#man at that point you can look it up yourself. actually.
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comatosebunny09 · 3 days ago
serve & protect | sylus
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— summary: you’ve stood dutifully by his side for years. seen him at his worst, not once letting that side of him deter you. can you blame him for craving more than your loyalty? — cw: royalty au, king sylus, femme reader, knight/bodyguard reader, mutual pining, marking, restraints, sexual tension, slow burn, sylus isn’t a normal king, this isn’t a medieval setting, there are cars and indoor plumbing ‘round here, reader has hair for the sake of plot — notes: a reimagining of something i wrote a few years ago. heavily inspired by final fantasy xv & the beast within (2024). tysm for reading! [ prologue ] — now playing: tender strength - yu-peng chan, hoyo-mix
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Willing His Majesty to behave and him actually doing so are two foreign points on a map. 
It’s kind of your fault, really. 
You almost don’t. Nearly preserve your aloofness, your decorum. But then you do let your formalities slip for the briefest second, and that’s what heralds this mess. 
A traitorous sigh slips past your lips, summoning the attention of your wintry-haired charge.
Warmth pours throughout your person, a prickly spike of embarrassment clotting your veins. You stiffen, staring at the dark, heavy curtains shielding the dining hall from the sun’s brilliant spill. Try to ignore how your skin tingles beneath the curious study of your king. How those scarlet eyes crinkle mirthfully, wittingly, and you know all too well no good will come from that look. 
He’s in a playful mood, isn’t he? And you’re about to serve as his court jester. 
“Are you alright, dear friend?” he intones, loud enough for only you to hear, ignoring the monotonous prattle of his guest across the table. 
His voice curls around your brain, seeping through the folds of it. You straighten, arms stiffly folded behind you, quietly clearing your throat to ward off the spell of dizziness threatening to take hold. Curse him for sounding so devastatingly hot. For being so terribly distracting, so unfairly handsome.
You murmur an apology, not once taking your eyes off the far wall to look at him. To do so would be dangerous. Get you into more trouble. You hope by ignoring him, he’ll leave you be, but—
Well, His Majesty is a stubborn man, and once he gets going, there’s no stopping him.
He fiddles with a fork on the dining table with long, skillful fingers. Smooths out the little wrinkles forming in the tablecloth, adjusting himself in his wing-backed seat into an uninterested slouch. “You’ve been awfully huffy today. Are you bored?” 
A little, you inwardly reply. You don’t care much for politics. For these fickle conversations of wealth, alliances, and nobility. You merely follow orders, keeping your opinions to yourself unless they’re explicitly requested. 
Being a knight proves to be much more entertaining than serving as a tactician or advisor. At least you can keep your hands and feet busy instead of rotting away at a desk, ripping out your hair and fretting over the intricacies of running an entire nation. 
You remain quiet, tuning out His Majesty’s attempts to get you to break character. 
But, as mentioned before, your king is a persistent man. 
He sighs, slipping further down in his chair. Props his temple on his knuckles, an ankle resting on the pocket of his knee whilst the free set of fingers drum on the chair’s arm. “I don’t blame you if you are. She’s not very entertaining, is she? Nor is she very bright.”
You snort despite yourself. Quickly remember your decorum, a scowl twisting up your lips. Your eyes shoot to your wayward king. “Majesty!” you admonish on a whispered yell.
A smirk pulls at his lips. He playfully narrows his eyes at you from behind the shelter of his hand. Has you right where he wants you, feeding into his childish games. Just like old times. 
Your staring contest, however, is short-lived when the sharp click of a teacup meeting its saucer echoes through the stilled dining hall.
“I’m sorry,” quips a voice doused in vitriol from the table’s other end, causing your attention to snap to its source. “Am I interrupting something?”
The Queen of Universum ingests the pair of you with sharp, mead-infused eyes, vexation tugging at her red-painted lips. Like two scolded children, you straighten, King Sylus sitting up in his seat with a brilliantly fake smile.
“Of course not. Please, continue with your monologuing,” he says with a theatrical flourish of his fingers. He would roll his eyes if he could; you just know it.
You disguise a laugh as a cough, piping up when the queen’s glare snaps to you. You try not to bristle beneath the weight she carries. Beneath the thin stretch of her lips. She doesn’t like you very much. Of course, you don’t care for her, either. 
She’s made it perfectly clear that she views you as a threat to her plans—marrying her daughter off to your king to forge an alliance between your countries, to spread her family’s reign. No room for love. She’s mentioned more than once that your familiarity with the king is inappropriate, a threat to his crown. How scandalous it would be for him to take you as his bride instead of someone with noble blood.
You bite the inside of your cheek, fingers curling into a fist at your back until your nails bite unforgivingly into your palm. 
Like you don’t already grapple with the notion every time he touches you or smiles a little too charmingly in your direction.
You’re not fit to be a contender for his heart; not fit to be a queen. 
Her eyes finally slip away from you, refocusing on the center of your musings. Your relief is short-lived as an impish smile rounds her lips. You swallow thickly, the queen’s body language boding danger.
“Is it truly necessary for your lapdog to be here? Her presence is spoiling my meal.”
You blink rapidly. Incredulously, mouth spilling open.
I’m sorry, what?
If you had hackles, they would raise. Instead, your nostrils flare, the tendons in your neck pulling, jaw set in a rigid line. An omniscient smirk cants the queen’s lips. She knows just how to creep beneath your skin, how to wrap her claws around your pride and pull it apart. 
How dare she compare you to a bloody dog! You’re loyal, yes. At His Majesty’s beck and call. His shield. Have been for years. But to be compared to an animal, of all things—
He feels the malice sloughing off your skin in waves. Eyes you warily in his peripheral before raising a hand to quell your silent rage.
“Down, girl,” he teases, and you glower at him. 
It seems he also wants to play along with these dog jokes.
Leaning forward, your king perches his elbows on the dining table. Twines his fingers together, resting his chin atop his knuckles, a deceptively sweet smile boasting his teeth. Having known him for as long as you have, you can easily sense the irritation pouring over the tense set of his muscles. The stiffness between his shoulder blades, peering through the tailored pleat of his jacket.
“My Lady,” he begins, words bathed in silk. “I’m not sure how you treat your subjects in Universum, and frankly, I do not care. But here, we address our people with dignity and respect regardless of race, color, status, or creed.”
The queen’s expression morphs into one of mortification. She straightens in her seat, a steady creep of redness inhabiting her cheeks as she studies the doily texture of the tablecloth. You resist an urge to cheer.
“While you are my guest, you are expected to behave with poise and grace. And I would greatly appreciate it if you did not disrespect my friend here like that again.” 
Scarlet eyes briefly flit to you, shining with a spark of fondness—a tenderness that sets your body alight with heat—before returning to the queen. 
“Or anyone in my kingdom, for that matter. Understood?” His Majesty concludes with a raised brow, sparing no room for argument.
Pride swells in your chest, warm like the soft embrace of a fur shawl on a wintry day. He’s shut her up in his own way. Read her to filth with the poise and regality of a man of his stature, and you’re envious of his composure. They don’t call him a king for nothing. 
You straighten at his side, mouth twitching with the threat of an arrogant smile, and your chin lifts slightly. Defiantly. 
She studies her lap, pulling at her fingernails. You watch a kaleidoscope of emotions stroll across her face before a nervous titter falls from her lips. 
“My apologies, Your Majesty. That was very inappropriate of me.” Her pink tongue darts out to wet her lips while she sweeps a chocolate ringlet of hair behind her ear. “I was only hoping that the two of us could have a little…chat.” She looks at you, a note of caution stirring beneath her lashes. “Alone.”
Sylus sits back with a scoff as if he’s just as confused by her request as you are. It’s rare you leave his side. Rare you’re not in his shadow, head on a swivel, fingers wrapped about your sword. You’re even present when he’s sunk beneath the murky pull of sleep. 
“Does her being here pose some sort of threat to you?” he interrogates around a smirk.
“Not so much a threat as it is a distraction.”
A distraction to whom, you wonder. It’s a ridiculous request. You’re his bodyguard, for the Gods’ sake. You wouldn’t put it past her to make an attempt on his life in your absence. Forgo the pleasantries and proposal for marriage and end his lineage here and now. Not that she could.
Your mouth works around a protest, yet it dies in your throat when your king calls your name after some time spent deliberating. He peers at you from his shoulder, and you snap to attention.
“Sorry, dear friend,” he says, tone sloping with repentance. “Would you mind giving us some space for a little while? I fear your presence is making our guest uncomfortable.”
You cast him a pensive look. Lips tremble and part. His expression softens, and he winks at you, turning up the dial of his charm.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be fine. I promise.”
Of course, he will be alright. His Majesty is more than capable of handling himself. Sometimes, you wonder what purpose you serve. He’s a hulk of a man, brimming with untapped power and bleeding intimidation. Most days, you feel you’re by his side to create the illusion of protection. 
Remembering your place, you step back and excuse yourself with a curt bow. You caution one last look at your charge before pivoting, briskly making for the door, ignoring the thunderous drum of your pulse in your ears.
You feel his eyes track your every move as your boots click soundly against the glittering, marbled floor. Feel the queen’s gaze drilling into your back, exuding a quieted smugness as if she’s won your silent war of wills. 
As the solid, ornate doors of the dining hall draw closed behind you, you catch wind of their conversation over your shoulder, and your heart plummets to your feet. 
“So,” begins the queen, voice steeping low. “I hear you are in need of a bride.”
You’re a mess of grit teeth and unease on the doors’ other side.
You’ve paced back and forth for what feels like an eternity, warring with your emotions. You’re not sure what has you more on edge: having been made to look like a fool in front of your king, or the implications of that statement when you departed from the dining room. 
“I hear you are in need of a bride.”
The conversation was inevitable. Doesn’t mean you have to like it. 
It’s the entire reason Universum’s queen has frequented your kingdom so much. Trying to set him up with her daughter, the princess, under the guise of uniting your people. You both know she’s greedy for power following her husband’s untimely demise, and His Majesty is teeming with it. 
You scoff, stopping your march to lean against the double doors, arms crossed over your chest. With a shuddering breath out, your face turned skyward, and your eyes shuttered closed, you try to compose yourself. 
If you keep huffing and puffing about like this, you might convince yourself that you care for your king more than you should. More than you’re allowed to. 
When you’ve begun to settle your nerves, the chorus of boots striking the carpeted floor piques your interest. 
You open an eye as dark figures of varying heights and sizes ease into frame, moving past you, carrying laughter and camaraderie with them. Crownsguardsmen. 
They regard you with quick bows and wary smiles, their banter lulling to a dull murmur in the face of their superior. You acknowledge them casually, still propped against the oakwood doors, not at all in the mood for formalities. 
Amid the gaggle of guards, a set of curious sienna eyes alight on you, widening with recognition before crinkling with glee. 
The smaller guard shoves through her comrades, briskly approaching you as her teammates walk out of sight. You study the top of her sleek, brown hair before she stops before you. And you stiffen, stammering as she snatches up your hands, her excitement palpable. 
Tara. You recognize her as a new recruit with youthful eyes and enough enthusiasm to power the entire Citadel. 
She reminded you of yourself when you first joined the king’s army. A young woman with a target on her back because of her gender and status. She possessed exceptional prowess with an array of weapons and vast knowledge of the kingdom’s technology. Yet, she was constantly beleaguered by her comrades and, oftentimes, her trainers.
You threw around your brass a little, ensuring she was treated as fairly as her male counterparts whilst she trained as a knight. Sometimes sparred or studied with her on your rare occasions of downtime. You were there to congratulate her when she’d been appointed a member of His Majesty’s royal guard.
With King Sylus on the throne, the Crownsguard became more progressive, opening its doors to anyone willing to lay their life down for him. Too bad a bunch of egotistical, chauvinistic airheads still occupied his ranks. 
“Good afternoon, ma’am!” Tara sing-songs, overflowing with zeal. 
You wince at the pitch of her voice, the brilliance of her smile. But you find her infectious, a soft chuckle ducking through your lips. You unwind one of your hands from her grasp, ruffling her hair affectionately. Had she been anyone else, you would’ve reprimanded her for forgoing the proper customs and courtesies. 
But are you really in any position to lecture anyone about etiquette right now?
“Good afternoon, Tara.” You’re surprised by the mildness of your voice. The fondness of it.
If she had a tail, it would surely be wagging. Your innards color with warmth at the thought. You’ve found someone else you want to protect almost as much as your king.
“How are you today, ma’am?” she asks, dispelling the nebula of your thoughts. 
Averting your gaze, you sigh, recalling what’s got you so out of sorts in the first place. You cross your arms, your spine reacquainting itself with the intricate carvings of one of the dining room’s doors with a muted thunk. “I’ve had better days.”
Tara’s expression pulls into one of curiosity. “Something the matter?” 
She steps closer, bursting your figurative bubble. With her hands clasped behind her back, Tara scrutinizes you, ducking this way and that, giving you a visual inspection. 
“Come to think of it, isn’t His Majesty having brunch with the Queen of Universum right now?” She pensively taps her lip with her index finger, eyes narrowing in thought. “Behind you?”
You flinch, watching her from down your nose. She’s eerily perceptive for someone so young. Invasive, pummeling you with a hundred questions a minute. 
“That’s strange. Aren’t you normally by his side? Did something happen? Did you get into trouble?” Tara goads, nudging you with her elbow.
You scoff, pushing off the door. For all the years you’ve known your king, you’ve never been in trouble with him. Garnered the ire of his advisor once or twice, sure. Pissed off his royal entourage with your sharp tongue, maybe. But you don’t think Sylus harbors a malicious bone in his body for you. You don’t think he ever could.
You cross the hall, perching your hands on an adjacent windowsill. The marble texture is cold beneath your palms. Grounding. You study the mixture of historical and modern architecture lining the horizon, a scene reminiscent of a dragon’s maw. 
The land of Insomnia brims with life beyond The Citadel’s walls, a nation once war-torn slowly rebuilding itself under the guidance of your genial king.
“No, I’m not in trouble.” You turn, sitting on the ledge. Your voice descends as if you’re having a conversation with yourself. “But not everyone seems to like the idea of me at the king’s side.”
Tara moves towards you with a placating smile, taking up one of your hands and squeezing it. “The queen doesn’t like you very much, does she?” 
Your silence serves as her answer. 
The smaller woman pats your hand, thumb smoothing over the rough patch of skin stretched over the clutch of it. “Well, I could’ve told you that.”
You cut your eyes at her in warning. What’s with everyone testing your patience today? Picking on you?
“You’re competition,” Tara matter of factly adds, maneuvering to lean against the windowsill beside you. 
You study the weathered tips of your boots before your gaze slowly rises to Tara. Her eyes gloss over with tenderness. With pity as a slow creep of heat inhabits the pit of your stomach. You avert your gaze, boring into the dining hall’s doors. 
You don’t have to ask what she means by that; you’ve heard the statement numerous times as of late. Your king’s recent treatment of you doesn’t help matters, exacerbating the rumor that you’re more than just his loyal subject.
As if sensing your internal plight, Tara decides to shift gears. You’re grateful for the reprieve, getting too hung up in your mind again. 
“So, do you really think the queen killed her husband?” she whispers, leaning in with a hand cupped around her mouth.
You chuckle. Leave it to Tara to fill the space with gossip. “I couldn’t say. But I wouldn’t put it past her. She’s a bit of a bi—”
As if on cue, the grandiose doors of the dining room groan open, spilling the artificial light inside onto the carpeted floor. You and Tara snap to attention like two youths caught dawdling, stone-faced, the remnants of your conversation corked in your throats. 
How anticlimactic, you muse, watching several figures emerge from the room until your eyes alight on a familiar, riotous mop of white. 
Your breath thickens in your throat as scarlet eyes capture yours. The lips beneath them quirk before the towering silhouette they belong to, strides past you.
Tara’s hand brushes yours. You don’t have to look to know she’s giving you the most impish side-eye. 
The queen turns on her heel to face your king, her entourage scuttling about behind her. She’s half-hidden by the mass that is His Majesty, but beyond his bulk, you make out her red lips curving into a deceitful smile. Bile singes the back of your throat, your fists tightening at your sides. 
“It’s been a pleasure, Your Majesty.” She punctuates her words with a small curtsy and head tilt. 
His Majesty stuffs his hand in his pocket, his wispy hair sweeping over broad shoulders. Boredom lances through his deep timbre, and you imagine his eyes rolling with disinterest. “The pleasure was hardly mine.”
An indignant sound salts the air, dredged from the queen’s throat. You bite back a laugh, recalling what got you sent out in the first place. Tara flinches in your peripheral, tamping down a laugh herself. 
Ignoring your king’s waywardness, the queen squares her shoulders and straightens her spine, her head held high. She clears her throat, holding out her hand for your liege to take. When he does nothing, she waggles it expectantly, wordlessly demanding he kiss it.
You watch the scene unfold with bated breath, tight lips. Inwardly cheer when Sylus scoffs, turning away from his obstinate guest. He waves a tired hand over his shoulder, summoning two guards stationed by the hallway’s entrance.
“Please ensure the queen makes it back to her car. Safely or harmed, I don’t care,” he tacks on under his breath.
The guards acknowledge him with nods and move to flank the queen and her royal retinue. The woman huffs, indignantly stomping her foot like a child deprived of their favorite snack. She grabs the tail of her dress and brusquely spins before being led out, carrying her jilted air with her. 
You resist a smile. Pride spools heavy in your chest. It’s almost like your souls are linked; your king’s never cared for rude nobles and their politics, mirroring your sentiment. 
He conquers the space between you in three measured strides. Pilfers the air from your lungs as electricity and pheromones spark between you, and you’re drawn into the ruinous stir of his eyes. 
Sensing the shift in the atmosphere, Tara dismisses herself with a bow, but not before discreetly nudging you in her retreat. Sylus barely acknowledges her, busy memorizing every detail of your face. Every tight breath slipping through your parted lips, every feathery flutter of your lashes.
You rapidly blink as if remembering where you are, keenly aware that the pair of you are alone. 
The king’s proximity throws you off-kilter. The earthy scent and comforting warmth he exudes permeate the thickened layers of your uniform, wrapping around your heart, squeezing, leaving you raw and exposed. Your jaw ticks.
His expression slackens, brows knitting in the inner corners, and he coyly cocks his head to one side. “Are you alright, dear friend?” The texture of his voice is gritty as sandpaper, yet it’s disarming in a way that leaves you weak-kneed with a heavy tongue.
“H-huh?” comes your foolish reply. You would kick yourself for how lovestruck you sound. 
Your king chuckles, a genuine sound reserved for hushed moments like these, tucked away from the prying eyes of his court. Your lips twitch before a slender finger pokes the space between your eyes, dispelling the dreamlike fog that once loomed overhead.
“I asked,” poke, “if you,” poke, “are feeling,” poke, “alright? You look a bit flustered.”
You swat his hand like an enraged feline, to which he chuckles, all manner of refinement thrown to the wolves. He’s as bratty as ever, a reflection of that child you once knew who’d shove you off the hill to be king of it. Who knew he’d grow to take an entire kingdom onto his shoulders?
You clear the phlegm from your throat, taking a step back, haughtiness meddling with your features as his hand falls listlessly at his side.
“I’m fine, Majesty. Though I’d be better if someone learned to keep his hands to himself.”
The monarch in question feigns innocence, blinking owlishly, a dramatic hand splayed over his heart. “What? I thought you liked it when I badgered you like this. When I kept you on your toes.”
You scowl, crossing your arms and impatiently tapping your foot. “Not when it borders sexual harassment. Need I remind you of your briefings, sir? Should we revisit them?”
He sputters, mortification descending on his face. You bite back a snicker. He’s much too handsome like this—playful, boyish, unguarded. An affectionate smile crests over his mouth when you let a bewitchingly sweet laugh slip. He takes a step forward, swaddling you in prickly static, dwarfing you by a good foot. Your traitorous heart thumps something wild, threatening to leap from your chest as the mirth melts from your face.  
“Would you believe that woman came here to coerce me into taking her daughter’s hand?” rasps your king, voice descending into a secret. 
You swallow, staring between his eyes, unconsciously leaning back. You nod when words fail you. Bristle as a set of spindly fingers creep down your forearm in pursuit of your hand, scorching through the fibers of your coat.  
Your breath catches whilst His Majesty brings your hand to his lips, and he kisses it with as much fervor as he did in the gardens. It’s a simple gesture. An innocent one that feels perverse in a way, burning down to your core, the molten heat creeping back up to take residence in your neck and face.
“The only hand I wish to hold,” he smooths his thumb over the notches of your knuckles like a blind mind committing their texture to memory, “is this one.” Another brush of full lips makes you wince as if branded by a hot iron. 
It’s becoming increasingly difficult to breathe. Not with him so close, nor with the potency of his gaze drilling down to your soul. You wonder if he’s trying to kill you when he tugs you to him, a possessive hand falling to your hip. 
Whatever oxygen was left in your lungs abandons you in a sharp gasp, making way for a pleasant fuzziness and overwhelming heat. He snakes his arm around your waist before dipping you like the pair of you are waltzing, and your hand instinctively clasps around his shoulder to keep you from crumbling to the floor.  
Hooded eyes pan in, filling your vision with nothing but a beautiful wash of red. His stare centers in on your mouth, and he leans closer until your breaths intermingle, and your limbs feel like jelly, and you’re lightheaded, and…and—
You screw your eyes shut, pushing your palms against his catastrophically hard chest. He’s a dream forged by the Gods. Temptation sent to lure you astray.
“Majesty,” you gasp. You sound so incredibly pitiful, so breathless, and it makes you sick. “Majesty, please. You can’t—we can’t—” You twist your head, pillow-soft lips grazing your cheek instead of your mouth, pleasant tingles of sensation humming throughout your body.
“Can’t what?” he breathes, voice strained with the effort of containing himself whilst he roots his nose against the tender space behind your ear. He draws you closer against the hard press of his body whilst nosing along your jaw, ingesting the warm scent wafting off your skin.  
Your shoulder throbs beneath your uniform where two raw indentations reside. They’ve never truly healed after two years, the pain announcing itself in intimate quarters like this with your king. It’s a reminder of your anchor to him, to what truly lives beneath his skin. 
“The maids, the guards. What if—” You scramble for every excuse not to give in. Not to betray the oath you took to protect him. To always put him first, to never fall for him. “—what if someone sees us, Majesty?”
A bitten-off, barely there growl cleaves through your ramblings. Lithe fingers encase your jaw, coaxing you to look at your charge. A glacial thrill shoots through your body at the sight that greets you. White, mussed hair falls perfectly into his face, lips parted and glistening invitingly, eyes wrinkling with a mixture of anguish and yearning. He reminds you of something beastly, fighting to reign in his instincts. Fighting not to lose control. 
“You’ve known me for however long, yet you insist on calling me that.” 
He gathers your cheek into his pleasantly warm palm, angling your neck further back. You fight to keep your eyes open, your fingers curling into the fabric of his blazer. You’re spilling over the edge. Teetering over that blurry line between daydreams and reality. 
“I wish you would stop with the formalities. Majesty this, Your Majesty that.” Scoff. “Is this your way of shutting me out? Pushing me away?”
You haven’t the gall to tell him yes, too distracted by the flats of his nails dragging along your cheek, sweeping errant hair strands behind your ear. You shudder, and he pans in, your mouths but a whisker’s width apart.  
“If you carry on like this, I may have to punish you for your insolence.”
You suck in a breath at the underlying threat in his voice. Know it carries no weight. He’d never lay a finger on you outside of affection. But how wonderful it sounds, to be punished for your insubordination. 
Your noses brush, mouths ghosting over each other whilst careful fingers curl around your nape, scrawling through your hair. You fear that you might faint, the heat spooling in your belly threatening to burn through layers of flesh. You’re clutching the lapels of his jacket for dear life now. Torturing yourself, wanting to conquer what little space remains between your mouths and—
Forbidden. The accursed word echoes in your mind like the weighted chime of a church bell. It resounds so miserably in your mind, reminding you of your place. Your duty. You’re no noblewoman. No contender for his heart. 
“Please don’t,” you utter between a laugh and a sob. Begging is unbecoming of you, but when it comes to protecting your king and his crown, you would fall to your knees if you had to.
The body against yours stiffens. A pained sound tears through His Majesty’s chest, crackling like a hearth fire. You feel terrible for denying him again. For pushing him away like you always do. But many women regularly throw themselves at his feet, willing to ease his affliction—women of noble blood, of virtue. 
Grief furrows his brows, his eyes sweeping over your face. A forlorn smile touches his lips. He exhales loudly, shakily, his thumb cruising over the outward arc of your brow, his gaze tracking the gentle movement. 
“Of everything that resides within these walls, within this kingdom, you manage to elude me the most.” 
His eyes snap to yours, and you shiver beneath the weight they boast. He could easily flex his power over you. Command you to stay still while he ravages you. But that’s never been his style, has it? Another trait of his drawing you deeper into his spell. 
“Why do you run from me? Why do you continue to deny me? Why continue to deny yourself? I hear how your body calls to me. Your heartbeat, your scent. So ripe. So untainted.” 
The exasperation in his voice makes your stomach lurch. 
I’m not denying anyone, you wish to say. I just…I don’t know. I don’t—
“Where in the hells is he?!” a familiar voice ricochets through the empty hallway—your saving grace. Seems his advisor is on a rampage again. You’ve never wanted to kiss the eccentric man more.
“Impeccable timing as always,” sighs your king, rolling his eyes. He reluctantly releases you, his hands at your waist until your legs remember they are meant to support you. 
Just as you spring apart, and you begin smoothing out the wrinkles in your uniform, your hair spills in warm tendrils down your neck, puddling around your shoulders, water-falling from its usual coiffure.
You blink incredulously, taking note of the impish smirk canting the king’s lips. Something silver gleams in your periphery.
You watch with horror as he twirls your hairpin between dexterous fingers before bringing the warm, tarnished metal to his lips for a kiss. It’s an intimate sight. An image that makes a shiver wrack your spine, makes you dizzy, and you don’t know whether to be flattered or mortified. 
“Y-Your Majesty, give that back!”
The monarch in question chuckles something smoky, dangling the ornate pin out of reach when you swipe at it. He has an unfair advantage over you. You contemplate kicking him in his shin, figuring the risk of losing your foot is well worth it. 
Your breasts scrub against him as you struggle on tippy toes, clawing at your hairpin with the ferocity of a cat. And as your nipples knot beneath the rough glide of your uniform, you are reminded of the devastating press of His Majesty’s body.
By the Gods, it’s too much. You’re sure your face is all types of flustered now, heat spuming beneath your skin.
“My, my. Throwing yourself at your king like this. How scandalous,” he purrs, enjoying your plight a little too much. His twisted way of getting revenge for you staving off his advances. 
“Your Majesty, that is my mother’s,” you pant, taking a step back with beseeching eyes. 
He clicks his tongue, studying the pin as if it houses all the secrets to your bloodline. “That makes the spoils of victory that much sweeter.”
You watch with puffed up cheeks as he tucks the hairpin into his breast pocket, the jaded metal gleaming condescendingly at you. 
“Consider it collateral.”
For what, you haven’t the foggiest. 
With all the smugness of the world, your king brushes past you, his hands in his pockets. You stomp behind him, fighting to keep stride with his longer ones, clawing at his pocket when a moment presents itself. 
You try to sweep your hair into some semblance of neatness before the pair of you meet his advisor. Before curious eyes can form questions where there should be none. 
You hardly miss the enamored smile rounding his lips as he peers at you over his shoulder. 
“You lunatic,” you curse beneath your breath, barely concealing the hint of unguardedness inhabiting your voice.
It all makes sense as you shackle his neck with a rusted collar. You can count on one hand how often you’ve had to do this in the past year. 
You step back after sliding your fingers over the stubble on his cheeks. His eyes harbor a deep sadness despite the smirk on his face, baring a pointed canine. 
“What? No muzzle this time?”
You scoff, kneeling before him, defiantly peering into his eyes, a harsh forefinger pressed between his pectorals. “If you keep talking, I’ll have one of the twins fetch it from the car.”
He chuckles at your brazenness. Leave it to him to try to lighten the mood in an atmosphere rife with tension. Thick with urgency, with fear. He tests the cuffs around his wrists and ankles, ensuring they won’t give too much when they’re put to the test later.
As if on autopilot, you reach out to ease sweat-slicked hair from his forehead, and he pauses, those brilliantly devastating eyes drinking you in. 
He swallows, studying the ground. For the first time in a long time, you’ve seen true fear stain your king’s visage. 
“One day, I won’t leave this cage as the man you know and love.”
You scoff, masking your anxiety as you placatingly pat his thigh. You stand, swiping his coat on the way up, dust speckling its sleeves. You have to be strong. You’re slowly falling apart at the seams but must remain fearless. He needs all the strength you can lend him right now.
You give him a quick look, a brief upward pull of your lips, before turning away from your king, the cage’s heavy door squealing shut behind you. You err in your steps when he calls your name. Slightly tilt your chin over your shoulder.
“When that day comes, I expect you to uphold your end of the bargain.”
Your grip on his coat tightens, jaw set in a terse line. “That day will never come,” you murmur, more to yourself than him, and you hurry up the sand-laden stairs towards the structure’s entrance. 
The twins address you with curt nods as you pass them on your way to the car. Night and soaring evergreens stretch overhead like a yawning beast. The moon peers through the treetops, sluggishly cresting its way to the center of the sky.
You sling His Majesty’s coat across the backseat. Stiffen when a familiar glint of silver catches your sight from behind his breast pocket. You grit your teeth, leaning against the car door to grant yourself a moment of respite.
“How do you stand this? Does it ever get any easier?” you recall Tara asking, her eyes glossing over with a thin film of tears as she squeezed your hands. 
She was still fresh to this lifestyle. To this harrowing secret lurking beneath the kingdom. You couldn’t blame her for being scared witless. No one wanted to see the king in pain. Only a handful of people knew of his true nature. What bubbled beneath his skin. 
It never does, you think, pushing off from the car and slamming the door shut. 
Your boots crunch soundly over dead grass and splintered twigs as you make your way back to the twins. You squeeze Kieran’s shoulder reassuringly, giving him a tight-lipped smile. He nods, his somberness hidden beneath the gaudy beak of his mask. 
It never gets easier, hearing him scream like that. Bloodcurdling and raw, reminiscent of a demon clawing its way from the hells. Hearing him call to you in a voice so broken, you feel its talons sinking into your heart. You’ve just grown more skilled at hiding your pain. Holding back your tears.
What good are you if you can’t even protect your liege from himself?
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— tags: @f1c-recs, @mt2sssss, @samoankpoper21, @lovemesomesaltysylus
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prologue | masterlist
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fireinmoonshot · 2 days ago
touchy | joaquin torres x reader
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Pairing: Joaquin Torres x Reader Summary: Joaquin has a thing where he always likes to have a hand on you whenever you're together – holding your waist, holding your hand, a hand resting on your thigh. You finally decide to confront him about why. Warnings: Mentions of food, a kind of spicy make-out scene. Word Count: 1.6k A/N: I had this idea and I just had to write it. It's shorter than my other Joaquin fics but I had so much fun writing it and I really just wanted to get something else for Joaquin out for you guys! Please send in requests for him if you have any! 💗
One thing you never expected when you started dating Joaquin Torres was how touchy the man was – there was barely any time when the two of you were together when he wasn’t touching you in some way. 
It surprised you at first. He never came across as that kind of person. He was the definition of a Golden Retriever boyfriend. But then you’d be standing with him at a party and you’d feel his hand wrap around your waist, or whenever you had to cross the road, he’d hold your hand (not unlike your parents used to do when you were a child), or when you were at home watching a movie on the couch, his hand would rest on your thigh.
After several months of this, you finally decided to ask him why.
“Joaquin, can I ask you something?” You call from where you’re sitting in the living room, your eyes flickering up from the book that was on your lap – the one you’ve been trying to read and failing, owing to the fact that your boyfriend has been strutting around your apartment shirtless ever since he got out of the shower.
“Course you can, angel,” he calls back from the kitchen.
Out of the two of you, Joaquin is the cook of the family. You hadn’t trusted him in the kitchen at first – he had always seemed the type of person to accidentally chop off a finger because he was too distracted. But so far, no such accidents had occured and he was much better at making a delicious meal than you were.
You were quick to close your book and get up from the couch, padding through the hallway into the kitchen to see him standing at the bench, chopping something up on a cutting board in front of him – still irritatingly shirtless.
“Cooking shirtless is dangerous, you know,” you say, announcing your presence. 
His eyes flicker up towards you. “For you or for me?”
You give him a look. “For you, pretty boy. I’m not the one holding the knife.” 
Joaquin grins at you before putting the knife down, wiping his hands on the cloth on the bench beside him and grabbing the apron hanging over the back of one of your bar stools. “Should I put this on then? Someone clearly isn’t enjoying the show.” 
“Baby,” you roll your eyes at him jokingly, crossing the room and snatching the apron out of his hands. “You know that’s not what I meant. I meant you could get burned by oil or slip and cut yourself or… well… there are plenty of dangers to cooking shirtless.” 
Joaquin smirks, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you to his chest so you’re pressed together. “Angel, all those things you just listed are also things that could happen to me if I were wearing a shirt. You know that, right?”
You can’t help the way you pout at him. “Not my point, Joaquin.”
He grins and presses a quick peck to your lips. “Was that what you were coming in here to talk about?” He asks, his thumb swiping gently back and forth over your waist. 
“No, actually,” you hum. “I was coming here to talk about this.” You motion in-between the two of you, at the contact between your bodies. You’re not not a fan of it – of course you love it – but it does amuse you, the fact that your boyfriend always wants to have a hand on you at all times. 
Joaquin raises his eyebrows. “We playin’ charades? Am I meant to guess?”
You laugh a little. “No, silly. This. The way I walked into the kitchen and you swept me up into your arms immediately. The way you always have a hand on my back when we walk somewhere. The way you put your hand on my thigh when we’re on the couch. The way you’re touching me all the time.” 
Irritatingly, your words have the opposite effect than intended and Joaquin steps away from you, removing his hand from your waist. You immediately miss the warmth of his body, the feeling of his hand on your waist, and almost reach back out for him. 
“You don’t like it?” Joaquin asks, eyebrows furrowed in worry.
You hate the look on his face – the way he looks like a wounded puppy. His usually playful eyes look sad, full of fear and you can read his expression immediately. He thinks that by doing these things, he’s made you uncomfortable.
“Baby, no – I love it!” You attempt to rectify the situation. “I just was curious about why.”
Unable to keep looking at his sad puppy dog eyes anymore, you step forward, cupping his cheeks in your hands gently. His hands tentatively rest on your waist, as if he’s afraid you’re going to move away at any second but he simply can’t help but to touch you, just a little.
“You’re so touchy and I love it, Joaquin. I love having your hands on me all the time, I swear. Just now when you took your hands off my waist it was like… like it was suddenly winter and I was freezing cold without them. I just wanna know why you do it,” you explain further, making sure you keep eye contact with him.
Joaquin frowns a little. “I guess I never really thought about it,” he replies. “I think I kinda just do it without meaning to. I just love the feeling of having my hands on you, feeling your warmth, reminding myself that you’re beside me. And I mean…” He clears his throat. “Have you seen yourself, angel? Why would I not wanna touch you at any given opportunity?”
It’s like his confidence makes a return to his body, then. His grip on your waist gets tighter and he pulls you closer, forcing you to drop your hands from his face. They rest on his shoulders instead as he backs you up a little so you’re leaning against the counter. His body is pressed against yours again, like it was only minutes ago. The warmth you’d missed before falls over you like a sheet of pure comfort.
You can’t keep the smile off your face at his words and actions. “That’s kinda cute, Joaquin,” you admit. “That you do it without thinking about it. Like I said, I love the feeling of you having your hands on me too.”
“Cute?” Joaquin looks at you with raised eyebrows. “You think I’m cute?”
It’s hard not to smile at his tone. “Yeah, adorable. You’re like a little puppy. You were looking at me before with the most puppy dog eyes I’ve ever seen on a person. You looked so sad, I just wanted to pick you up and–”
Before you can finish speaking, Joaquin cuts you off by pressing his lips to yours. You moan at the sudden feeling of his lips, the feeling of his tongue swiping against your bottom lip. The way that his hands grip your waist tighter, one of them roaming up your back to grasp at the back of your neck so he can kiss you deeper.
The edge of the counter digs into your back but you barely even notice the feeling. One of your hands moves to run through Joaquin’s hair – it’s short, but long enough for you to grip, the other on his back. The feeling of his muscles against your palm only makes you want to kiss him more. The last thing you want to do is break apart for air.
Your breath hitches as he squeezes your waist again, forcing your lips apart. Both of you are breathing heavily, though the break doesn’t last long. Joaquin wastes no time in kissing you again, but this time his lips move from yours to your jaw. He presses soft, gentle kisses along the side of your jaw and down your neck. You tilt your head backwards, giving him better access. When your hand grasps onto his hip, he gasps a little and you can’t help but smile at the sound. 
“See?” You mutter breathlessly, tilting your head forward again to meet his eyes. “I told you that cooking while shirtless was dangerous.”
Joaquin laughs at that, a gorgeous smile finding its way onto his face. You look at him, at the sweat on his forehead, the look of lust and love in his eyes, the way his chest moves up and down quickly, his breath still heavy from your small make out session. He’s easily the most gorgeous man you’ve ever laid eyes on… and he’s all yours.
He moves his hands down to your waist again and before you can do anything about it, he’s lifting you up so you’re sitting on the counter and pushing your legs apart so he can stand in-between them. At this angle, you’re basically the same height.
“I see no problems here, angel,” he flashes that gorgeous grin again before messily pressing his lips to yours again. He pulls away quickly though, much to your disappointment. “Now that we’ve established that I’m not cute, I am going to continue cooking you dinner. I’ll let you go back to your book.”
“Oh no,” you shake your head, turning to watch him as he returns to the cutting board. “I have a much better view right here than I do in the living room, baby. Besides, someone has to supervise you to make sure you stay safe while cooking like that… it’s bound to be a hard job but I’m pretty certain I’m up to the challenge...”
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seasidefallenangel · 3 days ago
she's got those evil eyes
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bllk boys and their mean girlfriends ft isagi yoichi, itoshi sae, reo mikage, alexis ness, bachira meguru
notes: reader is a BITCH! (not to the boys), actual horrible shit being said by reader but our boys are too in love to notice or care, suicide mentions, i'm not condoning what reader does the point is that they're feral
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༄ isagi:
✣ you’re his precious angel who can do no wrong, so of course he’s defending you tooth and nail. when you’re at his games flipping off the opposite team he thinks you’re too adorable for words. during practice, kaiser is ragging on him as usual and you’re there before isagi can blink, telling kaiser that no wonder his dad hit him with a shitty personality like that. insanely harsh, but you’re so cute to have his back!
⁀➷ “you need to stop getting yourself hurt like this, princess,” isagi murmurs as he gently applies an antiseptic to your knuckles. he wasn’t expecting you to punch rin in the face after some off-handed comment during practice (mostly stemming from rin’s own insecurities, but you’re not tolerating any disrespect towards your man.) isagi had stepped in right as rin was about to retaliate and you had gotten kicked off the field anyway, leading to the impromptu patch-up in the locker room. 
with a final piece of medical tape, he kisses your bruised hand and smiles softly at you, cupping your cheek in his palm. “thank you for being my knight in shining armor, baby,” he says gently, all the love in the world filling his voice. maybe you’re not the most ethical about it, but your desire to protect him more than makes up for it in his eyes.
༄ sae:
✣ always assumes you’re correct in every single situation. he looks to be nonchalant about your dating life, but he is easily your number one shooter. you’re on twitter telling his fans to kill themselves when they talk about how attractive he is or how he should break up with you and he’s in the kitchen smirking at his phone watching you go to war. never once in his life has he ever gave a shit about what people think about him, but the second something about you is viewed in a negative light? all bets are off. he’ll get just as toxic as you are.
⁀➷ the reporters are crowding him the second he’s getting off the plane. he already knows exactly what it’s about yet it still pisses him off. in his opinion, people are at fault for provoking you in the first place. in an irritating attempt to get his attention, one of the interviewers calls out, “sae! what do you have to say about your girlfriend tweeting ‘if i was your mom i would’ve killed myself too’ to one of your fans?!” 
yeah, he saw that one, and he thought it was funny. someone had been trying to rile you up by saying how re ai would be better off without sae on the team. unfortunately for them, they had “rip mom🩵🕊️” in their bio, giving you the perfect ammo to shoot back with. he clears his throat and simply says, “she’s right,” before walking off, leaving the paparazzi stunned.
༄ reo:
✣ you are so awful for the mikage image and reo loves every second of it. having such a stagnant and pre-planned upbringing versus your unhinged nature was just what he needed. barely a week can go by without you trending online for something heinous you said or did. in turn, you have quite a large following for simply how funny your antics and toxicity towards others is. reo must have the most heavily tinted rose colored glasses ever, because he always talks about how sweet and kind you are. the fans are still searching for the person he’s trying to describe, because it sure as hell isn’t you.
⁀➷ you’re lounging in bed, mindlessly scrolling on your phone when reo approaches you. like clockwork, you shift into his arms as he climbs into bed and relaxes next to you. his fingers are running through your hair when he finally asks in the most soft and gentle voice, “my love, why are you being called out on twitter again?” of course, you’re always sure to voice how it isn’t really your fault and that people should stop pissing you off if they don’t want you to come for their necks. 
quite honestly, he’s not really listening ; not because he’s not interested, but because you’re just irresistible when you defend yourself. regardless of whether or not you’re actually at fault (you are), he still sees you as his precious and adorable lover. he simply nods and leaves feather light kisses up and down the side of your neck, mumbling something like, “how dare they?” or “you’re so smart, angel,” every so often. if you ever were to get in any real trouble, the mikage fortune would be there to bail you out - so he sees no real reason to stop your tirades. 
༄ alexis:
✣ “me and my girl don’t argue she tells me to shut up and i do.” ness is honestly thankful for how much of a raging bitch you can be. not only does he never see anything wrong with it, but actively encourages it as well. you’re cussing out the mcdonald’s worker for putting pickles on his burger while he’s behind you with a dopey smile on his face, clinging to you like a lifeline. the only time he had to tug you away is when you were half a second away from clawing kaiser’s eyes out and had his neck bruising beneath your fingers for insinuating ness was more of a dog than a person. the german is still terrified whenever you accompany your boyfriend to practice.
⁀➷ in all the plans alexis had for his future, standing in front of the two people that crushed his childhood fantasies in facts and testing wasn’t one of them. he had left on a bitter note when he joined bastard münchen yet hadn’t found the courage to voice his true feelings on the matter. luckily for him, you had no shortage of guts to lay into his parents without fear.
for the first time in their lives, they’re stunned silent at your vicious words and mockery of their profession, upbringing, parenting, even going so far as to point out his mother’s physical imperfections and saying the only worthwhile thing she did was give birth a child that wasn’t nearly as ugly as she is. they can’t even get a word in before you grab alexis’ hand and drag him out, kicking a dent in his father’s car for good measure. even though your display was nothing short of pure evil, he doesn’t think he’s ever felt closer to god than when you cradle him in your hold, whispering words of love and praise into his ear. being a crybaby was something he was told he should be ashamed of, but the sensation left behind when you wipe his grateful tears is worth it to him.
༄ bachira:
✣ might honestly be the biggest enabler on this entire list along with alexis. he absolutely lives for chaos plus he’s too sickeningly in love with you to ever question a move you might make. he can hear you arguing with ego on the phone about bachira being overworked and while normally nothing phases blue lock’s director, the death threats you sent to his office were incredibly convincing and contained information that should’ve been impossible to obtain. he’d probably hire you if he wasn’t positive you’d pipe bomb the entire structure if anyone even gave a dirty look to your boyfriend. 
⁀➷  “whatcha doiiiinnnn?” bachira asks while plopping on top of the couch - in the exact spot while you were resting, mind you. you let out a light ‘oof!’ as his weight crushes you for a moment before leveling out. the second his head falls to rest on your stomach, you're carding one hand through his hair while the other angrily taps on your phone. he doesn’t really think to ask as he’s on the verge of falling asleep, but the sound he has set for your tweets dings from his phone (because of course he has notifications for you on.)
he lazily unlocks his phone and clicks onto the app only to bust out into laughter. whatever useless no-name had decided to say bachira’s playstyle only hinders his teammates was met with your quote retweet stating to ‘go take a long walk off a short bridge.’ in his overly happy splendor, he blows raspberries onto the soft skin of your tummy while you squeal and try to push him off. stubborn as he is he just refuses to let up until you're curled up in laughter. behind his silliness, he’s eternally grateful to have someone so devoted to him after years of isolation from his peers. he can’t help but think he’d do anything to keep you in his grasp - regardless of the consequences that might follow.
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shy-writer-999 · 2 days ago
1-800-LONELYCHEF (ii)
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Summary: It's date night with Sanji. He meticulously prepared this for weeks and he's so nervous that he feels like he's going to faint. Afterwards, he's planning on asking you to come over. What will happen if you say yes? WC: 7.5k CW: NSFW! Afab reader w/gendered pronouns (she/her/hers). Modern-ish AU; pwp; intercourse; oral (f. receiving); ejaculation inside. Minors do not interact!
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It’s a Friday night. Months ago, you would have been gearing up for a long night at your job, being a phone sex operator. But you quit a while ago and your weekends look different now.
Like many Friday nights over the last year, you’re spending it with Sanji. But this time he’s actually there—materially present, in the flesh, smiling at you a couple feet away.
It’s a special night tonight. You’ve been seeing Sanji for around a month and a half, and tonight you’re at his restaurant, finally. You’ve fantasized about this for ages.
The darling chef across the table from you planned this carefully. He adjusted his schedule—instead of working tonight, he’s added an extra shift in next week, making up for the deficit.
He’s gone to great lengths to ensure that the crew in the kitchen is the best of the best, including that sous chef, who he strongly dislikes—but personal feelings aside, in Sanji’s kitchen there are only the most talented of chefs. He’s made sure of it.
He watched the ordering forms and produce vendors like hawks in the week leading up to this. You will only be eating the best quality ingredients, the freshest food, and nothing less.
Sanji is tense and he’s so nervous that he’s starting to feel sick. He’s running the logistics over in his head, trying to calculate if there’s anything he forgot, anything he missed, anything that could fall flat.
You can tell he’s overthinking, and it’s endearing. When his eyes aren’t darting around the restaurant, peeking into the semi-open kitchen and factoring all sorts of minuscule variables in your dining experience, he’s looking at you.
His gaze is warm, and when he’s around you, he’s sunshine personified. You can’t deny that he looks at you with such reverent adoration that it’s almost off-putting. But nothing he could do could actually put you off. You’re far too in love with him for that.
The restaurant is dark and the lights are warm. Slow jazz music plays at a low volume and the whole establishment smells exquisite.
There are tea lights on each table, with tiny flames that reflect in the gorgeous dark mahogany accents and mirrors on the walls. Next to each candle is a small vase filled with a couple flower stems—tonight, Sanji specifically asked the front of house staff to use your favorite flowers.
Across from you, the blonde man is dressed in what you now know is his signature outfit—black slacks with a button up; the sleeves are rolled up and a few buttons are undone. He looks effortlessly handsome and stylish. Your heart beats a bit faster when he catches your eyes.
How many dates has it been?
You’ve lost track at this point. Maybe you should be taking things slower with him, but you can’t hold yourself back when it comes to spending time with him.
One thing that you’ve been very intentional about, however, is intimacy (which is interesting, given your relationship history). After all, Sanji used to be one of your clients. You’ve had plenty of phone sex, but you haven’t gotten to the real thing yet.
You’re saving that for the right moment. Sure, you’ve made out with him a few times and you can’t deny that you both certainly get excited, but you’ve exercised self-restraint so far. You take this man very seriously. That seriousness entails caution.
The caution is only natural—not only do you feel like this man may be the love of your life, but he also wounded you deeply before. Building your trust, becoming accustomed to his affection and attention, and mending your heart has taken a little while. It’s an active process. But you’re comfortable now.
Soundlessly, Sanji breaks your train of thought. He reaches his hand across the circular table and places it palm-up in front of you.
You slide your hand onto his and he twists his wrist slightly—your fingers are entwined now. His thumb tickles as it draws a soft circle across your skin.
The flame from the tea light on the table reflects in his irises.
“My love?” He asks, rousing you from your stupor of thought. “What do you think?”
He gestures to the scenery around and you take a second to respond, soaking in the ambiance before giving him your verdict. He’s dying to know whether or not you’re impressed.
You haven’t told him yet, but you’ve been here before. Just once. A date took you here long ago, years before you started your old job, years before Sanji took up the position as head chef. The ambiance hasn’t changed much but it feels different now. For one, the man sitting across from you is simply radiating love. He’s devilishly handsome and chivalrous. He squeezes your hand gently.
“I like it,” you reply. “It’s just like you described. Very classy.”
He smiles. “I can’t wait for you to try the food.”
You’ve had Sanji’s cooking before, and it’s (simply put) the best food you’ve ever been served. Any time you go to his apartment, he cooks for you. But tonight, Sanji isn’t in the kitchen. This is a show of his skill in managing the kitchen, purveying ingredients, instructing his subordinates, and running the show, more than anything else.
“Tell me about the menu tonight,” you prompt him. You know he’s put an exorbitant amount of thought and energy into creating and testing what will be served tonight.
This restaurant is French. Sanji describes the prix fixe menu—he tends to link the dishes and flavors he constructs to very specific memories, emotions, or envisioned scenes. It’s impressive, and he shares each nugget of inspiration with you as the courses are served, per a promise he made weeks ago.
This experience is necessarily intimate—this is his passion, his art, the thing that he’s dedicated his life to.
It doesn’t escape him that you’re listening intently, appreciating the nuances of what he’s saying, and looking breathtaking while doing it.
The courses are small and painstakingly procured and presented. It’s interesting, looking at each dish and hearing the waitstaff explain what’s going on with each one, especially when the man in question—the artist and chef himself—is sitting in front of you. You can tell that the waiter is a bit nervous to serve him, but Sanji is kind and affable, putting them at ease immediately.
The first dish is a rocket salad with pears, pea blossoms, and a light vinaigrette.
“This recipe was actually passed down from my dad,” Sanji begins. “The story is kind of funny. Years ago, he was exploring some island and came across a tavern. They served something similar to this. He tried to get the recipe but ended up getting in a fist fight with the owner, so he just had to recreate it himself. He always complains that this salad isn’t as good as it should be, since it’s missing that ‘je ne sais quois’, but over the years he’s tweaked it. I stole it, obviously, and made some of my own adjustments.”
The dish is tangy, refreshing, and bright. It’s ridiculously good. Obviously.
You compliment him and, even though the room is dark, you can make out a pink flush across his cheeks. He lives for your praise.
Next, there’s a soup. Sanji explains how it came about.
“When I was growing up, Zeff had a bunch of leftovers that he was going to use for something else and I swiped them when he wasn’t looking. I threw them into a pot and… this is kind of the outcome. He was making some dish with leeks, so the scraps I stole were mostly leek trimmings. He was pissed when he realized I snagged them. The soup turned out awful the first few tries, like it was literally inedible, but I got it down to a science at some point. The trick is adding in some sage and the tiniest amount of white wine—it changes the balance of flavors completely.”
“How old were you?” You ask between flavorful spoonfuls.
You swear no one has given him any attention or love before, from the way he responds to your questions and praise. He looks genuinely shocked that you’ve asked him a such a thoughtful question. He’s never gotten used to the very sincere attention you treat him with, hasn’t reckoned with the fact that someone like you would be genuinely interested in him. You’ve known him (and treated him like this) since your first conversation, but it still takes him aback.
Sanji explains that he must have been 13 or 14 at the time, and he goes on to describe how upset his dad got with him over the whole fiasco. When Zeff finally tried the one of the more perfected, streamlined iterations of the leek soup, he said dropped the subject entirely. “That means that he liked it,” Sanji explains.
You’ve tried to piece together the man in front of you as long as you’ve known him���evidently, he wasn’t showered with praise as a child. The stories he’s told you, and his reaction to your compliments, make that clear. But he still has so much kindness in his heart, it’s absurd.
While Sanji tells you about the anecdotes and memories that prompted certain recipes, you notice that he’s figeting with the edge of his napkin with one hand. He’s nervous. It melts your heart a bit.
You lose track of the courses. Each is more scrumptious than the last, which shouldn’t be possible, but he’s a culinary genius so he’s pulled it off somehow. Afterwards, there’s a cheese course, a platter of dips, a carpaccio of some sort, a savory galette, another salad… the plates are small and never ending.
The last dish is, of course, dessert. It’s a tiramisu, scooped out of a huge serving dish, table-side.
The layers are defined, and it smells like cocoa. Sanji hesitates with this explanation. You wonder why.
“Tiramisu? How’d you come up with this one?” You smile at him, sensing his pause, and his heart flutters.
“Well,” he says, clearing his throat. “I heard my mom say that she liked it one day, offhand… So, I made it. I’ve been making it ever since.”
This is the first time he’s mentioned her in all your long months of talking. “Your mom?”
“Y-yeah, she uhh… She passed a long time ago when I was a little kid. She got really sick. She never got to try the tiramisu. But, ah, fuck, this sounds a bit cheesy, but whenever I make it, I make it for her.”
“Oh,” you respond, softly. “That’s very sweet, Sanji.”
He averts his eyes for a split-second, and you see that blush is taking over his whole face. Your heart is twisting at his story—how is this man real? He makes it for her? Fucking hell, he’s perfect.
Each story he’s told tonight has given you a look into his character, his childhood, memories, and impressions of the world. The tiramisu is perfect—it’s not too sweet and the flavors are balanced. The perfect way to end the perfect meal.
“Fuck, Sanji,” you say, furrowing your brows in an expression of incredulity. “It’s delicious. Like, one of the best things I’ve ever had.”
“Thanks, sweetheart. I made this batch myself.”
You can taste the love that it’s made with, really. This whole meal has been ridiculously good. You didn’t know food could be this good. It tastes even better because the handsome man across from you is showering you in compliments and the bill is completely taken care of.
“So, what did you think?” Sanji asks when the meal is over, reaching for your hand again. He’s smiling and a bit shy.
“It was amazing.” You respond simply, and he sees your lips curl up into that smile he so covets. “Thank you, Sanji. Seriously. For sharing everything with me. This was lovely.”
“It didn’t disappoint?” His eyes are brightening. You can see he’s starting to positively beam at your praise.
“It didn’t disappoint in the slightest. You’re so talented, it’s just, wow.”
When you leave the restaurant, you walk into the parking lot holding hands. You reflect in the third person for a second—how wild is this, to be with this man here, right now, hand in hand, with bashful smiles. Those familiar butterflies stir when he looks at you.
Like clockwork, Sanji invites you back to his place. You usually decline his invitation (which he presents without fail) because you don’t want to get too attached too fast, but… you’ve decided that sentiment is futile. You’re already attached. Very attached. There’s no point in deluding yourself any longer, really. You’re madly in love with each other and it’s no secret.
“Would you like to come back to mine for a drink, gorgeous?”
You take a second to study him. He does look fantastic, so put together and well-kept, and he’s been so sweet with you. You like him too much to decline.
“I’d love to.”
The ride back home is quiet—you’re comfortable enough with Sanji to sit in silence for periods of time. It’s peaceful, and it feels like you’ve known each other for years. He reaches a hand over and sets it on your thigh, giving you a soft squeeze.
Before you know it, you’re in Sanji’s apartment again. You’ve been here a handful of times. He’s made you dinners and lunches, you’ve watched shows together and cuddled on the couch. But tonight, you feel something in the air. Maybe tonight is the night that you go all the way with him, finally.
When you’re settled on the couch, he offers you a glass of wine or a cocktail. He caters to you like you’re royalty. An interesting irony.
“Would you like a pair of sweats and a hoodie, darling?” He asks after he’s fixed you your drink. You smile at him and respond in the affirmative—the stuffy, cute outfit you’ve been wearing is getting on your nerves, and it’s going to feel so much better to wear his clothes. It always does.
When you change into his clothes and return to the living room, Sanji’s face goes crimson again. He’s only seen you in his clothes a handful of times before and it makes him feel things. His heart and stomach are doing flips and his eyes are practically turning into hearts. He’s adorable.
“Would you like to watch something together, gorgeous? Maybe that show you were telling me about?” He asks as you both get comfy on the couch. Your bodies are pressed side-by-side.
“How about we just snuggle for a bit?” You propose, and he readily agrees.
“I could be persuaded to snuggle.” Sanji puts an arm around your waist and pulls you closer. “I can’t believe you spend time with me. I’m the luckiest man on earth.” He’s smiling and peppering your face with kisses.
“Sanjiiii,” you say, giggling. “Cut it out. It tickles.”
“I—don’t—ever—want—to—stop,” he kisses you somewhere between each word. Your cheeks, your neck, your hand, your forehead. Anywhere he can reach. “You’re stunning.”
His hand reaches for your chin and guides your lips to his. He’s preposterously suave. It’s like something out of a romance movie.
When he breaks the kiss, he says, “How did I land you? You’re just too beautifu—”
You cut him off by pressing your lips on his mid-word. You can tell he’s nervous and high-strung from dinner. But now that he’s impressed you like he wanted, he can calm down. He relaxes into your embrace after a second.
The kisses start soft, but they quickly increase in desperation. He wants you so bad that you can feel his yearning with each kiss. Ever the gentleman, he keeps his hands to his self, only placing one on your cheek and the other softly on your hip.
Maybe tonight is the night.
As you lock lips, you move his hand from where it rests on your hip downwards, so he’s touching your ass now through the sweatpants he lent you. Sanji timidly grabs a handful. He’s being gentle and shy, but you suspect that he’s in agony with desire.
This is a moment he’s dreamed about for around a year at this point. This night is about to be filled with moments that he’s been dreaming of.
You move his other hand from your cheek to your chest—his hands do as they please, petting and kneading you through the fabric of his clothes. After a few moments of Sanji’s hands getting their fill, they trail to your waist and he maneuvers you backwards, guiding you to lay on the couch while he perches over you.
You’re on your back now and he’s braced over you, with one hand next to your head and the other placed on your waist. He slides a knee between your legs, pressing it up between your legs, leaving it to rest there. Who knew this chef had it in him.
As you continue to lock lips, the pleasure from his knee grazing your core starts to make heat bloom between your legs.
You start to grind onto his knee slightly, and when your quiet sounds of pleasure seep out of your lips and into Sanji’s mouth, your hand finds his hard bulge. You caress him gently and pulls your lips from his.
“I want you, Sanji,” you murmur, and he pauses his wandering hands. He wants to ravage you totally, to have his way with you and make you reel in ecstasy, but he needs to check on you first.
“Wait, wait, my love, are you sure?” He whispers, softly placing a hand over yours, keeping it still. “Are you absolutely sure you want to go farther?”
“Mmmhmm,” you look at him with pleading eyes and he almost melts on the spot. “I’m sure, Sanji.”
“Then let’s get more comfortable,” he says. “Want to go to my room?”
You agree, and within moments you’re in Sanji’s bed under the covers. The bed is big and plushy, the sheets are soft, and the lighting is low and warm. He wastes no time pulling off his shirt and pants as he slides under the sheets.
You do the same, pulling off the clothes he so nicely lent you. You’re in your underwear now, and he’s in his, and he’s looking at you like you’re a piece of art. He’s wondering if he should pinch himself—is this a dream?
Not only does he get to spend time with you, the person he loves, but he also gets to see you and touch you? He’s thanking his lucky stars. If he knew many months ago that this would be his future, he wouldn’t have believed it.
Sanji pulls you to him and your chests are pressing together. He brings his lips to your neck and kisses a trail down to your collarbone.
“What did I ever do to get so lucky?” He asks again before he presses his lips on yours. His skin is warm, and his hands are rough. But the rest of him is soft—especially his hair, which your fingers weave their way through.
You throw a thigh over his hip and draw him closer. You realize that he’s hard, pressing on your core through the fabric of your underwear. While he kisses you he starts to slowly, barely rock his hips into you.
Sanji’s strong hands wander to grab rough handfuls of your ass. He uses his grip on your skin to press your body closer to his, and at the same time, he grinds harder into you. Heat is starting to build at the base of his spine—he can feel his lust slipping out. He’s about to lose his composure.
You suspected that Sanji would have some skills but he’s sinfully good in bed so far and you’re not even naked yet. Just the way he rolls his hips is mesmerizing. His kissing technique leaves nothing to be desired.
You have a feeling that he could do this for hours. But he’s not going to make any first moves here, no matter how crazed and desirous he feels. You’ve already talked about what this moment would look like, after all. Sanji told you a while ago that if and when you had sex for the first time, he wanted you to take the lead. He hates the idea of doing anything to you that makes you even the least bit uncomfortable or pressured.
Knowing this, you extricate yourself from him and remove your bra. He helps you shimmy out of your panties. Then you place your hands on him and drag your fingers downwards, conjuring a trail of goosebumps in their wake. Your fingertips pass over his broad chest, his toned and hard abs, and his dark happy trail. They reach the waistband of his boxers and slide underneath.
When your fingers touch his bare skin and wrap around his erection, his breath hitches and he goes completely still. All of his senses are focused on how soft your hand feels on his aching length and how leisurely you start to stroke him.
“Ah,” he lets out a sound that’s somewhere between a whine and a groan. “That f-feels so good, gorgeous.”
You hum in response and bring your other hand to the waistband of his underwear, pulling it down so his erection springs all the way out. Bringing both hands to his shaft now, you stroke him, slowly twisting your wrists.
His shaft is thick and long—the perfect size. You can tell it’s going to feel like a nice good stretch when he finally nestles himself inside you. If he’s not careful it might be a bit painful. He’s quite well endowed.
Minutes pass like seconds and precum starts to weep from his head, trickling down your fingers. He’s squirming slightly. Every twist of your wrists around his throbbing length elicits a delightful, lewd noise from him.
“Fuucck,” he whines softly, “if you keep it up I’m gonna—gonna cum.”
 “Well, we wouldn’t want that yet, would we?” You offer him a coy smile and stop moving.  
Sanji kisses you in short, passionate bursts. After a second, he makes a proposition.
“How about I go down on you?”
“Mmmm. I’ll allow it. I heard you’re quite talented.” You smile, referencing a conversation the pair of you had many months ago. Sanji cracks a grin, and you giggle.
“Let’s hope I wasn’t overselling myself, huh?”
You lay back on the pillows. Sanji gets on top of you, situating himself between your wide-spread legs—he starts to leave a trail of kisses from the hollow of your throat over your sternum and across your belly button. His lips keep moving lower—when he reaches the space where your thighs meet, he pulls one of your thighs up slightly. He holds it up effortlessly, kissing from behind your knee inwards and upwards towards your core. His lips stop right before they get to the place you crave them the most.
Sanji does the same with your other thigh, lifting it up and kissing the inside until he’s painfully close to your sensitive spots.
After teasing your thighs with kisses, Sanji finally touches you where you’ve been waiting for. He brings his fingers to your already sticky core. When his flesh meets yours, you gasp. He spreads you apart just barely, giving himself full access to your clit.
He wets his lips and places a soft, delicate kiss right on top of your sensitive bud of nerves. It’s a slow kiss, one that’s so gentle that it leaves you wanting more. When he goes in for a second kiss he uses a bit of tongue this time, just barely swirling the tip of his tongue in a circle. It sends a zap of pleasure through your body—your toes curl and you inhale sharply.
Sanji spends a few minutes doing this. He kisses your clit, alternating between using tongue and no tongue, and when your thighs spread wider and you begin to shake just the tiniest amount, he places a long lick from below your folds all the way upwards, ending with your clit. He dips his tongue in slightly, tasting you and relishing your scent, noises, and movements.
Your hands wander into his hair and he holds back a smile. He needs to focus on making you feel good. He knows he’s doing that right now, but he wants to make you feel even better. He’d love to hear you begging for more.
“S-sanji,” you murmur, your tone bathed in lust and oozing with need. You don’t say anything other than his name, but he knows what you mean.
His tongue and lips move lower—he presses his tongue into you slowly and it feels otherworldly. He brings it out and back in again, going as deep as he can. One of his hands rests on your thigh, pushing it down so he can have better access.
He relishes the weight of your fingers in his hair and your shallow, rapid breaths. This is heaven. He wishes he could freeze this moment and live in it forever.
As more arousal seeps out of you, Sanji pushes his ring finger into you slowly. He hooks it, delicately pressing you in all the right spots. While his finger explores, he keeps placing kisses on your clit. After a few moments, when you’ve adjusted to his finger, he presses another one into you.
Sanji’s cock is weeping against the covers as he eats you out and fingers you. His hips press into the sheets, humping against the fabric slightly. He can’t hold himself back.
His eyes snap upwards and meet yours. You’re staring down at him, gazing at where his pretty lips meet your flesh. When he looks up at you, he sees how glossy and half-lidded your eyes are. His heart patters and threatens to stop. He takes a mental screenshot.
Sanji’s fingers search for a certain spot inside of you—a spongy, gooey one. When he thinks he’s found it, he presses it slightly. Your thighs shake, your back arches off the sheets, and your toes curl again.
“Mmmppphhhh, Sanji, fuck,” you moan and he hums in response.
The slurping noises that he’s making are paired with muted squelching noises from where his tongue works on your heat and his fingers caress you inside. You’re almost at your limit.
He pulls his lips away and his fingers stop moving. “Do you want to cum, princess? Or do you want to wait?”
He’s so polite even when he’s feral. It’s heart melting.
Your brain is short circuiting. You do want to cum. You feel too good to ignore that crazy desire. But you also know that waiting and edging yourself a little bit would result in a better orgasm overall. But who’s to say that you can’t cum multiple times?
Sanji can see you check out mentally while you have this inner conversation with himself. A couple seconds pass. It’s hard to think straight while his fingers are inside of you, while his lips are poised so closely…
While you attempt to think it over, Sanji presses a kiss on your clit to get your attention. You whimper and respond, “I can’t make up my mind.” Your face looks tortured and it’s making his heart do flips.
“Just let me make you feel good,” he says, voice warm and comforting. You nod, closing your eyes, and he reaches under you to pull you even closer to his face.
Sanji draws his fingers out of you slowly and then presses his lips back to your entrance, probing his tongue against your hot arousal. Your hips buck inadvertently, and the movement presses his tongue deeper into you. Lost in pleasure already, you pull on his hair so hard that it hurts him (in the best way).
Sanji’s technique is mind blowing. You lose track of where his tongue and lips and fingers end and where your skin begins. All you know is that the space between your legs feels good, and hot, and sloppy, and buzzing, and throbbing, and Sanji’s there.
He can tell you’re close after a little while, can feel you writhing against his eager tongue as depraved sounds trickle out of you.
After fucking you with his tongue and playing with your clit, Sanji slides a finger into you to caress and pet your g-spot as he lavishes your clit with the rest of his attention. It’s mind-numbingly good and brings you to orgasm in seconds.
“S-s-sanji, I—fuck, fuck,” you whine at him and moan his name through your orgasm. The greedy slurping sounds that ring in the room are filthy and loud. While you cum you pull him (by his hair) as close as he can get to your core. Sanji licks you clean, savoring every last drop of the pleasure he coaxed out of you.
You’re in a daze, riding out the ripples of ecstasy from your orgasm as he moves upwards, climbing over you, to pull you into a tender kiss.
He’s prepared to leave it there—he doesn’t want to push anything further. He made you cum and that’s his dream come true. But even though you just came, you feel a burning, carnal desire for more. More of Sanji’s skin on yours, more of his hips moving, more of his soft hair in your hands, more everything.
“Sanji,” you mutter and his ears perk up. “Wanna do more.” It’s both a statement and a question.
“Are you sure, gorgeous?” He looks worried for a second. He doesn’t want to push you too far. But when he sees how strongly you nod your head yes, how blown out your pupils and lidded your eyes are in lust, he lets go of all apprehension.
“How about you sit up, pretty?” He asks, and you do as he says. Sanji sits up too, and he maneuvers you so you’re straddling him, chests pressed together. Your arms are thrown over his shoulders, you wrap your legs around him, and your lips come to meet his neck—he smells manly, musky, and faintly of cologne. His heart is beating so fast you can feel it in your chest.
Your head is still floating from your orgasm moments ago, but you have enough sense to lift up slightly, positioning yourself over his erection.
“Please, darling,” he whispers, feeling your hot breath on his neck.
While you place kisses on his neck, you sink down onto his length, slowly and cautiously. It’s a delicious feeling of being spread open—your body conforms to his girth and accommodates his (many) inches. The stretch feels amazing somehow, not painful like you were worried about.
When he’s fully inside of you the wiry ring of hair at the base of his shaft meets with your skin and he lets out a quiet groan.
You sit like this for a second—his arms come to wrap around your waist and your walls throb around him. He’s trying to be patient, trying to fully appreciate this moment and etch each sensation in his mind. But his body is going into overdrive. His patience wears thin and disappears.
Sanji presses his hips upwards slightly, eliciting a gasp from you that makes his heart flutter. He does it again and the leaking tip of his shaft brushes that spongey spot inside of you just right.
“Ah, Sanji, fuck that feels good,” you whimper, speaking into the crook of his neck.
He does it again, harder this time. Each thrust of his hips conjures what feel like fireworks of pleasure. While your eyes are squeezed shut and your mouth hangs open in absent concentration, each press of his hips makes pretty colors erupt behind your eyes. Every burst of pleasure is red, white, purple, dazzlingly distracting.
His hands creep from your waist to your ass, then lower, to cup your thighs underneath and you’re reminded that this is a very real moment. He begins to slowly pull you up his length and press you back down, manipulating your movements on his shaft in a way that makes your eyes roll back in your head and your moans increase in desperation.
“Fuck, you’re—you’re perfect,” Sanji forces the words out between ragged breaths and grunts. “Perfect for me.”
Sanji is getting dangerously close to orgasm. He doesn’t know what to do—should he go slower now? Edge himself? Would you prefer he pulled out and took care of his own business?
As Sanji’s mind races for a second, you mutter something into his neck that makes him feel like his heart is going to stop.
He pauses.
“I said—ah—I said inside.”
Sanji gets the message. And while you’ve been explicit, he has to check. He’s just a gentleman through and through.
“Are you absolutely sure, beautiful?”
You nod again and lick a soft stripe up his neck. Sanji stifles a groan. His voice is hoarse, and his groans are punctuated by raspy breaths that go straight to your ear (and right between your legs).
When he starts to move again, Sanji finds a measured pace that shifts up a notch every few thrusts. The speed grows and he’s using all strength and concentration to make you feel as good as possible.
Your moans are so guttural that they almost sound like sobs. Each one goads on Sanji’s pace—and all the while, he’s actively conscious of the fact that he’s having sex with you, the person he loves, the person he’s loved for many months, the person he’s fantasized about being close with in every way.
If you could focus enough to get a good look at him you’d see that his cheeks are ruddy and his hair is plastered around the temples with sweat. He looks like a mess, and damn, it suits him.
In your daze, you’re approaching orgasm. You want him to cum, too, of course. You have an idea of something that might push him over the edge.
Your lips trail from his neck upwards, finding his earlobe. When you suck on it softly, Sanji pauses almost imperceptibly. He’s holding on for dear life. He’s close to orgasm, resisting it as much as he can so he can relish this moment for as long as physically possible.
But when you bite down on his earlobe, just enough to cause pain, Sanji crumbles. His thrusts turn haphazard and frantic. He loses himself in pleasure. Each gravelly moan that tumbles out of his mouth is followed by a whimper.
He cums when you bite down again. And while he cums, you whisper his name into his ear in the filthiest tone you can manage. It’s a tone that’s far more erotic than any you employed with him on the past. It’s a sincere one, one from the heart (and elsewhere), totally anchored in the reciprocal and yearning desire of the present moment.
Sanji comes apart and splits at the seams. As his arms encircle and pull you tighter, he rocks up one last time then, per your request, he orgasms inside of you. He moans your name through his orgasm, much like you did for him, and you know that he’s done this many times before. Your name is familiar and comfortable in his mouth.
The difference now is that (among other things) his words are met with a pair of ears other than his own. His moans are caused by your real warmth, flesh, and pleasure, too. It’s more intense than he could have imagined. He’s seeing stars. He buries his face in the crook of your neck while he orgasms, shuddering breaths while he embraces you so tight that it’s almost painful.
After many moments of labored, recovering breaths and soft nuzzles into each other’s skin, Sanji gingerly pulls out of you. He lifts you and sets you on your back on the bed. You’re coming back to reality slowly but surely. He props himself next to you and brings a hand to pet your hair.
“That was spectacular. You’re perfect, my love.”
“Nobody’s perfect,” you roll your eyes jokingly.
“Mmmm. Agree to disagree, gorgeous. C’mere.” Sanji kisses you softly once, cupping your face with both hands. When he pulls away, he seems to stiffen a bit. He offers a smile—did that look a little reserved, or are you overthinking things?—puts on his boxers, and goes to the bathroom to get you a towel.
The thought that just flitted through Sanji’s mind making him stiffen up isn’t a kind one. Frequently these sorts of thoughts weasel their way into his mind. This one just reminded him to not be 'too much'. Don’t be too overbearing. Don’t scare her away. Don’t suffocate her with your affection. What if she doesn’t want it? What if it’s too much for her?
Sanji reflects as he walks to grab you a towel. He’s been holding back his love for you for months. Ever since you first talked on the phone, he knew that he loved you. It has been many long months since then. And through all these long months, he’s tried to keep the visceral strength of his emotions at bay.
Now that Sanji knows you in real life, now that he’s started seeing you, now that the feelings are (supposedly) mutual, the love inside of him has only grown. But it hasn’t grown proportionately to what he allows to escape. In other words, as much as his love for you grows, he tries to reign it in for fear of being too much for you.
Sanji has been counting down the hours, minutes, and seconds until you’re comfortable enough with him for him to be fully himself. Because of his fear of scaring you away, he’s been trying to practice restraint. He’s been trying to present a version of himself that doesn’t seem too eager, too lovey-dovey and too obsessed. But every time he sees you, he feels like he’s going to burst at the seams.
As he walks through his apartment to grab you a towel, thoughts of self-doubt and caution assail his mind.
Could someone like you really love someone like him, a lonely, desperate loser who only works and smokes? It doesn't make any sense.
Will you get sick of him if he lets loose the strong feelings inside? If you get sick of him, he doesn't know how he'd cope with the heartbreak.
If he’s open with you, if he pets your hair like he wants to, holds your hand, stares longingly into your eyes and pulls you closer—if he does all of that and more, would it be too much for you? Will too much put you off, chase you away, or scare you?
Concern is written on his face plain as day, as much as he tries to hide it. You’ve noticed it a couple of times. On a few of the dates you’ve been on you've seen it peek through. And you saw it just now, when he stiffened up a bit.
You ponder for a moment on how to ease the tension you feel from him. How best can you offer this man some solace, in a sincere way that doesn’t have a trace of the artificial sugar through which you used to have to filter your words?
A couple seconds pass and you can hear Sanji padding softly back into his bedroom with a plush, white towel.
You take a second to admire his frame as he approaches the bed. He’s slender and toned. His hair is ruffled up and his cheeks are still rosy from the effort moments ago.
Your eyes sweep from his feet to his legs and thighs—they’re thick and hairy. Upwards more and you admire his pretty happy trail that snakes up his abdomen and thins out before it reaches his belly button.
Your eyes wander farther and you see his pecs—trimmed and defined—the same goes for his biceps, shoulders…
Sanji can tell you’re giving him a good look and he flushes crimson. The blush is enough to avert the negative thoughts mulling in his head.
As your eyes flick up to meet his, he smiles, but you can still make out some restraint—this faint tension from Sanji is a tension you can only surmise comes from his insecurity. You know him too well.
“Here you go, beautiful,” he says, rounding the bed to your side. He gets ready to kiss you again and help you get a bit tidier.
“Sanji,” your tone is different when you speak. It’s soft and firm at the same time. He pauses, heart stopping for a second.
Are you about to tell him you don’t want him? His mind races to the worst-case scenario.
“Don’t forget that I’m head over heels for you, okay?” You reach out a hand to him. “You don’t have to hold anything back with me.”
He exhales and sits down on the bed next to you, sliding his fingers through yours.
“Fuck. Am I being that obvious?” He furrows his brow and lets out a nervous chuckle.
“Mmmm, only a little bit. Are you doing okay?”
He brings a hand to your cheek again. “I’m doing wonderfully. I’m just… I’m trying not to drown you in affection. I like you so much and I feel so strongly about you that I get a little worried about scaring you away.”
“Sanji.” You frown. It hurts to hear him say something like that. Maybe you haven’t been vocal enough with him about how you feel. “You’re not going to drown me in affection. I told you I’m head over heels for you. I mean it. I’m here for good and I love you.”
“You promise?” He squeezes your hand, and a smile takes over his lips.
“I promise. You're not going to scare me away. So no more holding back, okay?”
Sanji nods, relieved, and leans in for another kiss. He goes in with the intention of giving you a good one. But it turns into multiple.
His kisses feel different this time. Maybe they feel more honest. Softer. Sweeter. Something has changed.
When he pulls away from you, he keeps his face close. He’s so pretty up close like this—his eyes are stunning. His irises are a complicated color that you can’t quite place, his cheeks are flushed, and his hair is pushed back. His smile is charming and makes your stomach do flips.
“Now that I’m not holding back anymore,” he begins, “do you know how precious you are to me? How much I cherish you?”
“A lot?” You venture a guess, and your grin makes Sanji’s heart trip.
“A lot is an understatement. I can’t put it into words. I just want to shower you in affection, cook for you all day, and treat you like you deserve. I think about you a, uh, probably a concerning amount. I’m enamored.”
You thread you fingers through his hair again, pushing it back to expose his forehead some more, admiring those pretty cheekbones, and those swirly eyebrows.
“Well, I feel the same, Sanji. I’m glad you finally worked up the nerve to ask me out. You say that I’m perfect, but I think that’s you. Do you know how much I cherish you, Sanji?” You bring your entwined hands to your lips, kissing Sanji’s softly. "A lot. So don't ever hold back with me."
“Hearing that makes me happier than I can put into words, gorgeous.”
After exchanging more kisses and sickeningly sweet words, you put Sanji’s comfy clothes back on. You move to the living room again and he fixes you anything you please. You show him that show you love a lot, and he watches intently, laser-focused because he believes your taste in media (and other things) reflects some part of your character. As he watches, he wonders, what does she like best about this? What speaks to her about this?
His ardent admiration for you seeps out of him in a steady stream now. You soothed his heart and applied a salve of words and kisses. He’s happy to his core, with every fiber of his being, a pure sort of joy that he hasn’t felt in many, many years. He savors you as much as he possibly can and never stops counting his lucky stars, per say.
Maybe his lovesickness and insecurity will sneak up again on him. Most likely. He knows that next time that crushing wave comes for him—the wave of self-doubt and disgust—you’ll reassure him wholeheartedly. He won’t scare you away, he can’t, and he will never be too much for you.
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< previous part | masterlist >
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a/n: yay for more writing to laufey! i hope you liked this :) i feel very intense things about this man! :0 also this really is a labor of love it took me so long omfg.
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moody-alcoholic · 22 hours ago
This Is Going To Hurt
Part 3 - Useful Hostage
Summary: Poly141 x reader, established relationship, medic reader, kidnapped reader, mini fic.
CW: Dead dove don’t eat, use of weapons, death, torture, blood, assault.
AN: My birthday is on Wednesday so I'm taking a break from writing to do birthday things.
Masterlist and A03 links coming soon™ Part 1, Part 2
Enjoy <3
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You actually get a break from the torture. Which means you get some sleep. Maybe it’s a thank you, but more likely they’re going to let you get your strength back up before it continues. The room you’re being held in is small, there’s only the door, no windows or vents. 
In fact you haven’t seen the sun since you were taken. You have no idea what time of day it is, how long it has been. There’s no point in trying to keep track, they purposely avoid a schedule, come for you at what seems like random times to take you to the bathroom or for more torture. 
You’re woken mid sleep and dragged back into the wetroom. That’s what you’ve started calling it, you always leave the place wet and shivering. It’s getting harder and harder to fight against your instincts and keep quiet, not panic. The safe space in your mind is getting harder and harder to imagine, it’s almost like the mental barriers you try to put up are being pulled down one by one. 
“No one is coming for you.” The stranger says, you turn your head to look at him while you gasp for air.
“You’ll die here. Alone.” You can’t help but scoff. You always knew this would happen, now they’re switching up their tactics. Maybe they’ll try and flip you, try and promise you a new life. It’s not going to work, it will never work. 
He doesn’t try the new tactic for long before switching back to the questioning. At one point you think you pass out because the next thing you know your straps have been undone and you’re rolled on your side heaving onto the floor. 
Angry voices ring in your head before you’re hauled back to your room. Everything hurts, your stomach and your lungs. The wound on your arm- you’re pretty sure is infected at this point. You can barely keep yourself up as you're thrown back into the room and the door is slammed closed. Like you have the energy to do anything right now. You pull yourself up into the corner of the room. 
Laying down just makes your stomach turn. You wish it would end. For the first time you feel your resolve slip. 
He’s right, they’re not coming for you. You’ve always known that, you just didn’t want to admit it, somewhere deep down you hoped they would come for you. You feel tears come even though you’re too exhausted to cry. 
You just hope they’re safe wherever they are.
“We’re in.” Soap says in Price’s ear. 
“Keep it tight, we need at least one of them alive.” Price says. This is their only chance to get intel, without having to resort to other methods. Price and Gaz move to the front door of the small house. There’s at least 5 people in here, all hostile.
Price pushes through the door first hearing Gaz following behind him, Ghost and Soap will be making their way around the ground floor so Price makes a b-line for the stairs. He looks around quickly, making sure Gaz is following him as they make it up the steps. 
They take it one room at a time. There are 2 people both sleeping. They take them out silently, hands over their mouths, their throats slit. Price takes the first one, Gaz gets the second one. 
There’s no third floor which means the last 3 are on the ground floor. 
“Ghost, sitrep.” 
“Ground floor’s clear. 2 down, one in custody.” He responds. 
“We’re clear here too.” Price responds and nods at Gaz to make it back down the stairs. When they make it into the living room, Ghost and Soap already have him tied to the chair. 
“He speaks English.” Ghost says his eyes meeting Price. They’ve done a good job, they were quick, they have what they need. 
“Yeah, beggin’ for his life when we got him.” Soap says. Price sighs walking round the chair to stand in front of the man. He shouts something in Arabic. Price’s patience is wearing thin already. He has to keep cool, keep it together. 
It’s like there’s a timer in his head though, ticking down each second, minute, hour. The longer they take, the more chance you’ll be killed. The thought makes his stomach sink, he swallows the lump in his throat and lets the adrenaline calm his mind. 
“You took a hostage. Female, British, medic, we want to know where she is.” Price says. The man's eyes flick to him, there’s blood on his forehead.
“I don’t know anything about a medic.” He says. It’s a lie, Price knows that. He nods at Ghost who throws his fist into the man's face. As Ghost straightens back up, Price watches the man spit blood. 
“The hostage. Where is she?” Price asks. 
“Fucking American pigs!” He snaps spitting at Price’s feet. Price crosses his arms looking over at Ghost, who pulls a knife off his vest. 
“The hostage!” Price snaps. The man just laughs and Price lets out a sigh. Ghost walks over and plunges the knife into his thigh. He screams thrashing against the chair, shouting in Arabic. Price goes over bending down in front of his face. 
“Tell us where she is.” He orders through gritted teeth. 
“I don’t know.” He says between breaths. Price doesn’t believe him, he has to know something. Suddenly there’s a beeping Price shoots up watching as everyone raises their weapons towards the origin of the noise. 
Soap is the closest and he moves over to the table. “It’s a laptop.” He calls lowering his weapon. 
“Bring it over.” Price says and he comes over placing it down on the coffee table. When they open it, it shows a page with a video. In the middle a chair, the backdrop is all al qatala flags, Price sees the red ‘live’ watermark flashing in the corner of the video.
“What the hell?” Gaz asks. Price reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone. 
This can’t be good. 
The door to your cell opens, jolting you from sleep. It’s Sayyid, he has a bottle of water. You don’t even want it. 
“How are you feeling?” He asks putting the bottle down on the floor. You scoff as you move yourself back into the corner. Your body is stiff and sore, you wonder how long you were asleep for. 
“Fuck you. You don’t care.” You say. 
“I came to ask for your help.” He says, you look up at him confused. You can’t believe what you’re hearing. You laugh, maybe you’re dead and this is hell.
“There was a missile strike, injured are being brought here.” Sayyid says. 
“Oh my God you’re not joking.” You say. He looks somber as he shakes his head. You get up to your feet taking a step towards him.
“I’m not helping patch up terrorists.” You say with anger in your voice. How dare he ask you to help the very people keeping you here. 
“Innocent people are hurt too. Civilians with no affiliation. You took an oath when you became a medic. Do no harm.” He says. Fuck him, how dare he throw that in your face. 
“Fuck you!” You spit your fist crashes into his face. “I spent the last few days being tortured and you want to lecture me about not wanting to help terrorists.” 
The door to the room opens, someone steps in but Sayyid shouts at them holding his hand up. You watch as he rubs his cheek. You wish you had the energy to throw a proper punch, you wish you broke his nose. 
“Your allies are the ones firing the bombs at us!” He snaps. You shake your head, you don’t have to help them. No one would blame you. 
You look back up at Sayyid. You would blame yourself though, you will blame yourself. Do no harm, who dares wins, none of it fucking matters at the end of the day. 
You joined to help people, to make a difference. You've treated the enemy before and if you get out here you will again. You won’t treat them, the people holding you here, just the innocent people caught in the crossfire. 
“Why are civs coming here and not going to a hospital?” You ask. He looks up at you sad. “Shit, they hit the hospital.” 
Fucking Americans. Why did they fire on a hospital? Maybe it was a stray? 
“They’re diverting critical cases elsewhere but we have to pick up the rest.” 
“I can’t believe this. I’m your prisoner. Why do you even trust me?” You say throwing your arms up.
“I don’t but what are you going to do? Run? You wouldn’t make it to the door.” He says. “We need- I need help. You might as well be useful.” 
“Okay. I need to see what you’re working with though.” You say crossing your arms. He nods and moves to the side so the man standing behind him can grab you. 
His grip is strong, his fingers digging into your skin as he drags you down corridors and staircases. You catch your first glimpse of the outside world. It’s dark out, you don’t get to look for long before you’re dragged away. You’re moving deeper and deeper into the building and down more stairs. You’re pretty sure you’re on the ground floor, or a basement by now. 
You’re about to go through some double doors that you assume lead deeper into a basement. This place is huge, way bigger than you thought it was. Suddenly there’s an eruption of shouting. You’re stopped and you turn behind you to see 3 men walking towards you. They sound angry, they have weapons in their hands. 
Sayyid walks past you talking to them. He gets shoved out the way and two of them grab you. You resist this time. 
“What the hell!” You snap. You look back at Sayyid who looks confused as you’re dragged back to the stairs.
“What’s going on?” You ask as you’re pulled up them. Something's wrong, somethings changed. They shout at you in Arabic as they continue to drag you down the corridors. You’re bought into a room and it makes your stomach sink. 
There are more terrorists, all holding weapons. One of the walls is covered by al qatala flags, there’s a chair and a camera, lights and a microphone. The whole place looks like a shitty movie studio. You’re dragged over to the chair and they force you down. You have to squint and the lights are bright in your eyes. 
The two men stand directly behind you. One them presses the barrel of his weapon against the base of your skull. You feel sick, your body freezes up. You look over and you can see yourself on a laptop screen, this is live. They’re doing a livestream? Why? 
There’s no way this ends well, you wonder if 141 are watching. You hope not. 
One of the men comes up to you and hands you a piece of paper. You look down at it then back up at him. 
“Read.” He says. You swallow looking back down quickly. 
“I can’t read.” You say. You’re not going to give them what they want that easily. He hits you with the butt off his weapon, it stings forcing your head to the side. His hand then grips round your neck forcing your head up to see him. 
“Read!” He spits before letting your head go. You clear your throat and look back down at the piece of paper in your hands. 
“In response to the recent missile attacks by the Americans on civilian targets including a local hospital.” You pause for a second looking over at the laptop. The barrel of the weapon is pressed harder into your head. 
“We have no other choice but to-” Your eyes snap up at the man standing next to the laptop. This can’t be real, this is not how things work. 
You’re worth something to them, you're a hostage. You look back down at the words on the paper. Apparently not. 
“Execute the hostage.” You finish. This is it, this is how you die. You feel fear rise in you, there’s no way you can get out of this you’re dead anyway. The paper is ripped out of your hands. You look back over at the laptop. Now you really hope they’re not watching. 
The man by the laptop moves to the front of the camera and says something in Arabic. You look down at the floor, you're not sure what you're feeling. Sadness, fear, confusion.
You're about to die.
You won’t cry, you won’t give them the satisfaction. When he’s done talking he comes over and presses a pistol to your temple. 
You look into the camera, you wish you could see them one more time, the people in the room start chanting when they’re done the man moves to stand in front of you. The barrel moving to your forehead. You look at him, right in his eyes. 
See you in hell fucker, you let yourself smile. He doesn’t deserve to break you, even now. You let out a breath and think of them all, John and Simon, Kyle and Johnny. You never stopped loving them. 
There’s a loud bang of a door being thrown open. Someone shouting in arabic. The gun barrel is pulled from your forehead. The man moves and you look over to see Sayyid rush in. There are more angry voices, people shouting. You wish you knew what they were saying. 
The same man turns back around to you, you see confusion in his eyes.
“Is it true, you are part of 141?” Your stomach sinks. How did they know? You didn’t tell them. His fist crashes into your face.
“Answer!” He demands. You’re not going to say anything. He pulls out a knife pressing it up against your throat. 
You swallow and it digs into your skin. “Where are they?” He spits. You keep as still as you can, your heart is pounding in your chest. you hold your breath.
“I don’t know.” You say through gritted teeth. You feel the blade slice into your skin. It makes your eyes water. Sayyid says something again. The knife is dragged away from your neck. Your hand goes up to it and you feel blood pool between your fingers, the wound is not deep, just enough to bleed. 
You look up at Sayyid who smiles at you. What the hell? What the fuck just happened? You watch the livestream get turned off. There’s another shout, another order, the barrel of the weapon is moved off the back of your head. You feel a sharp pain as something hits you over your head and everything goes black. 
No one moves. No one says a word. 
Price can feel eyes digging into the back of his head, looking at the same screen they just saw you on. 
“She’ll be dead already.” The terrorist chuckles.
“John?” Price hears Laswells voice in his ear. 
“Send traffic.” He replies, trying his best to keep a level voice. 
“I traced it to a relay but that was as far as I got. Chances are you’ll be able to pick up the signal from there. I’ll send you the details.” She says. Price doesn’t reply, ending the call.
He reaches down, unclipping his pistol. He’s not even thinking as he clicks the safety off and shoots the terrorist in the head. 
“Laswell has a lead. Let's move.” he says putting his weapon back in his holster and walking to the exit.
Now they have even less time.
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seellove · 2 days ago
Could You Stay a Little Longer // drug dealer!sukuna x reader
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Chapter 2 // (12.1k words) // Explicit - 18+
\|/ AO3 - Chapter 2 | << Chapter 1 | Chapter 3 >>
You're pursuing a master degree across the country, but are currently back in your hometown housesitting for your parents. They've told you all about their undesirable new neighbor, but when you start to get to know said neighbor, you realize he isn't all that bad. Your controlling boyfriend won't let up on you and you grapple with enjoying the company of this drug dealing neighbor boy, Sukuna. Nothing about this is going the way you planned, but is it so bad to let yourself be treated well for a change?
The cultural setting for this is technically economically depressed, rural USA where good paying jobs are hard to come by and there's not many opportunities in small towns, but it could really be anywhere that meets this criteria!
Content Tags/Warnings Throughout Work: Reader and Sukuna are mid 20s, mentions of recreational drug use and drug dealing, mentions of abusive/controlling/manipulative relationship (not Sukuna), could possibly be considered cheating depending on your interpretation (not Sukuna), angst, smut, fluff, time skip, prison time, happy ending trust!
Day 3
You decide to continue cleaning out the gardens this morning, once again trying to get ahead of the midday heat. As you head towards the road, the morning chorus of birds in the trees bring a sort of serenity to the neighborhood…until you notice Sukuna’s yard looks anything but peaceful, wrecked once again. 
It’s not surprising considering how loud things were over there last night. It didn’t keep you up per se, but you definitely could hear the loud music and cars engines revving all night long. The man definitely did not seem to want to keep a low profile that’s for sure considering the neighborhood already had it out for him. Thank god for earplugs.
What is the point of cleaning up yesterday if he just trashed everything less than 3 hours later? 
You throw your earbuds in, get on your knees, and start pulling weeds. It’s tiring and uncomfortable, but you figure if you do a little at a time each day you’ll have something good to show for it by the time you leave. Attempting to try and decipher the ways of the immature, cute, bad boy across the street wasn’t something even your advanced schooling could help with.  
After some time, a shadow appears where you are working, blocking the sun temporarily.
“You’re up early tomato girl,” Sukuna’s playful voice sounds from behind you. 
“I could say the same thing. Seemed like you had a late night. Don’t you have stuff to do during the day?” you chide at him, taking out your earbuds and setting your weed pile to the side so you can turn around. 
He’s in shorts and a t-shirt with a backwards hat smothering his wild hair, red eyes hidden by a pair of shades. He’s smirking down at you and you notice he’s holding a pair of hedge clippers.
“Sweets, I’m a dealer with a suspended license, what do you expect me to be doing all day?” 
“I don’t know, counting pills. Counting money? How should I know?” you retort. 
“You’re cute for thinking that’s what I’d do all day,” he teases. 
You just roll your eyes in response, you honestly don’t care to know, it’s not something you want to know anything about at this point.
“I’m going to clean up some of these shrubs,” he gestures to some plants on the edges of the garden.
“Oh that’s not necessary-“
“I know it’s not, but I’m a grown adult who can make his own decisions. Also tired of these people who won’t get the fuck out my house, I’d rather be around someone I actually enjoy.” 
“Why do you have people over if you want them to leave early? Drugs and booze aren’t exactly conducive to people getting up and at ‘em in the morning,” you tease him as he starts working on a bush a few feet away.
“They’re my childhood friends, but they’re some degenerates who don’t do shit all day. They always promise they’ll be out by 8, but it never happens,” he sighs as he prunes his way around the shrubbery.
“Hey Kuna what’re you doing out here?” you hear a girl’s voice from the road. You look up and see two girls walking your way. They look pretty hungover, must have been some of the company from last night.
“I’m helping my neighbor with some yard work, are you all going to be leaving soon?” 
“Yeah, we were just about to go. Just wanted to see if we could buy something before we leave,” the other girl smiles at him. 
“Go ask Toji or one of the other guys, I’m busy,” he responds bluntly, not looking up from what he’s doing. 
They seem to take the hint and walk away, leaving you both alone again.
“Do you let girls sleep with you in lieu of paying?” you ask.
He bursts out laughing. 
“Fuck no, I’m actually pretty picky about who I’ll sleep with. Just never know their true intentions, especially because I’m weak for some good pillow talk. Haven’t been with anyone in a while now that I think of it since I got in trouble with the law again, maybe I’m paranoid of undercover shit or something.”  
You just nod in agreement, a surprisingly astute and mature response coming from him. It makes sense, but you’d expected him to be more free spirited and reckless. His pillow talk comment makes you internally laugh, you can totally see that being a thing, he’s so emotional and expressive after all. 
As you both continue working, your mind wanders back to your conversations with Cam last night. He’d ripped into you about Sukuna answering the phone while on your walk. 
He’d never let you have guy friends, so being around a random guy yesterday definitely set him off worse than usual. You did feel a little guilty about hanging around Sukuna, but it felt good at the same time, you enjoyed his company. With Cam not here, you had more freedom than you’ve had in ages, so you were keen to take advantage of it for a few days.
“Lemonade break?” you nudge his side as the heat starts to distract you.
“Yeah, fuckin’ brutal out here,” he runs his fingers through his hair.
You go retrieve some glasses and find Sukuna leaned back against the trunk of an old oak tree. You sit next to him, passing him an ice cold glass.
You both sit in silence, letting the cold liquid quench your dry throats, enjoying the soft breeze in your shady refuge. Sukuna’s hat is off, tufts of his pink hair dancing in the wind districting your gaze. 
“Do you think you’ll come back here after your grad school?” Sukuna asks once you’ve both cooled off.
“I haven’t decided yet. I love the area where my school is, but I do miss my family and friends here. Just harder to find a job ya know?” 
It was one of the reasons you’d moved away, to have a better opportunity at research opportunities and post graduate options for your chosen degree. 
“That’s valid,” he responds, stretching his long legs out on the grass in front of him. “Do you still have a lot of friends here?”
“I do, but a bunch of them got married pretty quick and already have a kid or two. Only a few of us are still childless,” you laugh. 
“Figures, seems to be the way things go around here. I remember my mom saying something about how no good girls will be left if I wait to settle down, but it seems like there’s still some goods around,” he turns his head to look at you, sunglasses pushed up on his head now.
“I like to think I’m pretty decent,” you laugh, averting your gaze as you feel your cheeks heat up.
“Better than the crew who I hang around,” he snorts.
“I mean that’s not saying much,” you joke with him.
“Oh please, you know what I meant,” he huffs.
“I could set you up with a decent single friend or two,” you nudge his side.
“Two? Shit, that’s just asking for trouble,” he picks at the grass between his legs, tossing it at you absentmindedly.
“They’re nurses, they’d take good care of you.”
“I’m sure they would. Maybe one day, tomato girl,” he laughs. 
“A gift for you,” he leans your way, presenting what looks like grass to you.
Except it’s not grass, it’s a four leaf clover. Some good luck in his future perhaps?
“You don’t wanna keep your luck?” you giggle, laying it in your palm so both of you can get a better look. 
“Eh, you might need it more, I’m already pretty lucky I live the life I do and haven’t gotten in more trouble.”
“I’ll cherish it forever,” you smile at him, leaning against his arm, the bark of the tree starting to hurt your back. 
You both watch as people slowly trickle out of Sukuna’s house, the line of cars parked on the side of the road disappearing after another hour. 
“You want some more vegetables?” you ask him.
“For meeeeee?” he gasps, giving you a fake surprised look.
“Yes you goof,” you laugh. 
“What’s your offer?”
“There’s some radishes and jalapeños over here,” you get up and point to some plants you had been weeding around.
“Well sure if you’re offering,” he smiles, navigating his way carefully through the garden and cutting a few of them off. 
“I’ve got some stuff to do, but would you wanna come eat dinner at my place tonight? I was gonna whip up some stuff with the tomatoes and I can go ahead and make some stuff with these too…you know as a thank you for sharing,” he says as a faint blush appears on his cheeks, spreading to his ears.
“Oh? Sure, why not. Want me to bring anything?” you respond, feeling a little flutter in your chest.
“Bring your favorite wine,” he grins at you. “I’m gonna start cooking at 5, feel free to come by anytime after then. Sounds good?”
“Um, yeah, that sounds great. Thank you,” you suddenly feel all flustered. It’s just dinner with your temporary neighbor.
In his house…but he can’t drive…so this makes sense right? 
What if Cam finds out? 
There’s no way.
You deserve this though. How many times has the man cheated on you and gaslit you into oblivion until you truly believed you were the reason for his infidelity and abusive actions, like no matter what you did it was never good enough?
You deserve to have one nice night with someone who is kind to you. Eating dinner with a friend is not wrong. Hell it’s not like you ever get to go out with your friends back home because of his controlling nature.
“If it’ll put you in a bind with…him, you don’t have to,” Sukuna’s voice jerks you from your thoughts as if sensing your inner turmoil.
“Huh? No, it’s fine. He cheats all the fucking time, god forbid I have dinner with a friend,” you retort, unsure if you are responding to him or trying convincing yourself. Probably both. 
Sukuna grimaces but quickly replaces it with his trademark smirk. 
“Great, I’ll see you later then,” he turns and walks back to his house. 
As you watch him walk away, your inner self is doing cartwheels in excitement. It’s almost like…
You like him. Crushing on the neighborhood delinquent with the mysterious red eyes and the fine ass tattoos adorning that shredded body. The kind hearted boy who’s captivated you in three short days. 
Nah, you can’t be. Like you said, it’s been three days, you hardly know him…right?
You were staring at yourself in the mirror, analyzing the third outfit you’ve tried on. It’s not like you brought that many clothes, but you want to look put together and like you put a little effort in!
You can’t even remember the last time you were giddy and excited for something, and that makes you sad, realizing just how shitty your relationship situation is back home, slowly bleeding the life out of you. 
You grab the wine bottle of choice, some popsicles for dessert, and lock up the house, leaving the light on in anticipation of coming back after dark. The walk across the street and up to Sukuna’s porch is over quickly, noticing for once his car seems to be the only one in the driveway. 
You knock on the door and wait, suddenly wondering what it’s going to look like on the inside. You figure it’ll either look like a frat house bachelor pad, or sleek and clean with nice furniture that could only be afforded with drug money.
You’ll soon find out as you hear heavy footsteps on the other side before the door opens up to Sukuna in an apron overtop of a t-shirt and shorts. It catches you off guard seeing him domestic like this, but it quickly fades as his excited smile greets you.
“So glad you came tomato girl, right this way,” he says, holding the door open for you. 
“Nice apron,” you tease as you place the bottle on the counter. The inside is leaning more towards sleek and sophisticated. Black kitchen table, black chairs, black living room furniture, black cabinets, some type of stone countertops, and so on. It’s not what you expected, but you can’t deny he has good taste.
“Tch, thanks. These tomatoes are really juicy and I was worried about getting them all over me,” he laughs, moving to the other side of the kitchen island to fiddle with some pots on the stove.
“So what’s for dinner chef?” you sit at one of his bar top stools across from him, scanning the area around you. Everything seems very neat and organized, you’d never suspect someone with a record lived here if you walked in without knowing him.
“My appetizer, if you will, is chips and pico de gallo. Made the chips myself, aaaaaaand, the pico features your jalapenos and tomatoes of course,” he pulls a bowl out of the stainless steel fridge and places it in front of you. Chips were already out on the counter.
“Wow you make your own chips?” 
“Damn straight, no bagged chips here,” he points his wooden spoon at you playfully. Something about this big strong man wielding a wooden spoon around in this animated way makes you giggle in amusement. Never a dull moment with him.
You take one, dip, and eat, the satisfying crunch loud in your ears. It’s so good, better than any other chip or salsa you’ve had lately.
“Soooo verdict?” Sukuna rests his elbows on the counter and stares at you with wide eyes, eagerly awaiting your response. His backwards baseball hat hides some of his unruly pink locks, giving him an almost frat boy aesthetic.
“Delicious! I’m impressed,” you say, emphasizing the warmth in your words, reaching for more.
“Sweet,” he mutters with a grin. “I know it doesn’t really go with the chips and pico, but I’ve got some homemade tomato sauce going that we’ll eat with meatballs and pasta. The theme of tonight's menu is tomatoes after all, regardless of the meal classification, so I think it fits,” his eyes twinkle with excitement. He seems proud of himself and it’s oddly heartwarming. 
Your mouth is watering because it all sounds and smells so good. This is the last thing you expected him to be doing, whipping up meals from scratch in the kitchen.
“Is there anything I can do to help?” 
“Actually, yes. First pour us two glasses of your wine, and second, come stir this sauce for me, I need to cut this pasta up.”
“Homemade pasta too?” you gasp.
“Duh, you think I’d feed you inferior boxed pasta?” he smirks as he fishes a wine opener out of a drawer, uncorking the bottle and procuring two glasses. 
“I mean most of the time, men aren’t serving me anything except disappointment, so even boxed would be impressive,” you laugh. 
“Well you’re in for a treat then sweets,” he winks and passes you his spoon. He opts to pour out the wine and sets a glass next to where you are standing. 
Sukuna busies himself with pasta, meatballs, and even some garlic bread while you stir his sauce.
“That’s probably fine now,” he eventually reaches over you to lower the heat, his chest lightly pressing against your shoulder. He’s definitely got some height on you so you don’t even need to duck out of his way.
“Come with me,” he grabs your wrist and drags you towards the back door. Out on his deck you realize there is an abundance of fresh herbs in clay pots.
“You get the basil, I’ll get the parsley,” he instructs, showing you how to properly remove the leaves. 
All of this just keeps surprising you, it makes the butterflies form in your chest again. At this point they might as well just take up refuge there. 
How can you be falling for someone with a record? A drug dealer for god sake! It seems like it has bad idea written all over it. Plus he’s said himself, he doesn’t do long term stuff. 
“Hey!” Sukuna’s voice snaps you back to reality, “I asked if you need any help?”
“N-no, I’m good, I think I got enough,” you stutter, almost convinced he can hear your thoughts. 
“Yep looks good to me,” he answers after coming over to inspect your haul. 
Once back inside, it’s only a little while longer before Sukuna starts plating everything. You are about a glass and a half deep into the wine so you’ve settled at the kitchen table, eagerly awaiting the food.
“Eat up!” Sukuna exclaims as he sets the plates down, joining you at the table.
“Sukuna this looks amazing,” you smile, “thank you again, this was so nice of you.”
“But of course, anything for my neighbor,” he responds. 
“Cheers,” he holds out his wine glass which you gladly clink against with yours. Just as he’s about to take a bite, his phone rings. His playful demeanor instantly turns to one of annoyance.
“One moment,” he gets up and answers.
“What?” he barks into the phone. 
“You absolutely will not come over here, in fact, you can tell everyone that if anyone comes over here tonight I will put a fucking bullet in their leg, got it?” he says in a commanding tone which makes you jump. 
He tosses his phone on the counter and rejoins you.
“Sorry about that,” he sits down like it’s business as usual.
“You can just flip that side of you off and on at will huh?” 
“I have to. Makes it less likely that people will fuck with me,” he explains as he digs in, “it’s just a facade though, like I’d never talk to you that way…unless you wanted me to,” he says with a sly grin.
You practically choke on your food at the bold comment. Up until this point he hasn’t taken his flirty, carefree attitude in that direction, but it churns up some type of feeling deep inside of you that you haven’t felt in a long time.
“Easy there,” you laugh, kicking him lightly under the table. 
He just shrugs with amusement and takes a long sip of his wine. 
“So when people come over here, are they picking up or what?” you decide to probe at him, the wine making you braver.
“Sometimes. I don’t keep much product here. Mainly people come by to drop off cash or get assignments. I’ve got people who report to me who handle most everything lower level like deliveries and sales. I deal with more high level stuff: managing the finances, figuring out markups and pricing, and coordinating with the wholesalers. I am the boss after all,” he grins, twirling some pasta on his fork. 
“So what’s the plan when it inevitably all blows up?”
“Excuse me? Do what now?” he chuckles while hitting you with a questioning side eye.
“You heard me, I feel like this can only be successful for so long right?” you reiterate.
“Oh ye of little faith,” he clicks his tongue, shaking his head. “Well, I guess that would mean I’m either dead, or locked up.” 
“That’s pretty extreme. So there’s no backup plan?” 
“My parents’ inheritance I guess. I’d go back to college with it and get a degree in something I suppose,” he muses.
“What made you drop out?” 
“Honestly my grades were shit. I was in a frat and wasting my parents money partying and fucking off, so they stopped paying and I moved back here. Got involved with my old high school buddy, Toji, with this shit and well here I am, the fucking king.” 
“Interesting. I was just curious,” you set your utensils down, plate completely clean.
“How about you though,” his crimson eyes bore into yours intensely, piercing you so sharply it catches you off guard. 
“What happens when your situation blows up?” he continues.
“What are you referring to?” 
“Your loser boyfriend. The odds aren’t good for women in abusive relationships.”
“It’s not technically abu-“
“Ima stop you right there and call bullshit on that tomato girl. I’m speaking the truth and we both know it. So again, what happens when your situation goes south.”
Your mouth is completely dry, no one has ever spoken about it in this way. 
“I guess similar to you, I’m either dead or in jail,” you retort, causing him to smile with amusement.
“Clever. I like that. Hopefully it’s neither, or at least if you’re in jail it’s cuz he’s dead,” his eyes flick back up to yours. You stare into his gaze, lips partially open as you process everything.
“That sounds so morbid but it may or not be a possibility I’ve mulled over in my mind,” you add.
“Well if you need an accomplice, you have my number,” he laughs, taking your plate and his and dropping them in the sink before coming back to join you.
“What do you say, do you think I should leave this all behind? Start over?” he says in a low tone, swirling the wine around in the glass and watching the liquid slowly settle out. 
“It’s not my place to say Sukuna.”
“Would you like me more if I did?” 
You cock your head at him with intrigue, unsure of what he’s getting at.
“I’d like you just the same. I like you for you right now. That’s why I’m in your house.”
He sighs, tapping his fingers on the table, staring up and away from you both.
“Let’s say, hypothetically, I wanted to settle down with some lucky lady. You think I’d have to stop to have a chance at that?”
You pause, hanging onto his words before answering. Is the wine making him say this stuff? You both hadn’t drank that much…
“I’d say it depends on the lady. If I was going to get with someone like you, yes, I’d probably want you to leave that life,” you give him a playful smile, “but I’m sure there are women out there who’d be content to support you in this life and not expect you to change.”
“Hmm, maybe.”
“What about me though, should I leave the man who’s holding me back?” you challenge him.
“Tch, is that even a question?” he rolls his eyes, reaching to rest his hand on yours. Your heart is pounding, thrumming in your ears, making you almost shiver in anticipation. 
“It is, I asked you after all.”
“Then yes, you should.”
“Would you like me more if I did?”
God is it the wine making you say this stuff? 
Sukuna arches an eyebrow in a wordless response, his gaze slowly moving to meet yours before shifting down to your lips and darting back up again.
“Whether you’re with him or not has no bearing on me doing this right now.”
In the moment it takes for your ears to convey his words to your brain, he kisses you. Your eyes widen in surprise, it must have happened in seconds. He’s standing up now, one hand on the table, the other gripping your chin and tipping it up while his soft lips envelop yours. 
The butterflies you’ve become painfully aware of the last few days ricochet around your insides like fireworks in the night sky as you lean in and kiss him back. It doesn’t stop there though, he’s pulling your chair out, cradling you against his chest while you cling to him, lips still locked as he moves towards his living room. 
He falls back into the couch, positioning you so you are straddling him. 
“Sukuna I-“
“Shhh, don’t talk, not right now,” his voice deepens, observing you through lidded eyes. 
And then his large, strong hands are in your hair, gripping your cheek and the back of your head as he pulls you into another kiss.
His lips crash against yours. It’s consuming, claiming, completely losing yourself in him as you force your tongue into his mouth. Sukuna groans against you, meeting you halfway, his soft tongue dominating yours as he deepens the kiss. Your noses brush against each other clumsily as you familiarize yourselves with the other’s movements. 
You feel almost out of practice, you can’t recall the last time Cam kissed you like this. His style was moreso fuck with the most minimal amount of foreplay, and even that was a generous word to describe it. If you do suck at this, Sukuna appears to have no qualms by the way his arms are wrapping around your back, pulling you against him, and devouring the shared air between you.
Your hands find his hair, dragging his hat off so you can thread your fingers through his soft strands. The scent of his shampoo wafts into your nose as you ravenously kiss him back. You shift yourself, groaning as you feel his hard bulge pressing against your groin, catching your clit even through the extra layers. 
“Fuuuck,” he moans into your mouth, starting to nip at your lower lip as his hands wander down to your ass, rolling his hips up to meet yours.
You haven’t felt this alive in literal years, so drunk off the way he nibbles and sucks at your neck while you grind yourself against him. You can feel yourself soaking through your panties, hoping he can’t feel it through his shorts. 
“Lemme go get a condom,” Sukuna whispers, his breath hot on your neck, eliciting a sharp whine from you as the image of what’s to come infiltrates your mind.
Wait, a condom? For sex? He wants to fuck you, god know you wanna fuck him too right now.
But you have a boyfriend, what are you even doing? Acting like a whore? Cam will be furious, you’ll be in trouble-
You start to panic, pushing yourself back from him abruptly.
“What are you doing? You know I have a boyfriend!” your voice cracks as he quickly removes his hands from you, leaning back into the couch to give you the space you were wanting.
“That piece of shit doesn’t deserve that honor,” Sukuna growls in response, his eyes flaring up in irritation.
“You’re taking advantage of me while I’m away from him, you’ve been putting these bad thoughts about him in my head this whole time. You’re no better than him. A criminal, a bad person,” you start to ramble on, freaking out at the thought of the fallout. If he found out.
Sukuna’s eyes flash with pain, your hurtful words piercing through his heart. 
“Right…,” he finally utters, averting your gaze and biting his bottom lip in discomfort. 
“I’m leaving before you turn me into more of a slut than I already am,” you push off of him, leaving him alone on the couch.
“You’re not being a slut! You’re allowed to be treated with fucking respect by someone,” Sukuna retorts, standing up as he follows you to the front door. 
You whip your head around to face him, hand on the doorknob.
“I’m a cheater, no better than him.”
“Is it really cheating when the person who’s supposed to love and respect you is constantly unfaithful and could even be doing so right now? You say it yourself, you don’t even know if you’re exclusive or not. Please, let me show you what a decent man can do, how you should be treated,” his eyes are so full of raw emotion, his hand pushing on the door next to you, partially caging you against it, but still allowing the option to leave. 
You look away from him, tears in your eyes. Everything is so confusing right now, the desperation on his face, the longing for him in your heart, the fear of Cam. It’s all just too much and you need to get away from all of it right now.
You pull the door open, and Sukuna doesn’t stop you.
“Good night Sukuna,” you stutter as you open the screen door, hearing it slam behind you. You move quickly to your parents house, never looking back towards Sukuna, unaware of the way he watches you leave full of hurt and confusion.
For the first time in his adult life, he was considering giving it all up. 
All of this. 
For you. 
The desire to be a better man, the man you never had, the man you deserved, was coursing through his veins. He thought you had felt the same way, what else could you have possibly meant by those questions? It felt like you’d kissed him with such passion and desire, how did this end with him staring at your back as you walked away from him?
Had he read the whole situation this badly? 
No, you had wanted this just as much as him. You break down with the realization as soon as you get inside, back sliding down against the door as you erupt into a sob on the floor. What’s wrong with you? Why couldn’t you just have an ounce of self esteem and break things off for good, let yourself be taken care of by a good man, one who’s been nothing but kind and helpful since you met him. 
You both go to sleep that night thinking of the other, of the night that could have been yours together. 
Day 4
It’s a little harder to get out of bed today. The sun was shining, not a cloud in the sky, yet here you were festering in your own gloomy thoughts. The only thing forcing you up was that the pets needed taking care of, it’s not like they did anything wrong in all of this.
The humidity is through the roof this morning, probably the worst it’s been since you got here. Normally that combined with a bluebird day means thunderstorms in the afternoon, so you decide to walk Macy in the morning to try and get ahead of it. 
You glance across the street towards Sukuna’s house. No extra cars were around and all the shades were still drawn. Based on the last few days, you’d have expected to see him at some point in the morning, but with what happened last night? No shot. That was probably the last of your interactions with him. 
As you continue your walk, you can’t help but feel guilty about everything. You’d felt scared, even terrified at the thought of hooking up with him even though you’d wanted to with every fiber of your being. The irrational fear of Cam finding out and you reaping the consequences had clouded your judgement. 
“Has he hurt you?” you recall Sukuna asking.
Yeah, he has. Your mind wanders to a dark place, recalling the most recent time he was physical with you. You’d gone out with your grad school classmates for beers one night, which in and of itself caused a blowout fight because three of them were guys. Guys with long term girlfriends and fiancés you had tried to remind him, but he wasn’t having it.
The night had ended with you and two of your male classmates being the last of your group after others had left. There was nothing remotely sketchy or inappropriate going on, just friends talking about life and plans after school. Cam however had decided to take matters into his own hands and show up unannounced, furiously locking eyes with you from across the room as the two guys sat across from you.
Things only got worse for you as he made a scene in front of everyone and practically dragged you out of the bar and into the alley, both of you yelling at each other. The fight only ended when he backhanded you across the face, accusing you of being disrespectful and using his favorite line: “and you wonder why I go looking elsewhere when you constantly act like this.” 
This. Merely existing and trying to defend yourself.
This behavior had instilled a crippling fear and anxiety of never truly knowing where he would show up. You wouldn’t put it past him to find you here. Your hometown is your one safe haven, hence why your location sharing has been off. But you can’t wipe the events of that night from your mind, no matter how hard you try.
You take a left down another road that ends with access to a creek, a place you’d loved playing growing up.
Would Sukuna even understand if you explained all this to him? It shouldn’t be his burden to bear, he probably is just looking for a fun fling, not a girl with baggage as far as the eye could see. Hell you wish you could just have a fun, no string attached night, but the devil on your shoulder can’t just let you be at peace.
You sit down in the grass and let Macy off the leash to play in the water. She loves swimming, and seeing her frolic around in the stream makes you happy for a change. Oh to be a dog just doing what you love, no romantic relationships in sight. You pull a tennis ball out of your bag and toss it into the water, watching Macy swim out to it before bringing it back. 
You repeat these motions until she’s had enough, scampering over to you and falling onto her side, panting in the heat. 
“Tired you out huh girl?” you laugh as you ruffle the damp fur on her neck. You both rest for a while longer before you begin your trek back to the house. Sukuna’s house is still devoid of activity as you head back down the driveway.
You give Macy a quick rinse off outside to get the mud and dirt off of her before letting her back in and preparing some lunch.
Turning on the TV after eating, you decide to have a wallow at home kind of afternoon given your mood. You’ll just binge something and gorge yourself on comfort snacks. 
Macy starts whining to go out after about two hours, so you get up to let her out in the yard. As you lay back down, sleepiness suddenly hits you and you drift off on the couch.
You are jolted awake by a loud noise, scaring the shit out of you. You look outside and notice dark grey clouds covering the sky. 
Great, the afternoon storms you’d predicted have come to fruition. The wind is gusting and rain begins to pitter patter on the roof as another roar of thunder shakes the house.
You know Macy is scared of storms, so you call out to her, trying to find her inside. After checking all her usual hiding spots, you are puzzled that she’s nowhere to be found.
Oh my god. 
You remember now, you let her out and then fell asleep!
You throw on your sneakers as quickly as you can, charging out into the yard as another round of thunder makes you cringe away from the sky.
How could you be so fucking irresponsible! 
Panicking, you run around to the back, hoping by some miracle that she’s there. You are only greeted by the wet deluge that pours down on you as the sky opens up, the fat raindrops splattering onto your bare skin almost mocking you at this point.
This is so bad.
You run up towards the street, frantically calling out to her, your voice completely drowned out by the rain, wind, and thunderclaps that have your ears ringing at this point.
After traversing one end of the street, despair starts to sink in. You are freezing, drenched from head to toe, not even knowing where your tears begin and the raindrops end as rain cascades down your face. As you come back towards the house, you see Sukuna’s out of the corner of your eye.
Maybe he’ll help you.
You literally have nothing to lose, so you bound towards his front door, happy to escape the rain under his front porch.
You bang on the door loudly.
“Sukuna! Sukuna it’s me, can you help me!” you yell over the storm, doubting he can even hear you and if he could, if he’d even want to be in your presence. He has no reason to talk to you again.
To your surprise, the front door opens and you are met with the moody version of the fun loving guy you’ve hung out with the last few days. His face quickly morphs into one of concern, opening the door and coming out to join you.
“Jesus what are you doing out here?” he inspects you, brushing water off of your face and arms.
“It’s Macy, I need your help. I accidentally left her out and then the storm started. She’s terrified of them and I think she’s run off,” you are fighting back tears, voice shaking with fear and likely from the chills that are currently wracking your body as the wind slams into your drenched body.. 
“Of course, lemme put some shoes on,” he responds without missing a beat, disappearing momentarily before coming back outside with a raincoat.
“Go back to your house, let me look for her,” he says gruffly, tucking you under his raincoat, arm slipping around your waist and guiding you out into the yard. 
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, listen to me please, it’s not safe to be out in this,” he says seriously as lightning streaks across the sky. 
“Gimme your car keys, I’m gonna take your dad’s car.”
“What about your license?”
“Hence why I’m taking the other car, no one will know it’s me,” he scoffs, obviously getting annoyed being out in the rain. 
You unclip your house key from the car key, giving it to him. You stand glued in place, staring at him as if paralyzed on what to do next. 
“Go the fuck on inside!” Sukuna has no patience at this point, dragging you to the front stoop and shoving you towards the door.
Time seems to pass at a sluggish pace as you wait. Five minutes turns to ten and before you know it, thirty minutes have gone by with no sign of the storm letting up. 
You almost go to call Sukuna when you see headlights coming down the driveway. Jumping up, you move to open the front door and almost collapse in relief as you see Sukuna carrying a sopping wet Macy in his arms. 
You rush upstairs to get some towels in preparation for the soaking wet mess that is about to come through those doors. You hold the door open for Sukuna to squeeze by you, standing on the doormat, water running down his legs and soaking the rug.
His pink hair looks darker now and completely is plastered to his face, eyes barely perceptible from being hidden by his wet strands.
“Oh my god, you found her! Are you ok?” you dab the towel at his face, wiping his eyes and cheeks before getting his neck and arms.
“As good as I can be,” he mutters, leaning down so you can towel off his hair. 
“Let’s get this mutt to the bathtub and dry her off,” he says. You untie his shoes and help him kick them off before leading everyone to the bathroom.
Not long after, Macy is as dry as she can be and trots off to hide under the kitchen table, tired from her little adventure.
“Thank you so much Sukuna, I-I don’t know how I can ever repay you. That was so selfless. Truly, thank you again,” you look up at him as he heads back towards the front door.
“Don’t mention it, what kind of man would I be to let a girl run around in the rain by herself. I’m gonna go now, stay dry tomato girl,” he ruffles your hair before disappearing out into the storm.
As you watch him walk away, your heart drops into your stomach. He went out in the fucking storm for a girl who hurled all kinds of accusations at him just the night before. Such an unselfish act, putting you first when he had no reason to.
You wish he’d stop, wish he’d turn around and come back. You want him to stay. Your heart burns with the need to be with him, be close to him, to apologize for everything and explain yourself. Hanging out together meant more than you realized judging by the pang of emptiness you felt as the day dragged on without him, like a part of your routine was missing.
A second chance. It’s now or never, seeing how he’s almost halfway up the driveway.
Your legs move before your brain can even send the command. You rush up the driveway, the pavement slick beneath your feet, lightning flashing in your peripheral as thunder reverberates around you. You reach for his arm, fingers slipping on his rain-slicked skin, but you do enough to get his attention as he turns around in shock.
“Get back inside! Are you purposely trying to drown yourself today!” he enunciates loudly over the storm, irritation plastered across his face.
“Come back, come back please,” you throw your arms around him, pressing yourself into his chest, your cheek plastered against the drenched fabric of his shirt. 
You stare desperately up into his face, the lightning illuminating his crimson eyes. Eyes that look troubled, as if trying to decipher your intent, trying to decide if you mean this or if you are just going to rip the rug out from under him again. 
The rain drips down his pink bangs and onto your cheeks as he looks down on you, seeming to study every part of your face.
“You know I want to,” he mutters, voice deep against your ear, “don’t do this to me if you don’t really mean it.”
“I want you Sukuna. Please, let me try again. I’ll explain, just come back inside,” you choke out, fingers twisting into the waterlogged fabric of his shirt.
In response, his lips find yours, enveloping you in a calm reprieve as the storm rages around you both. Nothing else matters, just his arms around you as you convey the desperation that exists for each other. Each brush of your noses dislodges the rain from his lashes and hair, showering you with droplets warm from his body heat. 
He picks you up, hooking your legs around his waist and intensifying his movements. He forces his tongue into your mouth, clashing with yours, exploring the softness of your cheeks and following the ridges of your gums. 
He strides back towards the house, devouring you, lips welded to yours as the wind blown rain pelts both of you.
The cold air indoors sends shivers down your skin as he opens the door, all your senses suddenly present again as the walls shut out sounds of the chaos outside.
“Where,” he groans against your lips, water dripping from both of your clothes and pattering against the hardwood floor.
“Downstairs, guest room,” you utter against his lips, fingers digging into his jaw tattoos as if clinging to him to shelter you from the storm in more ways than one.
Sukuna wastes no time traversing the staircase, kicking the bedroom door shut behind him and pressing you up against the wall, both of you groping and grabbing, tearing the wet shirts off of each other and letting them drop to the floor.
You both pause, his forehead pressed against yours, chests heaving from a combination of your passionate kissing and the chill air that suddenly hits your damp skin.
“I’m freezing,” you giggle, causing him to snort in amusement. You trace his chest tattoos with your finger, feeling the hard muscle beneath you.
“Yeah why don’t we dry off and warm up,” he plants a soft kiss on your cheek as he moves you both over to the fireplace on the other side of the room, setting you down gently on the carpeted floor.
You turn on the propane fireplace while he grabs some towels out of the attached bathroom, joining you in front of the heat.
You’re down to a sports bra and shorts, feeling a little self conscious at being so exposed, but the heat of the fire radiating against your bare skin is a welcome relief. 
Sukuna peels his shorts off so he’s just in his boxers and you take one of the towels and start to dry him off, working from his upper shoulders and down his back. You chase the small rivulets of water that’d collected in the dips and valleys of his back muscles, tracing the ink that follows a similar path. You move to each leg, encountering tattooed rings around his thighs that make your breath hitch, before turning him around to get his front side. 
You end up taking your sweet time as if memorizing the ridges of his chest and abs as you drag the towel down towards his waistband. 
He sits down on the floor, giving you easier access to towel dry his hair. You can’t deny that he looks cute with his pink locks hanging down in his eyes, but he’s soon running his fingers through his hair to give it his slicked back appearance again.
He in turn does the same for you, sliding your shorts off so you are down to your bra and panties, respectfully drying you from head to toe, not missing how his eyes burn a trail down your skin as they rove over every exposed inch like a spotlight in the dark.
Finally, he launches the towels at the wall, leaning forward to kiss you again as the fire illuminates the room, crackling flames dancing in the reds of his eyes. 
“I’m sorry Sukuna,” you say as you both pull away. His mouth twitches, eyes flicking towards the floor before looking back, willing you to continue.
“Last night, those things I said, you aren’t a bad man, you aren’t a criminal, you weren’t doing anything wrong. I wanted everything you were giving me, I was just…I just got scared. I panicked,” you say quietly, staring into the flames.
He takes your hand in his, rubbing his thumb along your knuckles in a comforting pattern.
“Cam, he has a history of showing up where I am unannounced and giving me hell for it. I don’t know, I just had the thought of him finding me, finding us-“
“I know I asked you this once before, but has he hurt you? Like beyond just words?” Sukuna interrupts you. 
You slowly nod your head, looking down in shame, feeling the tears start to build up behind your eyes.
Sukuna tips your chin up, sorrow in his gaze, caressing your cheeks as his thumbs catching the  damp streaks that inevitably form.
“It pains me to hear that, truly. You know you don’t deserve it right? It’s never justified, and it’s never, ever, your fault,” he says softly, pressing gentle kisses into your forehead. 
“I’m sorry too. I came on really strong, and I should have been more attuned to your feelings, knowing the things you’ve been through. Even if he did show up right now, I wouldn’t let him hurt you, wouldn’t let him lay a finger anywhere near you. You’re safe here with me. I promise.” 
“I know,” your lip trembles as you absorb his words, basking in their meaning. They are more heartfelt than Cam has ever given you, coming from a man you’ve known for such a brief time, even though in this moment it feels like you’ve known him forever. He’s someone you could predict, you can anticipate how he would react to things. Harming you was not a possibility.
“Why me though? You deserve to be with someone without all this baggage, wouldn’t it be easier to just have some fun with a woman that you don’t need to tread lightly around wounds that you never caused?” 
He takes your hands in his, watching how your fingers tangle with his before looking back up at you.
“And I don’t have baggage? I’ve been arrested three times now, move drugs for a living, and have a rap sheet longer than some people’s obituaries. Don’t paint me like I’m a saint, that opioid crisis they are always spouting off about? I make money off of it, people overdose and die because of what I do, what I provide them. The only difference is my baggage is self-inflicted while you never asked for yours.”
“We both can’t change what’s happened in the past, but we can change things for the future, we can help make each other better. Look, I-I know I’ve only known you for what, four days? Which seems like nothing, not even a corporate work week, but you’ve completely turned my life upside down. I know it probably sounds like I’m talking nonsense, but you’ve made me want to change everything, give all this up, and be a better man. 
And those four days, I want them to become 8, then 16, 32, 64 and continue doubling indefinitely into some number that I don’t even fucking know the name of, until I can’t even remember how it all began, just that it began and will end with you.” 
You swear you stop breathing, the air trapped in your lungs threatening to burst. Sukuna, the man you didn’t know you were looking for, found you on the same street where you started your life’s journey having grown up just 10 miles away from each other. Always so close, but never knowing it, you’d been like satellites in each other’s orbit, never finding each other until you needed each other the most. Two broken souls, using shattered pieces from the other to fill the gaps, forever binding yourselves together. 
“Sukuna,” you take a long pause, “I think I love you,” your voice quivers with fear as you utter such vulnerable words.
“And I know I love you.” he hits you with that boyish grin as he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear before giving you a loving kiss, a kiss that has both of you grinning into each other's mouths, giddy with the excitement of what’s to come.
“I want to continue where we left off last night,” you whisper as you trail soft kisses down his tattooed jaw, earning a soft moan from his throat.
“I’ll follow your lead, go at your own pace,” he sighs as you move to his neck, licking and sucking at his skin, taking your time getting attuned to everything about him.
It’s different being with someone you trust. Normally you’d rush into the main event, hoping to get it over with so you could get away from Cam. Emotionless sex to try and buy his favor for another few hours at best.
But now, you are at peace to just reclaim moments like these, feeling safe enough to actually take the time to appreciate every facet of Sukuna’s body and showing him how much you appreciate him.
You guide him to his back, the flickering flames still providing much needed warmth as your hot kisses make their way to his collarbone. 
“Is this too slow?” you pause, worried you’re taking too long.
“Not at all, love it,” he responds with reassurance.
You continue your exploration of his body, tongue gliding through the ridges and valleys of his muscular physique until you reach the waistband of his boxers that look like they are about to burst from the bulge in their confines. You lightly stroke him through the fabric, earning a sharp groan from Sukuna as his erection twitches under you.
He feels fucking massive, but you’re determined to find out just how large as you coax him to lift his hips. Sliding them off, his hardened length comes into view and springs back against his abs. 
“Holy shit Sukuna,” you giggle in surprise. That’s going to…take some work.
“What?” he grins, palming himself as he sits up to look at you. 
“You know what,” you brush his hand away so you can take over.
“I knowwww, I’ll help you though if you decide you wanna go that route,” he exhales as you wrap your fingers around his thick shaft, slowly pumping his length.
“I do very much want to go that route,” you whisper in his ear as you pump his cock faster, thumb running over his defined head and dragging precum along his skin to help you glide more easily.
“Fuuuuuck,” he moans, throbbing in your hand as you grip him tighter, loving how vocal he is with each stroke of his cock.
“You’re gonna have to stop if that’s what you wanna do,” he teases, looking up at you through lust filled eyes, reaching out to grab your wrist reluctantly. 
You giggle as disappointment shows on his features when you stop gripping him. 
He strips you of your remaining layers, both of you now completely bare to the other. Picking you up, he moves you to the bed, laying your head down gently on the pillows as he sits back to admire you.
“So fucking perfect,” he sighs as he runs a hand from your neck down to cup your breast, thumb rolling your nipple until it hardens under his touch. He returns the favor to you, kissing and nipping all over every inch of your body, as if mapping it out and committing it to memory. 
“Sukunaaaa,” you say his name between breathless moans as his tongue rolls your nipple in his mouth, the other being worked by his skilled hands. Your hands are in his hair, nails digging into his scalp as he continues his ministrations. 
“Can I eat you out?” 
“Holy fuck yes,” you answer quickly. Considering how fucking good his tongue felt on your body, you could only dream of how it would feel against your soaked core.
You didn’t have to wait long because seconds later his head is between your legs, hair tickling your inner thighs. He’s licking long stripes from your entrance to your clit, already making your hips buck in anticipation.
“You’re sooooo wet already,” he murmurs against your cunt, lapping up everything he can before he dives in for more.
“So-sorry, just, haven’t had this in ages,” you stutter, feeling embarrassed all of a sudden.
“Fuck, don’t apologize. Also what a sorry excuse for a man to not go down on you,” he grumbles before he starts devouring you.
It’s so messy, so sloppy, the wet, lewd sounds almost echoing off the wall with the way he plunges his tongue into your cunt. His nose brushes against your clit, making you cry out from sheer bliss at the way he’s practically worshiping your pussy, making you feel so fucking good. You can’t look away, his blown out eyes locked onto yours, watching and observing your every reaction. You feel like you might actually rip his hair out with how hard you’re digging in, but he doesn’t seem to mind, doubling down on his efforts every time you rake your nails through his scalp. 
All his attention moves to your clit, alternating between swirling it with his warm tongue and flicking against it in a way you didn’t even know you needed. You grind yourself against him, seeking even more of that perfect friction. 
Maybe you’re extra sensitive because your loser boyfriend never attempts to make you finish, but you feel the orgasm fast approaching and you have no desire to slow it. 
“Sukuna, keep going, I’m close Sukunaaaa,” you whine, losing yourself in the moment. Each perfect drag of his tongue pushes you closer to the edge, a feeling you haven’t felt in god knows how long. 
One last flick from his skilled tongue is your undoing as the orgasm tears through you, crying his name over and over as your hips buck wildly against his face. Sukuna holds you in place when you try to push off, seeing to it that his mouth never leaves your clit as each hot wave of pleasure rolls over you, making you see stars, remembering nothing but the way his name leaves your lips.
He kisses your core one final time before he moves up to kiss your lips. You feel like dead weight, relishing in the post orgasmic bliss as you taste yourself on his tongue. 
“Damnnn you taste so fucking good,” he smirks, sitting back up, cheeks glistening with your arousal, even covering part of his chin tattoos.
“Ummm I can get used to all of that, that felt fucking amazing,” you sigh, staring up into his darkened eyes. 
“You’ll never go without again,” he grins.
“I’ve got condoms in my toiletry bag over there,” you point to the bag on the dresser.
“Don’t needa tell me twice,” he leaps up, tearing the bag open which has you giggling in amusement at his eagerness. 
“Damn girl,” he holds up the roll of four condoms, letting them dangle from his hand. His naked, muscular body looks fucking divine as the light from the fire flickers against his skin in the dim light.
“I know it seems like a lot, they’re just leftover from buying some while trav-“
“Nooooo, seems like not enough considering you are here for five more days,” he gives you that boyish grin, making your cheeks heat up in embarrassment. The idea of having sex with him four times makes your pussy clench with excitement.
“Might not even be enough for tonight.”
“Relaaaax, I’m joking, sort of.” 
He tears one off and puts the corner in his mouth, quickly rejoining you. As he lays back down next to you, his hand slides up your inner thigh, knuckles brushing against your entrance.
“I said I’d help you,” he mutters through the foil as he slowly pushes a finger into your soaking cunt. It’s sooooo deep, deeper than you could ever reach. 
He works a second one in, gently thrusting in and out, feeling the stretch transition to pleasure with each drag of his digits against your walls. You groan as he curls his finger to prod at your spongy sweet spot, stopping to stroke it a few times.
“That’s it huh?” he gives you a toothy smile, eyes almost rolling when you clench around him.
“Fuck I need to feel that on my cock,” he gasps, quickly pulling out and tearing the packet open with his teeth. He slides it on with no hesitation, nudging his way between your legs.
You feel his tip at your entrance for just a moment as your eyes lock one more time. You give him a small nod and with that, he thrusts his hips forwards, easing his way inside. You both gasp, you at the sudden stretch and him at the feeling of your velvety walls clinging to his tip.
“Hold onto me,” he utters, waiting until you grip his shoulders before starting to work you open with short slow thrusts, letting you adjust as he sinks deeper and deeper. Now you understand his request because your nails digging into his skin is the only thing to counteract the intense, full feeling his thick cock gives you. 
“Fuckkkk baby you’re so goddamn tight,” Sukuna groans as he finally bottoms out, giving you a deep kiss as he pulls all the way out and slowly thrusts back in. You swear you can feel each vein on his shaft through the fucking condom dragging against your walls with how snug of a fit he is.
“I don’t know if I’m tight, you’re just so fucking big,” you chuckle against his lips.
“Ummm, you’re tight, trust me on that sweets, I think I’ve been in more pussies than you,” he jokes back at you while giving you slow, deep strokes.
“And I think you’re big, I’ve had more dicks ins-“ 
“Okay I believe you!” he shoves his hand over your mouth and you both erupt into a fit of giggles.
Sex with Sukuna just feels fun. Playful even, just like his general personality. There’s no pressure to perform a certain way, all the self consciousness you were feeling earlier just melts away, as you both take everything in stride and enjoy getting used to and learning about one another. 
After a few more slow thrusts, you beg him to go faster which he happily obliges, angling himself towards your sweet spot which has you moaning his name.
“Kunaaaaa yes! Just like that,” you cry out, nails digging into his shoulders as his cock head kisses you in just the right place over and over.
“Yeah? Right here?” he grunts, speeding up his movements even more, causing your eyes to roll. He hooks your leg behind his waist, plunging himself even deeper into your tight cunt as he drives you harder into the mattress. 
You forgot how good sex could feel, sure the physical was good in its own way, but the emotional security while doing it with someone you care for is unmatched.
You’re truly able to let yourself go and get lost in the other person, forgetting about everything except for each other. That’s how it was with Sukuna right now, trusting him to give you what you need and being open to you telling him what you want.
“Can I be on top?” you whisper in his ear.
“Fuck yeah, get on girl,” he nips at your neck before pulling out, propping himself up on the pillows.
You wanted to feel in control and selfish for your own pleasure for a change, and Sukuna was the kind of man to let you have that. Not like he cared either way, you looked fucking great riding his cock, his eyes glued to the way your tits were bouncing in his face while you angled yourself in just the way you needed.
“That’s it baby, fuckin’ use it, use me,” his hands rest on your hips, letting you be in control while his strong arms help to steady you, the perfect team player. 
“Can you take the condom off?” you whine, wanting to feel all of him.
“Huhhh? Really?” his eyes widen and you swear you feel him throb inside of you.
“Yeah, I’m on birth control,” you slow down and roll your hips a few times while waiting for his response. 
“Shit I’m probably gonna bust in two seconds, but fuck it, I’m willing to take that chance to feel all of you, raw and gripping me like that,” he says, lifting you up, pulling the condom off, and tossing it on the floor.
You realign yourself and take him to the hilt in one go.
“Holy shit! Fuck! Ah-shit,” he hisses, head falling back hard against the headboard with a thud, eyes rolling up to stare at the ceiling.
“Oh god are you ok?” you snort at his dramatic response. 
“Maybe, I don’t fuckin’ know, but god fuckin’ move baby,” his eyes are locked onto where you are both connected, mind only focused on one thing. He feels too damn good, his perfect cock gliding through your walls, tip just kissing your cervix as you start to feel the pool of desire within you heating up again.
You become needier, bouncing faster, angling yourself so that his fat tip hits your sweet spot, feeling yourself gushing from the impending climax. Sukuna looks like he’s barely holding on, focusing so hard on…something, probably something strange to keep his composure. His fingers are gripping you so hard, likely leaving marks on your skin.
“I’m gonna cum, help me,” you whine just as the orgasm consumes your movements and you clench around him with no control. Sukuna, being such an attentive partner, takes over thrusting into you from below, letting you ride out the high as your vision goes white from the hot waves of pleasure convulsing throughout your body.
“Fuck oh my god you’re so fucking perfect,” he growls, staring up at you with awe as you start to collapse against him, catching you with his strong arms.
“It’s a miracle I lasted through that,” he chuckles as he starts to roll you both back over, locking your legs around his waist as he slowly starts to rock into you again.
“Do you really love me?” you say softly, staring up into his eyes.
“You know I do,” he groans, his rhythm starting to get sloppy.
“Mmm, I love you too Sukuna,” you sigh, feeling him throb inside of you.
“Fuck! I’m gonna cum, where do you wannit?” he utters through gritted teeth.
“Fucking deep inside Kuna, want you to fill me up,” you moan, rocking your hips against his.
“Goddamn girl, gonna fuckin’ kill me,” he groans and with one last impossibly deep thrust, he unleashes his hot load, hips stuttering as he pumps thick ropes of cum into your pussy. 
He buries his face in the crook of your neck as his body finally begins to still, his hair tickling your skin as you cling to him, melding both of your bodies together. Your chests heave against each other as you catch your breaths, Sukuna’s large body pinning you beneath him. 
“Thaaaaat, was fucking awesome,” he finally exclaims, moving to lay at your side, pulling you snug against his chest.
“You have no idea,” you sigh with contentment, snuggling up to his warm body. 
You doze off and on while pressed up against him, his heartbeat thrumming against your cheek and his fingers tracing lazy circles on your upper arm. 
“Sorry I fell asleep on you,” you give him a sheepish smile as you sit up, turning to look at him.
“Tch, l just came inside you and you’re concerned that you fell asleep on me?” he teases, eyes lighting up. He looks genuinely happy and it makes your worries wash away.
“Shut up! Just…didn’t know how you’d be acting after all that.”
“I personally adore knowing I fucked you so good you passed out,” he grins, pulling you on top of his broad chest.
“I guess you did huh, body isn’t used to it I suppose,” you say as you rest your chin on his pecs.
“Hmm, that’s okay, thought it was cute having you fall asleep on me. You’re welcome to anytime,” he replies, his warm words making you want to bury yourself in his chest again.
“Oh I ordered a pizza while you were asleep, it should be here soon,” Sukuna says.
“Thank god!” you are starving and haven't even thought about dinner.
The doorbell rings and Sukuna gets up to grab you a fresh towel to clean up with.
“I’m sorry I should have done this earlier, I can come back to help you clean up,” he says as he searches the floor for his shorts.
“You’re fine, I’ll be up in a bit,” you wave him off, but appreciate the concern.
You clean up briefly and then pull on some sweats and a hoodie, trudging upstairs to join him. You realize you are pretty fucking sore right now, legs feeling a little shakey as you climb the stairs.
The storm must have stopped while you were both downstairs, the last traces of daylight rapidly fading into night as you peek out the window. Sukuna is in the kitchen getting plates and also a glass of water for you. He gives you a drive by peck on the lips before sitting down next to you.
“So what’s the plan,” Sukuna blurts out as he tends to do, he really has zero filter when it comes to saying what’s on his mind.
“What plan?” 
“The plan for you and me.”
“Well I don’t know the plan, but we can make one together,” you chuckle, “what’s at the top of your list?”
“I want you to be my girlfriend,” he says bluntly, taking a big bite of pizza while you almost choke on yours. 
“Damn okay tomato girl, don’t puke all over yourself in disgust at the thought,” he teases while you slap his arm, trying to regain your composure. 
“No! It just surprised me is all. Can you do a long distance relationship? I still have another year for my masters at least.”
“You’re worth waiting for. We can video call and shit too, and I’ll come visit you.”
“AND, while you are in school, I can go back to school too. Maybe we can be done close to the same time,” he adds. 
“Oh really?” 
“Yeah, been thinking about it since yesterday.”
“What do you think you’d want to go for?” 
“Probably something with car maintenance and repair. Actually seems to pay pretty well for the area and I already know a lot about working on them. I thought I could finish my business degree and do the apprenticeship at the same time. There’s so many online degree choices now, I should be able to make both work. God knows I have enough money.” 
“I think that is a great idea,” you respond, getting butterflies thinking about the future together. “My parents are going to be in for a shock.”
“Ha, yeah they are. They’re usually alright with me though, hopefully they’ll come around after hearing our plans. No way I’m worse than Cam. Which by the way, you technically have two boyfriends right now, playa,” he winks at you, making you snort in response. 
“I haven’t technically said yes to you yet,” you tease as you pinch his tattooed cheek, “and yes, I will be your girlfriend Sukuna. I’ll also send Cam a breakup text after eating then block him.” 
“Good, I don’t like being the other man.”
“Popsicle?” you ask, getting up to raid the freezer.
“Yes ma’am!”
One popsicle later, Sukuna has whisked you back downstairs and has his head between your legs again, eating the “real dessert” as he called it. He stops to let you send your breakup text, saying he wouldn’t let you cum until you were only his, but after that, the man is all over you until the early morning hours when you finally tap out, unable to keep your eyes open anymore.
Day 5
You awaken the next morning to Sukuna’s arms wrapped around your body and legs tangled in yours. It must be late considering the way the sun is beaming through the window. 
You groan with discomfort, your whole body feels sore and you are absolutely famished. 
“Sukuna,” you say sleepily, shaking him.
“Hmm? What?” he responds in a sleep raspy voice, sitting up and shoving his hair out of his eyes. 
“So hungry.”
“Lemme go get us some donuts.”
Your mouth waters at the thought, a local shop in the area makes apple cider donuts that you miss so much now that you live out of the area.
“What about your license?”
“It’ll be fine, I drive all the time and it’s not an issue. I just gotta be a good boy and not drive crazy,” he laughs. 
You feel yourself about to fall back asleep so you don’t argue. He crawls over to you, planting a soft kiss on your lips before getting up.
“I’ll be back in a bit, why don’t you sleep a little more, you look…quite rough,” he snickers.
“Wow I wonder what could have possibly caused this?” you roll your eyes at him. 
“Hmm I wonder?” he jokes, throwing on a shirt and sweats that he got from his house last night. 
“Love you tomato girl…friend,” he looks so proud of himself for coming up with that, making you groan.
“You are…something,” you burst out laughing, “love you too, see you soon.”
He comes over and gives you a big, crushing goodbye hug. 
“God I wish you could stay a little longer,” he nuzzles his face into your neck.
“It'll all be okay,” you thread your fingers through his hair one more time before he leaves you to bury yourself in the sheets again, quickly letting sleep consume you once again.
You are jarred from your slumber by your phone ringing. You sit up, disoriented, realizing it’s almost 3PM, much later than Sukuna was supposed to be back. Maybe he was upstairs letting you sleep.
You pick up your phone to answer. 
“This is a collect call from an inmate at the Southeastern Regional Jail, press 7 to accept.” 
taglist: @clp-84 @zeunys @aquaberrydolphin @nynxtea @yuujispinkhair @ssc7514
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r0uke-k4nten · 1 day ago
What would happen if a child were teleported into a spectre without knowledge to fend for themself? What would the other think when there's a child suddenly involved in these deadly games? How do they even survive with a child that has to be protected?
- he's the first guy to catch you into the cabin unconscious in his perspective bed, he just stood there at the door, unknowingly of what to do, after a while, someone will come to check on him and then in shock as they see a child.
- ngl He was having a flashback where he had a baby c00lkid on his doorway in the middle of the night.
He's going to be a bit awkward after you wake up. He's not going to stay quite. Of course, he knows a thing or two about communicating with a child in this situation. He's going to ask how you got in here, with the obvious answer of no at all.
- This leads into a dead end, with unknown parents, why are you here, where were you the last time before you were here, all of the questions always end with you not remembering and can't be answered.
- he feels bad for you, awful even, he unknowingly is a bit protective of you because you remind him a bit of his missing son, just a little bit though.
- In rounds, he kinda ordered you to stay close to guest or shedletsky as they can protect you.
- if he ever see you hurt, his fatherly instinct kicking in and began to run at you place, picking you up then immediately teleport away, distance from the killer.
- he will scold you if you accidentally hurt yourself, or body blocking someone as he healed you with a medkit. (Where does the medkit come from?)
- He quietly signs an adoption paper without your knowledge, not that you actually mind, he thought.
- if you were a bit on the older side and on the rebellious phase, there will be a lot of arguing to the point you both don't talk to each other after awhile he will feel bad, but it depends on who's in the wrong, he will apologize to you.... With a take-out food.
- see you after 007n7 sat you on the living room, asleep.
- he will look at 007n7 suspiciously, as he not trusting that man at all, especially when he suddenly has a kid in his bedroom. He may or may not lower down his distrust on him after an explanation...  key word: may.
- after you woke up, 007n7 slowly began to ask you a reasonable question, he watched from a distance as he realized that you began to feel overwhelmed. He sighed as he picked up some of his warm pizza, giving it to you.
- Being you, you gobble it in the second, feeling embarrassed because of your hunger. But he just laughed it off as his food is mouthwatering.
- In the round, he often took a look out at you if you were ever hurt and gave you a pizza to bust up your health.
- will feel bad for you if you tried to body block the killer when they targeted him, he immediately gives you a pizza afterwards. 
- If you have long hair, he will brush it off for you.
- good with kids actually, sometimes he helps a few kids from his workplace with fun activities.
- maybe he might have thought that you and his sister might get along.
Guest 1337
- damn he miss his family so much.
- You remind him of his family, his daughter more specifically.
- keep a very distant relationship with you unless it is necessary
- doesn't mind that you keep following him in rounds, as it's a benefit for both of you, you will fix a generator while he looks out for the killer.
-if you take a bit too long or you have a bit of a struggle, he tried to help you pinpoint the cable from where to where.
- will be in shock after your body blocked for someone, he pushed the killer and held you close to him while searching for a medkit or Elliot. He will tend your wound and begin to criticize you for your idiotic move ('then why are you bad at punching?' 'shut up.')
- won't talk to you for a while, not because he's mad at you, he's just frightened after what happened. Please just comfort him that you were fine at the end, he needs it.
-he may not be the closest, but he's there for you if you need to be protected.
Two time
“The spawn would be pleased” they said as you're tied to the sacrificial altar.
- If he were in pre-forsaken, he would be your brother, you were both adopted by 007n7 as he found both of you on his doorstep.
- you both give him a headache and his beloved child at the same time.
-If you were in the forsaken, however... be prepared as you will be the first target he lays his eyes on.
- because in his mind you both are the same age, therefore you should be 'playing' together.
Azure (might be ooc)
- You appeared in his limbo. Leaving him startled as you were asleep behind his 'bed.'
- bro's already dislikes you for this particular reason.
- will get annoyed every time you play with his hat or him in general.
- don't trust you at all at least in the beginning, but after a while he just lets you do whatever you want with him. Draw with him? Sure, you want to play with his tentacles? he doesn't care, have a make over? Aight enough.
- If you do, however, have an interest in botany, he will give you a few advice, just don't ask where they get their knowledge of botany.
John Doe
- Like c00lkid, if it was from pre-forsaken, he would be the best father to you, he will help you do your homework, comfort you if you had a hard time, generally a good father and a good wife for your mom, Jane Doe.
- I have a head canon that he mastered the art of grilled meat that it could battle a god.
-If you were in Forsaken, good luck because he doesn't remember you that much.
-maybe he will slightly remember after you're dead, slightly.
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sibsteria · 2 days ago
pls for the love of god write more spencer. ur writing is everything
The difference between love and pretending…
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Spencer Agnew x fem!Reader
a/n ask and ye shall receive
Warnings/Content: This be a short one, little bit of angst, pining, kissing, cheating, alcohol
Summary: He dated your friend, granted she treated him like dirt and you, doesn’t that break some kind of girl code? But he stood there, oh so beautiful and you just…
New! Spencer Agnew Prompt Series!
Prompt: “I can’t stop thinking about the last time we kissed.” “You say you don’t love me but you kissed me back like you did.”
The living room was heavy with the heartbreak of your best friend and colleague, for that matter. A stupid romcom blaring colour from the tv that he swore he didn’t like in the dim light room, wine drunk to high heaven, scattered takeaway containers around the table and a big big box of chocolate.
Having just broken up with your friend, catching her kissing one of her guy friends when she thought she was alone, you were here to help him feel better. You didn’t know if it was working, but you hope it was, you hated seeing him like this- not because you had a crush or anything. You set them up together so really it’s your own fault, your own fault that you had to watch the two people you love in this world kiss over and over, your own fault he sat here upset.
The tension grew awkward after he spoke, “I should have dated you instead.” He laughed, but in a sort of self deprecation way. And the alcohol that cling to your brain made the case even worse as you blurted out- “Maybe…” Your eyes met his, you know it was wrong- he was going through heartbreak and he had belonged to your friend not six hours ago and…
He leaned down, unsure of what he was actually doing right now, and sure enough your lips met. It turned sloppy and messy, your lipstick smearing over his face as you gripped each others clothing.
What were you doing?
You felt embarrassed at yourself, he was hurting and you just let him kiss you like that, how selfish can you be?
Soon after you had pulled away, you made an excuse and left, you can’t do this to him or to yourself. You didn’t want to stay and become a rebound girl for the man you were pretty sure you loved.
You didn’t talk about it after that night, the rooms went silent and stuffy when it was just the two of you, neither of you knowing what to say.
Both of you tried to build your friendship back up, eventually getting to a point where you could exchange niceties when working, but in the back of your head you were sort of regretting what happened.
“Can I talk to you for a second…alone?” You paused as you packed up to leave, it was getting late and you didn’t want to bother the clean up crew.
“Um, yeah, sure- is everything okay?” You ask, your eyes darted anywhere but his face.
“No.” He put it plain and simple, it had been at least four months since that night, was he still angry at you?
“Oh…” Was all you could say, waving goodbye to your desk buddies before it left just the two of you.
“I can’t stop thinking about the last time we kissed.” He huffed out, swiping some hair out of his eyes.
“Ah…what do you mean?” You knew this was coming eventually, it was stupid to think it wouldn’t.
“I can’t stop thinking about it, about you…” You blink at his words, about you?
“About me?” Your breathing became a little heavier as the office was silent and still.
“About how much I want to kiss you again…” You gasped quietly, was he on drugs?
“I get it, if you don’t feel the same way but…I kind of know you do…” He trails off, looking a little awkward.
“I’m not sure what you mean.” You panicked a little, how did he know about your feelings? Was this a trick? You betted on Ian spilling the beans, of course he did!
“I feel like I used you that night, the night we kissed because…I knew you had feelings for me and I just…wanted to feel like someone loved me.” He’s upset at his own words, at himself for taking advantage of you and your feelings for him. You had gotten it all wrong, he wasn’t angry at you. You stayed calm even thought you felt utterly embarrassed that he had known about your feelings for so long.
“I…thought I was using you…because of how I felt and I thought I was being selfish letting you kiss me when I knew you loved her.” Her being your friend, of course.
“Let me kiss you again…” He stepped towards you, a fire in his eyes.
“What? Why?” You don’t want your feelings played around like that.
“Because…I, I like you back.” He softens at you, “Since that night, since the kiss, it’s like you messed with me…and I can’t stop thinking about you.” This can’t be true, it was just convenience.
“Spencer, no, you don’t. It’s just-“
“Yes…I do, I know the difference between love and pretending.” He was a smart man, of course he knew, not that you fully believed it.
“Okay, well…” You couldn’t do this to your friend, could you? You had only just patched things up after being angry at her for so long for breaking his heart, how would it look now if you just swooped him up? “I can’t…because she-“
“Forget about her, I stopped thinking about her the moment our lips touched and it’s not like she doesn’t deserve this…you shouldn’t care about her feelings more than your own.” Why was he so right?
“How are you so sure I love you, still? I don’t.” You had it coming as soon as you said that, your voice wavering because of the dishonesty in it. You couldn’t do this to her-
He scoffed, putting his hands up and cupping your jaw before pulling you into the most phenomenal kiss of your life, it happened quickly and you followed suit- kissing him back with the same passion.
His hands tangled in your hair as you came up to steady yourself on his chest, it went on for a while before he pulled away- a sick grin on his features.
“You say you don’t love me but you kissed me back like you did.” His eyes are shining as you can’t find anything to deny.
“I…” You swallowed the lump that had formed in your throat, you didn’t know what to say.
“One date? If we aren’t a match then that’s the end…but I don’t see that happening, I really, really want this to work with you. Don’t think about what she might think or say. We were friends for much longer and…you don’t need someone like her in your life” She did treat you terribly, you were always so kind to people and they took it for granted more often than not.
“You know, you are really stubborn.” You suppressed a smile, looking at him with a glint of joy in your eyes.
“Tomorrow? I’ll pick you up at 6? They do discounts on the bowling place down the street after 8, we could get some dinner…or something like that?” That sounded amazing, a chill first date.
“Perfect.” You bite your bottom lip, smiling.
“You won’t regret it.” He leans in to kiss your cheek.
What have you gotten yourself into?
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multiheadcanons · 3 days ago
enjoy you nasty freaks. i SURE AS SHIT enjoyed writing it!
scout: scout is probably the most straight guy on the team. like 90% straight. there’s a couple of guys he’d be willing to suck off, but he really just doesn’t see a lot of dudes he absolutely HAS to have. sometimes he thinks about his team a little too much while he’s jerking himself off, but when he looks at them and he’s not sexually frustrated he doesn’t really feel anyway about them, at least not sexually. 5.5 inches, not impressively girthy. curves to the left. circumcised. casual masturbator. generally lazily stroking himself while his mind wanders. really only masturbates if he’s bored, or can’t sleep. this bostonian is a certified woman lover, he likes a lady with a looooot of curves. loves those women who look like the epitome of a woman. big tits, fat ass, soft belly, and you better have cellulite or don’t come talking to him. he likes his ladies all natural and unshaven. plastic surgery HATERR. truthfully, he doesn’t care what you do with your body. body positivity and all that shit. but he thinks that’s the biggest waste of money a lady could choose. if a woman tells him she’s had work done his libido immediately plummets into hell. he becomes the straight GBF. if he wanted to fuck plastic he’d get a pocket pussy. keep your liposuction to yourself, DOCTOR. he likes having a lot to hold. watching his hands sink into skin makes his dick twitch so bad. once got sucked off by someone with a tongue piercing and that was a religious experience for him; official piercing appreciator if you can do something with it. oral lover, though he’s not good at giving or receiving. he squirms, and his legs twitch. if you’re too good he’ll kick you off, sometimes he’ll literally kick you. at that point tie the man up. eyes roll to the back of his head once you get to the base. he can’t even make eye contact with you if you actively have his dick in your mouth. and he talks too much. he’s not very good at dirty talk, he’s just a stuttering fool. gets way too excited if you ask him to eat you out. if he doesn’t push you on the bed and drop to his knees he himself will fall on the bed and slap his cheeks. he’s prepping your seat. break his fucking nose. swipe his shit like a credit card. he gets so lost in the sauce. he’ll be focused for a moment, but it always devolves to him kissing and sucking on your clit. he’ll kiss your pussy more than he’ll actually kiss you. just so grateful for the opportunity to appreciate a woman every time he’s given one. busts quick by the time you’re done with foreplay and he actually slides into you. he really does his best to make sure you’re prepared, if he didn’t tongue fuck you to climax, but he cannot swing with the big boys. it’s okay, give him ten minutes and he’ll be ready to go. and if you don’t want to wait, his face is right there. take your seat! hates missionary, not because he doesn’t want to see your face, but because he just can’t get deep enough. wants to be able to reach between your bodies and spread you open further. likes you face down ass up so he can spread them cheeks and thrust. fucks like a rabbit. you could beg him to take it slow and you’ll get a solid three pumps before he just pistons into you. he likes it when his partners are vocal. it’s motivational. quiet cursing and low groans. breath hitches into a high pitched squeak as he cums. thick. coats your fingers and sticks them together. very acidic. not fun to swallow a whole load, but good to taste. spit it in his mouth though. see how that goes. falls asleep very quickly after sex, but is awake long enough to give you some aftercare, mainly cuddles. if he wakes up in the middle of the night y’all will have sex. sorry not sorry. he’ll either wake you up as he’s moving you into a preferred position, or you’ll wake up as he’s sliding into you. doesn’t like hickies. not enough meat on his bones to make a bite feel good, and he hates to say it but also not really: if he doesn’t like you his dick is perma-soft. it’s sucked back into his body. he can’t do casual sex because he has to know you a little bit to like you.
soldier: the second straightest guy on the team at like… 80% straight. he can’t help it if he’s looking his good friend demo the man in his eye and plants a fat one on him. and kissing your engineer friend— everyone should kiss their engineer friend, why would you not kiss your engineer friend? got the best damn lips since a bouquet of tulips, kiss your engineer friends, you’ll see. soldier is a stacked, jacked, and juiced man with an average libido. a large frame with some nice squish before you hit solid muscle, and he likes his sexual partners similar in stature. there’s nothing better to him than two people in peak physical condition getting it on. good seven inches. thick. circumcised. got a vein on the underside. masturbation is a tool he doesn’t use often. prefers a good old circlejerk with his teammates. a couple have said yes to him on that, we won’t say any names here. soldier is a man who likes to get to the point. there is not any foreplay unless you force foreplay. you get about a minute of making out and you better be ready to go. unless he really thinks you’re pretty. he can’t help but touch artwork. it’s not even that he doesn’t like it, he just doesn’t consider it because he himself doesn’t need it. he really doesn’t even want you to suck him off, he would like to put your ankles by your ears and go for it. but if you ask, he’ll oblige. don’t ask him if he needs it reciprocated, you will be harshly shut down. he hates receiving oral, he worries about teeth. he loves his penis very much, too much to let it be harmed. not the kind for gentle sex unless it’s a lazy morning and you wake him up with it. he is a quiet guy. he doesn’t go out of his way to dirty talk, per se, but as he makes what he thinks is casual conversation during sex, he’ll grunt out a remark here and there. how good you feel. how pretty you look. he’ll ask if it feels good or if you want another position. if he’s feeling particularly tender, he’ll slow down. pulling all the way out and then slowly pushing back in. he likes watching you squirm. he’s almost waiting for you to beg. will always cum inside of you unless you beg him to do it elsewhere. feels like a waste to him otherwise, but he will admit it does something to him to see you looking up, mouth open and tongue out to catch his load. it’s the only time he just wants to stick his dick in your mouth and start pumping. sometimes, if he’s feeling really nasty, he’ll slap you. not hard, but enough to make your cheeks pink. in the height of sex, he doesn’t really care about your reaction unless you start crying. another man with thick, sticky cum. doesn’t taste bad, actually. a little bitter. it almost leaves… a burn? like when you eat pineapples. you have to tell soldier what you want. if you want him to be gentle with you, let him know before he’s balls deep. if you want him to be rough and treat you like a sex doll, tell him before he’s hard. he will do what you like, he can do what you like, but if you don’t ask he’s not intuiting it from you. otherwise, as his sexual partner, you are there to spread your legs and invite him in. never minds giving a reacharound, but if you invite a vibrator to the party he gets hesitant. only while the things not on though. once he gets the thing on and located where you want it he’s enthralled by how much more lively you get. dick appreciator. he does believe in the school of thought of pretty penises and ugly penises. he will make fun of you if he thinks your dick is ugly. but will NEVER make fun of a lady. unintentionally a cruel master. does not bottom. will not bottom unless it’s your birthday or you’re terminally ill and it’s your dying wish. and don’t expect him to like… bleach his asshole. come fuck him like god intended you to. likes his partners unaltered. don’t shave. if you think he likes you enough don’t shower either. likes the smell of musk and sex together. post coitus is nice. he’ll wrap an arm around you, ask if you’re good. ask if you enjoyed it. then, and this is the important question, he’s gonna ask if you want more. say yes.
pyro: pyro doesn’t even think about sex. so anytime they have a sexual encounter with themselves they’re rediscovering how sex feels. it’s a confusing, exhausting process for them. sometimes their mind wanders. and they don’t really register why they feel the way they do. just that they’re angrier, twitchy, and the damn suit is so uncomfortable. and as they’re pulling their suit, trying to give themselves breathing room, they’ll brush their own hand against their hips and be filled with a heat. a very specific heat, that overtakes them from their stomach to their feet. and then they go “oh.” and they have to go take care of themselves and get their head back on straight. they do not last very long. they’re touched so rarely, they get a good couple of slow rotations of their hips and maybe a hesitant nipple rub in before they cum with a shudder, letting out surprised gasps before they lengthen into a satisfied groan. and they slump on their bed. they hate the mess it leaves. both on the bed and in their mind. in a way, they are absolutely snapped back to reality, because it’s like they can’t stop thinking about sex once they start. they’ll sit uncomfortably close to their teammates, close enough to feel the heat radiating off of them, and let their mind wander. sometimes they’ll just reach out and run their hands down their teammates bodies. there’s too much confusion and frankly, concern for the team to react in an aggressive or otherwise negative manner. they’ll lay on medic’s operating table and both of them can tell that the table is shaking from how badly pyro wants to be touched. and it’s so cold in there. they need that warmth. medic has never, and will never, interact with pyro sexually. it’s less of an ethics thing and more of a moral stance. he sees pyro as a friend, and can’t allow himself to be part of pyro stooping below the pits of hell for touch. he’s willing to commit crimes with pyro, and is that not a friend? refuses to ask about what’s under the mask on principle. if pyro was a little less desperate, and more sexually secure, and more mentally there, they would realize they want to hate fuck the enemy spy so bad it makes them look stupid. pyro goes out of their way, cornering the spy in dark, empty, small spaces. and stares. sometimes it gets them killed, yes. but if spy would wait, he would see that pyro just wants to look. get lost for a minute in his eyes. see the momentary fear before the plan begins to hatch in the frenchman’s head. maybe touch a little. maybe press against each other. maybe a little petting through their clothes. nobody can read spy better than pyro can. because pyro just hates him. pyro sees him everyday and cannot stop the distaste. they think so much about spy. it’s not enough to kill that man almost every day. they need that nasty frenchman carnally. lighting his cigarette is foreplay. switch royalty, relishes in being full and thoroughly enjoys filling others. doesn’t like being teased. whimpers, borderline sobs those first few thrusts, regardless of if they’re bottoming or topping. it just feels too good, it wipes their mind completely blank. pyro doesn’t last long. sex goes at their pace; if they say they’re done, get off. needs aftercare so bad. wants to be held and gently touched and told how well they did. told how good they are. sex opens the door for regret for pyro, and they don’t want to regret being open with people. they want to be open with people. dirty talk can’t even be dirty, you’ll freak them out and they’ll think what you’re saying is true. unless you’re spy, he can call them what he wants. only takes the mask off if they’re absolutely overheating. otherwise it stays on. will beg for you, if you ask. eager to please, eager to be pleased, and if you’re nice enough, everyone can have a good time. pyro just may not want the good times to end. eventually they will have to, so that pyro can focus on the field. but also, if you offer to meet them in a crawlspace, they won’t deny you. just give them a time so they can at least pretend to be an asset to the team.
demo: mmm, bisexual king i love you tavish finnegan degroot mwah mwah. will kiss, lick, suck and fuck anyone with a pulse. giant women, short kings, mediocre gender nonconformists, everyone can get in the ring with demo if they think they can handle it. hell, he’ll flirt with a hole in the ground if the crack is nice. no real type, be your version of sexy and he’ll eat it up, just pucker up and get close. he doesn’t bite... too hard. okay i lied, yes he does. loves biting, loves hickies. loves sucking on your bottom lip until it’s raw. foreplay is a full body experience. he’ll sweep you in his arms as he kisses you, he envelops your body with his own, he’ll swallow you whole if you let him. there is not a trace of skin he will leave untouched, and his body is hot, like fire. the cold air around you will shock you as he pulls away from your body. you can’t help but pull him back. the heat is intoxicating. it makes him laugh. he can’t help but poke at you. ask if you need him that badly. and if he really likes you, you’re his new favorite pastime. can and will spend hours holding you in his lap with one hand and fingering you with the other, watching where and how you twitch, what makes you sigh, what makes your breath catch in your throat. tells you how pretty you look as you squirm in his lap. very attentive lover. solid six and a half inches, uncut, no lean, clean shaven. big balls. has a prince albert. he likes the sound skin makes when it slaps together. his easy going attitude does lend itself to sex. when you’re ready for him, you just let him know how you want him and he will go until you ask for something else. one of the few men on earth who understands “just like that” means just like that and “right there” means right there. appreciative when you get on top, though. he’s got the energy to talk to you then, let you know how pretty you look, how grateful he is for you. he starts slurring his words when he’s close. eloquently stated compliments turn into brutish groans of how good you feel. how he can’t be deep enough inside you. how it’s just not enough for him. is kind enough to pull out and cum on himself. unless you ask otherwise. wipes it off with his fingers and puts them in your mouth. cum is watery, and tastes as such. maybe slightly salted water. decent aftercare. wipes you both off, makes sure you’re okay, and if it’s not nighttime, he’s going to continue about his day, in a notably less lax, more focused manner. he’ll see what he can get done today in his post nut clarity. willing to bottom if he’s feeling particularly pretty (spoiler alert tavish always feels particularly pretty), but he’s kind of a brat. snarky, almost scathing shit talker until you push inside of him. the yapping stops very fast as he opts for deep breaths and quiet curses, his breathing turning into pants as he clutches at the sheets. bossy. demands more. harder. deeper. fuck him like you’ve got some life in you. and he’s not riding so don’t ask. will tie you to the bed if you tell him to “do whatever”. probably likes feet. not enough to have a fetish but he likes a pretty, soft foot with a polish on the toes, he’ll kiss them. good at massages, if by massages you mean maybe five minutes of a truthfully nice massage before he can’t help but start palming himself through his pants. maybe not the smartest idea to ask him to give you a massage. unless that’s what you wanted. drunk sex is nasty. and rowdy. and wet. he can’t keep focus on anything other than how good you feel and how good he can make you feel, and he makes it known as he slurs in your ears about being his good little toy. he’ll push you to the limit when he’s drunk. heavy handler, digging his fingers into your sides to keep you in place so he can use you as he sees fit. it almost hurts but the man’s gifted where it matters, and that’s hitting your g spot. he’s got the motion of your ocean down. he’ll clean you up after. don’t worry. you might have fingerprint sized bruises after. he’ll ask if you want to shower off after the first few rounds. that is a trap. say yes.
heavy: i hope you’re a size queen. heavy is a guy with a lot of weight on his shoulders. he wants to lay back and let someone else take the reigns. ride him to your heart’s content. suck him off. do what you want. he’s just not doing any work to get you there. unless you beg for him. a satisfying eight inches. thick. circumcised. no notable veins. likes a good cockwarmer. enjoys just being inside someone. likes the heat. he’ll fall asleep like that. just pull you close to him and he’s done, he’s going beddy byes. he doesn’t really care if he cums or not, it takes him so long to get there that he gets bored before he gets close. frankly; he thought he didn’t care about sex because he has a lot of responsibilities. he thought that until he saw the medic. now he’s just pretty sure he’s kinda gay. because he does still appreciate a womanly figure, and he is aroused by women regularly, but he wants that german biblically and constantly. in the bed. on the floor. against the wall. on the battlefield. in the shower. in the car. on the operating table. behind the building. in the park. in the rain. missionary. doggy style. 69. butterfly. corkscrew. cowgirl. rocking horse. he wants that man wrapped in a bow. stuck in the washer. naked and asleep in his bed. in a nurse outfit. stockings included. cuffed bound and gagged. he wants to make him cry. he wants to overpower and overwhelm that man and die inside of him. he wants to fuck that man until he’s stupid. until all he can think of is how good he feels. he wants to make messes of their clothes and sheets and bodies. he wants to break those stupid fucking glasses. heavy’s killed medic before. he knows what it takes to crush him. he wants to know what it takes to break him. medic will talk to him and he’s gone. thinking of the best place he can go to take care of this poor man. the doctor asks if he’s still with him, he answers honestly: “no.” if he’s asked what he’s thinking about, it’s another simple answer: “you.” the doctor doesn’t even know what that’s supposed to mean. he’s touched nonetheless. heavy blinks and sees medic naked, writhing and panting underneath him in the fractions of the second his eyes are closed, and he opens them and the doctor is right there. clothed, if marginally concerned. he hears his name so clearly as the doctor pants it out to him, but as he turns to face him, it’s simply “heavy”. both the fantasy and the reality are comforting. they leave him satisfied. quiet during sex, if not actively asleep or feeling a little more domineering, and when he’s the latter he’s not… a particularly nice partner. he doesn’t yell, or hit you. but mercy is not given. he’ll go slow, if you beg for it. but if you’re just bitching he’ll say that. he’ll scoff as he presses into you, affirming that you can take it, you can be his good little doll and take it or you can be a disappointment and leave. frankly, getting heavy to do anything you want comes with a lot of begging and bargaining. he enjoys the psychological warfare, in a way. he is kind, but he doesn’t have to be. he doesn’t always want to be. he’ll eat you out, but you’re not allowed to cum. he’ll finger you, but only one finger. don’t get greedy. or do. see what he decides is a better compromise. he pulls hair. he can encompass an entire scalp in his hand, and he pulls back with careful control. significant eye contact. gentle biter. also a licker. he loves tasting the sweat off your skin, it’s addicting to him, and it’ll always lead into him biting down, running his tongue along the indentations his teeth make on your skin. if he’s more lax, gives ample warning when he’s close. if he’s feeling a little mean, you’ll just have to wait to hear his breathing change. cums with a long, warm sigh. doesn’t pull out. won’t pull out. pulls you closer and snuggles up. get comfortable. so warm. almost stiflingly so. with his arms draped over you and his breath on the back of your neck, there’s no escape from the heat he emanates. does not go for more than one round, but if he doesn’t cum then it’s all one round, right?
engineer: PUT THE HORSE IN THE STABLE, YOU DO NOT NEED IT FOR THIS RIDE. the ultimate fantasy he has, anytime he’s a little horny, is him walking into his workshop and seeing a siren on his workbench, or his bed, or on the floor, naked and natural, either reading a book or tinkering with something or watching tv, doesn’t matter, just that whoever it is is sexy and will invite him to come sit next to them, and won’t pull away when he gets handsy. likes belly piercings, he thinks they’re hot. is an ass man. loves squeezing hips and ass and thighs and watching his hands sink into the skin, he starts to drool. please ride him. please ride him on the bed, on the floor, in a chair. he does spank, and he will put you over his knee to do so. he’s aiming for bruises. a rough lover, but very kind with his words. knows how to use his accent to keep you engaged. likes to talk to you. almost doesn’t shut up. it would be worse if he didn’t sound so damn sexy. it’s almost condescending. like you’ve never had sex before. almost forces your hips to rock against his as he croons compliments about how well you’re doing; and asks whether he’s making you feel as good as you’re making him feel. kisses with tongue, and he will stick his entire tongue down your throat. he wants to taste you in your entirety. the man’s a maker, and that includes toys. did someone say sex machines? exhibitionist. ties you up, sets up a camera, turns the machine on, tells you to behave yourself and leaves. if he likes you he’ll give you a kiss before he goes to continue on his day. and if he really likes you he’ll tell someone else to check in on you. they don’t get to touch though. and don’t think you won’t get a say! if you make a very nice request on who comes to check in on you he’ll see if he can swing it. he’s not asking scout, and he thinks it would actually traumatize pyro, so pick one of the other six. it makes him feel better about himself having someone see you in such a vulnerable state. it’s a hard brag, he’s not gonna lie. you’re the treat he’s waiting for back in his workshop. loves coming back to you, ruined and exhausted. he’ll pull you off the machine, and clean you up, before you hear his overalls hit the floor. engie has a really nice dick. a filling 5.5 inches, circumcision done by an angel, thick. balls are picturesque. tip gets bright red. it just looks so good. you just want to suck it. it looks like it’ll explode if you don’t put it somewhere inside you in seconds of him getting hard. and he doesn’t say anything about it, but it almost looks painful. you’ll relieve him though. he loves teasing you with his dick too, he’s so mean. he makes you beg for it. taps it against your cheek; runs the tip, beading with precum, along your bottom lip. cum is very salty. almost not good. but are you gonna tell him that when he’s asking you to swallow? be his good baby and you’ll get rewarded. his major weakness is criers. he starts to feel so bad, it kills his mood. unless you’re crying because you want him that badly. then you’ve got him wrapped around your finger. you should beg for him to stay. he ultimately won’t, he really wants to, but he’ll allow himself to be a little late if it means you’ll stop crying. he won’t bully you as hard, even if he thinks you look cute with tears running down your cheeks and dick in your mouth. this man will tie you up in the basement and use you until he’s bored, and then he will leave you to die. as overwhelming as it all is, if you’re looking for longevity, sexual relationship wise, or you don’t want to get hooked only to wake up on a random tuesday and find he’s gone, permanently, force him to pump the brakes. or take charge yourself. he might be a freak but he’s not heartless, he might really like you! but if he just sees you as his sexual partner it’s harder to break through because he’s only focused with the mutual physical benefit, and not really thinking about forging a bond. and one more thing. get out before his post nut clarity hits or you’re not gonna get another opportunity to. he won’t be done with you.
medic: HERBERT LUDWIG!! medic sees sex with women like he sees recreational drugs. a very nice treat every once in a while, but he overdid it when he was young. it’s just not something he’s nearly as interested in anymore, unless the lady in question is one of a madly curious kind. he’s found more niche interests. harder drugs, so to say. reality shifting mind fucking eldritch edgelord looking for a well hung stag who can peer into the void and cum on its face, aftercare not wanted. literal edgelord, he won’t let you cum without punishment. favorite thing to say is “not yet.” he loves being overstimulated. he personally isn’t going to stop until he’s crying for you to give it a rest. but if you try to stop, he’s going to beg you to keep going. he’ll fall asleep on you if you last that long with him. he needs a safe word, desperately. yes, you may fuck him on the operating table. as long as you return the favor and let him operate. will stick his dick in a wound with a chuckle. unnecessarily loud. like a cat in heat. with all credit to the man, he tries to be quiet, but if you’re good… he can’t help it, okay. stick something in his mouth to shut him up or risk getting caught. be careful though, he bites. had a prince albert. an appreciable six inches. six and a quarter, if you ask him. thin. large veins on the underside. curves to the right. circumcised. he will choke you out on his cock. pushes you down until he can feel your throat spasming around the tip, and that gets him hot. don’t be scared to return the favor! choke him out! slap him! he likes it! you might give him a heart attack if you slap him out of the blue, maybe warn him first. or don’t! he won’t mind! too much! he has a fantasy of being collared and led around the field by a leash. it’s one of his favorite fantasies. it’s not even sexual, not in his mind anyway, but it always gets him off. the idea of heeling dutifully into open fire. without the choice to back out. not that he does anyway, but the idea that whoever’s leading him around has his life in their hands much more than he does theirs, and then they let him die makes his blood rush. he doesn’t even get to the part in his imagination where he gets actually hit with the bullets, he’s cum well before then. he’s going to wear his glasses and they’re going to fall off, learn to dodge them. picturesque back muscles and biceps. the bulk of the weight of the medigun is on his back and in his hands. he has got traps and delts for days, i just know it. the way they’d flex in dim lighting. i know he looks so good naked in a bed. asleep, awake and reading, half covered (or fully covered) by the comforter. he’s not laying in a bed naked and uncovered. get him a blanket. and put his cum in a brita. watery, and it tastes as such. slight tang. and i don’t care that he probably smells like bleach and blood and viscera. i just know the smell of the infirmary post sex is addicting, like sucking on a button battery. and the doctor will never deny a rimjob. he keeps clean. he’s a particularly boring top because topping bores him more often than it doesn’t, unless you’re suggesting something particularly intriguing. it’s not the worst thing in the world, it feels good, just not good enough to cum. it’s good foreplay, he’s engaged with it enough, he’s even notably nicer as a top! doting, playful, kind— if you could put it that way! but it’s because he’s getting bored. and he’s really hoping you’ll take note and return the favor, whatever that may mean to him. it’s hard to keep the doctor’s attention and interest, sexually. he’s a busy man, and he’s got a lot of things he can do that he has decided to put off to indulge himself. the second he thinks there’s something better to do he’s going to go do it, and he will be notably frustrated that he wasn’t satisfied on his end. so maybe don’t initiate unless you’re sure you can swing it with him in the way he needs it. he’s not the easiest man to be around when he’s frustrated. and if you’ve disappointed him once he’s not going to give you the opportunity to do so again.
sniper: depends on when you catch him, really. snipes is a man that can do it all if it’s asked of him. he will certainly try to give you everything you need. you want a night under the stars so good you’ll cry while he tells you about how the glow of the moon illuminates the tear stains on your face and makes you that much more beautiful that will leave you sore and emotionally depleted the next day while you look over and see he’s made you some coffee? he can do that. you want to get chased through the forest for thirty minutes up to nightfall (depending on how good you are at surviving) that he tossed you in until you get genuinely panicked that you’re lost and he gets bored watching you run around in circles (literally, you’re just making big circles and you’re not actually getting anywhere) and blows a tranq dart in your asscheek and you wake up bound and naked in the van? he can do that too. either way you get maybe one really good session a month with snipes. and it’s in that one session that lasts maybe 48-72 hours, that you need to take advantage of it and make him do everything you could ever want him to. otherwise, don’t bother him with anything too fancy during the day. suck him off, put your genitals in his face to lick on, call it a day. master of the quickie, talented with his hands. hard biter. gets him off faster. and the faster he can satisfy you both the faster he can get back to his own business that he’s got for the day. snipes is really busy for a guy who seemingly does nothing all day, but trust him, he’s got a full plate. do you think he actually pays attention to the no-compete clause? its amazing what an ad can do for business. i digress… tall guy, big hands, long dick. satisfying seven inches, but not girthy at all. left ball is bigger than the right, saggy and uncut. that man hasn’t worn underwear since he was ten. you know he’s freeballing it. whole thing gets real red and oozes precum. snipes does not take long to get going, to bust, nor recover for another round. he’s just not interested in the general messiness of sex. to him it is a thing done to procreate and if he’s not trying to procreate he shouldn’t be doing it. and most of the time, he’s not trying to procreate. does his best work irritated, but do not pester him too often. though, if you ask very nicely, he’ll let you suck him off in his nest. he cannot state enough how much he needs both hands to do his job. he can spare his dick. he can’t spare a hand or an eye to help you out. so get what you need then get off. but, when he’s feeling a little more tender and he can spare you a night, and he can tell you’re needing attention… he’ll show you a better time. will NEVER fuck in the base no matter how inclement the weather gets. he’d rather get frostbite. he’d rather get ticks. and you can theoretically be as loud as you want outside. at least if anyone hears you they won’t see you unless they’re creeping. speaking of which, he is also a creep. he’ll watch you through your bedroom window, hide under your bed, watch from a crack in your closet. if you let him, of course. he’s only vocal when he feels like he can be. which is not in a room. but when he’s in the van, or you’re out in the middle of nowhere, he’s begging for you. pleading for you. grabbing at whatever he can and burying his nose in the crook of your neck and using you as a personal inhaler, then he bites down. once he’s latched on, you’ve got a solid ten more thrusts out of him before he cums. and it’s pathetic. it shakes him, his voice will crack, and he will fall limp, holding you as close as he possibly can. even if he pulls out. he doesn’t care. you can both be dirty. and he lays there for a moment, taking you in in the darkness. if he doesn’t get lost in the post nut clarity, he’ll grab whatever fabric is closest and wipe you both off. then he’ll ask if he can grab you something to drink or anything to eat. but he’s not gone from the bed for more than a minute. he will come straight back with what you need and crawl back into the bed. he gets great sleep after sex.
spy: if spy knew that the only thing he had to do to get pyro off his back was fuck the thing until it got bored he would’ve done it years ago. sex is a tool that spy knows how to use, and thoroughly enjoys using on any and all sexes. a man who will not deny himself a good time, he has been an active member of many orgies, and found his stride in one on one, one on two, and one on three, and one on four settings. once you get to five he starts struggling to keep up alone. a lovely six inches, uncut and shaven with no notable veins. capable hands. talented tongue. that’s why he starts losing ground past four other sexual partners at a time. but for those lucky four, he’s a drug most are unwilling to quit on their own. king of gentle sex, god of a rough session; and the mask stays on either way. and he’ll admit— if there’s a glory hole he’s using it! almost physically unable to not stick his dick in random holes. spy does have a high libido, but he is never hurting for sex. almost like demo’s shit list, but for sex, spy has multiple pages of a roster of people’s full government name, pictures, current phone number, and preferred sexual acts included. he can comb through to find exactly what he’s looking for at any time, and it’s pretty obvious when he’s on the hunt for an addition to the list. he’s fun, he’s flirty, he’s smooth, obscenely smooth. smooth like the ice cream of a root beer float. sweet like one too. he’ll show you a great time before you’re even thinking of sex; then he springs it on you. he is not very… subtle, in that sense. it’s very quick from one of the best dates you’ve ever been on to “take off your clothes”. and you’ll do it too. loves a good ride, he will lay back and watch you, stifling groans and fighting his eyes closing just so he can watch himself enter and exit you. loves snowballing, he likes the taste of himself. he thinks if you don’t you have self esteem issues. he is just as pleased to be on top of a good ride. he’s willing to cut loose a little more if he bottoms, a little more open to making some noise. he’s an encouraging lover in that sense; he can be whatever you want as long as he’s in the mood for it. but he won’t contact you if he isn’t currently interested in your sexual style. and do not contact him, because he will contact you when he wants you. he is the only one in his life who is allowed to solicit others for sex. approaching him for sex first will get you laughed at, rejected, and you’ll probably be the topic over coffee for the next morning. he might still call you in a couple days, though. and adventurous as he may be, that does not make spy a cheater. but anything he does couldn’t be considered cheating because he’ll never get into a committed monogamous relationship again. he might try a polycule if the people in it are interesting and different enough. and he’s got an insane swinger radar. it’s a little funny, because he hates swingers. with a deep seeded vitriol. the second you approach him with the “my partner and i noticed you from across the bar and we really liked your vibe—” he will tell you to fuck off. aggressively. and he’s spot on, every time. he also will not cuckold, or be the bull in a cuckolding relationship. he is a big kinkshamer. both in and out of bed. even if he likes the kink you’re proposing, he’s gonna make you feel like a freak about it first. then he’s gonna do it. “you want to tie me up? that’s disgusting, that’s crass, here’s the rope, do it right.” “why would you be interested in my feet? i only just got a pedicure. don’t suck on my toes, i hate the sensation.” cum is thick but not sticky, with an after burn almost like liquor. fun to play with and to eat. he’ll even eat it out of you if he cums inside. sloppy eater. not because he’s bad, but because he loves oral. he gets a little lost in the sauce, and can and will be down there for a solid hour. deep, wet kisses, yes he does use tongue. it does something to him to be connected to you by a string of saliva. post coitus is nice. he’ll share a cigarette with you. then he has to go do his job.
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mxtantrights · 2 days ago
mob!bucky knows you know
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It wasn't a ceremony. It wasn't much of anything. Apparently Sam got ordained and that meant he was legally able to marry you and Bucky. Which, you had no clue was happening today.
But that was only one surprises in store for you.
When you got up to answer your door, there was Steve. He grumbled something about your presence being requested at Bucky's estate. His estate which you haven't been to ever--because the whole point of a secret relationship was to keep a secret.
A trist on an estate is hardly a secret.
So you sat passenger side in Steve's Mustang. Neither of you said a word to each other on the ride up there. You kind of wanted to talk to Steve but you knew he was still rightfully holding a bit of a grudge towards you.
It took a very long hour and third minutes to get to the estate.
As soon as you stepped out of the car, you were rushed inside. Steve told you that Bucky was waiting of you but you didn't know what he really meant until you saw him, and all of it.
There were flower petals on the ground, white ones. There was no furniture. Except for a single altar, which he stood at. Sam stood to his right.
"We're doing this now?" you asked.
"Now or never, sweetheart." Bucky said.
You looked down at your clothes. Silently you cursed Steve for not letting you bring something with you to change into. But you stopped yourself right then and there. This wasn't a marriage of love, it was out of necessity. It was a deal.
You walked on over the petals and joined Sam and Bucky.
"Took you both a long time, but here we are. I'm not gonna drag this because we've got a busy schedule today." Sam snickered.
"Thanks." Bucky muttered.
Quickly you looked him over once. He looked a bit--practiced, stone cold. You thought to yourself that was understandable. Based on what Steve told you about how he took the break up.
You were willing to bet that was only a part of it. Bucky never really shared that much about his feelings. Even when you were together. You knew he cared for you deeply with his actions. But he never said it.
To make yourself feel better you always thought you never needed him to say it.
As you stood across from him, hands at your sides as Sam started to speak again, you regretted it. You regretted not ever asking how he felt about you.
Because you know for sure that you were in love with Bucky Barnes.
And a part of you still is.
Bucky opens the basement door. And you find the one man you wouldn't want to see any other day. But today is different because you do actually want to see him.
Brock Rumlow is tied to a chair and gagged. You can't help the sigh of relief that comes out of you. He looks at you with wide eyes and starts trying to get out of his restraints.
"You're not gonna get out of that. The kid, Peter, he's got a knack for tying knots. We call him The Spider." Bucky says.
You walk closer into the room. Seeing Brock so helpless gives you a bit of a rush. A rush that a couple of years ago you would have found repulsive. But knowing what you know about Brock now, you find it satisfying.
With a smirk, you lean in close to him.
"You're delusional if you ever thought I would marry you." you speak.
Brock grunts and bangs his chair against the floor.
"And trying to trick my father into it, shows how much of a snake you are." you continue.
"Do you want me to kill him?" Bucky asks.
There it is. The million dollar question. He can't marry you anymore. He can't blackmail your father anymore. Not with you married to Bucky.
You look into Brock's eyes. It's not like you know him well. You've barely talked to the man. And when he's spoken to you, you've always felt that he was more so sizing you up and trying you on.
But looking at him now, you can see it. Fear. Fear is laced into his pupils. He's trying not so show it but it's hard to hide. His breathing is erratic and he won't stop budging against the ropes around his arms and legs.
"Not yet."
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kenzan-brainrot-mp4 · 11 hours ago
talk more about the white whale/whale symbolism in general whatever thoughts you have on the whale stuff i want to hear it 👂
GRAHHHHH YEAH (This one got. Long (again lol) So be prepared (series-wide spoilers but I feel like that's a given atp))
First of all I just wanna say that I love how rgg drags the player along around the final chapter title. With how upfront the other chapter titles are in what they're referring to, you might end up wondering why they chose White Whale for the final chapter title once you see the title card (or at least I did). Of course, this could just be referring to the treasure that everyone's been looking for, but with how nonchalantly they react to the fact that the treasure isn't actually there, it doesn't seem to completely fit the bill.
But then you beat the game (and by this I mean beat the final boss) and lo and behold, there's an Actual white whale, and so you think "Oh! Duh, the chapter's called White Whale because there's a literal white whale and it pretty much just finished off the final boss!" But that still doesn't make that much sense. Why name the final chapter (arguably the most important one) after some whale that appears in the last like 15 minutes of the game? Like, take the final chapter name of (Kiryu) Gaiden, it's literally the name of the game (The Man Who Erased His Name) so it's gotta be something more significant than that, right? (But then of course take into the account that by this point the player is still convinced that nothing really in pyih is too deep/serious, so maybe it could just be something as simple as that).
Then you get to the credits, and they reveal that the "elixir"/the ambergris is found in the stomachs of whales. Damn, that's pretty crazy/cool, but once again, nobody that was actively seeking the treasure (Rodriguez, Jason/Noah, Spade Tucker, etc you know the drill) seems to hung up on the fact that they didn't find it, and they didn't even encounter the whale, so they wouldn't get that same sense that they just missed it either, again, it's not a big deal really, so why make that the final chapter title?
Of course, we all know what this builds up to: the big reveal, the fact that Majima, who we've been following along with this entire game, was looking for that elixir this entire time, was the only one to actually encounter a whale in the game, and then there's the insane line drop from Saejima.
"Kiryu Kazuma. You never could give up on that one."
Ironically, the final chapter title has nothing to do with that whale you saw earlier at all, rather it's a summary of what Majima's motivations/actions for this game, and the past. Almost every game, has meant for him. It's what Saejima spells out for us at the end of the game, but said in even fewer words.
An all-consuming obsession that only leads to your destruction. An impossibility, something that you can destroy yourself over but never achieve/obtain. This is what the white whale means, metaphorically. And it is this, exactly, that Kiryu is to Majima.
Kiryu is larger than life itself, to just about everyone. He's a legend, he's the one Majima has had his sights on since the very beginning, the legend he chases after game after game and also what he destroys himself over game after game.
Yakuza 1 -> Majima just straight up taking a full-on stab wound for Kiryu. Like, buddy, I literally saw one of my favorite characters die that way in another game, there was No guarantee you were surviving that.
Yakuza 2 -> Majima fights off an army of yakuza for Kiryu. That man was beat to total Shit (which is Not something that happens often) and we all saw it
Yakuza 3 -> Majima re-enters the Tojo Clan for Kiryu even though he is (extremely likely) aware that it is already entering its steady decline that we see throughout the rest of the series up until its dissolution. And while he's willing to do it for Kiryu, we can't exactly say that he's happy about the situation as a whole.
Yakuza 5 -> Majima's willingness to die for Haruka, specifically stated because "She means more to Kiryu-chan than life itself." Like, of course he wouldn't just let Haruka get killed, but to choose to mention Kiryu as part of his reasoning in that moment? Christ
While I (surprisingly) can't say anything particularly self-destructive happened in (Kiryu) Gaiden and Infinite Wealth, you could argue that Majima trying to more and more directly tell Kiryu not to leave ("No need to rush outta here yet... Alright?" -> "Don't leave! Don't you dare leave, Kiryu-chan!"), knowing that it's likely pointless, knowing Kiryu, is not doing himself any favors.
Pirate Yakuza -> *gestures at the entire game*
Also his reaction to encountering that giant squid ("Sure is a helluva way to die. I think I'm into it!"). Like, okay. I don't want to try and read too much into it because it was very likely just a one off line. But I'm still gonna side-eye it.
Honestly now that I think about it, if Majima Had died fighting that giant squid (that is such a way to begin a sentence thank you rgg), you could argue that that would've been his nail in the coffin for the white whale metaphor. If he had, it would've meant that his obsession for Kiryu is what got him dragged down into the literal depths of the ocean, and even if it wouldn't be Kiryu physically dragging Majima down like the white whale to Ahab, this is a situation that is completely, entirely, fueled by Majima's obsession towards him (Majima had no real interest in the nuclear waste cleanup project, after all, Kiryu was his one motivation this entire time), and it would've drowned him.
Guess that means he got real lucky with the last part, but we all know he sure as hell isn't beating the allegations.)
All this and yet Majima seems to fail to reaching Kiryu time and time again.
Majima does not obtain the Heart of the Dragon, found in the intestines of the literal whale. He does not obtain eternal life for Kiryu. And he (arguably, though the final scene of him walking to Kiryu's hospital room could oppose this) does not resolve the indefinite limbo that has been sitting between them throughout the entire series. What he gets at the end of the game is the acknowledgement (through Saejima, everybody thank him) that he has been obsessing over this, and perhaps the realization that Kiryu was, in fact, this white whale that he would never truly reach ("Well, still just a dream in the end.") Of course this is something he already knows/has acknowledged deep down, and it's a feeling that is hinted at in some of his dialogue in scattered moments, but this is the first time he ever says it in such an outright manner.
I guess in a way, you could say that Pirate Yakuza is a story about the newfound success of all the people Majima helped and supported in achieving their dreams, and the continued failure of Majima in pursuing his own (Kiryu), and him needing to acknowledge/accept that. And the post-credits begs the question of what he decides to do with the aftermath and what he has left. (An oversimplification definitely but still. augh. Augh)
Naming the final chapter White Whale was yet another crazy move on rgg's part. Its so unassuming, seemingly straightforward yet also seemingly insignificant, but once the realization dawns on you it slaps you right in the face, just like everything else about this game does. It's yet another instance of how rgg managed to pull its big reveal so well, with all the small details, all the reframing, all pointing back to the same topic that it had spent the entire rest of the game dancing around.
Majima recounting his story of how he went to Hawaii -> Majima recounts his story to Kiryu in the exact same way at the very end
The treasure everyone's been looking for/known about + Majima, the one guy who didn't have knowledge about any of this legend stuff prior? -> Wrong, he was after the treasure from the very start (before the amnesia at least). For Kiryu
Majima originally being on course for Hawaii so he could help with the nuclear waste cleanup even though he'd be bored as hell? -> Nah. For Kiryu (Ohhhhh you know what this is reminding me of some screenshots I took from near the beginning of the game)
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(I'm sure this meant nothing of course. Lol. Lmao)
Majima's dream during pirate yakuza being to fulfill Other People's dreams -> Haha. Well, I think you get the point by now
Kiryu, Kiryu, Kiryu. It all goes back to Kiryu, every single time, without fail, in an obsessive loop that Majima has been dragging himself around over for Years. He is the white whale, seemingly untouchable, the constant object of Majima's attention and devotion in so many forms, his consistent weak point, that only seems to dig at him deeper as the games go on.
Like I said before, while the white whale metaphor is undeniable, and essentially spells doom for Majima, it's not over for him yet. Because, hey, he didn't drown at sea, or die on the beach. He was saved, and he's survived enough to retell that tale and reflect on it all with Saejima in the post-credits, brief as that reflection was. I mentioned before how he really only said one line of any actual substance during that specific part of the exchange, but the significance of it says so much.
"Well, still just a dream in the end"
As much as it hurts to here Majima address the hopelessness of it all, to hear him say something like that after Saejima basically just laid out his sheer devotion and refusal to give up on his dream for everyone to see, I think the bittersweetness is. Good, actually. Captain Ahab never gave up on that pursuit on the white whale, and it destroyed him; that whale dragged him down until he finally drowned, and it feels like all Majima has been doing over Kiryu since Yakuza 3 is drowning himself in him.
Don't get me wrong, I (for now at least) do not take that line as a complete admittance of defeat, or Majima finally giving up on Kiryu, on that dream he could never let go of. (Like I've been saying, it's an acknowledgement, not exactly a declaration.) I do not think it means he is just letting go, full-stop.
But I do hope it means he can stop himself from self-destructing completely. I hope it means that he can slow down with the wild chase, (and that he and Kiryu can just. Sit down and talk like fucking normal people. Which i guess they are doing in the post-credits, supposedly) and I hope it means that he won't drown completely, especially in the case of the worst possible scenario.
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fear-is-truth · 1 day ago
THE BOWERS GANG . . . as boyfriends .ᐟ
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content warning: mentions of domestic abuse. patrick is a warning himself. toxic relationship
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henry craves validation like a starving dog. if you so much as compliment him, he’ll spend the rest of the day thinking about it.
needs to feel like a man around you. if you ever imply he’s less than masculine, he takes it personally. even something small, like opening a jar for yourself instead of asking him, will put him in a pissy mood.
if you get mad at him for something he did (e.g. for bullying little kids) and give him the cold shoulder? he doesn’t know how to handle it, so he either storms off or does something stupid & reckless just to get your attention back.
carves your initials into the kissing bridge the summer you started dating.
when he gets jealous (which is often), it’s not just petty annoyance—it’s irrational rage. at you, at the perceived “threat”. he won’t hesitate to start a fight over it.
deep down, he doesn’t believe he’s good enough for you. although he covers it up with arrogance and acts like you’re his property, there’s a constant fear in the back of his mind that someday you’ll realise you can do so much better.
when his old man beats the shit outta him, henry doesn’t go home. sometimes he crashes at victor’s, but more often than not, he ends up at your window, one hand gripping the frame, the other cradling his ribs. he never says what happened; just a curt “lemme in.”
you’ve gotten good at patching him up. cleaning the cuts, pressing ice to the bruises. he always hisses when you touch him, tells you to quit babying him.
some nights, henry climbs through your window reeking of cheap beer, barely making it inside without cracking his skull open. flops onto your bed fully clothed, mumbles nonsense into your pillow. you pull his boots off, and let him sleep it off. in the morning, he’s already gone.
wants to be the kind of guy you deserve, but he doesn’t know how.
genuinely believes you’re the only good thing in his life. (you are)
as the second in command of the bowers gang and your boyfriend, he’s fiercely loyal to both henry and you. this sometimes puts him in uncomfortable positions.
won’t actively go looking for trouble, but if someone messes with you, he’ll put them in their place.
his stoicism can be unsettling. he’ll stand by and watch seemingly unbothered when henry does insane shit, and he’ll never intervene unless he really has to.
respects that you don’t like the bullying. obviously, victor doesn’t stop when he’s with the rest of the gang, but when you’re around, he keeps it to a minimum.
has a dry, deadpan sense of humour, but when he’s with the guys, he can get a bit mean-spirited. might tease you more than usual, especially if henry or patrick egg him on, but he always apologises tries to make it up to you afterward.
probably the only one in the group who would genuinely apologise if he upset you.
actively listens when you talk. not much of a talker himself, but he remembers practically every tidbit you’ve ever told him.
asked you (somewhat awkwardly & tentatively) to help him re-bleach his hair, rubbing the back of his neck like he was already regrets asking. but when your fingers started combing through his hair, spreading the bleach, he say still, eyes closed, maybe enjoying it a little too much.
he’ll shrug off his jacket and hand it over when you’re shivering. if you try to say no, he just gives you a look like don’t be dumb.
tries to teach you how to skateboard.
actually pretty good at school. he’s not a nerd but he’s smart and pays attention. if you ever get stuck on something, he’ll help.
patrick often points out how much time vic spends with you, calls him pussy whipped whenever he ditches the rest of the gang to walk you home or helps you with homework. victor gives little to no reaction, just rolls his eyes and ignores them, but the tips of his ears go pink.
patrick doesn’t believe in love—hell, on some level, he doesn’t even believe you’re real. no one is, not really. the world is just a dull, empty playground for him to fuck around in. but whatever he feels when he looks at you, it’s close enough.
he’s interested in you, the way a biologist would be interested in a new insect specimen.
has zero sense of boundaries. he touches you whenever he wants—grabs your ass when you walk by, hooks a finger through your bra strap before letting it snap back, slides his hand up your thigh under the table, all while looking you dead in the eye.
loves playing with his zippo, always flicking it open and shut, rolling the flame between his fingers. sometimes, he’ll hold it just inches from your face, watching how your pupils dilate, how you go perfectly still. “relax,” he drawls, letting the fire dance inches from your cheek. “i’d never ruin that pretty face. unless i felt like it.”
will flirt with (harass) other girls in front of you just to see your reaction, and if you retaliate, he finds it hilarious.
there’s no jealousy with him. if another guy looks at you, pat doesn’t get mad, he just gets amused. sidles up behind you, slides a hand up your side, grins at the poor bastard watching. “she’s cute, huh?” he says, almost conversational. “wanna see what she looks like on her knees?”
loves it when you grab his hair during sex.
pain doesn’t register for him. he plays super rough—yanks your hair hard like he’s trying to rip off your scalp, grabs your wrists so tight that it bruises. he doesn’t understand why it hurts you, but he likes it. very much.
he’s a total freak. into bdsm, knifeplay, wax play, blood play and more.
his nicknames for you are slut and bitch.
patrick’s version of a date is breaking into abandoned breaking into abandoned buildings, to spray-paint obscene words on the sides of houses, to steal shit from supermarkets.
says the creepiest, most out-of-pocket shit when he’s feeling “introspective”.
disappears for hours without telling you where he’s going, then shows up like nothing happened.
the only reason he even sticks around is because you amuse him. if that ever changed, he’d drop you like nothing.
reg is definitely the least cruel one in the group. by no means a saint but compared to the others, he’s a damn angel.
loooves his car. when you hang out while he’s fixing up his ride, he’ll put you to work—“hand me that wrench. no, not that one. jesus, do you even know what a wrench looks like?”
would drives you anywhere, no questions asked except for “where to?”
loyal to a fault. once he’s decided you’re his girl, you’re stuck with him. through thick and thin, through blood and bruises, he’s got your back, no matter what.
big on physical affection.
actually plans nice dates.
remembers and celebrates your anniversary and valentine’s day.
is the kind of guy who, after a couple months of being close, is already picturing forever with you.
takes you to meet his family early on—his mom, his siblings. just randomly brings you over like “c’mon, ma’s makin’ meatloaf.” it’s just that simple.
his mom simply adores you. dotes on you, tells you embarrassing stories about reginald as a kid.
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rei-ismyname · 3 days ago
Nova tries to arrest Magneto
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The Guardians of the Galaxy have been invited to the first Hellfire Gala, but only Richard Rider and Star Lord are able to make it. As they pull into The Peak, Nova is feeling skittish and anxious about everything changing. Krakoa's moves in particular have shaken the galaxy.
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Among other things, he finds himself allied with reformed bad guys and has that reflexive heroic urge to punch them. DOOM, Super Skrull - he doesn't like grinning and pretending he can trust these people. When he and Peter Quill are greeted by Ambassador Magneto, Nova leaves him hanging on a handshake (rude!) and declares he's going down.
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Rich clearly has an amazing memory (it's Al Ewing, so duh) and huge cop energy. He brings up an ancient space crime (that was actually Melter but whatever) and charges him with it. Mister One and Mister Two weren't mutants, they were Shi'Ar Subguardians. I actually covered these events here. You can decide for yourself if Mags is guilty.
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Mags doesn't respond very well to his ranting and raving. As Brand and Star Lord try to calm them down, hero and villain step into old familiar roles. For Magneto, that role involves dramatic violence - he flings a vehicle at him. Mags loves throwing vehicles around and he must be missing it. Honestly, I love Magneto throwing vehicles around. It's fucking great.
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Nova punches that shit in half as they trade one liners. There's still an air of politeness as they break shit. It's almost flirting, though ASCAB.
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Abigail Brand has had enough of this shit and calls for a security team. Peter isn't much help but it's probably the right choice. Nova breaks down why exactly he's the galaxy's top cop. The Nova Force.
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Marvel usually avoids specificity with marking time - 'a dozen years' has many implications.
Well, the Nova Force and punches to the face. He knocked his helmet off! Mags starts to get serious, switching to Master of Magnetism mode, but this is Brand's station dammit. She tells Rich he's full of shit and just wanted someone to punch. A clear bad guy he could oppose to feel like a good guy. She's not wrong either.
Nova admits he was being a dick and Mags meets him there. They start to chat, though good luck getting Magneto to be respectful about the Avengers. He frames it as a question about the Guardians' beginnings, but Mags takes the opportunity to reminisce on times past.
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Nova trying to arrest him for 70s shenanigans has Mags dwelling on them. He does it in the most verbose and dramatic way possible, but he's saying that the simpler days of black and white morality pull at him too. Al Ewing had his hands on Magneto for SWORD, X-Men Red, and Resurrection of Magneto so he nails his state of mind. The secret king that's starting to crack as every choice feels like a bad one. The traumatized and grieving man that doesn't have ultraviolence as an outlet anymore.
These two powerful men hover in the docking ring and agree that change is scary, that DOOM probably shouldn't be trusted, ha. It's a nice moment for both of them, and Rich has his own trauma/violence dynamic, but I'm mainly interested in Magneto. He was knee deep in nasty shit at this point, but he's a lot more self aware and restrained. Dick Rider ended up fighting on Arakko during Judgement Day and the Genesis War, interestingly. Curious that both men found something they were looking for in the broken land.
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jiminrings · 1 day ago
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mature: the jealous sex drabble sneak peek
wherein you become a TA alongside yoongi, and jungkook has no choice but to prove his superiority in other ways
If you had to isolate one thing about Jungkook (just one, singular thing) that both annoys the living hell out of you and endears you to him to the point that it gets you closer, if that was even possible — it would be his inability to let go of things.
In his process of climbing up the ranks to become your boyfriend, Jungkook’s inability to let you distance yourself from him without getting into numerous fights and an incessant amount of groveling cemented him in your life in the first place.
He’s mouthy and nitpicky, yet he knows diligently when to shut up and just take it. He harnesses the perfect amount of stubbornness that would make you cave after several negotiations here and there, but never excessive to the point that you’d feel the need to post about him on Reddit with a seething heading of “my partner M27 pretends to faint in front of me every time I tell him I don’t want to cuddle”. 
(Jungkook isn’t even faking it.)
Jungkook knows that he’s not the go-to guy for a lot of practical things. He knows that he’s not the one you run to when you need to go over your reviewer for your oral exam that’s worth 70% of your grade, because that’s Yoongi’s place.
Jungkook’s there when you need to get your shirt ironed to perfection without any creases (even in the tricky part of the underarm-to-midline area), and he’s also there when you need someone to poke holes at your seemingly airtight presentation proposal. He is there, but it doesn’t mean he’s the best guy for the job.
Jungkook is and will be there for anything that you need, require, and desire of the world even, but he knows to himself that he can’t be utilized in the way you can bond with Yoongi.
(He hates that stupid, intellectual son of a bitch.)
Your boyfriend knows in his heart of hearts (he knows that it exists somehow and someway) that although he’s not the most optimal partner around for the technical, higher-process things that fill up your everyday life, he’s trying his best to catch up. Jungkook studies voluntarily now (70% to impress you and get you to call him your smart boy, and 50% to make an attempt at getting an above passing grade in all his classes) and even better than before, he loves listening to you.
Jungkook, your (occasionally smart) beloved, listens when you tell him about your day.
He listens and hums and replies when you tell him how tiring it is to be a TA, and how you’re simultaneously excited because it feels so fulfilling to be praised and approached.
He listens and laughs and his eyes twitch slightly when you tell him how fun it is to be a TA alongside Yoongi, because the both of you would have glowing recommendations after the gig and your superiors keep telling you that you’d probably end up at the same place of work after graduation.
He listens and smiles very tightly and squeezes his fists roughly against your pillows when you tell him how some juniors keep muttering that they want to have the uni experience of being smart and being a TA with their partners, supposedly like how you and Yoongi look to them.
Jungkook, a man of his word, will catch up to you.
Jungkook, a man of his word and an even bigger man of his overcompensation, will beat Yoongi.
“You know what they say about guys with big brains,” your boyfriend tuts out of nowhere, looking up from his laptop that only had Yoongi’s LinkedIn profile up for the past half hour while he stews in annoyance. “Really, really small dicks.”
“Where’d that come from?” you immediately snicker, looking up from your actual reviewer, putting your highlighter down to indulge Jungkook in what you’re sure of is just a random conversation.
Just a random conversation out of nowhere that’s totally not fueled by the jealousy he’s been harboring the past few weeks.
“I’m not citing my sources to you,” Jungkook huffs, closing his screen unceremoniously before crossing his arms, shaking his head slowly. “Such a shame about Yoongi.”
Now that you think about, you should’ve seen it coming from a mile away.
You should’ve been suspicious when it was Jungkook himself who asked how Yoongi did awhile ago with a shit-eating grin on his face, as if he’s just gathering all the pent-up frustration he has for the sake of being over with it.
You snort at the implication, the excitement of what could possibly be running in Jungkook’s mind slowly hitting you. “Well, I heard from a friend that he’s really end-…”
“Don’t give a fuck,” he rasps immediately, clicking his tongue. He doesn’t want to hear about what you heard about Y**ngi being well-endowed. He doesn’t want to hear anything but you.
“When you said that fun trivia,” you start, rolling your eyes playfully as you stand up from your desk, joining him on the bed. Jungkook doesn’t move an inch like he usually does to accommodate you; he just lies there, seeing you adjust to his strapping figure on your twin bed. “You do know that you were kind of insulting yourself, right?”
“That I’m not smart but I can fuck you dumb?” he shrugs carelessly, willing himself to not react when you sit on his lap seemingly innocently, embracing him warmly whilst fixing his bangs. “Not really an insult to me.”
The laugh that leaves your lips was purely unintentional.
“You don’t believe me?” he tilts his head, his eyes still bordering on playful yet there’s something behind them that’s even bigger, something you can place as none other but Jungkook’s sheer will to prove himself.
“I don’t think you’re dumb, Kook,” you placate him, the gentle smile you have on your face breaking at the edges into something more intoxicating for him; something more provocative that would set him over his limits. “Just like I believe you haven’t exactly fucked me dumb either.”
The grin on your boyfriend’s face would be appalling if not for the stern grip he has on your thighs, fingers digging resolutely at the flesh with the politest, most harmless known tone to man, even if his words were anything but.
“Now you sound like the dumb one between us,” Jungkook laughs, his sweet laughter going straight to your ears as he noses your cheeks, teeth grazing your jaw as he refuses to kiss you when you try and catch him. “You don’t remember, baby? Don’t remember how I’m the only one who can worship you like this?”
yippee!!! the return of The Super Genius aka mature jk <3 missed him so bad u guys have no idea (it was nearing 478jk levels of yearning i fear...)
to get ahead of questions, yes this will be a general fic, meaning this will also be posted on tumblr!! but if you want to read the whole thing now + hundreds of exclusive fics (check out what i have here) + early access to other general fics, you can subscribe to my patreon :D
this installment will be posted here on tumblr, march 8th, saturday, 12 am kst :D
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whoredyceps · 24 hours ago
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“Another word and I'll make you regret it.”
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» you've tried everything to get a coworker to stop asking you out. not even human resources can help you. your only hope is din, who offers to play the role of a less-than-savory ex-boyfriend to get the guy off your back. will the punk tactics work?
» pairing: modern!din djarin x reader
» tags: creepy ass coworker, bouncer!din djarin, nondescript f!reader (brief use of she/her pronouns), threats of violence, vulgar language, no beta - we die like men
» author's note: i've been itching to write a modern!din fic and now that i have some level of creativity capacity back, it's over for y'all. i started writing this in a fever last night and haven't stopped.
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"It's horrible. He just— he gives me the creeps!" You frowned as you leaned both your arms on the counter. Across from the kitchen bar, Din was at the stove. He nodded as he listened, his attention on both you and the risotto he was cooking.
"Why don't you go to Human Resources? Isn't that what they're there to help with?" Din glanced at you over his shoulder.
"I did! He hasn't actually done anything legally creepy, so there's only so much that can be done. It's like," you huffed as you got wound up again. "There's no reason the man should be passing my office, but he makes it a point to stop by my desk. Plus, he does this weird hand thing."
You hopped down from the kitchen stool to stand beside Din. He looked away from the risotto, just in time for you to grab his hand and hold it up.
"Pretend you're me," you explained. You proceeded to high five him, then wrap your thumb around the back of his hand. In short, you two were holding hands in the middle of his kitchen.
"So he just holds your hand under the guise of a high five?" Din raised an eyebrow. You nodded quickly, an exasperated expression on your face.
"Exactly! I feel like I'm going crazy, Din. Maybe he's just trying to be friendly in his own friendly way but..." You trailed off and pulled your hand away, your arms crossed over your chest.
"But what?" Din lowered the heat on the stove before he fully turned towards you.
For a man who looked like he had won every fight he had been in, you had only seen a softer side of him. Of course you had seen him angry here and there, but he was always friendly with you.
Two of you lived down the hall from each other. With the layout of the building, it was just the two of you on the floor. Din moved in almost a year ago, and you were thankful to finally have a normal neighbor. Over the time he's lived here, the two of you had become good friends.
"Can I be honest with you?" You leaned your hip against the marble countertop.
"Of course," Din assured you. He gave you his full, undivided attention.
"He scares me. Look, I know I'm not in any danger or have to worry that something will happen, but there's just something about him that makes me feel uneasy. I don't care that he wants to be my friend or wants to be pleasant. All I want is to go to work, do my job, then leave. I don't want to be his friend, or his anything." You didn't quite meet Din's eye as you spoke. It was something you hadn't been able to verbalize to anyone, at least not as well articulated.
"Have you talked to him about it?" Din asked. He was always one to be the voice of reason for you. While it was the logical step, he noticed the way you practically curled in on yourself. That wasn't like you at all.
"What if it's all in my head? Maybe I'm just reading into it, and I don't wanna stir up something just because I'm too in my own thoughts," you explained. "You know, maybe I am just—"
"Don't," Din cut you off. "If he gives you the creeps, that's reason enough."
You sighed and nodded. He was right, as he usually was. You watched him finish with the risotto while you grabbed two plates from the cabinet. The two of you worked in silence as you plated dinner and sat at the dining table.
"What if you told him you had a boyfriend? Doesn't that usually work?" Din broke the silence as he popped open a bottle of wine. You nodded, a small pout on your face as you held you glass to him.
"I had a bad morning and he kept pestering me about what was wrong, so I told him I had a crazy ex-boyfriend who came to my place the night before." You glanced out the window that the table was sat next to. It was small, made only for two people. Din wasn't one for company, so your presence always felt special.
"Was it actually a crazy ex-boyfriend?" Din asked. He watched you as you shook your head.
"Not even close. At least not any that live around here. I just had a shit night, but I didn't want to get into it."
You took a bite of the risotto, and your eyes fluttered closed. It tasted perfect. How Din was such a good cook, you weren't so sure. His meals were better than anything you'd had in a restaurant.
There was so much you both did and didn't know about him. He worked as a bouncer at a bar a few blocks down the road, and he slept most days. He had a cat named Grogu, but you just called him the Child. His apartment was clean and tidy while still full of bits and pieces of his life all over.
From what you had gathered, Din had traveled for most of his life and had many trades under his belt. Though he promised early on, when he first moved in, that he was here to stay. He was settled, and he wasn't moving again.
Not that you were complaining.
"Do you need a crazy ex-boyfriend?" Din asked. Your eyes popped open, and you raised an eyebrow.
"Huh? I mean, no. I'd rather not deal with two creeps at once." You looked at him like he had grown a second head. So much for your voice of reason.
Din rolled his eyes and shook his head. He put his fork down, his dinner temporarily abandoned.
"No. Let me rephrase that. I'll come in to your job and scare him off," Din explained. "All he needs is the evidence, right?"
You mulled it over in your mind. As you did, you looked at the man in front of you. At first glance, he did have an aura that would best be described as 'rough around the edges'. Hell, he made you a bit nervous at first. Though it didn't take long for him to show that he was a softie behind closed doors. Doors you were lucky enough to find yourself behind.
"You'd do that for me?" You asked, a soft smile on your lips. Your heart squeezed when he gave a slight smile back.
"Of course. Anything for you to feel safe. That's all that matters to me." Din went back to his dinner, fork in hand as he looked down at his plate.
You felt your cheeks warm as you began to eat again. There was hope yet that you wouldn't have to run your coworker over.
Before you left Din's apartment, the two of you had come up with a plan. You would ask the guy to go with you to get lunch down the block, and Din would be waiting there for you. He'd look at tough and mean, and just give the guy a good spook.
"What if he keeps being weird?" You asked as the two of you stood in the doorway of his apartment. Din was leaned against the frame, his thick arms crossed over his chest. You wondered if he'd ditch the long sleeve to show his tattoos tomorrow.
"Leave that to me. If he's got two braincells to rub together, he'll leave you alone. The first sign of trouble after and you call me." That wasn't a request, and you were well aware of that.
"You got it. Din?" You held his arm as you kissed his cheek. "Thanks again for helping. I knew I could come to you." As you pulled away, you noticed how red the shells of Din's ears were.
"Anything for you. Be careful heading home." You rolled your eyes as he smirked. He said it every time you walked down the hall to your front door.
"Maybe that joke will be funny one day. Odds aren't in your favor today," you chuckled.
"Eh, I'll take my chances."
You gave his arm one last squeeze before you went back home. That night, you slept easier knowing you'd soon be able to go to work in peace. Worry still sat in the back of your mind, but you trusted Din. He knew was he was doing...
All the next morning, your stomach was in knots. You almost called Din on your way to work to call the whole thing off, but you knew he had probably just fallen asleep. No way you'd ruin his sleep because you were a chicken.
When you got to work, you asked your coworker if he wanted to grab lunch when it came time. His eager smile made your skin crawl. Maybe you were too in your head about it. Still, you just felt icky all over, no other way to put it.
Dread sat on your shoulders as you worked. With every glance of the clock, time seemed to move slower and slower. Finally, just past noon, you shot up and went to find your coworker. He gathered his things, and the two of you set off.
The walk was awkward enough. You tried to engage in conversation, but his intense gaze on you was too much. He brushed against you at one point, and you wanted to jump out of your skin. Instead, you remained composed as you kept moving forward.
You had chosen a cafe with an outside eating area. One that would make it easier for Din to be menacing without causing a scene in a secluded space. Your coworker opened the small gate to the eating area open for you, and you scooted past him. Without seeming to eager, you glanced around.
All at once, you froze. While you were relieved to see Din sat at a table, you still had to play the part. He was in a corner, leaned against the gate with his feet propped up on the wooden table. As soon as his eyes landed on you, he kicked himself off and stood.
For the first time since you met him, Din looked terrifying. He was his usual tall, hulking self but his demeanor was totally different. He wore a sleeveless tank and thick black jeans. You took in the sight—
Did he have snake bites? Did this man re-pierce his lip just for you?
Fuck, talk about dedication.
You were frozen. While it could be read as fear, it was definitely something that twisted your stomach.
"Oh my god, Din? What are you doing here?" Your voice wobbled as you slowly approached him. Din moved with such ease for a man who looked like he could lift a car with his bare hands.
"Who the fuck is that?" Din ignored your question, his finger pointed straight at the guy behind you. His voice was an octave lower than usual.
"He's a guy I work with," you sputtered out. "We're just—"
"Why the fuck are you with my girlfriend?" Din poked his chest and moved closer. Close enough that he almost barreled into you. Before you could catch yourself, he caught you with his free arm. His large hand was splayed across your back as his fingers dug into your side.
"She's not your girlfriend. Are you that shitty ex that gave her a hard time?" The guy asked, appalled at Din's mere presence. You glanced back at him to see a bead of sweat on his forehead. Good, it was working.
"Oh, I gave her something hard last night," Din smirked. As much as you hated to admit it, the vile words out of his mouth made your cheeks grow warm.
"Din," you warned in a low voice. "It was a one time thing. We aren't together." It was easy to fall into the role of the damsel, scared of what her ex-boyfriend was capable of.
"You heard her," your coworker snapped. "Get away from her, and let her go."
Din barked out a laugh, his hand gripped your side tighter. You knew you should feel scared, but truth be told, your brains and insides had turned to mush. He was hot all on his own, but right now? You'd drag him to the bathroom right now if there weren't more pressing matters at hand.
"Come get her yourself, you little piss ant. Wait, is your name Alex?"
Your coworker nodded and took a step back. Everything you had been through felt worth it in that moment, just to see the look on his face. If it wasn't inappropriate, you'd snap a picture to keep it forever.
Din released you, only for him to move you behind him. He stepped closer to Alex until they were practically flush against each other. He was a full head and a half taller than your coworker.
"So you're the one who's been following her around like a fucking freak? What, you think following her around like a sad little puppy is gonna get you in her pants?" His tone was almost humored, he was so astounded.
"Babe," you started, your hand stretched out to grab Din's toned bicep. He didn't hold back as he continued.
"Leave her the fuck alone. Speak another word to her and you'll regret it. If I find out you've been anywhere near her," Din grabbed his shirt and dragged him so close that their noses brushed against one another. "I will break your fucking legs."
"I-" Alex stuttered. He was frozen in his spot, his eyes searching for anything but the face in front of him. You watched as his feet struggled to stay planted on the floor.
"Yeah, that's what I though. Get the fuck out of here, and leave my girlfriend alone if you want both your kneecaps." Din shoved him back, hard enough for Alex to stumble as he was let go.
Without so much as a glance his way to see if he was watching, Din turned and grabbed for your waist. In one swift motion, you were flush against him and his lips were on yours. It was unexpected, but it sealed the deal. You almost heard Alex scuttle away, if you weren't so wrapped up in the kiss.
It seemed like an eternity had passed when you pulled away. Much to your disappointment, you did have to stop at some point. Din's hands still held your face, your bodies pressed together.
"Seemed convincing enough?" Din had a slight smirk once he was sure there was no sign of Alex. He noticed the dazed look in your eyes, the way you watched his lips move.
"If not, he's truly a lost cause," you sighed. Despite his appearance, he was back to your Din. In the blink of an eye, he went from an ex-convict with a taste for blood to the guy you made baklava with last week.
"He was a lost cause from the start," Din finally let your face go. "You okay?" He stayed near you, close enough to feel the warmth of his body. Fuck, that kiss really put you through the ringer.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Thankful I don't have to spend my lunchbreak with that guy," you sighed. Din perked up a bit and slipped his arm around your shoulders.
"Think you can stomach the time with me?" Din asked. You chuckled and leaned into his side.
"You know, my schedule did just clear up," you teased. Every casual touch, every part of you pressed against the man lit your sense on fire. How were you going to be normal now? Now that you knew what he tasted like, how his lips felt against yours?
"Atta girl." Din slipped his hand down to the small of your back and guided you into the cafe.
Needless to say, Alex hadn't looked at you since. If he crossed your path, he went in the opposite direction. You were able to work in peace, no dread from the minute you walked in to the moment you left.
All thanks to Din.
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fictoweirdoesten · 2 days ago
"Some people are destined to love and be loved. Others die trying."
-Has been a quote you've been holding on to ever since your first heartbreak.
Same ol' trigger warnings: self harm, suicide, use of the nickname pipsqueak because this is Caleb ffs. Reader is a fem/incel so if that turns you off you won't like this lol
Author's Note: I was watching a stream (shoutout Nightalize he's funny and cool) but he started talking about his gf and I got all envious so here we are. Proofreading? No, sorry. This is a vent piece really so I don't feel like reading this over again, I feel like sleeping instead.
You've resigned yourself to living alone. Your dream of cooking and cleaning for the love of your life when you got older faded away as you've grown up and faced the harsh realities that life brings.
I mean, you have it all. Terrible acne, overweight, below-average appearance, and about a trillion mental disorders to top it off. The only men that'd ever give you a chance are those that are desperate, completely setting their standards low just to have something to bang every night, and even you have a small ounce of self-respect left not to fall for it.
...Right? You can't deny how tempting it sounds just to be with someone, anyone. Anyone who would be beside you every night, even if they resent doing so. Anyone who would listen to your worries, even when they aren't listening. Anyone who wouldn't look at you with disgust, or pity-
"The storms that you'll encounter in the future-they shouldn't exist in this world."
Your whole life changed once you discovered Love and Deepspace. Once groveling and brooding over how lonely you were every day, how much your life sucks...everytime you felt loneliness creeping in, you'd rush to the app instead, just to see one man everyday:
Caleb. Oh, Caleb. He stole your heart the minute you saw his teaser, heard his voice. The minute you found out how possessive he was of mc, how much he loved her to the point of unhealthy obsession. It was something you had never felt before, feeling truly loved to that extent. It felt refreshing being able to love someone without overthinking it, without wondering if they truly loved you back, without turning on them and splitting.
You didn't need to love a real human. You have Caleb now.
It isn't a cope. You feel truly happy with him.
You're not lying to yourself. You're not gaslighting yourself. You're not-
"Your sister has a boyfriend now," your mom mutters, interrupting your thoughts as you sit at the dinner table. She glances up at you with a look that reeks "when are you getting one?" without actually saying it.
You only hum and nod, not wanting to hear about how better your younger sister is than you'll ever be.
...But it starts to get to you. You're really going to die alone, aren't you? When your mom goes back into her room, you quickly rummage through the cabinets, finding any kind of sweets you can. You won't be reminded of how miserable you are. You won't be reminded of how secretly desperate you are of love.
You won't be reminded on how Caleb isn't enough.
How you'll never be enough.
You break. All you remember is moving to the bathroom and opening the medicine cabinet. You didn't notice the fresh scars you inflicted on yourself, didn't notice the pain killers in your palm. Didn't realize when you had grabbed a water bottle, and you surely didn't realize how close you were to swallowing those pills whole.
"Hey...just what do you think you're doing, hm?"
You feel a hand reach out to stop you, it's grip on your wrist tightening. You look up, your breath hitching when you realize the man behind you is no other than Caleb, the one you'd hope would keep you alive through delusion.
You open your mouth to say something, but words fail to escape through your chapped lips. His own chapped lips twist into a smile as his violet eyes look down at you lovingly, almost obsessively.
The same way he'd look at mc...
"Hey now, you're not thinking of quitting on me are you," He whispers, his hand moving down to the scars on your arm. His fingers trace over them, rubbing them gently as he coos in your ear. "You know...I'd be really sad if you left me."
You freeze. This can't be real, he can't be real.
It's as if he can hear your thoughts, because you watch as he giggles and takes your hand into his, carefully leading you into your room as if you're a delicate package that could break at anytime.
He leads you to your own bed before moving behind you, carefully setting you down before laying beside you.
You watch as he grins, that damn grin that made you fall in love with him all the way back to his teaser. His hands meet your face, caressing your cheek gently.
"Tell me what's wrong, pipsqueak...don't hold it in like I do."
Your eyes analyze every single part of his face, taking him all in. He was real, this wasn't a dream. You move your hands to his face next, taking your time to rub your fingers on every feature of his face that you could. You rub his forehead, his eyebrows, his nose, his cheeks, admiring the faint freckles before moving to his lips, than his chin.
You'd never been so close to a man before. Never touched one.
Your hands move to his hair next, your hands soft and delicate as you take your time, every strand of hair finding it's way to your fingers.
"...Don't ever leave me, Caleb." You whisper, finding your face inching closer to his.
Your first kiss. You wanted it so badly. You wanted your first kiss to be with Caleb.
But you suddenly feel drowsy, and you fight to keep your eyes open.
Caleb chuckles once more, moving to instead hold you closer, his head resting on top of yours as he hums gently.
"I won't ever leave you. No matter what, I'll always be by your side."
"Get some sleep, pipsqueak. You'll feel better in the morning."
You wake up and notice Caleb not being there beside you. You let out a sigh, plopping back down on the pillow before your phone goes off.
You decide to check it anyway before you pass out once more, just in case it's your mom like usual...oh, another Love and Deepspace notification, even better. You shrug it off at first but decide to read it anyway, not liking clutter in your notifs bar as you plan to swipe it away.
Your heat races once you read the text.
"Don't ever stop fighting. I'll always be there to protect you."
Don't you wish fiction was the same as reality?
a/n: this Rallys strawberry milkshake is very good but I feel like vomiting now so idk-
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