#manjiro comfort
yanderederee · 1 year
Library Kisses
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a/n:I really wanted to write this idea with Baji in mind but I’ve rewrote it four different times and each time it comes out not good and the only person I can picture is Mikey so I’m giving into the Mikey brain rot okay?
now~ … part2 … part3 … part4 … part5
Manjiro Sano NEVER came to school, even more rarely class. If he did even bother to show up, it was usually to hang out on the roof for some cool air, or in the vending area for a nice nap with snacks nearby. No one could tell him where he needed to be, after all. And if they pushed too hard and annoyed him, he’d just leave.
That suddenly changed after he lost a serious bet with Emma and Shinichiro. The consequence? Attend all classes for Two Weeks.
Two weeks felt like forever, he admitted. The first day didn’t seem like it would be so bad, until he started actually paying attention to the teacher.
God, he thought. What a drag.
Manjiro was so far behind in studies, he had no idea half of what was being taught. So, before he let his temper rise, he simply stopped paying attention again.
This quickly became a problem.
Nothing interesting to keep his attention on, Mikey found himself falling into boredom. Irritation was bubbling yet again. Of corse, Mikey never brought anything with him. No paper, pencil, books, it was a random chance of luck that Emma was even able to find his school bag.
So with literally nothing to keep his attention, he started getting antsy. How long until this dumb lecture was over anyway? He glanced at the clock.
He was absolutely flabbergasted. No way in Hell would he be able to handle this torture. Screw the bet, Emma and Shin could eat dirt for all Manjiro cared.
“…sss…” whispered a tiny sound.
Manjiro would have ignored it had he not been eager for something to get his attention. He shifted his gaze to the direction of the whisper: the cute classmate who sat beside him.
Before he could wonder what or why you were trying to interact with him, he noticed you holding something out to him.
‘..the hell?’ He looked down at what you were gripping in your hands.
It was a notebook. A very basic and boring one, had you not doodled little flowers and vines into the cover.
Accompanied with the notebook was both a pencil and pen, both neatly held tight to the notebook.
Mikey looked up to gander at your eyes, which looked rather worried, brows knitted together with a soft considerate smile. You made the effort of motioning to the gifts once more, before he unconsciously took it without much thought.
You seemed to be very pleased by his acceptance, your expression shifted to relief, then a friendly thumbs up before letting your focus run back to the instructor.
‘Why did i even take the book?’ Well, either way it would serve as a doodle book of his own, if nothing else. The pen and pencil both roll off the notebook cover when he opened to examine its contents.
Gibberish, is all Mikey saw. Pure, number coded gibberish. To the average student, it would have looked like neatly worded mathematic notes, color coded and plenty. If he’d looked further, he’d find notes related to other subjects as well. But he really didn’t feel like it.
Thankfully, to keep his interest, a small little notecard was stuck as a bookmark.
Mikey glanced your direction again, amused when he noticed you were doing the exact same thing, but unlike him, when you accidentally made eye contact, you immediately break it to unsubtly pretend to have your attention up front again.
He grinned. You were cute.
Without his left hand never leaving his pocket, he managed to open the notebook with only his right hand, fingers nimbly spreading the book open to the bookmarked section.
He noticed some familiar words on this page. Matter of fact, a lot of the words written down on this section of pages were word for word what was being vocally spoken, when he took a second to listen.
Again shifting his attention, he noticed your handwriting on the bookmark, as well.
“I hope this helps! I don’t see you in class often, so I thought you could use these. Don’t worry about returning them, you can keep them if you want.
If you need help catching up, I’m apart of the tutoring program the school offers!
My name is Y/n L/n, I hope we can get along:)”
That’s all you wrote.
He starred intently at your handwriting for sometime. It was a hell of a lot more legible when what he could do, and while you used rather simple kanji, it still took him a minute to register them. He really Has been gone from school a while.
Manjiro found himself smiling without permission. It was kind of touching, the kindness of a stranger who genuinely looks out for others without gain.
For the sake of your kindness, Mikey did attempt to follow the lesson one more time, with the notes at his ready.
Unfortunately, he still didn’t really get what was going on. What even subject were they talking about? Social studies, geographics, English literature? He gave an exasperated, loud groan before slumping back in his seat. He found himself falling back into irritation.
Trying to calm himself for the third time this class period, he noticed the same soft whisper that caught his attention the first time. Quicker to respond this time, Manjiro lugged his head towards your direction again. He felt his smile wanting to surface again when he was met with your worried expression once more.
You seemed to want to say something, but obviously were worried about the consequences. So, immediately after meeting eyes, you gave a “wait a sec” kind of gesture, and started scribbling on a similarly decorated notecard. He waited for you patiently, unable to do much else anyway.
Soon, you began reaching your hand out to give him the notecard. However, Manjiro wanted more than your written attention. So, before you could react or slip the note on his desk, he reached out to take the note from your hand. He didn’t just reach out to take the note however, purposefully, he outstretched his delicate looking fingers a little further, and trailed his finger tips along the back of your hand. Slowly he offered a very gentle squeeze before his hand pulled back, finger tips trailing a path from your wrist to your nail beds.
The touch was brief, but accidentally intimate. So much so that your breath hitched from the unexpected action. No one seemed to notice. Manjiro did, but no one else. Probably.
This all but lit a fit of flames in his gut, a giddy feeling irrupting before he could even read the note. Eagerly, he scanned the card.
“Don’t let the material get you down! You can catch up in no time. Hang in there!”
This time, your handwriting was a little more messy, quicker. Still, it was cute, he thought.
Giving up on the lecture entirely at this point, he finally let go of his bored sitting stance, and retreated his left hand from his pocket to maneuver the notebook and two note cards on his desk. Grabing the pencil you’d also lent him, he began to scribble something under your handwriting of the second notecard.
Is all he wrote. Honestly, he got nervous halfway through writing, and gave up after he finished only the single word. Nerves slowly got to him when he noticed a pair of eyes peering at him secretly. Your gaze felt like burning on his skin when he thought about it for too long. Ignoring your gaze this time, he knew you had the upper hand when his peripheral sight caught your big smile.
Once the bell had rang for break, all the students seemed to jump up to leave. Manjiro was still doodling in the back of your notebook. You were packing your things neatly as you usually do, glancing at the delinquent next to you. Finishing up a few last strokes, Manjiro lazily held the book up for your appraisal.
Doodled rather… poorly, was his name, and ‘Tokyo Manji Gang’ in different fonts… as well the face of the Doriyaki mascot. (?)
You didn’t seem to hide your amusement, openly giggling at the childish doodles and gave a thumbs up. He liked that. Manjiro grinned at your approval and shut the book, resting his head to look at you with a new intensity.
“Y/n, right?” He asked. You nodded, not seeming too phased by his intentionally intense aura.
“Nice to officially meet you, Manjiro.” You greeted back with a chirp. He blinked at you a little wide before letting out a quiet laugh. “Isn’t it normal to use someone’s surname when addressing them for the first time?” He asked. No, he never minded it. Of corse not.
The middle schooler was used to many names.
The Invincible Mikey
But the only ones with the privilege to call him by his given name: Manjiro. We’re limited to his only siblings.
. . . .
And apparently, you too.
It was amusing. No stranger DARED utter his given name, out of fear of disrespecting the great Mikey….. yet here you were.
God, he loved the way his name sounded, coming from you.
He didn’t even realize how smitten by it he was. Not until he realized you were starting at him inquisitively.
Shit, what did you say? He forgot entirely.
The following few weeks consisted of Manjiro Sano following you around, more or less.
Out of everything school had to offer, he swears up and down that the only thing that caught his interest was you.
It was a well known fact that Manjiro Sano was a delinquent. Big Boss of Toman. Dangerous beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Mikey never acted in public how he normally would around the founding toman, it wasn’t known how childish and goofy he was.
Manjiro don’t too much trusting. Too many mistakes. He found himself treading lightly, yet he couldn’t back-peddle from wanting your attention.
He monitored you closely for the past week. He took note of your reactions, your ideals, how you treated others. He wrote down your favorite manga, silly irrational fears.
It didn’t take him long to realize how others treated you either.
People walked all over you, yet you didn’t bat an eye about it. It’d be really annoying if you did things for people just so people would like you. People definitely saw you as a pushover.
You rolled with the punches, so to speak. Any vile attitude aimed at you seemed to go unnoticed, as you maintained composure effortlessly. You never gave anyone a reason to bad mouth you either way, but snarky remarks about being a pushover did become a class commodity. It was easy to pick on the one who never fought back.
Yet Manjiro knew it wasn’t out of kindness or seeking compensation for your good deeds.
“Why’d you stop to help that guy pick up his lunch? He was cleaning the mess up just fine, you didn’t need to help him.” Mikey pouted, originally irritated because you broke from his side to do this task.
You finished washing your hands, drying them on the dry cloth Manjiro held out to you. Replying with a shrug, “Why not? He looked like he could use the help. If he didn’t want it he could tell me to buzz off, but it doesn’t hurt to offer some help.”
Manjiro rolled his eyes. “Might not hurt, but it’s inconvenient as hell,” he mumbled. You gave him a stern look, raising an eyebrow. “Inconvenient how? Were you gatta be so urgently?” You joked, confusing your classmate further.
You laughed, and patted him on the shoulder. “Think about it, if you were havin’ a bad day and dropped your stuff, you’d be pretty pissed off right? Even if it’s one little act, things like that help get you through the day,”
“Nothing wrong with trying to make the world a little bit of a nicer place.”
That’s when Manjiro Sano’s knew you were his darling.
You were so soft with him, and he loved that about you. He loved when you beamed at him with pride for whatever academic achievement he mastered…
You were different.
You were perfect- Manjiro declared.
Three weeks finally pass, and Mikey hadn’t missed a single day of school. Maybe a skipped class or two, but he always showed up on his sweet babu, if not to tease you and pick up the notes you made him before snacking on the roof.
Mikey has been holding back ever since that day. Keeping his darker impulses at bay time and time and time again.
He held back every time you got too close, and your clothes brushed up against his more than a casual encounter.
He held back every time you looked him dead in the eye, asking him if he was okay.
He held back when the little pinch of pain in his chest made him want to croak out the truth: Not really…
Mikey held back the tears, the words and feelings he suddenly felt so comfortable expressing.
Because it was you who asked.
Each and every time he held back from making you his darling. He wanted you to hold him so desperately. For you to fill that empty space he’s always had.
A part of Mikey knew that if you found out just how much he loved you, you would start to fear him.
You too would start walking on eggshells around him, run away after high school and abandon him.
…Or you would bend to his command one day, and he hated the thought of it.
He hated thinking about your trapped form, scared to speak the wrong thing.
He hated thinking he could make you into that person.
Ha hated the thought of you hating him.
…he didn’t want you to have that choice.
And there you were, listening to him whine.
“Come’onnnn Y/ncchin!~ it’s so boring hereeee,”
You glance down to your left, seeing your classmate’s practice packet still blank. “Well, if you can answer those for me I’ll take you out for Taiyaki; my treat.”
He loved you so much. You always knew how to motivate him.
However, he already knew you would treat him to taiyaki, even if he didn’t get the answers right, or if he even did them at all.
“Buuu~ not this time Y/nchiin! Bribe denied.” He huffed, anticipating your reply.
You matched his huff, crossing your arms. He loved the way you looked when you pouted.
“Maybe I’ll just stop tutoring you then!” You threatened weakly.
“No chance, you want me to graduate so bad.” Mikey snorted a laugh.
“No more leftover bento bits,” you warned testingly.
“You’d never let poor little me starve…” he batted his eyelashes.
He grinned with triumph.
“Fine, what will it take for you to try to pass ONE class?”
“Mm~” Mikey hummed, glancing over the material to appraise it.
If Manjiro were honest, he could get rather good grades, actually. With repetition, and your good habits, he was actually learning really quickly. But he couldn’t let you know that. He liked when you babied him through some things, just to impress you beyond comprehension moments later.
The praise…
Oh, Mikey thought. That’s it. He wants your praise. He wants you to tell him how awesome he was, how cool and dashing he could be, how smart he was. How much you loved him-
“How bout if I can ace this whole packet, you have to grant me one favor?”
The deal went just as you would have thought it would. He feigned having trouble on the packet of questions, so not to seem overly suspicious.
Yet true to his plan, you now owed him one favor.
“Fine, what favor do you want from me?” You chuckled while rolling your eyes.
Your first line of thought went to,
‘make me homemade taiyaki!’
‘let me cheat on the final!’
‘wax my CB250 !’
… not, “stay still, unless you really don’t want to.”
His voice was a whisper, and you’re immediately caught with your guard down.
Manjiro gently weaves his left hand under your hair. He tilts your head slightly, enough so he could achieve his goal, any resistance on your end being considered with mindful touches. He wouldn’t push you past your comfort. He couldn’t stand if you looked at him with fear in your eyes, too.
Your breath hitches, giving way to wind the excitement his actions gifted you.
Your breath continues to be shaky, yet obeying his favor, you sat still.
Both of you took a few seconds to get your racing hearts back under control.
It was futile, but the nerves to act finally snapped after Mikey and your eyes’ caught each others. The mirrored look of excitement was all Manjiro could stand. The accepting bat of your eyelashes.
Manjiro Sano didn’t hold back this time.
Still gentle, Manjiro quickly closed the gap between your awaiting kiss.
Seconds pass. Two very soft sighs can be heard.
Followed by Manjiro’s lip clicking sweetly against yours when the kiss naturally deepened.
This was heaven.
The feeling of you so close, so accepting, so gentle to him.
Mikey wanted to caress you into a deep hold, may so that the heat and desperate banging against his chest would finally feel heard. He wanted to feel your heartbeat pulse against his lips.
Manjiro Sano wanted to be gentle.
But he couldn’t help how his muscles tensed and grabbed you harder. How could he, when you just let out the cutest fucking moan. The craving of your submission suddenly became more appealing, Mikey felt himself coming to life again.
He pushed your lips deeper, the force of his grip and encouragement to mimic his lead allow the kiss to deepen once more to something more recognized as making out.
He couldn’t stop. You were losing breath, and he could feel you try to initiate a pause, but damnit, he couldn’t stop.
It started getting hard to breathe without gasping for air, but your whines and accidental moans were damning you more than you realize.
Manjiro. Couldn’t. Stop.
Again, he pushed the kiss so you had no other choice than to breathe your cute noises into his waiting mouth, tongue darting for a taste.
He couldn’t stop himself from pulling you closer into his embrace, making it so you were standing on one foot while your other knee rested just between his thighs.
Fuuuck, he thought. You’re so warm, all of you. But warmest of all, was the heat you were generating with friction and arousal. All he had to do was hike his knee up just a little. Just a little bit. He couldn’t even begin to imagine the animal he would become after hearing what your siren like moans would turn him into.
So finally, Manjiro held back.
He pulled back, panting without much issue. Assessing your face, your eyes… your lips.
Your lips were just barely swollen, rubbed into a pretty red tint (with his help).
A thin, barely noticeable line of spit lay unattended, from his unfortunate retreat.
He wiped it gingerly, looking back into your eyes with a hooded gaze.
“A…are you.. sure?” You softly croaked out.
“About what..?” Manjiro whispered back.
“I dont… like joking about these types of things…” you continue, face becoming redder. “S-so if you’re messing around, I’ll get mad…” you warned, again, weakly.
You were so soft with him.
“And what if I’m not messing around?” Mikey asks you point blank, his intense stare once again peering into your very soul.
There’s a short moment of silence.
And suddenly, it’s your turn to gently brush against his also swollen lips. Rather than a kiss, it felt more like a binding.
Manjiro Sano vowed to you that very moment. And this was a seal of your acceptance.
That was all he could ever ask for.
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paroslineage · 4 months
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TW : Gore, Description of Torture, Killing, and Reader death, female reader, Mafia themes, gun violence, shooting, blood.
All boys are aged up don't come at me.
All characters except reader belong to Ken Wakui i do not own them.
Don't steal my idea or I'll hunt you down :D.
Y/N L/N the wife of the most dangerous Mafioso in the of Tokyo having an undettering face of cold ruthlessness and having a uninterested facade is only sweet for his lovely darling YOU.
What happens if the mafia organizations having grudge on your husband go after the unsuspecting sweet little bunny of the dangerous mob boss.
"My sweet darling! I'm home and I brought your favorite choco chip pastry from the bakery!"
"Why is it dark honey?" He chuckles
He turns on the light and what he sees makes his blood run horribly cold.
The entire mansion was ransacked.
The table broken, cabinets upturned and His darling's favourite flower vase shattered.
He drops the box and runs frantically up the stairs pulling out his gun for the the holster to the both of your shared grand bedroom.
He breaks down the door and what he sees makes him turn unhinged.
His darling... Laying on the center of the bed fully bled out.
Five holes on the chest, three in the temple and four in the stomach and two in your abdomen.
But your eyes were stuck open, the life in them drained a long time ago.
He walks over to you, eerily silent kneels on the bed his eyes trembling and hands fiercely cradling you to his chest and he buried your cold little face into the crook of his neck.
"I'm so sorry for being late my dove, forgive this asshole."
"I'll take revenge for you my dove just you see."
"I'll murder those son of bitches and feed their bones to the wolves I swear on your life darling."
He kisses your forehead looking into the empty void of your eyes and closes them by his hand his tears running down his anguished face.
His eyes frantically and disturbingly wide not even once blinking looking into your dead ones...
As he caressed your hair on tenderly kissing you on the forehead right where the bullet mark was present...
God did his heart hurt.
His lips trembled as he spoke but not the words..
They were spoken loudly and fully finalized...
♡ Would be the one to hunt down your murderer
And brutally and ferally slaughter that bastard
That includes.
Gouging their eyeballs, Their brains from their noses, waterboarding them till their last seconds of consciousness, Skinning them alive, flaying them, dipping them in acid.
And lastly shooting them exactly the number of times and the precise location that monster shot you.
Which totals to 14 times.
And then fed them to the wolves of and burning the bones.
"Revenge taken my little dove... Just as I promised."
He whispered quietly to no one as he smoked a cigarette and looked up at the night sky full of stars shining brightly than usual.
With tears dripping endlessly down his emotionless visage.
"I see you looking after and smiling at me darling keep doing that."
He exhaled his smoke through his nose smiling painfully.
"Because soon I'll be joining you up there my love..."
Characters : HANMA , KISAKI , Izana, Kakucho, Ran, KAZUTORA, Rindou, Mikey, Draken, Baji, Mitsuya, SANZU SANZU SANZU.
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urfavslav · 9 months
toman!mikey, mitsuya, kokonoi + implied fem!reader (seperately), tw ed, recovery from ed [absolutely, congrats on working on recovery! I'm proud of you! hope i did this justice <3 🫂💞]
request: (@giannitaa) heyy!! how are you? could i please requests for a fem!reader recovering from an eating disorder with mitsuya, mikey and extra characters from tokyo revengers? (please if you don't feel comfortable writting about this just tell me because i want to know if it's a yes or a no) i had an eating disorder (anorexia) and i'm slowly introducing myself to new foods or meals that i used to have before my eating disorder 🥹a fluff/comfort headcanons please and thank you! have a great day/good night/good afternoon
mikey is definitely the type to take out put to eat whenever he gets the chance. cafe after ur classes are done, small restaurant after a big fight and his energy is depleted, breakfast before a trip out to the beach. if you don't feel comfortable eating as often as he does, that's ok! he's push you once or maybe twice but he knows when to back off. will also share his meal, you wanna try what he has go ahead! as long as you share yours, yknow taxes. mikey will be there if you feel like venting about a relapse, gushing about a new food you tried or anything in between! he's all ears and at ur side at the drop of a hat!
mitsuya, this sweetheart. :( always texting you to make sure u have at least 2-3 meals a day and stay hydrated. (but listen to ur body!) I think he struggles with eating to, but in a sense of forgetting to eat, with his sisters and his dreams of the fashion industry I think he can get pretty carried away. I think you two would def remind each other to have at least some snacks <3 omg dates/hangouts would be so cute 😭 imagine picking places to go get food and just talk. he's such a chill guy. always offering to take care of the bill, yall end up splitting/taking turns anyway. v supportive! tries to learn about your disorder and how to help you with recovery
koko, cmon you already know ow he's probably worried without reason and tries to spoil you. mentioned a meal you wanna eat? yeah he got reservations a few days ago to a new restaurant. you don't like eating in public? that's ok too, personal chef for dinner <3 he cares about you and wants to make your recovery as comfortable as possible. the type to make sure you have water and ur drink of choice and snacks available to you. once in a blue moon he will make you a super cute meal, like rilakkuma omurice or a cutesy curry. he's trying ok
★ all works belong to @urfavslav , do not repost on anywhere else with or without credit, do not plagiarise. thank you !
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 11 months
Hate how they both got upset and had to leave the room here, it's so much sadder then it was in the manga. Hits right in the heart
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This drabble is born from a really angsty brain riot with Bonten's origins, that happened to me after reading this words from @just-sp-in-inginthevoid :
"Bonten is a memorial for Izana, its symbol, its members’ tattoo come from Izana’s earrings and the (天) ten of Bonten 梵天 from Tenjiku 天竺, the (梵) bon of Bonten 梵天 comes from Brahman 梵. (...) There’s no need for Senju to have the same role as Izana in Bonten if she’s not dead."
(I always pictured Senju being death in that timeline, but the reality of the kanjis being literally THAT... ajfshgsjgejgrjg, the pain of this. Wakui, you know how to break us every timeline! 😭)
Bonten was born from pain.
(drabble of the day that Bonten was created)
Warnings: I'm so sorry, this is just angst and hurt/no comfort. I wrote it as an attempt of coping with canon and how painful is Bonten timeline when you actually look closer to it. It's from Koko's POV and everyone is just broke and devastated in their own way. Again, I'm so sorry :(
(English is not my first language, so be nice please 🙈)
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Most people think Bonten is synonymous with fear.
But they are all wrong. Kokonoi knows better.
Bonten is synonymous with pain, it was born in it.
He still remembers the day that Bonten was created, even if it wasn't the official date, any of the executives would pinpoint the exact same moment.
Probably, only Koko could actually offer a coherent narrative of that night. The only outsider of all the chaos unraveling in front of him.
He still has nightmares of what he saw. But is not what happened what haunts him, no. Is the voices, the faces surrounding him.
Wakasa covered in blood, his eyes looking completely empty. His blank stare, like he couldn't believe who this blood belonged to. Benkei's hand on his friend shoulder, tearing up like a baby.
Takeomi curled up in the floor, sobbing next to his sister's body. Saying “it should've been me” over and over, the older man stuck in a loop of guilt and denial.
The former members of Tenjiku looking shocked, not moving a finger for what was supposed to be their gang, their leader. Koko spent enough time with them to know that, even if they were ruthless, seeing the leader of another gang being shot like that... Was too familiar.
Anyone who looked at them could see they never agreed with that. The ghost of Izana Kurokawa still lingered over them.
Kakucho was shaking, his lips trembling. The rain and the blood mixing with red snow in the scarred boy's mind.
The Haitani brothers unconsciously getting closer to each other. Ran pulling his arm around Rindou in a protective way, the younger one allowing it without complains. Both of them staring at Sanzu, terrified with the possibility of being on the pinkette boy place.
Sanzu's screams were the worst of it. The excruciating pain in his voice while he was holding Senju's body. His little sister's body. How he looked at Takeomi, tears rolling down his cheeks, his gaze filled with hate when he spoke to his older brother “I agree, it should've been you.”
Mikey standing there, the void in his eyes while his knuckles kept dripping with South blood. The man's body at his feet.
That gaze, dark and lacking of any emotion. Pure void that swallowed everything around.
(That swallowed them, trapped them like moths that flied too close to the sun)
Bonten was born from pain.
Bonten grew in pain, thrived with it.
And, Kokonoi is sure that whatever destiny awaits for them...
Bonten will die in pain.
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jaycewrites-192000 · 7 months
In Every Timeline [Preview]
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Summery: Childhood friends, Manjiro and Y/n, reunite after a couple of years of being apart. Things have changed overtime, including themselves. However, Y/n has noticed a change in Manjiro that leaves her with a deep feeling of unease. Will they still stay together, even when the future ahead doesn’t look so bright?
Paring: Manjiro “Mikey” Sano x Fem!Reader
Warning(s): Manga Spoilers, Violence, Major Character Death, Heavy Angst
(But don’t worry it will all be ok in the end…maybe)
A young girl at the age of ten, makes her way home from school. She didn’t live too far away from her school, so she didn’t mind the walk to and back. In fact, she found herself enjoying the walks. It gave her some alone time, some time to herself, some time to think.
It was nice.
Unfortunately, it wouldn’t last long. Today, some middle schoolers decided to give her a hard time. She was stopped by two older boys, each of them trying to come off as intimidating.
“You lost little girl?”
“Where’s your little friends? Or, maybe…Don’t tell me you’re one of those friendless geeks!”
“I bet! Just look at her!”
She inwardly sighs at their attempts at scaring her and hurting her feelings. Though, what they said wasn’t entirely wrong. She really didn’t have any friends. It was hard to make friends at her school. Or rather, it was hard for her to make friends. She just gave up after a while.
She wasn’t sad about it or anything. She was doing just fine.
“Can you please get out of my way?” She finally speaks.
“Huh? Trying to order us around pipsqueak!?”
“Annoying little brat! We outta reach you a lesson!”
The two took a step closer to her. This time the sigh left her. She wasn’t a great fighter. She was only ten after all. But she did deal with her fair share of bullies, and she was able to take care of them on her own.
This was no different. Just two dumb bullies in her way.
The first one raised his fist and aimed it towards her face. She quickly dodged before deliver a punch of her own to his stomach. She wasn’t sure if he was actually hurt from it, or if it was just shock that made him stumble back. But she didn’t waste time as she did the same to the other, this time, kicking him in the gut as hard as she could.
“Damn you!”
The girl quickly tried running past them, but was grabbed by the arm and yanked back.
“Hold her still.”
One of the boys cracked his knuckles as he spoke. “We were just gonna let you go with a light slap on the wrist. But now you’re gonna get it! How would you like a few broken bones!?”
Just as he said this, fast approaching footsteps could be heard. And before she knew it, the one threatening to harm her was being kicked in the head. He was sent to the ground roughly, unconscious.
Standing above him, was a boy around her age. With a bored expression, he turned to the one holding her. “How lame. Picking on a little girl.” He muttered before rushing towards him. He jumped up into the air, and delivered the same devastating kick he dealt the first one.
He landed with ease, and turned to face the girl. “You alright?”
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Yay new series! There is going to be lots of spoilers for the manga in this series though, so there is your warning. But, I will put warnings on every chapter that does involve spoilers and some more sensitive/darker subjects.
Hope you guys enjoy!
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jisvno · 1 year
tokyo revengers characters when they see you cry and they comfort you
ft; mikey, kazutora, rindou
genre; partly angst?? with very comfort fluff
tw; mention of abusive parents (kazu), period one (is tw needed? idk but in rindou part)
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♡ manjiro 'mikey' sano
it was another hard day. school, people, emotions, everything was overwhelming you today. you thought that at least you would meet your boyfriend in the afternoon, but he already had plans with ken, so you were left alone. comfort series and sweets did nothing good, but they caused you to get a mental breakdown. you started to cry, overloaded with the day and the lack of any happiness today. manjiro finished meeting with the draken, and he promised you that you would meet today, so he came to your place. he knocked on your door a few times but you wouldnt open it for him, being too tearful, so manjiros got a bit confused and he used the spare key you once gave him and went inside. he immediately heard the sound of crying coming from your room, and after a while he appeared there, seeing you all tearful, tears streaming down your face, red cheeks and shaking body. He immediately came over, sitting next to you and lightly stroking your back with his hand. 'what happened, honey?' he whispered, wrapping his arm lightly around your waist and hugging you. 'tell me, ill listen and try to help you..' he said softly, all the while stroking your back and shoulders. you finally calmed down enough to tell him about what a hard and overwhelming day you've had. manjiro listened to you the whole time, wondering how he could help you. when you finished speaking, he cupped your cheeks and wiped away the tears with his thumbs, looking into your eyes. 'i love you so much, you know? You are really strong and i believe that youll be able to overcome this and tomorrow will be better. remember, im here for you' he said, leaning back slightly and laying on the bed on his back, pulling you in and hugging you tightly. you felt his body heat, the smell of his perfume and just closeness and comfort, so after a while you stopped crying completely. manjiro said sweet things to you all the time, complimented you and talked about how much he loves you and how important you are to him. he decided to stay here for the night so you can rest in his arms. he lightly stroked your hair, which made you feel safe and after a tiring day you fall asleep in the arms of your most wonderful boyfriend
♡ kazutora hanemiya
you were just at school, coming out of your math class. you couldnt believe that despite studying for so long, you got another F. you were disappointed in yourself, fact, but the most stressed thing was what your parents would do after discovering your another bad grade. they were strict and always yelled at you for bad grades, they also hit you sometimes, you were afraid of them and thats why you spent so much time studying, which didnt always work. you were stressed that once again they could raise a hand on you for another F, so tears came to your eyes. you saw kazutora, who was walking towards you with a smile, wanting to show you something after the end of the lesson. but you were in bad shape now, so you ran away from him, ran upstairs to an empty auditorium, where you sat in the corner of the room and cried. you curled up, burying your head in your knees and crying silently, stressed out by the grades. kazutora ran after you, and when he saw you, his heart broke. he sat next to you, he didnt touch you, just looked at you. 'hey, what.. what happened?' he said quietly so as not to scare you. all you could whisper was that you got another F. kazutora knew what your parents were like, you told him that, and he saw how stressed and scared you were. he didnt quite know what to do, but he got up, taking your hand and gently pulling it to get you up. he walked out of school with you and put you on his bike, he sat in front of you and off you went. after a while you and him came to an empty place by the river, full of grass and flowers, you could see most of the city from here, it was really quiet and peaceful here. kazutora got off the bike, giving you his hand, and you sat down on the grass together. still not saying anything, he started picking the flowers, making a wreath out of them, and put it on your head, smiling slightly at the sight. 'you look beautiful, darling' he said, placing his hand on your cheek and stroking it with his thumb. 'i cant help people, but remember that im always here, ill always find time for you to sit with you and take your mind off the bad' he said softly, looking into your eyes. you were thankful to him for not continuing the topic. you two sat on the grass for a while, and then he took you on a bike ride around the city, and finally he took you to his house, where he made you stay the night, where you watched cartoons and laughed all night. you were very happy that you have such a great boyfriend who will always help you take your mind off the bad things
♡ rindou haitani
you were just at your boyfriends house when you felt you had to go to the bathroom. you just got your period, so you use your pad and went back to his room. rindou was sitting at his desk, looking on the computer for something he wanted to show you, and you sat on the bed. suddenly you felt very painful cramps, that you lay down, slightly cringing from the pain. it was so strong that after a while tears flowed from your eyes and you cried silently, unable to bear the pain. when rindou heard your cry, he immediately turned to look at you. 'baby, why are you crying?' he asked softly, and when you told him that you had just gotten your period and were having terrible cramps, he got up, took some painkillers from the cupboard and gave you along with water, then lay down next to you, hugging you tight from behind and stroking your belly with his warm hands. it helped you so much, just his warmness and closeness. he started telling you a story about another 'dumb' thing that ran did, and how stupid he is, because we all know that rins favourite thing to do is teasing ran. after a while the medicine kicked in and you felt a little better and rindou kissed your hair. 'i dont like it when you cry, it makes you look ugly. you look prettier when you smile or laugh,' he said, and immediately had an idea of ​​how to make you feel better. yes, you spent the rest of the evening teasing and arguing with poor ran, who tried to defend himself, but it was 2vs1 battle so he was loosing, which of course kept a smile on your face, you were really grateful to your boyfriend for being there for you and rindou was pleased with himself that his favorite activity gives you a lot of pleasure too
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~ vani's note
first writing here! im not very proud of it, but i guess its not that bad, hope that youll like it! you can request your things, and please tell me if something was bad or just tell me your thought about it!
see you next time!
~vani ♡
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manjirosanosrealwife · 5 months
I am not okay 😭😭, but seriously tho Mikey is me especially when I was younger
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softxsuki · 1 year
Hey Softxsuki; nice to meet you, I'm
Mitsuya's Babygirl.
I don't know if you consider this urgent request, But if you are okay with it.
Can I get a request with female sick reader who has vary bad allergies such as dry stuffy nose, painful ear ache at same time drainage in the ear into the throat , arthritis pain in the upper body, vary sore throat and upset stomach.
On top being vary emotional when not well and being vary clingy too.
Reader wants lots of love and care.
Reader wants Shinichiro Sano, Manjiro Sano, and Izana Kurokawa to stay by her side. She just to cuddles and by cuddle I mean being right up against them in bed grip their shirt because it bring Reader comfort. Reader also would like to get get forehead kisses, and to be care for.
I do not feel too good; bad allergies, dry stuffy nose, painful ear ache and drainage in the ear which cause my throat to hurt, arthritis pain in the shoulder,neck,part of my arm too, and upset stomach.
On top be vary emotional right now, I don't know why, but when I don't feel good; I get vary emotional and cry for no reason. I want some one to care for me and cuddles in bed, give me forehead kisses, and let me grip Their shirt for comfort unlit I fell asleep. 🤒🤧🥺
Shinichiro and Mikey (Separate) Comforting Reader When She's Sick
Pairings: Shinichiro x Fem!Reader, Mikey x Fem!Reader
Warnings: mentions of feeling sick/not feeling well
Genre: Comfort
Post-Type: Headcanons
Word Count: 630
Summary: In which Shinichiro and Mikey comfort you through your sickness that you got from your allergies
[A/N: Hey! Nice to meet you! Thank you for your patience! Unfortunately I don't write for Izana, so I had to exclude him. I also just recently added Shinichiro to my writing list (I still don't know a ton about him) so apologies if his part is shorter or not as accurate as I'd like it to be. I hope this does give you some comfort though. I hope you're feeling better, but if not, I'm sending you all my well wishes that you get better soon! Enjoy <3]
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Gets so nervous
Thinks you’re about to die and debates whether he should take you to the hospital or not but just let him know that you’re this way because of your allergies, that should calm him down
He’s at your service–whatever you need he’ll bring it to you
Doesn’t really want to get sick as well, but if you ask him to stay near you and allow you to cling to him while you were sick, he wouldn’t say no
So he sucks it up and decides to accept the sickness that will eventually befall him as well
It pains him to see you in so much discomfort and pain, he knows what it feels like to be unwell of course, and wishes you didn’t have to go through the same thing
Internally starts to freak out when you cry because he genuinely doesn’t know how to help you feel better other than give you the medicine you have in your house and hold you close
He’d run his fingers through your hair as you cling to his shirt and whine in pain as you’re half asleep
Really, he just wants you to sleep as much as possible so you don’t have to be in pain
Relief floods through him whenever your eyes finally close and your grip on his shirt loosens
He takes your hand in his and holds it, staying by your side the whole time, praying for you to get better soon
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I picture him to also be clingy so he welcomes your clinginess during your sick days
Work? What is that? You’re entirely his until you’re feeling better
Doesn’t care that you could get him sick, he welcomes all the germs to infect him as well, it would be proof of his love and care for you
He can’t cook for the life of him so he probably calls Draken or Mitsuya over so they can buy you something soothing to eat that might help you feel better
He WOULD go get it himself, but he doesn’t want to let you out of his sight or leave you alone–not even for a second
When they arrive with your light,soothing food like soup or porridge, he doesn’t let them get a glimpse of you, just opens the door a crack, takes the bag of food, mumbles a quick thanks, and then closes the door again
Back in bed, he helps you sit up a bit and feeds you the food he got
It’s painful to swallow from your sore throat, but he urges you to take at least a few bites, knowing the importance of having something in your stomach when you’re sick
Afterwards, he invites you into his arm and you both cling to each other
Fear settles in the pit of his stomach at your condition, though he tries to rationalize with himself that it’s just a cold because of your allergies, he’s always scared of losing you
You pull on his heart strings as tears start to fall from your eyes–you’re the only one who has this effect on him and he’s mad that he can’t do much to help you other than remain by your side
So as you drift off to sleep in his arms, your hand still tightly gripping his shirt for comfort, he presses a kiss to your forehead and keeps his eyes on you
Literally stays up all night watching you, putting a finger under your nose to make sure you’re still breathing
He’s tense the whole night until you awaken the next day and reassure him that you’re feeling a lot better, only then would he be able to fall asleep, knowing you’ll be okay and there when he awakens again
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Posted: 6/13/2023
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joonipertree · 1 year
the fact that I need comfort and bonten mikey comes to mind makes a lot of sense for me personally.
like yes, the one guy with the most deadpanned look imaginable. If we're close enough, I will surely probably try to hug him....I'm brave enough I think??
would he hug me? no
but if I let go, I'd just sit close to him. I'd lean against him and most likely he would stay.
the fact that he could protect me also makes his presence comforting.
his existence is nice in my complex trauma eyes <3
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saenora · 1 year
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MIKEY • 20.08
happy birthday to my baby boy, my munchkin, my bubble marshmallow baby <33.
#: @enchantedforest-network + @bakerysnake @sukunassuka
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yanderederee · 1 year
Simp!Yandere!Mikey on the way :(;゙゚'ω゚'):
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….self-indulging need to be needed~?who??
Tw; yandere themes, obsessive Mikey, he pulls reader like an object for the most part. Sometimes he can’t tell his hard he grasps. Unspecified timeline Manjiro Sano. Idk <333
Pic repost because I think it’s kind of funny how—- :3
But it’s okay.
I have too many thoughts at once and can’t follow one.. pls bare with me..~
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starxiasstuff · 1 year
How some of the bonten members would react to your period.
(💀the amount of pain some of us feel is just omg)
Ran Haitani
He would have a basic understanding of it
Unaware of cramps/mood swings and that sorta shit so he would def be taken aback if you winced in pain.
Would tease you but would stop if you're visibly pissed or hurt
Would try his best in getting you the right sort of pads
Will buy you whatever you want "wah, that bag is super cute! " Next thing you know Ran bought it.
Gives you massages
Overall his care is a 9.5 on 10 the teasing made him lose the .5
Rindou Haitani
PLS he literally knows nothing about periods, he just found you sleeping and happened to see a stain, he lowkey thought you got shot on your ass and freaked out
He is a pretty fast learner so after reading up on some articles about it he would go to the store and buy every single pad/snack available
Would spoil you but not come near you, he's liked kinda grossed outtt idk the idea of bleeding out of your 🐱 for almost 24/7 doesn't sit right with him
He would be a bitch and ask you to sleep in the guest bedroom, but he would end up sleeping on the couch.
"Rin can i get a hug pleaseeeeee" "EWW no way in hell am I comin' near you and your bleeding🐱"
Overall he's a solid 7 on 10, the distancing makes you feel like shit and he doesn't even make up properly just buys you stuff and awkwardly tries to make up for the shitty week your body and he caused.
Pretty experienced because of Emma
Keeps a track of your cycle
Shares his food (which is a stretch even for his "emo" Self)
Butterfly kisses on your stomach
He would take a day off and put either Kakucho Or Kokonoi incharge (no way in hell is he letting Sanzu take over for a full 24 hours)
Thinks a lot before he speaks to you during the week, he is so scared of saying smth that might hurt you in anyway
Personal heatpack <3
10/10 he is literally the sweetest during this time <333333
Might update later.
Kakucho Hitto
Contrary to popular belief of him being "husband" Material, I think he would be flustered to talk about it.
"Oh.. You're uh on your.. *cough* monthly cycle... UHH" Poor dude would be confused af and would be super worried if your cramps are bad
He'd come back early frm Bonten hq in an attempt to take care of you, but freak out as soon as he had laid eyes on a stain.
He would properly make it up to you for freaking out about it (unlike someone 😒)
Would cuddle you from behind and rub gentle circles on your back
Same as Ran 9.5 on 10, he lost the
.5 at being awkward, it put you on edge.
Sanzu Haruchiyo
Manz doesn't know what it is and won't care to learn about it, all he needs is a nutshell explanation and BOOM he literally runs faster then Sonic to the supermarket and buys you everything you could ever need
Would take the whole week off just to stay with you
Movies and binge watching cringy rom-cons are a must
Asks you if you can still do the deed
If your cramps are bad in the morning he'll carry you downstairs bridal style throw you on the couch and gets you your favorite instant noodles
Would take a hot bath with you without being disgusted by the sight of your blood
Overall solid 10, he is super ooc here because I refuse to see all his red flags 😌
Hhhgnudvjfvjfc I'm back like I promised, I'll be ending it with koko and takeomi, I'm sorry i just can't write shit for mochi😔
Kokonoi Hajime
He honestly could care less, but he loves you and hates seeing you in pain
He will def spoil you like crazy, slides you his phone from across the table and asks you which piece of clothes you like better
Buys you some of the best meds, manz hates it when you say you don't need the meds but are literally glued to the bed cause of cramps
After a really bad period he would take you to a gynecologist to make sure everythings ok
Would take a day off to take care of you, but when he returns the whole hq is in literal shambles
Would make sure you have a really or atleast maybe relaxing week
(Fhcghv i low key love this man sm i have sm hcs just based on him)
If your back hurts he'll buy a whole new matress
10/10 no explanation needed
Akaashi Takeomi (this is the literal first time I've ever wrote anything for him, probs the last time too idk he and mochi are hard to write for)
Would be experienced because of senju
Doesn't keep a track of your cycle but knows when it's near almost like a 6th sense
Cooks gourmet worthy food for you
Cuddles and what not
He asks you literally everything like "hey, would you like it if I went to work today? "
#remote working
Checks in on you a lot to make sure you're comfy and not in too much pain.
10/10 (smh rin better be taking notes)
Bye bye luvs!! I'll post smth later
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ifonlyitwasmidnight · 2 years
“I was only using you.”
CW: Straight hurt no comfort, descriptions of feelings like they’re drugs. I didn’t proofread this. At all.
He knew it was wrong.
He never should have let you get this close in the first place and that was his fault.
He should have tried harder to keep you at a distance, but you were addictive. Every smile was a high only you could provide. Every hug was like a trip he had never been on. Every time your lips touched, it was like feeling the first wave of ecstasy as it hits the tongue.
He would drown in you. Kill for you.
Die for you. By anyone’s hands, including his own.
He also knew being near you meant putting you in danger.
He knew you would eventually wind up here, standing in the living room with tears streaming down your face, staring at him like he was your worst nightmare.
And maybe he should be. He needed to be your villain, not your safety.
The bruise of a hand mark wrapped around your arm. The cuts that peppered your flesh he loved to caress proved that. It all reminded him that you didn’t belong in his world. It showed him you deserved a life where you weren’t looking over your shoulder, waiting for someone to hurt you.
“Say something!” You screamed, voice cracking. Your shoulders shook from the force of your sobs.
He crossed his arms over his chest, face unchanged. He could feel his heart shatter with each tear that rolled down your face. Each shuttering breath you took in tested his resolve. His fists shook under his arms with the restraint he had to maintain.
He wanted to run to you. To hold you in his arms and apologize for everything.
“I was only using you.”
You sucked in a deep breath and held it.
“You’re nothing more than a silly little plaything I should have left on the street a long time ago,” his said viciously. Each word a spitting snarl that cut deeper than the last.
Your shoulders stopped shaking. Your fists relaxed. He watched as the fire in your eyes he loved to see sparkle at the silliest things, faded to a dull ember and extinguished.
“I’ll give you a few days to get your shit out.” His footsteps were loud in the silence that hung between you both. A distance that grew miles with each step until there was an ocean between you that he would drown in for the rest of his mortal life and beyond.
He heard your knees his the ground as he pulled the front door closed, separating himself from the only person he had ever and would ever love.
x Mikey, Draken, Baji, Katsuki, Deku, Todoroki, Hawks, Cloud Strife, Itachi, Kakashi, Ichigo.
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d34dg1rl5 · 1 year
Tokyo Revengers Boys taking you on a date! (or something like that)
Mikey is calling. You pick up the phone. “Hello?” “Hi, (Y/N)! I am here.” You sit up on your bed. “What do you mean you’re here?” “I am here as in I am in front of your house ready to take you on a date!” “A date?? Right now??” “Yes! Get dressed!” He hangs up and you look at your phone. Quickly you get up and walk to the closet. You decide on something more casual to wear.  Grabbing your bag you run outside seeing Mikey waiting for you on his bike. “Wow, (Y/N), you look stunning.” He gives you a cheeky grin as you get on his bike. “Mikey, where are we going?” He looks at you. “Getting some dorayaki.” He starts his bike and drives to Shibuya.  After a while of looking around he drags you to a shop and gets two dorayaki. Walking outside he takes you to sit down on a bench under a sakura tree. Mikey hands you the dorayaki. “Thank you!” “Anything for you. I love you.” He grins and gives you a peck on the cheek.
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It’s 2 am in the morning and the sound of some light tapping on your window wakes you. Looking to the window you see your boyfriend Hanma grinning devilishly. Walking up to the window you open it. “Han-” “Hey doll, what’s up?” He climbs inside your room and looks around. “First time being in your room, pretty cozy looking.” He turns to look at you. You have your arms crossed waiting for an explanation. Hanma chuckles as he embraces you in a hug. “Sorry, I forgot that.” He places a kiss on your forehead as he lays down on your bed making himself at home. “Shu, what the fuck are you doing here? It’s 2 am.”, you start. “Thanks, but I have a watch, so I know the time.” You roll your eyes. “No, like. What are you doing here in the middle of the night?” Hanma looks at you and extends his arms waiting for you to come up to him. “Spending time with my babygirl, what else?” He grins as you come up to him. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you towards him turning on the TV.  “What do you want to watch, babygirl?”
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Chifuyu looks around his room. He just cleaned up because in a few minutes you will show up to spend some time at his place. He sighs satisfied as he hears the doorbell. Chifuyu jogs over opening the door. “(Y/N)!” He smiles at you hugging you tightly. “I was so excited for you to come over!” You grin at him. “Me too, Fufu!” He blushes at the nickname you have for him and leads you to his room.  You sit down on the edge of his bed as he strolls over. “I ordered us some food, it’ll arrive in a few.” He grins as he sits down next to you wrapping his arm around your shoulders. He looks at you with a dreamy look on his face as he pulls you in for a kiss. You smile kissing him back.  After a few seconds you pull away from the kiss and look at him. His expression softens and he plants another kiss on the top of your nose.  After the food arrived you sit down on Chifuyus bed. He does the same while munching on some snack. He starts the game “It takes Two”.  Just as you play the game Chifuyu comes up behind you and wraps his arms around you while putting his head on yours. “Love you.”
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Well... I was having brain riot and making fun of Sanzu's silliest moment ever (the train xD), because I always thought it was hilarious that he planed something so chaotic that could go so wrong so easily (yeps, ignoring the implications of who he was willing to sacrifice for Mikey). And suddenly, I thought "What if no one stopped him and everything went the worst way possible?"
And bam, this drabble was in my mind and I needed to write it and share this pain. I'm so sorry.
Hits Different
(this is a train wreck)
(link to ao3 in case some one preferes to read it there)
Summary: Apparently, when it comes to the Sanos a train wreck and a plane crash aren't that different.
Warnings: Manga Spoilers. Angst. Hurt/No Comfort. I'm pretty sure the summary itself is a big warning of where this is going. Expect only pain and a broken Sanzu. I'm so sorry, really.
(English is not my first language, so be nice please 🙈)
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Sanzu looks around, a big grin on his face. He did it, he managed to derail the train and ran over the pests that dared to compare themselves to his king.
Their irritating noise sounds a lot better turned into screams while he walks katana in hand, admiring his work. A familiar pink hair tries to steal his attention from the corner of his eye, but Sanzu doesn't stop. He's an only child, why would he care to check if she's even breathing?
There is only one thing that matters, only one focus on his mind amongst the bloodshed that he created. Mikey. Making Mikey proud, being finally acknowledged for what he's capable of doing. Earning his rightful place next to the king.
Sanzu turns his head when he hears an annoying voice screaming. Hanagaki. That fucking cockroach survived. He approaches to him, clenching his hand around the katana, decided to finish the job.
He's going to do it, he feels the adrenaline, a smirk plastered on his face now that he's finally close enough. Close enough to recognize the blonde head sticking out of Hanagaki's arms.
No. It can't be. No, no, no, no. How? This can't be, Mikey was on the top of a container, he planed everything, he made sure, he... No, no, no!
Suddenly, reality hits him and Haruchiyo's world comes crashing down. Whatever delusion was feeding his mind disappears, he can't breathe. He looks around gasping for air and all he can see is blood, body parts scattered around. People screaming in pain, the smell of death.
Wakasa. Benkei. Senju.
It's a fucking carnage and it's his fault. This was what he wanted. But it wasn't, it wasn't, this is not what it was supposed to happened. Why is this happening?
Haruchiyo's body collapses, his legs don't answer him anymore. The katana falls to the ground next to him. He pukes, completely horrified by the views. He's breaking, shaking, crying, unable to control himself.
“Mikey... No... He wasn't supposed to be down here...Mikey...”
His voice is weak, the words don't even make sense between whimpers. But Hanagaki looks at him, still hugging Mikey's body, something indiscernible in that pair of eyes that burns Haruchiyo's soul.
“Mikey isn't dead, he's still breathing. He was on top of that container, but he fell when the train...” Hanagaki stops, seemingly trying to pull himself together. “Mikey fell and hit his head. I'm gonna take him to the hospital, you can help or get out of my way, I don't fucking care anymore, but I'm taking him to the hospital. Are we clear?”
Haruchiyo just nods, allowing the hero to pass next to him with Mikey's body hanging on his arms. A chill runs down his spine when he feels it. When he feels that again. In that exact moment, he knows. Mikey is never going to wake up, he will whiter for years before finally dying.
'Laugh, Haruchiyo'
A maniacal laughter escapes his mouth. The universe is mocking at him, the cycle repeating itself.
It was always going to end like this, wasn't it?
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