unagidevi · 1 month
Hawthorne Larkspur (1)
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Hawthorne Larkspur grew up in northern side of California. Him and his family had to move multiple times. However, he will always go back to where he first came from. He's always going back to a spot he finds most comfortable, a road above the railroads where he hangs out.
Hawthorne is a rather bright, positive person who thinks the Packe needs love, as he seems to think the reason for Felix acting out is because of either personal or school problems. He is mainly focused upon. He works in a flower shop near the school and adores passing out flowers. He finds Ethans terrified demanour worrying but is trying to get close to the packe to try and patch up them and get them to tone themselves down.
He's 6'2, and pansexual. He goes by He/Him. He moved to Foxfields area about two years ago and has been going strong since. He lives with his mother and father, who influence him heavily.
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Sands is a charismatic, playful person. They are seen as the awkward weird kid down the block who no one wants to be friends with, but their mother makes them in like elementary. They grew up in Foxfields area in the very beginning and kind of know everyone in the school. They come from a pagan family, who adores them to bits and are kind of accepting (they don't really understand, but that's okay!). Sands is a bug-enthusaist, and it kind of creeps some people out.
Sands hangs around Edward's gang the most, mostly to ask questions about certain things - like what kind of gems they like, as they help collect certain gems for Lark to turn into necklaces, bracelets, etc. Sands thinks butterflies are pretty, but moths are cuter. They get along most with James, surprisingly, but they don't really talk as James doesn't really wanna embarrass himself.
Sands has a pet Trapdoor Spider named Templeton! They made their own terriaum for Templeton with James, even if James didn't want to admit it - it was surprisingly fun. Sands is 5'6, Abrosexual, and goes by They/Them.
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thevisualvamp · 1 year
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Robert Forever
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ardnasl · 3 months
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patti smith
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kittesencula · 2 years
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Amanda Lear by Robert Maplethorpe
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fashionobsessed3 · 1 year
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olafsings · 1 year
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Music History Today: April 19, 2023
April 19, 1978: Patti Smith released the single "Because the Night."
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milkcreep · 2 years
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Summer film
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contractordom · 1 year
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Contractor plays with Msplethorpe.
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I wanna talk about Elliot Tiber's memior Taking Woodstock. Tiber is a gay Jewish man who's parents owned the motel Woodstock was run from up in the Catskills. This is of course why I was first interested in the story.
But anyone who knows a lot about Woodstock, and particularly someone who's got a special intrest in the counterculture movement of the 60s, can tell something is off. As it turns out other people who were also there say Tiber streched his importance and other key peices of the story.
What has always stuck with me is that he claimed to have had sex with Robert Mapplethorpe. I am not saying that didn't happen Mapplethorpe had a lot of sex with a lot of people but I'm just now realizing the chronology is all wrong. He is suggesting that prior to June 1969 he met Mapplethorpe at the Mineshaft, Mapplethorpe had nazi paraphernalia in his loft, AND there were SM photographs that Mapplethorpe had taken. In the morning Mapplethorpe makes Tiber dress up like a nazi and takes pictures of him. a couple years later there were censorship battles and later Tiber sees Mapplethorpe in a gallery.
the first problem is that The Mineshaft didn't open till the 70s, 74 or 75 I can't remeber but it was not open before the Stonewall riots. The second problem is that Mapplethorpe didn't start taking SM photos as a genera till the mid 70s. Third if Mapplethorpe WAS taking photos pre-stonewall then it was with a Polaroid Camera not the kind of photography Tiber alludes to. Fourth and finally the censorship controversy did not happen while Mapplethorpe was alive so Tiber could not have read about those and THEN seen the man.
I've always wondered about the Nazi thing though. I've never wanted to just sweep it away becuse Tiber is a Jewish man, why would he make it up? But at this point I've read Just Kids, I've seen the Biopic with Matt Smith, I'm reading Fritscher's memior, and ive read his other peice in Proflies of Gay Courage. And while Fritscher has acknowledged the problematic lense Mapplethorpe used taking photos of Blackmen, and everyone kinda skirts around his racism no one has ever hinted at a nazi thing. Are there pictures of men dressed like Nazis that Mapplethorpe took? Maybe, we don't have his pictures of the Mineshaft. we don't have his scat pictures. So maybe we domt have those either. But no one has even hinted at it.
It has been two years since I've read that book and it's been bothering me that I can't figure out why he thought Mapplethorpe was a nazi. EXCEPT I think I finally figured it out.
Tom of Finland very early on in his career, drew nazis. He didn't keep it up for very long but there IS tom of finland nazi art out there. Further, some leathermen used to wear swastikas as like a power thing (Mapplethorpe to my knowledge was not one of these men. Fritscher talks about how he wore a pin with the N word on it, i think hed mention a swastika) I think Tiber is just conflating the two most famous gay visual artists who did erotic gay art.
I need to reread Taking Woodstock bc man what else is there to puzzle out of it? And like, why say stuff like that, stuff that so easily checked to be not true? Why lie about a man who died of AIDS being a nazi, when you could say he got you drugged up on [pick literally any drug, probablyan upper] and then made you literally eat shit and it would be more believable?
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1000sassa1000 · 9 months
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Robert Maplethorpe
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unagidevi · 1 month
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a-nywherebut-here · 6 months
dash simulator:
mutual 1: i shouldve been born a guy
mutual 2: i shouldve been born a guy
mutual 3: robert maplethorpe
mutual 4: untagged gore (reblogged x10 times)
mutual 5: anyone up feeling like they shouldve been a boy
mutual 6: just got taco bell
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danjaley · 5 months
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The Script
I saw this going round and thought it looked fun: This is my story-masterplan-document for the McCarrics. Seen here is Season 4 as far as we are at the moment. On the right is a rough timeline of headlines. The expandable ones are subdivided. 1793 has exceptionally many headings, for the French and Scottish sub-plots. There's also a moveable headline in there that indicates where I currently am. It used to be X, but some time ago I got so disgusted with Elon Musk naming the whole world X, that I changed it to "We are here".
The script has currently 57 pages, but will certainly grow. Season 3 had 71, Season 2 had 66, and Season 1 had 15 (but it only sets in at the point where Rory returns). Before that, I made up the text as I went along. I started keeping a text-document when I only had access to my desktop-pc on the weekend. In hindsight this marked the point where the McCarrics became a story rather than a photoshoot-series.
The text is almost exclusively dialogue. The first page has the birth-years of the most important characters and some miscellaneous info. I'm starting to think I should make a neat Excel-chart like I had for Maplethorpe Island, that calculates all the characters' ages for me. But I'm currently spending most of my working time in an Excel-chart, so I'm not very motivated to make another one in my free time.
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strawberriesbones · 3 months
Patti smith about robert maplethorpe in just kids, very early it was too late, watching the sunset at a dead end job, all i can give is not enough, rewriting sentences so they sound all wrong, waiting for the boot to drop-nobody’s counting boots, falling in love in the rain, richard siken on boys with green eyes, the knife i turn inside of myself-love, you lose a little in every translation, how a bird spirals its nest every day and never once leaves for good, how i want to leave for good, a forest fire and a white button down, being the fuse, the cause of it all is the hands,
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5and3nevermind · 2 months
I knew something was off about that translation I even pointed it out on twt and got harassed by the jimin is straight truthers (they're in full force after muse era which is so disappointing). Glad to know I was right thanks for posting that!
Anon, I’m so sorry that people were bothering you. Somehow the fandom has reached a point where people are harassed for having an opinion, even an opinion that isn’t harmful or combative.
I have to say, I’m mystified by the determination of some people to prove that Jimin is straight. Why is it important to them that people see Jimin as straight? It certainly doesn’t seem to be important to Jimin.
His conversation with Joon didn’t reveal that he’s “looking for a wife” or any other gendered hints about his personal life or about the meaning of Who.
And we can’t forget that Jimin wore a portrait of Robert Maplethorpe not once but twice during Face era. We’re talking about a photographer who’s best known for documenting the gay male B/D S/M subculture of the 60s and 70s in NYC. That’s pretty specific. Jimin knows that when he films a music video, it will be watched for years by so many people. I think it’s safe to say he was aware of whose picture he was wearing.
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Of course, this isn’t proof of Jimin’s sexual identity, but it does show that he is not on a mission to tell the world he’s straight. So, why have certain fans decided they will make this their own mission?
I’d be so curious to have a civil conversation with some of these people who are out to prove his straightness, although I don’t think that’s possible. I wonder if they realize that Elton John, George Michael, and Ricky Martin all sang about women at one point or another. I wonder if they are aware they dated and/or were married to women at various points in their lives.
Anyway, of course it’s worth noting that Jimin used “she” during Who. But it’s also worth noting that his album is called Muse, and that muses are traditionally depicted as female. It’s also worth noting that we got an English version of Be Mine (plus the rest of the album) that didn’t include female pronouns.
We don’t know anything for sure unless Jimin chooses to tell us, but if we’re going to explore this topic, shouldn’t we look at the big picture and not just one song?
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