#malika yaps
whywereuborn · 2 months
i didn't do much td but im still gonna post just bc i wanna learn to be consistent w my journaling. Today i thought that i had volunteer work to do so i took a 1 hr train ride to the place im volunteering at just to find out i got the date wrong!!! i still got to give the organization the stuff i was gonna donate and managed to fetch the hat my grandma forgot the last time we were there so i guess it wasn't completely useless. I'm pretty sure i have discalculia or whatever its called hence my constant mix up of dates and times (not to be one of those people that diagnose themselves w everything). I was gonna do some shopping in the area since i was already there but it was 10:30 and none of the shops would open until 11 so i couldn't be bothered to wait in the heat so i got on another train back home. I was gonna stop at another station on my way home since i had time and nowhere to go but i got lazy and just decided to go home. Tbh im so proud of how independent ive gotten, just last year i left the house by myself for the first time and now i can even manage problems like that on my own!!! to a lot of people it might not be a big deal but for me it is bc its one of the only signs of growing up ive seen in myself. anyways, on my train back home i was looking around and wondering where everyone was going and why at such a random time in the morning during the week. there were surprisingly no kids on the train in the summer so i questioned why everyone was on that train. i wish i could know and understand everyones life and thoughts, however i do think actually being able to do that would drive me insane with how much id be able to understand everyones stand point while also understand how they completely contradict each other. i wish there was a textbook answer to everything. Then i wouldn't be struggling so much with weighing out every single decision, emotion, and thought i have with other possibilities. i guess that being able to weigh out every possibility makes me more open minded but its so exhausting to constantly questioning everything about everything. i guess thats why so many people fall back on religion, it gives them a guidebook to themselves and everything that has ever been in existence. Anyways, i then went out for lunch with my grandma where i ate too much salad and didn't leave enough room for the main dish. the guilt of my food waste then made me once again question what the most logical reaction to that would be and i spiralled over that for a few minutes. anyways, today was chill but i was all over the place physically and emotionally.
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the volunteer organizations gave me tea but i already had some in my bag so i paid for the consequences of people pleasing by adding more weight to my bag
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hindulivesmatter · 2 months
u seems so interested in hinduism so u sud read about Bhavisya Malika
i've read about hinduism a bit its so good and i started question my own religion then i stopped i can't leave allah
its so good that's why i hate hindus hinduism and you
there are so many twitter accounts to learn about hinduism if you want to know about it just make a post "YES"
don't post it
love you
we're both on drugs, I get it now.
"that's why I hate hindus hinduism and you" WHAT ARE YOU YAPPING ABOUT
"love you" WHAT😭😭
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fruitbasketball · 4 months
thoughts on this? I know SAS is an unserious individual but he looked genuinely shocked! Like what does he think he’s done for the game?!
“who talks about the w more than us”
yeah NOW you be yapping about it because it’s up and coming and current and it gets you clicks and views
you get more attention because you talk about caitlin clark and angel reese and paige bueckers now
i’ve been watching this man as long as i’ve been alive and on my life he has not talked about women’s basketball at all until the past couple of years
and honestly? at this point? i’d rather all these motherfuckers - stephen a, shannon, chuck, just shut the hell up about it, because they don’t know shit about the league or its physicality or its dynamics
i’m not gonna sit here and be told i should be grateful that shows like first take and inside the nba are yapping about women’s basketball when far more educated analysts and commentators - chiney, malika, andraya, elle, candace, steph white - do it right and do it better.
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bootsbensonhedges · 1 year
fever, delirium, and my work laptop not wanting to start up so here i am.
1/ the kardashians. it appalls me that we're on another season and we're still talking about tristan. this man is for the streets. the nerve he had to ask khloe, "i don't understand why i would do that to my person", as if someone else should figure out his issues for him. and malika. if my best friend yaps at me to get back with an ex who treated me absolutely terribly, i would cut her out as much as i would the ex.
2/ the wonderful life of henry sugar. think i've finally had enough of wes anderson films.
3/ under the banner of heaven. waiting for it to live up to its potential. i don't quite appreciate how they try to link joseph smith's story to the current-day murder storyline. feels forced.
4/ dopesick. just feels bleak all around. i need a little dark humour chaos, ala wecrashed or dropout.
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heartslogos · 7 years
send the  morning [86]
“You’re over thinking,” Solas says, watching as Malika pulls down books from the library shelves, looking slightly crazed. “Pick a name, I doubt your dog actually cares. With conditioning she will respond to anything you call her.”
“But it’s got to be a name that suits her. You know how people match their names? What if I name her something not so good? Like, what if I name her something like - I don’t know, Spot? And what if Spot is a good name for most dogs but those most dogs also have weird habits like farting whenever their name is called? What would I do then? I mean. Like. Look at Herah. When you look at Herah you think, ah, yes, that’s someone named Herah. If you looked the name Herah up you’d find her picture. Or Evelyn. Evelyn is a sensible name and you look at Evelyn and what is she?”
“The Inquisitor is hardly the image of sensible, Malika.”
“No, but she’s the most sensible of all of us.”
“I highly doubt that the name you give your dog will have that much impact. Perhaps in other people’s perceptions of her, but I don’t think it would actually affect her personality,” Solas says. “She’s already three months old. She’s already developed a personality of her own.”
Said dog is currently grinning up at them, butt planted on the ground, stumpy tail wiggling as she looks between the two of them.
Malika coos at her dog. Her dog yaps back.
Solas silently and without prompting takes some of the books Malika was taking from her hands and puts them under his arm.
“True, she already has a strong foundation but what if the name I choose for her further changes into something? What if she becomes molded by it?” Malika asks. “What if I name her something too strong and it like, drastically changes her personality into something totally strange and impossible?”
“Impossible?” Solas raises an eyebrow. “For Malika Cadash? I didn’t realize there was such a thing.”
Malika laughs.
“Listen,” She says, “You can’t talk about names not shaping personalities and stuff. Your name is Solas.”
Solas hums, “As you say. How many of these books are you planning on scouring for names?”
“All of them! What if she’s meant for a Tevene name? Or a Nevarran name? I won’t know until I read it.”
“What will be your basis for choosing?”
“Whichever one she responds to the best, obviously.”
Solas glances down at the dog. “I feel, Malika, as though your dog will respond strongly to anything you call her by as you are the one calling her. Mabari are incredibly intelligent, after all.”
“But there’s got to be one she likes better than all of them. And I’m going to find it.”
“This is an intimidating line up,” Maxwell muses. He’s whispers to Blackwall under his breath, “Are you the only one feeling inadequate right now?”
Blackwall coughs a laugh under his breath, “Whoever organized this probably should’ve thought about the regular sort a bit more. Makes us look sub-par.”
The Inquisition’s procession to Halamshiral has some of their military up front, marching before Evelyn and the main advisors.
Bull and Cassandra are leading in front, Maxwell and Blackwall behind, so on and so forth. Except, after the Iron Bull and Cassandra Pentaghast in the front - with the Iron Bull and his being the Iron Bull and Cassandra Pentaghast in her sharp, sharp red uniform with her sharp and graceful almond eyes and her pretty mouth and her powerful shoulders and her -
And her everything, basically.
Well. Anyone following behind the two of them would look at little bland in comparison.
Maxwell is feeling extremely bland to the point of non-existence and unimportance. He, as well as the rest of the Inquisition, might as well not have come. Between the two of them they could probably level the entire palace in a day and get Orlais’ support against Corypheus within hours.
He’s not sure why they didn’t just do that, actually.
Maxwell’s in the same uniform - for now, he told Evelyn in the strongest and most firm voice he’s ever used that he’s changing immediately as soon as they arrive because this uniform? Terrible. Beyond words. He’d rather wear a whole templar kit - all two stone of it. The dress ones, too, with the fancy tassels - but he feels like his was made last minute and by an apprentice tailor compared to the Iron Bull and Cassandra.
Somewhere behind them there’s Malika, but she’s not wearing the uniform because she’s supposed to be a dwarven ambassador. Or something. Representing mercantile interests, which is a polite and cleaner way to say Carta without saying Carta.
Ellana and Mahanon went on ahead, or so Leliana told them when they couldn’t be found before their departure. Maxwell has a strong feeling that neither elf wanted to be seen with the Inquisition’s army in their dress uniforms seeing as, and he quotes - “You look like you bathed in the blood of infants”.
“I do hate making a good show,” Maxwell says.
“Too much pomp,” Blackwall agrees. “Surprised there’s no trumpets.”
As if on cue, there are suddenly trumpets.
“You had to say something,” Maxwell mourns. “At least that means we’re close. I don’t think those are our trumpets. We don’t have any.”
Blackwall grumbles, irritated, “It’s going to be a long walk.”
“The weather’s nice,” Maxwell says. “A nice, nice cool evening marching in a cobble stone paved artificial forest to the sound of incredibly pompous trumpets. Have I ever told you about how much I loathe trumpets? It was my instrument growing up. I didn’t have the finger dexterity for a harpsichord, nor the ability to stay sitting long enough to learn it.”
“For some reason I can’t say I’m surprised.”
“You know what would really surprise you?”
“Evelyn’s instrument was the guitar and that’s because she broke her piano-forte teacher’s fingers with the lid by accident and they couldn’t trust her with anything else.”
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whywereuborn · 2 months
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we went to the aquarium on the second day of our trip and i had so much fun. my friend was creeped out by the fish which is not something i thought would be a common opinion but apparently it is??! i feel like yea fish can be creepy but its a lot more fascinating than it is scary. speaking of, i think that ive recently adopted this mindset of wanting to learn more about the things im scared of. This mindset has helped me become a lot more brave and ive tried sooo many new things because of it. Anyways, back to the fish. The fish in the last picture actually really creeped me out because they started opening their mouths and like making out w each other which i think might be a territorial battle thing bc one of them was sat next to a female before the other one came and opened its mouth so wide in front of the other ones face. watching this felt kinda like i was being a bystander to harassment 😭 and i felt rlly weird after witnessing that so can somebody tell me what that was about?
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whywereuborn · 2 months
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my friends and i took a train from kamakura to enoshima during our trip and no offense but enoshima was rlly dirty and idk why ppl were choosing to swim in that water. also the waves weren't very big but people were still attempting to surf there which honestly a+ for the determination but lets get serious. the people watching went crazy here tho (i would put a picture of us people watching but my posture in that picture was bonkers). it was rlly hot and honestly i was soo overstimulated but i still had a fun time i think. also i was so conflicted because the sunset was so beautiful but it felt like everytime i took a picture, the sunset got wayyy better after i put my phone away. maybe this is the universe telling me to just enjoy the moment.
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heartslogos · 8 years
send the morning [46]
“Find cover, stop trying to stop me, and let me at him,” Mahanon says, “Give me two hours and I’ll get you what you need. Just sit here and wait like the dog lord you and your cousin keep pretending to be even though you’re from Ostwick.”
“I have never been more afraid of you than at this very moment,” Maxwell replies, “But I’m going to point out that this hallway is nothing but armed guards and if the even so much as think a dust bunny is out of place the alarms are going to go up faster than we can swear - and Malika can swear very fast when she feels suitably motivated - “
“All the time,” Malika interrupts, “Guys these patrols are so random, I can’t even tell if there’s supposed to be a schedule or if everyone here is just that paranoid.”
“ - so I’m making the judgement call that maybe we should head back report this dramatic increase in security to the others and try again when we have a better plan and less of a risk,” Maxwell says, “Please listen to me because for once I really am making sense.”
“You’re forgetting something,” Mahanon says, “You have me and Ellana with you.”
“I know, and it’s very comforting to know that I have both the support I need and the terror that would keep me on constant edge balancing each other out, but we really ought to go back and make a new plan.”
“Trevelyan,” Mahanon speaks slowly as if talking to a particularly inattentive child, “You have me and Ellana. We’re Dalish.”
“I can tell from the tattoos, yes.”
“Guys, we don’t have time to be talking about obvious things,” Malika hisses, “The longer we’re here the more chance we have of being caught. I’m actually getting a headache from trying to figure out this patrol pattern. There isn’t one! There is no pattern!”
“Shut up and be ready to move,” Mahanon rolls his eyes, “Ellana take point.”
Ellana stands up, stretches, teeth flashing as she gives what is probably meant to be a comforting smile to Maxwell, and then silently lowers herself into a crouch and moves in the direction of the fortress.
“What are you doing? What are you doing?” Maxwell lunges to try and stop her at the same time Mahanon trips him.
“Our jobs,” Mahanon says. “Did you think the spymaster would put us in her employ if we couldn’t do this? Relax. You’re worse than one o those yapping Orlesian dogs when you get excitable.”
“We’re going to be killed,” Malika groans. Maxwell concurs but Mahanon and Ellana have already gone off.
“How are you even going to get in?” Maxwell hisses a them.
“The moat,” Mahanon says, “Unless they have trained fish in there, I doubt they’d be watching that.”
“The moat?” Malika gapes exchanging a look of complete bafflement with Maxwell.
“The moat,” Mahanon confirms and with that the two elves start to jog off into the woods in earnest.
“Is this how they do things in Mahanon’s team?” Malika asks, “Because I’m starting to understand why their team always takes less than a week to report back, travel time included.”
“Maker, this is why your uncle always looks like he’s in pain.”
Malika comes to join him and the two of them try and watch the water for any signs of disturbance.
“Maker and Andraste above, you’re in love with her,” Maxwell gasps and Cullen feels like he flushes from his ears to his toes and it isn’t even because of the cold winds that perpetually shudder through Skyhold’s corridors.
“A little louder Trevelyan, I don’t think they heard you in Tevinter,” Bull says.
“You’re in love with my cousin.”  Maxwell turns to Mahanon, “And you knew! You were actively trying to set them up!”
“One, never accuse me of such actions again,” Mahanon says glaring, “Two, everyone knew. Why do you think it was a secret? Why do humans think these things are secret? It’s actually pathetic how much it wasn’t a secret.”
Cullen groans because he was really hoping that his affections for Evelyn were a little bit more subtle.
“I am horrified right now,” Maxwell says. “Cullen I trusted you. You can’t be courting my cousin, I refuse this!”
“Why?” Bull asks, “You like Rutherford and you, presumably, like your cousin.”
“How is it even your business?”
“How was it your business?” Maxwell retorts.
Cullen fights down on the dread in his stomach, “Maxwell, I’m - “
“My commanding officer and my cousin together?” Maxwell exclaims, “I’d never get a moment of peace in my life! The two of you would bully me into an early grave!”
“How are you so petty?” Mahanon mutters, “Listen, I’m just here to deliver this love note that was accidentally left in one of Leliana’s drop locations.”
“Love notes! Left in books of obscure poetry!” Maxwell throws his arms up and stares at the sky, “They’re courting like they’ve come out of a book! A really, really terrible book.”
“Varric’s book,” Bull suggests, “I’m not sure if he’s using them as a model or if it’s the other way around.”
“Demote me! Transfer me to one of Josephine’s ambassador teams! Anything!” Maxwell cries.
“I promise that I will not let my personal feelings for your cousin affect my command and leadership,” Cullen says, “Maxwell please keep your voice down. I haven’t - I haven’t told her.”
“You don’t need to,” Bull says, “If you’re exchanging love notes.”
“They aren’t love notes,” Cullen sputters, “They’re - they were a joke.”
That rapidly evolved into something a little more. Or so he hopes.
Mahanon puts the square of folded paper on the table and turns around, “I’m leaving. Shems are idiots. Bull?”
“Agreed,” Bull says.
“Why are you even here?”
“Maxwell wanted me to stand behind him and look intimidating,” Bull says, ducking his head as they leave Cullen’s office. Maxwell and Cullen continue to have their rather pathetic excuse of a stand off. “And I thought it’d be funny. It’s actually just painful to watch. Thanks for the save. I think my brain was starting to go numb.”
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