#many of them have complemented my art when they bring up hobbies so that’s sweet
cs-cabin-and-crew · 19 days
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pridesobright · 4 years
If you’re up for it, what artist or painting do each of the boys remind you of?
disclaimer: art is subjective, so are people’s opinions, and my choices are based on my perception of the boys’ personalities. you may not agree with me, therefore the paintings might not correspond to what you had imagined… still, i tried to shed a light on my own thoughts, which is something i rarely do on tumblr — i tried to remain as objective and positive as possible!
+ louis —
louis is so fiercely good! supportive, loyal, brave… i’ve never seen someone so witty and intelligent, caring and sensitive. louis shines, louis sparkles!!
but he also tells stories like no else. it is truly fascinating how louis can turn the smallest life experiences into masterpieces!! the raw emotions he’s able to convey in just a sentence: we’re sleeping on our problems like we’ll solve them in our dreams…. it’s easy getting lost into louis’ ocean blue eyes but it’s even easier falling for his talent — through storytelling, louis always shares a positive message and i’m in awe of the way he goes through life despite everything that’s been thrown at him. passionate and driven, louis is authentic and unapologetically himself!
i decided to associate louis with gustav klimt — the artist received a conservative and classical training and began his career painting churches and theaters, following the traditional and historical style popular at the time. quite similar to louis’ mindset at the start of his solo career, klimt focused on what the upper class expected of him! however, he kept developing a more meaningful personal style. one that relied on symbolism and the extensive use of the ornamental gold leaf. his paintings were highly decorative and it is the aesthetic of klimt’s work that made the connection so easy ♡
gustav klimt painted many women in erotic positions, embracing their nudity and a celebration of sexuality, which was controversial at the time. but more than that, the artist depicted loving embraces, abandonment and passion. tenderness. and by coating his paintings in golden powder, klimt created a warm cocoon around his subjects! 1. adele bloch-bauer I - 2. judith I (details) - 3. le baiser (details)
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louis is so often associated with the color yellow and it’s easy to understand why — yellow is the most luminous color and is the symbol of happiness, optimism and enlightenment. as a warm color, yellow represents light and creates a sense of hope: it is radiant! gold shares many of the same attributes. it is bright, cheerful and is often associated with love, courage and passion. gold illuminates our world and so does louis!
+ zayn —
zayn is very creative, expressive and imaginative. i’d say he’s cautious and overall very intelligent about his privacy! society will often describe quiet people as mysterious, and it romanticizes anxiety in a way that makes my blood boils… it’s a dangerous culture where people with mental disorders are seen as edgy or cool when in reality they are deeply misunderstood. at times defensive, i believe zayn is strong-willed and values his freedom more than anything!
associating zayn with street art was a given. is there anything more liberating than leaving your trace into the world, anonymously and illegally, without knowing if your work will be painted over in the next few days or a couple of years?
artists such as roa, bansky, kobra, invader or shepard fairey have now made a huge impact, and street art has been popularized. many paintings are known worldwide but before then, you had the travel the world to seek out the artists’ works!
and even if some murals can be seen from afar, they draw you in no matter what. like an invisible pull, some are forcing you to cross the street or climb a few stairs to get closer — zayn draws you in! whether people are affected by his quiet personality, his looks or the sheer quality of his voice, you can’t help but want to learn more about him!
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i chose behind the curtain by martin whatson for that very reason! at first cold and unreachable, zayn is full of qualities and life experiences deserving to be uncovered.
martin whatson is a stencil artist working in oslo. looking for beauty in decayed and abandoned urban spaces, he developed his style using grey tones as a basis and adding vibrant colours to bring a splash of life. i also love pull back and behind the wall ♡
+ niall —
to me, niall is the type of person who’s enjoying life as best as he can, and fully appreciating everything there is to offer. whether it be passion, irritation, love, fun or distress. mainly because of his cheerful and bubbly personality, he’s seemingly going through life as if it was a big fest! but don’t be fooled, he knows heartbreak too and there’s more to him!!
niall’s albums feel warm, nostalgic and intimate. we’re being let  in into a part of him without any flourishes. a melody strummed on his  guitar and here we are, transported into the past and reminiscing about  an old lover. niall definitely is a romantic! listening to heartbreak  weather, there is so much tenderness into his songs…
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this painting is called manège de cochons by robert delaunay — it is part of a series devoted to modern urban life and popular shows. carried away by a whirlwind of vibrant colors, it recreates the lively atmosphere of the fairgrounds.
it definitely represents niall and his complex mind. the colors, so vibrant, are an ode to his cheerfulness. for delaunay, primary colors and their complements exalt each other by contrast. and the same tone can be perceived differently depending on its intensity or its arrangement!
at first, only the vibrancy and the warmth shine through but just like everyone else’s, niall’s mind is intricate. his emotions are raw and he puts his pain into songs, as if to compartmentalize everything. as if to tame those feelings and memories, maybe too loud at times! the colors aren’t just splash of nuances scattered across the canvas, they are deliberate. with purpose, they tell a story…
+ liam —
liam is good! and he always goes out of his way to do something good. he often tries to be more mindful of his actions. he’s constantly learning and just like everyone else liam makes mistakes, but he actively grows from them!!
liam is extremely talented, funny and charismatic, yet i feel like he’s not easily understood. he’s a very sensitive, sincere and sweet person, and despite everything liam went through, he remains cheerful, generous and courageous!
he is also passionate and pursues many hobbies — be it fashion, art, cooking or comics: he is well-versed in many topics and it’s a real pleasure to now follow him on youtube!!
robert rauschenberg was passionate about many mediums himself, and he incorporated newspapers, photographs and even some objects (undershirt, parasol parts) onto the canvas before adding broad strokes of paint! he kept exploring the boundaries of art and closely followed the current events of the time, using images of space flight and NASA’s photographs into his work — space (tribute 21) is a personal favorite ♡
i actually picked a selection of artworks to match liam’s personality: 1. untitled (red painting) - 2. untitled (red painting) - 3. red interior. i particularly love that last one, as the far-right stripe reminds me of liam’s chevron tattoo!!
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for many years now, liam has been associated with red and it’s no surprise at all — red is the color of passionate love, seduction and adventure. strength, vitality and ambition. it used to be seen as the color of fire, a primal life force. to the greeks, red symbolized super-human heroism. liam is a force of nature, strong both physically and mentally. he is hard-working and energetic!
+ harry —
forget about the way harry has been portrayed ever since he was a sixteen-year-old boy. forget about the curls and the dimples. simply observe the person harry is today. take a closer look at what he decides to share with us. pay attention to the way he’s presenting himself.
fine line (the album) takes us on an introspective journey into his deepest emotions — whether it be torment or happiness. and i think it’s fascinating how well-executed his songs are! even in a catchy and happy song such as golden, harry managed to address quite a raw and painful concept: i’m hopeless, broken, so you wait for me in the sky / i don’t want to be alone — it’s heartbreaking, yet you almost wished you could feel it too!
through various allegories and metaphors, harry makes you question yourself. he interrogates you and talks about a reality you didn’t know existed or could relate to. harry is magnetic.
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this painting is called composition XI by vassily kandinsky — and i can’t help but compare both harry and vassily. kandinsky was a painter, professor, poet and art theorist, generally credited as the pioneer of abstract art! he spent years creating sensorially rich paintings, and was fascinated by musicians who could evoke images in listeners’ minds. he strove to work with forms and colors that alluded to sounds and emotions!!
in songs like fine line, the music swells and deflates as if it was a beating heart. each track conveys a different emotion and translates a distinct concept! through his melodies, harry aims to make us feel joy, melancholy,  determination or bitterness, even when the lyrics are anything but. his albums leave us speechless and wondering, just like abstract art!
+ overall, this is what art is meant to make you feel! it’s supposed to challenge you. art is meant to make you rethink your boundaries and open up your mind. it’s meant to question you and leave you wanting for more! you are meant to listen to a song several times to fully understand its meaning, and meant to stand in front of a painting for hours to start grasping the artist’s thought process…
yet art remains subjective! depending on your own life experiences and upbringing. art is free for you to interpret as you wish and so is music! i hope you enjoyed this post, thank you for reading it ♡
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Miranda’s Fic Recs
I’ve been wanting to do this for a while because I just have a lot of fics in different fandoms that I truly enjoy. These are mostly long fics because that’s what I read the most. Fandoms included: Teen Wolf, Harry Potter, MCU, Star Trek, Kingsman, and Avatar: The Last Airbender. Find them below! (Some fanfic spoilers ahead)
So I’m starting with completed fics and then I have a few not completed fics at the end that I’m just really liking.
Embers by Vathara
Rating: Not Rated, Word Count: 704,200 Fandom: A:TLA
Dragon’s fire is not so easily extinguished; when Zuko rediscovers a lost firebending technique, shifting flames can shift the world....
This is an Avatar: The Last Airbender rewrite. It’s Zuko centric and it splits off while Zuko and Uncle Iroh are on the run and Zuko learns of healing firebending. The world building is so good and interesting and the whole fic does a great job of reimagining the A:TLA world. You meet a lot of new characters that are super well written and fit the world nicely.
The Debt of Time by ShayaLonnie
Rating: E, Word Count: 715,940, Fandom: Harry Potter, Ship: Hermione/Sirius
When Hermione finds a way to bring Sirius back from the veil, her actions change the rest of the war. Little does she know her spell restoring him to life provokes magic she doesn’t understand and sets her on a path that ends with a Time-Turner.
This fic is so good and I’ve reread it before. I love Hermione centric fics and this is definitely one. When she goes back in time she goes through school again with the Marauders and it’s so good you guys. I think the fic does such a good job of showing her grow with these new people. The relationships in this fic are so intense and I love them.
Hook, Yarn, Sinker by pprfaith
Rating: Not Rated, Word Count: 65,675, Fandom: Teen Wolf, Ship: Stiles/Peter
Stiles is happy with his store, his hobbies, his friends. Peter’s just trying to figure out how to raise his nieces and nephews without fucking them up too badly.
Paths cross.
This is the first in a series of fics. It’s a Human AU with aged up Stiles and friends but with little kids Derek, Laura, and Cora. This fic is a good time and sweet and honestly low stakes which is so nice to have these days. I think a lot of Steter fics are more intense and I enjoy them but this is such a nice change of pace where you really get to know the characters in these fairly different circumstances. The whole series word count is 161,859.
A Sequence That You Never Learned by AnnaTaylor
Rating: E, Word Count: 64,624, Fandom: Star Trek: AOS, Ship: James T. Kirk/Spock 
“Spock,” Jim breathes out, completely overwhelmed by the gesture—not quite believing that Spock knows him so well, that he’s already started researching, that he trusts Jim with a member of his own endangered species.
When Jim gets it in his head to adopt an eight-year-old Vulcan, Spock presents a logical solution to the issue of Jim’s of humanity: marriage to a Vulcan citizen.
This was one of my first Spirk fics and I honestly love kid fics. Vulcan kids are so different from Jim, but I love the idea that Vulcans still love him anyway. This is such a great Fake Marriage fic.
If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out by mia6363
Rating: E, Word Count: 13,232, Fandom: Teen Wolf, Ship: Stiles centric but technically Stiles/Peter 
Commander Stilinski looks like he fell out of a propaganda video, his armor still smoking as he pulled off his helmet and handed it off to First Officer Argent. He had a few bruises down his neck but his smile was bright.
“Glad to see you safe and sound, Mr. Hale. I’d hate for Derek to lose a member of his family.”
“I told you,” Derek snapped at his superior, “he’s not worth this, Commander.”
This is the shortest fic on my list but I love this take. It’s got a Star Trek vibe and I LOVE how everyone is made into these different aliens. Stiles being human here is so interesting and it reminds me of those “humans are the craziest of the aliens” posts. It’s got multiple POVs and I think they’re written really well and do a great job of coming together.
Where Thou Art, That is Home by ShanaStoryteller 
Rating: Various, Word Count: 94,108, Fandom: Teen Wolf, Ship: Stiles/Derek 
Stiles is 10 when he saves the Hales from their burning home and Derek from a wolfsbane bullet, and this establishes a pattern that seems to continue indefinitely.
“Then he’s facing a burning home, and he wraps the hood of his sweatshirt around his mouth before he pushes the door open and steps inside. There’s Mr. Hale asleep - he hope asleep - on the couch, next to - Stiles thinks that’s his brother but there are so many Hales, who can keep track. He rushes over and starts shaking him, can see the rise and fall of the man’s chest so he knows he’s alive, but he’s not waking up. He shoves away his hood so he can shout, “Mr. Hale! You have to get up, there’s a fire! Mr. Hale, get up!” Nothing, he’s not even twitching, both of them taking in deep even breathes like they’re having the most peaceful of rest, and Stiles is going to cry. “Wake up, wake up, wake up!”
There’s a moment where all Stiles can here is the blood rushing in his ears and not the roar of the flames or the creak of wood, then with a violent, silent pop it’s all back and both men are gasping awake, eyes open and jumping to their feet.”
This is another series! It creates a Hales Survive AU and it’s got BAMF!Stiles. The Hales in this fic are so interesting and it’s an expanded family from what we see in canon. Magic!Stiles is written so well in this fic and things get intense but it’s so good.
Counterpart by sara_holmes
Rating: M, Word Count: 217,400, Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Ship: Steve/Tony 
coun•ter•part [koun-ter-pahrt] [noun] 1. a person or thing closely resembling another, especially in function. 2. a copy; duplicate. 3. one of two parts that fit, complete, or complement one another. 
Just because Hydra used the DNA of a Captain America from another dimension to create a lab-grown, six-year-old super-soldier, it doesn't mean that said six-year old super-soldier is biologically Steve's, right? 
(Where Steve wants to ban Clint from bringing things home from alternative dimensions, until he doesn't.)
This is an amazing kid fic. Things are so messed up because of how the kids was raised up to the point they find him.I love Tony so much in this fic but also you sympathize a bit with Steve. The kid whose name I will leave out is my absolute favorite. This is also a series!
Fallout by Whisper91 kingsman
Rating: E, Word Count: 164,971, Fandom: Kingsman, Ship: Eggsy/Harry/Merlin 
As far as the rest of the world is concerned, Gary 'Eggsy' Unwin is a registered Dominant. It's on his driver's licence. It's on his National Insurance card. Hell, it's even on his bloomin' GCSE certificates. And the fact that it's all a load of bollocks is a secret Eggsy had intended to take to his grave. 
Course, he hadn't been expectin' a bloody sub-drop to sweep in and knock him on his arse in the wake of the Valentine Massacre. Turns out grief and adrenaline ain't a good combination.
I really enjoy the dynamics between the three of them. D/s fics are always so amazingly well built and I love fics like this where they’re hiding their dynamic. I think this fic does a great job of going further with the D/S world and giving it more biologically. I just reread this fic recently because I love how it’s done. 
It’s Insanity But... by rosepetals42
Rating: M, Word Count: 71,477, Fandom: Teen Wolf, Ship: Stiles/Derek 
The doorbell interrupts what had turned out to be quite the epic shoe hunt but, really, he’s grateful for the break. Or at least, he is until he heads down the stairs to grab the door, trips over a stuffed animal of some kind, bashes his head on the wall and barely manages to catch himself from falling down the entire flight of stairs. As with all things, Stiles would like to state, for the record, that this is Scott’s fault. 
Or: Scott and Stiles are raising seven children. Derek is the entertainer they hire for a birthday party (not a clown though, he’s very specific on that fact.)
This fic is such a good time! I love two bro’s raising kids together. It’s a hilarious setup and also just so good for the Stiles and Scott dynamic. Each chapter is like a slice of life. Some chapters are more about the kids and some are about Stiles and Derek. It’s just a fun fic and I love that it’s still got werewolves because I think a lot of fics that focus more on regular stuff go full on human AU. Keeping werewolves is much more fun and it’s so well handled here!
So Wise We Grow by Deastar 
Rating: M, Word Count: 81,248, Fandom: Star Trek, Ship: James T. Kirk/Spock 
”Commander Spock, we have located your son,” the Vulcan lady on the screen says, which would be great, except Jim can tell by the look on Spock’s face that he’s never heard of this kid before in his life. “If it is expedient, the child will be sent to join you on the Enterprise within the week.”
This fic is two long chapters. Again, I love kid fic and this one does such a great job. We’ve got pining and hurt/comfort and all kinds of good feels here. There’s one line about t’hy’la that is just *chefs kiss* so good and hits you hard.
Play It Again by metisket 
Rating: T, Word Count: 63,206, Fandom: Teen Wolf, Ship: Stiles/Derek 
In which Stiles goes along with one of Derek’s plans and ends up in an alternate universe as a result. He should’ve known better. He did know better, actually, and that means he has no one to blame but himself. “Laura wants to lure the kid in with food and kindness and make a pet of him, like a feral cat. Derek wants to have him arrested for stalking. They’re at an impasse. (And the rest of the family is staying emphatically out of it in a way that suggest bets have been placed.)”
This is fairly Stiles centric. It really looks into the emotions of jumping universes. The alive Hale family is so good and it’s magic!Stiles which is always interesting. What I think makes it extra good is that in a lot of universe jump or time travel fics it’s more about adjusting to how things will be now. But this fic does that while also having the new universe with its own problems. It’s just fun to see Stiles deal with all these things.
Happy Lights by LadyShadowDrake
Rating: E, Word Count: 108,237, Fandom: MCU, Ship: Mixed 
An interdimensional portal opens over New York and drops a tentacled alien in the middle of Central Park. The Avengers are called out to investigate, and hopefully return the visitor home. Steve has been brushing up on his diplomacy, but he never expected to be a liaison to an alien in such an intimate capacity, or that the alien would be so friendly, and the unusual visit turns into the world's best team-building exercise.
This is a series that is so much fun. The alien (aka the colony) is so interesting and sweet in the long run. I love seeing the team grow and as you go through the series you really get to see more of them coming together. This is just a playful fic that you can have a good time reading.
Magpie by waldorph
Rating: E, Word Count: 57,648, Fandom: Star Trek: AOS, Ship: James T. Kirk/Spock
Spock met Jim when he was 7 and Jim was 6. It has since been generally agreed that this was a mistake (or: the one where they grew up together and things are simultaneously better and worse for it).
This is such a deep dive of both Spock and Jim. It’s them growing up together and it splits off some as far as events that happen in canon. It ends before they become Starfleet. I think this fic creates such an interesting bond between Spock and Jim. I also really love where it goes as far as Spock not having grown up alone on Vulcan.
These are the unfinished fics. The first two are in progress and the last one seems to be abandoned.
Survival is a Talent by ShanaStoryteller 
Rating: T, Word Count: 353,015, Fandom: Harry Potter, Ship: Harry/Draco 
In the middle of their second year, Draco and Harry discover they're soulmates and do their best to keep it a secret from everyone. 
Their best isn't perfect. 
“Are you trying to get killed, Potter?” Malfoy drawls, stalking forward. Quick as a serpent himself, he reaches out and grabs the snake just below the head. It thrashes in his grip, but is no longer able to bite anyone. “This is a poisonous snake, and I doubt anyone brought a bezoar with them.” 
Harry glares. He opens his mouth, and feels the beginning the snake’s language pass his lips, and this isn’t what he wants, what’s the point of insulting Malfoy if he can’t understand him – 
Malfoy’s eyes widen. He slaps his hand over Harry’s mouth, “Potter, what the hell–”
This fic is in progress updated within 2020. It’s a rewrite of the Harry Potter series where Harry and Draco are soulmates. As you can imagine, that changes some things. I love this so much, I’ve read it like 3 or 4 times now. The characterization is amazing and I love the differences we see. Harry is Indian in this fic and the way it ties in is so good. You really get to see the difference in culture as well between muggleborns and blood traitor families and the purebloods.   
You great unfinished symphony (you sent for me) by ketchupcrisp
Rating: E, Word Count: 227,792, Fandom: MCU, Ship: Steve/Tony and also the whole Team 
The last thing Steve Rogers ever expected to see on a Wednesday afternoon was his (their) dead submissive tumbling out of a portal and practically into Phil’s lap, very much alive and frantic about Soul Stones and timelines and some other version of the team.
This is an AU but like literally. Tony comes from the universe we know into a D/S universe. The worldbuilding here - again like I think a lot of D/s fics excel at - is so good. It starts with everything a mess and things are intense. There’s multiple POVs which I think is really helpful in a fic like this where the relationships are so tangled. 
Born From the Earth by venusm 
Rating: E, Word Count: 277,602, Fandom: MCU, Ship: Tony Centric, Steve/Tony 
Tony Stark's born an omega in a world where that means he's supposed to follow certain social rules. He becomes Iron Man anyway: Fuck biology.
If only his biology (and the world) would quit fucking him back.
To start off, some warnings: this fic gets a bit messed up. It’s an Omega verse in the worst possible way at certain points. It’s not a fluffy fic. It also doesn’t get that far into the Stony stuff because it’s unfinished. Honestly I’m worried this writer has died and I’ve gone through the comments and looked for them online to see if they’re out there and just not writing but I haven’t found any proof of that. BUT ANYWAYS. This fic is intense but it’s such an interesting take on Omega fics. It gets pretty dark but that darkness is pre-Steve and I’m hopeful that one day it might get finished so I can see where it was going to go. 
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badchoosey · 5 years
Perfect Match, Book One. Chapter 1: True Love, Guaranteed
You walk down a bustling Brooklyn street, the sounds of the city humming all around you. 
Karma: (Hope I’m not late!)
Soft music plays as you step into the hip venue of an upscale art show. 
Karma: Nadia! Hey!
You spot your cousin, Nadia, among the crowd. Her face lights up as she approaches with arms outstretched and wraps you in a tight hug!
Nadia: Karma! I’m so happy you made it!
Karma: Are you kidding? The opening of your new art collection? I wouldn’t miss it for the world. 
Nadia: Honestly, I have no idea how it blew up. But who am I to argue with the review of an art critic?
Karma: You mean glowing reviews from dozens of art critics?
Nadia: Oh, shush! Anyway, that’s not what I was excited about. 
Karma: Then what is it?
Nadia: I want you to meet my boyfriend!
Nadia waves over to a handsome man from across the room…
Nadia: Steve! Come say hi to my cousin!
Steve: Hey! You must be Karma! I’ve heard so much about you. I’ve been dying to meet you for weeks, but I’ve been busy at the animal shelter. 
Karma: Oh! Do you work there?
Nadia: Steve’s an investment banker. But he volunteers at an animal shelter. Amazing, right?
Steve: Ah, it’s nothing. I’m just a guy who likes to do some good in his free time. Nadia here is the amazing one. The way her art makes me feel… It’s indescribable. 
Nadia: Aww, sweetie!
Steve: Now, if you’ll excuse me, Karma, I’ve got to replenish the hors d’oeuvres. We’ll talk later! My mini-quiches are going fast!
Steve gives Nadia a kiss on the cheek and hustles off. Nadia sighs, beaming. 
Nadia: Did I mention he bakes? He bakes. So… What do you think?
Karma: No one is that perfect. I’m calling bull. How much are you paying him?
Nadia: Ha, ha. Don’t be mad that I’ve found the ultimate boyfriend!
Karma: Really though. Where did you find this guy?
Nadia: I met him through a matchmaking service. They asked me some questions, then found the perfect man for me! They’re very exclusive. Super selective with their clientele. But I’m sure they’d accept you in a heartbeat!
Nadia reaches into her purse and hands you a business card. 
Nadia: You should try them out!
Karma: True love, guaranteed? I’ll believe it when I see it!
Nadia: That’s not a nooo…
Karma: I mean… What the hell? I’ll give it a shot. You’ve piqued my curiosity.
Just then, a voice calls to you from the crowd… 
Damien: Don’t tell me Nadia has got you drinking this ‘matchmaking’ service Kool-Aid too, Karma. You of all people don’t need some fancy matchmaking service. 
Your good friend Damien saunters over, seamlessly switching his empty champagne glass with a fresh one from a server’s tray. 
Karma: I’ll take that as a compliment. But you can’t argue with the results. Steve seems like a catch. 
Damien: Yeah, I talked to Mr. Perfect on the way in. Haven’t found any flaws or dark secrets yet. But give me time. 
Nadia: Really, D? We’ve known you for like, four years. I thought you would’ve dropped the tough, cynical act by now. 
Damien: I’m a private investigator. I catch liars and cheaters for a living. ‘Cynical’ is basically my job. 
Nadia: Don’t listen to him, Karma. He’s like the Grinch when it comes to love. Eros is the best matchmaking service ever! I’ll schedule you an appointment for a consultation!
Damien: Yeah! A vague, secretive company providing little to no contact information… What could go wrong? Just keep your guard up, Karma… Maybe bring pepper spray, or hold your keys like claw. 
Nadia: Ignore him. It’ll be amazing! I know you’re gonna find someone perfect for you!
Karma: Can’t wait!
Later that week, you arrive outside the address Nadia gave you. A sleek, unlabeled complex towers above you…
Karma: (Okay, this is a little weird. Not so much as a logo on the door. But the address looks right…)
You push through the glass doors to enter a warm, inviting lobby. A stunning woman strides gracefully across the room, the steps of her heels echoing through the halls. 
Cecile: Karma Park? My name is Cecile Contreras. I’m the Head of Matchmaking here at Eros. Welcome! You got here on the J train, didn’t you? I hope getting to the new Quincy Station wasn’t too much of a hassle. 
Karma: Uh, thank you… How did you know--
Cecile: We’ve done our homework. Eros has been expecting you, after all. Your cousin Nadia gave you a glowing referral. I’m excited to begin. Please, follow me. 
You follow Cecile through the pristine halls of Eros Incorporated…
Karma: I’m still a little overwhelmed by this whole thing. How can you guarantee true love?
Cecile: A good question. Love is a complex thing. But here at Eros, we’ve used the latest in behavioural science and technology to devise the most sophisticated matchmaking system in the world. 
Karma: So you think you’ve got people figure out… with some algorithm?
Cecile: Your personality, your wants, your needs… All of that makes you unique, like a puzzle piece. But somewhere out there is a piece that fits flawlessly with you. An exact complement. A perfect match. Our technology helps sort through the pieces to find yours. Simply put, the human heart is precisely out expertise. 
Karma: Sounds like a sales pitch. I’m not so easily won over by the slogans and buzz words. 
Cecile: Touche. But we stand by every claim. Give us a chance to convince you, and I promise you’ll be satisfied. 
Karma: Well… I’m already here. 
She leads you into a peaceful, softly lit room. A sweet, floral aroma and calming music fill the space around you. 
Cecile: Welcome to our consultation room. This is where we’ll be conducting our Perfect Match questionnaire. 
Karma: Is this the part where I tell you my middle name, my hobbies, and where I went to high school?
Cecile: Nadia sent us the personality profile you filled out, so we already have the basic information we need. Today will be all about finding out what you’re looking for in a match. 
Karma: Oh… Okay… So why does this place look more like a day spa than a quiz room?
Cecile: Oh, I assure you, our questionnaire is more than just a quiz. It’s a comprehensive interview, monitoring not just your words, but your biorhythms, your excitement, your emotional engagement… As such, we want you to be perfectly at ease. 
She invites you to sit on a reclining chair in the middle of the room, and instantly your mind drifts as you sink into the shockingly comfortable seat. Cecile sits on a chair beside you with a tablet in hand. 
Cecile: Simply place your hand on the palm scanner, and we can begin. 
You place your hand on the smooth surface of the chair’s arm. It hums and glows, and soon a soft chime sounds in sync with your own heartbeat. The lights in the room dim as your mind drifts, peacefully… 
Cecile: Now, relax. Close your eyes… focus on the sound of my voice… and speak from your heart…
Cecile taps on her tablet. You hear her voice from a distance as your eyes close… 
Cecile: I have twelve brief questions. Please answer as honestly as you can. 
You’re on a first date. Which makes you want a second:
Talking for hours about everything?
Being intrigued and left wanting more?
Karma: Being intrigued and left wanting more. 
Cecile: When traveling abroad, your perfect match would rather take you:
To explore ancient ruins, just the two of you
To a lively festival, bustling with locals
Karma: To explore ancient ruins, just the two of you
Cecile: You’re transported into a fantasy novel. Which character is more attractive?
A magnetic ruler, leading and inspiring the people
A silent, formidable warrior, fighting evil from the shadows
Karma: A silent, formidable warrior, fighting evil from the shadows.
Cecile: Your favorite childhood playground is being torn down. Your perfect match:
Takes you there for a farewell picnic
Steal you a piece of it to keep forever
Karma: Steals me a piece to keep forever. 
Cecile: Who do you imagine your partner hung out with in high school?
A close-knit group of friends
A rowdy bunch of outcasts
Karma: A rowdy bunch of outcasts
Cecile: Your match appears in a dream with an animal companion. What kind is it?
A fierce, wild hawk
A loyal, noble golden retriever
Karma: A fierce, wild hawk. 
Cecile: Complete the sentence. My perfect match can always:
Makes me laugh until I cry
Say the right thing to comfort me when I’m down
Karma: Say the right thing to comfort me when I’m down
Cecile: What would your ideal partner sing during a karaoke date?
A love song dedicated to you
A ridiculous theme song, just to tease you
Karma: A love song dedicated to me
Cecile: Your perfect match has just defeated a supervillain. What do they do next?:
Righteously condemn the villain’s actions
Spout a witty catchphrase
Karma: Righteously condemn the villain’s actions
Cecile: Your travel plans have fallen through. What does your partner do?
They point blindly to a map, and plan a new adventure on the fly
They have you covered no matter what, backup plan and all
Karma: They have me covered no matter what, backup plan and all.
Cecile: How would your partner clear out a building full of zombies?:
They devise a brilliant plan and execute it flawlessly
They charge in, guns blazing!
Karma: They devise a brilliant plan, and execute it flawlessly.
Cecile: You’re at a casino, and your partner is winning big. Why is that?
They take big risks, and it pays off
They’re savvy and calculating, and play the odds
Karma: They’re savvy and calculating, and play the odds. 
Cecile: You’re doing wonderfully, Karma. We have enough to find you a suitable match, but first, I’d like to ask if there’s anything in particular you’re looking for… I’m going to list a few traits that your potential match may possess… Let me know if any of them resonate strongly with you. For those who prioritize physical intimacy, we have many candidates with massage skills. We can refine our search to animal lovers and pet owners, who are often compassionate and kind. If you’re drawn to creative, artistic souls, we can match you with musicians. Last but not least, many people seek the culture and intelligence of someone who speaks many languages. Which of these appeals to you?
Karma: I’m looking for someone with a magic touch. 
Cecile: An excellent choice. Would you like to distinguish your preferences further? Remember, there’s no shame in being picky when it comes to love. You’re absolutely worth it. 
Karma: I’m fine with my selection. 
The lights in the room brighten, and you are suddenly aware of your surroundings again. Cecile looks up from her note-taking and smiles warmly at you. 
Cecile: That concludes the questionnaire. Not so bad, was it? Based on your responses, we’ll determine which of our sixteen personality types best describes your Perfect Match. I’ll have your results in a moment…
Cecile taps on the tablet before turning it to show you the display… 
“Your perfect match is an Activist… - mysterious, rebellious, sincere, logical - … Someone with passion, drive, and vision, an Activist fights to change the world… and will fight just as hard for you!”
Karma: Wow. Just like that? Are you sure this type is the match for me?
Cecile: Skepticism is completely understandable. But I encourage you to trust the system. I think you’ll find that our system may surprise you. 
Karma: Well… I guess I could give it a shot. So… What next?
Cecile: Next? Simply leave the rest to us. We’ll find the most compatible partner for you in our database and arrange your first date. You’ll be hearing from us soon!
Karma: Sounds like a plan. And what happens after that?
Cecile flashes you a wink. 
Cecile: Why, true love, of course. 
You step out of the Eros building into the brisk night air, the New York City skyline towering above you. 
Damien: Made it out of the Mystery Company in one piece, huh?
Karma: Damien? What are you doing here?
Damien leans against his old muscle car, pulling his jacket tight against the cold. 
Damien: Check your phone, lovebird. I called you a couple times. Wanted to make sure you hadn’t joined a cult, or bought a timeshare or anything… And also offer you a ride home. 
Karma: You just wanted the dirt on this Mystery Company, huh?
Damien smiles. 
Damien: Wow… You know me too well, Karma. Come on. 
Soon, you’re watching the city lights streak by through the passenger window of Damien’s car as you catch him up on your day. 
Damien: So, really… this Eros thing. You’d think you’d just swipe left and right like other apps. No, you know, go to a day spa for a fancy interview. 
Karma: Maybe it’s a little… unconventional, but it seemed legit to me. 
Damien; Unconventional is an understatement. But hey, whatever makes you happy. 
Damien pulls the car to a stop outside your apartment building.
Damien: … I actually mean that too. I want you to be happy. 
Karma: Oh, really? No sarcasm this time? No snarky retort?
You catch Damien’s eye as a slight smirk spreads across his face…
Damien: Despite my unflappably cool facade… I do have the capacity to care about someone. Occasionally. 
Karma: Don’t get sappy on me now, Damien. 
Damien: Wouldn’t dream of it. 
One afternoon that weekend, you’re lounging in your apartment when a knock sounds on the door. You open it to find… 
Nadia: Karma! I’m guessing you haven’t left your apartment today. 
Karma: What makes you say that?
Nadia: Because if you stepped outside, you would have noticed this on your doorstep!
Nadia hands you a pristine display of flowers with an envelope attached! You open the card inside…
Karma: It’s from Eros! ‘Dear Karma, True love awaits! We’ve found someone special for you, and have already arranged your first date. At the end of the night, we’ll survey you both separately. If you both feel a connection, you’ll be declared a Match! You need only come with an open heart… and leave the rest to destiny.’ 
Nadia: Well, I came here hoping to ask how your appointment went, but I guess I have my answer! I remember when I got my letter from Eros… I was so excited! This is gonna be amazeballs! Right?!
Karma: I think there better be a money-back guarantee. 
Nadia: Ugh, you’ve been hanging around Damien too much. Let yourself be hopeful! This match they’ve found is going to be great for you!
Karma: Let’s hope so. The details on the card say that Eros has scheduled our first date… For tonight!
Nadia: Wait, what? We’ve got to get you ready!
Soon, Nadia is leading you on a last-minute shopping trip. She pores over the card from Eros as you browse through outfits. 
Nadia: Tonight could be the start of your beautiful, perfect love story, Karma! You’ve got to make a good impression! Luckily, Eros has you covered!
Karma: What do you mean?
Nadia This card from Eros includes some style suggestions based on your Perfect Match’s taste! Perfectly tailored to impress him!
Karma: They can do that?
Your cousin pulls an outfit from the rack…
Nadia: This one! It fits the suggestion perfectly! Try it on!
Karma: I think I’m just going to go as I am…
Nadia: Well… if this person really is your perfect match, they should love you regardless! I trust in the system!
As the afternoon goes on and the sun starts to set, you finish prepping with Nadia… When a sudden knock at the front door sounds! You hurry over to the living room with Nadia in tow!
Nadia: Ohmygod, ohmygod… He’s here. Answer it, quick! Tonight will be the start of your beautiful storybook romance!
You try to calm your cousin as you open the door…
Karma: Relax, Karma. It doesn’t have to be a ‘storybook romance’. No one is expecting this night to be--
Hayden: Hi, I’m Hayden. You must be Karma….
Karma: I… um… wow.
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chooseywoozy · 6 years
Perfect Match, Book One: Chapter 1 - True Love, Guaranteed
You walk down a bustling Brooklyn street, the sounds of the city humming all around you.
Karma: (Hope I’m not late!)
Soft music plays as you step into the hip venue of an upscale art show.
Karma: Nadia! Hey!
You spot your cousin, Nadia, among the crowd. Her face lights up as she approaches with arms outstretched and wraps you in a tight hug!
Nadia: Karma! I’m so happy you made it!
Karma: Are you kidding? The opening of your new art collection? I wouldn’t miss it for the world.
Nadia: Honestly, I have no idea how it blew up. But who am I to argue with the review of an art critic?
Karma: You mean glowing reviews from dozens of art critics?
Nadia: Oh, shush! Anyway, that’s not what I was excited about.
Karma: Then what is it?
Nadia: I want you to meet my boyfriend!
Nadia waves over a handsome man from across the room…
Nadia: Steve! Come say hi to my cousin!
Steve: Hey! You must be Karma! I’ve heard so much about you. I’ve been dying to meet you for weeks, but I’ve been busy at the animal shelter.
Karma: Oh! Do you work there?
Nadia: Steve’s an investment banker. But he volunteers at an animal shelter. Amazing, right?
Steve: Ah, it’s nothing. I’m just a guy who likes to do some good in his free time. Nadia here is the amazing one. The way her art makes me feel… It’s indescribable.
Nadia: Aww, sweetie!
Steve: Now, if you’ll excuse me, Karma, I’ve got to replenish the hors d’oeuvres. We’ll talk later! My mini-quiches are going fast!
Steve gives Nadia a kiss on the cheek and hustles off. Nadia sighs, beaming.
Nadia: Did I mention he bakes? He bakes. So… what do you think?
Karma: He’s too good to be true… what’s the catch? Comeon. Be honest. There’s gotta be something wrong with him. Secret criminal past? Crippling gambling debt?
Nadia: No! Nothing like that!
Karma: Then what’s your secret?
Nadia: I met him through a matchmaking service. They asked me some questions, then found the perfect man for me! They’re very exclusive. Super selective with their clientele. But I’m sure they’d accept you in a heartbeat!
Nadia reaches into her purse and hands you a business card.
Nadia: You should try them out!
Karma: True love, guaranteed? Sounds amazing. Sign me up!
Nadia: Yes! I was hoping you’d think so!
Karma: Are you kidding? It sounds great!
Just then, a voice calls to you from the crowd.
Damien: Looking good, Karma. Next time warn me when you plan to show up dressed like a celebrity. I would’ve brought my good suit.
Karma: Not so bad yourself, Damien.
Your good friend Damien saunters over, seamlessly switching his empty champagne glass with a fresh one from a server’s tray.
Damien: And don’t tell me Nadia has got you drinking this ‘matchmaking service’ Kool-Aid too. You of all people don’t need some fancy matchmaking service.
Karma: I’ll take that as a compliment. But you can’t argue with the results. Steve seems like a catch.
Damien: Yeah, I talked to Mr. Perfect on the way in. Haven’t found any flaws or dark secrets yet. But give me time.
Nadia: Really, D? We’ve known you for like, four years. I thought you would’ve dropped the tough, cynical act by now.
Damien: I’m a private investigator. I catch liars and cheaters for a living. ‘Cynical’ is basically my job.
Nadia: Don’t listen to him, Karma. He’s like the Grinch when it comes to love. Eros is the best matchmaking service ever! I’ll schedule you an appointment for a consultation!
Damien: Yeah! A vague, secretive company providing little to no contact information… What could go wrong? Just keep your guard up, Karma… Maybe bring pepper spray, or hold your keys like a claw.
Nadia: Ignore him. It’ll be amazing! I know you’re gonna find someone perfect for you!
Karma: Can’t wait!
Later that week, you arrive outside the address Nadia gave you. A sleek, unlabeled complex towers above you…
Karma: (Okay, this is a little weird. Not so much as a logo on the door. But the address looks right…)
You push through the glass doors to enter a warm, inviting lobby. A stunning woman strides gracefully across the room, the steps of her heels echoing through the halls.
Cecile: Karma Park? My name is Cecile Contreras. I’m the Head of Matchmaking here at Eros. Welcome! You got here on the J train, didn’t you? I hope getting to the new Quincy Station wasn’t too much of a hassle.
Karma: Uh, thank you… How did you know--
Cecile: We’ve done our homework. Eros has been expecting you, after all. Your cousin Nadia gave you a glowing referral. I’m excited to begin. Please, follow me.
You follow Cecile through the pristine halls of Eros Incorporated.
Karma: I’m still a little overwhelmed by this whole thing. How can you guarantee true love?
Cecile: A good question. Love is a complex thing. But here at Eros, we’ve used the latest in behavioural science and technology to devise the most sophisticated matchmaking system in the world.
Karma: So you think you’ve got people figured out… with some algorithm?
Cecile: Your personality, your wants, your needs… All of that makes you unique, like a puzzle piece. But somewhere out there is a piece that fits flawlessly with you. An exact complement. A perfect match. Our technology helps sort through the pieces to find yours. Simply put, the human heart is precisely our expertise.
Karma: Really? Sounds like exactly what I need!
Cecile: So glad you feel that way! I can assure you, we’re just as excited as you are to help you find your match.
She leads you into a peaceful, softly lit room. A sweet, floral aroma and calming music fill the space around you.
Cecile: Welcome to our consultation room. This is where we’ll be conducting our Perfect Match questionnaire.
Karma: Is this the part where I tell you my middle name, my hobbies and where I went to high school?
Cecile: Nadia sent us the personality profile you filled out, so we already have the basic information we need. Today will be about finding out what you’re looking for in a match.
Karma: Oh… Okay… So why does this place look more like a day spa than a quiz room?
Cecile: Oh, I assure you, our questionnaire is more than just a quiz. It’s a comprehensive interview, monitoring not just your words, but your biorhythms, your excitement, your emotional engagement… As such, we want you to be perfectly at ease.
She invites you to sit on a reclining chair in the middle of the room, and instantly your mind drifts as you sink into the shockingly comfortable seat. Cecile sits on a chair beside you with a tablet in hand.
Cecile: Simply place your hand on the palm scanner, and we can begin.
You place your hand on the smooth surface of the chair’s arm. It hums and glows, and soon a soft chime sounds in sync with your own heartbeat. The lights in the room dims as your mind drifts, peacefully.
Cecile: Now, relax. Close your eyes… focus on the sound of my voice… and speak from your heart…
Cecile taps on her tablet. You hear her voice from a distance as your eyes close…
Cecile: First, some general questions. I’m going to show you six images. Tell me, which of these most closely resembles your preferred look in a match?
(Look 1)
Cecile: Wonderful. Next I have twelve brief questions. Please answer as honestly as you can…
One - When traveling abroad, your perfect match would rather take you… To a lively festival, bustling with locals.
Two - On a road trip with your partner, you’d prefer someone who… Trades anecdotes and engages in lively conversation.
Three - You’re transported into a fantasy novel. Which character is most attractive… A magnetic ruler, leading and inspiring the people.
Four - Who do you imagine your partner hung out with in high school… A close-knit group of friends.
Five - Your match appears in a dream with an animal companion. What kind is it… A fierce, wild hawk.
Six - Your partner is facing an unbeatable enemy. What strategy do they use… Fight dirty.
Seven - You have to be apart for a few months. Your perfect match… Sends you memes.
Eight - Your perfect match has just defeated a supervillain. What do they do next… Righteously condemn the villain’s action.
Nine - What would your perfect match give you for your birthday… Something they noticed you wanted but hadn’t asked for.
Ten - Your date orders cocktails for you at a bar. Which do they choose… A trendy new menu item that food critics are buzzing about.
Eleven - Your travel plans have fallen through. What does your partner do… They have you covered no matter what, backup plan and all.
Twelve - How would your partner clear out a building full of zombies… They devise a brilliant plan and execute it flawlessly.
Cecile: You’re doing wonderfully, Karma. We have enough to find you a suitable match, but first, I’d like to ask if there’s anything in particular you’re looking for… I’m going to list a few traits that your potential match may possess. Let me know if any of them resonate strongly with you. For those who prioritise physical intimacy, we have many candidates with massage skills. We can refine our search to animal lovers and pet owners, who are often compassionate and kind. If you’re drawn to creative, artistic souls, we can match you with musicians. Last but not least, many people seek the culture and intelligence of someone who speaks many languages. Which of these appeals to you?
Karma: The animal lover. My match must love animals.
Cecile: An excellent choice. Would you like to distinguish your preferences further? Remember, there’s no shame in being picky when it comes to love. You’re absolutely worth it.
Karma: I would like them to possess all of those qualities. Why settle for anything less?
The lights in the room brighten, and you are suddenly aware of your surroundings again. Cecile looks up from her note taking and smiles warmly at you.
Cecile: That concludes the questionnaire. Not so bad, was it? Based on your responses, we’ll determine which of our sixteen personality types best describes your Perfect Match. I’ll have your results in a moment…
Cecile taps on the tablet before turning it to show you the display…
Your perfect match is a… Leader - Outgoing, rebellious, sincere, loyal.
Brave, perceptive, and confident, the Leader is often turned to in times of crisis. As a romantic partner, this perfect match’s charisma can inspire in even the most challenging of times.
Karma: Wow. Just like that? This is just my type! I’d love to find someone like this.
Cecile: Glad to see that the system is working as intended!
Karma: So… What next?
Cecile: Next? Simply leave the rest to us. We’ll find the most compatible partner for you in our database and arrange your first date. You’ll be hearing from us soon!
Karma: Sounds like a plan. And what happens after that?
Cecile flashes you a wink.
Cecile: Why, true love, of course.
You step out of the Eros building into the brisk night air, the New York City skyline towering above you.
Damien: Made it out of the Mystery Company in one piece, huh?
Karma: Damien? What are you doing here?
Damien leans against his old muscle car, pulling his jacket tight against the cold.
Damien: Check your phone, lovebird. I called you a couple times. Wanted to make sure you hadn’t joined a cult, or bought a timeshare or anything… And also offer you a ride home.
Karma: Oh, really? You just wanted the dirt on this Mystery Company, huh?
Damien smiles.
Damien: Wow… You know me too well, Karma. Come on.
Soon, you’re watching the city lights streak by through the passenger window of Damien’s car as you catch him up on your day.
Damien: So, really… this Eros thing. You’d think you’d just swipe left and right like the other apps. Not, you know, go to a day spa for a fancy interview.
Karma: Maybe it’s a little… unconventional, but it seemed legit to me.
Damien: Unconventional is an understatement. But hey, whatever makes you happy.
Damien pulls the car to a stop outside your apartment building.
Damien: … I actually mean that too. I want you to be happy.
Karma: Oh really? No sarcasm this time? No snarky retort?
You catch Damien’s eye as a slight smirk spreads across his face…
Damien: Despite my unflappably cool facade… I do have the capacity to care about someone. Occasionally.
Karma: Don’t get sappy on my now, Damien.
Damien: Wouldn’t dream of it.
One afternoon that weekend, you’re lounging in your apartment when a knock sounds on the door. You open it to find…
Nadia: Karma! I’m guessing you haven’t left your apartment today.
Karma: What makes you say that?
Nadia: Because if you stepped outside, you would have noticed this on your doorstep!
Nadia hands you a pristine display of flowers with an envelope attached! You open the card inside…
Karma: It’s from Eros! ‘Dear Karma, True love awaits! We’ve found someone special for you, and have already arranged your first date. At the end of the night, we’ll survey you both separately. If you both feel a connection, you’ll be declared a Match! You need only come with an open heart… and leave the rest to destiny.’
Nadia: Well, I came here hoping to ask how your appointment went, but I guess I have my answer! I remember when I got my letter from Eros…. I was so excited. This is gonna be amazeballs! Right?!
Karma: I think it’s going to be great!
Nadia: You’re right! It is! Positive thoughts, Karma! Send that out into the universe! This match they’ve found for you is your destiny!
Karma: Let’s hope so. The details on the card say that Eros has scheduled our first date… For tonight!
Nadia: Wait, what? We’ve got to get you ready!
Soon, Nadia is leading you on a last minute shopping trip. She pores over the card from Eros as you browse through outfits.
Nadia: Tonight could be the start of your beautiful, perfect love story, Karma! You’ve got to make a good impression! Luckily, Eros has you covered!
Karma: What do you mean?
Nadia: This card from Eros includes some style suggestions based on your Perfect Match’s taste! Perfectly tailored to impress him!
Karma: They can do that?
Your cousin pulls an outfit from the rack…
Nadia: This one! It fits the suggestion perfectly! Try it on!
Karma: Alright, alright…
Nadia: Ugh, slay, Karma!
Karma: I’m guessing that’s a good thing?
Nadia: Good? No. That outfit is perfect!
As the afternoon goes on and the sun starts to set, you finish prepping with Nadia… when a sudden knock at the front door sounds! You hurry over to the living room with Nadia in tow!
Nadia: Ohmygod, ohmygod… He’s here! Answer it, quick! Tonight will be the start of your beautiful storybook romance!
You try to calm your cousin as you open the door..
Karma: Relax, Nadia. It doesn’t have to be a ‘storybook romance’. No one is expecting this night to be--
Hayden: Hi, I’m Hayden. You must be Karma…
Karma: I… Um… Wow.
Thoughts on the episode…
Okay well first of all… creepy and suspicious as hell. I can’t believe Damien was the only one who was like… ‘what on earth…’ Everything about this screams dodgy. How did Nadia even find Eros in the first place? I mean, for our MC, sure - we have Nadia’s results convincing us to do it (even though Steve is a freaky robot and we can tell straight away,) but what did Nadia have? She just went for it.
Speaking of Nadia, annoying. I would love to just cut her out of the story completely. She’s too BLLURGGHHH, you know? So enthusiastic about absolutely everything. I can’t imagine what her art looks like. Probably really cheesy, basic stuff like Thomas Kinkade. Nothing edgy or cool. You could definitely buy a snowglobe with Nadia’s artwork in it.
I know that Hayden is a robot, but defo gonna smash. Like. He’s our perfect match, wiring or not. I mean, I know that Damien is there too and as soon as we get the option to seduce I shall absolutely be doing that because he is a fine piece of cartoon ass, but… where’s the fun if I can’t doodly do with the robot?
Also, shoutout to Cecile who is the hottest character at first glance I have ever seen from Pixelberry. I mean, I know she’s probably an evil lunatic hell bent on destroying us once we uncover Eros’ secrets, but still. I’m shallow and she’s hot.
Fave Character of the Chapter: Damien
Least Fave Character of the Chapter: Nadia
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