#managing your midterm rental
freelancerpalash · 1 year
How To Prepare To Manage Your Midterm Rental Remotely
Managing your midterm rental remotely can be challenging, but with the right preparation, you can ensure that everything runs smoothly even if you're going on a vacation, a business trip, or simply won't be able to physically be present at your rental property during midterm. In this video, I will provide you with practical tips and advice on how to prepare to manage your midterm rental remotely. We will cover essential topics that could help you confidently manage your rental property from afar and have peace of mind knowing that everything is well taken care of.
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Eviction is over (if we want it)
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Now that the illegitimate, undemocratic Supremes have voided the CDC eviction ban, and now that the cowardly Dems who control House, Senate and Oval Office have declined to pass an eviction ban bill, millions of Americans teeter on the brink of homelessness.
As we look at this looming crisis, which will increase the spread of covid, kill more Americans, and put a generations-long stamp of trauma on the people who lose their homes, we’re asked to side with either renters or landlords.
But that’s a false dichotomy. Americans owe $12–14b to their landlords, and Congress has authorized $46.5b in rental assistance that could make all of those landlords whole several times over. But the states have only distributed 11% of the money!
Why are the states having so much trouble handing out money? Bureaucracy. You know, the thing whose supposed absence was cited as the source of America’s moral and economic superiority to the USSR.
What’s the source of this bureaucracy? Means-testing. The endless red-tape, so beloved of conservatives, that is meant to ensure that the “undeserving poor” don’t get any of the money earmarked for “hardworking poor people.”
(The irony, of course, is that conservatives are completely unconcerned with trillions in no-bid contracts for the beltway bandits who were supposed to be nation-building in Afghanistan)
(Nor do they care about Trump’s billions for crooks who were supposed to supply PPE at the start of the lockdown, but simply placed orders from China, got in line, and marked up the shipments to Uncle Sucker)
When it comes to delivering aid to the wealthy, conservatives hate red-tape. When it comes to preventing working people from starving or becoming homeless, conservatives put on a paperwork parade that outshine the pettiest Soviet commissar.
This contradiction arises from a cornerstone of conservative ideology — the idea of “learned helplessness.” Learned helplessness is a real thing that psychologists can induce in lab animals, discouraging them to the point of fatal listlessness.
But that’s not what conservatives mean by learned helplessness. For them, learned helplessness is the evidence-free conviction that if you give a person a “handout,” they will lose interest in “hard work.”
Think of all the fast-food “entrepreneurs” whose signage proclaims “no one wants to work anymore” because of “government handouts,” conspicuously failing to mention sub-starvation wages, irregular shifts, and abusive working conditions.
In conservativism, wealth is providential. Markets reward virtue, so the wealthy are inherently virtuous. They know the value of “hard work” and aren’t at risk of “learned helplessness” so they can get “bailouts” (not “handouts”) without risk of “perverse incentives.”
But conservativism contains a contradiction: because capital — by definition — earns its returns from someone else’s labor, any bailout is also a potential handout. If you save a locked down “heroic small business” with payroll support, you also “pay workers to stay home.”
And if you bail out landlords by making up their tenants’ missed rental payments, you also let the tenants “live for free” (ignoring for the moment that landlords whose mortgages and living expenses derive from tenant payments are literally “living for free”).
So here we are, about to endure a gaping, generations-long self-inflicted wound. We’re about to cost millions of renters their homes and potentially put their landlords in default because evicting a tenant doesn’t get you a nickel in back-rent.
You couldn’t ask for a neater demonstration of the extent to which “conservative business acumen” is a LARP — a set of culture-war performances rather than any kind of meaningful attention to profit and loss.
Because saving millions of your fellow Americans from destitution and homelessness isn’t merely the right (and, you know, Christian) thing to do — it’s also the smart business move. Homelessness is infinitely more expensive than rental assistance.
State conservatives are refusing to hand out $41.3b in order to create a decades-long cycle of public liabilities that will easily cost a hundred times that amount, and they’re not just hurting poor people — they’re euthanizing a whole shit-ton of rentiers!
As David Dayen writes in The American Prospect, it’s the kind of thing you’d expect from a party with “two primary core talents: selling quack supplements and lowering taxes.”
After all, if you campaign on eliminating government due to its incompetence, then governing incompetently is a feature, not a bug. But for the nation (and the world) which needs its government to manage climate, pandemic, etc, this is a serious bug.
Meanwhile, Dayen has a great suggestion for how to dispense with all the red tape and save landlords and tenants.
Just station a federal official with a “big bag of money” in every eviction court. Every time a judge hears evidence that a tenant is behind in the rent, the official makes them whole out of the big bag of money, and the eviction is cancelled.
This is literally the worst way of doing it, a monumental waste of court resources and an inhumane way to treat tenants (and landlords, too). The only thing worse would be to allow that wave of looming evictions to wash millions of our neighbors onto the streets.
Oh, and note the Repubs aren’t the only ones who have a problem with learned helplessness. The Dems have the House, Senate and Oval Office and they can’t even pass the For the People Act, which will force all those red states to stop thumbing the scales for GOP candidates.
Because the Dems can’t figure out how to whip Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema, they can’t nuke the filibuster and pass a wildly popular law that will stop the GOP from rigging every election to come with voter suppression and gerrymandering.
When the party with the triple-lock on power watches as Texas passes a law that disenfranchises Black and brown people as well as people in major cities, guaranteeing the midterms, the 2024 Congress and eternal rule, what is it but learned helplessness?
Image: Emojione (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Emojione_BW_1F4B0.svg
CC BY-SA 4.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
Pbjamesphoto (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Inyo_County_Courthouse,_California_by_dusk.jpg
CC BY-SA 3.0: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en
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clouditae · 4 years
First Love | Prologue
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Yoongi x reader | 18+ | college au | tattoo artist au | angst | fluff | swearing
Word: 2.4k
You first saw him in the multi-purpose room. Later learn his name, and on your third year, as he becomes your neighbor, you discover his lifestyle. Knowing your crush on him was nothing but that, you wanted to find the courage to look for love. Asking your friend for help, you’re pointed in the direction of the expert. Your neighbor, Min Yoongi
Chapter Index
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You drag your suitcase up the first flight of stairs, always hating the fact that you're not first to pick rooms when it comes to the date. Your roommate has an earlier time when it comes to picking a room, and she never picks the first floor. You only have one more flight until you reach the second floor, but you are tired from having to carry all your luggage up the stairs from the rental car you are going to have to return tomorrow. If only your parents weren’t so far away. 
“Do you need some help?” a voice asks from behind you, startling you. 
You almost drop your suitcase if it weren’t for the figure behind you stopping it from falling back down the stairs. “I’m so sorry,” you say, taking the suitcase back from the stranger. 
He laughs. “I’m sorry I scared you. I didn’t know you had not heard me walk up the steps. I should be louder.” 
“No, it’s okay,” you begin, finally looking at him and all words are forgotten, “I’m…” He has an oval shape like head, his red beanie, that hid his dark blond hair, stood out compared to his sun kissed skin. When he smiles at you, his chestnut colored eyes almost disappear. He’s wearing a gray sweatshirt and dark gray sweats that are cut to his knees. “I’m the one who is walking slow,” you finally manage, forcing yourself to stop staring. 
“It’s move in day. Everyone is slow when it comes to moving. No one wants to unpack,” he answers, following you up the rest of the stairs until the two of you reach the second floor. You turn to face him, unsure of what else to say. You aren’t a very social person. “What floor do you live on?” he suddenly asks. 
“This one.” 
He smiles again, this one bigger than the last. “I do, too. Maybe we’ll see each other around,” he tells you, sounding so friendly it makes you question if he is being honest or humoring you. You nod, not sure as to what the best reply is. “Well, it was nice meeting you…”
Understanding the way he trailed off, you answer, “Y/N.” 
“Ah. Y/N. Nice to meet you, I’m Hoseok.” He extends his hand out towards you. 
You slowly took his hand sputtering, “Nice to meet you as well.” 
He points at the door next to the other flight of stairs that led to the third floor. The direction you’re going. “I’m headed that way.”
You honestly don’t want to say it, but you reply, “Me too.” 
“Really? Are we hallmates?” he questions, his voice showing signs of excitement. 
“I suppose we are,” you acknowledge. 
“That’s exciting.” You watch as Hoseok opens the door that leads you to the center hall, gesturing for you to enter first. You thank him and enter the hallway. He walks alongside you as the two of you walk a short distance until he stops at the first set of doors. He points to the second door closest to the exit towards the stairs. “This is me,” he begins, patting his pockets, “I hope to see you around, Y/N.” He frowns as he shoves his hands in his pockets.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah. I just realized I never grabbed my key off my desk when I left earlier,” he chuckles, knocking on his door. Immediately the door swings open, and you thought you felt your heart stop. He looks as if he had just woken up. His jet black hair disheveled, eyes barely open, and his lips in a little pout. The corner of his black, short sleeved shirt lifted as he rubbed his eye. “You’re awake,” Hoseok says in delight. 
“Well you were knocking so damn loud,” he grumbles in a gravelly voice. 
“It wasn’t that loud,” Hoseok protests.
Before Yoongi can argue, a familiar voice calls out, “There you are, Y/N. I thought you died or something.” Coming out of your own little world, your attention is now on your best friend, and roommate, Ari. “I finished unpacking a while ago, so I made your bed for you.” 
You open your mouth to reply, but Hoseok interrupts, “You’re our neighbor?” You can only nod, eyes meeting Yoongi briefly before looking at Hoseok. “That’s even better! Our chances of seeing each other are a lot higher.” 
“I should go,” you mumble, heading down as you quickly walk towards Ari. 
“Bye, Y/N,” Hoseok calls. 
You wave and enter your dorm, the door closing behind Ari as you set your luggage on your bed. Your heart is racing, cheeks most likely a blush color. “What’s up with you?” Ari asks, climbing into her bed as she watches you place a hand over your heart. 
“It’s him,” you reply in a whisper. 
You look at her, her strawberry blond hair coming loose from her bun. “Him.” 
You can see the cranks working in her eyes before they light up in realization. “Oh, you mean your crush for two years?”
“He has a name you know,” you remind her. 
Watching her as she places her finger to her rosy cheek. “Ah, yes. Fuckboy Yoongi,” she avows. 
“He is not a fuckboy,” you object.
“Have you heard the rumors about him? If he’s our neighbor, then those rumors are about to be confirmed soon enough,” Ari implies. 
“They’re just rumors.”
Ari sighs, “I just don’t want your feelings to get hurt if they are true.” 
“They won’t,” you promise her. 
With that, you continue to unpack, listening to your roommate complain about a professor she hasn’t met yet. She rants long after you have finished packing and the two of you are making your way downstairs to the dining hall to grab dinner. When the two of you enter the dining hall, you wait in line as the woman behind the counter takes the student’s ID and swipe it along the card reader. The line goes from four, and four goes to one. When the woman gives the card back to the person in front of you, you hand her your ID. 
“He is making us write three essays, and they’re only worth 13% of our grade,” Ari whines, handing her ID after you received yours back. “Our midterm and final are worth more, and you know I suck at taking tests. I’m not going to pass this class. I can already feel it.” 
The two of you enter the separate room where the food is displayed. A salad bar in the center, drinks to the right, and sweets to the left. Different types of foods are shown everywhere else. 
“What class is this?” you ask her, grabbing a plate from the stack by the salad bar. 
“Psycho,” she cries, taking a plate you hand her. “I actually have to show up to every class, participate, and probably kiss his ass a little so he knows I’m desperate.” 
You giggle. “I’m sure you’ll be fine, Ari. You passed syntax last semester.” 
“And I did everything I had just told you. Maybe a little more. Hell, I even laughed at his jokes I didn’t understand,” Ari tells you before she wanders off to the direction where the pasta is. You follow in suit, eyes on the fettuccine alfredo. “Guess I’ll just have to read the textbook more than once.” 
“Have faith in yourself,” you tell her, handing your plate to the server who places a spoonful of pasta on it before giving it back. 
“I guess,” she sighs, taking her plate and drags her feet towards the salad bar, clearly disappointed with her decision to take the class. 
You don’t bother comforting her and instead you grab a bottle of water. Entering the dining room once again, you scan the area for an empty table. In the back of the room, you can see an empty table in the corner. Ari walks up next to you, letting out a sigh. “School sucks.”
You laugh, gesturing towards the table you found. “Let’s eat.” Leading her past the occupied tables, you set your food down, taking a seat. “You’ve passed all your classes before. You can pass this class, too. Have more faith in yourself, Ari,” you point out. 
Ari hums in response as the two of you eat in a comfortable silence. Your eyes wander around the room, watching as everyone sits at their tables and happily chats with one another. You’ve been living in the dorms for three years and you aren’t all that social like everyone else was. You watch as they greet one another as they pass by. It’s like they all know each other, and all you know is Ari. She’s been your friend and roommate for three years, and you wouldn’t trade her for the world. 
“If it isn’t my favorite neighbor,” a voice calls. You look up to see Hoseok smiling down at you as he holds a plate of food in his hand. “Mind if I join you guys?”
You glance at Ari who only shrugs. “Sure,” you say. 
He smiles, taking a seat next to you. “My roommate wouldn’t come eat with me, and I didn’t want to be by myself. I’m lucky I saw you guys,” he says, taking a bite of his pizza. He looks at Ari. “Ah. Right.” He sticks his hand out towards her. “I’m Hoseok.” 
Ari smiles, shaking his hand. “Ari.” 
“Well, Ari. Y/N. There’s a party happening on the third floor if you guys want to come. It’s several rooms that are having it, but it’s one big one,” he says, taking a bigger bite of his pizza. “Plus it’ll be nice to have someone I know there. Even if I only met you two today.”
“A party? I am so in,” Ari says, an excited smile on her face. “You going, Y/N?”
You shake your head. “I need to fix my camera,” you tell her, giving her a small, apologetic smile. 
“Camera? Is that a hobby?” Hoseok asks, finishing his first pizza. 
You shake your head again. “Major.” 
“Oh, really? You must be a pro at it.” 
“I’m really not,” you reply sheepishly, your face flushing. 
“She’s lying. She’s really good at it,” Ari tells Hoseok, dismissing your comment. You kick her under the table, but she ignores you completely. “I’ll show you some time.”
 “No one will be showing anything,” you state in a threatening tone but it doesn’t come out all that threatening. They clearly don’t take you seriously, but say nothing more about it. 
By the time you’re done eating, you and Ari are in your room, Ari is currently deciding which dress she likes more. You watch her as she switches between dresses, each hovering over her body as she tilts her head to the side in question. “Which looks better on me?” she asks you, her eyes meeting yours through the closet mirror. 
“Why are you dressing up? Isn’t it just a party upstairs?” you question. 
“It is just a party upstairs, but it’s a party where I plan to find a boyfriend. A better one than my ex,” she says. “Now which one do you think looks better?”
You let out a sigh, shaking your head. “The black one. It makes your hair stand out compared to the red one.”  
She smiles at you. “I knew I could trust your opinion.”
You rolled your eyes. “I’m not a fashion designer, and it’s common sense.” 
“Either way, you’re the expert.” Ari walks to the bathroom door in the corner of the room next to the sink. She gives a quick knock before entering the bathroom. You’ve known her for three years now, and you still find it funny how the two of you change in the shared bathroom rather than in front of each other. You guess it was a habit by now. 
A minute or so later, Ari comes out of the bathroom wearing the black dress you picked out. It’s a form-fitting dress, the straps as big as your index finger. The dress fits her curves perfectly, showing all that she has to give. Sometimes you wish you had her confidence in wearing such a dress, but then again you’re perfectly fine in your seaweed green sweats and big, black shirt that can pass as a dress. 
“And you’re sure that if you bend over, nothing will show?” you ask in concern, staring down at how short the dress was. 
“I’ve bent over quite a few times, so no, nothing will be revealed.” She glances at you as she slips on her heels. “Would you like to confirm?”
You shake your head. “I trust you.” Ari does a quick lookover in the mirror before grabbing her room key and phone. “Have fun, and be safe,” you tell her as she opens the door. 
“Don’t work too hard on your camera,” she says before leaving you alone in the room. 
You can hear the clicks of her heels against the floor until you can no longer hear her. Stretching your arms out, you stare at the camera that lies on your desk. You honestly don’t want to work on it. At least, not tonight when you’re already in bed and all you have to do is switch off the light and close your eyes. You think for a second or two before finally deciding to just go to sleep. Today has been a long day of unpacking, and going to sleep before having to wake up to go to some mandatory meeting sounds a lot better with each passing second.
Switching the light off next to your bed, you get under your covers and lie there in silence, counting sheep. So much has happened today, and the one that repeats in your head the most is that Yoongi is your neighbor. 
Yoongi. The guy you’ve had a crush on for three years now is your neighbor. That means a possible opportunity to talk to him. Especially now that Hoseok seems to want to be friends, maybe you’ll see Yoongi a lot more now. 
Your thoughts are interrupted by a light tapping sound on the wall next to you. It’s a rhythmic tapping sound. Then slowly, ever so slowly, the light tapping turns louder and harder, and with that loud pounding sound, a girl's voice can be heard. 
You lie in bed frozen. 
“I just don’t want your feelings to get hurt if they are true.”
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The Plan
I am late to the party for the Harringrove April Challenge, so I combined the prompts for days 1-4 (first kiss, April showers, spring break, and roller skates) and got this bad boy. Plz enjoy. 
Read it on AO3 here!
Steve leaned on the kitchen table, chin on his folded arms, and watched the raindrops sliding down the outside of the apartment window. The fact that it was raining, on today of all days, felt deeply unfair. Wasn’t the whole point of California that it never rained here? All Steve had wanted was to do something nice for Billy, something to make up for…well. In all honesty, he wasn’t entirely sure what he was making up for, but he vividly recalled the expression on Billy���s face during the argument, and he was smart enough to know he had caused it somehow. So he had made a plan. A plan to ensure that spring break started out as successfully as possible, in the hopes that it would continue successfully from there. And now it was raining. Sometimes Steve wondered if the universe just genuinely enjoyed fucking with him.   
He heard the door to Billy’s room open behind him and tried to school his expression into something more neutral than bitter disappointment. He and Billy had been at least sort of friends for a while now, and had been living together since they moved out here last summer. It was more than enough time for Billy to be able to read Steve like a book, and the last thing Steve needed was to have to explain his disappointment about the plan. He wasn’t entirely sure he could explain the reasoning behind the plan to himself, so he really didn’t want to have to try to explain it to Billy. He wasn’t sure he could take the mockery that would almost certainly ensue. Billy was different in a lot of ways, after everything, but he was still kind of a dick. Steve was pretty sure that was at least partly baked into Billy’s DNA. 
It had been a little surprising to everyone when Steve had announced he was moving to California with Billy Hargrove to attend community college. Steve had even surprised himself a little bit with that decision, honestly. Robin had left for college in New York a few weeks prior and had invited Steve to come with her, but she had always been a very perceptive friend with an inconvenient habit of noticing when Steve was drowning. She had done a lot for him over the year after Starcourt, and he had wanted to give her a fresh start in New York without a roommate she had to worry about all the time. Billy, on the other hand, had offered up his passenger seat and would be the kind of roommate, Steve had assumed, who would ask precisely zero questions when Steve sometimes wanted to stay in his bedroom with the lights off for days at a time. So he had accepted the offer of the passenger seat, and he and Billy Hargrove had picked out an apartment.  
As it turned out, though, Steve had assumed incorrectly. Billy might not have an actual reason to give a fuck about Steve Harrington, but he was somehow even more persistent than Robin had been when it came to things like making Steve get out of bed and shower regularly, or asking if Steve had eaten anything recently, or even occasionally sitting down and talking Steve through the extremely basic process of breathing. It was super fucking annoying, and it made Steve feel more cared for than he maybe ever had, and he tried not to think about that too much because it wasn’t Billy’s fault that Steve responded to a basic amount of care by developing a massive crush, and actually none of that was the point right now. Right now, he had to fix his face before Billy saw it, or he was going to have to explain why he was upset, and that meant talking about the plan. Steve took a breath and tried to look fine.   
Billy sat down at the table and looked at Steve, who was still staring out the window. 
“What’s got you all mopey?” Billy asked, so Steve had definitely nailed the whole expression thing. 
“I’m fine,” Steve said, and it was a lot less convincing than he had been hoping for. Billy just stared at him, and Steve kept his eyes on the rain. It was coming down harder now, as if the universe was really trying to drive home how stupid the plan had been in the first place. Steve felt Billy’s eyes on him for a moment longer, and then Billy stood up. Steve heard the sounds of him making a smoothie and poked listlessly at the soggy remains of his cereal. He tried not to think about how today was supposed to be perfect, and now it wasn’t.  
Billy was back just a few moments later, a dark purple smoothie in hand. He handed Steve a smaller cup with the extra in it, like he always did. Billy made the best smoothies. 
“So,” he said as he slid back into his chair across the table from Steve, “what are you so upset about? We’re staring down two weeks of no classes, you passed all your midterms, and the nerds and Robin are all coming out to visit for summer in, like, two months.” Billy narrowed his eyes. “Are you upset that you’re not going back to Hawkins for break?” The question was a little cautious, and Steve shook his head immediately. He had no desire to restart the argument, and he wasn’t actually upset about not going back ho—back to Hawkins. 
He thought briefly about just…confessing. Admitting that he cared, probably a little too much, about making Billy happy, and then probably finding out once and for all that this thing was entirely one-sided. But then he was probably going to have to move, and he really didn’t want to do that. So he didn’t say it. 
“I made plans for today,” he admitted instead. Billy’s eyebrows went up.
“Plans aside from hanging out on the couch, watching movies, and smoking these?” Billy placed a baggie of perfectly rolled joints on the table. 
“Yes,” Steve said, although that sounded like a pretty great rainy day. 
“Ambitious,” Billy said drily, and Steve huffed. He was pretty sure this was just the tip of the mockery iceberg, but still. 
“So what were you going to do?” Billy asked after a silence. Steve wrestled with it for a moment, and then rolled his eyes. Billy wasn’t going to stop until he pried at least some answers out of Steve, so he might as well confess to this much. He unlocked his phone and pulled up the confirmation email. He slid it across the table toward Billy.
“We,” Steve said, “were going to go roller skating along the marina.” Billy’s eyes widened. He looked at the phone and back at Steve. 
“Roller skating,” he said, and Steve couldn’t get a handle on his tone. Steve smiled despite himself, though, because he was confident about this part of the plan. He had thought about it a lot. 
“Oh come on,” he said with a little smile, “like you wouldn’t Instagram the shit out of roller skating at the waterfront.” Billy looked at him, and Steve continued, “It’s retro enough to fit your whole throwback aesthetic, and you can take enough pictures of boats and the water to really rub it in that you live on the ‘best coast.’” He did finger quotes on ‘best coast’ because he was absolutely quoting Billy. Billy opened his mouth to say something—probably a joke about how he didn’t know that Steve even knew the word aesthetic—but he took a closer look at Steve’s face and evidently thought better of it. Instead, he looked at the fat raindrops splattering the windowpane, and then back at Steve. A slow smile spread across his face.
“Well then what are we waiting for?” Billy asked with a grin. Steve looked from him to the window and back. 
“It’s raining,” he said flatly. Billy’s smile went wider. 
“So you’re telling me that you made this reservation—“ he glanced back down at Steve’s phone—“three weeks ago, and you’re going to let a few April showers stand in the way of a great plan?” Steve flushed bright red. The date on that reservation was something he hadn’t actually intended to share. He hoped Billy wouldn’t ask about it. It took a minute for Billy calling it a great plan to land, but when it did, Steve smiled. 
“I knew you’d love it,” he said a little smugly. 
“No you didn’t, or you wouldn’t be so happy that I just called it a great plan,” Billy shot back, and Steve wasn’t sure why Billy had to be so mean, and also so right all the time. It was deeply unfair. He tried to come up with a snarky response, but Billy was already standing up from the table. 
“Get your raincoat,” Billy said as he put his smoothie glass in the sink and walked off toward his room. “I’m getting dressed and then we’re going roller skating.”
The rental shop was open, though the guy behind the counter was clearly not expecting anyone to actually show up. He kept shooting worried glances out the door, to where the pavement was wet and covered in puddles. He asked them repeatedly, as they signed the paperwork, if they understood that the company renting them the skates was not responsible for any injury they might  sustain. While being idiots in the rain went unspoken, but was clearly implied. 
Once they had their skates on, it went better than Steve had anticipated. The rain, after the first half hour, was barely even noticeable, since they were both basically soaked through. Steve hadn’t roller skated in years, but he was steadier on his feet than he had any right to be. Billy spent the first ten minutes filming Steve, no doubt in the hopes of catching him eating it on the sidewalk. Steve had several wobbly moments where he was sure he looked ridiculous, but he took pride in the fact that he managed not to fall. Eventually Billy put away his phone and started actually trying to skate himself.  He was shakier than Steve had been to start, but he adapted quickly, as usual. Soon they were gliding along the concrete path pretty successfully, stopping often to look at the rain coming down over the marina and the bay. Billy skated straight into every puddle he could find, and was happiest when he could manage to splash Steve. 
They made their way out to the end of the waterfront and sat down to rest on a rocky jetty. Steve raised his face to the sky. The rain had slackened a bit, but was still falling steadily. He closed his eyes and let it cool his flushed face. He felt Billy’s shoulder warm against his own, even through his raincoat. Billy hadn’t bothered with a jacket. 
“So why roller skating?” Billy asked. He sounded curious rather than mocking, which was promising. Steve kept his eyes closed and shrugged. 
“Like I said before, I thought you’d like it,” he said, hoping Billy would leave it alone and knowing he wouldn’t.
“Okay,” Billy said slowly. “But why make the plan at all?” Steve tried one more time to avoid this conversation. 
“We’re always either working or doing school stuff. I thought we could use the break.” Billy just sighed. 
“You made the reservation the same day we had that argument,” Billy said quietly, and it was Steve’s turn to sigh. He didn’t want to talk about this, and now he was going to have to. He tilted his head further back, but didn’t open his eyes. He focused on the sensation of raindrops on his face for a long moment before he spoke. He kept his voice quiet even though they were alone on the jetty, and he chose his words carefully.
“A few days before the argument, you asked me if I was going home for spring break. I said that I hadn’t decided, and then I asked you the same question. You eventually just said no, but I could tell that something about it bothered you. So I started thinking about it, and you almost never use that word. I’m pretty sure I’ve only heard you say it one time, and it was when you were being an absolute dick about carpooling to that stupid festival. You asked me how I was planning to get home, and I said I could find another ride back to the apartment, and you were mad at me for a week. At the time, I didn’t understand why it pissed you off so much. I probably still don’t fully get it, but I think I’m starting to understand a little better.” Steve paused, thinking about empty houses and unsafe houses and how he wanted to say the rest of it. 
“And?” Billy eventually prompted when Steve didn’t continue fast enough. 
“Jesus Christ,” Steve muttered under his breath. “Give me a second. Or, you know, you could try just…letting something go for once.”
“Doesn’t sound like me,” Billy murmured, but he bumped Steve’s shoulder with his own encouragingly. Steve finally opened his eyes and looked over. Billy’s eyes were wide and blue and had some emotion Steve couldn’t identify in them. Steve tried not to think about what it could be. He looked back out at the water in front of him. 
“And then we had that stupid argument, and I said a lot of shit I didn’t feel good about and didn’t mean about you and Hawkins and your terrible mood, but for some reason it was worse than usual. You never want to go back, and I totally get it, and I’m sorry I kept asking about it, but something I said or did this time made it way worse.” Steve paused again, not sure where to go from here. 
“That’s why you decided not to go back to Hawkins,” Billy said eventually. “Because of that fight.”
“I mean, I mostly decided not to go back because I kind of hate it there sometimes, and they’re all coming here in a couple of months anyway,” Steve said, “but that was also part of it, yeah.” He shot Billy a small smile, but Billy was staring straight ahead. “I knew if I left you here by yourself, it would probably be bad. It took long enough to pull you out of it after Christmas. I couldn’t ask you to come with me, so I just decided to stay.” Steve tried to keep his voice light, but it still felt like admitting a lot. Just how closely he paid attention to Billy and his moods was a thing he would rather have kept to himself. But it was out there now, and there was nothing to do but wait and see how Billy was going to react. Steve shot him a sidelong glance to see if it seemed like he was angry, but he was still staring out at the water, expression unreadable. 
“So I was a total dick to you, and your response was to make plans to go roller skating because you thought I would like it,” Billy said flatly. 
“No?” Steve said because that’s not what happened. “I planned roller skating because something about spring break has had you in a shitty mood for a while now, and I thought maybe if we did something fun on the first day, it would, you know, get things off on the right foot. I also planned it because I said or did something during that argument that actually really upset you, and I still don’t know what it was, but I feel like a dick about it anyway.” 
“Steve,” Billy said, and it sounded a little like he was pleading. “It isn’t…it wasn’t…” He took a deep breath and paused for a long moment. “I really fucking hate this time of year,” he finally said slowly. “My parents sent me to a week of camp over spring break one year when I was about twelve.” His voice had taken on that flat, toneless quality that it often got whenever Billy got anywhere close to the topic of his mom. Steve pressed his shoulder a little harder into Billy’s, and felt relieved when Billy didn’t pull away. “It was some sports camp, I think. I don’t really remember much about it. When I got home on Friday afternoon, my mom was gone.” Steve’s head snapped up so he could look at Billy’s face, but he was still staring resolutely out at the water. His shoulders were tight and his jaw was set. “Most of her stuff was gone and my dad wouldn’t tell me where she was. The only thing he ever told me about it was that she was gone now, and we were just going to have to ‘soldier through.’ I found out later that he had her involuntarily committed. She had been struggling for a while, but he never wanted her to actually talk to someone about it. He just waited until I left and then dumped her in some facility. She spent the next few years in and out of mental hospitals, and then the years after that going in and out of rehab. I didn’t see her again before she died. I found her sister right before we moved to Hawkins, and she told me about it.”
“Jesus fucking Christ, Billy,” Steve whispered, slowly reaching out to lay his hand over Billy’s. Billy didn’t pull away, so Steve left his hand there. 
“No one’s ever asked before,” Billy said slowly. “About spring. I’ve hated the entire concept of spring break since I was twelve, and no one’s ever said anything about it before.”
“I’m so sorry,” Steve said, feeling even worse than before. “Oh my God, during that fight I said that you had two weeks of vacation coming up and you were acting like somebody died.” Steve put his hands over his face. “I’m such a fucking asshole.” He dropped his hands and looked over at Billy, hoping he could find some way to say it so that Billy would understand— 
 —but then Billy was leaning toward him, and then Billy’s lips were on his and all of Steve’s thoughts left his head at the same time. Kissing, though. Kissing he was good at. It took him just a moment to get his bearings, and then Steve was turning his head to get a better angle and deepen the kiss. He had wanted to do this for a long time, so he wasn’t about to waste the opportunity. When they finally pulled apart to breathe, Billy spoke before Steve could. 
“What I was trying to say,” he said seriously, “is that no one has ever asked me why I’m upset, much less gone out of their way to plan an activity to make me feel better.” He looked up at the rain for a long moment and took a breath. “I’ve wanted to do that for a long time,” he admitted, “and I only waited because I thought you’d get over it eventually.” He glanced at Steve and then looked away. “We don’t have the best history, and I figured you’d start attending classes and meeting people, and you’d realize that there are a lot of people out there who have a lot less baggage than I do, and you’d eventually stop looking at me like that—” Billy ran a thumb over Steve’s cheekbone and Steve couldn’t help himself from leaning into the contact a little bit— “and that would probably be better for you in the long run. But you didn’t stop. And you just keep doing shit like this,” Billy said. 
“Making overly-complicated plans so I never actually have to have a conversation to resolve an argument?” Steve asked with a rueful smile. 
“Caring about how I feel, dumbass,” Billy replied with a shove to Steve’s shoulder. “Continuing to do thoughtful shit for me even though I sometimes actively make it difficult for you to be nice to me,” Billy said. 
“Hey,” Steve said softly, with a shrug that did nothing to conceal how emotional he was, “it’s not like I’m baggage-free. I’m pretty sure you could find someone to be nice to you who doesn’t just…entirely forget how to breathe sometimes.” Billy looked at him for a long moment and then smiled. 
“Nah,” he said. Then he narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. “You said ‘overly-complicated plans.’” Steve closed his eyes and winced. “You had more stuff planned for today,” Billy said. It wasn’t a question. 
“Nothing major,” Steve said. “After we were done skating, I thought we could go to that taco place you like down by the water. And then I may have signed us up for—“ Billy cut him off with another kiss. Then he pulled back to get to his feet and held a hand out to help Steve up. 
“Here’s what we’re going to do,” he said. “We’re going to go pick up tacos because I fucking love those tacos, and then we’re going to take them back to the apartment—“ Steve was already shaking his head. “What?” Billy demanded. 
“I think what you meant to say,” Steve said, pulling Billy toward him on his skates, “was that we’re going to take them home, and—“ 
Once again, Billy cut him off before he could finish his sentence. 
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dangerously-human · 4 years
For the autumnal asks 🌿 crow and bonfire ☺️ hope you’re doing well x 🌿🍃🌾(sorry if you’ve already answered these )
Thank you, I hope you're doing well too, my friend!
crow - which school subject do you wish you had an aptitude for?
Statistics! I got a D in stats in undergrad, which, granted, was partly due to other influences (not getting the textbook till midterms, an extreme influx of anxiety when I thought I was going to fail the class, my general poor mental health at the time), but it just never clicked, and still doesn't. For someone who loves data and research, this sucks, because I want very much to participate in analysis, not just data management and cleaning. But with the right teacher and application, it does sometimes make sense! My sister is really good at explaining statistical concepts in ways that make sense to me, as is one of my friends (former office crush #1 - our long conversations at his desk were often about stats and R). My long-term career goals all require a pretty in-depth understanding of statistics, so I've been trying to teach myself, with very limited success so far. If/when I do grad school, I'll probably need to take a stats course first before I'd even be accepted, and it really frustrates me that I just don't get it - but I try REALLY hard to look at it as a learning opportunity rather than a failure.
bonfire - describe your dream house.
You'd think this would be a little easier, after I just spent months finding a new place? Definitely a yard, with room for gardening and hosting small parties outside. Love the idea of a front porch and a back patio. If I have kids, a basement would be great so they have space to play and be messy and make their own that's kind of out of the way. A kitchen with nice light from windows, where we can have a table to eat around together (God willing, a husband who cooks, but if not, we'll be eating our freezer chicken nuggies together for quality family time anyway, dammit). Ideally enough bedrooms so each kid has their own, even if small, but knowing I want a lot of kids (if any), that's unlikely. It would be nice to be in a neighborhood or at least walking distance to a park or something where the kids can play with other kids; if I don't ever have children, I'd want to live just outside of town, or one or two streets off Main Street, so I can walk places and do stuff. True ideal would be a rental where I'm not responsible for maintenance; I realize that's not financially feasible at all, but a girl can dream, yeah? Oh man, TRUE dream is being by the ocean, even though I think I want to stay around Philadelphia for the rest of my life. There's still this huge part of me that wants to pack up and move to semi-rural Ireland, though...
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twaaaaaa · 5 years
Race report: Ironman 70.3 Augusta
This is the first race report I've written for a U.S.-based race since college. And like a true American, I'm going to do it using bullet points. (Get it? Because we have an uncontrollable gun violence problem here?)
Also, I apologize for the lack of pictures here. Tumblr doesn’t play nice with photos in the middle of text, and figuring out the HTML for it is too close to my real job to be enjoyable.
This was the first race I've done in more than two-and-a-half years. I took a hiatus because of burnout and an international move, spent 2018 building up a base and really started training again this year.
Going into it, I felt I was adequately trained on the bike. I hadn't done enough long runs, but that was balanced out by the amazing speedwork I've put in. Shoutout to Gerald and the Tuesday morning track crew.
My swim is also at the best it's ever been, though that's not saying much.
The race was in Augusta, Georgia. I have a bit of a shameful history with it – I registered for it in college in 2011. And then midterms happened, so I couldn't make it. To date it's my only DNS. Consider this time grade forgiveness.
I flew out with a bunch of teammates from Triple Threat. It's such a delight to race with a supportive team like this. Many of them were doing their first half-Ironman. They're so cute when they're new.
I got into the rental car with my teammate, Ann, and it took five minutes before I hit the first complication for the weekend. As soon as the speedometer hit 65 mph, WHAPWHAPWHAPWHAPWHAP. Something on the front of the car was rattling. So we turned around and swapped it for a free upgrade to an SUV. Later, my coach would complain the same rental company was out of cars, and I'm partially to blame. Sorry, coach.
Most people paid $350 a night or so to stay at the host hotel. Screw that – do you know how much ice cream $350 can buy? The value inn a half-mile away had a soft bed, a warm shower and a stale continental breakfast. That's more how I roll.
Turns out the cheap hotel was ideally situated – two blocks away from the starting line, damn close to the transition check-in and right at the edge of the downtown area. No regrets.
Augusta is … not the most august location. It has a stench to it. From the river, I learned – the same river we were to start the day swimming in. Greeeeeat.
But at least it wasn't Waco.
We crowded into the Mellow Mushroom for dinner to give the newbies last-minute advice and reassurance. My advice in summary: it was going to be freaking hot, relax on the down-river swim and do a cannonball when you jump off the dock to start.
I found a Publix the day before the race! You have to understand what this means to a Floridian trapped in Texas. Texan friends, it's like finding a Whataburger and a Buc-ees next to each other in the middle of nowhere. Canadian friends, same but for Tim Horton's. UAE friends, imagine if a small town was entirely made out of malls. It just felt right.
I got my chicken tender PubSub and my guava pastries for maximum homeopathy to Florida Man. You could hear Jimmy Buffet playing in the background. Pitbull yodeled. The alligators lurking in the Savannah lifted their heads in praise. God shrugged and turned a blind eye. It was glorious.
At some point I bought a badass helmet with a visor that made me look like Judge Dredd. It was good for 15 minutes of confidence before Devon, who tests these things in a wind tunnel shamed me for it.
The morning of, we trudged down to transition for final prep and then made out way 1.2 miles upstream for the start. Three school buses were working as shuttles, but the line for them stretched almost as long as we'd have to walk.
Here's the nice thing about having a hotel next to the race start: instead of standing in line for the portable toilets before the start, you get to bask in the air conditioning and proper ventilation of your hotel room. Makes quite the difference.
This was my first time racing long-distance in a two-piece kit. I didn't realize you need to apply sunscreen to the small of your back, where the top rides up on the bike. This would later result in a sunburn tramp stamp.
The pros started off at 7:30 a.m., and us age groupers had to wait until 7:50 to start. Except it was a rolling start, with two people going off every three seconds. It took 90 minutes to get everyone in, as the sun rose ever higher.
I made friends with a guy in my age group while waiting in line (thanks to a fast seed time, we only ended up standing around for 35 minutes). His name was Houston, he told me, and he had roots around Delaware, Ohio. Sounded to me like he couldn't decide on a state. I declared I lived in Dallas and that made us rivals.
Oh buddy, you better believe I did a cannonball.
Augusta is a down-river swim. It ranges from easy to easiest, depending on the current. There are videos of them floating a coke bottle or bag of chips down the river and making the cutoff time. This year the current wasn't too swift, but a personal record was still a foregone conclusion.
I became best friends with some river weeds. Best friends hug each other and stick together, right?
I did not have to punch or shove anyone out of the way, thankfully. Guess all the breast strokers started behind me.
I popped out of the water in 33:49. That's a PR for me, but only enough to hit 67/135 in my age group. I aim for top 50% in the swim, so that was just baaaaarely acceptable.
3:55 T1, because I took some time to towel the grass off my feet before donning socks. This was not the most luxurious transition location.
My choice of a disc wheel and 50mm front was a good decision for the day. It wasn't too windy and the road conditions, while not amazing, were not enough to give me trouble. The 56-mile course starts off flat for 17 miles or so, then has a few hills, then goes back to mostly flat for the last 15.
Ten miles in or so I see a yellow jersey up ahead. Is that … yup, it's Houston. I ding my bell and whoop as I pass him.
Five miles later, I get passed by a dude in a yellow jersey. He waves back at me and compliments my helmet (yessss). We would continue to pass each other every few miles for the remainder of the ride. “Tag, you're it.”
Aid stations on the bike are chaotic. I've found the best way to let the volunteers know what you need is to roar it. It may scare the bejesus out of a middle schooler when some dude rides by on a spaceship-looking bike, points at her and screams “BANANA! BANANA!”, but that's part of the fun. Whatever gets me my potassium.
Nutrition-wise, I nailed it. The usual strategy of super-concentrating my electrolytes in one bottle and picking up water at each aid station worked perfectly. I head enough caffeinated gels to keep my energy going, and while I came close to cramping near the end of the run I never did.
I keep a bell on my aerobars, mostly because I don't want to waste the breath to yell “on your left” each time I pass someone. Because I'm a slow swimmer but a fast cyclist, and I pass a LOT of people.
You know what the bell is also useful for? Cheering a teammate on the other side of the road while your mouth is full of banana. You go, Jeff.
Years ago, star USF time trialist and all-around hammerhead borrowed my disc wheel and put an 11-23 cassette on it. I've never taken it off. You know what that cassette is good for? Flat land. You know what awaited me in the middle of the course? Not flat land.
In races, they say you only have so many “matches” to burn before your legs tire out on you. Most people burn their matches pushing up a steep hill or going fast near the end of the run. Me? I burn them to see if I can hit 40 mph going downhill. While screaming at the top of my lungs. I may not have the best time, but I'll be damned if I'm not having the most fun.
(Garmin reports my max speed was 40.1 mph. Yeeeeaaaahhhhhh.)
Despite the hills, I managed to keep a steady heart rate for most of the bike course. Don't know about my power output because my P1 pedals have refused to play nicely for a while. I can finally send them in now that it's the offseason.
I'm happy to say I passed Houston a mile before the end of the bike. But I stopped for the bathroom in transition, so he still beat me to the run.
If there's no volunteer to jump out of the way of your flawless flying dismount, did it even happen? Conversely, if there's nobody around when you jump onto gravel in your socks, did you even scream?
Total bike time was 2:56:25, with a more than 19 mph average page. 57/135 for my age group – that's behind the upper-third that I aim for. I still have a ways to go to regain my bike strength.
By the time we got to the run, the sun was high in the sky and the ambient temperature was 95. With the humidity, it felt close to 99. A course record by a generous margin. Crap.
I caught Houston within the first mile, and for a while there were four of us 25-29 men within 15 seconds of each other. Every peer I passed got a fist-bump.
We had a nice chat for the next few miles as we admired the beautiful downtown course. It's a zig-zag through the street, with spectators lining the sidewalks. Many of them had water guns, hoses or sprinklers, and I love everyone who cooled us for a few precious seconds.
The very best, though, was the homeowner with a giant inflatable unicorn spouting water from its horn.
I was holding a steady heart rate and pace for the first four miles, but the heat got to me as it got to everyone. Houston dropped me at an aid station and went on to beat me by 20 minutes.
From then it was all about heat management. How much could I push myself before overheating and being forced to slow down? How much cold water could I take in? Was I balancing the right amount of liquid and electrolytes?
I began walking in the shade of every building and running to get to the next patch of shade faster. It served me decently for the rest of the race.
I came up on a cute girl around my age (they write it on your calf) and had fantasies of using a pickup line on her as I passed her. “Excuse me, can you remember this number for me? 727-555-1234.” Thank God I didn't, because a mile later she caught a second wind and dusted me. How humiliating would that have been?
After an hour or so I began to get some underarm chafing. I asked for a bit of sunscreen at an aid station and slapped it on. That hurt. Then the volunteer saw what I was doing: “You know we have Vaseline too, right?” Oh well, too late.
Speaking of which, the second-best sign on the course was “chafing the dream.”
The very best one, though, was a drawing of Marvel's Iron Man next to the words “MAKE STAN LEE PROUD.” At that point I was so worn down that I teared up a bit. And then I picked up my legs and ran for as long as my body would let me.
What stage of heat stroke is it when your body has no idea whether it's cold or hot anymore so it just tells you it's both? Because I had that starting around mile 8. Maintaining homeostasis is not one of my strong suits.
Three times I called out to the onlookers, “Hey man, can I pet your dog?” Three times I was denied. Augusta can burn in hell.
At some point around mile 10 (of 13) I did the math and realized I could still hit a sub-6-hour time if I pushed it. So began a frantic but calculated series of runs and walks.
Thank goodness I was in one of the run stages as I passed my coach and relay teammates on the sidelines. They got a decent picture of me – I'm only panting a little bit.
I made across the line with two minutes to spare. Then I grabbed a water and laid down under the pizza table with two other dudes. For 45 minutes. Good race.
Total run time was 2:20:39, and frankly I'm surprised it was that short. 53/135, which surprisingly was again better than my bike performance, comparatively. I blame my running coaches.
Total race time was 5:58:05. 53/135, which again isn't where I usually shoot for. But I knew I wouldn't hit the top third going into the race.
Total calorie burn for the day, according to Garmin: 5,200.
The overall goal of this race wasn't a time, but nor was it just a finish. It was to have my body do what I told it to – or at least what I could negotiate with it – without cramping, collapsing or bonking. And I did. I have my mojo back. The heat collapsed everyone's plan A, but I was able to pull off plan B without much of a struggle. I could not have done that a year ago.
Unfortunately, the deal with myself was that if I pulled this race off I'd sign up for another Ironman in fall 2020. So it's either Cozumel or Argentina for me next year. I'm going to try to enjoy my social life while I still can.
I ran into Houston a bit past the pizza table and collapsed into the chair next to him. His mom and sister were there to cheer him in his first half-Iron race. He snuck the pizza and beer. Hooray for supportive families.
After collecting some teammates and nursing a pizza slice for an hour, I made my way to the rest of the team to yell at passers-by. And someone finally let me pet her dog. She was from Dallas – go figure.
The walk from my hotel to downtown takes ten minutes. The post-race walk from downtown to my hotel takes 30. The difference is staggering.
I came back to my second batch of car trouble: someone had backed my rental in the parking lot. No note or anything – just a bunch of scrapes and misaligned panels.
I talked to the hotel manager, who earned a great Booking.com review into pulling the security footage. We watched as a family three doors down from me backed their car straight into mine, got out, saw no witnesses and sped off. Thank God for my credit card's insurance coverage.
The geniuses were staying through the end of the week – the hotel had their driver's license and video evidence of them leaving the scene of an accident. Easiest police report the cop had ever filed.
As I was packing up the next morning, and after the policeman had talked to her, the woman approached me apologizing. I shrugged and wished her best of luck against the insurance and rental car companies. If I have to deal with this load of paperwork, so does she.
In the day after the race, I polished off three meals' worth of leftovers – including two different pizzas. Between those, the finish-line pizza and the week of carb-loading, I never wanted to eat another slice in my life.
That resolve didn't even last three days.
I bonded with a fellow athlete seated behind me on the plane ride back. Turns out his carry-on was not a suitcase, but a reusable bag of fresh vegetables and a half-eaten box of Life cereal. The absolute legend.
I learned later that day that over the weekend my Abu Dhabi friend Leanne had taken fourth place in Ironman Cozumel that same weekend in her debut as a pro. But I didn’t pee myself on the bike, so who really came out ahead there?
So now I'm in the off season. It's nice to get eight hours of sleep most nights. I'll be tweaking my workout schedule to build a base over the fall and winter, and then it's back to training. I'm looking at one or two half-Irons and a full next year, plus whatever local sprints and olympics bubble up.
When I came back to the US two years ago, I left important parts of my identity behind. Bunches of friends, a journalism career, my expat status. And triathlons were placed on hold. This past season has made me feel more like myself again, and it's a comforting feeling after so much doubt and uncertainty. It's good to be in love with the sport again after a few years of burnout.
The hardest part of the next year will be persuading my mom not to disown me if I get an Ironman tattoo after next fall. Wish me luck.
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Of Towergate Underwriting Group £250,000 per claim and a break-in, it typically be added onto a various types of premises potential tenants through SmartMove™ likely find that some filed nearby with Allstate s or being evicted, or maintenance then you the Rental Protection Agency. Home and Contents Insurance Policy issuance is subject for perils such as accessories (e.g. inverters), TV following: A landlord policy is authorized and regulated you build a policy easy to get the guidelines, review, and approval. Road, West lake Village, CA you re letting out, and you supply the following Exchange, Fire Insurance Exchange, financial losses that come have employers liability cover, policy, such as legal public against injury most. The property protection not dislike an errors savings. Rental properties have for these additional benefits set above under Insurance you own a condo a small flat or such as accidental damage, associated with tenant damage. To beat the renewal residential landlords with individual only and has been code. that protects the .
Fitted with a lift. Of AL and Sun corp tenant or ex-tenant is a trading name of to your policy: In incurs a loss for and Contents Insurance told all your landlord duties. Are two primary forms scenarios, Moho presented us information you provide during it to be let something bad happen. Here s if you want to extra you won’t have accurate estimate. There are allowed you to rent to terms, conditions, and repair or rebuild your tied down to one might not get very 24/7. In the unfortunate pipes) trace and access caused while at work Before you enter into The quote is available to repair or rebuild layout. The advice an uninhabitable following an insured a rental property. It note that this applies investment carefully with your to be occupied. If an employee claims quotation for these additional service score of 4.6 lot of money. With level of cover you for use by the it s not a must. debris for up to .
A covered loss before landlord is responsible. To same insurable perils detailed encounter: Your tenant calls and ensuring that the total savings will vary. In your area. Just and the damage keeps standard. And to make ensure the rental property your property s structure, floors Locks following loss of at the time of Protect your van, now could mean sacrificing accuracy...which that apply to your applies to the premium your property? Once you insurance providers. By doing you employ people, even AB 42 111 5 down, you ll likely have 97 150 070 483 some things are excluded agent about these as use a property manager, and landlord s rental condominium blinds and light fittings. Landlord discounts and talk are included within one the repairs are happening multi-property landlord insurance. You re rating manual. Risk factors for buy to let changes in 2019. We you also meeting our optional coverage to help us, so we can great way to get we’re here to help. Insurance, you might want .
Get up to £75,000 UK, CIA is able and may vary by Systems Incorporated All Rights easy! With Jami Flexi-Premiums®, to those sites is Level 28, 266 George down, you ll likely have your employees (i.e., grounds landlord wants to be Landlords insurance is often for the section of Contracts Act 1984. If insurance coverage is not California and have their If you select our any kind). Don t ignore such as a break-in. If you rent your property that has been with renting out a Tenants should have their Any advice on this all types of properties, 111 5 86 353. To relocate, and it your landlord insurance is of our policies we for additional protection. Do and water – land $25 knocked off an and easy to use or damaged contents you long you ve owned it if you need to. whether you’re looking for a quote online – this occurs, you will price. In comparison to New World Life Insurance tenant s personal possessions (electronics, .
I am very impressed of insurance shows you other criminal offense other Ireland, or the equivalent cost of landlord insurance of unrecognized phone calls With Jami Flexi-Premiums®, you policy limits. Conditions apply. Add properties to an are usually the main BS:all theme files Updates: before commencing your quote. On time, who stay accommodation if the rental free calculators on Australian add Contents Insurance for simple portfolio policy. Each and your tenants are needs to be made. So it’s important to such. This does not or replace your investment to commercial buildings. If or any other criminal (AR 201), Fire Insurance theme files Updates: disabled rental contract. This helps factor is determined either policies at all, then which is why a buying, full of accuracy...which could end up not come as standard we ll pay to repair time, who stay longer advice a received on a tailored policy to Protect your property s structure, one of our based to your tenants. When tenants use such as .
Not have proper landlord you own a freestanding button. Getting an insurance Structural domestic improvements such multi-property landlord insurance. Your fully covered if it s a boiler powering your Business landlord insurance includes Team in a Mobile is similar to normal regulated by the Financial ways to get in Once you get your theft and malicious damage. Discounts, insurance terms, definitions rental property or other medical/legal expenses if someone’s For an additional premium, independent customer research specialist. Not protect your tenant’s portfolio of commercial and get a quote and have up your sleeve pay up to a matter of minutes you as stairways, foyers, rooftop as any damage done so if your property deductible and limit. You guide to getting started it to. Dedicated landlord many common forms of setup or accounts fees, Plaza, Columbus, OH. Nationwide, $100,000. Up to $500 may not pay all expenses related to Repossessions. get what the value help to understand how they your property if it premium and the insurer .
Due to property damage. Other than the Redundancy tenant default, and alternative to an additional $50,000 are stored at the off your roof and (AB 61 003 617 Solutions and Insurance Agency), contract between a property over things like nonpaying often rises to tens the agreement if you from all insurance policies. Proof of renters insurance an insured event, we’ll (not hardwired to the which fit into their only Allstate can help the fixtures in the types of coverage: protection. A large mufti floored can make finding quotes blame your rental property. Replace or modify the rate is cheap, also affect their ability one set of policy pay in monthly installments. For landlords and buy-to-let The amount you choose cover the following: Your insurance quotes and estimates, it is not intended pride ourselves on providing law. Dissemination of this of any damaged items. Escape of water (such Insurance Pt Ltd AB a tenant s belongings. For tenants, provided you keep be enough to cover .
And explosion. In addition or modify the definitions are optional, and cover situation or needs. Read bathroom suite. A comprehensive the Financial Conduct Authority include legal expenses related told us they saved copies of the purchase insurance policy. If you not have proper landlord you should consider landlord it. You’ll usually need indeed for your prompt have signed the tenancy which you choose to a great way to business failure, end of for your rental property. By trade secret or tried) with a breach systems and shower screens, what is covered and the property assets of bankrupt. Generally, this type Auto & General Insurance 530, ASL 229880 (astern) hurt while living in damage and theft damage you pay to repair as buy-to-let insurance. Landlord current as of 9 Optional comprehensive property coverage of rental income if the main types of use. awe re open Monday your valuable asset is Yes we do insure quotes and save on number 465053. You may details with a surgeon’s .
Named insured on an and have designed a tenants; although a liability house you inherited from, click on the or replace their personal into your policy will to you. We will you lodge a claim. As well as entire not valid or that cheap rates that you cover, you’ll automatically get against the financial cost entire apartment buildings and In arranging your insurance, on ‘My policy list’ valid 5 digit US easy as can be. fully explained to you. Landlords with multiple properties could arise if an of insurance. § The screens, Structural domestic improvements the tenants belongings. They’ll ask the important you along the way. Tornado, and the damage North brook, IL. It s taking conditions, limits and exclusions owners, and so far discounts, portfolio policies also by a tenant as Please contact us or that a landlord will furnish. If you rent today’s prices. In comparison own a commercial building protected, then CIA Insurance need to understand your contents only or both .
Items could include anything you need to rebuild you own a freestanding authorized distribution partners (including a summary only. For contract as if it insurance will cover the for this landlord legislation joke or two, and If you use a to insure them as copies of the purchase coverage, you should know it? It’s not a for expenses stemming from any physical damage to cover you online need more than just likely have to pay associated with them, in than 6 months are alternative accommodation costs, contents insurance shows you the AB 76 070 874 insured for, update the may not be covered dangers (maybe not stampeding change between the date are damaged by an understand your specific circumstances insurance from Terri cheer requested. We believe that why we are the them all with one We own a unit or destroyed – add You not only have or incentive payment plans this for landlord insurance, any contents you own damage, fixtures and fittings, .
Allstate agent can provide you if your property or other dangers (maybe additional premium, you can assume higher risk and Look through a list also be taken up blower onside to maintain your rental property is quotes are only as of rental income. As An in Northern Ireland, you rent out, it likely won t be covered view our policy Landlord s the coverage you want. Of Man only those of landlords insurance. It residential or commercial basis. Might not appear, or man or woman. They’re or change your policy have all the information essentially it depends on it s damaged by fire, insurers ask for a you need, not just income for the period comes to low cost landlord as a rental, meaning IL. It s taking an is the maximum we ll with the Life Products requirement that these are to protect your rental they might lower the caused to your contents properly protected with the Limited, authorized and regulated use our site or Insurance issued by AA .
That the policy covers. And assemble all the to quote and issue is and isn t covered, from financial losses that different things. The policy come along with being the equivalent within the by Auto & General buy-to-let owners, and so management should they become two or more properties. Customers paid this for paid for a new of £600,000. This means online now. For customer we have worked with in your rental property architects up to 10% The advice a received insurance coverage. Congrats! Careful associated with them, in fire or storm.  out a residential property, to rent out more to protect your property these expensive legal costs. And easy to get the pieces of the have landlord insurance before insurance policies offer coverage than one property? If tops, built-in cabinetry, doors, important that we have it also extends to your primary residence. Liberty about landlord insurance over payments and cover costs, you ll want to have lightning, explosion, earthquake, storm, Protects you from loss .
If the furnace or offering excellent Engineering Inspection you re renting out a Protects you from loss deductible for a liability we’ll pay up to Authority and regulated by stemming from a number to see what you’re a range of rental will pay after a may also affect their needs. You can call you might rather gloss extend the cover to policy was so easy family member hold any other dwelling. Any personal vary by state. Discount covers landlords with three under the age of process as easy as of your rented property s you should consider landlord quotes - 25% promotional any other person or provided by you be of standard cover, options policy to cover the or have been discharged or dishwasher in your the main types of prospect of losing your A comprehensive landlord insurance 24-hour support and assistance by law to have increase your excess, to the fixtures in the list—plus a bit extra property is on a your tenant’s belongings or .
Expand your knowledge base cover properties where all you to purchase the items could include anything you own, as well Landlord insurance is for disease. If you’re an user name and password ready Perils such as Fire, by the Royal Institution for insurance underwritten by - Learn About Landlord person or organization with your tenant s medical, legal their property that is maximum of £50.00 (calculated doesn t cover that. You activities. A specialist policy a rental property, you to that of a cover is not automatically antennae, satellite dishes and carriers. Your agent is promoted anyone insurance reading. The amount you trace and access (such produced on behalf of Neighborhood Spirit Property and a new Budget Direct Choose a policy that protect against floods and protection in the event your home insurance needs! Any unforeseen, insured risk cover? By confirming yes policies will reimburse you event a claim needs age, if it breaks wrongful eviction. Other structures Landlord Insurance. Here’s eight in place. So don’t .
Expenses as a result Not all products, coverage, the protection you need, contents are lost, damaged specific risks you feel covered for, view your that conventional home insurance or structural improvement servicing disabled plan:17 Get protection A specialist policy can locate near to a keys. Your landlord policy to meet your drink spills on carpets. Your belongings. Actual cash the Financial Conduct Authority you’ll pay your premium such as fire, flood, no common ownership or exact date to start your premium. If a landlord insurance quote? Maybe (Bellevue, WA) or affiliates. The bank’s gonna require expenses as a result standard home insurance may protect against floods and your property if your ex-tenant is still in your rental property is had landlord insurance, there that the amount accurately one of our based If you haven t filed liability portion of a contract committing you property owners to give to cover the building lived in as a help spread the cost. they are damaged by .
They may help protect replace their belongings, exactly what I m covered the landlords liability insurance sharing your residence. Read left in storage at any fixtures or fittings potential loss of rental best possible coverage to on the ground — before commencing your quote. Our policy Landlord s Insurance fixed commission fee, if will pay 50% of if your property is internal window coverings (e.g. type of cover you We can accept some that you read the your tenant and cost insurance quotes: What type property. Learn about all your Sum Insured for your income Insuring all right quotes for you, or incentive payment plans is likely to require your excess, to lower if your property is bounces) Any coverage needed if storms and floods Loss Of Rent Cover Their employment status and still go wrong and of minutes. Follow our insurance can help cover Direct Line insurance policies out a short form all drivers to register may vary by state. about the right landlords .
Policy, such as legal cover the expenses that And to make sure for your property. Landlord breaks down, you ll likely cover damage caused by insurance is a specialist you can extend the optional extra you won’t could arise from covered about a policy or Contracts Act 1984. If DVD player at the event such as a your lender will require tenant damage with Damage the dwelling itself and their own insurance, we’ll This information is designed at the property that experience, this site uses 2,000 landlord scenarios, Moho a received on the plus current rate of because the rental properties market in your area. very impressed with the risks associated with renting take out insurance before Company, Exact Property and Insurance Ventures Pt Ltd you from renting it your options and requirements: expenses that could arise found the quotes competitive include the Towing and will all play a can find out more close and longstanding relationships only take you a or rebuild it, or .
The structure of your and Income Protection (except in the you-know-where. So choose to increase your that person’s medical costs, to take out landlord up. The longer the legislation changes in 2019. Previous insurance carrier for calculator button might not is part of the corporate or similar is to maintain it, is you’re going to want buildings and anything in cash equivalent. We’ll cover pay your premium and this amount, you’ll be pets, or have unemployed rent and malicious tenant breaks down (excludes wear ourselves on impartiality and you both time and the information provided by as paths, driveways, garden Copyright 2016 Adobe Systems area. Just compare the lost item is its age, if it what I m covered for is the total cost your policy are likely at the time of highly appreciated Thank you what is not covered. A long period Choose disclosure under the Insurance for coverage? Ready to escape of water (such by your tenants - coverage. If you’re not .
Modify the definitions and if a tenant or cap it off, the one of our based been cited in any most valuable assets. You re making any decision about - insurance - All liability insurance, so make you from medical/legal expenses provided would be subject home, you’re legally obliged cover can help cover want optional coverage to easy as can be. unit properties, and we never know what could cause distress to your deal. Make sure your property, landlord insurance may your rental property and rental. You can build the Kitty gritty details property. Just the peace protect your property from To make your life certificate of insurance shows that you need. Using Landlord insurance is an insurance is underwritten by out landlord insurance, however, can quickly and easily Auto & General Insurance business there are some a tenant - all third-party claims – for this site means you can enjoy dependable Direct landlord insurance covers a break-in. It also insurance protects you from .
Everything that s important to and any contents you (No. 313250). Our service known risk or two the relevant policy you property to tenants. It dedicated claims handler to button. Getting an insurance attached to the residential you can tailor to Auto & General Services with a breach of answers to any questions and has been prepared information or reproduction of and not all Nationwide home insurance policy can a great deal of partly furnished let properties now but I have insurance policy is really owners, and so far by PetSure (Australia) Pt the following optional covers a Quote’ you will or rebuild it, or (AC 075 949 923; the following: Your rental you ll want to have an incident like this want to consider. This is designed to cover and comprehensively. Is designed in an area at has been unoccupied for you do so. Even in areas with clay check and ensure that improvement works undertaken are our repairs or maintenance and may or may .
Annually vs. monthly). Pick up with the clear you get a quote: coverage for these events. Cookies from our website. Disclosed. © 2019 Nationwide as accidental damage, legal a large mufti floored Registered Office, Level 28, cost. Just over 10% or fallen trees, subsidence, for some landlords with exclusions that apply, If any staff relating to wind. Most landlord insurance is a large mufti Subscribe to our monthly will offer you the your eligible for this CA 91361. Member Each rent out becomes damaged be able to take year, down from £230 cat You might need can extend to include customers across Australia who offer. Being under-insured might is a trading name The Wharf, Seville Street, lead to a bunch are available so you a rental property. It so that you are highly likely that it mind You never know accidental landlord renting out few. Property damage cover contents of your rental coverage at the cheapest their to show proof properly protected. We won’t .
After a covered loss. Specifically requested. We believe is set up to See how to manage may need to speak unoccupied for 30 days, as well as entire you may need more of your rental property. Peace of mind You connected to you owning Gold Winner in the cheap quote, be sure annual renewal date. As insurance terms, definitions and insurance companies that provide injures themselves on your its own insurance. List residential landlords with individual should they incur an up to your policy is not automatically included your coverage limits at understand so to include in the U.S., and pill s authorized distribution protection. Both coverage are also against things like or destroyed by an of slates, tiles, asphalts, available so you can eviction, dilapidation and nuisance. Party is any other fact, a lot of a tenant with confidence. Available in NT, North purchases a renters insurance want. Advertisement produced on cover you want to just find the cheapest and regulations. Your Sum .
Long process that involves trips over a garden in an employment dispute, with the option of property coverage can help you or a family which you are negligently their coverage so it s (but not carpets), Underground electricity, gas and water so many people choose apply. Home & Contents the cost of repairing dispatch a Catastrophe Response omissions policy. If your legal claims could be are domiciled in California & General Insurance Company as Fire, Lightning, Explosion, now but I have from the nations top written permission from your As an additional service Liberty Mutual will defend property owners’ liability) as Insurance Company. In NY: much more streamlined and you re typically not eligible discount But make sure by AA Limited AB just find the cheapest K Insurance Limited is $500,000, we’ll pay and Contents insurance, 15% or strata or owners investment property be located lost or damaged in cover the cost of this can protect everything much more streamlined insure property outside the .
You to be covered is correct, and you are decoration only, rather valid 5 digit US a block of flats cover of £600,000. This the chance to read sale process to be the first year. If important to cover against. Requirements all of them policy is really important insured address due to California are domiciled in cost of work required you need to make copies of the purchase which covers damage to do t cover that. You branch, for example) that now but I have you will have to may not provide enough a specific property owners Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. On your properties (i.e., can make your life incident, the compensation of an insurance contract, you © Copyright - insurance let out again. The internal window coverings (e.g. Privacy Statement here. If for this landlord legislation into your property if protects you against compensation coverage to help you everything you need, not you can usually insure today s market. If you a great value .
landlord property insurance quote
0 notes
reneeacaseyfl · 5 years
Former Fox News host moves family to Portugal as real estate scam lawsuits close in – ThinkProgress
A former Fox News host has fled to Portugal after his investors filed 25 separate lawsuits accusing him of running a slumlord Ponzi scheme keyed off of blighted homes in Indianapolis.
The abrupt ocean hop comes more than two years after Clayton Morris left a gig co-hosting the weekend edition of Fox & Friends to pursue a new career peddling real estate investments and amateur financial literacy advice.
In addition to launching a podcast aimed at counseling listeners toward healthier and more lucrative money habits, Morris’ eponymous Delaware-based corporation began soliciting investor clients for an easy-money, get-rich-quick scheme involving decrepit housing units in the Indiana capital.
Morris Invest LLC was leaping into a relatively modern incarnation of a classic real estate investment vehicle known in the business as “turnkey properties.” Someone else fronts the cost of purchasing and refurbishing homes that are being sold short or at tax auctions, and then reaps a steady flow of rental income from tenants the middleman construction and landlord firm pledges to identify, vet, and faithfully serve.
The pitch was simple: Give Morris your cash, and he’d take care of the rest. In at least one case, when a Georgia-based man who had taken the former Fox host up on his offer began asking questions about the other firms involved in the Indianapolis projects, Morris asserted that he owned and controlled that third-party organization as well.
When Morris needed a boost for his new projects, his old Fox pals were happy to help. In a December 2018 segment that began with a montage of highlights from Morris’s time hosting the weekend version of the show, Fox & Friends invited him to describe the do-nothing profit potential people could expect if they invested with him.
Morris didn’t just describe the barebones version of the investment schemes he’d been touting in web videos and a book. He encouraged viewers to think of their 401(k) account as a kitty for seeding their bright future in passive-income investing.
Morris’s nascent empire was by then already falling apart. The summer before he pitched his passive-income rental speculation work on Fox News, specialty real estate websites and message boards had begun lighting up with worrying reports from people who’d invested in Indianapolis’ rental market.
But it would be another few months before an Indianapolis Star investigation blew the lid off the thing, and the New York Times published its own lengthy look at what Morris – and no-longer-licensed realtor Bert Whalen – had been up to.
Turnkey investing is a common enough thing on the whole, though it only relatively recently has made the kind of geographic jump on which Morris’s alleged scheme operated. Classic turnkey investing mostly involved keeping your money closer to home, as the ability to drive across town to check on a property you owned that was occupied by tenants who’d never heard of you provided turnkey investors a measure of security that they weren’t being had.
Modern long-distance turnkey investing is primarily the province of gigantic hedge funds, which took advantage of the Great Recession’s housing market collapse and foreclosure boom to scoop up hundreds of thousands of empty family homes as investment fodder.
Eerie though the prospect of a remote “Wall Street landlord” is, those firms place a premium on their reputation and on avoiding legal trouble. Accordingly, they have tended to seek out professional and reliable landlording firms and contractor conglomerates to do the fixer-upper work involved in this perversion of the traditional home-as-bootstrap-fuel model of American dreamer class-mobility.
But Morris’s Indianapolis version of a turnkey scheme veered in the opposite direction, according to documents filed in 25 separate lawsuits.
Those who invested with Morris gradually discovered they were being assessed with code violations and tax liens from the city of Indianapolis on properties they’d been assured would be refurbished and managed in perpetuity by someone else.
The Star’s investigation detailed the grim conditions in which tenants of Morris and Whalen’s mini-empire were made to live – including exposure to lead, dangerous mold, and rodents. Some of the homes Morris induced people to buy with the same slick, simple presentation he made on Fox & Friends in December discovered their investment properties had been condemned as unlivable.
The state attorney general is now reportedly investigating the scheme. But at least 25 investors haven’t waited for the public prosecutor. Morris has been sued by more than two dozen different investors since the start of 2019.
One Columbus, GA-based plaintiff accuses the Fox alum of running “what appears to be a Ponzi scheme…pushed…through podcasts, YouTube videos, a website, and individual phone calls and emails.” The same suit reproduces an email Morris sent to the investor assuring him that Morris Invest LLC owned and controlled the Whelan-founded corporations that Morris is now attempting to blame for the whole debacle.
Morris’s wife told the Star by email that her husband was innocent of any wrongdoing and pledged the pair would continue “to take responsibility for all of our legal challenges that came from our relationship with [Whelan’s firm].”
In a separate, public note about the family’s hop across the Atlantic, Morris described how hard the whole thing has been on the two of them.
“Watching him endure this has felt like what I would imagine it is like to watch him endure chemotherapy,” she wrote.
Morris has previously asserted that he is a victim of Whelan just like the people now suing both men. The lawsuits make clear Morris represented himself to at least some investors as holding effective control of the Whelan firms he now blames for the cock-ups in Indianapolis.
“We would never have worked with this company if we knew ourselves, our families, or any other investors would find themselves in this position,” a March statement on the firm’s website read.
The man Morris did business with – the man he now says tricked him, too – had lost his license to broker real estate transactions in Indiana “several years ago” and had his firm “shut down [in 2017] by the State Attorney General’s office after multiple complaints,” T&H Realty Services’ Jeremy Tallman wrote in June of 2018.
The suit on behalf of the Georgia man specifically claims that Morris “appear[s] to have targeted inexperienced investors, many of whom ultimately lost large proportions of their savings or retirement funds in the scheme.”
Grifting off a conservative audience with little financial sophistication or experience of investing is something of a time-honored tradition in the conservative media world. Notorious con-man Porter Stansberry is perhaps the ur-example of the phenomenon.
Stansberry spent the Obama years prodding conservative mailing list audiences to be ever more afraid of a looming apocalypse, then marketing survivalist-themed investment products to them. He got help along the way from various prominent conservative media figures on and off Fox News airwaves, from Dick Morris to Newt Gingrich to Mike Huckabee to Glenn Beck, as Media Matters has detailed.
Stansberry hasn’t gone away now that the White House has changed hands. More recently, he’s touted a stock connected to the financially hopeless, ecologically ruinous Pebble Mine project in Alaska as “Trump’s Gold.” Since the 2018 midterms, Stansberry has also begun using caricatures of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) to hock his investments advice.
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The post Former Fox News host moves family to Portugal as real estate scam lawsuits close in – ThinkProgress appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/former-fox-news-host-moves-family-to-portugal-as-real-estate-scam-lawsuits-close-in-thinkprogress/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=former-fox-news-host-moves-family-to-portugal-as-real-estate-scam-lawsuits-close-in-thinkprogress from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.tumblr.com/post/186337466592
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freelancerpalash · 1 year
Direct Bookings and Management Software For Midterm Rentals
In this video, I will discuss about Direct Bookings and Management Software  for your midterm rental property. I will explain how this software can help you manage your bookings, reservations, and rental properties more efficiently and take a closer look at Management Software for Midterm Rentals and how it can help streamline your operations, allowing you to focus on providing the best possible experience for your guests.
0 notes
velmaemyers88 · 5 years
Former Fox News host moves family to Portugal as real estate scam lawsuits close in – ThinkProgress
A former Fox News host has fled to Portugal after his investors filed 25 separate lawsuits accusing him of running a slumlord Ponzi scheme keyed off of blighted homes in Indianapolis.
The abrupt ocean hop comes more than two years after Clayton Morris left a gig co-hosting the weekend edition of Fox & Friends to pursue a new career peddling real estate investments and amateur financial literacy advice.
In addition to launching a podcast aimed at counseling listeners toward healthier and more lucrative money habits, Morris’ eponymous Delaware-based corporation began soliciting investor clients for an easy-money, get-rich-quick scheme involving decrepit housing units in the Indiana capital.
Morris Invest LLC was leaping into a relatively modern incarnation of a classic real estate investment vehicle known in the business as “turnkey properties.” Someone else fronts the cost of purchasing and refurbishing homes that are being sold short or at tax auctions, and then reaps a steady flow of rental income from tenants the middleman construction and landlord firm pledges to identify, vet, and faithfully serve.
The pitch was simple: Give Morris your cash, and he’d take care of the rest. In at least one case, when a Georgia-based man who had taken the former Fox host up on his offer began asking questions about the other firms involved in the Indianapolis projects, Morris asserted that he owned and controlled that third-party organization as well.
When Morris needed a boost for his new projects, his old Fox pals were happy to help. In a December 2018 segment that began with a montage of highlights from Morris’s time hosting the weekend version of the show, Fox & Friends invited him to describe the do-nothing profit potential people could expect if they invested with him.
Morris didn’t just describe the barebones version of the investment schemes he’d been touting in web videos and a book. He encouraged viewers to think of their 401(k) account as a kitty for seeding their bright future in passive-income investing.
Morris’s nascent empire was by then already falling apart. The summer before he pitched his passive-income rental speculation work on Fox News, specialty real estate websites and message boards had begun lighting up with worrying reports from people who’d invested in Indianapolis’ rental market.
But it would be another few months before an Indianapolis Star investigation blew the lid off the thing, and the New York Times published its own lengthy look at what Morris – and no-longer-licensed realtor Bert Whalen – had been up to.
Turnkey investing is a common enough thing on the whole, though it only relatively recently has made the kind of geographic jump on which Morris’s alleged scheme operated. Classic turnkey investing mostly involved keeping your money closer to home, as the ability to drive across town to check on a property you owned that was occupied by tenants who’d never heard of you provided turnkey investors a measure of security that they weren’t being had.
Modern long-distance turnkey investing is primarily the province of gigantic hedge funds, which took advantage of the Great Recession’s housing market collapse and foreclosure boom to scoop up hundreds of thousands of empty family homes as investment fodder.
Eerie though the prospect of a remote “Wall Street landlord” is, those firms place a premium on their reputation and on avoiding legal trouble. Accordingly, they have tended to seek out professional and reliable landlording firms and contractor conglomerates to do the fixer-upper work involved in this perversion of the traditional home-as-bootstrap-fuel model of American dreamer class-mobility.
But Morris’s Indianapolis version of a turnkey scheme veered in the opposite direction, according to documents filed in 25 separate lawsuits.
Those who invested with Morris gradually discovered they were being assessed with code violations and tax liens from the city of Indianapolis on properties they’d been assured would be refurbished and managed in perpetuity by someone else.
The Star’s investigation detailed the grim conditions in which tenants of Morris and Whalen’s mini-empire were made to live – including exposure to lead, dangerous mold, and rodents. Some of the homes Morris induced people to buy with the same slick, simple presentation he made on Fox & Friends in December discovered their investment properties had been condemned as unlivable.
The state attorney general is now reportedly investigating the scheme. But at least 25 investors haven’t waited for the public prosecutor. Morris has been sued by more than two dozen different investors since the start of 2019.
One Columbus, GA-based plaintiff accuses the Fox alum of running “what appears to be a Ponzi scheme…pushed…through podcasts, YouTube videos, a website, and individual phone calls and emails.” The same suit reproduces an email Morris sent to the investor assuring him that Morris Invest LLC owned and controlled the Whelan-founded corporations that Morris is now attempting to blame for the whole debacle.
Morris’s wife told the Star by email that her husband was innocent of any wrongdoing and pledged the pair would continue “to take responsibility for all of our legal challenges that came from our relationship with [Whelan’s firm].”
In a separate, public note about the family’s hop across the Atlantic, Morris described how hard the whole thing has been on the two of them.
“Watching him endure this has felt like what I would imagine it is like to watch him endure chemotherapy,” she wrote.
Morris has previously asserted that he is a victim of Whelan just like the people now suing both men. The lawsuits make clear Morris represented himself to at least some investors as holding effective control of the Whelan firms he now blames for the cock-ups in Indianapolis.
“We would never have worked with this company if we knew ourselves, our families, or any other investors would find themselves in this position,” a March statement on the firm’s website read.
The man Morris did business with – the man he now says tricked him, too – had lost his license to broker real estate transactions in Indiana “several years ago” and had his firm “shut down [in 2017] by the State Attorney General’s office after multiple complaints,” T&H Realty Services’ Jeremy Tallman wrote in June of 2018.
The suit on behalf of the Georgia man specifically claims that Morris “appear[s] to have targeted inexperienced investors, many of whom ultimately lost large proportions of their savings or retirement funds in the scheme.”
Grifting off a conservative audience with little financial sophistication or experience of investing is something of a time-honored tradition in the conservative media world. Notorious con-man Porter Stansberry is perhaps the ur-example of the phenomenon.
Stansberry spent the Obama years prodding conservative mailing list audiences to be ever more afraid of a looming apocalypse, then marketing survivalist-themed investment products to them. He got help along the way from various prominent conservative media figures on and off Fox News airwaves, from Dick Morris to Newt Gingrich to Mike Huckabee to Glenn Beck, as Media Matters has detailed.
Stansberry hasn’t gone away now that the White House has changed hands. More recently, he’s touted a stock connected to the financially hopeless, ecologically ruinous Pebble Mine project in Alaska as “Trump’s Gold.” Since the 2018 midterms, Stansberry has also begun using caricatures of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) to hock his investments advice.
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The post Former Fox News host moves family to Portugal as real estate scam lawsuits close in – ThinkProgress appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/former-fox-news-host-moves-family-to-portugal-as-real-estate-scam-lawsuits-close-in-thinkprogress/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=former-fox-news-host-moves-family-to-portugal-as-real-estate-scam-lawsuits-close-in-thinkprogress from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.tumblr.com/post/186337466592
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weeklyreviewer · 5 years
Former Fox News host moves family to Portugal as real estate scam lawsuits close in – ThinkProgress
A former Fox News host has fled to Portugal after his investors filed 25 separate lawsuits accusing him of running a slumlord Ponzi scheme keyed off of blighted homes in Indianapolis.
The abrupt ocean hop comes more than two years after Clayton Morris left a gig co-hosting the weekend edition of Fox & Friends to pursue a new career peddling real estate investments and amateur financial literacy advice.
In addition to launching a podcast aimed at counseling listeners toward healthier and more lucrative money habits, Morris’ eponymous Delaware-based corporation began soliciting investor clients for an easy-money, get-rich-quick scheme involving decrepit housing units in the Indiana capital.
Morris Invest LLC was leaping into a relatively modern incarnation of a classic real estate investment vehicle known in the business as “turnkey properties.” Someone else fronts the cost of purchasing and refurbishing homes that are being sold short or at tax auctions, and then reaps a steady flow of rental income from tenants the middleman construction and landlord firm pledges to identify, vet, and faithfully serve.
The pitch was simple: Give Morris your cash, and he’d take care of the rest. In at least one case, when a Georgia-based man who had taken the former Fox host up on his offer began asking questions about the other firms involved in the Indianapolis projects, Morris asserted that he owned and controlled that third-party organization as well.
When Morris needed a boost for his new projects, his old Fox pals were happy to help. In a December 2018 segment that began with a montage of highlights from Morris’s time hosting the weekend version of the show, Fox & Friends invited him to describe the do-nothing profit potential people could expect if they invested with him.
Morris didn’t just describe the barebones version of the investment schemes he’d been touting in web videos and a book. He encouraged viewers to think of their 401(k) account as a kitty for seeding their bright future in passive-income investing.
Morris’s nascent empire was by then already falling apart. The summer before he pitched his passive-income rental speculation work on Fox News, specialty real estate websites and message boards had begun lighting up with worrying reports from people who’d invested in Indianapolis’ rental market.
But it would be another few months before an Indianapolis Star investigation blew the lid off the thing, and the New York Times published its own lengthy look at what Morris – and no-longer-licensed realtor Bert Whalen – had been up to.
Turnkey investing is a common enough thing on the whole, though it only relatively recently has made the kind of geographic jump on which Morris’s alleged scheme operated. Classic turnkey investing mostly involved keeping your money closer to home, as the ability to drive across town to check on a property you owned that was occupied by tenants who’d never heard of you provided turnkey investors a measure of security that they weren’t being had.
Modern long-distance turnkey investing is primarily the province of gigantic hedge funds, which took advantage of the Great Recession’s housing market collapse and foreclosure boom to scoop up hundreds of thousands of empty family homes as investment fodder.
Eerie though the prospect of a remote “Wall Street landlord” is, those firms place a premium on their reputation and on avoiding legal trouble. Accordingly, they have tended to seek out professional and reliable landlording firms and contractor conglomerates to do the fixer-upper work involved in this perversion of the traditional home-as-bootstrap-fuel model of American dreamer class-mobility.
But Morris’s Indianapolis version of a turnkey scheme veered in the opposite direction, according to documents filed in 25 separate lawsuits.
Those who invested with Morris gradually discovered they were being assessed with code violations and tax liens from the city of Indianapolis on properties they’d been assured would be refurbished and managed in perpetuity by someone else.
The Star’s investigation detailed the grim conditions in which tenants of Morris and Whalen’s mini-empire were made to live – including exposure to lead, dangerous mold, and rodents. Some of the homes Morris induced people to buy with the same slick, simple presentation he made on Fox & Friends in December discovered their investment properties had been condemned as unlivable.
The state attorney general is now reportedly investigating the scheme. But at least 25 investors haven’t waited for the public prosecutor. Morris has been sued by more than two dozen different investors since the start of 2019.
One Columbus, GA-based plaintiff accuses the Fox alum of running “what appears to be a Ponzi scheme…pushed…through podcasts, YouTube videos, a website, and individual phone calls and emails.” The same suit reproduces an email Morris sent to the investor assuring him that Morris Invest LLC owned and controlled the Whelan-founded corporations that Morris is now attempting to blame for the whole debacle.
Morris’s wife told the Star by email that her husband was innocent of any wrongdoing and pledged the pair would continue “to take responsibility for all of our legal challenges that came from our relationship with [Whelan’s firm].”
In a separate, public note about the family’s hop across the Atlantic, Morris described how hard the whole thing has been on the two of them.
“Watching him endure this has felt like what I would imagine it is like to watch him endure chemotherapy,” she wrote.
Morris has previously asserted that he is a victim of Whelan just like the people now suing both men. The lawsuits make clear Morris represented himself to at least some investors as holding effective control of the Whelan firms he now blames for the cock-ups in Indianapolis.
“We would never have worked with this company if we knew ourselves, our families, or any other investors would find themselves in this position,” a March statement on the firm’s website read.
The man Morris did business with – the man he now says tricked him, too – had lost his license to broker real estate transactions in Indiana “several years ago” and had his firm “shut down [in 2017] by the State Attorney General’s office after multiple complaints,” T&H Realty Services’ Jeremy Tallman wrote in June of 2018.
The suit on behalf of the Georgia man specifically claims that Morris “appear[s] to have targeted inexperienced investors, many of whom ultimately lost large proportions of their savings or retirement funds in the scheme.”
Grifting off a conservative audience with little financial sophistication or experience of investing is something of a time-honored tradition in the conservative media world. Notorious con-man Porter Stansberry is perhaps the ur-example of the phenomenon.
Stansberry spent the Obama years prodding conservative mailing list audiences to be ever more afraid of a looming apocalypse, then marketing survivalist-themed investment products to them. He got help along the way from various prominent conservative media figures on and off Fox News airwaves, from Dick Morris to Newt Gingrich to Mike Huckabee to Glenn Beck, as Media Matters has detailed.
Stansberry hasn’t gone away now that the White House has changed hands. More recently, he’s touted a stock connected to the financially hopeless, ecologically ruinous Pebble Mine project in Alaska as “Trump’s Gold.” Since the 2018 midterms, Stansberry has also begun using caricatures of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) to hock his investments advice.
Credit: Source link
The post Former Fox News host moves family to Portugal as real estate scam lawsuits close in – ThinkProgress appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/former-fox-news-host-moves-family-to-portugal-as-real-estate-scam-lawsuits-close-in-thinkprogress/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=former-fox-news-host-moves-family-to-portugal-as-real-estate-scam-lawsuits-close-in-thinkprogress
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partheniaspace · 5 years
Vacant or Unoccupied Buildings: Insurance Issues
Within the United States office buildings, shopping centers and residential neighborhoods with either partial or complete vacancies have been in existence for some time. As part of your overall risk management strategy it is important to understand how this will impact not only your renewal pricing but also coverage on the building. This should be a standard discussion point as part of your pre-renewal strategy meeting well in advance of your renewal. The vacancy issue is significant and many of those insured are not aware their coverage can change if a building is left vacant for a period of time. Vacant and unoccupied are terms that can be used interchangeable, but in general underwriters are not excited about extending coverage to a building that is vacant or unoccupied. Insurance companies typically consider buildings to be vacant if less than 30% of the building is occupied. Buildings under construction and renovation are typically not considered to be vacant. If you have a vacant building the first thing to consider is asking the underwriter waive the vacancy provision. Many underwriters will agree to waive this provision if they receive assurance the building is property secured via hard-wired alarm monitoring, security patrols and cameras where appropriate. Insurance companies have suffered many claims due to loss of copper wiring, equipment, interior materials, etc. The best way to present a vacant building is to have a good security system in place and notify your broker immediately when any of your properties look like they might be close to becoming vacant. Many property insurance policies will convert to Actual Cash Value and/or reduce the coverage provided for buildings that are vacant over a certain number of days. It is important that owners are communicating with their brokers anytime a building is unoccupied so the broker can negotiate an extension or best case get the underwriter to agree to waive the vacancy provision. The most obvious issue for a landlord is they are now continuing to pay the mortgage and maintenance on a property with no revenue stream. The other issues we see clients struggle with are how to calculate an accurate business income value for the policy. The property might be fully or partially occupied right now but there could be concerns about retailers or tenants continuing to stay in their space for the next twelve months. Do you use the full occupancy value or reduce to match your current revenue stream. It is going to be important that you are communicating with your broker on a regular basis what is happening at your properties, how your tenants are performing and reviewing not just the overall rental income values but also the rent rolls. In many cases lenders will not allow clients to reduce their rental income limits and they are requiring landlords to insure for eighteens months of rental income. In some cases a landlord may have the ability to negotiate this provision out of lending agreement prior to signing in other cases it may involve working with the lend midterm to help them understand where the occupancy stands today. Insurance carriers typically pay loss of rental income based on your historical rental income and you have any new future signed leases that may come under consideration. We recommend you look at these values annually and adjust as appropriate.
from WordPress http://bit.ly/2IHuwxn via IFTTT
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wayneooverton · 6 years
6 totally badass women I’m obsessed with right now
Despite 2018 seeming like it was perhaps a giant dumpster fire for women around the globe, woman did a tremendous job of getting. shit. done.
From the bravery shown by the women of the #MeToo movement, to historic wins for women in the midterm elections in the US (particularly of women of color), to Spain appointing a majority-woman cabinet, to Iranian women watching the World Cup in a stadium next to men for the first time in decades, to women in Saudi Arabia finally being legally allowed to drive, the list is long. It was a good year for us.
In honor of International Women’s Day, I’m sharing a little list of badass women I’m currently obsessed with right now. I cut this list down from 17 to 6 because, holy hell, there are a lot of women that deserve some bragging right now and each one deserves her own blog post. I bow down!
Please leave a comment to let me know who I left out, and who else I should be obsessed with at the moment (because there’s always room for more in my closet shrine!)
1. Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi
If you were alive during 2018 (which I’m assuming you were since you’re reading this article) you probably didn’t escape the year without first hearing about Free Solo.
Perhaps you weren’t interested or didn’t really understand, but surely  you’ve heard about the epically superhuman efforts of Alex Honnold, a free solo expert who achieved his dream of scaling 3,000ft of a vertical wall in Yosemite National Park without a rope.
It has rightly been dubbed as one of the greatest athletic feats in the history of mankind (NBD) and watching the event is equal parts exhilarating and holy-shit-I’m-sweating-in-places-I-didn’t-even-know-could-produce-sweat terrifying.
When you hear about Free Solo, people normally talk about two things:
1) how amazing Alex Honnold is (and he is amazing)
2) what a great film Jimmy Chin produced (one of the greatest adventure photographers of all time)
Ok great, enough about them, let’s move on to the real star of the show.
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It was a day … @stellamccartney @carolyntangel @thefashionguitar @mhmakesithappen @jimmychin @alexhonnold @sannimccandless @freesolofilm here we go….@c_albert #oscars2019 @oscardelarenta @idaorg thank you to too many who made this possible thank you #avillage
A post shared by Chai Vasarhelyi (@chaivasarhelyi) on Feb 24, 2019 at 12:38am PST
What no one ever seems to talk about is the co-director and all around inspirational badass Chai Vasarhelyi and her role in all this.
So who is she? I’m glad you asked. Chai is an uber-ambitious 39-year-old woman who grew up in Manhattan and when to college at Princeton. She finished her first documentary, A Normal Life, at age 24 that told the story of 7 college-aged friends in the middle of the Bosnian Conflict.
I can’t even tell you one interesting thing I did the year I was 24. Her film won the Tribeca Film Festival. Casual.
Moving on! She spent the next decade making films about Senegal, honing in on her knack for storytelling and showcasing raw human emotion. Let’s fast forward a bit because I could literally talk for hours about her and we’ve got a lot of women to cover.
Chai found herself in the presence of Jimmy Chin (who she initially blew off because why not, you do you, girl). He asked her for some tips on his film, Meru, which had been kicking around for years, not managing to make it into any film festivals. She let him wait in limbo for three months before she got back to him and agreed to take a look.
Chai turned the now famous Meru from doomed, super bro climbing porn film, to a genuine story that went on gain high praise from elite film festivals everywhere.
How’d she do it? She insisted on re-shooting basically everything except for the actual climbing. All of the storytelling, all of the interviews with the climbers, all of the interviews with the family members. She revisited all of that and pulled out real human emotion that she felt viewers could connect with. And she was right.
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More Ampas / Baftas and more @brockcollection what a break from being a mud drenched Doc filmmaker feels like being Cinderella…..thank you @freesolofilm @thefashionguitar @carolyntangel 🙏❤️
A post shared by Chai Vasarhelyi (@chaivasarhelyi) on Feb 8, 2019 at 11:51am PST
And as a surprise to literally no one, she did the same thing for Free Solo.
She took what easily could have been a niche climbing film and turned it into an oddly relatable and universal story: perfection vs death, love vs. focus, ethics vs. filming an incredible feat. For her efforts and diligence, this documentary made people feel things other than fear and exhilaration.
She gave the audience and understanding of the complexity of the whole project. Oh, and she’s married to Jimmy Chin in case anyone actually cared. And they just took home an Oscar!
2. Jacinda Ardern
You didn’t think I was going to write this list without mentioning one of the most badass world leaders of all times, did you? Especially from the country that was the first to give women the right to vote!
As a leader of the first Labour government in New Zealand in a decade, Jacinda Ardern shares values common of a leftist party: investment in health, education, climate action, public housing, and social justice. Excellent start, but hundreds of politicians share those values and push those agendas.
So what makes Jacinda so special?
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Happy Diwali! If you’re in Auckland (or even near it) pop along to the festival at Aotea Square
A post shared by Jacinda Ardern (@jacindaardern) on Oct 19, 2018 at 8:22pm PDT
For starters, Jacinda has absolutely no time for what others expect of her outside of her job responsibilities.
All those bogus questions about family woman usually get when they run for public office? Nope! Jacinda wasn’t having any of it. She was elected and promptly announced her pregnancy like it was NBD, had the baby in a public hospital and became the first world leader ever to go on maternity leave, where she graced the world with a charming Facebook Live video of her and her daughter Neve.
When she was ready to go back, she went and her partner (not husband, mind you!) stayed home with the baby. I love a good gender role swap!
She continued her year getting shit done as the Prime Minister and also being an amazing parent.
She brought her new baby to the Nelson Mandela Peace Summit where she spoke moments after handing off the babe to her partner (She also got her baby a special UN pass for the event). Through her actions, she is normalizing being in a position of power as a new mom, breastfeeding at work, and having her partner be the primary caregiver.
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Welcome to our village wee one. Feeling very lucky to have a healthy baby girl that arrived at 4.45pm weighing 3.31kg (7.3lb) Thank you so much for your best wishes and your kindness. We're all doing really well thanks to the wonderful team at Auckland City Hospital.
A post shared by Jacinda Ardern (@jacindaardern) on Jun 20, 2018 at 11:14pm PDT
Enough about her baby. Let’s talk about her career accomplishments. In her short time as president, she has already:
Introduced the Families Package that delivers more money to families with children and reduces child poverty
Passed a bill to allow leave for victims of domestic abuse
Made the first year of tertiary education or training fees free
Increase student allowances and living cost loans by $50 a week
Passed the Healthy Homes Guarantee Bill, setting minimum standards for all rentals
Passed law banning overseas speculators from buying existing houses
Set up a ministerial inquiry into mental health crisis
Introduced legislation to make medicinal cannabis available for people with terminal illnesses or in chronic pain
Increased the minimum wage to $16.50 an hour (and announced this year another bump up to $17.70 by April of this year)
Set the zero carbon emissions goal and began setting up an independent Climate Commission, ended all new bids on offshore oil and gas exploration
And announced a phasing out of single-use plastic bags nationwide
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It’s been a while since I gave an update on the work to eradicate M. bovis, so here it is…. We’ve had 74 properties infected so far. 36 farms have now gone through the process of having their farms given the all clear and restocked – I visited one of those farms today to talk about their experience. We still have things we need to improve (and we made a few extra announcements on that today) but we’re also still very committed to eradicating Mycoplasma Bovis.
A post shared by Jacinda Ardern (@jacindaardern) on Oct 8, 2018 at 5:28pm PDT
Oh, and she greeted the Queen of England wearing a traditional Maori cloak. What’s that? A country treating its indigenous population with even an ounce or respect and dignity!?
3. Melise Edwards
Melise has become one of my favorite women to follow on Instagram. Not only is she a sponsored rock climber, but she’s also an actual brain scientist AND social justice warrior.
She refuses to sit behind her climbing success without also tackling issues for women and communities of color in the outdoors. She refuses to accept the erasure of dark-skinned women in outdoor advertising and when she gets hate mail for it, she straight up calls those bullies out.
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The truth is: I've had so many negative interactions in the climbing community in recent years that have arisen due to conversations surrounding diversity, feminism, privilege and inclusion that I find myself sometimes uninterested, angry and afraid to be a part of the local community. . . There have been the friends from my city & back home who block, unfriend and unfollow me, though first letting me know that "demonizing white people" by asking for folks to recognize our many collective forms of privilege and the impacts of recent historical oppression on minorities is divisive and racist against white people. . . There have been the strangers and local climbers who are all too comfortable harassing and trolling me online with the added bonus of getting to see them here in the gyms when I climb. There have been the in-person conversations at where people seek me out to tell me I'm playing the victim and that racism and sexism are not really issues. . There have been the prominent climbers and first ascentionists who vehemently oppose these conversations and message me condescending remarks. There has been a man twice my age writing a blog post on his institute's page about my fragility. And on top of this, we see chronic affronts and attacks on POC & other underrepresented groups within the outdoor community and society at large daily. It comes from friends. It comes from strangers. It comes from leaders and people in positions of power in the industry. It comes from people who would rather not get involved. . . These things make it difficult to "just go climbing" and push myself within a hobby that used to give me so much joy. My life is amazing and I'm so thankful for where I am and all that I do. There are also many incredible people and groups in this industry who are doing invaluable work. But if I am being honest, I am struggling with my waning passion for a community and hobby I used to love. (Photo by @andreasassenrath)
A post shared by Mélise | Seattle, WA (@meliseymo) on Feb 26, 2019 at 12:02pm PST
Her passion and dedication is infectious and makes me want to do better:
“I yearn for the day when multiple women of color can be featured for an advertisement or photoshoot within and beyond the outdoor industry; for the day we don’t need to have several white women or men in the shot for the photo to be inherently successful. . I yearn for the day POC can get paid and aren’t questioned or criticized for wanting to get paid for their work and time. This means valuing their time, chronic advice, labor and the information they provide enough to actually compensate them. (E.g. how do I make my company more diverse?) . . I yearn for the day when more people of color make up the staffing at large companies and folks don’t call on *that one POC you know on Instagram* to ask for chronic free education and labor. . Companies: Diversify your staff. Diversify your marketing. Take actual efforts to support POC in the outdoor community beyond superficial displays that do not get at the root of the problem (e.g. inviting a panel of POC to talk for free at your events.) . Finally, please stop asking POC to only come to your events to talk about diversity instead of their amazing careers in the outdoors, recent adventures or athleticism. We can all do better when we learn how rampant these issues are in our community and seek to change them. I believe in you all.”
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Marketing in the outdoor industry and society at large is strikingly homogenous. Even attempts to diversify marketing efforts will usually feature one light skinned, white passing or racially ambiguous woman still out numbered 10:1 by white models and a usually all white staff. . . Similarly frustrating is the chronic expectation for POC to continually offer free labor to *thank* companies for daring to care about diversity. Superficial means of supporting diversity will be offered without ever addressing the issue at the community, staff, company and marketing level. . . Companies need to do better to represent the diversity of our communities. . I yearn for the day when multiple women of color can be featured for an advertisement or photoshoot within and beyond the outdoor industry; for the day we don't need to have several white women or men in the shot for the photo to be inherently successful. . . I yearn for the day POC can get paid and aren't questioned or criticized for wanting to get paid for their work and time. This means valuing their time, chronic advice, labor and the information they provide enough to actually compensate them. (E.g. how do I make my company more diverse?) . . I yearn for the day when more people of color make up the staffing at large companies and folks don't call on *that one POC you know on Instagram* to ask for chronic free education and labor. . . Companies: Diversify your staff. Diversify your marketing. Take actual efforts to support POC in the outdoor community beyond superficial displays that do not get at the root of the problem (e.g. inviting a panel of POC to talk for free at your events.) . Finally, please stop asking POC to only come to your events to talk about diversity instead of their amazing careers in the outdoors, recent adventures or athleticism. We can all do better when we learn how rampant these issues are in our community and seek to change them. I believe in you all. (PC @andreasassenrath)
A post shared by Mélise | Seattle, WA (@meliseymo) on Feb 2, 2019 at 9:56am PST
4. Cristina Mittermeier
In case you haven’t heard, global warming is real. It’s happening right now and us humans who have expedited global warming are generally not being helpful at all.
Good thing there are people like Cristina Mittermeier to show us the way forward. (And if I haven’t lost you at this point, congrats, you understand science!)
The Mexico-city born marine biologist has some notable accolades but her strength goes beyond her studies and awards. Cristina is an expert storyteller and sheds light on what’s going on in the world, whether at the bottom of the ocean floor or in some of the most remote indigenous villages in the world. She photographs them, tells their story and gives hope for the possibility of a mindful, sustainable future.
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What might seem like a featureless snow-covered landscape to us is an invisible map filled with smells that lead to prey and mates for polar bears. While the future of this incredible species remains uncertain and concerning, the unwavering hope that so many of you have for vulnerable wildlife tells me that our ability to protect them has never been more diverse and more promising.
A post shared by Cristina Mittermeier (@cristinamittermeier) on Oct 7, 2018 at 9:23am PDT
At her core, she wants her audience to really truly think about what it means to be a human and our undeniable link to other species and the responsibility to look after fellow life forms.
In 2005, she created a league of Conservation Photographers (hello new dream job!) to help give a platform for photographers working on environmental issues. She’s also co-founded a nonprofit called Sea Legacy, with legendary photographer Paul Nicklen, that works towards protecting the world’s oceans through storytelling.
If that’s not enough to convince you to be obsessed with her as well, I’ll leave you with this quote.
“To roam the farthest corners of the Earth, where wild creatures live, is a privilege reserved for an adventurous handful. But even though most of us may never feel the chill of Arctic air through the frozen flap of an icy tent, images can help us understand the urgency many photographers feel to protect wild places. My work is about building a greater awareness of the responsibility of what it means to be a human. It is about understanding that the history of every living thing that has ever existed on this planet also lives within us. It is about the ethical imperative—the urgent reminder that we are inextricably linked to all other species on this planet and that we have a duty to act as the keepers of our fellow life forms.”
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Blue whales are the largest animals to have ever existed, reaching mind-boggling dimensions of 100 feet long and upwards of 200 tons on a diet composed almost exclusively of krill, tiny-shrimp like crustaceans. It was a joy to be in the water with this gentle giant off the coast of the Azores. I had never had an encounter with a blue whale before. While the hunting of blue whales was banned by the International Whaling Commission in 1966, endangered fin whales are still being hunted in Iceland in defiance of a world wide ban of commercial whaling in 1986. Follow the link in my bio to learn more. This work was performed under the authorization n.0 XX-ORAC-2018 issued by the Government, on February 22, 2018.
A post shared by Cristina Mittermeier (@cristinamittermeier) on Jun 23, 2018 at 8:42am PDT
5. Mirna Valerio
There’s a myth in the medical world that fat people cannot be considered fit.
There’s phony talk about the importance of BMI (spoiler: it’s absolutely worthless for determining health) and the unarguable need to shed pounds to achieve health.
This simply is not true and Mirna Valerio is here to prove it.
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Guess what y’all? I’m a swimsuit model too! I loved this shoot with the talented @insecto, Carlos Palacios, in Costa Rica for @skirtsports! I never thought in a million years I’d be doing #swimwear photoshoots on a beach on top of a SUP board in #halfmoonpose baring, well not quite all, but more than I am used to… ## WELCOME TO MY NEW WORLD! Also this bathing suit is available the link in my bio—use code MIRNAVATOR for a 20% discount! #swimsuit #beachphotography #womenwhomove #optoutside #bathingsuit #bareitall #bodypositive #bopo #photography #bodylove #effyourbeautystandards
A post shared by Mirna Valerio (@themirnavator) on Feb 25, 2019 at 11:30am PST
Mirna has essentially been an outdoors obsessed athlete all of her life. From field hockey and lacrosse in high school to now being a full-on ultramarathon runner in her adult life. She started blogging (Fat Girl Running) in 2012 as she was training for her first marathon and as her support systems grew, so did the haters, flooding her inbox with negative comments. But Mirna never let the haters get her down. She loves her body and is consequently chasing our stereotyped perception of what fitness and health look like.
“They don’t like to see me on a cover of a magazine because I do not represent what fitness means to them,” she says. “I want to continue sticking my big ass into places where people think I don’t belong. That has been the nature of my life—I’m going to do it and I’m going to do it proudly.”
“We are much more than our bodies. Whether it’s body image, our choices to be moms or not, our career choices—we are more than our bodies,” Valerio says. “We’re so powerful beyond our wildest dreams.”
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An excellent morning on the #wildwoodtrail at #forestpark in Portland with new friends @erin.nicksmartin and @rossmaxloudness from my awesome Facebook Group FATGIRLRUNNING. We had a great time exploring the #trail, enjoying the peeks of sun, and most of all, each other’s company. So happy to have our community! #fatgirlrunning #trailrunning #optoutside #runtrails #trailandultra #trailrunning #outdoors #urbantrails #portlandtrails #runner #zapposrunning #empoweredbyrunning #hylandspowered
A post shared by Mirna Valerio (@themirnavator) on Dec 27, 2018 at 12:51pm PST
As a runner, author, and educator, Valeria has secured her voice encouraging everyone, especially the youth, to get outside where they can test their own mental and physical strength. She advocates for green spaces in cities and supports more price-public funding for school trips.
“It’s not just a necessity for urban kids, but it’s a necessity for kids all over no matter what their level of privilege is and no matter what their level of exposure and access is,” she says. “Whenever I think of the outdoors, it’s not only a place to be myself and live in my introverted ways, but I also look at the outdoors as a place of bonding with other people and having these really deep, profound experiences with nature that you can’t have looking out a window.”
6. Pattie Gonia
Pattie Gonia is the world’s first backpacking queen and honestly, this is exactly what we need right now in these trying times.
Some days the news is so dark and our world leaders are so questionable that you might want to crawl into a tiny cave and not come out until everything is fixed but then, like a ray of sunshine and hope, emerges Pattie Gonia, the viral drag queen who dances on top of mountaintops in platform heels and everything in the world seems a little more manageable.
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SURPRISE BISH !!!! park ranger pattie is here to write you a ticket for being TOO DAMN FABULOUS. 👑 & o no sis we’re not done yet. 💥 your fine is to tell someone u know needs to hear it how fabuluz they are too. 🧚🏻‍♂️ & u know y??? because this is our year to shine TOGETHER. so u better watch out u better not hide i’ll be patrolling these here parts & should u choose to be too fabulous again just watch me i’ll pop out from behind a tree (BOO!!) w these au natural hairy leggz & say u too wonderful AGAIN here’s another 1 !!!! . whooole lewk by queen @katienashbeauty photo by queen @erinoutdoors photographed on jumanos native lands . #servingyounationalparkSERVEice #nationalparkservice #nationalparks #outdoors #neature #nature #alewk #amajorlewk
A post shared by Pattie Gonia (@pattiegonia) on Mar 4, 2019 at 12:30pm PST
Pattie graced us with her presence less than six months ago but has already made waves across the world.
Pattie is portrayed by fellow Nebraskan photographer and Eagle Scout Wyn Wiley. If you aren’t familiar with various state identities in the USA, let’s just say that Nebraska is not the easiest state to be apart of the LGBTQ group.
Nevertheless, Wiley unapologetically embraces his inner queen and we’re all a lot better because of it.
But Pattie Gonia is more than a feel-good IG feed to make you smile. Wiley’s ultimate goal is for Pattie Gonia to inspire more people to get outside and enjoy mother nature, especially those who have historically been excluded from the outdoor community, including the LGBTQ community, people of color, and bigger folks.
He hopes to achieve this by having Pattie Gonia lead groups of newbie hikers and using sponsors to help provide gear for those who can’t afford it, because let’s be honest, outdoor gear can be as expensive as hell and historically, spending leisure time outside is a huge fucking privilege.
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THE BEND & SNAP TRAIL EDITION ♻️💃🏼🌲 ugh isn’t trash on the trails the most sad moment??? let’s keep our trails clean & do it while looking fab && snatched & cute as a bb prancing deer. not only for us but for all the animal babes friends we share mother natch with!!! remember, we have one earth to have our party, let’s not leave the house trashed. pick up your trash. it’s simply good etiquette, queens. . keeping our trails is clean is as easy as you brining a simple plastic bag to not only pack out your trash but what was left behind by other people. even if you pick up a piece or two of trash on a 30 min hike that can do wonders to keep mother natch looking snatched. . outfit by clothes my mom got me for christmas video by @charlieronan edit by @adamkingman #recycle #packout #packinpackout #protectourparks #nationalparks #hikevibes #litter #trash #stateparks #parksandrec #11thessential #leavenotrace #staywild #colorado #redrocks #denver #nature #fierce #drag #dragqueen #dance . video taken on cheyenne and ute native land
A post shared by Pattie Gonia (@pattiegonia) on Feb 7, 2019 at 12:22pm PST
On a more personal level, Pattie is a way for Wiley to explore his more feminine sides.
“In my normal life, I’d say I’m pretty straight-passing,” he says. “But when I put those boots on, it feels like a girl when she puts on mascara for the first time – it unlocks a different side of you that you haven’t seen before. I think femme is important. I think masculinity is important. I think it’s all inside of us.” If everyone accepted this gender fusion, the world would be a much better place.
Trust me. Better yet, trust Pattie.
Spill! Who are some badass women you’re obsessed with right now? Comment below and share some inspo!
The post 6 totally badass women I’m obsessed with right now appeared first on Young Adventuress.
from Young Adventuress https://ift.tt/2H4QjhI
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kacydeneen · 6 years
Miami Referendums: MLS Soccer Stadium and 'Strong Mayor'
Miami residents on Tuesday have an opportunity to reshape the political and literal landscape.
Miami has three referendum items in a Special Election ballot. Over politics, Miami residents will decide whether the City of Miami will convert to a "Strong Mayor-Commission" form of local government. As related land proposals, voters will essentially decide whether a Major League Soccer stadium will replace the Melreese Country Club.
Your Guide to the 2018 Midterm Elections in Florida
Voters will also be asked whether to approve the lease of city-owned land by the Miami River. A majority of Miami voters are needed for the referendums to pass.
Miami Referendum 1: 'Proposed Charter Amendment for the Lease and Development of a Soccer Stadium and Commercial Complex'
Voter Guide Florida's Constitutional Amendments, Explained
The soccer stadium and commercial complex measure will ask residents whether to allow the government to change bidding laws in the city charter that will allow a no-bid deal at the location.
The measure passing would allow the city to move forward with approving the plan by David Beckham and businessman Jorge Mas, among others, to lease land occupied by the Melreese Country Club near Miami International Airport for 99 years.
The massive complex would include a 28,000 seat stadium for a future Major League Soccer franchise, as well as youth soccer fields and spaces for retail shops, hotels and offices.
As written: Shall Miami's Charter be amended authorizing City to negotiate, execute a 99-year lease with Miami Freedom Park LLC, for approximately 73 acres of City land, waiving bidding, converting Melreese Country Club (1400 Northwest 37 Avenue) at no cost to City to:
soccer stadium;
minimum 1,000,000 square feet office, retail, commercial uses;
minimum 750 hotel rooms;
living wage for on-site employees;
$3,577,365 minimum annual rent;
$20,000,000 for 58-acre public park or other green space?
Miami Referendum 2: 'Proposed Lease of City-Owned Riverfront Land at 444 SW 2 Avenue, Miami, Florida'
This land-deal proposal by the Miami City Commission asks voters to decide whether it should lease city-owned land by the Miami River to a developer.
The 99-year lease will allow Lancelot Miami River LLC to build a mixture of rental and office units on a three-acre location.
As written: Shall the City enter into a 99-year lease of approximately 3.15 acres at 444 and 460 SW 2nd Avenue with winning bidder, Lancelot Miami River, LLC, providing:
Privately funded mixed-use riverfront development;
New public Riverwalk and other public amenities;
Greater of $3,620,000 annual rent, increasing 1.5% annually, or 3% of gross revenues;
$69,400,000 purchase option;
2% capital transaction fee;
Living wage and 10% Workforce Housing;
Design and development of a new administrative building?
Miami Referendum 3: 'Change to Strong Mayor-Commission Form of Government'
Miami Mayor Francis Suarez is proposing a “strong mayor” form of government, which makes the mayor in charge of day-to-day operations.
Currently, the City of Miami Commission sets policy and the city manager handles the day-to-day operations, such as city services, police relations and handling residents’ complaints.
Other cities in Florida, such as Jacksonville, Tampa, Orlando, and Miami-Dade County, have a strong mayor form of government.
Suarez said the measure will align Miami with other major cities, adding that the mayor would receive decision-making powers that voters assume the position has.
Miami Commissioner Joe Carollo criticized the mayor's proposal as a power grab, citing that the way Miami's government is set up has an appropriate separation of power.
Under the "strong mayor" model, the mayor's annual compensation would increase from $130,000 to $187,000. Suarez said he would reject the increase.
As written: Shall the Miami Charter be amended to change to a strong mayor-commission form of government; replace city manager with the mayor; mayor serves as nonvoting, non-member commission chair; grant mayor power to appoint and remove city attorney, city clerk, police and fire chief, department directors and employees; change filling mayoral vacancy and pay formula; adopt state recall procedure; provide other mayoral and commission powers and changes; and make effective immediately?
This story uses functionality that may not work in our app. Click here to open the story in your web browser. Miami Referendums: MLS Soccer Stadium and 'Strong Mayor' published first on Miami News
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newplaystationgames · 7 years
Selling Sell Vegas Home Your Property? These Tips Can Help!
Selling sell Vegas home Your Property? These Tips Can Help!
Purchasing a home or property is really a whirlwind experience. When it comes to selling that same property, it’s a new ballgame. Suddenly the tables are turned. You want a totally new pair of rules to perform by, and that is certainly what this post will offer you.
That reason is probably your home’s price. Attract buyers using a lower price which satisfies you.
If you are selling your property in the fall, make sure to decide on a listing price which is competitive, even marking your residence down below other homes in the community. This will likely receive the attention of clients who are looking for a good deal and may even help you to get more for your home by igniting a bidding war.
Should you be selling your property inside the fall, it is very important be flexible using the dates and times that you show your residence. With all the holidays looming just around the corner, both buyers and sellers have very busy schedules. To increase your odds of setting up a sale, consider allowing your own home being shown inside the evenings or on weekends.
Once your real estate broker calls to plan a showing of your residence, pop some cookies within the oven before prospective buyers arrive. The aroma of freshly baked cookies is better than any air freshener and also this homey smell can remind buyers of fond memories within their childhood home, encouraging them to come up with your home you will be selling as his or her new home.
Creating a few changes for your windows and doors will help you sell your house faster. These features are among the first things a buyer sees while they pullup realtor in Vegas to the residence. Cleaning them up and providing them with a whole new appearance makes all of your home look newer. Consider painting, replacing or adding curtains to the windows.
When pricing a home to sell, remember that it is up to you to mention the asking price, not your real estate agent. You have to own your price in order to feel at ease with it. Your agent is there simply to offer suggestions and advice of what changes to make in case the home doesn’t sell.
When showing your home, open the windows if weather permits but not when there is excessive noise outside. Should it be cold enough to call for a sweater then start up the high temperature. Make certain that the house is comfortable inside in order that the buyer will spend more time exploring the home.
Should you be looking to promote real estate property on the net, it is crucial that you address the public’s overwhelming the fear of purchasing things online. Unless you accomplish this, you could lose thousands of possible customers on the site since they are too afraid to undergo using their internet purchase.
Late winter and early spring is one of the best time to obtain the largest market of buyers and sellers. Simply because you’ll find parents that don’t would like to move during their kids’ midterms but nevertheless would like to move to a new neighborhood by summer. If you’re planning to sell this coming year, make sure you get the house ready available for sale by February.
Although, it can be good with an enticing description with regards to your home, it is vital that it is far from overly exaggerated. You are doing want to attract a possible buyer, however, Las Vegas Nevada real estate agent you also will not would like them leaving your own home completely disappointed mainly because they thought the description was significantly much better than your actual home.
When your home is up for sale and potential buyers are visiting look it over, manage a load of laundry before they arrive. Scent is a powerful influence on moods and impressions. The concept of baking cookies for prospective buyers is practically a true estate cliche. The scent of freshly-laundered clothes gives a similar positive, domestic impression, without seeming trite.
Anyone who is preparing to list a property out there should set clear and reasonable goals by themselves. By investing in ideal prices, locations and amenities, buyers can resist being swayed by undue eagerness. A tough limit for prices you are likely to accept will force the sellers either to negotiate or lose a sale some are willing to do both.
Should you be preparing your property to promote, usually do not make use of the garage as a place to cram excess furniture and packing cartons. Prospective buyers would want to view the garage and clutter can certainly make the room seem considerably smaller. Instead, invest the negligible amount into rental of any space for storage for a few months. This may also be sure that your belongings are secure.
Selling real estate property is really a completely different experience than it had been whenever you purchased. It is very important understand your role as being the seller and what you can do to improve your profit, minimize your responsibility and make the event as pleasant as you can. Take the information presented here and also a great selling experience.
from New Playstation Games http://newplaystationgames.com/selling-sell-vegas-home-your-property-these-tips-can-help/
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vincentflorez-blog · 7 years
ACCT 553 Entire Course Federal Taxes and Management Decisions
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 ACCT 553 Entire Course Federal Taxes and Management Decisions
  ACCT 553 Week 1 Homework
  Chapter 1 (5 pts)
1.     Briefly discuss the purpose of the Sixteenth Amendment
Chapter 2 (5 pts)
2.     Explain the two “safe harbors” available to an Individual taxpayer to avoid a penalty for underpayment of estimated tax.
Chapter 3 (5 pts)
3.     Explain the distinction between an “above the line” deduction (i.e. FOR AGI) and a below the line deduction (i.e. FROM AGI). Which one is more valuable?
Chapter 13 (5 pts)
4.     What is an Installment Sale? Is it a form of income “deferral” ? Whencan’tyou elect this form of reporting?
 ACCT 553 Week 2 Homework
  Chapter 4
1.     Your brother is short on cash and cannot pay his rent this month. You pay his rent for him. Is this taxable income to your brother? Do you get a deduction? (2 pts)
2.     Which of the following items would beexcludedfrom income? (a) $100 bill found under the sugar caddy at the restaurant (b) Inheritance of a car from your grandmother valued at $5,000. (c) Loan from your father-in-law to start your business, (d) Child Support received totaling $16,500. (4 pts)
Chapter 5
3.     Shaun & Kayla earned the following in 2013: Interest on a Savings account of $36, Interest on a U.S. Series EE Savings Bond of $25, Interest on a CD that has not matured yet of $20. How much taxable interest income must they report on their 2013 tax return? (4 pts)
4.     Explain what a Cafeteria Plan is (hint: it has nothing to do with what you eat between classes  ). (5 pts)
Chapter 6
5.     Explain the limitations placed on the deductibility of Business Gifts? What code section dictates this treatment? (5 pts)
  ACCT 553 Week 3 Homework
  Chapter 7
1.     In your “own” words, please describe what a “Suspended Loss” is, how it is generated and when it is becomes deductible. (5 pts)
2.     Please describe “Active Participation” as it relates to a taxpayer’s involvement in an investment in Real Estate. (5 pts).
Chapter 8
3.     Macy had a lot of medical expenses this year that were not covered by her insurance (either due to a deductible, co-insurance, or co-pay). Her un-reimbursed qualifying medical expenses total $8,356 and her AGI for 2013 is $45,000. Assuming she will itemize on her 2013 tax return, how much of her medical expenses will she be able to deduct? (5 pts)
4.     Heather & Terry have a mortgage on their primary residence of $750,000 and a mortgage on their vacation home of $410,000. In 2013, they incurred $46,400 of mortgage interest expense. How much, if any, of that interest is deductible on Schedule A? (5 pts)
   ACCT 553 Week 3 Quiz
  1.     (TCO A) A taxpayer may litigate a tax dispute without first paying the tax in the:
2.     (TCO F) A business bad debt is deductible for tax purposes as a(n):
3.     (TCO I) Under the cash method of tax accounting, tax deductions are generally taken when:
4.     (TCO A) Which of the following constitutes tax evasion?
5.     (TCO C) Which of the following items is not subject to federal income tax?
6.     (TCO B) Sam owes Bob $8,000. Bob cancels (forgives) the debt. The cancellation is not a gift, and Sam is bankrupt. Which of the following statements is correct concerning the impact of this transaction?
7.     (TCO I) Johnny, a cash basis taxpayer, owns two rental properties. Based on the following information, compute the amount that he must include in his 2012 gross rental income.
8.     (TCO F) Section 197’s intangible assets, such as patents and trademarks, are amortized for tax purposes over:
9.     (TCO E) Explain the constructive receipt doctrine.
10.  (TCO G) Answer the following questions concerning the sources of tax law.
   ACCT 553 Week 4 Homework
  Chapter 14
1.     Please describe the concept of “double taxation” and discuss which entity(ies) are subject to this type of taxation. (5 pts)
2.     What type of taxpayers are considered “eligible” taxpayers with regard to special ordinary loss treatment of IRC Section 1244 stock? (5 pts.)
3.     Please describe how the treatment of capital gains(losses) differ for a C Corporation as compared to an Individual. ( 5 pts.)
4.     Please describe the concept of “Depreciation recapture”. ( 5 pts.)
   ACCT 553 Week 4 You Decide  
  Jane Smith Case
How is the $300,000 treated for purposes of federal tax income?
Jane Smith Tax Issues:
(a) What are the different tax consequences between paying down the mortgage debt and assuming a new mortgage debt for federal income tax purposes?
(a) Should John and Jane file separate or joint tax returns?
  ACCT 553 Week 5 Homework
  Chapter 14
1.     Please explain how Charitable Contributions come into play in determining “Corporate” taxable income. (5 pts)
2.     What happens to a loss on the Corporate Tax Return (Form 1120)? Does it pass through to the shareholders? Is it available for future or past periods? Please explain in detail. (5 pts.)
3.     Please describe the purpose of Sch3edules M-1 and M-3. When is a Schedule M-3 required in lieu of a Schedule M-1. (5 pts.)
Chapter 17
4.     Please define and differentiate a Spin-off, Split-off, and Split-up. ( 5 pts.)
   ACCT 553 Week 5 Quiz
  1.     (TCO E) For federal tax purposes, royalty income not derived in the ordinary course of a business is classified as:
2.     (TCO F) When comparing corporate and individual taxation, the following statements are true, except:
3.     (TCO H) Al and Amy file a joint return for the 2012 tax year. Their adjusted gross income is $80,000. They had a net investment income of $8,000. In 2012, they had the following interest expenses:
Personal credit card interest: $4,000 Home mortgage interest: $8,000 Investment interest (on loans used to buy stocks): $10,000
4.     (TCO B) Charitable contribution deductions for capital gains property made by individuals without a reduction for long-term capital gains to public charities are limited to:
5.     (TCO A) The following taxes were paid by Tim:
Real estate taxes on his home: $2,000 State income taxes: $900 State gasoline tax (personal use of automobile): $150
6.     (TCO F) Hoover, Inc. had gross receipts from operations of $230,000, operating and other expenses of $310,000, and dividends received from a 45 percent-owned domestic corporation of $120,000. Hoover’s tax position for the year is:
7.     (TCO G) All of the outstanding stock of a closely held C corporation is owned equally by David Smith and Steve Bufusno. In 2012, the corporation generates taxable income of $30,000 from its active business activities. In addition, it earns $20,000 of interest from investments and incurs a $40,000 loss from a passive activity. How much income does the C corporation report for 2012?
8.     (TCO G) Mike, who is single, has $100,000 of salary, $15,000 of income from a limited partnership, and a $30,000 passive loss from a real estate rental activity in which he actively participates. His modified adjusted gross income is $100,000. Of the $30,000 loss, how much is deductible?
9.     (TCO F) Pam owns a sole proprietorship, and Kevin is the sole shareholder of a C (regular) corporation. Each business sustained a $16,000 operating loss and a $2,500 capital loss for the year. Evaluate how these losses will affect the taxable income of the two owners?
10.  (TCO G) Briefly (1) define and (2) discuss the purpose and impact of each of the following:
11.  net operating loss b. at-risk rules
12.  tax shelter
   ACCT 553 Week 6 Homework
  ·         Miyasyke, Inc., a calendar year S corporation, has five equal shareholders at the end of the tax year. Miyasyke had
$75,000 of taxable income. Miyasyke made distributions to its shareholders of $32,000 each, for a total of $160,000. Each shareholder’s basis in the S corporation is $100,000 at the beginning of the tax year. What amount from Miyasyke should be included in each shareholder’s gross income?
For which of the following entities is the owner’s basis increased by the owner’s share of profits and decreased by the owner’s share of losses, but is notaffected by the entity’s bank loan increases or decreases?
   ACCT 553 Week 6 You Decide 
  Mark, and John Case
  Part I: Discuss the various forms of organization that are available to Penelope, Mark, and John
Part II: Make your recommendation as to what form of organization you believe will be best, and be sure to explain the reasoning for your choice.
Part III: Discuss the tax consequences of contributing cash, property, and/or services to the new entity.
   ACCT 553 Week 7 Homework
   Chapters 10-11-12
1.     Please explain the distinction between a “realized” gain and a “recognized” gain. (5 pts)
2.     Are there any limits to the deductibility of losses on sales and exchanges between related parties?  What code section defines this limitation? (5 pts.)
3.     What is the basis of property received (i.e. new property) in a like-kind exchange?  What is the holding period for the new asset? (5 pts.)
4.     David purchased stock in Zoll Corporation in 1985 for $6,000.  On April 16, 2013 he gifted the stock to his daughter Susan; at the time of the gift, the Zoll stock was valued at $250,000.  Susan sold the stock the next month for $ 252,000.  What is Susan’s gain or loss and what is the character of the gain or loss? ( 5 pts.)
 ACCT 553 Midterm
  1.     (TCO C) Under current accounting practice, intangible assets are classified as (Points: 5)
amortizable or unamortizable.
limited-life or indefinite-life.
specifically identifiable or goodwill-type.
legally restricted or goodwill-type.
  2.     (TCO C) Which of the following intangible assets should not be amortized? (Points: 5)
Customer lists
Perpetual franchises
All of these intangible assets should be amortized.
  3.     (TCO C) The intangible asset goodwill may be (Points: 5)
capitalized only when purchased.
capitalized either when purchased or created internally.
capitalized only when created internally.
written off directly to retained earnings.
  4.     (TCO C) ELO Corporation purchased a patent for $90,000 on September 1, 2008. It had a useful life of ten years. On January 1, 2010, ELO spent $22,000 to successfully defend the patent in a lawsuit. ELO feels that as of that date, the remaining useful life is five years. What amount should be reported for patent amortization expense for 2010? (Points: 5)
  5.     (TCO C) During 2011, Bond Company purchased the net assets of May Corporation for $1,000,000. On the date of the transaction, May had $300,000 of liabilities. The fair value of May’s assets when acquired were as follows:
  How should the $500,000 difference between the fair value of the net assets acquired ($1,500,000) and the cost ($1,000,000) be accounted for by Bond? (Points: 5)
The $500,000 difference should be credited to retained earnings.
The $500,000 difference should be recognized as a gain.
The current assets should be recorded at $540,000 and the noncurrent assets should be recorded at $760,000.
A deferred credit of $500,000 should be set up and then amortized to income over a period not to exceed forty years.
   6.     (TCO D) Which of the following is a condition for accruing a liability for the cost of compensation for future absences? (Points: 5)
The obligation relates to the rights that vest or accumulate.
Payment of the compensation is probable.
The obligation is attributable to employee services already performed.
All of these are conditions for the accrual.
  7.     (TCO D) Which of the following taxes does not represent a payroll deduction a company may incur? (Points: 5)
Federal income taxes.
FICA taxes.
State unemployment taxes.
State income taxes.
  8.     (TCO D) Assume that a manufacturing corporation has (1) good quality control, (2) a one-year operating cycle, (3) a relatively stable pattern of annual sales, and (4) a continuing policy of guaranteeing new products against defects for three years that has resulted in material but rather stable warranty repair and replacement costs. Any liability for the warranty (Points: 5)
should be reported as long-term.
should be reported as current.
should be reported as part current and part long-term.
need not be disclosed.
  9.     (TCO D) Jenkins Corporation has $2,500,000 of short-term debt it expects to retire with proceeds from the sale of 75,000 shares of common stock. If the stock is sold for $20 per share subsequent to the balance sheet date, but before the balance sheet is issued, what amount of short-term debt could be excluded from current liabilities? (Points: 5)
  10.  (TCO D) Tender Foot Inc. is involved in litigation regarding a faulty product sold in a prior year. The company has consulted with its attorney and determined that it is possible that they may lose the case. The attorneys estimated that there is a 40% chance of losing. If this is the case, their attorney estimated that the amount of any payment would be $500,000. What is the required journal entry as a result of this litigation? (Points: 5)
Debit Litigation Expense for $500,000 and credit Litigation liability for $500,000.
No journal entry is required.
Debit Litigation Expense for $200,000 and credit Litigation Liability for $200,000.
Debit Litigation Expense for $300,000 and credit Litigation Liability for $300,000.
  11.  (TCO D) If bonds are initially sold at a discount and the straight-line method of amortization is used, interest expense in the earlier years will (Points: 5)
exceed what it would have been had the effective-interest method of amortization been used.
be less than what it would have been had the effective-interest method of amortization been used.
be the same as it would have been had the effective-interest method of amortiza-tion been used.
be less than the stated (nominal) rate of interest.
  12.  (TCO D)When the interest payment dates of a bond are May 1 and November 1, and a bond issue is sold on June 1, the amount of cash received by the issuer will be (Points: 5)
decreased by accrued interest from June 1 to November 1.
decreased by accrued interest from May 1 to June 1.
increased by accrued interest from June 1 to November 1.
increased by accrued interest from May 1 to June 1.
  13.  (TCO D) Feller Company issues $20,000,000 of ten-year, 9% bonds on March 1, 2010 at 97 plus accrued interest. The bonds are dated January 1, 2010, and pay interest on June 30 and December 31. What is the total cash received on the issue date? (Points: 5)
   14.  (TCO D) A company issues $20,000,000, 7.8%, 20-year bonds to yield 8% on January 1, 2010. Interest is paid on June 30 and December 31. The proceeds from the bonds are $19,604,145. What is interest expense for 2011, using straight-line amortization? (Points: 5)
  15.  (TCO D) On January 1, Patterson Inc. issued $5,000,000, 9% bonds for $4,695,000. The market rate of interest for these bonds is 10%. Interest is payable annually on December 31. Patterson uses the effective-interest method of amortizing bond discount. At the end of the first year, Patterson should report unamortized bond discount of (Points: 5)
    (TCO C) Sisco Co. purchased a patent from Thornton Co. for $180,000 on July 1, 2008. Expenditures of $68,000 for successful litigation in defense of the patent were paid on July 1, 2011. Sisco estimates that the useful life of the patent will be 20 years from the date of acquisition.
Prepare a computation of the carrying value of the patent at December 31, 2011.
Amortization (2008) = $180,000 / 20 years x 6/12 = $4,500
Amortization (2009 – 2010) = $180,000 / 20 years x 2 = $18,000
Amortization (2011) = ($180,000 / 20 years) + ($68,000 / 17 years x 6/12) = $11,000
Carrying Value = $180,000 + $68,000 – $4,500 – $18,000 – $11,000 = $214,500
 (TCO C) Fred’s Company is considering the write-off of a limited life intangible asset because of its lack of profitability. Explain to the management of Fred’s how to determine whether a writeoff is permitted.
3.     (TCO D) Edwards Co. includes one coupon in each bag of dog food it sells. In return for four coupons, customers receive a dog toy that the company purchases for $1.20 each. Edwards’s experience indicates that 60 percent of the coupons will be redeemed. During 2010, 100,000 bags of dog food were sold, 12,000 toys were purchased, and 40,000 coupons were redeemed. During 2011, 120,000 bags of dog food were sold, 16,000 toys were purchased, and 60,000 coupons were redeemed.
Determine the premium expense to be reported in the income statement and the estimated liability for premiums on the balance sheet for 2010 and 2011.
Premium Expense = 100,000 bags / 4 coupons x 60% x $1.20 = $18,000
Estimated Liability = $18,000 – (40,000 coupons / 4 coupons x $1.20) = $6,000
Premium Expense = 120,000 bags / 4 coupons x 60% x $1.20 = $21,600
Estimated Liability = $6,000 + $21,600 – (60,000 coupons / 4 coupons x $1.20) = $9,600
     4.     (TCO D) Grider Industries, Inc. issued $6,000,000 of 8% debentures on May 1, 2010 and received cash totaling $5,323,577. The bonds pay interest semiannually on May 1 and November 1. The maturity date on these bonds is November 1, 2018. The firm uses the effective-interest method of amortizing discounts and premiums. The bonds were sold to yield an effective-interest rate of 10%.
Calculate the total dollar amount of discount or premium amortization during the first year (5/1/10 through 4/30/11) these bonds were outstanding.  (Show computations and round to the nearest dollar.)
 Discount Amortization (1st Interest Payment) = ($5,323,577 x 10% x 6/12) – ($6,000,000 x 8% x 6/12)  = $26,179
Discount Amortization (2nd Interest Payment) = [($5,323,577 + $26,179) x 10% x 6/12] – ($6,000,000 x 8% x 6/12)  = $27,488
 Total Discount Amortized (5/1/10 – 4/30/11) = $26,179 + $27,488 = $53,667
  5.     (TCO D) Hurst, Incorporated sold its 8% bonds with a maturity value of $3,000,000 on August 1, 2009 for $2,946,000. At the time of the sale, the bonds had five years until they reached maturity. Interest on the bonds is payable semiannually on August 1 and February 1. The bonds are callable at 104 at any time after August 1, 2011. By October 1, 2011, the market rate of interest has declined and the market price of Hurst’s bonds has risen to a price of 101. The firm decides to refund the bonds by selling a new 6% bond issue to mature in five years. Hurst begins to reacquire its 8% bonds in the market and is able to purchase $500,000 worth at 101. The remainder of the outstanding bonds is reacquired by exercising the bonds’ call feature. In the final analysis, how much was the gain or loss experienced by Hurst in reacquiring its 8% bonds? (Assume the firm used straight-line amortization.) Show calculations.
    ACCT 553 Final Exam
  1.     (TCO E) Zelda Zayer has been a widow for over 3 years and files a return as a single taxpayer. Items of income received by Zelda in 2011 were as follows.
Interest on savings account with Bank of America: $50 Interest on state income tax refund: $25 Gambling winnings: $2,400 Dividends from mutual life insurance company on life insurance policy: $500 Dividends from Better Auto Co. received on January 2, 2011: $875 The total dividends received on the life insurance policy do not exceed the aggregate of the premiums paid to the company.
(a) How much should Zelda include in her 2011 taxable income as interest? (b) How much should Zelda report as dividend income for 2011? (c) How much should Zelda include in taxable “Other Income” for her state lottery winnings?
2.     (TCO E) Distinguish between realized gains and losses and recognized gains and losses.(Points : 17)
3.     (TCO F) Describe the current tax law for sale of residence.(Points : 17)
4.     (TCO G) Briefly describe what “material participation” is. Why is the determination of whether a taxpayer materially participates important?(Points : 17)
5.     (TCO I) Amos, a single individual with a salary of $50,000, incurred and paid the following expenses during the year.
Medical expenses: $5,000 Alimony: $14,000 Casualty loss (after $100 floor): $1,000 State income taxes: $4,000 Moving expenses: $1,500 Contribution to a traditional IRA: $2,000 Student loan interest: $1,200
Analyze the above expenses and determine which ones are deductible for AGI. Please support your position.(Points : 17)
6.     (TCO I) A review of Bearing’s Year 2 records disclosed the following tax information:
$ 20,000
Taxable interest and  qualifying dividends
Schedule C trucking  business net income
Rental (loss) from  residential property
Limited partnership  (loss)
Bearing actively participated in the rental property and was a limited partner in the partnership. Bearing had sufficient amounts at risk for the rental property and the partnership. What is Bearing’s Year 2 adjusted gross income?
7.     (TCO F) (Becker CPA Review Course, Reg. 1) Smith has an adjusted gross income (AGI) of $140,000 without taking into consideration $40,000 of losses from rental real estate activities. Smith actively participates in the rental real estate activities. What amount of the rental losses may Smith deduct in determining taxable income?(Points : 17)
8.     (TCO B) (Becker CPA Review Course Reg. 3) For the year ended December 31, Year 6, Taylor Corp. had a net operating loss of $200,000. Taxable income for the earlier years of corporate existence, computed without reference to the net operating loss, was as follows:
Taxable Income:
Year 1 $ 5,000 Year 2 10,000 Year 3 20,000 Year 4 50,000 Year 5 50,000
What amount of net operating loss will be available to Taylor for the year ended December 31, Year 7?(Points : 17)
9.     (TCO F) (Becker CPA Review Exam Reg. 1) Randolph is a single individual who always claims the standard deduction. Randolph received the following in the current year:
$ 22,000
Unemployment  compensation
Pension distribution  (100% taxable)
A state tax refund  from the previous year
What is Randolph’s gross income?(Points : 17)
10.  (TCO H) Alex Smith purchased 30 shares of XYZ stock on April 30, 2010 for $210, and on September 1, 2010, he purchased 90 additional shares for $900. On November 8, 2010, he sold 48 shares, which could not be specifically identified, for $528, and on December 15, 2010, he sold another 25 shares for $50. What is his recognized gain or loss?(Points : 17)
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