#mardy eger
marquisegerton · 2 years
Marquis Egerton had the esteemed pleasure to meet the writer of this song Dr. Robert Frison many many years ago when I was a young man. As a young child and teen this song blessed administered to me many years before my meeting him. God is my all and all. I need him more and more each and every day, this very hour, God you are my all in all. - Marquis Demacking Egerton
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mardyeger · 4 years
Mardy MD Eger MLM & Associates combines over fifty years of corporate, direct sales, training, mlm experience, relationships and  knowledge and resources to provide for clients the very best 5-star stellar service available in the market place today.  Having built and managed successful multi-million dollar businesses, teams and companies the value you receive as a client is irreplaceable and priceless.
Mardy MD Eger services range from Business consulting, merchant service solutions, life coaching, training, marketing, branding, systems and  venture capital solutions, plus other services tailored to fit the needs of every business owner, executive, sales force, top marketer, as well as nontraditional and traditional companies. MD Eger & Associates is your best solution to fulfill all your needs and requirements whether you are a start up or established fortune 500 we pride ourselves to provide solutions and are your one stop shop for every imaginable category of concern for growth.
Let’s face it, every business have one goal in mind and that is to maximize revenues and earnings as a company and to have as long of a shelf life as possible affording the ownership with longevity for years to come.  We understand every aspect of business with practical hands on and education from every spectrum of the business sector from finances, growth, stability, programming, systems, marketing, banking, as well as with our robust legal team that’s already on retainer for and with us, they become your asset and resource as well.  It’s our mission to help every business and business person that secure our services avoid the pitfalls, mistakes and misfortune most businesses are forced to face because they either don’t have access or have been misguided by less experienced firms.
We are known as the got it done group, why? We get the job done for you each and every-time, chances are if you need it we can get it, or get it done for you, merchant account drama?  We got you covered here as well. Launching a company and scratching your head with questions needing direction?  Have challenges with your existing company, team, sales force or staff? Or, just want to make sure you are making the very best  business decisions possible?  We got you covered. Our philosophy is do good business and don’t do it alone. We are here for you!
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alisonfloresus · 7 years
Jeunesse Global | the new glorious look with youth cream
A new wrinkles-free life! It can be real simply by using the latest amazing discovery that is Instantly Ageless launched by the company Jeunesse Global which has expertise in inventing magical natural skin care products. The new discovery is Instantly Ageless! A new product of charm brought forward by the leading company Jeunesse Global which has recently taken over the industry. This wonderful anti-aging product is specifically designed to target areas which have lost elasticity–revealing visibly toned, lifted skin. Users have seen dramatic results in seconds. This amazing product that works 100% of the time on 100% of persons that uses it within 2 minutes has been dubbed the 2 minute miracle, as can be seen here at www.2minuteyouth.com . Instantly Ageless is an excellent product that is used to vanish away 10 years off a person’s appearance within a poof moment with its priority blend of special minerals. The all-natural product that has absolutely no animal fat or any unnatural additives is making its way through the cosmetic field. The revolutionary ingredient is argireline: a peptide that works like Botox — without the needles. The product which has been in existence for the more than 4 years has had a stellar track record of 100%. Jenuesse Global purchased the company and the product in 2014 and released in November. It was unbelievable to know that the company sold over 500,000 units of this amazing product in just only 26 minutes. The company had experienced shocking record breaking sales on Black Friday. Jenuesse Global, a company founded and owned by Randy Ray, and Wendy Lewis in Orlando, Florida the home of serene beauty has experienced massive success and growth internationally for 5 years with production doubling each and every year. Numbers have been reported at 28 million first years, 56 million second year, 119 million third year, 227 million fourth year and now over 400 million dollars in sales in 2014. Jenuesse Global with its trend is expected to do 700 million dollars in sales in 2015. These numbers were speculated based upon facts of growth trends the company has already experienced. These numbers however due to the official launch of the US, Canadian and Latin American markets are now expected to surpass the billion dollar mark during the 2015. Jeunesse Global was established just over three years ago on September 9, 2009 by Wendy Lewis and husband Randy Ray. The focus of the company is on improving the quality of life for individuals as they age, through provision of science based anti-aging products. While aging is inevitable Jeunesse Global believes that we can influence and mitigate the effects of the aging process by making positive life style choices and using quality supplements and skincare products.
Product currently ships to over 80 countries worldwide with sales already in excess of $ 100 Million annually. Wendy Lewis and Randy Ray have exceptional experience at running large direct sales companies, having developed and administered the back offices, compensation plans, shipping and customer service systems for several companies. Jeunesse Global is a company built up with ethics and honest and also having a global mission to feed kids and make a difference to all that are in need worldwide, and has been doing just that, making a huge difference. For more information on this amazing opportunity and product view below. www.2MinuteYouth.com www.Lookyounginstantly.com Info on the comp plan: www.2minuteyouthcomp.com Info on opportunity: www.2minuteyouthbiz.com
After reviewing for order questions or to get started contact 800-763-0885 Ask for Mardy Eger
from JournalsLINE http://journalsline.com/2017/07/08/jeunesse-global-the-new-glorious-look-with-youth-cream/ from Journals LINE https://journalsline.tumblr.com/post/162747056405
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fredericeger · 8 years
Conférence de presse "Goût de France / Good France" 2017 from Frederic Eger on Vimeo.
Gout de France 2017 Lettonie (vf) (8min09) Conférence de presse "Goût de France / Good France" 2017 Une conférence de presse « Goût de France / Good France » s’est tenue le mardi 7 mars à la Résidence de l’Ambassade de France à Riga. L’Ambassadeur de France, Mme Odile Soupison, et le directeur de l’Institut français de Lettonie, M. Gilles Bonnevialle, ont présenté les manifestations de l’action « Goût de France / Good France » en Lettonie. Cette année, en Lettonie comme partout ailleurs, une attention toute particulière sera portée à ceux qui feront la gastronomie de demain : la jeunesse formée aux métiers de la restauration, de l’hôtellerie et du tourisme. Jérémi Fontin, Chef de cuisine du restaurant « le Jardin du Quai » représentera la gastronomie française, ainsi que sa région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur au dîner Goût de France. Il partagera également son expérience et son savoir-faire auprès de jeunes apprentis lettons et de jeunes professionnels dans le cadre de la préparation du dîner Goût de France et d’un master class. Un dîner exceptionnel sera servi à la Résidence de France le 21 mars pour célébrer la gastronomie et l’art de vivre français. Le menu sera concocté par le Chef français Jérémi Fontin, assisté par les étudiants de l’Ecole des services de restauration de Riga et de l’Ecole du Tourisme et des industries créatives de Riga. Durant le mois de mars, l’Institut français de Lettonie organise une série de manifestations autour de la gastronomie française : 07 – 28 mars Concours « À vos fourneaux ! » Ce concours de recettes en ligne invite les cuisiniers amateurs à réaliser un classique de la cuisine française revisité (entrée, plat ou dessert). Les réalisations seront publiées sur le Facebook de l’Institut français. Prix gourmands à la clef ! 20 – 26 mars Festival du film gastronomique Café Film Noir, Elizabetes iela 61 Tinto et Café Film Noir organisent un Festival du film gastronomique présentant le quotidien des restaurants et des chefs, ou tout simplement de ceux qui aiment la bonne nourriture et ont une passion pour la cuisine. Le 20 mars, la soirée d’ouverture du festival sera consacrée à la cuisine française : 18h : Diffusion du film documentaire du Chef letton Sirmais en France (émission « Plats cultes » en Normandie) 19h : Discussion autour du « repas français » entre le Chef Jérémi Fontin et Gilles Bonnevialle, directeur de l’Institut français 21h : Projection du film « le Chef » de Daniel Cohen
24 et 25 mars Colloque Goût de France : gastronomie et culture Maison de l’Europe, Aspazijas bulvāris 28 Faisant partie intégrante de l’identité culturelle nationale, la gastronomie offre un réseau de significations qui relèvent non seulement de l’art de goûter mais aussi de l’art de vivre. La France, réputée pour être le pays du goût par excellence, représente une belle opportunité pour l’étude des circulations et des transferts culturels au-delà des frontières.
Colloque international co-organisé par l’Académie de la Culture de Lettonie, le Centre d’Études et de Recherche Éditer/Interpréter de la Faculté des Lettres de l’Université de Rouen et l’Institut français. Avec le soutien de l’Institut Européen d’Histoire et des Cultures de l’Alimentation.
Goût de / Good France: Restaurants Partenaires
Menus « à la française » dans 15 restaurants lettons partenaires 3 pavāru restorāns Torna street 4, Rīga 3pavari.lv
Bergs: Elizabetes iela 83/85, Rīga hotelbergs.lv/
Cup&Cino Duntes iela 19a (Sky & More) 2.stāvā, Rīga facebook.com/cupcino.lv/
Dikļu pils restorāns Dikļu pils, Kocēnu novads diklupils.lv Entresol Elizabetes iela 22, Rīga entresol.lv
Gutenbergs Doma laukums 1, Centra rajons, Rīga hotelgutenbergs.lv
Hotel Jūrmala Spa Jomas iela 47/49, Jūrmala hoteljurmala.com
Hotel Neiburgs: Jauniela 25, Centra rajons, Rīga neiburgs.com
Ozollāde Pilsrundāle, Rundāles pag., Rundāles nov. ozollade.lv
Restorāns 3 Kalēju iela 3, Centra rajons, Rīga restaurant3.lv
Riviera Dzirnavu iela 31 (ieeja no Antonijas ielas), Rīga rivierarestorans.lv/
St.Petrus restaurant Skārņu iela 11, Rīga stpetrus-restaurant.com
Tinto Elizabetes iela 61, Rīga Radio iela8, Liepaja tinto.lv
Restaurant & Lounge Auras iela23/25, Jurmala balticbeach.lv
Programme complet Goût de France/Good France ambafrance-lv.org institut -francais.lv Menus des restaurants partenaires goodfrance.com
#GoodFrance / #GoodFranceLettonie
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successcoachblog-blog · 11 years
No Excuse for Failure by Mardy Eger will impact, inspire, motivate and equip you to go to the next level in your life no matter where you are. This powerful book is a must read for every individual that has a burning desire to be successful!
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marquisegerton · 2 years
Marquis Egerton here, if you've ever been in a place of hurt, brokenness and God has kept you and brought you through some hard and tough times. If you know what it means and what it's like when it feels like the weight of the world is on your shoulders , and we'll… listen to this song. It tells a story I believe most of us can relate to. I thank God for being God. My God. Thank you Bishop Hezekiah Walker for this song. https://youtube.com/watch?v=tu9j_n0gihE
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marquisegerton · 2 years
Marquis Egerton, professionally known as Mardy Eger. I'm my song writing I've always come from my heart. 99% of my songs have come from my experiences in life. Some experiences have been sad, happy, disappointments, loneliness, joy, peace, hopeful, mostly my faith in God as he's brought me from storm to storm, from chapter to chapter. The interesting thing is, for me , it's been a life long journey, I've had my ups and my downs, but God has always proven to been around. At the Times I've even disappointed myself, but something on the inside never allowed me to give up. The fight to stand and withstand, has been in me since I was 9 years of age. When I wanted to quit, I wanted to give up, I wanted to end it all, Jesus just never allowed me to. That word somehow is powerful. He's always made a way somehow, from abandonment to filling the void in my life. Today I'm not speaking from a weak place but from a place in knowing it's God that has kept me. Listen to this. Call On Jesus by Bruce Parham: https://youtube.com/watch?v=cHS8cYl4uhM
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marquisegerton · 2 years
Marquis Egerton again with a follow up, Believe for it. Healing, miracles they still exist till this day. Bouts with depression? I believe this will Bless.
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marquisegerton · 2 years
Mardy Eger had the esteemed pleasure to meet the writer of this song Dr. Robert Frison many many years ago when I was a young man. As a young child and teen this song blessed administered to me many years before my meeting him. God is my all and all. I need him more and more each and every day, this very hour, God you are my all in all.
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marquisegerton · 2 years
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marquisegerton · 2 years
Marquis Egerton testimony 'Nobody But Jesus' https://music.apple.com/us/artist/tasha-page-lockhart/458843321
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marquisegerton · 2 years
Marquis Egerton is professionally known as Mardy Eger, has been a man of passion and love and has shown this for decades via ministry. Having a rough beginning in life as a youth losing his family at the tender age of 9 years of age, Marquis, or Mardy as he is affectionately known as well. He understands what it's like to lose everyone that you loved at a very young age, living in the system, and the traumatic experiences of the foster care system of old. Experiencing what it is to feel and be abandoned, homeless, and lost is something that is all so familiar to him. As an adult he's spent most of his life trying to show love and spread love and hope to those less fortunate. Whether it was randomly feeding the homeless on the street, helping disadvantaged children, or mother or families facing hard times, he's been a very present presence to hundreds and even thousands of people.
When asked why Marquis Egerton pours out as he does, he answered, it's because of the Love of God, the love of Jesus Christ that set me free, that kept me when I felt there was no hope for me, but yet still God made a way out of no way, and I am here today just because of him. This is all organic and from my heart, I love God and I love people, I sincerely do, and this is something I believe I inherited naturally from her, she was a very beautiful loving woman of God, musically inclined and could rock a piano and was a singer that should had had the opportunity to sing in Carnegie Hall, but most of all she made everyone around her feel better, even when she didn't feel good herself. I loved and love her so much and miss her dearly, even though she's been gone for so many years. Her death along with my grandmother was a major tragedy, it still hurts, but I've found purpose in it all and it drives me. he added. To give a even more comprehensive look at his life and life long mission. He's given back to others even when he didn't have, while trying to come Up and making ends meet himself, he still found ways to give back, feed the his who are homeless, visit the sick, encourage and make others around him feel better.
When Marquis Egerton achieved success, he poured it on, giving away cars to youth struggling to make it that excelled in school, paying for education for deserving students, providing Thanksgiving to thousands of needy people, and families, providing Christmas to disadvantaged children up in the hundreds at a time, going into grocery stores and randomly selecting people to buy groceries for, paying for full carts of food for families, paying rents and saving families that were at the point of being separated due to the loss of housing, and the list goes on. His involvement saving the lives of at risk youths, battered women and children, doing true ministry work from his heart and not looking for any accolades, attempting to allow his deeds to be done in private, this gentle giant of a man has left a major impact throughout the world and history.
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mardyeger · 2 years
Mardy MD Eger, has been a man of passion and love and has shown this for decades via ministry. Having a rough beginning in life as a youth losing his family at the tender age of 9 years of age, Mardy MD Eger, or Mardy Eger as he is affectionately known as well.  He understands what it's like to lose everyone that you loved at a very young age, living in the system, and the traumatic experiences of the foster care system of old. Experiencing what it is to feel and be abandoned, homeless, and lost is something that is all so familiar to him.  As an adult he's spent most of his life trying to show love and spread love and hope to those less fortunate.   Whether it was randomly feeding the homeless on the street, helping disadvantaged children, or mother or families facing hard times, he's been a very present presence to hundreds and even thousands of people.
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marquisegerton · 2 years
Mardy Eger is also known as Marquis Egerton, has been a man of passion and love and has shown this for decades via ministry. Having a rough beginning in life as a youth losing his family at the tender age of 9 years of age, Marquis Egerton, or Mardy Eger as he is affectionately known as well. He understands what it's like to lose everyone that you loved at a very young age, living in the system, and the traumatic experiences of the foster care system of old. Experiencing what it is to feel and be abandoned, homeless, and lost is something that is all so familiar to him. As an adult he's spent most of his life trying to show love and spread love and hope to those less fortunate. Whether it was randomly feeding the homeless on the street, helping disadvantaged children, or mother or families facing hard times, he's been a very present presence to hundreds and even thousands of people.
When asked why Marquis Egerton pours out as he does, he answered, it's because of the Love of God, the love of Jesus Christ that set me free, that kept me when I felt there was no hope for me, but yet still God made a way out of no way, and I am here today just because of him. This is all organic and from my heart, I love God and I love people, I sincerely do, and this is something I believe I inherited naturally from her, she was a very beautiful loving woman of God, musically inclined and could rock a piano and was a singer that should had had the opportunity to sing in Carnegie Hall, but most of all she made everyone around her feel better, even when she didn't feel good herself. I loved and love her so much and miss her dearly, even though she's been gone for so many years. Her death along with my grandmother was a major tragedy, it still hurts, but I've found purpose in it all and it drives me. he added. To give a even more comprehensive look at his life and life long mission. He's given back to others even when he didn't have, while trying to come Up and making ends meet himself, he still found ways to give back, feed the his who are homeless, visit the sick, encourage and make others around him feel better.
When Marquis Egerton achieved success, he poured it on, giving away cars to youth struggling to make it that excelled in school, paying for education for deserving students, providing Thanksgiving to thousands of needy people, and families, providing Christmas to disadvantaged children up in the hundreds at a time, going into grocery stores and randomly selecting people to buy groceries for, paying for full carts of food for families, paying rents and saving families that were at the point of being separated due to the loss of housing, and the list goes on. His involvement saving the lives of at risk youths, battered women and children, doing true ministry work from his heart and not looking for any accolades, attempting to allow his deeds to be done in private, this gentle giant of a man has left a major impact throughout the world and history.
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