#man I hope the super heavy 100+ year old mirror doesn’t fall on me again
cvsette · 1 year
I’ve been working on cleaning/basically completely moving out of my room (which is necessary for my new, not-twin bed) for the past 5 hours and here are my main takeaways:
I need to stop buying ibuprofen bc there’s enough floating around for at least a month’s worth of continuous headaches
holy shit I have SO. MANY. BOOKS.
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xxmadsxoxo · 7 years
How to get on Santa’s Nice List.
{Part one}
Pairing: Buck Barnes x Reader
Pre warning: Fluff, Fluff, and some more fluff
Warnings: Swearing, and probably bad punctuation because I’m using my phone.
Summary: you moved in with your best friends apartment around 3 years ago, and found out she has one hot neighbor. Only problem is he is a huge smart mouth, and he always has jokes. Worst thing of all is he is a huge flirt, the boy could make your face warm up with a look. One day he gave you a snarky comment (to no surprise.) but you decided in spirit of the holiday to challenge him. No, smart mouth, or dirty jokes for the rest of November lets see if he can get on Santa’s nice list.
This is for (@lovelynemesis) Sam’s rockin’ around the Christmas tree writing challenge!
29. ”Ho! Ho! Ho!” “Honey don’t insult yourself that way.”
/3 Years ago/
As much as I love the cold, it’s not fun to be in it for hours when you have nowhere to go. It had been 5 hours of me walking around calling every person I could think up to help me out, but since the holidays were coming up nobody wanted some old high school buddy to come stay over for a few nights.
I almost lost hope before scrolling down my contacts and finding Natasha’s name. I though about it for a few minutes, she didn’t know me too well and she is probably very skeptical of her friends. I prayed she’d help me out and pressed the call button.
Shivering from the hours of being in friking icy air, waiting for her to pick up as people pass me staring. They are probably thinking the worst of me. To be fair I did get kicked out in my pjs, and a heavy jacket. All my clothes in one bag, and utilitys, I learned to pack small with how much I moved around. People grow tired of me quick, and I have this sarcasm that people don’t understand and take personally. It has always gotten me into big trouble.
“Nat! Oh thank god you picked up.”
“Yeah uh, who is this?”
“It’s Y/n, from stark industries? Granted it was some time ago.”
“Oh. OHH, Oh my god hey.”
“I was wondering if you could help me out girl.”
“What kind of help do you need?”
“I just need a place to stay for a few nights, just till’ I find another place. I will be out before Thanksgiving!”
“Where are you? I’ll come get you.”
“I’m where the rockafeller tree is gonna be put up.”
“Alright stay there I’m on my way.”
“Thank you so much!”
\1 year ago\
It’s been 1 year of living with Nat, she has been the kindest to me since she picked me up that night I almost turned into a popsicle. She’s been like a sister to me, and she said that she loves to have a girl to gossip to when she comes home. Although It’s been hard getting used to her coming back from a mission and, being totally locked away from the world. Sometimes she comes back from a mission with a new bottle of champagne, and other times she just walks straight to her room and doesn’t come out for hours. I understand for the most part, if I fought aliens and psychotic Germans I’d lock myself away too. She said that some of her friends from the agency stay in this appartment building as well, but I’ve never been good at first impressions. Nat, is the only person who actually talked to me when I worked at Stark industries. Other than Stark of course, but Nat just clicked with me that’s why we are still good friends today.
I never planned on meeting any of the other agents, that is until Christmas Eve.. Somehow Nat got me to dress up, and got me to go to Starks annual Christmas party. Now I’m sitting at the bar, in a dress that I hate myself in, downing vodka like it’s water. Nat is having a great time on the dance floor with a bunch of superheroes, and god I wish that I had the confidence to talk to one of them. Even if I could talk to one of them, I’m just a normal person they have fought alien wars. Let’s be honest here the closest thing to a war that I have been in, was when I got into a bar fight with a hooker and I smashed her head into the wall. I was drunk as piss, but damn I put up a good fight. My thoughts were interrupted when a husky voice asked the bartender for another bottle whiskey, I slowly look over not to draw attention to myself.
“Why you sitting alone over here?”
“I’m sorry?”
I look up getting full view of this guy, and damn was he hot. He had chestnut brown hair that was pulled back in a bun, and he was wearing a navy blue tux. He had gorgeous eyes, ocean blue, and plump lips that you wanna bite. I realized I was staring and quickly looked at my empty shot glass.
“Well, I mean Nat is over there and you’re over here. Why?”
“Oh, uh I’ve never really been a social person.”
I look at all the different types of alcohol as a small distraction to keep me from being weird, as he continues the conversation.
“Huh, me either I couldn’t even tell you how Steve dragged me here.”
“Steve? As in-“
“Steve Rogers? Also known as Captain America? Yeah.”
You look up at him in amazement, you knew that Nat worked with them butwho is this guy and why is Steve dragging a normal hottie to a party like this.
“Wow, so you’re a super soilder too or something?”
“You could say that.”
The waiter brings the bottle, and sets on the bar, the man looks over and winks at you. Quickly grabbing the whiskey he starts Walking away.
“Hey you, wait!”
He stops and turns around in confusion.
“Yeah?” He chuckles
“Can I join you?”
“Sure doll.”
The nickname makes you smile, and makes your heart flutter.
“Names Bucky by the way.”
You reach your hand out, and give a welcoming smile.
“I’m Y/n, it’s nice to meet you.”
He shakes your hand, and you can feel your face warm up from the way he looks at you.
“NAT! Did you steal my favorite leggings again?? You know the ones that make my ass look great?”
“No! I think they’re in the dryer!”
I run to the laundry room and whip the dryer open, searching through all my black clothes for leggings. Ripping them from the dryer.
I put them on and walk into the living room.
“Damn, what’s the looking cute for?”
“Going to the bar tonight, figured since I hate the holidays I might as well get plastered and forget them.”
“Oh no! You aren’t to go to the bar without me or our friendly neighbor Bucky.“
“I don’t need a chaperone.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Do you really want a List?”
“Okay no, but it can’t be Bucky.”
“What why not?”
“Because Bucky always has somethin’ to say about my ass, or something snarky to say about my drinking.”
“I mean, you do have a nice ass and you also do drink a lot.”
“Thank you, and no I don’t.”
You flip your hair and walk down the hall to your room.
“Yeah, yeah!”
I take one last look in the mirror, and love it for once. I touch up my lip gloss, and give my hair one last fluff before walking to the front door. Realizing Nat isn’t ready yet, I think of making an escape. I grab the apartment keys as quietly as possible, and open the door slowly. I make it into the hallway succeeding in closing the door silently, just as I turn to walk down the stairs. Well that is until I hit a brick wall or atleast that’s what it felt like, nearly falling back he catches me.
“Sorry doll, you okay?”
He helps me stand straight, and I push him off of me straightening out my shirt.
“I’m fine thanks. You frikin’ brick wall.”
He chuckles lightly
“It wasn’t a compliment Barnes.”
Yes, Barnes as in Bucky Barnes, also known as the super hot dude from the Christmas party that seemed 100% normal. Yeah, he’s our neighbor and it seems he’s always with us, even when you don’t want him to be. It’s not that I don’t like him, or that I don’t want him around! He’s a great guy, but he has this thing about himself he’s always go something to say about what I wear, and he’s more sarcastic than I am.
“Right, well why are you all dressed up love?”
Oh, and he does this thing where he calls me a ton of cute little nicknames, and I wanna melt everytime. I look up at him and give him a cold fake smile.
“I’m going out.”
I try to push past him and walk away, but he grabs my forearm.
“Alone? In that? Are you trying to pick up every asshole in the club?”
Just as I was about to slap him Natasha walks out looking as pissed as ever. I look at Bucky and put on the fakest laugh to make it seem like I came out to talk to him.
She pushes Barnes out the way and gives you a death stare.
You give her an innocent look, but Nat can’t be fooled.
“You tried making a fuckin’ run for it didn’t you?”
“No, I came out to talk to Buck.”
Bucky steps forward with a finger up ready to say something, but Natasha puts her hand in front of his face without even looking at him.
“Save it Barnes. Y/n What the hell.”
Part 2
This is going to be a couple of parts, but I hope you guys like it so far! I’ll try to get the next part up as soon as possible. Tags: @ailynalonso15 @starkxpotts @libbymouse
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