#malicedragoness asks
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awholenewkhaos · 1 month ago
So does Ayeka have multiple forms? 😁
//answering this as @averytiredbitch . In the future, please direct questions like this to that account or phrase it as if you're asking the person themselves
//Ayeka has 3 distinct forms. Now which one I'll be using as canon, I have yet to decide
(all images made with RPG Chara maker (Daemonic). code: 628795)
tw for spider like imagery
tag list: @theelderhazelnut @mids-stupid-shit @roselyn-writing @mike-like-t-scream
Biblically accurate (successful experiment)
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Mostly human (not so successful expierment)
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A perfect balance (semi successful expierment)
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//Maker was limited, but you can probably tell what I was getting at with her. I did 2 versions of each form due getting the idea of making her skin color match the spider legs, but also wanting to keep her original skin color of light purple. (cause I feel like the color purple is a great color for spider based oc)
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averytiredbitch · 17 days ago
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Happy Valentine’s Day 😁
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crowsnhoes · 6 months ago
You said Jay would be a deer. Now I’m imagining Hyena Havik doing a protecc for Deer Jay. ☺️
Yeen Havik would absolutely do a protecc despite knowing Jay could easily gore a person, given they're frightened enough.
We're gonna get a sprinkle of lore here >:3
The beast stands in front of the shaking creature behind him, his teeth permanently bared in an aggressive snarl. He growls at the bloodied assailant before him, his maw dripping with drool that has been tinged with the metallic tang of blood, his hackles raised, and his eyes never leaving his target.
The deer, however, is frozen in place, unable to do anything but tremble, but the hyena knows better than this. He is aware of how dangerous the animal can be when threatened. He simply hates to see them that way. The memory of when he had first met them claws it's way into his brain, painful, yet endearing.
Havik's feet hit the ground in thumping steps as he chases after the stranger that had attacked him. All he had wanted to do was figure out where they're from, who they are, study them, but now he has an arrow lodged in his shoulder. The dull throb doesn't phase him, and neither did the sharp stab as it entered his body, but it annoyed him to all hell. Now, here he is, chasing down this strange person that's seemingly nowhere to he found. All he has to go off of is a small blood trail left by them, but even that is scarce.
The trail leads him into a clearing, then it stops abruptly. Had they stopped bleeding and kept running? No. They're here somewhere. He knows they're here, but where? That's when he hears the slightest rustle of leaves above him, so he turns his gaze up to the trees. It takes him a moment, but he spots them hiding among the leaves and branches of a tall tree, arrow drawn and pointed straight at him.
"Clever thing," he rasps.
The words barely leave his mouth before an arrow sinks into his left eye, and for once, he shouts with pain. The searing sensation in his head is dizzying, and he almost drops to his knees, but the sound of boots hitting the ground and a loud yelp brings him out of the daze.
Havik rips the arrow from his eye socket with a sickening squelch, throwing it to the ground, and regenerating his eye with ease. Though his head pounds and his vision is blurry, he can make out the stranger's form attempting to limp away, but he's quicker. In a flash, he's on them, grabbing them by the back of their cloak like one would an animal by the scruff of its neck. They kick and scratch as Havik manhandles them to the ground, successfully subduing them. They squirm and fight for a moment, but once they settle down, Havik loosens his grip; a mistake. Teeth sink into his forearm and a blade follows shortly after, making contact with his throat, slashing it quickly, and the blood comes pouring out. He grunts and lets go of the person below him to hold his hand to his throat, more surprised than anything.
He heals the wounds quickly, only leaving faint scars to be remembered. When he takes his hand away from his throat and turns his gaze to the frightened stranger just feet in front of him, he can't help but admire their tenacity and how pretty they look splashed with the crimson hue of blood. Their expression is frenzied, eyes wide and lips parted as they pant and brandish their blade, still ready to put up a fight despite their injuries, so he puts up his hands in surrender and kneels to make himself appear smaller, hoping the gesture would send the appropriate message. The scarred man speaks, his voice rough and winded, asking only one question:
"What are you called, stranger?"
The hyena is brought back to the present by the sound of the assailant's body falling to the ground with a heavy thud, bloodied, beaten, and torn to pieces by the beast's teeth and claws. He drops huffs and drops his gaurd, turning to the deer behind him to tend to their wounds. They settle onto the ground, resting their head on the grass, grunting softly as the hyena laves his tongue gently over the gash along the deer's side. He hates to see his companion in pain, but tending to their wounds feels special. It's makes him feel wanted and needed, and it makes the deer feel cared for.
When the hyena has licked enough at the deer's wound, he shifts to lie down beside them, nuzzling into their jaw and whining as if to ask if they're okay, to which the deer responds, turning their head to give the scarred beast a soft lick to the muzzle, thanking him for all he's done.
Raahh I don't write much so I hope this is good. Thank you for the ask, cause I've been meaning to do a little bit of a lore drop <3
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theelderhazelnut · 23 days ago
Rise of The Villains: The Advocate
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Warnings: mentions of death
Words count: 1.5k
Pairing(s): None
Characters: Quan Chi, Raiden, Sonya Blade, Johnny Cage, Cassie Cage
Summary: Quan Chi is back from the dead, but his punishment is far from over. The Special Forces have captured him to use for their own purposes.
Author’s Note: Here it is! This series is best described as an AU of Rise Of The Villains (An au of an au lol). This takes place somewhere between MKX and MK11, and is not canon compliant. ALSO, writing from his pov is the medicine I didn’t know I needed.
Writing Taglist: @cassietrn @raresvtm @cloudofbutterflies92 @mids-stupid-shit @thedragonholder @tommyarashikage @malicedragoness @afraidofrabbits @ash-shark @darialovesstuff @bloody-arty-myths @vivilovespink @starneko123 @inafieldofdaisies @chaosrealm @voidika @aceghosts @euryalex @elderglocks @averytiredbitch @strangefable
Returning from the dead wasn’t really a good idea; at least not when it was about me. The silence among the corpses and, as they say, damned souls was where I felt most comfortable in.
Death was never an issue for me. I knew the rules of this board game. I knew which pawns to move and exactly which houses to move them to. And I would always stand up with a proud smile, and shake hands with death with pure confidence.
But this time was different. This time, the game was new. I didn’t know the rules. This time, Raiden slammed my fist down onto the table.
The path to the main headquarters was more crowded than I would usually prefer. Living eons in the Netherrealm had forged my mind to fit well with that incomparable isolation among jagged cliffs and eroded souls, so now it was doomed to endure the endless, lively chatter of humans everywhere. Every single one of them minded their own particular business. They blended together; out of my control.
I leaned my temple against the car’s window while my handcuffed hands subconsciously stroked the fabric of my uniform pants, silently getting accustomed to them.
“No longer allowed to open portals to your destination?” The Special Forces agent asked, his raspy voice was nearly unreadable.
My chest clenched. “But, still, I will survive a car accident.”
His green eyes lingered on me through the rear view mirror. My lips slowly stretched into a smirk. That was the fear I knew with my flesh and blood. At least something from home accompanied me this morning.
After about half an hour, a dark vast border of a fortified wall emerged from the horizon. I shifted to the middle seat to take a better look through the front window. As far as the eye could see, the wall stood persistently, stoically protecting what was behind. As we drove closer, I noticed that it wasn’t actually a wall. It consisted of angular observation decks, and tiny dots of light leaked through the concrete.
The winding road lead us towards an enormous gate. And soon, we were among armored vehicles and hurried soldiers. I got out of the van. The cold wind whipped my face. Immediately, the trigger of another round of headache came forward.
“This new face is in the biggest spotlight today! I’m envious.” Jonathan Cage nearly shouted, grinning from ear to ear while he wheeled a wheelchair.
“As you should.” I replied. The last thing I needed was him rubbing his hatred for me all over me with an unnatural cheerful tone.
“You even ordered first-class?” He whistled, and tapped the back of the chair. I sat down, and immediately, two soldiers tied my wrists, chestand ankles to the chair.
Mr. Cage wheeled me on a wheelchair through the hallways which were mostly constructed by metal, I presumed. The pale fluorescent lights leaking through the stiff folds of the ceiling and the floor were bright enough to bring any creature back to their senses immediately.
As we reached the very end of one of the many hallways, a metal gate slid open, and we entered a much darker room. It took my eyes a whole several minutes to adjust to the abrupt change of lighting.
“Here he is!” Mr. Cage announced.
Raiden’s white robe quickly caught my attention once he stepped into the dim light. His straw hat shadowed half of his face, per usual. The source of all of my miseries was a few meters away from me, but I was forced to sit on a wheelchair and just watch.
“After eons, you will make considerable use for the realms.” He began firmly. “Even though you are meamt to suffer the consequences of the long list of your crimes.”
“What makes you so certain of that?” The words came out without my knowledge. I let out a sigh and shrugged. “You couldn’t possibly think of a more easier punishment?”
“You are in the Special Forces’ grasp, Quan Chi.” Raiden raised his voice slightly as he repeated his words.
“And as your punishment, you will be working as a secret agent.” A female voice continued. General Sonya Blade stepped forward into the light, shoulders square and hands behind her back.
I would never predict this moment in million years. I held a hysterical laugh behind a sudden burst of a smirk. “You truly are so desperate, lord Raiden. Have you finally succeeded to kill your champions one after another?”
His nostrils flared, his lips creasing in a pout. “In fact, I have always been anticipating this moment to have your cooperation. And it has finally arrived, but not in a situation you certainly desired.” He spoke nonchalantly.
“And if I refused?”
“Your soul will forever be banished to the in-between.”
The blood in my veins froze. Raiden had never made such an existential threat to me, so now this was a sign of a gigantic dog on a leash, ready to be released.
“And how this current moment differs from being banished? Granted with the chance to live among humans is supposed to be…nurturing? Rewarding?” Fortunately, my voice remained tamed and neutral.
General blade dodged my teasing question firmly. “After a medical checkup, you will receive a set of essential gears. And you are also obligated to pass the shooting, and driving training.”
The walk through the hallways wasn’t strange at all, having all eyes on me and all the necks craned up to take a look at the necromancer was quite a familiar sight.
In the inventory, a female voice parroted Mr. Cage’s words.
“They’re being too kind to you, baldy.” Cassie Cage stood up from her seat, sauntering to the circular table at the center. “Guns? That’s too much for you.”
“I am already too much for you soldiers.” I pronounced the last word slightly more emphasized, as though it was a rude insult.
“Talk after you survived a gunfight.”
I rolled my eyes and neared the table. My gaze roamed around the various weapons - which were mostly guns - arranged neatly under the intense fluorescent light. I had to squint a little.
“Have you ever touched a gun before?” She probably had guessed the answer, yet she seemed annoyed by the obligation to ask it aloud.
“After eons of studying, there still remains many fields I haven’t even peeped into.” I picked up a black pistol. “Do I have freedom in my choice?”
Ms. Cage shrugged. “You gotta learn how to handle all of these sooner or later. Most of them at least.” She crossed her arms. “Pick a pistol and a rifle for now. And let’s just get over with this training crap.”
The training session was more of an issue than I had thought. That was the moment I learned aiming with a pistol is considerably more difficult than shooting a large green skull from your bare hands.
One more cylindrical obstacle hitting my shin was enough for my rage to flare. I tripped over and fell onto my elbows. My fist clenched around the pistol. It was all its fault, distracting me from numerous moving obstacles. My chest vibrated from the low growl that escaped my throat.
I turned onto my side, and opened my palms. The heat of rage coursed through my arms, morphing into several shooting skulls. The massive twirling cylinder staggered backwards, the background now visible through the burnt hole in it. The long shafts attached to it went flying in the air. A few of them struck the monkey bars. Targets on the wall collapsed, slamming against the floor with a thunderous clash.
Commander Cage slurped her drink. “Wow.”
I took a deep breath before sitting up on my knees.
“Where’ja wanna get the money from?” She vaguely gestured to the mess before her. “Come on, you’ll perform better on the streets. Like a dog chasing cars.”
“At least I don’t have a golden leash given by my mother.” I forced a smirk on my bitter expression. My chest heaved with my heavy breaths.
She shot me a glare before leaving the training room.
I stood on my feet, and adjusted my uniform. A part of me admitted that she was right; I was now going to chase cars and people like a dog. But since when did they collected the courage to spit facts in my face?
I gripped the fabric of my pants and stared at nothing on the floor. I was only one step away from tangibly tasting this new life. Everything was going smoothly around me and against me. Instead of wrapping it all around my finger, I could just sit there and have a young soldier order me here and there.
I stood up and walked up to the metal gate. At least I could show them why they made a wrong move by making me their secret agent.
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malicedragoness · 5 months ago
So, yeah. I hate asking. It makes me feel like shit. But since I’ve been sick, I’ve missed a lot of hours at work and my paycheck is going to be horrible.
My husband and I live paycheck to paycheck. All of his money goes towards rent and his school. My money is for utilities, groceries, gas, car note and car insurance. (And these are groceries for me, my husband, two small children ages 6 & 2, my mother who lives with me after my dad passed, my dog, and two cats.)
And it’s going to be a monumental task to make all these happen with how bad my paycheck is going to be.
I don’t like asking for handouts. But I have to put my pride aside ask. (I’m crying as I write this)
If you wish for me to write a drabble for you and one of your favorite characters, DM me after you donate and we can talk. I wouldn’t mind trying to make something work. Just know my writing is ok.
I’m grateful for any who are able to donate or able to reblog this post.
I love you guys and stay safe and healthy!
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brittlecakes92 · 1 year ago
Would you write Reiko x male raw recruit s/o headcanons? This s/o looks forward to be initiated into Reiko's "special" training...
Full discloser!! I have never written for mxm before, so, this might not be the best head canons and I apologize for that, but I did want to answer it! I did have some help with these @malicedragoness we bounced off some ideas! So I am going to add what we discussed in here too! Hopefully you enjoy, and thank you for the ask! (: -Reiko being a soldier and being around his recruits, isn't a stranger to some loving if you know what I mean. (; -Especially when being away for a long period of time, emotions being high, and all that testosterone and energy. - It started with a huge victory, everyone erupting in huge cheers, their victory yells ricocheted off the valley. Reiko Spotted you, your face clutched between his big hands, you both banged foreheads for a minuet before he kissed you. It was quick, and before you could get into it he left you just as quickly. -That was the start of your relationship. You would catch glances of him while you trained, he watched with laser focus. He would stand close behind you to "Fix your form" you could feel his impressive length pressed against your bottom. - He loves to test your endurance, you sat in a chair, your arms tied behind your back and he sucks you off. Getting you right to the edge of your release before pulling his mouth off of you altogether. - He loves making you a messy, pleading, wreck. He wants you to beg for his fat cock. - And when he does finally give you exactly what you have been asking for, it's a wild ride. You are on all fours, back arched as Reiko works his fat cock between your cheeks. When you are clenching up he commands you relax before grasping your cock in his large hand giving it a firm squeeze and forcing you to relax. When he finally gets all the way in, he doesn't stop his brutal pace. -You are one of his soldiers, you could take it, there were no exceptions of excuses that he would listen too. - Reiko loves to sink his teeth into the juncture of your shoulder and neck. When the sensation is getting to much for him he loves to let out feral groans and loud growls into your ear. -But if you think for a second you are going to cover up your moans of pleasure you have another thing coming. There will be no biting your finger to keep yourself quiet, no covering your mouth, no burying your head into a pillow, if he thinks you will for a second he is pulling your head back by the scruff of your neck. -NOW... NOW... Don't think this man won't turn into a whiny fucking mess himself when you are buried deep into your commanders ass. He loves when you are pushed as deep into him as you can go, your hands holding his nuts in a vice grip. Slap his ass if he isn't loud enough for you. And none of that light little slapping. He wants to feel IT. -Reiko loves when you play with his nipples, pinch them, lick them, bite them, suck on them. -Reiko is a switch, he can do both, but I see him as a power top. - Reiko isn't above pulling you out of training to bend him over his table in the war room, or have you bent over. - Reiko sucking you off in the hallway. - You're supposed to be standing guard during an event? Laughable, Reiko is behind you, playing how many fingers can he fit in that tight little asshole. And you better keep composer during this too. If you break under this pressure, are you really good enough to be under his command? - When you are rimming him, he loves to hold your face steady and push it as far as he can get it between his cheeks. - He is big on ass training, And with himself too, he loves to see how much you can fit in his hole, he wants to take more, he can handle more. ----------------------------------------------------------------- And that is all I can think of, sorry if they are bad, like I said I have never done this before. So it was uncharted territory, hope you like it. (:
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valyrra · 6 months ago
love this tag! tysm baby!
“🎶✨When u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask tag 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨”
TOWN -Rxlzq (Bonus)
Mr. Rager - Kid Cudi
So Cold - Breaking Benjamin
Warte auf mich [Padaschdi] - AnnenMayKantereit
Don't Go - Bring Me The Horizon, Lights
no pressure tagging: @esolean @chewbokachoi @bihanspookies @nadilu @cloudofbutterflies92 @laylowtuna @meatgrinderminefield @malicedragoness @livia25leelover @kyuoki @joliackermann @theelderhazelnut @scentedcandleibex @trulyblockedout @anomaris @its-lolyolo @soulofamy @johnlocsin-johnyakuza @flekh @grumpyoldhag @tomboxed @boxdstars @umbransister and everyone who wants to join!
“🎶✨When u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask tag 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨”
Thank you so much for tagging me @faustinio27! 😘 If you follow my main you've probably seen some of these songs before.
Tagging @kiwiplaetzchen @raenegade-accio @theodoradevlin @lil-grem-draws @valyrra @localravenclaw @enotracoon @queen-of-stoneharts @heyitszev @metal-mouse and you if you want to join! (No pressure)
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mkconfessions · 5 years ago
*walks in* would you look at the time, it’s Erron Black loving hours. Speaking of which, I need some serious cuddles with this man. Like outside, under the stars, cuddled up to his side with his poncho covering us, and he’s humming a song. That man’s voice is like chocolate for your sense of hearing. ❤️👌🥰
Ugh yes everything you said would be an absolute dream!! His voice is so velvety and smooth and soft at times I just melt. I just want him to hold me and tell me stories and give me kisses. 😍😍
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fromthewifecage · 5 years ago
Never Trust  A Cowboy With A Computer (AKA: Erron Black/Female reader smut)
I’ve had a lot of issues with this, I’ve had to edit the hell out of it, changing a bunch in the 1st chapter, so please reread Chapter 1 before jumping into the smut that is Chapter 2. It’s over 5k words, and it’ll be posted over on my AO3  https://archiveofourown.org/users/FeltAutomaton in a bit if you want to be extra kind and go give me kudos there :D Thank you again to @tomoka0013 @gojihime99 and @malicedragoness for your encouragement and all your help *blows kisses* Hope you like :D NSFW!
For once, the absolutely only time in recent history, your hair is behaving, thank the Gods! Actually, is there a God of Hair? Hmmm, maybe Kano would know? His stories of meeting Gods are always fascinating, even though he always exaggerates his role and prowess in encounters with said Gods. There is simply no way on Earthrealm that Kano could have stolen the Thunder God’s hat without being zapped into the Netherrealm. Plus, Kano has never produced this hat, so whenever he has one too many beers and starts on another night of tall tales, you nod along and feign complete belief in his words.
Maybe one day you’ll get to meet a God? Not likely whilst you’re stuck behind a computer for hours and hours every single day. Especially working alongside Erron-sodding-Black. He’s gone through at least 5 computers this year, 2 in the past three weeks! You swear he was doing it on purpose. In your steamiest daydreams he’s deliberately breaking his computers so you’ll have to travel to the ‘Black Dragon Boyz office’ (and yes, they spell it with a ‘z’) to spend precious time un-fucking his computer. Every time it happens, you swear you’re just going to tell him to go bother someone else, or get his arse down to PC World and find some spotty 17 year old work experience boy to bother rather than yourself. After all, you’re doing just as an important job for the Black Dragon as he is, well, almost. He might be a super amazing dead-shot sniper capable of assassinating even the most heavily guarded target, but you aren’t just IT support, you are a Black Dragon member too.
******** More after the cut! ***********
You spend much of your time hacking into Special Forces super secret files, reading General Sonya Blade’s horribly dry mission reports, or transferring money from one Swiss bank account to another before you could be traced. Well, that was why Kano had hired you. Yet these past few months you’ve been dragged to broken computer after broken computer by the obscenely handsome aforementioned Erron Black at least once a week. You hadn’t minded the first few times, after all, any time spent in Erron’s company makes you all giddy and wibbly-wobbly inside your knickers. His voice honestly does things to you, actually makes parts that shouldn't tingle at work, tingle. He has warm eyes that seem to sparkle whenever he speaks to you, or catch you staring at him, not that you stare at him. Much. OK, maybe a little. He has a smile that is likely illegal in half the known world. Long, strong fingers that you so often think about, especially when you watch him dance a coin across his knuckles when he’s thinking, his trick to keep his fingers supple. No, no no. No thinking about him. He obviously isn't interested in you. He’s a simple man when it comes to that. You’ve seen him make moves on people who catch his eye; he’ll watch them for a while, then walk up to them, give them a smile, tell them plainly what he wanted. Then you’ll watch them walk off together whilst your heart dissolves into self pity. A few months ago, you made a real effort to try to stop flirting with him. No more lingering looks while spending more time than needed helping him with his computer. The man was multi-talented with most things, just not computers. It probably didn't help that he didn’t grow up around modern technology. You gently tease him about being old and doddery around computers and he takes the jokes well, and really, you miss joking around with him, but it was for the best. Kabal jostles with you for mirror space, smoothing down his hair and giving the mirror a big grin. Why is it so easy for men like him? He probably rolls out of bed after 2 hours sleep with his face in a half-eaten curry and he’ll still wake up ridiculously handsome (the git). Whereas it takes a lot of fussing to even get your hair to behave, let alone look nice and shiny like Kabal’s does. Maybe you could make a small shrine in the corner of your bedroom to the Hair God? You nod to yourself, thinking Kabal must have done that. “Come on, you look beautiful. Now get your coat and scarf, and we’re outta here. If we don’t leave soon, we’ll miss it!” Kabal fusses with his coat buttons. Always unable to keep still, the man practically radiates excess energy. “I WILL BE SAD IF WE MISS THE FILM.” Tremor stands up from his own desk, the building shaking ever so slightly with the enormous man’s movements. “Not as sad as Kabal. He’ll start bawlin’ if he misses his boyfriend’s new film.” Erron spins round in his brand new swivel chair, his eyes glinting with mischief. “Johnny Cage is NOT my boyfriend and I don’t even care about missing the film.” Kabal bristles with indignation. He did care about missing it. He cares a lot. “I don’t even like his films, or him. I’m just watching it ironically.” Erron laughs. You feel that laughter, deep inside and it demands attention. Bastard. “Suuuure. Enjoy your boyfriend.” “He is NOT my boyfriend!” This was going to end up in another fight. Last week Kabal had called Erron ‘Old Man Withers��. Erron had retaliated by drawing on Kabal’s Johnny Cage calendar. (The moustache and glasses actually suited the ridiculously handsome movie star.) So Kabal put a mouse in Erron’s desk drawer and recorded Erron’s screams, playing them every so often whilst laughing. The feud had gone on until Kano forced them to apologise to one another, in front of everyone. This sort of idiocy happened probably twice a month. It had escalated to where people now made bets on how long each feud will last. The longest feud had lasted 23 long days before Kano had flipped. “I DO NOT WANT TO BE LATE.” Tremor tugs open the office door and the handle will need replacing. Again. You follow after the huge man, Kabal behind you is muttering about revenge. “Hey, Sweetheart, you goin’ too?” It takes a second before you realise that sultry Texan drawl is aimed at you. “Oh, yes. There was a spare ticket since Kira’s still stuck on a job.” Oh shit, you should have offered it to Erron instead. You’d been so excited to be included in the cinema plans that you’d been selfish and not asked if Erron had wanted to go. “But……” Erron’s face scrunches a little and he turns to his computer and hits a few keys in quick succession. “It ain’t workin’ again. Sorry, darlin’.” He gestures helplessly to his computer. “But… I only fixed it this morning! What have you done this time?!” You drop your bag to the floor, and peel off your coat with a frustrated groan. You are going to get fired, there was no way Kano would believe this. You are completely and utterly incompetent. No other reason. Your fault. “It’s those darn computer gremlins again.” He gives you an apologetic smile and shrugs with frustration at the computer gremlins. You sigh and wave goodbye to Kabal and Tremor, both eager to watch Ninja Mime’s latest adventure. This one was in SPACE and it was going to be amazing, and you were going to miss it. Nooooooo! You stomp over to Erron’s computer, your mouth twists into a grumpy pout. “That is it. No more computers for you! you want to do some work; then you can bloody well do it on a typewriter.” Erron replies with a “Heyyyyyyy” and a laugh. The throb between your legs from the laugh can just sod off. No more. Not when you were going to be unemployed and unemployable after this. Who was going to hire you? What could you put on your CV? ‘Failed IT support worker’? ‘Only capable of turning a computer on and even then it’ll probably turn itself off again when you’re not looking?’ ‘Can steal FBI or Special Forces secrets but can’t keep an old man’s computer running for more than 3 minutes before it’s broken again’? ‘Want to play Solitaire? Well don’t ask me, best try the sudoku in the newspaper instead’. You’re so engrossed in sulking you don’t notice Erron get up from his comfy chair to stand behind you as you perch on the crappy stool with no back (it had no back because Tremor had tried to sit on it). It was only when strong hands find your hunched shoulders and begin kneading at the tightly knotted and sore muscles, that you look away from the ‘blue screen of death’. “I’m sorry, but I’ll make it up to you, Sweetheart.” By the Gods his fingers are truly magic. His thumbs are rubbing magic circles into your shoulders and it feels soooo good. “Mmmhhhhh?” Maybe he is a God, the God of massage.? You close your eyes, your head rolls back and you enjoy the moment. Heat radiates from where his fingers touch you, heat that only gets stronger when it reaches your face and between your legs. He finds one particularly knotted muscle and you can’t help but groan your pleasure as his thumb circles the spot. His chuckled reply tugs you back to your senses and you quickly shrug his hands off you. Thank the Gods you have your back to him so he can’t see your positively flushed face. You quickly get back to tapping away at the keyboard, but your hands are shaking so badly from the intimacy, you struggle to hit the correct keys. “You sure you got that, Sweetheart?” The computer indignantly beeps at your clumsy fingers. “Says the man who has trashed enough computers to practically bankrupt Kano.” Your hands continue to shake and your thwarted desire swerves into anger. “I’ve made you mad.” “I haven’t been out in FOREVER, and just as I’m about to go out, YOU go break your computer. AGAIN!” “Ain’t my fault your boyfriend doesn’t take you out.” Why did he sound almost happy about that? Hang on… You spin around to face him. “What boyfriend?” “You know, the dwarf.” “The.. what?” “Your boyfriend, the hairy dwarf.” He folds his arms, and shifts his weight to one hip. He doesn’t seem too happy talking about this mystery boyfriend, whoever they are. “Is this some sort of joke?” You honestly have no idea what he means. Maybe he’s drunk or Kabal has told him this for a laugh? “I don’t think so?” One of his eyebrows rises in puzzlement. “I don’t have a boyfriend. I don’t have a hairy dwarf boyf.. why do you think I have a hairy dwarf boyfriend?” Maybe you have a secret boyfriend so secret you don’t actually know you are in fact dating him? Piotr, who runs a very seedy strip club in the seedier part of the city, is a dwarf, (and you only know him because Kano is friendly with him, he’s a bit scary), but he’s balding. Who does Erron think you are dating? “You said you did. You know, you were talking about him being all small and his hair got everyw…. He’s a cat ain’t he.” Erron has the good grace to look embarrassed at his idiocy. “Obviously.” Is Kabal recording this? This is ridiculous. “Shit.” “Yup.” “Then.. uh.. you should go catch up with Kabal and Tremor.” “I still have your computer to fix.” This was going to be such an awkward few hours. Sitting in the office in silence because the pair of you are idiots. “I can do that.” He throws out a warm smile. “Really. The man who can’t even use a mouse without breaking it, can fix this mess?” You can’t help but roll your eyes. If he even so much as looks at the computer it will probably catch fire. “I maybe exaggerated my lack of skills.” His smile wavers, and slides from warm to worried. You are going to kill him if this was going where you suspect it is going. “I maybe might’ve deliberately caused the error.” He holds up his hands in surrender. Yup, you’re definitely going to have to kill him. “I maybe did some classes a few years back when I was at a loose end.” “…… I’m going to kill you!” “How ‘bout I make it up to you? I take you out for dinner, there’s this patisserie we can go afterwards for the best pastries in Moscow. Hell, you wanna watch that film, let’s go.” His eyes plead with you not to hate him, but right now, you really do. “I have a hairy dwarf who’ll be better company, thank you.” That he was possibly asking you out and that he wanted to actually go out on a date wasn’t registering. All you can think of is the waste of time and how humiliated you feel. Everyone probably knows and has laughed at how utterly clueless you are. Kano is going to fire you for being shit at your job - after he finishes laughing. “Heyyy, Sweetheart. I’m sorry. I just wanted to spend time with you.” He really does sound sorry. His eyes go all soft and warm and apologetic and Gods, he is beautiful and you really do want to believe him. “You really thought it was accidental?” He tries to hide a smile and can’t stop one eyebrow from raising quizzically at the thought that you’ve been so utterly clueless. “Well… you’re… there weren’t computers around when you were young…younger, I’m just an idiot aren’t I?” The-all-too brief warmth and fuzziness from thinking maybe there might actually be something there between you dissolves back into embarrassment from being tricked so easily. You grab your coat and bag and leave the office whilst Erron stares after you.
Chapter 2
The flat is dark and cold when you finally get home. The bus had been late, and Russia in autumn is hardly the most fun time of year to be kept waiting at a bus stop. Fur-lined boots and a thick fuzzy coat are nice enough, but do little to keep your body from freezing outside in the colder months. Still, the flat has semi-decent heating, and a thick blanket and a fuzzy cat happily purring on your knee whilst you drink coffee soon has you feeling a bit warmer.
Thinking back to earlier you have to admit you’d have liked a boyfriend, and no matter how humiliating what had happened earlier was, you still wish that this boyfriend was Erron. Your cat, Bob, was great company, and he would never play mean tricks on you, but great company as Bob was, he didn’t keep you quite as warm and quite as tingly as Erron possibly could. Sensing your traitorous thoughts, Bob nudges at your hand with his fluffy head to demand attention, purring happily when you indulge him and tickle under his chin. You give him a kiss on his fuzzy little head as way of an apology for being so utterly traitorous. Soon your thoughts switch to worries that you’ll be fired once Kano finds out about Erron’s trickery. Actually, Kano doesn’t fire people; he has them eaten by pigs or whatever it is that scary gangster criminal people do. Who will look after Bob? Your bottom lip quivers as you think about Bob, all alone in the dark, unable to open his tins of cat food without opposable thumbs, meowing sadly for someone to change his kitty litter. A moment later you force a smile. No more feeling sorry for yourself! You aren’t some pathetic pushover, this means war! You won’t just put a mouse in Erron’s drawer, you’ll put three rats in there and upload his screams to Youtube. He’ll find 30 chickens in his flat and you’ll steal his lunch every single day. You’ll swap all of his guns for water pistols and laugh when he cries about it. A loud buzzing from the doorbell pulls you from your thoughts of revenge. It’s probably Kano and some hungry pigs, so you take three deep breaths to prepare yourself. Scooping up Bob and tiptoeing to the door, you peep through the spyhole to instead see Erron waving at the spyhole. Muttering various threats, you open the door and give him your best pout. “Cute kitty.” He holds out a pink box with gold cyrillic lettering across the top. “I’ve come to apologise.” You keep up your pout and take the box with your free hand, then try to nudge the door closed with your hip. Erron laughs and strides into the flat, giving Bob a quick tickle on the head. 3 minutes later and Erron has taken over the kitchen. He has his own coffee, has eaten two of the amazing pastries he’d brought and Bob is his new best friend. The cat winds around Erron’s feet, meowing for attention, steadfastly refusing to stop even when you refill his food bowl. Traitorous beast! This must be payback for earlier. “You don’t like pastries, Sweetheart? I can go get somethin’ different?” The bastard throws you a smile that would normally have your knickers falling down, but you’re still feeling sorry for yourself, and Erron-Bloody-Black is not going to get off this easily. You have to keep up the pout so he won’t suspect your revenge plans. You shake your head and turn to tidy the counter-top behind you, thinking hard about a plan of attack. How about stealing his hats and replacing them with hats identical in every way except the hats were all just slightly too big? Your plan of attack is quickly ruined when strong hands find your hips and give them a gentle squeeze. Your spine tightens, and you hope your gasp of pleasure wasn’t audible. Lips brush your ear, and when he speaks, his warm breath sends a huge shiver right through you. “Please, Sweetheart, I’m sorry, don’t hate me. I promise, I’ll make it up to you. You want me on mah knees?” The thought of Erron on his knees is enough to make you shiver again. A hard pulse hits you right between the legs. Oh fuck, that was unfair. “It’ll take more than that.” “More cake?” He presses a very soft kiss just below your ear. Another pulse hits. Your legs quiver but you just about manage to keep yourself upright. Your knickers are going to evaporate. “You didn’t give me a chance to eat them.” Your voice is surprisingly steady but you chew on your lip to stop any pathetic noises escaping, just in case. “Dinner, every night for a week. We’ll get dressed up all fancy and go to the ballet, then spend the weekend in bed.” His voice is lower now, rougher. Another kiss sends more shivers through you, nerve endings sparking. Your fingers grab onto the countertop to stop you slithering to the floor. “That’s pretty presumptuous of you.” “You don’t wanna spend the weekend in bed with me?” Your stunned silence is answered by low laughter and him pressing a kiss to your neck. The tip of his tongue teases your tingling skin, and this time you can’t stifle your reaction. Erron takes your whimper as an invitation to slide his hands to your thighs and tug up your dress so his fingers can find bare skin. You lean back against him, his warmth quickly bleeding into you. More prickles of heat fizz through your nerves and aim straight for your core. Strong fingers dig into your thighs as he tugs your dress higher, inch by inch. Warm lips pepper kisses down your neck to your shoulders, lightly dancing his tongue over your increasingly sensitive skin, chuckling to himself with your every moan and whimper. You grip the edge of the counter harder and let your head roll to the side to give him more of you. Each touch from his mouth sends sparks down your spine and you can feel a slickness between your legs. Oh fuck... “This ok, Sweetheart?” Your reply is a mere mumble but he still gives you a moment to decline his touches, his mouth and fingers still upon you. You quickly force a “Yes, please”, and are rewarded by fingers sliding to your underwear, skimming so gently over the silken fabric to tease you. You whine at being denied his fingers and receive a gentle bite to your shoulder in reply. Then he’s gone. Your dress slithers back down to cover your thighs with you almost doing the same and slithering to the floor. You turn and watch him stride through the open door into your bedroom. Luckily he can’t see how your face scrunches into a desperate pout from being denied. “You comin’, Darlin’?” Your reply of “Well I would have been” is mumbled through gritted teeth as you trot after him, wishing you have even an ounce of self-control. He sits himself on the edge of your bed, reaching out to a hand, tugging you to sit on his lap, your legs straddling his as you face him. His large strong hands cup your face, and with a smile he presses the softest of kisses to your mouth. He waits for you to respond, then kisses you again once you kiss him back, a little harder and a little longer this time. His thumbs brush your face, then his hands are holding you close to him, close enough to feel both his warmth and his heart pounding as hard as your own. He is intoxicating, his heat, his mouth, his hands, and you want him more than anything. Your fingers find his face, stroking over his stubble prickled cheeks to learn how he feels, your touch light, nervous at finally being able to indulge yourself. He smiles at your touches and pulls you harder against him so you can feel his burgeoning hardness through his jeans, his smile widening when you wriggle to feel him, delighting in feeling his arousal because of you and enjoying your own arousal demanding attention. Your skin prickles with building desire and impulsively your hands leave his face to tug your dress up and off. He kisses you again, unbuttoning his shirt between every press of his lips to yours. His hands are then all over you, your back, your ass, stroking your skin, teasing you with the gentlest of touches then squeezing you hard enough to make you gasp between your contented sighs. His mouth moves from your lips to your neck, his teeth and tongue teasing louder gasps of delight from your kiss reddened lips. Your fingers stroke through his hair then roam over his chest and back, then moving over his thickly muscled arms, learning just how he feels. Erron murmurs happily into your ear and against your neck, and his fingers dig tighter into your ass, moving you against his groin, becoming more and more desperate to feel you. He tugs at your bra and when no objection is made, it joins the pile of clothing on the floor. He growls into your neck in approval at your breasts being free, and using the lightest of touches, traces the back of his fingers around the swell of your breasts and over your hard, sensitive nipples. Erron chuckles breathily at your whimpers and how you shiver from his touches, your need building as you grind down against his hardening dick encased in his jeans. Every touch of his mouth and fingers goes straight to your cunt and fuck, if he doesn’t fuck you soon, you’ll explode from the building pressure. Your fingers go for his waistband and fumble at the buttons with sweaty and shaking fingers. Erron drags his attention from your chest to watch you struggle with the stubborn fastenings. “You’re an eager one, Sweetheart.” “It’s your fault.” “Yeah, I guess it is.” He cocks an eyebrow, lifts you off his lap and lays you on the bed. Said eyebrow raises even higher when you wriggle out of your knickers and toss them aside, but it’s in jest, and he takes a long moment to gaze appreciatively at you, his smile genuine, warm and tinged deeply with desire. He tugs off his jeans and underwear with ease and tosses them to join the clothes pile, and then he’s on you. His tongue and lips find your breasts, his teasing your nipples harder ever so gently with his teeth has you tugging at his hair. You feel the graze of fingers trail down your body to your thighs that then grip you tightly enough to leave marks you’ll feel for the next few days. His long, strong fingers slide between your legs, moving them apart to finally reach your cunt. Again his touch is so light and gentle, a finger brushes over your folds before dipping between them. His thumb searches for your clit, circling around the sensitive bud as his fingers find your opening. He kisses you again, murmuring between the kisses, he whispers how beautiful you are to him, how he’s wanted you for all this time, how you feel, how hard you’ve made him and when he increases the pressure he pulls back to watch your eyes flutter closed and your teeth sink into your lower lip to stifle your pleasure. He continues to tease your clit, using your slickness to keep his touch feather light. He watches you writhe beneath him with tightly closed eyes, your back arching and one hand tangling in your own hair as he changes the pressure of his thumb on your clit, sometimes soft, sometimes rough, sometimes so feather light you beg for him to be rougher. Your feet kick against the bedclothes, rucking them up around you both as Erron pulls more and more pleasure from you. His thumb leaves your clit and he laughs at your indigent whines, instead he slides a long finger inside you. You’re so wet and needy that your cunt accepts him easily, and you soon beg for more. With a smile he adds another finger inside you, then a third, scissoring you wider, his fingers moving easily with your arousal. You whimper up at him, voicing just how good he’s making you feel, and how you want to touch him. He kisses you when you reach out to grasp his long, thick cock, stroking him harder, feeling the velvet softness of the skin over iron hardness. Your kisses quicken and deepen, tongues entwining, teeth biting at the others lips, desire building so quickly that every touch is almost desperate. When you whisper how you want him inside you he eagerly slides his fingers from you, pushing your thighs wider apart, staring into your eyes as he first strokes his cock harder, your arousal on his fingers coating his length along with the pearls of precum that weep from the crown, then rubs himself against your folds. He pauses, taking the moment to breathe, then tormentingly slowly, he pushes himself inside your hot, wet heat. His thickness feels so good, stretching you so wide you can’t help but voice your pleasure. He groans a reply and almost tauntingly slowly, he pushes deeper, his thick cock stretching you more than his fingers could. He pauses, allowing you both to catch your breath and adjust to just how perfect the other feels. He gazes down at you with heavy-lidded eyes that shine with more than just desire, his damp hair messy, strands sticking to his forehead. Agonizingly slowly, he pushes forward, his cock stretching your cunt wider and wider as you cling to him, until he’s filled you completely. Again you kick at the bed, the sensations overwhelming you, your head light and fuzzy, your skin buzzing as sweat beads along your scalp and chest, dampening the backs of your limbs, and between where you and Erron lie against one another. Erron groans with pleasure and kisses you open mouthed, eager and lust-filled, just so happy to be with you. He tears his kiss-swollen lips from yours to take deep breaths and you stare up at him, every nerve tingles with sensation, your cunt so tight around his cock. You stroke a hand through his damp hair and whimper uncontrollably as he snaps his hips first backwards, then forwards. You nerves delight in the friction and beg for more and you’re unable to stop from begging him to fuck you, fuck you hard and fast and to fuck you now! The pace starts out so slow, his fingers digging into your hips, his mouth on yours then moving to your neck, hot breath on sweat slicked skin. Your legs wrap around him, pulling your hips upwards, angling you so he’s even deeper with each thrust, his cock making your nerves sing from the friction and the need for more. Your fingers are in his hair, tugging and stroking and you whisper and moan your delight at feeling him inside you. When neither of you can take it anymore he speeds up his thrusts, still achingly deep, are brusingly hard, your cunt so tight around him that the sensation is almost too much. Sweat rolls down the back of your legs, prickles in your hairline and down spine. Your hands are everywhere, gripping at him, holding your writhing bodies together, and slipping on his hot wet skin. The tightness in your cunt starts to radiate to your thighs and spine. Your thighs grip him tighter and you whimper your pleasure and beg for more, desperate for a release. His replies are muffled, his mouth is in the crook of your neck and when his thrusts start to quicken yet further he lifts his head to gaze down in your eyes, watching as you come undone beneath him. He whispers encouragement, delighting as your pleasure builds into a fire that overwhelms and burns, every nerve aflame and so bright. You cry out and let everything wash over you, your body writhing as Erron keeps moving inside you to prolong the feeling and let you ride out your bliss. His hands paw at your hips as he comes mere moments after you, hips thrusts jerking and stuttering, spilling deep inside you, grunting loudly with his own overwhelming pleasure. He’s heavy as he lies panting on top of you, the pair of you struggling to breath again and calm your pounding hearts. Erron chuckles breathlessly, kisses you between deep breaths, rolls first onto his back, then onto his side to face you and props himself up on one elbow. “Think I’m broken.” You snuggle up against him, reveling in the afterglow, in how your hot sweat slicked skin feels in the cool air of your apartment. “Guess I have a talent for breaking things.” He smiles. He can’t keep his eyes off you. “I hate you.” “I know.”
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bihansthot · 5 years ago
Well I was hoping this would be resolved like adults, maybe I just had too much faith in the MK fandom to act mature within a mature game/fan base setting. I was dead wrong.
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The on going drama with Annabelle continues. She decided the best course of action was to insult me and to BODY SHAME me. I don’t know what to be more upset by, calling me a misspelled “oversized” or the fact that she called me a “Kuai Bitch”. I am 💯 a Bi-Han Bitch do not get the facts twisted, I probably could have let the “oversized” bit go, despite struggling and being bullied for my weight and bulimia/anorexia for years; if she had just simply said Bi-Han instead. I’m not irrational or heartless, I understand she must feel upset and attacked, but saying I like Kuai over Bi-Han is inexcusable.
She then proceeded to say unblock me, only to say that she is reporting both @feistyfandomthings and I for “spam”. Again my bad for assuming we were all rational adults in the fandom. After the dozens of asks both Feisty and I and everyone else in this fandom has written her this is how she behaves. Instead of giving ANY of us a simple thank you for said asks when called out about it she decides to play the victim card and blow this up to a ludicrous level. I apologize @feistyfandomthings @fromthewifecage @malicedragoness @gojihime99 and to anyone who has gotten mixed up in all of this and has been hurt by Annabelle, I know it’s not my place to apologize for her, but you’re all amazing and worth so much more than she’s treating all of us.
Anyway, I just wanted to make you guys aware of the situation and let you all know I’ve started a back up blog in the event my account does get banned. So, if you lovelies don’t here from me for a while come over here to Tomoka Land. Which is where I will continue being a part of the Mortal Kombat Fandom/Family and continue asks/NSFT/HCs all that good stuff.
I’m not retaliating against Annabelle any further, and I would ask no one else does either, because it’s honestly not worth it. I just wanted everyone to know what happened to me in the event I get banned. I don’t plan on going anywhere willingly.
Hopefully we can put all of this nastiness behind us at this point and go back to the awesome, supportive fandom we are.
Much love my lovelies! 😘
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awholenewkhaos · 1 month ago
MK characters and OCs as O-Os (Original-Owner's) favorite horror Tik Tok audios.
Edited and Spoilers, obviously
Tag list: @theelderhazelnut @mids-stupid-shit @roselyn-writing @mike-like-t-scream and @malicedragoness (cause a bit of Ayeka lore for ya)
Sektor, from the shadows in front of Ying: What!? No! I am a real person! Maybe we have a bad connection, I'm sorry about that.
Xiu Ying, terrified and desperate: Can you please tell me you're not a robot. Just say, "I'm not a robot," please!
Sektor: ....
Sektor, sternly: 🅘 🅐🅜 🅐 🅡🅔🅐🅛 🅟🅔🅡🅢🅞🅝
Random Red Dragon member: *peering into the cage of a terrified Ayeka* I don't like the way my arms feel on my body.
Random RD member: Do you like the way your arms feel on your body?
Random RD member: You don't? Well why don't you just pull them off?
Random RD member: Pull off your arms!
Fuyuka, exhausted and desperate: Look, I've done literally every single thing you asked of me. Ok? I-I don't know why you're doing this to me, but I want you to let me go. Please.
Fuyuka: I'm begging you, please let me go. I want you to actually let me go.
One Being/Onibis: *pushes her into the magma* Sorry, what did you say? I can't hear you!
Fuyuka: *thrashing and screaming*
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averytiredbitch · 1 month ago
So I was going through some of my old MK OC randomness posts on here, cause someone messaged me on discord, (if you want my discord name, please PM me through this account), and asked if I was gonna bring back my incorrect/correct quotes stuff for my OCs. And that answer is, yes, soon. (Next couple of days maybe?).
But while I was going through them, I ran across a couple things that made me realize, I hinted towards relationships that I have yet to fully flesh out.
So I give you-
Friend Ships you aren't ready for!
1. Kenshi and Ayeka will have a, Father/Daughter friendship.
2. Johnny and (game) Klaudia will have a, "we both survived some fucked up shit in our childhoods" friendship.
3. (Movie) Kung Lao and (movie) Kristy will have a, hurt/comfort friendship. Which will just be Kung Lao comforting Kristy a lot, cause she'll need it.
4. (Game) Raiden and Melantha will have a, "you and I care about the same person/I know who my other option to find them is, and I'm not gonna take that option", developing friendship.
5. Melantha and Taven will have a, master/apprentice friendship. And a semi Mother/Son type bond. (Maybe more of a sister/brother bond. Still working that stuff out)
If there are any friendships you'd like to see between an OC of mine and a mortal kombat, or want to know the relationship between an OC of mine and an MK character, please let me.
Tag list: @theelderhazelnut @mids-stupid-shit @roselyn-writing @mixed-bag-of-fandoms @malicedragoness
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crowsnhoes · 9 months ago
3, 13, 14, 22 for the soft ship prompts 🤗
Ty sm for asking!! Soft Havik my beloved. Also sorry if it's kinda long <3
3- holding hands in a tense moment
♡ Jay has gotten better at handling stressful situations since being in Outworld, but that doesn't mean they don't still have some anxiety. Usually, if Jay is on the verge if panic or even just a bit nervous, Havik will hold their hand very gently, his large palm rough agaisnt their skin. He'll give their hand a small squeeze to help ground them, letting them know that he's there. In the case of Havik experiencing stress, though, Jay tends to intertwine their fingers with his or caress the back of his hand with their thumb, pressing soft kisses to his knuckles to calm him down.
13- birthdays
♡ Havik doesn't care much for birthdays, unfortunately, as it wasn't really a luxury he had when living as a slave in Seido. But when Jay had insisted on getting him a gift, he couldn't deny. Both of them usually opt out for practical gifts, like new equipment, clothing, travel bags, etc. And of course let's not forget the obvious...ahem...celebration in the sheets, but that's for another time hehe.
14- anniversary celebration
♡ Kind of like with birthdays, Havik doesn't really see the big whoop about celebrating an anniversary, plus there isn't exactly a particular point in time when the two officially got together. Between that and the fact that Jay has a terrible memory when it comes to dates (it's a miracle they have Havik's birthday committed to memory), the two of them just kind of celebrate the roundabout time of when they first met. Sure, when the two first laid eyes on each other it wasn't exactly the most romantic thing, but it's worth cherishing. They usually eat a nice dinner to celebrate, drinking the finest alcohol that Havik stole they can get their hands on.
22- special gift
♡ The first special gifts that had been given was before Havik and Jay became romantically involved. The gifts in question aren't exactly material; more like gestures of fondness. At one point, Havik's pants had becomes so tattered form wear and tear that Jay offered to fix them. He didn't see the point in it seeing as they would just get torn even more, but he agreed. When he got them back, the rips had been patched up with pretty embroidery rather than just regular stitches, and the fact that not only would someone go through the trouble of fixing something for him, but putting actual effort into it, made his heart skip a beat. The first special gift Havik had given Jay was when they asked him about the red thread in his hair (you know the skin), and said that they liked it. Not too long after that, he had surprised them with a roll of purple string that he proceeded to work into their hair. It was a very intimate moment, and it brought them a lot closer to one another.
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theelderhazelnut · 5 months ago
OC Speech Mannerisms
Tagged by @inafieldofdaisies @imogenkol and @cloudofbutterflies92 <3
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NO. OF SPOKEN LANGUAGES: 1 / 2 / 3+ (Persian, English, Turkish, Metalrealmer)
TONE OF VOICE: high / average / deep
ACCENT: yes / no
DEMEANOR: confident / shy / approachable / hostile / other
POSTURE: slumped / straight / stiff / relaxed (something between stiff and relaxed)
HABITS: head tilting / swaying / fidgeting / stuttering / gesturing / arm crossing / strokes chin (or tapping on her metal jaw) / er, um, or other interjections / plays with hair or clothing / hands at hips / inconsistent eye contact / maintains eye contact / frequent pausing / stands close / stands at a distance
VOCABULARY: ⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️⚫️
EMOTION: ⚫️⚪️⚪️⚪️⚪️
FREQUENCY: ⚫️⚫️⚪️⚪️⚪️
CREATIVITY (in regards to profanity): ⚫️⚫️⚪️⚪️⚪️
BOLD ALL THAT APPLY: arse. ass. asshole. bastard. bitch. bloody. bugger. bollocks. chicken shit. crap. cunt. dick. frick. fuck. horseshit. motherfucker. piss. prick. screw. shit. shitass. son of a bitch. twat. wanker. pussy.
straightforward or cryptic? / finding the right word or using the first word that comes to mind? / masculinity / neutrality / or femininity? / formalities or with abrasiveness? / praise or equivocation? / frankness or lies (it depends on the situation)? / excessive or minimal hand gestures? / name-calling or magnanimity? / friendly or blunt?
DO PEOPLE HAVE A HARD TIME HEARING OR UNDERSTANDING YOUR CHARACTER? - almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never. (sometimes her monotonous tone results in unclear pronunciation)
DOES YOUR CHARACTER'S POINT COME ACROSS EASILY WHEN THEY SPEAK? - almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never.
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER INITIATE CONVERSATIONS? - almost always / frequently / sometimes / never.
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER BE THE ONE TO END CONVERSATIONS? - almost always / frequently / sometimes / rarely / never.
WOULD YOUR CHARACTER USE 'WHOM' IN A SENTENCE? - yes / no / only ironically
YOUR CHARACTER WANTS TO MAKE A COUNTERPOINT. WHAT WORD DO THEY USE? - but / though / although / however / perhaps / mayhaps.
HOW DOES YOUR CHARACTER END CONVERSATIONS? - walk away / ask if that's everything / say that's everything / give a proper goodbye / tell their company they're done here / remain quiet / they don't.
IN WHAT WAYS DOES THE WAY YOUR CHARACTER SPEAK STAND OUT TO OTHERS? - accent / vocabulary / tone (monotonous with damaged vocal cords) / level / politeness / brusqueness / it doesn't.
No pressure tags: @afraidofrabbits @malicedragoness @valyrra @loverofthewindgod @ninibear3000 @raresvtm @ash-shark @ashrahswings @mediocreshake08 @orbitinytheworld @himurasama @sweet-samnang @chadillacboseman @apepthehero @dirtfullofwork @la-grosse-patate @thedeadthree @carlosoliveiraa @cassietrn @strangefable @aceghosts @voidika @euryalex @captastra @krysta-cross @elderglocks @licoricelump @ghastlyrider @mintspider and you!
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savage-rhi · 5 years ago
20 and 30 on the nice asks ☺️
20. what is your favorite song at the moment? 
Fleetwoodmac-Sweet girl 
These kinds of questions fuck me up because they’re so hard and I like too many things I’m gonna go cry in a corner cause there were 5 other songs trying to duke it out for the win.
30. favorite tv show(s)
I don’t have a whole lot of favorite TV shows anymore considering quite a few big ones let me down (looking at you Game of Thrones) and I primarily watch stuff on Youtube now. I do like the following however: Lucifer, Retro Replay, Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Supernatural, The Witcher etc. 
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bihanspookies · 1 year ago
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! Tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I’m gonna stick with 4 bc a lot are just titles with nothing written and there’s too many smut ideas lmfao
Tagged by @chadillacboseman
1. Alora and Reiko Spar
2. Alora grieving her father with Alex comforting her (angst)
3. Priest! Geto x Demon! Reader ( smut )
4. Part 2 to Alex losing Michi (a collab with Tara)
Tagging @malicedragoness @genesiswrld @chososdiscordkitten
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