#marina is also on all of these playlists but shes fine she deserves it
noiivvern · 2 years
why are character playlists always made by fucking mel*nie m*rtinez fans
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ladybeug · 4 years
Okay remember the chloe breakup playlist? 
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@peachesandheather​ and @chaotictaste​ THANKS FOR ASKING i know its way later but i would LOVE to break this playlist down lets get GOING! 
this is a follow up to THIS post. 
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CONTEXT:  for this fanmix to read correctly, you need to know its an aged-up AU. Chloe’s grown a bit already, and she’s learned to value making other people happy just for the sake of making them happy. She joins the superhero gang and they all reveal identities and she dates marinette for a bit but realizes that marinette is still into adrien, and so chloe breaks up with her. That’s the facts, theres a drabble about it here if you want more emotional depth. 
LISTEN HERE ON SPOTIFY and follow along. There will also be links to youtube lyric videos if you prefer that. 
Without further ado: 
The Louvre - Lorde 
This is a key track. The title track. 
The metaphor of the louvre itself really sits with me. On the one hand, it’s The Louvre - an internationally recognized place to Put Important Things. What’s more, to put Art - beautiful things that defy description. And yet we keep trying. On the other hand, it’s The Louvre - there’s a suggestion that you’re not supposed to touch it. It’s precious enough that it needs to be preserved and displayed carefully - don’t knock into it. That’s a scary new relationship. Something extremely precious that you almost trust. 
Now remember the louvre metaphor, that one comes back in track 7. 
The rest of this breakdown is under the cut to spare the poor people just trying to scroll through tumblr. You guys enjoy your evening. Everyone else, follow me!!
If you’re reading this i love you thank you for indulging me. 
 You’re Gonna Make me Lonesome When You Go - Madeleine Peyroux 
Despite not being the title track, this is the song that inspired the whole playlist! I love it. Its layered. 
I like to imagine Chloe has a moment, like the calm before the storm, when she realizes she has to break up with marinette, and she feels almost zen about it. Maybe she’s been struggling with trying to open up and be vulnerable and ask for love. And finally she decides she doesn’t want to ask for love anymore, she’s tired of it, and she’s going to go back to pushing people away. For a moment it’s just a relief to stop trying, it’s comforting to revert to who she used to be in the face of losing marinette. 
This song has a resigned feel to it. It feels like someone who doesn’t quite really believe they deserve love. That’s a theme throughout this playlist too.
Lastly, in the context of the AU - chloe would feel good about giving marinette a chance to be with someone she really wants to be with. She’s grown a lot since she was a kid and likes to be the kind of person who cares about others. It’s bittersweet but feels a little... right. 
Call it Off - Tegan & Sara 
They break up. 
Paper Bag - Fiona Apple 
Chloe takes it back, it doesn’t feel ‘bittersweet but a little... right’!! It sucks!! 
This one’s about chloe feeling sorry for herself about having to break up with Marinette. It’s bitter and frustrated, it says why can’t I have nice things?? It’s about being SO close to love - so close you could taste it - and having to cut yourself off. 
It also has that resigned feel to it - the need to starve yourself of love because you can’t have it. The disbelief in a happy ending, and a little bit of self blame.
Woke Up New - The Mountain Goats 
This is the other side of the breakup coin. If ‘Paper Bag’ is the bitterness and reflection on how chloe feels about breaking up, ‘Woke Up New’ is just about... not having marinette. 
It removes the self-reflection and the over-thinking. It’s just about loss. You miss someone. And I think chloe would miss marinette. She’s been lonely before, and for a while she didn’t feel lonely, and now she feels lonely again - it’s uncomplicatedly sad. It’s just a sad moment. 
Be Mine! - Robyn 
Okay now we turn up the tempo a little, we’ve been sad, we’ve been self-reflective, bring on the poor coping mechanisms! Turn up the volume, pour yourself a drink, and get a little mad about your breakup!
But also dont forget to be kind of resigned and defeatist about it. That’s still crucial and will continue to be crucial for a little longer. 
Fists Up - BLOW 
This is another key song, and is our second reference to the Louvre. 
But it brings a third, new aspect to the Louvre, that Lorde didn’t bring. The security of the Louvre. BLOW says, ‘my love is a fortress, my love is the louvre, but it can’t ever thrive if i’m forced to keep proving it’. There’s the same suggestion that love is worth valuing, but also reminds us that love is difficult to access - which is absolutely true for chloe, who protects herself instinctively. She’s always been very defensive, and part of growing has been fighting to overcome that instinct - it’s what let her get so close to marinette in the first place. But it didn’t work out, which is bitter, and makes her angry. There’s almost a self-righteousness, trying to blame someone else for not treating you precious enough. 
Also worth noting that this song is about the internal fight between hope and defeat in a relationship. Chloe ended the relationship with ladybug because she didn’t believe it would work, and she doesn’t believe she’s enough. But it’s so hard to stop hope, which makes defeat more painful.
Shampain - Marina and the Diamonds 
Remember when we started drinking to Robyn’s “Be Mine”? We are drinking a LOT more now and we are SO COOL and DONE thinking about this. We are NOT SAD ANYMORE!!! ITS FINE!! 
Hurricane Drunk - Florence & the Machine 
Chloe is still very drunk and is now being sad on purpose. 
Maps - Yeah Yeah Yeahs 
Now it’s 3 am and chloe is not that drunk anymore but she is soooo so so sad. Chloe misses her girlfriend sooo much. this sucks this sucks this sucks alcohol did not help??? how come that didnt work?? 
If you wanna get creative this is the scene where chloe shows up on marinettes balcony and makes a scene and marinette takes her home and tucks her in very kindly and very platonically. 
Gotta Have You - The Weepies 
This song is on the cusp of acceptance. This playlist is admittedly like... a little depressing, especially as I write it all out - theres a lot of wrestling with self-esteem, and fighting loneliness. That’s hard. This song is tired. It’s tried everything. 
It’s the thematic foil to ‘You’re Going To Make Me Lonesome When You Go’. Both songs have the same gentle, steady rhythm. In the first, chloe was in the relationship, sad but accepting that the relationship would end. Now, she’s out of the relationship, and she just wants to be back in. But there’s a little bit of that same acceptance. 
This song feels like saying out loud what you want, and even though you can’t have it, the fact that you know what it is and you can say it feels good. 
Go Ahead - Rilo Kiley
Alright guys we’re solidly in acceptance by now. We’re out of the heavy emotional woods. We’ve made it. 
This song is bittersweet and not a truly happy one, but it holds a genuine wish for someone else’s happiness that hasn’t appeared in most of the songs in this playlist. It’s reminiscent of the wish chloe had in the first place, to end the relationship not only to protect herself but to give marinette a chance to be happy. To do a good and selfess thing. 
It’s both. It’s sad and it’s good. It’s complex. 
New Years Day - Taylor Swift 
This is the third key song. And it’s a truly beautiful one. 
This song ties us back to the beginning, and says do you remember what all this fuss is really about? What was so important that you put it in the Louvre?
Chloe is still on a team with marinette. There’s a point at which she would have to choose to cut marinette off, or... figure out something else. This song is about figuring out something else. The ‘what comes next’ of a difficult relationship. They don’t get back together, but they stay friends, even if its weird, and even when chloe feels left out or marinette doesn’t know what to say. But they want to stay in each others lives. And it’s worth the work.
A Fairytale Ending - The Boy Least Likely To 
A reflection on how difficult it is to grow and face life head on, and how it changes you.
I Wanna Get Better - Bleachers
We have to have some closure here. It’s going to be okay. 
Pretty somber now that I have it all written out like that. but still a great one.
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negasonicimagines · 6 years
“All Yours.”
requests: “Hii! Can request an ellie x reader imagine? I do not really care, I am giving you free hand because I am so thirsty for this girl :D thank you very much (maybe get kittens involved) [rq by @crazypurplesnowman]” + “10 FROM THE BUFFY PROMPTS COULD B PRETTY SICK LOOVE UR WRITING KEEP IT UP BABE”
[ 10: “I want to take comfort in you, and I know it will cost me my soul, and a part of me doesn’t care.” ]
notes: I wanted to try something new, so… Yandere!Ellie. Yeah, I’m writing that trope in 2019. This will probably be a flawed version of the trope, because I still want to be at least a little true to the character, and this will mostly be from Ellie’s perspective. Still 2nd person, but will be centered around her thoughts and feelings towards the reader, as opposed to the reader’s perception. DISCLAIMER: I am not encouraging fraud. This is literally the craziest fucking thing I’ve ever written and I LOVE IT. Like… Kittens, an iconic line from BTVS, Chuck E. Cheese, Yandere!Ellie…. Whew.
mini playlist for this fic:
superstar - marina
possession - sarah mclachlan
undisclosed desires - muse
happy place - terror jr
make you mine - public
tear you apart - she wants revenge
warnings: this is a yandere story, so just overall trigger warning. Ellie’s gonna be a little creepy and definitely a little OOC. Also, animal abuse mention & animal death. Also, graphically-detailed birth of kittens. (Here’s the video I watched for research, yes, it’s of a cat giving birth. The things I do for my thirsty ellie thots.)
There was just something about you.
Maybe it was your eyes, those perfect E/C eyes. The way you’d glance at her and smile, unsure of why she’s staring.
Or those lips. Every word you spoke was a song tumbling from between them, even if she didn’t like the fact that it was being sung to someone else.
Maybe it was your mutation. You both were mutants, you already had something in common, not to mention that you follow her Twitter and make her heart burst every time you retweet something from her. Same political opinions, same sense of humor, similar taste in music…
You rush in, a bundle in your arms. You’d gone for a walk and Ellie didn’t trust herself to be stealthy enough to follow you, not outside of the house. So, she’d sat on the loveseat by the door on her lonesome, waiting for you to return. You were all she could think of. She slinks over to where you’ve run, the infirmary.
She watches from the doorway, slowly entering as you open the bundle on one of the small beds used for long-term patients. It’s a large, fluffy black cat, some of its fur matted.
A stray? I love her… Ellie thinks. And it’s even black!
“She’s pregnant,” you tell the nurse, Annie. “I can feel it, the little lives. I’d say she’s going to go into labor very soon. I did some googling, and she’s already started the rhythmic purring.”
“So, you brought her here?” Annie asks, a brow arched. Don’t look at her like that. Just because they’re animals doesn’t mean they don’t deserve care. Ellie grinds her teeth, watching the situation. But, with you in sight, her anger is less intense.
“Well, where else was I supposed to bring her? I can try to heal her, but I can tell she might not make it through labor. I need help making her comfortable. Oh! Ellie, do you need something? I can heal you, if you have a headache or something,” you offer, distracted from your own cause by her. Me, Ellie thinks, lovesick.
“A bit of a headache,” Ellie lies. “But it can wait, if you want me to find some old towels or something.”
“I’d really appreciate that, thank you!” You beam, and she almost gasps in wonder, swiftly leaving to get the towels so you can’t see her blushing. She brings them into the infirmary, and helps you to organize them, hands brushing.
Ellie twitches away in surprise, cursing herself for her natural reaction to touch. While she knows that your touch feels good to everyone that you make skin-to-skin contact with, due to your mutation, which is to heal through touch, she feels that it must feel especially good to her, so she should accept the opportunity to feel your skin whenever she can.
“Thank you so much for the help, Ellie,” you say, eyes glimmering with excitement.
“No problem, Y/N,” she replies. “Anything else I can do?”
“Moral support would be appreciated, but I understand if you’ve got something better to do.”
Nothing’s better than you.
“Not at all,” Ellie responds, and the cat begins to meow. You go to pet her, and she purrs.
The cat starts to get a bit fidgety on the bed, wandering a bit. You and Annie make sure she stays on the bed, stroking her fur as she begins to yowl.
“Looks like we’re getting started,” you say, and Annie & Ellie nod. “Ellie, could you get us some gloves? Two pairs, unless you wanna help.”
Ellie gets three pairs of gloves, and the cat sort of squats on the bed, tail tucked. The yowl increases in volume, and she squeezes out the first kitten, a wet clump of black attached to a placenta nearly the same size. The mother cleans her child with her tongue, detaching the kitten from the placenta and eating it. Ellie notes the droplets of blood on the towels, and you nod.
“That’s normal, but we’ll have to be careful because if there’s too much she might be bleeding internally. It wouldn’t be surprising if she was, that man was kicking her really-” you sniff, clearly trying not to cry, and Ellie wants to slit his throat. “...Really hard.”
As soon as the first kitten starts meowing, another emerges from the mother cat.
“Good girl,” you praise the cat, petting her as she continues to clean her first-born, before moving on to the second. The two kittens, now mostly clean, move on to feeding from their mother, the three purring as she continues to clean them. After a short period of time in which she snuggles the two, and the bleeding starts to get heavy, another is born, and then another. She cleans and cares for them in the same fashion.
Ellie texts her groupchat with Piotr, Wade, Domino, Nathan, and her best friend, Yukio, about the situation, asking if they’d like to meet in the infirmary for an impromptu baby shower. They all excitedly agree, and she warns them that the cat may not be alive when they get there, but that the kittens are in good shape.
She listens silently as you hum to the mother, who you’ve nicknamed “Mama Cat.”
“She’s hemorrhaging,” you say, pointing out the increase in blood loss. “I read that could happen. I- I don’t know how much I can do without touching the wound, and it’s internal.”
“She knows you did your best,” Annie tries to reassure you, and Ellie tries not to glare daggers at the woman. You were Ellie’s to comfort. Ellie strokes your back, watching tears roll silently down your cheeks as you continue to hum to the cat and her litter.
“She’s gone. It’s all… I can’t feel her anymore,” you sob, and Ellie brings you into her arms, not caring about your amniotic fluid-soaked gloves one bit as you cry into her shoulder. But you pull away, and Ellie feels cold, empty. “I’m so sorry, we don’t even know each other that well, I just… I have a deep amount of respect and love for all living things, and this is so-”
“Don’t worry, Y/N. Come here, it’s gonna be okay.” Ellie wraps her arms around you again, and you accept her comfort. She tries not to let her excitement show, knowing that this is a solemn moment for you. She’s also sad, but your feelings definitely take priority over her own in this situation. In most situations. At least, that’s how she feels.
“We came as soon as we heard!” Wade and the gang enter with last-minute gifts and some decorations. Their joy dies down as they realize what’s happened. “Oh. That’s so… Oh. The kittens, are they…?”
You lift your head from Ellie’s shoulder so that your voice isn’t muffled, but you don’t exit her embrace, not yet.
“No, no, thank god. Just… Just the mom.” You pull away, attending to the tiny, helpless creatures. You dry the little screamers off a bit before bundling them in the least dirty towel and turning back to face the group. “I see you all brought gifts. Does there happen to be any formula?”
“I’ve got a good amount here, plus the equipment.” Domino fulfills the request. “Lucky guess.”
“Me, too,” Nathan adds. “I figured it wouldn’t be an easy thing to get ahold of. I was wrong, so I also got a PetSmart gift card.”
“Thank you so much, you guys,” you say, and Annie stacks the canisters on the counter. “Jesus Christ, that’s a lot.”
“Oh, right, I got some, too,” Wade says, and Ellie thinks maybe he got a can. Nope. The amount he got doubles the supply.
“Jeez, I guess we don’t have to worry about feeding them,” you comment. “Thanks a ton, you guys.”
“So...What are you going to do with them?” Yukio asks.
“I mean, keep them, I guess. The only official rules on pets here are that you can have them as long as you keep them away from those allergic and don’t let them make a mess or distract you from your studies. I could probably request a month of independent study while they need round the clock care, and as long as my grades don’t seriously falter, that’ll be fine.”
“Do you think you’ll give any of them away, once they’re weaned off milk and litter box-trained?” Yukio continues to investigate.
“Uh, I don’t know… Maybe? Right now, though, I wouldn’t dream of it. Sorry,” you apologize, able to tell that the sweet girl wants to adopt one.
“Have you named them, yet?” Piotr asks.
“I think I’ll wait ‘til their personalities start to show,” you decide, and Ellie nods, wrapping an arm around you.
“You guys are gonna make great cat moms,” Domino comments, and Ellie finds herself blushing a little. Us? Cat moms? Together? It’s a dream come true...
“Maybe you should share room,” Piotr suggests. “So that you can care for kittens together. It can be arranged.”
“That’d be great!” you agree.
“Yeah, sure,” Ellie does her best to hide her enthusiasm, but based on the expressions of everyone in the room but you, it’s clear she has a crush. At least they don’t know it’s a rapidly-growing obsession, rising with every little interaction, even if that interaction is just you looking back at her and smiling.
“I will go file paperwork,” Piotr informs. “Do not hesitate to open gift while I’m gone.”
“Thank you so much, Colossus!” you cheer. Annie hands you each a pair of kittens and a pair of small bottles, allowing you to nurse your new children together.
Wade takes a picture, and Ellie finds that she can’t be annoyed. She was actually happy someone captured this, even if it was Wade.
“Thank you so much for all your help, everyone, especially Ellie and Annie. I couldn’t have done it without you guys.”
“Happy to help,” Ellie replies, and you smile at her.
“You’ve been such a help, El. Seriously, I- I couldn’t have done this alone.”
The two of you are feeding the kittens in your shared dorm, studying for an American Literature test at the same time. It’s been a couple weeks since the birth of the kittens, and the two of you became fast friends, now that she actually talked to you regularly.
“No problem, Y/N.” It’s my pleasure.
“They’re so beautiful, aren’t they? We can start weaning them off the milk in two weeks.”
“Incredibly beautiful,” Ellie replies, but she’s looking at you, not the cats. She can tell you notice this because of the way you blush, ducking your head. But, you don’t say anything, so she doesn’t either.
“So… What do the eyes of Doctor TJ Eckleburg represent?” You ask.
“The eyes of god over the lawless wasteland that America has become due to greed.”
“Nice answer,” you compliment.
“Thank you,” she replies, it’s getting harder and harder to hide her excitement.
“So, hey, I have kind of a weird question…” You start. Ellie’s heart immediately starts racing. Had you discovered her obsession, or any of the strange habits that came with it?
“Um- Uh… Shoot.”
“It’s nothing bad!” You reassure her. “I was just wondering if you wanted to maybe… Maybe go on a date, this Friday? I’m sorry if you wouldn’t want to, you probably just see me as a friend and maybe not even that, so-“
“I’d love to!” Ellie enthusiastically responds, not bothering to disguise the way she felt as a grin splits her face open.
“That’s great! I asked Yukio to kitten-sit if you said yes and she agreed, so I figured maybe we could go do something relaxing, like watching a movie, or… I don’t know, I honestly didn’t think you’d say yes.”
“You- You didn’t?” Maybe I’m too good at hiding my feelings for her. Her face falls, and you rush to explain yourself:
“Well, I know you didn’t really like me all that much before the kitten thing… I thought you were really attractive and seemed really cool, but you’d glare at me a lot and I didn’t know why, so I figured it was best to keep my distance and be nice to you in small ways in the hopes you’d forgive me for whatever I did. What did I do, if you don’t mind telling me?” You ask, cheeks flushed, and Ellie’s heart still hasn’t stopped racing.
“Nothing, nothing at all, I swear!” Ellie attempts to reassure you, even if the concerned expression on your face is adorable. She decides the best route is to be honest, now that she knows you do like her. “I- This is really embarrassing. I wasn’t glaring at all. I was, um, staring at you, because I really, really like you. If I didn’t think it’d freak you out, I’d say I love you. You’re just… Absolutely perfect.”
“No way!” You laugh off her adoration, and she wishes she could kiss you then and there, to prove that she’s serious. “You’re too nice, El.”
“Well, you saying that just proves that I really do like you, a lot. I’m not nice to people, I push them away. But you, I could never hurt you like that, or in any way. And if anyone else ever did, or tried to, I- I-“ Smoke starts curling off of her at the thought, eyes lighting up orange in fury.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay…” you tell her sweetly, putting your hand at the spot between her neck and shoulder, partially covered by the neckline of her tee shirt...but uncovered enough for the healing energy of your touch to radiate through her.
She happily allows this, taking a deep breath and calming down so much faster than she would’ve on her own. It was meant to be a reassuring hand on the shoulder, but she got so much more from it.
From you.
“Thank you,” she says gratefully. You yawn, removing your hand as you stretch.
“I have another question,” you say. “And please don’t be afraid to say no.”
“Okay,” Ellie replies, curious.
“Well, I was thinking… The cats always sleep on my whole torso area at night… So, to give them extra nourishment, I was thinking about sleeping without a shirt on? So I’ll have skin-to-skin contact with them. If you’re not comfortable with that, it’s totally fine, they’re doing really great health-wise, I just wanted to give them a boost. You know how worried I get, especially about Witchy.”
Twitchy-Witchy (nicknamed “Witchy”) is the runt of the litter and is, well, twitchy! She’s less social than the others, and will hide when anyone other than you or Ellie approaches.
“Yeah, sure. I mean, you could sleep without a shirt on if you just didn’t wanna wear a shirt,” Ellie tells you, returning to being glad about her ability to hide her feelings from you. Her anticipation is returning, and she’d hate for you to think of her as some sort of creep!
“Oh! Sorry, I just didn’t wanna cross any lines or make things weird. But I probably made it weird by asking, didn’t I?”
“No, it was thoughtful of you. You’re so thoughtful…” Ellie says, a mysterious glint in her eye as she looks you over, hoping it’s not obvious she’s imagining what tonight’s gonna be like. She probably won’t even be able to sleep, not that she gets very much sleep anyway with all those thoughts of you bouncing around her head.
You blush at her comment. Ellie wonders how much you’d heat up if you knew about her thoughts, and it’s tempting to tell you… But she knows it’d be too soon. She has to be careful, methodical. She wouldn’t want to scare you, her perfect, delicate flower, away.
“What do you wanna do for the date, anyway? I was thinking a movie, but we wouldn’t get to talk very much if we did that. But I want it to be relaxing, since we’re away from the kids- kittens, for the afternoon and evening.”
“Maybe we could go to Chuck E. Cheese and inspect the pizzas to see if they’re really made of leftovers,” she suggests, snickering a bit. “My family took me and my brothers once, and they have this co-op Terminator game that’s really fun, even if you haven’t seen the movies.”
“That sounds great!” You agree. “I love it.”
And I love you, Ellie thinks.
That Friday, the two of you have an amazing time at Chuck E. Cheese, giggling and bonding over jokes and games, somehow enjoying pizza the same texture as cardboard.
“Kiss my hand for luck, please?” You ask Ellie, watching the light spin in the game you’re playing, Cyclone.
She blushes deeply, but tenderly takes your hand in her own and gently kisses the top. You watch the light dance between the bulbs before pressing the button.
“Holy shit, jackpot! Oh my god, this is the most fun I’ve ever had in my life,” You declare, tickets spewing from the machine.
“Really?” Ellie asks.
“Well...Yeah. You’re just so fun to be around, I feel so safe and happy with you. Sorry if that’s dumb, I just really like you.”
“No, it’s not dumb at all. I feel the same way about you,” she admits. She liked how you made her feel, too. The only time you ever made her feel bad was when she thought she’d never be with you, and that was really her making herself feel bad by being insecure. She tears the tickets from the machine once they’re done spewing, folding them up and keeping them with the others you’d earned together. “Being around you just makes me feel... Better. No matter what.”
“That’s so sweet!” you cheer, giving her a peck on the cheek and taking her hand. You take her to the next game, Skee-ball. “I suck at this, but it’s still fun.”
“I’ve been told I’m pretty good, do you want me to help you?” Ellie bluffs. She was average at best, but the easy excuse to be in close quarters with you was too tempting.
“Sure,” you reply, and something in your smile and the way you blush tells her you’re at least partially aware of her scheme...And that you like it. You put the required tokens into the slot.
Standing behind you with her chin on your shoulder, she takes your wrist into her hand. “Let go in 3…” She says quietly into your ear, relishing in your poorly-disguised shivering before she gently sways your arm forward. “2…” Then, back. Then, forward. “1.” You let go, and miraculously, it rolls up the ramp swiftly before bouncing into the 10,000 hole in the top corner.
“I guess at this point there’s no denying it. You’re my lucky charm, El,” you decide, turning to your date, who smiles at this, pleased.
The two of you continue to play various games before eventually running out of both tokens and energy.
“Okay, Y/N, cover me. I’m gonna do a trick my dad taught me,” she mutters as the two of you walk to the ticket counter. You stand between her and the woman at the prize counter, subtly looking around for personnel while she holds the ticket in place, letting the machine read it over and over again until it gets to about five hundred. She lets the tickets go in, and does this with the next strand, and the next, and the next.
At the end of it, you two have five thousand, five hundred and fifty tickets, at least, according to the receipt.You both approach the counter, and the attendant looks at your receipt.
“Uh-huh…” she eyes you both, but shrugs, deciding either that you two looked skilled enough to have this amount of tickets, or that it wasn’t worth pursuing. “Pick out your prizes.”
“Ooh, Ellie, wouldn’t that mini gumball machine be so cute to keep the kittens’ toys in? Plus, gum. It’s three-thousand tickets, so I understand if-”
“No, I like that idea,” Ellie cuts you off, before putting an arm around your waist to bring you closer, not liking the way the attendant was looking at you: giving you her full attention, not even bothering to hide it. “We’ll have the gumball machine, please.”
“Alright… You’ve got two thousand, five hundred and fifty tickets left.”
“Maybe the giant slinky? We could give it to Yukio for pet-sitting, she likes colorful stuff and novelty stuff,” Ellie suggests.
“Ooh, yeah! And then we could use the rest of the tickets to get little things the cats can play with? Like the rubber bracelets, those should be fine as long as we keep an eye on them.”
“Yeah, that’s a great idea,” Ellie agrees.
“Oh, but what about you? You deserve something,” you insist.
“Y/N… I think I’m good,” Ellie chuckles, and you remember that most of these prizes are, in fact, for young children.
“Right…” You nod. “Alright, we’ll have the giant rainbow slinky and as many of those small rubber bracelets and plastic frogs as we can get, if that’s alright,” you politely ask the woman behind the counter. She nods, uses her calculator, writes down your desires, retrieves all the requested items, and gives them to you and Ellie in a plastic bag. “Thank you so much, ma’am. Have a nice evening.”
“You two...too,” she replies with a laugh, and you laugh back. Jealousy courses through Ellie’s veins.
“Here, let me get the bag,” Ellie offers. She takes it and holds out her other arm for you to intertwine yours with. You do, leaving the arcade together. You rest your head on her shoulder the taxi ride home. She pets your hair, soothing you to sleep on the half-hour drive back.
It’s another week later when Ellie returns to her dorm from Poetry Club in a panic. She’d accidentally grabbed your math notebook, which could only mean you had her poetry journal.
She throws open the door, and finds her worst fear: You’re reading it.
“Y/N, I- I can explain,” she says, but she really can’t. Who can?
“These poems are really beautiful, Ellie. I can’t believe they’re about- About me.”
That’s not the reaction I was expecting. Maybe the one I was hoping for, but…
“Definitely not the reaction I was expecting,” Ellie breathes. You rise up from the bed, closing the notebook and approaching her. You give it to her, afterwards pressing your lips to hers in a gentle, but passionate kiss. She drops the notebook, holding your waist tightly. Eventually, you part, foreheads pressed together.
“Ellie, I- I read them all, and… I- I want to take comfort in you, like what you said. And I know that there’s a darkness in you, and that embracing it will probably cost me my soul… But a part of me just doesn’t care.”
“Perfect,” Ellie responds, taking your face in her hands. She presses a kiss to your forehead. “You’re all mine.”
You nod, looking into those beautiful eyes of hers.
“All yours.”
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crimsonrevolt · 6 years
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Congratulations Dih you’ve been accepted to Crimson Revolt as Lily Evans!
↳ please refer to our character checklist
Dih, we’re so excited to have you and Lily join our rp! You went so in-depth into Lily and her history and backstory from your own point of view and we can’t wait to see what you do with her during your time here! Your faceclaim change to Marina Ruy Barbosa has been accepted
application beneath the cut 
Dih, 26 (My bday is in 2 weeks, let’s face my elderly age), she/her, MST. I am from Brazil, but I live in USA for years.
ACTIVITY 8. I tent to answer mostly during weekdays and less on weekends, most of the time three times a week or more, depending on my muse. I have my normal life and my hard times, but normally I explain to people with I plot with and work hard to keep my up with the activity check.
HOW DID YOU FIND US? Mah, who played Rosemerta told me how wonderful you guys are and I have to say that I was looking here for a while.
WHAT HARRY POTTER CHARACTER DO YOU IDENTIFY WITH MOST? Remus Lupin. OMG. I love him, actually I love the Marauders the most. They are so unique and kind with themselves, what helps me to also understand about my fears and problems. Everyone is not perfect, and sometimes we hide ourselves inside of shells and Remus always helped me to see the beauty in others even when they hurt me. He helped me to understand so many things when I was younger and now, my love for this character just grew.
ANYTHING ELSE? I didn’t saw anything at the guidelines to put here, so no! thanks!
Lily Evans
FACE CLAIM Holland Roden or Marina Ruy Barbosa..
REASON FOR CHOSEN CHARACTER Lily has always been a lovely character to me. Maybe because there were details in her life that I never understood, but also because I did not experience problems that she passed, she is a mystery to me. Since entering this world of Tumblr RP, I have realized that many things about her have made me fall in love with the idea of interpreting her. One of them is the fact of the discrimination by blood, which she passed through every school year and she had to show that she went far beyond just a DNA or who her parents were. Another factor that caught my attention was her relationship with Snape and how what happened between them caused a huge break not only in friendship but in her life She started to realized how people can be affected by their environment, and maybe they cannot be what they look like. It also shows me a lot about how Lily reacts to people (the first impression counts a lot) and how she slowly began to see James in a different way by understanding that everyone changes. She is not only a dedicated but also a loving character who fights for her ideas but also a role model of justice. She is someone who lives intensely human relations and suffers when she lose relationships, especially with her sister.
She is mature, someone who needed to grow up fast due to the daily exposures to students who believed that being a muggle born was a symbol of garbage. Lily’s intelligence and ability to handle problems showed constantly that her efforts were being valued when she was the first of her class. She tried her best to absorb all she could of this new world, but to love it as well. Every day, something attracted her attention, but it also makes her smile for simple and genuine spells that make Lily’s day even more beautiful. She still enjoys muggle culture a lot and whenever she can, she’ll wander the streets looking for some novelty, technology and even something she missed doing due to the adult crazy routine. It has almost a library at home, coupled with several vinyl records and also some things of the muggle world that make your life much easier.
Lily decided to work as a healer, being able to apply her wonderful potions skills to help the Order and also others during the battles. At home, or even wherever possible, practice duels so that you do not lose the agility and ability to reason during stressful situations. She has studied in depth also about potions, seeking to learn new ones and to create simplified and beautiful versions to be more accessible to all.
PREFERRED SHIPS // CHARACTER SEXUALITY // GENDER & PRONOUNS Lily ama James. Ela talvez ainda não perceba isso com as devidas palavras, porém tudo indica que seu coração é do Potter. Ela teve alguns namorados ao longo da vida escolar e também teve uma vida sexual, porém sempre fora ensinada que era algo importante que unia relacionamentos. Por isso, só fazia sexo quando tinha certeza de que estava pelo menos emocionalmente envolvida. Lily pensa que precisa só de si mesma para conquistar a vida e, aos poucos, James lhe mostra a ela o amor incondicional e tem sido uma das melhores experiencias que poderia ter e isso tem também curando o coração de Lily. Prefered Pronouns: She/Her
CREATE ONE (OR MORE!) OF THE FOLLOWING FOR YOUR CHARACTER: -AN AESTHETIC Ride bikes around the neighborhood during Summer and Spring – hot coffee with cream, and just one spoon of sugar – leather shoes with over knee socks – red sweaters – James’ Quidditch Shirts – Muggle pictures around the window, mixed with wizard pictures – The smell of potions around the house – Old books around her bed with different and colored pens – Stag necklace – A laugh during a kiss – Summer yellow flowered dresses – A lily and Petunia’s garden at Potter’s backyard – Vinyl discos stacked at the living room – Dancing at the rooftop during the night – Strawberry’s pie fresh handmade at the kitchen. -A PLAYLIST That’s my playlist for her, so just saying before being crazy: https://open.spotify.com/user/dms.mendez.diana/playlist/2W8DK1cuAwl8TzfTpo66BO?si=KCoEo5XWSgevqJBatmesDQ -EXPAND ON THE TRAITS (I am adding some where I think they are similar to what you have now for her) (+) Intelligent – She is always looking ahead, searching for dots, points or anything that could help her or others to be protected or rescued. She is really good create plans and organized without blind spots, being also brilliant executed. (+) Talent – Since when she was young, Lily proved to be someone extremely talented with magic. All from her year, beyond and before them knew her abilities of memorization, excellence at the use of charms and potions. Because of that, she received many marks that proved her strong capacity to use her talents and intelligence for her success. (+) Kind – Even that she is strong and very sharp with her words, she is always worried about others. It doesn’t matter to her if you are a werewolf, vampire or just a human. You deserve to be treated with kindness and love. And this is the most remarkable quality of her. (-) Blunt – Lily is very sharp with her words, not caring a lot about what others would it think. It is a protection against all the discrimination she suffered during the teenager life, and she tends to continuing using even when she doesn’t want to do that. At one point, many people thought she was mean but actually she was more honest than many people at school, so it worked well and it was fine. (-) Judmental – Lily tends to quickly create hypothesis about situations, people and phrases around her and already creating barriers or sharp words to defend herself. She is trying to not to do a lot of these, but sometimes James overpasses the limits and she cannot control herself. (-) Overeact – If combined with Judmental, she can react to the situation in a way that normally ends into a fight. She is also trying to control that, but it can have some interesting situations around it.
-A FEW HEADCANONS >> Lily and Petunia were best friends forever until Lily got Hogwarts’ letter. Petunia wanted to write to Dumbledore to also have a letter and be a witch. This separate them for not having the same things in life. During the years, it was not just a house separate them, but also conversations, friends, ways to dress and even how they handled things in life. This pain was strong and Lily had times she could not handle with it, because she loved so much her sister and separation was not necessary, but they were not the same anymore and with fights during the summer, it was easy to open even more the abyss between them. >> Lily met Severus during her childhood, where they started to be friends. She defended him many times from the boys around the neighborhood and it was from him she learned about magic. Lily always saw him as a good friend who was amazing and never understood that. >> Since young, Lily understood that everyone was equal. Boys, girls, people with different color, religion or even countries. They were united because of human race, and always was very open to integrate anyone who was lost, alone, needing food or even clothes. Her spirit was free and loved to lead people with positive feedback and inspired conversations. All her friends loved her and wanted to play with the “ginger hair” girl, and Petunia was always around. Even with the strange situations that started to happened around her with 7 years old. Some sparkles, fire in places that was not expected and even one-time locking Petunia inside her bedroom for no reason. Imagine, that for someone so young and no one could explain to her the situation, could it be very scary and Lily tried her best to act like was not her fault. >> Lily always reacted strongly about people being mean to others, including her. With words, posture and actions, she never let someone being attacked because of nothing. That’s why she hated so much the Marauders. >> Remus is one of her best friends. She loves his personality and kindness, doing anything for him, even helping with money if necessary for his potions. >> When Lily started to be around more the Marauders, she realized they were very similar to her personality, turning them also her best friends. She loves Sirius and how he with everything he suffered, he is still an amazing man. Peter, with kindness and gentle personality captivated her to help him to be stronger and never accept people bullying him. >> Lily could it be very strong and defend herself in every moment, that doesn’t mean she couldn’t suffer with the situation. Sometimes, Marlene could find her crying inside of the bedroom with all the things that could hurt her so bad. Never in public, but always appreciated friends who could help her to go back on track. >> Lily is a protector. She will give a 100% of her time, life and everything to never hurt someone she loves and cares about. This turns her very powerful, and strong compare to others. Because with love, she is able to do anything she needs for others. >> Sometimes she forgets about herself and she needs her friends to reminds her to sleep, eat, and even relax. The war is making her worried about everyone around her, and she knows that fighting at the Order means to put in danger her family. >> She discovered she cared a ton of affection for James when she saw him working on some papers to deliver to McGonnagal. Lily had been sick for a few days and could not do anything, but she fought against the forces and finding them is not known how to go down the stairs and continue. When she saw him, late at night taking care of everything, her heart warmed. >> To protect her family, Lily was considering a plan to completely break contact with them and a way to prevent both (her parents, Petunia, and her whale fianceé) from being unharmed by Voldemort. They would it be protected and that’s all matters to her, when she would create a way to hide them and never comeback proving she was still alive with that signal. And if all went well, in years they could meet again, when maybe she was engaged and about to marry James. >>Lily fights with Voldemort 2 times before she dies. All of those ones, she was pretty strong and incredibly fast in defending herself and attacking, but when it finished she was so scared. >> Lily received an offer from Voldemort to have her by his side and he would safe some of her friends and family from being dead at the war. She refuses and after that, she starts to put her plan in practice.
-A FEW POTENTIAL PLOT POINTS >> I really want to do in the future this process of her thinking about this plan to protect her family. >> Plots (self-para) with Petunia and her parents. Probably, her wedding (that probably Lily was not invited because of James). >> Lily helping Remus after a full moon, taking care of Padfoot and also helping wormtail with something he needed at work. >> Lily moving to live alone and maybe with James. >> Lily fighting against Voldemort. >> LILY AND JAMES WEDDING!
IN CHARACTER QUESTIONNAIRE The following section should be looked at like a survey for your character. Answer them in character and feel free to use gifs. Or, if you’d rather, answer them in third person or OOC without gifs. Answers do not have to be extremely lengthy. ♔ If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it? Feel free to name it: Lily: I would love to do a Wolfbane potion in a version that could be cheaper and still remain the powerful proprieties of the potion. All the ingredients are so expensive that normally werewolves cannot afford. If that happens, I will make sure they have the recipe and instructions to do it by themselves and having a better life condition. ♔ You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one other character and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you’d want with you: Lily: I would take Hagrid with me. He knows the Forest like no one, and his passion for creatures could help me to survive during the hardest times. Also, he knows the trails and all the locations of dangerous areas around the forest and this could make our life easier. As an object, I would definitely bring with us a tent. The forest is big, and also if we are going to make any kind of study or research, we will need a place to sleep, so a tent like the magical ones (large and with a lot of space), it seems to be very reasonable. ♔ What kinds of decisions are the most difficult for you to make? Lily: I know the war is starting to be stronger. Everyday we see that on news. I know that my parents and sister are in danger because of me and I cannot let them suffer because of my decisions and life to protect others. I am still deciding what to do with them, but I know that we will be apart for a while, and this hurts me for knowing the possibility that we will not see each other again. This decision is taking me forever to have an action, and I know that is because I believe I can also protect them all the time, and that’s not true. ♔ What is one thing you would never want said about you? Lily: Mudblood.
REACTION TO LAST EVENT DROP Lily would it be inside of St Mungos most of the time, trying to help others and making sure they were safe to return home. She constantly would return home tired and also worried about the situation, talking with James and the other Marauders about how the Order could actually do something. During the days pass, and others joining the cause, it makes her have more hope that love and equality will remain over such a horror situation. She would light so many candles at her house, for each one of those she knows died in Voldemort’s hand. She would ask for James to stay with her where they are and not be afraid of what is going on right now and help Greta, Hestia and Molly to create a place for the refugees.
The ring-ring on the phone caught Lily’s attention as she walked into the bedroom to get some clothes before going to James’ house. She shifted the course of her feet until she found the muggle object and picked up the phone in her hands and placed it on her ears. “Hello, this is Lily Evans.” Her curious voice echoed through the air, recognizing right away that it was her mother on the other end of the line. “Hello, mom. I was about to tell you I’m going to visit James and if you want me to say something for him.” Beats on the door appeared, and her cry of ‘come in’ was loud enough for James to show up and she just waived, telling him where she was. Her mother’s voice was strange as if something had happened and she was having trouble telling her daughter about it. “Mom? Is everything okay?” Her heart skipped a beat, imagining that Voldemort had found her parents, Petunia, Dursley’s Wale and perhaps killed everyone but mom. Lily closed her eyes, trying to control the worries that were beginning to dominate her body, striving so that horrible images did not come to mind as well.
“What?” The news was not too bad, not as she imagined. She felt her fingers tighten the phone cord and scratched her head, trying to react to the news. Lily turned to see James, dropping her body to the wall. “It’s okay, Mom. We can not force Petunia. It’s going to be all right, I promise.” She tried her hardest to keep a normal voice, but James and her mother knew it was a complete lie. When Lily hung up the phone, she stared into nothingness for a few seconds until she could tell what had been one of the most painful news that year.
“Petunia is getting married.” The sentence in her mouth was a little strange. Her sister had dated Vernon for years and had never even had him as a fiance until now. Or maybe before and Lily did not know that. She held James’s hand, seeking psychological support for the situation, while the memories of the two little ones flew like the secrets they shared and were never told again. “She’s going to marry wale in two weeks.” A tear trickled from her eye, knowing James might be happy with the news since he could see a real Muggle marriage. “And she did not invite us, James. She-she-sh.” She could not continue the sentence, feeling herself again fragile in such an intimate and painful moment for her. “She does not want freaks at her wedding party, James. She does not want me at her wedding party. What happened to us, so that the young sister is not invited?” Tears streamed from her eyes as she tried to wipe them off with her sweater and not caring that it might be a little weird.
She stared at James for a few seconds, pulling him into a tight embrace, realizing that after all, she was completely alone. “She does not want me there. What did I do wrong, James? What did I do wrong?”
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deztinywarriors · 5 years
The Linked Charms - Episode 20 (Multi Liverpool players)
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sarahburness · 5 years
How to Heal a Broken Heart Using Mindful Self-Compassion
“It’s not your job to like me—it’s mine.” Byron Katie
Why are breakups so painful? Whether we are the dumper or the dumpee, the range of emotions we feel is universal: devastation, sadness, and anger. Oh, and there’s the acute pain, as if your heart had been gouged from your chest, stabbed a dozen times with a butter knife, and booted to the curb.
Am I right?
Of course I am. I’ve been there. We all have. I intimately experienced a broken heart and its rippling effects when my partner and I ended our seven-year relationship. I admit that I was the architect of the break-up. I was mostly shut off, insecure, and jealous during the tenure of the relationship. Our breakup was sticky. It was messy. It was ugly…downright.
As if the pain isn’t enough, we can’t sleep, we lose our appetite or eat like a cow, we stop bathing, we look homeless, and we watch YouTube playlists of How to Get Your Ex Back in Thirty days. Sad days.
You see, a breakup is a loss. It’s a death of a relationship. It’s a death of an identity that was entangled with our ex partner. The stages of a breakup are similar to grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. It’s no wonder we’re a mess when we split from an ex.
The good news is that there is an antidote to our hot-messed-up heart: mindful self-compassion.
What is Mindfulness?
When I first came across the practice of mindfulness, I had a difficult time grasping it: to be aware on purpose, in the present moment, without judgment. Huh?
What I found helpful was to understand its opposite: mindlessness.
In the past I often turned to food to make myself feel better. During the breakup I gorged mindlessly, frequently finishing pints of ice cream and large bags of chips and popcorn without ever being present to the eating.
For example, one particular day I was listening to music and a song came up that reminded me of my ex. Instantly, I became sad. This prompted me to grab a bag of popcorn and start eating. Next thing I knew the bag was almost empty. Then I muttered to myself, “I’m such a fat cow.”
When our brain is on autopilot, we are not present in our experience of life. In the case of the popcorn, I had been mentally checked out, lost in my thoughts of my ex, as I nearly finished the bag. Then I chastised myself for it.
Studies have shown that when our minds wander, we’re unhappy. When I look at my own life, I see that being mindless, not mindful has led to a lot of suffering in the forms of anger, shame, anxiety, and depression.
The practice of mindfulness, then, is to pay attention, on purpose, to what we’re thinking, what we’re feeling (emotions and bodily sensations), and what is happening in our environment, without judging it.
In other words, we are an engaged and impartial observer to what we’re experiencing in the present moment. We don’t use labels or preconceptions, and we don’t believe our thoughts or take them personally.
How Can Mindfulness Mend a Broken Heart?
A stressful event, such as a breakup, can cause our minds to explode. Often, we’re spinning on our thoughts and we don’t know how to stop it. There may be thoughts and feelings of rejection, regret, shame, and unworthiness, and a host of destructive beliefs.
After my ex and I split, I had a lot of regret, and my thoughts involved punishing myself for how my actions had led to the undoing of the relationship. I replayed past events over and over in my head. I kept wishing that I could have done things differently.
I thought I could have been more open, trusting, and loving. And I wished I hadn’t been so scared to share my vulnerability and fears, because if I had, perhaps that would have strengthened the relationship instead of weakened it.
The breakup was excruciatingly painful, yet I felt it necessary to hurl more insults at myself.
Fortunately, there are many forms of mindfulness that can help us get over a breakup and our ex. This is what I did to heal myself.
Mindful Self-Compassion
Self-criticism is very common. And in the context of a breakup, when we’re in pain, we tend to open the floodgates of self-berating thoughts. We are ruthless, and very good at it.
We might think:
“I’m such a loser.”
“I’m fat and ugly.”
“I’m such an idiot for screwing things up.”
“I’ll never find someone as good as my ex.”
“My ex is dating and happy, and I’ll always be alone and miserable.
“I deserve to hurt.”
When we believe these harsh thoughts it exacerbates our suffering.
According to Kristen Neff, author of Self-Compassion – The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself, self-criticism has a strong association with depression and dissatisfaction with life. And underneath our self-attacks are deep insecurities about our own personal worth and value.
This was true for me. I had often discounted my talents and abilities because I had a core belief that I wasn’t good enough. And my breakup only further triggered my negative self-perception.
Fortunately, mindful self-compassion can snap us out of our mindless self-judgment, and provide us comfort when we need it most.
Being compassionate means recognizing that there is suffering, being moved by the suffering, leading us to alleviate it, and understanding that suffering is part of our shared human experience.
The practice of mindful self-compassion is being aware of the self-criticical thoughts that cause us pain, offering kindness and love to ourselves to allay it, and recognizing that we’re not alone—what we’re going through is part of life, and we all have imperfections.
There are many self-compassion exercises, but this is one of my favorites:
Self-Compassion Exercise: A Letter to Yourself
1. Grab your journal or a piece of paper and pen, and write about the thoughts and feelings of inadequacy and insecurity you may have as a result of the breakup. Write about any emotions that arise—shame, regret, anger, or sadness.
2. Think about a real or imaginary friend who is kind, gentle, compassionate, and unconditionally loving. This friend knows you intimately—what you’re going through, your life history, your strengths, your weaknesses, your thoughts of inadequacies and insecurities.
3. From the viewpoint of your compassionate friend, write a letter to yourself. Using deep compassion and loving kindness, what would s/he say about your thoughts of inadequacy? How would s/he address the suffering that you’re experiencing as a result of your self-attack? How would s/he point out that you are only human and that we all have strengths and weaknesses?
4. Once you finish writing the letter, put it down. Do something else like go for a walk or make a cup of tea.
5. Pick up the letter and read it. Let the words of kindness and compassion penetrate your being. Receive the love, the tenderness, and the acceptance.
The “aha” moment for me when I first did this exercise, in the context of my breakup, was that I was shocked at how harsh I had been toward myself. How had I allowed the self-attack when I would have considered the same behavior, if inflicted on others, unconscionable?
As a result of the exercise, I recognized that I was hurting and I gave myself permission to receive kindness and love from myself instead of rebuke.
The practice of self-compassion allowed me to hold space around my thoughts and feelings, and it created an expanded awareness of who I am—that, even if I’d made mistakes in my relationship, I am lovable, I have wonderful qualities, I am capable of a lot of things, I am resilient, and most importantly, I am enough. Further, it helped me realize that we are all connected through similar experiences, whether good or bad. We are never alone.
Benefits of Mindful Self-Compassion
Some of you may be thinking, why bother with this self-compassion thing, when I can just go to my best friend or mom and have a good cry with them and they’ll make me feel better? This is fine as well. It’s important to have a good support system.
The thing is, when we learn how to be self-compassionate, we become our own source of love and happiness. We stop relying on the external to feel good about ourselves.
To boot, there is evidence that the practice of self-compassion can make us more resilient, more joyful, more productive, and less depressed. I can attest to this, having come out of my rut happier, stronger, and more at peace. I also learned ways to offer myself love and kindness, which I can apply whenever I feel the slightest of discomfort.
Some of the ways I give myself care are:
Loving-kindness meditation
Daily gratitude practice
Self-compassion soothing touch
Walking in nature
When we experience a devastating event, we have a choice in how to respond. Some choose to get out of dodge mentally and deny their feelings through unhealthy coping mechanisms. Others take the route of self-punishment for their flaws and inadequacies.
There is an alternative: mindful self-compassion. If you want to get over a broken heart, this practice should be at the top of your healing arsenal.
About Marina Alteza
Marina Alteza is a writer, traveler, and the founder of Mindfullycity.com, where she documents her practice of mindfulness, self-compassion, and gratitude to transform her relationship with daily life challenges. She’s currently pursuing her Mindful Self-Compassion teaching certificate.
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from Tiny Buddha https://tinybuddha.com/blog/how-to-heal-a-broken-heart-using-mindful-self-compassion/
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deztinywarriors · 5 years
The Linked Charms - Episode 18 (Multi Liverpool players)
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