malani-jewelers · 3 months
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Celebrate your special day with a stunning mangalsutra from Malani Jewelers, the perfect destination for Indian gold jewelry in the USA. Our exquisite collection embodies the rich traditions and timeless beauty of Indian weddings, ensuring you find the ideal piece to cherish forever. Trust Malani Jewelers to add a touch of elegance to your wedding with our finely crafted mangalsutras.
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mplanetleaf · 8 months
Science Behind Mangalsutra | మంగళసూత్రం | MPlanetLeaf
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sajayejewels · 1 year
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tortillagirlsf · 2 years
The attraction of good luck
The attraction of good luck
The attraction of good luck “Mangala” means something auspicious, a blessing, happiness, a good or lucky sign, or an omen. In the Mangala Sutra, Shakyamuni Buddha told us what to do so we can live an auspicious/happy life. “To be humble and polite in manner, To be grateful and content with a simple life, Not missing the occasion to learn the Dharma, This is the great happiness.” —…
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theramblergal · 3 months
Oh my god I just finished reading To Love a Murderer and it was so good😭😭 Kanha and Lila AHSKDBSNABAN💗💗. Also Satya jiji and Lila the best girl duo to ever exist. Anyway I was wondering how everybody in Dwarka must have reacted to her death (🥲). They must have been so distraught, Kanha when alone sometimes just thinks abt her and remembers their time together (he also kept her mangalsutra with him), for a few months he skipped going to his daily walks at the beach altogether, or when Satya jiji is stargazing and she suddenly remembers Lila and how they first met, when Charumati remembers how Lila braided her hair, satyaki and kritavarma too remember her when they spar. When Kanha although knows the laws of karma better than anyone is still sometimes hit with sudden pangs seperation and grief , he too finds peace in Rukmini jiji's garden just like Lila did with him a long time ago.
I assume Lila had multiple births after that. And through each birth Kanha stood by her. Even tho he might not be physically there she feels someone's presence with her all the time. Or maybe presence of two people even, one more feminine. Each birth Lila feels a strong longing for someone and for Dwarka. She might not remember but the land of Dwarka does.
You maybe wanna expand on that or maybe even a small chap😏(no pressure tho I just wanted to share it with you because it's in my head 24/7)
Love all of ur writings btw💗💗😭😭
Thank you so so much for this anon! The validation is just pure bliss 😭
Also yeah, about the grief.. you've got all the details right. Here's a little something for the long and sweet message:
Grief is a myriad of things, my dear stranger. I have never known you yet somehow I feel like I do, by the shape of your absence in places you have lingered, like the way darkness is known without light. Grief is the sudden tears of Satyaa Nagnajiti, falling to her knees the moment you must have passed on; it is the dead stare of Madhuraa, the woman you sought to kill and also amend; it is the keening wail of Iltani, of a love struggled for and lost even after the worst of battles. It is the fierce clash of Satyaki's and Kritavarma's weapons, lost in their remembrance of the innocent child within you that was long hidden. It is the indentation of the shape of your mangalasutra on Krishna's hand, the single blood soaked pair of his yellow garments that he refuses to get washed. It is the rushing of the sea against the shore; peaceful here, on the land blest by your husband's protection, but raging elsewhere on the open seas. It is the emptiness with which the ocean weeps salty tears, for his daughter's heart has been hollowed out; she has no hand to hold as she goes about her duties; for your beloved lord has not returned to walk the shoreline without you. Grief is Rohini waiting for you by the library every Friday but returning fruitless each time; even without knowing you, she grieves, for you have passed into history, the subject she much loves. Grief is the quiescent emptiness of your palace, the vast and unbroken silence of your chambers. Everything is as you left it. Your jewels are yet scattered on the bureau dresser; the red silks you much favour still lie on your bed. I have never met you, Lilavati; but you were much loved, and the grief borne for you heavy.
Hmm, not very refined but I did my best.
And yep, Lila definitely had multiple births after that. I do plan to write a modern AU of her one day.. but that might be actual years down the line, because I want to rewrite the whole thing now 😅
Anyways, thank you again so so much for the sweet ask! I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
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thejainagamas · 4 months
1. Mangalasutra
▪️Namo arahantanam Namo siddhanam Nomo ayariyanam.
Namo uvaljhayanam Namo loe savvashunam. (1)
Obeisance to the Worthy souls.
Obeisance to the Liberated souls.
Obeisance to the Preceptors (Spiritual guides).
Obeisance to the Spiritual Teachers.
Obeisance to all the Saints in the world. (1)
▪️Eso pancanamokkaro, savvapavappanasano
Mangalnam ca savvesim, padhamam havai mangalam. (2)
This five-fold obeisance is destructive of all sins and is the foremost amongst all the auspicious. (2)
▪️Arahanta mangalam. Siddha mangalam. Sahu mangalam.
Kevalipannatto dhammo mangalam..
Arahanta loguttama. Siddha loguttama, Saha loguttama
Kevalipannatto dhammo loguttamo.
Arahante saranam. Siddhe saranam pavvajjami.
Salu saranam pavajjami.
Kevalipannattam dhammam saranam pavvajjami. (3-5)
Auspicious are the Worthy souls. Auspicious are the Liberated souls. Auspicious are the Saints. Auspicious is the Religion preached by the Worthy Souls. Supreme in the world are the Worthy Souls. Supreme in the World are the Liberated Souls. Supreme in the World are the Saints. Supreme in the world is the Religion preached by the Worthy Souls. I seek protection with the Worthy Souls. I seek protection with the Liberated Souls. I seek protection with the Saints. I seek protection with the Religion preached by the Worthy Souls. (3-5)
▪️Thayahi panca vi gurave, mangalacausaranaloyapariyariye.
Nara-sura-kheyara-mahie, arahananaysage vire. (6)
Meditate upon the five Supreme Souls, who afford fourfold shelter for the world and who are auspicious, the greatest among those deserving veneration, victors (over the passions) and worshipped by human beings, vidyadharas (demi-god) and gods. (6)
▪️Ghanaghaikammamahana, tihuvanavarabhavvakamalamattanda.
Ariha anantanani, amuvamasokkha javantu jae. (7)
May there be glory in this world to the Worthy Souls (Arhats) who have destroyed the dense of destructive Karmas, who like the sun bloom forth the louts like hearts of devoted persons capable of liberation, and who are possessed of infinite knowledge and excellent bliss. (7)
▪️Atthavihakammavivala, nitthiyakajja panarthasamsaru.
Ditthasavalatthasara, siddha siddhim mama disantu. (8)
May the path of emancipation be shown to me by the Liberated Souls who have freed themselves from the eight kinds of Karmas, have attained complete fulfilment, have freed themselves from the cycles of births and deaths and who have known the essence of all the things. (8)
▪️Atthavihakammavivala, nitthiyakajja panarthasamsaru.
Pancumahayvayannga, takkaliya-saparasamaya-sudadhara Nanagunaganabhariya, airiya mama paxidantu. (9)
May the preceptors, who are elevated by the five great vows, well versed in their own Scriptures as well as in other contemporary scriptures and endowed with numerous virtues, be pleased with me. (9)
▪️Annanaghoratimize, durantatiramhi hindamanпатот.
Blaviyanuljaoyayara, uvajjhaya varamadim dentu (10)
May the spiritual teachers, who show the path of illumination of the Souls capable of liberation but are groping in the dense and impassable darkness of ignorance, grant me excellent wisdom. (10)
▪️Thiradhariyasilamala, vavagavaraya jasohapadihazaka Bahwinayablusiyangu, suhaim sahu payacchantu. (11)
May the saints, who have adorned themselves firmly with the garland of virtues, earned a glorious reputation and are devoid of attachments, and are the embodiments of humility, grant me happiness. (11)
▪️Arihanta, asarira, avariya, uvajjhaya munino.
Pancakkharanippanno, omkaro panca paramitthi. (12)
The word Om is denotative of five supreme spiritual guides, because it is made of five first letters (aa, a, u and m) of Arhat, Asariri F(Siddha) Acarya, Upadhyaya and Muni. (12)
▪️Usahamajiyam ca vaade, sambhavamabhinandanam ca sumaim ca.
Peumappaham supasam. Jinam ca candappakam ca vande. (13)
I bow to the Jinas: Rsbha, Ajita, Sambhava, Abhinandna, Sumati, Padmaprabha, Suparsva and Candraprabha. (13)
▪️Savihim ca pupphavantam, ziyala seyamsa vsupujjam ca. Vimalamananta-bhayavam, dhammam santim ca vandami. (14)
I bow to the Jinasc Suvidhi (Puspadanta), Sitala, Sreyamsa, Vasupujya, Vimala, Ananta, Dharma and Santi (14)
▪️Kunthum ca Jinavariadam, aram ca mailim cu vuvwasam ca namin
Vandami ritthanemim, taka pasam vaddhamanam ca. (15)
I bow to the Jinas: Kunthu, Ara, Malli, Munisuvrata, Nami, Aristanemi, Pariva and Varditamana.(15)
▪️Candehi nimmalayara, aiccehim ahiyam payasrenta. Sayaravaragambhira, siadha siddhim mama disautu. (16)
May the Siddhas (or the Liberated Souls) who are more immaculate than the moons, brighter than the sun and more serene than the oceans, show me the path of liberation. (16)
சுமன்சுத்தம் (ஜெயின் கீதை)
1. மங்களசூத்திரம்
மங்களகரமான விதிகள்
▪️நமோ அரஹந்தானம் நமோ சித்தானம் நோமோ அயரியாணம்.
நமோ உவல்ঘாயநம் நமோ லோ சவ்வஶுநாம் । (1)
தகுதியான ஆத்மாக்களுக்கு வணக்கம்.
விடுதலை பெற்ற ஆன்மாக்களுக்கு வணக்கம்.
போதகர்களுக்கு (ஆன்மீக வழிகாட்டிகள்) வணக்கம்.
ஆன்மிக ஆசிரியர்களுக்கு வணக்கம்.
உலகில் உள்ள அனைத்து புனிதர்களுக்கும் வணக்கம். (1)
▪️ஈசோ பஞ்சனமொக்கரோ, சவ்வபவப்பநாசனோ
மங்கல்நாம் ச சவ்வேசிம், பதமாம் ஹவை மங்களம். (2)
இந்த ஐந்து மடங்கு கீழ்ப்படிதல் அனைத்து பாவங்களையும் அழிக்கும் மற்றும் அனைத்து புண்ணியங்களிலும் முதன்மையானது. (2)
▪️அரஹந்த மங்கலம். சித்த மங்கலம். சாஹு மங்கலம்.
கேவலிபன்னட்டோ தம்மோ மங்களம்..
அரஹந்த லோகுத்தமா. சித்தலொகுத்தமா, சஹா லொகுத்தமா
கேவலிபன்னட்டோ தம்மோ லொகுத்தமோ.
அரஹந்த் சரணம். சித்தே சரணம் பவ்வஜ்ஜாமி.
சாலு சரணம் பவஜ்ஜாமி.
கேவலிபந்நத்தம் தம்மம் சரணம் பவ்வஜ்ஜாமி. (3-5)
மங்களகரமானவர்கள் தகுதியான ஆத்மாக்கள். முக்தி பெற்ற ஆத்மாக்கள் சுபமானவர்கள். துறவிகள் சுப. மங்களகரமானது தகுதியுள்ள ஆத்மாக்களால் உபதேசிக்கப்படும் மதம். உலகில் உயர்ந்தவர்கள் தகுதியான ஆத்மாக்கள். உலகில் உயர்ந்தவர்கள் விடுதலை பெற்ற ஆத்மாக்கள். உலகில் உயர்ந்தவர்கள் புனிதர்கள். உலகில் உயர்ந்தது தகுதியான ஆத்மாக்களால் உபதேசிக்கப்படும் மதம். நான் தகுதியான ஆத்மாக்களிடம் பாதுகாப்பைத் தேடுகிறேன். விடுதலை பெற்ற ஆன்மாக்களிடம் நான் பாதுகாப்பைத் தேடுகிறேன். நான் புனிதர்களிடம் பாதுகாப்பு தேடுகிறேன். தகுதியான ஆத்மாக்களால் பிரசங்கிக்கப்பட்ட மதத்தைக் கொண்டு நான் பாதுகாப்பைத் தேடுகிறேன். (3-5)
▪️தயாஹி பஞ்ச வி குரவே, மங்களசௌசரணலோயபரியாரியே.
நர-ஸுர-கேயர-மஹி, ஆரஹநஸேகே விரே. (6)
ஐந்து பரமாத்மாக்களை தியானியுங்கள், அவர்கள் உலகத்திற்கு நான்கு மடங்கு தங்குமிடம் கொடுக்கிறார்கள் மற்றும் மங்களகரமானவர்கள், வணக்கத்திற்கு தகுதியானவர்களில் பெரியவர்கள், (ஆவேசங்களை வென்றவர்கள்) மற்றும் மனிதர்கள், வித்யாதரர்கள் (டெமி-கடவுள்) மற்றும் கடவுள்களால் வணங்கப்படுகிறார்கள். (6)
▪️கனகைகம்மமஹானா, திஹுவானவரபவகமளமத்தண்டா.
அரிஹ அநந்தநநி, அமுவமசோக்க ஜவந்து ஜே. (7)
அழிவுகரமான கர்மாக்களை அழித்த, சூரியனைப் போல, முக்தி பெற்றவர்களின் இதயங்களைப் போன்ற பேரொளிகளை மலரச் செய்யும், அளவற்ற அறிவையும், சிறந்த பேரின்பத்தையும் உடைய தகுதியுள்ள ஆத்மாக்களுக்கு (அர்ஹத்கள்) இவ்வுலகில் மகிமை உண்டாகட்டும். . (7)
▪️அத்தவிஹகம்மவிவல, நித்தியகஜ்ஜ பநர்த்தசம்சாரு.
தித்தஸவலத்தஸார, சித்த ஸித்திம் மம திஸந்து. (8)
எட்டு வகையான கர்மாக்களிலிருந்தும் விடுபட்டு, பூரண நிறைவை அடைந்து, பிறப்பு இறப்பு சுழற்சியில் இருந்து விடுபட்டு, எல்லாவற்றின் சாரத்தையும் அறிந்த முக்தி பெற்ற ஆத்மாக்கள் எனக்கு முக்தியின் பாதையைக் காட்டட்டும். (8)
▪️அத்தவிஹகம்மவிவல, நித்தியகஜ்ஜ பநர்த்தசம்சாரு.
பஞ்சுமஹய்வயங்க, தக்கலிய-சபரசமய-சுதாதர நானகுணகனபரிய, ஐரிய மம பக்ஷிதந்து. (9)
ஐம்பெரும் வாக்குகளால் உயர்ந்தவர்களும், தங்கள் சொந்த வேதங்களிலும் மற்ற சமகால நூல்களிலும் சிறந்து விளங்குபவர்களும், எண்ணற்ற நற்குணங்களை உடையவர்களுமாகிய ஆசான்மார்கள் என்னைப் பற்றி மகிழ்ச்சியடையட்டும். (9)
▪️அன்னநாகோரடிமைஸ், துரந்ததிரம்ஹி ஹிந்தமன்பதோட்.
பிளவியனுல்ஜயோயரா, உவஜ்ழய வரமதிம் டெந்து (10)
முக்தி பெறக்கூடிய ஆன்மாக்களின் ஒளியின் பாதையைக் காட்டும், ஆனால் அறியாமையின் அடர்ந்த மற்றும் கடந்து செல்ல முடியாத இருளில் தத்தளிக்கும் ஆன்மீக ஆசிரியர்கள், எனக்கு சிறந்த ஞானத்தை வழங்கட்டும். (10)
▪️திரதாரியசிலாமலா, வவகவராய ஜசோஹபதிஹாசக பஹ்வினயப்லுசியங்கு, சுஹைம் சாஹு பயச்சந்து. (11)
நற்பண்புகளின் மாலையால் தங்களை உறுதியாக அலங்கரித்து, புகழ்மிக்க நற்பெயரைப் பெற்று, பற்றுகள் அற்ற, பணிவின் திருவுருவங்களான மகான்கள் எனக்கு மகிழ்ச்சியைத் தரட்டும். (11)
▪️அரிஹந்தா, அசரீரா, அவரியா, உவஜ்ஜய முனினோ.
பஞ்சக்கரணிப்பண்ணோ, ஓம்காரோ பஞ்ச பரமித்தி. (12)
ஓம் என்ற சொல் ஐந்து உயர்ந்த ஆன்மீக வழிகாட்டிகளைக் குறிக்கிறது, ஏனெனில் இது அர்ஹத், அசரீரி எஃப் (சித்த) ஆசார்யா, உபாத்யாயா மற்றும் முனி ஆகிய ஐந்து முதல் எழுத்துக்களால் ஆனது. (12)
▪️உஸாஹமாஜியம் ச வாதே, ஸம்பவமாபிநந்தனம் ச ஸுமைம் கா.
பெயூமப்பஹம் சுபாசம். ஜினம் ச சண்டப்பகம் ச வந்தே. (13)
ஜினாக்களுக்கு நான் தலைவணங்குகிறேன்: ரூபா, அஜிதா, சம்பவா, அபிநந்தனா, சுமதி, பத்மபிரபா, சுபர்ஸ்வா மற்றும் சந்திரபிரபா. (13)
▪️சவிஹிம் கா புப்பவந்தம், ஜியால சேயம்ச வ்சுபுஜ்ஜம் கா. விமலமாநந்த-பயவம், தம்மம் சாந்திம் ச வந்தமி. (14)
ஜினஸ்ச் சுவிதி (பு��்பதாந்தா), சீதாலா, ஸ்ரேயாம்சா, வசுபூஜ்யா, விமலா, அனந்தா, தர்மா மற்றும் சாந்தி (14) ஆகியோரை வணங்குகிறேன்.
▪️குந்தும் ச ஜினவரிடாம், ஆரம் கா மயிலம் கு வுவ்வாசம் சி நமின்
வந்தமி ரித்தனேமிம், தக பாசம் வத்தமானம் ச. (15)
குந்து, ஆரா, மல்லி, முனிசுவ்ரதா, நமி, அரிஸ்டநேமி, பரிவா மற்றும் வர்திதமானா ஆகிய ஜின்களை வணங்குகிறேன்.(15)
▪️காண்டேஹி நிம்மலயாரா, ஐ��்சேஹிம் அஹியம் பயஸ்ரேந்தா. சாயரவரகம்பீர, ஸியத ஸித்திம் மம திஸௌது. (16)
சந்திரனை விட மாசற்ற, சூரியனை விட பிரகாசமான, சமுத்திரத்தை விட அமைதியான சித்தர்கள் (அல்லது முக்தி பெற்ற ஆத்மாக்கள்) எனக்கு விடுதலையின் பாதையை காட்டட்டும். (16)
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mansisingh789 · 5 months
The Spiritual Essence of Hindu Marriage.
Hindu marriage is not just a social or legal contract; it is a sacred and spiritual union that binds two souls together for life and beyond. In Hinduism, marriage is considered one of the most important samskaras, or sacraments, which purifies and sanctifies the lives of individuals. This sacred bond is deeply rooted in tradition, rituals, and the belief in dharma (righteous duty), and it reflects the timeless values and spiritual teachings of Hindu culture.
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The Concept of Dharma in Hindu Marriage In Hinduism, dharma plays a crucial role in every aspect of life, including marriage. Dharma refers to the moral and ethical duties that one must follow to live a righteous life. In the context of marriage, dharma involves the responsibilities and duties of both husband and wife towards each other, their families, and society. The couple is expected to support each other in fulfilling their individual and collective duties, thereby contributing to the overall harmony and well-being of the family and community.
The Sacred Vows: The Seven Steps (Saptapadi) One of the most significant aspects of a Hindu marriage ceremony is the Saptapadi, or the Seven Steps. During the Saptapadi, the bride and groom take seven steps together around a sacred fire, which is considered the witness to their union. With each step, they make a vow to support and uphold each other in different aspects of life. These steps symbolize their commitment to:
Nourishment: Ensuring that they provide for each other and their family. Strength: Developing physical, mental, and spiritual strength to face life's challenges. Prosperity: Working together towards financial stability and well-being. Happiness: Sharing joy and love in their relationship. Children: Praying for the health and well-being of their future children. Health: Maintaining physical and mental health. Friendship: Nurturing a lifelong friendship and companionship. These vows are not just promises but are considered sacred commitments that the couple makes to each other and to the divine.
The Role of Rituals and Symbols Hindu marriage is rich with rituals and symbols, each carrying deep spiritual significance. Some of the key rituals include:
Kanyadaan: The giving away of the bride by her parents to the groom, symbolizing the transfer of responsibility and the union of two families. Mangalasutra: The groom ties a sacred necklace around the bride's neck, symbolizing their marital bond and the bride's new status. Sindoor: The groom applies vermilion powder on the bride's forehead, signifying her married status and the groom's protection. Agni: The sacred fire that acts as a witness to the marriage and represents the divine presence. These rituals are not mere formalities; they are profound acts of devotion and symbolize the spiritual connection between the couple and the divine.
The Spiritual Journey of Marriage In Hinduism, marriage is seen as a spiritual journey where the husband and wife support each other in their pursuit of moksha, or liberation from the cycle of birth and death. It is believed that a harmonious and righteous marriage helps in creating a conducive environment for spiritual growth. The couple is encouraged to practice virtues such as patience, forgiveness, and compassion, which are essential for personal and spiritual development.
The Eternal Bond: Beyond Life and Death Hindu marriage is considered an eternal bond that transcends this lifetime. It is believed that the union of the husband and wife continues in their future lives as well. This belief emphasizes the importance of nurturing a deep and meaningful relationship based on mutual respect, love, and understanding. The spiritual essence of Hindu marriage lies in the idea that true companionship goes beyond the physical and material aspects of life and touches the soul.
Conclusion The spiritual essence of Hindu marriage is rooted in ancient traditions and profound philosophical teachings. It is a journey of two souls coming together to support each other in fulfilling their worldly and spiritual duties. The sacred vows, rituals, and symbols all serve to reinforce the sanctity and depth of this union. By embracing the values of dharma, love, and mutual respect, a Hindu marriage becomes a powerful and enduring bond that guides the couple towards a life of harmony, spiritual growth, and ultimately, liberation.
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dialurban · 5 months
Sacred Bonds: Matrimony Traditions in Odisha Explored by DialUrban
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DialUrban recently delved into the rich tapestry of matrimonial traditions that adorn the cultural landscape of Odisha. From vibrant rituals to deep-rooted customs, Odisha's matrimonial ceremonies are a testament to its heritage and values.
The Essence of Odia Matrimony
In Odisha, weddings are not just union ceremonies but grand celebrations that bring together families and communities. Each ritual holds deep significance, symbolizing values like love, respect, and harmony.
Rituals and Ceremonies
The journey of an Odia wedding begins with the 'Kanyadaan,' where the bride's parents offer their daughter to the groom, symbolizing the sacred bond of marriage. This is followed by the 'Mangalasutra Dharana,' where the groom ties the auspicious thread around the bride's neck, signifying their eternal commitment.
The 'Saptapadi' or seven steps around the holy fire is another pivotal moment, where the couple takes vows of love, trust, and companionship. Each step represents a promise, strengthening their bond for a lifetime.
Cultural Significance
Odisha's matrimony customs are deeply rooted in its cultural heritage. From intricate handwoven sarees like Sambalpuri and Bomkai worn by the bride to traditional jewelry such as 'Chandrika' and 'Tikli,' every element reflects the state's artistic finesse and craftsmanship.
Community Participation
One of the most endearing aspects of Odia weddings is community involvement. From elders offering blessings to youngsters participating in lively dances like the 'Ghumura' and 'Gotipua,' everyone plays a role in making the occasion joyous and memorable.
Modern Influences
While traditional rituals remain at the heart of Odia weddings, modern influences are also noticeable. Couples often blend traditional attire with contemporary styles, creating a unique fusion that mirrors their evolving tastes and preferences.
In conclusion, DialUrban's exploration of matrimony traditions in Odisha reveals a harmonious blend of tradition and modernity. From age-old rituals to vibrant celebrations, Odia weddings are a celebration of love, culture, and community spirit, making them truly unforgettable.
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Stunning Heart Flower Designed Diamond Mangalsutra
Who says bling has to be reserved for the girls? PC Jeweller is making it loud and clear that bling can be worn by men too. Celebrate your love for each other with a single solitaire mangalasutra from PC Jeweller!
With a stunning design and made from the finest material, this dazzling piece will add a touch of elegance to your daily attire. It looks amazig, and also protects your partner's purity. Order today and get BIS Hallmark Certification on the back of this quality product!
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Click here to see The Heart Flower Diamond Mangalsutra –
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indianclicks · 4 years
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#YuvikaJewelry Mega Diamond 💎 & Gold Jewelry 💍 Exhibition 🤩 in Austin, Texas on Sunday July 26th from 11am-7pm at Double Tree by Hilton Hotel Austin Northwest Arboretum. Admission by Appointment Only & Book UR FREE Appointment 👉 http://yuvikajewelry.com/austin%20mega%20jewelry%20exhibition%20july%202020.html Walk in's are welcome, but admission is based on availability / you may have to wait if the exhibition area has maximum guests, in order to maintain the social-distancing. Masks Required & will be provided. Admission limited to 2 Adults per reservation. Limited/No admittance for Children. #YuvikaJewelry is currently offering up to 12 months of financing with no interest, if paid in full. #YuvikaJewelry has a wide range of Bridal Collection, Inspiring Designer Collection, Flat Diamond & Valuable Antiques. #22KGold #Bangles #BlackBead #Mangalasutra #GoldChains #Bracelets #BridalRings #Buttalu #DiamondandRuby #Jhumkas #DiamondNecklace #Earrings #PendentPolki #TempleJewelry #Vaddanam #Austin #SanAntonio #Texas #IndiansinUSA #IndiansinTexas #IndiansinAustin #IndiansinSanAntonio #IndianJeweleryinUSA #IndianAssociationsinUSA #TeluguAssociationsinUSA #TamilAssociationsinUSA #KanndaAssocationsinUSA #IndianAssociationsinTexas #IndianAssociationsinAustin #IndianAssocationsinSanAntonio #IndianClicksPvtLtd #IndianClicksAdds
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sajayejewels · 1 year
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mayasathe224-blog · 5 years
Exclusive Mini Mangalsutra Designs at Lowest price from Anuradha Art Jewellery
Now get an Exclusive Mini mangalsutra designs with the best price from the house of Anuradha Art Jewellery.
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sonchafa-blog · 5 years
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Sonchafa provide the best Mangalsutra In india. A Mangalsutra is a part of jewelery for a married woman. Women proudly wear Mangalsutra and love for their marital happiness. However, it is not possible to wear a traditional heavy Mangalsutra every day. So there are currently many 3-layer designer Mangalsutra Wearing Women who are yet simple. Modern women are fond of Mangalsutra series without pendants that they will wear designer diamond Mangalsutra pendant. Sonchafa brings some of the latest design diamond pendants for you, which you can wear with your Mangalsutra and can look great every day.
Always have a beauty in simplicity. A simple diamond pendant should be such a design that it should look simple and beautiful. It should be traditional with the touch of the modern style. It should be light weight at the same time. It should look new and beautiful every day. Wearing a Mangalasutra with a simple, yet beautiful design enhances your real beauty and suits well with any outfit.
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smarthulchal · 4 years
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बच्चों की पढ़ाई के लिए मां ने अपना मंगलसूत्र बेचकर खरीदा TV, कहा- कई दिनों से काम नहीं मंगलसूत्र बेचकर 14 हजार का टीवी खरीदा गडग (कर्नाटक): कर्नाटक के गडग (Gadag) जिले में एक …
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ahamasmiyodhah · 2 years
Some idiots are rejecting our glorious Hindu religions. Cane across one today who called a Hindu married women wearing Sindoor and Mangalasutra "Oppressed and Regressive".
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webodisha18 · 4 years
For the education of children, mother sold her Mangalasutra and bought TV, said - no work for many days
For the education of children, mother sold her Mangalasutra and bought TV, said – no work for many days
Sold Mangalasutra and bought 14 thousand TV
Gadag (Karnataka):
In Gadag district of Karnataka, a woman sold her Mangalsutra so that she could buy TV to continue her children’s studies. Please tell that the Government of Karnataka (Karnataka) has ordered that children will continue their studies through TV during the Covid-19 crisis. Kasturi sold his mangalsutra, bought a TV worth 14 thousand…
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