#marino mega man x
sneakyswag · 1 month
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Marino study! (Beta just happens to be there a few times)
Love her so! Want to study her hard and develop her character in some fics I’m gonna write!
*Aggressive breakdancing*
Also sorry about the ugly scan
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soulkibbz · 2 months
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Whole lotta command mission stuff!
so srry for not posting on here—I forgo💀
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posthumanwanderings · 5 months
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Mega Man X: Command Mission (Capcom - PS2 / GameCube - 2004)
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santurn · 5 months
super cursed stuff
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im so sorry
no, im not
(stoopid rus memes woo-hoo)
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saiyanprincefiregod · 1 month
SuperSoilders of the 22nd Century: Ace Maverick Hunters and their Ultimate Forms
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Ace Maverick Hunters -Mega Man X(S Rank Veteran Hunter) -Mega Man Zero(S Rank Veteran Hunter) -Axl(A Rank Hunter) -Iris(Medic, Navigator, A Rank Hunter) -Alia(Navigator, A Rank Hunter) -Nana(Medic, Navigator, Rookie B Rank Hunter) -Marino(Rookie A Rank Hunter) -Cinnamon(Rookie Medical Staff, C Rank Hunter) -Ace(A Rank Hunter) -Nina(B Rank Hunter) -Scilla(B Rank Hunter)
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emmaverick · 1 year
she's a lesbian btw
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rognroll · 1 year
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Found this in an old sketch book and thought it was post worthy
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2024 Megaman Summer Fanart Contest - Category 2 Results!
Once again, to see the Cat. 1 Talent entries if you've missed them, head to this post.
Are ye scurvy scallywags ready to find out if (Megaman) X marks the spot and which swashbucklers will plunder all of the booty in this category?
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Set sail beyond the crashing waves below to find out after the break....
CATEGORY 2 (Humor): Pirates of the Alohahabean
For this category, entrants were tasked with drawing a comical scene where the Mega Man character(s) of their choice, who are pirates or were dressed/acted as pirates, were hunting for treasure. And in turn, ruined a nice day on the beach/in the water for other characters.
For the full gallery of pics, click here. Links to each individual full size image is after each entrant's name as well. All winners will be contacted soon.
1.) @megagundamman [Pic] *$175 USD Prize Winner!
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Literally every member of the Mega pirates multiverse is here to battle the sand Octoper OA in this ambitious piece. Time to send him back to Davy Joe's locker! Through the chaos that lifeguard Akane can't control, laughed at the other pirate thieves like Marino and Teisel trying to get away with some beach treasures, the flailing Summer Penguin and Servbot, and poor Ashe as the mermaid figurehead on the Met ship's front.
2.) @pstart [Pic] *$100 USD Prize Winner!
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Volnutt may have been originally pranked by Roll pretending to be a sharky Firushudot, but that ominous pirate vessel, the Balcon Gelede, has him spooked even more! Big froggies are scary. Tron and her Servbot look adorable in their actual pirate getups!
3.) Kamicciolo [Pic] $75 USD Prize Winner!
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Wily losing his temper with Bass (while Bass gives no F...ortes) will never not illicit a chuckle. But even more amusing is buff Dr. Light wearing a Donald Duck sailor hat. I am mentally hearing his MM8 Elmer Fudd voice replaced by Kingdom Hearts Donald! "When we fin' dat Wiwy, I'll summon dat meteaaw, Sowa!" ______________________________________
And the rest of our humorous entries, in alphabetical order by alias:
AbilityField [Pic]
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Meggers claws give him the ability to dig up the sand so fast that Geo's friends have become sand sculptures themselves! Their expressions, while keeping some recognizable features of their design, are amusing!
ArtisIan [Pic]
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Dr. Light is not amused that his family grilling time has been interrupted! Pirate Man better watch out for the hot tongs. Had a good laugh at Fliptop getting his top a little flipped and all those beach items/condiments flying out. Along with poor Beat buried upside-down.
@DWN-059 [Pic]
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A continuation of sorts from Beebs' contest entry two years ago. Dive Man's urgent rush to take care of the troublesome pirates is making waves! Which is not good news for Sword Man's torso. Love the feel of movement, not just from Dive in the background, but the Kaizock pulling up the beach towel in the foreground as well!
@duskblogsthings [Pic]
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The treasure will all be pirate Roll's, because there's not much Rock can do, being all buried himself there. Cute and playful beach scene!
VCampan [Pic]
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Tron finally won, and got Volnutt and Roll to join her pirate crew! I guess mechanics need lots of zenny for stuff too. Like adapting a Megabuster to shoot out cannonballs, most likely. Despite being a veteran air pirate, guess Bola can't handle the motion of the ocean, though...
Thank you once more to everyone for your hard work and participation this year! All the art was fantastic!
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fullanimebyfunny · 1 year
What If MMX-Multiverse-Anime Were in KHXhero
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Team X:
Mega Man X
Steel Massimo
Meta Knight
Lan Hikari
Dino Rey
Max Taylor
Yuri Lowell
Duke Pantarei
Yusaku Fujiki
Aoi Zaizen
Sailor Moon
Team Sonic
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sally Acorn
Shadow the Hedgehog
Amy Rose
Cream the Rabbit
King Mickey
Danny Phantom
Lincoln Loud
Jake Long
Ben Tennyson (Omniverse)
Captain Japan
Star Butterfly
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sneakyswag · 2 months
Yesterday I was messing around with MMX characters and seeing who I could pair up and figured, what about Marino with my son Beta?
It was a funny idea until I texted @bruggle and we actually started taking it seriously so expect more content about them :)
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soulkibbz · 4 months
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The best girls
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todayimgonnaplay · 8 months
Today I'm Gonna Play: Mega Man X: Command Mission (Gamecube ver.)
My first introduction to the Mega Man series wasn't from the games but rather one of the anime series: NT Warrior. I remember thinking the character designs looked really cool, and I loved sci-fi/robotic characters at the time too. (Robotboy on Cartoon Network anyone?) I did get into a few games on the GBA and PSP but I sucked badly. So I thought, if I can't get into one of their mainline games, maybe I can try a spin-off? (Apart from Battle Network) And that's how I found this. Never thought they had a proper turn based RPG so I thought to check it out and emulate it.
Right off the bat, I want to commend the character designs. I always felt like that was the series' strong point, but everyone looks great here. Zero is my favourite character in the entire franchise but this is one of the few times where X looks amazing, and maybe even moreso than Zero himself. I just cannot stop staring at his model with awe, it's just SO cool with the red and yellow accents, the use of sharp yet rounded shapes, and this red energy scarf emitting from his back. Another character's design I love is Marino. I usually don't pay much attention to the female characters (although Ciel, and some renditions of Roll are very pretty and cute!), but I'm absolutely in love with Marino's design where a female character looks cool for once. I think the only other character I can think of is Aile from Mega Man ZX, which I haven't played yet. If Marino appears in other games I would totally love to play them!
Overall gameplay loop is simple. Get into random encounters and go through doors or elevators to proceed, fight a boss and repeat. But I have to say that this game now has my favourite RPG combat system, beating Final Fantasy X. That's because it has similar features, such as being able to switch your party members at any time, as well as showing your turns. There are also some elements of the weapons and sub weapons having different attributes although they have stats too, so you can switch around a bit. Although the game doesn't have a nodal system like the sphere grid in FFX, it has something called a Force Metal which are kind of like stat boosters, except you can only hold a couple of them, and some party members can have even more limited slots, for some reason. The reason that this system is my favourite is that it has what I like about FFX, but also doesn't use a menu like traditional JRPGs to input your commands, and instead has 4 simple button presses: Attack, 2 smaller attacks using the sub-weapon, an ultimate attack powered by a gauge, and a menu shortcut to access items or to defend and flee. This makes the usual turn-based combat go a lot faster than having to wait for the animations to play out and repeat.
The music is also pretty catchy for the most part. Lots of electronic beats that still hold up to today. The ending song is also really neat yet very eerie too, which was very unexpected.
The story is alright. I'm not knowledgeable about Mega Man lore in general, but from my understanding there's a group of bad guys that were after mining sources of Force Metal and it's up to X and the others to track them down. Not a lot of groundbreaking narratives going on although it had some interesting twists, but it's okay enough to just follow along with it without focusing on it too much, even though it won't be something I would remember in the future.
I do have some drawbacks though. Since it's an old game and an RPG too, it suffers from random encounters or more specifically TOO many random encounters. Some segments had puzzle sections and I could take two steps and get an encounter! Understandably, this feature existed for technical reasons at the time. But if a game were to release today with random encounters included for any reason (such as the Pokémon franchise), it's crucial to keep a balance on the encounter rate because too much of it frustratingly breaks the flow of the game. I had to take multiple breaks from playing just from getting exhausted with the amount of enemies I was encountering. What's worse, is that the EXP rate is so low that it makes grinding an absolute pain to go through.
The level designs aren't too great either. Because the game mostly uses corridors to navigate, a lot of it is just going straight with some occasional turns. The second half tries to include some puzzles and a lot of backtracking, but the map design felt a bit awkward to navigate around. I mostly had an issue with 1 chapter, but the rest were okay to go through. I think it's hard to make corridor style levels interesting, save one game from what little I've played which was Persona 5 Royal (It is something I'll properly play in the future). A mix of puzzles, exploration, and not making areas too narrow would do well.
Overall, I think this game has a lot of potential that's being held down by its own weaknesses and can definitely be improved upon if it were to get a sequel, or at least a remaster to be ported to modern consoles.
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santurn · 7 months
two beauties
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I think you can understand who are my favorite characters in mmx... AND THEY'RE NOT CLEARLY CANON WHAT THEEEE
I'm angy
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saiyanprincefiregod · 7 months
How I would reboot MegaMan (Classic), MegaMan Zero, and MegaMan X pt. 3. Mega Man X Reboot 1-6
Now it's time to show my reboot of MegaMan X. Like MegaMan Zero MegaMan X is set it in an alternate timeline from the Classic MegaMan, with the characters Zero, Ciel, Cereavu, and Dr. Timothy Cain with Ashoka Kanme, Seth Kenka, Joseph Park, Saria Ame, Alia, Signs, Lifesaver, Douglas, Steel Massimo, Spider, Marino, Cinnamon, Chief R, Nana, Professor Gaudile, Aile, Layer, Pallete, Axl, and our favorite true blue hero, MegaMan X
The Plot of MegaMan X
Before the Event of MegaMan Zero, MegaMan Zero 2, MegaMan Zero 3 and MegaMan Zero 4,  Sometime in the Year 20XX, Dr. Thomas Xavier Light completes work on [MegaMan] X and seals him away for 30 years of diagnostic testing, believing that the world will not yet accept a robot with free will. Dr. Wily seals away his final creations - [MegaMan] Zero and the Maverick Sigma Virus - without completing them to his final specifications. Dr. Light and Dr. Wily both pass away, but their wills persist in their creations. The soul of Light dwells in hidden Light Capsules and Cyber-SoulSpace, while Wily somehow lives on in the Maverick Sigma Virus.
Before MegaMan Zero [1-4], Dr. Cain embarks on an expedition to research a fossil record of Mesozoic plant life. Dr. Cain sets up camp and draws the preliminary groundwork for his dig. He notices an odd reading at location "E-46", deciding to investigate the following day. Dr. Cain uncovers ruins of a laboratory used by Dr. Light. Inside, he discovers documents referring to a capsule. Dr. Cain locates the capsule. He notes in his journal the specifications (14 meters tall by 8 meters wide and that it was under a collapsed ceiling. Cain clears dust from part of capsule to find a large letter "X", and activates the message left by Dr. Light.He notes the the indicators on the capsule are all green, and that he plans to open it the next day. Dr. Cain successfully opens the capsule and activates X. Dr. Cain examines the design notes and specifications for X left by Dr. Light, learning that X is a leap above anything in robotics the world has ever seen. Dr. Cain cancels his expedition to transport X and Dr. Light's materials to his lab. With minor modifications to Dr. Light's original designs, Dr. Cain works with X to create the first Reploid Sigma. Dr. Cain reports that the Reploids have been in mass production for several weeks, and that the general populace is excited to accept the new generation of robots. By this date, there have been two instances of irregular Reploid behavior. The term Maverick has been coined and applied to Reploids who disobey orders, commit acts of terrorism as well as injure and kill humans or innocent reploids. On this day, a third Maverick instance occurs, where three Reploids injured two humans. Dr. Cain reports that the council is debating halting the assembly of Reploids, but he doubts it will occur. [the events of Mega Man 1-4]. After the ending of MegaMan Zero 4, when Zero leaves to find Sigma, X joins the Maverick Hunters to fight for peace, being assigned as a B-Class Hunter.
MegaMan X: Sigma begins to resume his plan for human genocide after the events of Zero 4 and has been approaching his strongest Maverick Hunters to recruit them into an anti-human Reploid rebellion. Sigma revolts against the humans, taking many Maverick Hunters with him. Zero arrives in Los Angeles to see that the entire city is in ruins, X begins fighting Sigma's army on the Los Angeles highway, but he is ambushed by Vile piloting a Ride Armor. Zero comes to his rescue, forcing Vile to retreat. Zero assures X that he has the potential to become stronger, and orders him to continue fighting Sigma's forces while he locates Sigma's Hideout.
X faces Sigma's lieutenants, growing stronger by destroying all eight of the former Maverick Hunters. Zero then informs X that he has located Sigma's airborne hideout, and the two rendezvous to infiltrate it. The two are stopped by Vile, and Zero chooses to face him alone but is caught in a trap. X tries to rescue Zero, but Vile uses a Ride Armor to beat and paralyze him too. As a last resort, Zero self-destructs on Vile's Ride Armor, inspiring X to break free from his paralysis and finish off Vile. In his last moments, Zero encourages X to defeat Sigma. X confronts Sigma in his tower, defeating his guard dog Velguarder. Sigma then faces him one-on-one. As X deals the final blow, Sigma laments X's decision to side with humanity as the fortress explodes. X retreats to a cliff overlooking the ocean, watching the explosion, and wonders if the fighting is truly over. Indeed, a message left by Sigma boasts that X has only won a temporary victory, and that his "spirit and virus" live on.
MegaMan X2: Six months have passed since Sigma's uprising. X is promoted to S-Class Sergeant for saving humanity and defeating Sigma. X now leads the Maverick Hunters' 17th Unit to root out remnants of the rebellion. However, Maverick activity is on the rise once more, and Mavericks are found containing a chip bearing Sigma's mark. Dr. Cain traces the chips to a factory under Maverick control, and X leads a battalion to destroy it. With the factory out of commission, a new uprising suddenly breaks out, led by eight SA-Class Mavericks. As X fights them, he learns of the X-Hunters - Serges, Agile, and Violen - who lead this rebellion. They also hold three rebuilt parts of Zero, but require his control chip (held by Dr. Cain) to reactivate him. X duels each of the X-Hunters over Zero's parts. Once X defeats the eight Mavericks, he infiltrates the X-Hunters' Arctic base and destroys all three of them. However, Sigma returns and challenges X to face him at the Central Computer, which is spreading a Maverick Virus across the internet. There, X is met by Sigma with a copy of Zero, only for the real Zero to appear, reconstructed by Dr. Cain, and destroy it. Zero tells X to finish Sigma while he destroys the Central Computer. X destroys Sigma, only to discover that he has become one with the virus itself as the Sigma Virus. X then defeats the Sigma Virus, who disappears as the Central Computer explodes. X and Zero reunite outside, but X wonders what must be done to achieve true peace.
Mega Man Xtreme: Three weeks have passed since the X-Hunter Incident, X learns that the Maverick Hunters' Mother Computer has been hacked, and works with Middy to digitize into cyberspace to find the culprit. He defeats the Shadow Hunters, Zain and Geemel, before confronting the hacker himself, Techno. Upon killing Techno, X is distraught to learn that Middy died too, being his twin brother. He then learns that Sigma manipulated Techno into hacking the Mother Computer, and destroys him in revenge. X and Zero defeat Sigma and stop him from using the Mother Computer.
MegaMan X3: Several months after the Mother Computer incident, Dr. Doppler creates a cure to the Sigma Virus. His invention attracts advanced Reploids from far and wide, who construct a utopia called Dopple Town in his honor. However, Dopple Town suddenly falls into Maverick chaos, revealing Doppler is their leader. X and Zero are deployed to quell the riots, but Doppler's army attacks Hunter Base in their absence, forcing them to retreat. X is almost kidnapped by the traitor Mac, but Zero rescues him and terminates Mac. X and Zero return to Dopple Town and fight the Doppler Army's strongest Mavericks. They encounter Doppler's right-hand-men, Bit and Byte, who ambush X to capture him dead or alive. X also fights a resurrected Vile MK-II, who is seeking revenge. Once all eight Mavericks are defeated, Dr. Cain uses their memory chips to pinpoint Doppler's lab, and learns that Doppler is constructing a giant battle body. X faces Dr. Doppler, who reveals his loyalty to Sigma and plan to use X's body. X brings Doppler back to his senses from the Sigma Virus, so he tells X where Sigma is. X fights Sigma's giant battle body, while Zero sabotages the laboratory. However, the Sigma Virus threatens to take X's body. Fortunately, Doppler arrives with a real Sigma Virus vaccine, and self-destructs to neutralize the virus. X escapes the laboratory to reunite with Zero. Upon their return to Abel City, X and Zero are greeted and congratulated by now promoted General William Kaname along with Dr. Cain, Cereavu, Ahsoka, Ciel, Joseph, Sara and Seth.
MegaMan Xtreme 2: Two months have passed the incident at Dopple Town, A mysterious phenomenon dubbed Erasure occurs, leaving Reploids empty husks. When a mass event occurs at Laguz Island, X and Zero are sent to investigate with the rookie Iris. They meet Gareth, who refuses to acknowledge them until they prove their strength against the "guardians" of the island. These turn out to be resurrected Mavericks, revealing that Gareth and his partner, Berkana, are responsible for the Erasure and have been stealing Reploids' souls to grow stronger. X defeats Berkana while Zero defeats Gareth, restoring the souls of every Reploid suffering Erasure. Then Sigma reveals himself as the one who led Berkana to this experiment, so they defeat him too.
MegaMan X4: One year has passed since the Erasure Incident, Dr. Cain signs an order to form the Reploid military organization Repliforce. They are intended to assist the Maverick Hunters, but have recently proven reckless and unreliable in practice. Repliforce soldiers are spotted in a Maverick attack on the flying city Sky Lagoon. X/Zero rushes to aid, but Magma Dragoon reveals that the city is falling and they have no choice but to retreat. They return to the crash site, where Zero rescues Iris. X/Zero requests for Colonel, a high-ranking officer in Repliforce, to disarm for questioning, but he arrogantly refuses. All of Repliforce is branded Maverick. Their leader, General, announces a coup d'état to move Repliforce into space aboard the Final Weapon. This starts the Great Repliforce War. X and Zero move to stop them, aided by the rookie Double and the troubled Iris, respectively. After fighting eight Repliforce Mavericks including the traitorous Magma Dragoon, they try to stop Repliforce's launch. However, Colonel buys enough time for his comrades to escape to space, before dying. Inside the Final Weapon, X is forced to fight and kill Double, who is secretly a Maverick agent planted in the Maverick Hunters. Zero is forced to fight and kill Iris, who is driven mad by Colonel's death. The Hunters then face General, but even after beating him, the Final Weapon prepares an attack on Earth. This is revealed to be the work of Sigma, who manipulated Repliforce and the Maverick Hunters from the beginning. They defeat Sigma, and General sacrifices himself to destroy the Final Weapon. On the way back to Earth, X makes Zero promise to stop him if he ever goes Maverick. Zero reflects on his failure to protect Iris and Colonel, and wonders if his destiny only holds destruction.
MegaMan X Innocent Impulse: Three weeks have passed after the Repliforce Incident, The events deal with the aftermath of the Great Repliforce War, where several Repliforce members were unfairly judged as Mavericks due to Sigma's actions sabotaging both sides to fight each other. The public has grown to distrust the Human Government and the Hunters organization, who believe the Repliforce was labeled Maverick for political reasons, not being aware of Sigma's involvement in the incident due to the information being considered classified. During these chaotic times where riots against Human and Reploid institutions are on the rise, a new unknown threat emerges in a southern region that causes Reploids to act erratically and violently. X and Zero are dispatched to investigate, unaware that what they'll find will be but the prologue of a global scale catastrophe. Giro Express, a human cyborg, is sent to assist the Maverick Hunters, but they are attacked by Mavericks. X and Zero are separated from Girouette, ending up near the rendezvous point where Prairie and the Maverick Hunter Unit 22 are also under attack. To save them, X and Zero assist Maverick Hunter Unit 22.  After defeating the Mavericks, X and Zero meet up their leader Giro and explains the violent terrorist attacks are caused by Maverick terrorist organization called Arcadia. Shortly after, a city comes under attack by Mavericks, so X, Zero and Giro rush to the scene. However, Giro is overpowered by Serpent, the leader of the Maverick Terrorist Organization Arcadia. Serpent brainwashes Giro using a mind control neck brace on him forcing him to fight X and Zero. Afterwards, Serpent kills Giro and departs to let the Mavericks clean up. Without hesitation, X and Zero escape the ambush. X and Zero returns to the Maverick Hunter Southern HQ and plans to stop the eight mavericks affiliated with Arcadia and  Serpent's forces. They hunt the Mavericks working for Arcadia. After defeating four Mavericks, Serpent sends Vile to assault the Maverick Hunter Southern Base, but X and Zero defeat him. Once all eight Mavericks are defeated, X and Zero locate the Arcadia fortress. X and Zero infiltrate Arcadia to stop him, but they are ambushed by Vile and they defeat Vile once again. Serpant merges with a high advanced mechaniloid he created begins his showdown with X and Zero. After defeating Serpent, Serpent dies at the hands of Sigma who was the mastermind behind Arcadia and begins the his final showdown with X and Zero. Sigma is destroyed again, but X and Zero know he will return to face them again.
MegaMan X5: Two months since the Arcadia Incident,
The Maverick Hunters experience an employee turnover from the Great Repliforce War, such as the new commander Signas and navigator Alia. The world undergoes repairs for damage caused in the war, including the space colony Eurasia. Somehow, Sigma meets Dr. Wily through the Sigma Virus, learning that Zero's original evil nature can be awoken with a powerful virus. Sigma hires Dynamo to plant the Colony Virus in Eurasia. He then attacks a city, goading X and Zero into a fight that ends in Sigma exploding into the Sigma Virus. The virus spreads across the entire globe, causing worldwide chaos. Then, Dynamo sets Eurasia on a collision course with the Earth: these combined disasters are dubbed the Earth Crisis. The Maverick Hunters devise two plans to stop Eurasia's fall: the Enigma cannon and Space Shuttle, which both requires parts. X and Zero travel around the globe to retrieve the parts, facing eight virus-infected Mavericks along the way. The Maverick Hunters destroy Eurasia, but the planet is still damaged by debris. The Colony Virus mixes with the Sigma Virus, fusing into the super-powerful Zero Virus and a cyberspace void called Zero Space. X and Zero enter Zero Space and are brought to blows with each other, but they come to a draw and focus on defeating Sigma instead. Upon his defeat, Sigma self-destructs to rip Zero in half. X lifts Zero, only to be struck by a laser from Sigma - Zero fires a final shot to destroy Sigma, before dying. Though X is wounded, Dr. Light's soul spirit repairs him so he can return to the Maverick Hunters. In memory of Zero's sacrifice, X carries the Z-Saber with him into battle.
MegaMan X6: Three years after the Earth Crisis, Gate explores the Eurasia crash site and finds a fragment of Zero's body. His analysis of the viral technology drives him mad, fueling his dream of a world of only advanced Reploids. He works with the scientist Isoc to create a reality-warping virus called the Nightmare, the invincible High Max, and a crazed replica of Zero called Zero Nightmare. X hunts Mavericks at the Eurasia crash site, where he runs into the Zero Nightmare. High Max then appears, alleging that Zero is behind the Nightmare. Isoc announces the threat of the Nightmare to the entire world, blaming it on the Zero Nightmare, and asks for volunteers to risk their lives helping High Max stop the phenomenon. X is enraged at this disrespect for Zero, and the Maverick Hunters begin their own investigation. X explores the areas afflicted by the Nightmare, meeting eight Nightmare Investigators who attack on sight. He also defeats the Zero Nightmare, allowing the true Zero to reveal he has been miraculously repaired and will help X clear his name. With all the Nightmare Investigators defeated, Gate reveals himself as the man behind Isoc, High Max, and the Zero Nightmare, and invites them to try storming his laboratory. Alia recognizes him as an old colleague. As X and Zero infiltrate Gate's lab, he reveals the origin of the Nightmare and challenges them to battle, but is defeated. Gate then unleashes his trump card - an incompletely resurrected Sigma - who kills him. X and Zero pursue Sigma and end him once again, exiting the laboratory with Gate's body for Alia. The Maverick Hunters agree to rebuild the Earth better than ever before.
That's it for Part 1 of the MegaMan X Reboot, Part 4 will Include X7-X9
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runimanio · 8 months
2024 Game Clear #4 Mega Man X: Command Mission
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This is an interesting one, a tradition turn based Mega Man X RPG that has much to love, but also leaves me wanting in a lot of way. Perhaps because this is the final X series game I needed to play it also left me thinking about the storytelling & characterization of the X series so this will probably be a long one
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The story here is that a maverick named Epsilon has formed a army aptly named the Rebellion Army to occupy Giga City and form a reploid supremist state and now the Maverick Hunters must intervene! If your familiar with the X series this will sound extremely in line with the general plotline the action games tended to have & it's clear that the developers really wanted to translate as much stuff and mechanics from those games into a RPG format (there's even a boss rush teleport room at the end!)
That thinking creates a pretty neat battle system but being so loyal to the plot structure of the main series X really does the story of a RPG & the new charters a disservice, you could very easily cut this 20 hour game into a standard X platformer & lose very little of the actual meat.
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X and Zero are fully in their deadly serious mode that they've been in in for the late series X games, gone are Zero's days of confidently giving a thumbs up we're full broody edge lord & X is in cop mode at all time which is a shame since this could've been a great way to really explore these two in more depths then normally allowed.
I liked the new characters but they don't really get anything to do here, after their recruitment there character arc is pretty much done & i'm pretty sure Spider aside, the other 3 maybe talked to Zero & Axel maybe once throughout the entire game. I wish I could tell you anything about Marino or Cinnamon other then what written on the tin. Massimo is a brute struggling to live up to his mentor name, Marino is a thief who unexpectedly finds herself embroiled into the conflicted, Cinnamon is a living blacksmith forge i guess? And Spider is a bounty hunter who's later actions makes me question his early actions. They all have a lot of potential they're just unserved.
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Let's move on to a lighter note for a bit, This battle system is pretty cool, it uses a turn system similar to the Digimon Story games (it's probably comes from something older but I'm blanking lol) where you can see the upcoming order of who moves first & even have your unit act multiple times before your enemy can under the right circumstances, two buttons can be equipped with special weapons that use Weapon Energy to fire and can be used before taking your action for the turn. Instead of healing items you have sub tanks you can collect and fill that you can pull from for healing.
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Action Trigger are essentially limit breaks where you use all your weapon energy & play a little mini game for a big attack, its a little repetitive and i don't love doing a Mario Party style stick rotation for Cinnamon's heal trigger but it's fine & everyone has a hyper mode which is a temporary transformation that massively buffs the character or even in some cases change out their weapons and Action Triggers, X and Zero have secret unlockable Hyper modes that are super OP and fun to use.
It's a really fun and unique system & I do appreciate that I never really felt I need to grind but it can get pretty old when your binging through the game since enemy can feel pretty spongy and the encounter rate sometimes can a little aggressive where I'll get out of a battle and slightly adjust myself to get my barring again only to be thrown back into a battle immediately but sometimes i would go several rooms without any encounters so it probably varies.
And when you get lost the constant battles can be grating & getting lost can be easy as the entire game looks like this
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All the stages feel like I'm exploring a bunker with almost entire game being made up of narrow hallways, even Giga City the city in the sky kinda just feels like another a bunker also slight tangent about the game's world it's funny that even in this RPG the X world is devoid onscreen humans, I don't know what Sigma and all the other Mavricks are complaining about, seems like the humans are doing a great job leaving reploids alone!
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It probably sounds like I really didn't like the game but I did ultimately enjoy the game but I just see so much untapped potential in this game, these characters & this world, I can imagine a version of this game were Massimo has a longer character arc struggling with feeling like he's failing to honor the mantle, Maybe Marino learning to believe in the cause, More of Cinnamon learning what she wants to do beside just being a actual tool for people to use. My mind races with possibilities with this world & I only got a fraction of what I would've liked.
I truly wish it got a sequel because this is a very solid base to build on & really Mega Man has always been an iterative franchise but in hindsight of all the baggage the next generation would bring, the mega man recession of the late aughts, & Inafune gaining more power within Capcom & apparently hating the idea of a X RPG to begin with Command Mission was probably made at the last possible moment it could've been made.
Anyway here's some random thought to end off on
recontextualizing Axl's A Trans ability into summons is very cool
Everyone in the city getting new dialogue as the story progresses is neat
Cinnamon's design uses the red cross logo so this game is a violation of the Geneva Convention
I'm not really sure why they needed this to take place in 22XX causing it to have no place in the timeline due to the Zero games also taking place then other than maybe wanting to remove themselves from the earth is damaged after X5 continuity idk
This version of Ultimate Armor is crazy, X ain't playing around anymore no way Dr. Light signed off on this lol
After her chapter Marino never vocally speaks again for the rest of the game, she didn't deserve to be done like that.
Absolute Zero is very cool
Shout out to my friend Talion for gifting this to me for Christmas, thanks buddy!
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sulan1809 · 1 year
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Nana - A navegadora de Mega Man "X" Command Mission
Em Mega Man "X" Command Mission, somos apresentados a uma Reploid rosada chamada Nana, que assim como Alia, ela atua como navegadora dos Hunters enquanto eles estão em Giga City lidando com o Rebellion Army. Nana é uma Reploid feminina de olhos azuis, curtos cabelos rosados, com adornos laranja nos braços e pernas. Nana é uma garota bastante zelosa e quieta, falando em uma maneira reservada e educada. Ela está triste pela violência causada pelo Rebellion Army e leva o trabalho dela muito a sério, ajudando a Resistência com o melhor que pode para deter o Rebellion Army e restaurar a paz em Giga City. Pode ser especulado que o comportamento reservado de Nana se deu por conta das inúmeras atrocidades que ela vivenciou ao ser capturada pelo covarde Silver Horns, que torturava os prisioneiros dele sem misericórdia. Durante o ataque do Rebellion Army em Giga City, Nana foi sequestrada pelos subordinados de Epsilon e levada a um campo de concentração de prisioneiros de guerra, para servir como operadora, enquanto era mantida refém. Ela foi libertada por Mega Man "X", Spider, e Steel Massimo, que invadiram o local. Depois que Steel Massimo ajudou a eliminar o covarde e desonroso Silver Horns, Nana retornou para Giga City para ajudar "X" e os companheiros dele no combate ao Rebellion Army. Em Mega Man "X" Dive, Nana aparece como personagem jogável, ao lado de Cinnamon, Ferham, e Marino.
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