#mark hamill fanfiction
lxstfathier · 10 months
Fortune Teller
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Mark Hamill x Time Traveler! Reader
Summary: after spending most of your life traveling in time and teletransportating everywhere you ever wanted, you decide to stay in a certain year, not knowing that it would result in getting romantically involved with one of your favorite actors during his rise to fame.
Warnings: some death and human experimenting mentions, but nothing too bad, mostly it’s just fluff :)
A/N: omg it took me more than a whole month to write this but it’s finally ready! and probably it’s not 100% accurate to what happened in Mark’s life but hey, it’s fiction, so i hope that you all enjoy it anyways!! love you guys!! 💗✨
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People often think that time traveling and teletransportation is fun, and it is, but after some time it gets… boring.
You discovered your unique abilities when you were just a teenager, basically still a kid, quickly learning how to control those weird moments in which you could just appear in any year or place that you wanted by simply snapping your fingers.
Since then, you visited every city that you ever dreamed of, every year that seemed interesting, and witnessed some historic events with your own eyes, better than any history book.
But now? You decided to calm down for a while, staying in 1976 to live in San Diego for a few months until you can decide what city is the next one in your map.
You have a lot of money for the moment, going back to 1898 to steal diamonds and gold was an easy task, so you don’t have much to worry about, just focusing on burning off your small fortune and have fun around. Maybe you should go to the comic con this evening? you have seen the flyers on every street, and it looks like a good plan for a saturday.
Yeah, you love comics, you have a big collection, but the real reason to go would be to see Mark Hamill in his youth. You remember watching a lot of his movies when you were still a normal kid, so it would be nice to catch a glimpse of him before all that fame hits him like a lightning strike.
After thinking about it all morning, you decide to go.
And half an hour later you’re already walking down the street, wearing some cute clothes and a little bit of makeup, not expecting much more than being just another nerd from the bunch.
The streets are calm, not as busy as they usually are, and everyone seems to enjoy a good time under the bright afternoon sun. But when you get to the comic con then it is a different story. There’s more people than you expected and a tedious long line to get tickets.
However, you don’t have anything better to do, so you wait, leaning against the wall with your arms crossed, simply watching everything around you.
Finally, after some long minutes, you buy your ticket and get in, excited to see how it goes and what new things you can add to your collection.
It’s not a big place, but it’s not small either. There’s a lot of stands with comics for sale, booths with merch for the newest movies, autograph signings from famous illustrators, and of course, the main stage for the press conferences.
Sadly, that stage is still empty, so you still have a lot of time to look around. And that’s exactly what you do, calmly checking out the comics and merch, even more when you get to the star wars table, delighted to be able to see that vintage logo, the small x-wing figures, the printed shirts and the posters and photos.
So, without thinking it twice, you buy a few of those things, hoping that maybe, with a little bit of luck, you’ll get them autographed and then go back to 2030 to sell them for a fortune.
Suddenly, the people cheering and loud voices through the speakers snap you out of your thoughts. The press conference for star wars has started and you’re still away, too lost inside your own mind to realize that you’ve missed the first few minutes.
Taking you newest purchases in your hands, you quickly make your way to the main stage and sit on the last row of chairs. It’s not super near like the front row, but you can perfectly see everything, to the microphones, to the pretty blonde boy who can’t keep still as the two other men answer questions about the movie.
And you never expected Mark Hamill to look that good. You’ve seen famous singers, models, or even roman emperors with your own eyes, but none of them compares to him. He is literally hypnotic, almost like a cosmic being, and now it makes sense of why they chose him to play a hero from another galaxy.
His face, his smile, his everything is just perfect, and with such a beautiful sight the time goes by incredibly fast.
If you could take your phone out to at least have picture of this moment, you would, but you don’t want to attract curious looks from everyone, so you just stare, letting out some dreamy sighs and saving every detail in your own mind.
Once the conference ends, you get up from your seat and walk back to the stands. Perhaps, if you get more lucky, you will find another vintage piece to resell in the future.
And you do, you manage to find some more things that will surely catch a collector’s eye. But when you’re heading to the exit, ready to go back home and call it a day, a familiar blonde hair makes you stop dead in your tracks.
Mark Hamill is there, just a few feets away from you, talking to another man while the other persons walk past the Star Wars stand, oblivious to the fact that they’re ignoring the guy who is about to become an international superstar and the biggest heartthrob of the decade.
And then he looks in your direction, with those piercing blue eyes, smiling slightly, probably finding it cute that you are nervous and not daring to come closer. But how does he expect you to be confident? has he never seen himself in a mirror? he’s the closest thing to an angel and that makes your heart race uncontrollably fast.
“Come say hi, i don’t bite” Mark says, letting out a soft chuckle, his voice kind but teasing.
For a moment you stay still, too impressed with him that you don’t even know what to do. And the fact that he directed a few words to you just makes it worse. In moments like this, you wish that you could be at least a little bit more extroverted and less awkward.
However, you don’t wanna lose the opportunity, so you do your best to approach him and talk normally despite your horrible anxiety.
“Mark, uh- hi, i… i’m one of you biggest fans, been following your career since texas wheelers. Can’t wait to see you in Star Wars.”
Actually, you started following him since you watched the fall of the house of usher as a teenager, but you can’t tell him that for obvious reasons.
And by the way he smiles and tilts his head to the side, it’s not difficult to guess that you’re probably the first fangirl who has come across his path.
“Well, if you liked me in that shitty sitcom, you’re gonna love me in this new movie.” he says, trying his best to lighten the mood.
“Oh, that’s for sure. I’m gonna go the the cinema a couple of times” you answer, as if you didn’t already saw all of his movies on your laptop more than once.
“Sounds like it’s gonna be a total success thanks to you” mark jokes and you smile.
“Star wars is gonna be a success, whether i watch it or not, believe me.”
Mark raises an eyebrow, suspicious as to why would you have so much faith in a new sci-fi movie that not even him believes in.
“How do you know? are you a fortune teller?” he asks.
“Something like that” you say, not wanting to give many details about your weird life. And before he can ask anything else, you hand him the two star wars posters that you just bought an hour ago. “Would you sign this for me? please?”.
He lets out a soft chuckle at your vague answer and then he is kind enough to autograph both of your posters with a black marker, taking his time to write more than just his signature, all while wondering if you are telling the truth or if you just want to mess with him.
Unfortunately, when Mark is almost done signing the second one, another person interrupts him, telling him that someone named Gary is looking for him to discuss some things.
“I need to go” he says, handing you back the two posters. “It was nice meeting you, maybe next time you can tell me the numbers to win the lotto.”
And with that, he just smiles one last time before turning around and getting lost in the crowd. So you stay there a few seconds, incredibly shocked with that first encounter.
His smile and those last words repeat inside your mind over and over again, only for you to realize that yes, he really believes you were messing around with him, but it doesn’t matter to you. The moment was perfect despite his lack of belief.
After that, you just hold the posters against your chest, making your way out of the convention and blushing all the way home.
The next time you meet him is even more unexpected.
You’re sitting on the warm sand of the Malibu beach, feeling the ocean water on your toes, just having some time to yourself while admiring the beautiful sunset, totally captivated by the bright orange in the horizon.
It’s calm, and soothing. The sound of the waves and the slight breeze allow you to shut down your thoughts and relax for a while.
“I knew that your face was familiar” a male voice interrupts your sacred moment as he sits on the sand next to you. “You’re the fortune teller from the san diego comic con a few weeks ago.”
Of course, that’s a voice that you know quite well. And when you look to your right, Mark is there, talking to you again, looking more handsome than ever with an unbuttoned shirt and golden hair getting messy because of the breeze.
“Yeah it’s me” you answer, slightly confused. “How did you recognize me?”
“Well, someone like you is not easy to forget, you have something… different that makes you stand out from the rest.”
Your heart starts to beat fast again. Hearing him say that you’re unforgettable is more than a dreamy compliment. But, deep down, you know that he probably says that because you are from a different time, you look futuristic, and strange, and that’s what always catches everyone’s attention.
“It’s fine, you can say that i’m weird” you laugh, nervously playing with the sand beneath you.
“No, actually i think you’re quite pretty.”
Your cheeks go red immediately and a dumb smile appears in your lips. What are you supposed to say? you’re too shy to flirt back, so you decide to change the subject.
“What brings you to malibu?”
“I love this place, so i wanna move here” he says, in a more serious tone while looking at the ocean. “What about you?”
“Funny” you say, almost thinking that the coincidences are starting to be too much. “I live here, ten minutes away from the beach.”
“Looks like we’ll be neighbors then” he raises an eyebrow. “I got my eye on a nice property in the shore.”
“Great! come by whenever you need a cup of sugar or whatever”
“I’d probably ask for something more than that.”
With that you just let out a good laugh. If another man said that to you, you’d probably roll your eyes, get up and walk away. But it’s different when it comes to him. And you’ve heard guys say so much worse things in your native years of 2020’s that he almost sounds cute.
“Sure, i can give you some salt too if you need it” you joke around, just to see him smile, with those pearly white teeth and pretty wrinkles on his cheeks. Something that could easily overshadow the incredible sunset.
And you’re too lost in his smile to notice the way he is staring at you, with the same infatuation and curiosity.
“You’re not from here, do you?” Mark asks once the laughter is over. “From the states, i mean.”
There’s that question that everyone always makes. And the one that you always have to lie about. What are you supposed to say? that you are actually from the states but you look different because you were born in 2010 as product between two people who were used for experiments by the government and somehow managed to scape from it? he would call you crazy instead of fortune teller this time.
So you use the same made up story that you created for everyone who asks.
“I was born in spain, but my parents migrated here when i was five. Sadly, they passed away a while ago after i turned sixteen, so now i’m alone in this country.”
“Oh i’m sorry” he says, the smile fading from his face, regretting to touch such a sensitive topic. “I shouldn’t have-“
“It’s fine” you cut him off. Your parents are safe and sound in 2031, living their best life, so you don’t want to bug him with that. “Why don’t you tell me more about yourself?”
And that’s all you needed for him to talk for long minutes, with no intention to stop soon. But you can’t complain, his voice is really soothing, and his stories are entertaining, enough for you to listen attentively for some time, just saying one comment occasionally or laughing at his jokes.
Once more you end up being hypnotized by him, exactly like the first time, or is it that you’re just easy to impress with a pretty face? you’re not sure, but when you realize, the sun is completely gone and it has gotten super late.
You need to go home. And Mark, being a total gentleman, offers to walk you there, because there’s no way that he would ever let you go alone, even less at night.
The playful conversation keeps going all the way there, while walking close to each other, almost bumping shoulders. And when you get to your front door, he holds your hand, carefully, as a way to ask you to don’t go inside yet and stay with him just a few seconds more.
“Will i see you tomorrow?” he blurts out, patiently waiting for your answer, with a nervous smile on his lips.
How could you say no to him?
“Probably” you say, feeling your cheeks get burning red. “If not, you know where to find me.”
You really plan on leaving it there, clearly not expecting much else, just a dramatic goodbye to end the night. But before you know it, he pulls you closer, placing a hand on the nape of your neck to lean in for a kiss.
It’s soft and gentle, a quick peck on the lips, and it’s over before you can even realize what happened. But it makes you feel like the luckiest girl in the world, with thousands of butterflies fluttering in your stomach and a heart that threatens to get out of your chest.
“Good, cause you still owe me the numbers of the lotto.” He says, returning to his funny side as he lets go of your hand.
But you’re way too shocked by the kiss that you can’t even think of a good comeback. So you just smile and say goodbye to him with a wave of your hand, getting into the safety of your home and immediately closing the door.
Maybe Mark wonders if he overstepped your boundaries. Or maybe he thinks that it’s really cute how you got so flustered. You will never know.
It doesn’t matter, though. You’re so happy that you could burst into tears or giggle to yourself the whole night. Maybe you should even go to 2031 to tell your mom exactly what happened, and she would be happy to know that you finally found a decent man instead of a total jerk.
But first, you need to calm down, and probably listen to some romantic songs while praying that you’re not just another notch in his belt.
Almost six months later you are nervous as hell. Probably more than that. You are terrified.
It’s only a matter of minutes until you and Mark arrive to the ziegfeld theatre for the star wars premiere in new york, but you’re still stuck in traffic, in the leather backseats of a very luxurious car. And when you look out the window, you can already see loads of people around, which makes you feel extremely overwhelmed.
Obviously, you think that you’re managing that anxiety and nervousness quite well, but you don’t, and Mark can easily tell how you’re not having a good time just by the way your hands play with the seams of your expensive silk dress or the fluff of your synthetic fur stole.
“Take a deep breath, please” he tells you, taking one of your hands between his. “It’s gonna be alright.”
Sure, it’s easy for him to say that when his job is to literally have cameras on his face all the time. He’s used to it, but you’re not. And what scares you the most is that this would be the first time in which you appear together in public as a couple.
What if his fans don’t like you? what if you can’t stand all that sudden attention? what if-
“Please” he repeats himself, squeezing your hand. “Just a few pics and we’ll go inside. Can you do that for me?”
“I’ll try” you nod, a shy smile lingering on your lips as you turn your gaze away from the window to look at him.
He looks so calm, and so so handsome. It doesn’t matter if you already watched him getting ready all day, seeing him with that black tuxedo, bow tie and hair combed back, makes your breath falter and your head feel dizzy.
That’s how you realize that you’re screwed. You already fell hard and face first.
Has he fell hard for you too? yes. All this time he has done nothing but prove that he loves you, in ways that you never expected, yet you still can’t comprehend how you managed to pull such a man. It feels unreal.
Minutes later, when you finally arrive to the place, Mark gets out of the car first and then goes to your side to open the door for you, even offering you his hand as an extra help, because he knows that it’s hard to walk with high heels, and also because your legs are trembling due to your nerves.
“I know you can do this, sweetheart” he whispers to you, inviting you to hold on to his arms instead of his hand. “Smile at everyone and that’s it… and please don’t faint.”
You take a deep breath, gather the courage necessary, and then start walking beside him, gripping his arm so hard that you fear to wrinkle his tux.
There’s a lot noise, bright lights everywhere, a multitude of photographers, journalists, press and a much more that doesn’t help with your nerves. It makes you nauseous and sweaty, but you try your best to deal with it, concentrating on Mark and not on anything else.
As soon as you both step on the red carpet, you can practically feel all eyes on you, with the camera flashes immediately going off over and over again. Most of the photographers are focused on Mark, he is the star after all, but some others pay attention to you, the mysterious girl by his side.
And it’s only when you’re being blinded by the intense flashes that you get a slight sense of guilt.
You shouldn’t be doing this. You already messed up his whole timeline. He was supposed to appear on all this pictures with somebody else, with some other girl from his time.
But do you care? not one bit. This is like a dream come true.
And while you’re too deep in your thoughts, posing for the cameras and controlling your nerves, it’s almost impossible for you to notice that soon a few of the photographers find something better to focus on.
This time they don’t point their lenses at Mark, or you, or the expensive clothes that you decided to wear for the occasion…
They’re drawn to the beautiful diamond ring on your left hand.
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januaryembrs · 2 years
ALL FOR YOU | Luke Skywalker x reader
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Request: Yay to 1k, well deserved! :))) <33 I hope you don't mind me asking for Luke skywalker x reader? I feel like there's so few pieces and overall love for him in fanfiction. Maybe something simple like them reuniting after he's taken up his quest and returns to Tattooine? Or Reader being fascinated by his lightsaber but too reserved to ask him for a demonstration let alone touching it? You decide, if none of these ideas appeal to you then I shall be happy with whatever you come up with instead, as it is a gain for the Luke fandom! <3
description: A familiar face strolls into your flower farm on Tatooine, four years after he abandoned you in search of a princess.
Word count: 1.1k
trigger warnings: sad, angst, crying, leaving reader, semi break up? ends in fluff I promise
main masterlist
Author’s note: I'm so sure I had a second Luke ask in my inbox that has gone missing so if anyone else asked for one that isn't this, please send it again I have no clue what's happened to it!
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The air in your lungs felt dry as you swept the floor of your shop. It had been in your family generations, and quite successful too as a flora farmer on Tatooine seeing as the harsh sand air made it difficult for anyone to breed plants. You, however, had been blessed with a sheltered farm. Expensive to run but it was worth it seeing how beautiful the flowers bloomed at your tender hands.
You heard the bell to your front door open, though you were certain you had put it on the latch. “I’m sorry, we’re closed for the day,” You called over your shoulder, not paying attention to who it was who had intruded. Probably a mistake, you thought, cleaning the sharp grains of sand into a neat pile near the wall. You got little thievery this side of Mos Espa, and trusted the locals to be kind to you while your back was turned.
“I’m not here for flowers,” 
You froze in your place, back straightening tensely. You knew that voice; had always known that voice. 
It was the call to home, the spirit in your stomach on the most lethal of Tatooine storms, the nostalgia you feel smelling your mother’s cooking. Your childhood bedroom, your tenth life day, your first time at school where you met him. 
A mop of blonde hair that poked into his sight, round blue eyes that looked up at you in awe (you had always been taller than him growing up), the toothless smile he gave you when you offered him to share your new ink. 
Luke Skywalker had been your first kiss, your first dance, your best friend, your light on a dark sand night. It had been four years since he left home with the crazy old Ben, following two droids and a princess.
No word as to how he was, where he was going, or whether he intended to come back. Yet here he was.
You stood, mouth hanging agape, a frown pulling on your features. 
Luke fiddled with a long-stemmed funnel flower, a small smile gracing his features at your stunned expression. He knew he should have come back, he should have been back a long time ago. But he promised himself the day he found Leia and learnt of the depth the Empire wished to destroy the galaxy, he would not rest until he had made the universe safe for you again. 
Safe for you both, for the family you had always talked of starting together. 
“L-Luke?” You stuttered, broom clattering to the floor in your shocked state. Your eyes were deceiving you, surely. He had not come back for you, not said a word since that day. And now suddenly he was back here on a scum hole like Tatooine? “You- They said you were dead.”
“Dead?” He seemed confused now, stepping further into your shop with a soft look in his eyes. He looked tired, aged. He had grown taller since you last saw him, his arms seemed wider and his face more chiselled. But his eyes were the same, the way he flicked his hair subconsciously took you back to the little boy whose aunt had yet to cut his blonde locks. 
“You were captured by the Empire, that’s what they kept saying,” Your voice was hoarse, your eyes now stinging as they were rapidly filling with tears. “You and the Alderaan Princess. The two of you got captured from the resistance-”
Luke was in front of you now, and your sad gaze couldn’t take him in fast enough. He was still your Luke. He was older, seemed wiser as though the weight of the world, every world, had done nothing but press down on him the past four years.
“I’m here, aren’t I? I wouldn’t let anyone take me from you,” He replied, his hands reaching out to hold the top of your arms, gentle as ever yet you could see in his face he was almost begging for you to react. Say something, yell at him for leaving, scream at him to get out, actually cry rather than stare at him so heartbroken and wetly. 
“They said-” You gulped, as you felt you were stuck on a loop of recalling all you had heard from him in the years that had passed. You huffed, willing yourself to actually spit out what was stabbing a thorn into your heart so deeply, “You left me.” 
You started crying. Sobbing and shaking, and Luke immediately pulled you into his chest. His smell hadn’t changed one bit, and the thought made you cry harder. 
“You ran off after another woman and said nothing for four years. I thought you were dead, I thought you hated me.” Came your muffled, throaty voice in his shoulder. You hesitantly wrapped your arms around his waist, as if you didn’t trust him not to vanish at the touch. “I dreamed of this for so many nights, I didn’t realise it would hurt so much to see you again,”
Luke felt his eyes grow hot at your confession, neither happy nor sad to see him. Just hurt, and nor could he blame you. “I know.” He cleared the frog in his own throat, “I know, I’m sorry. Just please trust I stayed away to keep you safe. I could never live with myself if you had been hurt because of me,”
“So you left me for another woman?” You pulled away, looking at him aghast, wiping the tears on the back of your hand. It was in vain as more came barreling down anyway, landing on his black robes. 
“No! Never,” Luke sighed, bringing his forehead to meet yours, “Leia is… Leia’s my sister. I swear I’ll explain everything, there is so much for me to tell you just,” He brushed his nose against yours, “Please trust me. I was protecting you, I was trying to make things safe, for the life we want together,” His ocean blue eyes met yours, his filled with concern as he tried to read you. Your mind was so muddled even his force powers couldn’t quite decipher quite how it was you were feeling seeing as you didn’t even know yourself, “You do still want that with me, right?”
You sighed, feeling his words fan over your lips in a manner you had been dreaming of for four long years. You needed to kiss him; you hadn’t stopped needing him as embarrassing as it was. All you had ever known, all you had ever wanted was Luke Skywalker.
“Ofcour-” Somehow, Luke knew what you were thinking, what you needed, though there had never been a time when he didn’t, as he brought your lips together passionately. 
You thought it best to wait until his kiss stopped being so all-encompassing to ask about the lightsaber attached to his hip.
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lex-the-flex · 11 months
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Cosmic Veins
Luke Skywalker x reader
Summary: Rekindling after an unfortunate assignment, Luke devotes himself as the wonderful man that he is to strengthen your relationship, and fulfills only a fraction of his destiny.
Word Count: 2.5k
Warning(s): MEGA FLUFF, the reader and Luke just being in love, all the feelings; (both good & bad), mentions of amnesia, the reader + Luke being slightly insecure about the future, just two Jedi in their prime, Luke being a dutiful Jedi Master, the duo discovering their love languages, 18 + – PURE SMUT, loss of virginity (reader), oral f! receiving, body + skin appreciation, and unprotected sex. (wrap it before you tap it, kids)
A/N: It’s about time that I wrote for Luke! It’s been a hot minute and I love this man so much. 18+ FIC, MINORS DNI!! Thank you to @dailydragon08 for the AMAZING lines to kick off the smut. You're an absolute god! Feedback is always appreciated and enjoy!
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Salt and lavender lingered through the air whilst the calming sounds of Naboo’s endless waves turn your room into the private sanctuary it was meant to be. The sun threatens to peek over the horizon of the still ocean while you stir in your sleep beneath the fresh silk bedding. Turning your head into the layers of plush pillows, your brows scrunch at the visions behind your eyes. Jolting awake, you gasped for air, praying that the dreams would soon end. 
The conflict finally subsided in the past, but the wounds remain on your heart. Luke had returned from the Dark Side, from the vile control of an evil presence that you never got to meet. Unfortunately, when Leia couldn’t find it in herself to fight her own brother, her twin, you were put on the chopping block. 
And it nearly cost your life. You were thrown into a coma for two months, but the worst part: you suffered from a miniscule moment of amnesia. You couldn’t remember anything about Luke Skywalker or your friends. Luckily they refused to give up and you recovered in time with the Rebellion by your side. Once you did, Leia immediately prompted a change of scenery for you and Luke. The two of you needed to get away from everything to heal. 
Removing your hand from your chest, you ran it along the empty side of the bed where you expected Luke to be. But he wasn’t. He refused to sleep in the same bed as you, in fear of hurting you, so he took to the marble floor. Gazing over to his usual spot on the floor by the changing screen, the makeshift bedding was messy, and he was gone. Twirling the engagement band around your ring finger, you fixate on the pale amethyst encased in silver within the dim light, and you remember why Luke gave it to you in the first place.
Wiping your face, you spotted your dark ebony robes neatly folded on the desk, and the room’s scents kickstarted the day. So with a heavy sigh, you quietly got dressed, and your faithful handmaid, Winter, brought you breakfast and to announce that Luke promptly requested to see you on the beach. You could feel that something was different in the air; he had good news to share, and a smile finally filled your lips for the first time in a long time. Descending the stone steps of the courtyard to the beach, you finished your early breakfast and discarded the pear’s core amongst the flower bushes where it would be finished by the sparrows momentarily. 
Rounding the corner, you spotted Luke amongst the dawn as your boots crunched the pebbled sand below. Noticing that he was deep in a meditative state, you quietly kept your distance, not wanting to disturb him. Glancing back towards the staircase, you thought about leaving for a second, but your feet remained planted.
“No, don’t go. You’re as strong as the waves, Y/N.” 
Inching closer to Luke, a large smile overtakes his lips, and he closes his arms around you. Feeling yourself let go in his embrace, his warmth was comforting as if it was something you were missing. Basking in your company, Luke kisses your forehead. 
“Everything alright? You’re trembling.” He asks, running his hands up and down your arms. 
“I’m fine, Luke. I just couldn’t sleep, that’s all.” You reply, gazing into his blue eyes. 
“Are your dreams still bothering you?” He asks. 
Raising his hand to your temple, Luke silently begins to peer into your mind, ready to discover what’s troubling you. But you take his gloved hand in yours instead. 
Rubbing your knuckles, he quietly understands that your nightmares are at their end, as is the shared exile. 
“They’re not the worst thing I’ve dealt with. Trust me.” You smirk. 
Chuckling at your response, Luke shields his eyes at the sight of the morning sun starting to peer out from under the waves. Basking in your company, Luke clasps his hands around your shoulders and a burst of excitement fills his face. 
“So, I have a small surprise for us, Y/N. Before my security team arrived, my Commander told me that he discovered something just off the coast.” Luke explains, leading you further down the beach. 
“A surprise sounds lovely, Luke. Besides, it gives us a chance to evade the power hungry Senators and staff for once.” You laugh at Luke’s proposition. 
Following Luke towards the end of the beach, the various oak trees start to blend with the damp sand and pebbles. Reaching the beginning of Naboo’s uncharted woods, the sight of a few broken rock walls line the shore before descending into the water. Taking in the new beauty of the planet’s nature, Luke playfully covers your eyes, careful not to spoil the surprise. 
“Are you ready? We’re here.” He teases. 
“Yes! The suspense is killing me, Luke! What is it?” You ask, trying to break his fingers apart. 
Removing his hands, you’re suddenly greeted with the view of an old and abandoned stone tower jutting out from the water. Surrounded by a ring of ferns and moss, the tower perfectly camouflages in the rest of the planet's green fauna. 
Your jaw nearly hits the floor at this awesome sight. Sure you and Luke had discovered many old ruins in the past, but nothing compared to this. 
“It’s an old lookout tower. Long before the Clone Wars, Naboo’s trading system used to operate on its soldiers living in lookout towers. Commander Uphsur said that this is only one of two remaining. I've already taken a look at the other one, but there’s something special about this tower. Like it’s calling to me.” Luke confidently explains. 
Refusing to believe him, you shoot him a nasty look. 
“Did you just make that up?” You question, crossing your arms together. 
“Yeah, I just made that up.” Luke nods, admitting his defeat. 
Nudging his elbow, you both smile at his joke. 
“Alright, Master Jedi, how are we getting across? We could jump.” You advise. 
Climbing to the top of a small boulder, Luke offers his hand and you join him, getting a better view of the tower. Then, without thinking, he dives into the cold water and resurfaces with a gasp for fresh air. 
“Luke, what are you doing? You’ll catch a cold!” You shout, hesitant about jumping in. 
“Come on, the water’s only a little chilly! Let’s enjoy the ocean while we can!” He emphasizes, wiping his wet hair from his face. 
With a deep breath, you launch yourself from the boulder and jump into the salty water below. Whining at the freezing water, the sound of Luke’s laughter fills the nature sanctuary. 
“Oh, you liar! You actually thought swimming during the spring would be a good idea?!” You shout, frantically swimming towards Luke. 
“I had to get you to join me somehow.” Luke replies at his victory. 
Splashing a wave in Luke’s direction, he uses the Force to block the water before meeting up at the base of the tower. 
“Now that’s cheating! How dare you block my shot!” You say, making your way to the tower. 
“Don’t doubt my abilities, Y/N! Besides, we all could use some fun in our lives.” Luke answers, extending his hand down to you. 
Joining your palm around Luke’s, he pulls you from the stream, satisfied with his trick. Shaking your drenched robes, you scoff at the foggy weather. Opening the old door, Luke rams his shoulder, cracking the weather wood in the process. Wandering inside the tower, the blinding light of the morning sun shines on the light grey stone flooring. 
Squinting inside, the once lived in tower remains empty with nothing inside. Squeezing your braid, you try to get as much of the water out as you make a circle around the room’s interior. Scrunching your brows, you take in the emptiness of this place, wondering as to why Luke brought you here. 
“There’s nothing in here. Why are we here, Luke?” You ask, unlatching your heavy cloak from your shoulders. 
Standing above the remnants of an destroyed tiny desk, Luke wipes off his dusty gloves. 
“Can’t I spend some time with my fiancée before we return to Ossus? That’s all I want right now.” Luke replies, with his back to you. 
“Luke, why are we here?” You ask again with a more serious tone, determined to get an answer. 
Turning to face you, Luke steps toward you, stopping to look you in the eye. 
“I couldn’t have the Senators and the others in the Palace eavesdrop. I already feel like a foreigner in my mother’s domain and you know I’m right. The truth is, I’m scared, Y/N. I’m terrified of what the future will bring …especially after I hurt you. I nearly killed you with my own hands and I wasn’t myself.” Luke’s shaking voice makes tears fill your eyes. 
A lump rises in the back of your throat whilst Luke bends his head down to you, almost as if he’s bowing to you out of respect. Taking your hands in his, he guides his thumb over the engagement ring he gifted to you out of pure duty. 
“But I’m here. I’m alive and stronger than ever because of you, Luke. I know the gem doesn’t feel like much, but it means the world to me. It means you love me with all our heart. I’ve never had anyone step up the way you have, regardless if they were a Jedi or not. You are your father’s son, Luke, but you are so much like your mother.” You explain, taking Luke’s face in your hands, with your eyes fixated on his facial features. 
“Will this change us from our paths, Y/N? I’ve gone past the Code. I’ve been on both sides of the Jedi Way, but this feels different from anything else I’ve felt before. Even though we aren’t meant to know the future, I can’t help but decide what I want, what I need.” He explains, walking closer to you.
Placing your hand in the center of his chest, Luke leans his forehead against yours, matching his heartbeat in time with your soothing rhythm. The pale amethyst beams up into Luke’s peripheral vision, allowing him to fully combat the moment. His bright icy eyes reflect against your e/c orbs just as his pink lips hover an inch above yours. 
The presence of his hands playing with your belt’s sash makes butterflies rise in your stomach. As the two of you stood here in this private intimate point in time, the two of you were no longer Jedi. But two people who are in love with each other to the very core. 
“What do you want?” You ask, raising your chin. 
Breathing out, Luke swallows his pride. 
Closing his lips around yours, you barely have time to register his answer as his hands begin to wander along your drenched robes. Roaming against the seams and stitching of the sash at your hips, Luke quickly rids you of the tight knot, while guiding you backwards into the growing sunspot. Discarding the ebony robes from your chilled form, freeing your exposed chest underneath. Descending your goosebumped filled body, Luke glides his lips along every part of your exposed skin, and tugs around the shape of your breasts, letting go once you begin to shiver unnaturally from the cold.
Untying your boots, he pulls your pants from your shaking legs, hoping to quickly get you warm. Ridding himself of his frigid clothes, Luke is suddenly hypnotized by the beauty of your nude form, his lips pressed along the crease of your hips, and continues towards the sensitive skin of your thighs. Collecting your throbbing folds in his lips, your mouth falls open just as Luke’s tongue plays with the bundle of nerves. 
Running your fingers through his dirty blonde hair, Luke inserts his tongue past your virgin entrance, hoping to explore all of you first. Moaning at this unfamiliar feeling, your fingers repeatedly scratch his scalp as the booming sound of your heartbeat fills your ears, drowning out every other sound. 
“Luke?” You call out. 
Immediately stopping, Luke stands up in a heartbeat and gives you all of his attention.
“Yes?” He responds, taking your chin in his hand.
“I need all of you.” You whisper before him. 
Collapsing your arms around his broad shoulders, your nearly exhausted pants fill the air. 
Deepening the kiss once more, Luke captures your taste in your mouth, before laying you down in the middle of the floor on top of his cloak. Hovering above your body, Luke gives you soft kisses along your jaw, allowing some of your tension to disappear. Closing the space between you, Luke guides your legs around his waist, opening yourself to him. Shifting yourself to get comfortable, Luke adjusts his weight to his knees, and presses his hands on either side of your face. 
“I don’t want to hurt you, Y/N.” Luke says, touching your nose with his. 
“You won’t, Luke. I trust you.” You whisper, closing your eyes. 
Capturing your neck with a series of kisses, Luke gently touches his manhood against your openings causing you to gulp at the sensation of it all. Teasing your throbbing folds with his erect tip, a gasp escapes your lips and you grip his broad shoulders at the unknown feeling of your bodies melting around each other. Your bundle of nerves soak up Luke’s warmth and he slowly thrusts himself past your entrance, Luke desperately wanted nothing more than to be deep inside of you, allowing you to surrender to his euphoria. Wincing at this foreign feeling, you lean into his arms, silently begging for support and Luke senses your growing desperation. 
“Are you alright? Do you want me to stop?” He asks into your ear. 
“No, I’m alright. Just keep going.” You answer. 
Smiling at your sudden boost of confidence, Luke quickened his pace, wanting to feel you around him. Trailing his lips down to your collarbones, the sweet sounds of your shared moans became more valuable than anything on Naboo. Gliding your hands down Luke’s muscular form, you suddenly became overwhelmed with all the love and lust in the world, causing a few tears to fall down your face. 
Pepper kissing your tears away, Luke’s lungs suddenly clogged with lust as he opened himself up to you, and he buried his face in the softness of your neck. Stretching himself out, you welcomed his pleasure into your heart as he placed his hand on your chest. Discovering your sensitive spot, you both moaned and whimpered at how good everything felt. Digging your nails deeper into Luke’s hot skin, you felt a fluttering in your stomach. 
“I’m here, Y/N.” Luke says as his voice echoes in your ears. 
Nodding at his declaration, you couldn’t handle the tension for a second longer, and your walls squeezed around Luke. Finishing after you, your whole body went numb and Luke’s ears started to ring. Shielding your nude skin from the cold, Luke pulled his cloak around tired body. Hugging his muscular form, the warmth of his cloak made your eyelids grow heavy as Luke gave you his arm to lay on.
“I’ll never stop loving you, Y/N. Even until the end of time.” Luke declares, brushing a few strands of hair away from your face. 
“I love you beyond the limits of stars, Luke.” You reply, feeling sleep take over your mind. 
luke skywalker taglist ~
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geekforhorror · 1 year
dating luke skywalker headcanons
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my lukie pookie <333
he’s such a sweetheart i cant
when u guys first meet, he’s in awe over you
he blushes whenever he sees you
VERY shy around you
he wants to make the first move but his awkwardness stops him
you end up asking him out since he can’t and its really cute seeing him all flustered
he would take you the cantina on your guys’ first date
you can tell he’s nervous but you don’t say anything in case it makes him more nervous
if you kiss him at the end of the date, he will be head over heels in love with you (not that he wasn’t already)
calls you pretty girl, beautiful, and just the fluffiest pet names
gift giving is his love language
LOVES, LOVES, LOVES kissing ur hands
ok now for nsfw stuff!
anh and esb luke gives off strong sub vibes i mean COME ON.
he loves when you kiss him on the lips and his neck
and if u leave hickeys on him? he will be the most shy thing ever but he admires it
this boy has the biggest praise kink ever
but in rotj? HES A DOM.
maybe i should be more specific
he’s particularly a soft dom bc i said so
he can’t bring himself to degrade you idk why
he’s very vanilla when it comes to sex but who cares?!
“tits or ass?” personality but he loves your tits and ass too
rotj luke LOVES leaving hickeys on you bc it’s a token of his affection
he doesn’t like quickies that much bc he can’t pleasure you like he wants to
ok i think that’s it
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darthpotater · 1 year
Welcome Home
It’s been years since Luke last felt that presence through the force— something he didn’t think he would ever feel again, a feeling that always gets him weak in the knees; a feeling he has missed oh so much.
fem reader insert
Warnings: t*rture was implied once
A/N: hello, i hope you enjoyyy, i needed some luke lovin so. also this got quite long so i apologize for that and im planning on wiritng a sequel for this, to maybe fill in the blanks and stuff but other than that, i hope you enjoy!!!
“I don’t think I could ever get tired of this view. Sure, this planet’s boring and I’d do anything to get off this planet but it sure has it’s perks.” You sigh contentedly as you looked into the distance, watching the twin suns set. Luke chuckled as he looks over at you, smiling at you in awe. “I don’t think the sunsets are the only perks this planet has.” He chuckled before leaning in to leave a soft, lingering kiss on your cheek. You glance at him, a smirk resting on your lips. “Sure, the blue milk’s good too.” You chuckle, making Luke let out a hearty laugh. You felt your heart do somersaults in your chest at the sound, it definitely felt like music to your ears. You’ve been with this farmboy for quite some time now but he still made you feel all sorts of things.
“C’mere you.” Luke smiled as he pulled you closer to him. You immediately snuggled up to him, back against his chest as you both sat on the rocky hill. He wraps his arms protectively around you and places his chin on your shoulder as the two of you sat in silence for a few moments, going back to watching the setting suns. You reach up to lazily play with his hair, smiling when you feel him lean against your touch, snuggling into it. Your smile widened when you felt him leave another tender kiss on your neck, shuddering slightly at the feeling. “I hope you know how much you mean to me, my love.” He mumbled as he stayed there. “You’re the only one I’m holding onto to keep me from going insane, especially on this rock.” He added with a small laugh. “And I promise, one day, I’ll take you and we’ll explore the galaxy, watching every sunset together.” He added as he pulled away, prompting you to look up at him.
His bright blue eyes twinkled under the faint light of day, and when you thought they couldn’t get more beautiful, you were always proven wrong. You turned around in his hold slightly, giving you better access to his face as you reached up to remove a speck of sand from his cheek. He closes his eyes once again at your touch, something he does often and you found it oh so endearing. Your hand remained on his cheek as your thumb lazily caressed his skin. “I love you.” He whispers with a smile as you bring him down to plant a soft kiss on his lips. You smiled when you felt him tighten his hold around you. You pulled away and laughed when you saw his cheeks were now beet red.
“You’re doing it again, y’know.” You giggled. He tries hiding his shy smile as he pretends to not know what you were talking about. “Doing what?” He shrugs as he looks around. “You blush every time we kiss.”
“I don’t.”
“You are, right now.”
“No I’m not. That’s just… sunburn.”
You let out another laugh. “Oh Skywalker, what am I going to do with you?”
His eyes connect with yours once more. “Love me forever.”
You smiled softly, “I can do that.”
Luke opened his eyes and immediately sat up at the sound of Artoo’s whistles. “Oh hey, Artoo.” Luke smiles faintly as he runs a hand down his face. “Yeah, I’m okay. Was just resting. Where’s Grogu? Is he asleep?” He asked as the droid began rolling away. “I’ll head back soon, I’ll just finish up here.” Luke said, smiling as Artoo replied with a series of beeps and whistles. When the droid was out of earshot, Luke lets out a sigh as his eyes focused on the sunset in front of him. He smiles faintly at the dream he had before looking at the empty spot beside him— your spot. “Oh, my love.” He calls out quietly as he lays back down onto the grass. “You would’ve loved this view.” He added as he looked beside him, as if you were there with him. “I’m so sorry.” He added quietly as a single tear trickled down his cheek.
It’s been years since he lost you. After the battle of Endor and when the Empire found out that you were force-sensitive, they made it a point to separate the two of you as their last try at taking down the Rebellion. He tried saving you— he did all he can but it was not enough. Presumed dead, Luke felt like his heart was ripped out of his chest, when he saw you laying there, lifeless. He wanted to run to you, hold you one last time but they had to go; he had to go. Han was pulling him into the Falcon before the Empire could get to them.
“Luke, go.”
“No, I’m not leaving you.” Luke hissed, the Skywalker stubbornness coming out. You shook your head, “I wasn’t asking. Luke— they want you not me. They get they’re hands on you, they win. We didn’t work and fight our asses off for them to win. You know that, more than anyone. We worked so hard to fight and we can’t let all that go.”
Luke shook his head, “No, there has to be another way.” You sighed as you took his face in between your hands. “You know there’s no other way, my love.” You smiled faintly as you examined his face, possibly for the last time ever. “We cannot let them win.” You said before leaning in to give him a passionate kiss. His hands snaked their way around your hips and pulled you close, as close as he possibly could. You felt his tongue swipe over your lower lip as your hand found its way to massage the back of his head. You didn’t want this to end, you wanted to stay in his arms forever. When you two pulled away, foreheads touching, you leaned in and gently rubbed your nose against his, him doing the same. “”I love you, Luke Skywalker. Now go be that Master Jedi we all need. I’m rooting for you. Always.” You smiled as you pulled away, tears threatening to spill form your eyes. He looked at you one last time as Han marched over. “Alright kids, as much as I don’t want to ruin this moment, we have to go. Now.”
You nodded. “Han, please take Luke. I’ll buy you some time.” You said as Han furrowed his brows. “Nuh-uh, you’re coming with us.” Han argued. “Han, I’m not playing games. Take Luke and go.” You ordered, voice firm. Han had become a big brother to you over the years. The brother you never had but always wanted. Sure, he was annoying but you were thankful for him anyways. You could see it in his face that he didn’t want to leave but he knew that this was what needed to be done. “Now go.” You ordered as you unhooked your lightsaber and igniting it. Han grabbed Luke’s arm and escorted him down the hallway.
Luke could remember it vividly. Like it was ingrained in his head forever. He remembers watching helplessly as you graciously sliced through Troopers and deflected their blasters, all on your own. The way you used the force so effortlessly is a sight he will never forget. Between the two of you, you were always the fast learner.
But then everything happened so fast. Luke was still trying to process everything happening around him when the explosion happened. He remembered stumbling forward as the floor shook. How Han was yelling for the rest of the rebels to fall back. Luke didn’t care if his ears rang or if he was bleeding, he was busy looking back to see if you were okay. When he did, his knees almost gave in when he saw you laying there, bruised and bloody. He screamed for you as Han dragged him into the Falcon. His heart broke into a million pieces as Han jumped into hyperdrive. He sat there, staring blankly as he felt like half of himself was taken away; and that's exactly what they did to him.
Luke now stared at the sky, littered with millions of stars, wishing you were right there with him, in his arms once again. Thinking of how much easier rebuilding a Jedi Order would be if you were by his side. He was deep in thought when the loud sound of a starship entered the atmosphere. He sat up and watched as an unfamiliar ship plummeted into the nearby forest. Luke jumped up onto his feet and ran toward the ship to investigate.
As he ducked under fallen trees, he could see the ship in the distance, enveloped in smoke. He carefully approached, lightsaber in hand as he used the force to search for any kind of life forms but felt...nothing. With brows furrowed, he holstered his saber before walking closer to the ship to examine. And that's when he felt it.
His eyes went wide when he felt the familiar presence, the same presence that gets his knees buckling and heart racing and swelling with so much love. Never in a million years did Luke ever think he would feel that again. "No, it can't be." He whispered to himself as he desperately looked around, looking for a familiar face; looking for you, the love of his life.
He turned around and was immediately tackled down, lightsaber inches away from his neck. Unfazed, he looks up at you and could not believe his eyes. There you were, on top of him, alive and breathing, holding a lightsaber dangerously close to his face. He watched as realization hit your face, and your eyes softened as you studied his face. "L-Luke?" You squeaked, immediately deactivating your saber. You got off of him, making him immediately sit up. The two of you sat there, staring at each other, trying to process what was happening.
And without another word, the two of you tackled each other, this time with a tight embrace. Luke immediately buried his face into your shoulder as he pulls you to sit on his lap, trembling slightly as he felt the emotions wash over him. He wrapped his arms tightly around your waist as you rested your chin on top of his head, holding as tight. Luke shook his head, trying to convince himself that this was not a dream but reality. "Maker, I missed you so much." You whispered into his hair as you left a kiss on top of his golden brown hair. He nodded, agreeing as he peppered your shoulder and neck with kisses. You smiled, tears now brimming your eyes as you pulled away to look at him one more time.
"You're alive. How? I don't understand. I saw you that day— If only I've known, I would have—" He started to ramble but was cut off as you crashed your lips onto his. You smiled when you felt him melt into you, hands gripping your waist tightly. You cupped his face, soaking up the feel of him. Your hand massaged the back of his head, gripping his hair ever so lightly, making him whimper in return. Your tongues danced effortlessly with each other as you held onto each other for dear life. In need of air, the two of you finally pulled away, foreheads resting against each other. Luke leans in and rubs his nose against yours lightly, making you giggle as tears now freely fall from the both of you. You pulled away and took the time to examine his face intently. You reach up to wipe a tear as it trickled down his cheek, smiling when you see him lean against you. 5 years have gone by since you've last seen him and although he grew a bit older and some things may have changed, he was still your beautiful, blue-eyed, whiny, blue milk loving farmboy.
He was the reason why you survived all those years with the Empire, the thought of him was what you held onto as they did unimaginable things to you, trying to convince you to join their side. You told yourself that on the day you two finally reunite, you would thank him for being the hope in a time of despair; the light in a time of darkness for you.
"Thank you." You whispered, leaving a soft kiss just above his ear. He shuddered before pulling away to look at you, brows furrowed, making you laugh. "For what, my love?" He asked, "There's nothing to thank me for. I... I failed to save you, to rescue you. I should've returned for you, if only I had known—" You playfully roll your eyes before kissing him to shut him up. "You've done enough, love. You've done so much, please believe me." You added, as you cupped his face once again, giving him a quick peck. The moon now stood high, perfectly hitting Luke's face, giving you a perfect view. "Luke, are you... blushing?" You asked with a smile and he immediately looks away. "No."
"Maker, you still blush when we kiss!" You tease, laughing as you two began to get up from the ground. "I am not! It's just—"
"Don't you dare say it's sunburn, Skywalker." You smiled, wincing as you stood up, the adrenaline beginning to die down and the pain coming back. "Also, you think you have bacta patches to spare? I think I'll need a kriff ton of em." You sighed as you felt that you still could not put any weight on your leg. Luke throws your arm over his shoulder as an arm slid around your waist, pulling you close to him. "Whatever you need, my starlight, I will give. Let me take care of you."
You looked at him, only to see him admiring you with so much love, no point in arguing. You nodded, leaning into him, letting him guide you back.
"Also, where are we?"
Luke smiled as he stopped in his tracks, making you look up at him. You could tell he was still in disbelief that you were right there with him again. Kriff, you were too. "Home. You're home." He continues as he brings a hand up to caress your cheek before leaning down to give you another passionate kiss. "Welcome home, my love." He whispered.
And he was right. You were home, because wherever Luke is, that's where home was.
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lukesqber · 1 year
when a ff writer hits you with the
“sorry english isn’t my first language”
you already now that shit is going to be most top tier, having you slamming your phone down, screaming into your pillow, needing to take a break and do a lap kind of writing you will ever read in your ENTIRE LIFETIME!!
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cassideemikaelson · 9 months
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𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐆𝐢𝐟 ︱𝘓𝘶𝘬𝘦 𝘚𝘬𝘺𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘦𝘳 𝘹 𝘌𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘺𝘢 𝘚𝘶𝘳'𝘺𝘢
Mark Hamill x Naomi Scott
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biggestsimponhere · 1 year
please some soul shattering luke angst i will combust!
Stop - Luke Skywalker x reader
“Luke” You called after him as he walked off into the forest. He ignored your calls as he continued further and further away from you. He could feel the pain radiating off of you but chose to ignore it as he continued walking. It was getting late and it was not safe for you to be alone out here and yet you continued walking into the forest until you realized you no longer knew where luke had gone. You were alone, in the dark, in a creepy forest on a planet you didn’t know very well.
The panic slowly began to set in as you realized you had nothing to see in the dark or contact anyone. You called out for luke a few times but he didn’t respond. You figured he probably wasn’t even around anymore. You’d found a rock to sit on one that was tall enough that you figured it would be harder for creatures to get you on.
A glow in the distance caught your eye and you breathed out a sigh of relief. That didn’t last very long as you realized what the glow was. A lightsaber. More specifically a red lightsaber. A sith was out there. You slid down the other side of the rock before emptying your head as much as you could. You were practically begging luke to come back in your mind but it was like he had cut off your bond. You could hear the sound of the lightsaber cutting the bushes as the sith approached the rock you had hid behind.
Before you even had time to run the saber pierced you in the gut. The man smiled as he stood over you. You held your hands to your stomach trying your hardest to stop the bleeding. The man laughed as you struggled before he walked off into the forest. Once he seemed far enough away it was like your bond with Luke had just reactivated. You called out to him. Screaming. He came running but he was bordering the too late side. He crouched next to you and you smiled up at him. “I’m sorry luke” You said cradling his face. “Stop, don’t speak, please. we have to get you help” He said tears streaming down his face.
“There’s n-nothing you can d-do Luke” You said softly pushing on your bond. “No, no, you can’t go, please don’t go” He said holding you close to him. You went to respond but you couldn’t speak. You coughed some of the blood out of your mouth before speaking again. “I love you Luke Skywalker” You said before softly closing your eyes. “Im sorry please, i love you. Please don’t go” He sobbed but you were already gone. He continued cradling you till Leia tugged on their bond. He called out to her and that’s where she found you two. Him cradling your body in the forest.
She wrapped her jacket around his shoulders and tried to pull him away. He just sat there motionless, crying. “Luke, come on, you’re too cold. It’s freezing out here” Leia said tugging on his arm. “I’m not leaving them” Luke said turning away from her. “Let’s take her back to the house then yeah?” Leia said as comfortingly as she could. They used the force to get your body outside the house. Luke laid a sheet over you before Leia dragged him inside. Now he had to go on. Live in a world without love. A world without you.
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lxstfathier · 11 months
okay before i go through the work week™️ what are your personal headcanons when it comes to arthur pym spoiling you?
ps. i hope your day goes well 🙏
Omg hi again! and thanks, i hope your day goes well too 💗
Personally i think that he would give you an extension of his credit card for you to buy everything you want and need. Literally anything, he’s not the type of man to get annoyed if you spend a fortune on getting your hair and nails done, or if you buy new clothes and shoes, actually he loves that cuz he knows that his wife/gf will look always pretty for him.
If you want another type of spoiling, he will make sure to free some hours on his agenda to spend them with you, taking you out to dinner or maybe just cuddling while he reads you a book.
Also, i see him buying you a nice car, just for you to do your silly little tasks like going to the grocery store or picking up starbucks. And it’s up to you to decide what brand do you want, mercedes, audi, rolls royce? it doesn’t matter, if you want it you got it.
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lex-the-flex · 8 months
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Here With Me
Luke Skywalker x reader
Summary: Acting on instinct, Luke Skywalker has to let go of control, even if it means saving someone he loves.
Word Count: 970
Warning(s): HEAVY ANGST, descriptions of torture, injuries, and mentions of the Dark Side, Luke unleashing literal hell + tampering with pure rage, action and violence, (only the destruction of Dark Troopers) MEGA FLUFF, Luke being a dutiful Jedi Master, and love is powerful than the Dark Side.
A/N: Got this idea from @winterinspace and I LOVE IT! I can totally see Luke doing this for anyone he cares about. Feedback is appreciated and enjoy!
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Tears formed in your eyes as you let out a scream like no other. Your vocal cords strained from the effort while the rest of your body went numb to the pain. Your face remained drenched in sweat and the lingering taste of iron coated your tongue.
Even through gritted teeth, you refused to give the Empire what they wanted. You wouldn't spill the information on where you last saw Luke Skywalker -- or where he was going.
To the Dark Troopers, you were just toying with them, allowing them to make a fool of themselves. However, you truly didn't know where Luke was. One night he suddenly vanished from the Rebellion without any warning and you were put on the front line, much to Leia's dismay.
"Alright, R2. I'm here." He informed the droid.
Waking from the quick meditative nap, Luke's eyes adjusted to the vast darkness of space, praying that the compass' intention was true. Otherwise, he'd lose you forever.
On the X-Wing's computer, the coordinates for the suspected planet appeared, and they only made Luke's demeanor remain the same: get you and get out, no matter the cost.
Descending through the planet's atmosphere, a distinct series of embers began to light up beneath Luke's icy blue eyes, fueling the man with a strong fury. Jumping down from the ship's ladder, he hit the ground with such a strong force, it caused the ground to crack below him.
Unzipping the orange jumpsuit, his raven-like robes escaped from the plastic zipper, revealing his Mastery to no one but the mountainside. Unsheathing the dark cloak from the storage shelf, the piece of
fabric flowed in the cool breeze once Luke draped it over his shoulders. Unhooking the silver and gold lightsaber at his hip, Luke headed down the mountain with a single command.
"Stay here, R2. I'll be right back." 
The facility's nature surrounded the halls with an eerie silence, it nearly caught Luke off guard. He expected to have gone through at least a great majority of the base with half of its inhabitants on the floor. Quietly shaking those thoughts from his head, Luke knew he couldn’t go that route; to the Dark Side. As did his Father all those years ago. But now, he had no choice. 
Ducking in a hidden alcove, Luke patiently sat against the wall. Stalling his breathing, he focused with the Force, surrendering to its blissfulness in a daze.
In and out.
Concentrating, his dark brow fluttered and scrunched together just as the vision of you filled the darkness behind his eyelids. You were all alone in a cell, shaking from the pain with cuts and bruises all over your exposed skin. Barely hugging your legs, your head sat on your cut up knees, hoping to find some solace in this place.
'You are not alone in this fight, Y/N. I'm here for you.'
Lifting your head to his declaration, your eyes welled with tears at the sight of two Dark Troopers standing at the cell's door.
'Luke, no...'
"No, please don't--" You pleaded, but it was too late.
Suddenly, a painful scream left the pits of your lungs once a taser was shoved into your side. Luke unconsciously balled his fists together, remembering a similar pain he left, where the Emperor himself left the young man hideously scarred. The pain you endured mirrored his own and Luke swore never again.
Opening his eyes to the empty hallway, his once calm and passionate soul-piercing eyes shifted within seconds. While they remained blue, all he saw was red. Something buried deep inside his chest, his heart had finally snapped.
And everyone in this facility had to pay.
Rounding the corner to the prison block, Luke ignited his green plasma blade, not even caring who was on the other side. HIs anger rose up in an untamed fury whilst a wave of adrenaline coursed through his veins. The two droids rounded you up by the wrists and drug you to the middle of prison, ready to strike again.
Luke marched through the hallway with heavy steps, instantly blocking the rain of blaster fire that was impending down on him. Working his way past each of the Troopers, Luke pulled, shoved, and deflected every single shot, punch, and kick that would slow him down. With each defeated sound and whimper that left your chapped lips was more than enough to fuel his angry attacks.
Moving swiftly down the hall, Luke slammed his lightsaber down on the remaining Dark Trooper who laid on the floor. Hitting the cold and dark metal again and again, the hot plasma beam cut through the machine like butter, making a cold and heartbreaking memory creep into the back of his mind.
'You will not take her from me!'
Entering the main section of the prison, Luke was greeted with the sight of the two Troopers repeatedly pounding their mechanical hands and butt ends of their blasters into your broken skin. Then, in a flash, the pain stopped, and you were greeted by the sight of the Dark Troopers crunched into tiny pieces on the floor.
Gazing up at Luke, his breath remained as frigid gasps once he realized what he had done. Seeing the utter fear in your e/c eyes brought him back to the world, making him understand that he tampered with the Dark Side. His fury and rage fueled him like no other, allowing him to part his enemies like the ocean. And you were his saving grace.
Feeling tears well up in his eyes, he calmly walked over to you, and gently picked you up without a word. Silently carrying your sore and nearly broken body, Luke's heart began to heal and mend itself back together, leaving behind an unspoken wake of destruction in his path.
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magicdashworkss · 4 months
This is what happens when you want to see your image brought to life. Luke and Mona cute moment on Hoth.
Novel by @MonaCaravaggio on wattpad
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stormkobra-55 · 2 years
The House of Fett: A Star Wars Story
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Synopsis: Reid Janghis Fett is the only daughter of the infamous bounty hunter himself. When she was eight years old, she discovered quite by accident that she was Force-sensitive, and so her father Boba sought out the Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, who would, for the next eight years of her life, be her mentor in the ways of the Force– but she is no Jedi. She is a Mandalorian, even if she does happen to wield lightsabers. However, when the Sith Lord Kylo Ren– whom she once knew as Ben– begins to seek out her old mentor for terrible purposes, she’s met with the familiar face of Poe Dameron, who is requesting her aid, and she agrees to help him, only once. But when Luke is not where she thinks, sending her and Poe on a galaxy-wide hunt for her elusive mentor, she’s forced to work with him even longer than she had originally planned…
Series Rating/Warnings: 18+ for graphic and intense violence, strong language, depictions of trauma, PTSD, use of alcohol, mention and witnessing of drug usage.
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|| Blades of Fett || Ren's Approach || A Bond Stronger Than Stardust || Sneak Peeks/Scenes || Survive || Jate'kara ||
|| The Creed and the Six Actions || Everything || Mando and the Pilot || Comic Panel || Original Poster || Binary Sunset || Family || Legacies || Fett's Resolve || Across the Cosmos || Kin || Mando'a || Disturbance || Final Character Poster || Starcrossed Lovers || Connected || Yavin IV and Tython ||
Wonder AI Art Concepts:
|| One || Two || Three ||
Guides to the Realm:
|| Timeline || Lightsabers || Ships || Planets || Weapons ||
Spotify Playlists: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7jWYOdC2HQj6O9Z6YtCviB?si=Pk0VYRIcT8ae_jg7Soa1cw
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|| Part 1 || Part 2 ||
Before the Awakening:
|| Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6 ||
Resistance: One-Shot
The Force Awakens:
|| Part 7 || Part 8 || Part 9 ||
The Last Jedi:
|| Part 10 || Part 11 || Part 12 ||
Resistance Reborn:
|| Part 13 ||
|| Part 14 || Part 15 || Part 16 ||
Age of Resistance: One-Shot
Rise of the Resistance: One-Shot
Spark of Resistance:
|| Part 17 || Part 18 ||
The Rise of Skywalker:
|| Part 19 || Part 20 || Part 21 ||
Duel of the Fates:
|| Part 22 || Part 23 || Part 24 ||
|| Part 25 || Part 26 || Part 27 ||
Series Finale:
|| Part 28 ||
|| Jaster Mereel || Legacy || Mirjahaal || Darth Airdh Vocen || Ren’s Regret ||
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If anyone wants to be tagged, just let me know!
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codybennett535 · 2 years
Oola x Luke AU story idea (Version 2)
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NOTE: I decided to write a second version of my story idea. This version is more faithful to the film version of Oola but she still survives & develops a close relationship with Luke. Today was another miserable day for Jabba's prized Twi'lek dancer Oola. She sat on his large throne, looking down at the floor. Thinking upon how she arrived here at the palace a year ago. She was the daughter of a high ranking chieftain back home on Ryloth. Even among her kind she was considered to be the most beautiful twi'lek to ever grace the planet. Her light green olive skin was truly something to behold. Oola at a young age began to practicing the art of dancing. It was always her dream to become a great dancer & perform in front of a crowd of thousands. She always felt so more free when she danced. Granted the dream she had would most likely never happen due her life circumstances. It was the night she performed a ritual dance for her clans guest; Bib Fortuna. He claimed to be the emissary of a wealthy nobleman called Jabba. Fortuna said that Jabba was a handsome individual who loved twi'lek culture & more importantly skillful twi'lek dancers. After seeing Oola's ritual dance he offers to take Oola to Jabba's Palace on Tatooine, where she would be his honored guest & the opportunity to be his prized dancer. For Oola this was amazing! The opportunity to finally lead a good life off Ryloth and to be the honored guest of this 'handsome' Jabba. Perhaps after performing for him he would adore her & make her his palace Queen. Perhaps even more. She begged her father to let her go & to chase her dreams while it was still possible for her to do so. He reluctantly agreed to Bib's offer & Oola would leave with him immediately for Tatooine. Oola was so excited! Especially to meet Jabba. When they arrived on Tatooine it wasn't what she expected. The whole planet was one big desert wasteland, not to mention it was owned by the Hutt Cartel. Fortuna first took Oola to another female twi'lek named Madam Garsa Fwip; who owned a cartina resort called the Sanctuary & was once a talented dancer back in her younger days. Fortuna tasked Madam Garsa to training Oola to dance in certain ways that Jabba would like. Oola didn't need much training given her background but proved herself to be extremely talented at the craft of dancing. Garsa congratulated Oola on her extraordinary talent & told Fortuna she was ready for Jabba. After they arrived at the palace Oola immediately knew something wasn't right. Disgusting ugly gamorrean guards quickly grabbed her & dragged her screaming to the main audience chamber. As soon as they entered in they immediately tossed Oola onto the metal grate that was the ground. Suddenly she heard a disturbing laugh that sounded too loud & booming to be a human. She looked up & saw a disgusting fat slug creature that was no doubt a Hutt. He stared at her with bright orange eyes with black slits. He licked the air with his horrible smiley tongue. Bib Fortuna stood right beside him smiling "Jabba meet Oola. The extremely talented twi'lek dancer from Ryloth I've told you about. I hope she impresses you. For her sake." Jabba laughed even more speaking in huttese "Hahaha! We'll see. I want to see her dance. I want to see her head-tails flying from side to side like the coming wind. Her body to move with the music fast. If she proves herself worthy and I will spare her life. If she fails then I shall take sweet pleasure in watching her die screaming. And poor Pateesa has been starving lately. I have no doubt her beautiful green flesh would taste sweet. Tell her!" Bib Fortuna translated for him "You will now dance for your new Master; Jabba The Hutt & if you value your pathetic life you will dance well. If you impress your Master well enough you will be his prized palace dancer & will sit along side him as his favorite. If you displease him then you shall pay with your life & be delivered to something far more horrific than your pretty little mind could imagine. Do you understand my dear?" Oola suddenly heard a deep growl coming from below her. Something was beneath her. Something monstrous. The very thing that would take her life if she failed. She looked back up & quickly nodded in fear. Fortuna was pleased that she understood. "Begin!" The band members that resided in the audience chamber began playing a instrumental version of the song Lapti Nek. Oola picked up on her cues quickly & got into the rhythm of the dance. Twirling her body left & right. As she continued the dance many of Jabba's guests (fellow scoundrels & criminals) began watching Oola. Becoming excited as she continued to move around the throne room. Kicking her legs up high for all to see. Demonstrating that she was not a common twi'lek dancer you would find in the slums of Coruscant. She began to sweat heavily as she continued to move under the chamber light. However it wasn't simply just heat but also fear. Fear of what would happen if she completed this dance. If she failed she would suffer a horrible fate & die. If she was successful she would be a slave to Jabba. Dancing for his pleasure over & over again. Granted at least she'll get to live. But to live as a slave is almost worse. As she continued on several beats she could tell that the song was coming to an end & with the last note she finished the performance off with a low kneel. She heard the crowd going wild with loud hoots of appreciation & clapping the dancer on a performance well done. Suddenly Jabba's voice bellowed "Bring her to me!" Fortuna came up from behind her, placing his filthy claws against Oola's back. Pressing her forward towards Jabba. Jabba grabbed a hold of her with stubby slimy fingers. Examining her once more, knowing it made her feel scared not knowing his verdict of her. "You danced well…slave." Jabba laughed with sadistic joy "We have a new dancer & now you belong to me till the day your life ends. Make no mistake lovely Oola…you will learn to appreciate me." Jabba then licked Oola's face with his filthy long tongue much to her disgust. "Oh yes…you will be my favorite." Soon after Bib Fortuna had picked out a rather revealing dancing attire for Oola. It was a black fishnet body stocking that left very little to the imagination concerning her breasts & hips. Along with a black leather thong concealing her pelvis area. Tight strapped sandals on her feet, along with a annoying head-dress she was forced to wear. The cones on it covered her twi'lek ears which bothered her. However the worst of it was the steel slave collar she was forced to wear. She couldn't stand it. After everything she ended up a slave, wearing very little to nothing. Fortuna connected a leash made of knotted leather to the collar & led her back to Jabba who took possession of the leash along with Oola. For the past year Oola had danced for Jabba's amusement, cleaning his filthy obese body & on rare days had to pleasure him by allowing him to touch her green skin. He would often lick her & drool over her like she was a prepared meal. She hated every minute of it but more importantly she hated him. Whenever she saw him eat one of his paddy frogs she hoped he would choke to death on it. It would be a fitting end for a monster like him but the universe apparently wasn't so kind anymore. Men like Jabba reigned untouched while innocent people such as Oola suffered greatly. All for his enjoyment. She became a star attraction at the palace. Many of Jabba's patrons would come to watch her dance. Granted like Jabba they watched her with lustful eyes & thirsty mouths. No sympathy at all for the girl's poor situation or the fact she was a slave. All they cared about was her body moving fast to the music beat. She even overheard some of them betting on her life. "She won't last much longer. Sooner or later she'll displease him somehow & we'll finally get some REAL entertainment. I bet she'll die screaming in the pit." "I mean yeah she's pretty & all but at the end of the day slaves are replaceable. Even twi'leks like her." "She might dance well for a slave but Jabba will tire of her eventually. And then the Rancor will receive a nice tasty twi'lek snack." Hearing such things made her soul break. She meant nothing to these hive of scoundrels. Just a dancer whose life depended on the quality of her performance & if her 'Master' was satisfied with it. She once witnessed Jabba execute a man who was caught stealing credits from his vault. The Hutt activated the trap door which dropped the man into the pit. Everyone gathered around to watch. She caught someone saying "I wish it was the twi'lek getting it but this will do!" The man stood in the pit, afraid of what was to come. Begging for his life in huttese. Hoping that Jabba would spare him. But Jabba never spared thieves. The massive steel gate began to activate & rise up. Revealing the hideous Rancor that lived on the other side. Oola's eyes widened at the sight of it. It was larger than a bantha! It's skin dark brown but scaly like a reptile. It's clawed hands long enough that they could probably tear down the chamber grate. And it's rows of teeth were razor sharp. Oola knew the man had no chance of survival. The Rancor roared loudly & quickly grabbed it's screaming prey. Forcing the man into it's large jaws & devoured him. " Oola turned her face away in disgust when she heard his bones crunch. Jabba then grabbed her by her cheeks, forcing her to witness the rest. "You will do well to obey me lovely Oola. It would be such a shame to see someone as beautiful as you end up in the jaws of the Rancor. But make no mistake my dear, if you become more trouble than you're worth I will enjoy watching Pateesa feast upon your bones." Jabba said giving Oola a lick on her lekku, making her skin crawl with revulsion. Several days later the palace received two visitors who were droids: C-3PO & R2-D2. Who claimed that they had a message from Luke Skywalker; the great Jedi Knight who was battling against the Empire & a member of the Rebel Alliance. Oola had heard many stories about him, so much so that she developed a crush on the young Jedi. Luke via hologram offered Jabba a deal; bargaining for the release of his friend Captain Han Solo. A former smuggler who worked for Jabba but failed him once too many times. Now he was frozen in carbonite & used as decoration for Jabba's throne room. Sometimes Oola thought it looked worse than being dead. Skywalker was hoping they could come to an understanding otherwise "unpleasant confrontation" would take place. As a token of his appreciation he even offered the service of his droids to Jabba. Oola knew tho what his answer would be. Ultimately Jabba declared that there would be no bargain & that Solo was now his property. Much like Oola was. Later that evening Oola was performing another dance for Jabba's court. The music playing was the vocal version of Lapti Nek, performed by Sy Snootles & her band mates Max Rebo & Droopy McCool. Tonight Oola kept her mind off Jabba & thought about the handsome Jedi Knight she saw on the hologram. His handsome facial features, his soothing voice. Oola would be lying if she said she wasn't infatuated with him. Especially the stories others told of his bravery against the evils of the galaxy. Perhaps when he comes here he'll rescue her as well. Yes, her freedom would be restored & she could finally be away from this planet, away from Jabba. Oola's daydreaming got her into such a mood that she began dancing the best performance of her life. She moved her body fast with such grace & elegance, that some of the crowd members wondered if it was a really twi'lek dancing or a divine goddess in disguise. Jabba himself became insanely lustful after watching her perform her greatest dance yet. So much so that he began to pull Oola's leash hard! Wanting her to pleasure him again. Oola however refused to endure such treatment again. Not tonight. She just needed to dance. Oola spoke in huttese "Please I just wanna dance!" Jabba spoke back "Come to me my lovely pet!" Oola responded "I don't want to pleasure you!" Jabba roared "I said come here now!" He pulled the leash even harder dragging Oola forward till her feet were above the trap door that led to the Rancor Pit. Oola begged once more, not realizing how close to death's door she really was. "Master please stop!" Jabba at this point finally had enough. She would pay with her life for this insolence. Before he had a chance to hit the trap door button a loud blaster bolt was heard throughout the palace. Everyone was startled by it, including Oola. Who was quickly pulled to the throne by Jabba, laying against his filthy obese body, in fear of the palace's unwelcome guest. After one of the palace guards had been tossed aside trying to stop the intruder, from the dark corridor came a masked bounty hunter calling himself Boushh. With him was his wookie prisoner; Chewbacca. Captain Solo's first mate & friend. Boushh was trying to negotiate the price of the wookie. Saying he would only agree to 50,000. No less. When C-3PO translated the price for Jabba he became enraged. Demanding why he must pay 50,000 for a bounty that was originally 25,000. Boushh's response was pulling out a thermal detonator. Threatening to kill everyone in the room. Everyone panicked, including Oola whose heart was beating with fear. However Jabba simply laughed with amusement. Rather than being intimidated by Boushh's negotiation tactic, he was impressed. Liking his style. He agreed to pay him only 35,000. Boushh accepted the amount & deactivated the detonator. The wookie was quickly taken away to the dungeons by gamorrean guards. The party was soon back in swing, in celebration of Chewbacca's capture. Jabba demanded that Oola go back to performing & that she must dance twice as hard as punishment for disobeying him earlier. Oola reluctantly got up from the stone dias & began doing another dance that lasted for almost an hour before retiring for the rest of the night. She was beyond exhausted. At least he didn't cast her into the pit. Later that night it was revealed that the bounty hunter Boushh was actually the Princess of Alderaan; Leia Organa. One of the key leaders of the Rebel Alliance & Captain Solo's lover. Turns out while everyone was asleep, she freed Solo from his carbonite prison. She attempted to smuggle both of them out but they were quickly caught by Jabba & his forces. He suspected immediately that there was something not right about the bounty hunter & his instincts proved him right. Solo was soon taken away to the dungeons, after failing to make a deal for his release. After Leia was captured by Jabba, he considered making her into a slave at first but decides that interrogation & imprisonment might prove more useful. Not to mention how much the Empire is willing to pay for her. Later that evening Luke arrives at the palace, Oola sees him come in into the audience chamber and tries to speak "It's you isn't it? You're him! You'e Luke Skywalk.." Jabba yanks her chain, silencing her. This bothers Luke greatly, seeing a young girl being enslaved & abused by slime such as Jabba. After trying to bargain with Jabba Luke says "Nevertheless, I'm taking Captain Solo, his friends & her as well. As far as I'm concerned slavery is something that should have ended on this planet a long time ago. You can either profit by this or be destroyed. It's your choice, but I warn you not to underestimate my powers." Jabba was becoming more angry minute by minute. Oola then noticed that Luke was standing on the trap door that led to the pit. "Skywalker you're standing on the.." Before she could finish her sentence Jabba yanked her chain again, proclaiming that there would be no bargain. Soon Jabba activates the trap door Luke is standing on that leads to the pit dungeon. Luke drops down below along with a gamorrean guard who grabbed him. After they both land in the pit, Oola watches in terror as Jabba's pet Rancor is unleashed upon them. She whined in disgust when she saw the gamorrean guard get eaten. But became frightened for Luke when the Rancor turned its attention to him. However Luke battled the Rancor in the pit, amazing Oola regarding his bravery towards the beast. Eventually when Luke was cornered, he grabbed a humanoid skull & threw it at the button on the wall which resulted in the pit gate coming down on the Rancor's head, killing it. Oola was beyond astounded. He had killed the Rancor! She cheered for him which resulted in Jabba pulling her leash even harder. He was very upset that his favorite pet beast had died. Jabba sentences Luke, Han, Leia & Chewbacca to death by having them delivered to the Sarlacc Pit, where they will digested for a thousand years. The next day Jabba travels the Dune Sea in his sail barge to the Sarlacc Pit. Bringing with him Oola, C-3PO & R2-D2. They soon arrive to the pit and Luke gives him one last chance to free them or die. Jabba of course doesn't listen & orders for them to be executed. Luke gives the signal to R2-D2 to launch his lightsaber. He grabs it & begins fighting back against Jabba's forces, along with his friends (including Lando who was disguised as a palace guard) Oola watches in amazement realizing that Luke Skywalker is an actual Jedi & that Jabba is powerless against him. Oola was now inspired. She was ready to fight back against her oppressor. To rebel! She immediately grabbed a statuette & used it to smash the control panel which threw the observation deck into darkness. Jabba was scared & confused, as he should be. Suddenly Oola wrapped her leash around Jabba's bulbous neck & began to tightly strangle him. She pulled harder, remembering all the terrible things he had done to her. Pulling even harder, for every time he hurt her, starved her, had her beaten & violated her for his perverse pleasure. And now he would die by the very distasteful object he had forced her to wear around her neck for a year. Jabba roared with rage, realizing he would die at the hands of a slave. With one last tight pull...Jabba was dead. It was finally done. Oola had avenged herself. R2-D2 soon cut Oola's leash off & she immediately made her way up to the deck where Luke instructed her to get the barge gun & point it at the deck (which in turn would cause the sail barge to explode once fired) Oola hangs on to Luke as he swings them both over the the skiff controlled by his friends, soon collecting the droids & leave as the sail barge explodes into flames. Oola thanks & hugs Luke for rescuing her as he leaves for Dagobah to visit Master one last time. Meanwhile Oola is taken back to Home One, where she gets some fresh new clothes. Later during the mission briefing for Endor, she willingly volunteers to join the rebels when they go to the Endor planet (wanting to make a difference in the galaxy) Suddenly Luke comes in & Oola is excited to see him as he is to see her. The two talk about how differently their lives changed in the past few years (Luke once a farm boy now a rebel Jedi knight fighting for the galaxy's freedom & Oola once a chieftain's daughter on Ryloth & a slave girl, is now a rebel fighter seeking the same freedom) Oola tells Luke that he means much to the galaxy & to her. While she was enslaved at Jabba's Palace she had almost no hope, but then she heard the stories about Luke Skywalker; a simple farm boy from the same planet who fought against the Empire & became a Jedi. Something Oola thought was only a myth. But he was no myth. He was real & perhaps her freedom could be too. This lifted her spirits so much so that she performed her best dances (thinking about Luke Skywalker) Luke after hearing this becomes very emotionally attached to Oola. The two soon share a deep passionate kiss but have to break away for the mission. Unknown to Luke, Palpatine can feel the intense connection forming between Luke & Oola and has a plan to use it for his goal to turn Luke to the darkside. Oola's team on Endor soon get ambushed by a Death Trooper squad who kill everyone else except her. She's soon transported back to the Death Star. Later Luke is taken there too, after surrendering himself to Vader (in hopes to turn his father back to the light side) Palpatine tells Luke that his father can't be saved & that the shield generator location being leaked was his plan & that the whole mission was a trap set by Palpatine himself. The Emperor then signals the guards to bring out Oola (who is now bound in cuffslinks) and is forced to sit below Palpatine (like a slave again) He knows how much Luke cares for her already & how far he'll go to protect her. He tells him how Oola will be his personal slave & how she will serve him greatly. This causes Luke to strike but Vader protects his master. During the battle Vader tells Luke that he can't be saved from the darkside & that the only way to save Oola is to embrace it. Vader begins to slowly force choke Oola, in hopes of making Luke give in to hatred & fear. This causes Luke to go dark, screaming "LEAVE HER ALONE!!!" He attacks Vader violently, cutting off his cybernetic hand. Palpatine tells him to finish Vader off & take his father's place by the Emperor's side. Oola fearing what Luke is turning into tells him "Luke...No. No. Don't become him. Not after everything you've done for me. For them! For the entire galaxy. Not you" Luke after hearing Oola's pleas looks at his own robotic hand & realizes Oola is right. This is not the Jedi way. Luke refuses to kill his father or turn to the darkside. proclaiming himself a Jedi just like his father. Palpatine realizing he's failed, begins attacking Luke with his force lightning and does the same to Oola when she tries to intervene. As Vader watches his son & his son's friend slowly dying he turns back to the light & kills the Emperor. Luke & Oola carry Vader back to the shuttle till he demands that Luke removes his mask, so he can look upon his son's face with his own eyes. Luke takes it off and the two stare at each other. Vader tells them both to go, saying that Luke already saved him & that he was right about him. Vader/Anakin soon dies & Luke grieves with Oola who hugs him tightly. Together they fly away from the Death Star just as the rebels led by Lando, blow it up as the shield gets taken down on Endor thanks to Solo, Leia, Chewbacca & the Ewoks. Back on Endor Luke gives his father a jedi funeral via fire pyre. Wondering if he could have saved him. Oola holds his hand tightly watching the flames. Meanwhile our heroes are having a full celebration with the Ewoks regarding the fall of the Empire & the return of the Republic as well as the Jedi. Luke sees the force ghosts of Obi-Wan, Master Yoda & his father Anakin Skywalker, smiling knowingly at him. During the party, Oola decides to perform the best dance of her life for Luke (With the Ewoks playing music & her wearing a ceremonial dress that they gave to her) after completing her amazing performance, Luke & Oola hold each other & kiss one last time. THE END...possibly. NOTE: This is simply a blueprint for a fanfic idea. Feel free to be inspired to use or write your version of these events & may the Force be with you.
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When your amazing S/O (significant other) discovers you write saucy Luke fics, reads said fics for inspiration to romance you.... 😍 and then tells you they are *wicked hot*....
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lukesqber · 1 year
• Luke Skywalker HeadCanons •
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First time making one of these!!! If you have anymore then please let me know I would love to make a part two :)
 Luke gets cold very easily
You’re telling me that this man wouldn’t be cuddled up in thousands of blankets at the slightest breeze. He lived on a dessert planet with TWO SUNS
When Luke first got to Hoth that boy with layered up, BIG TIME
He LOVES water
When Luke felt rain for the first time...oh my gosh you could not get that boy out of the rain. Any body of water he saw he had to at least had to run his hand through it.
Luke spaces out when he eats
I don’t really know how to explain this one; it just feels right to say
He loves to garden
He we’ll plant anything fruits, veggies, flowers anything that can be planted, he has probably grown
he just loves nature in general, he loves messing around in the dirt and planning out what he wants his garden to look like; what kind of plants he’s going to grow etc. When he’s not training of course
Aunt Breu most definitely cut Lukes hair growing up
He liked his hair getting cut/washed, but only by his Aunt because she was always so gentle
He used to collect rocks/fossils as a kid....I don’t think i need to explain myself on this one
This man gets super bad allergies especially when he started to go to different planets
If he stays at one long enough, he will be sneezing and coughing like no tomorrow, and for this reason he always carries tissues in his pockets
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cartograffiti · 8 months
Two Rainbows over Ach-to
Fandom: Star Wars, Star Wars sequel trilogy Rated: T Warnings: Major character death Word count: 4,667 - Relationships: Wedge Antilles/Luke Skywalker, Rey & Luke Skywalker Characters: Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles, Rey the fish nuns - In which Luke lives, and loses, and loves and loves and loves.
A fic of flashbacks to Luke and Wedge prior to The Last Jedi, intercut with some missing scenes of Luke and Rey bonding.
This fic was posted in 2018. I'm sharing it now because I want my Tumblr to have a nicely organized link to each of my fics. Some I've shared with such inconsistent tags I can't find the links myself, and many I've never blogged about at all!
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