#man yall dont even know the major anxiety this bumps given me im so so so sorry.
noctroluco · 2 years
are there any updates with the t-shirts? :) no rush i am just curious
first of all, sorry for the delayed ask, ive been workin my ass off this week packin the shirts ironically enough. i wasnt able to post them this week but they should arrive to europe by like wednesday next week.
anyways, to get here and to the actual update as to why im so motherfucking late
first of all yall remember when they came right? well turns out HALF of the batch they fucked up, half. they had this weird fuckin ink spill or whatever. so i go, fuckin frenzied takin pictures of them all and i send the printing company 20+ pictures of them tryin to be as polite as possible while naturally stressin the fuck out of it cause thats me
again they took a good few days to answer, i was able to order them again, they took few extra days _again_ to confirm the actual order for some reason despite confirmin me on the next day before.
so then we get to the second, why i didnt send the other, good half of the batch earlier. right after the first shirts came i had this music festival right. all goes well except that to make it to the specific concert we originally got the tickets for in the first place was aboutta start and my good bestie and i had to walk fast/run round 2km, and during that fateful 2km i somehow broke my hip. i got this like.. severe awful fucking pain in my hip>leg>knee and i was basically unable to move for two weeks. went to pride thinkin i was fine, no it got way worse. went to get envelopes and ask about the weight for the packages as the post office site sucks major ass, it got actually unbearable. hence why i havent been able to get to the post office.
i know i fucked up by not sendin an update sooner thinking the new batch was comin fast enough but they only came this week and i wasnt able to make it to the post until next week’s monday. im so fuckin majorly sorry about this extra time ive taken and i promise u i feel so fuckin bad about it and as an apology and a like, thank you for the patience yall have given me, ive made prints of each character to go along with the shirts along with priority shipping, so they should arrive faster. i really hope yall take it as my humblest of apologies.
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