pixelga1axy · 2 years
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Marckle belongs to @/MaskedMissey on Instagram
Anyway, this was an art trade and explains the previous post about Mary and Marino encountering a real vampire. It was Anton.
The three of them traveled on the Molentary Express for different reasons, encountering each other and ending up in Folsense.
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pastel-pinku · 1 year
I took an old steam train today, and the people sat behind me were SO vindictive it was gross
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bookcub · 2 years
@princessofbookaholics is doing another romance readathon and im gonna try another line up like i did last year (and im gonna start now cause um why not lol)
here are the prompts and the book i plan to read to fill them (some fit more than one category!!
read a romance with your favorite trope:
queen move by kennedy ryan (i forgot this was on my list but i am a sucker for friends to lovers so this is a good addition)
read a romance you weren't able to get to last year:
accidental pinup by danielle jackson (this looks to be filled with body positivity which i love, so this one should be fun)
read a romance by a bipoc author: american royalty by tracey livesay (this is inspired by meghan marckle and prince harry and im curious to read a fictional interpretation rather than the real life gossip)
read a romance that's part of a series (it doesn't have to follow the same couple, companion novels/novellas will do!):
by the book by jasmine guillory (this is part of a series by different authors turning disney movies into romance novels. super fun and silly and the audiobook of this is better than without imo) (technically i finished this the last week of january)
read a romance that doesn't have an illustrated cover (challenging, I know!): hate to want you by alisha rai (this will be a reread and i might do the rest of the series as well depending on my enjoyment level)
read a romance with lgbtq+ rep:
sorry, bro by taleen voskuni (i am sooooo hyped about this book. my great great grandparents were from armenia and i have encountered zero books with armenian characters) (and the main character is BI!!) (i am ecstatic)
read a romance with any pastel color on the cover:
set on you by amy lea (peach background, its a very cute cover and i oddly like romance novels set in gyms!!)
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edith-is-a-cat · 6 months
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uominiedonneblog · 2 years
Anche l'America è stanca del principe Harry e Meghan Clarke
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E' ufficiale anche in America si stanno stancando della premiata ditta Harry e Meghan. Vero che il 6 dicembre a New York, la coppia sarà insignita del premio Ripple of Hope, riconoscimento che in memoria di Robert Kennedy viene attribuito ogni anno a personalità che si sono distinte per la loro attività umanitaria, filantropica e in difesa dei diritti. Ma appena è trapelata la notizia , la levata di scudi contro i due ex royal è stata quasi unanime.
Gli USA sono stanchi di Meghan Clarke e Harry principe di Inghilterra?
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Del resto i nomi dei precedenti vincitori vanno da Barack Obama , all'arcivescovo sudafricano oppositore dell'Apartheid Desmond Tuttu. Il professore David Nasaw , celebrato biografo di Robert Kennedy, si è fatto portavoce dell'indignazione genenrale "E' un qualcosa che definirei tra l'immensamente ridicolo e lo spudoratamente grottesco. Assurdo!" Ha dichiarato Nasaw "A ricevere lo stesso premio in passato sono stati Bille Hilary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi , Desmond Tutu. Ma che ci fanno Hatty e Meghan tra questi? Cosa hanno fatto di concreto per meritarsele? E a quanto ammonta la percentuale della loro ricchezza distribuita a cause meritevoli? si è chiesto sconcertato Ha tentato di difenderli Kerry Kennedy figliò di Robert, i Sussex verrebbero secondo lei premiati "per i loro impegno nel cercare di cambiare la narrativa sulla salute mentale" , ma gli stoici americani non si lasciano convivere. Non basta parlare di questi temi in interviste varie, peraltro ben prezzolati, per potere essere considerati paladini della causa. Intanto è imminente l'uscita della Biografia di Harry, Spare - Il minore, il 10 gennaio prossimo in tutte le librerie, un titolo che è già tutto un programma e che sicuramente disegna l'intento di racconarsi come reietto rispetto la fratello maggiore William. Il libro per paradosso potrebbe definitivamente affossare porprio l'immagine di Harry, che ancora una volta apparirebbe come dedito all'auto commiserazione e al racnore, quasi avesse scoperto solo adesso che in una fagmilia reale è il primogenito a diventare re, oneri e onori. Già durante i funerali della regina Elisabetta, Meghan Marckle, attrice consumata si asciugava un pò troppo teatralmente una lacrima che sembrava disegnata con l'illuminante per il viso. Lei e Harry erano in seconda fila, ormai un mondo a parte da quando era nata la loor decisione di abbandonare il Regno Unito e i compiti della "Dita" per andare a vivere in America. Sarebbe bastato questo gesto per amareggiare gli inglesi ma la coppia vera premuto sull'accelleratore e Mechian poco dopo rilasciava la famosa intervista alla star della televisione Oprah Winfrey, colpa di accuse e recriminazioni verso tutta la famiglia reale, adombrando accuse di razzismo nei suoi confronti Il principe William rifiuta l'etichetta di famiglia razzista "Non siamo una famiglia razzista" rispose durissimo William ad alcuni giornalisti che lo interrogano in proposito ed è stata rottura. Mentre l'erede al trono e la moglie Kayte, impeccabili si stringevano intorno alla nonna e la famigliola, George Charlotte e Louis compresi , diventava la roccia di Elisabetta, la certezza di solidità e continuità, Harry e Meghan giocavano a fare i paladini dei diritti umani senza chiare competenze specifiche, alternando volontà di distaccarsi dal passato e consapevolezza che proprio quel passato era la fonte principale dei loro redditi, vedi la decisione di chiamare la secondogenita con il soprannome della regina Elisabeth Lilibeth scelta che la stessa pare non avesse affatto gradito. Quel nomignolo le era caro perchè privato, personale e tale avrebbe voluto restasse così lo chiamavano solo i genitori e il martito Filippo. Intanto molti ricordavano le parole del padre di Meghan poco prima delle nozze con Harry " Per lei gli uomini sono gradini verso la fama,. Tradiva l'ex marito Trevor Engleson di nascosto. E' Squallida mi vergogno" William e Kate all'epoca già s'immaginano dividersi con Harry e Meghan alcuni dei compiti di rappresentanza della Royal Family Articolo Tratto dalla Rivista Vero. Read the full article
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jinxthinks · 8 years
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Got concerned after seeing so many online news sites reporting that Netflix picking up GMW is a no go so I decided to contact them and see for myself. So far there is no news one way or another but don’t give up hope! We still have a chance. 
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thetistaboveall · 2 years
Bridging The Gap
Part 1 - 2
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Thomas Tom Marckle is my boss of three or so years invited me on a trip to The UK.
We hit the ground of airport in his private jet he bought for six million dollars.
We exit the plan bags loading into jet black limo for us.
We drive off to the hotel walking in took over almost instinctively.
Onto the elevator we ride up to the suit of the penthouse.
We I come out of my room he is laying on his bed undressing.
In all honesty I saw him one more time that night in the moonlight rays.
He is on the veranda with shining on his silky beige skin and water dripping from him.
Wrap over his waist is nicely pink and super tan towel tightly on him.
“Now you can’t argue with this? Can you?” He asks me.
“What? What do you mean?” The nerves are super strong.
“Any business family would say no to this?“ he asks me.
Part 3 - 4
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I woke up in the middle of the night to see the moon still flowing over me.
The light strains through the curtains on to the skin.
The moonlight sinks in to my skin providing me with energy.
I am overpowered with new purpose as I am fall a sleep:
I awoke to see my boss Tom at the foot of my bed.
A cup of coffee in his hand as he sips it one at a time.
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“What are you doing in my room?“
“Something is off with me today.”
“I just feel this desire to be next to you.”
“It worked, Tom can you hear me?”
“Stop what you are doing.”
Part 5-7
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“Focus on me and put down the cup.”
“Yes Lawrence”
“Come over to me and sit down”
“I’ve always loved you and wanted you”
“You are the man of my dreams.”
“You totally love me and always have.”
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“Let’s have sex Lawrence”
“Top me please”
“Fuck me”
“I beg you”
“I need you in me”
“Do you love me Lawrence?”
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“Oh! On me now”
“Top me up”
“Fuck me hard”
“Oh Baby”
“Use me”
Part 8 - 10
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Tom’s eyes pop open in his hotel room lifting up in his bed,
He props the pillow behind him letting his back widen and relax.
“Was that dream?”
“I love him”
“So much”
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He slides off the bed in to his slipper rushing to the window.
His hands slide the curtain open revealing the beautiful day upon him.
He jumps up in shock as I swing the day to open up.
I snap my fingers causing him to freeze on my command in place.
I cup his chin in my hand dragging closer to me as we kiss.
“What did you do to me?”
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“Your ass is perfect”
“I love the way it bounces.”
“You are modern marvel”
“When I wake you up you will be of my own making.”
“Oh! Hey, Master babe.”
“Do you love me Master?”
The end
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theblogtini · 3 years
On Meghan and Harry teaching their children about material things over healthy relationships there are the Marckles as an example. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that it's a problem that started with Meghan's parents (father?). That is generational and not Harry's genetic pain.
Not even "Meghan's parents" -- just Meghan. Because, let's not forget - Meghan has TWO siblings and neither of them seem to have the problems with their father that she does.
And whatever Harry is spouting off as "genetic pain" is ridiculous as well because his father, aunt, uncles, 1st cousins, AND his brother don't seem to be experiencing it ... not by a long shot. Everyone else seems to be out there living their best life and Harry is just blaming everyone else for his problems.
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hl8indo · 5 years
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Fantastis, Koleksi Perhiasan Meghan Markle Capai Rp10,8 Miliar Fantastis, Koleksi Perhiasan Meghan Markle Capai Rp10,8 Miliar
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pixelga1axy · 2 years
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Mary belongs to @ferfaix Marckle belongs to @/MaskedMissey on Instagram
It's just doodles but I still wanted to show these bc I thought the interactions were funny
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okay but hear me out. Howl’s moving castle nimulot au. It’s literally perfect for them, Lancelot is Howl, squirrel is marckl and Nimue is of course Sophie
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*voz do antonie marckle* oMg SeBaStIaN sTan mAn oH maN
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N sei nem oq falar, só to super ansiosa pelo proximo capítulo e como diria Harry: FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT
amiga, aqui pode tudo! pode passar pano a vontade KKKKKKKKKKKKK
o próximo cap vai ser o próprio Harry gritando isso 😂😂
feliz demais que tenha gostadooo 💖😘
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tea-kovsky-pot · 4 years
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Name: Marckle Pearlnoir (he is based off of Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Carribean)
Mar(c)kle- boundary
Pearlnoir- black pearl (as in Jack’s ship)
2nd year from Octavinelle
When he was young, he travels the sea with his Aunt Barbara and during one of their stops, he meets Azul in his little chubby octopus glory.
He is then reunited with Azul in Octavinelle and he works in the lounge.
And yes, he is secretly gay for Azul.
So this’ll be the first OC i post hahahah
He is the first ever male OC i have ever made and drawn ever.
I’m actually really proud hahahaha
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marvel-mega · 5 years
Two can play this game (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
authors note: Hey guys! its been too long I was feeling lost and uninspired but now I'm back with my newest Bucky fic! Thank you to all of you for reading any of my fics it means the world to me.
summary: you meet bucky in a nightclub and bucky thinks he found the one for him in this beautiful stranger but little does he know you're not strangers. Y/N acts mindless to what she is doing to Bucky, but it’s all part of a little revenge plot.
word count:1668 
warnings: not yet ! smut is coming my friends ;) 
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*gif credit to owner**
It was a guys night, rare occurrence amongst earth's mightiest defenders. But oddly enough it was actually Sams idea to go out and it finally came into motion.But Sam couldn’t come because of his new ‘captain america duties’ personally Bucky thought he just wanted the tower all to himself. And that's how bucky ended up in a club watching you. God what he would do just to know your name. You kept staring at him with these EYES he couldn’t take it. “Hey tiger, you better go out there and talk to her before i do.” said ant-boy or insect-man? ‘Stewart’s his name’ Bucky thought to himself. But Bucky couldn't stand the idea of someone else getting a chance to dance with you so he stood up and made his way towards you.
y/n’s pov
‘I have him right where I want him’ y/n thought to herself. ‘God this’ll be fun’. He made his way over slyly introducing himself, “Im James but my friends call me bucky.” James winked at you. ‘Time to play the mindless game’ you thought. “Haha Bucky that's so cute I love it” you smiled flirtatiously at bucky. You knew you had him when you flashed him that smile. “Why aren't we dancing” you laughed like a sorority girl, making sure he thought you were head over heels for him. The two of you began dancing and you felt him not just on your back because of the grinding that ensued and not because of your hands around his neck. You felt his boner and you smirked to yourself. You turned around and handed him a piece of paper that had your number on it, the fake phone number you used of course. Poor Bucky is gonna be calling this number very confused when your voice doesn’t ring through the phone but the rejection hotline script does.
Bucky's pov
Bucky knew he had you wrapped around his finger you even whispered in his ear that he was perfect for you. God he couldn’t wait to call you and rub it in Sam’s face that he got a girls number and a hot girl at that. Bucky went home that night with a massive smile on his face.
Skip to a couple nights later
Bucky’s pov
“Hey man how was the club last night?” Sam asked bucky. “Actually, I’m glad you asked because I got the hottest girls number she said her name was Y/N” Bucky said savoring the way your name felt rolling off his tongue. “Psst sure you did and I met Meghan Marckle last night dude.” Sam laughed at him. “No i swear i did!! Look I’ll call her right now!!” Bucky begins to dial what he thought was Y/N’s number from the paper he gave her. And scowls at Sam as the phone begins to ring on speaker. “Hello this is not the person you were trying to call. You’ve reached the rejection hotline. Unfortunately, the person that gave you this rejection hotline number did not want you to have their real number.” Bucky’s eyes went wide as Sam let out a howl of laughter. “You thought you were gonna ‘get it on’ with a girl who was so hot that she gave you the number to the rejection hotline AHHHHH!!!!.” at this point Sam was laughing so hard he was just shouting. Bucky was as red as ever, “This has never happened to me before what ...why.. I don't understand.” Sam looks at his good friend with the utmost sincerity in his eyes, “Hey man I’ll tell you what it means, IT MEANS YOU HAVE NO GAME.” Sam tried to say without laughing but he let it all out to the point where tears were coming out of his eyes. Bucky was fuming, “Let’s go back to the club I want to see if she's there and if this ‘rejection hotline’ was just a misunderstanding.” Sam looked at him, totally baffled that his friend refused to accept the rejection, “okay then i'm coming too”. Bucky was irritated that Sam invited himself but at least he could be his wingman or something. So now bucky is on his way to a club where he was horribly rejected by the most beautiful angel he’d seen here on earth.
Y/N pov
“Hey, Y/N do you want to go to the club tonight?” You turned to look at her bags under your eyes, glasses on your face reading your favorite novel. “Umm I don't know” you had felt slightly guilty for leading bucky on but you have to remind yourself what he did to you all those years ago. “Hey Jess,” you called your roommate “Yea?” she said. “Can I tell you something,” she nodded so you continued “I wasn’t always seen as the ‘pretty girl’ I was actually a really big geek in high school, well i still am it's just  easier to hide it. But in high school I had a massive crush on this guy, and he was the ‘popular guy’ he was on the football team and he had what seemed like hundreds of friends. So when he  asked me out i was so confused but beyond ecstatic. So I got ready and I tried to make myself as beautiful as I could with limited resources,” you began to shake as you reached this point. “I went to the diner Bu- the guy wanted me to meet him at and I sat down and waited and waited and waited. He never showed, the diner stayed open later because they felt bad for me. Ever since then I was determined to never get my heartbroken again, that i would be a heartbreaker. That guy that hurt me was James Barnes.” Your roommate looked shocked, “the guy you danced with last night?” you nodded solemnly. “Yea, him”. “Oh well he’s head over heels for you.” you laughed at her. “No he’s not and even if he was I gave him the emergency number” Jess began to laugh “No you did not!” You smiled sheepishly. “Well we have to go back! So you can ditch him on a date right? Get even?” “I don't know jess that seems harsh?” Jess looks at you “Dude he was beyond a jerk to you in high school! Did he ever even apologize?” You thought back to your senior year amongst all the college festivities, Bucky never apologized. You ran to get ready with shouting ‘that it was your turn to get him back’.
At the club
Y/N pov
You felt free just dancing by yourself or with your friends or the few moments a handsome stranger came to accompany you. But you felt eyes on you, a tall handsome familiar face. You smirked at him and began dancing as if it was just the two of you alone, you moved your hips in perfect harmony with the music playing. You began to move your hands from your hair down to your neck to your breasts to your stomach you couldn’t get any lower because he was already in front of you, you were sort of shocked at how quickly he moved across the club to get to you. “Hi” you said sweetly to the gorgeous man. “Hey” he said as his hand made its way around your waist. Almost like the DJ knew you were making some questionable decisions tonight he began to play “Bad Idea” by Ariana Grande.
I got a bad idea
How 'bout we take a little bit of time away?
I got a bad idea
Forget about it, yeah, forget about him, yeah
Forget about me
I got a bad idea
Yeah, I'ma call you over here to numb the pain
I got a bad idea
Forget about it, yeah, forget about him, yeah
Forget about me
The lyrics perfectly described how you felt about what you were doing, sure it was a bad idea but you didn’t want to think too far into it, you just wanted the pain you felt to go away and maybe inflict some pain back on Bucky. Time for the heartbreaker to get his heartbroken.
Even though we shouldn't, baby boy, we will (You know we will)
Need somebody, gimme something I can feel (Yeah)
But, boy, don't trip (Don't trip), you know this isn't real
You should know I'm temporarily
You were going to make this a temporary thing it was just going to be a one time thing or not be a thing since you weren't going to show up for the date you were going to ask him out on. ‘This’, whatever it was, wasn't real for you however how bucky felt about it was something you couldn’t control.
I got a bad idea
How 'bout we take a little bit of time away?
I got a bad idea
Forget about it, yeah, forget about him, yeah
Forget about me
You got on your tippy-toes and whispered to bucky in his ear “Come back to my place, tonight.”
Bucky’s pov
The way Y/N moved was mesmerizing bucky couldn’t help but feel like you were a magnet and he was a piece of metal that had to be with you. When you began to touch yourself Bucky lost it because he wanted to be the one who had his hands all over your body. He moved swiftly, his long legs making his strides quicker. He lost it when your innocent doe eyes looked at him like you did nothing wrong, it made Bucky forget all about the phone number incident. After a few moments of dancing you turned to bucky with those eyes that no one could possibly say no to. You smiled sweetly and asked him to come home with you, Bucky didn’t want to say no. So he didn’t. The two of you left the club and into a cab, one ready for mischief and the other unbeknownst for what was to come.
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joanapassaotavares · 5 years
Meghan Marckle usou um vestido low cost de uma marca africana Mayamiko, no valor de cerca 62 euros na sua digressão por África do Sul.
Esta é uma forma de demonstrar a democratização que está patente no mundo da moda e a forma como cada vez mais não se faz distinguir por classes sociais. 
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fauvester · 5 years
humankaiju rodan is danish/american megan marckle 
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