arco-pluris · 3 years
hi! about the boyflux thing. idk if that would make total sense because my boy part is always there and doesn't change. but let's say the fluid/flux part might be a girl or another gender. could i say i'm boystatic and girlflux instead?
That makes a lot of sense to me. It's kinda likely gender slider.
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hithren · 6 years
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Last one I swear.
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theclumsyxeno · 3 years
Cossacks and Mavericks: Far from Over
-Recap, Having discovered that Elizabelle has been attacked and captured by something, the group heads out to find and rescue her, but everything is not as it seems, as our heroes will discover.-
[Creepy Instrumental plays] The Cossacks, Maverick,s and EQG Mane seven followed Macy-Mae. Once they caught up to her,however, they were speechless by what they were seeing. Macy-Mae approached a grimm creature, her tail wagging quickly. However, Dark Mantis quickly scooped up the weiner dog. With Mavy-Mae whining and squirming.
Dark Mantis stated, “Calm down, calm down.”
Fluttershy shuttered in fear, “That can’t be right, there’s no way…”
Rarity whimpered slightly, “T-that’s the monster from the theater!” The Creature was lying down resting, an eerie air was felt.
Burn Rooster scowled with a fist, “That thing has Belle somewhere, and we’re gonna find out.” The Creature opened its eyes, barring its teeth, with Elizabelle’s hair bow clenched in it’s teeth. With Magma Dragoon growing angered, and preparing his Flames.
Pharaoh Man prepared his buster and stated, “Listen here Beast, you will tell us what you have done with Elizabelle, if you refuse,”
Storm Eagle chimed in, “We’ll have no choice but to destroy you.” The Creature appeared to freeze upon hearing Elizabelle’s name, it’s expression changing. Much to the Cossacks, Mavericks, and EQG Mane seven’s surprise.
[Creppy instrumental stops, and is replaced by “Dreams of an Absolution”] Zera approached Lisanna, her smirk never leaving her face.
Zera spoke at last, “To be loved, you must have a more appealing form.” Lisanna grew confused, her head tilting side to side.
Lisanna soon wondered, “Ap-peal-ing form?” Zera sighed heavily and kneeled before Lisanna, looking at her with eyes that could shake even the most battle-hardened warriors. Scaring Lisanna and giving her chills through out her small grimm body.
Zera Elaborated, “You must look normal. No one will understand nor want you if they know.”
Lisanna gasped for air, but soon grew curious, “Look normal? How?” Zera pulled away, and pulled out a orange and magenta marbled jewel.
Zera stated, “With this.”(“Dreams of an Absolution abruptly stops)
[Sad Instramental begins] The Creature appeared to be, saddened.
Yammark’s key began to glow, she soon spoke up, “Guys, I think that’s-”
however, before anyone could approach, the creature suddenly lunged at Pharaoh Man. [Instrmental stops, and is replaced by intense Instramental] before the creature could tackle him, Magma Dragoon came in front of Pharaoh Man, his key glowing and him blocking the creature. His hands holding back the creature’s front limbs. The creature snapped and snarled at Magma Dragoon. The dragon maverick gagged slightly at the smell of the creature’s breath.
Soon the creature spoke in a weak, scratchy voice, “H...Help me…” Much to everyone’s confusion. The creature pulled away from Magma Dragoon, giving him the opening to push it away. The creature appeared to hunch over,black tears streaming from its eyes. It repeated once more, “H-help…. Me…” [Instramental stops, and is replaced by “Rescue Me”] Vanishing Gungaroo soon gulped but soon asked, “E-ellie?” The Creature looked up at the young kangaroo Maverick, a distorted whimper escaping its muzzle.
Zera smiled as she handed Lisanna a mirror. Lisanna looked at her reflection in surprise. She now was an anthro fox, like Zera, but had brown and dirty blonde fur, with silver locks, and beautiful magenta eyes. She looked up at Zera, her now normal magenta eyes full of wonder.
Lisanna asked, “Am I lovable now?” Zera smiled and rested a gentle hand on Lisanna’s shoulder.
Zera replied, “Yes, yes you are. But your old name won’t do. I’ll name you after my late daughter, Elizabelle. How’s that sound?” Lisanna smiled widely and hugged Zera.
She replied, “I love it, Mommy!”
[“Rescue Me” stops, and is replaced by “Dear Agony”]
Gravity Antonion questioned, “Elizabelle, is the creature?”
Drill Man chimed in, “I didn’t see that one coming.” Soon the creature began to roar and she stood up with her claws protruding out of her paws. Her black tears increasing. Her roar was deafening, Leading to everyone covering their ears and audio processors.
Once the roar ceased, and everyone lowered their hands, The creature soon bleated, “S-save m-me…” [“Dear Agony” abruptly stops] Soon all the Cossacks and Mavericks’ keys began to glow. They took each other’s hands. [Might + U begins playing]
Pharaoh man swore, “We will save you, we swear it!” Sunset Shimmer soon used her empathy magic to connect to the creature. With the Cossacks and Mavericks’ eyes turning white. [Might + U pauses]
Once everyone opened their eyes, they were in cavern like place, the walls and ground were made of goop, with red glowing blood drips.
Cyber Peacock was speechless, “T-this is Elizabelle’s mind?”
Burn Dinorex grimmanced slightly, “Not at all what I imagined.” Sunset Shimmer bit her lip as she looked around.
She stated, “It had to be all that darkness that messing with her head.” Wire Sponge trmebled in horror.
He whimpered, “Poor Ellie, trapped with all this scary stuff in her head.” Wind Crowrang sighed heavily, grabbing Ring man’s attention.
Ring Man soon asked, “Something the matter?”
Wind Crowrang looked at the orange robot master, and replied, “Why didn’t she tell us what was wrong? We could’ve helped her!” Sunset Shimmer soon saw what appeared to be shard of glass float by her, she grabbed it, and looked into it. With a appalled expression growing on her face.
Sunset Shimmer soon budded in, “Because she thought we’d hate her.” She soon approched the others and handed Wind Crowrang the shard, which was revealed to be a memory. Pharaoh man peered into it as well.
Pharaoh ManStated in disbelief,“Queen Zera, manipulated her?”
Spiral Pegasus soon shook his head, “Looks like she’s far from a saint.” Yammark soon turned her head and saw a teenage grimm female, sitting with her legs crossed, her head down, and black tears rolling down her face.
Yammark soon spoke up, “Elizabelle?” The Grimm lifted her head and turned toward Yammark.
She whimpered, “Y-Yammark?” Her voice grabbed the other’s attention. The group approached the Grimm.
Pharaoh Man questioned, “Are you, Lisanna Hensei?” Lisanna looked away, but nodded. [Might + U starts back up] soon shadowy chains wrapped around her wrists and ankles.
A voice echoed, “You didn’t listen Lisanna, and now, they know the truth, that you are a monster! Only I understand you, only I care for you!” Storm Eagle grew livid at the voice.
Storm Eagle shouted,“Bullshit! You’re the one who manipulated her into thinking she was a monster!” Soon a figure materialized in front of the group. It was Queen Zera. She scowled and grew angered.
She stated, “You’re cursed my dear, these robots have filled your head with all these ridiculous fantasies. Making you believe in friendship?” Lisanna whimpered at her words. However, she was embraced by Pharaoh Man.
Lisanna grew confused asking, “Why? Why do you care?” Pharaoh man pulled away after a bit. Boomer Kuwanger approached and kneeled next to Lisanna.
He responded, “You are our friend, Eli- er, Lisanna.” Zera scowled at the Cossacks and Mavericks.
She stated, “Don’t listen to their lies!”
Bright Man rested a hand on Lisanna’s shoulder, “We’re telling you the truth!”
Spiral Pegasus nodded in agreement, “He’s right you know.” Zera felt her influence on Lisanna weaken as each of the Cossacks and Mavericks spoke to Lisanna, till finally she faded away, screaming in anger. Soon everything turned white.
The Cossacks and Mavericks’ eyes returned to normal, with exhaustion overtaking them all. They all released hands and fell to their knees. Sunset Shimmer pulled away, Lisanna now in the creature's place. She opened her eyes and looked up. She teared up heavily upon realizing the freedom she gained.
She stated, “Thank you…” Pharaoh Man stood back up and approached Lisanna.
He replied, You’re very welcome. Just promise to no longer hide things from us.”
Lisanna hugged Pharah Man, “I promise.”
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c1212d · 3 years
gonna have a panic attack in history class because i think i started my uh manstation
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jairamnavas · 8 years
#Repost @francheska_ad with @repostapp ・・・ ✨💕un día normal convertido en uno divertido en @paseoelhatillo gracias a @lasvillasperfumeria @calypso_tiendas @carlosnietomoda @carlosnietovzla #manstation @yogenfruzhatillo y la divina comida de @lacallebarte súper recomendado sobre todo los tequeños😁😁 #mall #shoppingday #saturdaysareforshopping #saturdayvibes #goodvibes #makeupforbarbies #wlyg #modellife #blondehair #bikiniseason #wanderlust #letsgetlost #fashionvideo #fashionstyle #fashion #cute #photomodel #makeuplover #videooftheday #instamood #instagood #accessories #ootd #photography #slay #yogenfruz #yogenfrüz
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mddmaxklaassen · 6 years
Voordat we begonnen met programmeren hadden Stef en ik een goed beeld van hoe wij alles wilden laten werken. Als basis principe waren er 10 schakelaars, alle 10 deze schakelaars zouden staan voor 10 verschillende filters. De 21 karakters zouden reageren op de filters die aangezet zouden worden. Zo zal er bijvoorbeeld bij de filter van de mannen alleen de neopixel onder de mannelijke karakters licht geven. Wij hadden alleen geen idee hoe we hiermee moesten beginnen 
De basis hebben we zelf geprogrammeerd, Stef heeft een stuk code geschreven waarin we doormiddel van verschillende knopjes de neopixels verschillende kleuren konden aangeven. Dit is de code:
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>      #define PIN 2
//int led = 13; // the pin the LED is connected to int knop1 = 8; int knop2 = 3; int buttonState1 = 0; int buttonState2 = 0;
Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(60, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); void setup() {  //pinMode(led, OUTPUT); // Declare the LED as an output  pinMode(knop1, INPUT);  pinMode(knop2, INPUT);  Serial.begin(9600);  strip.begin(); } void loop(){    buttonState1 = digitalRead(knop1);    //buttonState2 = digitalRead(knop2);    Serial.println(buttonState1);    //digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
 if (buttonState1 == HIGH) {    strip.setPixelColor(0, 0, 0, 30);    strip.setPixelColor(1,0,0,30);    strip.setPixelColor(2,0,0,30);    strip.show();
//  }if (buttonState2 == HIGH) { //  //  strip.setPixelColor(0,0,0,0); //    strip.setPixelColor(2, 0,0,0); //     //    strip.show(); //     }else{    //digitalWrite(led, LOW);    strip.setPixelColor(0,0,0,0);    strip.setPixelColor(1, 0, 0, 0);    strip.setPixelColor(2,0,0,0);    strip.show();  } }
We vonden het erg lastig om elke neopixel aan een karakter te koppelen. Gelukkig heeft een medestudent ons daarmee kunnen helpen. Hij heeft ons laten zien hoe we deze code konden maken. Hij heeft een begin voor ons geschreven. Hierna heb ik alles verder uitgebreid en alle data er in gezet. 
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h> #define PIN 12
#include "Arduino.h" #include "character.h"
int knop1 = 2; int knop2 = 3; int knop3 = 5; int knop4 = 4; int knop5 = 6; int knop6 = 7; int knop7 = 8; int knop8 = 9; int knop9 = 11; int knop10 = 10;
int house1State; int house2State; int house3State; int house4State; int manState; int womanState; int deadState; int aliveState; int isKillerState; int isKilledState;
//De waardes van alle characters // Character(int _index,          bool _house1,   bool _house2,   bool _house3,   bool _house4,   bool _man,   bool _woman,   bool _dead,   bool _alive,   bool _isKiller,   bool _isKilled //Neutral Characters Character PersonA = Character(2,  true,           false,          false,          false,          true,        false,         false,        true,          false,            false); Character PersonB = Character(1,  true,           false,          false,          false,          true,        false,         false,        true,          false,            false); Character PersonC = Character(0,  true,           false,          false,          false,          true,        false,         false,        true,          false,            false); //House of Montague Character PersonD = Character(8,  false,          false,          true,           false,          true,        false,         true,         false,         true,             false); Character PersonE = Character(7,  false,          false,          true,           false,          true,        false,         false,        true,          false,            false); Character PersonF = Character(6,  false,          false,          true,           false,          true,        false,         false,        true,          false,            false); Character PersonG = Character(5,  false,          false,          true,           false,          true,        false,         false,        true,          false,            false); Character PersonH = Character(4,  false,          false,          true,           false,          true,        false,         false,        true,          false,            false); Character PersonI = Character(3,  false,          false,          true,           false,          false,       true,          true,         false,         false,            false); //House of Escalus Character PersonJ = Character(12,  false,          true,           false,          false,          true,        false,         true,         false,         false,            true); Character PersonK = Character(11, false,          true,           false,          false,          true,        false,         true,         false,         false,            true); Character PersonL = Character(10, false,          true,           false,          false,          true,        false,         false,        true,          false,            false); Character PersonM = Character(9, false,          true,           false,          false,          true,        false,         false,        true,          false,            false); //House of Capulet Character PersonN = Character(20, false,          false,          false,          true,           false,       true,          true,         false,         false,            false); Character PersonO = Character(19, false,          false,          false,          true,           false,       true,          false,        true,          false,            false); Character PersonP = Character(18, false,          false,          false,          true,           true,        false,         false,        true,          false,            false); Character PersonQ = Character(17, false,          false,          false,          true,           false,       true,          false,        true,          false,            false); Character PersonR = Character(16, false,          false,          false,          true,           true,        false,         false,        true,          false,            false); Character PersonS = Character(15, false,          false,          false,          true,           true,        false,         true,         false,         true,             true); Character PersonT = Character(14, false,          false,          false,          true,           true,        false,         false,        true,          false,            false); Character PersonU = Character(13, false,          false,          false,          true,           false,       true,          false,        true,          false,            false);
Adafruit_NeoPixel strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(60, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
void setup() {  pinMode(knop1, INPUT_PULLUP);  pinMode(knop2, INPUT_PULLUP);  pinMode(knop3, INPUT_PULLUP);  pinMode(knop4, INPUT_PULLUP);  pinMode(knop5, INPUT_PULLUP);  pinMode(knop6, INPUT_PULLUP);  pinMode(knop7, INPUT_PULLUP);  pinMode(knop8, INPUT_PULLUP);  pinMode(knop9, INPUT_PULLUP);  pinMode(knop10, INPUT_PULLUP);
 Serial.begin(9600);  strip.begin(); } void loop() {  house1State = digitalRead(knop1);  house2State = digitalRead(knop2);  house3State = digitalRead(knop3);  house4State = digitalRead(knop4);  manState = digitalRead(knop5);  womanState = digitalRead(knop6);  deadState = digitalRead(knop7);  aliveState = digitalRead(knop8);  isKillerState = digitalRead(knop9);  isKilledState = digitalRead(knop10);
 PersonA.updateChar();  PersonB.updateChar();  PersonC.updateChar();  PersonD.updateChar();  PersonE.updateChar();  PersonF.updateChar();  PersonG.updateChar();  PersonH.updateChar();  PersonI.updateChar();  PersonJ.updateChar();  PersonK.updateChar();  PersonL.updateChar();  PersonM.updateChar();  PersonN.updateChar();  PersonO.updateChar();  PersonP.updateChar();  PersonQ.updateChar();  PersonR.updateChar();  PersonS.updateChar();  PersonT.updateChar();  PersonU.updateChar();
 strip.show();  delay(1); }
extern int house1State; extern int house2State; extern int house3State; extern int house4State; extern int manState; extern int womanState; extern int deadState; extern int aliveState; extern int isKillerState; extern int isKilledState;
extern Adafruit_NeoPixel strip;
class Character {
 public:    Character(int _index, bool _house1, bool _house2, bool _house3, bool _house4, bool _man, bool _woman, bool _dead, bool _alive, bool _isKiller, bool _isKilled) {      index = _index;      house1 = _house1;      house2 = _house2;      house3 = _house3;      house4 = _house4;      man = _man;      woman = _woman;      dead = _dead;      alive = _alive;      isKiller = _isKiller;      isKilled = _isKilled;    };
   int index;    bool house1;    bool house2;    bool house3;    bool house4;    bool man;    bool woman;    bool dead;    bool alive;    bool isKiller;    bool isKilled;
   void updateChar() {      int R = 0;      int G = 0;      int B = 0;
//Welke kleuren bij welke filters      if (house1 && house1State) {        R += 50;        G += 50;        B += 50;      }
     if (house2 && house2State) {        R += 50;        G += 50;        B += 0;      }
     if (house3 && house3State) {        R += 22;        G += 0;        B += 30;      }
     if (house4 && house4State) {        R += 0;        G += 50;        B += 0;      }
     if (man && manState) {        R += 0;        G += 0;        B += 50;      }
     if (woman && womanState) {        R += 50;        G += 0;        B += 40;      }
     if (dead && deadState) {        R += 30;        G += 22;        B += 5;      }
     if (alive && aliveState) {        R += 0;        G += 40;        B += 20;      }
     if (isKiller && isKillerState) {        R += 50;        G += 0;        B += 0;      }
     if (isKilled && isKilledState) {        R += 40;        G += 22;        B += 20;      }      strip.setPixelColor(index, R, G, B);    }
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Black magic Camera
experimented with the black magic camera today. An impromptu filming session began. Joe as our main subject, the positions that Joe made for the camera were humorous. But as it continued I realised the nature of a camera and its subject matter. The camera is a view finder that can detach the viewer from the subject matter that is shown. Joe was no longer Joe but was now an object for the camera operators gaze/the viewer. The Black Magic super high definition camera produces a flat image, one that aesthetically looks like a super realism painting. There is no romantic softness of the image shown but a harsh un-life like resemblance of the subject matter, in this case Joe.    The distance that the cameras aesthetic quality's brought me to the final destination regarding how a camera can separate a person (the subject matter) from the image shown (the subject matter) in the case of the camera the subject is made up of tiny pixels. This lead me to think about pornography. But more so the late television channels of women answering telephone calls live on tv. From what I remember the women on the telephones had the cability to change and adapt depending who was on the other side of the phone. But still the image of them shown did not differ, the same gestures and motions were repeated. This lead me to create the idea of MANSTATION a channel where men are just a facade of the person they actually are. Something I witness everyday. People changing and adapting to suit the needs of others. A loss of identity often occurs when i witness this happening. Does surveillance dehumanise the act of a crime? Is the constant bombardment of violent and pornographic images desensitising a generation? Is being lost in a world of a screen good for your health? How do you escape a world of screens but still want to be part of the bigger picture?  
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