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Keto cauliflower rice and beef casserole. #lchf #lowcarb #keto #made #cauliflower #casserole #beef #mariamindbodyhealth ________________ http://mariamindbodyhealth.com/saucy-beefy-rice/
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Happy Guru purnima. 💥💥💥 📍FOLLOW @brijeshfit #guru #guruji #buddha #monk #spiritual #spiritualaf #spirituality #spiritualjourney #spiritualist #spiritualwisdom #spiritualguidance #spiritualjourney #spiritualite #spiritualityquotes #spiritualblogger #selftanner #selfrimender #selfrighteous #spiritualwarrior #spiritualsoul #soul #soulcoach #soulgrowth #mindbodysoul #mindbodyspirit #mariamindbodyhealth #mindbody #mindbodyandsprit #mindbodybalance #souls (at Hum Apni Duniya Me Massroof Haii Because Attiude Wali Hum Se Dur H) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCQnU7lBhtE/?igshid=1d9p7mhpuuk5y
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Liebe Gym Bunnies und Muskelkater, am 14. Februar ist es wieder soweit: Valentinstag steht vor der Tür und es ist Zeit unseren Herzbuben oder -Damen ein Wimpernklimpern rüberzuwerfen und Ihnen einmal ganz deutlich zu sagen: „Honey I’m „whey“ into you!“ – wir haben im Folgenden für Euch ein paar Sprüche und Geschenkideen zum Valentinstag für Fitnessverliebte Pärchen zusammengesucht für den perfekten „Just the two of us“-Tag. #loveisinthegym
Low Carb Candellight Dinner Ideen zum Valentinstag für Fit Couples
Fitness Geschenkideen zum Valentinstag für die Freundin
Fitness Geschenkideen zum Valentinstag für den Freund
Fitness Quotes zum Valentinstag
Workout Ideen für Pärchen
Valentinstag für Fitness Pärchen – Geschenkideen und Tipps
Low Carb Candellight Dinner Ideen zum Valentinstag für Fit Couples
Low Carb Vorspeisen zum Valentinstag
Ketogene Bacon Rosen
via ourbestbites
Herzchen Eier
Blumenkohl Pizza Happen mit Herzchen Salami
via justbloomed
Herzchen Caprese
Tomaten Tulpen gefüllt mit Tuhnfisch und Ei
via ediblecraftsonline
Low Carb Hauptgang Rezepte zum Valentinstag
Rib Eye Steak in Herzform
Dafür müssen Sie wirklich Glück haben oder das Steak einfach selber in eine Herzform schneiden.
Low Carb Pizza
Rezepte finden Sie hier: Low Carb Pizza Rezepte
Low Carb Pasta
Low Carb Nudeln – die besten Low Carb Pasta Rezepte zum selber machen
Herzchen Omlette
Einfach das Omlette in Herzchen schneiden.
Low Carb Dessert Rezepte zum Valentinstag
Herzchen Protein Pancakes
Hier geht es zu Protein Pancakes Rezepten. Stecht die Pfannkuchen einfach mit einer Herzchenform aus oder schneidet ein Herz mit dem Messer aus. Für Veganer haben wir hier auch ein paar vegane Protein Pancakes Rezepte.
Ketogene Trüffel
via mariamindbodyhealth
Bulletproof Ice Cream – ketogenes Eis
Das Reezept und noch viele weitere findet Ihr hier: Bulletproof Ice Cream Rezepte
Geschenkideen zum Valentinstag für fitnessverliebte Frauen
Ban.Do – After This We’re Getting Pizza – Sporttasche – gesehen bei asos.de für 42,99 €
Werte Herren. Fakt ist einfach: Wenn wir uns „skinny“ fühlen, dann haben wir mehr Bock auf Euch. Also… Gesehen bei Amazon (durch klick auf das Bild kommen Sie direkt zu diesem Produkt)
Kettlebell Competition 8-32 KG
Was gibt es schöneres als eine rosafarbene Kettlebell??? (Hier würde normalerweise jetzt der Emoji mit den Herzchen in den Augen stehen). Gesehen bei Amazon (durch klick auf das Bild kommen Sie direkt zu diesem Produkt)
Gesehen bei Douglas.de für 28,99 Euro
Hey! Ihr wollt doch dass wir schön aussehen oder? Na dann los, ab zu Douglas!!!
Yoga Matte
Fitnessmatte – ideal für Pilates, Gymnastik, Yog und Balance-Training
Matte geht immer. Insbesondere immer eine sichere Geschenk-Bank wenn Ihr uns noch nicht so gut kennt. Gesehen bei Amazon – (durch klick auf das Bild kommen Sie direkt zu diesem Produkt.)
„I’m off to the gym“ Bag
Frauen und (Sport-)Taschen – und ja, es ist doch total logisch, dass wir unser komplettes Badezimmer einpacken müssen! Wir verstehen die Frage nicht!? Gesehen bei sportglam.de für 15 Euro
Bkr Herz-Wasser-Flasche
Jungs, seht zu, dass wir auch immer gut mit Wasser versorgt sind. Das strafft unsere Haut und folglich auch unsere Laune ;-). Gesehen bei amara.com für 35 Euro in diversen Farben
Massage/Wellness Gutschein für Paare
Die besten Valentinstags Geschenke für Fitnessverliebte Männer
Sporthandtuch für international Chest Days
Ist einfach gerade DAS „Towell-to-have“ beim Pumpen und besonders nützlich beim Schrägbankdrücken, weil dieses Handtuch oben über die Hantelbank drübergestülpt werden kann.
Bluetooth Sport Kopfhörer
Damit verhäddert er sich endlich nicht ständig in der Langhantel
iPhone Case für echte Beasts
Ganz klar: Er ist im „Beast Mode“ und zwar IMMER – damit er das nicht vergisst, sollte er via iPhone Case stets daran erinnert werden.
XXL Waterbottle „TheBigOne“ aus Titan
Die Wasserflasche „The Big One“ ist natürlich nur für die „Titane“ unter den Fitness Freaks. Da wir davon ausgehen, dass Euer Liebster für Euch der Titan schlechthin ist, braucht er definitiv diese 1,9 Liter XXL Wasserflasche zum Valentinstag!
Supplement Sample Geschenkbox
Diese Protein Geschenkbox ist wie ein Überraschungsei für Pumper – hier kann sich Euer Liebster durch diverse Supplement Produkte diverser Markenhersteller durchprobieren und am Ende entscheiden, welche Sorten oder Produkte gewisser Hersteller ihm am Besten schmecken.
Meal Prep Sporttasche
Diese Sporttasche ist eine Sport und Kühltasche und fasst 6 Tuppadosen, damit Euer Liebster seinem Ernährungsplan auch unterwegs treu bleiben kann. Richtig cool (gibt’s übrigends auch in Pink ;-))
Die besten Fitness Love Quotes zum Valentinstag
Fitness Love Quotes
Fitness Love Quotes
Fitness Love Quotes
Fitness Love Quotes
Fitness Love Quotes
Fitness Love Quotes
Fitness Love Quotes
Fitness Love Quotes
Fitness Love Quotes
Fitness Love Quotes
Fitness Love Quotes
Fitness Partner Workout Ideen für den Valentinstag
Happy Valentines Day Ihr Süßen!
Der Beitrag Be my Fitness-Valentine! Ideen zum Valentinstag für Fit-Couples erschien zuerst auf STRONG Magazine.
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Pesto Rolls!
2 out of 5.
So quite frankly these were a bit weird... I feel like this recipe doesn't completely make sense. It's like the amounts are just off and the rolls just kind plodded over and sunk down and browned. It was weird. I felt like they should have been a lot puffier especially due to her photo of the, (this is a Maria recipe). SO here what I think I'll do next time: add an additional egg and probably more coconut flour to soak up the moisture more or maybe it just didn't need that much oil...
But anyways, I actually liked the FLAVORS of this - it was just, like I said, "off" so the texture it had was a bit of a boo boo. So I will try this again because I feel like the lack of cheese (YES WE ARE STILL IN DAIRY-FREE WEEK, PEOPLE!) really didn't bother me that much. Yes, they were terribly dry and it crumbled like crumb cake but I liked the idea of a pesto roll up. ALSO if you are doing dairy free and want to try the 4-egg version, make sure there is no parmesan already in the pesto ! One of my pestos had this so I couldn't use it :-/
I'm gonna refrain from writing all the deets on this as I want to try to fix it and then report back with my findings but here is the link to the original so you can experiment too :)
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Tomato Soup
5 out of 5.
So as a little disclaimer - the recipe said to use an avocado and I neglected to do so. I thought the avocado was just for garnishing (oops) so I didn't buy it because I am not exactly a garnish type of gal. BUT I still loved the soup! I ended up adding a lot more garlic powder and onion powder and I think maybe you could put more onion in and that would be good too. Now, it wasn't like Campbell's tomato soup - not exactly as creamy, and it is a little more acidic, but I really liked it! The recipe was for 4 servings but me and my roommate just split it :). Since it's low cal, the double serving wasn't bad a at all cal-wise, you just have to watch out for those sneaky veggie-carbs. I guess a tomato is actually a fruit though so I guess we're watching out for fruit carbs, which aren't sneaky at all since they're so sweet ... so maybe instead we just have to watch out for fruits masquerading as veggies! Anyhoos, I am a big fan of tomato soup so I was really happy to find this - it IS dairyfree which is great as I am doing keto-dairy-free for a couple of weeks. I was hoping to have some leftovers to reheat through out the week but it all just disappeared so quickly! So next time I will definitely make at least a double batch.
This is from Maria Mind Body Health - I have reviewed some of her recipes before and I think I've figured out what is going on. So a lot of her baking recipes have turned out kinda MEH for me - sometimes the doughs literally don't hold together or the food never actually solidifies (yuck) and these quite frankly not well thought out recipes have surprised me as I DO think that the health content that she talks about is quite relevant and she is a great blogger! I posted about my issues with a weight plateau and she responded like 2 hours later (dude!) so I am definitely a fan of hers but sometimes the recipes are just SO bad - like incredibly bad. And here is my hypothesis - I think a lot of her recipes have been formulated a certain way - perhaps it works when you use butter instead of coconut oil or cream cheese instead of coconut cream but all of her recipes list it as if you can just swap one item for the next in the SAME amount. But cooking obviously doesn't work like this - coconut oil WILL respond differently than butter at times and the texture of coconut cream is kinda nothing like cream cheese. I think all of these recipes have some good ideas and flavor profiles but they just need to be tweaked to actually, you know, work! So with that in mind I think I will keep on trying Maria's recipes but I will take more of an open mind to them and try to edit as I go so as to not waste ingredients and then I will report back with my findings. Nothing is sadder than making a whole, big 12-serving thing and it is entire inedible...
BUT she does have quite a lot of dairy-free things so I will be looking to her for recipes over the coming weeks. If you have any dairy-free, keto recipe sites to suggest, I'd be happy to try them out!
Anyways, 5 stars, yum yum :)
Makes 4 servings.
Details: (without avocado) 71 calories, 7.4 g carbs.
Details: (with avocado) 173 calories, 11.4 g carbs.
You'll need:
1 tablespoon coconut oil ½ yellow onion, sliced (or more...) 3 large tomatoes, chopped 1 avocado, peeled and diced (I didn't use this but you should try it!) 1 clove garlic, minced (I used 2) 1 cup unflavored almond milk *** 2 tablespoons lime juice ¾ tsp Celtic sea salt 2 tablespoons fresh oregano, chopped 2 tablespoons fresh basil leaves, chopped a good amount of garlic powder and onion powder!
***A note on the almond milk - in the recipe she tells you to let the soup sit and boil for a while longer but if you DO let it simmer for like 20 minutes like I did, it loses a lot of it's moisture so you'll have to ad back in about 1/2 cup of almond milk to make it creamy again. If you do only simmer it for ten minutes though you probably won't need this. It's really up to you and your soup tastes.
Nutritional Facts: (without avocado)
Calories: 71, Carbs: 7.4 g, Fat: 4.5 g, Protein: 1.6 g, Sodium: 52 mg, Sugar: 4.1 g.
Nutrition Facts: (with avocado)
Calories: 173, Carbs: 11.7 g, Fat: 14.3 g, Protein: 2.6 g, Sodium: 55 mg, Sugar: 4.4 g.
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Chocolate Peanut Butter Eggs
1 out of 5.
Ick Bluhhh, this was awful! When I am eating sweets I expect those carbs to be worth something in lovely, nummy flavor, but no! Not only is the texture completely off (gooey mess), they tasted baaad. So I guess what I am saying is: no, I would not recommend you make this. This is my second dessert recipe that I have tried from Maria's and I think this may be the last attempt. Her recipes don't make any sense and the way that her food looks is preposterous compared to what I am looking at. Realistically it seems like these recipes were a decent idea that wasn't thought through and nobody tasted. The sad thing is that I wasted a whole jar of peanut butter on these! As a disclaimer: I used coconut cream instead of cream cheese but TO BE FAIR she suggested that as a swap! So, yes, farewell Maria, I will not be making your food anymore - it makes me sad and it wastes expensive ingredients (sobs).
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