The Indigo Room: Creating Our Reality with Sydney Chase is based on the fact that we are spiritual beings having physical human experiences and life is supposed to be fun, beautiful & delicious even when it's Wicky Wacky!
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11/11 Portal Happy Energetic New Year
11/11 Portal
 Today the 11/11 Portal is open Indigos. It is very powerful. I know I always say this is a powerful portal. And it is. Why? Because for the past ten years or so the veil has been thinning and the portals are getting stronger. This year is stronger than last year. It is the most powerful to date. Write down your intentions. Write down your dreams and desires. Give them over to Mother-Father God to handle. Let the Universe help you already. Sheesh you do not have to do this all yourself. You may have intense dreams. You may wake up feeling different as if you are more awake and aware than before. Set your intentions for the new year now, don't wait until January 1, 2024. Great time to cleanse your energy so the new energies can take hold. If you fight against just might miss the blessings the universe is working to bring through you and to you. This energetic New Year is open and waiting for you to decide you are thriving. It really is all up to you. This is a powerful time to pick up your Merkaba Vehicle and to prepare yourself for it's activation. I anticipate hearing about all of your successes. This energy will go out to around the 20th of this month but is most powerful right now. Don't miss this opportunity. It sets the tone for the entire 2024. It's our energetic New Year. Don't wait til January 1 to make your intentions..Do it Today!! 11/11 Portal affirmation "I AM Rich. I AM Healthy. I AM Wealthy. I AM Free. Everything always works out for me. My energy frequency is my prosperity." ~ Happy 11/11 Portal New Year!! Read the full article
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Being Redirected on Your Path
Good New Day you delicious Indigo Beings of The Indigo Room. I hope you slept in the wish fulfilled and you woke up that way. Sometimes it feels like things are not going the way you imagined them to go. If you could see your journey from a higher perspective you might see that are not really going wrong you are just being redirected or perhaps you are receiving an upgrade. Go within instead of fighting without and ask, "Am I on the correct path?" You will feel or receive messages, see, read or hear something which will confirm your direction either way. Redirection on a path often means the Unknown, Source, God, or your Spiritual Team, is guiding you. You are receiving protection to get you to your next destination easily and safely. *For new daily Good Day Messages and to meet and share with other Indigos join our new Discord here. Read the full article
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I Keep Waking Up

Good New Day you delicious Indigo Beings of The Indigo Room. I hope you slept in the wish fulfilled and you woke up that way. Everyday is a new opportunity to be, do and imagine something different. Each new day is filled with new delicious energies to wake up to. I know we often think oh I am woke and I get it now. But then a new day arises with new challenges. And this is the opportunity to wake up again. I love this journey of life. The things that used to stick in my craw yesterday have me rolling on the floor with laughter today. WOW!! The journey is a process and you are asked each new day to step into the highest version of yourself today. Some days you will want to fight it raising your vibration. Why can't I just stay here?, you may ask. Because the journey is constantly unfolding and constantly changing asking you to adjust asking you if you are truly committed to what you say you want to be do and have. Your abundance lies within you. And only you have the opportunity to change it. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow is not here. You have today. You woke up today. Begin again right here in the present it is the best gift. You are the one you've been looking for. *For new daily Good Day Messages and to meet and share with other Indigos join our new Discord here. Read the full article
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Lion's Gate Portal 8/8

Lion’s Gate Portal 8/8
A celestial event of great significance is peaking: the Lion's Gate Portal on August 8, 2023. This annual occurrence is eagerly awaited by spiritual enthusiasts, astrologers, and mystics, as it is believed to herald a surge of powerful cosmic energies that offer opportunities for personal growth, transformation, and spiritual awakening. As I stated last month this is the perfect time to pick up your Merkaba Vehicle dear Indigos. Pick up your Indigo Merkaba Activation E-Book here Indigo Merkaba Activation E-Book If you've already received your book and you are ready to begin activating your Merkaba Join us August 12, 2023 for our Live Indigo Merkaba Activation Course here.
Unveiling the Lion's Gate Portal
The Lion's Gate Portal, also known as the "8/8 Portal," is a cosmic alignment that occurs each year around August 8th. Lion’s Gate Portal opens on August 8th, 2023, a date observed by ancients, astrologers and numerologists alike. The portal widens its jaws from July 28th – August 12th but its powers are thought to peak on the 8th. This event is marked by the alignment of the Earth, the star Sirius, and the sun in the astrological sign of Leo. In various spiritual and esoteric traditions, the energy of the Lion's Gate Portal is thought to be especially potent due to this alignment, as it creates a gateway for higher frequencies and vibrations to permeate the Earth. The Significance of Sirius and Rigel At the heart of the Lion's Gate Portal lies the star Sirius, also known as the "Spiritual Sun." And don't forget our Indigo star Rigel is also added in the mix. In ancient Egyptian mythology, Sirius was revered as a symbol of rebirth and spiritual enlightenment. It was associated with the goddess Isis and her role in guiding souls to higher realms. Many believe that the alignment of Sirius with the sun and Earth during the Lion's Gate Portal amplifies the transmission of spiritual wisdom, insight, and healing energy. Rigel is a blue supergiant star and is one of the most luminous and massive stars in our galaxy. The star's estimated distance from Earth is around 860 light-years. The blue color is due to its intense heat, causing it to emit a significant amount of blue and ultraviolet light. Rigel's immense size contributes to its brightness. It has a diameter estimated to be about 78 times that of our Sun. In terms of mass, Rigel is estimated to be roughly 17 times more massive than the Sun. Rigel is located in the "foot" of the constellation Orion, giving the constellation its distinct "hunter" shape. It forms the left foot of Orion when the constellation is depicted as a figure. Energetic Effects and Spiritual Growth During the Lion's Gate Portal, it is said that the Earth is bathed in a heightened frequency of light, which can accelerate personal and spiritual growth. Individuals often report feeling a sense of clarity, increased intuition, and a deeper connection to their higher selves. This alignment provides an opportunity to release old patterns, fears, and limitations, paving the way for transformation and self-discovery. Rigel has been known since ancient times and is an important navigational star. It is often associated with the "hunter" figure in various cultural mythologies and is part of the Orion constellation, one of the most recognizable constellations in the night sky. Practices for Harnessing the Portal's Energy

- Meditation and Visualization: Engage in meditation to align yourself with the energies of the Lion's Gate Portal. Visualize yourself surrounded by a golden light, connecting with the energy of Sirius (home to our whale & dolphin brothers and sisters ) and opening yourself to receive guidance and inspiration. - Journaling and Reflection: Set aside time for introspection and journaling. Reflect on your goals, aspirations, and any areas of your life that are in need of transformation. Write down your intentions for the coming months. - Crystal and Sound Healing: Work with crystals such as labradorite, sunstone, and citrine to amplify the portal's energies. Sound healing through chants, mantras, or singing bowls can also enhance your connection to higher frequencies. - Nature and Rituals: Spend time in nature to ground yourself and connect with the Earth's energies. Consider creating a ritual that involves lighting candles, burning sage, and setting intentions for the portal's energies to support your growth. Conclusion The Lion's Gate Portal on August 8, 2023, offers a unique opportunity to tap into the celestial energies and embark on a journey of spiritual transformation. Whether you are seeking clarity, healing, or a deeper connection to your inner self, this cosmic alignment provides a gateway to explore and elevate your consciousness. As you harness the energies of this portal, remember that your intentions and actions can synergize with the cosmic flow, guiding you toward a path of personal evolution and self-discovery. Loin's Gate Portal 8/8 now open!! Today is one of the best days to focus on what you love not what you fear. Be your Indigo true self. Bring all the love you can in all of your activities today.See your success feel it real. Act as if it's all already done. Do this in a calm, unbothered way. Call on and call in your assigned angels, guides and ancestors to assist you. There will be a new heaven and a new earth if you allow it to be in your reality. Call in love with the power of 1,000 suns to dismantle all of the old ways that you used to be so easily attached to. Let Love of a thousand suns be your guiding light and your awareness. Let the power of the unknown God, Source, God-dess, Allah, your higher-self room to act in and on your behalf. Namaste! Happy Lions Gate Portal Indigos Read the full article
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Trust Your Inner Guidance
Trust Your Inner Guidance
Good New Day you delicious Indigo Beings of The Indigo Room. I hope you slept in the wish fulfilled and you woke up that way. Trust your intuition and inner guidance. The still small voice inside you is not a screaming roaring sound. That, loud voice most times is your ego. It, your Ego gets uncomfortable moving from your comfort zone and will tell you all of the reasons that you will fail. The majority of times it is rooted in fear. More times than not when we let the Ego lead instead of the Intuition we encounter more challenges than necessary. Doing shadow work or lower-self healing will clear up your energy. Then watch how your intuition guides you right where you desire to be. Trusting your inner guidance is not always easy, because what if you are wrong. I know that feeling. But what if you are right? You will never know if you don't even begin. If you keep doing what you've done, you will keep getting what you've got. Just begin! Read the full article
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Let the Real You Shine Through
Good New Day you delicious Indigo beings of The Indigo Room. I hope you slept in the wish fulfilled and you woke up that way. Do not hide your light under a bushel. Let the real you shine through!! Show the world the real you! Life gets so much better when you let the real you shine through. Be Your Authentic Self! Read the full article
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Your Energy Frequency

Good New Day you delicious Indigo Beings of the Indigo Room. I hope you slept in the wish fulfilled and you woke up that way. What is your daily routine? Tuning your Energy frequency is THE most important part of our daily routine. Think about how you start each new Day. Pay attention to that because it sets the tone not just for today but also for future days. Yes, stay in the present now moment because all time is now. What you choose to be in your vibration now affects your next now moments; which to us looks like future moments. Start your days in a higher vibration and pay attention when it dips. Why? Because only you will be able to tune back to the frequency you started your day with. It's up to you. For new daily Good Day Messages and to meet and share with other Indigos join our new Discord here. Our new e-book, Indigo Merkaba Activation available now. Visit my linktree to purchase & to receive your coupon code. Read the full article
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Be at Peace

Good New Day you delicious beings of The Indigo Room I hope you slept in the wish fulfilled and you woke up that way. Ask yourself Who are you at war with currently? Is it yourself or another. What are you at war with currently? Look up the word War. The Battle is not yours. It belongs to your spiritual team. Rest under the shadow of the Divine Almighty and cast your burdens there. Rest and be in Peace in your mind and spirit then watch how quickly things change and progress for you. *For new daily Good Day Messages and to meet and share with other Indigos join our new Discord here. Read the full article
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August Super Full Moons
August Full Super Moons Today & at the end of the month. One of the BEST times to Pick up your Merkaba Vehicle. Read all about it in our new e-book. Indigo Merkaba Activation. Visit my linktree to purchase & to receive your coupon code. Follow Alex Myles on IG. Read the full article
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The Divine Has Your Back

Good New Day you delicious Indigo Beings of the Indigo Room. I hope you slept in the wish fulfilled and you woke up that way. Trust and Know your Divine Spiritual Team is holding you down. Trust and Know!! For new daily Good Day Messages and to meet and share with other Indigos join our new Discord here. Â Read the full article
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Believing and Knowing

Good New Day You delicious Indigo beings of the Indigo Room. I hope you slept in the wish fulfilled and you woke up that way. Think about something that you Know. What does that feel like? Are you sitting and a chair right now? If you are sitting in a chair right now, do you believe you are sitting in a chair right now or do you know you are sitting in a chair right now? They are two totally different feeling vibrations. Belief means there is some doubt, you are not sure, and you do not know. Knowing is I just know, I know that I know that I know. That is the difference. Knowing has no doubt. Belief most times is filled with doubt. So when I say to you act like you as if, I mean act like you know. Have a delicious day! *For new daily Good Day Messages and to meet and share with other Indigos join our new Discord here. Read the full article
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Your Path is Not Determined by Anyone Outside of You

Good New Day You delicious Indigo beings of the Indigo Room. I hope you slept in the wish fulfilled and you woke up that way. Take a look at your thoughts, feelings and your actions. This is a really great time to look at what you are thinking and feeling to see if they are a match. Many of our thoughts about our reality are not our own. We have picked up many thoughts that are not aligned with the Indigo being you truly are. You are one of the most powerful beings on the planet. But you may have grown up being told otherwise. And you have adopted these thoughts. Those thoughts determine your feelings. And your thoughts and feelings combined determine your actions. ``Look at the word adopt. It means 1.legally take (another's child) and bring it up as one's own. "there are many people eager to adopt a baby" 2.choose to take up, follow, or use. You can look at those thoughts you have adopted to be the children of your mother, father, friends, co-workers, associates, teachers, etc you get the drift. They are not yours. They never were. But you have made them so. Some are useful, and some are detrimental to your evolution dear Indigo. Look at those children you have adopted, nurtured , loved and have held deep within. Time now to let them go. NOW!! Â *For new daily Good Day Messages and to meet and share with other Indigos join our new Discord here. Read the full article
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Pay Attention To The Words You Speak
Good New Day you delicious Indigo Beings of The Indigo Room. I hope you slept in the wish fulfilled and you woke up that way. I want to remind us all to pay attention to the words that we speak about ourselves each day. I can't, It's not possible. I am not able. I don't have... Those are actually curse words...not muthafu...well you get the idea. Remember words are spells we are casting over our lives and our experiences. Choose your words wisely. Love you Have a delicious day. Â *For new daily Good Day Messages and to meet and share with other Indigos join our new Discord here. Read the full article
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Be Still and Know

Good New Day you delicious beings of The Indigo Room. I hope you slept in the wish fulfilled and you woke up that way. Being still sometimes is a very difficult thing to do yet not impossible. It doesn't mean to just sit on your couch doing nothing and eating bon bons Nope, it means to still that monkey mind chatter you got going on over and over. It means to still those thoughts that overtake you and cause you to panic and take actions that are fear based and will not actually resolve the issue and more than likely create more problems than before. Be Still and Know is to quiet your mind and listen to your intuition which is higher guidance and know that is the next action to take. Listen stop talking so much. *For new daily Good Day Messages and to meet and share with other Indigos join our new Discord here. Read the full article
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7/7/7 Portal is now open and INDIGO IT'S TIME TO ACTIVATE YOUR MERKABA! Good New Day you delicious Indigo beings of the Indigo Room. I hope you slept in the wish fulfilled and you woke up that way.
As you may or may not be aware as part of the Indigo Ascension process it is important to Activate your Merkaba Vehicle. I've written a book called Indigo Merkaba Activation in e-book form, which you can purchase and download for a discounted price of just $7USD. Why $7USD? I am a life path number 7 and it's the 7/7/7 Portal opening day Today! And because you took the time to click this special link to sign up for our newsletter and updates you will receive a discount code to use on our website where the book is $11 USD. But an even more special reason is according to numerology, we are in the magical universal year of 7. 2023 is 2+0+2+3 =7. In numerology, when we are in a 7 Year cycle, this is a time of spiritual awakenings, knowledge gathering, solitude, and inward focus. It’s a year of purchasing self-help books and developing your intuitive voice. What a great time to purchase a book which will assist you with your Indigo Spiritual Awakening. It's also this year 2023 has been considered a year of restoration. I look at this as Indigo's being restored to their rightful spiritual place. This particular 7/7/7 portal will not show up again until 2032. Why would you wait that long for the next doorway to open when you have this delicious, fabulous opportunity now! Right now!! Jump in! My Energy Frequency is My Abundance. My Energy Frequency is My Abundance. My Energy Frequency is My Abundance. My Energy Frequency is My Abundance. My Energy Frequency is My Abundance. My Energy Frequency is My Abundance. My Energy Frequency is My Abundance. Get into the habit of repeating this particular affirmation to yourself daily, at least for the next 30 days 7/7 til 8/7. I physically write it in my journal seven times and repeat it seven times daily. Read the full article
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Shumann's Resonance Off The Charts
We are definitely witnessing some interesting changes here on the planet. Last weekend in particular. If you are not familiar with Shumann's Resonance you can check out the wikipedia here There have been some huge fluxuation patterns in Shumann's Resonance this past weekend which can be seen on twitter here. If you look closely at the second image to the far right you can see what seems to actually look like Merkaba vehicles. If you haven't already done so please pick up your Indigo Merkaba Activation E-book right now. It is very important that you do so. Activate Your Indigo Merkaba, Complimentary E-Book Many great changes are afoot. Drink plenty of water. Ground yourselves. And cleanse and protect your energy. Your energy vibration is your most important asset. You may check out my YouTube video here on The Indigo Room channel. Read the full article
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The energy in and around us is moving at break-neck speed. So mind your steps. I literally lost an entire day this week. Whew!! There are many shifts and changes happening swiftly without warning spiritually, energetically, physically and globally

. And we are being asked to adjust with them as these changes are here to assist us if we allow them to. Be very mindful of what you are focused on dear Indigos as the current energies we are in are strong. Whatever you are focused on, be it what you don’t want or what you do want to manifest it will come about quite quickly. So I encourage you to focus on what you love and the power of love, NOT what you fear. Make sure you drink plenty of water!! Stay hydrated. When exercising, pay attention to your bodily movements and do not overexert yourself, take breaks. Be easy. Do your best not to fight the changes as they occur or to stop them from happening. This is a most powerful time to allow the changes to take place. "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. " Romans 12:2 The Bible In terms of how these planetary movements will affect people and the planet Earth, it's important to remember that astrology is a tool for self-reflection and personal growth. While the movements of the planets can influence our energy and emotions, we always have free will and the power to create our reality. It's up to us to use these celestial events as an opportunity for growth and transformation.
Firstly, let's discuss the lunar eclipse for today May 5th, 2023.Â
The lunar eclipse that occurred today, May 5th, 2023, was visible from many parts of the world. Exactly when the lunar eclipse will be visible depends on where you are located but Time and Date says the penumbral eclipse will begin on May. 5 at 10:11 a.m. EST (1511 GMT), the maximum eclipse will be reached at 12:22 p.m. EST (1722 GMT) and the penumbral eclipse will end at 14:31 p.m. EST (1931 GMT). The overall duration of the eclipse is 4 hours and 18 minutes. A lunar eclipse happens when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, casting its shadow on the Moon. This can only happen during a full moon, and the eclipse can be partial or total depending on the alignment of the three celestial bodies. During a total lunar eclipse, the Moon appears to turn reddish-orange, which is why it's also called a "blood moon." We are currently under the energy of Full Flower Moon: Lunar Eclipse and this energy will affect each one of us differently for approximately 6 months. In terms of astrology, a lunar eclipse is a powerful time for releasing what no longer serves us. It's a time to let go of negative patterns, beliefs, and emotions and make space for new beginnings. This lunar eclipse occurred in the sign of Scorpio, which is associated with transformation and rebirth. So, it's a good time to reflect on what needs to change in your life and take action towards making those changes.

Emotions may be running amok In astrology, the Moon represents our emotions, intuition, and inner world, while the Sun represents our ego, identity, and outer world. During a lunar eclipse, these two opposing forces are in tension, creating a powerful energy that can bring about transformation and change. Scorpio is a water sign that is associated with transformation, intensity, and depth. It's ruled by Pluto, the planet of power, control, and regeneration. When the Moon is in Scorpio, we may feel more emotional, intuitive, and introspective. Scorpio is also a sign that is associated with death and rebirth, so this lunar eclipse can bring about powerful transformations in our lives. During a lunar eclipse in Scorpio, we're being asked to let go of what no longer serves us and embrace change. This may involve confronting our deepest fears, desires, and motivations. It's a time for shedding old patterns and beliefs and stepping into our power. In terms of relationships, this lunar eclipse may bring up intense emotions and conflicts that need to be resolved. Scorpio is a sign that is associated with intimacy and vulnerability, so this can be a time for deepening our connections with others. Overall, the lunar eclipse in Scorpio is a powerful time for transformation and growth. By embracing the energy of this eclipse, we can release what no longer serves us and step into our power and authenticity. It's important to be gentle and patient with ourselves during this time, as the changes that are happening may be intense and challenging, but ultimately, they will lead to growth and transformation. Assess what is no longer serving you This is also a good time to assess those areas where we may be feeling eclipsed more closely in our own lives and ask ourselves some deep questions. Why are we holding on to these things, people, places, ideas, beliefs, concepts or thoughts which are no longer serving us? Maybe it is time to forgive and move on, let go and God do the heavy lifting. Time to ascend up to a higher vibration; even if it’s just one step higher, that is progress.Â

Moving on to Pluto and its retrograding aspect
Yeah , I know all of this retrograding happening at once can feel overwhelming.   Pluto retrograde began on May 1 in Aquarius, and will move into Capricorn on June 11, and last until October 10. The planet goes retrograde every year for around five to six months, so we've gone through this astrological happening many times before. It’s just this year there is alot more planetary movement going on all at the same danged time! Pluto is the planet of transformation and represents power, control, and the subconscious mind. When Pluto is in retrograde, its energy is turned inward, and we may find ourselves reflecting on our deepest desires, fears, and motivations. This can be a time of intense self-discovery and transformation, but it can also bring up some uncomfortable emotions and situations. It's essential to be patient and gentle with ourselves during this time. However, when Pluto is retrograde, its effects are more internal, psychological, and emotional. The planet named for the God of the Underworld will challenge you to check — and ideally address — YOUR OWN toxic, negative, and self-destructive behaviors, patterns, and belief systems.
Mercury in Retrograde
Mercury in retrograde, which began April 21, 2023 and will continue through May 14th, is a well-known astrological event that occurs three to four times a year. It happens when the planet Mercury appears to move backward in its orbit from our perspective on Earth. Mercury is the planet of communication, technology, and travel, and when it's in retrograde, we may experience miscommunications, delays, and technical glitches. It's important to be extra careful when signing contracts or making important decisions during this time.

However, it's also an excellent time for introspection and revisiting old ideas or projects that you may have abandoned. I like to call it the time of the re words, reflect, revise, release, rejuvenate, remember, reconnect, remove and so on. What re words can you add on your own?
Venus in Cancer
Finally, Venus in Cancer is a transit that will begin May 7th to June 5th, 2023.. Venus is the planet of love, beauty, and pleasure, and when it's in Cancer, it's a time for nurturing and emotional connections. Cancer is a water sign that represents the home, family, and emotions, so this transit may bring a focus on these areas of our lives. It's a good time to prioritize self-care and to connect with loved ones. This aspect will definitely assist you with being more loving to ourselves and those around you even with all of the wicky wacky things that may be taking place in our lives. In conclusion, the lunar eclipse, Pluto in retrograde, Mercury in retrograde, and Venus in Cancer are all significant astrological events that can bring about transformation, introspection, and emotional connections. By tuning into these energies and using them to guide our actions and decisions, we can create a more fulfilling and purposeful life. Look at your own astrology chart to see how these planetary movements will indeed affect you. Join our mailing list for more Indigo Blogs updates and newsletter. Also join us on Discord to connect with other Indigos daily. Read the full article
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