#mami wallpaper
falasteenikadan · 5 months
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Puella Magi Madoka Magicka Phone Lockscreens ✨💖👗🩰
Free to use, please reblog if you do!
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hookedonhook730 · 6 months
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not sure how i feel about these, but i finally made some of The Judgement Day💜🖤⚖️
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Wallpaper mami edit i made :>
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asolivera · 2 years
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zalayni · 11 months
🌆 LOVE U 3000┊˚ ͙۪۪̥◌
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ pairing: earth 42!miles morales x reader
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ summary: your life is always interesting now that you're dating the one and only miles morales.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ author's note: the discord server for atsv fans between 13-16 is still open so hmu if you wanna join 😝😝
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he cups his hand under your mouth whenever he feeds you food so it won't fall on your clothes.
“here Mami try this” miles cupped his hand under her chin and gently blew in the soup that he had in a spoon so it wouldn't burn your mouth.
your his shadowboxing victim whenever his friends aren't around
he doesn't mind being his nerdy self around you
miles punched the air and faked dodge a nonexistent punch before turning towards you as you sat on his bed with your phone in your hand. “do you think I can defeat batman?” you rolled your eyes and chuckled at him. “Miles he's like twice your size.”
you two obviously play fight for fun. he never once hurt you for real
he gets too lazy to type out his messages sometimes so he resorts into sending you voicenotes instead
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deadly ass side eye whenever you jokingly insult him
“that purple hoodie you have on makes you look like grimace” you said with a hand on your mouth to stop the laughter that was about to burst out of her. Miles stopped in his tracks slowly turning his eyes towards you, side eyeing your laughing figure. “you play too much.”
he has the receipt tucked into his wallet from your guy's first date which was at the arcade.
has his lockscreen and wallpaper saved as a picture of you two. he changes it atleast once a month because he adores taking pictures of you.
a bright flash disturbed you from doing your skin care routine. you turned your vanity chair towards the source only to find Miles smiling down at his phone. “did you just take a picture of me?” “um maybe."
you two love to post eachother on your instagrams
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bro does not know how to swim 😭😭 if you're able to swim then he'll ask you to teach him but if you can't that still won't stop the two of you from going swimming especially when it's summer
stares at you whenever you're doing your makeup, hair, or even your skincare.
“Morales you're staring.” you joked seeing him stare at you from the corner of your eye. this made Miles scoff “so what?”
he wears a chain with your initial as the pendant and he wears matching bracelets with you.
whenever he sleeps with a bonnet on he wakes up with the end of it hiding one of his eyes.
“what are you laughing at?” he croaked still obviously half asleep. “did you turn emo miles?” you asked before pointing at his bonnet that slipped down, hiding his left eye.
really wanted to get his ears pierced and when he finally got them he was squeezing the blood out of your hands once they held the needle against his hear
you winced at how tight Miles's grip on your hand got. You saw him shut his eyes tightly when the needle went through making the hole for the piercing. Once it was all done he looked down at your hand noticing how red it is which made him laugh. “sorry Mami.”
“five more minutes” warrior. that man refuses to get up early even if you two need to be somewhere on time.
he has a habit of turning towards you with the "did you just see that?" look whenever he sees someone doing something embarrassing.
he'll ask you to come over just so you two can bake together. his mom thinks the two of you are adorable
he has a PC set up with a his gaming chair and right next to it is your set up and chair that he had bought so you two can play together
“do you like it?" Miles said while uncovering your eyes to show you his hard work on setting everything up. the whole setup was based on your favorite colors. “how much did this cost?” you asked making Miles shut you up with a kiss. “don't even worry about it.”
you two danced in the rain once thinking it was a good idea but the both of you ended up sick afterwards
he gifts you a promise ring since you two are too young to get married just yet
has a habit of turning his head so his lips could reach your hand whenever you cup his face
has a whole board filled with pictures of you two either from a polaroid or photobooths
over all gentleman towards you (and his mom ofc)
actually loves physical touch
you were standing up making yourself a sandwich for a late night snack until you felt someone snake their arms around your waist and rest their head against your shoulder. you didn't have to look over your shoulder to figure out who it was. “hey, you hungry?” miles hummed against your shoulder, tightening his grip on your waist. “yeah.”
when you two take the subway he has his arm wrapped around your waist while resting his hand on your hip as his free hand was holding onto one of the poles. he does this no creep comes your way and so you won't fall as the subway can be pretty rough at times.
pulls out his phone whenever you two aren't together in person.
“miss you :(”
“miles I literally just left like a couple minutes ago”
he knows whenever you feel down even if you don't say anything about it
“hermosa, look at me.” he lifted your chin with his hand making you stare up at him. “what's wrong? you're not your usual self.”
respects your boundaries and leaves you alone/drops the subject if you don't feel comfortable talking about it at the moment
“sorry, I just. I just don't wanna talk about it right now.” Miles smiled at you before kissing the top of your hand that he was holding. “it's okay mi niña hermosa, talk to me when you're ready."
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livelaughloveloak · 1 year
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𖦹 pairing : earth1610!miles morales x reader
𖦹 summary : random scenarios and headcanons of miles as your boyfriend
𖦹 author's note : y'all I'm literally running out of ideas so I would appreciate it if you guys sent me some requests 😭 btw this isn't proofread
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you and him definitely have a snapstreak but it was on accident. he randomly snapped you and you'd snap him back on a daily so now you two are just stuck with a 200+ snapstreak.
he bought you a Polaroid camera for your birthday and you ended up using up most of the film on him.
you have the pictures up on the board hanging up in your room
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HE'S A COMPLETE SWEET HEARTTTT through actions or through text he'll show his love for you either way.
you pulled back from the tight hug miles pulled you into and looked up at his face. "miles you have that smug look on your face again." you poked his cheek and laughed. miles gasped and was quick to defend himself although he was in fact smiling like an idiot. "I do not!!"
if he's not busy with spiderman business, school, family problems, or hanging out with you then he's busy texting you instead.
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he might go to an advanced private school but he refuses to write sentences properly.
you'd receive messages from him like these
luv u
he'll abuse the living hell out of emojis when texting you
"yup 😎😎😎😎😎😎💪💪💪"
"wdym no ☹️☹️😒😒🤨🤨🤨"
omw Mami 😋😋😋🤟🏿🤟🏿🤟🏿🤟🏿🤟🏿🤟🏿
he'll ask you for help when it's washday for his hair. his scalp is sensitive so you make sure to be extra careful
he has your contact saved as mi alma. one time his mom saw the contact name pop up on his phone and questioned him about it. he freaked out and started blabbering nonsense
he tells you stories about his adventures when his uncle aaron was still alive.
he has a picture of you as his wallpaper and a pic of you guys together as his lockscreen
he draws you two matching pfps
will definitely give you a new drawing everytime he can
was sweating bullets when he finally revealed to you that he was spiderman.
the pressure was quickly lifted off of his shoulders once you said that you accepted him and understood.
he's still scared that you'd be his canon event and swears he'll never let you die
"even if I have to destroy this universe as long as you're alive I'll be alright." you pinched his cheek and smiled. "don't be silly miles" a groan escaped his mouth as you giggled. "mami stopppp I'm being serious right now."
he let's you win in games just to see you happy but if it's basketball he's not gonna hold back 😭🙏
has his face buried in your neck while sleeping. he says it's because "I'm cold and you just happen to be warm" but yet again it's the middle of summer.
will be jumping up and down our of joy when you bought him new Jordans for his birthday
he has a bracelet with your name engraved into it and he wears it proudly
his phone album is filled with pictures of you. you and him fight eachother whenever you catch him trying to take a candid 0.5 picture of you
he 100% calls you "my heart"
says the most old man type of comebacks when playfully arguing with you
"yeah well you can go kick rocks!!"
"boohoo buckaroo"
"too bad so sad"
"nuh uh" or in other times "yuh huh"
"whatever pal"
"listen here buddy"
you two wear matching pajamas when you have sleepovers
don't get me started on this man and saying the "rizz" jokes...
"rizzanator is what I am"
"let's have a rizz off"
"call me the rizzmaster"
he'll airdrop you the most random memes and burst out laughing when seeing your reaction
he gifted you a promise ring with both of your initials engraved into it as an anniversary gift
miles won you a teddy bear in a fair and now you both call it your "child"
don't expect to get a warning because miles will randomly FaceTime you out of nowhere.
he'd give you a spiderman suit so you could match with him
when you first met his mom she liked you without hesitation and asked to take a picture with you. she made miles take the picture 😭
overall a sweet guy and will give you the princess treatment you deserve!!
July 4, 2023 | All rights reserved to @livelaughloveloak • Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim any of my work as your own. ✮
art in the polaroids are made by purpletunabread on twitter and koscribbls on instagram
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No one asked but here you go some cute maybe a little suggestive Earth-42 Miles Morales headcanons, and a few blurbs 😌
WARNING ⚠️readers gender not specified, jealous behavior, guy with hot accent.
(Let me know if I missed any)
I have this huge urge to braid his hair 😭 (I’m I the only one??)
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Earth!42 Miles X Reader Headcanons and Blurbs
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“Wear what you want, I can fight” type guy but with a little twist. He would still get slight jealous that other people besides him get to see your attractive features (which they all are) but likes to see you smile so he sucks it up just for you
Will NEVER raise his voice at you, when you guys are in the middle of a silly fight no one yells, when you both get frustrated, you both walk away take deep breaths, think over the reason why you were fighting in the first place, then you guys stop and talk it out
Rio loves to bake/cook with you depending on what your good at
If you can’t do both she more than happy to help teach her future daughter in law
Shopping with or for you is a MUST
Loves resting his tired little head on your chest, but around Rio your shoulders, and Aaron nothing (he gotta look tough yk, no sappy bullshit around the big man)
Though he doesn’t seem like it, he’s a big whiner, and when he does he drags out the word Ma
Loves teasing you when you accidentally say something that can be unintentionally dirty
You see it, you like it, you want it, Miles buys it
I see Miles as the type of guy to go on calming car rides while listening to music for fun
He definitely listens to Rema (even if he can’t understand him)
If you draw, he will absolutely just lean on your chair and watch as you hum along to a tune in your head
Tries so hard to make sure you don’t know he’s Prowler
Eventually tells you because he knows he shouldn’t keep secrets (husband material)
When he told you, you were shock and need some time to get used to it but loved him the same no matter what
Later would say things to him like “you know, that kind of makes you more hotter babe?”
Likes to hold you so tight in bed that you have to beg him to let go so that you don’t pee your pants
Calls you unique versions of your first/ last name to seem more special
When Aaron meets you he was shocked
He didn’t expect to see such an understanding and nice people to be with Miles
Invited to all family events (by Rio)
Practically know everyone from the Morales family
Your friends and family are shocked when they found out you were with someone like Miles
Got used to it and love him, but not as much as you
Matching shoes everyday, and if you guys can’t see each other for some reason he will text to ask which Jordan’s your planning to wear so that he could match
When your flustered will call you Mami, or Mi amor to make it worse
Loves to lay on your thighs while you play with his hair
(If you have siblings) before they officially met him they would tease you when they walk into your room unannounced to see you looking like a tomato with your phone to your ear
Will whisper “good morning/goodnight Ma” in his groggy voice bc he knows it makes go🥴
Loves finding new matching wallpapers with you every two weeks
If someone is looking at you, he will gently but swiftly grab your chin and give you a kiss, even if he doesn’t like PDA
Rio brags about you to all her coworkers, and how she’s “So lucky that my son found someone as amazing as [Name]”
When Miles annoys you, all you have to do is walk to the living room/ kitchen, point upstairs, and she will yell at Miles to quit bothering you
Loves when you patch him up because when your done you kiss each and every spot making him wanna get hurt even more
Would kill for you “Ma, not saying I will, but I would if it came down to it” in which you would say “Someone complimenting me is not ‘coming down to it’ you understand?”
When you roll your eyes at him just has to be like “do that again I dare you” and you shut that down real quick
Folds when he hugs you from behind and vice versa
Finished this at 11:20 pm, so if it’s not to your liking to bad bc at least most of this stuff is completely original 😌✋🏽
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creads · 2 months
bem vinda camila creads esse aqui é seu exposed!😤💥💢 gnt vcs sabiam que ela me tortura mandando coisas no chat? ELA EH DOIDA CONSTANTEMENTE TENTANDO ME MATAR! enfim, venho através desta ask pedir headcanons fofinhos/safadinhos dos pipe/matias/simon com uma lobinha gamer (que tem poster de jogo no quarto, wallpaper de personagem 2d, umas pelúcias na cama - que o matias provavelmente olharia e diria "tá com algum problema, parça?" encarando o bichinho quando ela vai no banheiro e o pipe viraria todas pr parede antes deles foderem pq se sente observado😭😭😭😭💓)
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omggg laudelicia hiiii 💐🌺💞🌷💗🌸
tenho pra mim que o matias (se já não fosse gamer antes de te namorar o que as chances são baixas de acordo com as vozes da minha cabeça🙏🏻) ia logo se converter. no primeiro domingo atoa que ele passasse na sua casa enquanto você joga e ele mexe no celular ele só ia ficar vendo você jogar por uns 5 minutinhos antes de voltar a fazer as coisas dele, no próximo ia ficar mais tempo e ia ficar mais investido no jogo ainda, no próximo você ia ter um cheerleader pessoal pq ele ia ficar tipo “👏🏻👏🏻🤟🏻🤟🏻mandou ver amor”, no próximo ele ia pedir pra jogar (e ainda ia tirar uma selfie com você no colo dele e ele de fone PRINCIPALMENTE se for aquele de orelhinha de gato) e no próximo vocês iam estar xingando seus adversários enquanto jogam juntos. e sobre os pelúcias ele ia ser o completo oposto do pipe 💔💔💔 depois que te comesse e te deixar completamente idiota de tesao, enquanto você tá deitada com o rosto no peito dele este arrombadinho ia pegar a pelúcia e colocar ela perto do seu rosto e perguntar pra ela (sim ele vai fazer uma pergunta pra um objeto inanimado) “gostou do show?? 😛😛😛” e você toda 😡😡vsf matias são tipo meus filhos e ele ia com certeza meter uma patacoada do tipo 😧😧agora eles sabem que a mãe deles é uma safadaaaaaa!!!! e lauris… não queria falar nada não mas ele é o winner do cenário te chupar enquanto você tá em ligação jogando com amigos 💔💔💔 e digo mais ele ia dar a performance da VIDA dele só pra você não conter os gemidos
já simon principalmente no início seria exatamente igual a alane com a bia do brás “nossa amor você é tão criativa 🥰🥰” quando você começasse a falar sobre seus interesses pq ele é tão heterotop que ele fica tipo 👍🏻👍🏻tá bom qualquer coisa vai nos avisando 👍🏻👍🏻 mas com o tempo ia com certeza dar mais importância ao seu hobby e olhe lá pq ele também começaria a jogar com você (mas aí seriam jogos de homem tipo gta call of duty etc mas vocês se encontrariam no meio termo talvez em um the sims minecraft sei la gente da pra ver que eu não entendo muito bem de jogos kkkk???…) e ai que saco eu pensei nele todo dengosinho curvando o corpo por trás da sua cadeira e dando beijinhos no seu pescoço tipo “morrrrr já deu né vem pra cama comigo…” e sabe uma coisa 💭💭💭💭 as vezes ele arrasta sua cadeira de rodinhas até a cama sem nem dar tempo de você desligar o computador… e dito isso☝🏻ele ia AMAR gravar você sentando nele no quarto escurinho só com a luz coloridinha do seu teclado ou da tela do computador te iluminando, subindo devagarinho com a mão até seu peito apertando ele e logo depois até seu pescoço te enforcando de levinho enquanto xinga baixinho “me encanta cuando me monta así, mami” e depois ia apoiar o celular nas suas pelúcias com a câmera frontal virada pra vocês enquanto ele te come de bruços segurando seu rostinho pra você encarar a tela do celular enquanto fala no seu ouvidinho “vai querer voltar pro seu joguinho depois que eu encher essa bucetinha gostosa de leite, hm?” (e o dirty talk seria em espanhol tá amigas mas eu não confio no google tradutor então por favor finjam 🕊🕊🕊🕊)
é literalmente canon que o pipe ia virar os bichinhos pra parede 💔💔💔 e digo☝🏻mais ele não ia admitir em voz alta mas adora eles também, e o dia que você descobre isso é quando estão deitados na cama e um dos bichinhos cai e ele na maior espontaneidade do mundo “naaaaaao o [nome que ele DEU pra ele tipo um gatinho de pelúcia ia se chamar gatito ou bigodudo] caiuuu 🕊🕊🕊💔” e você 🧍🏻‍♀️como é? e aí ele 🧍🏻‍♂️ eu não disse nada. e old que você ia zoar ele até ele ficar bicudinho tipo 😡😡😡para mô que saco. e old que ele ia ficar ouvido todo giggling and kicking his feet quando você tá reclamando do jogo ou falando sobre alguma coisa legal que aconteceu todo pipo 🥰🥰🥰aiii que bonitinha ela toda nerdolinha… e também ia te fazer jogar sentada no colo dele, mas nem no jeito sexual sabe? só pq a linguagem do amor dele é toque físico então quer ficar pertinho de você por mais que você não esteja prestando atenção nele e sim no jogo. e sabe o que mais 💔💔💔💔💔 ele ia oferecer pra fazer massagem quando o jogo que você jogou pra desestressar te estressou e só ir descendo com as mãos pelas suas costas até chegar na sua bunda e quando você vai ver ele tá te chupando até você ter que colocar o travesseiro na cara pra não gemer alto 💔💔💔💔 e você ia conseguir sentir um sorrisinho na boca dele enquanto ele te chupa pq ele nunca não fica metido e pimposinho quando te deixa completamente burra só com a língua dele🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊
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insuke69 · 11 months
!Miles 42 headcannons
fuck hes a minor dammit im a minor as well
no full on sexualizing p in v or whatever but lil things along those lines, nothing EXPLICIT ..i think, so yeah.
(This is mostly for me that is painfully lonely and needa vent my thoughts abt this man as a perfect bf is some ways, ..i feel like he'd be toxic though.)
this is mostly for uterus havers :(
-He is a GENTLEMAN. whoever said chivalry is dead has never dated Miles: Opening doors for you, Paying for everything, Always letting you in first, polite mf.
-He loves hand holding, this man will always have something on you, hand, shoulder, etc. PDA goes hard
-y'all can be talking and blabbing on about something but if you are talking for 'too long' this guy will suddenly give you a passionate kiss when you're mid-sentence to shut you up. (It always works.)
-JEALOUS MILES; he would seriously do anything w you in public if another dude is staring at you. scenario:
imagine y'all are at the mall, you are focused on the shop you two are walking to as you and Miles make small conversation and Miles has his arm around you. suddenly with his hand on your shoulder he turns your chin so you look at him then just kisses you. when you say something like '???' not that you're complaining but sudden PDA isn't 110% something you do, this mf would shrug and say something like "Just marking who's mine." and the guys staring would be long gone.
-Miles has a pic of you two in his phone background/wallpaper, the image slightly more zoomed in on you yet you both are visible.
-His phone is either pristine condition, like new 24/7 or a cracked monstrosity that barely can turn on. There's so in between; fight me on this.
-hugs from behind + nuzzling into your neck.
-when you meet his mom + uncle Miles'd show his more polite/loving side when introducing you to his mom and his more mature side with Aaron
With him mom: "Mami, here is my girlfriend ____" he'd say with a soft smile and gesturing to you.
With Aaron: "Yo uncle Aaron, meet my girl." he'd say as he gestures to you with a small nod.
-if you are Mexican and at one of your family's parties, he gobbles anything in his sight, he doesn't have much spice tolerance but he'd drown himself in salchichas a la diabla or would add too much sauce to his tacos al pastor. Literally; keep soda or Agua de jamaica READY for when he gets spiced. (He'd act like he isn't and would try to drink his drinks casually, as if his tongue weren't on fire.)
-He makes playlists for you, with songs he knows you'd like and would smile to himself if you hum the tune, he'd recognize the song and would play it in the car or something.
-Miles occasionally takes your phone and uploads himself on your Instagram story just as a 'reminder' to the guys that follow you on there.
-He is an amazing kisser, you can't prove me wrong istg.
-Miles will keep him being the prowler away from you completely, wouldn't even go with you once he was done as prowler just in case.
-He has so much respect for you, him having a single working mother and all? he is so respectful of woman.
-He can unhook a bra w one hand.
-Makes hickeys on your lower neck, stomach, thighs a lil on chest. (He's a lil mindful at the fact that you may not want visible hickeys everywhere so when he does any on your chest he does it where its at least covered by a bra.. sometimes.)
-He barely has a small idea of how periods work but barely, he knows to at least keep his mouth shut and to give chocolates. (And to decline some of your advances 'cause nobody is risking having kids.)
My phone hasn't been working so i wrote this on my stolen chromebook so idk how the spelling or grammar worked
p2 and p3 made
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sspidernaut · 11 months
.e-42 Miles Morales relationship hc's !!
people aren't nearly as obsessed w this man as they should be and that shit needs to change ASAP!!
sfw + gender neutral (i hope?) reader , use of 'princess treatment' once
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i feel like people be forgetting that 42 Miles is also a version of Miles??
bro is NOT some hyperdominant fuckboy w 10 years of experience CMON
baby has never had a spouse, he's never even had his first kiss and this is the hill I will die on
anyways, Miles meets u, Miles falls in love, y'all start to date, yada yada mkay?
42 is fucking WHIPPED
and he's so shy about it i tell u
you're so attractive and good to him and effortlessly charming and you just have this aura about you and he cant believe ur his
bc Miles has zero rizz in every universe
you could look at him for just a second longer than usual and the boy would melt inside
will keep up his usual 'cool, calm, collected' act yk, he's the man!!!
but we all know that bro is dying inside whenever he sees u
ur the most important thing to him, ALWAYS
has to suppress the urge to propose to u right then and there when he sees u getting along w his momma Rio
she would love u! so happy that her baby finally has someone who treats him right yk??
ur the only person besides momma Rio he allows to touch his hair
bro is the little spoon and i will fight everyone who says otherwise
Miles loves to settle between ur thighs n lay his head on ur stomach or rest his head on ur shoulder or bury his face in ur chest when y'all are laying down, cmon, he needs the feeling of comfort
he absolutely has a picture of u in his wallet/phone case and as his wallpaper
would not let you touch any bags ever again, would not let you pay for ur shit every again, would not let u struggle w ANYTHING ever again. 42 is carrying all ur stuff (including yourself if you're tired, though he will pretend to be annoyed) and paying for whatever the fuck u want without question
insists you leave your wallet at home, will pout if u don't
princess treatment all the way
calls u 'ma, mami, chiquita' etc.
he's a mad dry texter (will not use punctuations for the life of him) but will text u all the time nonetheless
"u good ma"
"u need sum from the store"
"u eaten anything yet"
honestly I do feel like he can be an ass at times, its 42 after all, but he does his best to make it up to u every time
he's sooooo protective, will always ask where u at and wyd out of simple worry, would probably (politely) ask for u to share ur live location w him 24/7 and would share his w u
42 wouldn't even check ur location once he gets it, he would still opt for asking u directly, it just gives him a sense of comfort that he can (and will) find u immediately if he needs to
bro cannot lose another person dear to him
would absolutely grill people with glares if they look at u wrong
ur his, he's not sharing
he's not overly possessive tho, will keep himself in check
Miles drinks his respect ur spouse juice every day, he will let u live ur life smh
he really trusts you anyways
still asks (ASKS!!!!!) to go everywhere w u, trails after u like a lost puppy
all grumpy w his rbf but his eyes will never fail to soften around
he smiles the sweetest, dorky smile if u play ur cards right
not a big fan of pda but will let you touch n kiss him if u want to touch n kiss him and throw a protective arm around u, always has a hand on ur lower back in public
all over u in private tho!!!
he's addicted to ur kisses and will ask before kissing u every. single. time
once he gets his lips on urs you will not get him off of u again, 42 is an addict and ur his drug
scary dog privilege all day everyday
also does his best to make a good impression on ur parents and they love him!
once y'all have been in a relationship for longer he will honestly ease up around u so much and be less shy yknow
actually starts to tease u back, blushes less and does that tiny amused smirk instead
y'all playfight every two seconds (42 will NOT let u win under any circumstances, bro is a lil bitch and smug asf about it)
will also beat ur ass at mario kart
42 Miles ain't showing u no mercy w that shit, he's too competitive
he buys u new flowers every week
extremely expressive through actions, less comfortable to do so through words but will tell u that u mean everything to him on a regular nevertheless bc he's a sweetheart and in love w u
you would watch every single one of his (basketball) games and eventually he'd give u one of his jerseys (w his name and number on it and everything!!)
bro has to hold himself back so bad whenever he sees u in it
bonus points if its oversized on u
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he's so JIDFUHIGEYFUERFV I will simply pass away
constructive criticism and reqs are welcome!!
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hookedonhook730 · 7 months
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because who doesn’t love our favorite duo?💜🖤⚖️
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rairaion26 · 12 days
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Enrique Ricardo Morningstar
Gender: Male
Age: Young Adult
Sexuality: Bisexual
As the first born son, prince, and future king of hell, Enrique takes his role very seriously. He often presents himself as cold and calculated. If you'd ask his family and/or friends, they'd say that he's quite the opposite. He loves his family and would do anything to protect them, even if they don't need protecting
His mami, Vaggie, taught him how to fight from day one and how he should fight for love and he takes that to heart. He also loves to sing like his other mom, Charlie.
However due to past stories told about heaven from Vaggie and Lucifer, he has grown to not trust angels and Heaven in general. He likes Emily and Pentious though.
Background here
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notna11 · 11 months
:・゚earth 42 miles morales headcanons:・゚
⭐︎✯ my masterlist
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he refuses to hurt mothers, children or the elderly
most of the stuff he steals is for his mother (bc she's a nurse and most painkillers and insulin and other stuff are very expensive)
hes definitely a very dry texter (maybe if he's used to you or something he'll send you non-dry texts??)
definitely wears insoles to make himself taller (like that one fan art I seen, I was gonna link it but I can't find where I saw it)
he has you as his wallpaper on his phone and a picture of you in his wallet
mostly has Spanish nicknames for you. (mami, ma, gatita, and princesa)
will only let you and his mom touch his hair (I saw this one one shot (I think) and it was like Miles' mom was busy so you braided his hair. it was the cutest thing ever)
a total sneakerhead, would get matching Jordans for both of you
if he can't come see you he'll FaceTime you even if he just saw you an hour or something ago.
Miles 1610 hasn't played many sports but Miles 42 has done them all.
he hates celebrating his birthday (he seems like that type of person)
definitely talks shit about people in Spanish with you (if you speak it)
he probably LOVES those blue raspberry jolly ranchers
hates when people walk slow on the sidewalk/streets
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imma do some Miguel headcanons next bc why not.
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hellsbroadcaster · 1 month
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what's your phone wallpaper: its of a cute kitty in a bathtub surrounded by pretty pink flowers :3
last song you listened to: ay mami by young miko
currently reading: nothing currently but I have been thinking of re-reading TGCF
last movie: Jawbreaker (1999)
what are you wearing right now?: my vox tshirt and shorts cuz its hot bbyy
how tall are you?: 5'2
piercings / tattoos?: just my earssss but someday a tattoo !!
glasses / contacts: glasses that i never wear
last thing you ate?: pizza rolls because I am an adult
favorite color: pink !!
current obsession: hazbin hotel, the amazing digitial circus, royal match game on my phone ~
do you have a crush right now?: on literally the cutest person to ever exist
favorite fictional character: xerxes break from pandora hearts !!! he is my bby!! who i am at my core ~
last place you travelled: i believe it was Maryland for my besties wedding <3
tagged by . @veneror THANK U
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voguexdreams · 5 months
you're so fucking pretty mami, wanna turn u into my lockscreen wallpaper <3
So sweet of u I’m flattered 🥹
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kureinas · 2 years
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✧ DO NOT INTERACT : basic dni criteria. proshipper. endo systems or supporters. yandere or yanderecore. nsfw blogs. repost or edit fanart/edits without premisson and/or credit.
✧ GUIDELINES : don't request if requests are closed. don't respect anything on my blacklist. i have the right to deny any request. be patient, my motivation fluctuates and i'm often busy. always credit and reblog when using my edits. no reposts.
✧ OFFERS : icons, wallpapers, layouts, moodboards and aesthetic boards, banners, hearers.
✧ SOURCES : project sekai. twisted wonderland. genshin impact. bandori. fire emblem: 3 houses. madoka magica. persona 5. ask for unlisted sources.
✧ BLACKLIST : problematic medias, pedophilic and incestual pairings. • tsukasa tenma, akitoya, nene kusanagi (pjsk) kalim, sebek, grim, jack, staff (twst) sumeru characters, kaeluc, unreleased characters (gi) kokoro tsurumaki (bandori)
✧ WHITELIST : mmj, n25, emu, an, honasaki, anhane, minoharu, shizuai, mizuena, kanamafu (pjsk) heartslabyul, pomefiore, octavinelle, jamil, lilia (twst) jean, shenhe, kazuha, yoimiya, xiangling (gi) blue lions, hilda, marianne, bernadetta (fe3h) poppia, afterglow, aya maruyama (bandori) madoka, mami (pmmm) sumire, haru, goro, makoto (pr5)
✧ ABOUT : hello, my name is lyn. i'm 18, lesbian and genderfluid, and i use she/they pronouns. i'm currently studying at a dental college. i enjoy musical theatre, writing, and history. i'm also an irl and introject of many, feel free to ask me for my list. thank you for reading, have a lovely day!
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