#marasenna purveyor of nightmares
sapphic-scylla · 1 year
Needed a breather from full length stories. Also, kinda blocked on how I wanna write Ascella’s arc. So imma do this instead. Keep in mind: at this point in their stories, they are all teammates, not exactly lovers or partners so for all intents and purposes, all of these people are single. @ebevkisk
How Marasenna feels about her teammates:
Petra Naverrian
Senna and Petra have a respect for each other. They have lived long lives despite still being so young, so they trust each other implicitly. Petra is also the only non-dragon to beat Senna in a straight-up fight, so Senna feels close to her in that regard.
Lyria Peregrine
They have a symbiotic relationship. Senna LOVES food and Lyria loves making food. Lyria is also kinda the group mom, so Senna vents a lot to her about things. Senna also is very good at bringing Lyria out of her shell, so it works out.
Emily Cordalith
An example of opposites attract. Senna is a wild child and Emily is a very centered and focused individual. Somehow, this makes them a very unique pairing that works well together.
Aerin Curridan
Senna admires Aerin’s peaceful and stoic energy. She knows Aerin follows a war patron, but Senna has never met anyone who was literally like a warm cup of chai tea on a snowy snowy evening like Aerin is.
Verity Xanderia
Something unsettles Senna about Verity. Verity carries an aura of confusion and power that Senna does not understand, but it feels very old and very dangerous and as such, Senna keeps her distance.
Madness incarnate. Senna is Haley’s enabler. Senna encourages so much creativity and chaos out of them that it’s insane what shenanigans they can get up to when they spend too much time together.
Ascella Ylteryn
Surprisingly, these two are very close friends. Ascella finds herself around Senna more often than not. Even if they aren’t talking, they find comfort in each other’s presence.
Teyra Fellspark
If anyone in the hold could give Senna butterflies, its 100% Teyra. These two have the most wholesome relationship. Teyra is the soft spoken and loving softie to Marasenna’s wild instigator and Teyra has an ability to calm Senna down that no one else has mastered. Also, both tend to turn beet red when around each other, but they haven’t figured that out yet.
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sapphic-scylla · 2 years
For those few people who actually read my OC stories that I post, I wanted to actually write this up for those that care. It’s fairly well known that my OC’s are all D&D concepts and I wanted to go into more detail about them. Also, keep in mind, most of my OC’s severely break the Level Cap on D&D because they’re OC’s so keep in mind that they are broken as fuck. @ebevkisk
OC D&D Breakdown
Petra Naverrian
Cleric-Blood Domain Level 20
Wizard-Bladesinger Level 15
Fighter-Battlemaster Level 15
Dump Stat:
Lyria Peregrine
Druid-Circle of the Moon Level 20
Ranger-Gloomstalker Level 15
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Emily Cordalith
Monk-Way of the Long Death Level 20
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Aerin Curridan
Barbarian-Path of the Zealot Level 20
Fighter-Echo Knight Level 15
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Verity Xanderia
Sorcerer-Pyromancy Level 20
Fighter-Champion Level 15
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Artificer-Battle Smith Level 20
Fighter-Gunslinger Level 15
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Dump Stat:
Ascella Ylteryn
Wizard-Necromancy Level ???
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Petra’s Sister (you’ll meet her soon)
Rogue-Mastermind Level 20
Wizard-Illusion Level 20
Dump Stat:
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sapphic-scylla · 1 year
Very long one. Draconic lore of the world I’m building as well as a rework of Marasenna’s backstory. Also ties in a few mor characters so I can flesh them out more, but Marasenna, the Purveyor of Nightmares is our focus here. Enjoy! @ebevkisk
Marasenna stared out the window of her tower into the endless void of the pocket plane she now resided in. A pool of emotions swirled around in her 150-year old brain. More mature, but still very much a young adult by dragon standards.
Her tower was massive, wide and big enough to fit her full form with a massive opening so she could take off and just fly if she needed to. Her room was filled with trinkets and artifacts. Most dragons did, but most people misunderstood. Dragons lived for thousands of years, if not forever. Years passed by like hours sometimes. Hoards are a dragon’s way of understanding and connecting with the world around them. Most hoarded gold and precious things. Marasenna liked unique items. Swords from honorable people, marks of generational changes, cool machines, interesting rocks. Senna had a gift for finding the treasure in the mundane.
A Sending Stone went off in her pocket. Mona had just been sent off on her quest. Senna grasped the stone tightly and drifted over to the edge of her perch. Sure, Mona was her new follower as a Shadow Sorcerer, but there was nothing Senna could say to them that would help. This was something Mona had to figure out by themselves. As Senna was swallowed by her thoughts, she felt a twinge of anxiety creep into her mind.
Senna was 25, which was incredibly young for a dragon. Dragons matured much slower than most humanoid folk, so she was still very much a child and was still learning how to conduct herself. It was only fair since dragons lived for millennia and even ancient dragons still looked fairly young for their age. Death was very rare for dragons and when it happened, it’s not due to natural causes.
The Dissident Veil was meeting for the decade in Barsigauria, the far south continent where all manner of ancient beasts and creatures had taken root. Her parents, being very vocal and important figures in Draconic society, were specifically called to attend and Senna was expected to be on her best behavior.
Most dragons and wyverns could change their shape to match that of humanoid society and, as Marasenna and her parents touched down in Merovia Plaza, they all shifted into more manageable forms. Her parents were gorgeous. Two tall yet elegant and muscular feminine forms, one with jet black hair and one with brilliant blonde hair and bright purple eyes, gave her a gentle smile as they reached out their hands. Dragons had no use for gender or anything so primitive, but the idea of identity that the humans came up with gave people a sense of euphoria, so dragons adopted it as a way of accepting others and interacting with the world more thoroughly.
Senna’s black hair and purple eyes met their gaze and, with a bright smile, they entered the plaza where several other draconian creatures were filing in.
“Now, Senna, you know the rules. Only speak when spoken to and stay by us as much as possible, ok? We don’t want to lose you in this meeting.”
Senna gave a small frown. “But what if I want to say hi to Teyra? It’s been so long since I got to play with her.”
Her mother’s purple eyes softened. “Only if she comes over, ok? This place has friendly creatures, but also very dangerous ones.”
Senna nodded and grasped her mothers hand tightly.
“Ah, Meryn and Hyrintha, so nice to see you again.” An imposing figure stood before them. Bright red eyes, built like a statue, dark skin, and with the deep voice to match his intimidating figure, Senna looked up at Rodorga, the dragon of the High Mountains.
“It’s so nice to see you, Uncle Ro!” Senna gave another smile. Rodorga was a sweetheart and a gentle giant. He gave a gleeful smile in return and mussed her hair a little.
“Ah, young Marasenna! Teyra, your friend is here.”
A young dragon, roughly the same age, but with curly hair, black skin, and eyes to match her father’s ran up and gave Senna a big hug. “Senna, you came! I have so much to tell you about!”
A bell went off inside the main building. Meryn tapped Senna’s shoulder. “We’ll try to sit together in the meeting, ok? Let’s walk and talk, Ro.”
Marasenna gleefully walked off with Teyra talking her ear off.
The council was well underway and Marasenna was bored. She and Teyra were sadly not allowed to talk during the proceedings due to the nature of the information being passed about and debated. Mostly about the advancements of mortal society and where they stood in diplomacy with them.
Teyra slumped in her chair next to Senna. “This is so boring…” she whispered.
Senna had to agree. It was starting to put her to sleep. The high arbiters didn’t exactly carry a tone that sparked a ton of excitement. Senna and Teyra were really only here because even young dragons needed to learn the rules and politics of interacting with humans.
As the meeting droned on, an old stranger walked down the center of the main aisle. One that Senna had never seen before.
“Excuse me, arbiters, may I have a word?” The old man asked.
Unannounced guests were not unusual in this meeting, but something about this man ran a sinister chill up her spine. Her brain tingled as if it was on fire and she didn’t have an explanation.
“Paraios!” The spokesman for the Dissident Veil, a very distinguished woman, stood and had a horrified look on her face. “We thought you were dead.”
Senna, sitting not very far away, turned to her mothers and both of them had the same expression. Disbelief and confusion.
“Ahh, arbiters, yes, it seems as though I am quite alive. It’s been what? 70 years since I was in this court. I see we have some fresh new faces.” Paraios said, gazing pointedly at the two young dragons. Senna and Teyra looked at each other with the same uncomfortable expression. “Yet it occurs to me that I’m surprised that you recognized me, aged as I am, because, you see, I am younger than most of you. But because you sent me out into the Underdark, it seems as though I appear a lot older than I am.”
Senna’s hyper attuned hearing could hear several dragons prepping a breath weapon. Apparently, Paraios heard it as well. “Well, as it seems I’m not welcome here, allow me to bestow a parting gift.” With a snap, the entire Dissident Veil disappeared.
Senna had studied magic and this was a True Banishment. How did he get 5 people at a time? That’s impossible.
Paraios, with a deeply malevolent look in his eye, dropped his humanoid form and tentacles sprouted from his back. His wings became alien and withered and a massive psychic pulse radiated from a mutated form of an Elder Brain Dragon that stood in Paraios’s place.
Marasenna turned to hide behind her parents but they were gone. Banished to another plane. Lost for eternity. All that was left in their place was the rubies that they both wore as necklaces. She snatched them up and, with tears in her eyes, transformed into her silver wyvernic form and leaped at Paraios.
Teyra did the same and Paraios batted them away with a single sweep of his wing. “Aha hahaha so this is all the new generation is capable of, is it? Here, allow me to teach you something!” As Senna attempted to riposte, Paraios grabbed her by the throat. Wave after psychic wave pounded into her brain, filling it with nightmares and savage images of her deepest fears. She could feel her wings withering and the color of her body fading. Right as she was about to give up, Teyra fired a blast of pure lightning, forcing him to drop her.
Senna shook out the terror and, with a courageous roar, fired a ballast of ice and snow into the wound, freezing his hand.
“Pah! Ignorant whelps!” Paraios yelled. This gave the rest of the room time enough to rush to aid and drive Paraios from the court, but the damage had already been done.
Senna looked down at her body and her form had turned a deep lavender and her wings now had a ghostly, almost translucent shade to them. Even now, it felt like the ice she usually wielded was melting and being replaced with something else. Teyra stumbled over and gave a very tearful hug as both of their families were now gone, lost on some distant planes somewhere.
Marasenna pulled herself out of her memories and shifted back into her Draconic form. Still lavender, still terrifying. Teyra continued to watch over the highest mountains of Cor Varias. They had met for the new council meetings but neither of them had spoken since that day. Marasenna’s domain was now nightmares and shadow, but one day, she would hunt that bastard, Paraios, and find her lost families, but for now, she figures it was time to break the silence between her and her old friend.
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sapphic-scylla · 2 years
I’d mentioned Petra and Ascella don’t get along. Well, I think this will help explain. As well as raid a few questions. Enjoy! @ebevkisk
The Heretic and The Pariah
Marasenna was nervous. Usually, a dragon, especially one that had been around as long as she had never got nervous. Senna was the Purveyor of Nightmares, but still, what she was doing was ludicrous.
Ascella was a name that had been batted around by her partners, leaving them at an impasse for quite a long time. They were looking for someone to fill one last chair, but Petra, Aerin, and Lyria were all against it. Senna had stayed neutral, but had never seen venom spit from Petra’s mouth as much as she had when they talked about Ascella.
Senna continued to walk up the long stairway leading to the Olvara’s Pocket, the castle where she and the rest of Time’s Coven lived outside of the scrying eyes of those who lived in Cor Varias and any other plane that wished to do them harm. Ascella walked close behind, looking mildly intrigued. Marasenna wasn’t entirely surprised. Ascella was a full wizard. This place was practically a wizard's playground.
Senna stopped at the door. “Now, Ascella, I must remind you that this is merely an introduction. They also don’t exactly know you’re coming, so conduct yourself carefully. Also, know that very dangerous individuals live here. One you may know personally. You’re welcome to defend yourself if attacked, but if all goes well that won’t be necessary.”
Ascella dusted her combat skirt in a very proper way and gave a small curtsy. “I wish only to be an asset if not a friend. I will conduct myself as I see fit.”
Senna nodded. “That’s all I ask.” Senna then turned and, with her massive strength, opened the giant double doors to lead them inside.
Olvara’s Pocket was how you would imagine every other castle, but considering the wide amount of eccentrics that lived within, it had taken on a sporadic identity. Contraptions, artifacts, and magical items were scattered across the stone walls and perfectly cleaned rugs and tapestries were spread across the tile floors. For a castle, it was oddly warm and cozy to the touch, thanks to Olvara, the wizard who had lived here before.
As Senna walked towards the main war chamber, that anxiety crept back in as she heard talking. Ascella was admiring the walls, but Senna couldn’t read her face. Maybe it was the nerves.
As Senna entered the room, most of her companions were here minus two. Haley and Petra.
Emily stood. “Petra is not going to like this, Sen.”
Senna gulped. “I know, but this is the best way to know who we’re speaking about bringing her here.”
Ascella stepped forward. “I am Ascella Ylteryn, a wizard of the Astral Plane. I was told I could be of some use.”
Aerin and her muscular 6’5” frame stood from her chair. “That remains to be seen. Can you fight?”
Senna spoke up. “I can vouch for her combat personally. The paladin king is no more due to her actions and his grip on the plane was released.”
Verity cast a quick spell. “Do not resist.” Senna had seen these spells many times. Verity was assessing Ascella’s arsenal and skills. Detect Thoughts and Identify were Verity’s specialty.
Senna continued. “She seems a worthy fill. I just need to know…”
A quick flash and before Ascella could even Counterspell, she was suspended several feet in the air.
“Why have you brought her here?! I told you I will not work with this wretch while I’m still alive.”
Senna turned and Petra stood in the doorway, purple wings out and eyes blood red.
Ascella dispelled the magic and her eyes recognized her attacker. Dragging dark magic from the ground, Ascella threw a Horrid Wilting spell at Petra, drawing the water from the air around her.
Petra weathered it and drew her blade and Misty Stepped directly behind her and yelled “Stun!” and Senna watched as Ascella’s entire body froze in place.
As Petra breathed hard, she picked the wizard up and tossed her onto the war table. “Saves me the trouble of hunting you down myself, I guess.” As Petra moved to cast Power Word: Kill, Haley stood in the way. With an authority they never displayed, Haley stared down Petra. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?! I have never seen you act like this. Stand down.”
Senna looked into Petra’s eyes and saw a deep seated hatred burning within them. Petra sheathed her blade, but still stood ready to kill their guest.
“This person is a menace. Necromancers are a blight on society. I’ve said that. Their magic exists to destroy the living and enslave the dead. You think that she won’t use your corpse as a puppet after you die?!” Petra said, eyes slowly tearing up.
Senna stood by Haley. “You use Revivify, Raise Dead, and True Resurrection. What makes you different than her?”
Petra would not back down. “I use those to give people their lives back. So that they may live again and go on their way and I always ask first. This fiend cares only about the dead she can exploit for her own needs.”
Ascella stood and, with an aura of pure necrotic energy, slowly floated directly in front of the dragon and the artificer, right in front of Petra.
“You, dear girl, do not have a leg to stand on. The dead do not sleep. The dead do not speak. You think I command their wishes. I merely indulge them. Their wills are their own as they rise and that is the burden that I LIVE WITH. I only allow them to complete their final wishes. Everyone says I made them do it or I forced them to kill for my needs and I wish they would just stop. I do not “make them” do anything. Their twisted malevolent wishes rest in their own heads, not mine. The blame does not fall upon me or I would have rid myself of this guilt years ago. Or does the fabled Blood Cleric have something to say about bending the will of a being to their needs? I seem to remember that you have a tendency to reach in and take their will for yourself. Does the name Varrick DeGilles ring a bell, my dear blood witch?”
Ascella’s presence withered the very life out of the air and the only thing keeping the room alive was Petra’s aura of life and protection.
“The grave is sacred. I did what I had to to Varrick so I could protect those people. Necromancy is death magic and is a perversion of nature itself.”
Ascella snarled. “For a cleric of the goddess of Free Will and Time, your perspective is considerably narrow. Hemocraft could be considered a perversion as well and yet…”
Ascella grabbed Petra’s hand and exposed the massive amounts of scar tissue on her hand from all of the cuts she made.
“…You continue to desecrate your own flesh for the sake of miracles.”
Petra pulled her hand away. As Petra paused you could hear a pin drop as only the breaths of Time’s Coven echoed throu out the chamber.
A tear ran down Petra’s face. “Your room is in the upstairs tower. You have full access to the library. But one wrong move and I kill you where you stand.”
Ascella gave a sarcastic curtsy and vanished.
As the rest of the coven split to collect themselves, Senna looked back to see Petra, unmoving and shaken beyond words and in her eyes, there was a raging conflict brewing deep within her psyche that Marasenna had not seen in decades.
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sapphic-scylla · 1 year
New character. I love her and I wanted to dip my toe into writing a slowburn relationship (you’ll see). @ebevkisk hopefully this helps if only a little.
Spark of Hope
Sparks flew from her palms as she witnessed her best friend being grabbed by a mangled claw. Her best friend slowly started to turn pale and corrupted as time moved at a snail’s pace.
With a sweep of her hand, Teyra brought down a massive flare of electricity down on the Elder Brain Dragon’s hand. He let out a roar of pain and impulsively dropped the young dragon that was Marasenna. Her wings had turned a malevolent lavender and she looked like her entire body had been drained of its energy. As she collapsed to the ground, she fired off one last icy blast at the Elder Brain Dragon, irritating the wound Teyra made.
Teyra shifted into her full Draconic form and put herself between Paraios and her best friend as tears streamed down her face. Before Paraios could fight back, several other bursts of elemental energy drove him back.
“You deserted me. Drove me into the depths and forced this affliction upon me! I will bury your entire society in the ground. I will make you all suffer!” Paraios yelled as he retreated out of the pagoda.
Teyra turned and Senna’s breaths were harsh and labored. The lavender was spreading and her wings were slowly turning tattered and worn. Shifting back to her humanoid form, Teyra rubbed her hands together and with a shock of lightning attempting to jolt her to restart her heart. Senna immediately took a deep breath and the corrosion stopped.
She still looked like the young dragon she was, but it was if she became a ghostly version of what she was before. Her scales, instead of being icy cold, had become almost caustic as if her entire Draconic biology had shifted into something completely different. Senna shifted back into her human form that looked unchanged, until she saw the hair. Senna’s black hair had turned a spectral shade of white.
Teyra picked her up and looked after the dragons that had chased after Paraios, then down at her unconscious friend, realizing she was the only family Teyra had left.
As several decades went by, Paraios and his hoard rose from the deep. The dragons slowly began to retreat deep into the mountains and the caverns. Barsigauria’s paradisal landscape began to drift towards becoming a wasteland.
Teyra remained in the Pagoda City, which had become a ghost town. Foggy and worn down, empty and abandoned, Terya wandered the streets hiding in buildings and staying out of sight. Senna had left a decade after the incident to learn more about herself. The corruption had halted, but she felt she didn’t know herself anymore. Teyra didn’t blame her. Both girls had gone through a traumatic experience and they both needed time for themselves, but Teyra felt the loneliness sinking deep into her soul.
Mindflayers and other creatures from the deep pits of the planet continued to skulk through the streets searching for any sign of life while the sky grew darker and darker.
Teyra had grown into a mature young dragon. If you were to compare her to the age of most humanoids, she had reached her late twenties. Her black hair had been undercut and she had braided all of her hair to lay to the left. Her dark skin was dripping with sweat. She knew that if they found her, she would not last long. She could kill several mindflayers, but she’d seen ancient dragons brought low by those same creatures. They knew no mercy. Using her hard trained dexterity, she slipped into the shadows and avoided making any noise as she snuck back to the main council hall.
The Council Hall had become her home. She regularly received letters from Senna that usually just appeared in the center of the room. She missed Senna deeply and wished she would return so they could fight together. No flayers expected anyone to return to the main building so they mostly just left it alone, but in order to keep herself alive, she had to find food and water, so leaving was necessary.
As she entered the main door, she saw a figure standing in the middle of the floor. As she prepared to fight, she saw the white hair of a girl she hadn’t seen in so long. The figure turned and saw her and when she realized who it was, she simply said “Please, tell me you’ve been getting my letters.”
Teyra rushed into her arms and hugged her so tight that she was worried she would choke her. After a full minute, Teyra pulled back and lifted a single finger to her lips. Senna nodded and started leading her out. As quietly as she could Senna spoke.
“We have to get you out of here.”
Teyra was taken aback. “What? Where have you been? What happened? I’ve missed you. Are you doing ok?” She whispered.
“Look, I’ll tell you everything when we get to Cor Varias, but you cannot stay here.”
Tears started to trickle down Teyra’s face. “I can’t leave. What about the rest of the dragons? They need leadership, they need every person they can get.”
Senna placed a hand on Teyra’s head. “I’ve been to their settlement. They’re dragons. They can hold them off. The flayers are more worried about terraforming the landscape rather than extinguishing the rest of us and with how congregated they all are, there is no way they will break through easily. Also, you are in no position to fight. You look starving and we need to get you to safety.”
Teyra felt this welling of emotion within her, but just nodded and they slowly walked out into the plaza. As they did, Senna held an arm out and Teyra noticed an entire strike force of Illithid soldiers out ready to greet them.
“Surrender or you will both be destroyed.” One of them said in their heads.
Teyra was about to transform before Senna squeezed her hand. Senna took a step forward.
“Let us leave or I send you all back into the pit you crawled out of. I’m giving you one chance.”
The Illithids began to conjure magic and Teyra felt her heart sink. Marasenna gave a slight nod, then her two still worn but now truly nightmarish wings sprung from her back. Her scales were now a pale lavender, her eyes were a malevolent purple, and the air was filled with a buzzing psychic energy. Teyra also caught the whiff of a very toxic and powerful venom drifting off of Senna’s Draconic form. Teyra felt her heart racing faster and feeling she’d never felt rose to the surface as Senna in her horrific majesty bellowed an unearthly roar as all of the mind flayers lost concentration on their magic. Senna breathed in and sprayed a toxic mist into the air where their enemies stood. All in contact with the most immediately began to writhe in terrible pain as Senna turned and motioned for Teyra to get on her back. Teyra, blushing, climbed up without a second thought and, with a running jump, They took off into the setting suns.
A week had passed as they flew over the ocean. Teyra had just woken up to see the continent of Cor Varias. Marasenna had been flying since yesterday and Teyra could feel the drop in altitude.
“Just a little more. We’re almost there.” Teyra said, scratching her neck.
Senna gave a sigh. “I know. I can make it. Just tired.”
Teyra had spent the last couple days catching up with Marasenna and her life since she left. She’d spent her time on the mainland of Cor Varias, trying to find answers and studying her affliction as well as the Underdark. She’d also spent her time running from herself until a girl found her in the depths of her sorrow and gave her a place to stay.
Teyra had never felt this. The more time she spent with Senna, the more attached she felt to her and the more jealous she felt that other people got to spend more time with her. Tears started to well up behind her eyes as she realized the decades of hiding she’d done had only stolen more time away from them and now, Senna had grown into a woman and all she knew was from her letters. She wanted to know everything about this dragon that had flown her for a week straight.
As they finally reached the shore, Senna hit the ground, reverted to her humanoid form, and collapsed. Teyra fell on top of her and felt her beating heart as Senna tried to take deep breaths.
Teyra stood up to let her recatch her breath to take in the view. Teyra looked across the horizon as the sun rose and saw the sprawling landscape. The snowy peaks of Penrose City sat off in the distance dwarfing everything else on the sunrise.
“It reminds me of how Barsigauria used to be.”
Teyra marveled. She smiled and turned back to Senna and sat down next to her.
Senna was still attempting to get her breathing under control. “Sending…stone…”
Teyra was confused and then it clicked and she saw the glowing of a rock in Senna’s pocket. Teyra pulled it out and it went off. “Senna, please call me back. It’s been two weeks. Are you ok? Did you find your friend? Please respond. We’re all worried.”
Teyra felt that twinge of jealousy, but shoved it down and responded. “We’re on the beach west of the split peaks. This is Senna’s friend. We got out safely. Hope we can meet up soon.”
As Teyra returned the rock to Senna’s pocket, she felt her stomach drop as the world around her blurred and shifted. In an instant, she found herself on the floor of a fortress, the room was marked with red glowing sigils and writing. Senna finally stood up and dusted herself.
“Ok, ok, we’re good. Teyra, I want you to meet some people.” She offered a hand and Teyra took it. As they stood next to each other, Teyra realized that she was just a few inches taller than Senna.
Senna grabbed her arm and started to pull her out of the room and then stopped. “Holy shit, you’re ripped.” And then continued. Teyra blushed a little, but it faded as Senna pulled her into a hallway. After a few minutes of being led through the corridors of the castle., the two dragons found themselves in a large war room type chamber with a massive map. Standing at the table were three people. A purple tiefling with a mechanical arm, an aasimar with multicolored eyes, and another aasimar with similar skin tone to Teyra who was built like a statue.
“We need to extend the map. It’s worse than I thought.” Senna said in an annoyed, still out of breath tone. Teyra felt her nerves spike.
The shorter aasimar sighed. “Senna, I just put this up.”
Senna gave her a look. “Hun, you’re a wizard. Just do magic about it. Teyra, come sit. Haley, I need your help.”
As the wizard irritatedly terraformed the map, the tiefling wandered over and started checking her vitals. Marasenna looked deep into Teyra’s eyes and seemed relieved.
The tiefling finished their tests. “She seems fine. It looks like she’s been underfed, but nothing Petra’s spiders can’t handle. What happened over there?”
Senna looked relieved. “Paraios’s army of creatures from the Underdark crawled to the surface. Mind flayers everywhere. The last thing we need is them being able to see where we are. Or to give them more of a reason to attempt to expand. But it looks like you’re ok.”
Haley lowered their head. “I feel like a maid. I just cleaned up this mess. Can the world keep it clean for ten minutes? Hey, babe, what’s your favorite food?”
Teyra finally spoke. “Uh if you have deer steak, that would be nice.”
Haley cackled in a maniacal way. “Lyria’s gonna be pissed there’s another dragon in the castle. Marcie, fire up the grill.” And walked away.
The aasimar chiseled out of stone walked over and gave a once over. “She looks like she could top you, Sen. Nice to meet you. I’m Aerin. I feel like we will be great friends.” And followed Haley to the kitchen.
Senna looked offended and continued to double check her vitals. “I’m just making sure that I can rest easy.”
Teyra took a deep breath and let it out. “This has been a wild day.”
Senna gave a small stressed laugh. “You get used to it around here. These people are crazy, but something tells me you’ll fit in just fine.”
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sapphic-scylla · 2 years
Name: Marasenna, the Caustic Shade
Race: Dragon (Wyvern)
Age: 150
Color: Lavender, almost as pale as a ghost
Home: Tundra of Northern Issylra
Type: Posion and Toxins
Height: 11’2”
Weight: 20,000 lbs.
Eyes: Necrotic black
Human form
Hair: Long purple
Eyes: Black iris
Height: 5’6”
Weight: 130 lbs
Clothes: Wears a white half skirt with skin tight pants. No top because she’s a dragon and who needs to wear a shirt when you’re a fucking dragon.
Special Abilities: Her poisons are so intense, in high doses, they can rot the souls of her victims. She can breathe a purple flame or the purple poison that can be inhaled or even replicate fourth degree burns. Her claws are laced in neurotoxins that can cause hallucinations and even nightmares that she can use in both her human form and her dragon form. Her wings and claws can be used in both forms. Her flight speed is faster than sound.
Personality: Intimidating for her size, yet incredibly naive when dealing with humans. A true terror in combat in both forms. Radiates top energy. Lived in solitude for a lot of her life, she’s utterly clueless and extremely blunt. A master manipulator, able to goad attacks or send people scurrying, making them much more predictable.
Backstory: Born as the only child of two ancient dragons, she left her home to pursue a life of her own at age 30. For a hundred years, she became a myth told by those who lived in Issylra. The legends tell of a pale shade. A ghost of a girl who lit camps, fortresses, and entire cities aflame with a malevolent violet glow. Those that were left alive were left with horrible hallucinations of a girl who spoke only vile deceptions and memories of a roar that chilled them to the bone. Those that weren’t so lucky were left as a husk, flesh burned with extremely potent acid, unable to be resurrected, for their souls no longer existed.
@sapphic-alcina-dimitrescu @queencharliesshadow @transempress
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sapphic-scylla · 2 years
Facts about my OC’s while I’m on Vacation:
Petra actually doesn’t wield weapons. 450 years ago, she found the only two crafted creations known as the Lucid Armscubes. They are fidget cube sized artifacts that can shift into the shape of any weapon stored within the user’s mind. She also uses them as actual fidget cubes because she ADHD as Fuuuuuuck.
Lyria is terrified of cockroaches. The Wildmother is confused. Everyone can’t stop laughing about it.
Emily can weaponize necrotic energy. She just doesn’t very often because she doesn’t need to. She may be blind, but that doesn’t mean she isn’t strong as all hell.
Aerin could recite the entirety of Pride and Prejudice by heart. WITH all of the character voices.
Verity got defeated by a cup of water once. Sure, Petra summoned an octopus to break her concentration, but that doesn’t mean she’ll ever let her live it down.
Haley functions in their room as if Tony Stark was an enby tiefling that could do Dr. Strange’s job. They are a super genius that can think faster than the gods themselves and even the world’s greatest arcanists would lose every round of Jeopardy to them.
Marasenna has two personalities living inside her. I know I’ve broached this before, but you need to understand. Her trauma as part of the Recindment crafted a second personality, also known as Marasenna, that took over to do the scarring duties as their Show of Power. Senna’s split is cold and indifferent to the world and has no qualms about doing the dirty work Senna won’t.
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sapphic-scylla · 2 years
Guilty Pleasure OC Facts:
Petra hides her love of stuffed animals from her partners. She has a Bag of Holding full of them. No one has found it. Yet.
Lyria loves hentai art. Everyone knows about it, but for obvious reasons, no one brings it up. She does enjoy it for the art quality. Sometimes.
Emily sneaks away every few weeks to hold her title as the figure skating champion of the region. She is beauty, she is grace.
Aerin loves RomComs. Everyone knows, she’s just not good at hiding it.
Verity would never be caught dead swimming. She also swims 5 days a week.
Haley is known for being the most technologically advanced member of the house, so it continues to elude Emily as to why she has a massive CD collection that she tries to keep hidden.
Marasenna, Third of her line, Purveyor of Nightmares, Queen of the Damned, Shade of the Northern Wastes, and the Root from Which All Fears Stem, watches Miraculous religiously. No one dares call her out on it because they support her interests. And no one dares mess with a full-blooded dragon.
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sapphic-scylla · 3 years
18+ Blog!!!
(I block people for not having an age in their bio! Doesn’t have to be your exact age, but I need at least an honest indication you’re not a minor)
My array of characters is slowly growing, but I love them dearly. I write about them a lot (and post them on @petra-naverrians-diary), but I’m always ready to answer questions and do asks about them, so please do so I can practice my writing them and explore more of their development.
Character List:
-Petra Naverrian (she/they): A 529-year-old transfem bisexual blood cleric nephalem who doesn’t look a day over 25. She dabbles in magic and fighting while navigating the life she never had as she rids the world of despots and people who seek to destroy free will.
-Lyria Peregrine (she/her): A 26-year-old lesbian Druid Huntress. She was scratched as a teenager and became a werestag. She became a disciple of Veloria, goddess of nature and spiders, and has been a protector of the wilds ever since.
-Emily Cordalith (she/they): A 27-year-old blind demisexual monk from the far away realm of Hell’s Kitchen, New York, hunting a tyrant of the Abyss who stole her sight and turned her student. She has a talent for not only sensing but seeing strong emotions through colors that appear on the darkness that is her sight.
-Aerin Curridan (she/her): A 28-year-old asexual daughter of a War Deity who set out to be the world’s protector. Now, she searches for answers after being enchanted with an ancient madness by one of the world’s greatest villains.
-Verity Xanderia (she/her): A deep sea mermaid pansexual sorcerer with powers to distort the mind and perception of those she interacts with. 28 and a vicious manipulator, she fell prey to a lonely cleric who gave her what she wasn’t prepared for: love, attention, and affection.
-Haley the Tiefling (they/them): A non-binary sapiosexual artificer-gunslinger who was betrayed by their hometown’s crime syndicate. They dabble in enchantment, but mostly rely on their own skills and Pegs, their automaton.
-Marasenna, the Purveyor of Nightmares (she/her): An adult lesbian dragon fairly early in her lifespan. 150 years young, but strikes a deep fear into the hearts of her enemies. She hunts, with the help of her best friend (and crush), Teyra, Paraios, the Elder Brain Dragon, who banished her mothers and uncle from the face of her home plane.
-Ascella Ylteryn (they/she): An abrosexual necromancer from the astral plane wanted on several counts of insurrection, assassination of political leaders, resisting arrest, and raising the dead for malicious purpose. Ascella wants nothing more than to perfect her craft and rid the world of those that seek to take advantage of the less-than-lucky.
-Teyra Fellspark (any pronouns): Marasenna’s bisexual best friend and head of the Dissident Veil, leaders of the Draconic population. An intimidating gold dragon and a natural born leader, Teyra leads searches for the betrayer that stole her father from her while struggling with her feelings for Marasenna.
18+ Blog. Don’t follow or interact if your a minor please.
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