#margaery tyrell x male reader
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blumenflowergelb · 9 months ago
Love and Soulmates (1/2)
• Well, this day is as good as any other to be a ten name days old, Yn thought. He was sitting on his bed, staring and wondering what he had done to get this. If he was honest with himself, it was theoretically a good thing. However reality was often disappointing. He was in his ten years old body but with his seventeen years old mind. Of course, his actual age does not seem a lot but he was through a lot of shit; from escaping to Bravos to fighting while the Second Long Night to seeing the First Dawn. A journey which he did not wish to relive again. But as always the gods did not care about what a mere human thought. And Yn was sure that the Gods were behind it; even if he didn’t know which one.
• He didn’t know how long he spent lamenting about his life but a knocking on his door brought him out of his slump. It was his sweet sister, Margeary Tyrell. She came inside and begann to talk and talk, her voice cutting through Yn thoughts. She endlessly chatted mostly with herself, however she was not bothered. It was expected from the simpleton. Yes, Yn was a quit strange. He was always different from his siblings, he truly did not like anybody touching him, loud voices and things that were not in order. His fascination with reptiles outright creeped people out; even his oldest brother Willas. But after he fell down a tree and hit his head, he became worse. Loud voices, spinning around or tunes that were monotone left him feel weird. This feeling became so bad that he saw spots and often passed out. Obviously this was something which left him cut out of the better part of society. He did not have friends and even his brothers did not engage with him. Although it was probably because he despised fighting and horses. Fighting made his head spin and horses stank and their fur made him itchy. Nevertheless Margaery adored him. When they were younger Yn allowed her to changed him into women clothes and play tea party. As they got older they did not do this anymore but Margaery still spent a lot of time with Yn.
• The never ending chat of Margaery was a thing that Yn inwardly enjoyed. This was something that he had missed. After years the hurt of losing his family became manageable but it never truly disappeared. And seeing her alive and well was something that left Yn a bitter taste on his tounge. He was happy but he wasn’t. It was hard to explain; Yn was overjoyed to have a chance to change everything but on the other side he had lost people he cared about. Sansa with her fiery hair and face made out of ice, Arya and Rickon, the true wolf out of the Starks, and obviously Jon. Yn loved him. His red eyes and white hair did not make him afraid; only intimated. Yn loved the days where they sat next to each other, listening to the people around them talk and sing and boast. The Free Folk has never lost their hearts even after losing so many. They were the strongest, no matter what the others thought. Even the Long Night did not make the people of Westeros nice to them. Most still sneered and spat on them. But in Yn minds they were wrong. The Free Folk was the first place where the people didn’t care if he talked until he did his share of hunting and doing his chores. And he always did. Especially because of Jon. After Yn came back hunting he always smiled at Yn like he brought him the stars. The memory which always made him slightly blush and smile, now made him frown and his heart ache. Jon didn’t know him. Nobody did.
• This did not escape Margaerys‘ sight. However she interpreted the long face of Yn as a fear of what was going to happen. She was excited, especially because her brother was seen as an outsider. This was his chance to find the one who would love and take care of him for ever. She hoped that the woman was going to be very beautiful and very very good-hearted. She crawled closer to Yn and slowly caressed his cheeks. Whenever she looked at him she felt an overwhelming love. She truly loved her brother.
• Before Yn could blink he was spirited to his grandmother. Usually she was sitting outside with his mother and ten other girls. They all talked and Olenna crooked out her offensive opinions. Well usually. Today however was not usual. She sat still, facing the beautiful garden of Highgarden but only her son was there. As Yn arrived he only heard snippets of ‘money’, ‘cost’ and weirdly ‘fated’. Once he was standing before them, his grandmother shut his father up with a quick wave and smiled at Yn. He was not stupid, he knew that there was something wrong. His grandmother never smiled at him; she tried to conserve with him as little as she could. He was held in a higher regard than his cousins but it was clear that he was her least favourite. Nonetheless now she was smiling at him. Not only she was looking kind but she even ordered his favourite food, lemon cakes. At this Sansa flashed in Yn‘s mind. They shared a love for lemon cakes and every time they fought over the last piece. But his grandmother’s speech left his memory quickly fade away and fear replaced it. She talked about his ten and one nameday next day and a fated mark, the Will of the Seven, soulmates, the cost of his wedding and which people are going to be invited. Mace tried to talk but whenever he opened his mouth Olenna hushed him. Once she was done she stood up, kissed Yn‘s cheek and ordered her twin guards to her. But before she left Yn and Mace alone she turned around and sent a glare towards her son, telling him that it was time. This left Yn dreading whatever was coming.
• The awkward silence was not broken until Mace sighed, took a lemon cake and begann to eat. After some humming he was done and leaned back on his chair, hand folded over his stomach. He begann to humm some more and sighed again. Once Yn heard the famous sentence ‘ You know son, there are things which a man must tell their son.’ he knew he was done. But before he could stand up his father took an other lemon cake, quickly ate that and looked deeply in Yn‘s eyes. The conservation which followed was one of the most mortifying thing Yn has ever experienced. Not even seeing hundreds of dead people could make him as sick as this. His father talked and talked about girls and boys and their differences down there. Than he went over talking about babies, which then led him to gush about how damm cute all his children were. This was followed by him talking about weddings and ceremonien and the most important: bedding. At this point Yn has given up. He was less than a day in this world and he was given The Talk. And he couldn’t even tell his father that he knew! Well not much about women but more about men. And well not men but about Jon. He was the first and last person Yn has ever been intimate with. This confirmed Yn that he was a indeed a pillow bitter but he could hardly tell his father about that.
• One thing that was new to Yn were the soulmates. He was sure that they didn’t have that. After thinking long about what it meant, Yn decided that he was not in the same world in which he spent majority of his life. And that soulmates were cool. Almost everybody had them, from the lowest to the highest person on earth. Only men and women without a mark could become a maester, septon/ septa or priest. The marks were seen as godly and everybody had to obey to them. Breaking apart a bond like that was seen as a grave mistake and death was the punishment for who tried to break it apart. The good thing about the soulmark was the way it appeared. There were marks that displayed a picture of all kinds, some were words; some sentences. They were marks that only appeared when the soulmates touched or looked at each other. Some lost the colour of their sights and could only seen any kind of colour once they looked in each other’s eyes. Some had compasses that showed where their other was located, some had quotes that matched, others had half their hair the colour of their soulmate’s. This manifested once they had their ten and one nameday. And Yn had his the next day.
• He didn’t care about his birthday. It passed in a frenzy and once he was sent to his chambers to wait and sleep, he was in ecstasy. He wanted to stay up the whole night but the maester told him that he had to sleep so that the Will of the Gods would fulfill in secret. No human was allowed to see the manifestation. Still Yn could barely sleep. He was trembling with fear and excitement. He wanted a soulmate but was affraid to get one. The idea of not having one left him feeling devastated so he didn’t think about it. He wanted Jon but was affraid of who he was now. He wanted and wanted but was affraid of so many things until he fell asleep. Dawn was barely coming when Yn felt a horrible burning on his left wrist. It left him gasping and crying but the manifestation was done. He got a compass pointing towards the North. It was golden but elegant and had a quote around the compass saying, ‘Different roads sometimes lead to the same castle’. And if you looked closely there were six direwolf, each different, running around and playfighting. It was perfect, Yn whispered to himself with tears escaping his eyes.
• The second he left his room he was jumped on by Margaery. She led him to the dinning room to break their fast while talking and talking. One minute she wanted to see the mark, the next minute she didn’t until they were with the whole family. They quickly arrived and his family was immediately on Yn. Once they saw the compass and closely inspected it, they all fell silent until Margaery laughed. Better said she cried while laughing and gave a big hug to Yn. While they hugged, Mace begann to plan a letter for Ned Stark. Even for him was clear that his son was meant for one of wolf blood.
• Olenna slowly fanned herself. It was hot for her age; she was not as young and agile as she once was. Undertaking such a big journey to Winterfell from Highgarden had affected her health negatively. Regardless, she was sure that she would crawl to Winterfell if it must be. She would never pass such an opportunity. And she was needed to talk to his grandsons future father-in-law. She was throughly thinking about all the possibilities that their journey could mean and what she had to do for the better of her house. Such an union between great houses was not seen since decades, especially between a fourth son and a bastard. Olenna was sure that it was the bastard that was the soulmate of her simpleton but kind hearted grandson. If not then why did Lady Catelyn not boast about one of her children being the soulmate of a Tyrell? She was after all a Tully, a very proud house, Olenna thought. The marriage could mean a lot for the Tyrells. A lot of good and bad. Olenna could only hope that if the bastard was the one then her little spies were not wrong about his father’s affection. Nobody needed an alliance with a bastard that held no power. She even entertained the idea of overthrowing the bastard brother‘s but quickly desposed of it. The Starks were too loyal. And the compass showed enough. Six direwolfs playing. This could only mean one thing. Her inner discussion was stoped once a loud knock was heard. She opened the side pannel and looked at one of her twin guards. She burrowed her eyebrows after she heard her foolish grandson riding out to meet his future beloved.
• Winterfell was as big as ever, Yn decided. It certainly looked better than the last time he saw it. It was huge and dark. But it was warm; and that is what mattered. He knew that the walls were warm with spring water and that the halls were always kept warm. He couldn’t wait to bath and bask in the memory of Winterfell and their occupants. And to see Jon again. As excited he was, he was as fearful. He was sure that Jon and him were meant to be together, but still. It was weird and new and they were so young. Jon was not older than ten and three, an age which Yn has never seen him. The worst thing was the people he traveled with. Lord Stark has invited hundred of people of the North and South and thousands came. The North wanted to see House Stark marry as a rich House as the Tyrells and the South wished to see House Stark and the North. This journey and wedding meant a lot of new alliances and weddings for the Realm. Even the King has journeyed to the North, but Yn was sure that he wasn’t there for the wedding. Not truly. It was Ned he was there for. Saddly Jon Arryn was not able to attend since he did not want to leave the rest of the Realm behind. What surprised Yn was that the Martells sent Oberyn Martell and his paramour as guests. It meant that they were planning something. Or they were simply affraid that the Reach allied with the North that can give them enough timber for a new war.
• Yn felt butterflies fighting in his stomach. He was so nervous that even Garlan commented on his suddenly disappearing horse riding abilities. To this Renly begann to joke around about riding what else and instead of shutting him down Garlan laughed with him. If Yn wasn’t as nervous he would have told them already off. Shortly before they arrived Willas slowed them down and talked about whom Yn had to greet firstly and what to do. Even the common courtesies flew over Yn’s head. He hoped that he would not make a fool of himself because if he did he would die. Maybe the rumour of him being a simpleton would minder the embarrassment but Yn did not want to make a fool out of Jon. While Yn was deep in his thoughts they arrived at the gates. Everybody sat straighter and rode inside the castle.
• Yn was sure that he was going to die. His compass was going crazy, the pointer spinning around, meaning that his soulmate was very close. And he was. The first thing he saw was Jon and the first thing he did was blushing. He felt his face light on fire and he was sure that everybody saw that. He was so embarrassed that he didn’t even look at the Starks. The worst was when he almost feel down his horse and if not for Loras he would have facepalmed the earth. He saw Loras trying to hide his chuckle but as always he couldn’t. This made Yn face more redder, his ears were so hot that he wanted to just jump in the next snow pile. And than he had to walk to the Starks and greet each of them. Ned Stark was an imposing man, and even bigger when you were only ten and two namedays old. His eyes hid a certain amusement and he kindly greeted Yn. Lady Catelyn was even kinder and hoped that their visit went well. The next person was Robb. He was cute but Yn understood why he was made King so early on. He looked like his ladymother but his eyes shone like his fathers. However the next person took Yn‘s breath away. He went redder than he thought to be possible and shyly held out his right hand. There was hope in Jon‘s beautiful dark grey eyes, but it was replaced with uncertainty once they touched each other hands. It was clear that he expected something more from the contact but was greatly disappointed. Yn moved on, after he saw this, and greated the girls and Bran with enthusiasm. Rickon was not there, but Yn knew that it must be because he was still a babe. After they were done with the greetings and talking, Lady Catelyn sent servant go show each if them a room, while excusing the lack of grand food. She told them that they expected them to arrive the next day and could only offer them a humble feast. Yn obviously had to make himself more foolish and told the lady that they came early because he was excited. At this even Willas had a hard time not laughing and while they walked away Yn had to hit him with his elbow to shut up. Once they were out of hearing range, his brothers recreated everything and Renly instead of helping, laughed with them. Yn was mortified enough to not even say goodbye to them and he just shut his door. His chamber was very big and beautifully filled with furs and other animal skins but Yn couldn’t appreciate it. Without a second he jumped on his bed and hid his face in a soft pillow. He was so flustered, especially seeing Jon‘s face fall, that he decided to never move again. Well until a servant brought him warm water. After he cleaned himself and spent an embarrassingly long time to decide what to wear, he went out to look for his brothers and Renly. Then they went to the feast. After Yn saw what was set in the table he thought that if this was not seen by Lady Catelyn as grand than what was grandiose? For being in the North, where every grain mattered, it was rich. He knew that for Renly and even Loras, as vain and proud they were, this would not seem to be anything big;but for Yn it was. He saw firsthandedly what people ate in the Winter.
• The food was good, the conservation was firstly awkward but the Garlan and Renly begann to talk and it was good again. Yn didn’t speak but nobody seemed to mind. Robb openly stared at him, even when Jon discreetly poked him, and Arya and Bran were so captured by Garlan telling them stories of his training that they barely ate. Sansa spent her time looking at Loras and Renly. Willas was entertaining Lady Catelyn and Lord Stark listened to everything and only said something if it was necessary. Jon sometimes looked up from his food only go meet Yn‘s eyes, who then averted his gaze and once even let his fork fall. Everybody was kind enough to not say anything but Yn only became more flustered. After they were done Yn felt Jon‘s gaze follow him and he thanked the Gods for not making him trip. They did not converse on the way to their rooms and Yn again thanked the Gods for not making his brothers make fun of him. After that he quickly readied himself for bed and after Willas came in to say good night he walked around his new room. They were bear and elk furs and Yn was sure that the skin belonged to a boar. The tapestries were beautifully done and Yn could not marvel enough. While he tried to remember from whom he the story of the tapestry knew, Jon came in his room. Yn turned around and greeted him only for Jon to not move. Yn did not move either, so they looked at each other, assessing everything about the other. Yn felt his knees getting weaker the longer he spent looking at Jon. He was truly beautiful and breathtaking. After some more silence Jon moved towards Yn and held his right hand out. Yn held his hand out too and once they touched Jon frowned, but did not ask. He left his hand fall in disappointment but before he could speak Yn touched his arm with his left. The burn was strong but once it ebbed away both felt an overwhelming sensation of love and adoration. Yn cradled their hand together and pulled Jon to himself. Jon slowly caressed Yn‘s face, as if he was something valuable and then leaned to his face. The small kiss they shared made Yn‘s heart fly higher than a bird and left him feeling like he could burst to flames. It was perfect and even after Jon left, Yn couldn’t help but replay their kiss again and again.
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godjustkys · 9 months ago
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╰┈➤ ❝ masterlist;
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- Teen wolf
- Marvel Cinematic Universe
- Supernatural
- The Walking Dead (AMC)
- Merlin (BBC)
- Stranger things
- Dune
- Game of Thrones
- F.R.I.E.N.D.S
- The Maze Runner
- Lord of The Rings
- The Hobbit
- Harry Potter
- Brooklyn Nine-Nine
- IT
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid
- Dead Poet's Society
- Shameless
- Handsome Devil
- The Black Phone
- Sweet Home
- Arcane
- Spider-man Universe
- The Goldfinch
- The Last of Us
- The Beekeeper
- Weak Hero Class 1
- Bad and Crazy
- Demon Slayer
- My Hero Academia
(the anime list will get updated as long as I continue watching anime.)
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Characters I will to write for;
Teen wolf:
- Stiles Stilinski
Stiles Stilinski x top!m!reader (smut)
- Scott McCall
none yet..
- Derek Hale
none yet..
- Allison Argent
none yet..
- Lydia Martin
none yet..
- Isaac Lahey
none yet..
- Jackson Whittemore
none yet..
- Peter Hale
none yet..
- Malia Tate
none yet..
- Kira Yukimura
none yet..
- Liam Dunbar
none yet..
- Theo Raeken
none yet..
- Jordan Parrish
none yet..
- Erica Reyes
none yet..
- Ethan Steiner
none yet..
- Aiden Steiner
none yet..
- Christopher Argent
none yet..
- Mason Hewitt
none yet..
- Danny Mahealani
none yet..
Marvel Cinematic Universe:
- Tony Stark
none yet..
- Peter Parker
none yet..
- Bruce Banners
none yet..
- Thor Odinson
none yet..
- Loki Laufeyson
none yet..
- Steve Rogers
none yet..
- Natasha Romanoff
none yet..
- Stephen Strange
none yet..
- Wanda Maximoff
none yet..
- Clint Barton
none yet..
- Bucky Barnes
none yet..
- Carol Danvers
none yet..
- Shuri
none yet..
- Sam Wilson
none yet..
- Okoye
none yet..
- Wade Wilson
none yet..
- Pietro Maximoff
none yet..
- Vision
none yet..
- Yelena Belova
none yet..
- Peter Quill
none yet..
- Gamora
none yet..
- Nebula
none yet..
- Matt Murdock
none yet..
- Frank Castle
none yet..
- Xu Shang-chi
none yet..
- Eddie Brock
none yet..
- Dean Winchester
'What a perv.' Dean x top!m!reader (smut)
Hate sex with Dean (male reader, smut)
smut drabble (male reader)
- Sam Winchester
sam being the subbiest of them all (smut, male reader)
- Castiel
none yet..
(I have little knowledge of supernatural.)
The Walking Dead:
- Rick Grimes
none yet..
- Carl Grimes
none yet..
- Michonne
none yet..
- Negan
none yet..
- Daryl Dixon
male reader x daryl dixon (smut)
- Eugene
none yet..
- Rosita Espinosa
none yet..
- Maggie Greene
none yet..
- Glenn Rhee
none yet..
- Carol Peletier
none yet..
- Andrea
none yet..
- Gabriel Stokes
none yet..
- Dwight
none yet..
- Simon
none yet..
- Merlin
none yet..
- Arthur Pendragon
none yet..
- Morgana Pendragon
none yet..
- Guinevere
none yet..
- Lancelot
none yet..
- Mordred
none yet..
- Gwaine
none yet..
- Percival
none yet..
- Elyan
none yet..
- Leon
none yet..
Strangers things:
- Mike Wheeler
none yet..
- Nancy Wheeler
none yet..
- Will Byers
none yet..
- Jonathan Byers
none yet..
- Joyce Byers
none yet..
- Jim Hopper
none yet..
- Jane 'Eleven' Hopper
none yet..
- Lucas Sinclair
none yet..
- Dustin Henderson
none yet..
- Steve Harrington
none yet..
- Maxine Mayfield
none yet..
- Billy Hargrove
none yet..
- Dmitri 'Enzo' Antonov
none yet..
- Eddie Munson
none yet..
- Henry Creel
none yet..
- Robin Buckley
none yet..
ALL; stranger things headcanons.. pt 1.
- Paul Atreides
none yet..
- Leto Atreides
none yet..
- Chani
none yet..
- Feyd-Rautha
none yet..
- Duncan Idaho
none yet..
- Stilgar
none yet..
Game of Thrones:
- Ned Stark
none yet..
- Catelyn Stark
none yet..
- Robb Stark
none yet..
- Jon Snow
none yet..
- Theon Greyjoy
none yet..
- Sansa Stark
none yet..
- Arya Stark
none yet..
- Tywin Lannister
none yet..
- Jaime Lannister
none yet..
- Cersei Lannister
none yet..
- Tyrion Lannister
none yet..
- Tommen Baratheon
none yet..
- Joffrey Baratheon
none yet..
- Daenerys Targaryen
none yet..
- Jorah Mormont
none yet..
- Sandor Clegane
none yet..
- Samwell Tarly
none yet..
- Margaery Tyrell
none yet..
- Tormund Giantsbane
none yet..
- Brienne of Tarth
none yet..
- Podrick
none yet..
- Ramsay Bolton
none yet..
- Jaqen H'ghar
none yet..
- Grey Worm
none yet..
- Rachel Greene
none yet..
- Phoebe Buffay
none yet..
- Monica Geller
none yet..
- Ross Geller
none yet..
- Chandler Bing
male reader x chandler bing headcanons!! (SFW + NSFW)
- Joey Tribbiani
Joey Tribbiani dating headcanons (SFW+NSFW)
The Maze Runner:
- Thomas
none yet..
- Newt
none yet..
- Minho
none yet..
- Gally
none yet..
- Frypan
none yet..
- Aris
none yet..
- Janson
none yet..
Lord of The Rings:
- Frodo Baggins
none yet..
- Samwise Gamgee
none yet..
- Pippin Took
none yet..
- Merry Brandybuck
none yet..
- Aragorn
none yet..
- Legolas
none yet..
- Boromir
none yet..
- Faramir
none yet..
- Galadriel
none yet..
- Arwen
none yet..
- Éowyn
none yet..
- Éomer
none yet..
The Hobbit:
- Bilbo Baggins
none yet..
- Thorin Oakenshield
none yet..
- Kili Durin
none yet..
- Fili Durin
none yet..
- Tauriel
none yet..
- King Thranduil
none yet..
- Elrond
none yet..
Harry Potter:
- Harry Potter
none yet..
- Hermione Granger
none yet..
- Ron Weasley
none yet..
- Fred Weasley
none yet..
- George Weasley
none yet..
- Draco Malfoy
none yet..
- Blaise Zabini
none yet..
- Oliver Wood
none yet..
- Seamus Finnigan
none yet..
- Luna Lovegood
none yet..
- Neville Longbottom
none yet..
- Dean Thomas
none yet..
- Severus Snape
none yet..
- Sirius Black
none yet..
- Regulus Black
none yet..
- Remus Lupin
none yet..
- James Potter
none yet..
- Lily Potter
none yet..
- Bill Weasley
none yet..
- Bellatrix Lestrange
none yet..
- Cedric Diggory
none yet..
- Lucius Malfoy
none yet..
- Narcissa Malfoy
none yet..
Brooklyn Nine-Nine:
- Jake Peralta
none yet..
- Amy Santiago
none yet..
- Charles Boyle
none yet..
- Gina Linetti
none yet..
- Rosa Diaz
none yet..
- Terry Jeffords
none yet..
- Ray Holt
none yet..
- Richie Tozier
none yet..
- Eddie Kaspbrak
none yet..
- Beverly Marsh
none yet..
- Bill Denbrough
none yet..
- Stanley Uris
none yet..
- Ben Hanscom
none yet..
- Mike Hanlon
none yet..
- Henry Bowers
none yet..
- Patrick Hockstetter
none yet..
Diary of a wimpy kid:
- Greg Heffley
none yet..
- Rodrick Heffley
none yet..
Dead Poet's Society:
- Neil Perry
none yet..
- Todd Anderson
none yet..
- Charlie Dalton
none yet..
- Knox Overstreet
none yet..
- Steven Meeks
none yet..
- John Keating
none yet..
- Fiona Gallagher
none yet..
- Lip Gallagher
none yet..
- Ian Gallagher
none yet..
- Debbie Gallagher
none yet..
- Carl Gallagher
none yet..
- Liam Gallagher
none yet..
- Mickey Milkovich
none yet..
- Mandy Milkovich
none yet..
- Kevin Ball
none yet..
- Veronica Fisher
none yet..
- Jimmy Lishman
none yet..
- Karen Jackson
none yet..
Handsome Devil:
- Ned Roche
none yet..
- Conor Masters
none yet..
- Dan Sherry
none yet..
The Black Phone:
- Finney Blake
none yet..
- Robin Arellano
none yet..
- Vance Hopper
none yet..
- Bruce Yamada
none yet..
- Billy
none yet..
- Griffin
none yet..
Sweet home:
- Cha Hyun-su
none yet..
- Lee Eun-hyuk
none yet..
- Pyeon Sang-wook
none yet..
- Jung Jae-heon
none yet..
- Seo Yi-kyung
none yet..
- Lee Eun-yu
none yet..
- Yoon Ji-su
none yet..
- Jung Ui-Myeong
none yet..
- Jinx
none yet..
- Vi
none yet..
- Viktor
none yet..
- Caitlyn
none yet..
- Silco
none yet..
- Sevika
none yet..
- Ekko
none yet..
- Vander
none yet..
- Mel
none yet..
- Jayce
none yet..
Spider-Man Universe:
- Peter Parker (A. G.)
none yet..
- Peter Parker (T. M.)
none yet..
- Peter B. Parker
none yet..
- Miles Morales (Earth 1610)
none yet..
- Miles Morales (Earth 42)
none yet..
- Miguel O'Hara
none yet..
- Hobie Brown
none yet..
- Pavitr Prabhakar
none yet..
- Gwen Stacy
none yet..
The Goldfinch:
- Boris Pavlikovsky
none yet..
- Theodore Decker
none yet..
The Last of Us:
- Ellie Williams
none yet..
- Joel Miller
none yet..
- Tommy Miller
none yet..
- Tess Servopoulos
none yet..
- Abby Anderson
none yet..
- Dina Woodward
none yet..
- Lev
none yet..
- Yara
none yet..
- Jesse Pinkman
none yet..
- Manny
none yet..
- Owen
none yet..
- Mel
none yet..
The Beekeeper:
- Derek Danforth
none yet..
- Adam Clay
none yet..
Weak Hero Class 1:
- Yeon Si-eun
none yet..
- Oh Beom-seok
none yet..
- Ahn Su-ho
none yet..
- Park Hu-min
none yet..
- Kang Woo-young
none yet..
- Jeon Seok-dae
none yet..
Bad and Crazy:
- Ryu Soo-Yeol
none yet..
- Do In-beom
none yet..
- K
none yet..
- Oh Kyung-Tae
none yet..
- Boss Yong
none yet..
- Andrei Kang
none yet..
Demon slayer:
- Tanjiro Kamado
none yet..
- Nezuko Kamado
none yet..
- Zenitsu Agatsuma
none yet..
- Inosuke Hashibira
none yet..
- Genya Shinazugawa
none yet..
- Kanao Tsuyuri
none yet..
- Aoi
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- Shinobu Kocho
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- Tomioka Giyuu
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- Rengoku Kyojuro
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- Uzui Tengen
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- Mitsuri Kanroji
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- Obanai Iguro
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- Shinazugawa Sanemi
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- Muichiro Tokito
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- Gyomei Himejima
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- Muzan Kibutsuji
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- Akaza
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- Douma
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- Gyutaro
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- Daki
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- Kokushibo
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- Murata
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HASHIRA; hashira headcanons, pt.1 (angst)
My Hero Academia:
- Izuku Midoriya
none yet..
- Katsuki Bakugou
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- Shoto Todoroki
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- Tenya Iida
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- Ochako Uraraka
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- Denki Kaminari
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- Eijirou Kirishima
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- Tokoyami Fumikage
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- Shoji Mezo
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- Momo Yaoyorozu
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- Hanta Sero
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- Kyoka Jirou
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- Mashirao Ojirou
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- Mina Ashido
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- Yuga Aoyama
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- Monoma Neito
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- Shinsou Hitoshi
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- Rumi Usagiyama
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- Keigo Takami
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- Aizawa Shouta
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- Hizashi Yamada
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- Oboro Shirakumo
none yet..
- Touya Todoroki
none yet..
- Tomura Shigaraki
none yet..
- Toga Himiko
none yet..
- Jin Bubaigawara
none yet..
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adding anime back cause I watched demon slayer,,, :3
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ao3feed-tywin · 2 years ago
Gendry's Son | Male Reader X Harem
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/cgpi4zK
by Hollunk
After a 30 year reign, Y/n Baratheon has fallen on the field of battle. Facing the final Blackfyre Rebellion. Taking the final Blackfyre down with him. But he refuses to give in to death, and is reborn in the body of the supposed second son of Robert Baratheon, Orys Baratheon.
Words: 3623, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Underage
Categories: F/M
Characters: Sansa Stark, Arianne Martell, Elia Sand, Daenerys Targaryen, Margaery Tyrell, Myrcella Baratheon, Original Female Character(s), Reader, Ashara Dayne, Jeyne Westerling Stark, Cersei Lannister, Robert Baratheon, Joffrey Baratheon, Tommen Baratheon, Ned Stark, Tywin Lannister, Catelyn Tully Stark, Brandon Stark, Bran Stark, Robb Stark, Jon Snow, Gendry (A Song of Ice and Fire), Arya Stark, Benjen Stark, Jon Arryn, Varys (A Song of Ice and Fire), Petyr Baelish, Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Olenna Tyrell, Bronn (A Song of Ice and Fire), Sandor Clegane, Brienne of Tarth, Thoros of Myr (A Song of Ice and Fire)
Relationships: Sansa Stark/Original Male Character(s), Arianne Martell/Original Male Character(s), Elia Sand/Original Male Character(s), Daenerys Targaryen/Original Male Character(s), Margaery Tyrell/Original Male Character(s), Myrcella Baratheon/Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s), Ashara Dayne/Original Male Character(s), Jeyne Westerling/Original Male Character(s), Catelyn Tully Stark/Original Male Character(s), Cersei Lannister/Original Male Character(s)
Additional Tags: Aunt/Nephew Incest, Sibling Incest, Shameless Smut, Older Man/Younger Woman, Older Woman/Younger Man, Westeros (A Song of Ice and Fire), Essos (A Song of Ice and Fire), Greyjoy Rebellion | Balon Greyjoy's Rebellion Against the Iron Throne, Parent/Child Incest
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/cgpi4zK
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howyouloveyourdragon · 2 years ago
current requests – status; closed
(these are not in order of release or priority)
- alpha rhaenyra x omega sister with child together fluffy - yandere husband brynden tully - dark tyler galpin kidnapping reader (my evil bby is back) - yan!arya part 3 (i'm not gonna lie to yall i missed her ty for reminding me) - tyler x half!bunny reader - rhaenyra and laenor x aemond (platonic) headcanons - headcanons of rhaenyra and laenor parenting the hell out of her siblings (please anon i love how you wrote this lmao) - rhaenys parenting aegon, helaena and aemond - headcanons of alpha rhaenyra x omega half sister parenting their kids - alpha rhaenyra x omega alicent x omega leana headcanons - alpha rhaenyra x omega aegon x alpha daemon (romance) - yandere rhaenyra x aegon (romantic) headcanons - margaery tyrell diamond castle au - daemon & rhaenyra x fem!reader in charge - daemon x fem!reader steamy bath smut - rhaenyra targaryen x dragonseed!reader claiming her dragon for the first time - yandere rhaenyra x yandere daemon x half sister (blacks win au) - robb stark x targ!reader arranged marriage - yandere rhaenyra x daemons bastard daughter (platonic) - modern footballer!robb x reader - yandere rhaenyra x son cole!reader x yandere laenor headcanons - rhaenyra x twin!reader soulmate au - yandere rhaenyra and velaryon!son with laenor headcanons - jacaerys overstim smut - yandere rhaenyra x helaena - daemon x reader comfort - helaena x jace headcanons - helaena creates peace for herself - yandere rhaenyra x handmaiden - jace x reader softest love prompt 2&7 - jace x reader confession prompt 11 - jae x reader pillow thoughts prompts 4&13 - yandere rhaenyra x female dragonkeeper headcanons - yandere mom rhaenyra x orphan reader headcanons - jace x reader prompt 30 - jace x reader flustered prompts - alpha rhaenyra x omega velaryion reader headcanons - alpha rhaenyra x omega hightower reader headcanons - daemon x hightower fem!reader - politically smart hightower x rhaenyra (part 2) - alpha rhaenyra x omega daenerys headcanons - rhaenyra x omega!hightower alt - alpha rhaenyra x omega!sister part 2 - rhaenyra targaryen x velaryon male!reader - alpha rhaenyra x omega male velaryon!reader - baela & jacaerys x reader - alpha rhaenyra x tyrell omega reader - alpha rhaenyra x omega alicent (arranged marriage) - alpha rhaenyra x omega alicent x alpha daemon headcanons - rhaenyra x alicent open marriage w/ laenor headcanons - rhaenyra x royce-targ!reader - alpha rhaenyra x omega royce reader headcanons - yandere rhaenyra and haelena (platonic) headcanons - alpha rhaenyra x omega velaryon fem!reader - yandere alpha rhaenyra x omega alicent headcanons - yandere rhaenyra x alicent (blacks win au) - alpha rhaenyra x alpha laena x omega alicent headcanons
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megsironthrone · 4 months ago
My lovelies, I want to thank you for your patience with me especially since I'm coming here with sad news. A few months ago, I posted about my laptop dying. Since then I've been trying to recover the work I'd lost. Unfortunately, the majority of the requests I was working on are lost now. I can't emotionally manage to start all that work over again and I'm sorry.
I was able to recover a few requests and I'll post those below the cut. If your request isn't there, it was one of the fics lost. If it is, then you are more than welcome to take your requests to another writer if you'd like.
*You Are My Child: May I request Tywin for once in his life being a vulnerable and a good father to the reader his child? Perhaps the reader did something stupid and got hurt.Could you perhaps add the other siblings being worried too, just a bit of fluff for the Lannisters?
*Training: Hi, i saw that the requests are open again so could i request a Jorah Mormont x Male reader? Where the reader is one Danery’s soldiers and both of them (the reader and Jorah) train together, so with time Jorah they fall in love with each other and one night they confess their love?(maybe with some kisses, hugs and cuddles?)Thank you☺️☺️ by thatsequoia
*Signs: Hi There and Happy Birthday again!! How about an Ilyn Payne x reader kinda scenario, where the reader is a healer and stumbles across injured Ilyn after some Lannister campaigne thingy or another, and nurses him back to health and him kinda falling for her, but having trouble getting her to see it cuz she thinks his affections are only out of thankfulness for helping him and not cuz he loves her? Maybe reader teaching him how to write or sign language or something to help communicate with each other…? As always thank you for your hard work and THANK YOUUUU!!! by grinch1404
*After All My Suffering: Hey, could I please request something for Thoros x TyrellReader where they met at Court and are flirty with eachother but are also very aware that there can never be anything between them, with her being highborn and all that. They only meet again at the end and now can be together, with all the suffering (of House Tyrell) she is like f*ck that I’m gonna be with the guy I want to be with. Also can Loras and Margaery please be alive…
*Most Ardently: Hi!! Could I please request Davos x reader who have both been pining for each other but are too shy and/or oblivious to admit it. It all leads up to a very rushed and clumsy but heartfelt confession from Davos (thinking of ‘Pride & Prejudice’ and Mr. Darcy’s 1st proposal) maybe after a battle and definitely in the rain. Imagine all the pent up feelings tumbling out of Davos. 🤌🏻🤌🏻. Hope this is something you’d like to write. Zhank you!! 🫶🏻 from chaostwinsofdestruction
*Epilogue of “At the Gym”: Hi Meg. Could I please ask for fic with Sandor and reader celebrating at anniversary? Also could I please if it’s not too specific to ask for it to be like a part of your at the gym series? Thanks if you do this. Love you. from kjs-s
Again I am so sorry if your request is one of the ones missing. I was devastated when I couldn't get every request back and I just can't start over.
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novaursa · 4 months ago
Hi, I absolutely love the way you write and everything you do
I have two questions do you write for Margery Tyrell? and whenever you open up your requests again are you open to doing a Margaery x male!Stark story?
Hello, dear anon. 🙂
That's a yes, to both of your questions. I write for all characters regarding ASOIAF/GOT/HOTD/FAB in any combination with the reader you wish.
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hknightdai · 2 years ago
REQUEST - Plucking Thorns
Margaery Tyrell x Male Reader
Tags: Vaginal (Brief), Oral Fingering, Facefucking, Facial
Request: ok so how about margaery tyrell X Male Reader smut she doesn't want to get pregnant and is always talking back at Reader so he fucks her face and slaps his dick on her face and gives her facial at the end
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It’s been a year or so into your marriage with Margaery Tyrell and yet you have no children. Not for lack of trying. Your good “Wife” has simply decided to forgo her wifely duties, refusing to bear your children. This was fine at first, you mostly just needed her family, “I can always get a concubine,” you’d thought.
That was until time passed and you noticed how she seemed to give out more orders than you.
The argument about that is still talked about to this day.
It was settled though. At least you thought it was, until the rose showed her thorns. Her minor aggressions you could take, “it’s for the alliance,” you’d mutter to yourself. She must have known, for she started giving snide remarks, seeming to undermine you and your ruling. Her remarks were said in such a way that they could be advice, but even those with half a brain are able to tell it’s an insult. How unfortunate your court is full of half-brained idiots.
Throughout the day, you could barely do any work, too busy stopping yourself from snapping at your servants and knights for the smallest of annoyances. Realizing how unstable you were, you called your wife to your chambers to relieve some of that stress.
Your puffs of breath, verging on grunts, hit Margaery’s skin as you thrust into her. What you two are doing can’t be called sex, more like habit or obligation. Sure, she is wet and feels nice around your cock, but there is no passion to this affair.
Tired of this, you let yourself relax and, predictably, Margaery hurries you off of her. Spilling on the bed, the sex was wasted as your temper flared up. Glaring at the bed, your breathing quickly grew labored.
Seeing this, your Wife misunderstands the reason.
“You must be tired, Dear.” Such saccharine words drip from her mouth. “I heard your work was tiring.”
Your eyes flick up, “Oh? Where’d you hear it from?”
“The nobles of course. Their voices were so loud that I had to ask.” She gets off the bed and dressing. “They were looking for my Husband, he wasn’t anywhere to be found.”
“I thought, “He must be busy.” So I sought to their problems for my busy Husband.”
“Now.” She stands before you. “I can see that you are tired. I shall leave you to your sleep.”
She glances down at your cum before returning to you, her eyes twinkling with taunts. She turns and walks towards the door.
That was her mistake.
You shoot from the bed, still naked as you lash out and catch her neatly prepared hair in your grip. Margaery gasps before letting out a short scream as you yank her backward and onto the floor. She lies there, barely grasping the situation yet. With your hand firmly in place, you pull her up until she is on her knees, Margaery hissing all the while.
Her hands fly to yours, but she’s smart and doesn’t try anything.
You force her head back and see her glaring at you.
“What’s wrong dear Wife, no smart remarks?” You taunt her.
Her lips pucker as if she tastes something sour. You know what she’s going to do and it’s exactly what you want.
Margaery spits at you, missing thanks to your movements. As her spit hits your thigh, you use the opportunity to shove your fingers down her throat.
"Khlk!" Margaery gags around them, her eyes wide with shock.
Her grip tightens around your arm as your fingers piston in and out of her throat. Her defiance is commendable, she doesn’t look away from you.
Spit flies from her mouth, covering your hand and wrist. You reach down her throat and hold still. Your fingers force her mouth open as she gags.
Yanking your fingers out, you watch in satisfaction as Margaery coughs. Grabbing her face with your spit-covered hand, you squeeze her jaw open. In an almost comforting manner, you stroke her hair.
“Look at you,” You say in faux concern. “My Queen has made a mess of herself.”
Spit dribbles down her chin, covering her lush lips, and making them look all the more appealing.
“Let me help clean you up.”
You rub your cock against her face, spreading the mess over her beautiful face. Margaery struggles against your hold, but your tight grip on her jaw reminds her. Your tip teases her lips and she glares up at you.
You grin down at her. “Take a breath Margaery.”
She takes a shaky breath. Your cock plunges down her throat, forcing the first of many gags to come from your ministrations.
“Glghk! Glghk! Glghk!”
Never giving her a moment of rest, you focus on how her warm throat hugs your cock. Her throat spasms around you as she gags. You fist her hair and pull her down your length. Her sloppy gags can be heard outside, but no one disturbs you.
Margaery finally reacts, latching onto your thighs. She retches, covering your balls in her spit. Trying to push against you to free herself, her hand slips on her previous spit, forcing her further against you.
You throw your head back in ecstasy.
You momentarily lose your grip.
“Aaahh!” Margaery pulls back, coughing and catching her breath.
The taste of your cock and her own juices is still fresh on her tongue. Strands of saliva connect her lips to your wet cock.
She tries to stand. As if she can end this. With your ecstasy taken from you, your anger returns. Your fingers find their place in her hair, and you drag her against the bed.
“Yo- Khglk!” Margaery tries to speak, but you cut her off, fucking her throat.
“You’re lucky I was considerate enough to do this against the bed and not the wall.”
You pound her throat, too lost in your temper to care about your treatment of her. Her head bounces off the mattress, forcing her back against you. You lean on the bed, trapping her between it and your crotch. Her spit flows down your legs.
Margaery claws at your legs and you grab her arms, forcing them onto the bed.
“Fucking. Bitch!” You slam against her face, feeling her nose mashed up against your stomach. Her breaths are harsh on your skin.
“Khglk! Khglk! Khglk!” Margaery’s eyes water.
Her breasts rise and fall with her erratic breathing. She thrashes about as you hold deep in her throat, but it only seems to pleasure you more.
With quick breaths, you leave her warmth. You grab Margaery's hair as she retches, and force her head back. You grab your cock and jerk yourself to completion, covering The Rose of Highgarden’s face in your hot cum.
As your breathing levels, you shake her. “You will stop your fucking defiance or we will have a repeat of this. Got that, Margaery?”
“Yes, Husband,” Margaery says. Even with her own saliva, tears, and your cum on her face, defiance was clear in her gaze.
That’s fine though. You wouldn't mind another round with your Rose.
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johnnyraine · 3 years ago
Male Reader Smut Drabbles
*based on nsfwmaemi's list
How it works:
Go to “Random.org”.
Click on “Lists & More” and then “Lists Randomised”.
Enter Names.
Use the first 10 to find out who will be written.
Words: 947
2nd of February, 2022
This' Pseudo-Sequel - Male Reader Smut Microfics
~1. Missionary - Kang Sae-byeok~
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Given a moment alone, you both were undressed and on the couch in an instant.
“Sorry if I’m rushing,” You say chuckling as you’re leaning over her, cock at her entrance.
“Shut it,” Sae-byeok says with a small blush.
Sae-byeok moans as you enter her.
“Y/n.” Her moans fill your ears as you thrust into her.
Your tongues swirl around each other as you give in to the moment. Her nails digging into your back somehow feeling pleasurable.
Your hand drifts between down to rub her clit, eliciting deep moans caught in your kiss.
~2. Doggystyle - Wèi Wúxiàn/Wèi Yīng~
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Any thoughts of how your talk turned into sex were thrown away as you watched Wèi Yīng’s ass jiggle with each thrust.
Your fingers dig into his hips as he calls out, “Y/n, right there! Ah!”
Wèi Yīng lost strength in his arms and let himself lay with his ass up, moaning out into the cave as your cock slammed into him.
Slamming into him once more, you came deep in Wèi Yīng as he let out a loud and came. You both collapsed, laying on the cold cave floor, exhausted and soon asleep.
~3. Cowboy - So Kiyoi~
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“Take it slowly, Kiyoi,” You say, seeing his look of discomfort.
Hearing that however, he got a look in his eyes and put his hands on your chest, leaning closer to your face as he sped up. His tight hole slid up and down your pole, leaving you gripping his hips and moaning.
Seeing his lips twitch into a smirk, you grab his member stroke him until he’s moaning.
Your foreheads touching, moaning together as you stare into each other's eyes, you two cum.
~4. 69 - Kazunari Hira~
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Swirling your tongue around Hira’s cock, you expected your shy boyfriend to continue to lick your cock and maybe jerk you off, but you were surprised as he took you into his warm mouth.
Moaning, you felt his hips jerk but you held him down and continued bobbing your head.
Despite his inexperience, Hira was quick to try things out and when he lick your slit, you shivered with surprising pleasure. He played with your balls as he bobbed his head in tandem with you and due to your own moans, you both exploded into each other's mouths.
~5. Rough Sex - Suguru Niragi~
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“Fuck!” Niragi moaned, the pillow doing little to muffle him as you rammed into him.
“What was that Niragi, I couldn’t hear you?” You say cocky.
The glare he gave you disappeared as he scrunched his eyes closed when you hit his spot.
“F-fuck you.” His mouth open, moaning against the bed as you held his neck down.
Gripping his hair, you pull his head up, not stopping your thrusts.
“Ah ah ah,” Niragi moaned out, his neighbors likely hearing him.
Pistoning in and out of his ass, you feel as Niragi clenches around before he cums on his bed.
~6. Frotting - Shuntaro Chishiya~
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With each other's cocks in your hand, you and Chishiya were exploring your mouths as you stroked your cocks.
Grabbing his hair in your other hand, you pull his head back; kissing and nipping at his neck.
“Ahh,” Chishiya moaned, thrusting into your hand.
He grabbed onto your hair as you licked a bite mark you left.
Feeling your throbbing members, you bit the base of Chishiya’s neck getting a strained grunt as he came and his warm cum slicked your hand. Letting go of his hair, you kiss him, moaning into his mouth as you came.
~7. Deepthroat - J.D.~
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Groaning as J.D. hummed around your cock, you felt him tap the go-ahead on your thighs. You pull back, giving him a sec before slowly thrusting in and out of his throat.
Within a few moments, you were leaning over him, hands in his hair as you tried to stretch your pleasure out, but looking J.D. in the eyes told you he wouldn’t let that happen, and he started bobbing his head up and down your cock, never losing eye contact.
“Ah… fuck, J.D.,” You groaned before letting out a moan and cumming down your boyfriend’s throat.
~8. Pearly Gates - Margaery Tyrell~
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Thrusting into the soon to be Queen as you lean over her, your breaths heavy.
“I’m gonna cum,” You say, kissing Margaery.
“Not inside,” She steadily said, a hard look in her eyes.
Despite her walls clenching around you, you weren’t completely lost in your pleasure. Slamming into her just to see her look stutter, you quickly pull out before jerking yourself to completion on her lips.
“It’s not inside,” You say with a cocky grin.
You suddenly feel a growing dread as she stares at you with a raised brow.
~9. Stand and Carry - Peter Parker~
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Despite the difference in strength, you’re certainly happy to learn that you’re strong enough to carry your boyfriend as you bounce him on your cock, all while hearing him moan out your name.
Unfortunately, your arms quickly began to give and you moved to the wall.
Peter let out a small grunt next to your ear as his back hit the wall.
“Sorry,” You say, breathless. “You are okay, Pete?”
Nodding with scrunched eyes, “Yeah, just… ah… don’t stop, I’m close.”
With that, you hammered into him, and soon after feeling him tighten around you, you both came.
~10. Spooning - Wēn Qíng~
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After a long day, laying down is good, but sex while laying down is even better. That’s your logic anyway, as you kiss Wēn Qíng’s neck and cup her breast in your hand.
“Aren’t you feeling better?” You say, thrusting into her as her soft breathes fill in the silence.
Instead of answering, she turns her head and captures your lips with hers, biting and sucking your bottom lip as your moans join hers.
As your hand drifts from her breast downward, you couldn’t help but think, ‘It seems it was a good idea.’
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marilynmonroefanfics · 3 years ago
Loras being infatuated with you...
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House Tyrell was trowing a huge Tournament, Y/N wasn’t sure for what to be exact. But he knew he would attend it no matter what.
After all, he was a close friend of Margaery Tyrell and he knew his friend would be disappointed if he didn’t show up.
You see, Y/N wasn’t your typical knightly young man. He was a shy person who enjoyed reading, poetry, just overall the small and peaceful things in life.
Perhaps that was why he and Margaery became such good friends, Y/N could see her for who she really was.
Y/N marveled at the beauty of the event, there were stalls with refreshments, sellers of horses and fine clothes, intermission performances of drama with musicians and acrobats. All was so grand and magnificent.
“Ah! Y/N, there you are!”
“It’s nice to see you again, Margaery.”
Y/N was quickly embraced by his friend and taken to a nicely decorated table, apparently the banquets had already begun.
“Y/N, this is my grandmother, the Lady Olenna Tyrell. Grandmother this is my dear friend, Y/N L/N.”
“Your friend is quite the sight for sore eyes...”
“Grandmother! What will Y/N think of us?”
“He might think we have some wit about us.”
Margaery made sure Y/N was seated next to her brother Loras. She knew of Y/N's preferences and she secretly hoped the two of them would end up together.
As for Loras, he was completely blinded by Y/N's beauty and charms. He had never seen a more beautiful man in his life, he was instantly attracted to Y/N.
Loras could tell Y/N was quite a shy person and he found it extremely adorable.
As the banquet went on the two young men got along fairly well, Loras could see that Y/N was an extremely cultured person, loving the way Y/N rambled on about his passions. He also loved the way Y/N's eyes would shine everytime Loras spoke of his travels.
By the end of the banquet, Loras was definitely in love.
“I would be honored if you would be so kind as to grace me with your presence in the jousting match later today.”
How could Y/N refuse? And plus, Margaery whisked him from Loras, claiming that they had to get ready.
“Why do we have to get ready? It's only a jousting match..”
“My silly dear Y/N, this is your opportunity to make an impression. And besides, I think someone already as their eyes on you...”
In the end Margaery ended up fixing Y/N's clothes and hair, putting a small veil in it, saying that Y/N looked cute with it.
Then, they took their place next to Lady Olenna, ready to watch the jousting match.
Y/N looked at Loras, he looked so....so handsome. A true knight in shining armor. Loras noticed Y/N's stair and gave him a little smile.
Before the joust begun, Loras approched Y/N and the Tyrell's.
Up close his armor seemed to shine even brighter.
“May I have your blessing, M'lord?”
Margaery wanted to explode with happiness, they were so cute!
Lady Olenna watched the interaction with amusement.
“Uh- Margaery w-what do I do?” Y/N whispered.
“He wants your favour, show it to him.” Margaery whispered back.
Y/N blushed, he then took off the veil he wore. He gave the veil a small kiss before tying it around Loras’ lance.
Loras felt like he had received a huge moral boost, he had Y/N's veil. Loras felt like he had a piece of Y/N with him, and he was going to win the joust for Y/N.
As he promised, Loras won every jousting match that day. Throught it all the Tyrell's and Y/N watched in amazement....mainly Y/N.
“My brother is very skilled, don't you think so?”
“Y-Yes indeed.”
On the second day of the Tournament, Margeary convinced Loras to accompany her and Y/N to the sellers.
Seeing all the expensive things around him, Y/N knew he couldn't afford them.
He saw all the expensive clothes, jewls, perfumes, etc. Y/N felt a little bad, he really wanted them.
“What is the matter, M'lord? You seem sadden.” Loras asked.
“Uhm- it's nothing!”
Margeary whispered to his brother that her friend couldn't buy nothing. Y/N came from a noble house, but a very poor one.
From that point on, Loras would offer to buy Y/N things. Every time he would see Y/N's eyes linger on a item, he would offer to buy it as a gift.
By the end of their shopping spree Y/N was quite the richest man in Highgarden.
He had numerous chests full of clothes, silks, perfumes, jewls. You name it.
That night Loras couldn't stop thinking about Y/N. He had some very explicit dreams about the shy young man. And he....he loved them.
On the third and final day of the Tournament Loras couldn't take it anymore. He got up early in the morning and barged into Y/N's chambers.
“I can't wait any longer. I must have you, Y/N.”
Later that morning Margaery went to knock on Y/N's chambers. But the only thing she heard were Y/N's and Loras' moans and groans.
“I believe my job here is done.”
Margeary went away giggling, she couldn't wait to tell the news to her Grandmother.
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blumenflowergelb · 1 year ago
From one to three
Loras Tyrell x male!omega!reader x Renly Baratheon
• They were friends for always. Loras couldn’t even remember a time before Yn since he was always there. When Loras had to go to squire at Storms End Yn went with him. After arriving and dealing with Renly for a few months both of them turned to like the lordling. Their never discussed their mutual likes but knew of it and when the time came they went to Renlys bed together. The three of them wished for a life where they could spend days together without anybody interrupting.
• Everything changed when Yn presented as an omega. Loras was still unpresented but Renly wasn’t (surprisingly he was an Alpha) and they mated accidentally.
• It wasn’t ment to happen but Renly was the first person that came inside Yn room and they just kind of stumbled in the bed and Renly bit Yn.
• After the realisation of what had happened Loras felt closed off the relationship and got jealous. Yn tried to mend their relationship but ultimately Renly had to step in.
• The few years they spent together was like paradise until Ned Stark came in Kings Landing and he, as well as Robert, have died.
• The Rebellion broke out and everything became a blur. Renly wanted to become a King and had the whole Reach backing him up. Stannis wanted to be the King since he was the lawful heir. Robb Stark was the new King of the North, Baelon Greyjoy was a King too and of course the Lannisters with Joffrey.
• At the worst time ever Yn heat came. They were at the camp with thousands alphas and betas, so Renly couldn’t leave him alone but had to since he was the King.Loras helped as much as he could but in the end Renly had to step up. Yn didn’t let him out for two days and the whole camp was talking. Everybody knew that they were mated but since Renly married Margaery they thought that the bond had been broken. It wasn’t and the ladies and servant were talking about whores and omegas every single time Yn was close to them. Of course, Renly was patted in the back and every knight congratulated him.
• After the tourney and meeting with Lady Catelyn, who had a clear dislike towards Yn , they got the news that Stannis begann a siege at Storms End and they went back to the castle. Lady Brienne, dubbed as Brienne the Beauty, always pestered around Renly and became his first woman Kingsguard. Yn had no issue with her but Loras didn’t like her.
• While Renly and Stannis parlored both Loras and Yn spent their time together. Usually their would be some funny business going on but Loras feared the camp hearing them and „dishonor“ his alpha Kings omega. Yn only laughed but didn’t press on and they just simply talked, mostly about how they coped with Renly being in Margaerys bed. When Loras asked Yn if he wanted children Yn was unsure what to say. The older he was, the more he ached for a child but he knew that it would be impossible. Even if he would be with a child, the child would never get anything and would be pushed down the line of succession. His children would get a better treatment than bastards, that was for sure, but Renly was already married and would definitely get Margaery with a child. Even if Renly didn’t like children. But the idea of a child of his own brought Yn joy. He didn’t know if it was because his instincts or because he geniualy wanted a baby but the need for it was there and it was very very intense.
• This was however something he couldn’t voice out. Loras made it very clear that he would not want any children ( they weren’t even mated ) and Renly only because it was his obligation. So he simply said „no“.
• After Renly came back everybody was readying for the war. Loras was outside the tent with the other guards, Renly and Yn inside the tent. Brienne helped Renly with his armor,under the watchful eyes of Yn ,while Lady Catelyn talked. When a cold wind came Yn turned around to get something warm and chuckled agt Renlys „ Cold.“ comment. The last thing he heard was Briennes cry and felt an intense burning on his nape, than he passed out.
• When he awoke he was sitting on a horse. Well it was more like he was bound on the horse. He tried to shallow his panic but it didn’t work since a man, a knight after Yn really looked , gave him water. He begann explaining what has happened, the death of Renly, the lords who have stayed or went with Stannis and that they were currently on the Roseroad. After Yn only nodded the man seemed surprised. It was silent for hours, the deep ache keeping Yn from speaking. His hearth felt heavy with a big hole in it, his bitemark burned and Yn was sure that it had already blackened.
• The bite marks were mutually made while a heat and/or rut of an alpha/omega. It could be willingly broken but the death of a partner left it blackened. The little veins around the bite would get black and the skin grey and blue. After sometime the mark would fade, not fully but it would fade almost entirely. The folktales tells of omegas going insane with grieve and killing themself and of alphas murdering everybody they could. The dangers were a little bit exaggerated but it wasn’t untrue. Most omegas and alphas died a few years after the death of their partner, unless their was a pup to bring up. Since Yn didn’t have one it was probably the reason that there were so many knights around him. However Loras wasn’t in sight and Yn couldn’t smell him.
• They spent a long time riding, than sleeping in the camp and than riding again. It was going on and on without something happening and Yn felt like he was inside a fever dream. He had many questions but no power to ask. The men were still very cautious and always asked for permission when he was unbound on the horse. After a few days they arrived at the camp.
• The camp was big and loud and it smelt awful. They were around Highgarden and Renlys host, while not as big as before, was everywhere. Yn expected them getting in the big tent, to see Loras or Margeary, but they went around the camp and stayed in the woods. Three men went away, the rest stayed. Yn was unbound from his horse and he was even allowed to walk around a little bit. After some time the men arrived with a stranger with the colors of Highgarden. While he talked Yn listened to the sound from the forest and his mind wandered far away. When he was asked something he nodded and smiled but didn’t say anything. The man looked concerned and after Yn still didn’t stay anything he nodded , went back to his horse and rode away. Yn looked after him for a while but then turned around and looked around the forest even more.
• The time passed with Yn waiting for something that he didn’t know. He did not talk or really listen to anybody. Some stranger came but only a maester stayed. One day the host begann to move around and went to the direction they came from. Yn looked but didn’t ask already guessed what was happening. The fact that Loras didn’t come and the host being here than moving ment that they were either way going to Kings Landing or Storms End.
• The moon turned around again and they were still in the forest. The men were getting angsty and Yn know that if something didn’t happen soon, they were going to do something. This happened around a fortnight after the host went away. Yn was sleeping when somebody touched his hair. He tensed up but didn’t dare to move, knowing what could happen. The hand went down to his face and caressed him. A voice from somewhere else said that the he should fuck the omega quicker or he will do it. An other voice, a louder one, was very angry and said something about mates and the Tyrells. Other voices talked too and they got louder and louder. The hand moved from his face to his throat and Yn felt his omega ready to pounce. When the hand moved even lower and grasped his chest Yn got up in a lightning speed and bit down his neck. The blood out of the man tasted coppery and very disgusting but he bit down again and again until his omega was sure that he was dead. When he stood up he saw everybody with a weapon in their hand. Yn stepped back and when he saw the first glance of an arrow he ran. The voices and smell of men and dog spured him on and he ran and ran and ran until only the voice of the woods were around him. The omega has taken control over his body. Ever since the mark went silent he felt like living in a dream without a way out. Loras wasn’t there and Renly was dead, eveybody he was in love with wasn’t there.
• He didn’t know how much time has passed or where he was.The omega retracted suddenly and it took some time for Yn to work out what was going on. He was in an old house, warm and comfortable, and he was not alone. There was a woman sitting on the floor skinning an animal, what was probably a rabbit, and when Yn moved around she turned to him.
• The woman was probably a witch. Yn spent three days with her and her weird rituals and even weirder disapperiances. After waking up she told him that she found him walking around and that he went willingly with her. Yn couldn’t care less at the moment about what has happened, only that the witch was a possible danger… The woman has given him something that helped him calm down, since their first few days were everything but calm and kind ,and every evening she went away and came back with more herbs. Sometimes Yn heard voices outside the house but he never went out.
• As time passed he noticed that he was big. Not that big but for somebody that was always lean and full of muscels , he was fat. But he know that it wasn’t fat but something else. So when the witch came back he asked. She only said yes and Yn already teared up. It was silent for the better part of an hour until she asked Yn if the babies should stay or go. Yn wasn’t stupid, he know what she meant by „go“, but the prospect of a child with Renly delighted him. If the child survived it could take Storms End as the rightful ruler. If it was from Renly. The issue was that while omegas could easily get pregnant by their mate they could get pregnant from somebody else as well, although the chances were smaller. So the baby could belong to Loras, they did it enough times, but Yn was unsure what to do. Their were too many ifs and probablys and the babe was not even born. Maybe it would look like him.
• The baby grow quickly and time had lost it’s meaning for Yn. The last month or so he spent abed sleeping or just laying since his pregnancy symptoms tenfolded. The weather worsened and the witch said that Winter was coming, not that Yn couldn’t see it. The leaves have fallen and it was chilly outside. Some nights even snow has fallen, although by the morning it disappeared. The month went by with them readying for the child and labor. The witch was very helpful, Yn acknowledged that even though he didn’t want to, her help was welcome. Then one day the labor begann.
• The labor was hell. It hurt from inside and later on the outside too, but giving up was not an option. It begann early in the morning and ended a day after with no life threatening complications for Yn and his babies. The twins. It wasn’t one baby but two. When Yn pushed the oldest out, his cry piercing through the air, he felt the labor pain again and pushed the second out, who was clearly smaller than the first. After crying in happiness over the cute babes and feeding them, Yn fell asleep only to be woken up to feed again. Trying to overcome his shock of having two babies and the fact that he had two small looking adults to take care of, he begann to help the woman. Yn learned what plants were poisonous, which herbs to use, how to notice them and most importantly how to treat certain sicknesses. When the twins got stronger and the nights colder the woman sent them to Kings Landing. At first Yn didn’t want to but after hearing the arguments of the witch he agreed. Loras had to know what happened and if Winter came Yn couldn’t leave without risking the children and himself. How the woman knew where Loras resided was beyond Yn but he didn’t dare to ask.
• So in a few day they packed up their belongings, food and some money the witch handed over. She even got them a horse and a sword, Yn lost his own, which Yn accepted thankfully. The twins were silent as if knowing their mothers emotions. The roads were dangerous and they met a lot of dangers but within a few weeks they arrived before Kings Landing gates.
• The next issue was how to meet Loras. At first when Yn heard that Highgarden became the Lannisters allyhe was hurt and didn’t even ask the woman anything about them for almost a whole moon. But slowly he had to accept the fact that because Mances ambitions, seeing his daughter on the throne, they had no other choice but to help the Lannisters. The fact that Loras became a Kingsguard warmed Yn hearth, the egoist side which didn’t want anybody near him. He didn’t like Joffrey, for he was a brat ,but hoped for Margaerys happiness.
• They went inside Kings Landing. Yn didn’t want to but staying outside the gates wouldn’t help him. So he bought a room for a week in a run down inn, the money not being enough for more. At least the innkeeper didn’t ask questions. The food was very expensive and Yn didn’t dear to got out a lot for the streets being too dangerous. The whole city smelt but since the war it had a sent of death too. Two days before Yn run out of money and without any progress a man clothed in fine wool came to his rooms. When Yn knocked he hid the children hoping them to stay silent and went to open the door. The man didn’t come in but handed over a piece of paper and left.
• The paper said that they, „probably Varys“ Yn thought after smelling the paper, will come in a day. After putting the twins to sleep he went down to eat. The innkeeper nodded and said that his room was paid for a week and went out of Yn way. The next day barely arrived when a slight knock awoke Yn. It was barely morning, the city was silent. After letting the guest in, who was Varys, and hearing him talk Yn wanted to cut his throat. But before he could do it one of the boys begann to cry and woke the other. While Yn tended to them Varys watched him. When the boys have fallen asleep, he stood up and only requested a cloth of Yn. Since it was intended for Loras, Yn carefully choose one of his finest shirt. Varys accepted the cloth and left with only saying that he will bring news. Yn went to bed hoping for the next day.
• Loras was walking with his grandmother, Olenna Tyrell the Queen of Thorns, when the spider stepped towards them. Varys talked with his grandmother but ignored Loras, which would have normaly made Loras angry but since the day Renly died and Highgarden marched to Kings Landing he couldn’t care. He couldn’t even bring himself to listen until Varys turned to him and invited himself to their walk. Olenna tried to dismiss him, without success. The moment they disappeared behind some strange looking bushes, meant to impress but had quit the different effect, Varys clasped his hand around Loras‘. His grandmother’s guards had already unsheathed their sword when Vary showed a cloth of green and gold into Loras hand. For a moment everything froze.
• The cloth smelled like him. Loras felt his alpha going into an overdrive and his whole body tensed, the memories hitting him like a brick. After Renlys death Yn passed out, the maesters said because of the bond breaking, and Loras had him bound to a horse with guards. While Yn was a grieving Omega he was still an unmated one. Of course Loras could have mated him but he felt ashamed to even think about it. Taking something this precious from Renly was unimaginable for him. But he still yearned for Yn. The yearning never stopped and when Loras got the raven saying that Yn disappeared, it intensified even more. He wanted to ride back and look under every tree,rock and nook but duty, and his houses guards, stopped him. He missed his ruts for more than a year but his alpha couldn’t put Yn behind him. The imagination of being with somebody other than Renly and Yn made him reel and when some Omega tried to solicit him, his alpha denied she with his whole being. The first rut he experienced after the battle made him weak and this weakness still lasted. Pyrcelle said that it was because of something else and not because of his rut but this didn’t change the fact that Loras was a ticking danger to everybody. Who knows when an alpha has enough and what he will do?
• So this one small cloth changed him. He wanted Yn like never before, not in a sexual but in a more romantic way. And the spider knew where he was. Loras stared at Varys and the spider just smiled at him saying that he will wait for him at night. Varys scurried away quickly leaving him and his grandmother alone. The guards stepped back at the hand signal of Olenna, while she stepped towards Loras. Her eyes were full of questions but Loras could only say ‚Yn‘. She paled and went on about the dangers. Still Loras couldn’t find it in himself to say agree with her and when the night came he went against the advices. While he waited, he smelled at the clothes marveling around his memories. He could still remember when he first kissed Yn and the first night they shared together. The first ride, the first swim, the first day at Storms End, the first time they saw Renly and the first time they went to his bed. Everything, the bad ,the good it came back and Loras almost cried at his emotions. He wanted Yn and now.
• When Varys finally came Loras was already spacing around his room. They didn’t say anything and Loras didn’t question where they were going, although he tried not to forget to mention to his grandmother the secret passages. They stopped at an old inn with questionable stench and went inside. Nobody looked at them and they just simply went up the stairs. Loras felt his knees getting softer, his breath quickening. One second he felt cold the next warm, the feeling intensifying. When the doof opened he could see a man, Yn his alpha cried out, standing with a sword in hand.
• Yn heard the steps and took out his sword. He didn’t trust Varys and his tricks so he was ready for everything. The twins were awake in their little bed, hid behind some sack and clothes so if their were any danger they wouldn’t be seen. But Yn paranoia went away when he saw Loras. Loras,who was a boy when he last seen him but a man now , stood in front him. Yn took a step but it was unneeded. Loras almost flew to him and took him in his arm. They stood their for a long long time, Varys disappeared, only basking in each other. No words were exchanged for neither needed them. However when Yn heard a small whimper he broke the hug and smiled at Loras. The smile made Loras even weaker than he thought possible, although he looked questioningly at Yn. He went to the end of the room and sat down. When Yn signaled him, he stepped toward the little bed smelling like sweet honey, babies his alpha commented. He feared to see what it was, but still he looked. And he melted. The babes were perfect. Both of them were awake, one with a familiar green eyes the other with brown. One had black hair dark like a raven and the other had little blond curls both sharing the same small noise. While none of them looked really like Yn they had something that reminded Loras of Yn. When he looked at Yn he saw him smiling, eyes full with warmth. He sat even a little prouder when Loras caressed one of the boys head and said that they were beautiful. Yn didn’t say anything and let Loras marvel at them.
• They spent a little more time with the babes basking in their sweet sent until Loras stood up and leaned down to kiss Yn. It was a kiss full of love and promises. Yn felt his cheeks getting red and when Loras stopped he went for one more kiss. They kissed and laughed together for the full night interrupted only by the babies but neither minded.
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skinnywalker · 2 years ago
Multifandom masterlist
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Nsfw 🌶
Angst 🧅
Ted Lasso
Ted Lasso
None yet
Coach beard
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Trent Crimm
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Rebecca Watlon
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Jamie Tart
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Roy Kent
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Sam Obisanya
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Dani Rojas
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Nate Shelley
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Will Kit man
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DnD honor among thieves
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None yet
None yet
None yet
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Criminal minds
Headcanons 🌶
Spencer reid
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Aaron hotch
Professional nanny
Penelope Garcia
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Derek morgan
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Emily Prentiss
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Stranger things
tastes like kiwi 🌶
Girls like boys who like boys
Black fem reader
Let's just forget
Male reader
Back bumps 🧅
Male reader headcanons
Things are different now
Somebody has a crush
Love you
Where you will go pt1
it will be ok 🧅
dating eddie as el's brother
Chrissy Cunningham
In the forest pt 1
Pt 2
Pt 3
Steve Harrington
God you were such a dick🧅
Billy hargrove
My little dove pt 1🧅
Pt 2🧅
Pt 3🧅
Karen wheeler
Suburban mom 🌶
Picture prefect
Mall love
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None yet
None yet
None yet
None yet
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The Last of Us
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Ellie williams
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The Sandman
The ruby burns
Humanity's cold arms 🧅
A bird in a cage 🧅
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The Corinthian
Lester sinclair
Lester x male reader pt1
Pt 2 🌶
RZ Micheal myers
Child reader pt 1 🧅
Pt 2
Mine after all this time 🌶
Bo sinclair
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Puppy tender
Vincent sinclair
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Tiffany valentine
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Norman Nordstrom
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pt2 🌶
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The collector
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The lost boys
Male rolling reader
Tiny hands
All in a day's work 🌶
Oh Stevie 🌶
I'll do it myself🌶
Pretty boy🌶
Cold water
My god
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Bucky barnes
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Steve rogers
Well hello 🌶
Tony stark
Just a coffee outing
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I knew you
Spider Gewn Stacy
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Pativr Prabhakar
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Boy crazy 🌶
Edward nashton
Bottom headcanons 🌶
You just don't get it pt 1 🧅
Pt 2 🌶
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Red Dead Redemption
Arthur Morgan
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Lenny Summers
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Charles Smith
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GoT and HotD
Daenerys Stormborn
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Rhaenyra Targaryen
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Sansa Stark
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Jon Snow
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Theon Greyjoy
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Yara Greyjoy
Daenerys Stormborn
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Sandor Clegane
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Brienne of Tarth
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Podrick Payne
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Oberyn Martell
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Margaery Tyrell
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Loras Tyrell
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Tyrion Lannister
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Jamie Lannister
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Tormund Giantsbane
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m0chisenpai · 4 years ago
Paper Faces
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Pairing: Oberyn Martell x Ellaria Sand x Reader
Warnings: none
Word Count:  2.4k
Authors note: this has been siting in my drafts for MONTHS
“Your father is going to kill you”
“He won’t, he wouldn’t wish to upset his eldest and only daughter now would he? Especially not when it is I who holds the true power of our family name in the palm of my hand.”
“Yes and because he’s sending his darling apple of his eye off to live in the Watergardens.”
Your eldest cousin chortled as he pulled you into his side,“ah yes my darling cousin will go from rubbing elbows in the Highgardens to bathing beneath the suns of Sunspear’s gardens.”
You giggled with your eldest cousins descending the marble stairs of the gauche castle. You could care less about whose home you’d enter or who would catch sight of you. For one your identity hides behind the silken decorated mask so it was less likely guaranteed you would be spotted, and two who would dare to say a thing about a member of the family Tyrell? 
Your grandmother was a force to be reckoned with. A few words from her and one's family and generations to come would be penniless and hold no status in society. Because of her stature no one dared try and raise a hand to Olenna Tyrell or those with her last name and blood.
The ball being held was a sight to behold. 
Drunken lords and ladies and those of noble young blood filled the grand hall and stairs clad in the finest of gowns and intricate masks concealing their identities. Servants flitted about filling the nobles' glasses with golden champagne. Trays with filling pastries were passed about as well to fill the gluttonous bellies of lords whose eyes drank in the young beauties of Highgarden. 
In the middle of the grand room an orchestra played and a dance was held about the musicians. It was as though tonight's party holders knew you were to be sent away to live among the royal family Martell, it was a peace treaty of sorts. No longer would your days be spent lounging in your manor, spending your days looking at gowns, diamonds, or spending your nights in parties and balls. 
Soon you’d be spending your days being groomed and taught to be a nobleman's wife. Afterwards you’d be expected to spend your days producing a male heir and fulfilling your role as lady of the house. The final piece in your grandmothers move to form a treaty between the Tyrells and Martells. 
“Perhaps you’ll have the chance of warming his highnesses bed-“
“Hush! He has a mistress does he not? Perhaps I shall be passed off to some old fool.”
“He does. But I hear they bring others into their bed” Margaery whispered, making you nearly choke on the glass of champagne your cousin passed to you.
“You tell lies! She is not a woman to allow such a man to be had by any woman.”
“I do no such thing” she quipped back at her brother “In fact, I hear not only do they bring women into their chambers, but men as well.”
Loras scoffed at his sister, “they do not!”
“They do!”
As the two siblings quipped back at one another the young flower of Tyrell caught the warm gaze of a woman. Her eyes were warm and she wore her age beautifully, but she could feel the desire rolling off her body as she passed her drink to the man beside her and slowly stalked over.
You drank the last of your drink passing it off to Margeary, “I’ll be back.”
“And where are you going?” Loras gently took hold of your arm. 
Your smiled laying your hand on his own,“to dance to cousin dearest. Meet me on the grand staircase after this dance.” He softened his grasp allowing you to slip away. Only when you looked at the woman was gone. You merely shrugged it off and slowly weaved through the warm bodies and sea of silks and ruffles to find a decent man, or woman, to entertain yourself with that evening. If you were to be chaste until you were betrothed the least you could do was have one last night of passion.
A young man playfully bowed before you twirling you about sending you into a light fit of laughters as you fell into a new set of arms. 
“You flutter about so gracefully little one” You were now flushed against the golden beauty. Her eyes behind a gorgeous mask of the warmest hues which complimented her gown. 
“Do I my lady?”
“No need for formal titles, little one. And you do, unlike any Highgarden flower I have seen.”
“Your words are kind. Very well, then what may I call you?”
“Ellaria. Would you grace me with the honor of sharing a dance?”
Your eyes looked past her shoulders at the man she stood with. His gaze settled on the both of you. Though not in a way of protection. Those were the eyes of a yearning, he wanted a show. And who were you to deny such a pleasure.
“I shall” you dipped into a curtsy letting her take your hand into her own pulling you flush to her body. At first you two were off tempo with the music but soon your steps matched the tempo of the music. Your light giggles matched her own and a shiver tickled down your spine when her hands wandered lower.
“Does that ring on your finger mean you belong to another little one?”
“No, I belong to no man, And no woman.”
“Ah, you too enjoy the company of women?”
Your rouge stained lips turned up as you gazed up at her past your curled lashes, “in more ways than one.”
“I find their company unique as well. Something about the softness, the gentleness. It differs heavily from a man” Her lips ghosted the shell of your ear as she was pressed behind you. Her hands tracing the curve of your waist just to dance back up and caress the softness of your neck. 
“Like flowers,” you smiled softly as you held your hand up to her own walking in a circle. “My mother always said young ladies are like flowers, or rather they bloom into flowers.”
As your arms lowered Ellaria allowed her hand to fall onto your cheek, gripping your face ever so gently as she pulled you toward her. “and tell me my flower, what do your petals look like?” 
There were many rare moments that you were ever flustered, you always felt it was a sign of weakness. But you were quick to snap out of it, leaning to meet her lust filled gaze only this time your eyes locked onto the mysterious lord dressed in gold as you spoke.
“Like that of a springtime rose” your eyes drifted to the marble staircase where your cousins waved furiously at you, the chime of a bell just barely could be heard amongst the loud music that signaled the next dance.
“Until we meet again,” you pressed your lips to the corner of her own caught and gathered your skirts carefully running between the crowd. And just your luck did you stumble a bit losing one of your new heels, you were going to forgo them both. After all you could always have a new pair made, but someone else begged to differ.
You were half way up the steps when this time a man's hands caught your elbow
“My lady, is this yours?” You looked down at the man. The gorgeous mysterious lord whom you just danced for now stood below you. Your shoe in his hand, and Ellaria by his side.
“Indeed” you reached for the shoe which he moved from your grasp bowing a bit.
“Allow me” he knelt just before your feet looking up at you. You carefully hiked your skirts allowing your foot to peak out which he held with the most gentle of touches. His hand held your calf as the other slid the shoe back into place. Once done ever so slowly his hands left your leg eliciting a delicious shiver down your spine. 
“You're warm my lady, perhaps a walk in the gardens will help you?”
You looked back to your cousins, both occupied with full glasses and men of the evening. A few moments out the stifling heat would do you some good. So you took the man's arm allowing him to lead you far from the crowd, and through a series of short cuts you were now outside.
The two led you to the entrance of a maze which in silence the three of you entered. And with many more twists and turns you found a beautiful marble bench which you sat upon with the two of them sitting on either side of you.
Your fan picked up the cool night breeze and brought you some relief.
“I don’t believe I’ve ever seen your face here my lady, are you new to Sunspear?”
“Indeed, I come from Highgarden my lord,” you said from behind your fan.
“What caused you to leave the garden?” he raised a brow as your eyes crinkled with mischief. For a moment he wondered if you truly were human. Perhaps it was the moon's light in your eye, but for a moment you looked like a gorgeous nymph. 
“I’m to be sent off,” your eyebrow quipped at the man's pout. “Was there more you wished to know my lord?”
“Much more, not many catch my ladies eye like you do my flower” his knuckles caressed your cheek “and I wish to know the beauty behind this mask.”
“Such pretty words my lord, you must be a man of literature.”
“Poems, I’ve written dozens. Some about my lady, and perhaps a few will be about you.”
You snapped your fan shut to playfully tap his nose “my lord are you implying we are to meet again?”
“If it were up to me I’d meet you dozens of times” Ellaria purred into your ear. Your eyes fluttered shut as her nimble fingers curled around your waist, anchoring you as she lay kiss upon kiss along your neck while the man before you pressed a deep kiss to the column of your throat.
“Your name” you breathed out hoping he’d understand your question which he did.
“Oberyn,” he whispered against the warmth of your neck which he attacked once more. You whispered it back, his and Ellaria’s names as they filled your mind and heart with such beautiful words, and warm touches.
And it all seemed too good to be true until the faintest sounds of the bell could be heard snapping you out of this pleasurable fantasy. “I’ve stayed for too long, I must return.”
“Will we see you again?” Ellaria quickly stood taking a hold of both your hands.
You smiled, taking hold of your ring, slipping it off and taking Ellaria’s hands to place it and curl her fist around it. “Should we ever meet again, show me this ring and I will know it is you.” 
“And how will we know it is you little one” Oberyn stood beside Ellaria.
“My eyes, my lord.” 
You gathered your skirts running through the hedges, into the palace and toward the marble steps where your cousins awaited you. 
You allowed your Loras to pull you up the marble steps, his questions fell on deaf ears as you looked back down seeing the faintest glimpse of the beautiful couple. You wondered for a moment what if you didn’t leave. What if you stayed? You could run away with the two of them. Yes you had only spoken to each of them that night, but it felt like you’d known them for far longer. 
Perhaps in another life? No. 
But it was too late for second thoughts, soon the three of you were tucked away into a carriage and off to your temporary estate in Sunspear. The palace gone from your eyes, but the memories of your night there will never be forgotten. engraved in your heart. 
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The following morning like always Oberyn was woken up before the sun peaked against the horizons wrapped in the arms of his lover. His eyes held not only her soft brown curls, or the beauty of her face, but the beautiful ring that rested on her finger.
His own hand reached out ever so gently to trace the piece of jewelry. He wondered how she looked at this very moment. Would she be wrapped in the arms of his Ellaria? How would you look after a night in their bed? How would you sound? 
A million thoughts blossomed in his head until Ellaria finally awoke. Her eyes met her lover's gaze which in an instant allowed her to know his thoughts were invaded. 
She reached for his hand pulling it so she could place a kiss upon it and offer him a loving smile as she sat up to meet his gaze.
“Surely we shall see her again, my love. And if not, we have this to remember our night together.” 
Their loving exchange was interrupted with a servant arriving with a message from his brother.
A meeting with a family of noble blood preparing their eldest for maidenhood. Her mother was already part of his lover's court sharing her blood so it was only a matter of time before her daughter were to join as well. 
Quickly Ellaria was whisked away by her handmaidens and ladies in waiting whilst Oberyn tended to as well. He was ushered to the entrance of the palace where the court and royal family stood. A cream carriage, decorated and lined in gold approached and came to a stop. 
Out came the Lady Tyrell and behind her, the young lady of the house as well. Once in front of the royal couple she fell into deep, low curtsy. Her eyes averted to not meet the prince's gaze.
“Your majesty, I thank your family for allowing my daughter into your home. I pray she does not disappoint and your wife may teach her well.”
Oberyn nodded, raising his hand as a sign to arise “of course, my lady has spoken highly of you Lady Tyrell and I have high hopes your daughter will grow into womanhood with her stay in my palace, where is she? 
“She approaches now.” Approaching slowly dressed in beautiful blue silks came their darling lady of the night. Her face held no smile, and her eyes much like her mothers never lifted. Surely it was her, but how could either one tell, her eyes remained hidden. They never raised to meet their own, only seeking refuge in looking everywhere but at the two. 
“My eldest and only daughter, Y/N Tyrell.” 
You dipped lowly clutching your skirts as you averted your eyes from the royal couple. Once you stood, your hands clasped in front of you “I thank your majesties for allowing me a home in the palace. This is a great and noble honor that I wish to cherish.”
Ellaria allowed her hold on Oberyn’s arm to slip as she descended to now stand in front of the young lady. Her hand reached out catching the girl's eyes which nearly widened as she grasped the hand finally daring to look up into Ellaria’s own eyes which shone.
“Welcome, little one.”
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howyouloveyourdragon · 2 years ago
What are you currently working on /writing?
Or is something already finished?
hi! i have so many! thank you for asking, i am happy to answer any questions about them or go more in depth on any of these just let me know via asks with the title/description etc, i just didn't want to throw a lot of words at you! :D ♡
i also have a list of wips here which can always be found at the bottom of this post but there are also some other wips i am working on (some are reqests) which i am writing here because i have not updated it in a long time due to my upcoming exams and personal life issues! :) these wips will not be released necessarily in this order however these are a few i have particularly focussed on as of late (THIS ALSO DOES NOT INCLUDE MY SERIES' WHICH I STILL CONTINUE ON DOING!!):
Margaery Tyrell Diamond Castle Au (request, i got very in depth with this and it might take a long time to come out i will be honest here but it is worth it and i am very excited to show you all once it is finished!)
Perfect - Rhaenyra x fem!Tully reader smut
Of Lances and Thorns - Rhaenyra x male hightower!reader
Margaery x fem!reader x Robb smut (request and currently at 1446 words so it could come out any day now)
I Think He Did It - helaena x reader (i won't say too much but it does involve some dark themes e.g inspiration from taylor swift's 'no body no crime', and gone girl)
hockey players Jacaerys & Cregan x fem!reader (suggested but not technically requested)
Cregan Stark x fem!reader (reference here)
Daemon Targaryen x fem!reader smut (request)
Yandere husband Brynden Tully headcanons (request)
Platonic Rhaenyra Targaryen x dragonseed!reader (request)
Platonic yandere Rhaenyra x Aegon (request)
and various jacaerys requests
i also have a little saucy crackfic somewhat planned with my beloved @its-actually-minicika so i will let you all know what happens with that when it's ready 👀
these are all i can think off the top of my head :) ♡
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fandom-puff · 4 years ago
Margaery Tyrell having a crush on you would include...
Pairing: Margaery Tyrell x female reader
Requested by: anon ‘I love my women of GOT, but they're sadly underrated! could you do headcanons of them having a crush on you, for whichever lady you fancy?’
Gif creds to owner
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Margaery is a very romantic young woman
She tends to get on well with people anyway, but with you it’s different; she finds herself actually pining for you
It doesn’t bother her that you’re a woman; the Tyrells of Highgarden are open folk, and her brother Loras has both male and female lovers
It was Loras who made her aware of her feelings for you
“She dances wonderfully, doesn’t she?” He had said. “I believe Ser Tarrow is about to make his move on her, sister,”
Margaery had felt fury rise in her chest and frowned. “He most certainly is not,” she muttered, before sweeping away from her brother and approached you as you poured yourself some wine at the tables at edge of the room.
“YN,” she greeted you, smiling sweetly and touching your arm gently
You smiled softly at your friend and gestured to the wine, offering her a glass. “No thank you,” she said softly. “But may I have a sip of yours?”
You quirked your eyebrows up but offered her the goblet. She took a delicate sip, her eyes locked with yours before handing you the cup back, making sure to brush her fingers against yours.
You finish your wine, talking in hushed voices, people watching and giggling with one another. You set your goblet down once it’s empty and Margaery tucks her hand into your elbow.
“Shall we go for a stroll? The roses are just coming into bloom,”
“Alright then. But not through the briar labyrinth, I can never find my way out of that,” you say and she laughs.
“Don’t worry, we won’t go near the labyrinth. Come, before it gets too dark and all the Sers and lords get too drunk,”
Arm in arm, you walk out of the ballroom and into the beautiful gardens of Highgarden, walking slowly along the path
“Here,” Margaery says softly once you’ve neared a fountain, the trickling water the only real noise out in the gardens.
Margaery points you to sit at the edge of the fountain as she plucks a rose from one of the bushes. She plucks the thorns off carefully and casts them aside, before threading the delicate flower into your elaborately twisted hair.
Staring at her with wide eyes, you inhale sharply as she flicks her gaze briefly to your slightly parted lips, before leaning in and capturing them in a gentle, chaste kiss
When she pulls away you can barely look her in the eye, worrying your lip bashfully
She tips your chin up and kisses your forehead.
“There’s no need to worry, Petal,” she murmured, and you decide immediately that you like that pet name. “I’m rather in love with you...”
Tags: @sociallyawkward-princess
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aboveallarescuer · 4 years ago
I know you've gotten anons about the YMBQ prophecy recently but I was wondering in what context could it be obvious for the reader that Daenerys is the YMBQ if Cersei is most likely to die or leave KL once Aegon arrives and not Daenerys. Even if Daenerys takes KL later on wouldn't he technically be the one to take all she holds dear (her power as regent)?
First of all, Anon, I think it’s interesting that you say that Young Griff (rather than Arianne) would take all that Cersei holds dear in this hypothetical scenario (that most people assume will come to pass). asoiaf tumblr fandom loved (loves?) to take for granted that Arianne would be YMBQ (after all, it was/is taken for granted that she would marry Young Griff and become his queen consort) years ago. At the same time, though, I’m not sure if you’re implying that Young Griff might actually be the one to fulfill the YMB(Q) prophecy in this ask. I actually saw this theory before. So I’m going to make counterarguments to this theory first and then address your question about how and when Dany might be revealed as the YMBQ (and if that’s what you were specifically looking for, just skip to the end, though you might be disappointed by the fact that I'm not really providing definitive answers because I have a lot of doubts myself).
In a way, it makes more sense for Young Griff to fulfill the prophecy rather than Arianne. Let’s remember what Cersei wants the most, which is shown in the beginning of her very first chapter:
She dreamt she sat the Iron Throne, high above them all. (AFFC Cersei I)
Unfortunately for Cersei, she can’t ever actually sit the Iron Throne, which is pointed out several times:
Cersei shifted in her seat as he went on, wondering how long she must endure his hectoring. Behind her loomed the Iron Throne, its barbs and blades throwing twisted shadows across the floor. Only the king or his Hand could sit upon the throne itself. Cersei sat by its foot, in a seat of gilded wood piled with crimson cushions. (AFFC Cersei V)
Seated on her gold-and-crimson high seat beneath the Iron Throne, Cersei could feel a growing tightness in her neck. (AFFC Cersei VII)
Cersei sat beneath the Iron Throne, clad in green silk and golden lace. (AFFC Cersei X)
As the first quote states, only the king or the Hand can sit the Iron Throne, which is what Cersei wants the most, since, to her, it symbolizes almost unlimited power ("high above them all"). Indeed, I would argue that what Cersei holds dear is the chance to reign supreme (“The rule was hers; Cersei did not mean to give it up until Tommen came of age. [...] If Margaery Tyrell thinks to cheat me of my hour in the sun, she had bloody well think again.”), not “her power as regent” (as you put it), which is limited by nature. After all, the king’s wife and mother can’t sit the Iron Throne. This means three things to me:
Queen consorts like Margaery or Arianne (if she actually marries Young Griff, which is far from certain) can’t take all that Cersei holds dear.
Queens claiming power in their own right but who have no claim to the Iron Throne are excluded too. In other words, Asha or QitN!Sansa (another fan theory that’s far from certain and that’s accepted as future canon) can’t take all that Cersei holds dear.
Only a she-king (that is, a queen regnant) with a claim to the Iron Throne can take all that Cersei holds dear - that’s Dany.
But then, we have Young Griff. He is a king with a claim to the Iron Throne, so he could, in theory, take what Cersei holds dear and fulfill the prophecy. However, I find that very unlikely for a number of reasons:
GRRM doesn’t highlight men’s physical appearances or objectify them in the same way that he does with women, as a lot of people have already criticized him for. He makes a point of mentioning women’s accomplishments along with overpraise for their physical appearances (though one might be generous and chalk that up to social commentary about how their society objectifies women instead of giving them their due praise for what they do). He encourages his fans to speculate about who is the YMB(Q) and pit his female characters against each other based on their physical appearances (e.g., people have criticized how Sansa stans often mention the number of times the word “beautiful” appears in Sansa’s chapters to back up their belief that she’s the YMB(Q), but the way GRRM himself wrote the prophecy lends itself to this sort of analysis) because he uses certain tropes uncritically. He portrays fat women negatively in comparison to thin women (see: Cersei (who’s said to be gaining weight throughout AFFC as she becomes more unstable) vs Dany, Lysa vs Cat, Barba Bracken vs Melissa Blackwood, arguably Rhaenyra vs Alicent). He takes an almost voyeuristic pleasure in describing women’s bodies and women having sex with women (see how Dany and Irri’s or Cersei and Taena’s sexual encounters don’t give any depth to Dany’s, Irri’s and Taena’s characters and, as far as I can tell, are mostly written to fetishize them). Consider, for instance, how 13- to 16-year-old Dany is the most sexualized character of the book series, while I’m not even sure if her male counterpart Jon is supposed to be considered attractive or not (on the one hand, he’s attracted women like Ygritte and Val; on the other hand, he’s meant to look a lot like Ned, who’s regarded as plain in appearance, especially in comparison to the hot-blooded Brandon). All of this is to say that I doubt that a man will fulfill a prophecy that remarks upon the person’s physical appearance (“younger and more beautiful”). Considering GRRM’s writing problems, a woman is much more likely to do so.
Young Griff is supposed to represent a lesser version of Dany (note that I’m talking about Young Griff as a fictional character, not as a person). After all, unlike Dany, Young Griff didn’t get to have lived experience of poverty, he didn’t get to have his skills tested, he didn’t get to apply the lessons he learned along the way, he didn’t get to take action and make mistakes and gain valuable experience and wisdom, he didn’t get to choose to stay in Slaver’s Bay solely to help marginalized people who aren’t connected to him by neither blood nor lands (which would emphasize how he doesn’t view his birthright merely as something owed to him, but rather as a means to “protect the ones who can’t protect themselves”). He could have had this sort of character development if GRRM wanted him to, but he has a different role in the narrative: he’s a tertiary character who we’re not meant to know all that much as a person or about how he would fare as king because he serves as a foil to Dany. With all of that in mind, what would be the point of having this minor character, who was introduced in the fifth book of a seven-book series, fulfill this prophecy rather than the one protagonist who the author said was deliberately written as Cersei’s foil multiple times (more on that below)?
Which brings me to a point that @rainhadaenerys made in our upcoming Dany/Cersei meta... Cersei views women with contempt because she thinks that they can only attain political influence with “tears” and with what’s “between [their] legs” (as she tells Sansa). This informs why, for example, she projects the unfounded idea that a widow must have lovers on Margaery or why she herself uses money and sex to keep her men loyal (which ultimately backfires on her). Unfortunately, it’s true that “[Cersei’s] strength relies on her beauty, birth and riches”. Because of her internalized misogyny, Cersei can’t conceive of a woman who might rise to power primarily because of her intelligence and shrewdness… Except that there is a woman who successfully conquered three cities and ruled the third and freed thousands of slaves relying primarily on her actual wit, political savviness and leadership skills rather than on sex, birthright or money… Dany. Dany is the competent, selfless ruler who could overcome many of the patriarchal limitations that Cersei couldn’t (hence why Cersei is a tragic figure). If Young Griff were to be the YMB(Q), he would simply be one of the many men (along with Robert, her brother, her father and the other Hands) who Cersei thinks wronged her and prevented her from staying in power. If Daenerys were to be the YMBQ, she would challenge Cersei’s toxic beliefs about women, which prevented Cersei from even imagining that a she-king might be the one foreshadowed to defeat her or that a woman (that isn’t her, of course) could actually be able to earn her accomplishments (just like she can’t imagine that Jaime might actually betray and kill her). Now, someone might argue that GRRM is not “woke” enough to do this, but I would disagree in this particular case. There are valid critiques to be made about how he wrote his female characters (I’ve made some points myself on the first item), but it’s still true that Dany’s character arc was written with awareness of how her gender affects her experiences. If that hadn’t been the case, AGOT wouldn’t have initially set up several men (Viserys, Rhaego, Drogo) to be claimant to the Iron Throne/SWMTW/the protagonist only to reveal that these roles are actually meant to be fulfilled by Dany, a woman. If that hadn’t been the case, he wouldn’t have had Maester Aemon acknowledge that “no one had ever looked for a girl” when they pondered on who might be AA/PTWP. So I don’t put it past GRRM to make Dany the YMBQ as a way of challenging Cersei’s entire worldview.
Indeed, I actually think that’s likely to be what he’ll write. GRRM has stated multiple times that Dany and Cersei are meant to be compared and contrasted because they were consciously written by him (specially in AFFC/ADWD) as narrative foils:
George regrets that Cersei and Dany will not be contrasted directly. (x)
His biggest lament in splitting A Feast for Crows from A Dance with Dragons is the parallels he was drawing between Circe and Daenerys. (x)
Cersei and Daenerys are intended as parallel characters --each exploring a different approach to how a woman would rule in a male dominated, medieval-inspired fantasy world. (x)
While discussing how he writes his female characters, he also mentioned that splitting the books as he did this time meant we didn't get the parallel between how Danaerys and Cersei both approach the task of leadership, which is a bit of a shame. (x)
And that one of the things he regrets losing from the POV split is that he was doing point and counterpoint with the Dany and Cersei scenes--showing how each was ruling in their turn. (x)
I think Young Griff as the YMB(Q) is very, very unlikely. If it’s not Dany, then I think Brienne (who at least is a viewpoint character that we know intimately) as the YMBQ (though I doubt it because she can only take Jaime away from Cersei and, as we saw in AFFC, Cersei was willing to separate herself from Jaime once she realized that he would question and disagree with her decisions and, in her mind, threaten her influence and power, i.e., what she wants the most) or even Cersei herself (the basis of this theory is that a younger Cersei caused her own downfall by making the choices she made. It’s not impossible considering that Cersei’s unreliable viewpoint prevents her from ever taking responsibility for her actions. Still, I think it’s unlikely because she’s been positioned as a passive participant in these prophecies - someone/some people kills her children, some person takes away everything she holds dear, some person murders her. Just like there’s a valonqar to kill Cersei, I think there’ll be a YMBQ to defeat her) are more plausible candidates. However, as I said in previous answers, Dany and Cersei have lots of clearly intended parallels and anti parallels (hence why GRRM mentioned them at least five times publicly) that people don’t often appreciate (but that I don’t want to mention here because I’m saving them for edits and that long meta). I find it hard to believe that GRRM would lay all this groundwork to contrast these two queens only to reveal that a minor character is the actual YMB(Q).
Now, the question about “in what context could it be obvious for the reader that Daenerys is the YMBQ” is difficult because, IMO, I don’t feel like there’s enough information to give you a reliable answer. First, let’s recap the most common theories, which, while I don’t think should be accepted as canon just yet, are popular for logical reasons. Here’s what GRRM said about the future events in the initial outline and interviews:
While the lion of Lannister and the direwolf of Stark snarl and scrap, however, a second and greater threat takes shape across the narrow sea, where the Dothraki horselords mass their barbarian hordes for a great invasion of the Seven Kingdoms, led by the fierce and beautiful Daenerys Stormborn, the last of the Targaryen dragonlords. The Dothraki invasion will be the central story of my second volume, A Dance with Dragons. (x)
GRRM: Yes, three more volumes remain. The series could almost be considered as two linked trilogies, although I tend to think of it more as one long story. The next book, A Dance With Dragons, will focus on the return of Daenerys Targaryen to Westeros, and the conflicts that creates. After that comes The Winds of Winter. I have been calling the final volume A Time For Wolves, but I am not happy with that title and will probably change it if I can come up with one that I like better. (x)
He said that in his original plan (when he wanted to write a trilogy) the Red Wedding would take place in book one, and Dany’s landing in Westeros in book two. Now he says that Dany’s arrival in Westeros will take place in book 5, A Dance with Dragons. (x)
From there he started to plan a trilogy, since there were 3 main conflicts (Starks/Lannisters; Dany; and the Others) it felt it would neatly fit into a trilogy (ah!), but like Tolkien said, the tale grew in the telling. (x)
“Well, Tyrion and Dany will intersect, in a way, but for much of the book they’re still apart,” he says. “They both have quite large roles to play here. Tyrion has decided that he actually would like to live, for one thing, which he wasn’t entirely sure of during the last book, and he’s now working toward that end—if he can survive the battle that’s breaking out all around him. And Dany has embraced her heritage as a Targaryen and embraced the Targaryen words. So they’re both coming home.” (x)
GRRM’s words seem to indicate that Dany will go to Dragonstone ("they're both coming home") and then King’s Landing in her campaign to take back the Seven Kingdoms before she goes to the Wall to fight against the Others.
And it is quite possible that she will clash with Young Griff. For one:
Hi, short question. Will we find out more about the Dance of the Dragons in future books?
The first dance or the second?
The second will be the subject of a book. The first will be mentioned from time to time, I'm sure. (x)
For two:
"It is dragons."
"Dragons?" said her mother. "Teora, don't be mad."
"I'm not. They're coming."
"How could you possibly know that?" her sister asked, with a note of scorn in her voice. "One of your little dreams?"
Teora gave a tiny nod, chin trembling. "They were dancing. In my dream. And everywhere the dragons danced the people died." (TWOW Arianne I)
For three:
Glowing like sunset, a red sword was raised in the hand of a blue-eyed king who cast no shadow. A cloth dragon swayed on poles amidst a cheering crowd. From a smoking tower, a great stone beast took wing, breathing shadow fire ... mother of dragons, slayer of lies … (ACOK Daenerys IV)
Now, here are my observations/questions/doubts:
The “cloth dragon” receiving a round of cheers from the crowd seems to indicate that a) Tommen will indeed fall from power when Young Griff (who’s already in Westeros almost ready to attack) invades King’s Landing and that b) Young Griff will inspire love from the population.
The more obvious possibility is that the second dance of dragons refers to a Dany versus Young Griff confrontation, especially since she’s prophesied to slay the lie that he represents (that he’s not Rhaegar Targaryen's son, but actually Illyrio’s son and a Blackfyre). However, since Victarion is currently in Meereen with a dragonbinder, it’s very likely that Dany will lose control of one of her dragons to a Greyjoy (either Victarion or Euron Greyjoy himself) and then will arrive in Westeros with only two of her three dragons. Or maybe Euron will use one of the dragons to attack Young Griff and that will be the second dance (though I find that unlikely since, again, Dany is prophesied to slay Young Griff’s lie). Or the second dance could actually refer to Dany versus Euron.
There are alternative speculations to consider. Right now, the consensus in the Dany fandom seems to be that there’s already too much in Dany’s plate for her (uniting all the khalasars and being hailed as the SWMTW; going back to Meereen; meeting Tyrion, Jorah, Moqorro and other characters; maybe going to Yunkai; going to Volantis; etc) to go to King’s Landing, which led to people assuming that only Cersei and JonCon will be involved in the city’s burning. It’s even theorized that Dany might actually skip King’s Landing and go to the Wall instead. These theories make a lot of sense and aren’t implausible, but it’s hard to reconcile them with GRRM’s initial intention with Dany (though it’s also been argued that he may have given part of her initial role to Young Griff). Additionally, I don’t think timeline issues are necessarily a guarantee of what GRRM will do with Dany. He made Tyrion travel much faster than reasonable back in AGOT to have him meet Catelyn in the inn at the crossroads and to be taken captive by her. So I wouldn't put it past GRRM to do something similar with Dany by having her arrive earlier in King’s Landing than she reasonably would just because he wants it to happen. And, as much as I don’t want it to happen and even though I criticized the theory before, I don’t think it’s impossible (though it’s not guaranteed either) for Dany to be accidentally involved in the burning of King’s Landing (though there is a recent counter-theory to that as well).
Re: Cersei, a lot of people tend to assume that she’s going to die when Young Griff takes King’s Landing, but I am not really sure. I do think that her parallels with Aerys II will pay off and reflect her ending. But that doesn’t prevent Cersei from surviving Young Griff’s invasion and meeting Dany later. Cersei could escape to Casterly Rock and they could meet there. Or Cersei could later attempt to retake the capital again in another impractical plan of hers, which then leads to King’s Landing burning. I don’t know.
Does Dany have to meet everyone to fulfill these prophecies? I’m not sure. Does Dany necessarily need to meet Young Griff and Stannis to slay their lies? Does she necessarily need to meet Cersei so that the readership finds out that she’s the YMBQ? Will there even be an actual moment that makes it “obvious for the reader that Daenerys is the YMBQ”? I don’t know, Anon. It may end up being up for people’s interpretation. Dany might end up burning the Iron Throne, if the theory about her accidentally burning King’s Landing actually happens. Dany might willingly melt the Iron Throne and install a new form of government that gives the smallfolk more political influence. Both of these possibilities could symbolize the end of Cersei’s desire for absolute power, even if Cersei and Dany don’t actually meet. I’m not even sure that there will be a moment that outright reveals that Dany is AA/PTWP/SWMTW (even though, IMO, the foreshadowing is way too overwhelming for it not to be her).
Speculating about Dany being the YMBQ is fun for me because it requires delving into her characterization, her parallels with Cersei and canon material in general. On the other hand, speculating about how this would actually happen is, IMO, less interesting (though I still enjoy reading what other people have to say) because it’s hard to accurately predict future plot points with the current information that we have (and I resent how fandom already accepts so many theories as unpublished canon). Dany has too many places to be and too many things to do and it’s not certain that she’ll be in King’s Landing when it burns (though I tend to think she will for the aforementioned reasons), the second dance of dragons can refer to different confrontations, it’s not certain that Dany needs to meet Cersei (or Young Griff or Stannis) to fulfill all these prophecies and it’s not certain that Dany is going to be explicitly revealed as the person who fulfills all these prophecies. We still have two books worth of plot development, so I really don’t think it’s possible to predict how the actual events will unfold. Sorry about not being able to give more definitive answers... I actually ended up making more questions. But that's kind of the point for now.
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multi-fandom-fanfiction · 4 years ago
Here is a list of my......
ship request
Things I have to do
let me know which of these interest you guys the most and I will start with that. I am not sure where to start with so many so if you guys could vote and any you would like to see first.
These are all the requests I have for ships and Imagines if you don't see yours it was either lost or I never got it please resend it. 
ship request
A Riverdale Male ship
A TVD unspecified gender X Gender Neutral ship
A male and female Riverdale ship
A TVD and Riverdale Male and Female ship
Male MCU and Riverdale ship
Actor and Character ship for MCU and TO
Jamie and Cersei Lannister X Daughter!Reader (Platonic)
(Cersei wants to marry off there daughter but she is Jamie”s pride and joy and wont let that happen)
FP Jones X Teen!Reader (Smut) (FP Jones x reader!teens!rough)
Joffery Baratheon X Sister!Reader (Platonic!!!) he’s sadistic like joffery? that’s the reason they’re really close and trust each other more than anything
Joffery Baratheon X Sister!Reader (Smut) (joffrey imagine where him and his sister (2 years older) have always had sexual tension but they never saw it that way and one night while she’s changing joffrey bursts through the door angry about something but stops when he sees her. both of them at this point are horny for each other and he comes up to her kissing her while he grabs her breast and shes kind of in shock still but melts into it and yeah they have sex on the bed and take turns topping each other)
Ramsay Bolton X Sister!Reader (Smut) (Ramsay (got) has a younger sister and they often have intercourse, but this one night Ramsay brings Reek, his father and mother into readers room and ties them up. He tells them to watch. So Ramsay and her have really rough sex and tells them to look at her and makes her look at them to make sure they knows how good Ramsay makes her feel. When they’re done they kill them)
Betty Cooper X Fem!Reader (damn! i would have never imagined myself being with betty but when i was reading your post, u couldn't stop myself from smiling! soft girlfriends haha. i love it! 💖💖💖 could you do something like this but as best friends with cheryl/toni or even both if it's not too hard for you? i wanna see where it would go!)
Daenerys Targaryen X mercenary!male reader (The reader is a mercenary whom Cersei hires to kidnap Daenerys shortly after she arrives at Dragonstone. But instead of bringing Dany to Cersei, the mercenary decides to keep her for himself and tame her into becoming his willing lover)
Cersei Lannister X Fem!Reader (The reader faints in Cersei"s arm)
Petyr Baelish X Baratheon Fem!Reader (Semi Requested!) (Now that all of her brothers are gone Robert"s legitimate daughter has risen to be seated on the throne. Her council is demanding a husband what will the new queen do!)
Robb Stark X Baratheon Fem!Reader (Hey I love your work! Could I request some angsty robb stark x reader? Maybe reader is Cersei and robert’s true child and was married off to robb. Cersei is very distressed about your wellbeing when the war breaks out and when she learns of the plans of the red wedding, she begs her father to spare you. He does but at a price for your continued show of hatred of the Baratheons and lannisters. Letting you have to watch as robb dies and returning you home without realizing you’re pregnant.)
A wolverine request but I can't find the info (so if you requested a wolverine request please resend it)
In my drafts
Billy Hargrove X Fem!Reader and Steve Harrigton X Fem!Reader
Lip Gallagher X Sister!Reader (Maybe smut not sure)
Jughead Jones X Plus Sized Fem!Reader
Joffery Barathen X Twin!Sister Reader (Smut)
Sam and Dean Winchester X Sister!Reader (smut but none between Sam and Dean)
Ivar the Boneless X sister!Reader (Maybe smut not sure)
Jim Hopper X Younger Fem!Reader
FP Jones X Younger Fem!Reader X Gladys Jones (Smut)
Sweet Pea X Fem!Reader X Reggie Mantle (Smut? Nothing between Sweet Pea and Reggie/ )
Cheryl Blossom X Fem!Reader X Betty Cooper (Smut /Nothing between Betty and Cheryl/)
FP Jones X Fem!Reader X Sweet Pea (Smut/Nothing between FP and Sweet Pea)
Daenerys Targaryen X Fem!Reader X Sansa Stark (Smut / Nothing between Dany and Sansa)
Joffery Baratheon X Sister!Reader X Sansa Stark (Smut)
Margaery Tyrell X Baratheon(Lannister) Fem!Reader X Sansa Stark (Smut/Nothing between Margaery and Sansa)
Ramsay Bolton X Sister!Reader X Sansa Stark (Smut)
Ragnar Lothbrok X Christian Princess!Reader X Ivar Lothbrok (Smut/Nothing between Ragnar and Ivar/)
Lagertha X Lothbrok Fem!Reader x Torvi (Smut)
lagertha x Ealhmunding!reader x ragnar Lothbrok(smut)
Billy Hargrove X Harrington Fem!Reader
Steve Harrgton X Henderson Fem!Reader
Jason Dean X Fem!Reader
Mark Sloan X Shepherd!Reader
other things I have to do
Post the next few updates to A Dark Truth
Update my books on wattpad
ideas I have that I may post to get back into writing to add to the drafts for another time
Bellamy Blake X Fem!Reader
Klaus Mikaelson X Fem!Reader
Lincoln Kom Trikru X Fem!Reader
Damon Salvatore X Fem!reader
Octavia Blake X Fem!Reader
Kai Parker X Fem!Reader
Raven Reyes X Fem!Reader
Sebastian X Fem!Reader
Josephine Lightbourne X Fem!Reader
Hope Mikaelson X Fem!Reader
Chuck Bass X Fem!Reader
Lizzie Saltzman X Fem!Reader
Blair Waldorf X Fem!Reader
Dark!Josie Saltzman X Fem Reader
Bellamy Blake X Sister!Reader (Smut)
Caroline Forbes X Fem!Reader
Bellamy Blake X Sister Reader X Octavia Blake (smut)
Rebekah Mikaelson x Fem!Reader
Klaus Mikaelson X Sister!Reader (Smut)
Klaus X sister!Reader X Rebekah (Smut)
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