#manual or automatic
albenstonis · 2 years
AMT vs CVT vs DSG: The Difference Explained
Technology has changed rapidly in a country like India as an influence of global advancements. There were days when buying an automatic car was a matter of prestige more than convenience. Worldwide automobile manufacturing companies aim to disrupt the industry by introducing automatic gear cars in India that work way better than conventional cars.
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monarchisms · 1 year
so for those who missed it, geoff talked a bit more about achievement hunter coming to an end on a f**kface break show on september 18th. some of it was stuff we've already learned from the announcement video/thread from AH themselves, but some additional information was mentioned exclusively on the f**kface stream. with rooster teeth being so great (sarcasm) at relaying info to their audience, i had to rely on a fan recording of the stream from twitter to get more context sooner, since the official recording won't be available until the 22nd at the earliest.
i'll put a full transcript of all the clips of the twitter thread under the cut, but if you want a tl;dr:
geoff's known about AH coming to an end for about 6 months (since march 2023), and that the decision to end it wasn't made lightly
he compares AH ending to when he went to quit red vs blue 15 years ago to co-create AH, somewhere between seasons 5-7, and how he continued to work on rvb until he couldn't anymore
also talks about how everyone at the company at the time (like burnie, gus, matt, and jason) were really supportive towards him, and how that led to AH lasting 15 years
he hopes that michael, trevor, alfredo, and joe get the same support he got from the audience when he made AH, and then eventually f**kface. also reassures the audience that all the content on the AH channel will stay as it is
heavily emphasizes that this decision wasn't made by the higher ups at rt or warner brothers, and wanted to nip that in the bud before the rumor went too far. notes that AH didn't fail, it just ended
talks about how there will be a couple more weeks of new achievement hunter content before they close up shop. some of the content includes the members paying an homage to past series and people at AH. it will eventually culminate into a final video that geoff's in where he gets "fucking verbose" about his feelings in relation to everything
gives a shoutout to matt, jeremy, and ray in regards to their streams on twitch, and finally ends his speech by saying that the audience should respect that the past + current AH members are continuing to do the things they love doing while being entertaining, just in their own unique ways
the full transcript:
Geoff: "The Achievement Hunter brand is coming to a close. We have decided to sunset it and to end it. And I've seen a lot of- for a very good reason- and that announcement came in tandem with another announcement, a very exciting announcement about a new brand called Dogbark. And I've seen a lot of excitement, a lot of appreciation from people, a lot of people supporting Michael and those guys [referring to Trevor, Joe, and Alfredo] going off into doing their own thing.
I've seen a lot of fear and uncertainty. I totally get and understand that; you guys are hearing this for the first time. Um, I've known about this for about six months. You know, this has been in some form of discussion or preparation for a while now. This wasn't a decision that was made lightly, uhh... but I think it's the right decision, and I hope that you'll understand and support that, and here's why:
15 years ago, I went to Burnie and Matt and Gus, and I said 'Hey, I'm losing my mind making Red vs Blue.' It was season 5 or 6, and I- I think it was 6 or 7, actually- and I was just so creatively drained and stifled. And I had such a wonderful time making Red vs Blue, but I had made it until I couldn't make it anymore. And I had this idea, and I was very passionate about this idea of this thing I wanted to try. And Burnie and Gus and Matt were so kind and supportive to give me the creative runway to launch and test Achievement Hunter out at a time when everybody- friends- everybody was telling me 'What are you doing, quitting making Red vs Blue? It's a huge hit! You're like, the #2 guy on it. You're a big part of this! Why would you leave that to do this unproven, untested thing?' And I had to! I had to follow my dream, I had to follow my passion. And like I said, Burnie and Matt and Gus and everybody else, Jason, everybody involved in Rooster Teeth at the time, were so fucking supportive and so wonderful to me in that period that 15 years later, we've had 15 years of Achievement Hunter.
We wouldn't be here on this set right now in front of all this Zimmer stuff, in front of fucking dumb pictures of Gavin and Garbage Pail Kids and Barbie and- fucking new Dallas poster, by the way. Uh, all of this has existed because they allowed me to take a chance and supported me taking that chance. And uh- I would be some kind of fucking hypocrite if I didn't provide the same level of support and genuine enthusiasm to Michael and Alfredo and Joe and Trevor as they embark on the same journey I went on 15 years ago! And this is a very- I don't want to speak for them. They didn't make this decision lightly, I guarantee you, and they will explain it in their own voice over the next few weeks as we say goodbye to Achievement Hunter and say hello to Dogbark. [actual dog barks in the background] We worked on that ahead of time.
Uhh... and so I would only ask that you give them the same level of support that the audience gave me when I tried out Achievement Hunter, this untested, unproven thing, and the same level of support you all gave us when we decided that we're going to make F**kface, an audio-only podcast recorded remotely, which is something that I never in a million years wanted to do or thought was a good idea until we did it, and found out it was simply too good, found out that it worked and it ended up becoming, I think, hopefully the best thing I've participated in. I really ju- I really just want to drive that point home. Joe and Trevor and Michael and Alfredo have spent years and years and years making content that they believe in to support and entertain you. And that's all they want to do with this new production.
Everything comes to an end. It's okay for things to end. I know it's scary and it's sad, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen, and that doesn't mean it's going away. We have 15 years of Achievement Hunter content online that you can still watch and enjoy. Hundreds of thousands of hours of content, hundreds upon hundreds of episodes of Minecraft and GTA that are still there for you to go and watch. I mean, hell, I think Emily and I are a great example of that. We've been watching a show that came out in 1978 called Dallas. It ran from 1978 to 1992, and that was 40 fucking years ago. And yet here we are enjoying it, just as if it came out yesterday. Justice for Sue Ellen, I think we can all agree, justice for Sue Ellen. So I would just say that I hope that you'll be excited about this new journey in their careers and this new opportunity for Rooster Teeth. It's sad to say goodbye to a thing, but it's not disappearing. It's still there. You can still go watch all those videos. You can still go enjoy- enjoy all that content, but you can also support them in what they're doing.
And one other little inaccuracy, or not even inaccuracy, but one thing I want to touch on- and then I'll get to breaking cards and being an idiot- is a thing that kind of bugs me, is that- I'm sure you've heard this phrase or some variation of this phrase before where it's uh, said that a lie can travel halfway across the world, while the truth is still putting its pants on, and-"
Emily: "That's kinda deep! I've never heard that before." Geoff: "You've never heard that before?" Emily: "No!"
Geoff: "Yeah, and I've seen a lot of supposition and people saying things that just aren't true. And I want to stop that right now before they travel halfway across the world. Because there is no truth to the idea that like- anytime we make a change that's controversial or a bit scary or different or new or unexpected, there's this idea that there's uh, some dude in a suit from Warner Brothers or Rooster Teeth standing just off-camera, sternly going, 'Make this decision. Follow this algorithm. We're chasing a demographic.' None of that is true. Rooster Teeth would be very happy if they continued making Achievement Hunter forever, but they weren't happy making Achievement Hunter, and they wanted to try a new thing.
They wanted to do what I did 15 years ago! They wanted to do what Ray did when he left Achievement Hunter, right? They wanted to bet on themselves and make their production. I love the work they put into- to mine, and I did my best to make it ours. But at the end of the day, I left Achievement Hunter five years ago! Uh, it would be really foolhardy and stupid and- and dickhead-ish of me to have a problem with them doing the same thing, uh, but it's also them. This is a decision that they made, that they wanted to make. It didn't come from anybody at Rooster Teeth or Warner Brothers. There was no, I don't know, this marketing department you always hear about that's telling them to make these decisions and- 'Chase the Gen Z crowd and come up- This is the name we've workshopped.' None of that's true! They came up with the name. They came up with the logo, they came up with the design, the color palette, the trailer, the content that's going to be released in a couple of weeks, that's all them! That's what they wanna do.
That is them following the same passion that I followed 15 years ago and the same passion that I followed when I created Let's Play, and the same passion that I that I followed when I created F**kface. And hopefully the same passion, the same passion that I created this with, and hopefully the same passion that I'll create the next and the next and the next thing with, and hopefully the same passion that they get to do, uh, as they continue their career. So all I'm asking for is give the new thing a chance, support it. It's a brave thing to do to walk out of the safety of Achievement Hunter into a new thing.
And also, uh, I've seen a lot of doomers that are saying like 'Ah, I called it ten years ago! I knew it was gonna fail!' It didn't fail. It ended. It was 15 fucking awesome years. And I'm going to stop talking now because I'm just going to get rambly. But I will say: There's a couple of weeks left of Achievement Hunter content coming out where they pay homage, if you will, to a lot of the videos and the shows from the past,, and the people from the past, and they have a lot of sweet things that they're going to do. And it'll culminate at the end with one last video that I am in where I get fucking verbose about my feelings about all of it. So if you want to hear more about my feelings of the 15 years of Achievement Hunter, I ask that you tune in to that last Achievement Hunter video. But I also ask that you tune into every video between now and then, because they're going to be saying goodbye to Achievement Hunter with a lot of love and respect and humor. And uh, I think that's what it deserves. And I hope that we all get to share in that together, and then, and then subscribe to Dogbark and give it a shot. [dog barks again] Thank you.
And uh, remember that all of these people that you've loved that have come and gone are still making content right now. Jack and BK, I think Jack's on vacation, but Jack and BK are over there in Inside Gaming, making content, playing video games 3, 4 hours a day, 3 or 4 days a week, playing Minecraft, playing all those old games that you loved to see us play. And Michael is making Face Jam every week. And Michael and Trevor and Alfredo and Joe are going to be making Dogbark every fucking day. And Gavin and I, we're making F**kface every day. And I'm making ANMA and I'm making So... Alright, and Ky has helped producing it all uh, behind the scenes.
Matt and Jeremy and Ray, they're streaming every fucking day of their lives, I believe. I think Jeremy's on, like, 18 days in a row right now, or something? [referring to Jeremy's uncapped subathon]. So all the people that you loved to support and who uh, entertained you throughout the years, they're still doing the thing that they love. They're just doing it in the way that they wanna do it, in the way that makes sense to them. And I just hope that you will be... respectful of that, and give them an opportunity to entertain you uh, in much the same way they entertained you last year and the year before and 5 years ago and 10 years ago. They just want to get up every day and make the best content they can make, and they're not- they're not making these decisions for any other reason than this is where their creative interests are leading them. And much like you gave me a chance 15 years ago, let's all give them a chance today. [dog barks again] That's it. I'm done. Let's open up some fucking cards."
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loupy-mongoose · 7 months
Okay Loupy, I can’t not.
(Seems more appropriate to ask this here than Jamie’s blog)
A floette named Pari? Or a mew using transform?
Because we see a glimpse of a scarred human in Trials of Victory and Joy, as well as mew Pari telling us about her human friend Cody.
From what Pari was saying on V&J, I’m going to guess Cody knows she’s a mew and he’s telling us she’s a floette for her safety.
Wonderful web weaving my dear storyteller! I love when different stories intersect!
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daloy-politsey · 26 days
Finally got around to transferring my site from Wix to Wordpress! If you have a Wix site you should do this too (or choose another service) since Wix is an Israeli company and does stuff like encourage staff to promote the Israeli narrative
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soaringpigeonshovel · 10 months
AU idea where the eye Naruto gives Kakashi is accidentally a Perfect Magic Eye a la Hagoromo, capable of Sharingan and Rinnegan and all that jazz.
Kakashi has no idea until he wakes up from a particularly hellish nightmare to find a two-meter sphere his bedroom just. gone. A chunk of wall and floor and table have vanished like an ice-cream scooper scooped it out. It can only be Kamui. Except it can't because that was Obito and Obito is gone and his gift is gone and he doesn't have the Sharingan anymore.
He approaches the destruction. Almost absently, he reaches forward and performs a wind jutsu. It knocks him back against another wall, denting it too, but the job is done: the wreckage looks natural now, rough and splintered.
Sheepishly, he goes to fetch Tenzo. Back at his house Kakashi explains that there was a nightmare, and an accidental Rasengan, and he could really use a hand. Tenzo can tell Kakashi is lying about something. But he gets the specifics wrong, and scolds Kakashi about not developing dangerous new jutsu indoors. The room gets fixed.
Kakashi carefully doesn't think about the incident and moves on. Time passes. The Hokage rarely confronts incidents directly, so there's no opportunity for any skeletons to come tumbling out of closets. Kakashi almost forgets.
Then, on a journey, Kakashi and Gai stumble into an Incident. The ensuing fight against a gang of missing-nin would have been easier if there were no innocent villagers to defend. The fight is long and messy. One of the last missing-nin tries to take a hostage. Kakashi is too far away to stop him.
Gai alights back onto his wheelchair after an awesome backflip where he punched a missing-nin in mid-air to find the last opponent shrieking in agony, clutching a bloodied stump where his leg recently was. Kakashi further away that Gai is. The leg is nowhere to be seen.
Kakashi dashes forward and puts the missing-nin out of his misery. He desperately explains about, um, a new jutsu, long range, inspired by the Yellow Flash—it's still in it's experimental stage, see, which is why even Kakashi can't really say what just happened. Haha. Guy can tell something's up, but they're both exhausted, and there's a crowd of terrified villagers to reassure.
When they return back home, Kakashi tries to put this second incident out of his mind yet again. But Guy keeps bringing it up, excited and also somewhat concerned, and that triggers Tenzo's curiousity too. Kakashi can't escape it. Questions he can't bear to even look at directly weigh down on the back of his mind like a lead weight in his skull.
One night, Kakashi is alone. Cold rain is coming down. His eye doesn't hurt. The wrongness of that tips some scale inside him. After so long spent choking his instincts, avoiding the place out of some overwhelming emotion, his feet take him back to the memorial stone.
Kakashi stands. He can't find any words. There's nobody here—none of the living and none of the dead either, he knows that—but he feels like the stone is looking at him. Like everything is watching him. Suddenly, all he needs is to see what they're seeing. He yanks out a pocket mirror.
Both his eyes are open. One is grey, as it ought to be. The other is grey too, as it ought to be. It was a gift from Naruto, after all. Kakashi's not ungrateful. He's not. The eye is grey as it always should be with absolutely no possibility of red or black or anything else. He stares at the eye. His mind quakes.
There's a stab of pain in his eye. It shouldn't be, but it's a relief. Familiar. He latches onto it like a tether, grounding, letting the sensation fill his senses.
The sharp pain swells into burning agony. That is not familiar. But he's somewhere between sleep and awareness, operating on instinct, and agony feels appropriate here. He's at the memorial stone. He doesn't have the right to try and stop it. The agony is overwhelming, but he can't bring himself to stop clutching on to the sensation.
Something reaches it's apex. It's intensity whites out Kakashi's senses for a moment. Then he's on his knees, throat raw, scrabbling for his fallen mirror.
He cracks open the eye. Something violet stares back. The world stops.
He rips the eye out.
The pain of his eye being where it was not supposed to be, i.e. in his hand, is actually less than when it was in his head. It's funny. Comical, even. Luckily he knows a statis sealing jutsu, so he seals away his eye in a scroll and tucks it in his pocket. Now his eye is in his pocket. He giggles.
After some quick first aid, he pushes himself to his feet. He blinks himself into the nearby training ground. It's probably the shortest amount of time he's ever spent at the stone. It's a record. Gai would be proud.
He staggers home. Halfheartedly, Kakashi tries to convince himself that the bedroom would be the best place to sleep, but the room feels off-limits for now. He slips into the kitchen instead. He's slept on worse things than a cold floor, and the boxy cabinets felt strangely safe. And it never hurt to have the sink nearby.
The next morning, Kakashi pulls his forehead protector over his eye in his usual way. There's a surge of mixed emotions. He focuses on the comforting familiarity and makes his way to work.
There's a commotion. Of course there's a commotion. It's nearly as funny as everyone's obsession with his mask. It almost makes it all worth it. He jukes Guy's darting grab. Naruto's confused yelling informs everyone in a five mile radius. Even Shizune looks thrown for a loop. Kakashi brushes it all off with a teasing eye-smile. It's a fashion choice, see? He thinks it makes him look dashing.
But everyone knows there's something wrong. And they're not going to let it go until they get to the bottom of it.
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saburaito · 1 month
thank you all for supporting me being a car enthusiast, i will remember this
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victoriadallonfan · 2 years
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Victoria acting like Driving a car is some kind of weird cultural thing, because she always flew around is so great.
Victoria: "Did you know that apparently texting and driving is dangerous? Driving is so bizarre!" Taylor: "...You don't say..."
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onebizarrekai · 10 days
a question for anyone who has used bigcartel or something similar, do you have to manually put in individual shipping prices for every country you want to be able to ship to? is there an easier way to set that up? I see a lot of shops that ship internationally and now I wonder, did they actually have to spend hours manually adding shipping fee approximations for every possible country?
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this is based on a discussion i saw on a tumblr post but i have another question for the yankees is it really true most of the cars people drive these days are automatic transmission? like do people really learn to drive on purely automatic without never touching a manual car in their lives... mutuals who have learned to drive recently or are learning to drive rn whats your input on this..
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the-armored-shade · 4 months
What if I added a skin to my skin
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nemo-duspy-writes · 3 months
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the-starlight-papers · 8 months
This started out as a meme but I ended up going kind of overkill with the spreadsheet and so:
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A comprehensive chart showing which items are present across all mainline Zelda games.
With bonus section showing the percentage of games that have each item, which is also broken down by percentage of 2D and 3D games.
Bonus observations below the cut:
Bombs were the most ubiquitous item, with all the games except Adventure of Link (Zelda 2) having them. Bow and arrow were the next most common, being in all games except the Oracle games, then followed by the boomerang which was in all but 3.
Some items are very common in 3D games, but not at all common in 2D games. The Master Sword is far more common in 3D games (15% 2D, 86% 3D), which makes sense because the 3D games tend to be more lore-heavy. Fire/ice arrows (0% 2D, 71% 3D) are in most 3D games as well, but are in absolutely no 2D games. This is likely because fire/ice rods made more sense in top-down 2D games than fire/ice arrows.
Some items are very common in 2D games but not common in 3D games. The main example for this is strength items (69% 2D, 29% 3D). This makes sense as small rocks in 2D games are often used as barriers Link has to push or pick up, requiring a strength item. This doesn’t work as well in 3D, so rocks are typically just bomb-able, no strength item required (except OoT).
The Oracle games and BotW/TotK are both sort of overpowered with their influence in on the results. Each set of games has similar item pools, and not having an item in both games will affect the results by about 10%. I definitely think the Oracle games should be counted separately, because they have fairly different item pools due to their different play styles. BotW/TotK are almost identical, but they are separate games that came out six years apart, so I will be counting them separately as well.
And finally, because it made me laugh, the Hero of Legend picks up two separate Cane of Somarias, one in ALttP and one in OoA.
If anyone sees any mistakes or has an item they think I should add please let me know. I tried to get every item that showed up at least twice. I have only played about half of these games though, so I would not be surprised if there was a few mistakes.
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kyleemclauren · 10 months
A tip for all of my friends on iOS frustrated with the new Discord UI:
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boba-beom · 4 months
went for my first test drive in a manual car, safe to say I don’t need a man to have my leg shaking 🥴
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kagaminilen · 2 months
me, minding my own business scrolling my dash: wow what a great day to not get jumpscared by an ad going off with no warning
ad: [car horns honking] HEY COUNTRY FANS—
me, aggressively scrolling up and down my feed trying to find this country and that seemingly does not exist while slamming the volume key down: where the FUCK is that coming from???!
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wheelsgoroundincircles · 10 months
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Manual or Automatic?
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