#manufacturing of Kangen Water
Cost of Kangen Water- Know why is Kangen Water Expensive.
Kangen Water, created by the innovative Japanese company Enagic, has captivated health enthusiasts worldwide. Its popularity stems from claims of increased hydration, better detoxification, and even potential anti-aging properties.
But what sets Kangen Water apart from your regular tap or bottled water and why Kangen Water is Expensive? Let’s find out.
Curious about the higher price of the Kangen Water Machine? Why is Kangen Water Expensive?
In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind its premium cost, highlighting the valuable inclusion of platinum and explaining why it’s worth the investment. Discover the exceptional features and benefits that make the Kangen Water Machine stand out as a top-tier choice, delivering unparalleled quality and performance.
Platinum-Enhanced Electrolysis Technology:
The Kangen Water Machine utilizes a cutting-edge electrolysis process, in which platinum plays a crucial role. Platinum-coated electrodes are employed to ensure precise ionization and optimal pH levels in the produced water. This platinum enhancement sets the Kangen Water Machine apart, providing exceptional water quality and potential health benefits. Makes sense why Kangen Water is Expensive!
Advanced Filtration System:
In addition to its platinum-enhanced electrolysis, the Kangen Water Machine incorporates an advanced filtration system. This multi-stage system effectively removes impurities, chlorine, and harmful contaminants, while retaining essential minerals. The result is water that surpasses ordinary tap water, delivering cleaner, fresher hydration.
Customizable pH Options:
One of the standout features of the Kangen Water Machine is its ability to produce water with customizable pH levels. Whether you prefer alkaline water for optimal hydration or slightly acidic water for beauty and cleaning purposes, the machine allows you to adjust the pH according to your specific needs. Experience the versatility and adaptability of Kangen Water to support your lifestyle.
Durability and Longevity:
Investing in the Kangen Water Machine means investing in a product known for its durability and longevity. Built with high-quality materials and backed by superior craftsmanship, the machine is designed to withstand frequent use, reducing the need for replacements. Its long-lasting performance ensures a reliable source of high-quality water for years.
Unmatched Warranty and Customer Support:
When you choose the Kangen Water Machine, you gain access to an unmatched warranty and dedicated customer support. The manufacturer, Enagic, is renowned for its commitment to customer satisfaction. The comprehensive warranty provides peace of mind, knowing that your investment is protected, while reliable support ensures assistance whenever required.
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osgalkaline · 4 months
What Are The Effects or Advantages Of Using A Kangen Machine
It is quite visible that the desire for healthy living in the modern world has given a boost to machinery inventions in consumer products. Among them, a machine that has captivated the attention of people is the Kangen water machine. This top-of-the-line ionized water machine is beneficial to people’s health as it produces ionized, alkaline water. Knowledge of the benefits associated with the use of this machine can assist people in making decisions concerning the utilization of this technology in their daily lives.
What is a Kangen Water Machine?
A Kangen water machine is an alkaline or ionized water machine that filters water drawn from a tap and ionizes it to oxidant water. These machines are manufactured by Enagic, a company with previous experience in creating water ionization systems. This equipment employs electrolysis to improve the water’s quality. The product is usually known as the OSG ionized water.
Key Benefits of Using a Kangen Water Machine
Following are the benefits of using Kangen or alkaline water machine:
Hydration and Detoxification:
Kangen water helps the body to hydrate more than tap water. Its smaller molecular clusters get deeper into cells to help detoxify them.
Skin remains elastic and healthy because adequate supplies of water keep the body’s cells in good condition.
Balancing Body pH:
An alkaline water machine leads to the production of water with a higher PH level than the body. Hence it helps to neutralize the body’s acidity. The normal pH we have to maintain is around 7, which drastically decreases the chances of diseases resulting from high amounts of acids.
The use of OSG ionized water and other alkaline water also encourages the right metabolic activities because it restores the internal pH easily when taken regularly.
Antioxidant Properties:
Electrolysis enhances the antioxidant properties of the water. Antioxidants help beat free radicals, molecules that harm the body’s cells and are the causes of aging and some diseases.
Kangen water has a high amount of antioxidants that boost the immune system and thus improve the overall health of the body.
Improved Taste and Safety:
Water that flows through the pipes generally has contaminants and chlorine and through this Kangen water machine, the water becomes cleaner and more tasty.
Through this process of filtration, one can have healthier water to drink.
Additional Advantages
Versatility: Kangen or alkaline water machine enables one to have water with different pH levels. For example, acidic water for cleaning and alkaline water that we can use for cooking and taking a bath.
Environmental Impact: The usage of this machine lessens dependence on bottled water. It is good for the environment.
Conclusion Many people ask what are the benefits of using the Kangen water machine in our daily lives. The benefits of using this machine include better hydration and detoxification, maintaining the right pH level in the body as well as providing the body with antioxidants. These machines make water purer, safer, and more flexible, which plays a significant role in any health-oriented household. Whatever you call it, Kangen water, OSG ionized water, or OSG alkaline water, the impact of this water on health as well as on the environment is remarkable. Purchasing products like OSG alkaline water machines is a good way to create a happy, healthier you.
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pureverwatertanks · 8 months
The Power of Alkaline Water Purifiers
Alkaline water is water that has a higher pH level on the pH scale than normal tap water. Some people feel that there are many alkaline water benefits, like health benefits. These advantages may encompass neutralising the acid in the body. Kangen Water is a brand of alkaline water generated by a water ioniser machine. Enagic, a Japanese company, manufactures this machine.
How Is Alkaline Water Different from Kangen Water?
Alkaline water has a pH level that ranges from 8 and 9 on the pH scale. The higher pH is attained by putting alkaline minerals into the water. These minerals can be calcium, magnesium, potassium, and bicarbonate ions. These minerals can help make the pH higher and make the water less acidic and more alkaline.
Alkaline water and Kangen water are related ideas. However, there are slight differences between alkaline and Kangen water.
Alkaline water can be generated through various methodologies. These incorporate putting in alkaline minerals or utilising water ionisers from different manufacturers. Kangen water is associated with Enagic's water ioniser machines. These machines are made to generate this water via electrolysis.
What Are the Advantages of Alkaline Water?
Supporters of alkaline water benefits say that consuming alkaline water aids in balancing the body's pH levels. Alkaline water is time and again known for its antioxidant capabilities. Some say that alkaline water may be absorbed more competently by the body. Therefore, consuming alkaline water will lead to better hydration. There is some research pointing to the possibility that there may be a link between alkaline water and improved bone health.
Some proponents of alkaline water benefits also say that it can aid with acid reflux or indigestion. This is attained when the alkaline water neutralises stomach acid.
Alkaline Water Purifier and Its Uses
An alkaline water purifier is an appliance that is designed and manufactured to increase the pH level of water. This makes the water more alkaline. These cleaners utilise many methodologies to attain this.
These kinds of water purifiers may also incorporate features to filter out impurities and contaminants in the water. The aim is to produce water with a higher pH, often in the alkaline range (above 7 on the pH scale). There are many features and methods related to an alkaline water purifier.
Many alkaline water purifiers use a process called ionisation to raise the pH of water. This process involves passing water through an ionisation chamber where electrolysis occurs, separating the water into acidic and alkaline components.
Mineralisation: Some purifiers put in alkaline minerals. This is to the water to increase its pH. This can be done by utilising mineral cartridges or other mechanisms.
Filtration: Apart from heightening the pH value altering, alkaline water purifiers also incorporate filtration systems. These systems pull out impurities, contaminants, and particles from the water. Common filtration methodologies may consist of activated carbon and sediment filters and other advanced filtration technologies.
pH Adjustment: An alkaline water purifier may have settings that let the users adjust the pH level of the water. Users can select their desired level of alkalinity according to their preferences.
Alkaline water cleaners have many uses, like the following:
Producing higher pH drinking water
Improved hydration
Cooking for food recipes with alkaline ingredients
Tea and coffee production
Beauty and skin care
Household cleaning
Therefore, before making decisions about water consumption or using alkaline water cleaners, it's advisable to consult with healthcare professionals. Purever is an ideal destination for buying stainless steel water tanks. They also provide alkaline hydrogen water systems. These systems come with high-performing water purification cartridges to ensure proper water purification.
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What is kangen water, and how does it work? (कांगेन वॉटर क्या है और यह कैसे काम करता है?)
What is kangen water, and how does it work? (कांगेन वॉटर क्या है और यह कैसे काम करता है?)
Kangen water is a term often used to refer to alkaline water produced through a specific water ionization process known as "electrolyzed reduced water" or "ionized water." The term "Kangen" is actually a trademark of the Enagic Corporation, a Japanese company that manufactures water ionization machines. These machines are designed to change the pH level of water to make it more alkaline and to separate it into two streams: alkaline ionized water and acidic ionized water. (कांगेन पानी एक शब्द है जिसका उपयोग अक्सर एक विशिष्ट जल आयनीकरण प्रक्रिया के माध्यम से उत्पादित क्षारीय पानी को संदर्भित करने के लिए किया जाता है जिसे "इलेक्ट्रोलाइज्ड कम पानी" या "आयनित पानी" कहा जाता है। शब्द "केंगेन" वास्तव में एनाजिक कॉरपोरेशन का ट्रेडमार्क है, जो एक जापानी कंपनी है जो जल आयनीकरण मशीनें बनाती है। इन मशीनों को पानी के पीएच स्तर को बदलकर इसे अधिक क्षारीय बनाने और इसे दो धाराओं में अलग करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है: क्षारीय आयनित पानी और अम्लीय आयनित पानी।)
Here's how the process works:
Water Source: You start with regular tap water.
Electrolysis: The water is passed through an electrolysis chamber in the ionization machine. This chamber contains two electrodes, typically made of platinum and titanium.
Ionization: During electrolysis, the water molecules are split into two streams: alkaline and acidic. The alkaline water typically has a higher pH level, making it more alkaline, while the acidic water has a lower pH.
pH Adjustment: The alkaline water produced by the machine is usually claimed to have a pH level of 8 to 10 or even higher, which is more alkaline than regular tap water.
(इलेक्ट्रोलिसिस: पानी को आयनीकरण मशीन में इलेक्ट्रोलिसिस कक्ष से गुजारा जाता है। इस कक्ष में दो इलेक्ट्रोड होते हैं, जो आमतौर पर प्लैटिनम और टाइटेनियम से बने होते हैं।
आयनीकरण: इलेक्ट्रोलिसिस के दौरान, पानी के अणु दो धाराओं में विभाजित हो जाते हैं: क्षारीय और अम्लीय। क्षारीय पानी में आमतौर पर पीएच स्तर अधिक होता है, जिससे यह अधिक क्षारीय हो जाता है, जबकि अम्लीय पानी में पीएच कम होता है।
पीएच समायोजन: मशीन द्वारा उत्पादित क्षारीय पानी का पीएच स्तर आमतौर पर 8 से 10 या उससे भी अधिक होने का दावा किया जाता है, जो नियमित नल के पानी की तुलना में अधिक क्षारीय होता है।)
Proponents of Kangen water Machine and alkaline water claim that it offers various health benefits, such as improved hydration, better detoxification, and antioxidant properties. However, these claims are often disputed, and scientific evidence supporting these health claims is limited. Some critics argue that the health benefits attributed to alkaline water are not well-founded and that the body has its own mechanisms for regulating pH levels. (कांगेन पानी और क्षारीय पानी के समर्थकों का दावा है कि यह विभिन्न स्वास्थ्य लाभ प्रदान करता है, जैसे बेहतर जलयोजन, बेहतर विषहरण और एंटीऑक्सीडेंट गुण। हालाँकि, ये दावे अक्सर विवादित होते हैं, और इन स्वास्थ्य दावों का समर्थन करने वाले वैज्ञानिक प्रमाण सीमित हैं। कुछ आलोचकों का तर्क है कि क्षारीय पानी से होने वाले स्वास्थ्य लाभ उचित नहीं हैं और पीएच स्तर को विनियमित करने के लिए शरीर के पास अपने स्वयं के तंत्र हैं।)
It's essential to note that the use of Kangen water and alkaline water machines is a subject of debate, and some experts recommend caution. Drinking excessively alkaline water with a very high pH may disrupt the body's natural pH balance and lead to potential health issues. (यह ध्यान रखना आवश्यक है कि कांगेन जल और क्षारीय जल मशीनों का उपयोग बहस का विषय है, और कुछ विशेषज्ञ सावधानी बरतने की सलाह देते हैं। बहुत अधिक पीएच वाला अत्यधिक क्षारीय पानी पीने से शरीर का प्राकृतिक पीएच संतुलन बाधित हो सकता है और संभावित स्वास्थ्य समस्याएं पैदा हो सकती हैं।)
You can contact us to know about the kangen machine or to book a demo and drink its water. Contact Number :- 8222938310, 8059297084 Anil, Vinod Village - Kharkari (Hisar)
kangen मशीन के बारे में जानने के लिए या डेमो बुक करने के लिए और इसका पानी पीने के लिए आप हमसे संपर्क कर सकते हैं। संपर्क नंबर :- 8222938310, 8059297084 अनिल, विनोद ग्राम - खरकरी (हिसार)
Before making any significant changes to your water consumption or diet, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that it aligns with your specific health needs and goals. Additionally, it's essential to rely on peer-reviewed scientific research when evaluating the health claims associated with Kangen water or alkaline water. (अपने पानी की खप�� या आहार में कोई भी महत्वपूर्ण बदलाव करने से पहले, यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए एक स्वास्थ्य देखभाल पेशेवर से परामर्श करना उचित है कि यह आपकी विशिष्ट स्वास्थ्य आवश्यकताओं और लक्ष्यों के अनुरूप है। इसके अतिरिक्त, कांगेन पानी या क्षारीय पानी से जुड़े स्वास्थ्य दावों का मूल्यांकन करते समय सहकर्मी-समीक्षित वैज्ञानिक अनुसंधान पर भरोसा करना आवश्यक है।)
Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/kangenvinod/
Youtube:- https://youtube.com/@kangenbrothers
Twitter:- https://twitter.com/KangenWatersave
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kangenwater-lover · 1 year
Kangen-8 is manufactured in Japan. All parts that make up Kangen-8 are also made entirely in Japan.
Therefore Kangen-8 has long life. Enagic International, which manufactures the medical device Kangen-8, manufactures its products with the highest quality to please users.
Don't need to say about it, just drink it and you'll understand!
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kangenwatersafe · 1 year
Kangen Water Machine: What to Consider Before Buying
If you are considering purchasing a Kangen Water machine, it's important to understand the key factors to consider before making your decision. In this article, we will explore the essential aspects you should evaluate to ensure you choose the right Kangen Water machine for your needs. Let's dive in! “यदि आप केंजेन वॉटर मशीन खरीदने पर विचार कर रहे हैं, तो अपना निर्णय लेने से पहले विचार करने योग्य प्रमुख कारकों को समझना महत्वपूर्ण है। इस लेख में, हम उन आवश्यक पहलुओं का पता लगाएंगे जिनका मूल्यांकन आपको यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए करना चाहिए कि आप अपनी आवश्यकताओं के लिए सही केंजेन वॉटर मशीन का चयन करें। आइए गोता लगाएँ!”
1. Water Ionization Technology
Water ionization technology is a critical aspect to consider when buying a Kangen Water machine. Different machines may utilize various methods to produce ionized water. Look for machines that employ advanced electrolysis technology, as this ensures effective ionization and consistent water quality. (केंजेन वॉटर मशीन खरीदते समय जल आयनीकरण तकनीक पर विचार करना एक महत्वपूर्ण पहलू है। विभिन्न मशीनें आयनित पानी का उत्पादन करने के लिए विभिन्न तरीकों का उपयोग कर सकती हैं। ऐसी मशीनों की तलाश करें जो उन्नत इलेक्ट्रोलिसिस तकनीक का उपयोग करती हैं, क्योंकि यह प्रभावी आयनीकरण और लगातार पानी की गुणवत्ता सुनिश्चित करती है।)
2. pH Range and Customization
Consider the pH range offered by the Kangen Water machine and whether it aligns with your specific requirements. Some machines provide a wider range of pH levels, allowing you to customize the water's alkalinity or acidity according to your preferences. Opt for a machine that offers flexibility in adjusting pH levels to cater to various applications. (कांजेन वॉटर मशीन द्वारा दी जाने वाली पीएच रेंज पर विचार करें और क्या यह आपकी विशिष्ट आवश्यकताओं के अनुरूप है। कुछ मशीनें पीएच स्तर की एक विस्तृत श्रृंखला प्रदान करती हैं, जिससे आप अपनी प्राथमिकताओं के अनुसार पानी की क्षारीयता या अम्लता को अनुकूलित कर सकते हैं। ऐसी मशीन चुनें जो विभिन्न अनुप्रयोगों को पूरा करने के लिए पीएच स्तर को समायोजित करने में लचीलापन प्रदान करती हो।)
3. ORP (Oxidation-Reduction Potential) Levels
ORP levels indicate the antioxidant potential of ionized water. Lower negative ORP values represent higher antioxidant properties. Look for a Kangen Water machine that offers lower ORP levels, as this indicates the water is richer in antioxidants. Choosing a machine with optimal ORP levels can help support your overall health and well-being. (ओआरपी स्तर आयनित पानी की एंटीऑक्सीडेंट क्षमता को दर्शाता है। कम नकारात्मक ओआरपी मान उच्च एंटीऑक्सीडेंट गुणों का प्रतिनिधित्व करते हैं। ऐसी केनजेन वॉटर मशीन की तलाश करें जो कम ओआरपी स्तर प्रदान करती हो, क्योंकि यह इंगित करता है कि पानी एंटीऑक्सीडेंट से भरपूर है। इष्टतम ओआरपी स्तर वाली मशीन चुनने से आपके समग्र स्वास्थ्य और कल्याण में मदद मिल सकती है।)
4. Ease of Use and Maintenance
Consider the ease of use and maintenance of the Kangen Water machine. Look for a model that is user-friendly, with clear instructions and intuitive controls. Additionally, check the maintenance requirements, such as filter replacement and cleaning procedures. Choose a machine that fits your lifestyle and preferences in terms of ease of use and maintenance. (कांजेन वॉटर मशीन के उपयोग और रखरखाव में आसानी पर विचार करें। ऐसे मॉडल की तलाश करें जो उपयोगकर्ता के अनुकूल हो, जिसमें स्पष्ट निर्देश और सहज नियंत्रण हों। इसके अतिरिक्त, रखरखाव आवश्यकताओं की जाँच करें, जैसे फ़िल्टर प्रतिस्थापन और सफाई प्रक्रियाएँ। ऐसी मशीन चुनें जो उपयोग और रखरखाव में आसानी के मामले में आपकी जीवनशैली और प्राथमिकताओं के अनुकूल हो।)
5. Durability and Warranty
Investing in a Kangen Water machine is a long-term commitment, so durability is crucial. Look for a machine that is built to last, using high-quality materials. Check the warranty provided by the manufacturer to ensure you have proper coverage in case of any issues. A reliable warranty gives you peace of mind and ensures customer support when needed. (केंजेन वॉटर मशीन में निवेश करना एक दीर्घकालिक प्रतिबद्धता है, इसलिए स्थायित्व महत्वपूर्ण है। ऐसी मशीन की तलाश करें जो उच्च गुणवत्ता वाली सामग्री का उपयोग करके लंबे समय तक चलने के लिए बनाई गई हो। यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कि किसी भी समस्या के मामले में आपके पास उचित कवरेज है, निर्माता द्वारा प्र��ान की गई वारंटी की जांच करें। एक विश्वसनीय वारंटी आपको मानसिक शांति देती है और जरूरत पड़ने पर ग्राहक सहायता सुनिश्चित करती है।)
6. Customer Reviews and Reputation
Take the time to read customer reviews and testimonials for different( Kangen Vinod )Water machine models. This provides valuable insights into real-life experiences and overall customer satisfaction. Consider the reputation of the brand and the machine's track record. Opt for a well-established brand with positive reviews to ensure you are purchasing a reliable and high-quality Kangen Water machine. (विभिन्न केंजेन वॉटर मशीन मॉडलों के लिए ग्राहक समीक्षा और प्रशंसापत्र पढ़ने के लिए समय निकालें। यह वास्तविक जीवन के अनुभवों और समग्र ग्राहक संतुष्टि में मूल्यवान अंतर्दृष्टि प्रदान करता है। ब्रांड की प्रतिष्ठा और मशीन के ट्रैक रिकॉर्ड पर विचार करें। यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए कि आप एक विश्वसनीय और उच्च गुणवत्ता वाली केंजेन वॉटर मशीन खरीद रहे हैं, सकारात्मक समीक्षाओं वाले एक अच्छी तरह से स्थापित ब्रांड का चयन करें।)
7. Price and Value for Money
While price shouldn't be the sole deciding factor, it's essential to consider the price range of Kangen Water machines and the value for money they offer. Compare the features, performance, and reputation of different models within your budget. Look for a machine that provides the desired features and benefits at a reasonable price point. (हालाँकि कीमत ही एकमात्र निर्णायक कारक नहीं होनी चाहिए, लेकिन केंजेन वॉटर मशीनों की कीमत सीमा और उनके द्वारा पेश किए जाने वाले पैसे के मूल्य पर विचार करना आवश्यक है। अपने बजट के भीतर विभिन्न मॉडलों की विशेषताओं, प्रदर्शन और प्रतिष्ठा की तुलना करें। ऐसी मशीन की तलाश करें जो उचित मूल्य पर वांछित सुविधाएँ और लाभ प्रदान करे।)
When buying a Kangen Water machine, consider factors such as water ionization technology, pH range and customization options, ORP levels, ease of use and maintenance, durability and warranty, customer reviews and reputation, as well as price and value for money. Taking the time to evaluate these aspects will help you make an informed decision and choose a Kangen Water machine that suits your needs and provides you with the benefits of ionized alkaline water for years to come. (कांगेन वॉटर मशीन खरीदते समय, जल आयनीकरण तकनीक, पीएच रेंज और अनुकूलन विकल्प, ओआरपी स्तर, उपयोग और रखरखाव में आसानी, स्थायित्व और वारंटी, ग्राहक समीक्षा और प्रतिष्ठा, साथ ही कीमत और पैसे के मूल्य जैसे कारकों पर विचार करें। इन पहलुओं का मूल्यांकन करने के लिए समय निकालने से आपको एक सूचित निर्णय लेने और एक कांजेन वॉटर मशीन चुनने में मदद मिलेगी जो आपकी आवश्यकताओं के अनुरूप होगी और आपको आने वाले वर्षों के लिए आयनित क्षारीय पानी के लाभ प्रदान करेगी।)
kangen मशीन के बारे में जानने के लिए या डेमो बुक करने के लिए और इसका पानी पीने के लिए आप हमसे संपर्क कर सकते हैं। संपर्क नंबर :- 8222938310, 8059297084 अनिल, विनोद ग्राम - खरकरी (हिसार)
Business Name:- Kangen Water
Business Owner:- Vinod, Anil
Phone Number:- 8059297084, 8222938310
Business Mail:- [email protected]
Website:- https://kangenwatersafe.wixsite.com/kangen-water
Address:- Hisar Haryana, India
Instagram:- https://www.instagram.com/save_life_kangen_water/
Youtube:- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCilIdv_tCStEsIk5EKN_zNw
Twitter:- https://twitter.com/KangenWatersave
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What is oxidation? Does water also gets oxidised? Don't you believe? Don't worry, we can do test for you FREE of cost. Just call us to explain your entire family. Because every human on this earth drinks water. Need to explain the benefits of Ionized Alkaline Water.
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joemonty18 · 4 years
Enagic works to conserve the environment and lends a helping hand to Mother Earth. With policies and practices in places, it manufactures Kangen Water Machines with the lowest environmental load.
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kangenstore · 6 years
Why Kangen Store?
Why Kangen Store is required in our City? Why we should buy Kangen Water Machine? What is Kangen Water Purifier? and last How it works?
Find all the answers to the below questions: Why Kangen Store is required in our City? Why we should buy Kangen Water Machine? What is Kangen Water Purifier? and last How it works?
Everyone nowadays talks about Kangen Water and Kangen Water Machine. We already came to know the benefits of alkaline water, but there is a very big difference between alkaline water and alkalized water. From the Kangen Water Machine, we get Alkalized Water. But first, we need to understand the benefits of Kangen water.
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Benefits of Kangen Water
Enagic India Kangen Water. Strong, fresh Kangen Water contains an abundance of hydroxyl ions (OH-) which donate free electrons to unstable oxygen free radicals, resulting in stable oxygen molecules. According to experts, drinking Kangen Water on a regular basis will increase the amount of dissolved oxygen in the blood. 
Kangen Store is required in our City to get the details about the product, testing the features of each product and after all Ordering the Kangen Water System. It is not possible that each city will have a Kangen Store.
We should buy Kangen Water Machine to maintain your family life healthy. We never like to visit Doctor or Hospital and We should always believe that precaution is better than cure.
KANGEN® WATER PRODUCTS Browse our range of Kangen® Products
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Kangen Water was approved by Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare as a medical device in 1974 and since then has seen use in hundreds of hospitals in Japan. With a track record of over 40 years, Kangen Water is the only water ionizer in the industry to receive the Gold Seal from the Water Quality Association (WQA). The Water Quality Association was created in 1974 to advocate for the betterment of water quality. WQA utilizes performance-based standards and certifications, and products certified with its Gold Seal must pass the rigorous testing requirements of industry standards, pass annual manufacturing facility audits, and comply with WQA’s Certification Schemes.
With the Gold Seal certification on our Kangen machines, you can sleep easy knowing that the water you drink is safe and of the highest quality you can get on the market.
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The K8, SD501, SD501 Platinum, JRII and Super 501 machines are able to produce 5 types of water.:
Kangen Water (drinking water with pH 8.5, pH 9.0 or pH 9.5) Clean Water (regular filtered water) Beauty Water (slightly acidic water with pH 5.5 for skincare) Strong Kangen Water (water with pH 11.5 for cleaning surfaces) Strong Acidic Water (water with pH 2.5 for disinfection)
Just simply type your Phone number with the address in our ASK ANYTHING section.
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Pros and Cons of Kangen Water - Kangen Water Movement
While Kangen Water purifiers offer numerous advantages in terms of water purification, it’s important to consider factors such as their initial cost, and maintenance requirements weighing these aspects, you can make an informed decision about whether Kangen Water purifiers are the right choice for you. 
 Pros of Kangen Water 
Kangen water has antioxidants that protect cells from harm by free radicals.
Kangen water has a higher pH level than tap water, and this is thought to be good for health.
An alkaline body environment, which Kangen water promotes, may improve digestion, energy levels, and the immune system.
Kangen water is known for its antioxidant properties, which can neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases.
Many people prefer the taste of Kangen water over tap water because of its higher pH level and perceived purity.
Cons of Kangen Water
Scientific research supporting the claimed health benefits of Kangen water remains scarce, relying mostly on anecdotal evidence or studies conducted by water ionizer manufacturers. Independent studies are needed for validation.
Regular cleaning and upkeep are required for Kangen Water purifiers.
Kangen Water purifiers can be difficult to operate and maintain.
Kangen Water purifiers are very expensive, with some models costing thousands of dollars.
Kangen Water’s higher pH level may disrupt the body’s internal balance.
There is little scientific evidence to support the claims made about Kangen Water’s benefits. 
The production of Kangen water necessitates the use of water ionizer machines, which consume electricity and generate waste in the form of filters. Considering the environmental impact of manufacturing and disposing of these machines is crucial for sustainability.
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kangenstoreindia · 6 years
Kangen Store India
Why Kangen Store?
Why Kangen Store is required in our City? Why we should buy Kangen Water Machine? What is Kangen Water Purifier? and last How it works?
Find all the answers to the below questions: Why Kangen Store is required in our City? Why we should buy Kangen Water Machine? What is Kangen Water Purifier? and last How it works?
Everyone nowadays talks about Kangen Water and Kangen Water Machine. We already came to know the benefits of alkaline water, but there is a very big difference between alkaline water and alkalized water. From the Kangen Water Machine, we get Alkalized Water. But first, we need to understand the benefits of Kangen water.
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Benefits of Kangen Water
Enagic India Kangen Water. Strong, fresh Kangen Water contains an abundance of hydroxyl ions (OH-) which donate free electrons to unstable oxygen free radicals, resulting in stable oxygen molecules. According to experts, drinking Kangen Water on a regular basis will increase the amount of dissolved oxygen in the blood.
Kangen Store is required in our City to get the details about the product, testing the features of each product and after all Ordering the Kangen Water System. It is not possible that each city will have a Kangen Store.
We should buy Kangen Water Machine to maintain your family life healthy. We never like to visit Doctor or Hospital and We should always believe that precaution is better than cure.
KANGEN® WATER PRODUCTS Browse our range of Kangen® Products
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Kangen Water was approved by Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare as a medical device in 1974 and since then has seen use in hundreds of hospitals in Japan. With a track record of over 40 years, Kangen Water is the only water ionizer in the industry to receive the Gold Seal from the Water Quality Association (WQA). The Water Quality Association was created in 1974 to advocate for the betterment of water quality. WQA utilizes performance-based standards and certifications, and products certified with its Gold Seal must pass the rigorous testing requirements of industry standards, pass annual manufacturing facility audits, and comply with WQA’s Certification Schemes.
With the Gold Seal certification on our Kangen machines, you can sleep easy knowing that the water you drink is safe and of the highest quality you can get on the market.
The K8, SD501, SD501 Platinum, JRII and Super 501 machines are able to produce 5 types of water.:
Kangen Water (drinking water with pH 8.5, pH 9.0 or pH 9.5) Clean Water (regular filtered water) Beauty Water (slightly acidic water with pH 5.5 for skincare) Strong Kangen Water (water with pH 11.5 for cleaning surfaces) Strong Acidic Water (water with pH 2.5 for disinfection)
Just simply type your Phone number with the address in our ASK ANYTHING section.
#Kangen Store
#Why Kangen Store
#Kangen Water Machine
#buy Kangen Water Machine
#Kangen Water
#Kangen Water Purifier
#Beauty Water
#Strong Kangen Water
#Strong Acidic Water
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pureverwatertanks · 11 months
Why Choose Kangen Water System and What is Expected Costing?
A lot of people worldwide suffer from different health issues because of the consumption of non-hygienic, unhealthy water. One needs to drink the correct quantity of potable water on a daily basis to stay fit and healthy. Nowadays, many opt for alkaline water instead of RO water or regular tap water. Even many people choose Kangen water ionisers to reap irrefutable Kangen water benefits.
Kangen Water: What is It?
Return to origin is what the word Kangen means. Machines that are capable of water-ionising can filter regular tap water and convert it into healthier water with varying pH ranges. Kangen water purifier systems produce water that can cater to various purposes ranging from washing to cooking as well as drinking.
In recent years, the Kangen water system has become incredibly popular worldwide. It possesses the capacity to produce alkaline water that offers multiple health advantages. This system leverages the electrolysis process for the production of alkaline water effectively.
A Kangen water purifier creates a robust connection with a water source and uses electrodes. It can consume acidic water to ensure health benefits as it has moisturising and antioxidant properties.
What Affects the Price of Kangen Water Machines?
Kangen water machines are sought-after because the water they produce helps positively impact the health of everyone who drinks it. However, many feel that the excessively high price of these machines is not justified. Here’s what influences the cost of a Kangen water system.
The advanced technologies that manufacturers of these purifiers employ increase the overall price to a significant extent. More sophisticated Kangen water machines are costlier, which is why only a few people can afford them. These models comprise better filtration systems, top-quality materials and electrolysis chambers, which is why they ensure Kangen water benefits.
Besides the reputation of the brand, promotional or marketing costs influence a Kangen water purifier’s price. The Enagic business is renowned for manufacturing these machines. The brand name and image impact the overall value as well as the cost of Enagic’s Kangen water machines.
Aside from functionality, one-of-a-kind features of these water machines increase the overall price. A Kangen water system consisting of auto-cleaning mechanisms, easy-to-customise pH levels and water-saving features is costlier.
Why is a Kangen Water System Expensive?
The amount of money you can expect to spend on a branded Kangen water purifier is anywhere between 2,200-5000 USD. These systems are usually twice as much as other water ionisers available on the market. An Enagic Kangen water system comes with more platinum on the plates, which is one of the reasons why it ensures various Kangen water benefits.
How Worthy are Kangen Water Systems?
You can invest in Kangen water machines if you do not have any budget constraints, besides prioritising your health. Whether a Kangen water purifier is worth the expense is debatable. You can opt for a more cost-effective way of getting healthier water instead of spending a huge sum of money on Kangen water systems. Install a Purever stainless steel water tank that maintains the purity of potable water. These tanks are made of food-grade stainless steel, which helps keep water healthy and hygienic.
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What is the difference between Kangen water machine and others
If someone asks about What is the difference between Kangen water machine and others? I would explain in detail. But here I just come up with the few details from which you can easily decide the product purchase. By integrating the latest scientific research and superior Japanese craftsmanship with nature's most vital resource for life, Enagic has pioneered the way of continuous Kangen Water® generating systems. Since 1974, Enagic has specialized in providing in-home, alkaline water ionization technologies. Our mission is to provide true health and wellness internationally with our Gold-Standard product line. 1. We have WQA Certification. 2. Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) 3. Factory Certificates (ISO) 4. 13485 (For a comprehensive management system for the design and manufacture of medical devices) 5. 14001 (Environment Management System) 6. 9001 (Quality Management System) 7. Quality Control 22-point inspection by 5 inspectors per machine 8. Warranty from manufacturer 9. Electrode Material 99.99% Titanium 10. Global Sales and Service Worldwide - also local service station available in 10 Countries & 17 Service Locations
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kangenwater-lover · 1 year
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This machine is Kangen-8 which is Continuous Electrolyzed Water Generator producted by Enagic International. Kangen-8 can make 7 types of functional water. 1. Alkalined Ionized Water (4 types pH 8.5, 9.0, 9.5, 11,0) 2. Acidic Waterr (2 types pH 6.0, 2.5) 3. Neutral Purified Water (pH 7.0) The chairman of this manufacturer always says, "Drink and you'll understand." You can look at the chairman by click https://www.enagic.com/en_JP/ and next click "Enagic" Text near "HOME" Text.
Or search on Youtube with the word "Kangen Water"
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Everyone asking nowadays What is Kangen Water? Find the answer below:
In Japanese, the word Kangen means “return to origin”. If ever there was a kind of water that came close to that promise, it is Kangen Water®. It may be the nearest thing we ever find to the proverbial “fountain of youth”.
Kangen Water® is created from a device manufactured by Enagic Corporation.
This device transforms ordinary tap water and through an electrolysis process that restructures and “micro-clusters” your water. This process enables the water to penetrate human and animal cells, in the same way as energized water found in nature. Enagic’s SD501 unit also ionizes water making it electron or “energy” rich and splits the water into acid and alkaline states.
The electrolyzed, energized and ionized waters do not maintain their special properties indefinitely. This drinking water is most effective drunk fresh from the unit, but remains effective from the initial pour up to 48 hours later. 2.5 and 11.5 pH waters last longer, up to 2 weeks. Please check the 2.5 pH water by smelling it; if it smells like chlorine, it is still effective. You can check the 11.5 pH water by using it to emulsify sesame oil; if it emulsifies the oil, it is still effective.
Time, heat, light, movement, and oxygen degrade the properties of these waters. For maximum shelf life, please store this water in a fully sealed dark container and minimize movement.
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wettpaterial · 2 years
better modern technology that gives a healthier
Minerals are important for typical body performance. All of these positive aspects are more than what bottled liquids or taps may offer. Mineral ionizers are generally slowly seizing the market mainly because of the tremendous positive aspects it gives you. The commonest one is electric powered ionizers as well as the other is mineral ionizer which often utilizes minerals like magnesium. Ionization can be described as technique that makes use of a choice between electrical power and minerals to decontaminate water. It may be transported and made use of even in the remotest of areas.
Mans society is undoubtedly also getting affected therefore, forcing many individuals to look for alternate options like utilizing kangen water. Ingesting tap water is also not a good choice due to quality issues. Drinkers can feel the enhancement of their well-being as soon as they start to take this kind of essential liquid. Over time, the strategy also has come to be appreciated and always be used by the largest majority as it would be quite convenient to use and obtain. The water possesses alkali properties which help neutralize level of acidity and detoxify the body from pollutants. It is a uncomplicated procedure that absolutely wipes out bad radicals coming from liquids. Ionization using minerals contributes good quality energy to the fluids.
Our natural resources including springs, water ways, estuaries and rivers and even ponds tend to be fading away or even infected. Ionization is the perfect way to get toxified water purified. The technique functions by breaking up liquid molecules to acids and alkali.Our natural resources are generally diminishing quickly because of unsafe environmental aspects among them polluting of the environment, industrialization and also scarcity of rainwater.The undeniable fact that minerals are used to purify the water is a plus. Kangen water is good hence you can now consume water in large quantities. The energy helps to boost flow of blood and also basic resistance to maintain the body healthy.
Production facilities keep on disposing waste material straight to all these resources eliminating aquatic animals. Due to this really hard economic instance, acquiring bottled liquids is nearly a non considerable option. Keep in mind that the entire body is made up mostly of water. Manufacturing businesses have engineered much better modern technology that gives a healthier answer to the aforementioned concerns. That means that the entire body needs consistent restoring for the purpose of healthy living. Another advantage is cost considering they are distributed at up to 50 % the cost if compared to the electric powered ones. Amongst the most appealing amazing benefits is the reason that it will require absolutely no electrical power. It contains anti-oxidants which will help slow dry wipes manufacturers up the speed of growing older consequently, keeping your skin elastic as well as fresh. You will find 2 types of ionizers utilized today. Anyone can pay for it as well as those operating on minimal budgets.
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