crashed his lips against yours. his hands roamed your body before one ends up on your neck. your sweet scent still invading his nose. his breath quickens as he heard your whimpers, and your hands gripping his shirt.
" can i please have a taste? i've been craving it since you walked through that door. please, baby? i'll be good. i won't play my games while you're here. i'll pay attention to you. please i just want a taste of you. " heeseung begged against your skin.
" go ahead sweet boy."
that drove him over the edge. you felt a stinging against your neck and your hand automatically went to his hair, gripping the dark blue almost black strands.
you felt his hot tongue press against the bite mark to soothe down whatever pain he may have caused you. heeseung pulled back to look at you.
your face was flushed red, your face glistening with sweat. your hair was partially dry from the rain. your chest was moving up and down as you were breathing heavily.
the sight alone was arousing and he bent down face to face with you. he leaned towards towards your face, blood on the corner of his lips and his fangs on display.
" now it's my turn to have my way with you. "
#enhypen hard thoughts#enhypen as your boyfriend#enhypen smut#lee heeseung#lee heeseung smut#enhypen reactions
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Vampire! Park Sunghoon x reader
genre(s): vampire au!, non-idol au!, Sunghoon is also your tutor, mystery (not really cause dramatic irony), fluff, horror, Jake is your best friend cause I’m a simp, also feat. the rest of enhypen, mainly Heesung and Jungwon tho
Warning(s): blood/gore, swearing (obviously), biting (OBVIOUSLY), and probably crime (if you consider killing a classmate and drinking their blood a crime)
W.C: 17.2k (Sheesh this is long...)
Summary: When a fellow classmate was found dead on the soccer field with all the blood drained from them and two pierce marks in their neck, you took it upon yourself as president of the paranormal club to find the vampire.
A/N: Y’all, when I say I am OBSESSED with Drunk-Dazed! That song literally made me an Engene overnight and honestly I can’t stop thinking about writing this fic. I don’t usually like monster stuff, but watching the MV (which is here) really inspired me. Also I love Park Sunghoon with my whole heart... anyways, Enjoy!
A/N 2: If you couldn’t tell from the previous author note and the title, this has been sitting in my drafts since the Drunk-Dazed MV dropped. It’s clearly been a long time since then, but I’m now finally posting this fic under a random spurt of inspo. I hope you enjoy it cause I love this fic (its my baby) and its been two and a half years in the making!
he’s so ethereal
“uhhh, you’re late dude,” You scoff at Jake, “Slept through your alarm?” Your best friend doesn’t respond, and only then you realize how serious he looked; Jake’s face was pale, and he seemed to fumble with his bag as he sat down beside you in his usual seat for biology. His eyes were darting all over the place before finally landing on you; you grabbed onto his hands to stop it from shaking.
“Hey, you okay?” You ask, frowning at your usually cheerful friend, “what happened?”
“I went out to the field this morning to get a bit of early practice...” He starts off, licking his lips nervously before continuing, “When I got there, there was someone laying out in the middle of the field....”
“who?” You ask but are soon interrupted by the chairman of your school and the chief of police coming into the classroom. Jake immediately looks at his shoes, not wanting to look at the two men at the front.
“Good morning everyone,” The chairman greets in a serious tone, “I have some grim news to share with you all. Now I’m deciding to share this with you because you are all young adults and deserve transparency on the situation.”
“Whats going on Jake?” You whispered to your friend, who was trembling in his seat.
“This morning at 7:32 am, were were alerted by a student that there was a body found at the soccer field.” The chairman stated solemnly. The amount of tension in your classroom was suffocating, “by 7:46, we had identified that the victim was a student by the name of Lee Geonu.”
The mood quickly turned from tense to absolute shock; You couldn’t believe that Geonu, the guy that asked you to borrow a pencil just last Tuesday was now dead. It didn’t make any sense whatsoever; its not like you were friends, but Geonu was a good guy, healthy too.
“I know this is frightening and disturbing news, but we will only take a few more moments of your time.” The chairman turned to the chief of police and continued, “I will now turn it over to police chief Kim to bring up what’s important.”
“Thank you sir,” The police chief nodded before looking down at the document in his hands, “Now upon inspection, it seems that your classmate was found with two distinct holes in the middle of his neck on the left side, as well as a very low blood volume. As of now, we are unaware of where his blood went, but we suspect it sank into the ground.”
You feel Jake’s hand tighten in yours, eyes brimming with tears from the traumatic experience. You squeeze his hand to comfort your friend, feeling sorry that he had see something so horrific.
“Now, we think time of death occurred at around 10:00-12:00 last night,” The police chief continued, before looking up at your class, “If any of you have any information as to what happened or anything you might know about the victim that is relevant to our investigation, please don’t hesitate to come to us.”
The room was silent for a moment, aside from a few sniffles in the back along with the anxious tapping of someones shoes on the floor.
“Lastly, I’m sorry to all of you for your loss.” Chief Kim smiled sympathetically, “I want you all to know you are safe and any information you can give us can help us find whoever did this to Geonu and give him justice.”
And with that being said, the two men exited the room, leaving a atmosphere of despair and melancholy over all of your classmates. You turned to Jake, patting his shoulder gently. He sniffled, blinking back tears. As hard as it was, your teacher put you all to work on a simple worksheet, hoping that it could take your guy’s mind off the current news.
“It was weird... The holes were small, no bigger than half a centimeter.” Jake explained quietly, whispering to you as you sat down at your lunch table, only to be followed by your friends Jungwon and Heesung.
“How far apart?” You asked cautiously. You still felt worried talking about this topic with Jake, as he seemed pretty shaken up yesterday morning. Since then he seemed okay, as it was a pretty big school and he didn’t know Geonu that well, having no classes with the guy.
“Maybe an inch, inch and a half?” Jake explained, opening his bottle of ice tea to take a sip.
“Strange...” Jungwon responded before teasing shoving your shoulder with a smile, “Maybe it was a vampire, right (Y/N)?” This made the boys chuckle, obviously amused to poke fun at you and your paranormal beliefs.
“That’s what I was thinking...” You responded staring at your sandwich, deep in thought. The laughter died and the boys all looked at you confused.
“Are you serious (Y/N)..?” Heesung asked, furrowing his eyebrows at you.
“Of course,” You replied, looking up at the oldest with a frown, “What else could it be?”
“Something real? Like a human maybe..?” Jake suggested, clearly concerned with your thought process.
“That doesn’t make any sense! Who kills a guy with two small holes in the neck and drains almost all of his blood from his body?” You leaned forward, picking at your food before sighing, “Besides, you guys are in the Paranormal Activities Club too, so why don’t you believe it could be a vampire?”
“Honestly, talking about ghosts and monsters and stuff during our PAC meetings is fun,” Jungwon started off before brushing his hand through his hair and sighing, “But it was never that serious. Not like ‘I think a vampire murdered our classmate’ type of club.”
“But don’t you believe in the paranormal? isn’t that the whole point of PAC?” You asked, seriousness dripping from your tone, “I just think it’s our duty to discover if this was actually a vampire-related incident or not.”
The boys looked at you like you had three heads, letting the silence be word enough that they thought you were insane.
“I mean, if its not, then no harm no foul...” You sighed, crossing your arms across your chest passively, “But it if it, that means we have a vampire on the loose and we need to find out who it is, as the closest thing to experts this school has.”
“I mean, it could be kinda fun to look for clues and stuff...” Jungwon smiled softly.
“We’d be like the Mystery Gang from Scooby-doo!” Jake beamed, suddenly interested in the idea of investigation.
“I guess we technically have to have other club activities besides chatting to count for credit..” Heesung agreed, shaking his head at the thought of actually agreeing to a vampire hunt.
“So PAC investigation to find the vampire?” You smirked, feeling excited to maybe see a real live monster.
“Yeah it’ll be fun!” Jake finalized, taking a bite of the apple he had pulled out of his bag sometime while having this conversation, “Lets meet back at the school tonight to look for evidence.”
“No can do actually...” You interrupted, shocking your friends at the odd change in attitude of inspiring them to do this and then suddenly bailing.
“What the heck (Y/N)!?” Jungwon huffed, throwing his hands up dramatically, “Why can’t you come?”
“I’ve got Calculus tutoring tonight.” You stated simply, “but you guys can go look for clues without me tonight and you can report back at tomorrow’s PAC meeting.”
“You have a tutor?” Heesung asked, “who?” You turn in your chair and point across the lunch room to a pretty boy sitting at one of the corner tables, headphones in and doing homework.
“Park Sunghoon.” You answered simply, “We go to the campus library every Tuesday and Thursday. One day he helps me with Calc and the other day I help him with Bio.”
“He’s in our biology class?” Jake asked shocked, scratching his head sheepishly, “I didn’t even notice him...”
‘Yeah he’s pretty shy, but nice enough.” You nodded and stuffed sandwich in your face before continuing with a mouth full of bread, “I don’t think he likes me very much though.”
“I wonder why...” Heesung cringes, watching bits of sandwich squish in your mouth as you talk with it full. Before you look away, Sunghoon looks up and around the room, only to catch your gaze. He blinks a couple of times before politely nodding at you. Feeling embarrassed you got caught looking, you whipped around and faced your friends again, feeling the burning sensation crawl up your neck. Of course, this appeared as the perfect opportunity for the boys to make fun of you; but you didn’t mind, as it was nice to see some cheer from the gloomy atmosphere that was hanging around recently.
You looked down at your phone to see that you had gotten a message.
Sunghoon: hey, do you mind meeting me at the front of the school for our session?
You tilt you head in confusion, but nonetheless type out a response before packing up your things you had set up for your session.
(Y/N): sure, I’ll be right there :)
Quickly making your way to the front, you see Sunghoon standing there, expression blank and scrolling through his phone. Once he sees you, He puts it away and approaches where you stand.
“Hey (Y/N) I’m sorry about this, but do you mind if I teach you somewhere else today?” He asked, worry and urgency evident in the shakiness of his voice.
“I mean, I guess,” You respond jokingly, smiling to hopefully put the boy at ease, “I would have loved it you let me know BEFORE I set all my stuff out though.”
“I know and I’m sorry about that,” Sunghoon apologized, walking out of the building with you following, “My coach changed my practice to earlier so I had to make adjustments...”
“So where are we going?” You asked, walking beside your tutor fumbling with the zipper on your binder.
“My apartment, if that’s okay.” He replied, not looking away from where his eyes focused ahead, “since my practice is earlier, I’l be saving time by not having to travel home to grab my things before going to the rink.”
“Sounds good to me...” You agreed before falling silent. You felt a weird sensation bubble up in your stomach that you had never seemed to feel before. Maybe nervousness because you’ve never been to Sunghoon’s home, but why would you be nervous about something like that?
Silence filled the air as you walked onward. The sun was starting to set, setting a warm orange glow over the environment as you walked; Even in this light, Sunghoon looked pale; his eyes looking down at his feet as his dark hair swept across his forehead with ever step. Somehow you had never noticed until now, but Sunghoon had a mole right on the edge of the bridge of his nose. You though it suited him, even though you rarely talked about things other then your respective subjects.
“So” You cleared your throat, wanting to break the silence and overall your sudden appreciation for your tutor, “You play a sport? you said your coach moved practice...”
“Ah, yeah!” Sunghoon responded with a smile, turning to look at you for the first time since leaving the school, “I do figure skating” (A/N: I had to, I love ice prince Sunghoon). You nodded, finding it surprising that out of all the sports, he picked something elegant and precise as figure skating.
“Really? That’s cool!” You praised, excited to get to know more about him, “how often do you practice?”
“every weekday,” He answered, “usually after we have our session I go home and grab all my gear and head to the rink, but for some reason my coach moved practice ahead by an hour.”
“Damn coaches, Huh?” You joked, “Always ruining a perfectly good schedule. Not that I would know, as I don’t do a sport...”
“Oh yeah, you have your own club, right?” Sunghoon recalled, making a right turn as you continued to his house, “What’s it called again..?”
“Paranormal Activities Club.” You explained, “We usually shorten it to PAC because it’s a bit wordy...”
“Catch any ghosts?” Sunghoon asked smiling cheekily.
“We don’t catch ghosts, we talk about them.” You said before cracking a smile, “Behind their back of course, like we’re in middle school” Sunghoon laughed at your silly joke, warmth radiating from deep in his chest. For some reason, it felt good to make the boy laugh; maybe it was because he was so reserved that you were happy to see him ease up a bit with you.
You arrived at Sunghoon’s apartment within about ten minutes. As you stepped in, you noticed the simplicity of it; white walls, a glass coffee table, and a bookshelf off to the right. To the left, there was a small corner kitchen and a hallway that you assumed lead to the bathroom and Sunghoon’s bedroom. The only thing to note was the furniture; a expensive looking maroon love-seat that was perpendicular with the coffee table and a deep red, velvety sofa pushed up under the window.
“You can set your things down here and we can get started.” Sunghoon motioned to the coffee table before going into the kitchen, “want anything?”
“a glass of water would be nice,” You respond politely before setting your binder on the table. You looked at the sofa, before ultimately deciding to sit on the floor in front of it, feeling the furniture looked to expensive to touch. Sunghoon returns, placing the glass on a coaster and then on the table.
“Thank you.” You accepted the glass shyly, feeling a sense of awkwardness being in the private of his home.
“Why are you on the floor..?” Sunghoon chuckled lightly before sitting on the sofa, “there’s a sofa right behind you... I mean if your more comfortable on the floor we can sit there-”
“No I’ll move!” You exclaimed, getting up and sitting beside Sunghoon on the velvet cushions, “It just that your furniture looks so expensive...”
“Really?” He scrunched up his nose before opening his textbook and flipping through it to find the assignment, “I found these at a garage sale for like $100. Some little old Victorian lady was selling them. They’re really nice, but it’s really hard to get stains out of them...”
“Oh, I see.” You nodded, feeling the fabric under your fingertips before grabbing your pencil, “So should we get started?” Sunghoon hummed in response and you began the homework you were supposed to finish for tomorrow.
After a bit, things went back to normal and you didn’t feel as weird or awkward; it was like every other Tuesday in the library. It wasn’t long before the sun set, and you were packing up your things to go home.
“Thank you so much for accommodating my schedule today.” Sunghoon thanked, holding his door open for you.
“No problem! It was a nice change of scenery.” You said brightly, trying to be polite about the abrupt change of plans, “Have a nice night Sunghoon; see you Thursday!” You went down to the lobby and messaged Jake, hoping that the boys actually went to the soccer field to look for evidence while you were busy.
(Y/N): [dropped 1 location]
(Y/N): hey, pick me up cause its dark and there is a vampire on the loose?
Butt-head~: Of course, your highness. It’s not like I was just about to get into the shower or anything after being out in a field for an hour...
Attached to that message was a GIF of a dirty servant from that one medieval show doing a full bow. you rolled your eyes at Jake’s sarcasm.
(Y/N): if you’re busy, I’ll just walk home alone
Butt-head~: Don’t you dare
Butt-head~: I’m literally already in my car omw
Chuckling to yourself you sit down in the lobby and do what any person would do to pass the time; scroll through memes. It isn’t long before you get another text from Jake saying he’s outside. You hurry out and hop in the passenger side of his old red car.
“Hello your highness, I hope this chariot is to your standards.” He teased in a fake posh British accent, which wasn’t far from his usual accent.
“Well, there could have been a harp or trumpets playing when I entered, but this’ll have to do,” you sighed before smiling at your silly friend.
He suddenly turned on a loud, heavy bass song and drove in the direction of your house. You both jammed out for a bit, rolling down the windows and screaming out the lyrics at the top of your lungs. Eventually Jake turned down the music in exchange to chat with you.
“So me and Jungwon went out to the field and-” Jake started before you screeched out and stopped him.
“Don’t tell me!” You hushed, almost reaching out to put your hands over Jake’s mouth, “Wait until the meeting tomorrow!”
“I just thought you’d want to know about-” Jake started again but you shouted out to avoid hearing about what the boys found. Jake sighed and shut his mouth, clearly not going to be able to tell you about the investigation.
“Wait, where was Heesung?” You asked, quirking your eyebrows becasue you were cofused on why he wouldn’t show.
“He said he had something important to do instead.” Jake responded flatly.
“What’s more important than vampires?” You huffed.
“I know, this is the most important thing in our lives right now.”
“Exactly! This is serious stuff he was missing.”
The two of you were silent for a moment, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. Though, you soon broke the silence.
“i’m sorry I wasn’t there...” You apologized, fiddling with your things and feeling a bit bad, “I failed as a president today...”
“Dude, don’t worry about it! Your trustworthy vice-prez worked very hard in your place.” Jake complimented himself and jabbed a thumb at his chest; you giggled at his antics, glad he wasn’t upset with you.
“So how was tutor session with pretty boy? I’m sure you got lots of calculus done.” Jake teased, poking your shoulder.
“As a matter of fact, we did get a lot of calculus done,” You rolled your eyes and pushed his hand away before continuing, “Besides the awkwardness of me being in his house for the first time...”
“Finally seeing pretty boy’s house? Or were you too busy kissing him to see?” Jake teased yet again, followed by gross, wet kissing sounds. You give the boy a hardy slap to the shoulder before chuckling at his antics.
“That’s the second time you called Sunghoon pretty.” You joked before cracking a big smile, “You know, if you’re so jealous of me, I could introduce you two so maybe you could kiss him.” You then copy the kissing sounds Jake made moments before only to earn a laugh and a shove.
“Thank you for the offer, but I’ll pass.” Jake finally said and pulled up in front of your house, “Anyways, here’s your castle Your Highness.” You jumped out of Jake’s old car, collecting your things. You said a sincere thank you and waved goodbye before scurrying inside to eat and then sleep. Besides, you had a big day tomorrow filled with excitement from vampire hunting.
“Alright as all of the members of The Paranormal Activities Club have arrived, as president I officially begin this meeting.” You sat down after saying your opening speech and look at the three boys in front of you. PAC always met in room 300, so you pushed four desks together to make a meeting table. The lights were usually off as well, with only a couple of flashlights and a single candle lighting your meetings; but since there was more serious stuff to discuss this meeting, you opted to keeping the lights on.
“Now, to start off this very formal PAC Meeting, I have something to go over before we talk about the findings from last night.” You said before turning to Heesung and pouting, “Where were you? I though you were all good for the soccer field last night...”
“I thought these two knuckleheads could handle it without me,” Heesung points at Jungwon and Jake before continuing, “So I went to the public library to see if I could dig up any similar instances of killings in the same manner. I just wanted to see if there was a history of a murderer or serial killer that murdered in this way, but no luck..”
“That’s because it was a vampire, not a serial killer but whatever...” You responded passive-aggressively before smiling, “But thank you for double checking, I appreciate the work you’re putting into this.” Heesung simply gives a thumbs up and looks to the other two boys.
“Alright, so now that that’s settled,” You sated, turning to the other boys as well, “Lets go over what our investigation brought to light.”
Jake stood up and walked to the white board where there were a couple of magnets. He pulled them all off the white board and turned to you all.
“Jungwon, You have the evidence right?” He asked. Jungwon dug around in his backpack before pulling out a file-folder and scurrying up to where Jake was standing. They first began by placing random photos of the scene on the white-board, including a blurry selfie of the two of them and a picture of the sun reflected on the school windows. Jake cleared his throat, trying to appear as professional as possible.
“I will now account what happened when we arrived.”
“Ow, I think that’s the seventh mosquito bite!” Jungwon groaned and slapped his arm.
The boys trudged through the surrounding trees by the field. The area where Geonu’s body was found was roped off with police tape so Jake had opted to start looking in the surrounding area instead.
“Quit complaining, we are supposed to look for evidence of a vampire.” Jake scolded before shuffling around in the bushes.
“This is stupid.There’s no way it was a vampire.” Jungwon huffed before sifting through a pile of dead leaves, “(Y/N)’s bonkers. I can’t believe I agreed to this...”
“Maybe, but it would mean a lot to her if we just looked anyways.” Jake reasoned, pushing through-
“Do you really need to be telling me all this? Especially the part where you guys basically say I’m nuts?” You frown before being shushed by Jake, who continues on.
“Hey there’s a footprint here in the mud!” Jake pointed out before turning to Jungwon, “It could be our vampire.”
“Or a random person going through the bushes.” Jungwon huffed.
“Just give me the camera Jungwon.”
Jake places the photo of the footprint on the white board, securing it with a magnet.
“From my deduction skills, it is around a size 7 males shoe.” Jake confirms, “I’ll be studying the tread to see what kind of shoe it is.”
“Okay sounds good.” You praised, nodding to Jungwon, “Continue on with what happened.”
“What exactly are we looking for that the police wouldn’t have already found?” Jungwon sighed, climbing out of the treeline onto the red gravel track that separated the woods from the field.
“Paranormal stuff.” Jake answered vaguely, walking down the path closer to where the body laid just yesterday.
He felt a strange sense of dread looking at the police tape, remembering the graphic scene all to well. It had etched itself into his head, not letting him get a wink of sleep the night before.
“Like... this?” Jungwon asked nervously. He held up a single silver ring, holding it up to the sky to get a better look at it.
Jungwon pulled the ring out of the folder; he had it in a zip-lock bag, almost afraid to touch it. Jake gave him a magnet, to which he hung the bag on whiteboard beside the footprint photo.
“What is that on it..?” You asked, leaning closer to get a better look at the ring. you could see that almost three-quarters of the outside of the ring was stained with some sort of black liquid.
“It looks burned in...” Heesung suggested, squinting to see the small piece of jewelry.
“Hey, I’m not done with the evidence yet!” Jake interrupted, trying to keep your attention, “Can we please stay focused?”
“Do you think we should go in there?” Jungwon asked, standing right on the edge of the police tape, “I feel like at that point, we would be tampering with actual police evidence...”
Jake fiddled with the bright yellow tape, allowing it to slide in between his fingers, assessing the option of what they should do. He looked to the spot where Geonu had been, trying his best to recall every detail he could when he discovered him. Blanking on what happened, he turned away from the tape and went back onto the path.
“I think it’s best if we go home. The photos are good and the there’s that ring you found too.” Jake decided, turning to walk to the direction of the front gate. In all honesty, he just couldn’t bring himself to got to that spot in the grass; but he couldn’t just say that to Jungwon.
“Sounds good to me, I wanna take a shower, the bush was gross.” Jungwon said, jogging to catch up to Jake. the boys walked to the entrance of the school.
“Wait! I want to get a picture!” Jungwon insisted, pulling out his camera to get a photo of the reflected sunset on the windows. Jake waited, leaning against the gate of the school and gazing at the building.
“This doesn’t seem very relevant to our investigation...” You chimed in before Jake groaned and rolled his eyes.
“Oh my God! Can you just listen? I was literally getting to the relevant part...” He scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest, “Don’t interrupt, Stink-ass.”
“Sorry.” you responded, promising yourself not to interrupt again until the boys were finished.
The school was big and made of brick and glass; but something else was catching Jake’s attention.
“Hey, that flock of crows is trying to get into the dumpster over there!” He chuckled, before jogging over to the dumpster that was on the edge of the parking lot left of the building.
“dude, its actually called a murder of crows.” Jungwon corrected, earning a ‘whatever’ from Jake, who seemed much more interested in what was attracting the crows to the dumpster. After getting a nice photo, Jungwon came over too, curiosity getting the better of him.
“It’s whatever’s in this drug store bag...” Jake deduced, pointing at the thin, white, plastic bag tied tightly on the top of the trash.
“What do you think is in there..?” Jungwon asked, voice barely above a whisper. He seemed concerned, mostly due to the big, dark spot covering the bottom of the bag.
“I guess there is only one way to find out.” Jake gulped before grabbing the bag by the handles with one finger and dropping it to the cement, “I mean, if we really want to open it...”
“What would the Mystery Gang do?” Jungwon asked, half-joking/half-seriously.
“I think they would open it.”
“Okay so lets open it then”
“You open it. I don’t want to touch it...”
“Me neither! Besides, you already touched it!”
“Yeah, so it’s your turn.”
“How about we rock paper scissors for who has to open it?”
“That sounds fair.”
“This is what we found in the bag, and in all honesty, I don’t feel like I should even have it because its like... actual evidence...” Jake grimaced and opened his backpack to reveal a brown paper bag.
He rustled in it before bringing out what was inside and pinning it to the white board. The room was silent as you stared at the item, feeling a sickness bubble up into your stomach.
Pinned to the whiteboard was an over-sized, white, male’s dress shirt; all around the neckline and dripping down, soaking into the chest area was dried, brown blood that had obviously been applied wet. The cuffs of the sleeves going up the arms was also covered in the dried liquid, tainting the pure white fabric.
“What...” You begin, not really knowing what you were going to say. What you even could say.
“We have to give that to the police.” Heesung stated frantically, like it was obvious, “That’s serious piece of evidence for their investigation and we shouldn’t have that.” The rest of you didn’t respond, earning a scoff from the eldest.
“You don’t think we should keep it, right?” He asked, clearing accentuating his tone to signify how stupid he thought that idea was.
“No, I don’t think we should keep it!” You exclaimed matter-of-factly, approaching the shirt and gently touching the hem of it, “But we could get as much information we need from it...”
“You’re joking right?!” Jungwon cried, clearly disturbed.
“Look at where the... blood is.” You pointed out, having a hard time actually say the word, “If it wasn’t a vampire and was just some guy, there wouldn’t be a focus of blood on the highest part of the shirt. We need all the clues we can to find out who our secret vampire is and this shirt has some.”
“I mean, we would only have it for a little longer and then after we get all the information we can from it, we give it in, right?” Jake supported, sitting down at the makeshift table to get away from the shirt. Heesung turned to you, worry and sincerity flooding his eyes.
“(Y/N), I don’t know how comfortable I am with this...” He warned, grabbing hold of your arm, “I really think we should give this in as soon as possible, along with everything else the boys found...”
“We will.” You answered firmly, holding Heesung’s grip on your arm with the opposite hand, “Just after we get the clues we need from everything.”
“How about a vote?” Jake suggested, “All in favor of keeping the evidence for a little longer and then giving it to the police after we are done?” Jake raised his hand, followed by you raising yours.
“All in favor of giving it to the police right after this vote?” Heesung countered and raised his hand. The three of you then looked to the youngest boy who had not voted for either.
“Jungwon?” You asked, and he looked at you and you could see the inner conflict he was going through in his head.
“We give it back as soon as we are done..?” Jungwon asked hesitantly, playing with the cuffs of his jacket nervously.
“As soon as we finish documenting all the information we need.” You reassured, “Not a minute longer than needed.” Jungwon nodded along to your words, hummed and bit his bottom lip out of habit. He tapped his foot, deep in thought before finally nodding again.
“Okay, but only if we don’t touch it without gloves or something so we don’t wreck the police evidence...” Jungwon finally decided, to which you quickly agreed to his terms.
“I guess it can’t be helped,” Heesung sighed, brushing his hair back to release his stress, “but just for the record, I’m not touching any of that and this is a bad idea...”
“Noted.” Jake finalized before standing and making his way to the door, “I’m going to sneak to the biology lab to get some gloves and tweezers to start looking for clues, you guys should start photographing the things we are giving to the police.”
With tasks assigned you all got to work in documenting any clues you felt could lead you to the identity of the vampire.
(figure) skater boy: Hey, do you mind if we are at my house again today for our session? Coach switched practice for the next two weeks...
You immediately switch directions, walking towards the front as opposed to the library where you were planning on meeting Sunghoon until he messaged you. you typed out a quick reply that consisted of the absolute poetry of ‘k’.
As you approached the lobby, you saw Sunghoon standing by the door, except he was taking to someone today. It was a guy that you had occasionally seen your tutor with, but you had never actually spoken to him before. The stranger met your gaze and smiled as you walked up to the duo.
“I hope I’m not interrupting.” You said politely, turning your attention to Sunghoon with a smile.
“Not at all, (Y/N).” He reassured, before motioning to the stranger, “ Have you met my friend Jay?”
“I have not.” You confirm, reaching your hand out to shake the other man’s hand, “I’m (Y/N), I tutor your friend.”
“Jay. I’m friends with your tutor.” Jay joked, taking your hand and shaking it. Feeling nervous, you look at the floor before finding the perfect thing to say to be less awkward.
“Woah! I love your boots! They look really cool.” You gushed, not taking your gaze off Jay’s feet. He was wearing a pair of combat boots that went up to his mid calf, and they looked to be made of an expensive material with shiny silver buckles on them.
“Hey thanks!” He chuckled in response, tilting his foot to model them, “I ordered them custom made because I thought they’d look cooler with my own personal touch, y’know?” You hummed in response, before feeling a tug at your sleeve, gaining your attention.
“We should get going if we are going to finish the biology assignment.” Sunghoon urged then turning to his friend and smiling, “See you! I’ll message you after practice.” Jay nodded in agreement before sending you off with a ‘nice to meet you’.
You begin the walk to Sunghoon’s place in silence before you decide to break it like you did yesterday.
“Jay seems nice.” You stated simply, hoping talking about his friend would help Sunghoon open up more, “How long have you been friends?”
“A couple of years now.” Sunghoon responded before smirking to himself, “You like him?”
“Sure, he seems pretty chill.” You said, given that you only had about a minute to interact with the guy.
“He’s a good guy.” Sunghoon finalized, looking out into the distance seemingly in thought, “He’s the kind of guy to have your back no matter what.” You hummed in response, falling silent as you walked towards Sunghoon’s apartment.
Maybe it was the fact that you were going to his house, but you felt that maybe you’d become a bit closer with the introverted boy. Maybe he at least didn’t dislike you, but you were certain he didn’t like you. But maybe that could change, just given a bit more time.
You were pulled out of your thoughts due to Sunghoon roughly grabbing your arm and pulling you to the left, just narrowly avoiding walking into the busy street. You stumbled a bit, catching your balance on Sunghoon’s shoulder.
“Watch where you’re going!” He huffed, clearly anxious, “Gosh, I thought maybe you didn’t know we had to turn here, but I didn’t expect you to try to walk into traffic.”
“Sorry, I was totally zoned out,” You apologized, letting your grip loosen from his shoulder. You both continued to walk, but he didn’t let go of your arm. For some reason you felt a warm feeling bubble up in your chest from the contact, “Thanks for yanking me to safety though.”
“Did I pull you too hard? Sorry about that, I was just worried.”
“Don’t worry about it, you were just helping me not get hit by a car.”
“Pay more attention next time. You must have been thinking about something important to zone out that badly...”
You blushed, realizing that you were in fact, thinking about Sunghoon and if he was your friend or not.
“Oh? You’re blushing. You must have been thinking about something embarrassing.” Sunghoon teased, finally letting go of you. You surprisingly felt disappointed in this action, “Maybe it was your boyfriend..?” You turned to him, confusion and embarrassment flooding your features.
“Boyfriend? I know you’re not talking about me...” You joked, looking at the sidewalk beneath your feet as you trudged along. It was Sunghoon’s turn to be confused and he tilted his head and stared at you.
“Aren’t you dating someone?” He asked to which you shook your head no; you could feel the shame of this conversation burn up from the base of your neck.
“What about the guy that picked you up on Tuesday that you always hang out with?” Sunghoon questioned you, to which you burst out laughing from the misunderstanding.
“Jake?” You spat between a fit of laughter, “No way! He’s a really good friend that’s all.” It was Sunghoon’s turn to be mortified, his ears turning red as his eyes darted anywhere but you.
“Ahhhh! I’m sorry for jumping to conclusion, you guys just seemed really close at school and the he picked you up and I just assumed and-” He rambled before you cut him off.
“It’s okay. I understand why people might think that,” You assured before smiling to yourself, “He’s my Jay.”
“Your Jay?” Sunghoon asked, finally able to turn and look at you. You catch his gaze and give him a soft smile.
“The best kind of friend that would do anything for you.” You explained simply, “My Jay.” Sunghoon seemed to understand your comparison, smirking to himself because of the cute analogy.
Soon, you make it to Sunghoon’s apartment and begin your biology work. You immediately sat on the sofa this time, not fumbling with the floor; this time, you were conscious of how close he sat beside you, the warmth of his body radiating on your side. It made you anxious suddenly, having him this close to you. You were self-conscious of everything, like how your breath smelled or the way your hair laid. This feeling was one that you couldn’t seem to shake, no matter how hard you tried to focus on teaching Sunghoon about DNA; it was driving you bonkers
“Can I use your bathroom?” You asked, bouncing your knee nervously. He nodded and motioned to the door on the left before continuing working on the question you were on. You quickly shuffled into the bathroom and locked the door behind you, taking a deep breath. You washed your hands and looked up to fix you hair in the mirror.
Only, there wasn’t a mirror there. It was just a blank wall in front of the sink.
You frowned, blinking a couple of times to make sure you weren’t just seeing things. When you finally reached out and touched the wall you finally confirmed you weren’t crazy and there really was just no bathroom mirror.
Drying your hands and heading back to the living room, you debated bringing up the bathroom mirror. Maybe he just broke it and hadn’t bought a replacement yet?
Thinking that it was no big deal, you dropped it and decided to focus on the task at hand. Sunghoon had finished the problem you were on before you left and had moved on to the next one. The whole mirror situation had shaken you from whatever you felt earlier and you were finally able to focus on biology; so much in fact that you finished the assignment early.
“You can stay a bit longer... If you want.” Sunghoon offered, biting his bottom lip and leaning forward on the sofa, “If you’ve got stuff to do, I understand too.”
“I can stay for a bit.” You agreed, putting all of your things in a neat pile by the door before taking a seat on the opposite end of the sofa as Sunghoon, “Besides, I was supposed to be here teaching anyways. And it’s not like I have a ‘boyfriend’ dying to see me.” Sunghoon buried his head in his hands and groaned, making you giggle from the successful teasing.
“I’m so sorry about that, honestly.” He apologized again before cracking an shy grin, “I just though since you spent time with him and you’re...” He trailed off shaking his head from the thought, ears turning a nice shade of pink.
“Oh wow, was Sunghoon going to say something nice to me?” You gasped, placing your hand on your chest dramatically, “Could it be that, THE Park Sunghoon doesn’t hate his biology tutor?”
“Of course I don’t hate you, I assumed we were friends!” He exclaimed.
“Friends? If we were friends, I would have known more about you.” You countered.
“Like what?”
“How about the fact that I just learned you live in an apartment, have old antique couches, and that you figure skate less than a week ago, yet I’ve tutored you all year.”
“Okay that’s fair.”
“And how about the fact that we don’t hang out other than tutoring? Not very friend-like...”
“Okay I get your point. But maybe we should.”
“Should what?”
“Hang out.”
Sunghoon shifted his weight, turning to you before saying something you never expected in a million years.
“I have a competition this weekend, do you maybe want to come watch?” Sunghoon asked, smiling sweetly at you. You taken-aback for a moment, thinking you misheard the boy in front of you. He really wanted to see you outside of tutoring?
“I.. uhh.” You stammered, blinking a couple of times before grinning up at him, “Sure. I’d love to come and cheer you on.”
“Cool. And don’t worry, Jay’ll be there too!” Sunghoon reassured you, “So that way, you wont be all alone when I’m on the ice.”
You replied with a small ‘cool’, feeling like your soul left your body. All this time, you were worried the guy didn’t like you when it turns out that he thought you guys were friends the whole time. It made you feel good that he actually wanted to see you, a sense of pride burning in your chest.
“Well, I better get ready for practice...” Sunghoon said, subtly hinting in it being your time to leave. You caught his drift and stood, making your way to the door and picking up all your gathered things.
“I better text Jake to come get me.” You responded from the door, slipping your bag over your shoulder.
“Does he usually drive you home from our sessions?” Sunghoon asked, leaning his back against the kitchen counter, seemingly like he was about to prepare food right after you left.
“He didn’t,” You replied, shifting from foot to foot, “but since you live far from me and.... well... there was that guy Geonu a couple days ago so you can never be too careful.”
You see Sunghoon visibly stiffen at the mention of Geonu. His smile falters for a fraction of a second before he approaches you at the door. He helps you with your things and opens it for you.
“It was a terrible thing that happened to him.” Sunghoon said weakly, voice barely above a whisper as he holds the door for you, “I hope whatever monster did that to him pays for what they did.”
You walk out into the hallway before turning back to face Sunghoon, Feeling a strange sense of dread leaving the apartment. He was smiling, but you could tell it was fake. Why...
“Stay safe (Y/N).” Sunghoon warned before waving, “Have a good night. I’ll text you about my competition later tonight!” You waved back, turning away from his door and walking down the hall to the elevator. Once in the small, confined box, you shook away that sense of dread.
“Get in loser.” Jake called to you from the red hunk of trash he called is car. Hopping in, you quickly did up your seat-belt and Jake was off.
“So, how was tutoring with pretty boy?” Jake asked in a sing-song voice. Ever since he found out about your tutor, he teased you relentlessly, calling him ‘pretty boy’ and saying some obscene remarks about how much “””work””” you guys do.
“Good.” You stated simply before grinning to yourself, “He invited me to watch his figure skating competition this weekend.”
“What! That’s totally a date!” Jake exclaimed, pushing your shoulder over and over, “(Y/N)’s got a date, (Y/N)’s got a date~”
“Shut up! It’s not a date, dumb-ass.” You pushed Jake back, shaking your head, “His friend Jay is going too, so it’s just a friend thing because we are friends.”
“Pretty boy has a friend?” Jake asked, seemingly confused, “I thought he was a loner; Shy boy style...”
“Of course he has a friend,” You scoffed, rolling your eyes a Jake, “For your information, I met him today and complimented his really cool custom boots.” Jake seemed interested in that comment, perking up at the mention of shoes.
“That reminds me! I went searching online for the treads of our vampire’s shoes.” Jake informed you, quickly catching your attention, “But I couldn’t find anything that looked remotely close to the footprint.”
“Really?” You asked before humming in response, thinking about what to do, “Maybe you haven’t looked for the right brand?”
“There doesn’t seem to be any brand like our vampire’s shoes, but I’ll keep searching.” Jake sighed, “So far, all of the major brands were busts because they have their own distinct styles.” You tried to remember back to the photo of the footprint, thinking about if there were any distinct marking on the tread. But to no avail, your brain couldn’t produce an image of value.
“That’s really odd...” You said flatly, deep in thought, but turn to your friend with a sympathetic look in your eyes, “But I appreciate all the work you’re doing to find the evidence.”
Jake let out a small, defeated ‘thanks’ before slowing to a stop. You get out of his car (not without an awkward, sitting down car hug) and scurry inside your house, waving frantically to your friend as he pulled away.
“Did you hear the news? Apparently there was another attack down by 42 St.” Jungwon exclaimed, catching your attention from the sudden news, “They didn’t die, but the victim was hospitalized and is in serious condition...”
You had gathered in the lunch room at your usual table; it was just you and Jungwon for the moment as Heesung was busy doing a make-up exam in History.
“Hey, pretty boy lives pretty close to there!” Jake revealed, returning from a bathroom break with a bag of chips and an ice tea. He sits beside you and fiddles with the plastic bag.
“Who?” Jungwon asked, tilting his head like a puppy out of confusion.
“Sunghoon.” You replied before chewing your cuticle anxiously.
“Yes?” a voice from behind you asked, causing you and Jake to whip around to reveal the man himself. He was standing with Jay and another boy you hadn’t met before.
“Oh, we were just talking about the attack that was on the news.” Jungwon explained, glancing between you and your friend tutor. Jay stiffened, looking like he’d just seen a ghost while Sunghoon glanced between his friends.
“I heard about that,” The other boy said; he had a cute face and raven black hair that gave him a mature aura despite his adorable features, “It was only a block from your house, right Hoonie?” The group was silent, but you watched as Jay shifted his weight from foot to foot.
“Yeah, it’s pretty close...” Sunghoon confirmed. He seemed slightly awkward, but you guessed it was because he probably wasn’t used to all the attention being on him. Jay seemed much more uncomfortable though, looking anywhere but your table. He chewed on his bottom lip before swinging his arm around Sunghoon’s shoulder.
“We should get going.” He urged, before smiling politely to you, “See you at the competition tomorrow (Y/N).” You nodded and grinned at Jay, noticing his strange behavior.
“Stay safe, Sunghoon.” You warned, earning you a soft smile from your tutor.
“I’ll be fine, don’t worry.” He replied before the boys were off, going to sit in the corner table where Sunghoon usually was found. You turned back to your friends and they looked at you expectantly.
“Please tell me I’m not the only one who thought they looked uncomfortable...” Jungwon said, eyes darting back and forth between you and Jake.
“No, they were definitely uncomfortable.” Jake said and turned to you, “What was with that Jay guy? He looked like he wanted to sprint out of here as soon as we brought the vampire subject up...”
“I don’t know.” You frowned, glancing over to their table where they seemed to be back to normal, joking and laughing, “When I first met him he seemed pretty chill but he was super on edge the whole time he was here...” Your table fell silent, cogs turning in your brain that you weren’t sure you wanted turning. Your thought process was interrupted by Heesung sliding into the chair next to Jungwon.
“Hey nerds, I just failed that History test.” Heesung said nonchalantly before switching his demeanor upon noticing your serious moods, “What’s up? You all look like you saw a ghost!”
“Hey (Y/N), you said Jay had custom boots,” Jake asked slowly, hinting at exactly what you were thinking. You nodded looking between the boys, “do you think the treads would be custom too..?”
“We think we just met our suspect for the vampire incident.” Jungwon revealed, causing the lingering tension to suffocate your group and fill your stomach with worry.
“You know the plan right?” Heesung asked, leaning forward from the backseat of Jake’s car.
It was 2:00 on a Saturday and you were just outside the rink in Jake’s car with the boys; you were supposed to be going to the rink to support Sunghoon but because of the groups suspicions, you take it upon yourself as president of the PAC to do some spy work on the suspected vampire Jay.
“Of course I know the plan.” You rolled you eyes, going to open the door to get out before a flurry of ‘aye’s came from the three boys in the red car with you.
“We should go over it again once more to be sure.” Jungwon suggested, agreement coming from the other two boys. You sighed, but retraced your hand from the door handle
“Okay so you need to get his shoe size and look for burn marks from the silver ring.” Jake re-iterated for what seemed like the tenth time.
“A confession would also be useful,” Heesung stated, “But those first two things would be most important.”
“Also, check the tread to see if the shoe is actually the one we’re looking for.” Jungwon added.
“And make sure you bring up the attacks and see how he reacts.” Jake pipped in.
“Guys,” You interrupted, clearly annoyed at how they don’t think you already know all that, “I’ve got it.”
“This is really important (Y/N), don’t let the club down.” Heesung said and grabbed your shoulder reassuringly. You nodded to your group, trying your hardest to exude confidence before opening the door and stepping out.
“Oh yeah, one last thing,” Jake called out to you before you shut the door, grinning from ear to ear, “Have fun cheering on pretty boy.” You shouted that you would before hurrying into the rink, wanting to see Sunghoon before his turn.
Ever since he said he’d text you about the competition, you had began to text back and forth nonstop. You were really starting to enjoy his company and for some reason, you couldn’t help but smile whenever you’d get a notification from him. That’s why the whole thing with Jay was so hard...
You didn’t want to jeopardize the relationship you had with Sunghoon because his best friend was allegedly a vampire. As much as you hated to admit, you really were starting to like Sunghoon and you wanted to become even closer friends with him; and you were pretty sure straight up accusing Jay of murder would not bode well for your relationship with Sunghoon....
As you entered the skating rink, you first felt a blast of coolness from the low temperatures. The second thing you felt was excitement because you could see Sunghoon tying up his skates on one of the benches across the arena. Even from across the room, you noted how beautiful he looked and you finally understood why Jake’s nickname for him was ‘pretty boy’. He wore tight fitted black pants that accentuated his long legs and a rich, red coloured shirt that made him look like a prince.
Tearing your eyes from Sunghoon, you scanned the crowd to find Jay; you see him sitting with the boy from yesterday and yet another unknown guy in one of the very front rows. How many other friends did Sunghoon have?
You scurry over to them, before poking Jay in the shoulder.
“Is this seat taken?” You asked with a smile, causing all the boys to turn and look at you. Jay smiled and scooted over, making room for you between him and the cute boy from yesterday.
“Hey (Y/N).” He greeted as you sat down, “Glad you could make it.”
“He’s on the ice now!” The newest boy pointed out, watching as his friend got onto the ice to warm up.
“Oh yeah, you must not know these two knuckleheads,” Jay said casually, getting the attention of the two boys he was accompanying, “Don’t be shy, fellas.”
“I’m Ni-ki.” The newest boy greeted shyly. If it was possible, he seemed even more shy than Sunghoon, eyes meeting yours for a moment before looking back out at the ice.
“My name’s Sunoo!” The cute boy from yesterday sing-songed, grabbing your hand and shaking it excitedly, “So you’re the (Y/N) Sunghoon won’t shut up about?” Jay shoved his overly excited friend for revealing that Sunghoon talked about you. You felt your cheeks heat up at the thought of Sunghoon gushing about you to his friends like a schoolgirl, but tried your best to act cool about it and like you definitely didn’t care.
Speaking of Sunghoon, there was a knock on the plexi-glass that got your attention; He stood on the ice, adorning the biggest smile you think you’ve ever seen on him. You got up and walked towards him, followed by the three other boys.
“You made it!” Sunghoon cheered, although his voice was muffled through the layer of glass between you two.
“Well, I was pretty busy, but I managed to squeeze this into my schedule.” You teased, checking your nails for the dramatic effect. The boy on the ice just chuckled at your teasing, the sound causing you to smile.
“Thanks for coming, I really appreciate it.” He thanked you sincerely.
“Of course. I wouldn’t miss it.” You said sweetly before cracking a goofy grin, “It’ll be nice to see you do something besides fail at biology.”
“Good luck out there buddy!” Jay encouraged, giving his friend a fist-bump through the glass.
“I’m sure you’ll be great.” Ni-ki assured, nodding at the boy on the ice before retreating to his seat.
“We’ll be cheering you on Hoonie!” Sunoo exclaimed, making a fist before returning to his seat as well. Sunghoon waved as he skated back to the bench to prepare for his turn, which would be happening in less that five minutes.
“After you.” You gesture for Jay to go first, swaying your hands dramatically towards the isle.
“Thank you.” He bowed, before going to his seat. You are then reminded of the task at hand, and you make a mental note to ask Jay some of the questions you prepared, trying your best to come off as natural. You sat back down in your spot between him and Sunoo.
“So, how have you been?” you asked nonchalantly, “Busy week?”
“Not really.” Jay answered simply, “Mostly schoolwork and then hanging with these dudes. You?”
“Well, just tutoring and managing my club.” You said, grinning sweetly at the boy.
“You have a club?” Sunoo gasped, before pouting, “I wish I had my own club...”
“What kind of club is it?” Jay asked, seemingly interested in what you had to say.
“It’s called the Paranormal Activities Club. PAC for short. We meet every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at around 4:00” You explained, glancing at Jay as you continues, “We talk about all sorts of paranormal stuff like ghosts, werewolves, demons... vampires...” Jay shifts in his seat at the mention of monsters, and you of course take notice of this.
“That’s really cool.” Ni-ki admitted, smirking at you before looking away.
“Yeah... cool.” Jay agreed, a hesitance slightly present in his tone.
“Do you believe in anything like that, Jay?” You asked, relaxing your demeanor and trying to seem as inconspicuous as possible.
“Me?” He said and cleared his throat, “Not really. It’s possible, but super unlikely...” You hummed in response, taking note of how he copied your stance by relaxing his back and opening his legs a bit more to seem comfortable. He wouldn’t meet your gaze though.
Just as you were about to say something else, The announcer came over the loud speaker and announced that it was time for the next skater to go and Sunghoon skated out to the center of the rink and stood in front of the judges. He bowed before doing a half a lap and gliding the other half with his arms spread, greeting the crowd. You clapped along with everyone else, making a mental note to put the whole vampire situation on pause and focus on Sunghoon.
He returned to the center where he waited; the music began. It was a a soft piano track and it filled the rink with the sweet melody. Sunghoon then began to skate and you could swear you felt all the air leave your lungs.
As he glided, Sunghoon twisted and turn on his blades, spreading his arms like a delicate swan. As the song grew to a peak, He dug one of his blades into the ice and used it seemingly as a launchpad, jumping and spinning in the air like gravity didn’t effect him. As the song continued, he swiveled on one of his feet before jumping and spinning again; your eyes followed him, in awe at how beautiful and graceful he moved around on the ice. He then spun in one spot, long leg outstretched at a perfect 90 degree angle before transitioning into holding his blade and creating a ring with his body, all while continuing his turns. You watched, almost in a trance as he moved along with the symphony, skating right by the crowd and right past the judges before launching into another jump. As the song came to a close, Sunghoon got into his finishing stance, which was his arms outstretched forward and sliding on one knee towards the judges, a 5-star smile on his face. You can feel your heart pounding in your chest from his performance, taking a moment to calm down before applauding your tutor friend. (Did I watch a ton of vids on Sunghoon skating today? Yes.)
“He did fantastic.” You whisper breathlessly to Jay, who stands and starts to holler at his friend.
“He did.” Jay responded, showing a sense of pride for his best friend. The boys yell words of encouragement to Sunghoon as he bows to the judges and then to the crowd. You catch his gaze and feel a certain swell in your chest when he smiles just a bit brighter at you.
“You were gliding across the ice like ‘swooooshh’ and then you jumped up and spun like ‘trrrrt’!” Ni-ki gushed, rotating his finger as you were standing by the dressing room to congratulate Sunghoon. He looked even more beautiful up close, handsome features glowing in the place he’s most comfortable.
“You were awesome Hoonie!” Sunoo agreed, smiling so bright his eyes basically disappeared in his eye smiles.
“Thank you guys, really.” Sunghoon said out of breath, brushing his sweaty locks off his forehead, “I’m glad you all came to cheer for me.”
“Of course,” Jay scoffed, “What kind of friends don’t support their friend?”
“You should have seen (Y/N) watch you,” Sunoo exposed, moving aside to make room for you to talk to Sunghoon comfortably, “She couldn’t take her eyes off of you, and stared like this.” He then did an over-dramatized of you, eyes sparkling and jaw open so wide you thought he was trying to eat an invisible cheeseburger. You felt your face heat up out of embarrassment before Jay shoves Sunoo to get him to quit.
“For the record, I did not watch you like that.” You corrected, before grinning and holding out your hand for a high-five, “But you were really cool.” Sunghoon’s already flush cheeks reddened at your comment before letting out a small ‘thank you’ and lightly high-fiving you. When your hand touched Sunghoon’s, you felt a jolt of electricity and it made you giddy.
“Should we go out for pizza or something? To celebrate?” Ni-ki suggested, earning a murmur of agreements from the group. Sunghoon mentioned he had to go change and you were secretly upset by this. Just because you were friends didn’t mean you couldn’t think he was attractive right? He looked so good in that costume, the tight-fitting pants and loose shirt that left only a little to the imagination. You ogled his exposed collarbones for a moment more as he was talking to Jay about if he’d place; Although you had just now notice something that was there.
Right above his right collarbone, there seemed to be a small burn-mark that was previously covered with makeup but now was visible due to Sunghoon’s sweat. It wasn’t very big, but it looked like it was in a starburst shape and you wondered what could have caused it. Maybe a cooking accident with oil?
The ice price disappeared in the change room and you and the rest of the boys waited out front in the lobby. When Sunghoon did emerge from the change room, you all wasted no time and began to make your way to the closest pizza joint. You walked beside Jay, watching the other two boys tease Sunghoon in-front of you.
“So...” You said, trying to fill the silence; You didn’t know how to transition in to vampire talk so effortlessly. It was a weird topic to bring up out of the blue and you didn’t know how to ask Jay about his shoes without seeming like you had a foot fetish.
“Yeah..?” Jay asked before chuckling, “You okay? You look a little on edge; something on your mind perhaps?” Perfect.
“Well, its a little late and there have been a few attacks recently...” You said wearily, stealing glaces at the boy beside you.
“Oh yeah, there have been.” Jay gulped, brushing his hair out of his eyes, “But you’ll be okay if you stay close to us.”
“Me and my club suspect its a vampire.” You stated bluntly, wanting to see how Jay would react; he stiffens, but overall keeps a good composure.
“Really?” He chuckled dryly, “That’s interesting.”
“I know you don’t believe in that kind of stuff though.”
“But we are pretty serious about it. We are just trying to find out who the vampire is.”
“Do you have a suspect?”
“yeah.” You answered and turned to him, pausing before speaking slowly, “We actually do have one...”
Jay stared at you, panic concealed in his glossed over eyes. Before he could speak, the boys lead you into the restaurant.You drop the conversation as you enter the building. You all squish into a corner booth and Ni-ki orders a pizza for all of you to share.
“what’s wrong Jay? you look like you’ve seen a ghost?” Sunoo asked concerned, placing his hand on his friends shoulder.
“Nothing’s wrong.” Jay said flatly, glancing at you before smiling, “I just can’t wait to eat.”
“Dude, I’m so hungry!” Ni-ki sighed, patting his stomach for emphasis.
“I’m not actually, so I think I’ll just hang out.” Sunghoon revealed, grinning softly. You were pressed next to him in the booth and for some reason you felt nervous.
It must have been the vampire thing.
Why else would you be nervous?
“What?” Sunoo exclaimed, “How could you not be hungry? You’ve exercised all day!”
“Not sure, but I’m good on the food.” Sunghoon explained, “I think I’ll just get an ice tea.”
Just then the pizza arrived and you all (besides Sunghoon) began eating. Lots of fun was had and you swear you felt like you were with your own friend group. The boys made you laugh and you felt pretty comfortable around them, even though you had just met Ni-ki and Sunoo today.
Not long after, it was dark and you and the boys had finished the pizza and it was time for you to go home; You still hadn’t gotten any information about Jay’s shoes or a confession about vampire activities. But you had an idea to maybe reveal some information, though you didn’t really want to do it...
As you guys stood up from the table, you “accidentally” knocked over Sunghoon’s half-drunken ice tea all over your shoes, drenching your feet and the surrounding carpet with the sticky drink.
“Ahhh!” You whined, feeling the coldness of the drink seeping into your socks. The boys reacted as quick as possible, picking up the glass and informing a waitress about the accident. You guys left the restaurant, embarrassed; You sat outside on the pavement, wringing your socks out, giggling about how silly the situation was. Now was the time to really get the information you need.
“What am I gonna do about walking home?” You sighed before looking at Jay playfully, “Maybe Jay will let me borrow his super cool boots! What size are they anyways?”
Jay chuckled and looked down at his shoes before shaking his head at you.
“No way man! I don’t trust you with my babies.” Jay joked, “besides, they are a men’s size 7, so I doubt you would be able to fit into them.” That was the same size as the print at the scene...
“I know, I’m just kidding.” You chuckled, trying to hide the thought process going on in your head, “I’ll just wear these gross sneakers home!” As you began to put your shoes on, your vision is suddenly covered by a figure crouching down in front of you.
“Hop on.” Sunghoon urged, looking over his shoulder with a smile, “You can’t live that far from here right?” You replied with a small ‘are you sure?’, to which Sunghoon nodded yes. You picked up your shoes with one hand before wrapping your arms and legs around the ice-prince. He stood up and adjusted you on his back, placing his hands around your thighs to support your body. You felt yourself become nervous, yet excited from the close contact, bringing heat to your face from these feelings.
“See you boys tomorrow!” Sunghoon called out to the boys as you and Sunghoon prepared to leave. Ni-ki and Sunoo waved before starting their trek in the opposite direction, bickering back and forth. Jay lingered for a moment longer, feeling a sense of anxiety bubble up in his chest. Were you close to finding out about...? He didn’t like the idea of you and Sunghoon being alone, but he trusted his friend.
“You two be careful okay?” Jay said very carefully, eyes glued to his friend, “I’ll see you tomorrow Sunghoon.” And with that, he turned to leave and quickly followed after the other two boys. You tried to get a look at the bottom of his shoes, but you couldn’t see them very well in the dark and in the distance.
You had let Sunghoon know where you lived and the two of you were off. For a bit, the only thing that could be heard was Sunghoon’s feet against the pavement and the beating of your heart in your ears. You found comfort in the smell of his cologne and the occasional street light as Sunghoon held you close.
“Hey, you didn’t have to carry me home...” You hummed, feeling slightly guilty about making Sunghoon carry you.
“Oh, my bad. I’ll just leave you here then.” He teased, loosening his grip on you. You squealed and clung onto his shoulders and let out a flurry of “no”s. He chuckled at your reaction before shifting his grip on you to hold you closer to him. You wrapped your arms around the boy tighter, burying your face in his shoulder. It was silent again, but only for a moment before you mumbled a quiet thank you; Sunghoon hummed in response, focusing on the warmth of you against his back and the thousand thoughts stirring in his head.
“Hey (Y/N), I have to ask you something.” He finally said; You had almost fell asleep on his back, focusing only on the sounds of his breathing. His statement intrigued you, causing you to perk up off of his shoulder.
“What’s up?” You said gently, tightening your grip.
“Say you had a really good friend...” He started out, voice low and serious, “and you found out they did something really bad, but it was an accident” You frowned, getting a sudden sense of dread. You suddenly felt how cold it was outside in the dark.
“What would you do?” He finally asked, “Would you stay friends with them?”
You were quiet for a minute, thinking of how to respond to this question. You had just passed the last streetlamp on the road you were walking so it was almost pitch black except for a few stars. The night atmosphere brought in a thick tension that made you feel nervous about the subject matter of Sunghoon’s question.
“I mean, I guess it really depends on what the bad thing is.” You stated, before continuing on, “But it was an accident and if I knew they were a good person, I guess I might stay friends.” Sunghoon nodded, thinking about your answer and breathing out weakly.
“Why? Did your friend do something really bad?” You asked suddenly, Jay popping into your mind. Sunghoon’s pace quickened a bit and you could feel his heart in his chest going crazy. He seemed anxious and you though about what that could mean. He adjusted his grip on you before clearing his throat.
“Nope. I was just wondering what you’d say.” He said flatly, seemingly more confident than before. You blinked a couple times, surprised by his sudden change of tone.
“Oh okay...” You replied nonchalantly, looking up to the sky and sighing, “I mean, if you did something bad on accident, I’d still be your friend because you’re a really great guy.” You didn’t even realize what you said until it came out of your mouth. You felt you face heat up and Sunghoon let out a hearty chuckle that made you even more flustered.
“Thanks I guess.” He said through giggles, Before chewing the skin on his bottom lip and responding back, “I think you’re a really great girl too.”
“Thanks” you can’t help but squeak, making you mentally want to punch yourself. There’s suddenly tension again, but for a different reason this time. Sunghoon’s grip on your legs is softer now and you notice his thumb beginning to mindlessly draw shape on your thighs. You held his broad shoulders tighter and you could feel him take a shaky breath as yours tickled the side of his neck.
But before the tension got too thick, you had arrived at your place. Sunghoon took you to the front door and let you down off of him before turning around to face you. His cheeks were red, but you were sure it wasn’t from the cold.
“Thanks again for taking me home.” You said, feeling like your stomach was going to explode.
“Its no problem.” Sunghoon assured you, rubbing the back on his neck to get the goosebumps to go away.
“It’s pretty late, do you want me to call you a cab?”
“No I’m alright, but thanks for the offer.”
“Are you sure? I’d hate for something to happen.”
“I’m sure.”
Sunghoon bowed his head to you, bidding you a farewell. You felt your body move towards him and before you could even think to stop yourself, you did the unthinkable.
You leaned in and placed a kiss on his cheek, right on the corner of his mouth and you swore you must have looked just as surprised as Sunghoon did; His eyes were wide and he looked as if he was frozen in time.
“I- uhmmmm....” You stammered before saying the stupidest thing in the universe, “Good job skating today. Goodnight!”
Sunghoon blinked a couple of times, finally seeming to wake up.
“Uh- Thanks!” He exclaimed, clearly flustered, before turning to leave you door. He had his hand on his face where you kissed as he waved back at you with the other when he realized he needed to say goodbye, “I- uhh, Goodnight (Y/N)!”
It was official, you wanted to die.
“Jake, did you even listen to the rest of the story?” You huffed, embarrassed at your friends relentless teasing.
“If you didn’t want me to make fun of you,” Jake explained through fits of laughter, “You should have left the part where you awkwardly kissed pretty boy out of the story!”
You shoved Jake into room 300 because he was about to miss the turn into the classroom (and for your own personal gratification). Heesung and Jungwon were already there, putting the desks together to create your meeting table. Upon noticing your entrance they both greeted you and Jake before gazing at the cackling vice-president of PAC.
“What’s so funny?” Jungwon asked, pulling out all of the evidence photos from his backpack. Jake sighed, wiping a tear away and finally able to catch his breath.
“I mean, you should ask (Y/N).” He chuckled, “I’m sure she’s dying to explain.” You rolled your eyes, trying to fight your body from heating up.
“Nothing new, Jake just bullying me.” You shook your head and took your seat at the head of the table. After setting up the rest of the evidence, the boys sat down too and you officially started the meeting.
“Alright, so here’s what I got to find out about our suspect.” You said and went up to the whiteboard. You picked up a black dry erase marker and wrote Jay’s name before underlining it.
“First, when we were at the rink, I mentioned our club and asked if he believed in paranormal things and he said no, but with hesitation.” You said and wrote down a summary of what you said, “Then, when I mentioned the attacks, he got really antsy, especially after I mentioned that we were investigating for a vampire.”
“So no confession I presume?” Heesung asked, jotting notes down as you went along to keep your encounter documented after club was over and you had to erase the board.
“No, but he was very defensive any time I brought the vampire stuff up.” You explained and the boys nodded.
“And the other boys, you said they were named Sunoo and Ni-ki..?” Jungwon asked and you hummed in response, “Did they do anything suspicious?”
“Not a thing.” You said simply, “Sunoo seemed more worried about the attacks than I did. And Ni-ki was a bit more focused on pizza and figure skating than engaging in conversation.”
“However,” You continued before writing your thoughts on the board, “I have reason to believe Sunghoon knows about Jay being a vampire.”
“You do?” Heesung said, shocked at your accusation, “Why?”
“Well, I wanted to get more information about Jay’s boots, but I couldn’t bring up shoes without seeming weird so long story short, I dumped ice tea on my sneakers and Sunghoon took me home.” You said before writing a side note, “Oh and for your information, Jay’s shoe size is a 7 in men’s, but I couldn’t get a good look at the treads.”
“Okay, that useful information.” Jungwon said and jotted that down, “But continue.”
“Anyways, He had asked me if I would stay friends with someone if they did something really bad, but I knew it was on accident.” You explained, writing the point form of that conversation on the board, “So I suspect he knows about Jay and doesn’t know what to do, stay friends or turn him in.”
“I mean, that is an oddly specific question.” Jungwon agreed, furrowing his eyebrows in thought, “Why would you ask someone that unless you specifically have an experience to go by.”
“Anything else happen?” Heesung asked, looking at you expectantly.
“Yeah (Y/N), anything else happen?” Jake, who had been quiet this whole time asked, eyes fluttering and a grin on his face. You groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose.
“Relevant to the investigation, no.” You said before sighing, “But I also gave Sunghoon a really awkward kiss on the cheek, but that’s irreverent.”
The room went up in a flurry, and you could have swore you wouldn’t have gotten a bigger reaction if you said you had found Jay to be the vampire. All the boys were talking at once and it was so loud, you almost didn’t hear a knock at the door. You shushed them before going to the door and opening it to reveal the man you were just talking about.
“Uh, hi...” Sunghoon greeted shyly. The rest of the boys peered over your shoulder to eavesdrop on the conversation until Sunghoon met their gaze, to which they looked anywhere but the doorway. You’re gaze dropped, not being able to his face, feeling the heat of nervousness and embarrassment creep up your neck.
“Hey, what’s up?” You asked, suddenly aware of all of the writing you had on the whiteboard; You pulled the door a bit closer, blocking most of the room.
“I just wanted to uhh.... I wanted to talk to you about something.” Sunghoon mumbled, clearly nervous. The boys let out a loud ‘oooOooOoOOoO’ from behind you and you reminded yourself to hit them later. You rolled your eyes feeling bad for how your friends were being.
“Sure, let’s just go out into the hallway.” You said and closed the door behind you. It was quite out there and you finally had the courage to bring your gaze back up to his face. Your eyes settled on the spot where you had kissed him a couple nights ago and you couldn’t help the butterflies from fluttering around in your stomach.
“Before you say anything,” You sighed, trying your best to hide your embarrassment, “I’m sorry about Saturday night. I totally don’t even know what I was thinking doing that and-”
“Oh please don’t apologize!” Sunghoon interrupted frantically, before clearing this throat and fiddling with an envelope; You hadn’t even noticed he was holding it until now.
“I mean, I don’t mind you kissing me like that...” He said timidly, smirking to himself before holding the envelope out for you to take. You do take it, feeling the red wax seal on the front, “I wanted to give you that. But please don’t read it yet!”
“Alright, I’ll wait to read it.” You agreed and gripped the paper tightly, “Is that all..?”
“Well, I was also wondering if you want to come over later today?” He asked, biting his bottom lip; your eyes were trained to his mouth, but instead of his lips, you were focused on his pointed canine teeth; how cute that he had little “fangs”!
“Yeah, I’d love to, but as a date..?” You asked timidly, rocking back and forth on your feet. Sunghoon blinked and gazed at the ground, ears red.
“If you want it to be, I’d like that too...” He said and you nodded, feeling like your heart was about to explode, “So I guess just be in the lobby of my apartment by 8 and bring the letter. Please don’t read it until then.”
“I promise.” You agreed again, smiling like an idiot, “I guess I’ll see you later.”
Sunghoon said goodbye and gave you a kiss, much like you did to him a few nights ago; Only this time, his lips attached to your mouth for a moment and you felt like you could die happy. Except he tasted oddly metallic, but you were too excited to care. He waved goodbye and scurried down the hallway and disappeared from your sight.
You go back into the classroom and are met with three pairs of eyes on you. You stared at the boys and they stared back in silence.
“So are we gonna talk about pretty boy asking you out or..?” Jake finally said and you scoffed, approaching them.
“Let’s just get back to work on things that matter!” You huffed, but couldn’t stop the grin from gracing your features.
Ice Prince: you’re almost here?
You text back a reply and quickly close your phone. Jake glanced at you before patting your shoulder reassuringly while keeping is focus on the road.
“Hey, everything will be fine.” He said and smiled, “I mean, I think you’ll probably spill water all over his floor and probably trip in the elevator, but I guess he’s into girls like that.”
“Oh god, don’t jinx me.” You groaned, pulling down the flip-up mirror in Jake’s car to check your makeup one last time. You take a tube of lip-chap out of your bag and apply another layer, worried about your lips being crusty. Jake chuckled and parked in front of Sunghoon’s building, flipping the mirror up and startling you in the process.
“You look great, dude.” He said simply and gives you a lopsided grin, “Just breathe and be yourself and everything will go great.” You take a deep breath in and thank Jake before giving him a hug.
“Hey, when you tell me all about it later, make sure to leave out all the kissing parts.” He teased, grimacing as you got out of the car, “I don’t need to hear about you and pretty boy swapping spit.”
“If I knew you’d be so jealous of me, I would have set you two up instead.” You grinned and walked towards the front door, thanking Jake for the ride before entering the lobby.
(Y/N): I’m here!
Ice Prince: Be right there to see you :)
Ice Prince: Did you bring the letter?
After reading the last message, you texted back a quick ‘yes’. Just then, the elevator doors opened to reveal Sunghoon, who beamed when he saw you. He looked almost as ethereal as when he was on the ice (almost).
He had his hair parted in the middle and a simple, over-sized white dress shirt tucked into his black jeans. The shirt felt somewhat familiar, but you couldn’t place where you’d seen one like that...
“Hey.” He said, shakiness evident in his voice, “You look so beautiful...”
“Oh thanks.” You replied, trying to hide your nervousness, “I think you look beautiful- I! Uhhhh mean handsome! You look really handsome...”
You mentally facepalmed yourself, but it must have been showing in your features because Sunghoon laughed, releasing all the tension in the room. After all, this was your calculus tutor and a friend you were with. He lead you into the elevator. Sunghoon lived on one of the top floors on his apartment complex, so you'd be in there for a minute; Sunghoon took the time to try and ease his nerves, staring at the doors and humming a soft tune.
You glanced in the mirror in the elevator, wanting to make sure your hair was perfect. And that’s when you saw it; more accurately, didn’t see it...
You were alone in the reflection.
Feeling like your eyes were deceiving you, you turned back to see Sunghoon standing there, humming away without a care in the world. You turned back to the mirror and saw that he wasn’t in the mirror. You felt your stomach drop as everything clicked together.
No mirrors in his house, the burn on his collarbone, not eating after the competition, his question that night, the metallic taste of his lips, and that stupid shirt...
“Come on (Y/N),” Sunghoon beckoned from the hallway; you hadn’t realized the doors opened and he was waiting for you. Sunghoon smiled and your eyes snapped to his sharp canines you had noticed earlier today, “Sorry, was I interrupting your daydream?”
“Not at all.” You said nervously, leaving the elevator and following Sunghoon to his place. You had to fight the urge to run away from him and not let him be alone with you in his apartment; he could be trapping you and every instinct was screaming run.
But you were curious about him. If he really was... then as the president of PAC, you needed to know.
“Hey (Y/N), you don’t have to be afraid.” He whispered, facing his door and opening it. He held his door open to you and softly grinned, which filled you with comfort, “Its just me.”
You entered his apartment and everything looked like it had the last time you were here. It had felt like ages ago now.
You sat on the couch, feeling surprisingly calm; But you always had felt pretty calm around Sunghoon (up until recently when you started getting butterflies because of your feelings), so it made sense.
“Do you want anything?” He called from the kitchen casually, like he does when you study here. He was looking in the fridge, as if he didn’t notice the change in your behavior.
“No, I’m alright.” You hummed, sitting with your hands in you lap; the atmosphere was thick, and you watched as Sunghoon closed the fridge and approached the couch and sat beside you, “So, what do you have planned?”
“First things first, I want to address that letter I gave you,” He said and looked at your bag that was still around your shoulder; You moved it and went to take the letter out of it, shuffling around in the bag, “And then maybe we can go out somewhere or watch a movie or whatever you want.”
“Sounds good, I have it right here.” You said, still looking for it in your bag. You ducked your head to look in your bag for it, surprised you hadn’t felt it yet, but you couldn’t see it in there, “It should be in here... somewhere...”
Sunghoon watched as you start taking things out of your bag until it was empty; no letter.
“I could have sworn I brought it!” You huffed, frustrated and embarrassed you forgot the one thing you needed, “I’m so sorry. but maybe you can just tell me what it said..?”
“ahhh of course this would happen...” Sunghoon sighed, chuckling to himself, looking at the velvet cushion of the couch, “I can’t believe I have to grow the courage to actually say it, but you needed to know.”
“Maybe you don’t have to say it.” you grabbed his hands, causing him to look you in the eyes. There was a suddenly tension, and you could feel yourself growing meeker by the second, “Maybe I already know...”
Sunghoon was so close you could feel the heat radiating from his body. His eyes hid something you couldn’t read, but his expression laid stone cold. He licked his lips before responding to you, eyes not leaving yours.
“What do you know?” His voice was low, barely above a whisper.
“What you are.” You said breathlessly with your last ounce of courage. Sunghoon’s eyes flickered, leaning away from you and looking out the window. He pulls his hands from yours, placing them in his own lap.
“It was the elevator right?” He asked, continuing before you could answer, “I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised if you figured out my little secret sooner, you being the president of the vampire hunting club and all.”
It was silent for a moment; Sunghoon still couldn’t meet your gaze, looking out the window into the lit city streets while you couldn’t stop looking at him. He was still beautiful as ever, and your eyes wandered to the mole on the bridge of his nose. You remember walking home with him that day an finally noticing it; You thought it made him look so much prettier.
He was still the same man as he was that day.
“What happened with Geonu?” You asked tentatively, leaning closer to Sunghoon to look out the window too.
“I had it all written down in the letter, but I can tell you about it because I owe you at least that much.” He said, his voice sounding weak and tired.
God he was so hungry.
He was off to buy some beef to curb the cravings (Sunghoon eats it raw), but the market he went to was closed until the next morning.
But it didn’t help that he was hungry now and as time went on, his willpower was dwindling. As Sunghoon walked down the streets, hoping some fresh air would help with the intense burning in his stomach, before a familiar voice called out to him.
“Hey Sunghoon, Why are you out so late?” Jay called, jogging to catch up with Sunghoon. Jay was known to enjoy late night shenanigans, so it was no surprise to Sunghoon why he was out at night. But the smell of Jay’s sweat was killing him in ways he couldn’t explain to his friend.
“Wanted to go for a walk.” He answered flatly, trying to control his rampant desires. He kept walking, trying to get away from Jay, but his friend wouldn’t leave him alone.
“Hey dude, wait up! You don’t look so good...” Jay said, concern laced in his voice, “I’m gonna take you home okay, you need to rest up.”
As Jay reached out to touch Sunghoon, it was the last straw. Sunghoon grabbed his friend by the arm and yanked him, causing Jay to stumble to the ground in the adjacent alleyway, trying to process what was happening. Sunghoon lunged onto Jay, holding him down.
“Sunghoon get off of me!” Jay shouted, struggling to get out of the vice like grip Sunghoon had placed on his wrists. He saw the pure predatory look in his friend’s eyes and the growing of his teeth; The sight was something that would never leave Jay’s head.
“Sunghoon snap out of it!” Jay yelled, finally being able to throw Sunghoon off of his body. Sunghoon immediately made some distance between the two and burst into tears, laying on the pavement clutching his stomach.
“I’m sorry Jay...” Sunghoon cried, regaining the littlest bit of composure, “I’m.. It... It hurts so bad, Jay.”
“Hey it’s okay...” Jay said through heavy breaths, still trying to process what was going on and that this was real, “You should just go home and try to feel better okay?”
But just then, another figure appeared in mouth of the alleyway; Geonu.
He was studying late that night, stopping at the convenient store for some late night snacks. He was on his way back to the library when he hears shouting and fighting in the alleyway. And like any other person, he went to see what was going on and if he was able to help.
“Hey what’s going on? I heard shouting and fighting...” He explained, gazing at the two boys on the ground before approaching them. He stuck his hand out to Sunghoon, who was closer of the two to help him to his feet when the boy lashed out Geonu, digging his fingernails into his forearm and wailing.
Geonu pulled his arm away, crying out in pain and shuffling away from Sunghoon, holding onto the deep gash on his arm that was oozing blood. Once Sunghoon caught scent of it, his last bit of control was gone.
He lunged at Geonu, but he was quicker, stumbling to his feet and running in the direction of the school with Sunghoon in pursuit.
“Sunghoon! Wait!” Jay shouted, running after his friend to get him away from Geonu. He watched as they were heading through the front gate in the direction of the soccer feild.
Jay ran to the woods, hoping to cut off the duo; Suddenly there was a scream of anguish, sounding like Jay’s dear friend. He ran faster, emerging from the bush to see the two boys lying on the field.
Sunghoon had Geonu on his back, holding Sunghoon with his palms firmly on his chest. However, Geonu was wearing a silver ring that was burning into Sunghoon’s flesh near Sunghoon’s collarbone, which made the boy cry out. He ripped the hand from his shoulder before twisting the silver ring off Geonu’s finger and throwing it out at the track.
Sunghoon then fiercely lunged towards his neck, sinking his fangs into the center of his throat. Geonu’s screeched out in agony but it was already done. He weakly pushed on the boy above him, trying to get him off as he grew weaker.
Sunghoon sucked and chewed at the open wounds on Geonu, feeling the burning pain in his stomach subside. He held Geonu firmly until he ceased to move.
Jay watched in horror, his head spinning. He felt like he was in a dream as he watched his closest friend turn into a vampire and kill someone. Sunghoon unlatched from Geonu, realizing what he had done. He scurried away from Geonu’s body as fast as he could before wiping the copious amounts of blood from his mouth and chin area. He gazed at the red on his hands, feeling sick.
Sunghoon let out a pained scream, sitting on his knees as he let out sobs. Jay, shaken by his friends reaction, tried to approach the boy. Sunghoon looked at him,tears in his eyes.
“I-” Sunghoon choked, “God what have I done?”
Jay stared at his friend with wide eyes, kneeling on the grass.
“I’m a monster Jay.” Sunghoon wailed, shaking and crying, “I didn’t mean for this to happen... I was just so hungry and- and I killed him Jay. I couldn’t-” He broke into heavy sobs, pulling at his hair with red spit dropping onto his knees.
“Its... It’s okay.” Jay reassured, not exactly knowing what to do, went to his friend and wrapped his arm around him to sooth him, “You’re okay...”
“I’m a Vampire Jay, but I try my best to not hurt humans.” Sunghoon sniffled, wiping his face with the back of his hand before trembling, “But I did... I killed him and I don’t know what to do... There so much red.”
Without a word, Jay took off his jacket, before reaching for the buttons on Sunghoon’s dress shirt. He didn’t know what he just saw, but Sunghoon is his best friend and whatever killed Geonu wasn’t the Sunghoon who was in front of him now. So he helped his friend rid himself of the red on his shirt before tying it up in the bag Geonu had gotten from the convenient store and wrapping his jacket around Sunghoon.
He walked his friend to his house, where he cleaned him up and put him to sleep on his bed, watching over him as he slept, trying to get the nightmarish images from this night out of his head.
“What I did...” Sunghoon sighed finally turning to look at you with a serious face. Tears were brimming the edges of his eyes before he swallowed, “It’s unforgivable. I’m gonna have to live with the fact that I’m a monster forever.”
You stared back blankly, not sure of what you felt. Nothing felt real at this moment; you should be horrified, angry, or even a bit stressed, however you felt surprisingly calm. You resisted the urge to reach out and touch him, not knowing how he would react.
Sunghoon sight and looked back out the window, a weak smile.
“Y’know, I don’t blame you if you want to run away,” He said nodding slowly before swallowing, “I just wanted you to know the truth and I felt that it was the only good thing to do. I totally understand if you-”
“Stop.” You interrupted, causing Sunghoon to turn to you. Before your brain registered what you were doing, you leaned in and kissed Sunghoon, hands coming up to wrap around his neck. He was shocked, but quickly kissed you back cupping your face with his hands. You broke free and he blinked expectantly a couple of times.
“Listen, I don’t know what I think, cause this is a lot to process,” You started to explain, playing nervously with the hair on his nape. You looked at Sunghoon’s face; His soft lips, his pretty eyes and his pretty features, reminding you of who was in front of you. And with that, you made up your mind
“But, I don’t hate you, and I don’t want to leave.” You said firmly, “You aren’t a monster; you’re Sunghoon, the dork who figure skates, who studies with me every Tuesday and Thursday. You’re the guy who carried me home when my shoes were gross and the guy who my friends tease me about liking. This doesn’t change anything. You’re still you and I love you the way you are. So I’m not going anywhere.”
Sunghoon held your face, thumbs caressing your cheeks before he leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on you lips. It was quick but sweet. He whispered a ‘thank you’, finally able to relax a bit.
You wanted nothing more than to kiss him again, so you did, leaning in and kissing him deeply. You felt dizzy, but the only thing you knew was you never wanted to stop kissing Sunghoon.
“As president of the PAC, I officially begin this meeting. We have a few things on the agenda today.” You said simply, sitting down in your spot, breathing out a heavy sigh, “To start, I have an update for all of you about our vampire.”
You thought all night about what you were to do with the information that Sunghoon is a vampire. You had explained everything to him; about how you were looking for a vampire and how you had suspected his friend was the perp and not Sunghoon himself. and after much deliberation (and Sunghoon’s permission), you thought the best course of action would be to tell your friends the truth. it would be impossible to lie to them when you were so invested in-
“Is it that your boyfriend is a vampire?” Jake asked, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest. You looked at him in shock, flabbergasted on how Jake came to the conclusion. Before you had the chance to speak, he nonchalantly tossed an envelope- the one Sunghoon had given to you - on the desks.
“You left this in my car when I dropped you off for your date.” Jake explained.
“So, you opened it and read it..?” you asked; Jake silently shrugged and you shook your head at him in disappointment.
“Anyways, the point is, he admits it in the letter.” Jake said simply, glancing to Heeseung and Jungwon, who looked between you and the letter, “I texted the boys about it while you were on your date.”
“And?” You asked, looking between all the boys, “What do you want to do with that information..?”
“What do you want to do, (Y/N)?” Jungwon asked, “I’m sure you have your feelings invested on what happens next?”
You took a deep breath and slumped back in your chair, “I mean, I think Sunghoon a good guy. I’ve known him for a while and obviously now that were dating, I believe it even more. I know the most logical thing is to turn him into the authorities... but truthfully I’m not sure if I can. But if you all want to, that’s your choice.”
The boys were silent before Heeseung cleared his throat.
“well, we have already talked about the next course of action.” Heeseung began, speaking gently as if you’d spook. Jake hummed, gaze soft as he watched your uneasiness rise. He swallowed before speaking, “I don’t know Sunghoon as well, but he seems nice. and he makes you happy. And I think everything will be okay if we just leave it at that.”
You felt a wave of relief wash over you as you watch Jake’s expression relax; it was as if he was just as nervous about the decision as you were.
“There was a lot of logic talk with it,” Jungwon explained, lacing his fingers together and placing his hands on the desk, “realistically, the police probably wouldn’t even believe us if we did explain everything to them, so there would be no point.”
“And we also thought it would be a cool opportunity to talk to someone who is paranormal.” Heeseung added, with a shrug and a smirk, “y’know, for more club activities.”
“Yeah! (Y/N), do you think you could get Sunghoon to come and we could interview him for our records?” Jake asked, almost jumping out of his seat because he was so excited. you chuckled at your friends, who not only seemed to be making the best out of this situation, but also who just genuienly seemed interested in supporting you and Sunghoon.
“Funny you ask,” You laughed, standing from your chair. You made your way to the door, “Because the second order of business is that we have a few new members joining out club today and I was waiting to introduce them.”
You open the door to reveal Sunghoon and Jay, who awkwardly wave at your friends.
“Sorry for the wait, you guys can go sit down at our makeshift meeting table.” You explained, watching as Sunghoon smiled at you before he leaned in a placed a kiss onto your cheek.
“Hey, uhm..” Jay began awkwardly, walking over to and pointing at the whiteboard, “Why does it say “Evidence Jay is a Vampire” on your board..?”
“Oh uhm, don’t mind that.” Jungwon squeaks sheepishly, going over to the board and quickly erasing it.
“Hey, what’s so wrong with that?” Sunghoon teased, wrapping his arm around you and nudging his friend with his other. The group let out a flurries of chuckles.
“Hey Sunghoon, come sit over here.” Jake gestures to the seat beside him, grinning wildly at your boyfriend, “I have so many questions to ask you!”
You watched as the boys settled in nicely; Jungwon was showing some of the ‘research’ of vampire Jay to human Jay, while Jake and Heeseung brought out notepads and began to ask Sunghoon about some of his habits. You couldn’t help the undeniable feeling your heart swell at the thoughts of what the future might hold.
A/N: ITS FINALLY DONE!!! I know this writing quality probably isn’t good (it is from years ago), but I loved this concept too much and put too much work into this fic just to scrap it. I hope you enjoyed it and if not, stayed tuned for something better !!!
#kpop#kpop fanfic#fluff#angst#horror#fantasy au#vampire au#enhypen#enhypen fanfic#enhypen vampire au#park sunghoon#sunghoon#sunghoon x reader#park sunghoon x reader#sunghoon vampire au#sunghoon fantasy au
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Fictober 2023
A collection of oneshots for Fictober 2023.
Not every story is a romantic pairing. In some oneshots, the reader/main character is a villain; in some, the idol character is a villain. Please be aware that many are heavily horror or angst-themed.
Taglist: @soobin-chois
Kim Jisoo: It's only a dream... College AU; Nightmare on Elm Street AU Genre: Horror
Lee Hoseok: Freedom or the Kindness of Death Hybrid AU; Shapeshifter AU Genre: Horror
Lalisa Manobal: Eternal Love Vampire AU Genre: Angst, Fluff, Horror, Smut
Mark Tuan: A Polite Haunting Ghost AU Genre: Horror
Jeon Jungkook: His Treasure Dragon AU Genre: Horror; Smut
Lee Jooheon: Anything Goes The Purge AU Genre: Smut
Felix Lee: So naive... Fairy AU Genre: Angst; Horror (if you squint)
Kim Seungmin: Lonely St. Grim Reaper AU; Soulmate AU Genre: Angst; Fluff
Min Yoongi: Betrayed Gumiho AU; Korean Mythology AU Genre: Angst; Fluff; Horror
Choi Yeonjun: Old Wives' Tales Werewolf AU Genre: Fluff
Shin Yuna: Bringer of Death Mummy AU; Inspired by The Mummy (1999) Genre: Angst; Fluff
Kim Namjoon: Reclamation Dryad AU; Greek Mythology AU Genre: Fluff; Horror
Park Jimin: Movie Marathon Scary Movie Night Genre: Fluff
Kang Taehyun: Only silence remains Shadow People AU Genre: Horror
Lim Jaebeom: I Can't Lose You Deadly Games AU; Inspired by Squid Game & Alice in Borderland Genre: Angst; Horror
Choi Beomgyu: Field of Daisies Dokkaebi AU; Korean Mythology AU Genre: Fluff
Jung Hoseok: Avra K'davra Golem AU Genre: Angst; Fluff
Kim Yugyeom: Guardian Demon AU Genre: Fluff
Lee Chaeryeong: First Serial Killer AU Genre: Horror
Yang Jeongin: The Walls The Boy AU; Inspired by The Boy (2016) Genre: Fluff
Shin Ryujin: For the Best Alien AU; Yandere Genre: Fluff; Horror
Kim Taehyung: Capable Android AU Genre: Smut
Han Jisung: The Ring Ghost AU; Possession AU Genre: Fluff
Lee Minhyuk: Promise Haunted House Genre: Fluff
Lee Minho: Left Behind Friday the 13th AU Genre: Angst (with a happy ending); Horror (if you squint); Smut
Kim Jennie: Catch 'em, kill 'em Amityville Horror AU Genre: Horror; Smut
Yoo Kihyun: Luring Siren AU Genre: Fluff; Horror (if you squint)
Choi Youngjae: Consequences of a Spellbook Magic AU; Witchcraft AU Genre: Angst
Hwang Hyunjin: Bound to You Cerberus AU; Goddess AU; Greek Mythology AU Genre: Fluff; Smut
Choi Soobin: Every side of the story Greek Mythology AU; Gorgon AU Genre: Fluff
BamBam: Best Halloween Ever Halloween Party; Non-Idol AU Genre: Fluff
#angst#bangtan sonyeondan#blackpink#fictober#fluff#got7#horror#itzy#monsta x#oneshot#reader#smut#stray kids#tomorrow x together#wonho
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