#maria’s an alpha
teecupangel · 2 years
An Altair/Malik/Desmond A/B/O prompt in canon AC1 storyline? (with exceptions, like Kadar can be saved, hopefully.)
So we’re going for a time-travel setup and we’ll start the plot after Desmond keeps Kadar alive after the disaster that was the Jerusalem mission.
This would give us a way for Malik and Desmond to meet because, when Malik became Dai, he recognized Kadar’s scent in one of the houses in the Poor District while he was getting the lay of the land, so to speak. Kadar is still injured and Desmond tells him it would be risky to move him right now so, instead, Malik starts visiting the house daily.
First, it was just to check up on Kadar.
But later on, he took an interest in the omega who saved Kadar but refused to show his face.
Not that it was anything strange. It was normal for those in Levant and its neighboring kingdom and settlements to have their omegas covered from head to toe. It was a sign that they were unmated and ‘pure’. Their clothes also serve to mask their scent although it could only block so much, especially when the omega goes in heat.
When Altaïr finally makes his way to Jerusalem, Desmond and Kadar are still in the house in the Poor District but Malik didn’t think of telling Altaïr about Kadar’s survival. Desmond told him that he heard the Crusaders say they had someone of high regard helping them in Masyaf (it was a way for him to point a finger at Al Mualim without saying his name) but Malik doesn’t trust anyone, especially Altaïr who is actually the top of his list of suspects.
To keep Desmond safe, they also covered Kadar in the same scent-blocking fabrics that omegas' use while he heals so no one would recognize his scent.
Altaïr goes to the Poor District not to find any information that he may be able to use for his mission but because there’s a scent in the air that just kept knocking his mind, not letting him have a moment’s rest.
He finally finds the source of the scent in a small house and comes face to face with an omega that…
Ran away from him as soon as he saw him.
Of course, this being Altaïr… he chases after the omega.
He does finally tackle the omega and they stumble inside one of the rooftop gardens. Their close proximity and their sweat magnified their scent and Altaïr realized how compatible their scents were.
And how intoxicating the omega’s scent was.
How to smelled like how Altaïr always felt like what home would feel like.
Unorganized Notes:
Both Altaïr and Malik are alphas, Kadar is a beta and Desmond is an omega.
Altaïr never cared about omega scents. He found most of them nauseatingly sweet (even if everyone else thinks they smell fine). Al Mualim thinks Altaïr’s mastery of the Eagle Vision makes him more sensitive to scents and that’s why an omega’s scent annoys him.
The only omega Altaïr could tolerate was Adha because they’re childhood friends so he got used to her scent early on.
Malik has no interest in having an omega spouse before Desmond. He always expected Kadar to continue the Al-Sayf line.
They don’t actually describe the scents as something tangible like cinnamon or citrus-y. The scent is more of a feeling that is unique to everyone.
Desmond smells like the concept of home to Altaïr and he can’t explain it any other way. Desmond smells like the first spring morning to Malik. Kadar thinks Desmond smells like freshly baked bread. (“Is that your way of saying you want to eat me?” “I don’t know. You just smell… warm, I guess?”)
Desmond loves Altaïr at this point but it’s up to Altaïr to make Desmond fall in love with him. Desmond didn’t really think Malik would be attracted to him.
Both Altaïr and Malik would court Desmond and it would definitely get heated… in more ways than one. They both have feelings for Desmond but their alpha-ness is making them compete for Desmond’s affection. A lot of dick-measuring will happen with Kadar having first row seat in the entire thing.
Malik is gentler in his approach. Courting gifts, quiet walks, peaceful tea parties. He knows the proper etiquette of how to court an omega and he’s definitely sticking to the rules. Desmond thinks he’s quite sweet and he may be enjoying being treated with such care for once (thanks for the issues, Bill)
Altaïr has the courting habits of an eagle and a cat rolled into one (so I guess a griffin?). Making sure no one bothers Desmond. Giving gifts that would never be considered as courting gifst like throwing knives and Desmond was pretty sure the pretty necklace he just got had been on the neck of a very annoying and cutthroat merchant. He also has no sense of personal space and Desmond is pretty sure Altaïr keeps sniffing at him. Altaïr does have a leg up because Desmond knows this is how Altaïr shows his feelings and he finds it sweet in its own strange way.
In the end, Kadar would be the one to suggest Desmond just take both Altaïr and Malik as his mates. It’s not… well… it doesn’t happen often because of all the Alpha posturing that would happen but he has complete confidence that his brother and Altaïr could make it work for Desmond’s sake.
Desmond also believes that since Altaïr and Malik did end up being close friends in the original timeline.
If you want to include Altaïr x Malik in this: their relationship is more of competitive alphas who enjoys winning against the other. This meant that Desmond tend to act as either their judge or the focus of their competition and Desmond reaps the reward while the two do all the work.
Since this is A/B/O, no one is sure who the father of Desmond’s children is. Desmond only agreed to get pregnant once the Apple gave enough information to make the whole ‘giving birth during the 12th century’ less deadly.
Altaïr usually has a level head but he tends to get carried away when Desmond is involved which meant Malik has to be the one to make sure the two don’t do anything stupid.
Altaïr likes to prepare for Desmond’s heats, making sure they have all they need. Malik takes care of making sure nothing will happen whenever Desmond does go in heat in terms of the operations of the Levantine Brotherhood.
They once tried having just one of them with Desmond during his heat but the one left outside was unbearable to work with so everyone just agreed that the two Alphas stay with their omegas and they’ll take care of everything.
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scar-lie · 10 months
Omega Pt. 8 [Natasha]
Summary : Natasha's world turns upside down when she learns the truth about breaking the bond
Pairing : Alpha!Natasha Romanoff x Omega!Reader , Alpha!Natasha Romanoff x Alpha!Clitn Barton
Warning : Mention of death and crying
Word Count : 1,105
{OMEGA PT. 7} {OMEGA PT. 8} {OEMGA T. 9}
No one has permission to repost my work anywhere, if you see it let me know.
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The steady heartbeat of Y/N can be heard all over the room, and the slow and shallow heartbeat
They decided to keep the two healthy babies, Y/N and her third baby, in one room; it's big enough for the four of them and to have enough space when the team decided to stay over night. Well, for Tony, it's still smaller, and he wants to expand the space.
But this breaks their hearts, especially Natasha. Seeing one of her pups in critical condition broke her.
"Hello there, little cutie; you look so beautiful like you, Mommies," Wanda whispers to the one who's separate from the two babies while she gently and carefully caresses her right check with the back of her pointer finger that wraps around the gloves.
"Look at your sister; that's your baby sister over there. Say hi," Yelena said while she held the one and Maria the other, waving their little hand that's wrapped around their finger to their sister.
"Why don't you come and see them?" Clint whispers, standing besides Natasha, who's outside your room window.
Afraid to come inside and look at or hold her pups in her arms, even though all she ever wants is to hold them, the thought of her hurting them or crashing them into her arm makes her fear her whole being.
"I'm good here; I-I think it's better if I stay here, outside," Natasha mumbles, wanting to at least get a glimpse of her pups but unable to do so because her two boys in Yelena and Maria's arms are wrapped around a baby blue blanket, and she can't see her daughter because she needs to stay in an incubator, so the only thing she can see is her tiny, cute foot.
"That's nonsense, Natasha. Come on, let's go inside. Don't you want to see them?" Natasha's eyes then converted to Y/N, who's sleeping peacefully in her bed. Her face is peaceful, making Natasha feel at ease, knowing she's safe.
"Natasha?" Clint gives her a light tug on her shoulder, then opens the door.
"Come on, let's see them." Natasha is hesitant, but when she looks back inside, Maria and Wanda motion for her to come inside, and seeing the look on her sister's face with pure happiness convinces her to come inside and join them.
"You wanna hold them?" Maria offers the sleeping pup in her arm to Natasha for her to hold, but the redhead contemplates her decision. They are tiny and precious, and she's afraid that she will crash them, so the best next option is to step forward and look at her pup, slowly and carefully caressing his cute, soft, chubby cheeks with the back of her pointer finger.
"He's so precious," Natasha whispers, smiling and melting her heart when he reaches for her finger and holds it in his palm, then yawns, nustles her finger in his chest, and sleeps with a smile on his face.
"He likes you," Maria whispered, watching the interaction between the two. Again, she tried to make Natasha hold him, but the redhead shook her head.
"No.....he-he looks comfortable in your arms," she says, giving Maria a smile. Then, when the baby loosens his grip, Natasha proceeds to Yelena, who's busy talking to the sleeping baby in her arms.
"Can I look at him?" Natasha asked, looking at Yelena, who's glaring at her. Yelena doesn't want her near the babies, but by the warning, look at the other three. She nodded and let Natasha come sit beside her, caressing the baby's head carefully.
The three look at the redhead with a smile, happy to see her so soft and extra careful around the babies, happy that at least Natasha tried to approach them, but the quiet and happy moment quickly stopped when an erratic sound of the monitor blaring around the room made the four of them panic, looking at you while Clint quickly ran out to call for help.
Natasha quickly ran out to the room, breathing heavily while tears were rolling down her face, and looked out the window, making sure her pups were okay and convincing herself that Y/N was okay while the doctors were frantically moving around the room, trying to revive you.
It took a few minutes to make your vital signs stable, and when Dr. Cho got out of the room, Natasha quickly stepped in front of her.
"She will be okay, right?" Natasha asked, worried, and Clint stood beside her.
"Honestly, I don't know. But the level of weakness of her body and how it's reacting, I-Ms. Romanoff, did you mate with her?" Natasha looked down and nodded, emberassed that she couldn't be the Alpha to her Omega.
"I'm going to be honest with you; I don't know if you know this or not, but once a mated couple tries to break a bond, there's a big consequence: either one of you will die or survive; some couples make it through survival, but..." Dr. Cho sighs, reading Natasha's body language. She's tense, frozen in her spot, trying to be strong, but deep inside of her, she knows that she's breaking.
"Say it," Natasha whispers, holding Clint's hand so tightly that her chuckles turn white.
"Well, in history, mostly Omega's are the ones who suffer from breaking the bond more than Alpha's, which means, mostly 98% of these cases are... Omega's are mostly the ones who died by breaking the bond and only 2% of their survival rate," Natasha gasps. She can't keep her tears at bay, but rather, they are running down her checks.
"I don't want to give you high hopes, but we're trying everything to prevent it from happening; we're using all of our sources to survive her." Natasha turned around and sobbed while Clint smiled at Dr. Cho, saying thank you and rubbing Natasha's back.
Her knees are getting weaker, so she has to lean on the wall beside her and slowly slide down until she's sitting down, resting her elbow in her knees, and her head is low between her arms, crying.
Clint stayed beside her, sitting down too, trying not to show his sadness, knowing Natasha needs him, but he just sat there, not saying anything because he knows that whatever he says will never change the fact that you could die in any minute now, but instead he just let his presence be there to at least make Natasha feel that she's not alone.
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Taglist : @alwaysgoodnight @natashaswife4125
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abbatoirablaze · 10 months
Surrogate Luna, Chapter 11
Word Count:  1.4k
Warnings:  slight angst.
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“Please stop calling me that, Sarah,” Cinna sighed as she looked to one of her closest friends.  Sarah gave her a soft smile and sat down at the edge of the water.  She noticed Cinna looking around, as though trying to keep an eye on her adventurous pup.  She laughed, “Stevie is fine.  He’s with Wanda just around the corner.”
“You know how I feel about him wandering,” she sighed nervously as her eyes strained to see the pup, “he’s like his father.”
“Adventurous…yeah…Sam reminds me of that all the time!” she laughed, “you know, when Steve was a pup he lived to be in these woods while his mother spent time at the water as well…”
She frowned, thinking of the man that she loved. 
Sarah mirrored her actions, “I-I’m sorry.  I know that it-“
“It’s fine,” she sighed, shaking her friend’s comments off, “Steve is the alpha of this pack.  I bore his pup.  I-It’s only normal that they share certain qualities.”
“You know…that isn’t a bad thing…”
She nodded, sitting up from the water’s edge, “I know…I just-it still hurts.”
Sarah nodded once again as Cinna stood, gathering herself together so that she could head back to the packhouse. 
With a heavy heart she followed after her, “you know…we could always go to another pack…”
“Sarah…” she sighed, sparing her friend a look.  She shook her head, “y-you know that I can’t take Stevie away from his pack…from his father.”
“He never sees him.”
Sadness took over her scent and Sarah instantly regretted her words. 
“I’m sorry, Cinna.”
“It’s not your fault, Sarah,” Cinna replied sadly, “do not apologize for your alpha’s actions.”
“Stevie!” Cinna called into the open wilderness, “Maria?  Wanda?”
She heard her pup giggling before anything else. 
A smile rose to her face as her chubby-cheeked pup came toddling towards her, a smile as bright as the sun on his face.
“My little wolf!” she exclaimed, holding her arms out to her son. 
Stevie giggled, running into his mother’s arms while Wanda and Maria playfully chased him through the clearing. 
“Thank you for staying by my side!” she said appreciatively to the trio of women who had once been assigned to her, “you kno-“
“You’re our friend!” Wanda smiled, patting her friend on the shoulder.
“Our Luna!” Maria added in.
“I still appreciate it!”
“So long as our alpha stands at the head of the pack…we will  not leave you!” Maria smiled reassuringly, “but know that the second he does not, we will try to slip you away from here.”
Cinna gave Sarah a sideways glance, but she ignored it, nodding along with a faux smile. 
Sure, she hadn’t seen Steve, or been close with him since Sharon had marked him, but had she been aware of something that the other girls weren’t?
She was lost in her thoughts as Sarah, Maria, and Wanda began talking about everything that was going on in the pack.  So lost, that she had hardly noticed when they ended up in the pack medical wing. 
If it wasn’t for their doctor, Bruce Banner, she would have been stuck in her thoughts.
Her attention snapped to the quiet doctor.  Stevie was giggling and interacting with him, reaching out for him. 
“May I?”
She gave a polite smile and nodded, allowing Bruce to take over the duty of carrying Stevie around.  He smiled as the little blonde pup gurgled excitedly and began chattering with words that only he knew the true meanings of.
Her attention snapped up again and she looked around.
Wanda, Maria, and Sarah were nowhere to be found.  He chuckled at her bewildered look, “they’re at training, Luna…”
“Oh…I-I’m sorry.”
“Are you okay?” he asked curiously, “you seem a little out of it!”
She nodded, and he pretended not to notice the lie.
She gave a small smile to her son, reaching out to play with his hair. 
“You look tired!” Bruce pointed out.
“I am…”
“Have you been sleeping?”
She nodded, a frown replacing her small smile as she looked to the doctor, “I-yeah…more than normal unfortunately.  Part of me feels like I can barely keep up with Stevie…”
“You’ve gone a long time without your mate, Cinna…”
This time she frowned at his insistence, “I-I’m not going back to Steve, Bruce.”
“I wasn’t saying that you should,” he shrugged, “Just making an observation is all…”
“Bruce?” she asked after a moment. 
He gave her a curious look, “yes Luna?”
“If-If I were to ask about a mark removal…” she said slowly, watching him for any signs of what he thought about it.  She sighed when he gave no notions on how he felt, “it-never mind.”
“Ask your questions, Cinna,” he said sadly, “you’re thinking of them for a reason.”
“If I were to ask about a mark removal…even knowing that Steve is the alpha of the pack and I am your Luna…his omega…”
“What of it, my luna?”
“Would you remove the mark if I asked you?”
He shrugged, switching Stevie’s weight to his other hip as the little boy snuggled into his side, completely oblivious to the conversation.
“Are you asking this because you’ve potentially found another mate?” Bruce asked curiously.
Her eyes widened and she shook her head, “Wh-what?  No.  Steve is my-“
She stopped speaking when she realized what she was about to say.  Bruce gave her another sad look before motioning for her to follow him to his office.  When they reached the sanctuary of it, he closed and locked the door, “allow me to speak freely to you, Luna?”
She nodded, “Yeah…of-of course!”
“You’ve become tired…exhausted even, yes?”
She nodded, “Yes.”
“You’re showing signs of getting weaker because of your lack of contact from your mate,” Bruce said sadly, “you allowed him to mark you and then the two of you went your separate ways.  Mates find comfort in one another.  They find strength in one another.  Especially after they’ve marked each other.”
“So…not being with Steve…”
“Is slowly killing you.” Bruce finished sadly, “you have to make a choice soon, Luna…wolves are pack animals for a reason.  It’s not entirely by choice.  Once you mark or are marked by someone you thrive with them.  It’s why so many mates perish when the other passes.  Do you want your loneliness to kill you?”
Cinna looked between the doctor and her son. 
She’d been thinking about getting the mark removed for nearly half a year, but hadn’t really told anyone about it.  But hearing the words from Bruce’s mouth made her realize that she couldn’t hold off on her thoughts, or decision, much longer.
“W-what do I need to do?” she asked seriously, looking at Bruce once more.
“Go get some rest…” he said seriously, “you’ll need your energy.”
She nodded and went to take her son from the doctor’s grasp, but he shook his head.
“I’ll watch over Stevie…you’ll need your energy…I’m not joking.  Come back later tonight and get him.  I’ll order the supplies.”
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Bruce looked up from the floor of his office to where his alpha stood at the door.  He froze in his spot as the little blonde pup looked up at him. 
Steve held his breath.
He instantly recognized his son, despite having not seen him in nearly ten months.
“Wh-where is Cinna?”
“Sleeping…she needed rest.  I agreed to watch Stevie,” Bruce answered, his brow quirking as he looked at Steve, “is everything okay?”
“I-we need your help,” Steve answered brokenly, as though he was having a hard time tearing his eyes from his son.  The little boy watched him, studying his every move.  He pointed back towards the medical wing, “can you?”
“Yeah…” he nodded quickly.  He looked at Stevie firmly, “you stay here and color, okay?”
“Kay!” the blonde exclaimed in a chirp. 
Bruce smiled and patted his hair before getting up, “alright alpha…what did you need?”
Steve’s brow furrowed as he looked between his son and the doctor, “Wi-will he be okay like that?”
“Oh yeah,” Bruce nodded, waving his alpha off, “Stevie’s a good boy.  Knows when to keep himself busy…”
Steve spared his son another glance.  The little boy was entertaining himself with the crayons and coloring book.  And his heart broke a little when the boy didn’t acknowledge him as anything more than someone bugging him for a moment in time.
Chapter 12
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @prokey16, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @teambarnes72, @mrsevans90
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ambreignsfan4life · 7 months
Most Beloved WWE Female
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dirtylittlediesel · 2 years
bullet train abo headcanons (except there are no betas):
ladybug: alpha
tangerine: omega
lemon: alpha
yuichi: alpha but in a disheveled way
prince: omega who doms alphas
maria: ALPHA
the son: omega but pretends beta... prolly like all the other omegas on this list tbh
white death: alpha but should get it revoked bc his ego is already way too big. also how r u gonna have a gay son and gay daughter...
elder: alpha but sparkles in the sunshine in contrast to white death
hornet: alpha
wolf: could go either way but i wanna say omega and his fianceé was an alpha LMFAO... vengeful omega ass... needs to avenge his murdered alpha ass...
channing tatum: omega (in heat)
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simmin-with-eni · 8 months
My first custom Patreon request! Inspired by Dulce Maria 🥵
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baubeautyandthegeek · 9 months
Sleigh Ride Romance - Maria Hill/Pepper Potts
A/N: Part 3 for @intotheomegaverse 's Christmas Bingo card.
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Maria Hill would never admit to enjoying Pepper Potts by her side, she couldn’t, not yet. It was still so new. Still, as she settles into the sleigh, she finds she laughs at Pepper’s small shiver, tucking her closer and trying to ignore the small noise that escapes Pepper. It's only when, halfway into the sleigh ride, she feels Pepper tuck herself closer still that she dares admit she loves this closeness. Losing Tony had hurt the slim, delicate woman. Pepper had not said as much but Maria knows. It’s always hard to lose someone, especially when that someone is your alpha or omega. It’s nice to feel Pepper’s smile pressed into her neck. “Pep…” “Ria…” Pepper turns soft blue eyes up to meet Maria’s and Maria grumbles low in her throat. “You are entirely too sweet for your own good, you know?” “Prove it.” She does, of course, pulls Pepper closer, kisses her gently but with fierce passion, smiles when Pepper groans softly. “Mine?” “Mmm, yours.” Pepper agrees. Neither may have expected this to be so easy, but Maria had to admit, she felt happier having Pepper close, knowing the precious Omega was safe. The sleigh ride ends, Maria lifts Pepper down and walks her home, smiling when Pepper pulls her inside. She will, finally, have an Omega of her own.
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sparkles-oflight · 11 months
My Uber driver thought I only spoke English (even though I talked to him in Portuguese) so he didn't say a word until the very end of the trip. 10/10 would recommend
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sonasnowdrop · 2 years
Does Anne have a mother?
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[She’s long gone by now.]
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akwolfgrl · 6 months
0 notes
abbatoirablaze · 11 months
Surrogate Luna, Chapter 8
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: manipulation, coercion, threats of murder, mentions of murder, violence, discrimination based on designation, angst, a/b/o dynamics.
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Steve looked away from his mate and towards Sam.  He looked a mess, and had scratches up and down his arms.  Steve’s eyes widened as he sensed the concern coming off of his beta in droves, “Sam…what is it?”
“Sharon…she-she’s lost it.  She-“
“What happened to Sharon?” Steve asked, “Lost it?  Did she lose her pup?”
Cinna felt nervousness creeping into her hindbrain over her alpha’s concern for the woman that he was formally promising himself to.  She reached out to him, “Steve…”
“Her pup was fine,” Sam said quickly as he shook his head, “she drank the same thing that Cinna did, and both of them were rushed to medical in time…but she-she killed Brock.”
Steve’s eyes widened, “What?”
“Alpha…you have to come…she-she’s going crazy,” Sam begged, “I-I don’t want to tear you from your family, but-“
“Pack comes first,” Cinna said simply.  She squeezed Steve’s arm soothingly and nodded her head, “go…take care of whatever is going on…but come back to me.”
“Always!” he promised with a simple nod.  He leaned in and scented his mate, before kissing her temple and his son’s forehead, then he and his beta left the hospital room. 
“Sharon…you need to be logical…”
“WHERE IS IT?” she hissed, shooting Steve a glare through the reinforced window of her hospital room, “WHERE IS THAT WORTHLESS PUP?”
Steve frowned as he thought about the pup that had been brought to him nearly two days ago by one of Sharon’s pack. 
He was clearly born prematurely, but he was definitely also an omega. 
The final nail in the coffin for Sharon, at least in her view, of solidifying a legacy. 
She had managed to do so in creating a pup with Brock, but the pup was an omega male.  Something that she, herself, was beyond disgusted by. 
And in a rage, even though she’d had a belly full of stitches, she tore Brock to shreds over it.  She killed him over impregnating her with an ‘inferior pup.’ 
When members of her pack had informed her that Steve and Cinna had a strong, healthy alpha boy, she went off the deep end.
“Your pup is safe, Sharon.”
“Kill it!” she commanded, growling at the man she had once been in a formal relationship with, “I don’t want an omega male with my name.  Carters are not omegas.  They are alphas or they don’t exist.”
Steve frowned even more.
He’d been all too privy with how the Carter pack family had dealt with omega males.  She was supposed to have had an older brother, but when he was born an omega male, they slaughtered the infant and threw him over the cliff. 
An omega male Carter was unacceptable. 
“KILL IT!” she screamed, nearly feral from having to continue on with the conversation, “I know that someone in my pack betrayed me and they brought it to you.  YOU NEED TO KILL IT, STEVE!”
“I’m not a savage,” Steve growled at the woman, “I’m not going to go and slaughter some innocent pup based on his designation.”
“WHAT IF YOU HAD AN OMEGA, HUH?” she screamed, her fists pounding on the glass, “WHAT IF YOUR BASTARD OF A PUP WAS BORN AN OMEGA!”
“I WOULD LOVE MY SON REGARDLESS OF DESGINATION!” Steve growled as he closed in on the area she’d been standing in front of, “to kill a pup…over his designation.  He had no control in that, Sharon.  And you know it!”
“Brock is dead because of it,” she spat, “that ratty little vermin put a faulty pup in me!”
“Being an omega is not a defect!”
“Omegas fulfill us alphas in ways that another designation cannot!” Steve said firmly, thinking of Cinna and how she was in their shared quarters, caring for the two infants, “right now, she’s got my son, and yours safely tucked away.  She’s taking care of them both as though she birthed them both.  Despite how you’ve treated her, she’s got no ill-will for your child.  Omegas are what drives our packs even more than us, Sharon!”
“She-she’s taking care of it?” The look in her eyes was one so angry that Steve regretted admitting to her that he and Cinna had taken her pup under their wings. 
“Mark my words, Steve Rogers…that stupid omega of yours will bring your pack to its knees,” she spat, “and you not killing my bastard will ensure that…you love your little precious omegas so much…you can protect them while I burn it all to the ground.”
“Is that a threat, Sharon?” he growled, angry over the intentional, subtle promise.
She smiled and shook her head, “not at all…alpha…it’s a promise!”
“You’re sick…Sharon…and you need help.”
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Things had been uneventful since the birth of both Stevie and the delicate pup, which Cinna had named Peter, after one of her friends in the Stark pack for his sweet nature, that was a far cry from either one of his parents. 
While Cinna and Steve hadn’t set an exact time for the mating ceremony, they had both agreed that they weren’t going to do it until Cinna was fully healed from her surgery, and had been cleared medically for the consummation of their union. 
Something that Steve was beginning to get antsy about. 
In the short month that they had both been parents, Steve found himself on edge, watching over his omega so intently that on more than one occasion Sarah, Maria, Wanda, and even Sam had to pull them away from one another. 
Steve had admired the way that his omega mothered the pups.  She was always attentive to both of them, and didn’t care that Sharon had been the actual mother of one of them.  She fed them from her own breast, and bathed them with her own hands.  There were almost no moments when she didn’t have one of the pups with her, and in the short times where she didn’t, they were always close by. 
It drove an instinctual need in Steve to recreate everything that had happened over the nearly year long time frame that he’d known her. 
He wanted more pups. 
He wanted to add to the pack with his own legacy. 
He wanted to keep her filled, satiating her with his knot again and again until they were both quivering messes. 
And then he wanted to watch her mother them.  He wanted to see her raise the sweet pups, teaching them right from wrong as she fell into the natural role of being a mother and luna to the pack. 
There was no deeper sense of love than what Steve felt for Cinna.
And she felt every bit the same about him. 
She respected that he had the pack to run, but lived for the little moments when it was just them.  When he was watching her feeding the pups.  When he was cradling Stevie in his arms, and telling him that he was going to show him everything he needed to know about running a pack one day.  When he promised that he would give his son the moon and the stars, and he told the little pup who had no knowledge of the world, just how much he was in love with his omega. 
It made her heart swell.
That was the kind of love she’d always hoped for.
The kind of love that after joining the surrogate luna program, she had never expected to find. 
But that love, all the same, is what she came to experience.
So when Steve had told her that he had a meeting in their quarters, she offered to take Peter for a stroll in the gardens.  She had wanted to take Stevie too, but Steve insisted on keeping his young pup with him. 
“I just wanted to have some father son time,” Steve smiled as he held his pup in his arms.  The lively carbon copy of his father gurgled happily, reaching out to touch his father’s face, “going to have a meeting with Sam, and talk about pack business…”
“He won’t understand what you’re saying, alpha,” she purred as she leaned in to press a kiss to her pup’s chubby cheek, “he’s only a month and a half old.”
“This will be his pack one day, Luna,” Steve smiled softly as he nuzzled her cheek.  Cinna chittered excitedly and a low, sensual growl raised up from Steve’s chest.  Steve growled a little bit more when he caught the sweet notes of her scent, and how he could smell the faintest traces of her slick, “omega…”
“The doctor hasn’t cleared me yet, Steve,” she warned gently, playfully pushing herself away from her alpha.  She reached into the bassinet and picked Peter up, “and anyways, you alphas have your pack business…Peter and I will go take a walk outside and enjoy the perfect weather.”
“Let me call for one of the girls-“
“We’ll be fine, Steve,” she said with a giggle as she dismissed him, “let us omegas take care of ourselves for once…yeah?”  He growled once more and it caused her to giggle as she looked over her shoulder.  Steve frowned, “be careful, Luna…”
“Steve…you worry far too much.”
The shriek that tore Cinna from her thoughts sent a spark of anxiety through her chest.  She barely had time to get out of the way as a blur raced past her and landed hard on the ground. 
Cinna ran, instantly starting towards the sparring grounds which were close by.  She knew that Wanda, Maria, and Sarah were all there, as she’d just gotten done visiting with them. 
Sharon was quick to get up, hot on her trail.  She shrieked once more, making Cinna’s hindbrain go into overdrive. 
She had known that Sharon hated the fact that Peter was allowed to live.  But even more so she knew that Sharon had hated the fact that she and Steve were raising the pup as though he was their own as well. 
And while a lot of Sharon’s pack were grateful that the pup wasn’t slaughtered, Sharon still had those that were loyal to her, and would often shoot glares in her direction if she was out with the pup, even if Steve was with them. 
“WANDA!” Cinna screamed, already able to see the sparring grounds, “MARIA!  SARAH!”
The three women turned, seeing Cinna running, cradling Peter in her arms, with a nearly feral Sharon looking like she was going to shred both omegas, regardless of their status.  Maria was quick to rush them first, changing between forms to reach the two she-wolves that were still in human form before Sharon could reach Cinna and the pup. 
Sarah rushed in as well, dropping her weapons and transforming, while Wanda began working her magic to conjure a barrier for Cinna and the pup to get behind. 
“STOP!” she commanded, knowing the alpha command would work on the omega. 
Cinna tried to fight every instinct, but was forced to her knees, howling in pain.  She nearly dropped Peter as her body forced her to go along with the alpha command, allowing Sharon to close in. 
But Maria and Sarah were already there.  Maria took her head on, while Sarah created a secondary barrier between herself and Sharon and Maria.  Wanda appeared and shielded them with her own little bubble of magic, before dropping to her own knees and checking on Cinna.
“Sarah linked Sam…Steve and him should be here-“
Steve’s golden wolf jumped into action, quickly pinning Sharon before she could shift.  He growled at her, nearly frothing at the mouth because of his own anger. 
The golden wolf growled once more, disagreeing with her, before he shifted back into his human form.  He turned his attention to the woman that he loved. 
“Wanda…are she and Peter alright?”
“I think so alpha!” she said quickly, “I-I can’t stop the alpha command though until I know she’s alright.  Do you have Sharon  contained?”
“Luna…free yourself from Sharon’s command!” Steve ordered, not wanting to wait.  Cinna looked up at her mate and he gave her a sad look, “what happened?”
“She-she tried to kill Peter…she-“
“IT’S MY RIGHT!” she screamed, glaring at the omega, “I WANT THEM BOTH DEAD!”
“You’re done, Sharon,” Steve said firmly with a shake of his head, “I’m putting you in the dungeon until I can figure out what to do with you…”
“You can’t do that to me.  We run the pack together, Steve.”
“Then leave,” he said firmly, “if you do not want to be jailed until we can figure this out, you will be exiled…you can take anyone that wants to go with you…but anyone that wants to stay and remain under my pack will be granted asylum.”
“You can’t do this to me, Steve…”
“I am doing it, Sharon,” he growled with finality, “you’re putting my pack in danger, and it’s time that I take action, before you destroy it.”
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“Are you sure that this is what you want, Luna?”
Cinna shook her head as the tears started to roll down her cheeks, “I-I know that he isn’t ours…but he feels like he’s my pup too, Steve…I just feel like a failure…I feel like I’m giving up on him.”
“Hey…you’re not giving up on him,” Pepper said firmly as she reached out to her younger sister.  Cinna looked to her older sister, and Pepper gave her a sad smile, “you’re doing what a good mother would do and you’re looking out for your pup…”
“We’ll take good care of him,” Tony promised gently as he came to his wife and mate’s side, “we’ll make sure that Peter is loved.”
“I know,” she admitted as she wiped away a few more of the tears with her free hand.  She looked down to where the pup was sleeping against her chest, “I-I just didn’t think it would be this hard letting him go.”
“You can see him any time that you want,” Pepper said quickly, “and he won’t be alone…you know that.  He’ll have Morgan to help show him around the pack.  She’ll be like a big sister to him.”
“Morgan is a great pup…”
“This is for the best, Luna,” Steve said gently as he wrapped an arm around Cinna’s waist, “Alpha Stark is being very gracious in allowing us to place the pup within his pack.”
“He’ll be alright, Steve.”
“I trust you, Tony.”
The two alphas shared a moment of silence as Cinna looked to her older sister, “he-he likes it when you sing him to sleep…he-he likes that one song that mom used to sing to us when we were little.”
Pepper gave her own teary smile at the mention of their mother, “you kept up with traditions with him?”
Cinna nodded tearily as she sniffled, “Yeah…Peter likes hearing the one about where the wolf fell in love with the moon…”
“That was always my favorite too…”
“We’ll take good care of him, Cinna…”
“Yeah,” she repeated, sniffling once more, “I-I know…”
“You’re a good mother, Cinna,” Pepper smiled at her sister, “and you’re a good luna to your pack…with a good alpha to raise a family with.”
“Thank you, sister.”
“Treat her well, Rogers…”
“Always!” Steve promised.
Chapter 9
Tag List:  @lohnes16, @prokey16, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @teambarnes72, @mrsevans90
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ambreignsfan4life · 7 months
Most Beloved WWE Female
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trickstersmagic · 1 year
I will never forget the way my brain chemistry was changed when a smww instagram account reposted a chinese a/b/o superwonder fanart.
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scarlethexelove · 1 month
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Welcome to my Kinktober 2024 Masterlist. This year I wanted to participate and write some fun stuff for all of you to enjoy. Sadly I don't think I would be able to handle making a new one for each day so I settled on 8 fic idea's. Some kinks may overlap between days but I'm excited to share these with all of you.
Minors DNI
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🎃 October 2nd
All Hail The Queens ~ Queens of the Underworld!WandaNat x Reader (Bondage, Suspension)
🎃 October 8th
Blinds Eye ~ Gorgon!Nat x Blind!Reader (Thigh Riding, Hair Pulling)
🎃 October 10th
Only Ours ~ Alpha!WandaNat x Omega!Reader Pt2 of Our Omega (A/B/O)
🎃 October 15th
Death Dealer ~ Vampire!Kate x Human!Reader (Marking, Rough Sex)
🎃 October 17th
Honey I'm Home ~ Carol x Reader (Somnophilia, Free Use)
🎃 October 22nd
Mating Season ~ TentacleAlien!Kate x Human!Reader (Mating, Throat Fucking)
🎃 October 24th
You're Mine ~ MobBoss!Wanda x Reader (Exhibition, Knife Kink)
🎃 October 30th
Perfect Gift ~ Girlfriend!Wanda x Reader, Nat, Carol, Maria, Valkyrie, Kate x Reader (Gangbang, Wax Play)
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lucysarah-c · 5 months
All my Levi x reader fanfics and Levi fanart
Art Commission: CLOSED!
Writing Requests: CLOSED!
Headcanons and asks:
-> Little "toxic" things Levi does as a boyfriend
-> Levi dating a Swifty
-> Levi's s/o telling him she's pregnant
-> Virgin! Levi
-> Sexism in AoT
-> Homosexuality in AoT
-> Levi showing affection to his S/O in front of his kids
-> Levi having competition to wins your heart!
-> Canon! Levi (Scouts time) views on kids, marriage and romantic relationships
-> Alpha! Levi believes you would be a good mommy of his spawns
-> Wishing to be breed by Levi.
-> Levi accusing his partner of cheating?
-> Is Levi a virgin?
-> Is Levi conservative?
-> Levi's S/O with a contagious weird laugh
-> Levi in love
-> Connie having a crush on Levi's girlfriend
-> Levi reacting to his girlfriend giving birth
-> Petnames that Levi would use
-> Levi's reaction to his S/O getting assaulted NSFW
-> Levi's kinks
I've reached the limit of this a single post by tumblr for links so. . . here's another masterlist lol.
-> Ackerman’s blood
Levi fears for the first time that perhaps his Ackerman's powers aren't a bleassing when his son suffers the consequences of them. Dad! Levi x Reader
-> Stoppers (NSFW!!)
Levi feels overwhelming jealous and decides that there's nothing better to set things clear of who owns who than a good old fucking. Levi x Reader.
-> Criminal Record Part 1 - Part 2
Levi insist he has done worse things in his life than, perhaps, sleeping with a subordinate.
-> Traidor
2020 what a time to be alive. The snk character are doing the same as old of us trying to survive the lockdown... playing among us! Levi x reader.
-> Father’s day
Having a soldier as a father is never easy, way less when your father is Humanity's strongest soldier. Levi's kid has the perfect gift but perhaps it's not the perfect scenario. Dad! Levi x Mom! reader
-> Couple goals
Levi hates military's formal events and you know it. Both of you still make the perfect team.
-> Baby boy
Hang out with your higher-ups as you just become Levi's girlfriend. What's the worse thing that could happen? Spoiler alert: Eren is not going to forget about this... neither Erwin.
-> Scratches down his back NSFW-ish
Repeat after me, nothing good happens in the common showers unless it’s Levi sandwiching you with the wet wall. Sadly, this is not the case. So, nothing good will happen. 
-> Blackfire
Erwin insists that Levi should educate his squad on certain topics proper of their age. Levi isn't really convinced but Commander's orders are Commander's orders… However, Erwin didn't specify on what he should educate his bratty cadets about. Levi x reader!
You met Captain Levi while working as a teacher at one of the new orphanages that Queen Historia created. He seems so willying to help. (YANDERE! Levi x reader NSFW!!)
-> Tea time
Levi is deep down a huge gossip old lady. Levi x reader
-> An Old-fashioned Girl
You're a teen living her normal life until she travelled back on time to aot period.
-> Self-sabotage
Erwin begs Levi to buy him a coffee on his way to university. Having a crush in a barista is so hard when you don't like coffee. (Modern au! University student Levi having a crush on a barista)
-> Not in season? NSFW! Part 1 - Part 2
Winter had settled in, and the scouts were busy training and preparing for the prospects of spring, still far away, to retake Wall Maria. Despite the snow accumulating outside, the building was freezing cold, and the world had secluded itself until the temperature rose. So, why was Captain Levi boiling in his own body? Something felt off, but his mind was quickly slipping into insanity as he tried to find a rational explanation. OMEGAVERSE ALPHA LEVI X OMEGA READER.
-> Levi and the first encounter! Underground! Levi
Tales of Levi's life in the underground.
-> Fifteen, what an age to be alive!
Steal your father's car! What could go wrong? Dad! Levi x Mom! Reader
-> Laundry Problems
Levi's a very stoic calm man. He always does laundry but as a unknown piece of clothe appear, Levi's life flash before his eyes. Levi x reader
-> Bed-head Levi
How are Captain Levi's mornings?
-> Boop! You've been chosen!
Levi and you decide to adopt a kitty.
-> My Teen! Levi's modern AU stories.
There's a lot of them so here's a link to all of them.
Levi may not have attended school, but he knows a thing or two about pregnancy… and also periods. (Levi takes care of you during your period)
-> Transactional (PURE NSFW!!!)
When you go to ask Captain Levi for a promotion, it's important to remain humble.
-> Mother's smile (Dad! Levi angst)
Levi's son feels the pressure of being an Ackerman.
Little Pieces I Wrote (Self-Explanatory Titles).
-> Levi isn't romantic
-> Levi as a father part 1 part2
-> Unpopular aot opinions
-> Levi growing up in the underground 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
-> Levi's morning with happy ending NSFW
-> Sick clingy Levi NSFWish
-> Soft Levi NSFWish
-> Horny Levi x nurse! reader NSFW
-> Levi x Passenger princess reader
-> Travelling with Levi
-> Girlfriend effect on Levi!
-> Levi loving calling his girlfriend "wife"
-> Levi and farlan as roomies
-> Levi as the father of a baby boy
-> Being humanity's strongest baby girl
-> SnK boys and pilates.
-> Levi's baby thinks Levi's tight chess works as mommy's chest lol
-> Erwin finds out that now Levi is busy at night 👀
-> Levi's only weakness... You, you and a sundress
-> Sexually frustrated Levi
-> Levi = female gaze
-> Levi using you as an excuse for anything
-> Modern au! Levi was a very attentive fuck buddy, even more attentive as a boyfriend.
-> Your horse doesn't want to share you with Levi.
-> Levi's daughter
-> Erwin introduce you to Levi
-> Rambling about gossip to your boyfriend while stealing his food >>> anything else
-> Deadly Occasion (Levi is forced to marry someone else) NSFW
-> Drunk Levi? Better say needy Levi! NSFW
-> Walking down the streets with Levi
Levi's horrible flirting skills!
Short multichapter where we follow Levi's awkward attempts to win the reader over.
Holy Ground (longfic! Levi x reader)
"Alright, get comfortable because this is going to be a long, crappy tale. Join me as we travel down memory lane, back when Erwin wasn't yet a commander, when Mike and Nanaba couldn't keep their hands off each other, when Hange was... well, Hange. And Levi? Well, Levi was a twenty-four-year-old man who didn't give a damn about the rules. Are you ready?"
600! Followers event!
Have you ever wished you could ask Captain Levi a few questions and see his reaction? Well! say no more! I left Levi incharge of my blog for a few days. Enjoy the comic with hisreactions!
2k! Followers event!
Have you ever wished you could ask Captain Levi a few questions and see his reaction? Well! say no more! I left Levi incharge of my blog for a few days. Enjoy the comic with hisreactions! Part 2! Levi's revenge.
SnK Incorrect Quotes:
63 and COUNTING silly posts of quotes that I think snk characters would say.
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You think that art looks cute? I draw it! Here's a link to a few of my other pieces!
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scar-lie · 3 months
Omega Pt. 15 {Natasha}
Summary : Just you and your Alpha being sweet
Pairing : Alpha ! Natasha Romanoff x Omega ! Fem ! Reader
Warning : None other than cuteness
Word count : 1,807
{OMEGA PT. 14} {OMEGA PT. 15} {OMEGA PT. 16}
NO one has permission to repost my work anywhere, if you see it please let me know.
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“Nat? Can I borrow you for a few minutes? ”Tony asked when he came in to your room.
"Yeah,” Natasha kisses your forehead, then comes with Tony to one of the meeting rooms where Fury and Maria were, making Natasha frown.
“If you're giving me an emergency mission, I’m sorry, but I'm not going to take it,” Natasha quickly said when she saw them.
“No, we’re not going to give you an emergency mission; don’t worry,” Maria said, giving her a small smile, then extending the brown folder.
“Then what is this? ”Natasha then opened the folder, reading and analyzing every detail in the folder.
“All the information we needed was from the person in charge of the commotion this morning, and—” Maria stopped and looked in fury for him to continue the sentence.
“And we also suspect that this person is the one who’s responsible for attacking Y/N right before you found her.” Natasha quickly stopped reading and looked up at them with wide eyes, shocked until her eyes painted anger and hatred, wanting to kill this person on the file.
“All the information? ”Natasha then read again the file; she’s more invested than before, wanting to study every detail of this person so she could plan the very excruciating pain she’ll do to him.
“That’s all.” With the conformation by Fury, she quickly turned around, closing the file.
“Thank you.” With that, she’s off to your room again, sitting close to you while she reads the files and does research on him while she waits for you to wake up.
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“Nat? Nat? "Natasha got woken up when she felt a cold hand on her cheek. She jolted, looking around.
“Y/N? ”Then she looked at you, sitting in your bed with a smile on your face.
"Hi,” you rasp, and Natasha notices how raspy and dry your voice is, so she quickly hands you a bottle of water with a straw.
“Hi, drink up; you needed it,” she smiles back. Sitting on your bed, she then puts her hand on your forehead while you're sipping your water, making you frown and look at her confused.
“What? ”Natasha asked with those cute wondering eyes, so you put your drink on your bedside table, then took her hand that’s going to check your temperature on your neck.
“I’m fine, don’t worry...anyways.” You look around the room, finding none of your pups.
“Where are the pups? ”She then pulled you a little bit to sit behind you, and she pulled your body against her front, making you sigh in relief and comfort.
“Wanda and Yelena wanted aunt time, so they are probably spoiling them with affection.” You nodded and got comfortable in her embrace. Then you saw a folder sitting on your bedside table, so you reached for it.
“What’s this? ”Before you could open the folder, Natasha carefully and delicately took it in your hand, putting it back.
“It’s nothing you have to worry about; it’s just some stupid report.” You sat up and twisted your body to look at her with a frown.
“Then why aren’t you taking care of it? You hate stupid reports. Let me see.” Before you could take the folder again, Natasha stopped you and pulled you back into her, resting her chin on your shoulder while hugging you from the back and sniffing your scent.
“I’ll take care of it later, but for now, I want to cuddle with you.” She then kissed your cheek and tightened her hug on you a little.
“But I want to see the pups,” you pouted, looking at her, and she chuckled when she looked up.
“Ok, stay here; you still need to rest a bit; I’ll get the pups." She kissed your forehead and headed out with the folder.
You smile and rest your back on the head board. You love this side of her that you're only seeing now, and there’s still part of you that doesn’t want to believe it’s real or that this is just temporary, that sooner or later she will run away again and leave you behind with the pups.
Did you expect it? Yes, cause you believe that this will end at some point. After all, she’s Natasha Romanoff. You don’t expect something else or more, but you do know that you’re loving these moments, and you want to cherish them before fate takes them away.
“And here we come! ”Natasha sweetly said while she carried her princess, waving her little hand gently with a smile, then Wanda next, and Yelena doing the same thing, making you chuckle.
“Awwee, how cute! Come to Mommy, cause Mommy missed my little bundle of joys.” You giggle, kissing their foreheads when they sit on your bed.
"Well, Mommy, we missed you too,” Natasha said with her little voice, mimicking a little girl’s voice, so you giggled and took her on Nat’s arm.
"Well, buddy, we will see you later; it’s family time,” Wanda said, putting the pup down beside you, but Yelena paid no attention, planning to stay. But with the stare Wanda gave her, she couldn’t help but look up at her with confusion.
“What? ”She asked, then Wanda pointed to the door, but she just scoffs.
“I’m a family too; you know, witchy, Natasha is my sister,” she said in her thick Russian accent, but Wanda rolled her eyes and took the baby off her and gave it to Natasha.
“Hey, we’re having a nephew and aunt moment,” Yelena whined, but Wanda just dragged her out with her ear, making the blonde whine and cry for the witch to stop.
“Thank you! ”You shouted, and Wanda shouted her welcome.
“Does your aunt’s harass you again, my little one’s, huh? ”Natasha asked, bopping their noses, and you frowned at her.
“What are you talking about, Nat? "She looks up at you with innocent eyes.
“You want me to complain about your aunt’s to Mommy for you, my little one’s?” You playfully roll your eyes when she whispers to them like you can’t hear her, but to be fair, the pups respond to her very well because they make cute little noises.
“Ok, well,” she said, scooping them in her arms and sitting beside me. 
“Well? ”You asked, turning to your right to look at them.
"Well, Aunt Wanda and Aunt Yelena have been harassing them with kisses and pinching their cheeks, but the true crime is that Aunt Yelena keeps biting their cute, chubby thighs and arms, right, my babies? ”You chuckled when they again made noises like they understood what their other mother just said. 
"Oh, didn’t they, huh? ”You act along, then again they make noises, making you cry of happiness internally, so Natasha put them down, even the pups in your hand, and took you in her arms.
“Yes, and aunties even dare to bite their precious cheeks.” You again act, so you gasp, bopping their noses and kissing them.
“How dare they do that to my babies? Don’t worry, Mommy and Momma will take revenge.” Natasha suddenly frozen in her stop and stop caressing the back of your hand that’s been wrapped around you because she’s holding you from behind, so you look back to see if she’s ok.
“Wh-what did you say? "She asked, looking at your eyes. You sigh, thinking this is the end of her act, so you sit up and have a little space between you two.
"Sorry, I didn’t mean to say it.” You give her a tight little smile, and you're growing anxious and uncomfortable, and you don’t want the feeling of it.
“What? No, no, no... I love it; I was just shocked that you wanted me to be their momma—I mean, after what happened, I thought it would take time like years before I earned that title.” She took your hand and kissed it, putting it on her cheek and looking at you.
“I am happy and honored.” You smile at her, and you press your forehead on hers, cherishing this innocent but intimate act.
“I might as well add that Tony keeps squishing their cheeks and kissing them.” You open your eyes, looking up at her and chuckling, but stop when you realize something, and Natasha picks up that you picked up what she said.
“Uhuh, in their faces, I may add.” You sat up and quickly inspected their faces, necks, arms, and just every inch of their little bodies.
“But he has a beard and mustache; they could get rashes or something.” Natasha rubs your arms to calm you down and slowly slides her hand down to yours to stop your inspection.
"Yes, but we made sure they didn’t get anything, so we kept an eye on them; we even got Cho to confirm it.” You sigh in relief, thanking them that they didn’t get rashes from that billionaire; we didn’t even know where that hair went (if you know what I mean). 
“I’m going to kill him,” you mumble, still pissed at what he had done. He can even scratch them, and you have strictly no facial hairs near the baby's skin.
“We will later, but for now, our babies need us,” she said, pointing to them with tired eyes and yawning mouths.
“Ok, feeding time it is,” you mumbled, getting ready to breastfeed them, so Natasha quickly looked away.
“Ok, I’ll give you some privacy.” You frown and take her hand. 
“Stay, I’m just going to breastfeed them, not like I’m going to strip or something, plus you already see it.” She stopped looking at you while thinking and just shrugged.
“Well, whatever, you’re right... and they are beautiful, by the way.” She plopped down on the bed, eyeing your boobs, and you chuckled.
"Can I also get some? I'm hungry to, you know." She gives you puppy eyes, but you glare at her at how vulgar she is.
“Stop it; they can hear you," you said, shaking her head and scrunching her nose.
“Nah, they wouldn’t understand it anyway.” You slap her arm and glare at her.
“Even if you can’t be vulgar around them or any other kids, ok,” you strictly said, giving her the ‘end of discussion’ look and raising an eyebrow.
“Ok, I’m sorry,” she mumbled, afraid of you.
She watched you feed them until they fell asleep, so Natasha took them to their bassinets to let them sleep comfortably, as did you.
And about Tony, well, he learned his lesson after hearing yours and Pepper's lecture. Let’s just say that he spent a couple of thousand gifts to Pepper, you, and mostly to the babies, and he even slept on the couch for the night.
And as he promised, he did shave his facial hair in order to win his intrusive thoughts and satisfy his baby fever phase.
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@ahintofchaos @rosea-reginae @marvelogic
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