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wildwoodsam280 · 5 years ago
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#marinelandcanada #niagarafalls #ohcanada #dragonmountain #kiska #killerwhales #loopingcoaster (at Niagara Falls, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9gNCn5gnyJ/?igshid=1ad7q6t0inncd
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respectanimalrights · 6 years ago
Once in a lifetime experience, if you want to see Orcas, in the wild is the answer. Can you imagine this Orca swim like this in a tank? No way! Their navigation system(echolocation) bounces back and they can be stresseded. Don't buy a ticket to a marine park, spend that money on a donation instead for example @dolphin_project or go whale watching. Credit ©🎬 @billy_thom Via @keiko_conservation_norway Dette er bare rått! Og folk tror man må dra på Seaworld og lignenes for å oppleve slikt? Niks! Du - og dyrene - får så mye mer igjen for å se de fri i deres naturlige omgivelser. 🐬 Video laget av: @billly_thom __________________________ #keikoconservation #animalrights #anticap #blackfish #beneaththesurface #boycottseaworld #captivitykills #deathatseaworld #dontbuyaticket #emptythetanks #keiko #killerwhales #loroparque #marineland #marinelandantibess #marinelandcanada #oneocean #orcas #procap #seaworld #seaworldcares #shamu #thanksbutnotanks #thecove #tilikum #nofishnoblackfish #conservation https://www.instagram.com/p/ByWK52Vlc4H/?igshid=177cmn4yaero9
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teapajkic · 8 years ago
NEVER GO TO MARINELAND. It's Canada's Seaworld. If you care about these animals don't find those who are keeping her captive! All 6 of her children were stolen from her. She is lifeless, alone, and praying for death. Don't bring your kids to see this torture. Stop the torture! Educate yourselves. WATCH BLACK FISH. #stopviolenceagainstanimals #helpthemplease #realitycheck #wtfisthis #blackfish #animalrights #animalcruelty #seaworldsucks #marinelandcanada #stopmarineland
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megakillerwhales · 8 years ago
NEW VIDEO dedicated to Marineland Canada from our visits this year. Enjoy
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cherseattle · 10 years ago
Shame on Marineland Canada! This kind of crap has got to stop. Save Smooshi | Whistleblowers 
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marinelandanimaldefense · 12 years ago
There was a pretty diverse group out calling for a shut down of Marineland. Young and old, punk and not, some people had traveled from far away, some where local, but we all had one thing in common – we wanted to end the animal use and abuse at Marineland. There were a variety of messages, and different styles of protesting, different ways of communicating what ultimately ends up being the same message – stop hurting animals.
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respectanimalrights · 7 years ago
Via @wildlifepage This is amazing, I want to be there watching freedom......Kim Via @discoversharks Bremer Canyon killer whale breaching along side a boat 😍 - Video: @billly_thom #animalrights #anticap #blackfish #beneaththesurface #boycottseaworld #captivitykills #deathatseaworld #dontbuyaticket #emptythetanks #keiko #killerwhales #loroparque #marineland #marinelandantibess #marinelandcanada #oneocean #orcas #procap #seaworld #seaworldcares #shamu #thanksbutnotanks #thecove #tilikum #nofishnoblackfish #conservation
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respectanimalrights · 6 years ago
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Update from @boycott.marinelandca 📌 BILL S-203 UPDATE: March 18th in Fisheries Committee.. #Marineland tried every which way to bring forward amendments so they could stall the Bill in the senate where it will inevitably die. We will just have to wait to see what happens. The Liberal government, the NDP and the Green Party support this Bill so hopefully they will see through Marineland's shenanigans. A lot of false information came from the mouth of Marineland's lawyer Andrew Burns that day. He proclaimed that the Aquarium's tanks are the biggest tanks in the world, despite this schematic that proves they are actually among the smallest. He also proclaimed that some of their acquired whales from Russia were rescued by Marineland, and would have otherwise died. Another fat lie. #StopLying #MarinelandCanada The information and chart shown have been submitted to committee. #BillS203 is back in the House on April 2nd. I will post a link to listen/watch closer to the date. 📊 Charts created by —Lee Harrison and James Wolf. https://www.instagram.com/p/BvRx4U4lo6G/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vjzbf1avxtlm
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respectanimalrights · 7 years ago
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Dolphin Discovery Tortola has been absolutely destroyed after taking a direct hit from Hurricane Irma. There is no information on the fate of these dolphins, but they likely escaped as the water rose above the sea pens and walkways which held them in. Like Dr. Naomi Rose said "we may never know if all survived or if any were injured or contracted illnesses related to the storm." - Photographer: Unknown #animalrights #anticap #blackfish #beneaththesurface #boycottseaworld #captivitykills #deathatseaworld #dontbuyaticket #emptythetanks #keiko #killerwhales #loroparque #marineland #marinelandantibess #marinelandcanada #oneocean #orcas #procap #seaworld #seaworldcares #shamu #thanksbutnotanks #thecove #tilikum #nofishnoblackfish #conservation Via @cetacean.inspiration
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respectanimalrights · 8 years ago
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@kingoftheocean YOU SAVED MY DAY WITH THIS POST/KIM Happy #WorldOrcaDay! This day is to celebrate these amazing animals and to conserve them. While we celebrate these animals we also have to take into account that the Southern Resident Killer Whales are dying. How can you help? 1. Orcas are sensitive to noise and disturbance from boats. Instead of approaching them in your own vessel, spend a day watching them from a responsibly-managed whale watching vessel. Or watch for them from land with help from the Whale Trail. 2. Engage in citizen science by alerting researchers at the Orca Network or the Salish Sea Hydrophone Network when you spot orcas so scientists can track their travel. 3. Get involved in efforts to protect and restore salmon habitat in your community and in watersheds across the Georgia Basin and Puget Sound. Chinook salmon are especially important to orca populations in the Salish Sea. 4. Do your part to dispose of unused medicine and chemicals properly. 5. Never dump into household toilets and sinks or outside where they can get into ditches or storm drains. See if your community has a household hazardous waste collection facility that will take your old or unused chemicals. - Photographer: unknown Caption: @cetacean.inspiration #animalrights #anticap #blackfish #beneaththesurface #boycottseaworld #captivitykills #deathatseaworld #dontbuyaticket #emptythetanks #keiko #killerwhales #loroparque #marineland #marinelandantibess #marinelandcanada #oneocean #orcas #procap #seaworld #seaworldcares #shamu #thanksbutnotanks #thecove #tilikum #nofishnoblackfish #conservation
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respectanimalrights · 8 years ago
Via @cetacean.inspiration Playful killer whales breach the surface of the water in Monterey, California. - Credit: @orcabeauty #animalrights #anticap #blackfish #beneaththesurface #boycottseaworld #captivitykills #deathatseaworld #dontbuyaticket #emptythetanks #keiko #killerwhales #loroparque #marineland #marinelandantibess #marinelandcanada #oneocean #orcas #procap #seaworld #seaworldcares #shamu #thanksbutnotanks #thecove #tilikum #nofishnoblackfish #conservation
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