#mark dewine
calechipconecrimes · 9 months
republican governor of ohio mark dewine vetoed HB68, a potential law that would have restriced trans athletes from women's sports and ban gender-affirming care for trans minors after spending weeks visiting hospitals to talk to families impacted by gender-affirming care. the ohio legislature could still overturn the veto, but there is a regulation on anti-trans bans from the president in the works, set to be finalized in early 2024
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covid-safer-hotties · 25 days
COVID-19 cases jump 2,000, to more than 10,000, as Ohio pushes new vaccine: Coronavirus update for Thursday, Aug. 29
CLEVELAND, Ohio – The number of new COVID-19 cases in Ohio took a large leap this week, from 8,352 last week to 10,418 this week, the state reported Thursday.
This week saw the weekly case number climb over the 10,000-mark for the first time since January. It also was the 13th straight week that the case number has increased, continuing an upward swing that began in early June.
At the same time last year, the state reported just over 7,000 cases.
The best protection against COVID-19 is the updated vaccine for the 2024-2025 season, said Ohio Department of Health director Dr. Bruce Vanderhoff said in a Thursday news conference.
The updated, one-shot vaccine, which is formulated to be effective against the variants currently in circulation, is available in some Ohio locations, he said. People also can find a vaccine shot at vaccines.gov locator.
“We expect availability to increase as we move into September,” Vanderhoff said.
At least 1,384,882 Ohioans have received the updated one-dose COVID-19 vaccine, an increase of 382 people from the prior week, the state reported. This represents 11.8% of the state’s population.
The total COVID-19 case count since early 2020 in Ohio has reached 3,807,492.
There were 252 Ohioans newly hospitalized in the last week, raising the total since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020 to 153,282. Five people were admitted into the ICU, raising the total since 2020 to 15,865.
The state health department reported an additional 32 deaths from COVID-19, raising the total to 44,146. Death reporting sometimes lags by weeks.
COVID-19 tests are still free for people enrolled in Medicaid, Vanderhoff said. The federal government recently announced that it will once again provide free COVID-19 tests, starting in late September. Americans will be able to order up to four tests per household at this link.
“Tests are an important tool, not just so you can protect others, but also in determining whether you might benefit from treatment,” Vanderhoff said.
Gov. Mike DeWine, who announced he had COVID-19 on Aug. 20, Is back to his normal work schedule after treatment with an antiviral medication, Vanderhoff said.
Aug. 29 recap
Total reported cases: 3,807,492, up 10,418.
Total individuals with updated vaccine: 1,384,882, up 382.
Total reported deaths: 44,146 up 32.
Total reported hospitalizations: 153,282, up 252.
Total reported ICU admissions: 15,865, up 5.
Aug. 22 recap
Total reported cases: 3,797,074, up 8,352.
Total individuals with updated vaccine: 1,384,500, up 640.
Total reported deaths: 44,114, up 21.
Total reported hospitalizations: 153,030, up 216.
Total reported ICU admissions: 15,860, up 7.
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star-girl69 · 1 year
Natalie Scatorccio x Fem!Reader
a/n: thanks to google translate and my very limited knowledge of high school french for their help this chapter 😍 i hope you all enjoy!!
warnings: blood, injury, swearing, kissing, tell me if i missed anything!!
Chapter Twelve - Amoureuse
Chapter Twelve - Amoureuse
The séance was held in the attic. If you closed your eyes and breathed in deep, you could still smell the slight rot of a dead body.
“O’ keeper of this wild and hidden place…” Jackie dipped her finger into a bowl of something red, swirling it around. “We anoint ourselves with blood and earth.”
She draws an X on Shauna’s forehead, who has a piece of cloth wrapped around her face, and is holding the hunting knife by a string tied to it.
Jackie turns back around with a chipper smile, an X already drawn on her forehead.
“Here,” she says, handing it to Travis. He looks at the metal bowl, shooting her a look. “It’s just dirt and deer blood. Class witch recipe. Relax.”
He takes the bowl and marks a X to his forehead, before handing it to Natalie, who doesn’t even notice he’s handing it to her because she’s too busy staring at you.
You could feel her eyes on your back the entire walk back, and you can feel them on you now.
Jackie breathes out, sitting down, wiping her bloody finger onto the cabin floor. She raises her hands up, and Misty, who you’ve ended up next to, does as well.
The rest of the girls shuffle around with passing the bowl of blood, still besides.
“O spirit, we offer our sister as your instrument. Come to us and speak your peace.”
“It is I, Jacques,” Shauna says. A few of the girls laugh at her light monotone voice. She clears her throat. “Jacques,” she says, her voice deeper, earning more laughs. “Ask your questions. The pendulum will answer them.”
“Okay,” Van says, passing off the bowl of blood and clearing her throat, raising her hands out, palms to the sky. “Dear dead hunter guy… did O.J. do it?”
You and the other girls laugh, and you smile, grabbing the bowl of blood from Misty. You dip your finger in, looking at the bright red rippling.
“Come on, you guys, serious questions.”
“The veil is thin between our two worlds,” Shauna- or Jacques- confirms.
You tap your finger against the side of the bowl, watching the excess blood fly off, before lifting it back up to your forehead. Your eye’s meet Natalie’s.
You inhale and draw the X, handing the bowl off to the girl next to you.
“Ask what is in your heart,” Shauna says.
“Okay,” Mark says, holding her hands out and closing her eyes. “Is Principal Berzonsky screwing Ms. DeWine?”
The girls laugh before turning to Shauna and the pendulum. It spins in a circle, and a few of the girls gasp.
“It is certain,” Shauna smiles.
“Hunter guy, if we hadn’t crashed, would we have won Nationals?” Akilah asks.
The knife swings back in forth, and the girls start booing and laughing.
A few more questions go by, all making you laugh and forget about everything that happened earlier that day.
“They’re obviously fake,” Nat says. The conversation had steered towards Christie Caper’s boobs. “You really need a ghost to tell you that?”
“You think?” Mari asks, as Javi comes upstairs and sits between Nat and Travis. “But who would have paid for them? Her parents?”
“I think they got divorced recently. It could have been guilt money.”
“Well that’s just creepy,” Mari replies to Van.
A small smile crosses Van’s face. “‘Well, honey, your mom and I are splitting up but don’t worry, ‘cause your tits are gonna look amazing!’”
“Okay, guys, guys, focus,” Jackie says through the laughter. “Next question.”
Misty raises her hand, and Jackie motions for her to go. She looks around the circle excitedly, before closing her eyes.
“Dear spirit, I need to know the truth. Does the person I like like me back?” A few of the girls coo, and you can’t help but smile at her, trying not to look at Natalie.
The pendulum spins in a circle, and a few of the girls whoop and whistle, applauding Misty.
“Okay, next question?”
Javi raises his hand and Jackie nods.
“Are we all gonna die out here?”
The circle becomes silent.
The knife starts spinning.
“Okay, an eight?” Van asks, shuffling slightly. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It’s not an eight, it’s an infinity,” Mari says.
“Yeah, okay, Aristotle.”
Lottie screeches at the top of her lungs. Everyone jumps back and the window swings open, the candles all going out, the attic turning dark. More screaming fills the cabin, and you realize one of the screams is yours.
“Who has the matches?” Jackie shouts.
Someone closes the window. Your back is nearly pressed against the wall, huddled into the corner.
A few of the girls crowd around Lottie while she pants and sobs.
“Guys, somethings really wrong with her,” Van says, holding onto Lottie’s shoulder, who lets out another scream.
“What’s happening?” someone shrieks.
“It wants… it wants…” Lottie cries.
“Misty, what do we do?” Van shouts.
“It wants!”
“Lottie, I swear to God, if you’re fucking with us-”
“I thinks she’s, like, possessed!” Akilah shouts back.
“Lottie. Lottie, Lottie, sweetie,” Shauna says. “What’s going on? What is ‘it’?”
“More like what does ‘it’ want?”
“Hungry,” she cries. “Hungry.”
She starts laughing cackling, a shiver rips across your spine, and you almost scream when someone places their hand on your shoulder.
“Y/N?” Natalie. “Are- are you okay-?”
“Shh,” Lottie says, grabbing onto Shauna. “It’s in you already.” Shauna bats her away and stands up.
“Lottie. This isn’t a game,” Tai says like she’s scolding her. But the more you look at her, the more you watch her, the more you think she’s not faking.
Lottie sits up straight.
She starts speaking in something that’s not English.
You grab Natalie’s hand, the one that’s still on your shoulder, and she squeezes, still looking with wide eyes at Lottie.
“Is that French?” someone asks, and you listen closer. “Since when does Lottie speak French?”
“Jackie, w-wasn’t she in your class?”
“Yeah, but she sucks at French!”
Lottie is speaking French. You let go of Natalie’s hand and take a step forward, trying to listen, even when Nat tugs on you and says your name.
“Well, what’s she saying?”
“I don’t know! I suck at French, too!”
“Damn it, Jackie, try not to!”
“Ça veut du sang,” Lottie keeps repeating, over and over.
“It wants blood,” you mutter to yourself, as Jackie tries in vain to translate Lottie’s hurried sentences, one after another, blending together.
“Uh, uh, it wants!” Jackie yells after a moment. “What? What does it want?”
“God, Jackie!” you shout, walking over to Lottie and crouching in front of her. “It wants blood! It wants blood! Have you never paid any attention to Madame?!”
“Blood?!” Jackie yells.
“Not the word I want to be hearing right now,” someone shouts.
“Lottie, what? What else? Uh- pourqoui, Lottie? Pourquoi veut-il du sang? Why does it want blood?!”
She stands up and turns around, facing that one lonely attic window, staring out into it.
“Ici,” she pants. “Ici, ici,”
“Here!” you shout, trying to work up the courage to go up to Lottie again. “She’s saying ‘here’!”
“There’s blood where, Lottie?” Van shouts, before tugging on your arm. “Translate that!”
“Fuck, uh, où y a-t-il du sang?”
“Why are you encouraging her, Van?” Tai shouts.
Lottie doesn’t answer.
“Blood here? Or out there?” Van shouts.
“Ici? Là-bas?” you shout. “Where, Lottie? Where?!”
“You must spill blood,” she whispers finally, and it’s not in French anymore. “Or else…”
“Or else what, Lottie?!”
Then, she throws her head back, rearing up, and plunges her head right through the glass of the window.
You scream. It’s all you can think to do this moment, but you’re not even thinking- it’s all you can do.
When Lottie turns back around, blood falls down her forehead, dripping past her nose. She raises her hand to the space in between her eyebrows, and looks at her fingers, which come away slick with blood.
She starts wailing.
The girls help her to the floor, and she just keeps wailing and wailing, screaming like banshee, and all you can do is stand there and try not to scream as well.
“The power of Christ compels you!” Laura Lee shouts, running past you with a Bible in her hands. “Begone, Satan! Lottie! Lottie, stop!”
Then, just when it seems like Lottie will just scream and wail forever, Laura Lee throws the Bible at her.
The wailing stops.
“Ow!” she shouts. “What the hell, Laura Lee?”
“Seriously?” Mari asks. “What the motherfuck just happened?”
All you can do is stand there, looking at the blood falling down Lottie’s face, the memory of her screams ringing around in your head.
“Do we think it’s still up there?”
The subject of the seance and the attic had become taboo in the last hour. After cleaning Lottie’s wound and letting her go off to bed- everyone had tried to get to bed themselves. But all of you were thinking it. Akilah had just said it first.
“You all need to stop,” Taissa hissed, sitting up. “There’s nothing up there. Lottie’s been acting weird for weeks.”
A small snore came from the cot Lottie was sleeping on.
You can’t help but sit up as well. “I don’t mean to, like, freak anyone out but- I once overheard Lottie say she was close to failing French. I don’t- l don’t think she knows how to say what she said.”
Taissa cuts you a death glare. But the rest of the girls remain silent.
“Fine,” she spits, grabbing her blanket and pillow and standing up. “I’ll prove it.”
“You’re gonna sleep up there?” someone asks.
“That’s right. Who’s with me?”
You lay back down on your bed, listening to Laura Lee’s prayers.
“Fine. More room for me then,” Taissa says, and you listne to her footsteps going towards the attic, then up the ladder.
Laura Lee keeps praying.
Eventually, Shauna and Jackie start whispering, and Shauna ends up going to the attic as well.
You sigh, and try to go to bed, the fire dying down, the room becoming shrouded in darkness.
Someone taps your shoulder.
Your makeshift bed was still next to Natalie’s, a remnant of when you were just friends, and maybe if you weren’t so drained from the seance, you would have moved to another spot.
“Y/N.” You pretend you’re asleep, you can’t face her, not yet, not right now. She shakes you. “Turn around, please.”
You stay silent, trying to control your breathing, scared of everything that could happen.
She exhales. “I know you’re not asleep. C’mon.” She tugs on your arm, and unwillingly, you roll over, shifting so there’s still space between you, staring at her.
“What?” your voice doesn’t come out quite as firm as you want it to. You sound like a child trying to hide the fact they’re crying.
“Are you okay? After tonight? I mean, you were like right in front of her, being really smart and shit, but- still.”
Your shoulders relax, and you wish that they didn’t.
“‘M fine, yeah.”
She smiles lightly, awkwardly, and you feel bad that you’ve caused all this weirdness between the two of you.
“Hey, I- I know its fucked up, but, can we talk?”
“Natalie, I’m tired-”
She leans forward and brushes her lips against yours.
She closes her eyes, but you’re left shocked, your eyes wide open, your lips parted, hers pressed hard against yours, not even a kiss, like she just wants to say that she did it, check a box. She’s just pressing her lips to yours, and your stomach flips and turns because you love it.
She pulls back, and takes a breath, so you can feel it on your skin.
“Sorry. For that. I-I just didn’t know how to tell you-”
All you can do is stare at her.
You can hear sirens go off in your mind, screaming danger, danger at every turn. This could all crash and burn like everything else that’s happened in these past few weeks- but maybe Natalie is just a single speck of violence in a world full of it, and maybe having someone on your side, someone with you, is just want you need.
Just what you want.
Not just someone to protect you, to be with, but you want her.
You’ve spent so long in these woods denying it because you were scared of losing her, of losing your friendship- but after tonight? The worst has already happened to you. You didn’t choose it. You’ve already been plagued with violence and this time- you want to choose it. You want to choose her.
You choose her, and press your lips against hers, violence in a world of violence, and don’t pull away until you’ve completely sunk into her, into her ultraviolence.
Loving her is violence, but you’re choosing it, and this violence feels like love.
@sweetdayme4427 @dreaming-for-an-escape @peachydoki
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rapeculturerealities · 9 months
Republicans seek to override Ohio governor’s veto of trans rights bill | Ohio | The Guardian
The veto by DeWine, a Republican, marked a rare victory for LGBTQ+ advocates, who spent the past year battling a historic rise in anti-trans legislation and rhetoric across the United States.
Maria Bruno, policy director for Equality Ohio, said the governor’s veto was “a relief for Ohio’s transgender youth, parents, healthcare professionals and educators who can finally take a breath and get back to their lives”.
But that relief could be short-lived. Top Ohio Republicans, including the secretary of state, Frank LaRose, are now urging the state legislature to reverse the governor’s decision by overriding his veto.
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dosesofcommonsense · 8 months
NEW — There are now 25 states standing in solidarity with the great state of Texas and Gov. Greg Abbott against the lawless Joe Biden:
Wyoming - Gov. Mark Gordon
Iowa - Gov. Kim Reynolds
Arkansas - Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders
Montana - Gov. Greg Gianforte
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis
Idaho - Gov. Brad Little
North Dakota - Gov. Doug Burgum
Nebraska - Gov. Jim Pillen
West Virginia - Gov. Jim Justice
Alabama - Gov. Kay Ivey
Tennessee - Gov. Bill Lee
Louisiana - Gov. Jeff Landry
Georgia Gov. - Brian Kemp
Utah - Gov. Spencer Cox
Virginia - Gov. Glenn Youngkin
South Dakota - Gov. Kristi Noem
Oklahoma - Gov. Kevin Stitt
Alaska - Gov. Mike Dunleavy
Indiana - Gov. Eric Holcomb
Nevada - Gov. Joe Lombardo
New Hampshire - Gov. Chris Sununu
Mississippi - Gov. Tate Reeves
Missouri - Gov. Mike Parson
Ohio - Gov. Mike DeWine
South Carolina - Gov. Henry McMaster
Please encourage these men and women and tell them THANK YOU.
Remember, they can't arrest us all!
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matthesoundless · 1 year
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gotta say, even tho I love the random Toontown NPCs and giving them funny little personalities and backstories- (dont worry Im still doing that, mark my words you WILL care about Dewin Tymme at some point) I've recently been just. creating my own completely original sillies and im having a blast-! ^^ (at the end of the day though. they still have s o m e relation to the silly NPCs I obsess over in their backstories soooo its all connected-!)
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mariacallous · 2 years
The 2022 midterm elections will have a huge impact on the 2024 presidential contest. Republican gains were much smaller than anticipated, and while they seem poised to assume control of the House with control of the Senate still hanging in the balance, there are some implications for 2024 that are not likely to change as the final votes are counted.
Here are four of them.
First, the impact on the Democratic contest. If Democrats had suffered a major reverse, the pressure on President Biden to stand down in favor of a fresh face would have been intense. Instead, the choice is now the president’s to make, and the midterm election results will probably resolve any doubts he may have had about running for reelection.
The impact on the Republican contest is even greater. With his landslide reelection victory, Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis was the biggest story of the 2022 election. He won 57% of the Hispanic vote and even swept historically Democratic Miami-Dade county. His performance will persuade many Republicans that he would be their strongest presidential candidate in 2024, and it is hard to believe that he won’t throw his hat into the ring. As Brutus says in Julius Caesar, “There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune.” It is high tide for Ron DeSantis, and if he misses his moment, he may not get another as good.
Conversely, the 2022 elections have weakened Donald Trump’s hand. On the whole, his hand-picked candidates did not do well, and this could be the second straight election in which his intervention in Republican primaries has cost his party a Senate majority.[1] To be sure, J.D. Vance won the open Senate seat in deep Red Ohio, but he underperformed Republican governor Mike DeWine by a stunning 9 points. Mehmet Oz lost to John Fetterman in Pennsylvania, and Herschel Walker is trailing Raphael Warnock is Georgia. (Neither Georgia candidate received 50% of the vote, and the contest may well end up in a December runoff.) In Arizona, ground zero for MAGA Republicanism, Blake Masters is trailing incumbent senator Mark Kelly by 6 points with almost two-thirds of the vote counted, and Kari Lake is behind Katie Hobbs by 2 points in the governor’s race. (Neither race has been called, however, and these standings could change as the remaining votes are counted.)
This brings me to my final point: Democrats did well in the gubernatorial races that will shape how the 2024 presidential elections are administered. Democratic incumbents held on in Michigan and Wisconsin, and Josh Shapiro won a handsome victory in Pennsylvania. Yes, Republican incumbent Brian Kemp trounced Stacey Abrams in a rematch of their 2018 faceoff, but he has already shown that he can withstand pressure from Donald Trump to distort election results. This leaves Arizona, where a come-from-behind victory by Kari Lake could lead to a bitterly contested outcome in 2024 if the presidential vote narrowly tilts toward the Democratic candidate, as it did in 2020.
In sum, the midterm elections have set the stage for a titanic struggle between Trump and DeSantis for the Republican nomination and have made it more likely that the winner of this contest will face an incumbent Democratic president who has avoided a damaging challenge to his re-nomination.
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webntrmpt · 2 days
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slimygeesemob · 6 months
Slimy Geese Mob Entry #9
Can future housing in Cincinnati incorporate any of these elements? Find an example from elsewhere that could be applied in Cincinnati.
Adaptive Reuse:
The Village at Indian Hill in Pomona, California:
The Village at Indian Hill is a great example of adaptive reuse. The Village used to be known as the Pomona Valley Center, a mall/shopping center. The mall opened in 1955 in Pomona, California, just outside of Los Angeles. After the mall’s anchor store, Sears, moved to a nearby mall in 1985, many of the remaining stores soon closed or followed. The mall was partially purchased by the Pomona Unified School District in 1995, where the mall was slightly renovated to accommodate students. Eventually, the rest of the mall was renovated to accommodate more students and introduced office spaces.
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This example of adaptive reuse took a previously declining building and transformed it into a regularly used space by many. This example can be transferred to the Forest Fair Mall, about 14 miles north of Downtown Cincinnati. Forest Fair Mall is almost completely abandoned, with only one remaining store, Kohls. Although Ohio governor Mike DeWine has marked the mall for demolition, the mall could very well follow in the footsteps of The Village at Indian Hill. Although The Village at Indian Hill was not reused for housing, malls in general could be a great place for a denser living structure. Malls reused for housing would provide a tight-knit community with many open spaces and opportunities for connection between people. It could even be used as a mixed-use space, incorporating many of the previous stores as well as accommodation for housing. Malls are already a large structure built for the human scale and could be an outstanding place for more housing.
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Modular Design:
The Nakagin Capsule tower building is a great example of Modular Design housing. Built in the Ginza district of Tokyo. Finished in 1972 it opened as a mixed use residential and office building. The modular building was framed on two connected concrete towers eleven and thirteen stories tall, containing 140 self-contained capsules. Designed for mass production, these capsules were constructed rapidly off sight and were delivered fully built and furnished. Each capsule measured 8.2ft x8.2ft x 13.1ft each fitted with a small kitchen, television set, sleeping area, and bathroom all built before the capsule was sipped to sight creating a very rapid construction process taking only two years to fully finish the tower. This building continued to house people and offices until the year 2022 where it was disassembled recycling the capsules. Cincinnati could incorporate modular housing as new affordable high density student housing. With the mass production design construction of the modular housing units UC could rapidly build new dorm style housing for the growing student population containing all the amenities' students need. Also due to the small but high-density buildings this is an important factor in a urban campus such as UC which does not have a lot of space to expand.
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De Zalmhaven is the world's tallest prefabricated skyscraper built in 2022, Rotterdam, Netherlands. The decision to build the skyscraper with prefabricated units was based on two major constraints that the building site posed, both of which we also see in Cincinnati. First, construction occurred in a very dense portion of the city, so the site was cramped. The prefabricated route allowed for easier maneuverability in the site and lowered overall disruption to the public while the building was being constructed. Cincinnati has many already cramped neighborhoods that make on site construction more difficult. Like with De Zalmhaven, construction off site might make these settings easier to navigate. Second, by using prefabricated structures the skyscraper was able to be constructed much faster, at about one floor a week, making it possible for construction to be finished in less than 42 months (about 3 and a half years). Cincinnati’s housing issue is prevalent now and needs solutions quickly. Being able to create affordable housing quickly with prefab buildings could help to curb these issues if not solve them. Finally, a benefit of using prefabricated structures seen across almost all construction is a reduction in cost. According to constructible.trimble.com “65% (of construction) report a reduction in project budgets, with 41% noting a reduction of 6% or more.” We see numerous advantages in prefabricated construction that could benefit much of Cincinnati’s construction scene now and in the future.
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Green Technology:
An example of green technology in urban environments would be incorporating bioswales along roadside infrastructure. Bioswales are used to prevent rainwater flooding in the city while also managing stormwater. Cities like Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington are already beginning to implement bioswales in its cities. Not only do bioswales improve water management, they also add more greenery and vegetation to urban environments.
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These bioswales have already started popping up on University of Cincinnati's campus and on many sidewalks in OTR.
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drawingconclusions · 7 months
It seems every time I considered getting back on here to post, something else would come up in current events that I wanted to pause & evaluate first. But it's well past time to ruffle some feathers again.
Before beginning, I believe people should get a glimpse of how the government uses taxpayer money. I've previously talked about the overreach of various agencies in my Parameters of Government posts, and their unbelievable behavior continues. Since my last major post on this subject, I recall how I was testing a new light, and within minutes the military helicopter showed up (characterized by low pitch rotors) to see what was going on and shortly afterwards the law enforcement helicopter came around as well (marked by a much higher pitched sound). Sometimes the powers that be freak out when I have an extended phone conversation in Spanish, and if I receive an ordered package in the mail, it's all hands on deck with military radar planes trailing me, etc.! And it's pretty clear they're using some types of audio surveillance, as one night the dishwasher rack slipped out of place noisily, and within moments the military helicopter showed up to conduct their typical surveillance. I could go on and on, but here's just a snippet of the interesting behavior of one of the government surveillance planes on the evening of October 5, 2023. I decided to jot down the time of every fly-by they conducted over the span of three hours. Sure, I had purposely set my clock a few minutes fast that day, but I think you get the idea: 8:07pm 8:10pm 8:13pm 8:16pm 8:19pm 8:24pm 8:27pm 8:29pm 8:32pm 9:22pm 9:33pm 9:40pm 9:43pm 9:46pm 9:54pm 10:00pm 10:04pm 10:06pm 10:08pm 10:10pm 10:13pm 10:15pm 10:17pm 10:18pm 10:20pm 10:22pm 10:25pm 10:26pm 10:29pm 10:32pm 10:34pm 10:36pm 10:38pm 10:46pm 10:49pm 10:52pm 10:54pm 11:00pm 11:07pm
I had no idea the U.S. government feels so threatened by retro fashions! (…which I happened to be working on that evening.) You'll notice there are a few gaps in the surveillance plane's fly-by intervals. I chalk it up to ever-crucial donut runs by the law enforcement involved. They have to stay carb-loaded while spying on America's citizenry!
But on a more serious note, I find it interesting how for years I've warned about how left-leaning partisans have entrenched themselves in almost every aspect of government. These partisan activists despise Constitutionally-protected rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press (..speaking of which, there used to be a time in America when the rights of journalists were respected. But now a questionable judge is demanding that a true journalist like Catherine Herridge reveal her sources for a past story, at the risk of being fined $5,000 per day for violating such an order. What gives?!) And yet the status quo has continued unchanged, even when Republicans are elected to local, state, or national positions. In the past year, we've seen some Republicans huffing & puffing about the targeted criminal prosecutions against former President Trump, exclaiming that if the "deep state" can do it to him, they can do it to us. All of a sudden, it's a crucial concern. Well, just to inform you, a lot of citizens here in America have already been experiencing the authoritarian reach of government for years now. Several years.
Listen, any reasonable person can recognize that many of the prosecutions against Trump are politically motivated attempts to smear and stymie him in an election year, especially when some infamous Democrats could be charged with the same accusations and yet they remain unscathed. But Ron DeSantis was right. Trump didn't clean out the deep state when he was in office, he didn't fire Fauci, etc.,. Maybe one of the reasons Republicans keep losing at the ballot box is because often voters don't see much of an eventual difference between Republicans and Democrats (..cue Republican Governor Mike DeWine). Once some conservatives rise to power, they morph into a substance with a queasy consistency, easily manipulated and often choosing the path of least resistance.
Again, I'm not looking for a rescue here. I'm sure that for the time being, local police, FBI, military, etc. will continue their behavior and will continue wasting untold millions of dollars. Perhaps one day I'll submit hundreds of Freedom of Information Requests and make all their names public. Or maybe I'll publish an illustrated scrapbook depicting all their antics in full-color and rhyming verse. But my point is, people are looking for candidates who will truly bring about positive change for their families, their neighborhoods, and for this country. Would Nikki Haley truly effect such change? I'm not convinced she would. What about President Biden? We've already seen his administration's obsession with promoting a woke agenda, their love of open borders which continues to allow fentanyl to stream into our neighborhoods, and their botched foreign policy strategies across the board. (Is it any wonder the Biden administration seems intent on appearing to "buy" votes with their insistence on doling out loan forgiveness subsidies?) And what about Trump? Can he be presidential on a consistent basis and would he truly seek the benefit of the people or is he becoming consumed by bitterness & thoughts of revenge? Is anyone out there up to the task of really leading America with no thought for personal gain and advancement?
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the-emerald-standard · 9 months
Ohio Doctor Dares Governor to Prove Fentanyl-Laced Marijuana is a Real Threat!
Ohio Doctor Challenges Governor's Warning on Fentanyl-Laced Marijuana
A health expert in Ohio is challenging Governor Mike DeWine’s warning about the potential availability of fentanyl-laced marijuana in the state. The warning was issued after a recent report from the Ohio Department of Health that showed a significant increase in the number of drug overdose deaths in the state.
Dr. Mark Hurst, the medical director of the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, has argued that there is no evidence to suggest that fentanyl-laced marijuana is available in Ohio.
The Ohio Department of Health report showed that drug overdose deaths in the state had increased by 20% in the first half of 2019 compared to the same period in 2018.
Governor DeWine has urged Ohioans to be aware of the potential availability of fentanyl-laced marijuana in the state.
Dr. Hurst has argued that the governor’s warning is not based on evidence and could lead to increased stigma and discrimination against people who use marijuana.
This article was sourced from NBC4 WCMH-TV. The potential availability of fentanyl-laced marijuana is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. It is important to ensure that any warnings issued are based on evidence and not on speculation. It is also important to ensure that any warnings do not lead to increased stigma and discrimination against people who use marijuana. For businesses in the hemp and cannabis industries, it is important to ensure that their products are tested and compliant with regulations. Hiring an industry trusted testing and compliance partner like ACS Lab can help businesses ensure that their products are safe and compliant. ACS Lab offers comprehensive testing and compliance services for hemp and cannabis products, helping businesses stay ahead of the curve.
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arpov-blog-blog · 2 years
What the mainstream media is not reporting as breathlessly as they are reporting a fictional conflict between DeSantis and DJT, is the Democrats did just as well in five states, flipping the state legislatures and pushing back against veto-proof GOP control, and they did it without gerrymandering and voter suppression...“We fight the woke in the legislature. We fight the woke in the schools. We fight the woke in the corporations. We will never, ever surrender to the woke mob. Florida is where woke goes to die.”
With these fighting words, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis hailedhis sweeping re-election victorylast week. DeSantis trounced his opponent, Democrat Charlie Crist, by1.5 million votes. The blatant gerrymander hemastermindedhelped Republicansflip four House seatsin the state. The results leave little doubt that Florida is now firmly a red state and that he is the non-Trump front-runner for the 2024 presidential nomination.
But while Tuesday was a big win for DeSantis, it was a loser for "DeSantis-ism." His war on wokeness, attacks on liberals, and divisive culture war politics played well in Florida, but elsewhere it landed with a resounding thud. 
While DeSantis may be capturing the id of Republican voters, his cross-party appeal is limited.
Even as he faced a re-election fight, DeSantis found time to travel the country and campaign with Republican politicians cut from the same cloth. Heattended rallies withKari Lake and Blake Masters in Arizona, Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania, Lee Zeldin inNew York, Mark Ronchetti and Rep. Yvette Herrell inNew Mexico, Derek Schmidt inKansas, and J.D. Vance in Ohio. The first seven all lost, and while Vance emerged victorious, he rannearly 10 pointsbehind his Ohio Republican ticket mate,Gov. Mike DeWine(who did not campaign with DeSantis). 
In addition, DeSantisspoke at a rallyin Wisconsin for Sen. Ron Johnson, whonarrowly won his re-election fightby 1 point, and gubernatorial candidate Tim Michels, wholost to incumbent Democrat Tony Evers. He gave a last-minute endorsement to New Hampshire Senate candidate Don Bolduc, wholost by 9 pointsto incumbent Democrat Maggie Hassan. And herallied for Adam Laxaltin Nevada Republicans' Senate primary fight last April. While Laxalt won his party’s nod, he ultimatelylost the election to Democratic Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto.
The symbolism is rich. While DeSantis may be capturing the id of Republican voters, his cross-party appeal is limited. It wasn’t just that DeSantis-endorsed candidates fared poorly; the issues that have propelled his rise up the Republican presidential ranks did little to move voters this election cycle."
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hakesbrother · 2 years
Las Cruces Real Property New Home Connection
In state legislative races, Democrats held quick to their state House majority. Herrell congratulated Vasquez as extra votes had been tallied but in addition blasted current changes to the 2nd District’s boundaries by Democratic state lawmakers on the expense of rural communities. Reelected New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham arrives to the celebration party new homes las cruces in Albuquerque, N.M., Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022. Applications at the moment are being accepted by way of Dec. 9, 2022, for the second wave of funding and through Feb. 27, 2023, for the third and last wave of funding.
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The allure of the Mesilla Valley is perfectly captured at Rancho de Caballo, a master-planned community subdivision just north of Las Cruces, New Mexico. Surrounded by fields of alfalfa, cotton, and pecan orchards, Rancho de Caballo boasts breathtaking panoramic views of the nearby Doña Ana and Robledo Mountains. At University Meadows, you’ll discover an aesthetically enchanting, custom-built neighborhood that is absolutely functional, designed with you in mind. University Meadows has many particulars certain to make your personal home a house.
We understand the significance of actually listening to our customer's desires and desires throughout the process. The building of your new home must be an thrilling and fulfilling expertise...let us be your information. We are guided by a philosophy that encourages our staff to deal with our clients as individuals. Republican gubernatorial candidate Mark Ronchetti speaks at a campaign cease on the Fraternal Order of Police in Santa Fe, N.M., Monday, Nov. 7, 2022. Three first-term congresswomen are looking for reelection, as Democrats defend their majority in the state House.
The last day of midterms voting has started to slowly wind down. Once recognized with early stage lung cancer, Ivey disappeared from public view for practically three weeks in the summertime and refused to say whether she’d undergone any medical remedies. Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine received reelection to a second time period in office, defeating Democratic problem Nan Whaley. Greene was anticipated to easily win reelection and has made clear that ought to Republicans win control of House she expects to carry a prominent position within the caucus. Just weeks after taking workplace last year, members of the Democratic-controlled House voted to strip Greene of her committee assignments following uproar over her past feedback and obvious help of violence against Democrats. Abbott capitalized on anxieties about crime and inflation towards a hard-charging rival who took up the fight for voters soured by the Uvalde faculty massacre and the lethal failure of the state’s power grid in 2021.
The Mesilla Valley is a world-renowned agricultural group. From wine vineyards and pecan orchards to cotton fields and alfalfa farms, this spot of desert is surprisingly fertile. Las Cruces and the encircling areas offer all the advantages of main metropolitan areas, but there may be still loads of land and space to be had.
Republican U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida easily received one other term on Tuesday, beating Democratic U.S. Rep. Val Demings. Sanders shattered fundraising data in her bid for governor and campaigned totally on nationwide issues. She’s vowed to use the office to struggle President Joe Biden’s agenda. She becomes the highest profile former Trump official elected to workplace. But it posed no actual risk to the GOP’s management of all three branches of government in a majority white, conservative state.
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politicsnc · 4 years
For conservatives, a time for choosing
For conservatives, a time for choosing
Sedition n. incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority. Yesterday, the Washington Post released a tape of an hour-long phone call where the President of the United States tried to bully the Georgia Secretary of State into overturning the state’s election. The 10 living ex-secretaries of defense issued an op-ed in which they stated, “Efforts to involve the U.S. armed…
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom is taking flak from Christians who are offended by his multi-state billboard campaign that promotes abortion by quoting Jesus.
Last week, Newsom took to Twitter to tout the billboards his gubernatorial campaign is erecting in Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi and four other "anti-freedom" states where abortion is restricted or outlawed.
Some versions of the billboards, all of which urge women in such states to come to California to get abortions, advertise the state's easily obtainable abortions by quoting Mark 12:31, where Jesus says, "Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these."
Newsom tagged several GOP governors in his Twitter thread, including Texas Gov. Gregg Abbott, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine and Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves. The billboards are also going up Indiana, South Carolina and South Dakota.
"The idea that Newsom is using the words of Jesus Christ, the Holy Scriptures, to promote the killing of unborn children as somehow loving and commanded by God is quite frankly disgusting," said Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the American Center for Law & Justice, in a statement to Fox News Digital.
"This is a blatant, political fundraising ploy to boost his own political profile and presidential aspirations. The people are smarter than that. It just won’t work," Sekulow added.
Many Twitter users echoed Sekulow's sentiment, including Matthew P. Schneider, a Roman Catholic priest who serves as adjunct professor of theology at Belmont Abbey College in Charlotte, North Carolina. He described Newsom's billboards as "one of the [worst] distortions of a Bible passage I've ever seen."
"Shame on [Newsom] and his government," Schneider said. "The most basic level of loving your neighbor as yourself is not killing your neighbor, yet that's exactly what abortion does."
"This is satanic," tweeted Ryan Hilderbrand, a Roman Catholic priest from Indiana.
"Imagining the devil in his advertising office at the top of the highest skyscraper in hell giggling to himself as [Newsom] uses Jesus’ own words to support killing babies," said Catholic Answers, a Catholic media ministry that went on in a nine-tweet thread to excoriate the Democrat governor for having "twisted" the words of the Bible.
Explaining how the verse Newsom cited was removed from the context of Jesus affirming the Old Testament command "to love the Lord your God with all your heart" as "the greatest commandment," Catholic Answers tweeted, "No surprise here. Satan, having no imagination, can only ‘create’ by perverting the good not of his making. Likewise, it seems, for Gavin Newsom."
"Wow ... So murdering your innocent unborn child is somehow ‘loving your neighbor,’" tweeted The Christian Outlook, a Christian media outlet. "Let's all pray for [Newsom], that he might get saved and see the value God places on every life, born and unborn."
"Your religious beliefs have no place in our politics. Except when we want to use them to troll people we hate, that’s fine," tweeted canon lawyer Ed Condon, who also founded Catholic publication "The Pillar."
"'Good Catholic' [Newsom] is now using Bible scriptures to encourage women to come to California to abort their babies," wrote David Giglio, a former congressional candidate who is also a Catholic. "A truly shameful display. Meanwhile, in CA crime continues to skyrocket, the cost of living is out of control, and the state can't even keep the lights on."
The official Twitter account of the Mississippi GOP replied to Newsom's taunt by tweeting simply: "Hey, [Newsom]. Is your electricity back on?"
Newsom's campaign did not respond to Fox News Digital's request for comment by time of publication.
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smalltownfae · 3 years
RotE Character Descriptions: Tawny Man trilogy
Sorry that these took so long this time. As always I might have missed some descriptions so feel free to add them. Also, it looks like I lost my Fool’s Fate notes T-T So, these only include “Fool’s Errand” and “The Golden Fool” (maybe only until a certain point even). Next reread I will try to add the descriptions from the last books in the trilogy... whenever it happens.
Fitz: 35 years old, has a streak of white in his hair, a broken nose,  faded scar lines on brow and starting at the corners of the eyes and a slash down his face. Also has a scar at the center of his back. This scar disappears after the Skill healing in GF.
Fool’s Errand:
Chade's visit ch. 1: robe of grey wool with a belt and summer shoes that were little more than leather soles with few straps to keep them on the feet.
While working for Lord Golden: Wears blue servant clothes with embroidery of golden cock-pheasant and boots.
Golden Fool:
Bethrotal: outfit of purple and white with stripes and buttons. Trousers fit snugly, has a shirt and a doublet that fitted tightly on the waist with skirt-like panels that reached nearly to his knees. The cuffs of the striped shirt were loose at the wrists.
Fitz has 2 snowy shirts of linen, a doublet of rich blue with dark hose with a grey stripe in it, and another in deep green with skirt that went almost to his knees and yellow embroidery that runs riot over it, yellow leggings, wide leather belt, cock-pheasant embroidered on the breast of the jerkin. These were given by Lord Golden.
Dinner at the Bresingas: Wears dark blue. Doublet secured by a belt, pulled hair back in a warrior tail. White of the shirt showed at the collar and the sleeves.
2nd dinner: Green jerkin and yellow leggings. Then, changes into blue servant garments.
Kettricken gives Fitz a little silver fox pin with a green eye that sits alertly with its tail curled around its feet. She made it herself.
Riding with Dutiful and lady Vance: blue garb of a servant, stretching out and arm of the shirt revealed pleated insets in varying shades of blue that make it look like a bird's wing.
Chade: skinny, green eyes, scattered scars faded to a pale speckling on his weathered face, white hair hang loose to his shoulders and curled above his brow.
Visiting Fitz: Dressed in royal blue leggings and a doublet of same color with slashed insets of green, riding black leather boots and soft gloves. Green cloak lined with fur, white lace at his collar and sleeves. Earrings with emeralds and another emerald set in the center of the gold band at his throat. (Rode a black mare - Ember)
Riding with Dutiful and lady Vance: dressed in shades of blue trimmed with black, silver jewellery.
Nighteyes: has white in his muzzle.
Nettle: skinny and resembles Fitz.
Hap: long legs, broadening shoulders, one blue eye and the other brown, 15 years old. His pony is named Clover.
Starling: small and dark, has dark eyes, crowfeet at the corners of the eyes and thick dark hair.
Visiting Fitz ch. 2: hair secured with a clasp of heavy silver, jewelry, fine clothes.
Betrothal: green gown that reminded of a hummingbird's throat, fine lacy gloves on her hands.
Dewin: tall, wears a big cape collared with fur, wears silver on both wrists.
Jinna: pretty, 29 years old, has hazel eyes, a scattering of freckles on her face and forearms, curly hair that shades from auburn to brown, a round figure of a mature woman. Her eyesight is not keen.
1st appearance: tunic in shades of green, brown buckskin trousers and soft shoes.
1st time having sex with Fitz: green robe, wide yellow waist cinched her middle.
Charm against the witted: short rods of wood marked with shrieking black symbols are fastened to each other at chaotic angles, ominous beads dangerously interspersed with them, a few tortured tufts of fur twisted and fixed with pitch clung to it.
Beloved: slender youth, fair hair, sun-kissed gold skin and hair, fine features, amber eyes.
Fool’s Errand:
1st appearance: black garments trimmed with silver and so are the boots, silver embroidery round his summer cloak, silver-edged white lace at his cuffs and throat, silver binds his fair hair back from his high brow, fine black gloves coated his hands,
1st day after Fitz arriving in Buckkeep: dressed in cream and forest green with thin edging of gilt at his cuffs and collar. Filigreed golden orb earring.
Travel to the Bresingas: golden locks, clothes cut to compliment his figure of blues and white, sleeves of pale blue.
First dinner at the Bresingas: blue doublet, linen shirt with fine blue stripe, dark blue hose and shoes with trimming of silver chain. Lace at his cuffs.
After dinner: embroidered dressing gown over nightshirt, birds embroidered on the back and sleeves. Lacy gloves.
2nd dinner: muted green coat.
Golden Fool:
Bethrotal: embroidered dancing slipper on right foot, the left was bound. Carved walking stick, purple and white clothes. Cuffs dragged and extended past his hands, white shirt, purple Jamaillian doublet snugged his chest and had embroidered skirts that glittered with thousands of tiny jet beds, silk leggings, hair loose falling to his shoulders in long ringlets of gold, painted face with a scale-like pattern of blue above his brows and across the top of his cheeks.
Spying on Bingtowners: close fitting hose and full tunic of solid black, earring and tiny white and black posy, black slippers.
Malta: white mare with silky black tassels and black and silver harness.
Girl-on-a-Dragon: Salt is sprawled forwards with arms twined around the neck of the dragon.
Black Rolf: big man with black beard.
Holly: slender, dark eyes, short sleek black hair.
Molly: dark hair braided and pinned to her head in a matron's crown.
Kettricken: golden hair looped and pinned about her head in a crown of braids. Wore a simple circlet of silver upon her head, dressed in russet brown with an embroidered yellow kirtle, blue eyes (said later that eyes go from blue to jade).
Meeting Fitz in Fool’s Errand: simple gown of buck blue with a white and gold kirtle, hair dressed close to her head and crowned with a simple band of silver.
Bethrotal: buck blue with contrasting trim of sable, dress with simple lines emphasizing her slenderness and height, gold hair gathered in a braid that wreathed her head, with excess spilling down her back., crown, no rings or necklaces.
With Fitz about Nighteyes: wearing a green gown, simple, plaiting hair, no jewelry or cosmetics.
Riding with Dutiful and lady Vance: blue and white accented with goldenrod stripes on her mantle, simple lines.
Fennel: large ginger cat, plume tail, yellow eyes.
Miskya: Jinna's niece; freckles on nose and forearms, about 20 years old.
Delleree: almost as tall as Fitz, brown eyes.
Peladine: long-legged stripy cat, flat face, tail as long as the body. Green eyes and hair. Mistcat. Smallest of the 3 in piebald group, long-legged, tawny with a rippling pattern of pale and darker stripes
Hands: girth, dark hair thinning on his head and thicker than ever on his brawny arms.
Laurel: middle to late 20s, strong built, long-boned and muscled, not from Buck -not tall and dark - and not fair like Kettricken, blue eyes, brown hair sun streaked with blonde and bleached near white at the temples, tanned by the sun face and hands, narrow straight nose, strong mouth and determined chin. Wore leathers of a hunter. Born in Tilth, but mother is from Buck. She cropped her hair short and dyed it black at the end of GF. Usually wears a simple tunic and riding breeches.
First dinner at the Bresingas: simple gown of soft cream trimmed with lace.
After dinner: long dark cloak over nightgown.
Usual wear: dressed in forest green, tunic and leggings of a hunter, hair bundled out of the way.
Betrothal: gowned in scarlet.
Thick: plump young man, flat face, small ears, tongue peeps out of his mouth, small eyes. Thick body, limbs short and awkward, pudgy belly. The set of his eyelids makes him appear permanently sleepy, the end of his tongue pushed out of his mouth against his upper lip, small ears snug to his head below his raggedly cropped hair, clothes hung on him, the sleeves of his shirt and the legs of his pants sawed off, short and pudgy. Fitz later cuts his hair to chin lenght. round wide face, small separates teeth
Lady Bresinga: plump short woman.
Civil Bresinga: lanky boy, taller than Hap and about his age, dark hair brushed straight back above his forehead, revealing a pronounced widow's peak.
Avoin: Bresinga’s huntsman; tall (ahah I love how specific Fitz is at times).
Tibbits: Sydel's kitten; tabby head, yellow-green eyes, small striped kitten.
Bresingas' cats: gruepards: sleek, short-coated, elongated bodies, small heads, tawny coats, long graceful tail.
Deerkin: Young man with shirt collar fastened by a leather thong (fitz uses it to tie his hands), blue eyes, bandages at the ankle and wrists after being captured.
Dutiful: 14 years old. dark thick and unruly hair, long of limb, rangier than stocky Verity, same jaw and nose Fitz had as a kid. Wears a voluminous cloak of Buckkeep blue.
Betrothal: wore chain of silver with yellow diamonds given by Elliania. Simple blue robe, simple silver band on unruly black curls.
Riding with lady Vance: dressed in Buckkeep blue trimmed with white fox.
Laudwine: Big man on big horse, tall, dark handsome face.
Elliania: inky black hair long and unbound, black eyes reminded of a seal (immense, dark and liquid), white teeth, sturdy little thing, wide-cheeked, square-shouldered. Actually 12 years old, nearly 13, but 11 nearly 12 by Outislands methods. She is tattooed from shoulder to waist, green serpent began at the nape of her neck and goes down between the others.
Arriving at Buck: dressed in buck blue, odd blue ornament in her hair, high-collared overblouse of fine white leather embroidered in gold with leaping narwhals.
Bethrotal: coronet of silver set with 100 sapphires given by Dutiful on her brow, small stones but intricate pattern. Short tunic of snowy white wool, enameled pin of leaping narwhal secured her cloak at one shoulder, paneled skirt of blue fell nearly to the floor, little white fur slippers, sleek black hair caught in a silver clasp at the back of her head and flowed down her back. Tiny silver bells in the hair in intervals.
(Rejected dress: Pale blue, swooping low at the neckline, gush of lace on the front along with clever gathers drew up the fabric.)
Riding with Dutiful and lady Vance: trousers of spotted sealskin,vest of red fox, cloak that draped from her shoulders to her knees was white ermine, the tiny black tails swinging tassels. She has a hood, ruff was made of wolf.
Departure from Buck: narwhal of ivory beads on her leather vest trimmed with white fur, sealskin skirt and slippers, arms and fingers innocent of all jewellery, loose hair with a blue ornament that looked almost like a crown.
Woman figurine of Elliania: black hair and eyes and has the blue ornament in her hair that Elliania wore, bared breasts. Adult.
Kespin: guard, grizzled beard, taller and older than the 1st guard.
Peottre: stocky and thick body, typical Outislander. Back of one hand scarred. Tattoo on his brow in a simple pattern of blue marks (clan tattoos in Outislands).
Charl: Bright's guard, sandy hair, well- muscled, young (maybe 16).
Bethrotal: Buck adopts Jamaillian fashion. Gauzy wraps. Outislanders: men wore furs and leather harness, older men flaunted battle trophies: necklaces of finger bones, braid dangling at the hip made from human lock of hair. Women wore robes woven of wool richly dyed and trimmed with white fur.
Lord Lalwick: pleasant-faced man of middle years, tidily-dressed.
Arkon Bloodblade: imposing figure, wore bearskin cloak flunged over one shoulder, yellow white fur of ice bear, woven cloth, jerkin, trousers, leather vest and broad leather belt. Glittered with gold, silver and gems and wore them at his throat, wrists, across his brow and in his ears. Bands of silver on his upper left arm and bands of gold on his right. Some studded with gems.
Peottre: dressed as a soldier in fur and leather, earrings and heavy torc(?) of gold. Narwhal on his belt, tattoo on his face suggests a narwhal's horn.
Patience: betrothal: wore rubies Chivalry gave her, greying hair was garlanded with late flowers, has a fan.
Rosemary: round face, buxom lady, about 23 years old.
Svanja: dark hair, huge eyes, slender and supple as a willow wand and yet looking tough.
Henja: Servant about the same age as Fitz and dressed simply, black hair and eyes, wide cheeks and small nose.
Rory Hartshorn: Svanja's father; dark hair and beard, same brow as Svanja.
Selden: tall, scales rimmed his eyes and framed his mouth, fringe of shaggy growths depended from his jaw, bones of arms and legs unnaturally long. Silver scales on cheekbones and brow.
Jek: at least Fitz's height, long blonde hair and light brown eyes, warrior's muscling in her arms and shoulders, black boots reached her knees, leggings rather than skirts, ivory linen shirt, fanciful decorated vest of soft doeskin, sleeves of her shirt pleated, lace at the cuff, simple cut to the garments, but extravagant fabrics with embroidery, several earrings in each ear, some of wood and others of gold (spiraling wooden ones made by Amber), simple gold at her throat and wrists. Plain sword on one hip and practical knife on the other. Very white teeth. Shoaks accent.
Garetha: About Fitz's age, freckles, used to have hair the color of clean straw but now is light brown. Fool gives her a charm on a leather strand that was a white rose with a stem inked black.
Swift: gangly boy, 10 years old, dark curly hair, dark eyes.
Burrich: has cataracts in his eyes (no more info needed ahah).
Web: about 50 years old, hair and short-trimmed beard steely grey, grey eyes with a hint of blue.
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