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mapplesand · 5 months ago
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me when i have resting bitch face autism and look like i will murder someone but i'm still silly
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mapplesand · 6 months ago
okay now we're all gonna say something positive about the way we write
i'll start : i'm good at writing dialogue and making it feel realistic
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mapplesand · 6 months ago
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hey look who reached 100 followers after 9 years of being on tumblr
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mapplesand · 6 months ago
i force myself to write when i get home after college with brain fog so hard when i look back at it i dont even know what i'm looking at
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mapplesand · 6 months ago
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kip ! (the cat that was named after my oc Kip)
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mapplesand · 6 months ago
you know you're normally a fantasy author when you find yourself making an extensive timeline of events in a modern contemporary fiction about high schoolers
like yeah I absolutly needed to know where his grandpa was in germany in 1943 before they moved to the US and stuff about the cold war and the economic instability of the philippines in the 80s and 90s
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mapplesand · 7 months ago
you know it's bad when you search up something to write a character and everything you find is just,,,,, bad like alright i guess i know a lot more about this topic than i realize because what the hell am i witnessing
was actually searching on low empathy and how to write a characater with low empathy but a lot of people asking were like "alright here my MUDEROUS character" and- alright
me when i have a low empathy autistic character and i just want to see how i can incorporate this in my story but apparently we're still linking empathy with being a villain and a serial killer
also this one comment i found was definitely something
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mapplesand · 6 months ago
do you guys ever think about how your characters would be treated if they were from a show or something
because i do
I feel like Tristan would be the baby of the fandom because he's the autistic gay white twink (tm) like he did nothing wrong and he's just a lil baby or something, you know like he's pure and all that, he would truly get infantilized
whereas i know people would bash on Marco because he's a weirdo and they'd treat him like a irredeemable bitch, they would miss the entire point of his character i just know it because people are like that
i'm the type of person to overthink everything and i will make whole essays about character concepts and analysis don't even come at me bro
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mapplesand · 6 months ago
because he's supposed to appear in part 2 of the story and i'm nearing the end of part 1 so he's finally gonna make an appearance so i have to think about how is gonna come into play and all, we will have Kip soon hopefully....
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mapplesand · 5 months ago
Writer Questions
thanks @gioiaalbanoart for tagging me ! :]
What is your absolute all-time favorite idea you’ve ever had?
well i do like my idea of taking absolute weird teenager and follow their life without filter BUT I have a fantasy story about anthropomorphic cats living in the medieval era who have to deal with racism, sexism and religion so I think I popped off with this one (it's been there for 7 years now lol)
Is there a question you’ve been asked in the past that really stands out to you, and you still think about sometimes?
I don't think I have one, everyone need to be as insane as me about my characters but for that I have to be extra crazy about them too so it catches people attention (i'm gonna charm you with my stinky ocs)
What is your favorite part of being a writer? What parts could you take or leave?
that i can create weird little people with my mind and write them doing weird shit
and the worst part is that the story has to write itself and I need to translate it because no one speak french
What is your greatest motivation to write/create?
that I can somehow share it to show the representation some people might need, but also my dumb little brain loves to create so it's not really about motivation it's about what my brain want right now and how it motivates me to get really insane about something
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever read or been given as a writer?
write for the worm in your brain that tells you to write what you want
What do you wish you knew when you were first starting out writing?
how to format my writing, bro i was 15 and writing every dialogue by putting the name of the character like a freaking RP
What is your favorite story you’ve written to completion? Link it if you’d like and can!
bro i wish they existed 😭
Which of your characters would you say has the most controversial mindset? Why do you say so, and how do you personally feel about their ideals?
LMAO do I really need to answer this one it's pretty obvious
well I have many many character with controversial opinion but you know, they're villain
however Marco from Morbid Minds is definitely not the villain, well actually he grows to be like fine, but he does start off as a creep towards girls and deals with toxic masculinity, internalized homophobia and incel like behaviors (and dark humor like joke about hitler or school shooting) do not worry everyone, he does get better and even at this time of his terrible mindset he was like a communist and never went down the nazi pipeline because "being filipino and a white supremacist is fucking stupid" (his words)
If you, when you first started writing, met you now, what would younger you think?
that i'm a fucking weirdo
free tag anyone can join the fun yeehaw
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mapplesand · 5 months ago
is génocidaire a real word or am i being lied to completely
it’s pink because it’s only cool when girls do genocide
génocidaire is a real french word yes, it just means genocider
this is so random tho like what's going on with the french genociders (a lot actually but let's not dive into that one)
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mapplesand · 5 months ago
i should at least attempt some random inktober/goretober/idktober prompt but idk what should i draw i dont really have a list...
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mapplesand · 6 months ago
sometimes my life is like a weird fanfic because i know if i share bits of my lore it will just sounds like i have a crazy fucking life
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mapplesand · 6 months ago
Josh and Tyler's relationship in Morbid Minds is so funny to me because they're a clear parallel to Marco and Tristan but if things didn't make any sense
Marco and Tristan are like if you put two weird teens together but they somehow become better people because they can rely on each other to tell the other when they're being stupid (usually Tristan telling Marco because he's the unhinged one but still)
while Josh and Tyler have barely anything in common, Josh is the typical popular kid but so repressed in everything to be liked that he's gonna crumble to dust when he experiences getting rejected, and Tyler is the quiet kid who draws and who doesnt talk to people, he'd rather obverse people than try to interact with them (which cause the paradox of his character : seemingly not caring but wanting connection with people)
they both cling to the other because they don't know what they want from others but they know they want to feel something with someone else and then boom explosion (literally because Tyler tries to bond with Josh by making explosives with him, normal autism bonding)
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mapplesand · 6 months ago
i have to write in the college library to kill time but i'm scared someone will randomly look at my computer and as i'm writing Marco say something like "maybe i'm like this because i grew up with a picture of jesus right above my computer desk as i was watching porn"
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mapplesand · 7 months ago
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wasnt checking my strawpage yesterday but hi to this person, what's up
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