webdiggerxxx · 4 months
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momo-fujimi · 9 months
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My art (including doodles) which I made on 2023🎨
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prettyheartentangle · 1 month
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Onegai My Melody DVDs (season 1)
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thoughtspresso · 1 year
“Kurokawa Akane” literally means:
黒  川  Black River 茜 Red grass
In particular, 茜 is the kanji for the madder plant, Rubia tinctorum, a plant that has historically been used for dying textiles red.
Put in another way, the river of death runs red.
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She has an aggravation against grey faces at the moment, so…
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“Just say the word and I will RIP them to pieces!!”
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 6 months
mana-chan if you're not supposed to tell ANYONE why are you telling HIKAWA
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thecheapsteaks · 1 year
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jrockzart · 9 months
Some fanart reposts featuring @sprig-suki and Kira Vira (Twitter), alongside their Pokémon mains, to celebrate their Birthday today!
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etlu-yume · 1 year
I'm going through all the photos I gathered from my Trials of Mana playthrough and this is just the cutest sequence of Flammie photos.
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sonic’s day out! ft. mana chan <3
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echosofmemory · 1 year
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Randomly looking up merch and found this?!😳
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◓ !
Send ◓ for my muse to give yours a Pokemon @talentbloomed
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"Thank you for adopting these cuties. The first one is so adorable, she is so warm. About the second one....you will see!"
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kursed-arcana · 2 years
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laurentdirosetti · 5 months
"Support character" [part 2]
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{Idia Shroud x gn/MC}
Tags: playing videogames together, competitive, bet, smut...
Idia’s room was just like you imagined it would be, an otaku’s room —books scattered on the floor, open boxes in every corner, merchandising from different animes and games, posters on the walls… Also, the air in the room is really heavy, why is it so hot in here? Is it because of the computer or- 
His hair was bright red, redder than when we were in the storage room, and not only the color was hot red, but the temperature too. 
Idia: so-sorry, this is the first time a girl has entered my room (anyone other than Ortho or me for that matter).
That was the issue, haha… now I’m nervous too. I should do something to break the ice in this situation, or rather cooler the temperature. I think I recognised one of his figurines on that shelf… 
MC: Isn’t that Ruri-chan from “The Magical Ruri Hana: Demon Girl”?
I was staring right at Ruri-chan when I asked him, so it was a surprise when I turned around to look at his face and saw his expression. For a few seconds the time stopped and he gave me a death stare. Why is he so scary all of a sudden? Did I mispronounce her name? Impossible, I’ve been watching that series since I came to this world, mostly because it was the only serotonin I could find after nearly dying over a kid’s tantrum. 
Idia: you know Ruri-chan?
Maybe because you were nearly as introverted as Idia or because you were nervous, the only answer you could find to his suddenly cold attitude was that this was the beginning of the typical “man interrogation over a common interest to prove your authenticity as a fan”. So before he could start making you questions about the show, you blow out all the lore of the series. 
Idia’s face was as rigid as a rock until you finished your monologue on Ruri-chan’s journey. You stopped talking to catch a breath when he grabbed you by the shoulders and suddenly snapped.
Idia:  ARE YOU TELLING ME THERE WAS ANOTHER OTAKU IN THE ACADEMY AND I DISCOVER IT NOW? Why did it take you so long to talk to me? How is it possible that I didn’t know about this before? I mean, I have control over all the technology and internet connection here. I should’ve been notified if a student was watching anime, how is it possible I didn’t know about you till now? What did you do? What kind of firewall did you use?
MC: I just watched it on Ramshackle’s TV…
Idia: ah… that explains everything, that TV probably doesn’t even have an HDMI port, let alone Internet… 
MC: Idia… my shoulders are starting to hurt.
He sure is strong, it's hard to tell by those baggy clothes he's always wearing. He instantly opened his hands to let me go as soon as he heard me. He looked troubled he might have hurted me. 
MC: don’t worry, I may not have “mana”, but my HP is full.
He couldn’t help but smile at my dumb -almost cringe- comparison. I think my “break the ice” mission was successful. Idia is very expressive, he snapped from nervous, to surprised, to confused, to happy in the the blink of an eye. I wish he stopped using that floating tablet of his to attend classes so I could see more of his expressions. 
As soon as he released me he went to pick something from his wardrobe, a pair of controls apparently. The controls in my world were less complex than this ones. Idia handed me one of them and I began to study the buttons. It would be a lie to tell I knew how to grab it, clown music is playing inside my head. I wanted to play videogames with him, but truth be told I don’t have money to fix Rammshackle’s sink let alone buy a videogame or a console. 
Idia saw my troubled grin and step towards me, shadowing my entire persona. 
Idia: Is there a problem? You don’t like the color or something? Is it the brand?
MC: well, you see, the thing is… 
This is gonna be so embarassing. First, I ran into problems trying to defend him against nothing, cause he wasn’t even hearing those jerks. Second, I made him hide with me in the storage room and now I have to tell him I wanted to play videogames with him but didn’t even think about the possibility of the controls being different from my world. Defeated, I lower my head to evade his soon to be inquisitive gaze. 
MC: …I don’t know how to use these controls, they are different from the ones in my world.
Silence was so loud I couldn’t take it anymore and looked up. He was trying so hard not to burst out laughing at me his cheeks were red and his jaw was so tense I could see his neck muscles contracting. Finally, he let out a little pfft and grabbed his mouth and chin with his hand, pressing his cheek with his index.
Idia: I’m sorry but, you went through all that trouble to play together and you don’t even know how? Cute.
Lucky for me I don’t have magical hair that turns red when I'm flustered, but I’m sure it’s not hard to guess just by looking at my face. 
Idia: don’t worry, guess I’ll have to teach you as I did with my little brother, come here.
He sat on a visible comfortable plush sofa, big enough for him to open his leg and ask me to sit between them. Funny, when we were in the storage room he was so nervous and now he openly asks me to sit on top of him, hasn’t he noticed?
Dumbfounded, I did as he requested and sat on the gap between his thighs, creating a space between us as a way to surpass the embarrassment. Unfazed, he glued his chest to my back and slipped his hands around my body. As if I was walking on thin ice, I slowly rested my arms on top of his. Then he moved his hands on top of mine on the controller, guiding my fingers on top of the buttons. My ears were bright red as I could feel his breathing chilling my neck, whispering a slow pace explanation on how to use the controller. His fingers moved mine slowly over the buttons, his hair fell as a cascade over my shoulders sliding between my legs. I don’t know what is happening and I would swear neither does he. He’s so focused on explaining the lore of the game and controls he hasn’t realized the hot mess he got cuddled beneath him.
Idia: Did you get that?
He asked, suddenly making me snap out of my cloud. Even though it was difficult, for many reasons, I caught a glimpse of his monologue while trying to survive my ocean of hormones. 
MC: Well… It seems quite complicated to be honest. Maybe I can understand it better once I play the game. 
Idia: Great, let’s play. I’ll connect the other controller so we can multi-play this. 
The controller was right next to us, already plunged, so he didn’t move an inch and his arm were still surrounding me. The soundtrack of the game started playing and far too late I realized he meant to play in this position, basically cuddling each other, with our arms tangled, his body temperature on me and his breathing on my neck. We haven’t even started, but I can tell I already lost. 
Unfortunately for him, after playing for nearly an hour, I tried my best to give him a hard time beating me. I lost all the matches anyway, but at least I could hear his groans all along, echoing in my ears. 
Idia: SO much for being a snob, you are tougher than you look. But rest assured, I would never let a newbie beat me at my favorite game. Ortho has tried many times and I should give him a pass -you know the whole “Idia let your little brother win once”- but as a weeb I have a reputation yk. 
That smirk on his face… he’s sure full of himself. I have almost grasped the dynamics of this game, maybe I could beat him. I’m a pretty competitive person and that arrogance only ignites something dark in me, something stupid. 
MC: I bet I can ruin that reputation of yours in our next round.
Idia: Are YOU implying YOU can win? LMFAO, if delulu was a sport you'd have a gold medal. If you beat me on this round I’ll be your chair or whatever -not that it’s even a possibility.
MC: Do you mean I can ask you anything if I win? It’s this one of those anime situations in which the winner can order the loser around the whole day? 
Idia: Yeah, that kind of shoujo stuff. Afraid?
MC: Mmn… Well, you’re already quite the comfortable chair.
That came out of nowhere, but I decided to keep my cool and rested my weight on his chest even more, looking up at his melted honey eyes now widening from sudden embarrassment. His peachy cheeks are so cute. Plan complete: this may be considered cheating but the only way to win is to distract him and by the discontrolled beating of his heart reverberating on my back I can tell it already worked. 
We began playing, in the game we were two characters fighting each other in a 2D horizontal landscape. I didn’t learn all the combos, but I mastered the parries and evasions, so it was nearly impossible for him to even scratch me. He was focused on attacking while I was determined on defending, a never ending match it seemed.  In real life it was the other way around, I continued non-stop “attacking” him while he tried his best to “defend” himself. Each time I evaded one of his attacks my butt moved against his lower body. From the corner of my eye I enjoyed his leg contraction at every “unintended” pound I gave him. After almost an hour of playing him, and the game, his breath was a mess, he was trembling all over and his dick was rock hard between my ass cheeks. My intention was to win the game, but I’m not quite disappointed with the actual development of the situation. I could take this as a win already.
Then I felt a thrust, his body rested on top of mine and I swear I can almost tell his longitude just by the pressure on my lower back. He snapped, his fingers were moving so fast on the buttons I had to make an effort to see them, he left me no chance to defend myself neither in the game or reality. As my character fell to the ground completely defeated, my head stumped on the floor as his hands pressed my shoulders to the ground.
Face to face, among the darkness of his room I could only differentiate two golden orbs and his face lightly illuminated by the gentle blue of his hair. 
Idia: I won.
My whole belly was on the palm of his hand as he slowly lifted my shirt all the way up, until he grabbed my neck under the clothes. 
MC: Wh-what are you doing?
Idia: I won, so the loser must do whatever the winner demands, right?
MC: Bu-but you haven’t say anything yet.
Idia: Oh, then I want the loser to fix my joystick. 
What? Oh…
As I stupidly tried to understand that I noticed his hard-on pressuring my lower belly, near to my intimacy. 
Idia: you see, a certain snob player broke it mid-play. Any idea on how to fix it?
He completely snapped, I almost can’t recognize him. Where is the shy boy I was messing with? The situation has escalated more than I would have imagined, but this doesn’t put me off in the slightest. Seeing Idia all hot and bothered surely is rare enough and I want to push that dominant side of him a bit more.
MC: maybe… It just needs some cleaning?
I questioned opening my mouth and letting out my tongue. His sigh was filled with excitement and anticipation, I could catch him bitting his lips for a moment.
He moved his knees to the sides of my head and lowered his zip and trousers. My eyes, now more used to the low illumination of the room, enjoyed the view of his thighs, pale as porcelain. He looks so fragile and slim, or that was my line of thinking until he uncovered his dick. Hard, veiny and leaking precum on top of my forehead; the length was the size of my face. This was going to hurt.
I accepted my destiny and kept my mouth open for him to enter mercilessly. But, that wasn’t the case. At a slow pace he started going down on my mouth, he filled my cavity with just the tip and almost the middle of his length. Then, he took my chin in his hand and caressed my cheek, pressing it on his dick and slowly massaging it from outside. I didn’t know what to do with my tongue so I tried to lick his dick and press it more against my cheek. His eyes glittered from a moment and he let out a soft chuckle. 
Idia: seems you’re really eager to clean it, babe. But this much won’t do I’m afraid, you need to get it all wet enough.
Instantly, he continued letting down his hips  until all his dick was in my mouth and throat. He was so deep in me my lower lip was touching his balls. Strange enough, this wasn’t as painful as I imagined it to be, I wonder how can my throat be twitching around him and I’m so calm? Maybe, his sweet expressions are keeping me from gagging. His mouth is a little open, from this angle I can only see his tongue moving above his pointy teeth. His eyes are locked in my throat, probably a bulge has formed, his fault after all. He’s been so long in this position I could possibly draw his dick by having it inside me. 
When I thought he would start moving, his balls twitched against my lip and his cum flooded my mouth non-stop. When he released everything in me he fastly got up, letting me catch a breath. He cumed so much there were lines of cum running down my cheeks to the ground. I coughed a little after drinking all.
When I sat on the floor and looked up I could feel his gaze contemplating my whole display, heavy breathing and a surprised expression.
MC: that was fast. 
Idia: I endured playing in hard mode, literally, a few minutes ago. Thank me I didn't finish by just seeing your ahegao face. Also …you didn’t need to drink that.
MC: I told you I would clean it. 
Idia: quite the awful job, It's all sticky and twitching, maybe you can clean it better down here…
To be continued...
Part 1
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suweeka · 10 months
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Mana-chan rkgk
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mitsuyafics · 10 months
TR boys when you use their first name for the first time.
gender neutral reader
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Includes : Mikey, Mitsuya, Inui, and Hanma.
Note : Implied NSFW, a little angsty on Inui’s.
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Tell me if you want me to do others !!
Manjiro Sano
Mikey had been your boyfriend for around a year before you decided to try to use his first name. You usually used pet names or just calling him Mikey, but you really wanted to know what he’d think.
“Mikey~” You called out, as your boyfriend stayed on your chest, cuddling deeper into your body.
“Mikey, we have to get up. The gang will be waiting on us soon..”
He continued to ignore you, his eyes closed and a small smile on his face. Light breathing and the sound of birds outside filled the room.
Finally, you gathered enough courage.
“M..Manjiro..” You said quietly, a slight heat rushing to your face. The heat became even greater when his head sprung up at you, his gaze directly on your eyes.
“What did you just say?”
That tone. Was he mad at the random drop of his government name?
“U-Uh.. Manjiro..” You kept your confidence even though it was starting to falter.
“Say it again.” He demanded, his tone and face stone cold.
Suddenly a big smile showed on his face, and he started to kiss all over yours.
“Call me that from now on, yeah?” He smiled again, continuing his ministrations.
“Manjiro! That tickles” You giggled, extremely happy at how this turned out.
Mitsuya Takashi
It wasn’t long before you decided to call Mitsuya by his first name. It just kinda slipped out because of how much Hakkai would say it. Besides that, He just has such a pretty first name.
“Luna, Mana, I’m home!”
They yelled, running down the stairs.
“You brought Y/n-nee too! Yay!” Luna smiled, as both sisters hugged onto your legs.
“Hi my loves, how was school?”
You and the girls got into random conversations about the day, smiling and laughing.
Mitsuya started dinner, while softly smiling at the sight. He adored the way you got along with his sisters. It only pushed the attraction he already had for you.
After a while of talking with his sisters, you told them you were going to help him with dinner, and left them to play.
“Hi Love” He smiled when you walked towards him.
“Need any help, Takashi?”
Suddenly he froze, the knife he was using to cut vegetables dropped beside him, luckily not hitting anything.
“Did I say something wrong? Was it too early to call you that..?” Anxiety started to creep into your mind like a wildfire. Everything in you telling you to apologize and say Mitsuya instead.
“N-No!” He turned around, and grabbed your hands. A smile present on his face. “Could you repeat that..?”
“Do you need any help, Mitsuya..?”
He frowned, “That’s not what you said..”
You swallowed the lump in your throat and tried again.
Suddenly one of his hands left yours and he hid his face behind it.
His ears shined red and he smiled brightly.
“Yes, I would love your help.. Please call me that more.”
“O-Okay!” You smiled brightly, happy he was okay with it.
“My name has never sounded better than it did when you said it..”
Inui Seishu
Inui had been your best friend since he originally joined Toman. Both him and Koko leaned towards you more than anyone else from the first division.
You had always thought Inui was so pretty, which Kokonoi noticed fairly quickly. He teased you about it often before you two got together.
You didn’t like calling Inui the same name as everyone else, which is where the thought of using his first name came from.
One night, you were hanging out with him in the old bike shop Inui stayed at. Usually Koko would be here too, but he had something going on he said he “had to deal with”.
“Are you hungry? I brought some food from the store..”
“Yeah I am, Thank you Seishu.”
He froze, The bag in his hand dropping to the floor. Suddenly you regretted this decision greatly. Especially when you noticed tears underlining his eyes.
“Inui! I’m sorry!” You rushed over to him, wiping his tears, a worried expression on your face.
He just stared at you, before pulling you into his arms and sobbing into your shoulder.
“I’m so sorry Inui.. I didn’t mean to hurt you..”
“No..” He cleared his throat, “Please call me that again..”
“Are you sure?? Uh.. I’m sorry, Seishu.”
His sobs got harder for a bit longer, as you held him tightly.
“Do you know.. how long I’ve waited to hear that name..?”
“What are you talking about..?”
“I’ve waited so long.. for someone to see me as just me.. Seishu..”
He sniffled again into your shoulder, before leaning back and holding your face with so much care, as if you could break at any second.
“I’ve always seen you as you, Seishu”
His eyes teared up again, and he smiled, before bringing you into a kiss beyond anything you’ve felt before. He put his all into that kiss.
That night he showed you exactly how much you meant to him. How much he loved you.
Hanma Shuji
Hanma and you started as a fling that just stayed to each other. There wasn’t any stated commitment, yet neither of you went to anyone else.
You thought about saying his name so many times, but never got the courage to. Until you were at a party with the Toman members.
The bar was filled with people, most tipsy and on the dance floor while Rindou Haitani played music for the whole crowd.
Hanma has never entertained anyone else, so you never felt the need to get possessive or jealous ever. Until this party.
“You’re Hanma right?” The girl slurred, “Wow. You really are as handsome as people say, Reaper.”
“Thanks.” He replied, before going back to his conversation with Kazutora.
“Are you here alone? I could show you a good time tonight, if you’d like~” She flirted, slowly getting closer to him before you walked up.
Placing yourself on Hanma’s lap, You smiled and kissed his cheek.
“Hi Shuji~ I missed you. Oh? Who is this?” You asked nicely, while smirking at the girl.
“Just some random girl. Says she can give me a good time. You believe that, doll?” He smirked.
“Oh! By all means try, But remember who he’s coming back to after, okay?” I smiled her way, as she scoffed and walked off.
He places a few sloppy kisses along your neck before smiling up at you.
“Was that jealousy, Doll? That side of you was.. extremely hot..”
“What can I say, You’ve been mine for a while.” You smiled, placing a slow kiss on his lips.
“Ugh. Get a fucking room.” Kazutora scoffed.
Suddenly you were picked up as Hanma stood, “Oh don’t worry, we will” He smirked as he walked away from Kazutora.
“Oh and doll?”
“Be sure to call me Shuji for the rest of the night~”
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