#manifesting wing!Hunter sometime in s3
nothinmuch6 · 2 years
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I love @spoopdeedoop’s Flapjack/Hunter fusion idea so much!! If Eda gets wings, so should he.
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ayankun · 4 years
AoS S2 Rewatch Briefest of Thoughts
Maybe watching a thing five times is too many times lololol
First I have to admit, I found myself spacing out through a lot of this season.  I mean, my annual rewatches are typically always in the background of other activities, but this time through I definitely just didn’t pay attention to a lot of it.
Even so, here is a list of Things I Noticed This Time:
Not sure if watching S1 directly before this really made a difference or not, but this time I have a much clearer understanding of “S2″ and “S3.”  When I first started watching this show, I shotgunned 2 and 3 back to back, and have done that once a year since, causing the two seasons to feel like one mega-season in my mind.  Not this time!
A lot of the stuff I consider to be “the show” is introduced in S2, sure, but isn’t developed until S3.
Daisy Johnson
Terrigenesis & the Kree (wow my new band name)
Mack and Daisy brotp
FitzSimmons as an actual item
Collecting/protecting Inhumans
Talbot and Creel
The Monolith
Lincoln (gross)
And a lot of the stuff in S2 doesn’t even make it into S3!
Cal :<
Raina :<<<
Afterlife and all those poor fools who just wanted to grow up and get wings or whatever
Edward James Olmos
Agent 33 lol GOOD
Fitz’s brain injury
And of course there’s also big S3 specific stuff that hits you right away in the season opener, like Rosalind and Maveth.
I feel like ultimately I’ll have to say from now on that S3 is my favorite season.  More on this as it develops -- only just started ep 2 today.
A note about Lincoln.  Since actually he’s going to be way more important in S3 than he was in S2, let’s talk about his introduction.  So far, there’s really nothing about the character that warrants my knee-jerk dislike.  The character is supposed to be good for Daisy!  He’s soft and patient and sort of cool and is one of the first people she’s met who is honestly supportive of her new situation, a situation that he understands from experience. 
I guess maybe I don’t like the trope of pairing people up with their primary physician?  There’s a conflict of interest there, I think.
Also that dude’s performance rubs me the wrong way (and I only found out like 35 minutes ago that he’s Australian so I’m going to blame it on the fake American accent?).
There’s no narrative symmetry in the structure of S2.  I got really excited at first because there’s a ship in ep 3 and I know that the season ends on Edward James Olmos’ ship, but that was about it.
However, they did purposefully split it down the middle, 10 eps and a break for Agent Carter, and then the last 12 eps.
The story of part 1 takes us to Daisy and Raina’s Terrigenesis, and part 2 is about A) Daisy has superpowers now whoops and B) Edward James Olmos is in charge whoops and these two storylines smash together at the end.
But the story of the whole season is trust.  Not an exploration of the concept, not “what does it mean to trust” or “how is trust earned” but a literal “man nobody trusts nobody and it’s probably for the best.”
Heck the season straight up tells us we shouldn’t trust anything by opening with with Team Coulson monitoring a black market deal between an ex-SHIELD agent and some mercs -- the mercs are also SHIELD agents and it’s a sting -- the sting team doesn’t know Team Coulson was sent as backup etc etc
Ward swears never to lie to Daisy ever again
Fitz can’t trust his own physical self
Nobody can trust Simmons because she’s undercover at Hydra
Nobody can trust Coulson because he’s whacka-doodle (see what I did there) cray cray
Hunter whining about his she-devil ex-wife, but she’s delightful and perfect
Hunter’s ongoing and ACTUALLY QUITE VALID protestations that he can’t trust Bobbi when it comes to her angle on their relationship
Brainwashing is a thing now
Hydra’s still doing Hydra things and blaming them on SHIELD
Man, anything either of the Ward brothers say at any moment is to be distrusted as a Rule
The heads of Hydra can’t trust each other
Daisy gets powers and she and Fitz decide they can’t trust anybody else with this information because errybody acken’ cray cray
Simmons is SO MAD that Fitz didn’t trust her with this information
Daisy is never quite sure if she can trust her dad (because he cray for sure)
You can’t trust May because half the time she’s Agent 33
You can’t trust Bobbi and Mack because they’re working for Edward James Olmos
Edward James Olmos doesn’t trust Coulson AND doesn’t trust that Fury left SHIELD to Coulson and also I guess just doesn’t trust Fury
Turns out Coulson was doing some secret stuff, too, so better not trust him even if he’s not crazy anymore
Nobody can ever trust Ward, no matter which side you’re on, even if he’s actively helping you at the moment
You can’t trust Raina’s vision until you can
You can’t trust Jiaying after all!!  Edward James Olmos wasn’t going to be the bad guy!!!
I think a lot about how this show has such active characters.  Like, there aren’t just plots for plots sake or characters for characters sake*, events happen to shape character motivations, and then character motivations go on to shape events.  I’m thinking about how Fitz’s condition in the first half is almost complete plot-less -- he’s just a character living through some stuff, and it effects ... his interactions with other characters, mostly.  There’s no narrative “point” or payoff to it (other than to remind that Ward Is Bad), until -- until Daisy comes through the mist and
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12 episodes of frustrated aphasia, feeling like he’s letting the team down and they’re letting him down, of struggling to cope with Simmons’ abandoning him and then struggling even more with her return ... until ep 12, the only real, uh, utility Fitz’s condition brings to the story is as a means to introduce Mack as 100% Best Guy. 
And then ep 12, getting to see these two beloved OG characters have this moment that only the two of them can have
.... as far as moments go, second best only to the Skimmons quake/hug in 4x15.  My ship sails, my dudes.
I got way off track here, sorry
Anyway my point is sometimes, in other shows, giving a lead character a brain injury is probably a Major Plot Point that is Meant To Be Resolved (and within 40 minutes if at all possible), but on our perfect show, characters are allowed to Just Be -- and the things that they Are will always manifest in narratively satisfying turns of events.
I’m trying to think of any of my “this time I noticed” items and
Not to be all down on 2/3 of my OT3, but especially after watching their siblings dynamic in S1, and seeing just how painfully awkward their relationship is throughout S2, the Simmons-has-feelings-for-Fitz moment REALLY came out of left field.
S1 gave you the Exact Moment that Fitz realized that his crush was on Simmons instead of Skye, and you saw him live with that information for like 16 episodes.
Knowing that they end up together AND always starting my series rewatch with S2 makes her coming to him at the end not just reasonable but inevitable.
But lol no?  They literally never talk about it for the duration of the season?  Fitz talks to Mack and Simmons talks to Bobbi, but they never talk to each other.  Her change of heart is strictly subtext.  Which isn’t the worst, but given their literal text is either antagonistic (see: his reaction to her abandoning him; her reaction to his hiding the truth about Skye) or just ... their regular schtick. 
They’re antagonistic until Edward James Olmos comes on the scene, at which point they bond enough to play the I’m-on-to-your-plan doublespeak shenanigan, and the sandwich moment is arguably the best thing to happen to this ship up until that point BUT she made him away mission sandwiches when he was just her friend too so!!!
Ok when they see each other next there is a specific moment mentioning The Sandwich in the context of love that makes sense (unlike whatever it is that Agent 33 and Ward have) -- but it’s very subtle and the scene is really just a set up to Simmons’ plan to splinter-bomb the hell out of Ward as revenge.
Their next scene together is bonafide FitzSkimmons OT3 grilling Sky about her time at Afterlife which, again is vanilla S1 schtick, and it’s immediately hijacked by Ward and Mission Talk anyway.
It goes straight into the mission where their only interaction is Fitz telling Jemma to be careful but not in a way where she can hear.
Next they debrief Mike Peterson after rescuing him, which is just an excuse to see Simmons not own up to her killing Bakshi on accident.
New episode, now they’re just stalking Skye and (rightfully) giving her new boyfriend the stink eye, then they talk to Agent 33 about her brainwashing -- just a moment for Simmons to feel guilty about never admitting to killing Bakshi/setting up the fact that Bobbi saved Simmons and not Agent 33 so that Agent 33 has a revenge plot for the remaining 2.5 episodes of the season
Ok and then Fitz makes up a reason to go talk to Simmons, and opens up to her about how he’d have tried to kill Ward if he’d been a lesser man, only to find out that Simmons DID try to kill Ward and is actively upset that she failed, so they’re still at odds, philosophically at least, at this point.
Then they split up again and aren’t on the same continent until a third of the way into the next episode, where they’re STILL talking about Agent 33.
The only other thing they do on screen together in this episode is to fight Skye’s dad like they’re on Scooby Doo running away from a guy in a monster mask
Season finale, they have two scenes working with Coulson on mission stuff in which they don’t speak directly to one another, and then
As Fitz is gearing up for his mission, Simmons pops up out of nowhere and drops her bombshell on him
ok, no lie, as I started compiling this and getting closer and closer to the end, I figured it out:
everyone was so collectively heartbroken at the prospect of Bobbi not making it that they all had to go talk to their loved ones before it’s too late.  May does it, too, and it’s framed with Hunter standing over Bobbi’s hospital bed in the background, and Simmons goes directly from Bobbi’s bedside to Fitz to say “because I just saw Hunter with Bobbi, and it made me realize” --
ok, my bad.  I did state up front that I wasn’t always paying attention, okay?!
I take everything back.  We do see the moment Simmons realizes she has feelings for Fitz.  It just comes at the tail end of a string of episodes  where they barely interact, is all.
Man, I gotta pay better attention next time.
Anyway this is not as brief as I thought it would be, nor have I covered all the thoughts I had.  Real quick, though:
Agent 33 is the worst.  I’m not sure what else they would have given Ward to do (gross double entendre intentional :< )  this season, though.  But did it have to be this?  Did you notice that when she picked faces, it was either May or Daisy?  And then used them on Ward, someone who sexually and/or emotionally manipulated both these women in the previous season?  Gross gross gross.  And obviously the grossness of this pairing is literally called out by several in-world observers, but, still.  I’m not sure that they actually wanted me to believe that there was still some humanity in Ward, that there was still a person who could settle down and buy succulents to put on windowsills in houses he shared domestically with another human being, but mostly I’m wondering why they thought they wanted to want me to believe that.
*as stated previously, one of the weaker parts of S2, that I still find weak having rewatched S2, is the use of the character of Trip.  POOR GUY.  Watching S1 first doesn’t do him any favors, either.  At least when you forget exactly the contents of S1, his being in S2 just feels like “guess this is how things always were, oh wait, sucks he's dead now.”  BUT NO things were NEVER like this.  We don’t know who this guy is at all!! 
His purpose in S1 is to be Not!Ward,
and his utility is to have some sort of internal logic to the team getting their hands on the low-tech WWII spy gadgets.
and he’s a very slight catalyst to Fitz’s needing to get his act together and get Simmons off the market before it’s too late (which is a couple of different yikes in my book, as far as "here’s what this character’s here for”)
So I kept my eye on him in S2 and the results were not good.  I think the only time he had lines was to ask questions to allow another character to respond with exposition, or to make jokes that any character could have been on screen to make. 
I want to say he was a side character dressed as a lead character, but HELL he shared scenes with a Koenig and those fools got WAY more character building/backstory/motivation over the course of the series than what Trip got.
Dearest Trip, our very own Red Shirt.  Rest In Pieces
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