#malformations au
solar-net · 2 months
sometimes a family is; A disheveled researcher running on only caffine, his ex-husband who tried to kill off the entire planet because it was "impure", their son who's a perfectionist and also has a hero-complex, finally their daughter who's probably the most normal but has very high anxiety to balance it out
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aitadjcrazytimes · 9 months
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year
Can't stop thinking about This prompt/au lol
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I almost like to think that Clockwork kind of half-sent Danny to the ghost-world version of Gotham because he was struggling and is honestly just a kid and could use some guidance. And with how the Observants dislike him to the point of murder, CW sure couldn't keep him in Long Now. But Gotham? Now there's a place that not many go, thanks to curses running amok, a very dangerous City Spirit, and amalgamations of fallen Guardians and Rogues. It's chaotic, dangerous, and a hell of a shot, but the Bat could, and most probably would assist the newborn guardian. The living world and the infinite are intertwined after all, influenced by whatever realm it drifts closest to.
Thankfully Danny seems to be enjoying himself- he has a proper ghost friend now! And he's starting to be able to understand Batblob's cacophony of Silent-EverSilent-Gurgles-DistantWhispers-QuietScreamsSilence easier too without Robin translating. (His Ghost-Speak is getting so good :D) He wishes he could bring Sam & Tucker but it's a little too far into the ghost zone. And the ghosts and Vlad doesn't bother him here! (The last time he tried, unknown to Danny, the older halfa was met with a malicious swarm of teeth and maws ready to rip and tear and not lose another child again-) He's even gotten shown the exits to the living-world's Gotham. Robin likes to ramble about the new and different living-robins and about their friend who was also a robin and who disappeared one day and whose core they carry on their belt. Maybe he can help them find out what happened to him...
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brbuttons · 1 month
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On the note of Bioshock: we never got around to adding our post-BS2 AU Sinclair to Artfight, but we did finish a very very rough coloured guide + general info.
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Hi! Recently I became curious about how ancient people hunted in the world of TwistedWonderland.🧔🏹🦣
If they didn't have magic in Monster Au, they used their wits and ingenuity. Animal hunting and fishing🦣 🏹 🐟. Pits, a stone maze so for catching fish and cattle.
You can see the reaction to the methods and techniques of trapping characters.
Don't mind me trying to work my way into a good groove and answering asks in my inbox 😅
It’s simply amazing what human ingenuity can do to get a task done, especially when it comes to surviving out in nature! Throw these craft humans into a world of monsters and magic, and you pretty much have what most epics and legends in our world describe mythical creatures and feats of strength. 😆
Once Yuu arrives in Twisted Monsterland, they may start seeing old paintings depicting clashes between humans and monsters. Ranging from spears and swords mistakenly melding into flesh like malformed limbs and claws to wearing leather and gleaming silver armor mistaken as insectoid carapaces, it’s no wonder humans were used in stories to scare little children into being good. These ancient humans looked positively monstrous—perhaps even more so than any monster in existence. Perhaps that is why so many were both terrified and confused as to why this scrunkly of a creature calling itself a human didn’t even match the few surviving paintings from a bygone era.
Pair that with the stories told on how ancient humans would hunt for food or built traps to capture monsters and comparing that to how Yuu looks? It’s easy for the monsters to brush off these abilities of magicless humans as being anything more than just mere fantasy or exaggeration. There’s simply no way a human can build traps and webs like spider monsters, create fire that lasts for days without smoke, or chase their prey for days on end without breaking a sweat!
Turns out, those myths are more true than the monsters realize. Especially if their resident human just so happens to have survivalist training under their belt…
///Camp Vargas///
“Uh…why are you digging a hole in the ground?”
“Making a fire pit.”
Ace glanced at Yuu as they continued to shovel more dirt out of a relatively large hole. “So…if you’re building a pit, then why did you make a smaller hole right here?” he asked, pointing at said opening in the dirt. “And if you’re building a fire, why aren’t you making one above ground? Are you trying to bury it or something?”
The shovel broke the last of the dirt wall between the holes before Yuu straightened up, gathering several long branches they’d collected with several large cuts of logs and starting to set them up at an angle. “Oh, I’m still building one above ground. I’m just making two different ones.” Pointing at the hole they’d just dug out, they said, “We call this one a ‘Dakota Fire Hole’. Typically this one is used for outdoor cooking, since it produces little smoke and doesn’t need a lot of fuel.” Setting some sticks and tinder inside the larger of the two holes, the took a piece of flint and began striking it with a stone. Soon a small yet hot fire was blazing inside the hole, just barely licking the air outside of the hole before settling down into a steady flicker. “The second hole generates airflow, which keeps the fire fueled with oxygen so it’ll burn longer.”
“Then what’s the other one for?”
“A self-feeding campfire.” They began loading chopped logs on both sides of the now V-shaped structure they’d built. “It uses gravity to drop new logs to keep the fire going, which means it’ll last all night. Pretty handy so you don’t have to keep getting up to replenish the log pile!”
One ear lowering in confusion, Ace stared at Yuu as they struck up another inferno on the bottom log. Somehow the fire didn’t crawl or spread to the rest of the logs. “…how exactly did you learn this?” he finally asked.
“Survivalist training. Why do you ask?”
Snap! Twang! “Fynaaah!?” Fwoosh!
“Uh oh. Grim! I told you to stay away from there! That’s where I set up the snare trap.”
“Why did you set it up so close to the tent?!” the chimera yowled as students stared in shock and surprise.
“To keep away intruders.” A sudden cacophony of clattering and clanging rang out, followed by a startled mix of a canine yelp and deer-like squeal before a thud hit the ground. “Epel! Are you okay?!”
“What is this?!” the einfield snarled, twisting and trying to untangle himself from the string of empty cans and bells. “Git it offa me!”
“Hold still, or you’ll strangle your wings! Ace, could you get Grim down for me? The snare hook is on the ground behind the tree on the tent’s left side.”
As Yuu went to free Epel from the new contraption—which Ace heard them comment was their ‘alarm system’—he shook his head in confusion and disbelief. What was even happening? Did Yuu pick up some strange trick from one of the spider monster students when he wasn’t looking? “I’m not taking another step until you tell me what other traps you set up,” he finally called out, warily looking around for more strings and rope near his large rabbit feet. “I don’t want to get tangled up in anything like those two did!”
“Oh don’t worry, I didn’t have time to set up any other snares or alarms yet,” Yuu called out, carefully freeing Epel’s arm before working on freeing the rest of his body. “You’re safe, so long as you-”
Shoof! “WAH!?!” a familiar loud voice screamed, the sound echoing so far that it reverberated through the trees. WHUD!! “Urk…HUMAN!!! What foul trickery is this?!?”
“…oh, right. I forgot about the pit trap I dug earlier,” Yuu said as multiple eyes stared at them.
“Why in Twisted Wonderland would you need to build something like that?!” Riddle all but shouted once it sank in what just happened.
“Hey, if a bear comes rampaging around the camp because you guys aren’t putting your food away, don’t come crying to me if there’s no pit trap to keep it busy!”
Needless to say, after everyone was rescued, no one could fathom how Yuu learned such archaic—if frighteningly deceptive—trapping methods for a camping trip. It wasn’t until the last night of Camp Vargas that they understood why when the remaining students used the trap to buy themselves some time from the “beast” before running to the swamp.
Now of course the defensive traps were pretty impressive, Ruggie had to admit that much. But traps that catch fish with little to no effort? Even he was impressed by the speed at which Yuu was able to harvest so many fish in one sitting, and with a simple stick and twine “fence”? Let alone the basketful of fish they’d caught by hand after making a shady spot with a tarp propped over the water!
“Sure, I could use a fishing rod if I wanted,” Yuu commented as they continued whittling away at the tip of a sturdy branch. “A net would also come in handy, but since we’re going to be here for a short time, I wouldn’t be able to make a decent one to use it effectively.” Jabbing their carving knife over at the fire pits they had dug earlier, they added, “Besides, if I don’t adapt and use what I have available, then I can lose out on a good food source and my chances of survival are slim to none.”
“Huh. Yeah, that makes sense,” he agreed, the leucrocuta looking between his catch and Yuu’s. The human’s collection was quickly catching up to Floyd’s, which was surprising since he’d stopped earlier due to boredom. “This came from that survival training thing you mentioned earlier, right?”
“Mm-hm! I can teach you a few things I learned if you want.”
“Shehehehe~! Sounds great! Just one question though: what’cha making? Some kind of walking stick?”
“Oh, this? It’s going to be a spear.”
“…spear?” The word sounded vaguely familiar, though he couldn’t quite place why as he tried to examine it. It didn’t look like anything he’d seen any other monster use or make before. “What’s it for?”
“It’s used for different things, like defense or attacking.” Cutting a few more chips off, Yuu stood up and examined their work. They had whittled one end of the branch to the point it was needle-sharp, a sight that weirdly sent chills down his spine when he looked at it. “I made this one specifically to go spear fishing. Here, I’ll show you!”
As they walked into the water, he expected the human to immediately strike into the water like they had when they did the shadow fishing. However, they simply stood still, eyes locked onto the water’s surface with the spear raised over their shoulder. He watched in silence, instinctively knowing that Yuu was hunting for their prey yet not understanding how this would work. Suddenly, they tensed, their shoulders tightening as they raised their spear higher in a smooth motion. For the briefest moment, he swore he saw the human with the needle-sharp arm in his history book instead of Yuu, his heart leaping in his throat at the vivid imagery. Before he could react, the spear was sent flying forward-
And struck the riverbed, Yuu immediately rushing forward to grab the upright tool before pulling it out. To his shock and utter amazement, the spear had pierced the body of a large trout, still flopping even as Yuu carried it back to shore with a triumphant grin on their face. Their smile faded to one of concern as they asked, “You okay, Ruggie? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Chuckling nervously, Ruggie uttered, “Uh…you could say that.” A ghost of the past maybe, he thought as he picked up the baskets. “Hey, uh, why don’t we go ahead and cook these? I think we’ve got enough!”
“Oh. Sure, sounds good. Oh! I know a few tricks to preserve the meat for later!”
“Great! Just…do me a favor and not point that spear thing at anyone, okay?”
I’m pretty sure there’s a lot more that could be said or done, but you get the picture. XD Hope you all enjoy!
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marinersubmariner · 2 months
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Supreme Leader / Emperor Consort
I don't have any particular preferences or headcanons about Supreme Leader Kylo Ren other than him being absolutely terrible at his job and not giving a shit about any of it. But I do sometimes think about ways for his outfit to have been upgraded other than "shove him back in the same helmet but stupider."
I know a lot of people wanted a crown, but I was looking at pictures of crested/monstrose cactus (as you do) and somehow got to thinking about the possibilities for a mutated version of his helmet, as though a crown or headdress had grown out of it. Some sort of warped evolution, evocative of Padme rather than Vader—or a combination of the two—but wrong and grotesque. A symbol of him having grown, but grown uncontrolled and malformed.
I ended up not going all that weird in favor of making something that looks believably clean and symmetrical, but still tried to make it at least somewhat bizarre and over the top. I like the tension of being more physically revealing while at the same time being more strange and alienating. Vulnerability tainted with hostility, similar to the post-TLJ status of Rey and Ben knowing each other more but being ideologically further apart.
In addition to Padme, I drew some inspiration from Dark Souls' Gwyndolin and Breath of the Wild's Thunder Helm. I like the eye-covering half-helms! They're weird!
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The alternate full portrait is just because I still wanted to draw his whole face (the most enjoyable part!). It really could be any royalty AU, but since I was going a little darker here I was thinking of a forced marriage to Empress Palpatine, hence "Emperor Consort." Life is so miserable when you're a beautiful all-powerful space wizard shackled to your equal and opposite beautiful all-powerful space wizard. 😔
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lordfreg · 25 days
Hello all,
TW for p3d0ph!l!a, z00ph!l!a
Today, I have gotten some allegations against myself for being a pedo + zoophile. This is not true.
As many of you know who are in the TMNT fandom and enjoy the spicy side of these turtles, you often get accused of this. It is unfortunate but true. I knew this was coming, but I feel like I must explain myself further.
As you know, I have a patron. This was actually made prematurely, and is sort of bad, so that will be closing shortly (I apologize). And on this patron, is the option to see "sexy turtles", but nobody has signed up for this and I have no patron exclusive content (yet).
Apparently, this is pedophilia and zoophilia.
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(They have conveniently left out the "mutant" part)
This is not true. All the turtles are aged up, which I thought would be implied in the fact that I only (really) draw for the EPA au, and they are visibly, mentally and emotionally older than their cannon counterparts. I.e. wrinkles, more pronounced features, bulkier.
This may be my mistake for wording this poorly, or not taking the proper measures, but you would think the implication, and my two different art styles, would be a major difference.
Anyway, the zoophilia claim is also ridiculous because... seriously? My explanation for this is that they are not only canonically human, they also have been confirmed human DNA. Enough to make them stand on two legs, walk, talk, read, cry, enough human to make them, well.. human.
Another reason is that (rise) Donnie has autism; which is a brain malformation. This means his brain is big enough to not only be malformed, but still functioning. A real turtles brain isn't big enough to be deformed in that way, and if it was, the turtles would unfortunately die.
Continuing, I had the claim that I was "15" because I had put a 18+ only warning on my content. I am not.
AN IMPORTANT ELEMENT; I have put the 18+ warning not because of the sex, but because it contains extreme violence and triggering topics. Sex is NOT the main focus of this AU, or any of my works unless stated "this is for fun/this is because I wanted to/this is explicit" etc. My au is to delve into trauma, war, violence, sexual trauma (to both male and female), and generally bring awareness to things and help support people. It is NOT just smut.
This, again, could have been my sever lack of forethought and under-explaining my au, simply because I didn't actually know what my au would be about/contain. Again, I take responsibility for my poor wording and lack of (more) warnings.
Also, this person is actually just bullying me with my old self ship art (which i still love and adore), so... pity points?
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More on myself; I'm coming to the realization (after years of being hypersexual), that sex is not a priority to me, nor is it something that I feel a strong compulsion to make/indulge in. I am not a sexual deviant, meaning I do NOT support harmful sexual behaviors. Zoophilia is actively taking advantage of animals, which I am not, and will never do.
It is unfortunate that some people genuinely cannot control themselves, but I am not one of those people.
I honestly have no idea what I've done to this person to make them put me on blast, and whatever it is, I'm sorry. I will, again, be taking down my patron page to start over, and I apologize to my patrons already, but it's sucky.
Again, sorry about this and for everyone who goes through this. I am sorry, dear friend, that you're writhing with jealousy. And I am sorry, patrons, that I have to close my patron. I love all my followers, and I try my best to send the "Thanks for the follow" to show my appreciation.
Myself and @lexiechr will continue to work on the EPA au, and that will be posted when ready.
(Also, my Instagram is now private because I don't want harassment nor people thinking I'm a bad person. I am just being bullied and bring a socially awkward idiot about it.)
Again, much love, Jorjie :3
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chuckeroo777 · 1 month
Laios got Eaten AU Chapter 86-Finale
Chapters 1-52, Chapters 53-85
Welcome back! It's time to bring this to a close! Expect the chapter format to break down once we get into it!
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As always, a spoiler warning for pretty much all of Dungeon Meshi. Let's go!
Chapter 86:
The first bit is mostly the same, except since the pearlipede isn't a weapon, there is no seppuku scare.
Flamela, as usual, has no chill. While she knows Falin isn't to blame, everything is still majorly f***ed. She starts blabbing about what needs to be done now, filling in the hole, evacuating everyone, preparing a substitute lord...
A substitute lord. Falin grows very quiet, a vacant look in her eyes. Marcille knows it all too well. Falin is thinking hard about something.
After a long pause, Falin looks to Marcille. There is an almost frightening intensity in her gaze. An intensity Marcille has only seen once before.
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Falin declares that she knows how to stop the Demon for good. She must become lord of the dungeon.
Everyone immediately freaks out. This is clearly an awful idea, and Falin is failing to elaborate.
Before they can get Falin to explain herself, the Demon makes itself known in it's giant form. The raw intensity of Falin's desire has it intrigued.
Falin doesn't say another word as the lion grabs the tower and swallows it whole, the rest of the party completely freaking out.
Chapter 87:
Chapter 88:
Once they arrive in the bone zone, Falin goes to approach the lion, but Marcille stops her. What exactly is she planning?
Falin takes a deep breath, before wavering, and then grabs Marcille in a tight embrace. Falin begs Marcille and the other's forgiveness for what she is about to do.
Falin kisses Marcille on the lips. Marcille is left stunned for a few seconds too long, and Falin runs off before she can stop her.
Realizing that Falin is about to sacrifice herself, everyone runs after her, but it is too late. Falin stands before the Demon, and states her desire.
"Make me the Lord of the Dungeon. However it has to happen, I desire the power to keep everyone safe from you. Forever."
They watch in horror as the Demon wraps its wings around her, and they both vanish from sight.
Chapter 89:
The demon's pocket dimension starts to shake. The bones begin to swirl and collapse. As the party is dragged under, they catch a brief glimpse of a massive figure rising from the bones. A familiar face, now sporting five hourglass eyes.
Marcille and the others fall into the water. They panic as they are helped up by Namari and the others. Falin did... something. And isn't coming back.
The original chapter structure breaks down completely here.
Nobody is given a chance to process this news, as the dungeon suddenly starts shifting again. Whole swaths are pulled back underground, and the hole in the ceiling begins to seal back up. The dungeon is reverting into it's previous form.
Many of the groups get separated in the panic, and people are dispersed across the dungeon.
Once things settle down a little, Marcille, Senshi, Chilchuck, and Izutsumi find themselves in the fifth level, back in the castle town, on the street were the red dragon fell.
Marcille breaks down into tears, the totality of what has happened finally sinking in. Senshi and Chilchuck have no idea what to say, but do their best to comfort her. Even Izutsumi reluctantly offers a hug.
After a little while, Chilchuck suggests that they should probably start heading for the surface. It shouldn't be too hard, since by sheer luck (or perhaps the dungeon's will), their bags and equipment ended up with them here.
As they awkwardly prepare to leave, they are interrupted by the sound of wings. The Laigon swoops down, and lands in front of them.
There is a moment of panic, but then they realize that the chimera isn't attacking. Laios is so happy to see his friends again, though, he is a little confused. His memories under Thistle's control are hazy, and his vocal cords are malformed, making it tricky for him to talk much.
Marcille and the others are overjoyed that Laios is alright, though the reunion is definitely bittersweet. Laios is devastated to learn that Falin sacrificed herself. But ultimately, they all need to keep going, to honor her memory.
They begin to make their way up the dungeon. Laios is excited to finally be able to assess his new body in his right mind. The dragon's soul is still there in full force, but it's controllable, just like when Laios was first revived. He only wishes his sister was here to see him finally fulfill his dream.
The dungeon is oddly calm, with the monsters keeping to themselves, and there being more fountains and food (Such as patches of Barometz and mandrakes) to be found.
As they progress, they run across more people. They meet up with Toshiro, Namari, Kabru, and Thistle on the third floor, and Laios is quick to apologize for his actions. Kabru immediately throws Thistle under the bus, pointing out that it's him who should be apologizing.
Thistle does not apologize.
After a few days travel, they make their way to the first floor. It is much bigger and more spacious than before. Everyone has met up here to discuss what happens next. Laios sits by the well to conserve his strength. He probably won't be able to leave the dungeon in his current form.
They meet up with Pattadol and get the scoop. It seems that not only has this dungeon calmed down, but dungeons across the world are calming down too. Where normally dungeons try to fan the desires of their inhabitants, the dungeons have all become oddly passive.
Marcille is about to willingly let herself be arrested by the canaries, when there is sudden another rumble. The big well at the center of the plaza begins to bubble, and a shocking figure emerges from the water.
It is Falin, in her full blown demon form.
She has eschewed the lion imagery, instead taking on the form of a terrifying yet elegant centipede woman. Her face is mostly the same, but with three additional eyes peeking out from her messy bangs, all five wide with infinity pupils. Her body is long and serpentine, with dozens of arms lining the sides. Layered golden robes complete the look. She is nearly 20 feet long, and that's only the portion sticking out of the fountain.
Before even figuring out what the hell is going on, Marcille and Laios rush forward and tearfully embrace Falin. Everyone else is understandably shocked and confused, but Falin begins to explain what happened.
When she became lord, she fused with the demon. As an nonliving creature, its will became subsumed by hers. She feared that its one true instinct, the desire to feed on desires, would overwhelm her, and she initially planned to sequester herself away from the world. However, she soon discovered a solution.
Yeah, turns out she could just consume her own desire to eat desires, allowing her to assume full control of her new infinite form without the demon's corrupting influence.
(Author's note: Initially, I was struggling to figure out the ending, since a Golbetty solution was the only one I could think of. But then I realized, why does that have to be a downer ending. If I want a happy ending, I can just... do it. Plus, if auto-cannibalism isn't a peak Dungeon Meshi solution, I don't know what is.)
Falin wants to keep her use of her infinite power at a minimum, but there are a few things she definitely wants to do. First, she makes sure everyone who was affected by Marcille's reign is healed up.
Next, with Laios' help to guide her hand, she modifies his chimera form so he can live comfortably on the surface. The wings have to go, and he is made considerably smaller, more resembling a draconic centaur.
She then begins the process of ejecting the golden country from the dungeon. Once Yaad is returned to his body, he ends up being made the leader of the restored nation. The orcs are of course allowed in, and it eventually becomes a prosperous nation.
After determining that he is only capable of very rudimentary magic without his book, The elves release Thistle into the kingdom's custody a few years later. Thistle never reunites with Delgal, but at least his people are happy. He proceeds to be the grumpy court mage.
Chilchuck moves to Kahka Brud and opens a shop. He eventually reunites with his wife with Marcille's help, and the two reconcile.
Senshi returns to living in the dungeon. It is now mostly just level 6 and 7, though Falin creates plenty of caves and spaces for biodiversity to proliferate. Senshi primarily lives in the new first floor, tending the golems. He is able to massively expand his operation, becoming Melini and Kahka Brud's primary provider of cabbage and root vegetables.
Falin proposes that with her new powers, she could seperate Izutsumi's components safely. But after giving it a good hard think over a few weeks, Izutsumi realizes... she doesn't actually want that. The only reason she ever wanted that was because people treated her as an unnatural freak. And after hanging out with people who respect her for what she is, she no longer wants to give up what makes her 'her'. She ends up living around Melini, mostly squatting with her friends and hunting monsters with Laios. She does end up finding the dark mage who created her, and gets him put away for life.
While Demon Falin is a kindhearted soul, there is one instance the canaries noticed where she was extremely uncooperative. When attempting to arrest Marcille for her dungeon lord shenanigans, Falin kept changing the subject, and getting progressively more annoyed. They ultimately decide to let her have Marcille, not wanting to piss off the young goddess.
Kabru ends up becoming the governor of the dungeon, keeping track of coming and goings, making sure everyone explores safely, and generally making sure things run smoothly. Mithrun ends up retiring from the canaries and decides to work with Kabru.
Toshiro returns to the east, but he periodically still comes back to visit Falin and his friends. After a few more years of dungeoneering, Namari ends up opening an armor and weapons store.
While his home is in the dungeon, Laios ends up working for Yaad and the kingdom, using his knowledge and chimera strength to hunt down dangerous monsters spotted around the kingdom.
Falin is restricted to the dungeon, but she doesn't mind as long as all her friends are able to visit. She ends up being revered as the new deity of Melini. While she mostly doesn't want to use her powers willy nilly, she is always happy to heal those who ask. Plus, she is present in all the remaining ancient dungeons, ensuring they all remain stable and safe for those wishing to explore them.
Marcille of course lives in the dungeon with Falin, and continues to study magic, particularly of the ancient variety. She makes all sorts of useful discoveries over the years, and comes to be rather famous, despite her criminal past. Eventually, Falin ends up making Marcille a chimera so that Falin, Marcille, and Laios can be together for a very long time. Plus, Marcille and Falin have all sorts of real freaky sex.
And they all lived happily ever after. The end.
Thanks to everyone who has enjoyed my silly little AU. I hope you enjoyed this crazy finale, even if it's 90% wish fulfillment on my part.
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Till next time!
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so @c0stiffen's blind arven au has me in a chokehold so i had to add my player avatar and her emotional support mon based on my cat who is my ESA in real life when i'm on campus.
the whole ordeal with my ESA is really funny because she's having unrelated chronic health problems and couldn't come with me this semester and i miss her a lot :( so quite literally her existence is emotional support
talia doesn't use hazel in battle due to her condition, which is advanced enough to cause malformation of the pupil and suspected visual impairment.
talia herself doesn't have many physical health issues other than stress-induced discomfort and migraines. her obstacles are mostly mental. she has a handful of depressive and anxiety disorders as well as neurodivergencies.
without responsibilities, she will isolate herself in her room and never leave, seldom even standing up for more than maybe an hour each day. having her emotional support pokemon requires her to not only get out of bed and keep her place orderly, but improves her state of mind and quality of life.
she has a lot of fairy, psychic, and steel type pokemon as her main partners, including a tinkaton, espeon, sylveon, metagross, hatterene, and her ace being the speed form of deoxys with psyhic as its tera type.
she is from hoenn.
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solar-net · 4 months
This meme sums up MF! Serena pretty well.
Beevern (Beedrill/Noivern fusion) isn't apart of her team, but is one of the malformations Serena looks after in the lab. Lysandre is far from confused this this anymore, but Alain will always be confused by Serena and her antics.
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[Start ID: The meme format of 'A smoothie' but with Lysandre, Alain and Serena. The first panel is of Lysandre asking Serena "Um... Whatcha got there?" while Alain stands behind him looking very confused. The next panel is of Serena casually saying "A smoothie." with a Beevern (Beedrill/Noivern fusion) standing beside her. End ID.]
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almightyhamslice · 2 months
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Nabnaleena redesign yay!!!!!!!!!!!!! I actually rlly dislike her role in the games n that makes me so mad because the concept of you having to Frankenstein a mascot together is so fucking cool wtf!!!!!!
So in my Banban Resort AU, Nabnaleena is a totally inert clay doll when the protagonist Marc comes across her. They pick up the doll and unknowingly deform it, before Banban explains Nabnaleena’s purpose to them over loudspeaker! So though they didn’t mean to hurt her, it is Marc’s fault that Nabnaleena is malformed.
Having brought her to life themself, Marc has an unsteady sense of “trust” in Nabnaleena— they don’t know what she’s capable of but they know she’s not coordinated or malicious enough to kill them. Nabnaleena, having just been born, knows nothing of her surroundings and is terrified, hardly able to communicate her distress to others. Unlike Nabnab she has functional vocal cords, but she can’t form words because she has no tongue. She’s able to groan, scream, and gurgle loudly to communicate.
I think Marc and Nabnaleena’s relationship is perhaps similar to How To Train Your Dragon— Nabnaleena is her own person and isn’t willing to be a cooperative henchman or pet. She will only be calm and let her guard down if the other person proves that they are safe and won’t hurt her. I like to think she let Marc put her bows, mask, and feather boa on but both parties were nervous and shaking, so Nabnaleena’s masked appearance is much less tidy than Banbaleena’s and Nabnab’s.
Speaking of which, you might notice her wall art design is different from her actual design. This is because she was created as a character before being created as a living being; she was planned for far in advance, practically the moment Nabnab began to lash out due to loneliness. Though, because the resort was abandoned suddenly, she could not be finished by the actual scientists.
She reminds me of the E E Cummings poem, the little horse is newlY. Like that entire poem reads like what I imagine is going through her mind. She’s an occasional ally to Marc, who understands nothing of the resort or her fellow mascots, but learns through observation. I imagine maybe she also learns she was “made wrong” in comparison to Nabnab, and develops insecurities (which could be easily played into and exploited by Sir Dadadoo). I love her so much I wish she was real lol.
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
More Meat Marionette Au?
Body Horror Warning as Usual
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Been a while since I pondered the Meat Marionette Au. So have some art for Jason. Because while he might not have died, that flesh puppet was torn apart and the Caves rebuilt it with whatever It could get its claws into.
So yeah, that Joker arc does sort of happen- albeit in Gotham and without Jason running away. And there's consequences for it. Not just for the joker, not just for the bats, but for everyone.
There's a ghost in the Alley, a mass of bone and flesh shambling about in agony. And everyone knows what it once was.
The robins can't die, everyone quickly understands this. But there's something horrific of seeing the result of someone trying to do so. From something ripping one of them apart with metal and fire and scorching flesh away until it has to use whatever meat it can reach to rebuild itself.
Meat Marionette Au is a combo of my Cryptid Batfam & @phoenixcatch7 Possessed Doll Au, Go check them out they post some cool stuff
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herbgerblin · 1 year
i think the ask i just sent got ate so i will resend: taz tlt au??? :0 taako the necomancer and lup the cav or vice versa... whatever u feel in ur heart... otherwise i AM v interested in your gideon and harrow designs. mayhaps a little dulcinea
Ginny, this one was hard, I was sitting on it for days!! I couldn't decide who would be what. I realized I just really wanted to entertain "what if they were both necromancers?" first, so I will jump on those thoughts and if I have more about either or both of them as cavaliers I will make a follow-up (I also haven't landed on a Dulcinea design yet but I will keep u posted.) ID is in alt.
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Taako | Bone Magic (Marrow) | Specialty: Organic Matrices
I think his interest in transmutation could translate to adeptness in living bone tissue, which is considerably more flexible and spongey than dead bone. Defensive capabilities include rapid bone growth and hardened cartilage. Offensive capabilities include severing nerves and fibrous tissue, inhibiting calcification, and malformed blood production. He'd be well-studied in mineralization and organic matrices (making fancy bone structures.) He has a bone hat, a hat with bones. Some of them are just decorations but you never know which :) He keeps several in stasis because he needs them to be fresh.
Lup | Flesh Magic (Blood) | Specialty: Circulatory Flow
I think her interest in evocation could translate to adeptness in cardiac conduction and thermoregulation. Defensive capabilities include conducting electricity to restart a failing heart and decreasing oxygen demand in low-oxygen environments. Offensive capabilities include restricting blood flow, forcing blood to pool in specific areas, or inducing hypothermia. She would also be well-studied in metabolic processes and hormone distribution (important!!) She has a cool cardiovascular tattoo on her back and arms (I was too sleepy to draw most of the lines don’t @ me.) And she carries vials of different blood types on a belt because you never know when you need blood :) :) :)
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chimera-klown · 1 year
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I have been inspired by @chrisrin gemstuck AU, it's so beautifully designed and the ideas for the story as a whole is just so excellent and thoughtful.
I may have a bias in the lack of cherubs, as they are my favorite characters, so I made my own designs of them for this AU, even if they aren't canon, it was still fun to add. :D
I tried my best to find gems that fit both their colors and personality. (I got so lucky with serpentine, it's green and snake-theme, so perfect for Calliope. Also, ruby for Caliborn cause red and angry, not as clever but it still works.)
While I'm not completely satisfied with their outfits (might change later), for the most part I accomplished what I wanted.
I want you all to know I love this AU and can't wait to see more!
Callie/Serpentine - a rare/unique gem who was abandoned under mysterious circumstances. She is reluctantly traveling with a malformed ruby as he won't leave her alone and she's already lost, (later gets corrupted on accident).
Caliborn/Ruby - a spiteful runaway ruby who rejected his role in the empire rather violently, (was cracked when escaping). He now follows a serpentine with unknown intent and unkind words, refusing to leave her side.
Heliotrope - a half corrupted fusion of Callie/Serpentine + Caliborn/Ruby, who were forced to fuse in order to survive a fight. However, both of them are now stuck like this, otherwise they risk putting too much stress on their gems and shattering themselves the moment they unfuse.
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rocksibblingsau · 5 months
Oh man…. If I wasn’t working on my Country Branch fic I would totally try and do a Classical AU. Though idk how good I would be at all the formal stuff, haha.
If I were to write one though it would be very fun to figure out how Branch would navigate Symphonyville because I would imagine that a lot of places require wings in order to access.
I'd love to see your spin on it! I'm not very good with formal things irl but the great thing about Trolls is it can be fake formal. If you get something wrong... no you didn't.
I imagine that their must be Classical Trolls born with malformed wings on occasion, or get wing injuries, so there are likely ways of navigating the world. Possibly so sort of floating chair/cushion that they might let Branch use while they make adjustments. I imagine Branch could potentially use his hair for help (swinging/'hair stairs' like Poppy made during Get Back Up Again) as well!
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starsfic · 3 months
Red Son is a prince. Which means that he can break curses that can only be undone by kisses from royalty. But it's weird that the Dragon Girl and Noodle Boy keep getting cursed like that...
AU: Red Son, the son of a poor noble family, is ordered by King Long to marry his daughter, her dragon heritage twisted and malformed to make her into a hideous monster. She demands a wedding, but three princes have already been eaten.
AU: One day, Prince Red Son loses a tool in a deep woods. A monkey offers to find it for him...if Red agrees to let him live with him in the palace.
Shermie always knew Stan was Stanford and kept it a secret for him because he honestly preferred Stan over Ford.
AU: Brozone is brought together at the request of Poppy King in order to play at her wedding reception as sort of a band reunion. Yes, it’s awkward with all of them having their own lives now- John Dory having lived out in the woods of the Rockies for decades, Bruce having a family in Hawaii, Clay being Viva’s best friend and co-owner of her golf course, Floyd trying to train the teenage wannabe stars Velvet and Veneer as their manager and BB nowhere to be found- but the last three are excited to reunite and play together, see their old haunts, plus its good money. Shame Poppy couldn’t find Baby Branch in her internet stalking to find them… Until he walks into the meeting to discuss the playlist as Poppy’s groom.
AU where Macaque hears Wukong has a successor, something that's gonna be announced soon, takes one look at this new monkey kid, and goes "My kid now."
A fic where it seems that Spicynoodles and their children are having dinner. Just a cute, fluffy family fic. Of course nothing's off! Everything is fine! Red is with his family. Dark Red.
Azure Lion is sent to investigate a thief and finds a beautiful king instead. In a rare burst of instinct, Sun Wukong is courtnapped and taken to Heaven.
Sabine and PIF are sisters and the Dupain-Chengs (plus Alya) are invited to Spicynoodles' wedding to mend bridges. Much confusion from Marinette and Tom (who assumed that Sabine was from a mafia family, not a runaway goddess family).
Lila Rossi has a history of issues, including a lawsuit by Long Xiaojiao for stalking and harassment. When Lila reappears on the Ladyblog, Xiaojiao decides to step in and help the poor kid running the blog before Lila tries the same stuff. Kinda inspired by the Ali section in this.
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