#mans shows up to the wisteria house after a mission before becoming a Hashira and we meet and become friends
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infinite-polaris · 2 years ago
Now that I've finally remembered my password and can post, boy do I have things to say!
I'm trying to shift to demon slayer/kimetsu no yaiba (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
I see a lot of people shifting as actual demon slayers and they are super brave for that! but I am not.
I'm a doctor.
You know the house with the wisteria crest? Yeah, I'm the doctor they'll call to do checkups and stuff. Seems much less stressful (* ̄▽ ̄)b
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empressofthesunwriter · 1 year ago
Maiden of the Moon
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What if Kokushibo had a pupil, whom he taught the original Moon Breathing before he deserted the Demon Slayer Corps?
Mochizuki Yua was born only for these reasons: To become a Hashira and make her family a respected one in the Demon Slayer Corps.
But if you only live for the expectations of others, who are YOU truly?
What will it take to find yourself?
A long, hard journey awaits.
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After a long while I had the urge to update this little FF. 
That’s me.
Writing, stopping for a few months and then going back to writing. XD
The song today Yua sings is I’m on My Way by Phil Collins from the fantastic movie Brother Bear.
Chapter 6: Mt. Natagumo
Time flows fast and Yua and her three idiotic comrades and wonderful Nezuko have been staying at the Wisteria House for a good six weeks.
Today the doctor declared them finally being healed.
The day started well.
It even got better as Kaguya and Tanjiro’s crow, Matsuemon, brought them new orders.
Their little group shall go North-northeast to Mt. Natagumo.
Finally, Yua could work on her goal of becoming a Hashira. She was starting to get crazy doing nothing but healing in the Wisteria House.
On one hand, she should really first go home and check on her family, yet the disapproving look and the lecture her grandfather would give her, how she managed for six weeks to do nothing and not at least raise a few ranks stopped her from doing so.
She would go back home when she at least levelled up a good three ranks.
Was she a coward?
Yes, she was.
The midnight blue-haired beauty was not ashamed to admit that.
She would rather fist-fight a demon than be criticized by her grandfather. That man could make you feel so bad about yourself, it should be a torture method.
Or better not.
Anyway, our group of four Demon Slayers stood ready before the door of the Wisteria House, Hisa was with them, seeing them off.
Today, Yua had decided to wear her long hair in two long pigtails. As she fixed one, Tanjiro, undoubtedly the one with the best manners, bowed before Hisa.
“We’re heading out now. Thank you for everything.”
The old kind lady smiled and had a stone and grinder in her hands.
Oh how nice of her!
“Now then, for good luck.”, said Hisa.
“Thank you so much!”
Yua, Tanjiro and Zenitsu turn their back to Hisa, as she strikes the stone against the grinder a couple of times, little sparks flying in the air.
And again it shows that Inosuke really only ever lived on a mountain surrounded by animals since he freaks out seeing that.
Only Yua's fast reflexes stop the boar-headed boy from attacking the old lady. She has him in a headlock, while he shouts: “What do you think you’re doing, old hag?!”
“What are you, a moron?!”, shouts Zenitsu back.
“Is that a rhetoric question, Agatsuma.”, deadpans Yua, gripping Inosuke tighter. “Stop struggling so much, Hashibira!”
The blond-haired boy explains: “She’s striking sparks for good luck! It’s a purification ceremony! Because we’re gonna go on a dangerous mission!”
“So stand down and accept it.”, adds Yua.
Still confused the boar-headed boy does as he was said and Hisa can complete the ritual.
All beside Inosuke bow before her in thanks.
“Always live your lives with great pride. I wish you luck in battle!”
The older girl thanks her in the name of the group and with that the Demon Slayers and one Demon Girl in a box set off.
It’s exactly quiet for five minutes before the wild boy speaks up.
““Great pride”? “Luck in battle”? What does that mean?”
Zenitsu can’t help himself and think what a moron Inosuke is, while Yua fights off the urge to facepalm.
Like she said.
Idiots, besides Nezuko.
“Well, yeah, now that you mention it, it’s kind of difficult to explain.”, try however Tanjiro to explain to him. ““With great pride”… I guess it means that you know your place and that you behave properly so that you’re never ashamed of yourself.”
“And the old lady is also praying for our safety.”
“So what is this “place”? What do you mean, “never ashamed”?”
“Well, it’s…”
“What exactly does it mean to “behave properly”? Why in the hell would that old hag pray for our safety, anyway? She has nothing to do with us, so why?”
“She has no clue what her own place is, does she?”
Before someone gets an aneurysm, most likely poor goodhearted Tanjiro, Yua step energetically forward and starts to sing.
“Tell everybody I'm on my way
New friends and new places to see
With blue skies ahead yes
I'm on my way
And there's nowhere else
that I'd rather be!”
This earned her a confused huh from Inosuke, Zenitsu fangirling and Tanjiro bilking at her surprised.
Neither one of them ever heard this type of song.
After six weeks they were used to the beautiful songs Yua sang, but they were more from their folklore, besides the one she called Gurenge and didn’t tell them who had taught her that.
“Tell everybody I'm on my way
And I'm loving every step I take
With the sun beating down yes
I'm on my way
And I can't keep this smile off my face!”
Also, she only sang in the morning, while she combed Nezuko's hair.
Suddenly starting to sing was new.
But not unwelcome.
“'Cause there's nothing like seeing
each other again
No matter what the distance between
And the stories that we tell
will make you smile
Oh, it really lifts my heart!”
All the boys, even Inosuke, loved her singing.
Yua had an amazing voice.
“So tell 'em all I'm on my way
New friends and new places to see
And to sleep under the stars
Who could ask for more
With the moon keeping watch over me!”
As Yua finished singing, the group looked at her in confusion.
She shrugged and said, "It’s a good song while you walk. Your squabbling didn’t really help us."
"Well, THAT was useless.”, snorted Inosuke “We still don't know what that old hag meant."
The midnight blue-haired girl just rolled her eyes.
She had hoped singing her wandering song would also stop this stupid discussion.
Inosuke was trough and trough boar-headed.
"Look, Hashibira, it means that we should be proud of who we are and what we do. We should behave properly and not bring shame to ourselves or our comrades. And Hisa prayed for us because she cares about us and wants us to come back safely."
 Zenitsu nodded in agreement, "Exactly! And we should appreciate her kindness and good wishes."
Inosuke grumbled but seemed to understand a little better now. Or maybe they all hoped it.
Tanjiro smiled at his friends and said, "Let's go then! Mt. Natagumo is waiting for us!"
And with that, the group set off on their next mission with determination and pride in their hearts.
In the evening Yua, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke finally arrived at the base of Mt. Natagumo.
The Aura-sensing girl hissed as she felt the vibes of the places.
Yes, demons alright.
And pretty strong ones too.
“Hold up! Would you mind waiting a second?”, screeched Zenitsu from the back of the group.
“Zenitsu? What’s wrong?”, ask Tanjiro worried.
“I’m scared, all right?! Now that we’re nearing our destination, I’m so scared!”
“Here we go again...”, mumbled Yua.
This was the Demon Mansion all over again.
“Why the hell is he sitting?”, pointed Inosuke on the ground cowering Zenitsu. “How creepy is that?”
“Who are you to talk, Pig Face?! Don’t tell me you’re not getting any vibes from that mountain!”
Okay, that was surprising.
“You feel it also Agatsuma? The Aura of this place is full of malice and I bet we will find some strong Demons there.”
Tanjiro and Inosuke turn to the mountain but it’s clear that they sense nothing.
“Still, what good will it do to just sit there?”, wondered Tanjiro.
Yua fixes one of her pigtails.
“That place may be full of malice aura, but I’m not afraid like Agatsuma. We should get going, guys.”
“I told you, he’s creepy.”, reminds Inosuke them.
“I am not in any way creepy! I’m normal! I’m the normal one! You guys are abnormal! Erm...I mean Yua-Senpai is special, not creepy at all she is just erm...”
“Agatsuma nothing you ever will say will get you into my pants.”, deadpans Yua with her hands on her hips.
Suddenly Tanjiro becomes all rigged and turns to the direction of the mountain. His companions look at him confused.
Zenitsu ask him what's wrong and Tanjiro's answer is that there is a smell.
This makes Yua reach out with her Aura Sensing, in the six weeks with the boys and Nezuko she learned, how good Tanjiro could smell and how fine Zenitsu's hearing was.
This means if Tanjiro smells something it must be important.
And she is right with her guess as she feels an Aura full of pain crashing against her senses.
It’s human!
“Follow me, boys!”, she commands and runs towards the direction of the painful Aura.
Tanjiro and Inosuke are right behind her and after a few seconds, Zenitsu joins them.
When they get closer to the mountain, they see a wounded Demon Slayer.
“Ngh… Ugh…Ah… H-Help me.”, cries the wounded boy.
“He’s got our uniform on. He’s a Demon Slayer!”, shouts Tanjiro. “Something must’ve happened!”
Yua can’t help but sass back. “Really? What tipped you off, that he is a bloody mess?”
Nonetheless, Yua, Tanjiro and Inosuke run up to their Demon Slayer comrade, while Zenitsu begs them to wait for him.
Tanjiro is the first by the boy and asks him if he is okay. Again Yua wants to point out what a stupid question this is when suddenly the wounded Demon Slayer rises in the air by fine strings. He shouts for help, but sadly he gets pulled back into the direction of the dense forest of the mountain.
The Hinoto gets a determined look on her face.
“Guys, let’s go!”
“Of course, Yua-Senpai.”, agrees Tanjiro.
“I’ll go on ahead. You can follow me, shivering.”, tells Inosuke. “This is making me hungry.”
Yua snorts.
“Strange time to get hungry, but let’s get moving guys. You listen to my word, since I’m the highest rank here, alright.”
Both boys agree, even if Inosuke grumbles.
The three run into the forest, leaving a scarred and crying Zenitsu behind.
They run up a trail when Inosuke suddenly stops.
“Huh? What the hell is this?”
Tanjiro and Yua stop to see what is with Inosuke.
That’s really strange.
“A spider web?”, wonders Tanjiro for them aloud.
“Jeez, this place is full of spiderwebs! What a pain!”
Again Yua lets her Aura Sensing sweep around to get what is going on, while Tanjiro thanks both her and Inosuke for being here with him since alone he would be afraid.
The girl waves it just away as she pit-points two auras before them.
Two familiar aura.
One is a welcome sight the other not.
“Murata-San, Katsumi.”, she greeted the two scarred Demon Slayers. “What is the situation?”
Murata, the black-haired male, seemed happy to see her, while Katsumi Tomita, the brown-haired one, looked like someone had killed his cat.
“Yua-Senpai! I’m so glad to see you. At least a Minoto! Tell me do you have a Hashira with you?!”, babbled Murata, tears streaming from his eyes.
She couldn’t even answer, before Katsumi hissed: “You want to lay your hope on the Moonlight Beauty, Murata? She and her whole family are cursed! We are totally fucked!”
Lovely, still the nicknaming asshole Yua had the displeasure of ever meeting. She could have gone her whole life without seeing the brown-haired young man ever again.
She grounded her teeth together and tried to talk herself out of it to just kick Katsumi's ass.
“You know Yua-Senpai?”, asked Tanjiro, joining them with Inosuke.
“I have met and killed with Murata-San a few Demons.”, revealed Yua. “Katsumi and I just know each other from one occasion.”
Katsumi scoffed.
“That one occasion was enough. You, Mochizuki’s, only bring bad luck and death with you!”
The midnight blue-haired girl takes a deep breath and tries to remain calm despite Katsumi's insults. She knows that getting angry won't solve anything, and they need to focus on the situation at hand.
"Murata, tell us what happened," she says, turning her attention to the tearful Demon Slayer.
Murata sniffles and wipes his eyes before speaking. "Th-The crow gave us the order! And ten of us Demon Slayers came here. Not long after we entered the mountain, the Slayers…the Slayers started killing each other! Tomita-San and I barely escaped with our lives.”
Yua nods, understanding the gravity of the situation. Behind the killing under the Demon Slayers was surely a Blood Demon Art responsible. What kind of Demon could take nearly over a full group of Slayers was the question?
They needed to go on with caution.
“Who is with you, Moonlight Beauty?”, spat Katsumi, eyeing Tanjiro and Inosuke. “A boy barely weened from his mother and a boy hiding behind a mask?”
Tanjiro and Inosuke both didn’t like how this Katsumi called their Yua-Senpai by the nickname she hated so much. She seemed ready to murder the brown-haired man. Normally she was calm and collected.
There was history between them, so much was clear.
 “I’m Kamada Tanjiro and he is Hashibira Inosuke, rank Mizunoto.”, answered Tanjiro for them.
He didn’t like this hostile attitude towards Yua-Senpai. He hoped he could turn the attention like this to them and away from Yua.
It worked half since Murata yelled: “Mizunoto… Mizunoto?! Why didn’t they send a Hashira with Yua-Senpai?”
“I told you Murata!”, groaned Katsumi. “The Mochizuki bring only bad luck with them. It would have been too much for the Moonlight Beauty to have other Minoto with her or even a higher rank.”
“No matter how many Mizunoto they send, it won’t help! Even with a Minoto now. It’s pointless!”
“It was pointless from the start with the Moonlight Beauty!”
Suddenly Inosuke let out a loud yell and punched Murata and Katsumi in the face.
Yua felt a sick satisfaction seeing Katsumi getting punched, she was only sorry for Murata.
“Inosuke!!”, scolded Tanjiro.
Violence against their brother-in-arms was surely not it, even if a tiny part of him thought Katsumi deserved a punch in the face for being so rude to Yua.
“Shut up!”, hollerd Inosuke. “As far as pointless goes, your existence itself has no point at all!”
“Who the hell is this guy?! Did you forget that Tomita-San and I have seniority?!”
“Of course, the Moonlight Beauty would travel with freaks?!”
“What is your problem with Yua-Senpai!”, now Tanjiro was nearly yelling. “You keep calling her by the nickname she hates and say her whole family is cursed. Why?!”
“Kamado, it’s fine. I don’t give a shit what Katsumi thinks of me or my family.”, tries Yua to calm him down.
Tanjiro's disbelieving look says it all. Of course, he must smell how she is ready to commit murder.
A little evil chuckle leaves Katsumi's lips.
“So you don’t know that the Mochizuki learned the Moon Breathing from a Demon? And not any Demon either. Michikatsu Tsugikuni was a Demon Slayer once and betrayed the whole corps. The first and only one who did this!”
Yua bit her lips and looked down at the ground. Sadly it was true.
“You can’t trust a family who won’t stop using the Breathing Style of a Demon. Their loyalty lies surely with the Demon who taught them!”
The Minoto takes a deep breath and looks up at Katsumi with a cold expression.
"My family's loyalty lies with the Demon Slayer Corps and protecting humanity from Demons," she says firmly. "We may have learned the Moon Breathing from someone who turned Demon, but we also learned how to kill them and protect innocent lives."
Tanjiro nods in agreement, understanding the weight of Yua's words. Inosuke just grunts, still angry at the insults towards his comrades.
"We need to focus on finding the Demon who uses the Blood Demon Art responsible for the killings," Yua continues, trying to steer the conversation back to the mission at hand. "We can't afford to let our personal feelings get in the way."
Murata wipes his tears and nods, grateful for Yua's leadership. Katsumi just rolls his eyes, not convinced by her words.
But he knows deep down that they need to work together if they want to survive this mission.
Suddenly they hear a strange sound. Murata tells the newcomers that it sounded also before the other Demon Slayers started to kill each other.
Immediate Yua sweeps with her Aura-Sensing the clearing they are in.
“They are coming!”, she tells the four boys, reading her Katana. The white blade seems to shimmer under the moonlight. “Get ready!”
A group of Demon Slayers hobbles toward them, ready to attack.
Murata and Katsumi dodged the attacks. The Demon Slayers attack Inosuke and Tanjirou, but they also dodge.
“Haha! These guys are all morons!”, laughs Inosuke. “They don’t know that it’s taboo for us Demon Slayers to fight each other!”
Swift and with grace Yua counters the sword strikes of the two Demon Slayers before her, upper-handing them, taking their Katana’s from them and throwing them far away into the forest.
“They don’t do it of their free will Hashibara.”, yells Yua, locked in a sword fight with a new Demon Slayer. “They are like marionettes, someone forces them to fight!”
“Yua-Senpai is right. Something controls them!”, agrees Tanjiro.
This only makes Inosuke take out his katana, ready to slice up the other Demon Slayers, only Tanjiro and Yua yelling at him that they can’t hurt their follow comareds since some of them are still alive, stop him.
“Do it like me. Upperhand them and throw the Katana far away!”, advised Yua, before she fully concretes on the opponent before her.
Tanjiro slices through the air above a Demon Slayer’s back, severing spider strings. The Demon Slayer falls to the ground motionless.
“Good eye, Kamado!”, praises Yua and cuts the strings on the Demon Slayer before her.
“They’re threads! They’re being manipulated by threads! Slash the threads!”, spells out Tanjiro for the rest of the group.
They continue to fight, cutting threads, till Yua Aura-Sensing tickles her.
She looks down at her arm to find two small spiders crawling over it.
“Spiders?”, she mumbles and then has enlightenment. “They are controlled by these spiders!”
As to prove her point her arms lift themselves from alone, thankful she can cut the threads again.
“Guys, we need to find the Demon fast. The spiders are so tiny and just put the threads we cut back on!”
“So, all we gotta do is kill those damn spiders, huh?”, wonder Inosuke.
It’s Tanjiro who answers him: “That would be impossible! Those spiders are tiny, and I’m sure there are tons of them! We gotta find the demon who’s controlling them!”
“My Aura-Sensing is at its limit I can’t find the Aura of the Demon.”, admins Yua frustrated.
She really needs to train it more! When they get out here alive, she will do so.
“Inosuke, if you have some kind of power that can pinpoint the demon’s location, then help me out!”, turns Tanjiro to him. “This weird smell has been flowing in, and my nose isn’t working great! Ngh… And also, um…”
“It’s Murata!”
“I’m Tomita!”
“Murata! Tomita! Yua-Senpai. We will find a way to deal with the people being controlled! Inosuke, you…”
Exactly at the same moment, Yua feels a terrible Aura. Shivering she looks up.
There on fine spider treads stands a Demon in the form of a young boy with white hair, red markings on his face and a simple white kimono.
“Don’t disturb my family’s peaceful life.”, tells the Demon boy in an eerie voice. “Mother will kill you all right away.”
Inosuke doesn’t seem to care and tries to reach him. It fails spectacularly.
“Damn you!”, curses the masked boy on his back. “Where the hell do you think you’re going?! Fight me! Fight…!”
The Demon boy just walks away.
“Why did he show up, anyway?”, ask Inosuke Tanjiro and Yua.
“That kid probably isn’t the demon pulling the puppet strings!”, tells Tanjiro.
“But we should be careful of the kid, it’s Aura is sicking!”, warns them Yua.
Tanjiro nods.
“Right, so first, let’s…”
“Okay, okay, okay! I hear you, all right?!”, shouts Inosuke. “You want me to find where that demon is at, right? Shut up already, Forehead!”
Inosuke sticks his swords into the ground, kneeling down and putting his arms up and sideways. Yua and Tanjiro protected him from the incoming Demon Slayer puppets.
“Ngh… Beast Breathing, Seventh Form, Special Awareness! Grrr…”
He takes a deep breath, feeling his way through the forest, finding the location of the Spider Demon Mother
“Found it. There you are!”
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mitsungo · 4 years ago
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Oh lord help me.
I was just imagining things in my head, when suddenly, I had an urge to write a part two of the first fic I wrote. So, here we are. Except, Akaza is here now.
☆*:.。. o❄️o .。.:*☆
It had been over a week since Akaza had killed the flame hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku. Though he succeeded in killing the hashira, his master was deeply, upset with him for not finding anything about the flower that he was sent to search for. It frustrated Akaza that he had failed his mission in someway. As he recalled his battle with Kyojuro, he remembered that he had seen a photo fall out of the hashira’s pocket. Akaza wasn’t able to see much of it, but he did see a glimpse of a woman. He also remembered that as he ran away from the sun, the weakling that had called him a coward say that he had taken Kyojuro from his fiancée.
“So you were going to get married huh?” He quietly spoke to himself in the middle of a forest. Akaza snickered at the thought of Kyojuro’s fiancée hearing the news of her future husband’s death. “If only he had become a demon then he wouldn’t have died. Though I doubt he would control himself from devouring you.” Akaza said, he shut his eyes and pondered wether or not to go and find this fiancée of the man he killed. He was curious about the woman Kyojuro was going to marry for some reason. Sighing, Akaza stood up, finally making his decision. He was going to find that woman, just to satisfy his curiosity.
He didn’t really have much of a lead at first, but as he remembered certain parts of the fight, some of the memories of that night helped him start off with something. There was a certain piece of cloth that Kyojuro clung onto during the fight, it was a beautiful piece too if he was honest, with two cranes, some flowers and a crest. That must have been the family crest of the girl’s family. Now, you may ask, how on earth is that even a clue? Well duh, it’s a crest, someone must know of it, he had to unfortunately go around in his spare time asking random strangers if they knew about the crest. And so far, no one he asked knew about it. Pity.
And so now it was two weeks since he had killed kyojuro, and still no fiancée. Akaza was ready to give up on the task of finding the girl, until he ran into a lowly demon that he happened to cross paths with frequently in a village.
“Oh yes! I know that crest! It belongs to a kimono shop in the village next over to this one! I don’t get so close to the shop itself since the place is littered with Wisteria and I hear the seamstress herself is an extremely talented young beautiful woman who recently lost her fiancé!” The demon said to Akaza. Akaza felt relief about the information for some weird reason. The demon continued, “I’m sure the house of the tailor has the crest on their home so it won’t be hard to find either!” “I see. Thank you. I’ll let you be now then.” And with that, Akaza made his way to where the demon had said.
When he arrived at the village, he decided to eat first before going to find the house of the tailor. Once he found his victim of the night, he asked them about the seamstress and if they knew where she lived. After they told him the information (barley), he proceeded to devour them. Akaza wiped his mouth and stretched, he grinned with delight and made his way to the house of the girl he had been searching for. He arrived at a mansion not far from the forest where he had just eaten, the mansion itself was fairly big and wisteria flowers were hanging from wooded fences at the front of mansion and the main door. Akaza decided to look around first before doing anything else, he made his way to the back of the house and saw that there was a woman standing in the garden of the home. She was breath taking for sure, her eyes were puffy and red from crying, this must be her. The fiancée of Rengoku Kyojuro. Did she know he was the one that killed him? Did they tell her? Guess he’d have to find out himself. He jumped on top of the fence and looked down at her. How come there wasn’t any wisteria flowers here? Akaza had finally made his presence known to the girl as she slowly looked his way, her eyes making contact with his own.
“Who might you be? Are you perhaps a demon? Have you come to eat me? If so, please do it quickly. I’d rather not keep my husband waiting for me in the afterlife.” She told him stoically. Akaza was taken back by her words. “I am not here to eat you. I do not eat women. I just,” he had to think of a good excuse. “…heard from some townsfolk over in the last village that you are an extraordinary talented seamstress. I wanted to see for myself.” The girl looked at him with a small gentle smile, she looked back to where she was looking and said nothing. A minute passed by and she finally spoke again, “I do not make kimonos anymore. I have given up that passion to instead drown myself in pain and tears. I am sorry to disappoint you, but you have come here for nothing.” “Is that so? Why may that be?” He asked, tilting his head. Here it comes. “I recently lost my husband to an illness and he dearly loved when I would craft kimonos. Since he died, I have not made a single kimono.” She smiled softly, her smile beaming like the moonlight. Liar. She lied. Kyojuro didn’t die from illness. “Really? How tragic. And what was his name if I may ask?” The girl hummed, pausing for a second. “Rengoku Kyojuro.” Akaza wanted to giggle at that moment, but he had to resist the urge to do so. Though the part of kyojuro dying from a sickness bothered him, he still felt joy. “What is your name demon?” The girl asked, her head tilting, as if she was mimicking the gesture he had just done a few minutes ago. “Akaza.” “L/n Y/n.” “That’s a beautiful name you have there Y/n.” She didn’t reply, her eyes fixated on his. He was starting to get uncomfortable by the look in her eyes, as if she could see right through him. “You are a tragic as I am. Please. Indulge me with small talk. To relief my pain.” Y/n softly said, walking over to where he was and stretching her hand out for him to take. Akaza felt a vain pop out from irritation. She really creeped him out. “Alright. I will then.” He replied, taking her tiny hand and jumping down from his spot. “Just so I can see you make those beautiful kimonos that they say you make.”
And so now, four weeks have passed since he had killed kyojuro and met Y/n. He had come to take a liking to y/n, she was gentle and patient. She would listen to Akaza and speak very little as she wasn’t a talker. He really enjoyed her company as much as she enjoyed his. He had also been able to convince her to start crafting kimonos again, he felt really happy when he would come over and she would be waiting for him, a kimono in her lap, ready to start working on it. Sometimes he would talk and she would do what she did, other times he would just watch in awe as she quickly finished detailed patterns and sceneries. Those were his favorite, when she would sew landscapes of winter or spring, they were just beautiful to look at once she was done. Another thing that had made their relationship closer, wait. Relationship? He didn’t want to admit it, but they had some relationship going on, perhaps on the surface it seemed like comfort for both of them, but the more he thought of it, they had both gotten intimate on the third day he visited. Akaza knew she was just sexually frustrated, who could blame her? So he just let it happen, he was also glad she acted as if those moments didn’t happen but he kinda wished she acted like they did. Still, he was happy to just be with her. No wonder kyojuro loved this woman so much, she was perfect in every way. As his visit was coming to and end, he bid Y/n goodnight and jumped on the fence of the mansion, turning to face her before he left. Y/n waved him goodbye though her eyes widened in shock, tears spilling from her eyes when his last words for the night slipped from his mouth,
“I’ll see you when I come back tomorrow! And then, you, y/n, can show me how to sew such beautiful details in those kimonos you make!”
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hitsuackerman · 5 years ago
A Different Hashira (Giyu x Reader) pt 5
Here is the part 5 of A Different Hashira
You can click here for part 1 :)
You can click here for part 2 :)
You can click here for part 3 :)
You can click here for part 4 :)
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Attempted Conversations
Despite the fact that you failed in extracting knowledge as to what his favorite food was, the two of you still enjoyed the simple lunch of tempura and soba. It was a miracle that you knew just how much spices you needed to put since Giyu had such particular taste.
"Are you in the mood to talk, Tomioka-san?"
Taking your eyes off of the tempura, you stared at the messy haired hashira. He was wearing a white undershirt and his pants. Though this time, he was barefoot.
"How was your mission?"
"It was successful. I met up with Kochou and she assisted me." He slurped his soba and proceeded "A dog bit me as well."
"Huh?" Putting your bowl down, you scooted towards him and extended a hand. Half expecting he would reject it.
Staring at you with stuffed cheeks, he placed his chopsticks down and gave you his bandaged hand. Inspecting it a little, you saw the messy of a job was done in wrapping up the injury. Knowing that Shinobu would never make something that horrendous, you could only deduce that it was him who did it.
"This was done... very badly, Tomioka-san."
Taking his hand from yours, he grabbed his chopsticks and continued eating. You sighed and stood up. With big steps, you went to your room and grabbed your first aid box. Though you were not as skilled as Shinobu when it comes to medicine, you were an expert at wrapping bandages. Admittedly, it had been a while since you last bandaged your hand. Hopefully, your hands still remembered what to do.
Seeing you carrying a first aid kit, Giyu stopped eating and waited for you to begin the small procedure.
Carefully unwrapping the bandage, you felt how calloused his fingers were. You didn't know how old he was but your estimation was around 18 or 19 years old. Asking him would be pushing it and he might just stand up and leave you alone.
Seeing that there was a faint bite mark, you couldn't help but giggle at the picture of an emotionless man being bitten by a dog.
Your thoughts were cut when his voice cut the silence between you.
"I was just thinking how you looked like when the dog bit you." A smile escaped your mouth. Looking up, you saw him staring at you with such dead pan eyes. He looked annoyed but in reality, he looked like a child. Your smile only grew  even larger causing him to sigh in defeat.
A few minutes passed and you were pleased with your handy work.
"There you go! Much better and definitely cleaner too."
"Thank you."
Crawling your way back to your seat, you picked up your bowl and continued to eat. A slight breeze found it's way to the two of you. Instantly, the two of you relaxed. The two of you had been on long journey's and the breeze was a much needed energy booster.
"Your left palm? What happened?"
"Hmm?" You replied with food in your mouth this time.
"I noticed a healed laceration on it."
"Very observant. Yes, it is a healed laceration. As to how I got it, only time will give you the answer, Tomioka-san."
Now that the two of you finished sharing lunch, Giyu silently offered to wash the dishes once more. Thanking him, you cleaned the table and set it aside. Now that the receiving area was empty, you lazily flopped to the ground and inhaled the fresh air passing through the engawa.
"Care to join me?" You invited Giyu to lay down on the tatami mats.
"Suit yourself."
Hearing his footsteps go up the stairs, the tranquility was cut by the caws of your raven and his crow. Landing beside you, the two birds looked at each other and nodded.
"(F/N) (L/N) and Giyu Tomioka. Head northwest. Village with reports of demon. Leave tomorrow. " Karasutori announced.
"So much for peace, ey?" You hummed while petting the head of both birds. Both of them responded by bowing their heads even more. Telling them to wait, you went back inside the kitchen and gave them each some bread crumbs. The moment they left, you headed to your room to get ready for the mission to come.
As the sun was setting, you had just finished preparing the necessary items. Hoping that there would be a Wisteria house there, you only brought some bandages and cash. Any more than that would become a hindrance when fighting off demons.
The question now was, which sword you would have to bring with you on the mission. With zero details to go on, it would be a risk to bring a jagged sword. Telling yourself to pay Tecchikawahara a visit, you stored the blue Nichirin blade and brought out the black sheathed one from your closet. Taking a cloth, you wiped off any traces of dust and placed it beside your futon.
Hopefully, this demon would have no need to let you use any breathing techniques. It did cross your mind that this would be the perfect time to show Giyu what kind of pillar you were, but you made a pact with yourself. Only use it in times of need.
Standing up, you changed into your uniform's skirt and a plain white shirt. Too lazy to cook dinner, you headed to the butterfly estate. There you killed time till you fell asleep
- -
Going back to your estate in the early hours of your dawn, you savored the chilly morning breeze accompanied with all of nature's sound. Regretting not bringing along your haori, you walked a pace faster till you saw the familiar building emerge from the wisteria trees. A carving of tidal waves were now visible on the wooden gates.
Opening them, you were greeted with a meditating Giyu with tea cups beside him.
Walking up to him, you sat on the engawa. Your eyes focused on the steaming cup of tea. Sipping on it, you felt energized and ready to start the mission. Comfortable silence engulfed the two of you. Thanking him for the tea, you stood up to ready yourself for the mission.
Moments later, the two of you were now walking towards the Northwestern village.
Inside you, you were dying to initiate conversation. You were so used to having Misturi or Kyojuro talking their hearts out as you headed to your assigned places. The person you were teaming up with gave you nothing but silence. Would he be annoyed if you kept talking about random things till you reached the village? Would an exchange happen? Or just nods and hums? Sulking it up, you began to tread the waters.
"Uh, what kind of demon do you think we'll find?"
"Not sure yet."
"When did you start learning water breathing, Tomioka-san?"
"A few years back."
"What was it like, training with Urokodaki-sensei?"
"Never let him drink alcohol."
"Wait, what?"
You stopped walking as you processed the tidbit of information you had just received. In all your years with Urokodaki, you had never once seen him drink anything other than tea and water. A mental image of him drinking was harder than learning your own 10th form of breathing. Catching up to Giyu, you matched his pace once more.
Regretting that you stopped the momentum of the conversation, you stared at him once more. You noticed how his cheeks were a little bit more fuller. The dark circles around his eyes were still there, though. He had his fair share of sleepless nights, too. Mentally, you took note to buy some lavender to help him get some goodnight's rest.
By the time the two of you arrived in the village, the sun was now setting. Looking for an inn or a Wisteria house, you stumbled upon the latter. The family gladly took the both of you in but only had one room to offer. Graciously accepting it, the two of you sat down on the only futon available and rested your legs after a day's worth of walking.
"Shall we take turns in patrolling the area?" You offered.
"That's fine. Rest for now. I'll start."
Before you could say another word, Giyu vanished. Not bothering to get up, you plopped onto the futon and took a nap. Just as you felt your body give in, there was a knock on the door. You sat yourself up as you told them to enter. Upon seeing their smiling faces, you were greeted with 2 sets of mouth watering food.
With no one else to talk to, you invited the woman to sit down and chat.
"Do you have any idea what kind of demon is running lose?"
"Very faint, but I heard that the demon only eats those in their teens and late twenties. Some people also report that they find large holes around the forest. Holes enough for a full grown person to hide in."
"I see. When was the last time there was a sighting?"
"About 3 days ago. By the ramen shop."
"Around what time? Would you know?"
The girl touched her chin and tried to think about the conversation she had.
"They say it was around 10pm."
"Alright. Thanks for the information, uhh, may I have your name again?" You scratched your head awkwardly at forgetting the name of your host.
"Ayumi." She replied with a smile.
"Thank you, Ayumi-san. You should rest now, I'll be patrolling in a few minutes time."
After you finished eating, she took your set of bowls and dishes. Leaving Giyu's meal in case he would feel hungry when he returns. Laying back down on the futon, you yawned and waited for the return of your partner. You closed your eyes to make use of the time.
You woke up with start when you felt the futon move slightly. Giyu had returned. Examining him, he looked clean and calm, as always.
"Anything happened?" Rubbing your eyes as you asked him.
"Aight, Imma head out now. You- oh you already ate, good." Standing up, you took your blade and bid farewell.
- - - - -
so... this was... yeah xD sorry if this chapter sucks but author-chan still has to build things up a bit ;) doncha worry, there will be action in the next upload. i also hope that ya'll felt that this chapter was quite awkward since its usually awkward around our bibi boi Giyu~ (save if your Tanjirou because, yeah he's who he is 😂 )
Also... I tend to update this late here in tumblr so if you guys want the link to the story :) feel free to message me :D this is actually chapter 5 out of 16 (currently)
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