#mark lee imgine
cassie-and-ren · 6 years
Prompt: “Can you be cute with each other somewhere else?”
    Mark held a Hershey Kiss up to your lips, you happily accepted it into your mouth. When it melted you let out a yelp.
    “Oh, that was caramel!” He smiled to you, “It’s so sweet!” You took the bag and randomly reached inside pulling one out. He opened his mouth and you put it inside.
“That one’s mint!” He exclaimed.
“I was right, the mint ones are green.” You reached around finding one for yourself.
“No, let me feed you.” Mark whined, you giggled to him handing the bag to him.
“I want a mint though.” You whined back.
“I know, here.” You opened your mouth, you bit down and instead felt an almond. You made a sour face, Mark laughed clapping his hands. You ate it bitterly before taking the bag. “I’m sorry, don’t be mad.” You pouted to him, he reached over touching the side of your face.
“Then I want the rest of the caramel.”
“Okay, okay, you can have them.” You happily cheered before reaching inside and pulling out another to feed to Mark.
“Oh my- you guys are really going to keep doing this out here?” Doyoung said. You two didn’t mind acting like a lovey-dovey couple in front of the members, but it of course got on their nerves all the time from time to time. You both turned to Doyoung.
“Do you want some chocolate?” You offered.
“No, I want to be able to live without this married couple here.” You and Mark laughed at that.
“Imagine if we were married.” Mark said.
“You mean think about the future?” Mark chuckled grabbing you in a tight hug nearly knocking you from your chair. You giggled as he didn’t let you go, Doyoung only sighed louder.
“You guys are being kind of annoying,” Haechan said.
“Oh, (Y/N) we should listen to them.” You looked to Mark, “They want us to be alone instead.” You smiled to him.
“Then they’d want us back out for being even louder!” You and Mark laughed at the innuendo of your comment, all the while the other two tried to ignore you. You and Mark resumed you eating only to have the pair leave the room shortly after the second bag you opened.
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pay-with-your-kinks · 4 years
You slowly ran your fingers up and down Mark’s arms, softly kissing and sucking on his neck. Mark whimpered, his breathing unsteady and his eyes closed. You suddenly bit his neck harshly, and the boy jolted.
“Ah fuck- noona-” He moaned, but immediately going rigid afterwards
You paused as well, before chuckling and continuing to kiss his neck.
“Noona?” You mumbled into his neck “Is that what you wanna call me?”
“N-no,” Mark stuttered “I-I’m sorry- it was an accident I-”
“Shhh baby,” You whispered, gripping his clothed thigh “Say it again for me,”
“N-noona,” He gulped, and you smiled, trailing your hands under his shirt and ghosting them over his stomach and chest
“Good boy,” You chuckled “You want noona to touch you, baby?”
Mark nodded, and you smiled, reaching down and unbuckling his belt, taking pleasure in the way the boy’s breath hitched.
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Hello~ could i request nct reaction to their s/o really liking skinship and being kind of clingy in the morning when she wakes up cx BTW I love your blog ♥
Here you go enjoy! Sorry for the late response 😬 Thanks for liking the blog if you’re still here
A/N 9/2/2024: this post has been edited to remove Taeil
Johnny I saw this and knew I had to include it
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Johnny had been awake for a while but he had started to zone out as he stared at the blank wall behind the sleeping bump in front of him that was his girlfriend. He was suddenly pulled back into reality by a slight tug at the sleeve of his t-shirt. “You’re finally awake” he said with a lightly mischievous tone and she grinned at him, acknowledging that she had slept quiet a while. “Well …” he said pulling the arm of the teddy bear that was behind him over his torso so that he could move it “Hi there.” he said with a deep voice causing his girlfriend to break out into a fit of laughter.
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Taeyong had woken up early to start cleaning up the mess the younger members had made last night, they had held a mini party to celebrate the debut of NCT Dream which Taeyong knew would be a mess of an aftermath to clean up. The first thing he had done was kick all the passed out babies back to their rooms so he could actually clean, that alone taking up an hour to do because they wouldn’t wake up. Next he collected all the trash and swept the floor, that taking another hour. After almost finishing all that was left was putting the dirty clothes into the hamper. By the time all the dirty clothes was collected a pile so big that he couldn’t see where he was going had collected in his arms. With his vision being impaired it was no wonder he didn’t see his girlfriend in front of him causing him to bump into her and drop all the clothes back on the floor. After staring at the clothes for a good 10 seconds he finally looked at who he bumped into. “Oh! You’re awake?” he asked and she nodded. “What’s wrong?” he asked knowing it was weird she wasn’t talking. She took a step forward, stepping over the pile on the floor, and hugged him. “You want to cuddle?” he asked and she nodded again, this time into his chest. “If you help me clean up we can go cuddle faster.” he said and he swore he had never seen his girlfriend move so fast.
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Yuta would be sitting on the couch intensely watching a replay of the game that had happened last night while he was on a date with his girlfriend. For the past 10 minutes he had been suppressing multiple groans and complaints, so that he wouldn’t wake up his girlfriend, his team was losing 0-1. He had been so into the game that he hadn’t noticed his girlfriend who had taken a seat next too him about 2 minutes ago and was finding pleasure in watching him try to stay quiet so that he wouldn’t wake her up. After another 2 minutes Yuta still hadn’t noticed her so she decided to try to get his attention. She poked him repeatedly on the arm and stomach but got no sign of acknowledgement. Finally she poked the tip of his nose and he turned his head towards her, but kept his eyes on the game. His team was currently about to kick a corner kick which could potentially cause the score to be tied. “Oh you’re awa- GOAL!” he would trow his arms up and jump of the couch. After jumping up and down a couple times he’d run a couple victory laps around the couch before settling down and taking his seat back on the couch. “You’re awake.” he’d say with a smile and pull her into a hug. They would eventually cuddle throughout the entire game.
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Doyoung would be in the kitchen eating a bowl of cereal when his girlfriend appeared at the entrance of the kitchen. “Good morning” he’d say with a smile and a cheery tone. His girlfriend would hum in response and walk over to him and give him a side hug. He would look down at her and let out a small laugh as he thought about how cute she looked in that moment. He’d set down his bowl and give her a hug in return. “Are you still tired?” he’d ask and she would nod into his chest. He’d let out another small laugh and tell her to go back to bed, he would join her in a little with another bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice.
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Jaehyun would wake up to his girlfriend moving around. At first he’d stare at her wondering if she was moving because of a dream or if that was just a sleeping habit of hers. When she finally stopped she was facing him, and after a couple seconds she would open her rice eyes, which would meet his immediately. “Good morning” she’d say. In response she would get an eye smile that would be followed by a good morning. She would suddenly wrap her arms around him and snuggle into his chest. Jaehyun would honestly love this and would also wrap his arms around her small body and rest his chin on the top of her head. They would lie in that position for hours if they would, but they would eventually have to get up to start the day.
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WinWin would be so into watching the final episode of Legend of the Blue Sea that he wouldn’t even notice his girlfriend had woken up and walked into the living room. She would take a seat next to him on the couch but he wouldn’t move a muscle. She would poke his arm and still she would get no response. After a couple minutes she’d mumble the words “I haven’t even seen you blink.” under her breath. Minutes later the episode ended and WinWin was snapped out of his trace. As soon as he was brought back into reality it would be his chance to mumble “What the hell was that” this was honestly me with the ending. He’d then turn to his girlfriend and ask her what she thought about the ending. Rolling her eyes she’d stand up, ready to walk away, only to suddenly be brought back down and pulled into a comforting hug. “I’m just kidding” he’d say and start doing the aegyo that he knew she loved.
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Mark would feel his girlfriend suddenly wrap her arms around him and he’s go beat red. He’d slowly open his eyes and see her staring at him. He’d let out a nervous laugh and try to calm down. He wouldn’t know what to do cause he’s a precious bean and just lie there motionless. In the end his girlfriend would get up, a little upset at the fact Mark had done nothing, and start to leave to room to go to the kitchen to get food. Mark would feel bad and follow behind her until they reached the kitchen. They wouldn’t talk and the room would be filled with an awkward silence, and finally, not being able to take it any longer, Mark would give her a back hug as a way to say sorry and all would be forgiven.
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Haechan and his girlfriend would probably be sleeping on the couch passed out from their movie night that took place last night. The living room would be a mess of popcorn on the floor and knocked over picture frames from the small huge pillow fight they had. His girlfriend would wake up before him after hearing a member making noise in the kitchen while looking for food. Not wanting to get up and start the day she’d probably snuggle closer to Haechan and hug his waist. He’d suddenly wake up and scream at the sudden movement have you guys noticed the sassy/always happy members are the easiest to scare. This would cause his girlfriend to fall off the couch and land on the floor. After a couple seconds he’d stop and jokingly blame it on her for waking him up in such a strange way. They would start cuddling again, but it would be short lived because Taeyong would yell at them for making so much noise and making a huge mess.
After writing this I noticed that some of these are just little morning scenarios but I hope this is still ok
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cassie-and-ren · 6 years
I was going through some pictures of Mark, he’s beautiful, first of all, and for some reason I found a post talking about an article he was featured in where he got a 10 at archery with both eyes closed because he couldn’t wink. I got these ideas and this is what came of it. Side note: I based all of this off of me, so these are things that I can’t do. Maybe some of you can relate to a few of these and enjoy reading! If you can’t then…
Still enjoy reading~
Things Mark can’t do
Cook (more specifically anything with eggs)
    You watched as Mark struggled while standing near the stove, you smirked as you watched him make an honest effort at finishing the breakfast you started, he said he could fix himself. Thought after a while of him not knowing what to add next you simply took things from him and started cooking once again.
“I can cook for you!”
“Yeah, I’m sure you could, but I’m hungry now, not five years from now.” Mark sighed.
“Why’d you pick such a hard breakfast in the first place?” You turned to him.
“This is an omelet.” You said.
“Yeah, but you added all the extra stuff in there!”
“You mean the stuff needed to make an omelet?” He looked shocked.
“You really need all that to make an omelet?” You turned back to the stove.
“Do you like your eggs with no flavor?” He said nothing. “Then yes, this is what you need in order for it to taste like anything at all.” You added what you and Mark liked inside before prompting flipping the omelet, you had made it large enough for both you and Mark to eat.
“Say uh…” You turned to him. “M-maybe you can teach me how to fix that.” You faced him.
“Really?” He nods.
“I mean it’s just, you know, if one day you’re sick I won’t be able to cook you anything.” You smiled at how shy he was being, you turned the stove off and went up to him taking his cheeks in yours.
“You know, even though you didn’t know what you were doing you looked really good trying.” He gave you a shy smile.
“T-thanks.” You giggled before pulling away and taking the omelet from the pan and placing it on a plate.
“Now let’s eat!”
“Mark can you really not wink?” Your boyfriend looked up to you.
“What’s the issue if I can’t?”
“Well nothing really, but who can’t wink?”
“Not everyone is you, you know.”
“Well I know that, but all you’re doing is closing one eye and keeping the other open, you make it seem like it’s impossible.” Mark shrugged to you.
“Why does it matter anyways?”
“Because I was reading this article about it, and I didn’t know you couldn’t before that.” He shrugged.
“Well I can’t.” He said simply, you shook your head.
“I wanna see.” Mark turned to you.
“Do I look like I’m kidding?” Honestly you didn’t, it really seemed like you wanted to see Mark fail at something you knew he didn’t know how to do, though he didn’t like saying no to you. So he put his phone down before blinking to you. “Wow, so you really can’t do this?” You winked to him.
“No, I can’t.” You sat on your knees.
“Now that I’m thinking about it… why do people wink in the first place?” He shrugged.
“Most guys do it to flirt, girls too.”
“Yeah but, what’s so sexy about winking? I mean I know it is when people do it, but what made people think it was sexy to begin with?” Mark laughed at you.
“You’re talking like you did something illegal.”
“I don’t do drugs, you jerk, I was just thinking about it!”
“Well who really cares, I’m sure there’s something you can’t do that other people probably find easy.” He picked up his phone. You pouted to him.
“You say that like you’re trying to move on from the conversation?”
“Well…” You jumped on Mark and started attacking him, he laughed easily overpowering you as he flipped you below him.
“I’m making conversation and you’re being rude!” He smiled and pecked your forehead.
“I know, and you’re so cute for that.” You pouted to him only making the situation worse for him. Let’s just say it took a while before Mark got off you.
Things (Y/N) can’t do:
Dance (I like to, but doesn’t mean I’m very good)
    You groaned as you slipped on what you assumed was your own sweat as you poured buckets onto the floor from the hard work you were doing. A hand was held out to you, you took it and got up.
    “Mark, I honestly don’t even care anymore, this is getting annoying.” You said.
“Come on, you said you wanted to learn this with me.”
“I know, but…” You let out a sigh, “How do you handle the falling down, slipping or losing your balance when you thought you were doing something right?” Mark gave you a small smile before raising up his arm.
“What do you think these are?” You saw purple and black bruises going down to his elbow, “I have some on my legs to, so it’s not like this isn’t apart of the process. You just have to know not to quit and tell yourself that eventually you’ll get it.” Mark took your hands and guided you into the step you kept messing up at. You stared at him the whole time not saying a single word. Suddenly you felt bad, you never realized how hard Mark worked but it showed, regardless of if you knew or not. It wasn’t just in his performance but in his scars as well, you had no clue how someone your age dealt with all of this, let alone having to handle a mass following of people critiquing your every move. Mark noticed you staring and chuckled snapping you out of your trance.
“Think you wanna try it again? Or we could call it quits for today?” You stayed quiet for a bit before shaking your head.
“No… I wanna at least try and get this part down.” Mark smiled to you and stepped back before clapping to get you on beat as you lesson continued.
Ice Skate
    Mark had called you saying that he wanted you to meet him, now since you weren’t doing anything it only made sense for you to go and get wrapped up before meeting up at the place he said. Though you didn’t realize where this place was and wound up at an ice skating rink.
    “(Y/N)!” You heard Mark calling for you and made a more then disgusted face when he approached you. “Sorry for calling you out this late.”
“Mark, I’m not ice skating.” You said simply.
“Come on, I knew you’d say that!”
“So why even call me out? It’s like ten degrees out here!”
“It’s not that cold and I thought you liked winter?”
“Yeah I like Christmas too, but that doesn’t mean I feel like dealing with the cold temperature when I could be at home with my heater.” Mark grabbed your arm.
“Come on, they said it’s closing in a little bit and I really wanted to skate with you.” You sighed. “It’ll just be the one time, if you fall once you can stop, how’s that sound?” You stared at him, still not fully convinced but seeing how excited Mark was you couldn’t say no to him and agreed. “Yes! Come on, I’ll teach you how to spin!” Mark pulled you inside of the rink, it was worse in there, but you had no time to concern over that as Mark already had a pair of skates in your size. After he put his on he helped you with yours, though you had no idea how to even stand in skates let alone walk in them, you didn’t say anything and did your best as Mark led you out into the rink.
“M-Mark maybe I should just hold onto you.” You said with a shaky voice. Mark chuckled.
“Are you scared?”
“Yeah scared that my ankles might break.”
“You’re not gonna hurt anything, it’s easy see?” Mark opened the entrance and stepped on the ice with ease. You on the other hand clung to Mark like your life depended on it, gripping tightly at his jacket you felt your nails would tear trough the material. The ice was slick with small ridges you assumed came from the other skaters before you. Mark suddenly started to laugh.
“Is something funny?” You asked Mark.
“Yeah, look how scared you are! I’ve never seen you like this.”
“Because you’ve never put my health in danger before this…” You took a small breath and tried to stand up as best you could. Mark stopped moving and helped you to stand normally. Your feet moved a bit at any movement you made only causing you to cling onto Mark more. Hugging him now he called you cute as you buried your head into his jacket. “Mark I’m never going to get this.”
“Then just hold onto me.” You did as he said, he went behind you and Mark held onto your body as well, he started pushing you two along the rink. The place was entirely empty and you were sure if you two stayed any longer you’d keep the workers there too only making their night bad. You ignored that thought and found yourself mellowed by the crisp air around you, as well as Mark’s small heat at your back, it relaxed you no matter how nervous you were about falling on your butt.
“You do like skating don’t you?” You felt him nod, you snickered. “Hmm, that’s screaming for me to make a joke.” Mark chuckled a bit to you.
“I get it, I’m Canadian.” You smiled and touched his hands at your stomach.
“Still, even though I’m scared of moving at all, it’s nice being out here… I can see why you like it.”
“I’m glad you like it, maybe one day I can teach you how to skate on your own.”
“You’d be too busy laughing at me if I fell.”
“I wouldn’t laugh at you.”
“Weird, I would.” Mark laughed. “What I really would, if it was myself or you, it’s funny sometimes!”
“So it’s fine if I do then?” You glanced back seeing the side of his face.
“I would still tread carefully.” Mark pushed you around for a bit longer before soon he let you go and said he wouldn’t let you leave until you at least tried to move on your own. With great reluctance, you moved and wave your arms like a baby bird trying to get any balance you could. With some more effort you were able to skate over to him and you felt like a child skating to their father for the first time. Though your moment was still sweet as Mark’s reward for you was a sweet kiss. Even though you’d never willingly step in a rink again if it was for Mark you could forget that for a bit.
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cassie-and-ren · 6 years
school sucks as usual, so here’s a little Mark lee fluff to make any crap thing that happened today, yesterday or that is going to happen all better!
Enjoy reading~
“Aw, you guys are so cute together!” You and Mark looked up and over to Johnny who had walked in the room. At the moment Mark was helping you with some of the Korean that you were studying.
“Why are you saying that?” You said to Johnny.
“Because you guys are so cute! You could be a really good couple.” Both you and Mark snickered at that.
“Yeah sure, us dating.” Both of you were under pretty mutual terms and never really considered dating despite you being the same age.
“Johnny, I really have to study so is there some reason why you came in here?” He shook his head, you sighed to that but returned to looking at the book as Mark explained the next word to you. Johnny remained in the room for a bit longer before he turned out with a small giggle. Once he left you and Mark looked to each other.
“What do you think that was about?”
“Nothing, I just think he was watching some drama and he’s all romance filled.” You laughed to Mark and soon you both returned to studying.
    Your friendship with Mark was a close one, since you had moved to Korea when you were seventeen, you pretty much knew nothing about the language or the culture, but according to your parents, who arranged to move due to their job, things could be worse. You met Mark when you started to get into Kpop and found NCT, and as a gift your parents explained that they would get you anything you wanted on your first birthday in Korea and you had asked to go to a concert and a fansign event for NCT. It all went pretty smoothly, but soon when you began to work at a store as a summer job having nothing else to do, Mark had saw you and recognized you from the fansign. From there any time he went into the store he’d talk to you, soon you guys realized that you were the same age and since you spoke English it was easier for him to talk to you too. Now here you sat inside of the SM building with him studying up on how to speak and read Korean.
“I can’t take anymore of this!” You shut your book with the pencil inside and threw your head back groaning out. “I never even wanted to learn French back home, but now I have to learn another whole language too?” He chuckled.
“You took French?”
“Yeah, everyone was taking Spanish and my mom knows a little, she said it’s hard… plus French had less classes to complete it, it only had three, Spanish had four!” He laughed to you.
“Well if you need anymore help it’ll have to be the day after tomorrow.”
“Are you filming something?”
“No, recording.” You perked up.
“Spoiler?” He gave you a small smile.
“Just because you know me doesn’t mean I’m gonna let you know things before everyone else.” You sunk back in your chair.
“Fine then.” Mark got up grabbing his jacket, you did as well grabbing your things. “Then you better make this really good.”
“Like our music isn’t good already?” You made a face, “Look that’s not funny,” You laughed.
“I’m kidding, you’re music is awesome okay?” He put on his jacket. “Now go have fun or whatever.” He nodded to you and went in another direction, you went opposite to him and passed by the dorm where Johnny, Doyoung, Taeyong and Ten were. You knew pretty much the basics of Korean so you could speak to them.
“Bye, I’m leaving.” They turned and waved to you.
“See you.” Most of them responded, you kept walking and left out of their dorm. Johnny waited a bit before he spoke up.
“Guys?” They looked to him. “Don’t you think (Y/N) and Mark are cute together?” Doyoung nodded.
“Yeah, they’re both younger and (Y/N) is really nice.”
“No I mean like a couple cute together.” Doyoung laughed a bit.
“You want them to date?” Taeyong asked,
“I mean yeah, think about it: (Y/N) moved here last year, she probably doesn’t have any friends besides us and we’re not really friends she can hang out with normally, they’re like the same age and they have a lot in common! It’s a perfect set up for a couple!”
“So you want them to date because you think they’re good for each other?” Ten said.
“I know it sounds selfish, but I’m just looking out for them. I think it would be good if they got together. They might be really happy together.” Taeyong shrugged.
“I mean, if they like each other than they should, but we shouldn’t force anything.”
“Or they shouldn’t date at all, they’re better as friends.” Doyong said.
“I don’t know, I think it’d be weird for them to date especially since they don’t really know each other yet.”
“That’s the perfect time for dating!” Johnny exclaimed, Taeyong smiled to him.
“Well I think we should let things happen, if they’re meant to be then they’re meant to be. Otherwise we shouldn’t force something.” Johnny sighed knowing he wasn’t going to convince them.
“Aw, you really want them together?” Ten said, Johnny gave him a look as not to say anymore. Ten got it and returned to what he was doing.
    It was late now and you were sitting in your room aimlessly looking on things on your phone. It was about an hour later when you were about to get off, but instead vapp went off and you saw that NCT was having a live stream. You wondered why it was so late at night, but you still clicked on it and was bombarded at the loud sound of all 18 members screaming. You hurried and turned your phone down, and sighed.
    “I swear…” You mumbled to yourself, as you listened to what they were saying now. Part of the reason why you watched these was to understand more Korean and see what you could recognize, it actually helped a lot. You laughed along with the little bit that you did understand while most times you were simply laughing because they were. As you were watching, you were looking at them all but seeing Mark you suddenly thought back to what Johnny had said before. Honestly it was mainly what Mark said in response. It didn’t seem like he was trying to be mean, but something about it bothered you.
I mean you were datable right? Just not with Mark, you guys were friends. You sat on it for a bit and before you knew it they were saying bye on the screen, you sighed and moved on from it. It was late now and you were beyond tired so you turned off your light and got under your sheets to sleep.
    Within the next few days you had been studying on your own as Mark’s schedule filled up with various things and appearances he had to do, you didn’t mind and kept yourself busy either by looking at other groups you liked or studying on your own. Your parents were almost never around the house and whenever they were it was pretty normal, nothing too bad or too good. It was late in the afternoon now, your parents wouldn’t be home for another two hours but you always made dinner if they texted asking you to cook, if they didn’t you’d just make something for yourself and call it a night. As you were going to cook your phone went off. You answered without checking who it was.
“Are you busy right now?” Mark said.
“Well hello to you too, no I’m not busy, what’s up?”
“I’m kind of hungry and everyone else already ate because I got back to late.”
“So I’m your last resort?”
“It’s not like that, come on, I don’t wanna eat alone.” You giggled to his whining.
“Alright, do you wanna go out somewhere?”
“Yeah, that’s cool.”
“Alright, pick the place and we’ll meet there.” Mark told you where to go and you hung up getting your things before leaving out to meet him.
    You and Mark met up at a pretty empty place you and him liked to eat at, you had pretty much no idea on what to order since you didn’t eat out as much as you used to, so you put your faith in Mark and had him order something for you. Thankfully the food was good so you asked for another serving. Mark laughed when you did so. You looked to him as the server left.
“Something funny?” You said.
“Yeah, you just ate what Johnny eats in a day for dinner.”
“Okay, it’s not that serious, and who cares? I know I eat a lot.”
“I thought girls cared about how much they ate?”
“Well you thought wrong because I’m not like that. If I’m hungry I eat to fill up.”
“Coming from someone who has to diet most of the time, I wish I could think like that.” You and Mark talked the rest of the afternoon away and by the time your dinner was over he walked with you back to your house. Seeing your apartment in the distance you looked up to where your room was.
“Oh, my parents are back.”
“How can you tell?”
“My dad always forgets to turn off the living room lamp off, it shines right through the window, see?”
“Ah,” He paused, “You don’t talk a lot about your parents, or your family.” You shrugged.
“Why should I? Besides you never ask me.”
“I’m just saying, someone might want to know that stuff about you.”
“Yeah maybe someone I’m spending the rest of my life with, but we’re not even together enough for that to matter.” Mark chuckled awkwardly to that, though you didn’t notice that.
“Well maybe one day we can talk about… stuff like that.” You laughed.
“Okay did you eat something bad? Cause’ you’re starting to sound really weird.”
“It’s weird to worry about a friend?”
“No, but it’s weird to want to know so much about a person's personal life.” You smiled. “Even if it is weird, if you’re that curious one day we’ll talk, it’s just normal boring stuff anyways.” You said. Mark said nothing when you got to a cross road. “Thanks for treating tonight too.” He nodded as you kept walking but turned to walking backward. “Night Mark,” He waved.
“Yeah, see you later.” You smiled and turned normally and walked to your apartment building. Mark watched you for a second now thinking that it was kind of strange for him to be so worried about your personal life like that. He started walking back to the dorm and tried to get his mind somewhere else.
    Though things weren’t changing, you and Mark both started to feel a bit... differently(?) towards one another. You both understood that it had to have been because of what Johnny said two weeks ago, it got you both thinking about what it would be like to date each other. Still, you both pushed it off as a simple question and figured you’d never actually consider dating each other. So you still hung out and nothing was awkward between the two of you. That was until fairly recently, Mark had explained that they were having a concert and they’d be gone for about half a month. They’d be leaving once the month ended however. So you all decided that you’d spend most of your time at the dorm with them until they left since they were pretty much the only reason you ever left your home in the first place.
“Hey, (Y/N)?” Mark called out to you.
“Yeah?” He found you with your feet up looking at your phone.
“Wanna go out with me somewhere?”
“Where?” You didn’t turn to him.
“Just anywhere, I’m bored right now.” You smiled and looked back to him.
“Sure, but if I see anything I like we’re stopping there.”
“Okay fine.” You and Mark left and pretty much just walked around the city doing pretty much nothing. You guys stopped and every store and since it was getting late in the day almost no one was around in most places. You guys went into a book store and Mark decided to go and see if there was anything he wanted to read, you sat down and while Mark was fascinated by the covers of most of the books. Though you didn’t want to say it, your leg had been hurting the whole time you were walking. You had been doing something the night before and your foot was sore from it now, it pained you to even move the thing. You were sure it wasn’t broken, but it sure hurt.
“(Y/N) check out this- woah what happened?” You were late covering your leg back up and just kept it out.
“I just hurt it last night.” Mark sat down beside you.
“Doing what?” You shook your head. “Look I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what you were doing.”
“It’s not broken!” You said with a little laugh.
“I’m serious, this thing looks like it hurts.”
“Yeah, like I don’t know.” Mark sighed getting frustrated by you, something you didn’t like to do. “Okay, I was… dancing.” You mumbled the last bit.
“What?” He said loud in your ear.
“I was dancing!” You said with the same volume, “It was actually me working out, but I was just trying some of your choreographies.” You said now with a timid voice.
“Don’t tell me you twisted your foot or something.”
“I wouldn’t be walking if I did that… no I was trying out some of your moves and I messed up on one of them, I think it’ll be fine after a little while.” Mark nodded and gave his attention to your foot and started to massage it. “Why do you spin so much in your moves?” He shrugged.
“It’s not my fault what the directors want.” You said feeling Mark put pressure on your ankle, “Why were you even working out anyways? You don’t look like the type of person who would.”
“I know fat people don’t work out right…” You mumbled, he looked to you.
“I didn’t say you were fat, just that you seem pretty okay with your body.”
“Of course I have to be, you can’t be upset at yourself all the time, but I hate how my body is, my stomach has always been big and I have these big hips I can’t get rid of…” You took a small breath.
“Hey, I’m sorry.” He said, “I really didn’t mean it like that, I just figured you liked how your body was… plus I don’t really see any problem with you, you look beau- uh, you look fine to me.” You turned to him, he refused to make eye contact with you. So you just smiled and returned looking at Mark’s hands.
“Well all I want is my stomach to be a bit smaller, I pretty much love everything else.” Mark smiled and focused on your foot for a bit.
“Does it feel better?” He asked, you nodded and put your foot down putting pressure on it.
“Yeah, thanks, and I really mean that.” He smiled to you. You moved to put your shoe back on.
“By the way,” You looked to him, “You remember that one video where I said body like an hourglass?” You smiled knowing what he was referring to. “That’s what you have.” You hit Mark’s arm. “Ow!”
“You’re such a pervert!” You got up, he caught up with you.
“I wasn’t finished, I was gonna say it’s not a bad thing!” You stopped. “It’s a really good thing.” You huffed and kept walking until you were out of the book store, at the moment you didn’t want to think about Mark ogling over your body, you wanted to stop the massive blush growing on your cheeks.
    You and Mark had strange exchanges since then, that almost made being around each other difficult. They were going to be in Korea for another three days and for some reason you honestly didn’t want them to leave. Namely Mark. Suddenly you couldn’t help the thoughts that went in your head whenever you rewatched their videos; instead of watching them all, your eyes would gravitate towards Mark. You tried to wrap your head around why this was happening, then suddenly it hit you. Before the sun even came up you had been sitting in your bed thinking about why things with Mark got the way they did.
It was all Johnny’s fault! It was his fault that you wanted to date Mark now! You realized this at the crack of dawn and figured that since he was leaving for a while things would be alright if you came out with how you felt now. You did wonder if it would distract him but… things couldn’t wait, you hoped for the best as you got dressed and texted Mark if you guys could meet somewhere private.
    As you waited for Mark you couldn’t help but be a bit jittery. You didn’t know that having feelings for someone could be this deep, it caused you to take deep breaths almost every second.
“Hey,” You turned and saw Mark entering the room. “What’s up?” You didn’t know what to say. What you wanted to just left you brain and you stood there staring at him. “Is something wrong?” You shook your head and felt your heartbeat suddenly increase. What was this? You shook your head once more and spoke.
“Okay, uh, I really hope I can say this but uh…” You looked to him. “Do you remember like about a month ago when Johnny said that weird thing about us being a couple?”
“Well I kept thinking about it.” Mark’s eyes went wide.
“I did too!” He said.
“Well I was kind of confused at first,” Mark agreed nodding his head, “I mean we can’t go out right?” He kept nodding. “So I kind of forgot about it… but then I figured I should at least give my thoughts about it. Then just this morning I thought about you guys leaving and-” You cut yourself off, while you were trying to regain your thoughts Mark was about to speak to.
“I think we should go out.” You both said, hearing each other’s words both your eyes went wide.
“Wait… you w-want to go out with me too?” You asked Mark.
“I should be asking you that" Mark said, "I thought you were going to say something like you did have feelings, but they’re gone now.”
“Where did you even get that from anything I said,” You paused feeling all of your stress just leave you. “Man… I really wasn’t thinking you’d even want to consider dating me, I was expecting to have to tell you don’t worry about me and just focus on your concerts and stuff.” He chuckled.
“I guess we both thought the same thing huh?” You looked to him. “... So are we like… I mean officially?”
“Should we?” He looked at you, “I mean we could know we’re together, but I think saying something would make it feel like we have to act like a couple and I don’t really want to. I really like just being your friend who you’re also dating.” He let out a breath.
“I was hoping you’d say that.” You both looked to each other before cracking a smile and laughing at the tension in the room. When you guys calmed down Mark spoke up again.
“Well we only have three days left until I leave what do you want to do?”
“I think we have all the time in the world now, but we can hang out just so you won’t miss me too much.”
“Nah, I think it’s the other way around.” You laughed, you and Mark left out of the room and started up the stairs, while you were walking together your hands brushed against one another until Mark fully grabbed your hand intertwining it in his.
We’ll have plenty of time together
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cassie-and-ren · 6 years
    I really don’t know what this is or why I came up with this, but it’s here so…
Enjoy reading~
    Giggling to yourself, you scrolled aimlessly through the multitude of pictures, all related to NCT more specifically to Mark Lee. As you looked at the ones you found most cute you couldn’t help but giggle like a child, you two didn’t spend much personal time as you would have liked but it was something you couldn’t help as most times you schedules just didn’t match up. Thought now with a long break you were taking away from any work you normally stressed over, you could spend as much of your time with the boys of NCT and Mark as you wanted. 
    Today was the first time in half a month you’d be seeing Mark in person, not through a screen, so you had to admit that you missed him a bit… well a lot. As you scrolled on your phone, Mark was coming back into the dorm room where you were. Hearing the door opened your eyes went up hoping it was him. With a happy smile you got up and pulled him in a hug, you felt his hands on your waist.
“I’m surprised you’re still up.” He said, you giggled.
“I wanted to see you, I missed my baby~” You leaned up rubbing your cheek against his, he let out a soft chuckle, you let him go and sat back down on his bed as he started removing various things from his body.
“I missed you too,” You smiled brightly to him, “Are you staying over?” He asked.
“Only if I can?” You said, Mark chuckled brushing his hand through his hair, he found a hat and put that on before lying down on the bed next to you. You giggled, he glanced over.
“Then it’s settled: you’re staying,” You moved closer to him when suddenly you started to giggle, it soon got louder and you were full blown laughing at this point. “What’s funny?” Mark asked propping himself up on his elbows and smiling at you, you calmed yourself and spoke.
“It’s just that you’re so cute! I was thinking that I wanted to ask about touching your hair and it sounded so creepy in my head.” Mark stared at you for a bit, his smile was still there but there a was certain thing Mark did with his eyes when he wanted to be serious. He touched your hand.
“(Y/N) can I ask you something?” You nod to him. “Why you treat me like that?”
“Like what? A boyfriend?” You said.
“No, I mean… your kind of always say I’m cute or that I’m your baby but not in a romantic relationship, more like a mother-son relationship.”
“Well I mean you are by baby… not the mother-son thing though.” You clarified.
“I know but, don’t you think it’s kind of childish to treat me like that? We are dating, plus we’re both adults, so maybe acting like that is kind of strange now.” You stared at him, “I mean I’m not saying we can’t still act like that around each other, but sometimes the guys joke on me about how you act around me.” You sighed knowing that things like this happened all the time, you looked to Mark.
“It’s just kind of weird to hear that especially since we haven’t see each other in so long.”
“I know, that’s how I’ve had some time to notice it, I mean it’s nice sometimes but other times?” Mark made a face you couldn't really understand, you saved him the trouble of trying to find the right word.
“Does it really bother you that much?” You asked, he nodded. “Well then, I’ll try not to do it so much.” His face beamed at your words. “But can you at least tell me what you’d like me to start doing?” He nodded happily and went through the various little things, you listened to them all and found everything he said pretty agreeable. Though you wouldn’t admit that you were babying him in the slightest, a good relationship is built on compromising.
“And maybe when when we’re around the guys we can tone down all the skinship?” You nod to him.
“So I can’t hold your hand anymore?” You asked with a small laugh.
“No that’s fine, I mean when you kiss like my hand and stuff.” You nod to him.
“So is that all?” Mark nodded,
“Pretty much all I can think of.” You smiled to him.
“But we can still do all that stuff in private… right?” Mark nodded, you smiled and threw yourself on him. “Good! So until tomorrow I wanna get in as much as I can!” Mark chuckled and let you do what you wanted since it made you happy.
    With your “agreement” out of the way and settled easily you continued your life as normal, you still visited Mark and the rest of NCT whenever you could and whenever they were free. Little by little everyone began to notice the lack of contact between you two, before all you guys used to do was hug and kiss each other in public. Most of them made fun of it because they thought you guys looked cute together but now you weren't doing any of that and the little bit you did do was pretty low scale. 
    No one bothered to question this though, it was your relationship so whatever was going on was between you two.
    This went on for about three weeks until Mark started to feel a bit awkward about the whole thing. Even though you guys only mentioned things you did, Mark knew in his head if he was acting all cute with, you like what he described to be the things didn’t like, it wouldn’t sit right with you and he’d hear it from you. So he purposely tried not to act cute with you and kept things to a minimum, though after the first week he started to feel anxious whenever you two were around. 
    You sure listened to him. At best you guys would be holding hands together, but never any cuddling in the middle of the day, clinging to him like a baby monkey to its mother, and most importantly you didn’t call him any of your cute nicknames. He didn’t realize how little you used of his actual name until now and he missed it. He honestly couldn’t take it anymore and decided to cave in to you.
“What? You just said you didn’t want me treating you like a baby and now you want me to?”
“I mean can’t we just go back to normal!” He said.
“Okay, Mark can I know why you’re suddenly asking this?” He shrugged, you sighed. “I’ll leave,” He grabbed your arm.
“No!” You waited as he looked around. “Look, it’s just I actually like you calling me stuff like that,”
“Then why’d you tell me you didn’t?”
“Because everyone’s always saying stuff about it and it kind of bothers me… I mean I want to be a man in your eyes not a baby.” You smiled hearing that, he was pouting now which only made things worse for you. You kept yourself composed.
“Mark I do see you as a man, maybe more than I should, that’s kind of the reason why I treat you like a baby because if I treated you like a man I don’t think anyone would want us around.” He chuckled a bit, you touched his cheeks. “But I also find you super cute, so of course I’m gonna brag about that. Besides, everyone already knows that you’re sexy, me included!” Mark’s laugh got louder the more embarrassed he got, you laughed with him until you both calmed down. You each said nothing, until Mark spoke up again.
“So, we can go back to normal?”
“Yes… but-” He hated it when you said that, “I want something on my end, I listened to every word you said so I want you to give a little.” Mark knew not to say anything else and just nodded. “For a whole week I get to do and say whatever I want to you.”
“But I-”
“Do you really want to finish that sentence? Because I don’t think it would be very good to.” Mark felt like you had been hanging around Doyoung and Haechan too much, but he sighed and kept quiet. You smiled brightly before leaning up and pinching his cheeks.
“You’re so cute Mark~” Mark just let it be and gave a shy smile without any objections. That’d be the last time Mark thought to reject to the things you do.
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cassie-and-ren · 6 years
so I found these fictional kiss prompts and I figured since I had such a crap day why not make myself fell better. Mark did that so I decided to write him with one of these prompts... maybe I can make someone else's days better too. sorry for any typos i didn’t proof this. Still, hope you enjoy reading.
5. Staring at the other’s lips, trying not to kiss them, before giving in
    You rubbed your lips together seeing how bright the color actually was on your lips. This bright red color was much brighter than you were used too, especially for a lazy day, but you worse it anyways and happily left your home to spent some time with your boyfriend!
    You texted Mark and you guys decided to hang out with the rest of the dreamies since they were going out as well. You didn’t mind and found them shortly after they texted you.
“(Y/N)!” Renjun yelled while jumping to get your attention, you smiled and ran over to meet them.
“Woah, what’s with the color?” Chenle said.
“I was looking picked the wrong lipstick.” You said.
“It’s super bright!” Chenle added.
“And shiny!” Before any of them could say anything else Mark came up.
“Okay, maybe stop looking at her lips?” You giggled and everyone else laughed as well, as Jaemin started talking about what he was going to buy. You and Mark walked in the back and you happily took his hand in yours as you walked together. While this may have seemed like a harmless act to you, Mark was internally panicking and was hoping you wouldn’t notice how sweaty his hand actually way. Your red lipstick caused him to stare there and on a few occasions he nearly ran into a pole staring in your direction.
“S-sorry, just a little distracted.” He said, you were a bit concerned but knowing Mark it was probably just him being clumsy.
    Halfway into your hangout with them, you all stopped to get something to eat, and of course you choose the worst drink ever. You had to get the biggest straw they had in order to prevent clumps in your drink so every time you took a sip Mark’s dirty mind drew him to think of other things other than that straw. He didn’t realize how strained he was until you touched his hand causing him to flinch violently. He groaned hitting his knee, everyone else laughed.
“Mark what’s wrong with you?”
“Oh, where are you touching (Y/N)~?” Haechan teased.
“Shut up,” He laughed along with everyone else while Mark just sighed.
“I’m fine…” You weren't too convinced of that, but it wasn’t like he was going to tell you any different.
    After your lunch you guys had one last place you wanted to go to, in the end you would up split up into groups of four, you were with Mark, of course, Renjun, and Haechan. Haechan had been looking for something he saw before. You and Mark sat down as they looked around the area.
“Oh! Is that it?” Renjun said, Haechan made a sound and nodded and ran off with Renjun. You were about to get up but Mark grabbed you, you felt his arm go around your shoulder and before you could say anything Mark kissed you. It was sloppy as Mark had seemed like he had wanted to kiss you for so long. Thankfully there had been a wall where you sat at so no people saw how hot the kiss was actually getting. You put your hands on Mark’s chest, he pulled away panting a bit.
“Okay… what was that about?”
“It’s that lipstick! Why’d you have to wear it? It’s so… sexy on you.” You cheeks suddenly matched your lips.
“Look, from now on don’t wear that in public!”
“But in private?” He nodded to you.
“I hope you will.” You smiled to him.
“If it gets this kind of attention then I’ll wear it all the time.” Mark smiled and kissed you quickly as he heard the Haechan and Renjun coming back.
When they did, they both looked at the two of you and suddenly their mouths turned up into smirks.
“Did you share your lipstick (Y/N)?” You sighed to Haechan,
“You should clean up, Mark.” Renjun said and they both went on teasing you both about the smeared lipstick present on both your faces.
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cassie-and-ren · 6 years
SchoolAU! Mark x Reader
Summary: Mark is the captain of the basketball team, this is his first year and there’s already trouble. Along with him having to deal with three new members to the team he also has to deal with the love of his life dating a member of the soccer team, Yuta. He loves seeing you happy but hates knowing that Yuta has a secret.
    “Ugh!” Chenle fell on his butt once again, Jeno came over helping him up. “Why do you keep pushing me!” He yelled at Haechan, he gave him a confused look. Chenle scoffed while Haechan turned and laughed a bit. Chenle ran over to him nearly choking him as they “fought” on the floor.
    “Guys come on,” Mark said in a exhausted voice, “We don’t have much longer until the volleyball team has to practice.” They both got up with the help of Jaemin and Jisung.
    “Why are we even still practicing? It’s not like we’ll be any better if we work a bit harder now.”
    “Yeah, we should have been working this hard to begin with.” Jaemin added.
    “I would have if they had told me I was going to be the captain this year.” Mark paused, “But we have the rest of the season to practice hard, still we should do our best for this match.”
    “I say we just forfeit it.” Chenle said throwing the ball up but missing the basket above him, “We’ll just try harder in the next game.”
    “We can’t seem like we’re not taking the other team seriously, how would you like it if that happened?” Runjun said, Chenle shrugged.
    “Like they didn’t practice?”
    “No, you’d be mad.” Jisung said while laughing, before their conversation could go on for any longer the door opened up. Mark sighed and turned to greet what he thought was the volleyball team.
    “Sorry we’re taking a long time.” When he stood up he nearly choked on his next words. You smiled and walked in over to the team, they all greeted you happily. All expect for Mark who stood stiffly in your presence.
    “You guys are fine, no I came in here to talk to you Mark.” He said nothing, “Do you know if you guys have a home game or an away game this time?” He nodded.
    “Y-yeah, home, this time.”
    “Thank you, at least someone remembers anything around here, we’re just working around schedules so everyone has rides for away games.” Mark nodded to you, “Alright, well see you guys!” You waved to everyone and promptly left out of the gym. When the doors closed everyone went around Mark pushing and pulling on him.
    “You totally froze in front of her!” Jisung said laughing on the floor.
    “You don’t have to be scared Mark she won’t bite you!” Jeno said.
    “Guys.” They all looked to Haechan. “Don’t make fun of him…” He walked over putting his arm around Mark’s shoulder. “This is obviously a serious condition he has, we should go bring her back here.” Mark harshly pushing Haechan’s shoulder as everyone resumed laughing at him.
    “Yeah, very funny.” Mark said softly, they calmed down after a little bit.
    “I don’t see why you don’t just ask her out, it’s not like she has any reason to say no.”
    “Actually she does.” Mark said, Runjun suddenly made a noise.
    “That’s right, isn’t she going out with Yuta?” Mark nodded, everyone nodded remembering the fact now.
    “So I can’t ask her out even if I wanted.” Mark looked at the net and threw the ball up before running to get it as it went through.
    “It’s hard to think they even go out, I mean they’re never together and whenever they are it’s more like they’re just good friends, not dating.” Mark sighed,
    “Don’t get too down about it, maybe they’ll break up and then we can talk about you guys like that behind your backs.” Haechan said.
    “Could we just not talk about this anymore.” They all looked to each other, Mark went off and started to practice on his own before soon everyone else joined him and their practice went on as normal.
    Though things seemed as if they couldn’t get any worse Mark was constantly reminded of his crush on you since you were apart of the athletic committee. Outside of being the powerhouse couple with Yuta, a member of the soccer team that never seemed to lose a game, you also worked with the coaches in organizing events, fundraisers, and other things like renting buses to travel. Though he didn’t start to like you until recently, about as recent as his second year being on the basketball team. This was his third year and now he was tasked with having to get Jaemin back to his regular spot after he was forced to rest for health reasons, as well as Runjun and Haechan who joined this year for almost no reason (he guessed it was just to annoy him). Essentially, he was tasked with having to work with three new members all who had their own share of difficulties.
    At the moment, Mark sat alone at his lunch table while looking over their game, he was trying to see what they could all improve on in their next practice. He took a small break to eat and looking up he caught you standing alone next to the vending machine. You were looking around aimlessly and paid no mind to him staring at you. Mark was almost tempted to go up and talk to you but then Yuta came over slinging his arm around you and your beautiful smile came out. He changed his mind and finished his food before leaving out of the cafeteria.
    Yuta was a great guy, he was friendly for the most part and didn’t make many enemies, if you could look past all the joking and teasing he did. He was actually a really nice person to be around. You certainly thought so, why else were you dating him? Mark’s issue wasn’t that fact of you two dating, in fact he liked seeing you happy, with or without him. No, his issue was that he had found out something about Yuta and knew that if it ever got out it would ruin your relationship with him. He was almost positive only he knew about this but he didn’t doubt the possibility of others knowing either. He walked around with music playing in his ears, he stopped at a window and looked outside seeing the overcast. It was going to rain the following week. He sighed and thought about you. He felt like it was only a matter of time before the most well known couple in school would be single.
    Taeil and Winwin had been talking in the locker room after school, since Mark got there pretty early it wasn’t abnormal for him to be there. But hearing them he didn’t want to interrupt the conversation since it sounded important. And boy was it. Winwin had explained that Yuta confessed to him, much to Taeil’s confusion since you and Yuta were dating. Winwin couldn’t explain anything else but that but came to Taeil since he was their senior, Winwin was hoping he’d be able to help him since he had no clue what to do about the situation. Mark didn’t hear anything else but that as he left right after that.
    How would you react? Did you already suspect something? How bad would it be if Yuta broke up with you and later him and Winwin were together? Mark worried about all of this, you two did know each other but nothing more, he couldn’t even say you were really friends since Yuta was really jealous and pretty much only let you hang around certain guys. He wasn’t one of them. Though he had still managed to catch feelings for you and they only got worse as the years went on. You were in the same graduating class as him so it wasn’t like he could get away from you that easily. Mark figured things would get out eventually, either by Yuta himself or Winwin and Taeil, he just hoped you wouldn’t take things too bad.
    Within the next two weeks nothing seemed to come out of you and Yuta, they seemed normal, but it wasn’t until one day when something seemed off. You and Yuta were not hanging out as you normally did, Yuta didn’t even show up to school for two days and on the third day Mark was concerned about you. You seemed as if you didn’t get any sleep, and your normal upbeat attitude was replaced with a dark and oppressed one. You spoke to no one, not even your friends and just sat in class without taking any notes. No one else seemed to really care about your demeanor and your friends could get nothing out of you. So Mark decided to take a crack at it. As you all were getting ready to leave for your next class Mark caught you before that, you forced out a half smile to him, something that hurt his heart to see. He returned a smile to you anyways.
    “Hey, um, do you think we could talk after school?”
    “What for?”
    “Well, it’s just my coach said something about wanting to talk about something for new equipment we’re getting? He told me to tell you about it.” You nodded and paid no mind to it as nothing seemed too off.
    “Alright, where are we meeting?”
    “The gym, after school.” You nodded to him and then turned to walk off giving him a small wave before fully leaving out with everyone else. Mark sighed. He really did hate seeing you upset about anything, that’s why he was more than alright with you and Yuta. Even if he wasn’t the one making you happy, someone was. Mark shook his head and told himself he couldn’t get too caught up in that, something had to have happened, he needed to be there for you now more than ever.
    After school you found Mark in the Gym, Mark had been running around, practicing shots and other things despite not having to. He almost needed something to ease himself into asking you why things had seemed so bad, he didn’t notice you in the gym and slipped on the sweat he produced. He somewhat swore at the pain before pushing himself up, that’s when he felt your hand on his arm.
    “(Y/N)!” He jumped seeing you, you smiled halfheartedly .
    “Sorry if I scared you.”
    “No, I just didn’t know you were here yet.” You guys fell into an awkward silence, you moved and grabbed the basketball that rolled off and walked back over to Mark holding it in your arms.
    “Is coach Soo-man here yet?” Mark sighed a bit.
    “Actually... he’s not coming.”
    “Did something happen?”
    “No, it’s just…” He wiped the sweat off his forehead, “I kind of just wanted to talk to you alone.” You let out a small sigh.
    “Mark, whatever you want to ask me you could have just done it in class.”
    “I don’t think I could have…” You stared at him. “I really didn’t want anyone spreading rumors about you especially since… things with you and Yuta don’t seem so good.” Mark was afraid to look up and see your reaction, but he did just so it wouldn’t seem like he was being insensitive to the situation. Looking up he found you biting your lip, it seemed like you were going to cry as well but you held most of that back.
    “What do you think is going on between me and Yuta?” He decided to test the waters.
    “That you guys aren’t hanging out as much.”
    “It’s only been a week.”
    “I know, but you guys used to be pretty much joined at the hip and suddenly it just stopped.”
    “Maybe it’s just because he’s not at school Mark.”
    “Yeah, but even then you’re still normal, you’re never like this.” You looked off.
    “Am I really that obvious?”
    “No it’s just… look we’ve known each other since we got into highschool, even if Yuta asked you to not hang around guys like me it’s not like I avoided you. I knew that’s why you never really talked to me.” He paused, “I’m just saying I pay more attention than you think.” You said nothing and kept your eyes elsewhere. Mark felt like he was kicking a dead horse at this point, but if he wanted to get you talking he had to deal with the feeling. “... Did you guys break up?” You turned your head to him. “If you didn’t I’m sorry-”
    “No… it’s just, everyone else thinks we got into a fight. Why do you think we broke up?” He dug his own grave saying that, so why not be buried alive?
    “I really hope I’m not wrong but… I kind of know Yuta might be bi.” Your eyes lowered at that, when you said nothing he felt like he had said something wrong, but he waited for you.
    “... Did anyone else know?” He sighed.
    “I think maybe just Taeil and Winwin, I overheard them talking about it.” Your head came back up, and with a sharp breath, you crossed your arms over the ball.
    “Well thankfully it came out like this… I wouldn’t want Yuta to be with someone he doesn’t love.”
    “(Y/N) don’t say that.”
    “Why? I don’t have any problems with him liking Winwin in a romantic way but… why go out with me then?”
    “Maybe he didn’t think he was bi when he asked you out.”
    “He did.” You said, “When he broke up with me he said he always had a feeling he liked Winwin more than just a friend, but he asked me out trying to confirm that.” You paused and with a bitter smile you went on. “He pretty much used me to find out his sexuality, he never even loved me.”
    “You know that’s not true.” You looked to him now with watery eyes, “Yuta was always talking about you! You guys are still great friends everyone even talked about how close you guys were.”
    “What does that matter? I’m like that with everyone because I care about you guys, but who knows if Yuta even felt something close to that while we were dating!” You were crying now having no more control over how you felt, “I loved him for a year and a half, putting aside our differences so he could be happy! Doing everything just so I could see him smile and he decides to let our relationship go on for that long knowing that he possibly didn’t even love me?” You threw the ball hard against the wall hitting something you didn’t care for. You walked off and fell harshly against the ground quietly crying. Mark could say nothing more to you, he walked over and sat down with you. You felt his hand gently push you to rest on his shoulder, you did so and cried against his arm. Mark let you cry and asked nothing more of you.
    After a while, your crying died out, you started talking again.
    “You know… I kind of figured he liked Winwin like that.” You paused, “I’m actually happy that he knows he could be bi or even gay.” You sighed. “I just can’t get over that we were together for so long and he didn’t bother to do this sooner.” Mark choose his words carefully.
    “Do you really like him?” You nodded.
    “Of course I do, we are still friends.”
    “I mean… in a more romantic way.” You relaxed more against Mark’s shoulder.
    “I don’t know, he was someone I’d consider my first love but knowing this now I don’t know if it’s right for me to assume we were in love.”
    “I think you can.” You glanced over to Mark. “I mean you had a lot of skinship with him and you guys almost acted like a married couple when I saw you so I think there’s some kind of love… even if he didn’t love you romantically I think he did love you like someone would a family member.” You said nothing, Mark kept his eyes forward and didn’t look down to you.
    “I really hated not getting to be real friends with you… do you think we could hang out sometime and catch up?” Mark kept his cool, he realized he was more relaxed against you before this.
    “Uh, yeah! I mean, sure thing.” You nodded and he felt your head shift.
    “By the way… thanks for talking to me. Even though I had to avoid you, you’re one of my only friends who tried to talk to me.” Mark smiled shyly.
    “It’s nothing, really.” You both said nothing. You guys sat in the empty gym together. Mark wished this would never end, but it would, eventually. For now, he enjoyed this time he finally got with you.
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cassie-and-ren · 6 years
Prompt: You haven’t had your first kiss with Mark… maybe there’s so way to change that.
    “Am I just not kissable?” You ranted to your newest friend, (F/N), she smiled to you. “We’ve been dating for almost a year now and he hasn't tried to kiss me at all! When I try to he practically runs away from me!”
“I don’t think he doesn’t want to kiss you.”
“Then what is it? Do I always have bad breath?” She laughed.
“No, I just think it’s because he’s nervous, you see how he gets when he’s asked to kiss someone on the cheek!”
“But those are towards guys, it makes sense if we’re dating, why would he want to kiss a guy if he has someone who actually wants to kiss him?” She sighed at that, “I’m just convinced: he doesn’t want to kiss me, maybe he’s doing that because he doesn’t like me.”
“You said it yourself, you’ve been dating for almost a year, if he didn’t like you I think he would have ended things by now.” You sigh, she didn’t like seeing you upset, especially over a boy. She touched your shoulder. “Don’t get upset, I don’t think you should be worried about this.”
“Yeah normally I wouldn’t but… I really want my first kiss with him. I haven’t felt this happy about being in relationship before, I feel like I’m missing out on another connection we could be making.” (F/N) stared at you, she made a face.
“You know what? I’m gonna help you.” You looked up to her, “I’ll get your face even more beautiful and I’ll be sure your lips are what he wants the most.” You laughed as her voice lowered at the last part.
“If makeup was the answer then I think I would have been kissed by now.”
“No, you need to make your lips a point! I can do it for you and all for no charge.” You were skeptical to say the least, but at your dampening mood you decided to let her give it a shot. She jumped up with joy at your response. “Yes! Let’s get to work!”
(F/N) had known your boyfriend through her work. That’s also how you two met. NCT had been hiring new stylists to travel with them. One day, when you and Mark were hanging out on set together, she interrupted you two talking to do his makeup. You told her how great you thought she did since Mark always looked practically flawless during his performances, though you thought it didn’t matter with what horrible outfits they were almost always in. She vehemently agree with you and the rest was history.
She now stood working on you instead of the member of NCT. While she was working she explained the other part of the plan she wanted you to try out. She told you to pretty much pretend that you didn’t have a full face of makeup no matter how good it looked, just act like you had nothing on and play dumb when Mark spoke about it. She also told you to try using your lips more than usual, while that sounded weird you got what she pretty much was saying. Once she was done you were amazed at how she painted your face, it was way more makeup than you were used to but it was pretty. Especially your lips. She applied a near reflective heavy coat of lip gloss in a light pink color.
“You look so amazing!” She fawned over your face and practically poked your eyes out with her “touch ups”. Looking at yourself in the mirror you couldn’t help but like her hard work.
“I actually really like this… but I’ll never wear this everyday. My props to the people who do this everyday.” You got up. “Mark should be here in a little bit.” She nodded.
“Okay, I’ll clean up and get going. I’ll leave you to get your kiss~”
Mark had come over just after she had left and came into your home pretty much exhausted.
“(Y/N)~!” He called out for you. “Where are you?” He dropped his bag onto the couch and went around looking for you. He found you sitting with your back to him. He chuckled and went over touching your shoulders, he kissed the top of your head.
“Hey, Markie~” You turned to face him and saw the look on his face. You tried not to react to him, but as he stared at your face you couldn’t help a little giggle. “Are you tired?” You puckered your lips out to him.
“Uh…” You smiled and started to push him back to your couch.
“Come on, sit down, we can order something to eat if you’re hungry.” Mark still said nothing, “Or if you’re not hungry we can just cuddle watching a movie or something.” You stayed close to him. “What do you wanna do?” No words, english or korean, formed in his head. He had been looking at how your face appeared, you didn’t wear a ton of makeup often and he didn’t mind, hell, he never even talked about it since he didn’t know how much you relied on makeup. He loved your bare face just the same but looking as if you were getting ready to walk the red carpet caused a certain attraction he never knew about.
“A-anything fine.” He tried to run from you. You stayed close to him.
“You sure you don’t wanna eat or something?” His eyes kept gravitating towards your lips, he hated how plump they looked and especially since the gloss was practically glowing he didn’t know where else to look.
“N-no, I mean… if you’re hungry then we c-can.” You smiled.
“Well I’m not really hungry…” You moved a bit and just sat next to him. “But you’re so stiff, did you practice too hard?” You touched his chest moving your hands to his shoulder. He looked elsewhere avoiding direct eye contact with you. You pouted and puffed your cheeks at that. “Come on, let me relax you.” Mark suddenly got up as you tried to grab his arm.
“You know, I changed my mind maybe we should watch a movie… where’s the remote?” You got up.
“Mark!” He stopped and looked to you, “Why are you acting like this?”
“I-I mean, I’m just… well, I just-”
“Every time I wanna talk to you about something serious you avoid if like this… do you not want to be that intimate with me?” He hadn't noticed it before, but he saw how upset you looked.
“That’s not it (Y/N).”
“Then what? You don’t even try to kiss me and every time I try to or even bring it up you run away from me like I have a disease or something!” You took a breath. “I get all this stuff on my face and still don’t even want to kiss me!” Mark walked up to you.
“I’m sorry it’s just…” You sighed at his pause and turned to your bathroom. “(Y/N)!” Mark ran up and caught you before that.
“Why are you stopping me? You’re not ever going to say anything, not even an excuse, so there’s no point in you doing anything.” Mark stared at you, he was conflicted. On one hand he wanted to stop you from talking by other means, and on the other he really didn’t want to say what he was thinking. But he did anyways.
“... Do you really think I don’t want to kiss you?” You said nothing, “Seriously all the time I’m thinking about you and whenever I do I’m thinking about…” He glanced down to your lips. “K-kissing you.” His voice was soft now. “Seriously we’re dating, among other things I think, kissing you is something I really want to do.”
“Then why not just do it? We’ve been together for so long.”
“I know, I really do it’s just…” Mark took a long time saying the next part. “Do you really want to kiss me?” You were a bit confused at his words but it was at that moment you realized that Mark had always been a kind of reserved person when it came to himself. He was almost shy unless he was confident in his ability to do something.
“You think you’re not a good kisser?” His face went red.
“Kind of… I mean I’m sure you’ve kissed others before so I just thought maybe I should wait until I fell a bit more comfortable about it.” You felt yourself smiling now, regardless of what Mark thought you were overjoyed to know that he did want to kiss you. You cupped his cheeks.
“Mark I could care less if you’re a good kisser or not, all I want is to love you in every way I can.” Your arms came up around his neck, “So can you promise me next time you’re feeling like that you’ll tell me about it?” He smiled shyly to you but nodded.
“Yeah, but you have to promise too!” You smiled and nodded.
“I promise, Mark.” You stared into his eyes, Mark let out a awkward chuckle.
“Maybe we should-”
“No, I’m getting my kiss, I’m not wearing four pounds of makeup for nothing.”
“It’s not that much,” You smiled and met Mark halfway.
“You’re such a good lair.” Your eyes closed and you felt his lips on yours. Even though it was your first kiss with him it felt like you had been doing this forever with you. He also didn’t seem very inexperienced as he led on as soon you felt your back hitting a wall and him dominating the kiss. When you broke for air your eyes were half lidded, his were hazy and full of something you couldn't quite describe.
“Can I stay over?” You nodded mindlessly to that.
“Am I going to get more kisses from you?” He smiled.
“Of course.” With a light giggle he kissed you again harder than the first time… though you weren't complaining.
The very next day (F/N) showed up at your place and asked you the all important question:
“So did it work?” Your night was something left up to the imagination, but you had her to thank for it happening.
“Yes… and he’s such a liar.” She squealed and kicked happily kicked her feet at your success.
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cassie-and-ren · 6 years
So like for Christmas I had got like two sweaters, (one from my mom and the other from my grandma) but I finally got to wear the one I really liked and of course, me and my basic self, got an idea about it i have an essay due in like two days i’m screwed
Enjoy reading~
Blue Sweater
    You and Mark were suppose to hang out today, you had been doing that until he was called out for some shoot you knew nothing about for like the sixty-fifth group he was in. Mark was a bit upset, but you told him you had pretty much nothing else to do today so you’d wait for him. He was happy with that and said he’d try to work fast before leaving. In this time you pretty much did nothing. You were at their dorm and got comfortable on the couch with no one else around, those who were stayed in their room leaving the place quiet and relaxing.
    Mark worked as quickly as he could feeling a bit bad that out of all the times you had both had been off this had to happen. He hoped you were really alright with this and not just saying that for his sake, so he tried to his best to get through things as quickly as possible.
    Though that didn’t exactly happen, instead he was there for over five hours and it was now nine at night. He was exhausted and just wanted to sleep. He was finally let go and he quickly went back to the dorm hoping that you weren’t upset. There he found Doyoung going back to his room.
“Hey, is (Y/N) still here?” Mark asked.
“I think she would have texted you if she left,” Mark said nothing. “Yeah, she’s still here.” He smiled, though Mark was more interested in seeing you that he walked by without seeing the grin on Doyoung’s face. Mark went to where he had left you and thankfully that’s where you were. He saw the top of your head from behind the couch.
“I’m sorry it took so long, I tried-” Mark stopped talking when he saw you lying on the couch sleeping. You were curled up with a blanket at your feet and now off your midsection.
He smiled seeing how cute you looked in your sweater. Besides it being in his favorite color, it was long and the sleeves were baggy giving you sweater paws all the time. He found you absolutely adorable and even more beautiful sleeping there. He didn’t want to wake you up, but he couldn’t let you sleep on the couch all night. He sat down on the edge of the couch and touched your forehead where he placed a small kiss. That caused you to wake up where you promptly threw out your arms in a stretch before laying them down on his legs.
“You’re back…” You said with sleep still prevalent in your voice. He grabbed your hand.
“Yeah, sorry I took so long.” You shook your head, your eyes battling to stay open.
“It’s work… not your fault.” You said. He chuckled a bit.
“Do you wanna stay over?” You nodded and shifted on the couch, your sweater slipped off your shoulder exposing the skin there. “So cute,” You were too asleep to even hear that, Mark got up helping you to sit up where he asked you to get on his back. Without another word you did so and Mark took you to his room. Thankfully it was empty at the moment, he let you roll onto his bed as he removed his clothes from today before getting in something more comfortable.
    He crawled in with you and almost like second nature your arms wrapped around his body, he peppered a few more kisses on your cheek and forehead before resting his head on yours. He saw that you now had a smile on your face and that eased him as he fell asleep in your warmth.
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cassie-and-ren · 6 years
Prompt: Jungwoo is panicked worried about something he thinks you’re up to with Mark.
    “If you’re that concerned than maybe you should just go and ask her then.” Yuta said to Jungwoo.
    “I can’t do that, she might get mad at me for getting in her business!” Yuta laughed.
    “Then don’t be concerned.” Jungwoo sighed and walked out of the room feeling like Yuta wasn’t helping the situation. He walked out into the hallway trying to remember what room Jaehyun or Taeyong were in, as he was searching you had came out of someone's room with a bright smile on your face. Seeing him you smiled happily.
    “Hey, Jungwoo!” He smiled kindly to you.
    “Have you seen Jaehyun anywhere?” You shrugged.
    “Not for a while.” He nodded.
    “Since you’re not doing anything maybe you can help me look!” He pushed you down the hall and into the elevator. Jungwoo pushed multiple buttons and prevented you from leaving the elevator.
    “Jungwoo move!” You yelled trying to push him out of the way, he managed to push you back and the door began to close. You had fell and were in the midst when the door shut fully. Jungwoo took a breath knowing he’d hear an earful from you later. He didn’t concern about that now and went back down the hall where he went into the room where you left out of. Thankfully it wasn’t Mark’s but Johnny was looking through his bag for something.
    “Johnny!” He smiled seeing Jungwoo.
    “What’s up?”
    “What was (Y/N) in here for?”
    Johnny had explained in brief detail what you had asked. Simply it was no more than a typical favor asking him to tell Mark not to eat too much if they went out to eat together, other than that you left your intentions vague and he didn’t bother to press you.
    “Why does it matter anyways?”
    “Because I think… I think she’s trying to do… uh-” Jungwoo was fidgeting a bit.
    “Do what?”
    “Uh… it!” He suddenly said, Johnny nearly fell over laughing.
    “They’re doing it?” Jungwoo nodded. “Well I would assume so, I mean they are dating.”
    “But they shouldn’t be doing that already… it’s inappropriate.”
    “So are a lot of things Mark likes.” Jungwoo sighed in frustration. “Okay, well even if she is what does it matter that we know? She has her own place and is likely going to invite him over.”
    “I know, that’s why I think we should talk to her about it.”
    “Talk to her? About something like that?” Jungwoo was more than serious about this and Johnny could tell. “Alright, let’s go talk about it then.” Jungwoo was more than happily and skipped out of the room looking for you.
    They found you easily in the lobby, upon seeing them you stormed over to the elevator and pressed the button to any random floor yelling at Jungwoo for sending you off like that.
    “Wait, (Y/N) he really has something to tell you.” Jungwoo shook his head.
    “No we need Mark here too!”
    “What is wrong with you?” You said to Jungwoo. The elevator door opened and it was on their floor. Jungwoo left out first without any other word. You looked to Johnny who had a dismissive look for what Jungwoo was doing. You followed them until they found Mark and you were all sat down in Jungwoo’s now empty room like two parents who caught their kids trying to sneak out of the house.
    “Jungwoo why are we in here?”
    “Look none of us really want to be here anymore. Jungwoo thinks you’re trying to do it with Mark here.” Mark started laughing at that, you did a bit as well, but Jungwoo was serious.
    “Oh, he’s not kidding.” You said.
    “Look I know you guys are together and everything but you shouldn’t be doing things like that!”
    “Can I just ask: what makes you think I was plotting something like that?”
    “Well last night when you were in my room you were watching all those fancams of Mark. Then you were kind of talking to yourself when I was in the bathroom about what you wanted to do to Mark. Then you tell Johnny to make sure he doesn’t eat too much… I mean what else?” You sighed.
    “Seriously?” Mark said.
    “Could you not right now?” Mark chuckled, you looked back to Jungwoo. “I’m not going to to do anything. I only wanted to spend a little time with Mark since we’re in LA and I know this really good take out place. I wanted to eat with him before we left.” Johnny laughed at the situation but stayed quiet as Jungwoo spoke.
    “T-then what about what you wanted to do with him?”
    “You really think I don’t dream about what I want to do with Mark?” Jungwoo looked off while Johnny stood up, Mark was just enjoying himself like a kid. “Seriously watching those things, and were he grabs, it’s amazing I haven’t just jumped him at this point.” Mark smiled to himself.
    “Okay, you have this under control? Good, see ya.” Johnny left out of the room. Jungwoo was a bit embarrassed now to say the least, you smiled and sat where Johnny once did.
    “Look, I’m glad you’re looking out for me and him but it’s not like I’m stupid. I get how this stuff works and no matter how much temptation may actually cross us it’s not like I’m going to take it up.” Jungwoo looked over to him. “Don’t be so sad, no one likes that.” Jungwoo looked to you.
    “Can you at least tell me that I’m a good older brother?” You humored him and did as he said, he seemed pleased with that.
    “Now can I please go get ready for my date with Mark?”
    Mark and you left the room shortly after that. In the lone hallway you felt Mark’s hand find it’s way to your side and he pulled you closer to him.
    “So what is it that you want to do to me?” You scoffed.
    “You know, you won’t be getting anything ever if you ever ask me that again.” You broke from Mark and walked off. Mark just snickered and caught up to you teasing you the whole time.
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cassie-and-ren · 6 years
#3 Prom Dress
You were more than familiar with what a Prom was, so when Yuta heard that it was Prom season he wanted to ask your opinion on what kind of dress you’d wear if you could go to a prom.
“Uh… I don’t know? I mean that kind of stuff takes a lot of thinking and shopping.”
“What if I gave you some choices?”
“Yuta why are you asking me about this anyways? You know I hate dresses.” He smiled.
“But you’d look so pretty in a prom dress! Come on, if you just pick one I’ll leave you alone.” Holding his phone out you did whatever it took to get him to stop bothering you about the topic. From the pictures on his phone you just picked the first thing that stood out. Yuta thanked you before leaving.
“(Y/N)!” Yuta called your name but before you could turn and speak to him you felt cold and wet at your back. You gasped out at and sharply turned to him. “I-I’m so sorry!” He apologized.
“What was that?”
“Fruit smoothie, I thought the lid was on!” You sighed, “Oh! Go in here, I think there are some of our clothes from the shoot you can wear.” You only agreed because it was getting worse as it dripped down your body. Yuta said he’d be back to clean up what you were dripping, when he left you shut the door and started removing your clothing. You used the dry side of your clothes to wipe away any residue, even though you were still sticky you needed to get into something before someone walked in on you naked. To much of your dismay all you found in the room was the same color and style as the prom dress you picked yesterday. In fact this was the exact dress you picked. You cursed Yuta but since you were still nude you slipped into the dress, as you zipped it up the door opened up.
“Yuta I know you-” The lashing out you were going to give Yuta would have to be later as red filled your cheeks seeing Mark at the door.
“M-Mark! Why are you in here?” You crouched down hiding behind a small table.
“Yuta told me you needed me for something.” Yuta was so dead.
“I-I don’t need anything just leave!”
“No wait, why are you hiding? You look cute!” You groaned.
“Please don’t say that, you know I don’t like dresses!”
“Even if you don’t I like how this one looks on you.” Mark was next to you and even though you still were crouched down Mark smiled to doting over your dress. “At least stand up.” You sighed not even wanting to move anymore, but you got up and stood in front of Mark shyly. He chuckled and touched your shoulders. “It looks like a prom dress.”
“... it is.” He smiled.
“It’s beautiful, though it only looks good because you’re wearing it.” His corny line had sent you into flustered state and you covered your face. Mark cooed over you and hugged you rocking you back and forth as if you two were dancing to a slow song. You calmed down a bit in his arms.
“... You’re so corny.”
“Good, that means you get my compliments.” You laughed a bit and looked up to him.
“Do you really think I look beautiful?”
“You always do, but this dress doesn’t hurt.” You smiled shyly.
“Thank you.” He rocked you slowly in his arms.
“But you also smell really good too! What are you wearing?”
“I’m not wearing anything, but I think I know why this happened.” You paused. “It’s because I told Yuta, Winwin was mine and that he loved me more than him.” Mark laughed knowing how serious Yuta got over Winwin.
“So he gave you a dress?”
“No, he spilled his drink on purpose so I’d change knowing this was in here. He knows how much I hate wearing dresses so he probably sent you in here on purpose.” Mark chuckled.
“Are you gonna get him back?” You smiled.
“Of course! But after this, he did buy this dress and since you like it so maybe I can wear it for a little while longer.” Mark was overjoyed at that and kissed you all the while lifting you up in his arms.
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cassie-and-ren · 6 years
I’ve noticed that like everything I write I write it to somewhat be a mirror of how I want to act though I act like a nervous wreck irl so I thought to tackle something out of my nature.
And after listening to angel out of nowhere I figured why not?
I have nothing else to say so...
Enjoy reading~
Girl, hey, girl, girl what’s your name?
No wait, no let me talk first
You can be my moonlight and sunshine and morning day
They’re all names that suit you
Angel that’s you
Let’s go up to that cloud let’s fly
    Mark didn’t even mean to pass by the window where you sat hunched over a book writing diligently into a notebook. He was lost was simply was walking around until he found find something of familiarity, instead he saw you and at the best time too! You had been taking a break (he assumed) and was looking at something on your phone that made you smiled which caused his heart to swell to the point of hurting. It was at this time he decided to go inside the shop and take a seat in a position across from you, you weren't looking up so it was perfect for him to steal glances every once and a while.
    “E-excuse me?” Mark quickly stopped the waitress passing him, she smiled as sweet as any waiter could. “Um...” Mark ordered whatever he could despite not knowing anything on the menu and left it at that. He didn’t want to come off as weird if you ever looked up. Though he knew he was acting really weird. He didn’t even know you or anything about you and here he was seated quaintly staring in your direction.
    Then you dropped your pencil and hit your hand on the table trying to get it he let out a chuckle, it was loud enough for you to turned your head up. Mark hid his face and thankfully he was saved by the waitress who came back around with his drink. He thanked her before seeing that you were packing your stuff back up.
    After a small moment you left out sipping on your own drink. Mark sighed as you left and fell back lack in his chair. He didn’t know your name but… something about everything that you did caught his attention and he wanted to know more about you. Mark took a sip only to nearly spit it out at the horrible taste.
    Mark did return to the shop, for almost two weeks he went there around the same time hoping to maybe even see you passing by, but instead he got something even better.
You worked at the restaurant!
    It was like a dream come true! So he made sure to make that a regular whenever he was doing anything. You never interacted with him as for some reason whenever he came by you were always stuck behind the counter, but he was nearly ready to try talking even if it was just to ask what you personally recommended. Mark found himself wondering about what you did like as he remembered what the drink you left out with last time looked like. He wondered other things too, like what you were studying before, what made you smile like nothing he had ever seen before… did you have a boyfriend?
    He shook his head. He couldn’t be wondering about that. Yeah you were amazing but maybe he was just nobody to you. He couldn’t assume anything quite yet.
    He sighed to himself and started slouching, as he was he didn’t notice that his elbow was pushing his drink and it fell onto the floor splashing him a bit in the process. The people around him simply turned and laughed a bit before returning to their own things. Mark sighed and tried to clean it up with some napkins. It was then he saw another hand cleaning up as well.
“Sorry about-” He looked up and saw you inches from his face, you looked up at his sudden silence but smiled and resuming cleaning.
“It’s fine.” You said with a voice even more beautiful than he imagined. “Stuff like that happens, but I’ll take care of this you should really worry about what spilled on you, that stuff stains!”
“Oh…” You got up with the dirty towel.
“I’ll get you a new drink too!” Mark could form no words as you spoke to him, you smiled before turning back and leaving for the counter. Though he was standing now he didn’t move, he just watched as you disappeared. When he came back into reality he was shocked to realize how long he had been staring at you.
    He tried to appear normal and walked off to the bathroom where he did as you said and tried to clean the stain as best he could with water, thankfully he had a jacket and could just cover what more resembled a urine stain. Once he came back out he sat down with the floor now with a wet floor sign, you returned as he took his seat again.
“Here you go!” Though he was having a hard time making words he remembered a few.
“I really can’t pay for another right now.” You smiled to him and lowered your voice.
“It’s fine, I always give people free drinks when there was an accident.” You said.
“B-but won’t you get in trouble?” You shook your head.
“I put my tips in place when I can. Please don’t worry and enjoy the rest of your time here!” With Mark having said nothing else you left and returned to the counter and greeted another customer in line. Mark was beyond amazed at how perfect you were. He didn’t notice he wasn’t breathing and took in a large breath as he slowly returned to staring down at the empty notebook he came in with. It was then ideas flooded his mind and he began writing.
    Mark haden’t told anyone about his crush on you, he really didn’t need anyone teasing him about something he was serious about. Even though you were kept a pretty little secret between him and the restaurant, he went there every day and on the days you were working you’d greet him with a familiar smile.
    It got so bad you even started to know what he usually ordered, on the days when you weren't working if you were studying he worked himself up in asking you if you could “study” together. When in reality he just brought some old notebook from school and sat with you. He used this time to talk to you about whatever he could. He learned little things, like the reason why you studied in the place you worked, what drink you liked to order, your favorite season and even your favorite color. Everything seemed like a revolutionary thing to him when it came out of your mouth, even when you told him you had flunked a test you didn’t study for.
    These thing turned into you both learning things about each other and eventually you guys were so used to hanging out you exchanged numbers and were talking almost every day now! You had asked him about what he did for work and he told you that he was an idol hoping that you’d be alright with it. You didn’t really care and even told him you didn’t feel any different than you did before. It meant so much to him that you were this way. You could still be cool and meet and have no problems if he couldn’t see you.
    Mark still went to see you in person but now you two could meet under more relaxed situations. These situations bloomed everything for him, from song lyrics, to melodies he’d make up when he thought about you and now even to what he wanted to tell you in asking you out.
“You really want to go out?” Mark nodded, even though his hands were clammy and his head felt like lead, he nodded.
“Y-yeah… I-I mean we don’t have to if you… if you have plans or something.” You smiled to him.
“I don’t have plans.” You simply said. Mark’s eyes went a wide, “I’d love to go out with you!” It felt he died just asking you that! But he wasn’t finished yet.
“W-well I had a place in mind already.” You nodded, “Uh, I don’t have any work this weekend and I… I really wanted to take you to this p-place, it’s really pretty at night so maybe we can go like late?” You laughed at that.
“Maybe six?” He nodded relieved that you were more functioning than he was. “Okay, let’s just meet up where we usually do and we’ll go from there?” He nodded once more to you. “Okay, I can’t wait!” You gave him a small hug before turning around to leave as he had caught you before your class began. Mark once more felt like his legs didn’t work and he stood there for a long time until his brain turned back on.
    Mark was more than nervous trying to pick what to wear, at this point it was pretty much a given that he was crushing hard on someone so everyone assumed this and with him panicking over what to wear on a day off they were more than sure now. No one said anything as Mark seemed happy with you. Mark had decided on something decent and tried to seem cool as well he didn’t really know how good his outfit was, he could waste hours worrying about weather or not he looked good but then again it didn’t matter.
    He never even thought he’d get to this point: having to worry about what to wear while going on a date with you so he took his outfit for what it was and left to meet you. He was expecting you to look like what he imagined: pure beauty at it’s finest. And he was right, regardless of what you would say about not liking your outfit or something not being right, you were wrong. You smiled seeing Mark and met halfway and complimented his outfit. He thanked you.
“You look so good! I couldn’t find what I really wanted to wear, I feel kind of embarrassed now.” Exactly. You were wrong.
“No, you look perfect… like more than perfect. I mean perfect is just the word I’m using because I don’t know another one.” You smiled to him.
“Thank you Mark.” He smiled big to you. “Well, what’s this place you wanted to show me?” You both started walking closely as you talked.
    Things must have really wanted to work out because the area he took you took you too was unusually empty. Only a few people walked by and most of them were couples in their own world. The bridge you walked on had a light above and around you, you both walked through admiring how beautiful the light were. When you got to a part where some white lights stood out you went over and looked out seeing the water reflect making another beautiful scene below you.
“Mark, look at this it’s so pretty!” Mark stared at you as you laughed to yourself amused with the sight. Mark couldn’t help but think back to one of their own songs.
“You’re my angel…” You turned back.
“Did you say something?” Honestly he didn’t want to repeat that in front of you… at least not yet. Instead he walked up and looked out with you at the water. “I see why you wanted to come here.” He chuckled.
“Yeah… but I also wanted to ask you something else too.” You turned to him, he looked to you and was worried maybe you could see how embarrassed he was. “(Y/N) I really really like you.” You smiled at that. “I mean, at first it was kind of just some crush but I guess I also started to really like you, more than just a friend but I don’t want you to stop being a friend!” He was stumbling over his words. “Look, what I’m trying to say is… next time we go out can it be with me as your b-boyfriend?” Your face never changed, your smiled only got bigger as Mark went on and even though it seemed pretty obvious what you’re answer was you eagerly hugged him and nodded giggling all the while. You pulled back and stared in his eyes, he could see that he wasn’t the only one flustered.
“I know you really should he resting instead of being out with me but can we stay out together for a while longer?” Sleep could wait, this was more important.
“Of course.” You smiled big and leaned up pecking his cheek, with how happy you were the average bystander could mistake you as having just gotten engaged… but we’ll save that for later.
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cassie-and-ren · 6 years
Kind of short like my attention span but I thought of this cute little idea!
    You had been working your shift today simply because you had nothing else better to you. It seemed like you were trying to hard since you had taken a shift all through the day, you soon found out why no one ever did this, it was boring and you had to stand like a statue for hours with almost no one coming inside and the few who did you had to listen to the same orders and make them over and over. You worked in a small cafe that stayed open way too late, but you worked nonetheless at your job.
    You yawned for the tenth time in half an hour before having to force a smile on your exhausted features at the sound of the bell. You greeted the customer, he greeted you back, something most people didn’t, but that wasn’t what caught your attention.
    At his voice you shot up and saw the male in question walking up to the other side looking up at the menu. Even through his hoodie and mask you recognized him as NCT’s Mark. You were beyond ready to just fall at his feet, but you were better than that! You kept it cool and waited until he was ready to order. He got to you eventually and spoke his order.
    You told him the price and managed to keep yourself pretty composed through the whole thing. As he waited you couldn’t help but notice how hidden he looked. Likely he didn’t want to be caught in public. You understood that as being a idol was sure to be tough. As you called him back for his order you wanted to encourage him a bit but you kept your voice down.
    “... I really liked Regulate… I really loved your dancing of course!” He looked up and smiled.
    “Ah, thank you!” You giggled like some love struck teenager to much of your embarrassment, but he seemed to enjoy it and you saw his cheekbones rise up in what you assumed was a big smile. You handed him his drink and he left thanking you once more.
    Once he was gone you practically fell behind the counter. Even when you couldn’t see any more of him than his eyes you still found yourself asking: Why was he so cute?
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cassie-and-ren · 6 years
I wanted to do like some kind of story where someone makes me feel better about some insecurity of mine normal corny stuff like that so I thought why not do it with my laugh? My laugh is kind of weird and I’m sure there are others who think the same about their own laugh, it doesn’t work too well in an actual story so I’m gonna try one of those reactions posts hopefully I do this right.
How would Mark react to your unique laugh
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honestly, if you guys weren't dating, I think he’d just laugh at it
think it was funny and move on
but if you were dating?
This boy pretty much laughs at anything already
imagine if your laugh was funny to him
it’d. never. end.
at first he’d laugh and tease you every chance he got
after a little while he’d get used to it
then he’d think it was cute in his head but not tell you
he’d keep teasing though
after a long time he would call it cute
and tell you that every time you laughed like that
even if you told him you were insecure about it, he’d say it was cute and that he loved it about you
if anyone asked him what was one of the things he loved about you
It’d be your laugh
Bonus: he’d do stupid things to get you to laugh all the time
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cassie-and-ren · 6 years
Even though no one asked for this and likely doesn’t care, I decided to make a list about the things I like about Mark, but that was WAY too long of a list so I narrowed it down to just a few things, thanks to the NCT 24hr live they’re having I have a ton of material to fangirl over and of course I’m going to write something at the end. Pics and gifs don’t belong to me  I don’t have much else to say so…!
Enjoy reading~
#1 Charisma
Honestly I had no clue what this meant on a person until very recently, but now that I do know I’m pretty sure I can just bunch this together with personality to, but also something like work ethic, and talents.
Personally I admire Mark’s work ethic since I don’t have one I also love his singing voice, though we don’t get to hear it very often. I think a part of that may be just because I normally like rappers singing voices Namjoon, Jooheon. I’ve already talked about how much I like his dancing and there’s no point to saying anymore than that.
I love his nose crinkle and now I’ve noticed that Mark plays with everyone’s ear, I think they all do that though it’s cute to see him so interested in something like that.
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I also noticed on this short clip I watched on It’s dangerous beyond the blankets that Mark had a little stubble on his upper lip, I thought it was so cute for whatever reason.
Besides talents I think I really like his duality, how one second he can be as soft as a pile of plushies, speaking of plushies...
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then the next he can ruin my life.
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#2 Background
For the little bit that he tells us or that people find out, it was so cute to see that he wanted to be an author when he was younger. I aspire to be one as well and love writing likely more than my existence, it’s probably why I’m so impressed at anyone who writes their own lyrics. Knowing that he was a trainee for four years and that for the good part of his childhood he was experiencing a cultural difference pretty much without friends his age. That’s something I, and likely many others, can relate to.
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Growing up as a military brat, I was never sure if I’d be leaving for somewhere so making friends was always a challenge, it’s why I don’t have friends now. It’s nice to know that you’re not the only person who has to deal with things like that! For that I thank Mark.
#3 Body
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This probably sounds really weird, but I don’t know what else to name it. I just love his height, hair, face, etc… Really it’s just because I had this weird idea when I was younger that my significant other would be like seven foot and be the size of a door I don’t know either but I’m more realistic now and simply just like anyone with a good personality.
Though of course I still look at other things. *Unpopular opinion inbound* I liked Mark in limitless, even his outfit, but literally only the red one. Loved Jaehyun’s too
For some reason I love blonde, black and brown hair so Mark with it didn’t really look bad. I liked this
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But this
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you got me there.
My all time favorite hair for Mark is still his blonde but more like how he had it in the Snowball Project
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i’m soft
Side note on this point is it me or do they always have Mark in like the worst/weirdest outfits?
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tbh maybe they just go through a rotation of bad outfits for each member
#4 Eyes
I can’t really say so much, I love looking at his eyes. As weird as that sounds sometimes they have a doe like look to them that’s the most adorable thing to me. The best video they came out with last year for me was the JCC ep. 3 his eyes were the cutest things ever!
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gif cr. to minhynug
So as weird as I am, here’s a little drabble about his eyes!
    “I don’t think we should watch another episode,” You clicked out of the full screen and Mark groaned as he stretched out beside you.
“But it’s not that late, maybe just one more?” You whined to Mark, he smiled and pinched your cheeks.
“Fine, but after that we need to go to bed.” Picking up your phone he saw the time, he suddenly chuckled showing you the phone. “You have me as your wallpaper?”
“What’s so bad about that? You have me as yours?”
“I thought you didn’t like doing that, I thought you were into that scenic wallpaper.”
“I was, but then I found this really cute picture of you with your cute doe eyes and I just had to.”
“Doe eyes?”
“Yeah, like a deer?”
“Oh, but my eyes don’t do that.” You gave Mark a look, “I’m serious they don’t!” You sighed taking your phone back.
“Look I have a ton of them saved on here, see?” You presented the pictures of Mark all with his “doe” eyes yet still he found no similarity. “Look I defend you when people say you’re stupid to make me wrong right now.”
“Okay, do you mean that my…” He gestures in a circle in his eyes.
“Yeah, that they get bigger or something?”
“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.”
“Then why not just say that?” You gave him another look.
“So what, say “I really like it when your eyes get big’?”
“Yeah! It’s to the point and I get it.” You sighed.
“Or maybe you can just learn what I’m saying.” He scoffed.
“You say a lot of weird stuff.”
“Like what?”
“You’re soft for someone, you stan the right group, we’re thots-”
“Okay, now I know you at least had to have heard that one before, besides I don’t say that stuff in a normal conversation, just when I’m talking you guys or some other group I like.”
“But what does that stuff mean?”
“Okay, before I explain anything, what about you? The wink, the look, our pants popped, you laugh at Lucas breathing. Like what the hell is the wink, Johnny winks the same all the time.”
“Okay, okay, but that’s different.”
“It’s the same. No one as any idea what that means expect for you just like me.”
“That’s not true, Johnny knew what I was talking about.” You sighed tired of the conversation because you knew he’d correct you until you were blue in the face.
“Mark it doesn’t even matter, let’s just watch this last episode.”
“Okay…” As it started to play you and Mark cuddled next to each other, but it wasn’t that far into it when mark spoke up again.
“I mean our pants would pop.” Even though you were laughing you were still annoyed by him trying to clarity anything.
“Oh. My. God.”
“Okay, I’m sorry.” Once more you both went quiet, until yet again mark spoke up.
“Okay, you know what forget the episode, we’re just gonna talk until you say I’m right.”
“Or until you say I’m right?” You loved Mark, but at the moment you couldn’t help but want to strangle him.
I honestly have no idea what this is but I had a lot of fun making it! Thanks for reading~
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