#many places with the two (2) bus routes that use that stop
perilegs · 28 days
oh my god i think i may be sick. i had so much planned for this week.
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scotianostra · 7 months
Ooh, what’s Edinburgh like? Moving there next year hopefully, from Africa, and after a few quick trips I can’t say I’ve gotten too much of a sense of the city :(
I'm kinda biased, but it's a good place, quite small and easy to get around, the main bus serice is Lothian Buses, for a flat fare of £2 you can get from ato b on one bus, for £5 cash you can hop on and off, the best value is paying by debit card , what they call TapTapCap from as little as £4.80 per day and £22 per week, so if you are one 3 or more buses in one day it caps at £4.80, and £22 is the most you will pay fr a week. The bus service is very good and I use their bustracker, find it on Google Play "My Bus Edinburgh" The vast majority of Museums and Art Galleries are free, only charges tend to be if there are special exhibitions, like The National Museum of Scotland had a Doctor Who exhibition last year. There are two main train stations, Waverley and Haymarket, and several small ones and stops.
Most people don't realise that Edinburgh and the surrounding areas have some great beaches, Portobello is the best in the city, ad has plenty of places to eat and drink at there. Cramond Beachis a mecca for dog walkers, there is a Causeway there where you can explore Cramond Island, just watch the tide times. There are plenty of parks and green spaces, the city is officially the greenest city in the UK, with almost half the city (49.2%) being classed as 'green space'.
If you are relatively fit there are plenty hills to climb to get great views, some are very easy, Calton Hill, Corstorphine to name but two. Arthur's Seat offers different routes to the summit of varying difficulty, but you can actually drive so far up and just make the easy climb to the top, there are three man made "Lochs" around Arthur's Seat, if you're lucky you will see Otters at Dunsapie, Duddingston and St Margarets have plenty swas and ducks. For more serious walkers the Pentland Hills are a great place to explore, there is even a herd of oor Highland "Hairy Coos" up there. If you can ski, there is a dryslope on The Pentlands, the longest in the UK.
Pubs and clubs are a plenty, I have no idea of your age as you have decided to remain anon, but many places cater for students, prices vary, I pay between £2 and £4 for my drinks, although the touristy places will charge you up to twice this amount, over £6 for a drink is not unusual.
Of course we have the Festival, well there are several throughout the year, Edinburgh gets the tag of Festival City at times. The main one is in August and the population of Edinburgh is said to double in the time, licensed premises are automatically given an extension to their opening hours, some open to 5 in the morning.
It's a safe city  with a low crime rate, but as with other places you have to be aware of your own safety. If you plan on taking in the paid attractions The Castle wil set you back about £20, as will The Palace of Holyrood House. Opposite the Palace is The Scottish Parliament, you can visit thisfor free and sit in while it is in session. If you are planning on venturing around Scotland and like your history I recommend a membership of Historic Scotland, again I don't know your age, but prices start at under £3 a month and are less than a fiver for adults over 24. National Trust of Scotland also offer meberships from £3.35 to £5.80.
Can't really think of much more to put for now, perhaps my followers can make suggestions, or ask questions?
Oh and pack your umbrella get a waterproof jacket, even in summer we can get some heavy showers, naturally you will be aware it can get cold as well, invest in a decent winter jacket and layers to keep warm.
I hope this has been helpful.
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ceterisparibus116 · 2 years
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Hi DD fandom, I don’t usually do this (never have, actually), but I just want to...address this post real quick. I’m NOT trying to put anyone on blast here (and if anyone sees the original post, please be kind), but as a visually impaired person, there’s a lot I want to say.
1. Logic Games
Let’s address the logic games section of the LSAT. I might be misinterpreting, but it sounds to me like OP is saying Matt would struggle with the logic games, such that even with near-perfect scores on the other sections, he’d only net a 160-ish over all.
Now to be fair to OP, the LSAT is definitely not the most accessible thing in the world. And the logic games specifically are solved, generally, by diagramming things. That’s obviously difficult if you’re blind.
However, there are workarounds. “Blind LSAT-takers have historically used tactile mats, raised-line drawing apparatuses or Excel spreadsheets to tackle Logic Games.” Source. Now, I’m not saying those accommodations are easy to get, and maybe Matt wasn’t able to get them. But it’s certainly possible that he was.
Now let’s assume he wasn’t able to get any accommodations.
Even without those accommodations, the LSAT is a skills-based exam. This is key. The LSAT doesn’t test natural ability; it tests your ability to perform specific skills. And there are only a handful of possible types of logic games. You can only see so many “arrange the people sitting in the bus,” “arrange the flowers/trees growing in a garden,” “arrange the order of songs on a playlist,” and “arrange the order of speakers and which room they’ll occupy” prompts before you start to identify the patterns. Some are harder than others, with more variables to consider, but there are not that many variants overall.
Because the LSAT is a skills-based exam, all Matt needs to do, even without accommodations, is figure out a way to organize the information in his head. Now, it’s easier to organize the information in a diagram vs in your head, but all that matters is that the information is organized. It doesn’t matter whether it’s organized on paper or mentally. So saying logic games are “easier” with diagrams than without doesn’t mean that someone who uses diagrams will always score higher than someone who doesn’t; instead, it’s a question of time. It will take Matt more time to learn the harder skill of organizing the information in his head than it would take someone else to learn the easier skill of organizing the information in a diagram. But both skills (organizing mentally vs on paper) are sufficient to get a good score on the LSAT if you just put in the time.
And given that Matt has apparently wanted to be a lawyer since childhood, I have no doubt that he put in the time to master that skill enough to get the score he knew he’d need to go to the school he wanted.
2. Matt’s Personal Statement
This is the slightly more concerning issue. Personal statements are a chance for applicants to show why, aside from LSAT scores and GPAs and letters of recommendation, they would make a good lawyer. They are not the place for a personal sob story, except for two reasons:
a) using the “sob story” to demonstrate how the individual has persevered through hardship; and
b) using the “sob story” to explain certain less-than-outstanding aspects of the application.
In other words, Matt could say: “I’m exceptionally devoted to my studies and motivated by my desire to help others in need, as proven by the fact that even blindness failed to stop me from pursuing law school, despite the fact that law is a vision-intensive profession.”
It’s also possible that Matt could try to artfully say, “My LSAT score wasn’t stellar [if that’s true, which I question, but never mind for now] but that’s only because I’m visually impaired and lacked appropriate accommodations - not because the score actually reflects any deficiency in my reading or logic skills.”
Personally, I find it much more in-character to headcanon that Matt would go the first route rather than the second.
But what is not an option (at least, not a respectable option) is for a person to use their sob story to attempt to manipulate the school into using them as a diversity poster child despite having an inadequate application.
Do some people do that? Maybe, sure. Is that an appropriate thing to do? Absolutely not. Law school, beginning with the application process, is about being a good advocate for other people - it’s not about manipulating the system so you can get a “spot” to which you are not actually entitled. And how do you become entitled to having a “spot”? By having the skills good advocacy requires.*
Ultimately, attempting to shortcut the system to accept a person who is not a good advocate (but who has a great sob story) is depriving future clients of adequate representation.
Not to be dramatic, but Matt would rather die.
*I’m not saying that the application process is the perfect measure of the skills that will make you a good lawyer. But it’s sure better than letting people in based on how compelling their sob story is rather than based on their actual relevant skills.
3. Diversity Poster Boy
Now let’s address the broader concerns with the idea of a diversity poster boy. These concerns relate to society as a whole, not to any particular headcanon or to Matt as a fictional character, so I’m stepping out of the DD world for this part of the discussion.
What happens when we talk about diversity poster kids? What happens when we talk about people using hardship (including disabilities) to get an edge over people with more privilege? What happens when we talk about institutions like law schools accepting candidates not based on their qualifications but based instead on meeting some kind of diversity quota?
The result is that when people do overcome hardship and even oppression to get a spot at the table, everyone else says, “Oh, you’re the diversity hire.” People refuse to consider that maybe you’re there on your own merits, because the first thing they see about you is your diversity, and they assume that the only way you got to where you are is via manipulation.
Think about what it’s like, as a disabled person or any person of a “diverse” background, to live with that day after day. Where every accomplishment is tainted by people whispering, “But you didn’t really earn that, did you? You just flaunted your disability.”
I hope I don’t have to spell out how exhausting that is.
Now if there is hard evidence that people who are otherwise unqualified for a position are being accepted purely to meet some kind of quota...that’s one thing. We should absolutely be talking about that, especially in the legal profession - because it doesn’t do a client any good to have a lawyer who’s “diverse” if that lawyer doesn’t know how to actually help them.
But just throwing these terms around, detached from any statistical analysis, like this is just A Thing That Happens All The Time...we need to stop. It’s not helpful or funny. It’s harmful.
So please, let’s be careful.
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dreamstatesims · 1 year
hey girlie, hope you're doing well; having a good day/night:
i wanted to ask if you could give any advice with building and landscaping? i've always been a huge fan of your sim style, and i'm currently looking to get into building myself.
was there any videos you watched or accounts that were able to help you jump wholeheartedly into the wonderful world of build/buy mode?
thank you soooo much in advance <3
hi! i could go on and on about this topic so thanks for asking. last year i wrote about building here, if you recall. since that one was more about "vibe" maybe this one should be a little more technical? idk, i'm a dreamy creative so i'm sure this'll get emotional anyway lol.
i suggest picking a world or architectural style and let one inform the other. then research that style, look at floor plans and dive into pinterest for a while before you start building. if you don't already have one, get one and go collecting inspiration that you can reference later. here's mine, if you wanna check it out.
when landscaping i think about two key things: what style of gardening goes with this build (manicured, overgrown, minimal, etc) and i consider the trees and/or flowers i see in the world around my lot. i'll incorporate some to blend on and off-lot gardening. and i can't emphasize enough how important terrain painting is! in my opinion it really anchors everything down. for example, i paint all around and under landscaped areas, trees, the entire perimeter of the house/buildings, and anything else like pools, decks, driveways. it creates depth and makes it look like these things are really sprouting out of the ground. also paths! even if you don't have stones laid down, think about the routes sims will take to get from one place to another, like from the back porch to the pool, the marks little sneakers leave under the swing set when simmies play, from the mudroom to the trash bins by the garage. grass thins out and you'll see some dirt showing through regularly trodden routes, so paint those on to make the area look lived in.
the simpler the floor plan, the better. even if you pick a floor plan that's complicated, simplify it. you don't need a garage? remove it or convert it into something else. too many little rooms and hallways? open up those spaces or take them out entirely and push the necessary rooms you want to keep into that area. you'll find your builds will be much easier to play in this way and it won't take sims hours to get to the kitchen or up the stairs.
i have general dimensions for rooms that really work for me: kitchen 5x6, 6x6, 6x7 dining 4x5, 5x5, 5x6 living 5x6, 6x6, 6x7 half bath 2x2, 2x3 full bath 3x4, 4x4 owner's suite 5x6, 6x6 bedrooms 4x5, 5x5 hallways 2 spaces wide
maybe a bit tricky, but think about adding rooms in the roof. a play room, guest room, second living room, or office space. hell, even just an attic you can convert later as your family grows. when building attics, i'll lay out the roof design first and then see where i can build rooms inside. for easier gameplay you'll want to then break down the roof into sections so when you lower the walls you can see inside and the camera won't bounce around.
twistedmexi's TOOL mod is an absolute gamechanger and i highly recommend using it to expand your lot outside the lines. EA has decorated the world outside of your lot with fences and other features that suggest you can absolutely push things further. i'll setup whatever i want outside the lot inside my grid first and then move it all out together. i do this for play areas, picnic tables and umbrellas, firepits and seating. i'll put cars parallel parked on the road or in the driveway EA has provided. and don't forget about debug items like electrical poles, post boxes, bus stops, fire hydrants and other stuff you'd see around a neighborhood.
i'm subscribed to a handful builders on youtube that i'll watch from time to time. it's great to see what other folks are doing because this community is so creative and you'd be surprised the little tricks you'll pick up. these are some of my favorite builders: simproved, simsphony, plumbob kingdom, simcubeez, bojana sims.
if you have any more questions on specifics or want an actual tutorial on something, don't hesitate to ask! and that goes for anyone reading this very long-winded post. kudos if you made it this far!
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I’ve never kept a diary, but I guess if I had, the entry for today would run something like this… September 5, 2024. It is summer again. Did summer actually ever leave? 21C and not a cloud in sight (teeny fib, the late afternoon turned hazy, but still warm). Shorts and T-shirt. Short socks in sneakers :D No response from real estate agent on web query. Wrote direct email re next possible viewing. Yay, a fast response! Viewing planned for today. In two hours time… find bus route and get there on time. Arrived on time, no agent in sight. Wait. Wait. Ah, eff it, I take a stroll around the property to get my bearings and make use of MY TIME! Apple trees, red and blackcurrant bushes. Nice. Pick up Newtonian apple (allowed!). Take a bite. Soft… pick a few red and blacks (don’t tell!). WHERE IS THE EFFIN AGENT??????? call agent. Auto response: can’t talk right now. What? Text agent: where are you, I’m here!!!! Out of town? Misunderstanding? Oh. Well yeah you didn’t spell that word right did you, but I also did not read that word properly. Next week you say. Okay. Fuck. (sneaks off the property hoping no one saw me). Now what? Stroll down the high street. Check out the local shops and dining places. Quaint, my final verdict of this village. Check bus time table, last bus an hour away. Hungry. Take aim at the local pizza place. 45 minutes later I roll out of the pizza place, one calzone and a beer lining my stomach. Buy orange fizz for desert (why? There wasn’t any coke!). Take last bus back home. Same driver as before. He recognised me… Get off bus, walk for 30 mins to get home, plus stopping off at the local grocery store. Note to self: always bring two bags for groceries. One bag makes life just so much harder. Arrived home. Sweating like a roasting pig. Huffing. Puffing. Watch warns me my pulse is too high for a sedentary position. Fuck #2. Feel stuffed two hours after pizza. Too much mozzarella I reckon. Also, too little tomato sauce. TV time. Watch TV. Time passes. The sun sets. Nice. Takes photo and posts to tumblr. TV. TV. Bang. Darkness. Power gone. Look out the window and realise the whole neighbourhood is dark. Get candles. Light candles. Get phone. Wait for cell service to be restored. Check power company website. Planned work? Power restored in 6 hours! The text to mum contains too many expletives to mention, but how the fuck can EON (electricity company) be allowed to run planned maintenance without telling their customers. Getting annoyed. Write complaint email to EON using even more colourful language. Press send. Feel no remorse. Fuck. (#3) I was supposed to enlist in the next uni course today. Today. The last day. But the power is off… I can access the computer with all the docs. Fuck (#3 still echoing in my head). Get phone out. 30% battery left. Might just work… Log on to Uni. Select course. Enlist. Proceed. Sorry? What? The online system can’t determine how much I’m supposed to pay cuz I’ve moved… BUT I DONT NEED TO PAY TODAY!!!!!! Contact Uni using web form. Write long explanations but try to ignore the frustration from the power fucking company idiot still bouncing in my head. Press send. Get automated reply immediately. Okay, that seemed to have gone to the wrong department. Try again. Contact student support. Sigh. Repeat the same info, adding a few extras and further queries. Press send. Fuck it. Walk to fridge. Open door. Get beer. Drink beer. Sigh. Gawd, I just feel the urge to whinge, into the void where no one can hear me. Huh, I know — Tumblr.
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mikimeiko · 2 years
Daytrip - To the lake! And the weather is good this time!
Ok, now that the weather is finally warm enough is time to go back to the lake and the hills/mountains! I'm staying in Lombardy today, and that means I get to use the Ioviaggio ticket, which is a day pass (or 2 days, or 3 days, or a week) that you can use on any regional train, every bus, every tram, every metro, some funiculars and even some lake ferries :3 (not today though) inside Lombardy (actually you can also get to a couple of places in Piedmont, Emilia Romagna and Veneto but only by train. Oh, and two cities in Switzerland! which is very amusing).
Am I going to describe every transport pass I use? Why yes, of course! It might make you want to come here and try them :D
First stop: Luino
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I've been to Luino before, but this is the first time I see the historical town centre? The other times I must have stuck to the lakeside, but it is actually very pretty.
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Luino is one of those eerie places that was clearly really prosperous at a certain point of history and then (slowly? all of a sudden?) lost its importance/status. The train station is huge and quite elegant, the newish part of the town and the lakeside are full of gorgeous art nouveau buildings, many of those former hotels now converted to other uses.
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In 2019 I started a sort of project, an instagram page called Ognistazione that I hoped at some point to turn into a website, a combination of my wanderlust and my completionism: visiting every train station in Lombardy and see what you can find there (unofficial motto: there's always something to see), exploring railway lines one stop at a time. When the lockdown started I was only two stations short on my second line; the first thing I did when the three weeks from my second dose of vaccine were over was to go to those two stations and finish that line. Life was hectic at the time, and a few months passed before I started a new line, but still something was a little bit off and I keeping it up started to feel more like a chore than anything else. So it went on an indefinite hiatus (I briefly revived the page during last summer's train tour, though it was a little off topic).
But today, while I was on the train in a direction I hadn't traveled in a while, I actually felt like trying again. Because really, it's just this weird project that is not really about trains and it's not really about daytrips and it's not really about discovering hidden gems but it kinda is all of these things, and at the best of times it felt like a little nudge to get me on a train and wandering even when I thought I didn't have the energy so I don't know. Let's try again I guess.
(With some modifications, there were aspects that were unsustainable and I don't really care for unsustainability in my free time) (Also would anyone maybe be interested in a tumblr version? I'm not sure if it could work or how it could work but I could try!)
So north we go, to Pino sulla sponda del Lago Maggiore!
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LOVE when you can see the water from the train platform.
I've been here once before and I kinda thought I'll never come back again because to get to the town from the train station you have to go up these:
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(they continue for a while, this is just the first bit). I am a city dweller made of jello, going up stone stairs for any amount of time kills me every time and I hate it!
But the town is quite nice, and the view of the lake is ALMOST worth it.
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Since I'm not dead after all, I decide to go to the next stop, Maccagno, which is luckily BY the lake and not OVER the lake.
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I decided to go back via a different route, with a bus for Varese passing through the hills (there used to be a railway ;_; but as it happened to many smaller railways it was decommissioned in the 50s. In Ghirla there's still the old station building and they converted the platforms into bus stops).
It was a good idea because the route is very pretty. It was a bad idea because it picked up all the kids going home from school (WHY DO I ALWAYS FORGET THAT MIDDLE SCHOOL AND HIGH SCHOOL KIDS HAVE SCHOOL ON SATURDAYS).
Then I waited far too long at Varese train station, and I was cold and tired and sad, but then? The light got beautiful (:
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Flam train and Nærøyfjord fjords
Sunday - 6/23/24
Logistically, today was complex from a transportation standpoint with many dependent legs— take a train to another train to a boat to a bus to another train. We needed to manage our time carefully today, and we did, because miss one of the connections and the whole process falls apart, and who knows where we would end up sleeping! But it all worked out and we woke up in Voss and went to sleep in Bergen.
Today we checked out of our hotel in Voss, but had them store our luggage for about 10 hours as we took the Flåm train and a two hour cruise on the fjords.
The first train we took was headed east from Voss back to Myrdal. We passed through Myrdal yesterday on the train, but didn’t stay there because it is only a train stop and doesn’t have acceptable accommodations.
So we got off the train in Myrdal and took a different train that was headed to Flam. In Norway the train from Myrdal to Flam is a famous train route, and they call it the “Flam Train”.
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The Flam Train traverses 20 tunnels with stunning views of Norway’s landscapes, including mountainsides, cascading waterfalls, picturesque valleys and fjords. It descends 2,800 feet with a gradient of 1:18, one of the steepest in the world for a standard gauge railway. Completed in 1940, it is considered an engineering marvel.
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Kjosfossen waterfall
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Another waterfall
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When we got to Flam there are a lot of tourists— most of whom were either on a 7 or 14 day tour of some sort or on a cruise ship. Before making our Flam train reservation, we researched how many cruise ships were due to be in Flam on the various days and booked our trip on a day when only one cruise ship was going to be in port.
Flam is built around tourism—plenty of places to spend money in overpriced gift shops and “cute” places to eat lunch. Even with only one cruise ship being in port, there were a lot of people there, most of them older, acting totally touristy. Since that is not our thing, we decide to go for a hike. We had about 3 hours before our cruise left, so we bought lunch and headed out on a hike to the old Flam church. It is a 2 to 2 1/2 hour hike out and back. The area around Flam is beautiful with lush greenery, steep mountains and waterfalls. After 5 minutes of walking we were out of all congestion and on an old country road that ran parallel to a beautiful river. We ended up stoping along the way to take pictures so never made it all the way to the old Flam church, but had a nice hike regardless.
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Bridge used by locals for fishing,
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At 3pm we boarded an electric catamaran and cruised for the next two hours through the Nærøyfjord fjords. The fjords is 10.5 miles long and at its narrowest it is 820 feet wide surrounded by steep mountains with snow covered peaks. Waterfalls cascade down the mountains with small villages dotted along the way. The Nærøyfjord fjords is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is considered one of the most beautiful fjords in the world.
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When the boat docked in Gudvangen, we boarded a bus that went from Gudvangen back to Voss. At Voss, we went back to our hotel, which was next door to the train station, picked up our luggage, and took the 7:15pm train from Voss to Bergen. We sat on the north (right) side of the train, which had the best views.
Unfortunately due to our tight timeframe there was no opportunity to buy dinner before we got on the train, nor was there any food on the train to Bergen. When we arrived in Bergen it was late and we just bought survival sandwiches in the Bergen train station. We then went to our hotel and checked in. We are staying at Hotel Oleana, where we will be staying for the next four nights. It was a long day.
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alielahi · 6 months
Secret Revealed: Rent a Car for a Month for 300 Near You!
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Do you often take the hopeless route of public transportation or you are forced to incur heavy expenses just to meet your short-term car hire needs? Can you believe this evil secret of renting a car for one month at a cost of only 300 a few blocks from you? Correct! It's the last title. Strap up and we move to this very practical guide which partially showcases the term long-term car rental on a budget.
1. Introduction
Picture this: whether it is about discovering new places or moving about freely and comfortably during any time of the day, inner-city bus services give you that feeling of not going ready for a hospital billing by the moment you go out of your house. Through our eyes, let this be a symbolic dream. Now, instead of keeping the dream alive, we choose to bring it into existence. This is the very article where we will expose the hidden truth about Rent a Car for a Month for 300 Near Me, which you can find very fast in your area.
2. What is the reason for renting a Car for a Month?
Convenience with a Click of a Mouse.
It would be awesome to have your own wheels, and this feeling will last for a whole month. No longer do you have to worry when the bus comes or spend a huge amount on taxi. With a lease to car, the comfort is just the distance, it is yours.
3. The Advantages of Extended Vehicle Leasing
Long-term car rentals not only provide considerable cost savings when compared to daily or weekly rentals but also over time reduce the required maintenance. Now you need only pay a small down payment per month which will avail you longer periods with rates that are discounted when compared with owning your own car.
Don't even think about commanding your vehicle to behave well-disciplined and drive very little Every time you rent a car that way, you are free to drive however much you want and whenever you like. It is your rarely used possession when it is best for you.
4. Where can you locate the most inexpensive car rentals on a monthly basis?
Local dealerships and rental agencies
Initiating the search, by visiting local dealerships and rental companies should be your first step. A lot of companies have discounts on their monthly or multi-month rentals, especially when there is less demand.
Online Platforms and Smartphone Apps
But at the same time, overlook the capacity of online platforms and apps as well. With many platforms including Greatdubai.com and apps like Turo, it is easy for you to get people. They offer seats to rent out their vehicles at prices that are hard to beat.
5. Guidelines for Bagging the Best Deal
Compare Prices
Go to different rental companies to get the best deal on a rental car price. Do not stop at the first deal you will come across. Spend some time looking for a deal that is within your budget and that meets your necessities.
Negotiate Terms
Don't be scared to negotiate the terms of your lease, especially if you're dealing with lessors. In case you are successful in negotiating you may be able to pay a lower rate or receive extra benefits.
6. Familiarizing oneself with the Terms and Conditions
Study the small print carefully.
Although it may seem tedious, before signing any rental agreement ensure you read the small print thoroughly. Take considerations such as a mileage restriction. Moreover, make sure that insurance coverage and cancellation of early termination are included.
7. The step-by-step processes of extending your rental period
Plan Ahead
In case you need to extend your rental period, don't wait till the last moment and inform the rental agency or landlord at least several days before the due date. Late extension of your rental for a day or two may cost you a higher fee.
8. The involvement of spare parts and insurance payouts.
Maintenance Responsibility
If you are renting, your rental agreement will usually cover basic maintenance. However, it is also necessary to point out who is within the scope of serious repairs and maintenance when you rent a house or apartment.
Insurance Coverage
Make sure to have comprehensive insurance which covers you sufficiently before driving. Insurance can be obtained either through the rental agency or through your provider, that is, depending on the case; you should be guaranteed in the event of any accident or damage.
Ensure yourself and is the best experience and get it now!
In whatever way you go about using the car- work week commutation, weekend trips, or longer trip travels, make sure you exhaust its capabilities to the fullest to extract maximum value. Plan your trips in a way that you end up reserving most of the time for yourself and simply enjoy having your own car.
9. Best Budget Cars for Monthly Leasing.
In a scenario when you want to rent a car for one month on a budget, you would need to select the right vehicle. This would decide the entire renting process. Here are the top contenders. They offer affordability without compromising quality.
Renault Koleos
Renault Koleos is definitely one of the stylish and very practical SUV cars that are great for long rentals. A very comfortable and smooth driving experience also secures the car for both city and freeway rides, thanks to its generous interior space and efficient engine. Unlike the studio or 1-bedroom apartments, this 2-bedroom unit is distinctively built with its state-of-the-art equipment and high seating capacity. It has become a household name among renters who wish to derive value, quality, and diversity.
Nissan Armada
To enlarge the Nissan Armada s capacity and power, it is an incredible alternative with which to rent it monthly. The size of this SUV delivers a spacious cabin, lots of room for luggage, and outstanding towing capacity, which make it ideal for long family trips or adventuring in the wilderness. Armada in spite of its size, the Armada offers a quiet and comfortable ride, in which can be put forward as a practical and realistic choice, especially in long-term rentals.
Nissan Versa
The Nissan Versa is the right option for you if having an affordable monthly rental takes the first position in the priority list. Compared with other cars in this category, this sedan is designed to offer the best balance between the price of rental, high fuel efficiency as well as a bigger and more comfy cabin. Surprisingly, the Versa might not be as small as it appears. It has enough space for the passengers to stretch their legs in the cabin, and the space in the trunk is not limited at all. The Versa coming in at a low price and having been proven to be dependable stands as a great choice for budget tenants.
10. Tips for Maintaining Your Rental Vehicle
Regular Maintenance Checks
To ensure a smooth rental, you must do regular maintenance checks on your vehicle. This will make the rental hassle-free. Keep an eye on fluid levels, tire pressure, and the vehicle's condition. This will prevent issues during your rental.
Safe Driving Practices
Take care of your rental car as if it were your own by practicing safe driving habits. Avoid aggressive driving, too much speeding, and sudden braking. These things reduce wear on the vehicle and the risk of accidents or damage.
11. Exploring Additional Rental Options
Upgrade Opportunities
Consider upgrading your rental vehicle to a higher trim level or a different model if your budget allows. An upgrade can give you access to more features. It also brings more comfort and better performance. This will improve your rental experience.
Specialty Vehicles
Explore special rentals for unique experiences. These include luxury cars, sports cars, and eco-friendly vehicles. These options may cost more. But, they can add excitement and convenience to your rental. This makes them worth considering for special or memorable trips.
13. Conclusion
No hurry on buying a dedicated vehicle as well as pricey short-term rent are a thing of the past. The secret is out, so you can now borrow a car for an hour, 300 dirhams cost and it is in your neighborhood. Do not worry about expensive running costs, owning your own car can bring you the joy of being in control of your transportation. Take the first step and embark on a new surreal adventure, full of wonders and thrills!
To finalize, affordable day-to-day car rentals provide access to an ever-increasingly convenient practice at considerable costs due to their flexible nature. Doing what the tips and conditions in this guide, require you to equip yourself for a month's exploration that will make you confident as you start.
Then, there it was the rest of the sentence: Therefore, stop stalling. The day you get your driver’s license, it can be tempting to just cruise around town without a care in the world.
11. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1: Is there any agency out there that offers a car for a whole month for just AED 300? Can I get in touch with them?
Admittedly, you can come across cheap long-term car rental options, starting from AED300 monthly, on the premises of local dealerships, rental agencies, or on online platforms as long as you are creative.
Q2: Are there any secret payments for periods longer than the agreed-upon term?
Whilst some leases may feature added fees that could be the result of mileage overages or late return charges, asking for a written of all terms and conditions of the lease could be very helpful in order to not have any similarity.
Q3: Can you nominate a longer rent period if the need comes?
Indeed, overwhelmingly rental businesses and most individuals let their customers prolong the rental for additional time. But, you'll be wise enough to avoid any nuisances by communicating in advance.
Q4: Is the entity responsible for the repair if the vehicle packed in while I was in management?
When an incident occurs, the first action is to contact the rental company or owner so that they will get the required assistance. The exact scenario will depend on the terms of your agreement in which case, they will either offer you a replacement car for use or effect necessary repairs.
Q5: Is insurance included in what we pay for the house?
The rental agreement might cover you with basic insurance coverage, but be sure you find out the limit of coverage before you hire. Weigh the supplementary insurance as part of making certain that you have a calm state of mind.
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dsandrvk · 7 months
Thursday, February 22 - Ushuaia
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It rained pretty hard overnight here and when we woke up, there was fresh snow on the mountains behind Ushuaia. The temperature had also dropped significantly and our high was 15 degrees lower than yesterday. But it was still a great day to get out and stretch our legs a bit.
We were able to visit four places in Tierra del Fuego National Park. While we would have loved to spend more time at each, there was really no other practical way to get out there, except by tour or taxi. There is a bus, but it runs so infrequently that it just isn't practical. As it was, our little van of 14 guests was able to see a lot more than the large buses, and spend more time at each stop.
The first stop was the end of route 3, which is also the end of the Pan-American highway. From here one can see out to the Beagle Channel and Chile beyond. I did wonder whether the one message board for the park had anything on it before it got covered in stickers!
We also went to the post office at the end of the world (actually the end of the pier) and got postcards, which we had stamped. We could have mailed something, but the person in front of us sent off 2 cards, and the price was $24. We decided to just bring ours home. Another gal had her actual passport stamped and it must have been from some place special as the clerk pulled out a bottle of Scotch and a shot glass for a toast! Our passports were still on the ship from arriving back in Argentina and then going on to the Falklands, so that wasn't an option.
By the time we finally got back to Ushuaia, they had the "Ushuaia" letter sign blocked off for a ceremony with a lot of military. We think they are Peruvian navy, as the red vessel in the second picture came by us in the morning, blasting military music and carrying the Peruvian flag. It is an extremely well kept-up ship, too, and looked freshly painted.
The flags of Argentina and Tierra del Fuego are also seen everywhere. Our guide was explaining to us that the blue on the latter flag represents the Beagle Channel, the red-orange is the fire, the white in between is an albatross, and the stars represent not only the Southern Cross, but also the islands that comprise Tierra del Fuego, including Las Malvinas (the Falklands). Argentina just won't get over the fact that they lost that war and the islands never really were theirs. But the slogan "las Malvinas son Argentinas" is everywhere, even on buses and trains in Buenos Aires. Ever hopeful.
We wandered around town for a while, but with two larger cruise ships and three smaller ones in port, it was plenty crowded and by now the wind was about 25mph, and the temperature was a balmy 41 degrees or so, so we were motivated to spend our last pesos and get back. We spent a little time watching all the ships getting reprovisioned - in our case for a very long voyage. After we leave the ship in Cape Verde, it will continue and the next port that will be of any size will be Malaga, Spain, a couple of weeks after we disembark. I really don't know if they can reprovision in Cape Verde. We briefly considered a visit to the outdoor hotel tubs, but the winds were blowing sideways to the ship, and we were worried our robes would wind up in the Channel.
We had our safety orientation, and an introduction to the expedition staff (we have added a few birding types, and some new lecturers), and had a hosted table with one of the submarine pilots. We had a lively group and thoroughly enjoyed our evening. Since there was nothing too special for entertainment, we decided instead to get a good night's sleep. Many of the new folks aboard have been up since 4AM or so, so they don't tend to do much the first evening.
Tomorrow is a sea day as we head towards the Falklands. Our first day there will be on a couple of uninhabited islands, and that should be a treat.
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In Regards to The Uncanny
I first researched the theory of the uncanny a few years ago as part of some additional context for one of my second year units. At the time I struggled to fully understand the definition and concept, merely understanding it as a feeling of distress from things that we are scared of, similar to a phobia. However, while looking for a word to describe my work, in which I recontextualised and manually manipulated parts of my hand to create paintings that left the viewer questioning what they were looking at, I stumbled upon this word again, the uncanny. Two years on, and many essays later, I have devised my own outlook on the theory and its impact on the arts. Just like Sigmund Freud explained, I understand the uncanny as a feeling of discomfort from something we believe to be familiar, yet new to us. A perfect example of this is déjà vu, where we recollect the exact events happening in front of us happening in the past to the most minute detail. The sounds, the smells and even sometimes the experience of déjà vu itself. While this can seem uncomfortable at first, this feeling comes to us with a certain curiosity and a yearning for more. One of the closest thing I can compare this phenomenon to is the enjoyment and thrill of watching a horror film. We anticipate the fright is coming with a reluctance to watch the screen, yet some part of us enjoys this fright and we can’t stop ourselves from looking on. I believe this is one of the reasons why we are drawn to the uncanny.
The uncanny takes many other forms, these including:- viewing an inanimate object with the belief that it is animate, the feeling of being watched by something, fearing the dark and what could lurk in it, noticing a repetition or pattern in events or objects(physical and psychological), believing something that is dead could come alive, viewing an object in a brand new context or location, the inability to escape a given place(walking in circles), telepathy, the feeling that you have met someone before, seeing your double, …
Over my summer break, I experienced something I immediately categorised as uncanny. To make a long story short, all the access routes from my village into the city centre were closed off for the weekend and I had to walk 2 hours instead of getting the bus I get on every day. This laborious task was already causing me great discomfort until I reached a part of the bus route I had never walked through. The sensation of being at eye level on the street, rather than on the top deck of the bus, surrounded by glass, was surreal. I found myself losing my footing and occasionally even spacing out to the point where the world around me went silent, which was aided by the uncannily quiet road. I felt like I was walking in third person. A second experience that comes to mind was in The Schoolhouse for the Sacred Spaces exhibition. As soon as I stepped through the door of the building I felt a strange feeling of discomfort that seemed to elevate when walking through the old staircases and corridors of the building. As evening creeped closer, this feeling got stronger. The darkness outside, contrasted the yellow tinged lights of the building, reminding me of times in my own school, yet I was never there this late? Was this a return of repressed feelings just like Freud believed?
One of the main reoccurring themes in my practice is my hand. Why does it hold such a special place in my subconscious?
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carpetcleaning143 · 1 year
Baltimore's Famous Landmarks
Baltimore, MD is a city rich with history and culture, and it's also home to some of the most famous landmarks in America. Whether you're visiting or have lived here your entire life, there are plenty of iconic places to see and visit that can't be missed! Whether it's the nation's capital or something as simple as a museum, there are so many amazing things to see in this city that will get you excited about visiting Baltimore again (or maybe even moving here).
The Star-Spangled Banner Flag House
The Star-Spangled Banner Flag House is a historic museum in Baltimore, Maryland. It was the home of Mary Pickersgill, who made the flag that inspired Francis Scott Key's poem "Defence of Fort M'Henry". The house was designated a National Historic Landmark in 1960 and is now operated as a museum by the National Park Service.
The house was built around 1830 by John Stewart and purchased by Mary Pickersgill in 1841. She expanded it to include second-floor living quarters over time; during this period she made flags for ships using cotton imported from South Carolina and Europe as well as wool from local sheep farms. The original Star Spangled Banner Flag was sewn for Fort McHenry after being commissioned by Commodore Joshua Barney; Barney asked Pickersgill to make another one because he liked it so much (the first one survived until 1873).
The Washington Monument
The Washington Monument is a 555 feet tall obelisk that stands in the National Mall. It was built to honor George Washington, who was president of the United States from 1789 to 1797. The monument was designed by Robert Mills and completed in 1829.
It is currently closed for repairs after a 5.8 magnitude earthquake caused damage to it on August 23rd, 2011
The Nation's Capital Trail
The Nation's Capital Trail is a 200-mile bike path that runs from Washington D.C. to Cumberland Maryland, following the Potomac River for much of its length. The trail is part of the American Discovery Trail and is used by cyclists and hikers as well as horseback riders. It's possible to do it in sections or all at once if you have time on your hands!
Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine
Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine is a historic site in Baltimore, Maryland. It is located on Whetstone Point near the mouth of Baltimore Harbor and was built to replace Fort Whetstone (built in 1776). The fort was named after James McHenry, Secretary of War under President George Washington during the American Revolution.
It was here that Francis Scott Key wrote "The Star-Spangled Banner", which became the national anthem in 1931. In 1814 during the War of 1812 between Britain and America, British warships attacked Fort McHenry for 25 hours straight with cannonballs but failed to breach its defenses; this inspired Key's writing. Today you can visit this monument through guided tours or self-guided audio tours by downloading them from their website (see below). There are also exhibits inside where you can learn more about what happened during those 25 hours when Francis Scott Key penned his famous words about our flag being still there waving proudly over us all!
If you're interested in learning more about other landmarks nearby then look no further than Charm City Circulator Bus Route 15A which stops right outside Fort McHenry's entrance gate every day except Sundays when they're closed due to budget cuts due to too much money spent repairing the damage done by Hurricane Irene last year."
National Aquarium in Baltimore
The National Aquarium is a non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of aquatic life. It was founded in 1981 by Robert J. Sullivan and David A. Rubenstein, who together raised $2 million dollars to open their first location at the Inner Harbor in Baltimore, Maryland, United States. The aquarium currently has three locations: one at the Inner Harbor (opened on October 1st) and two others located on Pier 4 Park in downtown Baltimore along with its exhibit "Aquatic Animal Health Center" where they treat sick or injured animals; as well as another one known as National Aquarium - Camden Yards which opened on April 18th, 2016 featuring only freshwater fish species from North America including those who live within Chesapeake Bay Watershed area
Laura Village
Laura Village is a historic village in the city of Baltimore, Maryland. It was named after the wife of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. The village is part of a larger area known as "Carrollton", which was platted by his son Charles Carroll Jr., who owned much land in Baltimore County at that time. The village consists mostly of 19th-century homes, many built with stone quarried from nearby Jones Falls Valley (now part of Druid Hill Park).
Yorktown is a historic town in Virginia, located on the York River. It was the site of the Battle of Yorktown, which ended the American Revolution. The Colonial National Historical Park and several other sites are located there and makeup it one of America's most visited tourist destinations.
Baltimore has many landmarks to visit and explore. Whether you're looking for the best places to see in Baltimore or want some fun activities to do with family and friends, we've got it covered!
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Carpet Cleaning
Carpet cleaning is an essential part of home maintenance. It can help keep your home looking great and smelling fresh. But it’s not something that everyone knows how to do themselves! Even if you have the best carpet cleaner in Baltimore at your disposal, there are still a few things you should know before hiring them (or trying them yourself). Carpet cleaning in Baltimore is a great place to spend some time. We know that you want to make sure that your room looks as good as it can be, so we’ve put together this list of the best bed and breakfast spots in Baltimore. Priority Carpet Cleaning has been providing the best carpet cleaning in Baltimore for over 20 years. We’ve seen a lot of changes in that time, but one thing has remained the same — our customers love us! They offer carpet cleaning, steam cleaning, and deodorizing services. They are a locally-owned company, and its number one priority is customer satisfaction. Priority Carpet Cleaning has been providing the best carpet cleaning in Baltimore for over 20 years. They offer carpet cleaning, steam cleaning, and deodorizing services. They are a locally-owned company, and its number one priority is customer satisfaction. You may find us online using these keywords carpet cleaning, carpet cleaning Baltimore, steam cleaning, tile and grout cleaning, steam cleaning Baltimore, tile and grout cleaning Baltimore, and carpet cleaning near me.
Priority Carpet Cleaning
5109 York Rd, Baltimore, MD 21212, United States
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abdholidays112 · 2 years
Kedarnath Trek - A Comprehensive Guide [2022] For New Travellers | ABD Holidays
Are you one of those who would like to plan to take the Kedarnath Yatra? Do you also want to enjoy Kedarnath Trek with your friends? This comprehensive guide is specially designed for people like you. In today’s post, we have collected essential pieces of information, summarized them in a well manner, and then crafted an easy-to use handbook to let you equip with the right piece of knowledge and advice about your destination.
Here Is A Quick Overview Of Kedarnath Trek You Should have Glance:
Kedarnath is home to a number of pilgrimages who are seeking blessings from God. With so many natural beauties and significance, Kedarnath, the domicile of Lord Shiva, attracts millions of devotees who also love to do Kedarnath Trek. In the state of Uttarakhand, India, this Goddess place is situated in the district of Rudraprayag. It is popular for a Kedarnath Temple (a Hindu Temple near the Mandakini River) dedicated to Lord Shiva. People visit there to complete their Kedarnath Yatra which is one of the famous Char Dham Yatra.
Check out a Direct and Trouble Free Route to Reach Kedarnath Temple by Trek
Those visitors who are looking forward to reaching out to Kedarnath Temple by trek should reach Gaurikund first. From here, 16 kilometers trek remains to complete the journey to the Goddess’s place. So, if you are planning for the same, you need to take Train, Taxi, or Bus for Haridwar, Rishikesh. Hereafter, Sonprayag will be the next stay point; however, you can also take the air route via Dehradun – the capital of Uttarakhand.      
Those who are nearby Delhi will also have an option to reach Kedarnath by Road or by Bus/ Taxi.   
Here is the route map you can consider using while Kedarnath Yatra:  
Follow the Route:-
∙From Delhi to Haridwar.   
∙Then, Haridwar to Rishikesh.   
∙After that, Rishikesh to Devprayag  
∙From Devprayag to Rudraprayag and then Guptakashi  
∙From Guptakashi to Sonprayag and then Gaurikund.   
∙Finally, you will see a trek to Kedarnath Temple from Gaurikund.  
On the other hand, the government is also planning to establish a divergence after the flood. According to the New Kedarnath Trek Route, you need to read on to find out the new route to the Temple.   
Here’s   the  New   Trek   Route:
At the initial point where you are basically from, you need to take any transportation service to reach out to Sonprayag and then to Gaurikund. This small journey is an approximately 6 Kilometer long and will take around half an hour by a sharing taxi.
Now, you need to start another small journey to reach Jungle Chatti (approx 4 Kms) via Rambara Bridge.  
When you stop after 4 Kms, you have to go to Bheembali Linchauli and reach out to Kedarnath Base Camp.  
From there, you have to trek around 1 Km to visit Kedarnath Temple from the Camp.  
10 Significant Do’s and Don’ts for Kedarnath Trek or Yatra
While planning for the Kedarnath trek, you need to keep these essential points in mind. Continue reading the blog post to determine some valuable points below:
1)Plan by Plane
It’d be a great idea to plan your trip to Kedarnath by plan especially if you find trouble in walking. 
However, you should also avoid walking there if you have horse urine and are lacking sufficient time.   
2) Walk Patiently 
Another thing you need to keep in mind is that you have to walk with utmost patience. Avoid rushing while walking towards the temple as it could lead to gasping. In general, travelers take around 5 to 6 hours to reach the Kedarnath temple from Gaurikund.    
3) Don’t take Horse or Pony  
If you choose to take a horse from Sonprayag to the temple, it can take additional two or three hours to complete your journey.  However, the best place to take a pony is Gaurikund or you can also manage to start your walking trip. 
4) Make Gaurikund Your Initial Point And Start Your Journey Early In the Morning
As per the feedback of previous travellers, the best time to start your journey is the morning time. So, if you start early in the morning from Gaurikund, you can reach the temple by noon. Moreover, you can also plan your Kedarnath Trek accordingly as you have plenty of time.     
5) Don’t Let Your Kids Come With You
Kids of age below 12 should not come because Kedarnath is a place of unpredictable weather. However, the most important thing is the availability of low levels of oxygen you have to be meticulous while planning.  
6) Keep The Charges In Mind While Planning Your Trip
Pony Charges: 5000-6000 
Palanquin Charge: 8000-10000 
Kandi Charges: 5000-7000 
Helicopter Charges: 7000-9000 
7) Carry Only Postpaid Sim Cards
For Kedarnath temple or Kedarnath trek, if you would like to carry a sim card with you, try to use Vodafone, BSNL, and Reliance Jio.  
8) Raincoat, Jacket and Boot is Must For Kedarnath Trek
Some of the must carry things are a flashlight, raincoat, boot, quilted jackets, medicine, and other required things as per your needs.
9) Carry your Aadhar Card And Other Identity Cards With You
During Kedarnath Trek or Yatra, you have to carry your Aadhar card or other Government-verified identity cards.   
10) Avoid Night Trekking In Kedarnath
 As per the report of the Forest Department, there are numbers of black bears in Kedar valley. So, it is advisable to avoid night trekking from the safety point of view.
How We Can Help You To Meet Your Kedarnath Trek’s Diversified Requirements?
If you are one of those who are looking forward to getting in touch with the best travel agency for any such trip, we can be the onestop solution. With rich expertise in the travel industry, we are engaged in rendering the best possible assistance to pilgrims who are seeking the fulfillment of desires. Our services are very professional and available at the most market-friendly rate.     
The name of our agency is registered under the Indian Government. We also have a pool of ingenious specialists whoare committed and are at your disposal to accomplish your Kedarnath Trek trip with a lot of memories.
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abdholidays · 2 years
Kedarnath Trek
Are you one of those who would like to plan to take the Kedarnath Yatra? Do you also want to enjoy Kedarnath Trek with your friends? This comprehensive guide is specially designed for people like you. In today’s post, we have collected essential pieces of information, summarized them in a well manner, and then crafted an easy-to use handbook to let you equip with the right piece of knowledge and advice about your destination.
Here Is A Quick Overview Of Kedarnath Trek You Should have Glance:
Kedarnath is home to a number of pilgrimages who are seeking blessings from God. With so many natural beauties and significance, Kedarnath, the domicile of Lord Shiva, attracts millions of devotees who also love to do Kedarnath Trek. In the state of Uttarakhand, India, this Goddess place is situated in the district of Rudraprayag. It is popular for a Kedarnath Temple (a Hindu Temple near the Mandakini River) dedicated to Lord Shiva. People visit there to complete their Kedarnath Yatra which is one of the famous Char Dham Yatra.
Check out a Direct and Trouble Free Route to Reach Kedarnath Temple by Trek
Those visitors who are looking forward to reaching out to Kedarnath Temple by trek should reach Gaurikund first. From here, 16 kilometers trek remains to complete the journey to the Goddess’s place. So, if you are planning for the same, you need to take Train, Taxi, or Bus for Haridwar, Rishikesh. Hereafter, Sonprayag will be the next stay point; however, you can also take the air route via Dehradun – the capital of Uttarakhand.      
Those who are nearby Delhi will also have an option to reach Kedarnath by Road or by Bus/ Taxi.   
Here is the route map you can consider using while Kedarnath Yatra:  
Follow the Route:-
∙From Delhi to Haridwar.   
∙Then, Haridwar to Rishikesh.   
∙After that, Rishikesh to Devprayag  
∙From Devprayag to Rudraprayag and then Guptakashi  
∙From Guptakashi to Sonprayag and then Gaurikund.   
∙Finally, you will see a trek to Kedarnath Temple from Gaurikund.  
On the other hand, the government is also planning to establish a divergence after the flood. According to the New Kedarnath Trek Route, you need to read on to find out the new route to the Temple.   
Here’s   the  New   Trek   Route:
At the initial point where you are basically from, you need to take any transportation service to reach out to Sonprayag and then to Gaurikund. This small journey is an approximately 6 Kilometer long and will take around half an hour by a sharing taxi.
Now, you need to start another small journey to reach Jungle Chatti (approx 4 Kms) via Rambara Bridge.  
When you stop after 4 Kms, you have to go to Bheembali Linchauli and reach out to Kedarnath Base Camp.  
From there, you have to trek around 1 Km to visit Kedarnath Temple from the Camp.  
10 Significant Do’s and Don’ts for Kedarnath Trek or Yatra
While planning for the Kedarnath trek, you need to keep these essential points in mind. Continue reading the blog post to determine some valuable points below:
1)Plan by Plane
It’d be a great idea to plan your trip to Kedarnath by plan especially if you find trouble in walking. 
However, you should also avoid walking there if you have horse urine and are lacking sufficient time.   
2) Walk Patiently 
Another thing you need to keep in mind is that you have to walk with utmost patience. Avoid rushing while walking towards the temple as it could lead to gasping. In general, travelers take around 5 to 6 hours to reach the Kedarnath temple from Gaurikund.    
3) Don’t take Horse or Pony  
If you choose to take a horse from Sonprayag to the temple, it can take additional two or three hours to complete your journey.  However, the best place to take a pony is Gaurikund or you can also manage to start your walking trip. 
4) Make Gaurikund Your Initial Point And Start Your Journey Early In the Morning
As per the feedback of previous travellers, the best time to start your journey is the morning time. So, if you start early in the morning from Gaurikund, you can reach the temple by noon. Moreover, you can also plan your Kedarnath Trek accordingly as you have plenty of time.     
5) Don’t Let Your Kids Come With You
Kids of age below 12 should not come because Kedarnath is a place of unpredictable weather. However, the most important thing is the availability of low levels of oxygen you have to be meticulous while planning.  
6) Keep The Charges In Mind While Planning Your Trip
Pony Charges: 5000-6000 
Palanquin Charge: 8000-10000 
Kandi Charges: 5000-7000 
Helicopter Charges: 7000-9000 
7) Carry Only Postpaid Sim Cards
For Kedarnath temple or Kedarnath trek, if you would like to carry a sim card with you, try to use Vodafone, BSNL, and Reliance Jio.  
8) Raincoat, Jacket and Boot is Must For Kedarnath Trek
Some of the must carry things are a flashlight, raincoat, boot, quilted jackets, medicine, and other required things as per your needs.
9) Carry your Aadhar Card And Other Identity Cards With You
During Kedarnath Trek or Yatra, you have to carry your Aadhar card or other Government-verified identity cards.   
10) Avoid Night Trekking In Kedarnath
 As per the report of the Forest Department, there are numbers of black bears in Kedar valley. So, it is advisable to avoid night trekking from the safety point of view.
How We Can Help You To Meet Your Kedarnath Trek’s Diversified Requirements?
If you are one of those who are looking forward to getting in touch with the best travel agency for any such trip, we can be the onestop solution. With rich expertise in the travel industry, we are engaged in rendering the best possible assistance to pilgrims who are seeking the fulfillment of desires. Our services are very professional and available at the most market-friendly rate.     
The name of our agency is registered under the Indian Government. We also have a pool of ingenious specialists whoare committed and are at your disposal to accomplish your Kedarnath Trek trip with a lot of memories.
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ocxees-blog · 2 years
9 Top-Rated Student Accommodations in the Edinburgh
Edinburgh is rich in heritage, and history and has a vibrant student nightlife and several attractions. After a thorough study, Ocxee offers chic and cosy student accommodation in Edinburgh. All the amenities you'll require to live comfortably as a young student will be very close to your new house. You'll be in the centre of the action as Edinburgh develops and offers top-notch higher education possibilities to students from all over the world.
Let’s learn more about the characteristics and attributes of housing options whose price range lies between £180.00 per week to £339.00 per week.
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1. New  Park
Student housing is now available in Edinburgh's New Park. The University of Edinburgh is only a short stroll away if you decide to reside here. Additionally, a bus will transport you there from this location to Heriot-Watt University. Studio apartments and shared flats are among the 238 rooms at New Park.
Each room has an ensuite bathroom, a large bed, a study area, and plenty of storage. There are several different room kinds and sizes to pick from to meet your preferences and financial constraints. Shared apartments offer separate, luxurious bedrooms with en suite bathrooms together with a great community living space where students may mingle. The kitchens in these rooms allow students to prepare meals, unwind, and study in a welcoming environment. This location is ideal for having fun and studying because it is also recognised for its active nightlife.
Utilise Ocxee to reserve this fantastic student residence for £180.00 per week. The Woodland Creatures Pub and Dishoom Edinburgh Restaurant both offer delectable food close to the apartment. Utilise the adjacent public bus stops like Brunswick Road and railway stations like Edinburgh Waverley to get around the city by bike, using the bike storage facilities or taking the bus.
2. Fountain Bridge
Numerous rooms and studios are available at Fountainbridge Student Accommodation, which also offers excellent social amenities and easy access to the city's universities.
Fountainbridge offers spacious, well-appointed student accommodation in Edinburgh that includes a gym, movie theatre, and huge lounge only ten minutes walk from Haymarket train station. In addition to completely furnished studios, the building offers a range of en suite suites with communal living spaces and kitchens. There are also regular on-site meetings where you can meet your neighbours.
The majority of university campuses are accessible via close-by bus routes, or you can walk there in around 25 minutes. Princes Street Gardens, the Scottish National Gallery, and the National Museum of Scotland are all within walking distance, making it simple to get to a variety of Edinburgh monuments as well. Book this wonderful housing option for £339.00 per week.
3. Panmure Court
The perfect place for students to stay is at Panmure Court. This establishment offers three different styles of contemporary studio housing. It is close to many of Edinburgh's leading universities. The Edinburgh College of Art is a six-minute drive from the property, while the Holyrood campus of the University of Edinburgh is only two minutes away.
It provides contemporary studios, each of which has a private bathroom, a kitchen that is completely furnished, a double bed, a washer/dryer, and lots of storage space, including a closet and under-bed drawers, as well as a personal study area and a desk. Additionally, the property offers free high-speed WiFi and CCTV video security. The communal areas and outdoor patio in the accommodations have been renovated. A dual occupancy is an option at no additional cost if you want to live with a friend or as a couple.
The Panmure Court student accommodation is located in a desirable part of Edinburgh, close to Calton Hill. Within walking distance are fantastic eateries like Oink Canongate and Loudons New Waverly. Around the corner is Clarinda's Tearoom, and the Kilderkin pub is a great location to unwind with a drink.
The Royal Mile, where you can enjoy stores, supermarkets, and wonderful restaurants, is conveniently close to the property, allowing you to enjoy the best of city living. Book this wonderful housing option for £279.00 per week.
4. Novel- Silk Mill
Live at convenient student accommodation in Silk Mill and get close to all the exotic life of the city. Edinburgh Napier University and the University of Edinburgh are both within a 12-minute walk of the property, which is located on the union canal west of the city centre.
Silk Mill is situated in a desirable area of the city, and because of the efficient public transportation system that runs throughout Edinburgh, students can get around with ease. Due to the property's proximity to Fountainbridge, there are many stores, cafes, and pubs that you can visit for entertainment while not studying.
The residents of this accommodation have a lot to choose from. A unique on-site gym to help you focus, game rooms for when you need a well-earned study break, and a lower ground-level bar where you won't have to wait for service are just a few of the attractions.
A welcoming breakfast bar is a great place to catch up with friends and where you can get something to go if you need to go somewhere right away just close to this place. One of the best things about all of this is without a doubt the free coffee that is there to fuel your long study sessions. Spend £240.00 per week to reserve this fantastic housing alternative.
5. Canal Point
Everything is easily accessible because of Canal Point's Student Accommodation ideal location in the heart of the city. In less than 15 minutes, you can easily get to the University of Edinburgh, The Meadows (one of the city's prettiest parks), Edinburgh Castle, Princes Street, Cameo Theater, and the National Museum of Scotland. Ideal! There are neighbourhood grocery stores, restaurants, bars, and coffee shops close by, and it's just a short stroll to the University of Edinburgh. They feature bike storage and parking spaces if you intend to bring your own vehicle.
It provides high-quality, shared 4, 5, and 6-bed apartments with WiFi throughout and one or two bathrooms that are shared. All have a contemporary kitchen/lounge with a flat-screen TV for socialising and unwinding with your roommates and friends. However, each also has a private bedroom with a huge bed, study desk, chair, and adequate storage as well as its own wash basin and vanity unit for your convenience and privacy. Pay £170.00 per week to reserve this fantastic housing alternative.
6. Lady Nicolson  Court
Student housing in Edinburgh at Lady Nicolson Court is contemporary and roomy. The hotel's three different studio kinds are available, and it is close to Nicolson Square Gardens. Additionally, it takes just 4 minutes to walk to the University of Edinburgh from the house, and it takes 11 minutes to walk to Edinburgh College of Arts. Consequently, it is perfect for students who attend these universities.
Its studios are all completely furnished and thoughtfully created with students in mind. Every room includes a desk, chair, cosy bed, built-in shelving, and wardrobe. The kitchen is completely furnished with a combi oven, a kettle, a toaster, an iron, and a vacuum. The rent at Lady Nicolson Court includes utilities including free high-speed WiFi, contents insurance, an in-room washer, package delivery service, and round-the-clock assistance. There are also several community areas in the housing where you may hang out with your friends and socialise.
Lady Nicolson Court student accommodation has excellent access to public transportation. Both the Surgeons' Hall bus station and the Nicolson Square bus stop are only a short 2-minute walk away. Furthermore, it takes 12 minutes to walk from the property to the Edinburgh Waverley train station. You can book this great alternative housing by paying £335.00 per week.
7. Huxley Studio
One of Edinburgh's most well-known and opulent student housing options is Huxley Studios, offering guests an experience they won't soon forget. Numerous chic studio and two-bedroom apartments with en-suite studio rooms and equipped kitchens are currently available nearby Mamma's American Pizza Restaurant. All of these apartments are fully furnished. The largest bedrooms available for rent in Edinburgh are also offered to students at Huxley Studios.
All electricity costs and fast Wi-Fi throughout the building are covered by the rent. In addition to having some of the most incredible communal areas among the student housing options in Edinburgh, Huxley Studios also offers sleek contemporary furniture, quartz worktops, stainless steel appliances, plank vinyl flooring, in-unit laundry, premium views, and much more.
There are reservation-only dining rooms, breathtaking cityscape views, and shared study spaces where you can study in groups with your friends. You can book this great alternative housing by paying £280.00 per week.
8. Portsburgh Court
The Portsburgh Court is fantastic student accommodation in the heart of Edinburgh. The housing is well located for students attending the University of Edinburgh because it is only a 15-minute walk away. The students find it easy to get up and head to their early-morning lectures right away. Grab a coffee at Press Coffee or a meal at Tasty Noodle in the breaks between lectures.
The property is adjacent to a bus stop and a railway station, making it simpler to go to other parts of the town. The Lauriston Street bus stop is the closest one and is a three-minute walk from the house. The tram connects you to the entire city and has a Light Rail Station less than 15 minutes walk from the housing.
There are many different room alternatives from which one might choose as per your suitability. Even if you live with a buddy or as a couple, you won't have to pay any more fees. After university classes, you can focus on your exams in the apartment's own study area. Before going directly to bed, take a hot shower in the bathrooms with en suites. You can book this great alternative housing by paying £245.00 per week.
9. The Bridge House
Edinburgh's Bridge House, a great option for student housing, is situated close to the Union Canal in the Fountainbridge neighbourhood. Bridge House Edinburgh student housing offers a superb living experience adjacent to Edinburgh University, Edinburgh College of Art, MGA Stage Academy, and Edinburgh Napier University. It has a variety of opulent and comfortable non-ensuite rooms.
The Bridge House student accommodation in Edinburgh has fully furnished basic, classic, and premium student rooms, each with a cosy bed, a roomy closet, a desk and chair, as well as a shared toilet, kitchen, and eating area. The property also offers contents insurance, a parking space, bike storage, free high-speed Internet, all-inclusive utility bills, CCTV surveillance, and round-the-clock devoted security and safety support.
To overcome your problems regarding studying abroad, choose a counselling service.
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flysair88 · 2 years
Flights from Phoenix  to Chicago
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Chicago, located in Illinois on Lake Michigan, is the country's largest city. Chicago is also known for its museums, such as the Art Institute of Chicago, which has notable Impressionist and Post-Impressionist artworks.
Chicago is now a global city. It is a vibrant Centre for international commerce and trade. People of all nationalities and backgrounds can come to Chicago to live the American dream.
1.     Spirit airlines
2.     Frontier
3.     United Airlines
4.     American airlines
5.     Delta
Places to visit in Chicago
Chicago's art institute
A museum that every city should be proud of. It's big but not as tiring as the Met and has a very extensive collection. We spent half the day here, but could have easily spent more. It was definitely worth the trip! The Art Institute of Chicago
Museum of Science and Industry
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It takes half a day, or even a whole day to see it all. There are so many hands-on activities for kids like making your own tornado. You can enjoy some of the area's solitude if you get there early enough. The coal mine tour was a highlight for us. It featured real equipment, and Austin, our tour guide, was extremely engaging. 360 Chicago Observation Deck
Cloud Gate 
You're most certainly coming here. It's worth the trip for the fun photo op. It can get very crowded so it might take some time to get the shot that you     desire. Millennium Park
Lincoln park zoo
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We didn't expect much, but were very pleased! The Zoo was well-maintained and clean. We were able to see many different animals and felt like we had learned so much. It was amazing to see the primate building. I could have stayed there all day, watching the chimps and gorillas. It's also free.
 360 Chicago Observation Deck
The  360 Chicago, located on the 94th Floor of the former John Hancock Center, towers more than 1,000 feet high above The Windy City. It offers breathtaking views from every direction.
·        Are there any nonstop flights between Phoenix and Chicago?
There are several choices for non-stop flights between these two cities. American Airlines, Spirit Airlines, and United Airlines all offer non-stop service between Phoenix Sky Harbor and Chicago O'Hare International Airport.
·        If someone is going to pick me up at Chicago Midway Airport after my flight from Phoenix where's the best place for them to meet me?
All arriving passengers should be picked up on the lower level of the terminal building on the outermost curb. No vehicles may be parked in this location. If your ride needs to wait for you, the best choice for them is to park in the airport cell phone lot. They can park in the lot free of charge until you arrive curbside.
·        Is there public transportation available to get to Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport from the city center?
Two public bus routes offer service to the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. Bus 13 makes many stops through Downtown Phoenix to the west of the airport and bus 44 makes several stops to the north and east of the airport, including in the Scottsdale area.
·        Is there public transportation available from Chicago O'Hare International Airport to Downtown Chicago?
The Metra train offers services from the airport to several destinations throughout the Chicago area, including Union Station in Downtown Chicago. The trip from the airport to downtown takes about 35min.
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dybdahltravels2022 · 2 years
October 6, 2022
How and why we waited until we were 70 years old to visit London is a huge question for me. BUT we are finally here and no surprise - WE LOVE IT!
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We arrived from Dublin on September 30 and opted for an iconic black cab from the airport.
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It was pricey but we enjoyed talking to the driver who explained that the cabbies own their own vehicle but must attend lengthy classes and pass a comprehensive test before being licensed to be a cabbie in London. That test includes being given several pairs of addresses and having to map out the best route on the spot - no GPS. He impressed us by telling us that there was a really great bakery just a block of so away from our flat - long before we got there.
Oh - then our flat... I knew the location was by a bus stop and a tube station. I knew it was an efficiency with the couch, table and bed in one room. I knew the kitchen contained a full size stove and a washer - a real bonus. I knew the price was more than reasonable. too - so I went with it. What I didn't know is that the location was in a sketchy neighborhood, that the place would be dirty and that it was the least well appointed place we have ever rented. There was one glass - one freaking glass. There were ONLY two crappy towels and not even a hand towel. What we discovered was that the water pressure was also an issue and once the hot water tank was emptied the water just cut out. The high temp on the tank - BTW - was warm.
But despite this - we moved ahead to explore. We found a great Mexican restaurant a couple blocks away, the Tube and Bus stations were nearby as were a couple of nice grocery stores. Although our flat was in a sketchy "hood" just a few blocks away were universities and we realized we had landed in the student ghetto - with a crappy host. Oh well.
Transportation ANYWHERE is a piece of cake. We continue to travel all over London with any combo of Tube Train and double decker busses - another icon of London. If you miss a bus, sit tight as there will be another one arriving within 2 or 3 minutes. They are clean inside and out and either hybrid or electric.
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The tube stations are amazing - but most certainly are NOT handicapped assessable - many having no lift or even escalators. London is redoing its Tube Stations one at the time but the renovated stations are fabulous. The Tube Stations are deep and if they connect they are even deeper. Remember these stations served as bomb shelters during WWII. Since I still cannot read - Mark is completely in charge of getting us from point A to point B and I will say he has done a great job.
We have been doing all the touristy stuff - at least superficially. We saw the tower of London but felt no compulsion to go in it.
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We saw Westminster and Big Ben and Buckingham Palace - which surprised me.
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I thought it was a lot bigger but later I Googled an aerial photo and turns out it IS a lot bigger.
Buckingham Palace sits on a huge plot of land much of which is a park open to the public. The fences and gates are opulent and the side walks are ringed with small black metal posts all marked with this:
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Just one of the MANY things that will have to be changed from that to this:
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Not to mention ALL the money of the UK and ALL the British commonwealths - like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica to mention only a few.. There is a bit of a controversy here about the cost of Queen Elizabeth's funeral - but I'm guessing that will pale with the cost of everything that has to been changed. I think an apostrophe mark and the word "son" would do just fine. King Charles III is not exactly a spring chicken so a LOT OF WORK for a short time is my guess. But this is NOT my decision - thankfully.
We had done a little museum hopping as well. We started in the Museum of London, because we were exploring and saw it. It was truly enjoyable and presented a look at London from ice age times to present. I knew the Romans were here but I thought the entire Roman component was very well done including windows that overlooked the 2000 year old city walls- nice touch.
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The most impressive museum we visited was The British Museum the repository of all the ancient artifacts of the world. NOW - I will say that I had a little chip on my shoulder about this museum since when you go to visit the actual sites you will often see a sign indicating that most of the historic artifacts of this area can be seen in London - but I'm feeling better now that I have actually been there.
Apparently in the 1820s when archaeologist were working hard to save things for posterity, many governments could care less. And that was exactly what was happening with areas like Athens - home of the Parthenon - which was ruled by the Ottoman Empire. So certain archeologist sponsored by the British Museum made a deal to haul away these artifacts that people were dragging away to use in their home building. And they have been safe since that time. Slowly items are being returned once the country has demonstrated the ability to protect this artifacts - hence we were able to see in the Parthenon Museum the actual Carotids that lived in the British Museum for almost 200 years. But is still felt wrong to enter this gallery:
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This is the actual frieze that surrounded the outside of the Parthenon.
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And below is the east pediment:
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It did make happy to read on more than one occasion - the head - or arm - or leg - is currently on display at the Acropolis Museum in Athens. (As it should be - I think!)
The Egyptian section is equally magnificent.
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This isn't half of what we have done - but I'm going to post as we head out to the theater - again. More on our adventures soon.
Stay tuned
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