#marco wan
fabiansteinhauer · 2 years
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Neuste Medien
West of everything is post-law. It comes after the book, outside of the court, as an angelological norm, a byte, a pixel, a tweet, an emoji, a gif attaching and separating, assembling and freeing in the novel networks of the social media and their collectivities made possible through exponential modes of connectivity.
Neue Medien sind neuste Medien. Nicht erste heute gibt es neue Medien. Neue Medien sind gegenwärtig Medien von heute Morgen. Man erkennt sie daran, dass sie das vorletzte Medium, das eben oder gestern Abend noch neue war, alt aussehen lassen. Eben oder gestern soll das Bild oder die Kamera, der Film oder die Videotechnik die Gerichtsöffentlichkeit fundamental geändert haben. Kaum ist aber das Smartphone erfunden, sehen diese neuen Medien alt aus und werden durch das neuste Medium ersetzt. So merken die Kommentatoren an:
The camera, the first new technology to intrude into the courtroom, initially functioned to bring the world into the space of trial in the form of photographs and visual evidence. The image impacted upon proceedings but did not fundamentally challenge or disrupt the ordered character of the process or the dignity of the ritual as a secluded and sanctified liturgical enactment separate from the quotidian socius, protected still by architectural columns, courthouse steps, costumes, ushers, officials and closed doors.
So wie Theodor Mommsen das pomerium, die gründliche römische Linie, vorgeschoben nennt, so muss man die neusten Medien Vorgeschobenes nennen.
Sie schieben jeweils die große Trennung vor, aber nur für diejenigen, die dem Dogma der großen Trennung folgen. Mit jedem neusten Medium sind diese Follower dann plötzlich von der Vergangenheit getrennt. Als Gegenleistung verschmilzt und versöhnt ihnen das neuste Medium, das Medium von heute Morgen, das Medium von gestern Abend mit einer großen und langen Vergangenheit.
Eben noch erschüttert das Bild das Recht, jetzt aber ist das Bild ein Teil der rechtlichen Tradition. Dafür vibriert nun das Handy und das Gericht bebt mit. Das ist strange, seltsam, isn't it?
Kann die Architektur nur vor jener Kamera schützen, die kein smartphone ist? Versagt der Schutz nur vor jener Kamera, die ein smartphone auch dann noch ist, wenn es nur black box ist und seine Technik nicht unbedingt genutzt wird, um Fotos zu machen, sondern um Emojis, GIFS oder Texte die Sperre zwischen Innen und Außen überspringen zu lassen?
Die Frage mag kompliziert formuliert sein, aber kompliziert ist die Frage, welche Medien und welche Techniken in Apparate involviert sind und wo genau jeweils die Grenze zwischen alt und neu verläuft. Das ist schon immer kompliziert, nicht erst, seit dem die Fotografie in der Moderne mit dem eitlen Anspruch auftrat, Bilder auf eine Art und Weise herzustellen, wie es vorher nicht möglich gewesen wäre. Mein Argument ist nicht, dass sich nichts ändert und das Medien, Bilder oder Recht keine Geschichte hätten, nicht auch diskontinuierlich sich aufschichten würden. Nicht unbedingt das Gegenteil, etwas anderes ist der Fall. Mein Argument ist, dass das Dogma großer Trennung die Historiographie ausdünnt und damit den Sinn für Ambiguität und, im warburschen Sinne, für eine Polarität, die auch durch die Zeit läuft.
Goodrich/ Delage und Man greifen die Rhetorik der Fragmentierung und auf, aktualisieren sie mit dem neuen Begriff der disruption. Sie greifen gleichzeitig Ideen auf, die sich in Nähe zu einem Schlagwort von Aby Warurg bewegen, der das Telegramm und den Telegraphen in einer seiner Notizen zum Kreuzlinger Vortrag als Fernraumzerstörer bezeichnet hat, eine Wendung, die nicht technikfeindlich verstanden werden darf, vor allem müssenWarburg Launen zwar in Rechnung gestellt werden, aber um Leidenschaften zu privatisieren, sondern um mit Warburg einen Sinn für Polarität zu entwickeln. Den Formulierungen von Warburg ist möglichst viel Zweideutigkeit herauszukitzeln und das auch noch in allem mulitpolare Richtungen. Fernraumzerstörer können Fernräume sein, die nicht unbedingt Fernräume zerstören oder aber etwas anderes als Fernräume sein, durch dass unbedingt Fernräume zerstört werden. Das knappe Komposition, dass Warburg verwendet, ohne es zu entfalten, ist eine Wendung, eine wendige Formulierung. Die Zerstörer können einen Fernraum, sie können den Fernraum zerstören, können Platz für neue Fernräume machen oder aber die Bildung neuer Fernräume verhindern. Die Zerstörung kann dem Raum tun, was der Tod dem Leben tut, sie kann für den Fernraum tödlich sein, ihn nicht leben lassen, dann aber diesen Fernraum nachleben lassen. Sie kann nicht schöpferisch sein, sie kann schöpferisch sein.
Das Smartphone, also das device, mit dem man auch innerhalb des Gerichts 'außerhalb des Gerichts' recherchieren, posten, kommunizieren und agieren kann, ändere etwas fundamental am Gerichtsraum, der zur Architektur des Distanzschaffens gehört, der also auch eine symbolische, bildliche Funktion hat. Diese These von Goodrich/ Delage und Wan erinnert an Warburg, sie ist auch dann ernst zu nehmen, wenn der Hinweis auf das Fundamentale nach vierzig Jahren New Media fatal an die Texte von Ethan Kath erinnert, der in seinen frühen Texten so 'erschüttert' vom fundamentalen technischen Wandel erschien, dass er vergaß zu schreiben, was genau sich eigentlich ändere. Probleme sind nicht dafür da, weggeredet zu werden, sie sind auch nicht unbedingt da, um gelöst zu werden. Zuerst sind sie da, um geteilt zu werden und um sie herum Wahrnehmbarkeiten zu entwickeln. Das gelingt dem erwähnten Band fantastisch, auch mit dieser Passage aus der Einleitung.
We will see, we will hear from it, we will taste it, it will touch us. Die oben zitierten Passagen stammen aus einer Einleitung und Einleitungen leiten nur ein. Der Sprung von Theorie zur Geschichte oder von Geschichte zur Theorie ist nicht einfach zu handhaben, zuviel Skrupel darf man auch nicht haben, wenn man Beobachtungen für symptomatisch, repräsentativ oder sogar für gründlich halten will, sonst kommt man ja überhaupt nicht mehr dazu, irgendeine Einleitung zu schreiben. Das haben Goodrich, Delage und Wan gut gemacht, vor allem haben sie fantastische Aufsätze gesammelt, die zeigen, wie lebendig die Diskussion um neue Medien und Recht in der internationalen Rechtswissenschaft ist.
Exkurs: Es ist nicht schade, es ist eine Katastrophe, wie das Staatsexamen in Deutschland und das Personal (sog. Professorinnen und Professoren/ Assitentinen und Assistenten/ Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter) an den Fakultäten und Fachbereichen die Kanäle zu diesen Diskussionen für die Studentinnen und Studenten verstopfen. Es ist ein Glück, dass es aber immer noch neben den verstopften Lehranstalten Orte gibt, für die das Studium des Rechts nicht bedeutet, Fähigkeiten zu erwerben, um das Staatsexamen zu bestehen. Aber (Vorsatz seit Januar 2018, erste Übungen darin seit Ende 2019 und erste Erfolge seit heute morgen um 6.30 Uhr): Bevor ich mich aufrege ist es mir lieber egal. A propos: Wer will als Gast/ Stipendiatin oder Doktorantin zum Max-Planck-Institut kommen?
Lesenswert sind alle Artikel in dem Band. Emanuele Coccia macht noch einmal das Argument stark, dass die monotheistischen Rechtsordnungen und ihre Wissenschaften ohne Bild nicht zu denken sind, dass montheistische Rechtswissenschaften also auch Bildwissenschaften sind. Das freut mich natürlich, vor allem deswegen, weil er, anders als viele andere Autoren, auf die doch etwas hohlen Argumente der wundersamen Bildvermehrung und der Bildmacht verzichtet, sondern schlicht mit Texten, kanonischen Quellen argumentiert.
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cherriiramen · 1 year
Me when
When I think of that one ship that reeks of wine, repressed pain and regrets.
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bakupoleman · 5 months
As vague as the statement was, losing Xavi makes me feel so sad, I didn't realize how much I liked him as charles' race engineer until now. I always loved hearing his and pee wan whenever Charles put the car on a miraculous pole. Charles saying xavi was the only person he could trust during the 2022 campaign and hinting that it was an organizational problem and not a Xavi problem as he was always the one advocating for better strategies for Charles. I'm going to miss all their banter like in Cota or the absolute calm and collected nature of his when Charles was experiencing brake problems in Bahrain. He was always as happy as Charles was whenever they achieved good results. The camaraderie of his and Charles developed throughout the years so as to result in Charles putting him in the same trusted box as his brothers and people he has known all his life. Him being the scapegoat during the binotto Era has made people forget that he and Charles started their journey as race engineer and driver for ferrari together. He may not be the best, but he has a special place in this lecfosi's heart.
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everypageofnicorobin · 2 months
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Luffy defeated? Give up and surrender?! Nico Robin doesn't know about that :/
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One Piece — "It's okay for you to cry!!!"
From Volume 63 - Chapter 622 / Season 9 Episode 541. Koala has been recently rescued from the villainous Celestial Dragons of Mariejois. But being a slave since childhood, she's unfamiliar with any life outside of it, and the Sun Pirates are having trouble getting through to her that she's safe now. Suddenly, Fisher Tiger takes initiative.
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readtilyoudie · 2 years
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Star Wars: Obi-Wan and Anakin
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newestcool · 2 years
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16arlington f/w 2023 rtw Creative Director Marco Capaldo Models Nyanderi Deng, Yanan Wan & Camila Foos Fashion Editor/Stylist Georgia Pendlebury Makeup Artist Lauren Parsons Hair Stylist Sam McKnightManicurist Sylvie Macmillan Casting Director Shelley Durkan Photographer Isidore Montag
Newest Cool on Instagram
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The Nun II (15): "The Eyes Have It, The Eyes Have It"
#onemannsmovies #filmreview of "The Nun II". #thenunmovie. By the books horror sequel.... quiet, quiet, quiet, NUN! 2.5/5.
A One Mann’s Movies review of “The Nun II” (2023). I’ve just about caught up with the cinema films I’ve missed due to my recent holiday: “The Nun II” was the last of the easily accessible ones! And it’s another sequel where I didn’t see the original… but again, it really didn’t matter. Bob the Movie Man Rating: Plot Summary: Irene (Taissa Farmiga) is called back into service by the Vatican to…
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mindmelter · 4 months
Five Alien Hosts: Adventures In Italy (Part 3) - Hunks and Lies
Victor and Alexander (Sylo's host) were strolling together, visiting tourist attractions in Italy. They were having a lot of fun together, Italy was a very romantic place and Victor had on his side a hot hunk as his companion and protector, he couldn't ask for anything else. While Victor and Alexander were laughing at one of his jokes. Alexander's phone started ringing.
"Just one sec." Alexander said, picking up his phone. "Hello?... Oh, Ciao Marco, yeah I'm doing good..."
Victor rolled his eyes, he loved Sylo's host, but Alexander was always too busy with work. His phone would never stop ringing, he would answer calls even while fucking Victor. Victor did enjoy being fucked rough by Alexander while he talked business in a foreign language, but sometimes Victor just wanted Alexander to himself.
As Alexander talked to this man named 'Marco', he looked at his watch.
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"Right now?... Ok, I will be there... Sure, We can discuss that when we meet." Alexander turned off the call.
"Who is Marco?" Victor asked.
"Marco is Alexander's business partner. Alexander has a car export company here in Italy and Marco helps run the company while he's away. He wants to meet me at a nearby bar for a quick meeting."
"C'mon Sylo, I told you already, no work during vacation. This day should be about us having fun together," Victor said, hugging Alexander's huge arm.
"Don't worry, Master. It will be a quick meeting. He just wants to discuss some business deals. That's the sole reason why Alexander was on that plane to begin with; he was going to meet with Marco. It would be very suspicious for Alexander not to go."
Victor sighed, Sylo was right. "Fiiiiine."
"Don't be like that," Alexander said, gently holding Victor's chin and kissing him softly. "I will make it up to you later, I promise."
They both walked to the bar where Marco had said they would meet. Once there, Victor was amazed by how handsome Marco was. Marco was the epitome of an Italian hunk. He was wearing a white dress shirt that showed some of his chest. When he saw Alexander, he had the most perfect smile on his face.
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"Ciao Alex! Quanto Tempo!" Marco said.
"Ciao Marco!"
They both hugged each other and started talking in Italian, while Victor was left awkwardly staring. Marco looked at Victor, a little confused as to who he was. Sylo noticed it.
"This is my nephew, Victor." Alexander said, placing a hand on Victor's shoulder.
"Nice to meet you, Victor," Marco said, extending his hand. Victor blushed and shook it, while shaking, he couldn't help but glance at Marco's open chest.
Marco then turned to Alexander "So, let's have a drink. We have so much to discuss." They took a seat at a table in the outdoor seating area. A waiter soon walked to their table.
"I will have a coffee," Marco said to the waiter.
"A martini for me and a hot chocolate for my friend over here," Alexander said. When the waiter walked away, Alexander teased Marco. "A coffee, serious? What happened to the old Marco I knew?"
"I don't drink anymore, man. I'm a dad now, did you forget my wife just had a baby?"
Alexander laughed. "And how's everything at the company?"
"Well, you know how it is in this industry, always something new popping up. But I have to say, I'm pretty excited about our latest partnership with that luxury car manufacturer from Germany."
"Ah, yes, I heard about that! That's a big move. How did you manage to pull that off?"
"It wasn't easy, I'll tell you that. Lots of negotiations, late-night calls, and convincing. But in the end, it all came down to our reputation and track record."
"Impressive, Marco. I gotta hand it to you; you've always had a knack for sealing those big deals."
As they continued talking about their business. Victor couldn't help but give Marco some glances. But it looks like Marco noticed it because he immediately started to button up his shirt in the middle of the conversation and gave Victor a stern look that made him want to crawl under the table.
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Victor had spent so much time with only his alien friends and their brainless hosts that he didn't know how to behave around a non-host person. He was accustomed to staring at his friends' hosts whenever he wanted, so now it was difficult for Victor to control his urges.
"So, where are you two staying at?" Marco asked, breaking the ice.
"At the La Dolce Vita Resort." Victor responded.
"Wow, expensive place. But It's not like money is a problem for your uncle, right?" Marco joked.
Victor was confused for a few seconds, his uncle? But then he remembered he was talking about Alexander. Victor grinned, if Marco only knew he and Alexander weren't related at all, and that his business partner was now just a muscle husk being controlled by an alien bug. One hour later, Marco had to go, he said he had another important meeting to attend.
On the way back to the resort, Victor looked at Alexander, who was driving.
"Why didn't you tell me Marco was this hot?"
"You like him, huh? Do you want me to take him over, Master? I would gladly turn him into a host. The guy's an asshole and the old Alexander also hated the guy. They always had this dispute between them, about who slept with the hottest woman, who had the best car, who closed more deals..."
"It would be very hot... but no, that won't be necessary. Remember, we are on vacation. That means you are free from having to turn into a host every hot man I fancy over."
Later that day, Victor and Alexander returned to their room, and to Victor's surprise, Marco was lying on the bed, reading a newspaper, as if waiting for them. He smirked at Victor and started to slowly unbutton his shirt.
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"Ciao Victor," Marco said, taking his shirt off and throwing it on the floor, Victor was momentarily lost in Marco's abs and pecs.
"M-Marco? What are you doing here?" Victor finally asked surprised. Marco then winked at him. Victor knew that wink well; it was Sylo's way of assuring his control over a host.
"I'm so confused right now." Victor looked at Alexander, who was standing on his side, then back at Marco. "Who are you inside of right now?"
"Alexander is on autopilot. Marco has been my host since this morning. After I fucked you this morning and you got busy with Andrei and Ahmed, I called Marco to meet Alexander at a private place to discuss some business, and when he showed up, I turned him into my host." Marco explained.
"Are you saying that Alexander has been on autopilot all this afternoon?" Victor looked at Alexander on his side, who was grinning at him.
"You got me, Master." Alexander said.
"Exactly, I set his brain so he would act as if he was being controlled by me. Did he make a good impersonation of me?" Marco chuckled.
Victor was shocked, he spent the day with Alexander on autopilot and he had no clue. It wasn't the first time Sylo had pulled a prank like this. He enjoyed tricking Victor into thinking he was inside one host when he was actually in another.
"This will never get old." Marco laughed, putting his hands behind his head and showing Victor his hairy armpits. Victor couldn't deny how hot it was to see Marco shirtless in front of him, Victor now had a visible hard-on.
"He's a nice host, that's for sure. We will have a lot of fun with him." Victor sat on the bed and started to sniff Marco's hairy armpits, he smelled nice, like some fancy cologne.
"I thought you would appreciate some real Italian meat. I know how much you wanted an Italian host, and we kinda spoiled your plans by taking over those non-Italian men on the plane. Marco was born and raised in Italy, he should fulfill your fantasies."
"That's very sweet, thank you Sylo." He took his face from Marco's armpits and smirked at him. "Can you like... pretend to be the real Marco?"
"The real Marco would never be shirtless in front of you, the real Marco would have beaten you to a pulp for having your slutty mouth latching on his armpits."
Victor rolled his eyes. "You know what I mean, a gay version of Marco. Remember when you took over that hot cop and we roleplayed that he would only let me go if he fucked and came inside me?"
Suddenly, Marco's eyes rolled back for a moment, and then he gave Victor a seductive glance. "You think I didn't see the way you looked at me? You were stripping me with your eyes. You're such a dirty pervert, Victor." Marco pulled his pants down and lay down fully naked on the bed.
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"Fuck me, Victor. I need you inside me, I knew it since the moment I saw you staring at me." Marco begged, shaking his ass to Victor.
Victor's heart raced with anticipation. He surveyed the scene before him: the Italian hunk, Marco, lay naked on the bed, and... oh my! That magnificent Italian ass! Victor couldn't help but lick his lips. He crept closer, his gaze locked on to the tempting target. Finally, he reached out and slowly, ever so slowly, pulled the sheets away. The Italian's big, round ass was revealed in all its glory. Victor took his clothes off and leaned in closer, pressing his body against Marco's back, and began to nibble on his neck, feeling the warmth of his breath against his skin. He continued to nibble and suckle at Marco's neck, feeling the muscles in his ass tighten beneath him.
The Italian hunk let out a groan, Victor smiled wickedly. He knew exactly what he had to do. He positioned himself behind Marco, his hard cock nestled against the entrance of his ass. Slowly, methodically, he began to push forward. The head of his cock pressed against Marco's entrance, and Victor could feel him tense beneath him. He took a deep breath, trying to steady his racing heart. With a sudden surge of power, he thrust forward, feeling the hot, velvety flesh of Marco's ass engulf his cock.
Marco cried out, arching his back further as Victor's cock slid deeper into him. The sensation was exquisite, almost too much to bear. Victor began to fuck him hard, his hips pounding against Marco's ass in a rhythmic cadence.
The room was filled with the sounds of their bodies slapping together, the wet smack of their flesh as it moved in tandem. Victor reached around, grabbing a handful of Marco's hair, using it to pull his head back and expose his neck.
"That's it, Marco," Victor whispered, his voice hoarse with desire. "You're mine now, cum for me you bitch!" And with that, they came together in a passionate, sweaty embrace. As the last tremors of pleasure faded away, Victor collapsed onto the bed next to Marco, their bodies still connected by their entwined limbs. He smiled contentedly, feeling the weight of his release draining away. For a moment, they were both still, catching their breath, before Victor chuckled softly.
"This was your first time bottoming," Victor asked to Sylo, looking over at Marco with a wicked grin. "Do I make a good top?"
"I crawled out of him at the moment you were getting inside him." Alexander said across the room, he was now naked too with his heavy thick shaft swinging.
"Oh for god's sake, can you stop switching bodies for today?"
"You're my Master, but that doesn't mean I will let you top me," Alexander said, roping on the bed, he then grabbed Marco by his waist and shoved his entire shaft in one single thrust. Marco screamed, but Alexander gave his ass a hard slap and Marco went quiet.
Marco's phone started ringing, it was his wife. Alexander grabbed the phone and pulled Marco's hair. "Answer it!" Alexander growled in his ear while still fucking him.
"O-oh hey babe, uurrgghh... I'm in the middle of a meeting right now.... how is my baby angel?"
They changed positions, Alexander now had Marco on top of him, riding him while he still was talking on the phone. "I will stay at Alex's place for a few days... I know, babe, I'm sorry... I love you too." When the call ended, Marco finally let out all the moans he was holding during the call.
Victor was tired so he just watched Alexander fuck Marco non-stop for almost an hour. Finally, when Marco was about to cum, Alexander held Marco with his strong arms, so that Marco's cock was at his face level, and wrapped his mouth around Marco's shaft, just in time for Marco to start shooting.
After feeding, Alexander commanded Marco to freeze. He then lay down beside Victor, who was staring at the ceiling, seemingly lost in thought.
"Is there something wrong, Master?" He asked, gently caressing Victor's hair. "I thought you would enjoy watching Alexander destroying Marco's ass."
"It's not it... tell me Sylo, do you think the five of you are the only ones? Don't you think maybe there could be more?"
"I can't say for sure because I couldn't know. But theoretically, it could have been more eggs in that Comet... why the random question?"
"I think we are not alone. I believe there could be others here at the resort."
"But that would be a huge coincidence for us to meet others while on vacation, Earth is a very big planet... unless" He gave Victor a stern look. "Are you hiding something from us, Master?"
"I haven't been completely honest with you all." Victor sat on the bed and sighed. "The real reason of this vacation is that I think more bugs could be here."
"What are you talking about? How would you know?"
"Remember the first man you took over? The Captain of that military operation?"
(1 month ago - USA)
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"We're here, Master." Trent said. Trent was a popular gym coach who worked at a gym near Victor's house, after the bugs took over the bodies of the five military men, Victor, drunk with power, suggested the bugs to go to the gym next, once there, the five bugs converted all the hot muscular men working out that day into hosts, and Trent was one of Victor's favorites.
"Thank you for driving me here, Trent," Victor said, burying his face between Trent's big muscular pecs as he flexed them for Victor's amusement.
"Anything for you, Master," Trent said, gently burying Victor's face even more between his meaty pecs.
Without a bug inside his brain, Trent was put into autopilot mode, he was now just a mindless shell programmed to act like the old Trent, and of course, with Victor's suggestion, the bugs also programmed him and every other man on autopilot, to be Victor's slave.
As Victor was about to step out of the car, he had an Idea, he turned to Trent and smirked "While you wait for me, I want you to jerk off non-stop, I want you all sweaty when I'm back."
"Yes, Master," Trent responded, immediately pulling down his shorts, grabbing his 8 Inches cock and jerking off. Victor walked out of the car and went towards the military base.
After the gym takeover, the bugs explained to Victor that they could put the hosts on autopilot, Victor then went on a horny spree, helping turning every hot man he knew into a host and eventually into his slave. His hot neighbors, the construction crew that was working on a building near his house, random men he would see at the park — All fucked Victor at some point.
The military base in his city soon became Victor's next target in his quest for control. Accompanied by his five alien-controlled soldiers, Victor entered the base as if he already owned the place. The bugs crawled out from their hosts and began the takeover, turning one soldier after another into a slave for Victor. Now, these soldiers were no longer serving their country, but rather Victor himself.
Victor spotted the Captain waiting for him at the back doors of the base, Victor had learned that his name was Captain Torres.
"Hello Captain," Victor said, admiring the tall muscular man.
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"Hi Master, where is your alien friends that turned me into a mindless shell?"
"I came alone this time," Victor walked closer to the Captain and felt his huge muscular arms.
"That's why you called me to meet you here? You missed these muscles, didn't you?" Captain Torres flexed his huge biceps in a cocky manner.
"Yes, I did miss these muscles," Victor smiled and pulled the Captain's head for a rough kiss. After a few seconds, Victor broke the kiss, leaving the Captain breathless. "But that's not the real reason I came here. I want you to search for something for me."
"Sure, Master, anything for you."
"I want to know the exact location of the meteorite that fell in Italy."
"I'm afraid I can't do that, Master. That is confidential information and you're not an official. If I gave any private information about military business to a civilian, I would be breaking the law."
Victor chuckled. "It's honestly amazing how real you sound, anyone else would think you really mean that, in truth you're just a mindless muscle drone trying to act like the old Captain Torres would."
"But I am the real Captain Torres, Master"
"Put your hands behind your back and stand in attention." Victor commanded.
"Yes, Master." Captain Torres did what he was told, now standing with his hands behind his back, totally vulnerable to Victor. Victor grabbed the Captain's bulge and squeezed it.
Victor initially felt scared and intimidated by the much taller and more muscular hosts, he was afraid that those men would suddenly come back to themselves and kill Victor for taking advantage of their bodies. However, as he witnessed more and more big guys being converted into hosts, he started to become more confident. Captain Torres no longer intimidated him, now the only thing his presence did for Victor was to make his cock grow hard.
"You're not a real person anymore, 'Captain'. You're a pile of muscles programmed to act like the previous owner of these muscles. You know who these muscles belong to now?"
"Y-you, Master," The Captain responded, sweat forming on his forehead.
"That's right, I own your entire body. Now lead me to the command room, right now!" Victor then let go of the Captain's crotch.
"I don't know how to search for it, It's not my area. I will need to find Sergeant Jordan, he's an IT technician, he will know how to search for the location."
"Ok, what are you waiting for? Let's find him."
The captain guided Victor into the gymnasium, a cavernous space echoing with the sounds of exertion. Soldiers, engrossed in their workouts, turned to acknowledge Victor's presence. A few nodded, some offered smiles, and others, with a mix of pride and camaraderie, flexed their muscles in silent greeting. Victor savored the attention, reveling in his role as the master of these men. Amidst the rhythmic clanking of weights, Sergeant Jordan's formidable figure stood out. Noticing Victor, he set his weights aside and strode purposefully towards him.
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"Hey Master, It's been a while. Are you back to make us fuck each other again? You should make Captain Torres bottom this time."
Victor walked towards Jordan and squeezed his meaty pecs. "As much as I would like to, I don't have time for it, the bugs don't even know I'm here."
"If you're not here to watch us fuck, then why are you here, Master?"
At the command room, the Captain sat on a nearby chair and looked at Sergeant Jordan. "Master wants you to find the location of the meteorite that fell in Italy."
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"That is going to be impossible, the meteorite that fell in Italy was never found." Sargeant Jordan explained.
"That's because they searched for it in the wrong way, the meteorites work as a spaceship for the aliens, they pilot that egg by using telekinesis. The military was looking for a meteorite when they actually should be searching for a UFO. You meatheads only found the egg in my house because my noisy neighbor reported it."
"That makes sense, but It's going to take me some time; I will need to request access for the Air Force." Sergeant Jordan sat and started to type.
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"Be quick, the bugs can't know that I'm here." Victor kneeled under the table between Jordan's legs and started to open his fly, freeing his thick 9-inch snake and started to suck.
"Yes, Master, I will do my best." Jordan moaned as Victor's tongue started to lap his shaft. Victor had forgotten how big Jordan was. On the day of the military base takeover, Sylo was the one who took over Jordan, that day he fucked Victor rough with this big tool while an orgy happenned in the background.
After sucking Jordan for a while, Victor stood up and kneeled between the Captain's legs and opened his fly, freeing his big thick 11 Inches.
"So you're... uuurrgghhh... hiding from the bugs huh?" The Captain asked. Victor took the shaft from his mouth and slapped it on his own face. "I'm not hiding from them, they just don't have to know everything I do." Victor slightly squeezed the Captain's balls. "You're not gonna tell them, are you?"
"I won't. I only answer to you, Master," the Captain said, grabbing Victor by the neck and pulling him into a long, wet kiss. Victor melted in the Captain's strong muscular arms.
"Wait, that's weird..." Sergeant Jordan muttered as he stared at the screen.
"What's wrong?" The Captain asked.
"On the day of Comet Clyde's passage, an Italian satellite detected an unidentified flying object at a resort called 'La Dolce Vita Resort'."
"Very well done Jordan," Victor said, walking to Jordan and kissing him, Jordan's softening cock now started to grow again.
"Shells can't cum without being authorized, so as a reward, I will let you cum by fucking Captain Torres." Victor glanced at the Captain, who did not look amused. "Captain, take your pants off and get on all fours, Jordan here is going to stuff your ass."
"Thank you, Master!" Sergeant Jordan grinned.
Victor took a photo of the resort address on the computer screen, while Captain Torres was already on all fours with his big muscular ass sticking up. Sergeant Jordan kneeled behind him and started unbuckling his belt. Victor gave them one last look, he wished he could stay and watch them, but he didn't have time. As Victor walked down the corridor, he could still hear the clapping noises and Captain Torre's loud moans.
Back to Trent's car, Trent was a moaning mess, his black tank top was drenched in cum and his muscles were glistening with sweat. He looked at Victor with his tongue out as he continued pumping his big meat for Victor.
Victor paid him no attention, instead reaching for his phone. He scrolled through his extensive list of contacts — he had added so many numbers in the past few months — until he found the name he sought: Mr. Thompson, his hot Daddy neighbor, the man Sylo was currently in. A deep, raspy voice answered on the other end. "Where have you been, Master? We were starting to get worried."
"I'm fine, I was just having a fun time with Trent."
"Come back, we are about to feed, and we know how much you love watching us feed. Bring Trent with you, the more the merrier."
"Oh, I don't know if he will be of much help," Victor said as he looked at Trent shooting another load. "And there it goes his last load."
"Bring him with you anyway, It's been a while since I fucked you in this shell."
"Alright, I will be there soon, Daddy..." Victor chuckled, "You guys have been so good to me. You know, Sylo, I was just thinking... what do you think of a vacation?"
"You did what?" Alexander's voice thundered through the room, anger etched across his face. "I can't believe you went ahead with that without even asking us first!"
"It was just a theory back then. Besides, we don't even know for certain if there are any other bugs here. I could still be wrong."
"I don't care, you put us all into danger! You should have told us!"
"Should I? I'm your Master, and you should obey me! That was the deal, remember?" Victor shouted. But as soon as the words left his mouth, regret followed. He didn't want to be an authoritarian Master; that wasn't the kind of leader he aspired to be. He wanted the bugs to be more than obedient pets; he wanted them to be his friends. Victor sighed.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that."
Alexander gazed at Victor with a disappointed expression. Suddenly, his eyes rolled back and Sylo swiftly crawled out of his mouth, disappearing under the door gap.
"No please come back, Sylo! I'm so-rry..."
Victor sat on the edge of the bed with his head down. Marco and Alexander — Now both empty shells, sat on his side and comforted their Master.
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onmyyan · 1 year
How do your ocs feel about a spit kink? Like reader gets messy w it and kinda drools when they 👉👌 and maybe she's a lil possessive and spits in their mouth even if she's babbling and losing her mind on them. Also if that's gross it can also be like when she's subbing she gives them little wet baby kisses bc that's all she has the energy for 🥺 idk like I'm trying to give a tame alternative here hsjsks. Also also i think it'd be so funny if their s/o was like....biting and marking them and feeling guilty about being possessive and has no idea that these big hot guys are yanderes and 10000000x worse than her lolol
A/N: Dw you can never get too nasty when these mf's are involved. SMUTTY LIL SCENARIOS BASED ON THIS PERFECT REQUEST
Caspian loses his mind, you spit in this mans mouth and he's busting I'm sorry I don't make the rules. Likes to make a big show of swallowing, "Do it again." He begs in the softest, whiniest little voice, whimpers when you do. Please lay claim to this man, he is never as happy as he is when your marking him, clawing into his back, show him who he belongs to.
Gabe is sloppy and messy himself so when you drool some of his cum into his mouth he's folding you in half and pounding you so hard neither of you can walk well tomorrow. If you bite him he will rut into you like a wild dog, please make him bleed, he's a certified Daddy Dom but pull his hair back, make him bare his neck and sink your teeth into his skin, watch how fast he starts begging.
Ricky turns as red as his eyes, instant subspace, he's moaning into your mouth and begging for more, not even sure what hes asking for he just needs you to do that again please. Hurt him, tell him his cock is yours and yours alone, he gets borderline feral after, fucks into you with so much vigor it shakes the bed, his eyes roll to the back of his head as he babbles broken little "Thank you's"
Marcos swallows hard making sure to look you in the eye when he does, "Fuck yes- c'mon baby treat me like your whore." He feels like a virgin again the way it has his hips stuttering and his dick throbbing, he's addicted to the pain you inflict when you get possessive in bed, all the bites and hickeys, loves watching you get rougher and rougher, the little shit riles you up on purpose. "Mark me up baby- ngh- show em' who I belong to."
Manny is so fucking loud you do it partially to get him to quiet down, spitting in his mouth and stuffing your fingers in right after, he goes absolutely insane, his hips slapping against yours so hard you'd both be bruised, "Mmm, fuck baby please, more! I wan' more." He whines around your soaked digits, making an even bigger mess, the prettiest tears are streaming down his face because he doesn't stop once he cums, his pace never falters, he just keeps fucking into you like your lives depended on it. Overstims you both.
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formlessvoidbeast · 1 month
smut prompt: marco pov from she blinded me with science? or jangobi coming in pants (or any pairing really)
Jango's body was warm and heavy on top of Obi-Wan's. He hitched Obi-Wan's leg a little higher over his hip, grinding down on him as his teeth found Obi-Wan's bottom lip. The sharp pain of the bite had Obi-Wan gasping, body arching, his nails biting into Jango's back through his shirt.
Jango growled, the weight of his mind even heavier than his body as it pressed against Obi-Wan. Not like another Force-sensitive trying to connect with him, no, but a powerful and intentional projection nonetheless with Obi-Wan opening his shields to his lover. Lust and pleasure struck him like a hammer blow.
Obi-Wan cried out, he couldn't help it, and Jango felt almost mean with how badly he wanted Obi-Wan to react, to feel him, to fall apart. Jango's pleasure in feeling him, in thrusting against him, blended potently with his own pleasure in the sensations—too much to bear. He was only human. Jango's heated mind, his lust and desire, sent a tight wave of fire down his body. Obi-Wan crushed his mouth against Jango's in a kiss, muffling his moan as orgasm took him.
Jango moaned with him, crushing him. He projected his pleasure at Obi-Wan's orgasm intensely, sending a second smaller wave of it through him. Obi-Wan twisted and shook beneath Jango's body, coming in his pants like a fumbling youth to make a mess of himself.
“You do that to me on purpose, shabuir,” Obi-Wan accused, breathless.
Jango laughed, feeling unbearably smug and still so hungry for sex that Obi-Wan's spent cock wanted to get hard again in blatant defiance of his refractory period.
“Round two in the 'fresher?”
(I am not currently open for more prompts. Thanks to all who participated!)
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animatedjen · 3 months
Question for ya (if you happen to know) - so Cere gave Cal her lightsaber hilt in jfo and he used it to make a split saber but in Jedi survivor she suddenly has one again when fighting Darth Vader. Where'd she get it from? Was it Cordova's? And if not when did she get a new lightsaber?
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Good question - we don't actually know. Sometime between the two games Cere built/found a new lightsaber, but (as far as I'm aware) none of the databank entries or side conversations explain its origin.
But this question made me curious about Cere and Cordova's lightsabers, so here's a longer answer with my own ideas:
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[Dark Temple Series: cover art by Marco Checchetto, Paolo Villanelli, and Will Sliney]
In the cover art for the miniseries Dark Temple, Cere uses her original saber with its green kyber, but Cordova's saber design doesn't match what we see in Fallen Order. So at some point after these comics, Cordova creates/updates his saber and engraves the Zeffo iconography on its switch.
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[Eno Cordova's Fallen Order lightsaber: design by Amy Fry]
This design can be seen briefly in Survivor when you find the saber in Wayfarer's Tomb. And while we don't see it during the game's final cutscene, Cal possibly buries the saber with Cordova after the pyre. But the balance between game mechanics (new customization options from a chest!) and narrative details (didn't Cal already find Cordova's saber in FO?) makes a "canon" answer more challenging.
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Cere's first lightsaber had specific design requirements because of its story purpose. Jordan Lamarre-Wan explains the hilt is proportionally shorter so it fits the broken section of Jaro Tapal's staff after Cal combines them. We also know the kyber is gone - Cere sold it to pay off Greez' gambling debts and continue their mission.
Cal might've returned the hilt to Cere after fully restoring his master's saber, or maybe pieces of Cere's saber are still inside. Maybe Cere chose not to use it again or simply wanted Cal to keep it.
In her concept art for Survivor, Theo Stylianides does show Cere holding this first saber and its green kyber, but these illustrations were likely made before the sequel's saber designs were finalized.
(Do I wish she had a green saber in Survivor though? Yeah, I do. Is it possible she was given blue for the aesthetic of blue vs red while fighting Vader? Maybe.)
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[Cere's second saber: model by Aaron Fowler]
Cere's new saber, according to Aaron Fowler, is heavily inspired by the "Boone Kestis" concept created by Gus Mendonca in the early development of Fallen Order. The rugged, more utilitarian style matches well with her new role among the Anchorites. Survivor doesn't tell us where the lightsaber came from, but on a planet like Jedha, it's possible she found it or was gifted it while helping create the Archive.
I also think, practically, Cere's first saber would have been difficult to adapt to the new customization options in Survivor. Its small hilt and proportions would've required more alterations to fit the expanded saber components at the workbench. I miss the marble-like textures and woven grip, but I'm glad Cere was allowed to grow and change between games, and her new lightsaber reflects her new identity as both a Jedi and a protector of knowledge.
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Joining and Mistakes
Ace liked being on the Whitebeard ship. It wasn’t just that the crew was nicer than some. It also had nothing to do with Whitebeard. Not really, that is. Pops was the main reason that he joined the crew. But, there was many other reasons. Like how easy it was to wander around the ship and not get caught. How he could listen into as many conversations as he wanted. Haruta often joining him during that. Or scare the others by leaping out of nowhere. Izou pretended to never get spooked by them, but the small twitch of their fingers told Ace otherwise. Then there was Thatch who jokes around with him. Always there with a funny comment or advice. Ace could swear the man was reading his mind sometimes.
With so many great people on the ship Ace wanted to help where he could. It was easy with the strength he had to lug things around of those a little weaker. Lighting the polite on fire so that the ovens, and heaters when they went out. Even easy for him to fight when the others didn’t want to.
No matter how he helped, at the end of the day it didn’t feel like enough. He knew that he spent too long trying to kill the old man. It was his fault and they shouldn’t trust him. The idea that it was just because pops took a liking to him that they even tolerated him… hurt. Ace wanted to prove that he was a great crew member that could not only pull his weight but others too.
Which is how they ended up in this mess. Ace was dead tired. He had been listening to everyone doing little jobs here and there. No one had mentioned anything to him about them. If he heard that something was annoying Ace would handle it. Unless it needed more than a glance to figure out how it worked. He moped the deck so the others wouldn’t have to. Cleaning the bathroom sucked but, that was just part of cleaning the bathroom. Hearing about Thatch and his tendency to not do his work had Ace sneaking into Thatchs rom to see if he could help. Turns out it was rather easy. If Ace kept a record of how much he was eating and if he caught anything. Marco would sometimes find siblings that had been escaping their check up locked in his room. While he didn’t like the locking up of a sibling it was nice to get everyone’s check up done. Ace made note of that and only locked them away in the medical bay after that.
After two months, 3 weeks, and six days Ace was tired. He was running low on medication. Something that Deuce said they would have to go out for. He didn’t think it was a good idea to leave just yet though. Not when he was still trying to prove that he belonged here. The reason this was a problem, was why everyone on the deck was now staring at him. Deuce next to him not quite letting him stand up yet.
“I’m fine.” Ace hissed, feeling more embarrassed then anything else. Just what kind of idiot falls out of the crows nest? Especially when he was just finishing up his shift up there. Honestly, Ace wished the sea would just swallow him up.
Deuce didn’t back away, still looking over his head. “Yeah, and I don’t have blue hair.” He said, making Ace pout more.
“Is everything alright son?” Pops asked, Ace couldn’t bring himself to look at the mans eyes. Not after literally falling face first into his drinking cup.
“I’m fine…just tired.” Ace muttered.
Deuce, the traitor, then ruined it. “How much medication do you have left? Should we take a detour sooner?”
Ace could hear the question resonate over the deck. Worry crossing their faces. Ace glared from under his bangs at Deuce. If it wasn’t for the small smirk on the mans face, Ace might have thought it was an accident. No, no he wouldn’t have. Deuce was the pettiest person Ace knew. There was no way that he would ever think the man didn’t mean to do anything. “It’s fine.”
“Ace.” Deuce said, now leaning in. “You ignored my question last time. I’m gonna have to look and count how many you have left. That’s not a problem unless you’ve been doing something you shouldn’t.”
“There my medication I can do what I want.” Ace said, back before his mouth could shut up. Deuce stopped smirking.
Rubbing his face Deuce knew. It was too late to take it back. “You are so stubborn and annoying. Dad we’re going to the next island for a pick up.” Deuce called out. Walking back to him room. He would have to write a report on this.
Leaving Ace to deal with the aftermath. Everyone wanted to know what Deuce meant by all that. Ace was trying not to answer. Looking anyway but at them. When Pops ruined it. “Son, what do you take medication for? If you need to stop at an island more often we can change course.” He said, sounding worried.
‘Why do people keep trying to bully men and ruining things?’ Ace wondered. He couldn’t not answer now. “It’s really fine. I was just close to needing a refill anyway. No need to go out of your way.” Ace mumbled. It wasn’t like he would die.
“Passing out isn’t something we wouldn’t worry about.” Marco said, tilting his head.
Thatch crouched next to him. “Are you going to die on me? After all the training I did for you?” It was a joke, and one that lifted the air a bit.
“No, I’m not going to die. I- It’s just narcolepsy nothing deadly.” Ace said, looking at Thatch. It wasn’t that big of a deal. Deuce just liked scaring people.
The others nodded, not really sure what that was. Ace relaxed now that they were leaving him alone. It was only once he got back that people began bothering him again. Now that they had a chance to read up on what Ace had. Pops even making it so Ace didn’t take the crows nest shifts anymore. Much to Ace’s annoyance. Not even letting him help around as much as he had been.
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everypageofnicorobin · 2 months
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Sanji cried out for Robin, and it was heard all throughout the castle! Will she come to the rescue?
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jorogumohime · 1 year
“I swear to you, with my body, life and soul, that I will return.”
Pairing: Ace x Fem!Reader
Warning: Ace and reader having a kinda big argument over him leaving to find Blackbeard, Ace almost burning reader
Important Note: first time writing angst so it’s not really sad, at least what i think 🤷‍♀️
Spoiler warning.
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“Ace.” You said with a cold and almost harsh tone. No words could describe the rage and sorrow you felt this very moment, within every minute that passed, you felt the irritation grow. Why didn’t he say anything? Why didn’t he tell you about any of this? Why was Marco your information source?
“Y/N.. You probably know about it already, right..?” The disappointment from his side was heard in his voice, it was almost trembling. A feeling of guilt rushed over you before you realized ‘No, I’m not supposed to feel bad.’
“Ace.. I don’t even know what to say.. Why.. Why didn’t you tell me..? You told everyone on the ship but not me.. is that why everyone has been acting so weird around me lately..?” Sadness was sprinkled in your voice like sprinkles on a cupcake, except this time, it wasn’t as sweet.
“Y/N.. I.. I wanted to tell you I just.. I didn’t..” He started stammering over his own words, avoiding eye contact with you while trying to find the fitting words. “I didn’t want you to worry about me. I.. I know you would call me reckless and get really mad at me if you found out… which is why I didn’t wanna tell you.. I’m.. sorry.” You felt rage run through your bloodstream and enter your head.
“Ace, do you not see.. How serious this actually is!? Seriously? I know I’m proving your point right now but did you just plan on not telling me and then just disappear like it’s no ones business!!?” You tried to avoid shouting as much as possible, you really did, but with what was happening right now, you weren’t sure that was an option.
“Honestly! You said that you didn’t want me to worry about you but how was I supposed to do that either way!?” He looked at you with guilt and knew you were right. “Y/N.. I-“
“NO! Listen to me! Why are you always..” You felt tears gathering up in your eyes, why was he so careless? Only a gaze of rage, disappointment and sadness could be shown on your face. “Y/N, you don’t get it.. How the hell do you expect me to just sit and watch while my crewmate got KILLED by him!?”
Now it was your turn to realize he was right. “Y/N I know you’re upset right now but… you’re making it seem like you seriously don’t care about this crew or no.. not even a crew.. this family! at all!” Why would he say that? You loved this family, you loved everyone in it. Your love is why your arguing with him right now in the first place and he has the audacity to accuse you of not caring.
At this point you started crying, full tears spilling through your eyes, reminding you of your drunk nights together when you would spill sake everywhere while having so much fun. Only realizing that there’s a big chance of you two not experiencing those fun nights again if he left.
Ace got upset as well, realizing he also had the right to be upset and not just you. The dim light shining through during these late hours, you both eventually stopped caring about your volume. “IF YOU WOULD ACTUALLY CARE THEN YOU’D SHUT UP AND LET ME DO THIS!” Rage hugged you as if it were your best friend, and in this moment, it felt like it was the only best friend you had right now.
“DO YOU EVEN HEAR YOURSELF RIGHT NOW!?” You glared at him in shock and rage, having so many words you wanted to spill before his ears. “I CARE A LOT ABOUT YOU AND EVERYONE IN THIS CREW, I TRULY FEEL TERRIBLE FOR WHAT HAPPENED TO THATCH AND IT ALWAYS KEEPS ME UP AT NIGHT BUT YOU JUST.. You just.. can’t leave me here alone..”
You lost your ability to yell. You just wanted him to stay here, or at least let you go with him. “If you’re gonna go.. at least let me go with you, Ace..” Your voice was trembling, tears were spilling, eyes and limbs were shaking. He came closer, and held you in his arms to comfort you.
“Y/N.. I.. I c-can’t.. I.. I care about you so much. I know I’ll probably die during this but at least you’ll live. That’s what I want..”
You looked up at him, feeling the rage return. Your gaze darkened and got more serious. “What you want..? W-what about what I want..? I don’t want you to die..” You were both at loss for words, both extremely exhausted, only relaxing against eachother in your arms for a solid five minutes before you spoke up again.
“Ace.. if we both go.. There’s a higher chance we’ll live.. both of our powers combined.. we can do it.. I promise.. And if we can’t.. at least we’ll die together..” Your voice was calm yet trembling. Slow tears slipped through your eyes and down your cheeks.
“Y/N.. Please understand.. You can’t come.. I’m begging you, please understand why I’m doing this.” You moved away from him, putting the same distance as before between you two.
“If you die, then I’ll be alone. If I die, then you’ll be alone. If we both die.. let’s just hope heaven would let us be together and if we both survive.. we’ll still have eachother.” Somehow he still didn’t understand.
“Y/N.” He began with a more stern and serious voice. “I won’t repeat the same point again. End of conversation, I will go, and there’s nothing you can do to stop me.” You realized he was genuinely annoyed, but this is his entire life he’s risking. You didn’t take that lightly and neither should he.
You glared at him with a neutral, cold expression and opened your mouth. “This is your entire life your playing with. I don’t care if you’re tired, you go to sleep when you remember you’re a human, with an entire life you’re about to throw away.”
Cold expressions were taped on both your faces. “I told you already, I’m not gonna argue about this anymore. Enough Y/N. I’ve made up my mind, so did pops and the rest of the crew. Go sleep, it’s late.” You’ve never heard him talk with such a monotone and cold voice before, and honestly, it scared you.
Despite being scared, you needed to get your point across. He started walking out of the room, and you sprinted to him and gripped his wrist tightly. “Ace! Don’t ignore me! Seriously! Please just listen! I’m not the one who needs to understand, you are! How can you throw your life away like this! You’re not alone Ace just please let me at least help you if you’re not gonna stay!”
You continued, “You mentioned the crews mind is already made up, but mine isn’t! Am I not part of the crew!? Do I not have a say in this as your crewmate, best friend and even girlfriend..?” He didn’t even bother looking at you, his mind raced and a soup with the ingredients being multiple different emotions was cooking in his head.
“Y/N, enough.” He said with a dark and low voice.
“NO! YOU DON’T CARE ABOUT WHAT I HAVE TO SAY, PLEASE ACE JUST PLEASE REALIZE THAT YOU’RE ALSO IMPORTANT! WHAT DOES THIS CREW WIN IF WE LOSE ANOTHER CREWMATE OR FAMILY MEMBER!?” Your tears slipped out again, this time, not being as slow and calm as when he held you in his arms.
He knew how much you cared, he knew everything, but for the sake of this situation, he didn’t say anything. Only waiting until your arguments died out and you eventually calmed down. Except, you didn’t.
Words kept bubbling up and your voice got higher and higher, he felt rage course through his veins and at this point, he saw red. He moved away from you and pulled his arm back from your grip forcefully and roughly.
“ENOUGH ALREADY! YOU KEEP MAKING UP STUPID ARGUMENTS AND BENDING MY WORDS TO MAKE IT SEEM LIKE YOU’RE IN THE RIGHT! BE QUIET ALREADY!” He waved his arms around in rage to show his body language, accidentally lighting them on fire and almost hitting you.
You stumbled back in fear trying to avoid the warm fire, flinching away quickly almost tripping over before catching yourself. He quickly collected his flames, now regretting how far this argument got.
He saw your legs slowly backing away and your expression being one of fear and regret. You were both at loss for words. You kept moving until your back landed against the corner of the room. Not daring to move, you stayed there and observed him carefully.
“I-I..” He stuttered. Wanting to get closer to you but knowing it’s probably best if he stays at the distance he is right now and waited a moment until you’ve both calmed down. You felt your eyelids get tired and your energy fading away, only wanting to lay down with him while holding eachother delicately like the loving couple you were just a few hours ago.
“Y-Y/N I.. I’m..” He was trying to find the right words to apologize, you both went too far and you knew a simple ‘I’m sorry’ wouldn’t fix it. You got the courage to move and fixed your posture to walk over to him and quickly leaned onto him, placing your head on his chest and hugging his waist tightly like a koala on a branch.
He waited a few seconds to test the waters and wrapped his arms around you carefully and gently. “I-I went too far.. I.. Y/N I didn’t m-mean to-“ You quickly hushed him and replied before he finished his sentence. “No, Ace, I went too far. I didn’t mean to do all that or say all that.. I was upset.. I know were both tired of hearing ‘I care’ and ‘you care’ over and over again but genuinely.. I really care about you. Honestly..”
You both felt your eyes starting to feel a bit sour while you continued. “Since the day I met you I knew we would get along.. but I never thought we would come to this point in our relationship together.. A-and..” You started to cry in his arms, but it felt comforting almost.
“I-I’m sorry for everything.. I never w-wanted for us to.. argue like this..” You sobbed into his chest and his arms only tightened around you. “Y/N.. I know you care.. I was also upset and.. I guess when you get mad you say stuff.. you don’t really mean..”
“But please promise me this.. none of this will affect anything between us.. please..” He said with a trembling voice. “I promise, Ace.”
You kept hugging eachother and stayed like that for a while until he opened his mouth again. “You can’t change what I’m gonna do.. I’m sorry but I won’t let Blackbeard get away with this.”
“There’s a chance I might die, but, I’ll get rid of those chances. I promise you, Y/N.” You stayed in his arms, too tired to move and waited until he was finished. “I.. I swear to you.. with my body, life and soul.. that I will return.”
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ducktoonsfanart · 10 months
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Happy 95th Birthday to Mickey and Minnie Mouse! - Tribute to sci-fi movies and comics (cosplay) - Star Wars and Star Trek
Unfortunately, sorry for the delay, since I don't have time to do everything myself, but here I am. Since both Mickey and Minnie are celebrating their 95th anniversary and since it's the 100th anniversary of the Disney Studio, I'm going to make it a little bit more of a celebration by drawing tributes to famous movies and also famous artists. By the way, I found inspiration in a drawing by the genius Andrea Freccero. I took inspiration more from Italian comics. Yes, I started with Star Wars, in which Mickey and friends (as well as enemies) play significant roles. I hope you have seen at least the first Star Wars movies as well as the sequels and get familiar with the famous sci-fi genres created by George Lucas and his people. Yes, I drew it my way.
Mickey is Luke Skywalker, Minnie is Mara Jade, Daisy is Princess Leia, Donald is Han Solo, Scrooge is Obi Wan-Kenobi, Huey is the Mandolarian, Dewey is the Ewok (Ewoks), Louie is Master Yoda, Goofy is C-3PO (the golden robot), Gyro is a member of the Imperial Army, Peg-Leg Pete is Darth Vader and Phantom Blot is Emperor Palpatine. And then there's the droid R2-D2. Yes, I prefer the second variant with Scrooge as Darth Vader, but oh well. I hope you like this drawing and this idea and you like characters like this.
The next drawing is related to Star Trek (please people don't get confused with two different sci-fi franchises) and I took it as inspiration not only from the current series and movies, but also from the comics written by Bruno Enna and drawn by Alessandro Perina, Andrea Freccero and Marco Mazzarello. I hope there are some who know about this. However, I drew in my own way in my own style, and this is like a redraw. Mickey is James T. Kirk, Minnie Mouse is Christine Chapel, Goofy is Spock, Ellsworth is Montgomery Scott, Horace is Leonard McCoy, Clarabelle Cow is Uhura and Eega Beeva is Hikaru Sulu. I hope you like this concept and this idea.
Yes, in tribute to: Star Wars Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqQglwBzFT4 Music from Star Trek: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSMeYe-sLhs&t=123s
I hope you like these drawings and ideas like this and crossover like this. Maybe I'll redraw this related to Star Wars and Star Trek, but another time.
Happy birthday once again Mickey and Minnie Mouse and if you like these drawings and this kind of crossover feel free to like and reblog this!
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