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birindale · 1 year ago
So, bizarre ask… but.
I have a family friend whose brother was a huge fan of the original He-Man. He also claims that there was some sort of character design contest for the original Evil Horde characters, before they were used for She-Ra; he claims to have gotten a, like, second or third prize by design Mantenna.
Now normally I would write this off as BS but his family seems pretty in on the idea, to the point of claiming to still have the original drawing, and also this absolutely sounds like something Mattel would do.
If you could help to corroborate and/or contradict literally any of this story, I would be extremely grateful.
Verdict: Contradict
So there was a character design contest in 1985, which is the year Mantenna was released, but there are several holes in that story.
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Most pressingly, there weren't second/third place winners, just the winner (fearless photog) and 4 runners-up, none of whom resemble Mantenna.
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Additionally: Ted Mayer designed Mantenna. There's a great article about it up on the Battle Ram Blog with some concept art
I'd be interested to see the drawing though! You should demand evidence :3
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toyjunkie · 6 months ago
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MANTENNA – Masters of the Universe Origins – Cartoon Collection (Filmation)
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fuzzychildchopshop · 8 months ago
Mantenna by wardog-zero
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skeletor-enjoyer · 2 months ago
I love when Evil-Lyn gets to ride Panthor! 🧙‍♀️🐈‍⬛
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William George
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mylittleclockman · 2 years ago
my current motu origins figure collection
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frankensteined · 1 year ago
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also, since snout spout is my favourite "wtf is this" character of the heroic warriors, i'm disproportionately excited to see him and rio blast in the series (even if it ends up being just a few action shots here and there like poor buzz off and stratos got in revelation)
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bogleech · 1 year ago
Sucks so much that Mantenna was Hordak's go-to lovable comic relief underling in the original She-Ra but the She-Ra reboot wasn't legally allowed to use him, because he was one of several She-Characters that got licensed out only for He-Man projects.
And in the six years since Stevenson's She-Ra wrapped up, what has anyone done with the cartoon rights to Mantenna???
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Ten or fifteen seconds in the most recent He-Man reboot where he has no speaking lines and is defeated by Orko. This is also the second time he's shown in a cartoon since the 80's and both times tried to make him a scary badass monster that just shrieks. HE IS SILLY DAMN IT. LET HIM BE SILLY. COWARDS. I bet Nate Stevenson's She-Ra would have let him be silly again. I bet that show would've been nice to him too. Or rather I bet Entrapta would've been nice to him, you know, while she was dating his boss or whatever that was. Like a cool new mom that lets the stepkid get away with shit.
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handfulofwheels · 4 months ago
Every Episode of She-Ra: Princess of Power:
Hordak: the eeeevil plan for today is KILLING SHE-RA. *Snort laugh*
Catra: wreow I hate Adora!
Shadow Weaver: Wait.. . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ we should plan things more in depth first... . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ almighty Hordak . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ .
Mantenna: 👀👀👀👀👀😲😲😲😲😲!!!!!!!!!!!
Hordak: Mantenna!
Mantenna, now in a hole: □⁠ help!
Glimmer: The Horde are causing problems again!
One of the Twiggets: oh dear! We gotta do something! Not me, though!
Adora: oh I should call She-Ra, a woman who looks absolutely nothing like me whatsoever!
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ .For the Honour of Greyskull! ݁. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
She-Ra: Adora just called for me! Don't know where she went lol.
Madame Razz: I'll get us to the Horde with my magic spell! Oh fuck I just blew up someone's house.
Kowl: we are all going to die
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fuzzychildchopshop · 9 months ago
Mantenna - Evil spy with the pop-out eyes by nikigerin
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spopsalt · 11 months ago
Holy shit! I JUST realized something about Spop and Kyle! Idk HOW I missed it before. But I only just realized it, and now I’m gonna make it everyone else’s problem.
So we all know Kyle is the designated butt-monkey of the show. He’s a relatively good guy despite being with the Horde. And he’s mistreated and abused by characters in the Horde. The characters who mistreated him aren’t characters like Shadow Weaver or Hordak, who have SIGNIFICANT power over him. No, it’s his peers. And Scorpia (acts more like a peer despite having a higher rank) and Catra (always mistreated him, no matter if she’s a higher rank or equal). Despite being told they’re good people deep down or later in the series, Lonnie, Rogelio, Scorpia, Catra, and Adora all do this. Even the NICE characters do this, like Scorpia and Adora. And his BOYFRIEND never stands up for him. It’s appalling. Seeing a GOOD person get mistreated by SUPPOSEDLY OTHER GOOD people isn’t funny.
But here’s what IS funny. In a cosmic sort of way…
This is Mantenna
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He was the original butt monkey if She-Ra. And by that, I mean he gets shit on. A lot. By Hordak. And it’s actually funny.
You see, nothing brings OG Hordak joy like trapdoors and using them on Mantenna. The way it works is that whenever Hordak is pissed or unamused (he once made Mantenna try to make him laugh for example), he presses a button of his throne and Mantenna drops through the floor. And occasionally there are twists added to keep things fresh.
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Spring trap door
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Backup trap door
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Multi trap door
You get the idea. It was mostly for slapstick. It was never meant to be taken seriously. Unlike with Kyle.
For me, the major things that set Mantenna apart from Kyle are these.
1. Mantenna is evil. He’s a pipsqueak and dogged on. But he’s still evil. Kyle is a nice and kind person and by all means shouldn’t be with the Horde.
2. Mantenna is tormented and talked down to by Hordak and Catra, his superiors. Kyle is torments by superiors AND peers
3. Kyle is mistreated by ‘good’ people. Lonnie and Catra are two of the worst offenders, but they’re good people, I swear, they’re just in a bad situation. 😒 Seriously. Those two are painted as good people deep down and still hurt Kyle. Scorpia and Adora did it too, despite being nice and good as visibly as possible, even in the Horde. And again, Rogelio is supposedly Kyle’s boyfriend, and never helps.
Mantenna on the other hand is mistreated by people like Catra and Hordak, who are unabashedly BAD people. They’re never painted as gods deep down. They do bad things like abuse and berate Mantenna, because they’re bad people. And because most of the people in the Horde ARE BAD AND EVIL(there are some good people that leave, but they pretty much lave the Horde as soon as possible without sticking around, and everyone stuck around in the reboot for no reason), they genuinely do not care.
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This guy? Just saw this whole thing play out. He don’t give a shit.
4. It’s slapstick. Slapstick humor isn’t meant to be taken seriously. Mantenna is a bit of an awkward, nervous guy. But he never read as the same level of traumatized as Kyle to me. Maybe I’m misreading it though. But the point is that a trapdoor is a completely different joke than being deprived of rations for a cake that goes to waste.
And 5. Mantenna actually gets wins. I can’t post many pics now. But there have been times where Hordak actually doesn’t get the drop on Mantenna. Once he tries the trap door to find it filled with flowers because of Perfuma. Once Hordak used a trap door on a boat, sinking himself in the process. And once Mantenna turned the tables completely.
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Kyle though? He got a sort-of win in one episode? Even then it was only after he almost killed himself moving the tank.
My point here is, rather than have an established character, used for a much funnier and lighthearted gag, with a genuinely fun design, Nate and his crew decided to use Kyle. A regular, not very strong, not very skilled, not very masculine boy. He’s gay. He’s possibly neurodivergent. And he’s got the biggest heart. And Crew-Ra decided because he commuted the ultimate crime of being a cisgender white male, he must suffer constant abuse. If that isn’t proof of what the reboot REALLY is about, I don’t know what is. It’s not about friendship. It’s not about being gay. It’s not about breaking the cycle of abuse. It’s about using this show to send very negative messages to children. To hurt people for no good reason. And with the casual and brazen contempt for the original that Nate and some of Crew-Ra displays, I’m honestly surprised they named him Kyle, and not Lou, or Micheal, or Larry.
Sorry for the long message. I just felt like this was a major discovery on my part.
Exactly! The original did it in a way that's actually funny and doesn't leave you feeling bad. I seriously do not see the humor in seeing a relatively nice guy (despite being in the horde but even then he free Bow that one time) so it's just not funny when you see him getting made fun of for the millionith time. Another series that does butt monkeys well is Ouran High School Host Club, since it's actually funny. Tamaki gets actual development, even the people who make fun of him are shown multiple times to really care, and he actually gets wins
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thestargayzingetherian · 1 year ago
Okay weird niche theory I just had... Lonnie Kyle and Rogelio were kinda created/propped up as replacements for the other Horde characters from 80s She-Ra who couldn't be used in the reboot like Grizzlor, Leech and Mantenna. Because in the 80s show, those three guys show up a LOT. Hell, they show up more than Scorpia and Entrapta in the 80s show. Lonnie was a pre-exsiting one episode character from the 80s show and Rogelio and the other lizards were apparently designed in homage to Tung Lashor and Rattlor (Tung Lashor might have only been allowed to be in one episode or something idk, rights issues are fucky like that.) And Kyle is... well he just Kyle lol.
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birindale · 2 years ago
Since you've done so much work uncovering the origins of Princess of Power, I was wondering if you know anything about this question: WHY DOES SCORPIA EXIST? Out of the named villains in the She-Ra pilot, we had Hordak, who was created by Larry DiTillio (or DiTillio + Straczynski) for the "He-Man's twin was raised by villains from outer space" plot, with an earlier name "Reaper". We had Mantenna, Leech and Grizzlor, who are more difficult to figure out if they were story-first or started as boys' toys. Catra was developed by Justine Dantzer as one of the earlier Princess of Power toy concepts. Shadow Weaver seems to be the same deal as Hordak, just no toy. But Scorpia? It seems like Dantzer and her fellow doll designers were going with Catra as She-Ra's sole antagonist, other characters being good. Her monstrous design with tail and pincers might suggest an origin with the MotU team, but I've never seen concept art. And DiTilio's script introduced her as just another lieutenant of Force Captain Adora's alongside others. It's all baffling.
Hmm!! Good question, I know she was a Filmation original, because her toy rights were in that bundle... My instinct is that she was a creation of Larry DiTillio and/or J. Micheal Straczynski in their efforts to flesh out the Horde. The Mantenna-Leech-Grizzlor trio I'm inclined to attribute to Mattel, since Dave Capper came up with the line & presumably the 'mind-control bat' thing, and they all seem very action-feature-based, you know? Mantenna has bug eyes, Leech has suction cups, Grizzlor's furry... they all say "toy first" to me.
Scorpia, though. Knowing she originated with Filmation, my bet would be that they wanted to introduce more female characters to the Horde. If nothing else, to give Linda Gary something to do. She was designed by Dale Hendrickson, as we can see on her model sheets (god bless Filmation's labeling practices):
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(images from MOTUCfigures.com)
But the female characters were sort of his specialty, so it's not terribly surprising he'd take point with supervision by Diane Keener & Herb Hazelton. (Diane Keener, of course, being the one who designed Filmation's She-Ra model).
I don't think I've ever seen any Scorpia concepts either, come to think of it. And people don't seem to ask about her in interviews as much, so there's less information to be had. Hmm... I think our next step would be finding some LD/JMS interviews where they even mentioned her. It has to have come up at some point, right?
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skelkankaos · 2 years ago
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mousedroid-hoojib · 19 days ago
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Mattel He-Man and the Masters Of The Universe Cartoon Collection Man-E-Faces, Mantenna and Ram Man
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claudiacarmo · 2 months ago
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Alright folks...this is another piece of what I Will post, It is written In my Mother tongue as well.
I am almost finishing It, ok?
If you notice, the story is a crossover between MOTU Revolution and Chicago Fire due to the names of the Canon Characters.
My OC is a EMT, and loves to Kick some arse...
Parte of the explanation is on that chapter...
A unique fight
 She advances fearlessly, punching each trooper that appears in front of her, and the punch is accurate, as they fall apart... It seems that she doesn't feel any pain, because they are mere robots.
She doesn't feel pain because of her powers of concentration, and she learned to cope with pain while training in Nepal a long time ago.
 Hordak notices Maxine's features, is furious, " What gave into you?"  He thinks to himself, then hears it, "Why don't you fight with me, Oh Lord of the Horde?!" He snorts saying, "You should think better of your words Maxine... Over the ages I have conquered more than ten thousand planets, spreading like a virus just to shelter my Horde, and on each of these planets there is always a chosen one... to defend his people, and when they come to where you are... and I never thought I would face you and destroy you." And suddenly the three mercenaries appear and he finishes, "It's just that I never do my own fighting!" The three mercenaries advance on Maxine.
 The Paramedic just yells at him, "YOU ARE A COWARD!!!" And she sees Grizzlor out of the corner of the eye...
 Grizzlor jumps trying to tackle the girl, but the girl makes a huge jump giving him a full rotation kick, and he is thrown several meters into the wall of a side warehouse  that is still standing, the bones are heard cracking, and he is knocked unconscious.
Hordak raises a brow, but continues to watch the battle unfold... Some beams passes through Maxine, and she sees... Mantenna who has a laser gun and shoots with that and with his eyes, "Oh... This is a challenge!" She shoots, but she's not stupid and manages to blind him with sand in his eyes, and takes the gun out of his hands, and punches him in the stomach, "You had your eye on me, isn't it, you ass!" And laughs, "He fell for me!"
 That exchange of pennants makes the others laugh a bit, "Only you Carrigan." Herrmann concludes, "Clean the dude's tail!"
On the other hand, Boden is intrigued, "Does Maxine know who is responsible for this?!" He thinks, "She'll have to give us explanations."
 Then she feels her strength disappearing, but she doesn't budge, so she can see the opponent, "You bastard... You don't stay with my energy!" And punch him in the nose." You leech, I just hope you haven't ruined my tattoo!" The punch disarmed Leech, and she, with something sharp, cut his tongue off.!
"Now you can't give your tongue or wet kisses to your girlfriends!" Mocks, she notices that he has suction cups in her hands and breaks his hands, rendering him unconscious, "No one but no one takes away my vital energy!" She shoots furiously.
 Hordak is astonished... No one had ever defeated those mercenaries, and a simple human girl had achieved such a feat. 
"What are you Maxine?" She comes face to face with him, "Don't you know who I am? I'm the girl who's going to Kick your arse!" He starts laughing, "Oh Maxine... you will never defeat me, for I am Hordak the Lord of the Horde!" She just tells him, "Oh really!?" You can be whatever you want to be to me, but I assure you that you will not escape my wrath!" And she punches the trooper who was holding Severide, and his colleague leaves, "Thank you Maxi!" And he runs from there.
 He is furious with what she is saying, so he reveals a staff and wires have come out of it to stick to the metal parts of the clothes... and Maxine sees Hordak's togas turn into armor, "Now Maxine... you will see that you will never defeat me, I am the conquest incarnate!" She just jokes, "UUUhhh I'm shaking with fear... Hordak, you don't know me well, I'm MAXINE CARRIGAN, EMT of Chicago Headquarters 51st Fire Department! And you're going to get beaten, and I will make you crawl like a vermin."
 Then she takes the shirt off her uniform, throwing it on the floor, wearing a gym top... revealing the marks of the Shaolin temple on her arms and a peregrine falcon tattooed on the back... and she puts herself in a strange pose for him.
 Then she makes a Bruce lee gesture, just to make fun of him, irritating him even more... she even dances, "Would you like a little dance, son of a bitch?" Those words smell like provocation... and Hordak will fall like a duckling.
 The Colleagues watch, "Wow... things are heating up and it takes a lot to off Maxine and that ugly guy really ticked her off!" Casey watches, but Severide looks better, "She's teasing him, Bruce Lee's way!" They saw Hordak's face, "And the guy isn't enjoying it at all!" Herrman observes.
Boden sees Maxine's fighting stance..." Wow, look at that, her position reminds me of Bruce Lee!"
 With Maxine and Hordak...
 Maxine's position is perfect, there isn't even a gap, Hordak moves forward trying to assess her...
Notice that she is much better... Stronger and more beautiful... she no longer has short hair but long hair, being braided and her body is more muscular, is no longer has that weak and feeble  appearance and continues to have that sharp look ... then he sees something in his arms... Strange marks that look like burns?
 What combat position is that?
 Then he attacks her, trying to hit her with his baton, but she dodges, avoiding the baton blows, "Oh... do you want to fight armed?" And she manages to improvise a stick and attacks it with everything she has, and it is put in check, because Maxine has a lot of skill, she fights with a broken heart, because she is furious, and a tear runs down her cheek... for the man she loves has dared to invade Earth, and wants explanations... Want to know why.
 He has to pay dearly...
 Maxine looks at Hordak doing a strange Kata... and runs to him putting the hands on his stomach and something happens... without him realizing it, she had gathered the Chi in her hands...
 And without knowing coming from where... Hordak is projected against the wall of the side warehouse, “Uuuuh... That must have hurt!" Maxine mocks, Hordak is furious, and advances on her, and punches her, which throws her several meters away, but she manages to turn around, making a few flips putting herself in a fighting position.
She notices that her opponent is very fast, but so is she... and much lighter and uses that to its advantage...
Hordak attacks her again using several blows on Maxine, and she defends them with her feet, legs, and hands.
 Her classmates see Maxine fighting like a martial arts expert... it looks like a Shaolin monk fighting!
"Wow... look at that…that training she had a long time in Nepal did  wonders for Maxine!"
 The adversary is astonished by such skill, "Where have you learned to fight like this?" She concludes, "You must be thinking that I reveal my secrets like this?" And she spits out the blood that had accumulated in her mouth, "Leave my planet alone!" He concludes, "The Earth looks promising for the Horde." But Maxine replies, "It's not for your beak Hordak, the Earth is ours and ours alone!" And She clicks, "I saved you and later gave myself to you in a night full of true feelings... I loved you Hordak, and you dared to invade Earth because you find it promising for the Horde?" He would go to fight back and she hits him with the palm of her hand on the chin, and he gets dizzy from the impact.
 Then take advantage of Hordak's little distraction... she simulated a fall trying to hit him between the legs but without success... it is very well protected...
 "You've got a hell of a lot of luck!" He snorts again, laughing at her, "You might as well try." He finishes, Maxine punches him in the face again, "You came knocking on the wrong door, Hordak!" He sees his own blood, "You were the first to make me bleed!" She continues in a position of defense, "Oh yes? So I was happy to have been the first. ”
 But Hordak throws her several feet in the stomach, and she spits blood again, "Arsehole!" And she does a few flips recovering quickly, it seems that she didn't have any pain!
Maxine runs up to him, giving him another full spin kick, but he holds her on the foot, "Looks like the fight is over!" She laughs, "Do you think?" And she jumps up and hits him with the other foot in the face, somersaulting in the air landing on her feet, Hordak retreats, being stunned, "Where did that come from, Maxine?" She replies, "Always expect the unexpected!" And she hits it with both hands on the stomach, and it is projected again.
 Without him realizing it, she had used the Chi at least a second time, and had projected it into Hordak's stomach, who placed his hand on the site of the blow, feeling some pain.
 "No one has ever touched me like you are, Maxine!" And to disarm her, he blinds her with sand, and punches her in the stomach, and she's thrown against a building opposite the Firehouse, and he doesn't give her room to maneuver, and he punches her constantly, and she spits blood, "And now Maxine? How will you get away with this?" And he grabs her by the neck and is suspended in the air, causing her to struggle... it seems that Hordak delights in such a sight.
 Maxine struggles for air, then closes her eyes... then she kneeled him on the chin, followed by a pirouette, and he releases her right away... She landed well, but fell to her knees.
She's blind and on the ground... on her knees, and concentrating... she can feel Hordak's life energy... then she senses that Hordak attacks her and prevents another blow using one hand, holding him in the arm, and even on her knees hits him in the leg with a precise kick, and he does not fall but retreats, Maxine manages to push him away a little more, then closes her eyes, taking a deep breath...
The opponent tries to hit her once again, but she kicks him sideways in the same place, and he falls.
Maxine jumps up on him, straddling him, and punches Hordak in the face, "You must think I'm that helpless because I'm temporarily blind?" He holds her in the hands and this time he is the one who reverses his position, standing on top, "You are hard to crack..." Hordak says something to her that takes her by surprise, "I want you back in my bed Maxine!" And she snaps at him, "You dirty pig, I'm not frivolous as you think!" And when she goes to give him another slap, he holds her hands saying, "You loved every moment... when I entered you..., you clung to me... wanting me to penetrate you even deeper, Maxine." And he runs his hand on her leg, "You're where I want you... under me again!"
She kneels Hordak's stomach, managing to get out from under him... blushing and furious at the same time, "CHAUVINIST PIG!!" And starts kicking him on his side, but Hordak rolls out of reach of Maxine's feet getting up... Smiling.
 But she's so furious that she starts hitting him hard, "You're a sassy motherfucker!" And she starts to hit him strongly, "I'd rather die than go to bed with you again!" He defends himself voraciously, and she manages to gain some distance from him.
"You disgust me, Hordak... and I was foolish to believe in your vows of love!" And a tear rolls down her cheek, "You broke my heart by doing such a thing!" He remains serene, Maxine decides to be a little cruel in words...
 "You have a tiny ahem.. Big men have the instrument,of the size of my little finger." And she laughs... but  gets serious when sees him looking at her... with hungry eyes, and she feels it, "You're going to pay for your betrayal, Hordak!" And she starts doing a strange dance, "You'll see how furious I am... traitor!"  And create a ball of Chi...
 Her colleagues are astonished by that kind of ball, "Can she create that?" Mouch wonders, "Apparently so... she told me about Chi... the energy that is emitted by living and inanimate beings, being used in oriental medicine." Kidd explains, "She must have learned that while was in Nepal." And they continue to see the action unfold.
 Hordak can't believe what he sees... a ball of energy hovering in her opponent's hand, "How can you do it?" She replies a little breathlessly, "It doesn't interest you!" And she throws it up, he turns his hand into a cannon and shoots at the ball and the explosion is tremendous...
 Maxine crashes into the Headquarters wall, being stunned, Severide approaches, "Are you okay?" She reveals, "I'm weak... because of Chi... I've used this technique three times, and I'm exhausted!" And she can't get up, "I'm all sore, I've never had a duel like this against an opponent as strong as him!" Admitted, she goes to get up but faints, "Hordak advances, but the colleagues form a barrier to prevent Hordak from advancing, "Advance just one more step and fall right here!" He stops... seeing Maxine unconscious, but advances, "I've never had an opponent like her, humans!" And he crouches down, Severide interposes, "Don't touch her!" Kidd feels she must watch her colleague, and fearlessly passes by Hordak, and checks her pulse in the carotid vein, "She's fine, her heart beats normally."  Hordak watches the scene... but something drives him to Maxine, and he draws closer. 
And the unexpected happens, he crouches down, and picks her up and blood goes into his armor, "But what do you think you're doing?" Severide protests, Hordak only looks at the firefighter, revealing, "She saved my life a long time ago, and she also gave herself to me on a night of passion." Severide asks, "But why the hell did you fight with her? And why did you invade Earth?" He looks again at Severide, "Because I am like this, I want the good of my Horde!" Kidd just says, "Go away... leave the Earth alone!" He looks her in the eye, "I'm tempted to that Human." She crosses her arms, "Then go once and for all, and drop Maxine!" He looks at the unconscious girl, "It was a tough duel, but the real winner was her." Kidd reveals, " She gave a lot of herself in this duel, that's why she's burned out.
Maxine said she would fight to the end, even if it cost her life.
Maxine doesn't want to be a slave but to die free." Hordak looks at Maxine's unconscious form, "She got what she wanted... liberate the Earth, from my Horde!" And he gives the order to withdraw.
 "I'll take care of your colleague, then I'll bring her to you." He says, but Severide only crosses his arms, "I'll accompany Maxine... I don't trust you!" Hordak has to conform, and accepts Severide's presence.
 Maxine is carried into the small ship by Hordak who holds her in bridal style, she lays her head on his shoulder by instinct.
 Severide thinks, "Did Maxine save this guy? How did she become romantically involved?
It looks like he's completely caught up in her!"  And he keeps an eye on Hordak."
Wow...what a fight!!!
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kurung-kuring-aing · 8 months ago
- pan Hakekat Muhammad teh jadi hurup TASJID dina Lafadz Alloh sareng Takbiratul Ikhram dina Sholat.
- NURUL ASHFAR/CAHAYA KONENG NGAJADI HURUF LAM ( ﻞ ) ari Wujudna dina Sholat nyaeta RUKU.
- NURUL ABYAD/CAHAYA BODAS NGAJADI HURUF LAM ( ﻞ ) ari Wujudna dina Sholat nyaeta SUJUD.
- NURUL ASWAD/CAHAYA HIDENG NGAJADI HURUF HE ( ﻪ ) ari Wujudna dina Sholat nyaeta LUNGGUH.
- Jadi nuju Sholat mah Takbiratul Ikhram, Nangtung, Ruku, Sujud, Lungguh,
eta ngagambarkeun Lafadz Allah ( ﺍﷲ ) pikeun nyusul Hakekat Muhammad,
Cahaya Berem, Cahaya Koneng, Cahaya Bodas, Cahaya Hideung.
- Tah upami parantos pertingkah LUNGGUH (ATAHIYAT),
- eta mah ngagambarkeun Lafadz Muhammad ( ﻤﺤـﻤﺪ ) :
- Tapi teu acan janten wujud dalil Muhammad, margi kirang Tasjid. Eta anu kedah dipilari .
- Tasjid teh mangrupa Koncina Bumi sareng Langit pikeun mukakeun LAWANG HIJAB (Pipinding) Ma’rifat ka Alloh.
- Pikeun ngaburak, ngarakrak JAGAT SHOGIR baris nimbulkeun Lelembut Raga (Jatining Manusa).
- Upami kapendak eta TASJID, engke bakal kahartos pasal Nafi Isbat.
- Kitu perkawis Tasjid teh mangga geura Manahan sing anteb, sareng pilari Tarekahna .
- Tapi ketang sanaos hayoh dipikiran oge kalah ka murudul rambut, moal kapendak, upami teu acan terang kana prak-prakan SHOLAT TAZALLI atau Sholat Da’im, padamelan Kanjeng Nabi Muhammad SAW.
- Ieu teh penting kacida, upami Wujud Manusa teu acan ngawujud dalil Lafadz Muhammad ( ﻤﺤـﻤﺪ ),
- eta moal pendak sareng Alloh ( ﺍﷲ ) hartosna moal Ma’rifat.
- Mugi janten uninga, Para Rosul salaku utusan Alloh ( Adam, Nuh, Ibrahim, Musa, Isa, Muhammad),
- diantara anu 6 teh, nu kaselir tiasa MI’RAJ mah, mung 1 nyaeta Jungjunan Nabi Muhammad Rosululloh SAW.
-Matenna anu kaselir ku Nu Maha Agung sina ninggal Akherat, ninggal ka ayaan Bathin memeh pupus. Mantenna mah parantos uninga waktosna.
- aya cirina para Rosul nu teu kaselir Mi’raj mah buktosna dina Lafadz Jenengannana teu nganggo Tasjid salian ti Nabi Muhammad anu aya mah, nya sami sareng Lafadz Alloh, eta ciri anu dipaparin Konci kangge ngadeuheus ka Maha Suci.
- Tah ayeuna urang salaku umat Nabi Muhammad Rosululloh SAW, pada kagungan waris asal tiasa kependak Tasjidna.
- Carana sing Suhud milarian, dipeser ku prihatin, tirakat, mutih sareng disarengan ku Tekad, Ucap, Lampah nu sae.
- Insya Alloh awal akhir baris tinekanan.
- Tarekatna, supados kenging Koncina
Upami anu parantos kagungan konci ku jalan Tarekat, rupina sami hiji jalan kana Ma’rifat.
- naon paedahna, atawa mangpaatna, pangna Manusa Wajib Ma’rifat ka Alloh ?
- Ari paedahna Ma’rifat teh,
nyaeta pikeun sarat SYAHNA AMAL IBADAH URANG DI ALAM DUNYA, supaya yakin nyembahna, moal pegat dugi ka maot engke.
- Margi ari leresna Sumembah teh kedah tepung heula sareng Anu di Sembahna.
- Jadi tara ngaheulakeun sembah Samemeh pendak.
- Kitu deui leresna PUJI oge kedah bukti heula anu dipujina.
- Oge upama urang tumarima Jadi Kawula teh, kedah tingali heula Di Gustina.
- Upami urang bade Kuli/Buburuh atuh kedah milari heula Dunungannana, tara ujug-ujug didamel, margi bisi henteu puguh buruhannana.
- Tah anu dijentrekeun di luhur teh luyu sareng Dawuhan Alloh Ta’ala dina Qur’an (Surat Al-Hijir ayat 99) : WA’BUD ROBBAKA HATTA YA’TIYAKAL YAQIN, - Anu hartosna :
Kudu nyembah maraneh ka Panggeran maraneh sing tepi ka Yakin.
- kumaha upami aya salah sawios jalmi teu acan terang kana jalan-jalan ibadah sakumaha kedahna, maksad teh henteu tina ibadah Sareat heula, nanging aya kadar tiasa Ma’rifat ka Nu Maha Suci ?
- Jalmi anu kitu langkung untung, tandana eta jalmi teh kenging Taufik (pitulung) ti Nu Maha Suci, oge hiji ciri eta Jalmi teh dihampura dosana.
- Perkawis Ma’rifat mah bade tina Sareat, bade tina Tarekat ti mana bae jalanna mah, da sanaos tina Sareat oge, ari bade ningkat kana Ma’rifat mah, tangtu nyorang heula Tarekat.
- Margi Tarekat mah pikeun ngabukti keun Sifat-sifat Hakekat,
- nyaeta Dzat – Sifat – Asma, eta teh Barang Ghaib,
- anu tiasa ditingalina teh sanes ku Soca biasa, sakumaha saur Hadis : - RU’YATULLAHI TA’ALA FIDUNYYA BI AENIL QOLBI, - Anu hartosna :
Ningali Sifat-sifatNa Alloh di dunya ku Awasna Mata Batin/Qolbu.
- katerangan Ma’rifat ka Alloh teh, henteu dipastikeun kedah Sareat heula, kumaha dipaparin Taufik-na ku Nu Maha Suci. Da Manten-Na anu kagungan Sifat Wenang.
- jadi paedahna Makrifat teh :
Mangrupi sarat pikeun Syahna Ibadah sareng Amalna, supados sampurna.
- Pikeun Ngabenteng Hawa Nafsu anu Goreng, sangkan sampurna Tekad, Ucap jeung Lampahna.
- Pikeun Lampu Kasalametan boh di Dunya, boh di Akherat.
- Margi sifat anu mawa salamet teh CAANG.
- Sedengkeun sifat anu mawa cilaka teh Poek.
- Lampu (Caang) teh penting, supados lumakuna henteu tutubruk.
- Margi upami anu henteu acan kagungan lampu mah, tos kantenan jalmi ma’siat,
- dalah anus ok getol aribadah oge sok rajeun diaradu jeung baturna, da poek tea.
- da kana papahaman mah parantos yakin kana ieu Elmu teh kantun kumaha carana supados enggal kadugi kana Ma’rifat ?
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