#marie moreau fanfiction
sasha-haruka · 2 months
Gen V proper cast like love
Marie Moreau, played by Taylor
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So, there's this super cool and pretty superhero named Marie. She just started her first year at God U and everyone already loves her because she can literally sing villains away! She's also best friends with the main character, Cate Dunlap.
Marie is in a sexual relationship with Jordan Li, played by Harry Styles.
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Jordan Li's Superpower are he gets hotter and hotter until he burns your viginity away. He's a proud Republican who always votes for Trump, even when he's not on the ballot! 🇺🇸 Pro-gun, anti-abortion, and his favorite superhero is Homelander! 💪 #Conservative #Trump2024 #ProLife
Marie and Jordan may be fit now, but they are lesser, background characters still, because Cate Dunlap is the main.
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Cate is the best superhero at God U, you know?, and she's in a sexual relationship with Luke, whom everybody loves. Luke and Cate are the king and queen of homecoming.
Luke also has a little brother called Sam, and he has multiple episodes to himself. Everybody loves Sam.
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celianity · 11 months
Movie Night
Jordan Li x Reader
Prompt: having your nemesis attend your roommates' movie night takes a turn when some unresolved desires flare back up
Warnings: cursing, mentions of smut
Word count: 1.246
Author's note: would anyone be up for a continuation? _________________________________________
“You seriously bought sour cream and onion?” Emma eyes the bag of chips in Marie’s hand like it is a nuclear bomb.
“Oh, I’m sorry, are you the snack police?”
“It’s just a movie night, guys. No need to get at each other’s throats.” You try to be the voice of reason, but you are one pointless argument away from combusting into flames.
The drinks are wrong. The snacks are wrong. The placement of seating (for which you bared responsibility) is wrong. Well, there are only so many options to arrange the furniture in a dorm room.
“Shut up,” your roommates respond in unison.
“Nice to see that you can agree on something.” Emma is glaring daggers at you.
On some level, you understand their motives for organizing this night to hang out like normal teenagers for a change.
Things at the school have been slowly going downhill while you and your friends are still in the dark about most of the details. Too many questions, too little answers.
You can’t shake the feeling that that’s the motto for tonight too, but you wouldn’t dare to say that out loud. Marie would probably strangle you with her blood powers.
So, you have no choice but to suppress your annoyance, pull up an action movie on the flat screen TV by the door and fluff the pillows on Emma’s bed one last time.
Marie hands you a bowl of chips while announcing that Andre and Cate will not be the only ones attending tonight’s comfortable activities. Her lopsided smile does not soften the blow in the slightest like intended.
“Are you kidding me?” you groan out in frustration. “You can’t just invite my nemesis into my fucking bedroom.”
Marie shrugs her shoulders. “Technically, it’s our bedroom, so I’m allowed to invite whoever I please.”
Emma rushes to Marie’s defense, “Maybe that’s a good thing. Keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer. Understanding them better might help you finally break into the Top Five.”
You intend to outrank Jordan Li with talent and power.
Not by studying their profile in the flickering light of a movie.
Not by watching their fingers grasp for the last crumbs of chips in the bowl.
And certainly not by wondering what they might be wearing to such a casual event. A tiny voice in the back of your head suggests a pair of grey sweatpants and you suddenly feel the urge to punch yourself in the face.
Instead, you hurry to build up that protective wall in your mind to hold back the quickly resurfacing memory fragments.
Hot breath on your swollen lips. Curious fingers, tracing patterns on a toned stomach, muscles tensing under your touch, wandering southwards. Feeling their need on your fingertips. Feeling your own, searing in the pit of your stomach. Hitching, matching breaths.
Oh, for fucks sake, Marie, what have you done?
You loathe feeling weak but that was exactly what pushed you into Jordan’s arms one lonely night a few days ago.
After failing yet again to access the full potential of your powers and expressing your frustration about the matter cursing like a sailor, you were looking for a distraction to blow off some steam.
And there they were, hastily typing away on their phone in the locker room of the training facility.
“Sounds like you have a shitty night too,” they observe, back turned to you, pulling their hair together into a ponytail.
When your eyes finally meet in the dimly lit room, you both know this is inevitable.
The movie’s quite entertaining, but you have to resist the urge to continuously let your eyes wander to Emma’s bed where Jordan occupies the spot at the edge, farthest away from you.
Emma and Marie block your view a bit with their legs upright.
From your own spot in the desk chair next to the bed, you restrain from craning your neck.
Andre and Cate are on the floor in front of you, totally engrossed by the plot of the film.
Of course, Jordan’s wearing those damn sweatpants, leaving little to the imagination. They waltzed in here, all tall and lean frame, running a hand through their short dark hair, flexing their bicep in the process.
You received a barely noticeable smirk in exchange for a pointed look.
Your staring’s getting obvious.
Your phone screen lights up in the dark, earning an annoyed sigh from Marie. At first, you don’t recognize the unknown number, but it doesn’t take you long to connect the dots.
Stealing phone numbers now? That’s really depressing.
You dim the brightness of your display and roll your chair back as quietly as possible to further shield if from prying eyes.
Must be able to contact you in the event of an emergency.
You frown, catching a glimpse of Jordan’s fingers typing again. Their irritatingly pretty face illuminated by soft blue light.
You’ve been avoiding me.
You’re not sure where this conversation is going, so you try to put an end to it as fast as possible.
I’m a busy person.
And I’m fucking sick of it.
Your fingers freeze over the keyboard, afraid to make a wrong move that would burst this bubble of sudden tension.
That sounds like a you problem.
You take the safe route, hoping for the best and expecting the worst.
Maybe you’ve trouble remembering, but you came on to me. Practically ambushing me in the dead of night.
Oh, fuck you.
Yeah, I’d hope that’s what you plan on doing tonight.
You ignore the heat rising in your cheeks and begin typing again. Two can play this game.
If you ask nicely. I recall you’re good at begging.
Jordan’s laughter merges into an awkward coughing fit and you have to bite your tongue when Emma offers them a glass of water.
Getting a reaction fuels your… ambition. You’re getting bolder, tired of tiptoeing around the topic.
You know what else I recall? A fucking sleepless night after getting interrupted by that janitor. The imprints of your fingers all over my skin, between my legs, deep inside. Wishing every curve and hard edge of you up against me again in the dark. And no goddamn release.
The images come crashing down like a wave and you shift your weight, parting your thighs slightly, needing to get out of your own skin.
Jordan is catching onto your drift.
The image of you kneeling in front of me seared itself onto my brain. Those soft lips parted, ready to take every goddamn inch. I still feel your hair strands around my fingers.
Out of the corner of your eye, in the flickering light of the TV, Jordan suddenly switches to their female form.
“That’s it, I’ve had enough,” Emma declares, startling everyone in their seats.
Andre pauses the movie, him and Cate turning to see what she is on about.
You hide your knowing grin behind a yawn. It is a small victory, but at what cost? You’re itching to tear your clothes along with your skin from your burning body.
“I don’t know what the hell is going on, but I wish to be excluded from this narrative until you two have sorted it out. Emotionally, physically, or whatever.”
The silence is deafening. Almost guiltily, Jordan puts their phone aside, you follow suit.
“It’s like watching a movie in the middle of a fucking porn shoot. Now, if everyone agrees to behave themselves, can we continue, please?”
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Don’t Be Embarrassed
Sam Riordan x Reader
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Prompt: You take care of Sam and he takes care of you.
Warnings: autistic reader having an autistic meltdown, talk of mental hospitals, mentions of sex, walking in on friends having sex, spoilers for episode 4
A/N: Although there is no smut, because we’re only 4 episodes in and Sam doesn’t have a confirmed age I’m writing this under the assumption that he’s college age 18+. This boy is taking up most of my brain space this week. We don’t have a lot of info on the the character, but this is how I see his vibes. I crossposted this on my ao3 adriansglasses. Also this is my first non Adrian fic in quite sometime! Hope ya’ll enjoy!
You were on your way back from class when you heard yelling coming from down the hallway. You had been hanging out with Sam for the day and left him for two hours to go to class. You rushed to your dorm, quickly fishing out your keys.
“Hey hey hey what’s going on?” You asked him, placing your hands out, waiting to see if he’ll let you touch him.
“It was supposed to be a good day! A good day! But apparently I can’t even fucking do that!” He yells. The Woods had done a toll on him and he was still recovering. He had been doing a lot better lately, but everyone knows healing isn’t linear.
“Sam, it’s okay. You’re okay.” You give him a smile. “You had a good day yesterday and the day before that! It’s okay to have a bad day, Sam.”
“But I was doing so good…” He sounds defeated. You slowly grow closer to him. When he doesn’t back away you place a hand on his shoulder.
“I know and I’m so proud of you, but healing isn’t linear. There’s gonna be bad days. Even people who are… for lack of a better word ‘normal’ have bad days.” You roll your eyes and throw air quotes around the word normal. You didn’t always have the best words to describe what you were thinking, but Sam always knew what you meant. Usually college friendships and relationships formed and moved fast, but even with that Sam was different. You felt like you could be yourself around him in ways you couldn’t be around others.
It felt that way since the beginning. Sure the day you met Sam was overstimulating, rushed, and tense, but after you and your friends convinced him not to kill the doctor that completely ruined his life, you got to know him a little more the next day.
“So what’s your power?” He asks.
“Your power. You must be a supe if you go to Godolkin.”
“Oh! Yeah uh…right… It’s stupid.” You sigh, avoiding eye contact. The gravel below your feet comes into detail. You pay attention to the sparkles of the rocks being hit by the sun instead of Sam.
“It can’t be that bad. Just tell me.” You can hear the smile in his voice.
“I uh… I feel like any way I word it will sound weird, but my bodily fluids are like acid, so uh like my tears and spit and stuff. Told you it was weird.”
“No! That’s cool! I’ve seen way worse. You should have seen some of my roommates at my old place.” He jokes. You laugh quietly with him.
“So all of your stuff is acid?” He asks. You nod.
“How do you pee? Do you just like melt toilets every time you piss?” He asks. You laugh.
“No, I guess my body has some way of controlling it, but I don’t know. I haven’t really figured it out consciously.”
“I was gonna say, that would be really cool if you could piss acid. Just like pee on all your enemies. That would be cool as fuck.” He laughs. You don’t know why at the time, but there’s just something so comforting about him.
“That’s gross. You’re sick.” You laugh.
“Oh trust me I know. You don’t go through multiple mental hospitals just being normal.”
You knew he was joking, but the way he said normal struck a cord in you. You didn’t see him as wrong, but you knew what he meant. You often felt… knew… you weren’t normal either.
You were there for Sam just as much as he was for you. It took you a long time to accept his help. It took a while for him to convince you that you weren’t a burden. The first time you had a meltdown in front of him was a very vulnerable moment for you. You hadn’t been that vulnerable with anyone like that in a long time.
“I’m gonna fucking kill them.” You fumed, pacing the room, so blinded by your anger you had forgotten you were with Sam. You had promised him you could watch Waterworld after class because you’d never seen it before and it was his favorite movie.
“She is such a fucking bitch. Why the fuck didn’t she fucking tell me?! She could have put a fucking sock on the door or sent a text or fucking something Jesus fucking Christ! Like I love her, but fuck!” You were beyond angry. After an already overstimulating day and a failed assignment handed back, you were already on edge before you walked in on Jordan and Marie. Now sexiled to the lounge while your roommate finishes with his girlfriend, not caring about your plans at all.
“I fucking told him too! I told him you were coming over!” You say, upset, and quite honestly still in shock, not expecting to see two of your friends fucking on a Tuesday afternoon.
“Maybe they just forgot.” Sam proposes.
“How could she fucking forget what time I come home every fucking Tuesday?!” You huff, sitting down on the couch. You sit in silence before thinking it over.
“No, you’re right… they probably just forgot…” You feel a pit in your stomach and tears starting to well up in your eyes. You try to keep them at bay. You don’t need an acid leak today. “Yeah Jordan totally forgot. Oh fuck. I shouldn’t have gotten so mad.” You feel your body crumbling in on itself. You hate getting mad. You were so scared of your own anger. You also felt like Jordan didn’t deserve it. Yeah he could be an ass sometimes, but Jordan was your roommate and your friend.
“Hey what’s going on you look upset- well more upset than you were before… okay maybe not more upset, but a different kind of upset…” Sam’s voice trails off. He wasn’t always the best with words either.
“I just feel so bad.” The tears start to slip down your face.
“Why do you feel bad? You just walked in on two of your friends having sex in your own room. It’s never happened to me, but I think it’s normal to be annoyed.” He sits down next to you. When he gets a closer look at your face he sees the red marks on your cheeks. You were used to the burn by now. You hated crying, but sometimes you couldn’t stop yourself. Sam moves to wipe away some of your tears.
“Doesn’t that hurt?” You ask.
“They used to electrocute me daily at the Woods. This is nothing.”
“I’m sorry.” The ache in your stomach grows. You feel like such a burden.
“Why are you sorry?” He asks.
“Because you shouldn’t have to deal with this.”
“I don’t have to do anything. I’m here because I want to be.” He smiles.
“But I’m too much. This is too much. You have your own shit to deal with. I’m so fucking sorry, Sam.” You try to hold back more tears. You feel awful.
“Hey, don’t apologize. You’ve done so much for me. You promised you’d always be there for me. Let me return the favor. You’re so kind to everyone, just let me be kind to you.”
“I’m sorry.” You whisper again in a broken voice.
“Why do you keep saying sorry? Are you embarrassed?” He asks. You nod.
“Don’t be embarrassed. Multiple mental hospitals, remember?” He jokes, making a face and pointing to himself. You laugh quietly.
“Just the life of a broken fucking brain.” He laughs, but there’s something sad underneath.
“You know I don’t think you’re a monster right?”
“Why are you bringing that up now?” He asks.
“Well sometimes I think you believe the doctors at the Woods a little too much. I just wanted to make sure you know that I know that you’re trying and you’re a good guy.” You smile.
“For what it’s worth I don’t think you’re a monster either. You think I’m a good guy, but I think you’re the goodest person I know.” He smiles. “Is goodest even a word?” He asks.
“I don’t think so, but I appreciate the compliment.” You smile. You don’t know when it happened, but you start to realize that Sam had successfully distracted you and calmed you from your meltdown. You find his arm around you, as you lean into him on the lounge couch.
“I’m so glad I met you.” He smiles.
“I’m so glad I met you too.”
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andriiorrr · 3 months
𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘽𝙪𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙛𝙡𝙮 𝙆𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙚𝙨 .
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⤑ warnings ; fluff,angst,makeout session,slight suggestive,no use of y/n,reader & jordan being stubborn af,friends to lovers,reader has a lip & nail biting problem cs on anxiety,underage drinking,mention of drugs (yk Gen v shi)
❞ Summary ; in which, you and Jordan are good really close friends, but is that really what y’all are? or in better words is that what y’all really wanna both be? just friends?
YOU and Jordan have a…complex, complicated friendship, it is a series of barbed wire and thorns. you are either the closest of friends, or enemies that kiss when you're too drunk to care—neither of you ever truly defining what you are in your day-to-day life out loud.
so why is it when they’re kissing another girl in the club hurt so much? why the fuck should you care. As you sit next to cate & marie you don’t know where luke & andre are with the drugs but at this point you don’t care, you can’t help but gulp down the rest of your drink, and cate can’t help but look at you. “hey, you okay babes? You look like you’re about to flip this whole club upside down” she softly murmurs. you look up and tilt you head at cate and sigh “yeah I’m fine, I think I’m gonna call it a night my head hurts and I feel like if I stay in this club any longer I’m gonna explode.” You left out a half ass chuckle at the end and marie gets up and wanders off to who knows where.
“noo, stay a little longer?” cate says with a slight frown on her face. You can’t help but sigh “I will, but only if you get me another drink.” cate stands up “you’re wish is my command” cate says as she dramatically bows and going to the bar to get you another drink and you let out a light giggle as she walks away.
you doze off, as you bite your nails anxiously, you don’t know how much you can take seeing jordan shove their tongue down that girls throat. You’re so out of focus you don’t even notice cate handing you the drink until she snaps her fingers in your face, you look up at her and murmur “thank you” as you take the drink from her hand. you take a sip from the drink then place it infront of you, with your head resting on the palm of your hand, you trace the top of the cup and for a second you look up making eye contact with jordan.
jordan looked at you with those same eyes that made you melt. but now they had another girl on their lap who was clearly enjoying the attention you've always wanted from them. the more they looked your way, the more you felt your blood boil. they could sense that something was wrong with you, but they are so drunk that they had no idea what it was.
You can’t help but bite your lip, anxiously and you turn your head to cate. “Look cate, I’d love to stay here but I think I should just go home okay? Tell the others I went home early okay?” Cate looked at you and saw that something was wrong with you, “yeah uhm? Do you need a ride or something?” you shake your head no, “I’ll call an Uber” you softly murmur and get up grabbing all your stuff, you gulped down your 4th or somewhat 6th drink of the night? Honestly you didn’t care. You call an Uber and patiently wait outside till it pulls up, you hop in. What you didn’t know was a pair of eyes that followed your figure as you walked out the club.
you lean your head against the car window, looking at the city lights & sigh as you fidget with the necklace jordan gave you for your birthday, gosh if only they knew. Tears brimmed in your eyes as you sniffled, tonight sucked. Jordan watched silently from one of the club windows. they saw you disappear into the night and felt a tugging sensation in their gut. the more drunk they got, the more they thought about how badly they wanted to hold you in their arms. they whispered to the girl on their lap that they needed to go to the bathroom, then made their way out of the packed club, their mind fixated on you.
it was morning time, you wake up from your bed rubbing eyes and stretch as you sit up leaning against your headboard, maybe you shouldn’t have drank so much. this hangover is so shitty, all you wanna do is curl up into a ball and cry. Suddenly, a knock echoed through your room maybe it was your roommate, "just a second!” You slightly yell, and unlock the door opening it to see jordan. Your facial expression turns blank, “what do you want?” you say your arms crossed over each other and you lean your head against your door
Jordan leaned against the door frame with a nervous grin, obviously hungover just like you. their hair was tousled, and their eyes were bloodshot from a night of partying, “Well, good morning to you too,” they say with a playful nervous tone. "Can I come in?” you sigh, nodding opening the door a little wider for jordan to come in. you close the door and lock it, “someone had fun last night” you murmur and sit down on your bed. Jordan chuckled softly as they entered the room, plopping down onto your bed next to you. “Someone's feisty this morning,” they teased, gently nudging your shoulder with theirs. Their eyes swept over your face, noticing the tension in your expression. "You still upset about last night?"
you were slightly taken aback “you knew? And continued to make out with that girl right in front of my face?” you looked at jordan in disbelief. Jordan let out a sigh, their gaze drifting away from you. "I was drunk, alright? I wasn’t thinking straight last night." They ran a hand through their messy hair, their body feeling heavier than usual. "I didn't think you'd care, honestly."
You let out of scoff, “you know what jordan fuck you. Gosh I’m so fucking stupid for liking an idiot like you.”Jordan's eyes widened slightly at your words. The room fell silent for a moment, save for the sound of your heavy breathing. Jordan stared at you with a mix of surprise and shame, taking in what you had just said.
“Wait… what the hell?” Jordan managed, their voice soft. “You… like me?” Fuck— you slipped up but honestly you were just so fed up, at this point what matters anymore. “Yes jordan! You think i would go out here just fucking you just to fuck! Yeah we were both drunk that night but it meant something to me! I should’ve knew it was a bad idea considering you only fuck and don’t do relationships, but you know what fuck this shit. I’m done I’m so fucking done, you’re so stuck up you know that? Maybe I should’ve thought twice that night” You pace around your room and bite you nails anxiously.
Jordan sat in stunned silence, watching you pace the room and unload all your pent up emotions. Their eyes never left your figure, their heart sinking from the weight of your words.
"Look... I’m..." Jordan’s voice trailed off, not knowing what to say. A mix of guilt and regret washed over their face as they realized the consequences of their actions. They hated seeing you so hurt, but they also hated the fact that you had feelings for them in the first place. “Forget about it” you say, as the room falls silent. “Maybe you should just leave jordan” you murmur not looking at jordan. “I have to get ready for class and the last thing I want Is being late to class cause of you.”
Jordan opened their mouth to say something again, but after a few seconds of silence, they decided against it. They stood up slowly, taking one last glance at you before turning towards the door."Yeah... I should probably go," Jordan mumbled, their heart sinking into their stomach. As they took a step forward, they couldn’t help but turn around one last time.
"Hey... uh" Your front is turned away, as your back faces them “what” you murmur biting your lip anxiously and squeeze your eyes shut. Jordan steps closer, until they’re right behind you. They hesitate for a moment, their hand raising as if they want to reach out and touch you, but they think otherwise and let it fall back down to their side.
"I'm sorry..." they whisper, their voice tinged with remorse. "I never meant to hurt you like this." you sigh, “just go jordan.”Jordan stands there for a moment longer, their eyes glued to your back. They want to say something more, but the words get stuck in their throat. With a deep breath, they turn around and slowly walk to the door.
"I'll see you around," Jordan murmurs, their voice barely audible. They open the door and step outside, closing it slowly behind them.
as they left you couldn’t help the tears that brimmed in the corner of your eyes, you have class you need to go. you wipe your eyes with the back of your hand and get ready for the day. You walked to class and sit down in next to cate. “You see Jordan on the other side of class but choose to ignore their stare, cate looks at you worriedly “you okay? You left so sudden last night” she whispered softly. You force a smile and nod your head at Cate's question, not wanting her to see how upset you truly were.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you say, trying to keep your voice steady. "Just needed to get home early, that's all." Your eyes flicker towards where Jordan is sitting, but you quickly look away before they can meet your gaze. You listen to the teacher attentively, and write your notes down, Throughout the entire class, you could feel Jordan's eyes on you. Every now and then, you would steal a glance at them, only to find them already looking your way. However, each time you caught them in the act, they would quickly look away, pretending not to have been staring in the first place.
During one particularly boring section of the lecture, Jordan leaned over to Andre and whispered something, their eyes darting back in your direction.
suddenly you’re attention takes off them by cate. “hey, do u wanna go get vought a burger after class?” Cate whispered and you softly nodded smiling. “yeah I’m pretty fuckin’ hungry” you softly giggle, 15 minutes later the bell ringed and class was over, Jordan and Andre go on their business not that you really care. as you and cate go get vought a burger. You both order and cate suddenly asks “what’s up with you and Jordan? And don’t lie something’s up with you two, they we’re staring at you all class babes”
You take a bite of your burger and try to play it cool, but you can't hide the truth from Cate. She knows you too well.
"It's nothing, really," you say, avoiding eye contact. "We just had a bit of a disagreement, that's all."
Cate gives you a skeptical look, not buying your excuse. "Come on, you can't fool me. What happened between you two?"
you suddenly go quiet and sigh, maybe you should tell cate.
You take another bite of your burger, contemplating whether or not to share the truth with Cate. On one hand, you feel like you need to get it off your chest, but on the other hand, you're scared of how she might react.
Finally, you decide to take the plunge.
"Alright, I'll tell you, but promise me you'll keep it to yourself," you say, looking at cate anxiously.
Cate listens intently as you recount the events of the previous night, leaving out no details. You tell her about how Jordan got drunk at the club and started making out with another girl while being right in front of you. You also tell her about how you and Jordan had hooked up before as well as you finally snapped and confessed your feelings to them this morning.
When you finish, you wait for Cate's reaction, feeling vulnerable and exposed. You bite your lip anxiously and clear your throat.
Cate takes a moment to process everything you've just shared, her expression unreadable at first. Finally, she speaks up, her voice softer than usual.
"Damn, I had no idea all that was going on between you two," she says, shaking her head. "Jordan's such a dumbass, you know that right? How could they do that knowing how you feel?"
You sigh, “yeah but it’s whatever, I should get back to my dorm. Thank you cate” you softly smile “I appreciate it.” You reach in for a hug. Cate hugs you tightly, her arms wrapped around you in a comforting embrace. "Anytime, you know I've always got your back," she says, pulling back to look at you.
"Take care of yourself, yeah? You deserve better than that." You softly smile and walk to your dorm. Your heart skips a beat when you see Jordan in their female form sitting in front of your dorm room. They stand up as you approach, their expression unreadable.
"Hey," Jordan says softly, their voice raspy. "Can we talk?"
“We did and that went nowhere, so what’s the problem now” you murmur opening your door and standing in the middle of your door way and purse your lips, you let out a sigh “5 minutes Jordan.” You say sternly and set your bag down on your bed as they walk in.
Jordan nods silently and walks into your dorm, shutting the door behind them. They stand awkwardly in the middle of the room, their hands fidgeting nervously.
“Look,” they begin, their gaze lowered. “I know I messed up last night. I got too drunk and I acted like a idiot.”
They look up at you, their eyes sincere. “But I didn't mean to hurt you. I swear.”
Jordan sighs and runs a hand through their messy hair, their gaze fixed on the floor.
"Hey..." they begin, their voice soft. "I know this is going to sound cliche, but... I really do care about you."
They pause for a moment, gathering their thoughts.
"I care about you more than I've cared about anyone in a long time," they continue, their eyes finally lifting to meet yours. "And I know I messed up last night. I was drunk and stupid, and I hurt you."
Jordan's gaze never wavers as they continue to speak.
"I've been so stuck in my own head for so long, trying to avoid the idea of being in a relationship," they say, shaking their head. "But when I'm with you... I just feel different. Like... like I don't want to be anywhere else but with you."
They step closer to you, their eyes locked on yours.
"I know I've been an idiot, and I don't deserve you, but... I love you. I love you more than I've ever loved anyone."
your breathing gets caught in your throat, “you’re not fucking with me right?” Your voice cracks and you back up. “Please tell me your not fucking with me right now”
Jordan's expression softens as they see the uncertainty in your eyes. They take a step forward, closing in the distance between you two.
"No, I'm not fucking with you," they say softly. "I mean every word."
They reach out and gently cup your face in their hands, their eyes locked on yours.
"I love you," they whisper again, their voice filled with emotion. "And I'm telling the truth."
“I love you too” you sniffle, your head hazy and fuzzy, Jordan fucking Li, liked you back? Gosh someone slap you.
Jordan's eyes widen at your words, their heart swelling in their chest. They can't believe what they're hearing.
"You... you love me too?" they say, their voice shaky. "Even after everything I've put you through?"
They pull you closer, their arms wrapping around your waist.
“I’d never stop loving you, no matter how I try.” You murmur and Jordan’s eyes softened so much as you cup your face and lean in to kiss you. Gosh their lips were so soft you could melt into them.
Jordan's lips move against yours, their kiss gentle yet filled with unspoken emotions. They cradle your face in their hands, their fingers tracing your cheek.
"I don't deserve you," they murmur against your lips. "But I'm never letting you go again.”
“Don’t ever.” You lean in to kiss jordan again, falling back on the bed as they straddle your hips without breaking the kiss, their hand slips into your shirt as they kiss down your neck. “you know ever since that night we hooked up I’ve been craving you, can I taste you?” They softly whisper kissing your ear.
“please..” was all you could say as they leaned in to kiss you again.
safe to say, you had fun & Jordan was finally yours with those sweet butterfly kisses.
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nicklesbam · 11 months
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“YES!!” I shouted, standing from my chair immediately. I got accepted into Godolkin University. It’s been a dream of mine for a while now
“What?” My older sister came rushing in. I smiled wide at her while she looked confused
“I GOT ACCEPTED!!” She started smiling and hugged me
“I’m so proud of you!” We both celebrated together for a while
Soon it came the day for me to pack the last of my things. I was excited, nervous, maybe even a little seldom for leaving home but it was finally time. I said my goodbyes to my sister and started my way to Godolkin university
I got into the school for my teleportation powers, a video went viral a few days ago of me stopping a robber while at the bank. I try to stay off social media but I still know about things that are trending
I stepped out of my cab and was standing in front of my dream school. I couldn’t help but smile and looked at my map. I hate maps of schools though, they don’t really help me
Suddenly someone bumped into me and I dropped the map
“Oh I’m so sorry” I apologized quickly. I looked up at the person and it was polarity’s son
“I think I’m the one that’s supposed to be apologizing” he had a small smile and I chuckled
“Yeah I guess so. Hey do you happen to know where the dorms are? I’m a little lost” he bends down to pick up my map and hand it to me
“Yeah I can show you” he out stretches his hand to me
“I’m Andre” I accept the handshake with a smile
“I’m y/n, it’s nice to meet you” on the way to the dorms he asks me questions about myself and I return the favor
“So you have any siblings?” He asks another question but I don’t mind
“Yes, I have an older sister. She was honestly my rock throughout everything. She was so happy when I told her I got into this school” Andre nodded listening to me instead of dozing off during my little rambles
“That’s nice, kind of makes me wish I had a sibling” I laughed and he looked at me quizzically
“Trust me it has its ups and downs. We fought a lot as little kids, she would pull my hair and I would teleport her to the zoo” he laughed a little surprised
“You could teleport? And you took her to the zoo?” He questioned in a little disbelief. I laughed at the memory
“It was the only thing I could think of, she hated the lizards!” We laughed even harder and I couldn’t help but think of how much I’m going to miss her
“But no matter how hard we fought she would always be there for me” I smiled warmly. We talk a little more and we finally show up at the dorms
“Thank you for helping me find the dorms and for some nice conversation. I hope I get to see you around” I smile at him. He seems like a nice person, very open to new people
“Well me and a few friends are going out tonight, wanna come with?” I thought about it for a second. He is my first friend here but I’ll need more than one friend at a university this big. I made a decision
“Sure” he tells me when and where to meet them and I go to find my room number. Number 403 popped up soon enough and I walk in to see my dorm with one bed. I looked at it confused and worried that there might have been a mix up
I set my things down and look around. There’s nothing that suspects another person has been in here, just one bed and empty shelves. I leave my things in a corner of the room and go to find an office but before I do, I bump into a girl in the hallway
She has short blonde hair and bright brown almost hazel eyes
“Oh I’m so sorry” I apologized immediately. What is it with the me and bumping into people lately. She smiles at me
“No, no it’s totally ok. Hey you’re the girl moving into room 403 right?” Her voice is sweet and excited. I nodded
“My name is y/n, hey do you know why I only have one bed?” She looked confused as well and walked to my doorway to see
“Maybe they just didn’t have a roommate for you, happens sometimes because ya know it’s a famous school and all that” and shrugged her shoulders, “maybe you should go down to the office to see” I nodded
“Can you uh do me a favor and point me in the direction of the office please? I’m not good with maps” she smiled and laughed a little
“Yeah of course” she gave me directions that I followed to a T and suddenly I’m in front of a large building. I walk down a large hallway and look at everything I’m passing by and I can’t help but be amazed at everything I’m seeing
I finally see someone and walk up to them a little nervously. They have headphones in at the moment but once I walk up to them they take the headphones out
“Hi uhm is this where I talk to someone about my dorm because I only have one bed and I don’t know if it’s because I don’t have a roommate or-“ I was cut off from my rambling
“This is professor brinks office for criminology, not a place for you to ask about your dorm room” they blatantly spoke. I felt so embarrassed and my face started to turn a little pink
“Oh I’m so sorry, I’m new here and got the wrong directions and I’m sorry again. I hope you have a good day” I was about to walk away when h to eh shouted a name
“Jordan, my name is Jordan” I turned back and gave a small smile
“My name is y/n, I would say it’s nice to meet you but I’m just embarrassed right now” they smiled and I couldn’t help but think their smile is beautiful
“Don’t be, it happens a lot of the time with freshman” they continue, “and I wouldn’t worry about the dorm situation, they sometimes give people their own room. Cherish it you might get a roommate next year” I laugh a little
“Thank you and again, I’m sorry for wasting your time” they just smile and I turn to walk back to my dorm
any feedback would be good, this is just a snippet of the story so far
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spatialwave · 11 months
jordan li thinking about marie moreau at night.
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jordan was resting in bed, big brown eyes looking up at the dim ceiling that was illuminated only by their bedside lamp. time felt slow, their mind somewhere out in the void of the universe — filled with thoughts only of marie. fingers delicately traced their lips and eyes closed as their mind ventured back to earlier that afternoon.
lips pressed together, fingers intertwined, and heavy breaths. heat growing tight in their stomach while their hips moved together.
fuck, fuck, fuck.
jordan couldn’t get the kiss out of their damned mind and was reliving that moment over and over. all they desperately wanted was marie, to feel her lips again and to hear those soft sounds that came from her. to not be interrupted this time.
frustrated, jordan grabbed the pillow from under their head and pressed it hard against their face. a loud mixture of a groan and scream came from them as they rid themselves of the budding stress over what the fuck they were going to do now.
marie moreau was going to be the death of them.
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redhead-and-proud · 11 months
My fellow Limoreau brethren, my like-minded Jordan and Marie appreciators. I have a fanfic proposal for you all...
How would you feel about a pride and prejudice style au? Marie = Lizzy, Jordan = Darcy (Jordan would obvs still have the power to switch)
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avaelangel · 9 months
Parents weekend.
LiMoreau blurb. Really, really want Marie to meet Jordan's parents, but I do think we won't get that in the show.
Warnings: None? I don't think I went angsty enough, but I hope it's still enjoyable. Probably not proofread enough. Might fuck around and write more.
~3093 words.
''What the fuck?''
The light went out half-way to Jordan's room and Marie heard them curse from the end of the hall. She kept going, trying not to crush into anyone beside her now boyfriend, assuming by the voice she heard. Feeling for their slightly increased heartbeat, she reached out a hand to touch theirs.
''It's me,'' she heard a sigh and hands wrapped around her, ''What happened?''
''I'll find that electricity-wileding son of a bitch and kill him,'' the moment Jordan said that, light came back.
The looked at each other for a moment. Marie with casual, but growing tenderness, Jordan with worry that seemed to be easying up. They saw Marie blink out of something. She still was tracking their heartbeat, but also, thought like she stared too much.
''What's wrong?''
''What's up?''
They both huffed in annoyance, then laughed.
''I asked first,'' Marie smiled, her hands tightened around Jordan.
''Fuck,'' Jordan tugged her into their room, letting the door close with a bang. A hug became a bit broken, but Jordan still wanted to save it wrapping their arm around Marie's waist.
''The next weekend is the parents weekend,''
''Oh,'' Marie sort of glitched on that. She was lying to people about her parents, who obviosly would be ''too busy'' to visit. Guardian shit died down, so nobody would think to like...hire actors, right? But she said the other thing.
''Already?'' She pulled away to look at Jordan better, ''We should get you and Emma out of school,'' the conviction in her voice made Jordan smile.
''I have to talk to them, probably,'' Jordan sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed. They started tapping their leg on the floor and switched, ''I haven't spoken to my dad since the gala,''
Marie's expertise on parent-child relationship started with what little memories she had of hers and promising to beat up Emma's mom. She didn't really know what to say, so she sat next to Jordan, offering them her hand to take.
''I can be there, if you want,'' Jordan took her hand, intertwining the fingers, ''I can beat you dad, if you want me to,'' Marie leaned in closer, whispering. Jordan snorted with laighter.
''As much as I would want you to try that, no. Not this time. Do you really want to meet them, though? Be a distraction, basically. From the fact that my dad would rather choke then call me at least his child, let alone his daughter,'' Jordan's jaw clenched. They looked at their tapping leg and forcibly stopped it.
''I don't mind being a distraction. I'll even fuck around and agree that we are getting married after graduation,'' Marie smiled at horror in Jordan's eyes, ''In like Norway,'' she shrugged with most grace she could master.
''You really expect me to freeze my ass off for you?'' Jordan's default settings popped back in, but they still laughed, ''I hope it won't get that bad,'' they glanced at Marie, ''I mean, with my parents.''
''It doesn't have to be bad,'' Marie squeezed their hand, ''We'll do what we supposed to do, charm them out prying in your life. Or we can pretend that you are dating Emma and make them talk to her when she's a size of a glass of water.''
''I am the only one who's going to be puking when my parents come,'' Jordan fell back on the bed, but did chuckle.
''I'll hold your hair then,'' she settled in next to them on her side, ''Even if metaphorically, I think both of your haircuts are pretty comfortable for puking,'' she enjoyed Jordan's silent fight against laughter.
''I haven't puked since my graduation, I think,'' Jordan softly knocked on Marie's shoulder with their forehead and let out a heavy sigh.
''How much do you have to drink to puke?'' Marie mused, while Jordan untangled their fingers from hers and pushed for her to end up on her back, almost kicking their girlfriend out of the bed. They quickly pulled her back, putting their head on Marie's shoulder. Jordan chose to ignore her giggles.
''You really don't want to be a witness to that,'' they murmured, clearly trying to hug their worries away, ''And don't ask Andre about things like that,'' Jordan's grasp on Marie's waist became stronger.
''Watch me,'' Marie wasn't going to ask Andre , not really, ''It's going to be okay. Hopefully, we won't have to drink ourselves stupid,'' she brushed Jordan's hair away from their eyes.
''It might be, but don't get your hopes up,'' Jordan huffed, closing their eyes, ''Thank you,'' they said with a sigh.
''Too early to thank me,'' Marie decided to drop the topic for now. There is still a week to prepare.
The week passed rather quickly. On Tuesday Jordan's mom texted, saying that they do plan on visiting, but probably for one evening because of work. Some kind of errands to run in town. Texting with Marie at the same time, Jordan told their parents about having a ''special someone'' and allowed their mother to sugesst meeting that someone herself.
By Thursday a reservation for four was made in a very bougie restaurant. Marie became wary of it and doubted her choice of dress. Jordan assured her that there is no constriction. No need to be bougie back, just as normal as possible. It was getting windier outside.
Friday came. Marie knocked on Jordan's door an hour before they agreed to meet. When they opened the door, Marie made a pose, to show off her black turtleneck dress and a nice bag, courtesy of Emma. Black shiny boots boots with a safe heel were bought with her help too.
''Do I need a jacket?'' When Jordan kept staring, Marie felt the need to break the silence.
''No, we are taking my car,'' they sounded irritated, coming back to the desk with accessories spread out. Closing the door behind her, Marie looked over Jordan's shoulder curiosly.
''It's fucking stupid,'' Jordan mutters, picking a gold and black ring. Their burgundy shirt has a couple of buttons undone, favorite chain missing, ''I'm still trying to impress them,'' they stilled when Marie's hand wrapped around their arm.
''I should be the one to impress them, right?'' She asked in a soft voice, trying to make Jordan look at her. They let out a heavy sigh.
''You shouldn't be doing anything,'' Jordan glances at Marie and back at the desk, their fingers toyed with a two different couples of cufflinks.
''I'm already here and I'm not leaving you to explain to your parents that you for sure did not imagine having a girlfriend,'' Marie didn't see Jordan's soft smile when she picked up both kinds of cufflinks, making them choose between a silver circle with black centre and a small red-ish triangle surrounded by gold. Without words, Jordan chose the latter.
They watched Marie intently. Someone who didn't know them both, might have thought that it was a gaze of a hawk. But Jordan was trying to bottle up the moment in which Marie stepped ready to support them regardless. And how she confidently fumbled with the cufflinks, but still managed to get it right in seconds.
''Do you think I'm ungrateful?'' Jordan asked. After the gala, in the dark of their room and their thoughts, Jordan tried to understand what it was like for Marie before she got here. And how their bitching and moaning about parents being mean might sound to her.
''No!'' Marie, when she finally got it, exclaimed, ''No, don't even think about it like that,'' she held their arms at the elbow for some reason, ''After what you told me, what I've heard from Emma and Cate, I can say that bad parents can eat a bag of dicks,'' she raised her eyebrows in mock-annoyance, like she said the most obvious thing.
''But I won't say any of this tonight,'' Marie's fury calmed down and she let go of Jordan, who was trying not to smile too much.
''At least tell them your name first,'' they chuckled. A loose curl fell to their face and Marie brushed it back. She debated commenting on how romantic this hair style looked.
''Anything else I shouldn't tell them?'' Marie asked with some doubt.
''If you call me your 'partner', my dad might joke about us role-playing as cowboys,'' those words slipped with such ease, even Jordan's smirk didn't tell Marie anything about how true this statement was.
''What that phrase was? Save a horse, ride a cowboy?''Marie said it with as much feighed innocence as she could muster. Jordan, browsing their accessory spread, stifled a laugh, pursing their lips together.
''I have a cowboy hat,'' they had to take a breath. They chose a golden ring connected with a delecate chain bracelet with another chain. Marie didn't understand at first that Jordan was offering it to her. So she gave them her hand.
In thickened silence, Jordan slowly slid cool metal onto Marie's palm, the ring fitting her perfectly. They wouldn't accept it back later.
''Never took you as a gold person,'' she murmured, glancing down at the desk.
''Oh, right,'' Jordan held her hand, bracelet already on, ''When I met Luke, he got his first brand deal with some mildly luxury jewelry brand. Took away as much as they let him. Gave it to all of us. Since then I've been giving gold a chance,'' their eyes met. Marie felt a sting of guilt, but also was happy to see them remember Luke fondly.
''Come,'' Jordan pulled her a bit so they both could fit in a mirror. Their squinted gaze examined both oufits. They even put their hands in pockets of their trousers. Then Jordan held one hand on Marie's waist and switched.
''We look good,'' Marie broke the silence, ''Very privileged,'' that did bring out a small chuckle out of Jordan. They made a mental note that Marie should never find out how easy it is for her to make them smile. Too much power.
''Yeah,'' now they had to look up a bit at her, ''Would you mind some redder lipstick?''
''I'm so smearing it all over you,'' Marie gave Jordan a chaste kiss and smiled. This is the best threat Jordan Li would ever face.
When they pulled up to the restaurant, Marie got worried and glanced at Jordan, who was nervous the whole way here.
''Relax,'' Jordan sighed.
''You relax!'' Marie's defensiveness quickly faded and they both laughed.
Not a lot of things truly matter here, beside supporting Jordan and trying to have a nice evening. Marie already blended in once, she can to it again. And her and Jordan still can cling to each other, like they could not do yet back then.
Jordan's parents already waited in a far away booth. The restaurant itself was politely chattering. Every single person busy with their plate or partner at the table. Easy and calm. Marie squeezed Jordan's hand harder, mapping out options she could order here, eat and still hold up the conversation withour getting distracted.
The initial meeting went well. A burst of laughter and hands shaking, slightly awkward introducing each other another time. Everybody sat down and enjoyed a pause while the waiter was giving out the menus.
''So, Marie,'' Kayla started, looking at her child and their girlfriend over the menu, ''What was your first impression was of Jordan?''
''Did he try to kiss you too?'' Paul chimed in. It broke the softness of the first question.
''Well,'' Marie glanced at Jordan and smiled, watching them avert their eyes in embarassment, ''Jordan actually rejected me from a the course I wanted to do. And I was a fan,''
''Oh, that's a love story,'' Jordan's mom really seemed delighted by that, ''And let me guess, everything just fell into place?''
''Oh, yeah,'' Marie got a bit too excited for that answer, ''Jordan couldn't hate me for too long!''
''Even though it was very tempting,'' they remarked, allowing everybody at the table to see their smile.
''Did you hit him for that?'' Jordan's dad sounded a bit too giddy for this.
''No, I only hit people who make Jordan upset,'' Marie did her best to sound like she was joking. Her smile was polite despite Jordan trying stifle a laugh in the background.
The conversation moved towards the dishes and drinks. Some lies were spewed by Marie, like the one about drinking. She had enough beers already amongst friends and, apparently, drunk her head off at a party. She also lied about not having allergies, because frankly, she didn't know or remember. So she ordered a seafood pasta and supressed an urge to whisper to Jordan something along the lines of ''If I die, I'm sorry,''.
''We can switch,'' As if they read her mind, Jordan winked at Marie.
''I can certainly see what Jordan likes in you, Marie,'' Kayla said, taking the kids out of intimate haze.
''Yes, your actions speak for themselves,'' it sounded more wrong that it actually was, coming from Paul's mouth.
''There is a lot of us at God U. Next Guardian or Protector, whatever, is right around the corner. I just don't want anybody to get hurt,'' remembering the interview, Marie felt awful, gripping the side of her chair.
''I was fascinated by Marie's powers first, to be honest,'' Jordan straightened out, their fingers touched Marie's, ''Then, I had to come to an understanding that all of Marie is fascinating,'' they even sighed with dismay.
''To your absolute chagrin,'' Marie really hoped she used that random word she manage to remember right. She will get teased about it later.
''Just a little bit of chagrin,'' Jordan will never forget it.
''What do you like in Jordan?'' Paul asked. His and Jordan's whiskey glasses were identical.
''Oh, many things,'' Marie took a sip of her colorful icey-looking coctail. Nobody was sure it wasn't alcoholic, ''There isn't another Jordan, I think. No one can be that strong and resilient, but also loving and...,'' she had to take a breath, ''breathtaking, really. I like all of Jordan. Every single thing,''
There was silence. Kayla did bless Marie with an ''Aww'', but Jordan leaned in, kissing her cheek.
''You just HAD to outdo me on this,''
The food came and conversaiton flowed towards simpler things. Jordan did their best to stir it away from the topic of Marie's past. Marie, in turn, filled every opportunity for a story of Jordan's childhood to be repeated with her own anecdote about shenanigans at Godolkin. She even offered a memory with her sister, the one where her and Annabeth experimented with food as little kids, as a sacrifice to a nice evening. It kind of worked.
It was very hard to fight off offering of desert. Even with Marie's curiosity to try a fancy desert, between her pasta and Jordna's ravioli, they both were super stuffed. Kayla insisted on choosing something for them to take home, maybe eat in the morning and think of her and Paul. That struck a chord with Marie.
She tried to sort out her feelings during the evening. There was something stilted about the conversation, everybody hid some parts of them, but also really wanted to enjoy what they could show. The saddest part of it. Truth will come out behind closed doors, in half-lit rooms and with hushed voices.
''Thank you so much,'' Marie smiled and held Kayla's cold hands in hers, ''I would never thought to go here,'' she never would have known this place existed.
''Thank you, It was so great to meet you,'' The woman leaned in closer, ''I know I'm glad Jordan has someone to support him at God U,''
Marie nodded, still smiling. She glanced back at Jordan, who was talking about something with their dad. Everything seemed somewhat fine. Wishful thinking almost made Marie will Jordan to switch and for the dad to hug them in the form he's refusing to accept. But the boys shook hands and Jordan turned, noticing that Marie was looking.
''You are staring,'' they chuckled, swinging an arm around Marie's shoulders.
Paul's car got brought out first and after many almost hearfelt goodbyes, they left. Marie and Jordan stood in silence for a few minutes, huddling together for warmth.
''You mom has low blood pressure,''
''I'll let her know,''
The alarm clock showed 2:54 am. Only one lamp was lighting entirety of Jordan's room.
''That's it, I'm done,'' Marie abandonded the spoon next to the pistachio tiramisu and raised her hands. Giggling like a desert gremlin, Jordan took the rest of it for themselves.
''We probably should bring the macarons to Emma. And hide Emma,'' they remarked, taking another bite.
''Yeah. I should pay her at least in sweet stuff for her help. I still mostly use her make up,'' Marie nodded, glancing at the bag from the restaurant on the desk.
''You can use mine, you know,'' Jordan forgot about their tiramisu, the spoon softly touching their lips, ''Whatever suits you, I mean,''
''Let me guess,'' she moves closer and puts her head on their lap. After coming back, her and Jordan found their oldest and biggest hoodies to wear to bed, pants be gone, ''you have a really steady hand when it comes to stuff like eyeliner?''
''I have you know, I have a perfectly steady hand when it comes to everything,'' there wasn't another answer she could have expected from Jordan. They put their head on Marie's shoulder, their curls falling freely.
''Will you be able to sleep after this?'' Marie tapped the side of desert container.
''After knowing my parents are actually happy for me because of something beside of school? Barely,'' their hand found Marie's wrist.
''I meant the sugar and coffe,''
''Oh. there's barely any. I think,'' Jordan sat up straighter, looking at the container, as if it had the ingredient list, ''Lady fingers soaked in coffee, but cream is...''
''It's time to sleep, smartass,'' with a great effort, Marie dragged herself from the bed, took away the container, closed it and turned to Jordan, ready to bully them into cuddling.
But Jordan was already shuffling under the covers. Deciding not to say anything else, she turned off the lamp and climbed into the bed with them.
''I am smart and I do have a good ass,'' Jordan murmured, putting their head on Marie's shoulder. Her silent laugh made them smile too.
Sleep was sweet and sound untill Emma's distress signal came in few hours later.
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iminhiraeth · 11 months
cutely sprinkling romance tropes into this Limoreau fic before these mf’s have the chance to find even ground with each other
Marie needing something else to wear: Guess I’ll just have to cope.
Jordan, begrudgingly handing over their sweatshirt: SIGH.. Here. 🙄
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perpetualproductions · 3 months
Never Be The Same- Chapter 8
- The weight of recent events weighs on everyone, as the couple tries to take a moment to themselves to escape it all... But nothing lasts forever.
(Title Song: Stay by Rihanna ft. Mikky Ekko)
[a/n: A short one. But a doosey. Sorry it took so long. Enjoy.]
CW: Angst. Miscommunication. Overall high emotions.
2.1k words
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The whole car ride home is spent in silence, the heaviness of the situation weighing down on them all. When they eventually pull up to the apartment building, Marie turns off the ignition and no one makes a move to leave yet. After a moment, Jordan starts to get out of the car, but Marie reaches over, placing a hand on their shoulder. Jordan halts their movement, looking back at Marie with a tired and questioning look. Marie looks back to Emma before addressing Jordan. “Hey Em, can I have a minute with Jordan please? We'll meet you inside,” she asks her friend softly, giving her a look that Emma notes, giving back an understanding nod.
“Take all the time you need.” Emma says, giving Marie a reassuring pat on her arm and getting out of the car, leaving the couple to themselves. 
Jordan keeps their eyes on Marie the whole time, waiting to see what she wants. As much as they loved her being back in town, they were admittedly drained (especially emotionally) from their interaction with Andre. Once Emma is inside the building Marie faces forward and starts the engine once again. This earns a confused look from Jordan. “What are you doing?” They ask.
She looks over at them for a second before pulling out and driving back onto the road. “We're going somewhere. Put on your seatbelt.” She adds, simply, not giving Jordan anything to go off in regards to her plans here.
They reluctantly put their seatbelt back on, sighing. “Can I at least know where you're taking me?” 
Marie glaces over, noticing their tense yet exhausted demeanor. “Relax Jordan, I'm not kidnapping you. It's just a short trip. Trust me.” 
Well they definitely trusted her, there was no question about that. And they would argue that this definitely is a kidnapping, but they really weren't feeling up to it, so they relented. “Fine. Whatever…” they sigh, facing forward to the city night streets, trying to see if they could guess where they were headed. 
They'd been driving for almost 20 minutes now, Jordan now giving up on trying to find out where Marie's taking them. The car eventually slowed to a stop, Marie killing the engine and taking a breath. Jordan looks out the window, surprised to find themselves at a park, obviously empty this late at night. “A park?” They ask, turning to look at Marie. 
“Yup.” She responds, taking the keys out the ignition and getting out of the car.
“Okay… why?” They yell after her, also getting out of the car to follow her. Marie doesn't answer them as she makes her way over to the playground, Jordan just behind her. She stops at the swing set, a soft smile finding its way onto her face as she goes to sit down on one of the swings. Jordan takes note of this, looking around, trying to pinpoint what was possibly special about this place. “Um, okay…” Jordan goes to sit down on the empty swing on Marie's left. “Why here?” They ask softly, sensing some emotional significance to this place. 
Marie sighs, before pointing out towards the street. “I used to live just down that road. Before… you know.” She finally looks over to Jordan, meeting their soft gaze. “My sister and I would always come here to hang out whenever we could. She loved these swings.” Marie looks down for a moment, getting a bit emotional reminiscing about her sister. She clears her throat, attempting to recompose herself. “Anyways, anytime I had a particularly rough day, I'd sneak out at night and come here. It's just so quiet and peaceful at night. No one is around to bother you this late.” She shrugs, “I don't know, I thought maybe I'd show it to you and maybe you could use it too-” Marie's ramble is cut short by Jordan, who's now standing in front of her. They move forward, wrapping her up in a big hug, Marie quickly reciprocating it.
Jordan squeezes her tight, burying their face into the crook of her neck, holding her as if they were afraid to let her go. “I missed you.” They mumble to her.
Marie nods, holding on to Jordan as much as she can. “I've missed you too.” she whispers back. Marie nestles into Jordan, feeling right at home in their arms, but a sniffle coming from them causes her to pull back a bit. She's met with a teary eyed Jordan. “Jordan, hey-”
Jordan immediately pulls back, clearing their throat as they wipe their eyes. “Sorry- Sorry, I just-” They switch into their male form, backing up and turning away from her as they try to recompose themselves. 
Marie sighs, shaking her head as she gets up from the swings, stepping closer to Jordan. “No, don't do that, not with me Jordan.” She reaches out to them, to turn them around, which they let her do. 
Jordan looks at her with a tired, tear stained look. They sniffle again, wiping more tears away. “Sorry, I know, I- I'm trying. I'm just…” they take a breath, looking up at the starry night sky for a moment, before looking back down at Marie. “There's just a lot, it's all just a lot. And you know how I get when there's a lot going on, I- I push it all down, I self-destruct or whatever, but-” they pause their rambling for a second as they step closer to Marie, placing her hands into theirs and gently holding them. They look into her eyes as they try to slow themselves down. “But right now… I'm not. Right now, I'm just standing in a park, with you, and- and nothing is moving but me and you. Just- just let me be here, in this moment, with you.” They bring her closer, running their hands up her arms to her elbows and touching their forehead to hers. They look deep into her eyes as their warm breath intermingles with hers in the cold air. “Just for tonight, let's just be here... Please.”
Marie just looks at them, a soft, understanding look on her face as she reaches up to hold Jordan's face in her hands, gently rubbing the tear stains off their cheeks with her thumbs. “Okay.” She whispers, giving a small nod.
Jordan sighs in relief, leaning into Marie's touch. “Thank you.” They whisper back, dropping their hands to her waist, just basking in her presence. 
They stay like that for a couple minutes, holding each other as they gently sway side to side. The warmth of their embrace keeps the cold night breeze at bay as Marie focuses on the sound of Jordan's heart, the steady beat bringing her a sense of comfort that she hasn't felt in a while. She instinctively pulls them closer, wrapping her arms around them, heads resting against each other. She can feel their breath on her face as she leans up, Jordan meeting her halfway till their noses touch. They stay there, lips hovering less than an inch apart from each other. They're hesitating. A few months ago they would have never hesitated to kiss one another, but at this moment, the last time they kissed was weeks ago. They've just been apart for too long. So what were they waiting for? Jordan thought before closing the distance between them, not wasting another second. Lips crash together as they melt into each other, the kiss immediately deepening as they grip the other as if it were the last time they ever would. One of Jordan's hands gently holds Marie's jaw, the other gripping her hip as Marie's hands tangle into Jordan's hair, keeping them close. And it's as if everything is right again. Any and all problems and troubles going on in their lives fade away. There's no work or college or Vought, and they aren't miles away from each other. It's perfect, they're perfect, this moment is perfect. But then, a small nagging thought reminds Marie… perfect doesn't last. 
The thought worms its way into Marie's head, ripping the curtains down and blinding her with reality, her responsibilities. As perfect as this moment is, as much as she loves Jordan, she knows this can't last forever. She's been wrestling with these thoughts for a while now. She wants it to last, she wishes she could stay here in their arms forever, but she has to go back to Maryland, back to school and work and… Annabeth. 
In between all the chaos of balancing school and work, she resumed her search for her sister. She has found something, a clue. She saw a photo from a Facebook account, she recognized a face that could belong to a slightly older version of her little sister. She wasn't tagged, but she tried her best to follow the rabbit hole, figuring out the others in the picture, who took the picture, where it was taken. It could be leading to nothing, another dead end, but Marie feels it, in her gut, that she's close to something. She can't give up on that. 
Jordan feels Marie tense up in their arms, causing them to pause, pulling back to make sure she's alright. Their eyes meet for a second before Marie quickly shifts her gaze away from them. She takes a step back, putting some distance between her and Jordan, but they follow her step, reaching out to hold her arms. Jordan desperately tries to get Marie to look at them, gently squeezing her arms to get her attention. Marie closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, trying to steady herself. She reminds herself that she can't get pulled back into the moment, or she might never be able to leave. They've had their moment, and they'll have another one the next time she can visit. They're busy people, they both have responsibilities that they can't ignore. They can't stay.
Jordan doesn't even bother speaking. They've had their fair share of arguments today. They knew she was gonna pull away again, like she always does. They know she has to drive back to Maryland in the morning, but they thought they had more time, that maybe they'd be able to convince her to stay just a little longer till she actually had to go back. They know her schedule, basically memorized it, and she doesn't have any classes tomorrow, and she can afford to miss one shift to spend time with them, cause she hardly ever does anymore. Of course Jordan is thinking the worst, that she's leaving them, finally fed up with them, moving on with her life. But no, that's not Marie. She wouldn't do that, would she?
Regardless, they've been here before. They know why she isn't looking at them, but still they stare at her, begging her to look back, just this once, and just stay with them. They take a breath, stepping closer and holding her jaw in their hand, trying to get her to look up at them. She lets Jordan lift her head up, as she steadies her breathing, preparing herself to look them in the eye. She opens her eyes, looking right at them. As much as it hurts her to look into their deep, pleading eyes, she knows they'll understand. If anyone understands prioritizing academics and future career, it's Jordan. It was one of the many things she admired about them. And Jordan would understand Marie focusing on finding Annabeth, (Though, she hasn't told them yet. She was trying her best to not get her hopes up. If this path actually leads somewhere, then she'll tell them). Besides, this will only hurt for a moment, but they will be back together again. They always come back together. That's what she holds on to as she steps back, gently pulling herself out of their hold. “I have to drive back to Maryland tomorrow. We should get going.” She speaks in a flat tone as walks past Jordan and back towards the car. 
All Jordan can do is watch as she walks away from them. They hate seeing her walk away. They used to not mind because they knew she'd always come back, but this time… they weren't so sure. 
The ride home is spent in complete silence, neither of them wishing to acknowledge the multitude of unsaid words they really should be communicating with each other. Once they get back to the apartment, Marie b-lines to Emma's room, closing the door behind her before Jordan could do anything. They sigh, switching to their fem form as they shove their jacket off and throw it on the couch. They walk over, pausing for a moment as they contemplate walking into Emma's room, but they give up, walking into their own room and slamming the door shut behind them. 
…She was gone by morning.
[Finally did the thing! So sorry it took me so long to upload this. Things just kept getting in the way. But here it is! It's a pretty short one, but it's also filled with angst. Thank you so much for reading my stuff, I'm glad people are enjoying it. And a huge thanks, once again, to Venus @minthandsoap 💜 for helping me out big time with this fic. I'm considering this the end of this act of sorts. Kinda. Really just me saying the next update won't be for a while. Kinda waiting till life calms down a bit, so maybe around august. Until then, thanks for reading.]
Much love, 😎👍❤️
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sasha-haruka · 3 months
Homelander x Marie prompt part 2.
Henti Scene: Marie in hospital room. Homelander is her nurse and gives her an anal examination.
Warnings: Marie, sexual themes, Marie, 18+. Mentions of Marie.
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MARIE: [standing in Vought hospital gown, opened at the back, looking gormless as fuck as normal] OH MY Gawd, Homelander, let me and my friends go!
HOMELANDER: [Puts a finger to his lips] shut up you slut. You cumpie. It's time for your anal examination.
MARIE: [Bends over like an obedient slag]
HOMELANDER [lazer eyes, blasts a giant hole through Marie's ass]
TEK KNIGHT: [Walks around Marie's dead body, turned on by the hole]
TEK KNIGHT [Arroused to the extreme] Wow Homelander, it's an improvement. Leave me here. It's time for me to discover the whole truth.
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celianity · 11 months
Movie Night 2.0
Jordan Li x Reader
Prompt: having finished the movie, you and Jordan take care of all that pent-up energy
Warnings: cursing, basically just a whole lot of smut
Word count: 1.332
Author's note: thanks for all the love on Movie Night - here is part 2, I hope you enjoy :) ________________________________________
„Where’s your shit talking mouth now, huh?” Jordan’s voice echoes through the quiet of the hall, drawing you in like a hypnotic spell.
There is still a bit of distance between the two of you because they got a head start, excusing themselves to the bathroom five minutes before the movie credits rolled.
Their absence put you more on edge then you cared to admit.
When Andre and Cate finally left and Marie started cleaning up the aftermath of the watch party, you could feel the tension in your body building.
After the lights went out in your dorm room and you counted to a hundred for good measure, your feet hit the floor again. Marie’s breath was steady, but Emma watched you in the dark with eagle eyes as you tiptoed to the door.
“No glove, no love,” she whispered, scaring you half to death.
You held up your middle finger before disappearing into the hallway, where you’re greeted by a small figure at the end of it.
The exit sign above Jordan’s head illuminates their chin length hair and tints their fitted tank top light green.
Your gaze drinks them in, every alluring curve and dip. Even from the distance you can feel their eyes burning as they watch you approach.
Slowly, they pull their hands out of the pockets of their sweatpants, reaching automatically for your waist as you halt to a stop in front of them.
You dip your head slightly to even out the height difference, breathing in, brushing your noses teasingly. An intoxicating mixture of perfume, adrenalin and foolishness sends your mind spiraling. “Right here, all yours.”
Jordan doesn’t wait a second longer to take you up on that offer, stealing that hitching breath right off your lips. You suppress a moan in the back of your throat at the unexpectedly hard impact.
Their hand snakes up the front of your torso and sweeps along your collarbone until it rests firmly at the side of your neck, splayed fingers applying reassuring pressure. Their thump at the front of your throat makes you fear for your dear innocence. The other hand on your ass doesn’t help either.
Time to turn the tables, then.
You deepen the kiss, letting the pent-up tension roll off your tongue right through their parted lips. Tasting the peppermint tinge of their toothpaste and pressing closer, you wedge one knee in between their legs. Craving more friction, Jordan grinds against the clothing of your silken pajama bottoms and you’re happy to oblige.
Your hands split up.
One brushing along the underside of their left boob before cupping it fully. A sigh escapes Jordan’s lips as you both come up for air and you pinch their nipple between your fingers. The fabric of their tank top is so thin, making it basically invisible to your touch.
Your other hand is stroking up their thigh, playfully undoing the cords of their sweatpants, before slipping past the elastic band of their underwear.
This time, you don’t even try to subdue the groan. “Holy fuck.” Jordan swallows every syllable greedily as their desire wets your fingertips.
Maliciously slow, you push two fingers inside them, curl, retreat, repeat. They arch further into you, intensifying every penetrating movement by practically riding your hand.
The tiny voice in the back of your head reminds you to slow down if you don’t wish to end this soon. However, pushing them over the brink with just your fingers, still fully clothed, is an ego boost you can’t deny.
The assurance of holding their body in the palms of your hands threshes yourself dangerously close to the brink of coming undone right then and there in this fucking hallway.
“Don’t slow down,” they rasp as if hearing your thoughts, biting down on your bottom lip to hold your attention. The grip on your ass tightens.
“We’re just getting started.” You close your mouth around your fingers, savoring their taste on your tongue. “We should move this to your bedroom though because I need you to get naked right about fucking now.”
“You’re so goddamn hot, it makes me hate you sometimes,” Jordan bites out, nodding in agreement.
After planting one last peck on your swollen lips, they guide you by the hand to the nearest door.
Darkness surrounds you, sharpening your senses, highlighting your own desperate needs.
You hear a lock turn before two larger hands grab your waist, pulling you flush against a defined chest. Head turned upwards now; the new flaring up force of the kiss spurring you on. You feel like fighting the current of an ocean all of a sudden.
Those damn sweatpants are doing a terrible job at disguising Jordan’s hard-on, and it drives you crazy.
You clasp one hand around their cutting jaw, deepening the kiss, wanting them to swallow you whole.
The other one glides from their right shoulder over their chest and stomach, picking right up where you left off, enjoying every muscle twitch under your definite touch.
Right before reaching the elastic waistband again, certain fingers wrap around your wrist.
Hot breath fans against your ear, as Jordan whispers, “Your turn, get on the bed.”
The confidence in their tone sends a shiver down your spine, settling right between your legs which are now being pushed apart.
Scattered streaks of moonlight streaming in through the window paint their figure above you in pale light. With a catching breath, you freeze to admire them for a moment.
A smug smile tucks at the corners of their mouth, coming down on yours again after being parted for what feels like an eternity.
Eagerness is pulling the strings now.
You wrap your legs around their waist, guiding them nearer to where you need them the most. Tracing fingers and venturing lips won’t do the trick any longer.
You free them from their tank top to toss it somewhere onto the floor, ruffling their hair in the process, and finally loosen the cords of their sweatpants.
Physically restraining from letting your hand travel farther to encompass their bulge, you sit up instead to get rid of your own clothing, never breaking eye contact.
Jordan takes a quick dive into their bedside table to find a condom before settling onto their side, impatiently waiting to get a hold of your body again.
Briefly, you toy with the idea of putting on a little strip show just to tease them but the hungry glint in their dark eyes teaches you better.
“I want you on all fours,” they say, already moving behind you, warm hands grabbing your hips to pull you back in position. The tip of their hard cock at your soaking entrance turns your mouth into a desert.
“If you wait one second longer, I’m going to kill you,” you pant.
They grant your wish immediately, slamming into you with a force that nearly sends you face-first into the mattress if their splayed hands hadn’t held your torso upright.
These raw groans in the back of their throat zinging right through you, as you move in sync, pushing you over the edge a lot faster than you would have hoped.
Jordan can’t help falling apart at the same time, the view of your moonlit backside and the feel of your body around them being too goddamn much.
You flop down on your belly, content in the silence that follows, not caring about the mess right now. Jordan’s arms wind around your naked form, wrapping you in a full body hug. Their lips on the crown of your head are making you smile into their rising and falling chest.
“Are you staying over?” they ask almost hesitant, voice low and quiet in the dark of the advanced hour.
In response, you press a series of kisses onto their heated skin.
“You won’t get much sleep tonight if you keep on doing that.”
Your open-mouthed grin is a dagger in the diffuse light of the room. “I’m counting on it.”
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pinkcrocss · 6 months
Limoreau #3: A Sense of Belonging
A/n: Hahaha! Another one-shot... Okay, I solemnly swear, I am not allowed to post anything else until I've posted at least one chapter of one of my two multi-chapter fics.
What can I say? When inspiration hits, it hits.
Heavily inspired by this amazing fan art by @beelze0-0
Jordan is sick of other people pushing their expectations on them...
1,900 words
“I’m super inclusive! So welcome to God U. We’d love to have you.”
Jordan looked up at the director, from where they were perched on a picnic table out at the student quad. They couldn’t believe they had let themself be roped into this shit. But Brink had said taking part in this video would help keep eyes on them, further bumping up their q-ratings which would in turn help them in the rankings.
 “Hey Jordan! Look, I’m glad you agreed to do this and we’re so happy to have you representing our esteemed establishment, but we were actually kind of hoping you would film this in your female body.”
The stout director must have seen the frown on Jordan’s face because he hastily added, “It’s just that when it comes to inclusivity, a female spokesperson tracks better! It’s no big deal.”
“Easy for you to say.” Jordan thought as they reluctantly switched forms, feeling their clothes get a little looser and their hair suddenly touching their shoulders.
The director looked relieved as he headed back behind the camera.
“And go!”
Jordan started in on their rehearsed line, “I’m super inclusive! So we-“
Jordan tried not to let any frustration bleed into their expression. 
”What seems to be the issue?” They tried to look cooly at the director.
“Do you think you could smile a bit more when you say the line? We’re trying to go for a more pleasant, feminine energy here.” 
Jordan could feel the plastered on smile on their face pulling tight at their skin.
“Actually, Erica! You think we could have makeup come over, maybe some blush and a touch of lip gloss would help.” The director went on.
Jordan went along with the rest of the shoot. A mantra running through their head for every minute that went by, “It will be worth it when I’m in the seven… it’ll be worth it when I’m in the seven…”
Hours later, Jordan sat at their desk outside of Brink’s office typing diligently on their laptop, as they graded Brink’s last batch of crimefighting essays. Glancing at their phone to check the time, they swore as they realised they only had ten minutes before they were supposed to be meeting with their parents at a restaurant across campus. Already they could see a barrage of unanswered texts from their dad.
Exhaling a long breath, they finished up their latest essay before packing up their things and rushing out of the crimefighting building. By the time they made it to just outside the restaurant, they were already 5 minutes late.
Catching their reflection in the window, they briefly panicked, realising that they were still in their female form. Not at all in the mood for an evening of barbed comments and sour looks from their dearest parents, they hastily transformed into their male form, feeling their body grow heavier as their hair shortened to right above their ears.
Walking in, they could feel the weight of their dad’s disappointed gaze. 
“Jordan?” He said. “You’re late! What do I always tell you? A man must always honour his commitments, right?”
Jordan could only take a deep breath, readying themselves for an evening of similar comments. 
“Yeah, dad. It was my bad. I was busy grading for professor Brink and-“
“Ah! Professor Brink! How is he doing?” Their mother cut them off. 
“I hope he’s been taking care of my little man.” At this point, she had gotten up and rounded the table to pull them into a tight hug.
“Well, not so little anymore. Look how how tall you are!” She grabbed his bicep. “And so strong! I hope you’re not overdoing yourself.”
“I’m fine mom.” they responded, slipping out of her grasp.
Sitting down, they opened up the menu and began scanning the options as their dad flagged the waiter. Having settled on a simple pasta dish, Jordan leaned back and settled themselves more comfortably as they waited for the waiter to approach.
Having gotten a passing waiters attention, their dad turned to them before suddenly donning a frustrated look on his face.
Jordan sat up, curious as to their dad’s sudden change of mood.
“Please… just sit like a man. You look ridiculous.”
Jordan followed their dad’s eye-line down to their legs, which they had subconsciously crossed as they had been getting comfortable. Flushing with embarrassment, they slowly uncrossed their legs and sat up, avoiding eye contact with their dad.
Seemingly satisfied, their dad decided to change the topic.
“Speaking of Brink… what’s the plan to get you ranked #1, huh? I noticed your social trending has been flagging a little.”
Jordan tried not to roll their eyes. Sometimes, it was hard not to feel like they were just a trophy to their parents. Something to take off the shelf and dust off in front of company, then put it right back away when there was no more use for it.
“Yeah, um.. I’m actually gonna be in the new campus welcome video for the incoming year. So that should help a bit with social recognition.” Jordan tried not to think about the disappointment on their faces, when they saw which form they appeared in in the video.
“Also, my combat stats are the highest on campus so far.” 
For a moment, their parents actually seemed to perk up at the news, both wearing expressions akin to haughty pride. 
Feeling confident, Jordan continued. “Yeah, and especially when I switch forms I’ve gotten more agile so Brink came up with this manuever wh-“
“Switch forms?”
Jordan immediately realised their mistake as their dad’s face morphed into a sour expression.
“Jordan!” Their dad was aggressively whispering now, as if afraid that other people in the restaurant would find out about what he considered, the more undesirable aspect of Jordan’s abilities.
“We’ve talked about this. You don’t need that part. Your strength, you’re invulnerability, that’s what’s going to get you to the Seven. Now stop embarrassing us and act more like the young man we raised!”
Jordan wanted to argue, but was scared of what might come out of their mouth if they did. Instead, they remained silent, face pinched, once again feeling like their skin was stretched too tight over their muscles and bone.
Finally seeing their waiter approach, their mother looked grateful for the excuse to change the topic of conversation.
“It will all be worth it… It will all be worth it…” Jordan kept reminding themself. They had to.
It was getting dark by the time Jordan was making their way back to the dorms. Shooting that video earlier that morning, grading all of Brink’s essays, a disastrous lunch with their parents, followed by a two hour lecture at their least favourite subject, Hero ethics, and all Jordan wanted to do was crawl under their covers and never wake up again.
Jordan felt stretched thin. Like a rubber band about to snap. But still they reminded themselves to just hold it together until they made it back to their dorm room.
It was days like this that Jordan was grateful that they no longer lived in the freshman dorms, and that their top ten status gave them leverage for a single room. Not having to worry about annoying roommates or being considerate of another person in their space, was a blessing they would never stop being grateful for.
However, as they neared their door, they got the distinct impression that they wouldn’t be alone tonight. Some niggling sense in the back of their mind told them someone would be on the other side of that door, so they weren’t surprised at all when they walked into their room to find Marie lounging on their bed, watching some kind of show on her V-pad[1] that she must have brought with her. 
She looked comfortable, stretched out in a pale blue sports bra and soft, black leggings. Jordan had surprised her with an illegally made copy of their dorm key about a month prior and had offered her use of their room whenever she needed to get away (really it was just an excuse to see her more often without sounding desperate. But hey, Jordan had an image to maintain).
Marie had set aside her V-pad to look up at them, gracing them with a blinding smile. “Hey, baby! How was your day?”
Jordan wasn’t sure how she did it, or what magic potion Marie seemed to possess, but at the moment she might have as well have been an oasis in a scorching desert Jordan had been traversing for weeks now.
Without thinking, they threw their bag to the side, uncaring of where it landed and dove towards her on the bed (careful to keep much of their weight off her, as they were still in their male form).
Obviously, they weren’t completely successful as Marie gave a beleaguered “Hmph” as they landed on her; wrapping their arms around her torso and snuggling their face into her soft belly.
They could hear her giggling above them.
“Hey.” They felt her rest a hand on the back of their neck. “Is everything okay? What do you need?”
“Nothing.” Jordan mumbled, their voice muffled as they pressed further into her. “Just this.”
Jordan basked in the warmth of Marie’s embrace, drowning themself in the vanilla scent of her skin. They needed to figure out what body lotion she used, so they could steal it for themself.
After a while, they finally had the energy top look up, only to find that Marie was already looking at them. What they saw in her eyes was nothing but warmth and adoration reflected back at them. 
Jordan was still in disbelief that they could be the recipient of a look like that, from Marie Moreau of all people! That was something that they would never stop being grateful for.
For a good minute, the two were seemingly locked in an intense staring match, neither willing to break the spell that had been woven in their little embrace.
A sudden curious thought popped into Jordan’s head, and without thinking, they suddenly switched into their female form. Continuing to stare into Marie’s eyes, they were shocked to find that her gaze remained exactly the same. Just warmth, adoration and acceptance. There hadn’t even been a momentary shock at the sudden change.
Jordan was fully overcome with a feeling they couldn’t decipher, and before they could reconsider, they were surging up towards Marie, kissing her with every intense emotion that they could muster. Gratefulness, all-encompassing trust, and love.
Marie of course was delighted, gently laughing into the kiss as she held their face with both hands, while caressing their cheek.
Kissing Marie always felt like a warm, heated blanket on a snowy day. Like solace. Like home.
Only when the need for air became desperate, did Jordan pull away, snuggling back into her torso as they felt Marie start stroking her fingers through their hair.
Jordan was so warm and lulled by the comforting motion, that they almost missed Marie’s question.
“Feeling any better?”
The answer came unbidden. they didn’t even have to look up.
“Yes. much, much better.”
[1] Remember Marie got a bunch of free tech from Vought when she made it to the top ten rankings.
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freakshowtwopointoh · 11 months
In Which Jordan and Marie are Forced To Figure It Out
*takes place at some point in episode 7 or 8 probably?? Idk lmao*
"Jordan, wait!" Marie ran after them, praying she can keep her balance on the slippery tile. They're a master of the speed walk, and she's panting heavily when she finally reaches them. "Is the infamous Jordan Li leaving a party early?"
"Back off, Moreau. Leave me alone." Their voice was cold.
"Did I do something to upset you?" Marie's brows furrowed. They hadn't been so gruff with her in a long time.
"Don't be ridiculous. The world doesn't revolve around you. Now back off." And with that, they stormed away, and she was too stunned to do anything but stare at their disappearing back.
For the entire morning of classes, Marie kept her phone off. She pretended like it was just to keep her focus on schoolwork, but in reality, she didn't know what she wanted or how she wanted it. Did she want Jordan to call? She was both disappointed and pleased she didn't hear from them while she slept. On the one hand, she was so angry at them disappearing during the stupid GodU event, forcing Marie to cover for them. On the other hand, she was glad Jordan at least stuck to their dickery rather than immediately rescinding to her. Usually, her doe eyes got her anything from Stone Cold Jordan Li, but last night was weird. And it wasn't their parents -- they hadn't even been at the event! It was just some stupid potential student thing. So it wasn't that ridiculous at all that she assumed she had done something. To be quite honest, she hadn't been paying the best attention to Jordan during the event, but there were donors to schmooze, shots to sneak, and Emma had a minor crisis with her dress that she had to help with. Once Marie had stitched the strap back on and fixed the hole in the back, she caught sight of Jordan leaving the ballroom.
She was bent over a textbook, trying to focus on what it was saying about the connection between emotion and power, when someone interrupted her.
"Moreau! I've been tryin to call you all day." Jordan looked like they had been working out all day, sweaty and stunning.
"My phone's been off. Studying." She gestured at the papers and books strewn about. They didn't seem quite appeased. "Look, if you've come to apologize about last night, don't. You have every right to have your own shit going on. I shouldn't have pried." She put her head back down, hoping that would be the end of it.
If she was really honest with herself, she was terrified about what Jordan was going to say. Her relationship with them was 99% vibes, and she had no experience with this shit. She was terrified of being their girlfriend, terrified they wouldn't want her to be their girlfriend. Terrified that she was both too much and not enough for Jordan. If she wanted to keep things casual, she had to stay casual. They were cool, right? Yeah, they had made out at basically every free moment, and they had walked around campus holding hands and talking for hours. Every thing about this, about Jordan, was intoxicating for her, and she was so fucking scared that it was all going to slip through her fingers, or explode in her face. Ironic, considering the advice she had given them just a little while ago.
"You deserve an explanation. Let's walk and talk, ok?"
Fuck. She had no reason to say no, so she packed up her stuff slowly. She wished her hands weren't so shaky. Everything made it into her bag, and she got up to walk with Jordan.
Once they got far enough away from other students, Jordan turned to Marie.
"I'm going to talk. I need you to listen." Marie nodded, trying to keep her face smooth and unaffected. "I lied last night. It was about you. It's always about you these days, Moreau. I thought I could control it, that I could be immune to you. And it's more than just you being a pretty girl. I've been with pretty girls and pretty boys and no one mixes me up like you do. I thought I was over the bullshit from my exes and my parents and that I could keep that all away from you, you beautiful, kind, amazing girl. And being with you last night, I was..." they paused. "I was jealous. And I realized, I can't do it anymore! I can't keep you away anymore, I can't watch you pull away from me anymore." They ran their fingers through their bob, not daring to look at Marie directly yet. They took a deep breath. "I am not easy to love, or to be with. I am not a boy all the time. I am not a girl all the time. I am still a messy, broken kid trying to pick up the pieces and become the person I'm going to be. I have a short temper, and I do a decent amount of drugs. And I definitely didn't expect you to come storming into my life. I wasn't ready for you, for these feelings, for this. I don't know if we will be good together, I don't know if this is going to blow up in my face but I can't do this half way anymore. I want more. I want you by my side at every event. I want everyone to know that we're together. I want to protect you when things go south, and I want to celebrate all of your successes. I want you, now and always. Will you be my partner?" They finally looked at Marie, who had tears streaming down her face.
She kissed them, gripping their jacket with an intensity that would make you think they were heading off to battle. She tasted of tears and coffee and everything they never knew they wanted. They couldn't have dreamed Marie Moreau if they tried. When they finally pulled away, she smiled impishly at them, seemingly pleased to be slightly taller this time.
"That was a yes, by the way. I want all of you, Jordan Li. Exactly as you are." And then she kissed them again, and nothing else mattered. "We are good together. I know it. I didn't see it until now, but I see it. We'll end up an old married couple, you'll see."
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nicklesbam · 11 months
new obsession= no more writers block
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spatialwave · 11 months
thinking about jordan li falling in love with marie the first time they set eyes on her…
that her presence filled the space with bright energy. her compliments and smile sent their stomach into a fit of butterflies. but they didn’t quite recognize it and stayed stoic and rigid.
brink’s manipulation of wanting jordan to make sacrifices so they could stay near the top, it skewed their thoughts and kept them from understanding what that feeling was. to bury it far, far down.
it wasn’t until they saw marie’s eyes filled with fear when they saw luke chasing her in flames, those feelings bubbled up. they needed to protect her.
jordan was in love.
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