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polkadotmotmot · 1 month ago
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Levoy Exil - Marassa (with Hearts), 1988- Oil on masonite
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elsa-fogen · 9 months ago
I really like you interpretation of Alastor's shadow, it feels very fitting ᵔᵜᵔ
Especially considering the fact that some of his symbols remind me of the veve for Marassa, who's name practically means "the one that comes as two"
And this is really interesting!!! I didn't know that
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transgenderer · 11 months ago
The Cult of Twins
Twins (marassa), living and dead, are endowed with supernatural power which makes them exceptional being. In the voodoo pantheon they hold a privileged position besides the grand mysteres. Some people would even claim that they are more powerful than the loa. They are invoked and saluted at the beginning of a ceremony immediately after Lega; in some regions, notably Leoagne, they even come before him.
Any family which includes twins, either among its living members, or in one of its ancestral lines must, under pain of 'chastisement', serve them with offerings and sacrifice. Sometimes a family reeling under a series of misfortunes learns form a hungan (voodoo practitioner) that it has been neglecting twins far back in its ancestry 'at the time of Guinea'. A child counts as a twin when it is born with webbed feet, for this is a sign that it has 'eaten' its brother in the womb...
The child who follows twins immediately in order of birth (the dosu if itis a boy, dosa if it is a girl) unites in its person the power of both twins and there can dispose of greater powers than they. 'The dosu is stronger than the marassa and stronger than the loa.' Hence he is treated with the greatest respect and in the event of offerings being made, he as the precedence over the twins, On the other hand, the child born before twins = the chuket or dosu avant - has no great standing, though it is said of him that he 'dragged the twins after him'
The presence of twins in a family involves its members in constant attentions and thousand precautions. It takes very little to make a twin turn against his parents and, as is his wont, 'grip' them in the stomach - that is to say inflict serious trouble upon their intestines. It is true that twins are to prepared to be punished for some fault which they have really committed, but they take cruel revenge if they think they have been unjustly treated...
A worker employed at Marbial told us that he and his twin sister almost killed their mother for refusing them a dish of crabs and gomboes which their father, out of concern for their health, had advised her not to give them. The boy placed a stick in the moist earth beside a tree and each day he went and pushed it in a little farther. His mother fell dangerously ill and would have died if the twins, as the result of family entreaties, had not acknowledges the wrong they were doing. They were offered a feast and a pig was killed...
It is normal for twins to hate each other: 'Marassa yo raisab' (twins dont get on) is a proverbial saying. At marbial I knew a boy Andreno and a little girl Andreni, who were twins in a large and poor family. Each of them grew with difficulty for want of adequate food; but the little girl was bigger and stronger than he Brohter. The parents said she was 'eating' her brother and explained that the two children had dedicated themselves to mutual hatred before they even saw the light of day. The moment she war born Andreni had tries to strangle Andreno by looping the umbilical cord around his neck - to such good effect that as he came into the world Andreno found himself 'hanged like a young goat'. Usually when twins are of different sex it is the boy who prospers, at the expense of the girl.
Twins can hardly be too carefully supervised if they are to be precented from harming each other. As soon as one of them shows signs of failing, the other is implored to give up his criminal intention. At meals, when they are not looking, parents seize the opportunity of switching round their plates so that each ears the food of the other - which has the effect of restoring a good relationship.. They also get given a dose which has the power of changing the hated they feel for each other into affection. Such is the power of twins that no one will make take any steps against one twin who causes the death of the other; indeed, people will even take care not to show him the slightest resentment.
Twins must be treated exactly alike if jealousy is to be avoided. Their clothes must be identical, their share of food equal and any praise exactly divided between them. As to twin sisters, they must be married as far as possible at the same time. if a woman with a twin brother marries, she and her husband will load him with presents to obliterate any possible resentment he may secretly feel. Even death does not break the ties which links twins together. The survivor puts to one side, for the deceased, a symbolic portion of whatever he eats or receives by way of presents. Herakovitz traced these practices to that belief, so widespread in West Africa, which attributes but one shared soul to twins.
The power of marassa is not entirely negative. Certainly their ill-will i all the more to be dreaded for being sometimes involuntary. But provided they are happy and satisfied, they turn the strength which is in them to good account. Their intervention is often sought on behalf of the sick; in serious cases recourse may be had to ancestral marassa who, either by dreams or by medium, will prescribe appropriate remedies
-Voodoo, Metraux
ive never heard of anything like this! i might read a book i found about twins. very interesting and strnage. this sort of "born shaman" feature is odd. the whole thing is odd, and interesting. also the parent/child power inversion is something i havent seen before
i know the igbo are veyr anti twin, so its interesting that partially-igbo-descended haitian culture is so pro-twin
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ortodelmondo · 1 year ago
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Cristina de Middel
ElegguĂ  arrives at the macumbas of Rio de Janeiro as EXU, and takes the shape Seu ZĂ© Pilintra one of the icons of the Carioca soul. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2016. "Midnight at the Crossroads".
Exu takes many different shapes, both woman and men. Here a Pomba Gira, the feminine representation of Exu in the Umbanda temples. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2016. "Midnight at the Crossroads"
Tying strands of palm oil on your toes and pulling your feet off the floor at 12am will keep the bad luck away. Havana, Cuba. 2018. From the series "Midnight at the Crossroads".
Twins in Haiti are called Marassa and are also considered as specially blessed and providers of good luck. Jacmel, Haiti. 2018. From the series "Midnight at the Crossroads
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rockofeye · 5 months ago
From your experience, what's a good price for Pompeia, Bien ĂŠtre, RĂŞve D'or, and Hombre aerosol? I've felt that I've sometimes felt cheated of my money or that a botanica was overcharging but wasn't sure in this economy
Don't buy in botanicas; prices are almost always raised on perfumes etc way more than can be found basically anywhere else. Botanicas are good for specialty items that need to be imported, if only because they are cheaper than a plane ticket to Haiti...not because they are priced reasonably. Specialty items that botanicas can be good for are Haitian clay items (govi, krish, plat Marassa, etc), Haitian-style batons, various makout and djakout, leaves for medicine or magic, chodye, tet gridap, and chapo. Some botanicas will sell specialty food items for the lwa, like siwo d'orgeat peyi, siwo peyi, devin, manje gad, and Barbancourt, but it depends on where you are. The mark-up in botanicas can be CRAZY; a makout for Kouzen in Haiti can be bought for maybe $10USD and the low end I have seen them sold for in the US is $50 with the high end being around $125. Same for chapo; $40-50USD for an item in Haiti that can be bought for around $7USD.
For Pompeia and Rev D'Or, I buy the large bottles and I will shop around for the best deal among a bunch of vendors. I can usually get them for around or just under $25USD per bottle. In botanicas, I see those size bottles for $50-60USD.
I buy Florida Water by the case, and the price has gone way up in the last couple years. I can usually get it for about $3.50USD/bottle, which is way more than it used to be. I shop around for Florida Water, too.
Hope this helps!
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conjuremanj · 2 years ago
The Vodou Lwa, Voodoo Spirits and their Catholic Saint counterparts.
Why were the Vodou Lwa Synchronized? They became syncretized when the spirits they came to the new world and found it's way too the New Orleans Voodoo tradition by the Haitian Vodou religion? Since Louisiana was primarily Catholic need to protect their practice it made sense to add the spirits with the Catholic Saints. These are the most common Catholic Saints traditionally associated with the Vodou spirits. (All photos from Erzulie’s Voodoo in New Orleans.)
The following overview of the Voodoo spirits and their Catholic counterparts are not intended to replace the history. Instead, this is to provide a general concepts as to which Catholic Saints the Vodou Lwa are most closely associated with due to the African diaspora (slave trade)
Voodoo and the Catholic Saints:
In New Orleans, many traditional Voodoo altars are decorated with Catholic saints. This is because, to avoid persecution, many practitioners would syncretized the Lwa and Orisha with their saints. This practice has also led to the incorrect belief that Voodoo is descended from Catholicism, even though the African religions it is based on predate Christianity by thousands of years. Here are some of the more sought after and renowned Vodou Lwa/spirit and their Catholic Saint counterparts for you to use. Spells and Rituals. Here are a few from Haitian, New Orleans, Puerto Rican spirituality) or 21 Divisiones with their saints.
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Papa Legba, the Divine Messenger and Road Opening, Saint Counterpart St. Peter.
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Papa Legba, the Divine Messenger and Road Opening, Saint Counterpart St. Lazarus. (Haitian, )
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Papa Legba, the Divine Messenger and Road Opening, Saint Counterpart St. Anthony. (New Orleans, Haitian)
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Erzulie-Freda, the Lwa of Love & Passion. Saint Counterpart Mater Dolorosa.
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Erzulie-Freda, the Lwa of Love & Passion. Saint Counterpart Our Lady of Sorrows.
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Ogoun Badagris, the Warrior Spirit. Saint Counterpart St. James.
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Ogoun Balendjo, the Warrior Spirit. Saint Counterpart St. Philip.
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Ogoun Feray, the Warrior Spirit. Saint Counterpart St.
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Agwe, Sovereign of the Sea. Saint Counterpart St. Ulric.
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LaSiren, Divine Water Spirit, wife of Agwe, Sovereign of the Sea. Saint Counterpart Our Lady Star.
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Ayizan, the Priestess. Saint Counterpart St. Lucy.
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Lwa Damballah, the Father Lwa and wife, Ayida-Wedo. Saint Counterpart St. Patrick.
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Erzulie-Dantor, the Great Mother Lwa. Saint Counterpart Our Lady.
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Erzulie-Dantor, the Great Mother Lwa. Saint Counterpart Our Lady of Czestochowa (the Black Madonna)
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Lwa Simbi, the Magi. Saint Counterpart St. Christopher.
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Lwa Marassa, the Divine Twin. Saint Counterpart St. Cosmas & St. Damian.
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Baron Samedi and the Ghede. Saint Counterpart St. Gerard.
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Manman Bridgette and the Ghede. Saint Counterpart St. Catherine.
I sincerely hope you enjoyed this introduction on the Vodou Lwa, Voodoo Spirits and their Catholic Saint Counterparts.
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 years ago
day 4 haitian heritage month once again im in this bitch
anywho, in haitian voodoo there's these two twin lwa's that r called marassa (also known as "the divine twins") and usually they're depicted as young kids and r used to represent harmony and balance, and they're seen as like rlly important and they're like the one law who can manifest in both masculine or feminineforms/energies and sooooo
i feel like the shepards mom (and tim but he won't admit it) kinda looks at curly and angela like they are those twins cause they dont rlly act the same they are pretty opposite from each other, they're fraternal twins, n yada yada, point is the shepard family kinda compare marassa to curly and angela time to time and curly and angela take pride in that cause they think its cool
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vudutarot · 7 months ago
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Genyen je o Marasa layo Genyen je o genyen je o Pou nou gade yo la
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444names · 1 year ago
russian forenames + periodic table elements BUT excluding "t" and including "s"
Abalis Abarislay Abarosprom Abarseon Abiesip Abilavesip Abislavse Abislaw Aborasium Abrasim Abros Adisamasy Agados Agafaksa Agafanislav Agafnis Agafnislay Agafoksa Agafoksila Agafoksium Agaforassa Agallasiky Aganiesil Agarseor Agavks Agdannasium Agorosen Alegorasha Aliyarse Anaislavgus Anasip Anesium Anieslay Anisladika Anislav Arassium Arbis Arisa Ariscaliana Arisla Arisladymy Aronislav Arsenium Arseya Asenasium Asevim Asika Asilium Asillasivy Asium Assilladana Assimole Aurislay Avassil Avdiyarseon Avdos Avdoslah Avenieslav Aveniessium Avenisla Avennasy Avesiv Aveslada Aveslar Avessia Avgus Avgusladium Avguslah Avguslav Avguslavika Avguslavror Avguslaw Aviyesium Avksa Avksana Avksanadium Avksen Avksencium Avksephium Avksia Avksilic Avksilvel Avksim Avksimon Avksip Avksium Avreliyesip Avroseodik Avrosladmir Avroslav Avseabnov Avseadomium Avsel Avsela Avsena Avsenria Avseodymium Avseph Avsevivy Avsim Avsium Avundislan Avvaksium Avvasium Avvasy Beliscalina Berislanion Bisladakir Bonisla Bornis Boroslan Borosph Bradis Broseadium Broselina Brosilina Caranasip Carbislay Carines Carismir Cerados Ceseada Cesey Cesikir Cesivy Cesla Cesladium Ceslavks Ceslavsip Ceslaw Ceslay Cessia Cessium Chaislah Chesily Curoslay Daidaisan Daismium Damasilady Danesilin Danislavrey Danismir Darbiesium Darislanium Darismir Darosium Darossil Difonisla Dislav Dmiros Dubnislay Dysprosy Ekhasil Elifaks Elisla Ermasia Eurasip Frashall Frasilay Frasy Garisa Genisa Genislavva Genrislav Gnerbisa Gneseabor Gnesia Gnisla Grisladrey Grislan Hailanies Haismilay Hasilavel Hassilodium Heslav Heslavenas Hosladen Hoslana Hydrosphium Ilanisla Ilavks Inesip Inessip Iodysph Irassilay Ironnassana Ivasium Josip Josium Josladmium Joslav Joslavsium Josmur Josproslan Jossia Jossium Ladarisla Lavrossip Lekaksium Linadosy Lindros Ljubisla Luraislaw Maarinasil Manies Marassa Marassip Marisalenna Maroslay Marosmir Marosph Maseabonia Masevold Mashafan Masian Masium Massa Massilvenna Mermashail Minese Mirisandy Nadifonisa Nadronislay Naisa Naisca Nashalium Nashashan Nasik Nasikl Nasilavrey Nasim Nasimerium Nasium Nassikha Neodisa Neseph Nesey Nessip Nessium Niesladim Nineodiyes Niscalum Nisla Nislan Nislanilody Nislavivy Nislavudium Okseon Oksil Oksimily Oksip Oksium Olenasip Olinashasha Osikh Osily Osilya Osium Oslada Oslan Oslana Oslanian Oslanica Oslavdelia Oslavenna Oslavid Oslavksel Oslay Osmilo Osmily Ospholik Ospromium Osprora Ossangendim Ossivan Panasia Plasium Plavksamena Polgavks Prasilvele Prasily Prasip Prasium Prosla Proslaw Rachessilya Radislavena Radonislan Ranies Ranislaw Rasip Rasium Rasivanya Rassa Rassillium Rhodysph Rhossium Romiras Rosium Rosla Roslanium Roslaronium Rosprom Rossa Rossium Ruslasha Ruslassik Salevold Salybdenaly Sambomira Samborium Samium Samvrelinad Sangerfon Scalevolav Scall Scania Scanya Scarium Schailvelid Schenum Schne Seabom Selifa Sennada Seodium Seody Sephium Sephorinum Sevia Siklin Silan Silanium Sillium Silomilya Silonna Sneodium Sneon Sneonya Sneoranina Snermir Sneslav SneĹľan SneĹľanna SneĹľanya Sobamvrel Sobel Sobelavda Sobelidium Sobid Sobida Sobielekh Sobijah Sobijar Sobium Sodel Sodey Sodon Sodonir Sonya Sophium Sophodolium Sopholena Sopio Sopiod Sopiodymine Sopion Sopioniil Sopium Soppery Sulfury Sulifana Sulinum Sulium Sullia Sullikya Sullium Sveler Svelic Sveline Svell Svellan Svena Svenadmium Svenia Svenium Svenkako Svenum Sverid Sverium Svermir Svery Svesil Svesip Sveslavudis Svian Sviana Svianiesium Svium Svivalom Svivy Urisladium Urosium Vaksam Vaksip Valiscadium Vanis Vasha Vashaily Vashalurom Vasimofey Vasip Vassallium Vassilim Venismina Verislasium Vesim Viyesium Vlanies Vlavks Volganyaksa Volomirosim Vseleria Vsena Vsephia Vsimerinery Vsium Yaksip Yeras Yeselenka Yeseon Yesey Yeseya Yesiana Yesila Yesium Yesladium Yeslav Yessamir Yessilium Yulinasium Yulis Zorismury Zorus
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mgstappie · 2 years ago
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Marassa (@marassa.saucysoul) • Instagram-foto's en -video's
(20) Marassa.SaucySoul - YouTube
Spotify – Marassa - Discografie
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isausmanmohd · 2 years ago
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Ya Allah ka za'ba mana Shugabanni nagari masu tausayi da tsoron Allah, wadanda zasu kula mana da amanar al'ummarmu su tsare mana mutuncinmu da rayukanmu da dukiyoyinmu. Ya Allah kada ka damqa amanarmu ahannun azzalumai wadanda ba zasu tausaya mana ba, wadanda ba zasu damu damu ba. Ka kiyayemu daga mulkin mutanen da zasu fifita maslahar kansu data iyalansu akan maslahar al'ummarsu. Wadanda ba zasu ji tsoronka suyi mana adalci ba. Ka kiyayemu daga mummunar nadama, da mummunar Qaddara, da aikin da-na-sani, da dariyar maqiya da mahassada, da dukkan tsautsayi da asara. Salatinka Ya Allah da aminci marassa yankewa su tabbata bisa Mafificin bayinka, Ma'abocin tutar godiya aranar tsaiwa, Shugabanmu Annabinmu Muhammadu tare da iyalan gidansa tsarkaka da Sahabbansa baki daya. DAGA ZAUREN FIQHU✍️ 07064213990 (25/08/1444 17/03/2023). (at Nigeria) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp7aXm0o8mU/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kiwi-xeet · 5 years ago
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Marassa is literally the prettiest OC I’ve ever created. I don’t even know how I managed it but whenever I look through my gifs I just stare at her for about ten minutes, wondering what I did to deserve to look at her pretty face, let alone have a hand in creating it.
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blacknerdproblems · 5 years ago
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Writer: Greg Anderson Elysee / Artist: Antonello Cosentino / Evoluzione Publishing
You see, for me, one of the most important parts of any sci-fi is the world-building and the characters. What does your vision of the far future look like? It’s got aliens? Cool, cool. Space pirates? Okay, dope. I’m digging that. A cast of mostly black and other characters of color, all unique from one another, embroiled in a mystery and the beginnings of an epic space adventure. Oh, yes. I’ll have some of that.
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Marassa by Greg Elysee and Antonello Cosentino sets up a universe full of badass space pirates, unique futuristic technology, and humans coexisting with all manner of aliens. It’s pretty much your standard affair when it comes to sci-fi tropes. However, what sets it apart is its cast of mostly POC characters and the tone it brings to the genre. From the characters to the setting and plot, everything just feels different.
The way characters talk, the crazy wooden technology, the worlds we see and even the designs of the aliens feel inspired by a touch of black culture. It’s not exactly revolutionary when it comes to sci-fi but there is enough style held together by a strong plot to keep us wanting more. If the opening issues are anything to go by, Marassa does everything right, making it the start of a great black space opera.
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The story follows twins Mara and her brother, Sa. Mara is a former pirate, living the life of luxury in what I can only describe as futuristic space Wakanda with her husband, the alien prince, her mother-in-law, the queen, and her two sons. Meanwhile, her brother Sa is a space pirate, known to be troublesome, confident and for others, somewhat annoying. Riding the cosmos with Sa is his “son” Petit, an adorable humanoid and childlike wooden droid who has a few secrets of his own.
Read on here. [x]
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mambo-marie-laveau-voodoo · 2 years ago
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FĂŞte vaudou #marassajumeaux https://store-e-voodoo.net #magie #magique #initiation #mystique #sorcellerie #vaudou #rituel #rituelvaudou #marassa #lwa https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm7aWxOjNhz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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haitianartlover · 7 years ago
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Lafortune Felix, Marassa
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rockofeye · 5 months ago
What does it mean to salute the “mysteries” (or misterios) being referenced in different prayers like the Priye Ginen and whatnot? Is it an acknowledgement of different divine forces and spirits of different geographic areas and ancestries?
It depends on both context and what the person praying means, but in general mistè yo/mysteries refers to all that we knows is there but cannot see; lwa, Marassa, all good spirits, etc.
Acknowledgment of different geographic areas and ancestries is usually named specifically as bitasyon _____ or demanbwe _______ etc. We acknowledge the mysteries there by name, as much as we can know those names, or use placeholders that acknowledge that we don't know or remember every place, like bitasyon bo manman m yo/all the bitasyons on my mother's side or tout sa m bliye sa m sonje/all that I have forgotten and all that I miss.
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