nameaprice · 2 months
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@maraiheroine sent:
"It feels like I'm being boiled in this heat." The Tidecaller's complaint carries her fatigue as she lay across the shoreline. Every wave that reaches the golden sand bank and crashes into her tail is a brief respite. Chin held aloft by a scaled hand, Nami sighs once more. "I suppose this is just how dry and hot it normally is up here, though?"
Again someone complained about the obvious. Sivir sighed, arms folded in front of her chest "It's summer, what did you expect? We have milder regions, but you picked this one to visit. At night the temperature will drop drastically, don't worry about it."
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prostatis · 2 months
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PROMPT: Winged Muses
@maraiheroine sent:
“What does flying feel like?”
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"It is akin the experience of being born.
Of light blooming from darkness.
There is a freedom and euphoria to it that is unmatched."
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agonizedembrace · 1 year
'can’t you see i’m busy ?'
/ coven verse for @maraiheroine 😳👉👈
there's a certain way that the blonde's nose flares, annoyance clear alike the night's sky donning her face. her lashers chitter, hardly able to remain still as eyes narrow. " it'd be impossible to ignore thee, " red hues lock in, disdain above all else as she takes in a long breath.
and while she so wishes to fold her arms, to present a calm, she cannot ignore the defensiveness that remains. digits twitch, claws itching to drag along something as her gaze remains. would it not be for the grapevine; whispers of the wind, echoes of the ravens that seem to frequent her lands -- that she'd hear of the such coven.
such master.
" thy will shall not linger about here, " yet... there's a hint of curiousness that remains in such strict tone. if one has already tempted for another master -- would it not be too late to try her own? would she adhere the call of her father? " these lands are not for another so called god. "
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nithhaiahh · 2 years
🎶✨ When you get this you have to put 5 songs you actually listen to, publish. Tag people ✨🎶
裸の勇者 / Vaundy 
My Goodbye / Epic
Way Down We Go / KALEO
Demons /  Jacob Lee
Bauklötze /  Hiroyuki Sawano (if you know why, you know)
Tagged by: @infinite-xerath and @maraiheroine
Tagging: @raktanag , @hook-and-chains , @luminaryxlight , @tekromantic , @adventastic , @just-a-wander , @rein-the-blood-medic and whoever wants to steal it.
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infinite-xerath · 2 years
🎶✨ When you get this you have to put 5 songs you actually listen to, publish. Tag people ✨🎶
1. Dark Hero (Twin Mix)
2. Undefeatable
3. Sing My Pleasure (English Cover)
4. Celestial
5. The Messenger (Chaos Theme)
Yup, mostly anime and video game songs, because that’s how I roll.))
Tagged by @sxlemnity
Tagging: @maraiheroine, @nithhaiahh, @witchcraftandburialdirt and whoever else wants to do it.
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perfect-fourth · 1 year
"Why are you watching the sea?"
The Marai's head pokes above the surface, staring at the landwalker. A few meters away, her tailfin appears too, balancing the rest of her body hidden in the dark water. Realising her forwardness, Nami is quick to follow up on her own question.
"Sorry, I don't mean to alarm or interrupt. It's just that I have seen others do it, too, and was wondering if there was a reason."
/ @maraiheroine
Too calm in his meditative observation of the waters of his homeland where he'd sat himself on a few comfortable rocks nearby, the Virtuoso's eyes scanned down when the head of something poked up from beneath the gentle waves and began speaking to him. It was not so unusual to see creatures of magic and mythos in these lands, though some still reacted in fear-- Jhin was not one of those. Rather, his own curiosity mirrored that of the fish woman, hands still dangling loose over his arched knees in a state of relaxed contemplation.
"We of the soil know little about the waters below. It holds an element of mystery to many; an object of beauty, a beast to conquer for others. We know less of the seas than we do our own solar system. I like to come to the water to ponder." He told her, his voice drifting like the breeze that the night's moon brought along towards the shoreline.
After a moment, he extended one of his hands to point towards a distant islet, mostly made of rock and ancient basalt.
"You see that spot over there? I swam there, once, in my youth. I almost died that day. But it was a lesson I'll never forget. The ocean isn't meant to be controlled. You must move with it. Respect it."
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"I thought landwalkers didn't have gills.. Uh, excuse me? Are you alright?" [maraiheroine]
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A strange thought. The Butcher drifted free, at the mercy of the currents that carried the inky black substitute of his blood into the distance. He tilted his head, just slightly, at the Marai.
"No gills. Just don't need to breathe. 'll be fine, probably."
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miighted · 4 years
“Don’t get up, you’ll make it worse.”  [maraiheroine]
injured / bleeding sentence starters / accepting
                The only thing that kept Garen from panicking was the raw pain of his wounds. His fingers were digging into the sand, curling into tight fistfuls while his eyes were wide and shocked, so bewildered by the sight of the— the fish woman? Garen didn’t know what she was, or who, nor had he ever met anything like her, let alone heard of anything like her. Yet here she was, talking to him, attempting to keep him from a panic that hadn’t quite set in yet ( she must have noticed, and so her gentle words came, enough to keep Garen from struggling further up the beach despite his broken leg and many bruises ). 
                He didn’t know where he was stranded, he doesn’t know what happened to the other people who were traveling with him. He remembers unsteady waters, a storm, great waves and the boat crashing, salt water flooding into his mouth from more waves while he struggled to take gasps of air between each wave. The last thing he remembered was his body being slammed into tall rocks that jutted out from the rocky sea, and the black nothingness that came with that pain. When he next awoke, body still screaming in pain, he opened his eyes to see a clear blue sky overhead and a fish-like woman larger than himself carrying herself in water, sitting above him while he felt gentle, cool water around his broken leg like a seamless, infinite ribbon. 
                Even though his mouth opened as if to speak, there were no words to be found in his throat, his own shock and confusion having robbed them from him. No sooner than when his thoughts calmed just barely, did the full weight of his bodily pain set in again, forcing Garen to clench his jaw as his head fell back into the sand. He was beginning to suspect, and dread, that some part of his back was injured, too. 
                “Who— who are you?” he finally asked, forcing his voice to rise in his throat as he raised his head to look at the one who assumed saved his life. He wonders, vaguely, if any of his fellow travelers or if any of the seafaring crew had been saved by her as well, but some part of him feels he knows the tragic answer to that. 
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piranhabreath · 6 years
@maraiheroine continued from (X)
“Why, thank you! Although I think they are more like a german blue ram tho, they are quite the colorful fellas, and surprisinly good neighboors as well.” She replied. “I’m Iara by the way, what’s your name?”
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sacredtempest · 6 years
"You carry with you a fine weapon. Though, I sense there is more to it than it's beauty. Is it powerful?" [maraiheroine]
“…You have a keen eye.” Janna replied after a moment of scrutiny. She was more than excited to meet one of the Vastaya but questions about the Sword always made her nervous. 
“Your staff looks quite special as well.” 
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nameaprice · 2 months
Bold those that apply to your muse:
LUST: desire for connection, pursuit of pleasure, emotional intelligence, obsessive, lovesick, one-night stand, seductive encounter, flirtatious conversation, erotic party, seductive attire, revealing clothing, passionate gaze, provocative makeup, sensual expressions, suggestive gestures, flirtatious smiles, lingerie, love letters, perfumes, provocative behaviour, love poems, erotic art
GLUTTONY: indulgence in experiences, savouring moments, hospitality, generosity, hedonism, culinary expertise, wine tasting, excessive snacking, overloaded plates, excessive portions, bloated stomachs, messy eating, greasy fingers, full tables, indulgent spreads, overflowing cups, satisfied expressions, wine bottles, can't get enough, fast food wrappers
ENVY: motivation, competitive spirit, strategic planning, observational skills, bitter, rivalry contest, envious gossip, resentment-filled argument, social media jealousy, furrowed brows, clenched jaws, side-eye looks, pursed lips, tense posture, whispering behind backs, crossed arms, gossip magazines, keeping up with the Joneses, the grass is always greener, feeling inadequate
GREED: resourcefulness, entrepreneurial spirit, negotiation, materialistic, aggressive investment, lavish spending spree, resource hoarding, get-rich-quick scheme, auction bidding war, property acquisition, piles of money, overflowing wallets, luxury items, locked safes, penny-pinching, rare collectibles, selfishness, unwillingness to share
SLOTH: calmness, stress management, nonchalance, relaxation techniques, lethargic, apathetic, inactive, lazy weekend, binge-watching marathon, neglected chores, skipped workout, long nap, lounging on the couch, missed deadline, unkempt appearance, messy hair, pajamas, blankets, slippers, procrastination station, self-care routines
PRIDE: confidence, self-assurance, self-respect, dignity, public speaking, self-promotion, arrogant, conceited, egotistical, self-important, vain, boastful speech, puffed chest, raised chin, smug smiles, spotlight, tooting your own horn, showing off, refusing to admit mistakes, feeling entitled, personal branding, leadership development
WRATH: assertiveness, decisiveness, strength, intensity, boundary setting, courage, indignant, heated argument, road rage incident, physical altercation, angry outburst, clenched fists, glaring eyes, tense muscles, raised voices, reddened faces, aggressive gestures, stormy demeanor, intense frowns, destructive actions, broken objects, punching bag, out for blood, fists, simmering anger
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Tagged by: @steel-and-fire thank you! <3 Tagging: @artisankiller @maraiheroine @niaofei @rahorak @veiled-lady + anyone that would like to!
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mercless · 2 years
Muse List
NOTE: my usual activity level is already low, so those marked low activity are more likely to get attention when bursts of inspiration hit.
- @accursedsword low activity, sideblog
(CW: body horror, mass violence, existrential dread, suicidal thoughts, dark themes, & general horror)
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- @aphellos​ selective, sideblog
Blog | Carrd
(CW: dark themes, violence, poison ingestion, injury description)
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- @inkmagics ​ low activity, selective, sideblog
(CW: body horror, violence, existential dread, dark themes, unreality, gore descriptions)
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- @sinisterness low activity, selective, sideblog
Blog | Carrd
(CW: violence, swords, killing, general dark themes)
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- @asundering​ low activity, sideblog
Blog | Carrd
(CW: dark themes, violence, body horror, general horror)
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- @maraiheroine sideblog
Blog | Carrd
(CW: existential dread, water/ocean-themed horror)
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- @glamourful low activity, sideblog
(neeko is a little creepy sometimes but she doesn’t mean to be)
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- @mercless
Blog | Carrd
(CW: violence, knives, bladed weapons, killing, general dark themes)
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- @defiantwings activity pending, sideblog
(CW: death, violence, bladed weapons, genocide, killing, war, general dark themes)
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Marcus Du Couteau
- @notoriousness​ low activity, sideblog
Blog | Carrd
(CW: death, violence, swords, injury description, general dark themes)
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Devan Grave-singer (Frostguard OC)
- @draklorn selective
Blog | Carrd
(CW: dark themes, violence, existential dread, cult themes, manipulative thinking & actions, general horror)
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@seraphinesembrace - will be switching their talented seraphine with @teluminum​ and their silent lunari aphelios
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@alluress​ - ahri and kindred played around and it appeared that they arrived to different owners - they are swapping with @tendersilence
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@ascendeds-call - nasus and renekton spared with aatrox and afterwards - they seemed to get lost on their way home - they are swapping with @aatrcx​
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@vixtionary and @deceiviious​ - swain and leblanc - do i have to say much?
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nami belonging to @maraiheroine swam so far from home that @angelicxlly​ decided to hand over one of their muses for the time being
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@expirator​ - zed’s had enough. he’s switching places with psyops sona belonging to @otoskii
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make sure to contact your muse about specifics, some information about the muse - exchange your graphics and so on ! 
you don’t have to change your url or themes or so - be sure to mention that you are currently participating in the event ( preferably in a pinned post ) 
the event will end on 3rd of May when you’ll be able to get back to your beloved muse!
take care of the muses ! make them feel at home! 
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aquatic-hybrid · 3 years
Your muse as a magic school student.
Borrowed from: @maraiheroine​
Tagging: @halfliing-ormr​ @zauns-insane-secret​ @thegoldentigress​ @ncumenia @the-shadows-angel @regina-tenebris​
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infinite-xerath · 3 years
Your muse as a magic school student
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Taken from: @maraiheroine​
Tagging: @nithhaiahh​, @ascendeds-call​, @needleswork​ and @metalmancisms​
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darkseraphscorner · 3 years
(For dark seraph) "I hope you have learned much of the world in your travels. And look forward to learning more." [maraiheroine, soraka muse swap]
“I have learned many a thing and look forward to learning more, thank you miss.” He bows to her.
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