#mark beasley
politicaldilfs · 7 months
South Carolina Governor DILFs
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Mark Sanford, Fritz Hollings, James F. Byrnes, David Beasley, Robert E. McNair, Henry McMaster, John C. West, Jim Hodges, George Bell Timmerman Jr., Dick Riley, Donald S. Russell, James B. Edwards, Carroll Campbell
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politicsnc · 2 years
Lessons for North Carolina Democrats from the 2022 electorate
Lessons for North Carolina Democrats from the 2022 electorate
Democrats in North Carolina can learn a lot from the 2022 midterm election. Turnout offers insight into what they need to do to be more competitive in the state. The Georgia election results can guide them on the type of candidates and messages needed to win in a state with a large rural population. The information should make them hopeful for 2024, especially if they come away with the right…
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Another optimistic result from last night. Michigan's state legislature went blue for the first time since the Reagan administration. Dems were a superminority four years ago and now we run the entire state government, thanks in no small part to the independent redistricting commission that was created via a statewide ballot proposal in 2018.
We also passed a measure to protect abortion rights and broaden/strengthen voting rights. Basically, last night I had stress dreams all night about the end of democracy and I woke up to some good news. Things still aren't great and I'm anxious about races across the country, but I'm hopeful for the first time in a long time.
Michigan, Colorado, and Pennsylvania all had particularly good nights. Michigan Democrats won the governor and secretary of state races against cuckoo crazypants Q-challengers, protected abortion access, flipped the legislature, and expanded voting rights and access. In Colorado, all the Democratic incumbents won in a walk and might get an extra House seat from newly created CO-8. The biggest news there is that MAGA Barbie Lauren Boebert is still behind by about ~3500 votes in CO-3 with almost all the votes in. This is a R+9 district and shouldn't even be close. In Pennsylvania, Fetterman picked up a Senate seat for the Democrats despite all the doom and gloom and the intense GOP focus on Dr. Quack, Democrat Josh Shapiro easily beat MAGA lunatic Doug Mastriano for governor, and the state legislature is agonisingly close to flipping Democrat or at least almost even control.
Other morning-after thoughts from about four and a half hours of sleep:
As I said last night, the Democrats and Florida are Charlie Brown and the football. This isn't entirely their fault, as DeSantis has made it into his personal fiefdom and redrew the already-red maps to be EVEN MORE RED, threatened voters with his own goon squad, and otherwise turned it into Fascist Disneyland, literally. He cruised to re-election (ugh), but we still don't know how that plays outside his carefully curated media bubble where he only does interviews with right wing hacks like Fox and never answers tough questions. Lil Marco Rubio likewise beat Val Demings. Double ugh. So yeah, Florida Democrats are MIA. At least we got the first Gen Z member of Congress, 25 year old Democrat Maxwell Frost.
Whatever its untapped demographics, and unfair restrictions from obviously nonsensical voting laws, on the institutional level, Texas is not a blue state either. It just isn't. Beto ran a good campaign, but yet again, it wasn't close and Texas is just... Texas.
Hey anyone else think we should just let Florida and Texas secede?
However, my heartfelt sympathies to sane Floridans and Texans who worked hard but still had to see the same old crazy win.
Ohio and North Carolina also had Republicans win their Senate races. Tim Ryan and Cherie Beasley ran strong campaigns but it wasn't enough to overcome the increasing reddish tilt of those states (especially Ohio, which is also starting to look lost for the foreseeable future). However, they were both replacing retiring Republicans, so no change as far as the balance of power. Still despicable that that carpetbagging hack JD Vance is in the Senate, though.
Jury is still out in Arizona, where both Democratic governor and Senate candidates have narrow leads (governor more narrow), but if Katie Hobbs and Mark Kelly can pull this out, every single MAGA election denier candidate for governor/SOS will have lost.
That is GOOD NEWS for democracy.
Swingy Nevada is still looking dicey, though. As expected, its Democratic governor and Senate incumbent are behind after Election Day vote counting. Senator Catherine Cortez Masto is in a slightly better position than Governor Steve Sisolak. If big blue Clark County (Vegas) delivers its usual tranches of Democratic mail vote, they could both still probably win (CCM somewhat more likely since her deficit is smaller), but Nevada kept us anxiously waiting for days on end and seems fully set to do it again.
If Senate control comes down to yet another Georgia runoff between Raphael Warnock and Herschel "Me Good At Concussions And Abortions" Walker, I am going to scream.
Warnock is ahead but probably not enough to avoid a runoff under Georgia's ludicrous Jim Crow Senate rules where a candidate has to reach 50% to win outright.
Stacey Abrams also lost again to Brian Kemp. Ugh.
New York Democrats won the governor, AG, and Senate races, in not too much surprise but some of the late polling was close. They've had some struggles in suburban and rural NY, though managed to keep Pat Ryan's seat from the recent special election.
Way too many white people are still voting for Republicans, with the noted exception of 18-29 year olds, the only white age demographic to vote Democratic (by almost 2 to 1).
Looking at the data, 18-29 year olds from all demographics voting Blue are quite probably the only reason there wasn't a red wave. Good job, guys. I give you a lot of stick on here, but well done.
God, when will all those old white Republicans finally croak. They vote like clockwork every time and it's always bad.
Abortion access won everywhere it was on the ballot, including in deep red Kentucky (not overturning the current ban, alas, but rejecting a state constitutional amendment to ban it). Abortion rights are popular! Who knew.
This is an absolutely stunningly good result for an incumbent president's first midterm in any year, let alone with 8.5% inflation, economic pain, crazy fascists, and all the rest. Obama lost 63 House seats in 2010. So far, there hasn't really been a major change, and we still don't know who will control the House, after a lot of doomsters were insisting it would be Republican by 9pm ET on election night.
Democratic incumbents also won several tough re-election races in seats they would probably have lost in a red wave year.
Sarah Palin appears likely to lose in Alaska for the second time in three months. HA.
Trump was by no means the kingmaker. Almost all of his handpicked candidates have lost, with the exception of Vance in Ohio. Jury still out on Laxalt in Nevada (come THROUGH for CCM, Vegas, PLEASE).
Midterms are now not quite over, but at least moving to the rear view mirror. So when is Trump gonna get fucking indicted. That is the major next step on the Save Democracy checklist.
I likewise didn't think it would happen right after the midterms, regardless of who won; early 2023 remains my best guess. But also, like. Soon, please??
Anyway. If we lose the House (still not for sure) but keep the Senate, we can at least continue to confirm judges and other such important things. Having a tiny Republican majority (bleck) in the House would at least make it more difficult for them to do anything outrageously stupid, or at least have it succeed, as they would be sure to waste everyone's time with pointless stunts anyway.
Still, though. By any metric, a big failure for Republicans, considering what their expectations were and how goddamn hard the media tried to help them at every turn, and a good showing for democracy as Democratic control was retained in key swing states and election deniers did not win any of their targets.
Stay tuned for more Election PutinDestielNevadaNovember5th...uh...8th redux!!!
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pretty little liars: summer school characters as taylor swift songs
imogen adams: you’re on your own, kid, who’s afraid of little old me?, I can do it with a broken heart
“I looked around in a blood soaked gown and I saw something they can’t take away”
“I wanna snarl and show you just how disturbed this has made me / you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me”
“I cry a lot but I am so productive, it’s an art / you know you’re good when you can even do it with a broken heart”
tabby haworthe: the smallest man who ever lived, long story short, the manuscript
“I’ll forget you but I’ll never forgive the smallest man who ever lived”
“long story short it was bad time / long story short I survived”
“then the actors were hitting their marks / and the slow dance was alight with the sparks / and the tears fell in synchronicity with the score / and at last she knew what the agony had been for / the only thing that’s left is the manuscript”
noa olivar: …ready for it?, high infidelity, don’t blame me
“knew I was a robber first time that he saw me / stealing hearts and running off and never saying sorry”
“do you really wanna know where I was april 29th? / do I really have to tell you how she brought me back to life?”
“don’t blame me love made me crazy / if it doesn’t you ain’t doing it right”
faran bryant: mad woman, this is me trying, the man 
“what did you think I’d say to that? / does a scorpion sting when fighting back? / they strike to kill and you know I will”
“I was so ahead of the curve, the curve became a sphere / fell behind all my classmates and I ended up here”
“if I was man, then I’d be the man”
mouse honrada: a place in this world, I hate it here, snow on the beach
“but life goes on / oh, I’m just a girl / trying to find a place in this world”
“I’m lonely but I’m good / I’m bitter but I swear I’m fine / I’ll save all my romanticism for my inner life”
“and it’s like snow on the beach, weird but fucking beautiful”
kelly beasley: would’ve, could’ve, should’v, seven, guilty as sin?
“oh, you’re a crisis of my faith / would’ve, could’ve, should’ve / if I’d only played it safe”
“your dad is always mad and that must be why / and i think you should come live with me and we can be pirates / then you won’t have to cry / or hide in the closet”
“what if I roll the stone away? / they’re gonna crucify me anyway”
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audiofictionuk · 21 days
New fiction Podcasts - 1st September 2024
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Mall Brats Audio RPG Mall Brats is an RPG podcast that’s like if Gangs of New York was a Saturday morning cartoon set in a magical 1980s mega mall. Countless kid gangs make their living in the mall pulling off schemes, selling candy, and causing trouble under the watchful eye of the mysterious Food Court. The Cool Treat Kids are the mall’s most up-and-coming gang of ne'er do wells, featuring Fenton Beasley, Franklin Stein, and Clover Ivy Fern. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240826-01 RSS: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/mallbrats
THE WILD WIND | An American Gothic Tale by Cor Zim Audio Book The Wild Wind is an American gothic tale about a woman born and raised on the grounds of a psychiatric institution—not as a patient but as the daughter of the asylum’s farmer—who learns of love and loss while grappling with the question of what it means to be sane when insanity is the norm. “What’s to be sane in the garden of madness?” That’s the question haunting Sarah, a centenarian writing about her life growing up at the asylum on the bank of the Illinois River. After a long-tormented life, Sarah intends to commit after completing a typewritten manuscript spoken to a man named Sam. Through a lens of lore and myth—the secrets that shaped Sarah’s twisted and mysterious life are revealed. In Sarah’s labyrinthine quest for healing and peace, she painstakingly deconstructs the most transformative moments of her life. Her journey, spanning a century, is marked by profound hardship and survival, leading her to the poignant realization: “Sanity is but paper in a world consumed by fire.” The Wild Wind defies convention, blending plot and character development in a refreshingly unique way. With an equally unusual structure and lyrical prose, Sarah’s account is intellectually intriguing and emotionally compelling. It sheds light on the darker aspects of American society and history, encouraging readers to view themselves and the world from a fresh perspective. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240827-01 RSS: https://media.rss.com/the-wild-wind-an-american-gothic-tale-by-cor-zim/feed.xml
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Handwritten Storytime Audio Book I have enjoyed writing to many extents from a young age and not too long ago decided to pursue my dreams within this career. I am starting small by recording my mini novels and posting them as episodes here. These novels are all different sizes, and some are more detailed than others. Follow along with me on a journey through notes and pages! https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240521-06 RSS: https://diannajosteinbauerpodcast.podomatic.com/rss2.xml
Moorish Media Presents Cold Shivers Audio Book Moorish Media Presents: Cold Shivers: A Supernatural Thriller SeriesCalling all horror enthusiasts, supernatural fanatics, and thriller readers! Moorish Media invites you to embark on a chilling journey with our latest masterpiece, Cold Shivers. This captivating series is tailor-made for those who crave spine-tingling experiences and a hefty dose of the supernatural in their literary escapades. Unleash Your Darkest Desires. Cold Shivers is a collection of tales that will transport you to a world where vampires roam, zombies lurk in the shadows, and werewolves howl at the moon. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240822-04 RSS: https://media.rss.com/coldshivers/feed.xml
AHOOGA! | A Dime Store Novel by Cor Zim Audio Book AHOOGA! begins as a coming-of-age tale set in rural America. The protagonist, a young boy named Oscar, grapples with his father's strict rules and expectations. Despite this, Oscar forms a friendship with Josefina, a Mexican girl from the impoverished side of the tracks. The story, written in a lyrical style with vivid descriptions of the characters and settings, unfolds against a backdrop of profound societal changes and significant historical events, including the rapid rise of the automobile industry and the looming threat of World War I, culminating in a dramatic bank robbery and a chase that leaves a lasting impact on the town and its people. As Oscar and Josefina's relationship develops, they face adversity, including a violent encounter with a group of boys. This event has lasting consequences, shaping their understanding of societal divisions and personal resilience. Then tragedy strikes, leaving the young girl orphaned and on the precipice of yet another mortal tragedy that leaves Oscar broken and blaming his father personally for the loss. The second half of the novel finds Oscar hopping on a train for the city and the irresistible allure of the jazz culture of 1920s Chicago, where he meets Betty, a woman who introduces him to the hidden world of speakeasies and bootlegging. Oscar becomes enamored with the devil’s music and its flappers, finding solace and escape in the smoky haze of the underground clubs. Oscar's life takes yet another perilous turn when he meets Nevaeh, a talented jazz singer known as "Little Bird." Nevaeh is involved with a dangerous gangster, Silver Dollar Sam. Despite the risks, Oscar is drawn to Nevaeh, and they begin a passionate affair. Oscar's journey reflects the struggles of many during this era as they navigate the complexities of love, identity, and the pursuit of the American Dream. But no matter how hard Oscar tries, regardless of what vice he chases, be it jazz, liquor, or sex, he can never seem to part with the one who got away, young Josefina, and the ever-increasing desire to avenge her death. Written & Narrated by Cory ZimProduced by Radio VertéExecutive Producer, Cory Zimhttps://radioverte.works Cor Zim is the executive producer of Radio Verté and the author of two fiction novels, THE WILD WIND and AHOOGA!, each of which has been adapted into an audio podcast series. He is the author of two nonfiction novels, SPOON RIVER GOTHIC: Narrative of a Double Homicide and DEATH RIDES THE HIGHWAY: A Thrill Ride Fueled by Murder & Terror, both of which have also been adapted into audio podcast series produced by Radio Verté. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240827-02 RSS: https://media.rss.com/ahooga-a-dime-store-novel-by-cor-zim/feed.xml
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Dragon Age: Vows & Vengeance Audio Drama In this immersive fantasy series, a pair of heroes brought together by fate embark on a journey of revenge, redemption, and love. Set in the vast world of Thedas, Dragon Age: Vows & Vengeance was created in collaboration with BioWare and based on their award-winning video game franchise, Dragon Age. Nadia, a retired cat burglar, finds herself back on the prowl after scoring the job of a lifetime. Unknowingly employed by the Dread Wolf, Nadia hunts down a powerful ancient artifact and both she and her lover, Elio, find themselves caught in a web of lies that threaten the entire world. When Elio is seemingly banished to the Fade - a mystical magical plane - Nadia desperately searches for answers on a rescue mission across Thedas. On her journey, Nadia finds an unlikely ally in Drayden, a bookish historian and writer with a troubled past and a mysterious connection to the Fade. Their journey to save Elio is arduous, dangerous, and at times, downright foolish. But with the help of some friends, our heroes find some of the answers they are looking for and a few they wish they hadn’t. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240829-01 RSS: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/PDP6704482640
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I Need A Miracle Audio Drama Every episode is a prayer, some prayers are answered, and a prayer granted can upend the world. Each episode, each prayer, is a single desperate moment of a life in another world. A world shaped by the divine. The voices we hear know an omnipotent being is listening. They know not all pleas are granted – but some are. And they believe in the benevolence of their god. Desperation and calculation, need and desire render each new character in vivid shades. And episode by episode, a miraculous yet tumultuous world is assembled in glimpses. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240829-02 RSS: https://feeds.acast.com/public/shows/ineedamiracle
Someone Just Like You Audio Book This is the sound that breaks the silence of the night. The scratching inside the walls. The tapping just outside your window. The whispers in the dark. "Someone Just Like You" is a harrowing journey into supernatural terror not for the faint of heart—or stomach. These handpicked horror stories are frightening, fearless and hauntingly vivid. Brought to life by an extraordinary cast of voice actors including Peter Lewis, Addison Peacock, Méabh de Brún, Graham Rowat, Anusia Battersby, and many more. Listen at your own risk because what happens here could happen to anyone. It could happen to… Someone Just Like You. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240829-03 RSS: https://feeds.megaphone.fm/someonejustlikeyou
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Resurrecting Dick Nash Audio Book A jaded lawyer, on the payroll of a nameless corporate entity, travels the backroads of modern day America on a mission to unearth a mysterious object simply called "the Package." The only clues to its whereabouts are a disjointed series of notes and records compiled by an obscure 1980's pulp fiction writer who traveled the same roads half a century ago and wrote under the pen name Dick Nash. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240801-04 RSS: https://anchor.fm/s/f93fec20/podcast/rss
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Darkside Tales Audio Book Original horror stories, written and produced in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. All stories written by Vanessa F Penney. Produced, narrated and edited by Roxanne Potvin. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240803-02 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/darksidetales/feed.xml
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Genesis and The Lumenairians Audio Book Genesis and the Lumenairians is an original science fiction podcast created by Elizabeth Manoukian. The year is 2056. In a post-WiFi, analog Los Angeles we follow our hero, Genesis as she tries to find what she has lost to another fold of reality. Genesis and the Lumenairians was inspired by films such as Blade Runner, Interstellar and Francesca Lia Block’s Dangerous Angels book series. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240805-04 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/Genesisandthelumenairians/feed.xml
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Finding Familiars Audio RPG Stories told, adventures had, and familiars found just with the roll of some dice. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240809-03 RSS: https://feeds.simplecast.com/4VXqY4mD
Dungeons and Drag Queens Audio RPG Hear ye! Hear ye! High-fantasy, high-heeled, high-quality audio from Dungeons and Drag Queens LIVE shows will have you rolling on the floor with HIDEOUS laughter! Since starting in Seattle, Dungeons and Drag Queens LIVE has inspired many. Dungeon Master Comedian Paul Curry and improvisational violinist Carson Grubb will lead a party of fierce local and international Drag Queens on a brand-new storytelling adventure, filled with danger, snark, and audience participation around every precarious corner. Listen and learn, or hear Paul’s carefully crafted fantasy world burn, at Dungeons and Drag Queens! https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240804-02 RSS: https://media.rss.com/dndqlive/feed.xml
Forge & Fable D&D Podcast Audio RPG Welcome to Forge & Fable, where storytelling meets adventure in the wondrous world of Dungeons & Dragons! Join a band of intrepid adventurers as they journey through magical realms, unravel ancient mysteries, and face formidable foes. Whether you're a seasoned player, a budding dungeon master, or someone just enchanted by epic tales, this podcast will ignite your imagination and bring fresh excitement to your D&D experience. Each episode is a blend of compelling narrative, dynamic character interactions, and thrilling gameplay, brought to life by a passionate team of players and a creative dungeon master. Prepare for laughter, suspense, and the occasional dice roll mishap as we forge our path through fables old and new. Tune in to Forge & Fable and become a part of our ever-growing adventuring party. Your epic quest awaits! https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240811-01 RSS: https://media.rss.com/forge-fable/feed.xml
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Public Access: Playback Static Audio RPG Playback Static is an analog/cosmic TTRPG Actual Play Podcast of the game Public Access by Jason Cordova which you can get through DriveThruRPG. It is set in Deep Lake, New Mexico in the year 2004. Ever since the local public access TV station that began production in the late 1970’s, TV Odyssey, quite literally disappeared in the mid 1990’s, odd things have been happening in the town of Deep Lake. Our Latchkeys who grew up in Deep Lake and moved away find themselves drawn back to their hometown to solve the mysteries happening in Deep Lake currently, and the get to the bottom of what happened to TV Odyssey, once and for all. There’s secrets in Deep Lake, one’s that are older than our Latchkeys even know about. The true question is will they survive long enough to find out what happened to the long disappeared station and, if they do, what happens to them? https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240817-04 RSS: https://feed.podbean.com/playbackstaticpod/feed.xml
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Five Conversations Before Sleep Audio Drama A series of intimate 15 minute dialogues between two people in a relationship at the milestones that define a couple. Sometimes awkward, oftentimes relatable, this show captures the horror and ecstasy of the search for someone to love — but mainly someone to talk to. Best listened to immediately after waking up. For anyone who has ever said too much or not enough. https://audiofiction.co.uk/show.php?id=20240807-03 RSS: https://feeds.simplecast.com/QfPbjT7C
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laytonnpcbracket · 1 year
Welcome to the Layton NPC Showdown!
This is a bracket to determine which of the many memorable NPCs from across the Professor Layton games are the greatest.
GAMES INCLUDED: Every game except LBMR. Eternal Diva characters are also not included here.
WHAT COUNTS AS AN NPC?: Anyone who doesn't have a puzzle animation. Characters excluded are Layton, Luke, Flora, Clive, Emmy, Randall, Aurora, Des, Espella, Phoenix, Maya, Katrielle, Ernest, Sherl, Hastings, and Emiliana.
WILL THERE BE NOMINATIONS?: Nope! Every NPC will be included.
WHAT ABOUT THE PUZZLE LADS/LASSES?: I only plan on including characters that we can speak to in-game, so no Puzzle Lads or Lasses. Sorry to the people who like them 😔
WHICH CHARACTERS ARE INCLUDED, THEN?: Anyone who isn't an exception listed above that is in the profiles of the game! A full list is enclosed below.
WHEN WILL THE TOURNAMENT START?: More information forthcoming on that! I have to seed the bracket first :)
WHY IS NAIYA YOUR ICON?: In my opinion, she's one of the more underrated NPCs of the series. I'll probably cycle through some of the ones I have available to me right now.
WHAT CRITERIA SHOULD I VOTE ON?: Whatever makes you happy :)
ARE ALTER EGOS SEPERATE CHARACTERS?: No. For instance, Ratman is not included because his secret identity is in the tournament.
US OR UK NAMES?: I will try to make available as many names for the NPCs as possible! Which includes their Japanese names and as many names in the localizations as I am able to obtain from the wiki and my own sources. I'll probably reliably have the English (both versions where applicable), Japanese, and French names for every character when I do the bracket rounds. The list below however is entirely in English.
And now for a list of the entries! I didn't check all of these for inconsistencies, but I attempted to ascertain that I used the US versions. Some of them might be UK versions though because that's the version of the game I have (specifically Diabolical Box NPCs and Last Specter NPCs -- I know some of their US names but not all).
Lady Dahlia Reinhold
Gordon Reinhold
Simon Reinhold
Augustus Reinhold
Granny Riddleton
Don Paolo
Andrew Schrader
Anton Herzen
Katia Anderson
Mr. Anderson
Sammy Thunder
Dimitri Allen
Bill Hawks
Dean Delmona
Subject 3
Family Goon
Hazel (UF)
Maya (UF)
Ernest (UF)
Clark Triton
Brenda Triton
Arianna Barde
Tony Barde
Doland Noble
Levin Jakes
Aunt Taffy
Hans Jakes
Chief Engineer
Roland Layton
Lucille Layton
Henry Ledore
Angela Ledore
Alphonse Dalston
Leonard Bloom
Mrs Ascot
Policeman (MM)
Mr. Collins
Leon Bronev
Hazel (AL)
Amelie Chelmey
Policeman (AL)
Old Red
Carmine Accidenti
Olivia Aldente
Zacharias Barnham
Newton Belduke
Patty Eclaire
Eve (cat)
Jean Greyerl
Knight Captain
Lettie Mailer
Ridelle Mystere
Ms Primstone
Emeer Punchenbaug
Old Rootie
Johnny Smiles
Pipper Lowonida
Phineas Barnone
Madame Doublée
Liza Wight
Grant Sloans
Cesar Chance
Mustafa Fulhold
Hans Lipski
Aleks Lipski
Maverick D. Rector
Seymore Fraymes
The Major
Eddie Torre
Bianca Teller
Security Guard
Taboras Lloyd
Douglas Dert
Mo Heecan
Mrs Slow the Tailor
Midas Pullman
Declan Swabber
Abel Seamon
Felicity Hastings
Gene Ohm
Billy Kidd
Royall Britannias
Clover Pryce
PC Beate
DC Booker
Séan Butchin
Bo Bells
Hessie Tate
Keane Fisher
Bob Bracket
Gudrun Weldon
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beethebean · 20 days
Also, feel free to ask me or Bee anything! I'll do my best to reply either just me or draw out bees reactions to the questions
Name: Bee (Beasley) Bean
Gender/Pronouns: Female she/her
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: unknown
Age: 7 or 10 depending on rp
Birthdate: 01/11/####
Occupation: Nothing
Height: Depends on rp
Build: healthy
Hair: short brown
Eyes: blue
Identifying Marks: NA
Appearance: always in her bumblebee sweater an on top of that she has overalls with a chest pocket that has a bee on the pocket then yellow rain boots
Personality: Trusting, loving an silly
Motivations: sweets and toys
Current Goal: na
Life Goal: na
Motto: na
Best Quality: puppy eyes
Worst Quality: no sense of danger
Fears: ghosts, spiders and being left behind
Hobbies: getting into things
Talents: being cute
Skills: being cute
Group/Organizational Affiliations: na
Dad(s): Silas(Not my oc) and Demarcus
Sister(s): Angel, Boris, Ophelia(not my oc) and Ripley (not my oc)
Best Friends: Depends on rp
Relationship Status:Depends on rp
Significant Other: na
Other Relationships: Depends on rp
Source of Pride: Her axolotl plushy she ALWAYS has names Mr. Lottle
Backstory: Bee an her sister Angel were in a human/tiny pet shop/breeder but wernt selling so they were both tossed aside to be forgotten
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cynsualc829 · 2 months
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Happening now!
The Rebroadcast of musical smooth grooves. Kick back, reflect on those great moments, and join Bruce Buege for The Smooth Jazz Kitchen Radioshow - Reflections.
🇺🇸 🇬🇧 🇩🇪 🇮🇹 🇬🇷 🇸🇩 🇿🇦 🇨🇦 🇧🇶
The Smooth Jazz Kitchen Radioshow - Reflections
00:00 Blake Aaron - The Way You Sway
00:05 Walter Beasley - Reflections
00:09 Jeffery Smith - Reflections
00:14 Steve Baxter feat Ellis Hall - Fire
00:17 Lowell Hopper - Reflection
00:22 Les Sabler - Midnight Reflections
00:27 Marcus Adams feat Regan Whiteside - Party Time
00:30 Jeff Lorber - Reflections
00:35 Julian Vaughn - Reflection
00:40 Michael Cates - Newport Nights
00:44 Chris Standring - Reflection
00:48 George Howardeflections
00:53 Kenny G feat Ellis Hall - What Does It Take (To Win Your Love)
00:58 Jim Adkins - Reflections
01:02 Jayson Tipp Music feat Greg Vail - 7th & Main
01:07 Dan Siegel - Reflections
01:11 Kimberly Brewer feat Gerald Albright & Mark Kibble - Tasting Sunshine
01:15 Jonathan Butler - Reflections
01:21 Joey Sommerville feat Phil Perry - Reflections
01:27 Nick Stefanacci Music - Secrets
01:30 Rob Tardik - Reflections
01:36 Vann Burchfield - Reflections Of Long Ago
01:40 Cord Martin - Urban Renaissance
01:45 Keiko Matsui - Reflections
01:49 Brian Bromberg - Last Day of Summer
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Gloucestershire Unsolved
Why Are These Cases Cold & Forgotten
Twenty days ago we began the arduous task of a deep-dive review of four unsolved murder cases in Cheltenham, Stroud, Coleford and Stonehouse.
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The first of these murders that need our attention is that of Constance “Little Granny” Aris.
On February 28th 1985, the pensioner in her 70s was found by her son Keith and daughter-in-law Vanessa in her armchair, she had been battered to death with what was believed to have been an axe, the TV was still on.
Connie had been out in the early evening of February 27th 1985 to attend a Friendly Society meeting at St Marks Community Centre in Cheltenham. Sometime between 6.30 pm that evening and 9 am on 28th February she was murdered.
Now one thing that we need to clarify is the date of the killing as the national database for deaths clearly shows Constance E E Aris of Cheltenham deceased in 1986.
This is the copy of the record taken from Findmypast.com
Death quarter 2, Registration Month 4
Death year 1986, District Cheltenham
Register number 486, County Gloucestershire
Volume 22, Page 1441
So this is something we are currently exploring and have contacted witnesses to further explore this. Obviously, I will report back when we have clarification.
Links to this investigation
Since we began to review this case we have identified two possible links to other unsolved killings, one in Bristol and one in Plymouth but we cannot go into any detail on this just at the moment, as enquiries are ongoing.
Carmel Gamble
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The fire brigade attended the cottage after a fire was reported at the Rodborough address. As part of the search discovered the body of severely anorexic Carmel Gamble who was 43 years old.
The worrying thing was that she had not died as a result of the fire, she had been beaten to death with several severe blows to her skull. She had been badly mutilated and then piles of clothes set around the body and set alight using paraffin as an accelerant.
There has never been any sign of this case being solved despite evidence from a woman who came forward a few years later.
In the relatively few days since we began looking at these cases we have been able to speak to two people who recall the case and are willing to talk to us. We will bring an update as we get it.
Courtney Davies
This murder was pretty horrific with the victim being a well-known gangster. His badly burned body was found frozen by wildlife rangers Neil Sollis and Ray Beasley in High Meadow Woods near Coleford Gloucestershire, it was around 9 am December 21st 2004.
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The post-mortem revealed that he had been stabbed some 70 times and his throat had been cut. There was a strong smell f petrol which may well have caused the woodland fire.
Courtney Davies was a well known criminal from Cardiff with convictions for drugs, firearms and violence. In 1986 he had been sent to prison for 15 years for a violent robbery of the home of a Welsh businessman. Davies had been released in 1994 having served eight years of the sentence.
This murder is believed to have been a gangland killing it is our early opinion that this is correct.
Police appealed for the drivers of a red Ford Escort, a white Lexus, amd a red & white motorcycle seen along the A4136 between 1050 pm and 1150 pm on the night of December 19th 2004 but to no avail.
DNA found on a cigarette butt led to some arrests and 32-year-old Malcolm Martin was put on trial at Bristol Crown Court, however, the trial collapsed before it could begin and Mr Martin who had been deaf and mute since the age of 12 when he had meningitis said the arrest ruined his life.
Gloucestershire Police say that there is really very little chance of a conviction but regardless of this man’s convictions, I feel that the case needs to be reviewed, not just written off.
Richard Miles
The last case I want to bring to you as we review is that of 29-year-old Richard Miles who was stabbed to death in the back garden of his home in Newtown Near Stonehouse Gloucestershire on March 10th 1993.
He was by all accounts a well liked man and there seems to have been no explanation for the stabbing.
Over 40 police officers were drafted in to work on the case, stopping 1,140 cars and questioning 277 people that had passed through the area on the day of the killing but to no avail.
Three men were arrested in November 2013 in connection with the case, two on suspicion of murder and the third on suspicion of perverting the course of justice, they were released on bail pending further enquiries but nothing has ever come of it and the case was discontinued.
Several mystery persons have never been identified including an ‘attractive woman’ pushing a buggy near Richard’s home on the day of the killing despite police interviewing mums at Eastington Nursery School and two men seen in a nearby field.
Mr Miles was a chronic cannabis smoker but police said at the time there was no evidence to suggest any link between his drug taking and his death. It is possible that this could have been the link but I somehow doubt it as he worked full time and had no other debts so it is unlikely he would have had a ‘drugs debt’.
Richard’s mother was the person who found her son’s lifeless body with a knife buried in his chest and his father said that she will never recover from that day.
Why was this man killed? He worked full time as a panel beater and police were unable to find anyone who even had a bad word to say about him so what caused his murder? Hopefully we can start to get some answers to these questions, as despite the passage of time someone out there knows what happened and who was responsible.
Ongoing Enquiries
We are spending time speaking to people in each area, taking photographs and video footage as well as making enquiries into the victim’s lifestyles and backgrounds.
We will keep updating this blog or post new ones as time passes and the investigations continue, obviously if we find evidence that could lead to a conviction the information will be passed immediately to the police.
Look forward to bringing you more as we get it.
Please wish us luck and help us to fund our daily enquiries by clicking the link to Buy Me A Coffee
If you’d like to discuss the case or indeed any part of our work please do get in touch.
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duggardata · 2 years
What couples can we expect a child from in 2023? I think Tiffany, Esther, Alyssa, Tori, Lydia, and Josie will have babies. As for the Duggars, Jessa, Jinger, Kendra, JoyAnna, Hannah and maybe Claire
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As of November 2, 2022, the Predictor expects all of the following couples will welcome a child in 2023—
Karissa + Mandrae Collins (#10*) January 31, 2023 (Known Pregnancy. Due February 1st.)
Jer + Hannah (Wissmann) Duggar (#1) February 20, 2023 (Known Pregnancy. Due Date Unknown; Approximately February 25th.)
Katie (Bates) + Travis Clark (#1) February 23, 2023 (Known Pregnancy. Due March 4th.)
Alyssa (Bates) + John Webster (#5) March 31, 2023 (Known Pregnancy. Due April 3rd.)
Lawson + Tiffany (Espensen) Bates (#1) May 9, 2023
Justin + Claire (Spivey) Duggar (#1) May 12, 2023
Joy–Anna (Duggar) + Austin Forsyth (#3) May 25, 2023 (Known Pregnancy. Due May 23rd.)
Josie (Bates) + Kelton Balka (#3) June 4, 2023
Chelsy (Bontrager) + John Maxwell (#4) June 10, 2023
Jesse + Anna (Craig) Maxwell (#1) July 3, 2023
Denver + Praise (Helferich) Bontrager (#1) July 30, 2023
Joseph + Elissa (Frost) Maxwell (#4) August 2, 2023
Jessa (Duggar) + Ben Seewald (#5) August 30, 2023
Rachel (Wissmann) + Alan Busenitz (#4**) September 6, 2023
Andrew + Kori (Knuth) Wissmann (#3) September 25, 2023
Courtney + Christopher Rogers (#13) October 4, 2023
Sierra Jo + Mark Dominguez (#8) October 6, 2023
Zach + Whitney (Perkins) Bates (#5) October 10, 2023
Trace + Lydia (Romeike) Bates (#1) November 3, 2023
Gracie (Wikstrom) + Kord Etbauer (#3) November 7, 2023
Kaylee Rodrigues + Jonathan Hill (#1) November 16, 2023
Bethany (Wissmann) + Daniel Beasley (#6) December 6, 2023
Jinger (Duggar) + Jeremy Vuolo (#3) December 8, 2023
Matt + Michelle (Kingery) Wissmann (#3) December 13, 2023
Joe + Kendra (Caldwell) Duggar (#5) December 23, 2023
Kristen + Justin Young (#5) December 25, 2023
Anon, the Predictor agrees w/ you regarding Tiffany, Alyssa, Lydia, and Josie, and all of the Duggars you listed, but it disagrees w/ you regarding Esther (October 2024) and Tori (January 2024).
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e-lisard · 2 years
Hallowed War
Characters: none, it's a page out of a researcher's notebook talking about something happening about 150 years before the story.
Warnings: none, other than a mentioned war and how it ended, nothing graphic though.
Story: Second Chance At Life
WC: 426
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While most people will know that long ago the whole continent was one country, divided into provinces ruled by 'Houses' or 'Schools', most are not aware of what our ancestors referred to as the "Hallowed War". Those who have heard of it, assume it to be related to religion, as hallow means holy.
What this event truly was, however, was a war on the then biggest House, the House of Hallow.
The information I've gathered from old documents all say the same. William 'The Conqueror' Hallow grew arrogant, and tried to take over the entire country.
Some smaller Houses either thought it was a great idea, or thought he would win, and joined him for one of these reasons.
The other Houses rallied against the Hallow forces, and after some years, the Hallow family disappeared for the most part.
I write 'for the most part', as about 150 years after this war, someone before this known as "Near Hatheway" turned out to be one of the, if not the, last living heir of this family. Clearly, the other Houses had failed in their attempt to wipe the House of Hallow out.
However, this is not about Near Hatheway / Hallow.
During the war, many Houses ended up leaving the Hallow's side, either figuring out the House would lose, realising the House would usurp them too, or having some other probably self-centered reason.
One House, however, never left their side. And while the House of Hallow made at least some type of return, this House did not. The name of this House is almost never mentioned, most documents only refer to it as "The Last House On The Left" or "The Last House In The West", although I have managed to find the name of the House. The House of Beasley. The explanation for the 'nickname' of sorts would for one be the placing during this war; both the House of Hallow and the House of Beasley were placed in the West.
Apart from that, the House of Beasley is the only House that remained allied with the House of Hallow to the end. And while both Houses ended up wiped out (or at least were thought to be wiped out), the House of Beasley remained standing for about a month longer, for the most part due to their main family branch's reluctance to fight, or even come anywhere near the battlefield.
In the end, they were wiped out in a siege, marking the end of the Hallowed War.
Thus concludes this part of our continent's history.
Flash Fiction Friday taglist (ask to be + or -): @flashfictionfridayofficial
General taglist (ask to be + or -): @simkarta333 , @asher-orion-writes
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burlveneer-music · 2 years
Dwight Trible - Ancient Future - new album on Gearbox Records with a sweet guest list
Today, the inimitable jazz vocalist, activist, and nominal godfather of the LA jazz scene, Dwight Trible, returns with the announcement of his new album “Ancient Future”. Out 17th March via London jazz aficionados and analog specialists Gearbox Records , the new record follows his critically acclaimed album “Mothership”, which was released in 2019 and saw him collaborate with the likes of Kamasi Washington, Mark de Clive-Lowe, Miguel Atwood-Ferguson, and more. On “Ancient Future”, Trible collaborates once again with Kamasi Washington (saxophone), as well as lauded LA multi-instrumentalist Georgia Anne Muldrow (vocals), who is signed to Brianfeeder and has previously worked with the likes of Madlib, Denzel Curry, Mos Def, Blood Orange, and Brittany Howard. Elsewhere, the record also features double Grammy winning pianist, John Beasley; Kamaal Williams touring drummer Greg Paul; gospel bassist André Gouché; percussionist and backing vocalist Megashia Jackson; LA guitarist G. E. Stinson; and percussionist Rene Fisher. A key figurehead in the LA jazz scene, Dwight Trible is a legend in waiting. With an incredible career spanning decades, he has played a pivotal role in creating as much jazz history through his work and inspiration in the new wave of US jazz, as he should be noted for in his undoubtable vocal and songwriting talent. He is the vocalist for the Pharoah Sanders Quartet and has collaborated with a huge variety of artists such as Kamasi Washington (singing on ‘The Epic’ and ‘Heaven and Earth’), J Dilla, Life Force Trio, Carlos Nino, John Beasley, Bobby Hutcherson, Charles Lloyd, and is also the vocal director for the Horace Tapscott Pan Afrikan Peoples Arkestra - a Los Angeles institution with a history stretching back forty years and an active engagement in the city's Black community since the Watts Uprising. Trible has also been on the forefront of the US jazz resurgence, working as executive director of the hugely crucial arts space The World Stage - a vital component to Leimert Park, which has been the epicentre of African-American art and culture in Los Angeles since the late 1960s. Artists such as Kamasi Washington and Terrace Martin have credited the venue as having helped to shape their sounds and the sense of community surrounding the scene, whilst also being an essential influence to the likes of Kendrick Lamar and Biz Markey, as well as number of artists from LA tastemaker label Brainfeeder and more. An avid and passionate activist, an enabler of the local scene and a figurehead in the LA jazz community, Trible’s focus is rarely self-seeking, always facing outward his focus is largely centred on giving, inclusion and teaching, whilst also inspiring others and expressing himself both on-stage on-record behind the scenes. Dwight Trible; vocals John Beasley; piano and keyboards André Gouché; electric bass guitar Greg Paul; drums and percussion G. E. Stinson; electric guitar Megashia Jackson; percussion and background vocals on ‘African Drum’ Rene Fisher; percussion on ‘African Drum’ Kamasi Washington; tenor saxophone on ‘African Drum’ Georgia Anne Muldrow; vocals on ‘Black Dance’ All tracks composed by Dwight Trible, John Beasley, André Gouché, Greg Paul and G. E. Stinson All lyrics written by Dwight Trible and Megashia Jackson
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mariacallous · 2 years
There’s no shortage of threats to democracy this political season, and, during a debate last week in Ohio, two candidates for the U.S. Senate were asked what they thought the greatest danger might be. Representative Tim Ryan, the Democrat, who spoke first, said that it was “extremism,” and then got more specific: his opponent, J. D. Vance, he said, has no ability to stand up to his own party, or “to anybody.” At a recent rally in Youngstown, Donald Trump had bragged, “J.D. is kissing my ass, he wants my support.” But what was even more troubling to Ryan was Vance’s response, which was to join Trump onstage, “shaking his hand, taking pictures.” Ryan said, “I don’t know anybody I grew up with—I don’t know anybody I went to high school with—that would allow somebody to take their dignity like that.”
With the midterms now only a few weeks away, one shouldn’t expect an overflowing of dignity in any of the half-dozen or so states, including Ohio, where Senate seats are being seriously contested. At the rally, Vance, who came to prominence as the author of “Hillbilly Elegy” and then reinvented himself as a MAGA man, said that Ryan doesn’t seem like an Ohioan because he’s a fan of yoga. Vance has also suggested that President Joe Biden was letting fentanyl stream across the border in order to punish Republican voters—an insinuation that G.O.P. candidates around the country have echoed. Recent polls have Ryan and Vance within a few points of each other, but Trump won the state in 2020 by more than eight points.
According to projections by the research firm AdImpact, a hundred and thirty-eight million dollars will be spent in the Ohio race on media advertising alone. Roughly a quarter billion dollars is expected to be spent on ads in Senate races in Nevada, in Arizona, and in Pennsylvania, and two hundred and seventy-six million is the estimate for the most expensive race, in Georgia. The motive for these outlays is clear. A sitting President’s party usually loses seats in the midterms, and that seems likely to happen in the House, where the Democrats have a margin of just eight. Barring a blue wave, Kevin McCarthy, not Nancy Pelosi, will be Speaker in January. But the Democrats have a decent shot at holding on to the Senate, which is now evenly divided, and even of picking up a seat or two.
It helps that, of the thirty-five seats being contested, twenty-one are held by Republicans. And, owing to Republican retirements, there are open seats that now seem to be in the Democrats’ reach in Ohio and in Pennsylvania, where John Fetterman, the hoodie-wearing lieutenant governor, is in a close race against Mehmet Oz, the Trump-endorsed television doctor. The situation is similar in North Carolina, where a Democrat, Cheri Beasley, is running a strong race against Representative Ted Budd. Beasley, who would be the state’s first Black woman senator, is a former chief justice of the state’s Supreme Court; Budd has said that the January 6th assault was “just patriots standing up.”
In the House, Budd co-sponsored a bill that would ban abortion nationwide after about the six-week mark, with no exceptions for rape or incest. Democrats around the country appear to be benefitting from public anger at this summer’s Supreme Court decision that overturned Roe v. Wade and made bills such as Budd’s plausible. Republicans, in turn, have focussed on discontent with inflation and, in attacks that are more and more crudely drawn, on immigration and crime. In Wisconsin, ads for Ron Johnson, the most vulnerable G.O.P. Senate incumbent, portray his challenger, Mandela Barnes, the state’s Democratic lieutenant governor, as an inciter of mobs who wants to empty prisons and unleash havoc in the streets. The January 6th committee linked Johnson to Trump’s “fake elector” scheme; the Senator called the allegation a smear and said that he’d been involved for only “a couple seconds.”
Pennsylvania, however, has been seen as the Democrats’ best pick-up chance. The Fetterman campaign gained ground by portraying Oz as a huckster whose true home is New Jersey. The question is Fetterman’s health. He had a stroke a few days before the primary, in May, and by his own account has not fully recovered. He has spoken at some rallies, but still has difficulty with auditory processing. In interviews, he uses transcription software: he reads what is said to him, then responds. That technological work-around will get its biggest test on October 25th, when the candidates debate. The health discussion has exposed the lowness of Oz’s campaign, which at one point said that, as a debate accommodation, it would let Fetterman “raise his hand and say ‘bathroom break!’ ” More recently, Oz has focussed on claiming that Fetterman is weak on crime, calling him “Free-Them-All Fetterman.”
The Democrats also need to hold on to the seats they have. In Arizona, Senator Mark Kelly has had a small but steady lead over Blake Masters, a Trumpist who is funded by Peter Thiel, the tech billionaire. (Thiel is also backing Vance.) In Nevada, though, in some polls, Senator Catherine Cortez Masto is falling behind Adam Laxalt, the grandson of Paul Laxalt, the late Nevada senator. Earlier this month, Laxalt appeared with Trump at a rally where the former President said that, because of Democrats, American cities are “drenched” in blood.
But the most concentrated locus of G.O.P. indignity is in the race in Georgia between Senator Raphael Warnock, a Democrat who won a special election in 2020, and Herschel Walker, whose tight connection with Trump extends back to his stint, in the nineteen-eighties, with the New Jersey Generals, a team (in the ill-fated U.S. Football League) that Trump briefly owned. In the latest spectacle—in a campaign that has been full of them—a woman told reporters that Walker had pressured her to get an abortion and had paid for it. (She is also the mother of one of his children.) Walker, who supports an abortion ban with no exceptions, has offered bafflingly phrased denials—as he does on many subjects. Mitch McConnell, the Senate Minority Leader, is still standing behind Walker. Last week, Senators Tom Cotton, of Arkansas, and Rick Scott, of Florida, joined Walker at a campaign stop.
Cotton said that fans of the Razorbacks, the University of Arkansas football team, had not forgotten how Walker dominated them when he played for the University of Georgia Bulldogs. But, Cotton said, “they have no hard feelings, because they want Republicans back in charge in Washington.” The message to G.O.P. voters is that they all need to see themselves as indulgent Razorback fans. The Republicans are going after the Senate with Trump’s team, and they have stopped caring what it takes to get over the line. ♦
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artbookdap · 2 years
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In 2014, tech leader and burgeoning art collector Komal Shah's "eyes were opened to what she described as vast inequities faced by women artists in market prices, museum acquisitions and overall visibility in the art world." ⁠ ⁠ She has since assembled one of the most notable collections in America. "Made predominantly by generations of women working in abstraction, from the mid-20th-century artists Joan Mitchell and Lenore Tawney to the young contemporary painters Firelei Báez and Jadé Fadojutimi, the collection isn’t obviously about gender. Rather, it embodies a feminist perspective through its bold expressiveness."⁠ ⁠ Read more about Ms. Shah, the collection and the superb forthcoming 432-page catalog, 'Making Their Mark: Art by Women in the Shah Garg Collection,' in this @nytimes feature by @hilariesheets via linkinbio⁠ ⁠ 'Making Their Mark: Art by Women in the Shah Garg Collection' is published by @gregoryrmiller⁠ ⁠ Edited with text and interview by Mark Godfrey, Katy Siegel. ⁠ Text by Daniel Belasco, Glenn Adamson, David J. Getsy, Kirsty Bell, Jessica Bell Brown, Gloria Sutton, Kevin Beasley, Charles Gaines, Lyle Ashton Harris, Jacqueline Humphries, Allison Katz, Helen Marten, Laura Owens, Tschabalala Self, Christina Quarles, Jaune Quick-to-See Smith, Joyce J. Scott, Kay Sekimachi, Mary Weatherford, Aria Dean, Kay WalkingStick.⁠ ⁠ @komalshahgarg @markgodfrey1973 @katysiegel.88 #makingtheirmark #shahgarg #shahgargcollection https://www.instagram.com/p/CqGFkuRuFp6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ulkaralakbarova · 2 months
When secretive new neighbors move in next door, suburbanite Ray Peterson and his friends let their paranoia get the best of them as they start to suspect the newcomers of evildoings and commence an investigation. But it’s hardly how Ray, who much prefers drinking beer, reading his newspaper and watching a ball game on the tube expected to spend his vacation. Credits: TheMovieDb. Film Cast: Ray Peterson: Tom Hanks Lt. Mark Rumsfield: Bruce Dern Carol Peterson: Carrie Fisher Art Weingartner: Rick Ducommun Bonnie Rumsfield: Wendy Schaal Ricky Butler: Corey Feldman Hans Klopek: Courtney Gains Dr. Werner Klopek: Henry Gibson Walter Seznick: Gale Gordon Vic, Garbageman #1: Dick Miller Joe, Garbageman #2: Robert Picardo Uncle Reuben Klopek: Theodore Gottlieb Detective #1: Franklyn Ajaye Dave Peterson: Cory Danziger Detective #2: Rance Howard Ricky’s Girlfriend: Heather Haase Steve Kuntz: Nicky Katt Ricky’s Friend: Bill Stevenson Ricky’s Friend: Gary Hays Cop: Kevin Gage Cop: Dana Olsen Walter’s Daughter: Brenda Benner Suzanne Weingartner: Patrika Darbo Voiceover Actor: Sonny Carl Davis Voiceover Actor: Moosie Drier Voiceover Actor: Leigh French Voiceover Actor: Archie Hahn Voiceover Actor: Billy Jayne Voiceover Actor: Phyllis Katz Voiceover Actor: Jeffrey Kramer Voiceover Actor: Lynne Marie Stewart Voiceover Actor: Arnold F. Turner Voiceover Actor: Gigi Vorgan Ricky’s friend (uncredited): Carey Scott Kid on Bike (Uncredited): Tony Westbrook Ray’s Boss (uncredited): Kevin McCarthy Film Crew: Sound Effects: Mark A. Mangini Casting: Mike Fenton Casting: Judy Taylor Costume Design: Rosanna Norton Original Music Composer: Jerry Goldsmith Director: Joe Dante Executive Producer: Ron Howard Production Sound Mixer: Ken King Hairstylist: Christine Lee Production Design: James H. Spencer Set Designer: James E. Tocci Producer: Larry Brezner Producer: Michael Finnell Additional Photography: John Hora Music Editor: Kenneth Hall Set Decoration: John H. Anderson Foley Editor: Ron Bartlett Makeup Artist: Daniel C. Striepeke Co-Producer: Dana Olsen Special Effects Supervisor: Ken Pepiot Editor: Marshall Harvey Camera Operator: Michael D. O’Shea Director of Photography: Robert M. Stevens Stunts: George P. Wilbur Associate Producer: Pat Kehoe Dolly Grip: Kirk Bales Key Grip: Charles Saldaña Stunts: John-Clay Scott Supervising Sound Editor: George Simpson Stunts: Eddie Hice Stunts: Gary Epper Stunts: Wally Rose Stunt Double: Brian J. Williams Stunts: Jeff Ramsey Stunts: John Hateley Stunts: Ray Saniger Art Direction: Charles L. Hughes ADR Editor: Stephen Purvis Stunts: Gary Morgan Stunts: Frank Orsatti Second Assistant Director: David D’Ovidio Sound Editor: Warren Hamilton Jr. Costume Supervisor: Cheryl Beasley Blackwell Makeup Artist: Michael Germain Foley Artist: Dan O’Connell Transportation Coordinator: Randy White Boom Operator: Randall L. Johnson Foley Artist: Kevin Bartnof Visual Effects Supervisor: Michael Owens Still Photographer: Ralph Nelson Jr. Script Supervisor: Roz Harris Leadman: Nigel A. Boucher Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Michael Minkler Sound Re-Recording Mixer: Gary C. Bourgeois Foley Editor: Aaron Glascock Sound Editor: Michael J. Benavente Chief Lighting Technician: Leslie J. Kovacs Costume Supervisor: Eric H. Sandberg Greensman: Dave Newhouse Construction Coordinator: Michael Muscarella Stunts: Roydon Clark Stunts: Sandra Lee Gimpel Set Designer: Judy Cammer Assistant Editor: Uri Katoni Lighting Technician: Brent Poe Grip: T. Daniel Scaringi Production Coordinator: Karen Shaw Lighting Technician: Ken W. Ballantine Special Effects: Michael Arbogast Studio Teacher: Adria Later Stunt Coordinator: Jeff Smolek Construction Foreman: Ciro Vuoso Production Accountant: Julianna Arenson Assistant Chief Lighting Technician: Benny McNulty Set Designer: Erin M. Cummins Property Master: Gregg H. Bilson Lighting Technician: E. Christopher Reed Stunts: Rick Sawaya Unit Publicist: Reid Rosefelt Special Effects: Jeff Pepiot Grip: Danny Falkengren Best Boy Grip: Hal Nelson Grip: Paul E. Sutton Special Effects: Thomas R....
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newmusicweekly · 2 months
Historic 860 WAEC-AM Goes Silent After 76 Years
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After 76 years on the air, the iconic WAEC-AM/Atlanta and its radio signal at 860 kHz, which once hosted the first African American-owned radio station know as WERD-AM, has gone silent. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution's Rodney Ho reports the station's 17.2-acre tower site has been sold by Beasley Media to housing developer Toll Brothers for the construction of townhomes. The 860 signal's most recent incarnation, known as "Playa 860," featured Spanish language salsa music starting in late 2023. Before that, it was known as "Love 860," a long-running Christian talk format. Richard Warner, a veteran broadcaster with stints at 11Alive, WSB radio and Georgia Radio News Service, commented on the signal's end, attributing it to the decline in AM radio listenership. The shift in listener habits was evident in 2010 when News/Talk WSB-AM in Atlanta added an FM simulcast at 95.5. This change left listeners with little reason to tune into AM. Today, WSB promotes itself exclusively as 95.5 WSB, disregarding its AM signal. The 860 signal began broadcasting in 1948 and was acquired in 1949 by Jesse B. Blayton Sr., a Black bank president and Atlanta University professor, for $50,000. Blayton renamed the station WERD-AM, marking a significant milestone in African American media history. Ryan Cameron, who recently hosted the podcast series "Amplify Color" on the history of Black radio, highlighted WERD-AM's crucial role during the civil rights movement. Read the full article
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