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sydneychaseindigo · 5 years ago
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Finally got it all set up! I am so hyped. I received this gift from an Indigo Room Subscriber and Donor Thursday. They wish to remain anonymous but I know who they are.🙏😊 I shall honor their request. I am so very thankful. This workstation, laptop, monitor, keyboard and mouse exceeded what I put on my CREATE YOUR DAY LIST. Imagination creates. All in our Wonderful human imagination. You just figure out the what, go to the end and don't worry about it mess with the middle. The middle the who, the how is not our work. I am teaching this technique in my IMAGINATION CREATION GROUP COACHING 9%19 & 9 /20. You can learn how to use it too. Click the link to my website in my profile bio theindigoroom.org In the meantime, I am like the nerdy nerd kid at the techy shop this weekend. I love it THANK YOU!!!!!!💙🙏💙🙏💙 . . #theindigoroomshow #sydneychase #imagination #imaginationcreates #imaginatoncreation #dell #dellcomputer #delllaptop #dellworkstation #nevillegoddard #nevillegoddardmoney #manifestingourreality #createyourday #Createyourreality #lawofattraction #changeyourthoughts #feelingisthesecret #thoughtsbecomethings #coaching #icreate #iamstalkingneville #universalabundance (at Staten Island, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2dcmxUnHYj/?igshid=1lfhsz16kfg48
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sydneychaseindigo · 6 years ago
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Do you realize how powerful you are? Do you remember all of the wonderful things, places, people, experiences and money that you have already manifested? Sometimes we forget especially when we are having a wicky wacky day. I love to keep track of my manifestations in a journal, specifically. It feels good to look back and remember how much abundance is truly circulating in my life. This is the perfect journal for you, with a message from me on the cover. 2019 has a little more than 3 months left in it, I am sure if you start keeping track now, your mind will be blown away just how much you've manifested by the time the New Year rolls around. Click our website link my bio theindigoroom.org to Shop The Indigo Room Emporium. . . . . . #theindigoroomshow #sydneychase #RaiseYourVibeTribe #raiseyourvibrations #highvibrations #highvibes #manifestationexercises #manifestingourreality #manifestationjournal #manifesations #youareamazing #yourarepowerful #spiritualawakening #spirituality #spiritualalignment https://www.instagram.com/p/B2NPpE3plHw/?igshid=dbpa9h11fijp
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sydneychaseindigo · 6 years ago
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Visit our website in bio for the live link theindigoroom.org or click here https://bit.ly/2CBxttP Thinking positive and feeling negative could be why Law of attraction is not working for you. Join us tonight 9/4/19 8pm Eastern, 5pm as we discuss how positive and negative may be cancelling out your manifestation. Feeling really is the Secret. https://bit.ly/2CBxttP The Indigo Room: Creating Our Reality with Sydney Chase is based on the fact that we are spiritual beings having physical human experiences and life is supposed to be fun, beautiful & delicious even when it's Wicky Wacky!. . . . #lawofattraction #alignment #raiseyourvibrations #highvibrations #highvibes #nevillegoddard #IAMDiscourses #metaphysics #Createyourreality #feelingisthesecret #feelitreal #imagination #imaginationcreates #manifestingourreality #manifestation #howtomanifest #iamthatiam✨ #sydneychase #inspiration #youcreateyourownreality #powerwithin (at Staten Island, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2AY3fHHVtx/?igshid=114ccrgux3uc4
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sydneychaseindigo · 6 years ago
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You can revise your day.  Good Rising Chat live, today Sunday, September 1, 2019 at 11AM EST. 8AM Pacific.  A Neville Goddard technique that I Iove and have used many times over. Join us to find out how to use it.  Streaming live on twitter @Sydney584 Instagram @theindigoroomshow and YouTube Search The Indigo Room Creating Our Reality and Facebook .  The Indigo Room: Creating Our Reality with Sydney Chase is based on the fact that we are spiritual beings having physical human experiences and life is supposed to be fun, beautiful & delicious even when it's Wicky Wacky!  #goodrising #goodrisingchat #livenow #theindigoroomshow #nevillegoddardrevise #pruningshearsofrevision #youcanreviseyourday #nevillegoddard #wearetheones #gowithin #raiseyourvibrations #raiseyourvibetribe #highvibrations #wickywackythoughts #thoughtsbecomethings #sydneychase #creatingourreality #feelgood #feelingisthesecret  #manifestingourreality #createyourday #reviseyourday (at Staten Island, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B13vuHQH1hb/?igshid=17lj94mgju3fu
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sydneychaseindigo · 6 years ago
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Tonight, Wed. Sept.11, 2019 as we continue our live book discussion of Resurrection by Neville Goddard Search The Indigo Room on YouTube to set a reminder. 8pm Eastern, 5pm Pacific or click link to set a reminder https://youtu.be/uZ9QaogJBQM Part7 of our “Are there manifesting secrets in the bible?”, inquiring minds ask, what is the bible really saying when referencing the mustard seed? And what did it really mean when the angel spoke to Mary about the birth of her son Jesus. The Indigo Room: Creating Our Reality with Sydney Chase is based on the fact that we are spiritual beings having physical human experiences and life is supposed to be fun, beautiful & delicious even when it's Wicky Wacky!  #nevillegoddardrevision #manifestation #raiseyourvibrations #LawofAttraction #changeyourthoughts #thoughtsbecomethings #nevillegoddardresurrection #createyourreality #theindigoroom #sydneychase #inspiration #positivequotes #motivation #nevillegoddard #thebible #metaphysics #metaphysical #creation #changeyourconsciousness #subconciouscreates #manifestingourreality https://www.instagram.com/p/B2Sc1EQn5YN/?igshid=1r75t8zt11dvz
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