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crispscreatures · 2 years ago
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I was trying a new coloring technique
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solidsolarindia · 10 months ago
6.5 MW Solar Plant in Uttarakhand (Malna)
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r3mlato · 2 months ago
most korabban van mit foztem a heten poszt, mert tudom, hogy legkozelebb mar csak vasarnap fozok:
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meg tavaly tavasszal zsuzso kert a nevnapjara epres teteju kremest, amirol en azelott meg sosem hallottam. akkor gyalazatosan sikerult, a krem nem kotott meg, poharbol lehetett kb kanalazni. szerencsere par hettel kesobb @olajbogyo pont csinalt egyet, ugyan nem epres hanem malnas teteju kremest, de az o receptjevel ezuttal minden tokeletesen mukodott, hala es koszonet neki meg egyszer!
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mindig sokat agyalunk mi legyen a sutemenyek utan megmaradt tojasfeherjevel, most talaltam egy klassz falafeles gofri receptet amibe bele lehetett tenni egy reszet (a masik reszebol meg zsuzso csinalt isteni kokusz csokot), ugyan gofri sutonk nincs, de ostyasutoben is tokeletesen mukodott.
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volt meg olasz husgomboc leves fokhagymas piritossal,
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lusta taco ami azert lusta mert minden hozza valot keszen veszunk es csak osszedobjuk par perc alatt. szupermarketes grill csirke, srirachas tortilla, smoked chipotle salsa, queso fresco, kukorica, bab, pickled jalapeno es egy kis tejfol meg cilantro a tetejere.
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a maradek csirkecombhoz meg csinaltam egy kis szojaszosz mazas edesburgonyat, nagyon finom lett, de megtanultam, hogy legkozelebb barmi szojaszoszosat a sutoben csak uvegedenyben szabad sutni, mert fel oraig vakartam a sutot utana.
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a tacobol megmaradt kukoricabol meg lett corn relish, nem szamitottam ra hogy annyira jo lesz mint amennyire, ilyet tobbszor fogunk csinalni. mikor kihult hozzaadtam a maradek fekete babot is.
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megint volt focaccia pidza, a detroit mellett most csinaltunk pesztos, pisztacias, sult paprikasat is.
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thoughtlessgayfrog · 10 months ago
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I get to make Pokémon yuri as a little pride month treat
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dunsparceappreciator · 3 months ago
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Happy holidays! 🎄
Mega-swablu and I haven't been giving our alolan trainers proper attention (sorry Honey and Malna...) so into my holiday illustration they go!!
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concretepie · 1 year ago
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Her ass CANNOT do a flip
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newlifeprojects · 25 days ago
a kurvaanyjat annak is, aki kitalalta a malnas-robbanocukorkas fehercsokit 180 hrammos tablaban.
hogyan hagyjam abba?!??
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dorka · 1 month ago
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Luxe japanese fusion dinner. 🥢
Nagyon finom volt a salata, a gombak, abalone, a miso jegkrem, a fenyo jegkrem.
En vegetarianus menut ettem, az mindig szinesebb es erdekesebb 🤍😋
salata: malnas uborkas viragos
gomba sult rizzsel
mentas fenyoleveles cseresznyes fagyi csokolademorzsaval
a legjobb: mizos jegkrem fehercsokival
tobbfele fogas edesburgonyaval, amibol a roppanos golyok voltak a legjobbak
tokeletes kis friss zsomle es alkoholmentes bor!
nagyon tele vagyunk
sajnos a gyereknek is bejott az egesz, ugyhogy a vilag legdragabb sportja melle most akkor bejott a kostolo-menuket kinalo kulonleges sefek-etteremelmeny is nala, lejegyzetelt mindent, meg hogy hogy izlett neki. olyanokat is megkostolt, amik eleg vadak voltak (tobbfele ismeretlen szoszban furdo ismeretlen etelek).
"anya, ha otthon igy talalalnal, akkor lehet jobban ennek".
csoda jo tannyerok voltak, a legjobb a gombake, egy nagyon nehez meleg szikladarab volt, de pont kezreallt. az egyik etel pedig (nincs a kepen) a napraforgo osszes reszet feldolgozta, mag, szirom, tanyer) es virag alakura volt keszitve csereptalban de nem giccsesen.
az egesz nagyon finom volt, meg tobb ilyet.
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hoardseekers · 5 months ago
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Playing a One shot tonight, haven't been a player in a looong time
let me introduce you to the gang
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Arden Flinthart - College of Swords Bard
My first character ever, got a revamp. Played by me @trancedraws
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Hisvert Thinkerback - Eldritch Knight Fighter
My bestie and protege, obviously. Played by @just-a-newguy
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Hilmina Cinnamonstick - Totem Warrior Barbarian
She was raised as a strongwoman in a circus, played by @yes-maam-i-am-not-a-pigeon-spy
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Malna Cloudberry - Circle of Wildfire Druid
Arden's feisty niece!
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And lastly, For now. Mag the goblinbreaker - Order of the Ghostslayer Bloodhunter
we are trying the Critical role class, wish us luck
i will update as soon as i make the other characters art
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sutijany · 11 months ago
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Iden nekialltam a kiskertnek, ultettem paprikat, paradicsomot, meg karalabet. Jobbszelen van egy kis malna, meg remelhetoleg lesz eper. Nagy remenyeim vannak! Es akkor miutan ebbe most nemi energiat es penzt belefektettunk, ime, a pinceablak melletti resz, nulla invesztalassal:
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alloglossia · 4 months ago
Lexember 4 + 5 + 6
Bodypart doublets today—words that have entered into Hesterun twice, once from Middle NL and once by borrowing from a sister language to MNL (MEL).
Geju ['gejʉ]
From Middle NL wejiu 'mouth', whence also Ost bijiu 'mouth', from Proto NL wejiu.
Bei [beɪ]
From Middle EL weiü 'mouth'.
Language variety (dialect, accent);
Geju esge a nastantjanajo, bei kan en mulhen mah. mouth unspeaking D.ABS do.mischief-NPST-NEG speech fast D.ERG get-NPST worry 'A quiet mouth does not make mischief; quick speech brings worry.'
Senlei ['sɛnleɪ]
From Middle NL sønløj 'joint', whence also Ost sanlai 'elbow, shoulder', from Proto NL sjønlø:.
Hjinle ['çjɪnlɛ]
From Middle EL sjønlø: 'joint'.
Joint of the body;
Corner, bend.
Anodandost senlei a kan tofahjinle me. bend-CAUS-PST shoulder D.ABS down leg-joint D.DAT 'They bent their shoulder to their knee (=bowed deeply).'
Meojo ['mɑʊjo]
From Middle EL mauho 'bone', whence also Ost mujo 'bone', from Proto NL ma:hu.
Mamaho [mɑ'mɑho]
From Middle EL mama:ho 'bones (collective)', from partial reduplication of Proto NL ma:hu.
Mamaho a malna ni bihikle soi meojiþi toir-kegeonþi. skeleton D.ABS COP-IND with arrange-P.PART how.much bone-PL.GEN two-hundred-GEN 'Skeletons consist of about two hundred bones.'
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grey-gazania-fic · 2 years ago
Root and All
Elrond, still fairly new to Amon Ereb, learns some botany and gets to know Maedhros a little better. Rated G.
Autumn had come to the south of Beleriand. Beneath the fiery canopy of the forest, the creeks and streams were beginning to run cold, and the rabbits, deer, and pheasants walked abundant among the trees. A group of men, too, were moving carefully through the undergrowth. There were seven of them -- five fully grown men and two small, dark-haired boys. Four of the men bore plain bows and serviceable blades; the fifth, who was the tallest, carried only a sword. The boys were unarmed, but they walked in the center of the group where they could be easily protected by the others.
Now and then the men paused. One or another would point something out to the boys -- a clump of fur caught on a bramble, an animal’s faint footprint just visible in the dirt. Twice, the burliest of the men knelt down and slowly strung a looped wire about a peg, which he then buried in the soft earth. The boys watched raptly, their grey eyes bright and intent.
“This time you try,” Halfion said when the group next stopped, handing Elros a length of thin wire. “Do it just like I showed you.”
Elros caught his lower lip between his teeth and began to bend the wire, his small fingers shaking slightly. It took a little time, but eventually he managed to form one end into a tightly-wrapped loop. He then slid the other end through and held up the makeshift noose.
Halfion nodded approvingly and then turned his gaze to Elrond. “You secure it to the peg,” he instructed.
Elrond took the wire from Elros and fastened it to the wood, his own hands much steadier than his brother’s. Then he tugged on it to be certain it was firmly attached.
“Very good,” Halfion said. He set the snare and then stood. “We’ll circle back tomorrow or the day after and check for more rabbits.”
Elrond smiled. While Elros would happily eat perch or charr every day if he could, Elrond had developed a taste for rabbit since coming to Amon Ereb. Stewed, braised, roasted, fried -- however it was cooked, he loved it, though a stew that was thick with meat and root vegetables was probably his favorite dish. Hopefully that was what they would eat tonight. Malnas had brought a camping oven, and they had already retrieved four rabbits from traps they had set yesterday and the day before.
This wasn’t Elrond’s first trip into the forest. Maglor had taken him and Elros out several times in the spring and summer, teaching them to fish in the streams and pluck crayfish from the small pools. But this trip was different. They had been away for a week already, far longer than the two- and three-day stretches they were used to, and in addition to fishing they were learning to set snares.
For the first time, too, Maedhros and Doronel had joined the usual trio of Maglor, Malnas, and Halfion in chaperoning them. On a longer trip, Maglor had explained, a larger group would be safer, and with more people they would be able to carry more game back to the fortress.
Elrond had been nervous at first. He and Elros knew Doronel well enough; the soldier always had a kind word for them when they crossed paths, and he had taught them both to do handstands last winter. But Maedhros remained something of an unknown. When Elrond and his brother had first been taken to Amon Ereb, Maglor had asked them not to trouble Maedhros, and the boys had obeyed. Three years had passed since then, and they still knew very little about Fëanor’s eldest son.
He was the tallest man Elrond had ever seen. He had copper-red hair. Like most of the House of Finwë, he had grey eyes, though his were a darker shade than his brother’s. He spent many nights awake, wandering the halls of Amon Ereb. And something terrible had happened to him a long time ago, something that had robbed him of his right hand and left his skin horribly scarred. But what that something was, Elrond didn’t know, nor was he brave enough to ask.
Still, over the past week he had grown more at ease in the man’s presence. Maedhros was often quiet, yet he was still commanding, and when he had something to say he spoke without hesitation. He was frequently the first to spot the signs of their prey, for his eyes and ears were uncommonly sharp. He could set cunning snares with his lone hand in a way that was truly impressive, and Elrond had yet to grow tired of watching him do it. And he stood guard every night rather than sleep, much to Maglor’s dismay.
Thus far there had been little to guard against. Though Elrond knew that orcs still roamed the forest, the hunting party had yet to encounter any -- something for which Elrond was truly grateful. He had never seen an orc, but he had heard stories both from Maglor and, years ago, from the survivors of Gondolin, the birth city of the father Elrond barely remembered. He did not want to see an orc, and he hoped that the group’s good luck would hold for the rest of the trip.
continue reading on AO3
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pearthery · 10 months ago
derek walcott's poetry is so nice,, between him and pablo neruda the descriptions are so vivid and grounded that even my stunted imagination can scrounge up the crumbs of sensation,, it's like, woauhwrgh. afrizal malna poems are good on the tongue. good for chewing. i feel like he's all about sounds, like with train in rainy season. derek walcott i can feel in my tear ducts and sometimes even on my skin
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concretepie · 1 year ago
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Marry Christmas my mammals
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voidfulruun · 1 year ago
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Big guy is here
Yeah its the Malna twins’ fusion, Aryzan
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dorka · 1 year ago
reggelire friss gyumolcsot adtak ilyen kis poharban, malna, ananasz, afonya, eper.
kaliforniai kollegaim: kiveszi az egyetlen szem tokeletesre erett malnat, a tobbit felretolja, mert vagy nem tokeletesen erett, vagy megnyomodott, vagy potencialisan nem a legedesebb bio fajta, egyebkent is nem lehet tudni, hogy honnan jott.
minden mas allambol valo kollegaim: oooo look FRUIT! healthy i guess!! egyszerre beonti a szajaba az egeszet gondolkodas nelkul. A negybol egynek tudja a nevet.
Erdekes bepillantast nyerni abba, milyen eteleken elhetnek emberek.
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