#manami kakudo
jacobwren · 8 months
Manami Kakudo - theatre
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citygamepop · 8 months
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Manami Kakudo
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ayatarumi-work · 1 year
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Musician : Manami Kaudo.
Article by Audio-Technica.
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nicocota · 2 months
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Haruomi Hosono with kukuku(Ikuko Harada・Manami Kakudo, Chappo(Yuta Hosono・Oto Fukuhara),So Ebihara
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ignitiongallery · 1 year
岸本佐知子+角銅真実『五月 その他の短篇』刊行記念セッション
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アリ・スミス『五月 その他の短篇』岸本佐知子訳(河出書房新社)の刊行を記念して、訳者・岸本佐知子さんと、音楽家・角銅真実さんのセッションを、twililightで開催します。
岸本佐知子+角銅真実「五月 その他の短篇」セッション
日時:2023年5月31日(水) 開場:19時 開演:19時30分 終演:21時 会場:twililight(世田谷区太子堂4-28-10鈴木ビル3F&屋上/三軒茶屋駅徒歩5分) 料金:2,500円 出演:岸本佐知子(朗読)、角銅真実(音楽) 定員:18名さま
近所の木に恋する<私>、バグパイプの楽隊に付きまとわれる老女、おとぎ話ふうの語りの反復から立ち上がる予想外の奇譚……現代英語圏を代表するアリ・スミスのユーモアと不思議に満ちた傑作短篇集『五月 その他の短篇』。
件名「『五月 その他の短篇』セッション」とし、お名前(ふりがな)・ご予約人数・当日のご連絡先を明記の上、メールをお送りください。
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角銅真実 | Kakudo Manami
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photo by Ittetsu Matsuoka
マリンバをはじめとするいろいろな打楽器、自身の声、言葉、身の回りの気になるあらゆるものを用いて、音楽といたずらを紡ぐ。その形はインスタレーション、ア ートプロジェクトでの作品制作にも及び、演奏だけにとどまらない作家としての自由な表現活動を国内外で展開している。ソロでの活動のほか、バンド・ceroのサポ ートメンバーとして活動。そのほか様々なアーティストのライブへの参加、作品にレコーディングで携わるほか、 舞台作品、映像、ダンスやインスタレーション作品への楽曲提供・音楽制作など幅広い活動を行う。
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zhanteimi · 2 years
角銅真実 (Manami Kakudo) – Ya Chaika
角銅真実 (Manami Kakudo) – Ya Chaika
Japan, 2018, avant-folk This cozy little album is an excellent blend of pleasant chamber folk and cute interludes of avant-garde experimentation. Its beauty lies chiefly in its fragility. A pillow-talk album, but Kakudo isn’t your lover, rather a friend sharing stories with you as you await the dawn. The perfect come-down album.
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miyakoda · 3 years
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角銅真実さんのソロステージ+ dip in the pool with manami kakudo
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shinjiaratani · 4 years
Shun Ishiwaka, Songbook 5, 
vocal: Manami Kakudo
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aramajapan · 6 years
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Tomoyo Harada to release her first Studio Album in nearly 5 Years
Veteran pop singer Tomoyo Harada recently announced that she will be releasing a brand new studio album on November 28th (Harada’s birthday).  Titled “L’Heure Bleue,” this record comes four-and-a-half years after the release of her previous album “noon moon” and is currently set to be issued in two versions, with the Limited Edition to include […]
Read more on aramajapan.com
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bandcampotheque · 5 years
(via https://open.spotify.com/album/22b8zl798zalEhOyGlZrnR?si=bElMdGzzROKe5LQJmBTAhA)
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chez-mimich · 4 years
Takuya Kuroda è un trombettista giapponese di Kobe che ha studiato jazz alla “New School” di Union Square a New York City, uno spirito inquieto e un ricercatore musicale dinamico e curioso, attratto non solo dalla musica in senso stretto, ma dall’intero universo sonoro e questo suo nuovo album, “Fly Moon Die Soon”, non fa che confermarlo. Non è una novità che il jazz sia divenuto una genere musicale senza una precisa codifica, e le famose "contaminazioni" lo hanno portato su una strada che, se non è difficile seguire da un punto di vista sonoro, è certamente molto più arduo sul piano linguistico. Termini come "hard-bop", "groovy classico" o "funk e hip hop contemporanei", significano ormai poco e risultano essere più etichette di comodo che non descrizioni plausibili di ciò che si va ad ascoltare. Nell'ottica della catalogazione è evidente che è comunque il grande respiro groove a fare da collante ad una interessantissima serie di input musicali. Con questa convinzione mi metto spesso all'ascolto di un disco e così ho fatto con questo magnifico lavoro del musicista nipponico, che lui stesso definisce come un album che parla "dell'ironia tra la grandezza della natura e la bellissima oscenità dell'umanità". Parole suggestive e misteriose, ma che si possono facilmente corroborare dall'ascolto. Un modo di comporre non tradizionale che fa grande uso di ritmi, campionamenti, sovraincisioni e altre diavolerie elettroniche. Una belle truppa quella che ha lavorato a questo esperimento: insieme alla multiforme tromba di Takuya Kuroda ecco Corey King al trombone e voce, Craig Hill e Tomoaki Baba al sax tenore, Tekeshi Ohbayashi e Chris MCCarthy alle tastiere, Rashaan Carter, Todd Carter, Solomon Dorsey, Burniss Earl Travis e Yasushi Nakamura al basso, Adam Jackson e Zach Mullings alla batteria, Takahiro Izumikawa al piano Rhodes, Saotoshi Yoshida e Ryo Ogihara alla chitarra, Keita Ogawa alle percussioni, Manami Kakudo, Alina Engibarya e Paola Arcieri voce. Ma qual è l’ABC (titolo del secondo pezzo dell’album), della musica di Takuya Kuroda? Il ritmo e la sua variazione infinita? Non solo, perché non di solo groove è composto il suo lavoro, ma anche di una sapiente dissolvenza e trasmutazione di questo in qualcosa di diverso, sfumato, lievemente mutageno, anche grazie all’apporto della bella sezione vocale che dà prova di sé già nelle prime dissolvenze (“Fade” appunto) e non cessa di stupire fino a “Sweet Sticky Things”, un po’ jazz e un po’ groove, come si conviene. Molto particolare la gestazione di questo eccellente lavoro, come spiega lo stesso Kuroda: “... Tutto era basato sui miei ritmi che ho fatto a casa, invitando i musicisti uno per uno, aggiungendo o sostituendo parti. Sono stato molto attento nello sviluppare questi brani; solo nota per nota, parte per parte. Volevo fare la musica in modo efficace da una miscela di due diversi metodi di registrazione; una parte prodotta in modo molto agile e una parte molto organica suonata da musicisti dal vivo...” Queste parole possono dare l’impressione di qualcosa di molto costruito, ed infatti la musica di Takuya Kuroda è molto ben progettata ed altrettanto magistralmente costruita; in fondo anche Filippo Brunelleschi progettava nella bottega la sua imponente bellezza. Un colpo forse all’idea romantica e neo-romantica dell’estro e della sregolatezza. Cercare di “ammazzare il chiaro di luna”, almeno ogni tanto, è sempre una buona regola. Saper fare musica significa anche montare e smontare, assemblare, limare se occorre. Impegno notevole, risultato ottimo come si può giudicare solo dopo un ascolto attento.
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citygamepop · 8 months
La cantautora Manami Kakudo y el cuarteto liderado por Mukai Shutoku protagonizan este número de CGP. También hay espacio para otros lanzamientos como el disco de Hiroko Yakushimaru, singles de grupos como Tempalay o Regal Lily y descubrimientos como Meiteimahi. Además tenemos el típico repaso de noticias semanal, como es habitual.
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juliangallese · 5 years
Lullaby - 角銅真実 | Manami Kakudo Directed by Julian Gallese © 2019 Universal Music LLC
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my dream invented a pop song thing and I tried to write it down vaguely thinking I’d remember it and I just can’t :/ it was a weird amalgamation of things like a cover of a song I know so it had the same melody and stuff but the lyrics and tone were different. it was somehow covered by some mainstream male singer but everyone in the dream (like 100 people) started singing it it was crazy.  Wait I think I just remembered the song was a mix of natasha bedingfield’s “these words” in the style of manami kakudo somehow but like sung by a male singer...fuck..i specifically remember the i love you hook or w.e
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sneek-m · 5 years
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Monthly Listening: January 2020
The year is off to a good start when it comes to new music. I already got a good amount of listens in for 2020 releases! Let’s see if I can keep it going. I also added labels for this list just so I can familiarize myself with more. A down side to me not listing albums individually for this blog is not cataloging the labels, and knowing labels can be very helpful sometimes when browsing through music.
January’s playlist is the biggest it has been with 349 songs! I don’t know how! I did put American indie rock releases in there, but it’s only a few dozen out of the hundreds of Japanese and K-pop that I have here. (I did make a separate playlist for just Japanese music for this month if you want to check it out! 121 songs!) It’s gonna be so overwhelming if this is the trend going forward for 2020.
Below is a full list of albums I checked out in January.
2020 albums
Awich – Kujaku (Yentown / bpm tokyo)
CY8ER – Tokyo (Victor)
DreamNote – Dream Wish (iMe Korea)
Frail Hands – Parted/departed/apart (Twelve Gauge)
Francisca Valenzuela – La Fortaleza (Sony)
Georgia – Seeking Thrills (Domino)
Halsey – Manic (Capitol)
Infume Dopechan – Doping! EP (Doping!)
J Hus – Big Conspiracy (Black Butter Limited)
Jimanica – Nothing but Cosmos EP (Jeminic)
Kaede – Imano Watashiwa Kawaritsuzukete Anokorono Watashide Irareru (T-Palette)
Kawaii Renchu – Renchu I EP (Air in the Room)
King Gnu – Ceremony (Sony)
Kojikoji – 127 EP (Flopica / Broth Works)
Koutei Camera Girl Actress – Ningen (Tapestok)
Last Electro – Closer (Junonsaisai)
Lil Wayne – Funeral (Young Money)
Manami Kakudo – Oar (Universal Classics & Jazz)
Mao Uchu – Eien No Lost Moment (Dreamusic)
Mele – Yume Atau Kagiri EP (Yuk / lipu)
Metalplay – Iki Kuu Iki EP (Friendship)
Neko Hacker – Neko Hacker (Koneko)
Quando Rondo – Qpac (Atlantic)
Pet Shop Boys – Hotspot (x2)
Pinegrove ��� Marigold (Rough Trade)
Pinoko – Re:Birth (Chilly Source)
Poetic Narrator – Poetic License EP (C9)
Polkadot Stingray – Shinseiki EP (Universal Sigma)
Poppy – I Disagree (Sumerian)
Pulse Emitter – Swirlings (Hausu Mountain)
Selena Gomez – Rare (Interscope)
SF9 – First Collection (FNC)
Skee Mask – Ilian Tape Podcast Series 046 (Ilian Tape)
Sumire Uesaka – Neo Tokyo Propaganda (King)
Superfly – 0 (Warner Music Japan)
Tomggg – Unbalance EP (Good Music Party)
Totalfat – Milestone (UK.Project)
Tricot – Black (Avex Trax)
Urbangarde -- Tokyopop (TK Bros / Fabtone)
Verivery – Face Me (Jellyfish)
Wakusei Abnormal – Danjo EP (Music Asset Directors)
Younha – Unstable Mindset (C9)
2019 albums
Aleksi Perala – Resonance (Trip)
Crypt Sermon – The Ruins of Fading Light (Dark Descent)
Electric Ribbon – #Freeebon (Kanpai)
GeGeGe – Moon (Dead Funny)
Gomes the HItman – Memori (Universal Music Japan)
Headie One – Music x Road (Relentless)
Jhay Cortez – Famouz (UMG)
Julianna Barwick – Circumstance Synthesis EP (RVNG)
Kalie Shorr – Open Book (self-released)
Keiji Haino + Sumac – Even for Just the Briefest Moment / Keep Charging This “Expiation” / Plug In to Making It Slightly Better (Trost)
Loscil – Lifelike (Scott Morgan)
Mabuta – Three (0605 Never Enough)
Melanie Velarde – Bez (RVNG)
Naiwen Yang – The More Beautiful, The More Invisible (AsiaMuse)
Origami Angel – Somewhere City (Chatterbot)
Quirke – Steal a Golden Hail (Whities)
Ragana – We Know That the Heavens Are Empty EP (self-released)
Raymay – Dance EP (Sakebi)
Red Velvet – The ReVe Festival Finale (SM)
Sassya – Seikizui (Kerosene)
Sumire Uesaka -- Neo Tokyo Propaganda (King)
Taeyoung Boy – The Boys Is (Miya Terrace)
Varaha – A Passage for Lost Years (Prosthetic)
Yanushi – The Basis of Life (Mastard)
Zenbu Kimi No Seida – Arumumei (Codomomental)
Non-2020 albums
Aventura – The Last (Premium Latin Music)
Demi Lovato – Don’t Forget (Hollywood)
Devin the Dude – The Dude (Rap-A-Lot)
Evanescence – Fallen (The Bicycle Music Company)
French Montana – Wave Gods (self-released)
Giant Claw – Dark Web (Orange Milk)
Lil Noid – Paradise Funk (self-released)
O.C. – Word… Life (Wild Pitch)
Poison Clan -- 2 Low Life Muthas (Lil’ Joe)
Sadistic Mika Band – Kurofune (Toshiba EMI)
Super Cat – Don Dada (Sony)
T. Rex – Electric Warrior (Reprise)
Various artists – Lobby Runners (self-released)
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Why - feat. Manami Kakudo / 古川麦, 角銅真実 ♬おすすめの曲♪
( https://open.spotify.com/track/6ttql2HHccObSfZ7ip9jWq?si=c142d5abc33c47d0 から)
ソース: open.spotify.com
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